The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, May 01, 1879, Image 1

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    ri entnma one j mt, fflO.nP
(((-half, column, nn year. ' 80.00
O te-teurth column, one year. ,
On aqunre (10 line) 1 inaerudtv 75
ery additional insertion,
I'rwfeaaiorial and Bdainesa cards o?
not more than 5 lnt. p year.
Auditor, Executor, Adminlitrator
nd Assignee Notices, . .
. fc.lUorial dotted Ber line.
. All auvertiaementa for a snorter pe
, (tod than on year are payable at the
time 'they are ordered, and it not paid
the person ordering them will o4 held
responsible for the money.
t tr Tie foot.
Seng of the Haari
throat 4l air ttVoi lhr flow a toof ,
ki la it lido era borso alon(
To wvotio a Am ilat bet Mvool
Oar latneot btarii.
Ill aarfy llraiA art lljni Kni
fit aarol far a luakaier't Jojr,
Vaiil tboy swell la dopor lonj,
Of fuller lira.
Ill awtattit natri ara eft
Tho ekordo ibal oeuad tboui all aft.
Silt quivartng wllk a flail of loaf
Tbal filla iba toal.
Ill noloo of Jo, lit ilrolni of loo
Oft vibrate with lb loor.lo ,
Wbra la our bottli la bol hour,
Uod'a lira li ibis.
la alffrronl Hon.. Ilka nasi ofl flow
Aod Iboufb tboy bland aoi bora bltow,
la purer rtolnii la lira they'll join
'la oaa eweoi strata.
Heie C t T It 1 A
Mr. Aaffaetaa Flti-riamo tat ih
hia Inxnrioua bachelor establishment!
ia Maylair, and ptindered deeply.
The object of hia cogitatiotta waa a
Mi, or rather host to (fot one.
There were enough youflj ladiea
Who would be glad to bleaa their
lucky etura for the priTileo ef be.
roiniug iniatreaa of hia iMiiie. as be
well knew i but be alao felt tolera
bly well assured the borne wua all
they cared for. For tho fortuuo, they
would wed ita ownerv
"Haoff theuouey' heeMlalreed.
''I wiah I d uerer had a penny, aud
the but buthorati n ! 1'hoo I
should have beeu too po ir to raurry
anyhow. Why couldu't 1 have jdat
wealth enough lor my mats, u I
liothiuj more f 1 11 f ul thea tujdu
the meau adreotureruaiiua !'
A furioiu pull at the ball rope
brought the housekeeper to the
room in a hurry.
"'ioli up your lraH, Mra Anb
field,' hu exulaim d. abi-utly, 'for I
am going to cloae thi hjiue.'
It waa ovidvtnt ho hilcjinj t
ouie c uicluaiou,
'.Shut up the hoitae, Mr. Fitz
Hume t itjivululod the h inaukeeper,
hlmoat bjiioVing e'lehl IjUiii
reaaou. ' Why. ettcu a tiling h.M nut
ocotttred hiuoj your lauieuted ttncle
Ijjk pjieiwu nre-ana forty yo.irBj
"That mail oa uo diC.'i-onre ; I'm
mister here njw, aud I ahull clone t
for the present. Meanwhile your
wageaotu atillgioiii uu.l of
audi doiunstic in you ooni l-jr in
diapeuuubti. H ive you no rel.itivea
you wiah to viait V bt inquired.
Tkxt aetilii I it. Tin pi-.3'r of
ronliuue 1 wigea removed .Mra. Aah
fiald'a acruploa quite efeutnully. She
tbeo remumbered ahe bad f'fiuud
ahe bad u H aeeu for yeftra.
Three daya later, AuiMtdf Kit
Hujie waa safely dunioile I in aq iiet
lodifiug-hous, and ahorily after
warda begau to aell bis diunjul
ringa, and auals, and other p.upho
raalia of f tahionable lifet aa well aa
dreta bimaalf in plainer vlotbet. A
rumor that bia property bid beou
loat through aa aulucky ap.icitlatiou
waa aouo ad at.
He loat frienda rapidly. Hy two
and tbreea they ceaae I to kuovr him
aa be met them ia the street IU
i i.. .i i j 1 1 u-
uhij iiu(iiu null unppnu uin on
gers at them behind their backs,
lied bis adversity been would
Hot have felt ioc'.iued to laugh.
Then oanie the time when his cir
cle of aoqaaiatanoe got narroweJ
down to three. But three of all bis
former friend still rjluug to him,
true in adversity. It is no wonder
that be grew miaanthropio.
- In lleent street, one day, he met
a carriage c mtaiuing some of bis for
mer aoqiUintaoCes, who bad been
abseot from town since be closed bis
bouse Ha thought they would nut
botice lllal i but eadtt inmate of the
Carriage bowed politely as of old.
"They have not heard the news,"
he mattered, cvnidallv.
He was mistaken. That flight the
owner of the carnage called to see
"lUther dose l uarters. rdv rien 1.'
hs said, as be took a calm survey of
Augustus's not very pretentions sur
roundings. "IVetty close, indeed,' said Mr
rita-Lluiqe, ioily. "Hut since I loat
ny property, of whioli I suppose y ju
liavu't beard, I have beoomo quite
HUat I have bddf1 1' Cried bis an
(litor, abruptly, 'and that is why I
came. I knew you needed friends
Moieif toer aod the fact is-welt-
toy daughter, Sir I mean t eeuie to
offer you the positioo of una l-olerk
in my oouuUag uoaee. Will you ac
cept it V
"Ahem I Well, 1 think of it. Out
It is a long way from my lodgiug
"Hang your lodgiog-hoase I Yon
can live in my family as a well as a
sort of guoet, yoa ksow.'
Augustas looked hits over ctmely.
If r Mtaoley was a wealthy man Very ha. fa a mmm mIIovI nn.l in hia
face bere Wee nothing to warreut
the bnapijioa-that be bed learned
Aurfoatus s sou ret. .and wished to
tui rv brarCbj aidiag biat while an
nr an appareat eluod et that ideej'
VOL. li - , .AtlDDLEBfJltG; SlWDElt COUNTY,
o'eqUiefciy thanked biui accepted the
Ou'de costly settled in the Stanley
mansion, It was not long before he
wandered wliy he had Dot noticed
Nellie Stanley before. She did uot
seem tifeel above hlfd.djtwitliHtuud
ing the wide difloroDte in their po
aition and ahe treated him aa oor
diallr (more cordial7 hd thonht)
na before the clmujn in hlo f irtdoea
lie would not haYe beeu huiuab', had
be not learned to love bur.
The climax came - he,, ahe Rate a
rnnd Tarty. Then, before the ft'6?
Of the town, she did not beaiute t
reretVn attentions from him, on
which tdt Jn Conatrnction could be
placed. )? thought ber quite a be
roine, arid aakod ui - furllrer proof
tnitt she coiMd lo-e Mm.
The next iohinodu tliey not in her
father's library, Vhci0 he had waiU J
to at e her.
''Nellie-,' be B'it.1. fti iortri as the
uaiial courtesies bad been etoliao
ed, "I come to von tliia ui iruiog t
learn mv fate 1 kn w tho difference
iu our position and would uot tr&
you only let yOUr boirt docidd
My heaVt I lay beforo yoit.'
She bluahed prettily, add seemed
composed for a moment t thud lie
tave him her hand
' have loved vou.O. so long I sl!6
said. kAud I feared tuat you would
never tkn me. You were sj snapi
oioua before you lost your we.dih
that All worn in were mure a.lventi
f eaies. 1 Wua heArti'y glad whou
ft.ipa aAUt ydu ha I loit it, and I
''You Bedt him to ugoti ite witii .
mo J crieJ Augmtua finnhiiig tile
neu te lire intuitively, uuJ giving St it
labial emplmtia.,
"I loVu.l you so,' ahe inurmdred,
"I d not doubt it,, dtiaroat," an 1
Mr Anguxtua Fiiz-IIume bulieVed
himself the llnppieal of men.
I'hey were iu.irrie.1 The wedding
Wan Vei'V rtuprutjiitidus. bc:iiue
the bridegroom's atraiteue.l circum
dtrthces i anil ho wua in a counluut
eCsUcy, aa he th mnt of hor a ir
priae wbeu r Should tell her thai
hia fortiiud Still re'il.iin-id. lie aeut
for Mra. AmIiCoKI to o hiio and ro
opjn tho boiiHe, mid put it iu full
couditiou to renuive ita uiistro-ix
Meautime tbey remained at her fath
er a.
'Anjjrttrts.' aVid hia wife, one d iv
'I have a f.ivui- to a-k of you aill
yod gruut It '
'I will; if iu my pjivor, dirlljg I'
ho exclaimed
"Well, iioor fl il'A ia rather short
f money Won't you lnui him u fo
lUliHlin;j j.
df 1 Why vdu tuow
''(j, I know what you liavj been
pretending,' was the quick reply.
"1J it then it if .tin t sj; y id ut-vur
I jut yoitr ii)iny."
Auguitna I'iiz-H ime W;ta dd db
with dut.liliali'Uent and chagiiii.
Mo.V did you llid that out T' be
"t krew it alt the time. Wliert I
heard ttiut you were petiiiiloia. papa
ivunt diredtly td your banker, uu I
learnt the coutrtsry. 1 tlituk WC
managed uhiew-lly '
"I think y.nj did,' criet tiiulldi
baud, duHtoni!ely 1 "but do you
think that I II e 11 lure it t'
'How Can you help youraolf ?' We
are married nj will yoa apply for
A divurCo V
'No, I won't V
"Thou what 111 yod d '
"Auawer nie one question D.i
von really lovo me f
"Yea, 1 do."
Well, if yoa hoe nti, wo will drop
the subject '
"I think yoU'd hotter,' silo said
We thioh so too.
love of F oweri.
In all countries wouieO love flow
ers 1 iu ell cou utiles they fdrib uose
gays of them 1 bdt it ia duly iu the
bosom of plenty tbrit tbtiy Conceive
the idea of embellishing their homes
with them. The cnltlviitiOd of flow,
ers among the peasantry lddlcatea a
revolution iu all that it Makes its
Way through noetse orgaba 1 it ii a
Creature whose eyes are opened t It
i tho sense of tbe beautiful, a facul
ty of the soul that ia awakened I d il'
Or Si forms, odors, are preceived fdr
the first time, and these cdamiing
objects have at length spectators
Tuoae whd hdve traveled in tbe
dodntry Can testify that a roao tree
nndef the window, a boeeyauokle a
rouud the d.xir of a Cottage, is a
good ouldit td tbe we.try traveler.
Tbe band that cultivates flowers is
not c'loOed -iliilat tUe supplioation
of tbe poor. Klowerd may be called
tbe alphabet of the atlgela. where
with they write 0d hill and plniu
mysterious truths.
1 ...i."
Young men and woman dlfdtfld
not bo atloel to stand at the tfate
tdd long these spring nighle. . It is
liable to bring on the new mooe-ia.
Lotitli Courier. .
The Iraitjrj whd entered our saoo
tdin tba other day and said be wua
a live lord, became a lid (! Mired, iu.
deed, before bo left.i'diaVs On
nttte. If yon wintto ICrOirt an bone
fel'otf, lend him your best ailk urn
Society fonld oot long fMbsiat f
man vera sot lua dupes wf twa au
btber. It la beAtlfuliv ali (fiat (be ts'l
Of futtfrity is woved bjr the baud of
esei'cj. 1 "
rs. McAndrew fell down h'lalra
and apraitind ber anclo. 8bn gae
bur liilHbund fifteen cent and a out
tlo to procure whiskey to reduce the
Bwelliii. Tliia waa at 6 o'clori . in.
At 10 a pnlinamau paaain a lidnbor
yard heard a one vtice ainnin t
"Zuere'a a light A tr wtudow fot
Mr. McAndrewa waa pulled cut
and lean ad auinat a w ill, mid it
V'"' , , "u," B"UH 1
lie waa I ild to o horuu, hilt he, full
upon the officer aod tit h!4 ear iu
"Hjve yit nlord rjr teas to siy a
btrtit tbiaoMu T' atked bin Honor aa
the primer etool bnfi'r LMirt ou
one log aud tiled to look very pa
"I gueat I have less, bill t ddH't
believe that wuiekey ia gJod for
apraiuod ancles,
"What m it good for f
l'he prisoner in vol inLirily crook
ed h'a elbow, but stopped there aud
fiUdok hU head.
'If 't wife had btken p liaon and
aent yod fdr A alomauli pj op, I aup
pone ydu would have aneaked off
s iUwhereddd aiVitlldwed the uppui
a .ut V continded tlie court.
'Coilld it bd ewalldwed V anxious
ly ii!kd 1 tl'.o rdud, roliiilj bis tongue
'I'll take Ciro of your Aiitles for
about thirty iluys.
"Nothing uita ' id Indge'
i ell. then, let me see yon wuIR
into the romd'ir on em i you wou t
have lonsr to wait for Hie txn
I'hu tti'iMoiier sat verv nnietlv for
r. -..i I
II j.ll'ac.r. be W.lnte.1 to know if the
reigu of ty..!.iy hid beeu le.torel.
"I do,, t ku - V dotnin, bo it ty
c.ilcli von HOittiu On tit it
ag'iu I'll have vou sawed iu two !
fhe B jtrHr Poy aud Mo Biker's Sirl.
It waa dotvn iu tho
yeast part cf
tliecitv. He waa a hurley batcher
boy.aud she w.ik the pie, one .1 inii
tor of a O iriuiu l' utitr iiotl .1 1 t.
with eyes likj cnrreiils aud her yil
low hair twisted 011 thu bade of her
head iike a huge cruller. I hovloiu
! ed towar.U eucu other over tbe l.lii-
bOne of tne separating railing. I'e
ivoH Casting sheep's eyes ut lioi.wlli'e
her li'iUoU to with a piovojat.
tug r.l't.
' Meat me ti-iiL'bt boef-fore quar
ter to ten,' he said.
"O.i, doughnut aik it.' said she.
''1 make uo Uouoa about it,' said
' You're not well brei 1.' said sho
''Only sweet bread, said he.
'lMu'tt'gg tne on,' said sue.
''I never HUitNage u girl. Don't
keep iUd od ttu.Ur hook f saiii he
quite r;ii!falled.
Wuy d.m t yod wear the dear fljur
I gave yOu f said she.
"t'Oub-iiiloi t" said lid.
0 1, kuea I I aay linked she.
'That don't unit ine,' sanl bo,
"You'r crtwt.v. 1 only wautod td
drnck a joke,' smd she.
"You gave ide a cut the Cold
su.iiil.ler,' bp id he.
"O.i, you dud t Iddf me,' sighed
ft he.
"Vent sat), t cldaveto von
ond no
-if you have luonuy,' bald
"I can muke
d-bda-dauCe,' said
I'hbrn id bo rddre lunib-euiatlObs,'
Said ho.
"fou shall be my rill.'
"Well dune I said she.
Aud their arms embraced like a
pre cel. do his cake was n it all
dough, (the liked a idau of bia kid
ney t and beiug good liters they
wil! no d mbt live ou tbe fat of tue
hind. This world is 4 r) leer jumble,
but love seems "bre'dd iu the bone:'
He Oidri t Pata.
iiASi veek was examio ttion week
In most of the scuo.ila, it (id tbe by
who 'passed' can eatllly be selected
from the boy who didn't. One of
ttioso wild didu't was on Saturday
intrenching himself on l0gtd Street
bdUih I a board-pile, seeutidgly halt
ing for SJuJa oue'i ariival. aud a
rhnil who had obaefved bis prepare
ttuiia iutpured t
"Makiug ready to bate sdrdb fad,
bub f
"iVttll Jtihaybo fdd for ide, lint
it'll be tdurjh on the other follow,"
ass the reply.
"Tnen yod dr epefctltJ to have
a fight 1'
"I juat ara thdt ! The school teach
ertuaiked me dowu to fiffj deveu
becaiiKU I said Kuatrid bottuded liukv
Kiie on the weet, aud ilow When her
b.other c uuus along I tag tug t
ooildd him uu all four side! witii the
oiggedt lioitiug a white bedded boy
ever goV
A begfd wds put npon he starid
is a wit heaa, riml the judge inquired
if ha on Watood ti e nature oTan
oath. ' "For cerUiri boas. ' said tb
iilen t if I s eifrs td a lie, I uual
-tick to biro I'
A Nevada girl's love ibttof-;'Dear
Jlmmv, It's all ap. We ain't g ting
i. We ftlh trfllng
ila sxvs ynr re too
Mhe-e right. .I'm
a"tydNg tdBif
I dtre) f;
In Wat marrie.L U
rodlt khd Ign-JafU
soerry ortt.-eag
rope ind gt HaMl
Tbp(6f 4yr lniil Kg fit
Hw a dead Beat Got AiietJ ol a
A idnu, Htrndat"d individual,
Wltll two Wet-is' growth et b"A'd nti
b'S U'e bi'lurc tfia iid w of
a leiOlVrAnci rvtauVAnt. He didu'i
iue upou tlia ariM I lexers ul the
lew.-ddary atrl hiiard aa tllOitfb f d
arai Vey I'Unpry in
acarcelv n. nice I 11 at all.
1'ioiitljr be t'iott o&i a lne Vli
if bill aiU bdaan l U'irll tnu-d
wly, a, tni'dgb nbiut to deuiAre A
iivid.-ud tu liU iwii livur. lt'iliiVl
116 id uie'r brjiAn tfcin tus ir,,
tfi'pej oe aud aco'ie'el biui. i b
a verr I'ta i-aAt e-iiile ' Q001 loom
ing Que wo' lr "
'T V rj(KtudJ tile podeotriAn,
iniliHVreiitly. .
"?id you br!afjt yetT''
Alter a fi-w niien'.eii mVro 01 pr
r"i ml ulunoe, t',e reta ino er. w t
mi live t bii'inoi, cinii'iiu J 1 ' N iw
i've Jilot I t il'e b'l place In ill
ditv Mr laed 5, tVon't r mi jait t-pi.
und ha brfetitlasi
I tBiil! I will," niir-h ir-l the
otratuer, ai bo niiir oieJ a ru'i'e il
popoioive raptiiie
Then he enicrrJ ttiii aulooli', mok a
aiiut nt a table pretty u -ur I lie e ve,
rubb'd lii liauda t g'thvrand oar-d-a
I. "N iw, then, f'r d jni'iir a U
iouicheit" ; j'tai l'v r mj wdd a y
impels l tle lUiiit'e '."
li't wis oen the p ii-esor of s
'I' this prter h mil iite uk relia
ble v-
"T 10 bfct in tho luaike'.''
' Thfcn to', rin" h:ne une pretty ?a e.
I ulrt uhv4y Ver pur ivular ubom
-i'vM-1 ill' 6i as.-r r-i li.. ,..r.
"'C-,T ,l 7; v! ' '; ''
i"'1 ,f",,, l" ' ,,"tfc J ,,l"n '
',u ' ." M UA
u .... e.a Mini A I, .Im lit t.ilf.b U-li..UI
dk.aaul air-s.i ni.pviii.'' ;
The iib-re ii.'" io'M-l 1'iings wtr-
0 Ul ilitu.'d l bee hun. mi I iiea.'t t ;
work like a jiriat nnl. Th.t steak ;
ev ip .mted iu a liltiinM-r winch left no'
do ibt in tbo luind ol the H'.taurui ti r
ul' it- nt nt.
"A a otln-r cup of coffee, pteasr, mi.',i10 ,,,., niiiv.i ."'n'lv f. It
.bin t put any milk 111 ii ; 1 .in i'i i-nr.t
t otldangel' 111V !ilo by 1J1 iukini;
tt'i' 1 iDinCi.i rut 1 k.
"ft. is f I -let'tly pure. r." i
'Jlnvtir tiiiml. jiroler it black. 1 1
pot iti'd thu l.nliit n S'pi'iur i-it'e I
h- lr ifrhllo lod'.ging i'J ) gu.l lei!
niilil'ls ul Coiiati'lltniiii'le." 1
1'ero t lit li.iHt l.llt'O l"l hi COO !
up nr.'IIC'l IMS' 10 col""o..l Mil'
tu ur 1 Lai ln Had n t dh'i't ti
The roftVc tts b nuirnl iiiin.
and ho i i-lied Ilia bi'eokfaat v.'uh a
t -lit ick
"..u keep gut, 1 IMiflt'S, sir, nrtd I ,!, ; ,tl , , ,,,ki!,g avnte 11 n.iy bj
im .utility n y-ei bir enter- 1 ,..,Vt. .1 icing tin. . fum,' icir
t.bniig tue. Q.O'1 dity,'' j - j ,t. ,,,,p wis.11 our
"S'XtV five ConlS. roared the t mil i,,i(i.iils. such 11 iv..
eat iii it house mm, n.ligiiantly. jhave wiluessod f.rtl'e rst two
"1 Hues uu J ymi invited 1110 in nlM r mie 1 1 iii. end b. fno
You aui.l eom in and have bieak-ji ,ie p. ic a will gi higher
list, no it waa your trout, wasn't 11 T" !HI,,t f,,,,,,,, kM, H , ,, !l,e,t,-.
Tlieu he sot oat us q nek uatio.vVo sna'l exp a t le-u mi l Imp i.-t
o.hll.l, and le't thu r.'Maaranter insim10. u.,!cs tl,0 , y'ib I"
I'raiUa Ol ulliid which bengals dfhcrip- ,)CCIlrj, there wil! bo 11 drain of fr .1 I
a.'. , . . 4 Inbr ia I, und r.s l iijiti ui, as at
i IJob lie arrive 1 at tho tlet enr-! .,r,,Hullt tablishod. must lie Itg
dtr he BOliloiluiZrvl t " I hiiow lih'.l : Ll.t...l nn .1. ...i v or it will fill.
waut my trade wuen he saw tiin
roll of bills in rdy Hand. There 'A ;
nothing like a wad of Canton lliu 1
!t!el rolled up in A Cmfedeiatu bill
to make pe iple ri'poct you.
Pity ol London.
ti-indon is the greatest city lliu
ffdrld ever saw. It ia tho boirt of
(he Kritish K.upiie and lUb tKuM
It covers withid the rli'Uen
raliits of Cli.lrlL'g Cross nearly se.'u
n I.. I ...i ....u... ..:n..4 t. -'.I I. ...
U....U.OU ..ii a luiiao. il ...i-..u...s
within theae UoddJarioS 4.-hi0 0 II
. I.V ... I.
id hub. tan ta It couipriaoe I0l.0
1 . ,
' " 5""" ,,U,M "Tor H"".
irioua. it coubtius to re ii uuau i
CttUiJlios thau lio-ue. itml id ire
Jews than the wddld df Paloliue, i
more Irish tbrttt U.iblio. idird
Scotchmen thdd Edinbdrgh, uiore
Welshmen thau Cardiff, and iujio
eouutry-born persina tlntu the
t'onutiea of Djvoo, Warwlckmuro.
aljd Curham combined, llaa a1
blrtrt Id every live miu.itea, add ii
death (very eigut miuutea. Ilan
t!evea actideuts a d ty iu ita seven
thousand utiles of streets, lias ou
an average Iweiity-ei-iht miles of
uew Streets opeued and ff.OJJ ue v
libuses built in it yearly; lias Iii
persons every day an I 4 J Ojj ad led
to its pofJdlatiou every year lias
l.yrJJ shies aud ",0d0 Sailors id its
port every d if. I las' HT.iOJ babs
ituul criiUiriald od its p dicy rt Inter,
moraitaidg at an average of JJ.OOJ
peF annum, flua liioto than one
third of all the crude in tlie c nintry
miuiinitte I in it if ia til uianv beer
ihops ah I giu-p'aldues as would, il
ploood si ie by si lo, at retell from
Charing Ciost to rortouoiith. a
listuuoe of severity (bred miles,
lias o8.0dl drmikirds anutially
brought before ltd inagistretea
Has as many panpe'M as" would more
(hau occupy every L'oifae in Krigh
ton. lias upward! of a mi lion
Habitual neglecters of iiibllo worship
Hal Sixty miles of oped sh ips i
every fiord's day bits fito'd of lJd
uew o'u'u'rc'hss aod 2Ud addUfoual
city misalo'tfaries. Ias an' (nfjueuts
with all parts' nt the world lepra
sooted y the yoaVfy deli vet tiboa iu
The' love of instieV ia most (Deo1 is
tfbtbM.birji Um feat of jaffering''rtt np Q1 bint feet it lixod.o
TA., MAY i, 1879.
A Priphet 0! Evil
Mr DiviA 'r. Croly. ti n liiVe ti l
itor in-Chief ul Tne i.V'i'.i' , hna an
alarming repiHit:iii fr unking
prttiy accurate prediulioim. U'tiere
tuny have 11 it 11 ippuilud to trlu out
accurate, they have in't been rtincii
llnlieed. NVliei'O tiiev IlilVo ljd.iai
Jrur.ite they live d ;Htirvi-diy Aiti..
tl'ij It gOO I t-lr-tol ill HltelHIOII In
the aitiuiuii of lili Mr. Cr dy jnb
lialte.l it rem irk ibU .n ti :lo iu 1 a.) it t
lived 11 l- Ulie, entitled ' I'ne '
eld Thicker, ' wherein lie ivii I 1 ' I witliiu tin 11 mi
yoaia tliia c iiliitiy will expotienc.
the vorl ftiitWI'ci-il pinie t
lla lliitoiV. It tll I'J ulil'U nidi
pipiu't I an I uia tii i'H tuvi tint f
Ii3 )7. AM tne dlit-i er-i.ite I by 1
paper tnoiii'y war ill L;j w pi I out
or CMijinjaliie I. I, in I iviu tivu
pir.tri'y fill to oiie-u i!f it-i pienH
valiid. Tun pt'iia will b.i prec.pi
tile I, in all r iL'ibilitv. b.' tl-i f III-
urn of lvvy. ir'.cern racitii' l' ulini'. I
and, t'iNi ii' . i5T '.ho l; t.ik.i . tVuii
'iiian.iH it. Pull -.Mil lirin j 1 i I14 it
'siteii an iiiiiazing 11. il of fr.'.ud iii
cmuiihtiIOiI witti ur riilrit h it 10
liliAciedit nil stdoa go ld or bil
,'1'tio tenia will bold h'h nriiivul
I'Iih in Mil nf in 1 .1 rmiiUH iii tiiWili!t4
t-lrnlea and on the strenta aill prove;
t.ii Im "i.iiiiuiin ebeiila,
A g.a'd deiil of atteuti in waa ut
J tracted ty lit'i fact that TA Tri
'(Hue, rtvo dy3 before tlie panic.
I warned the public tin'! it va c iui
iug. Kut wiiat m!i ill ba Hl.i'ignt .f
a nitJa7niu Alitor iv ho 1'inn llio
I M'ltint w ai itit' '. x' tlli liiei'isn ili.hit
'nearly a year b.-foiebun I ! Or limn.
Iv propheta d li it iec.nv.i in ten
cie.lit 1111 I especially
prop tela of
I Whit Mr. Croly haa
aire 1 Iv
t il I, however, tiiinanta c-pi-n il in
ti.n-Nt. nt lent, iu bia pre. lie ions
i Ci ' wvrn ii 1 .In ii I a .1 iv or t v. 1
,t,r , ' '.. ti,-i,,U; ,11 1 tins ia uii
v ,,!. ,1 , i,f t.,. n :
. '. , i; r ) iT J vi!l, on tint
whole, t.v ii "pi .''p.roiis one for the
I'.,i,,l t-'i ,ic.y I ,!!,) will be a
i,,U il revival of in I Ktrv. labor
I Ulll ll.. Ulllll .ll'l .1 ill. 1 1- 11.1'
I.lvil i'nl
I'-ni' t 11:
w iii !.i a
tliet'loso of the year tuuro
' i,l,.,i,,iii,l iulen.t in
metal uiinliig. .V il m hjh-.;-Illative
feeling in oMjlT m.tilst 1 n-s
Will aoull hIio.v il'.clf.
' 'l'nero it be a p il'i it fit in' of
i io;h tlt'.l year On hay rr .is 011
the A lanti':' tili'p.s wi;l be sli nt.
U. At leant t V 1 1. 1111 11 t i'il fnl-
I'lies of Wall strut t 111 1411 ile.s w.ll
I tnkl J.'l'.l'.l tl'is Jill'. Jilev ld !
of pern-ma w ith iVlioHD ll 1 null e 'e'y
i niie la familiar.
4 An niisnsoncic I w.-alc-ims in
f. rfu ml. I I'm iviuiitiy tut pins
tteiotr. dud rrMiiuiitioii hian l 1. 11 til
the .Niltloltill ' oiiveiitio is 111. lit
18 SO. .John S-i.ii 11! in will b i tlie
Citnd'.liU.t i'f the Republican parly
for the I'resldeiiry
7. Ileatnuptioa ban ll)t settled liM
iiur flntiiicial d.ill ittivji. (J i. stiot s
iiiieciin'r mo un-iin-iei im.-ieKio ui
tun rioilntry will be thu Hiibjoct jf
:.. ai... s... .... .... ......... a .a .11
iHla!,lla,,w wdriU ilitictl I'outesta lint j Hr,i,, ,;t u s ire-li of ropes dang
m.iea ..... .. :n 1. . .1 ,..i.i;i,. .. . .
inn nnr.i inn. in "ill u.i iii.i aniiiiniiii-
. (, , It.-il.tin m- IV
, ", ' : o i " i .. tt
but prob toly c ill'til I'y ut bv a il.f.
, 1 , , .....
1 feretit mlu e. l ed that nccnrithu
I TJ,.r..l,.rV of tli.. T,'.is .r w.ll In.
stiippetl ef ruiK'h of the power bo
8. foreign war tt 'fore
iS iiiv
Tours are over is lajprobubie,
due to the wiialii'iisa of nur navy
und the titip'roteeled ciiditiou of
otfi; iicli senpoit Cltiea.
i) new pestilent, nr tlii re
vival of an old one, which Mill affect
the people iiilnlpitidi tlie teiMper
die xofle; lit au'fong tbe piobiibilittus
of tlio liear fUtdie.
10 A treti motor will s ioii bedia
covered wlilch will mtkauir uavigi
tim possible. Tribtifie
Toil and Kj Happy.
, The VMttian at tr tbink-Itd-ittlu
never said a think
Until tliia t "If y ut want liii w!e Ige
yoit iiiirlt toil for it if full; you
nitist toil f ir it t if pleasure, yon
must to.! for It '' f oil is toe li.t
'iiiasiii e c iiu'eil t'l.'oil'l tod, and
lint by leif'iu I llg'eri-'e and iiidoleuee
f neu utie gets' Ui love w n k hia lif
is a halipv tine, s' it M p i tr mil
iri HiooUlsli 'be Other iltV, with a
fib u 1 1. v of eleven to provide. I t ! 'Ml
I were w-irtli a million' if .It ifrf. I
aliuidd lib't wish (o it t inncli diffji
eiit then I do ho every day; woik
ing hour after hour. I lord its
thousand limes belter than to rest.
IU ba'i for n-nrly billf a tehtm j
beer sifrfdiinded by rioik.-ra, ami
hits caught tlie spirit of iudustiy
Is 1 iveo work batter th' ta foo.f or
sleep ti i ba.ipy h has cJu
ruered lusineaa. onoe an I forever.
A pet lamb ate up her mistress
pail of e tab i a' lo'.vitbe other ifiV,
ani what the atuff ia hir4 begau to
i Mm unci itiM.iib "in u'.j iii.i uiii..ii-vi- jlt4. win. I t
uieiit of tt N illihtal biuk lit'iir fiilirii fi.L
'. . m a 1. i,'... I.. I II, '
NO. 47
A Pljr rorvrt for fJjii.1is.
Ho was a red -d 'fed. wild eyed man
fiMil tlie bea I witirn of ae (Vtn,
iiild longed an if lie bad rti'V b i en 111
tdvii since oil w.ia dicoVeV'ed I fir.
4-11'aty t-'iinta tere sevainl iOfti si ton
alioit lir li'tu. and be calrtud 1'ialfa
d 'feu r.i'i'11 skma liii I1.111 1.
At tho jxiKi-oiliL'o- c irn.-r lie mi l a
A nt Hi Pi. In liUy. an I ntopin iiei
I iv boliliug tlie bil km of lixtuo li. full
ner fuee, a.iid ; , .
"'t I anil yoti p-Miicthing tiict
10 ilnke a set f fur out of f"
I'iih st'ieaui .1, aiid nlicl
1) lii olu r mi Iu if I Uo street
"1 ma any .if your neiglmorv wimii
to buy ill') tiling nf the kiud f ye'led
the re l-iiiNe ill in
Tiim 1 1 y si re t ne I tig tin.
"Xiirf, a hut's the uuitler with
.(.iniiHr ?" rouiilik".) the led-u.'nel
.1411. fti the l,i ly diu.tppeiired iu 11
I npp MI'O.
111 0 .i.'iit Inter l!n nmh veered
into A b.tiik, 'in 1 tiiiew bia btdra'
I.) Ill it tlt.-Ol-tln'l'x viu I j.v. I
"O it r, i.k'o .V Nil coon nkina '
lii'.fe Unit I 11 nel! Cili'.ip N it u I
r.'.Ai'.'h of a t.iotil on any if 'em. I
Kt.llvnt I evly one ,lf 0111 iu a b, 1
trap ' , I
U'n linvn im Mr tl nnl.' Biiiil '
the preii 'out, pi'.itely. aM he Cait t'.i! ,
ubliii lu glance I'.t tli'j gondii.
"I'ni'yil 111 ike you a nice vest,
aiid tlie led 11 taed man, " I'wc !
hi lfsllinikii you a vest, und oiie'll
m ike you a cip that II' toil an
I hi.; us yon live."
"Mv dear sir." replied lh I'reai-
I'eiil, c,!., "o don I
W.lllt III. !l!S bcru.
where I'l.'.'.it'J' '
lake tlutlU line-
'Mcblm yon r wife -on:d l.kj a H'ti
nf foes. 1111 i llieHe im !
' S 1, r . i:o.' f ii!il !
:!' t trjk?r.
i'liiutielitlv. ' take the t'uil
l u.v.M,
they '.re nlr mi-i vh '
"W.iat a 1ll.1l e.ii 1 the rcd-rosed
III III. s ill I t V .
I'uke the Iillltli'd
ingl out i-t
llii-i ." i-X '1 n.h-t I tne e.v .Mi.!iiili-.l
bnilo-r ; "iiiey muuII lik.) a slaughter
house '
I II l.i';e a d .11 ir for Die lot '
" I'll. 1 I'.e.-ji.n 11. -it .1 im liny r to'i
f.'iiiis.' p 11 in t 'o nut r 1 t ise 1 mini
t'; t in n ; I 1 ill a 11 ttvi;
I l!e tn. 'ill uctoris to.J II 1 to ' til".
:.:'i:n (if y reiit.i llle lot,'
pres. MTU I tne (, I 11 IM) I .t' HI.
!f yo t d mi t get nut of this I'll
ki.tU vo ir li 1 I ul!'' yclle I liie mfUi i
ul- I Pre-, .-t,t.
I 1 1 1 ii; t ii. I v tuts for I :m i.ii .
siilt'ie re. I 11 .a- I 11 in I've a iv
the w 11. 1 ' nil I no .1 1'.l.lo 1 tlio IniiKh
I' .the tail.
I Im Pi e-i lent tdurted for th mil
ni le 'I ne ii'.iii 1 i!h Ine xl.ins Htart
e I f ir the m lii.vilk.aii I ailer I'liV'c;'
reacoed it. lie pins 1 I an I und :
"Aii'l this is Ihe b .isle. I O I Pity,
is it f (run a-nt tf 1 ll'rey ! If weal
fkiil 1111 I sable were selling fjr a
cent a en' lull. thn bull tol.
couldn't, buy the hhii.1 papered end
of a rai'tt b'.il ' Oil I'ity Ihrr'n-lc.
'iiove th; CldJjj.
1 . j
Proh'iiilv tl'!" I.iri'i'Ht tin!
' ij 1.
1 rr?ic in , tuii i'n vu w.irM in tho
j S j'tll; P iui of Y -ituiito. SunJ-
liinr f tli. 1 i1il.' ttf ntiiitr r-illni'. if.
limrs itself, ll niilid r.n'liv li'af, 0.0.10
leet liliov.i Hie giO'lud A ihoic
po wet fill ban I I hail thai of I'!!-.!., his
cut awiiv the easlern half, l-avitel a
sbacr procpico ov .r aunle in
Mo man ever I rod the top of thin
d niie until last Year former ni
t us g izn I in won Inr at the spikoa
i,nVttll ,Mt the rocW ity spir
.,, wi,(j 1. . 1 iul.,..1iu.llv en l-iavor to
. . . . .
ij.. ... !, aiii.l t ,1.1 I I'll ,l- o!
year, hovveTer.
after thousand of d ill ns were upotit.
several peroua found their wuy to
the top of the dome, mid tins sum
mer two sheep were discovert,''!
browsing ot thu b'tltut ty luuceeni
ble peak. . 4
Hpf Mtiy wereThcrd T j
Henry, rip.ui being ni-ked how'
boys weio in his Subbttli st'bonl i
eliss last Sunday, replied i "l jo'ifl
multiply the ml ul) r of Jacob a sous I
by the ii'liiiber nf ti ne1 wine I the j
Isriieliles COllipiSHcd Jelil'lin, Uhd
a Id lo the product the number of
lufitflnree nf bailey which K tax gave
Itillli. divide Ibis by the number ut
daman's anus j sn'itrui't the u.uuber
of J-itii t'iii l of clean beasts that
aeht into the iti k i multiply by the
iMMiln r of men tv tio went to set k
r'.lijil' cltci' bti was Ukeu to heaveu i
snbtrtiit fioiu this Joseph 'a age.
the I nue when lie ato'n'd before Pha
rush i u nd the iiiimbei' f stones iu
Davids lia when be killyd QllitltU ;'
-ibtrael thu tiumber b fiuIo"gs lieaiuuny w is iiis'ani I 'um
Iriiiiaf'e.u livile bv the number
if anuhoit ca.t out at the time nf
Paul a nl;!i-vreck ; aubtraot tlie
in iiilutr of l oople saved in the ark.
in I tiie rem. under Mill be the tinni-
n. r of iliva 1. 1 II-o class. on
m.iuy where there 7 . .
"T. vtaa a young printer's devil
who aslted for a kiso but she cjaickly
ii plied, did flits pert little uiissi
"You loci, inkv aud blai'k though
your Ileal rtiay be level, but III
never consVnt to be . kiase I by the
lev, I. Tesre patuwui and the trues
heoomea'tl old uia.L with frisW
and oui K false t"eih. aod p.'rjfide,'
Tbeo aaiily aha eo'aght to recfl the
old iaiYe i but 4tfa priuter replte J t
"tba Sevil woa'ti k mm you'."
; Ui M er'tr k saflia' 1
Pi)'lnl'iS(i evrry Thursday fcvptiita; . CROU8B. Prop'b-
. 1 TertrVrr,Siibr3enptioi., ,
abl (filhinnjr mimlii. i'.v tS oDifiiiii
mid vnili'n vir. !C tMper ttif i
riniliiui'd a)l arrijrtra..r(" are urilivo at tb bptimi rf the pub
Tiber . . y
6ulT'nt'.'na euixido cf the county
.... if.vr.ABI.K IM A HV tM.'K. 4
ri 'ri'jl'fl bftiur and iiiltiif rmrioii
wMi-eMiM A : llii' tcrciH!iiiilw. : il f ra
ind ire lialilo fi.'i.'lJa tlleo of the prjer
Saddler and Harness
. ... Maker
entrevlle. Snyder County, Pcn.wil
Kt1 hun I, in. I nKo lo oflr oil k'l I
I llro, a.iii, Hri.lln, Wht., I'nl i
,aa,i til rork cuaraairxl lor ..liU t
lr. olHnF rio m n rlMl i r.ii thntir
00'loitk.ii ( in li'..lnt. . 'tut iD.'lt.
ft', it. im'KA.
IUJJ 1111UU I'illUil
ii 1 1 1 1. rw t v 1
Mntrr Station. SnylT "t'o., I'a.
Avon fnri,( untt'l r rpi. t. Tniio a Wi
tin iVn . mi t iIai Ml!;, f mTiiu,
ka 0'iMira t urn, s , '-.
t.0, ! '.r 11.0 t M.lS n. f1
VI t.l.l'i ' -mi il rira inur.ino. ouluiu!
-ifi i:.imHnl.
IMI'.-o tnl n: .lrr nt MilMr Kutlno,
(Ivi. r. II.
Ilnttl t'rvoh, Ml-li.
Vlitll A.TOII 99
qplilF Hiitrlilr.
l.r.tnAn.'.liT. Tlis ilnt.
M Iu1t...
llun h,.i.i 1 ,tl 1
-..Irf li rr.l J,. .1
r I;. .11 w ..k I'. '.11 L ...!.;..
U toff llill. lirftlU l..
y Wi.'Vvv?. r,
SI I a inn- II' It ' . . .lo
ii.i .( n. . 1.1.1 . 11 1 ! i 1 1 1
Oril Inrll.ll'.l S j 1 1 tiir
ih ... : I., i' - .
ffui..i. V ...... jn ' li. 1 1. ... . n.t
oaiit" t Tia- thr.l.'i.i-1 n k .
'.K c - (i 1. l!r-. 1: t l if
. .it.ii xri 11 1
jTtHin ll;m will n.l .:
.ill i III." CTMT"
11 ptk-r ntwLi'.r.. tv
fill Ill-It t !H
r .1 ti. t l.B Tt '
V -i 'f tu: ;.i.t
f t-' flultl fhl't t 1 ' al.
11iirf.t.H voikmi-iiilp.
HH M.O f r H .i,,.:'rli . I l';.rU, s,nrf;
I 11 4tvi e ft:'. th- i.'ii' holt nir-1 '.. a
t wanW 1 Vt" t It' O ..! ,-ft.-i .';.
5p(M It tir', i't ss'i'H.ititira trli, ltr.Mcln
afc fmui Si 1 i., ' ( h r l - t tur, su4 t .i-o j ' Mout.t
4 H10 nsir ia't. ,
V(IK rtlrtj)i-. fall in oi' r P'nU.'w of
writs w , r II.KoLrtrUd tl'Jeli wlU.'li i . sj ttv
.1 .M .:s W KIM. I. Agent.
M.1'1 milium 1. So v i T 1 1 , I' 1.
PJ Us 7LViTjIAR. R. "
t !-.'t . l.- .'-i Mn .hiioo (ullu b
1 V 1 N I.I V t-.Vt.ihV A uu.
I'ltt.ti-irKii K.prei I in it in.
I H'-ltl.' l-'tir.i t
tv.iv ru-iji.K'r r. a . m
. lOJ I !.' ' fl.
1 -i t.lno s , . m.
11.1! tt;irel !?M,.n.
I'iii-tl1" l;t'ir.. Iu .
t ili'i-l u ..ti'T' II I 1 . in
Mil It in I ' !.
VlUnlir f.iT. . ir.
','tiff) Ki'.i I..-.".. 7 ir r i."r..r nt, 1 . c.i.-;r.
Ii- I ipr. ss.t. in I 1'ia r ictilti au-l At uliu
txiim. 11.1 rib U ty.
W it trsiDt .'.va-t4tl Dl 10 ''.,:!:in , - 11 1 V
it ullot ;
t.i a
l" .'t
u l
:i n
ii y.
n .i i
'.i u
i wi kr.
l. n.
An Itr.urTl
I, .m ilalt iw
i' sv .'n
KlilCAf l.lU
VI 0vr.
'.'. Hsir.llU
i 'IT
4 II
i I''
4 11
I .1
I" .
I i i
iu '
4 :
; i
! m'.V .i".? WXZ
t EottiiK U. lirr'vl.
County Survoyor
Kratierville. iny er County "enn'a
P'.r'rjlri ant! Cuttf; iiujinj j-r'iitly
hu I!v aovinti-il tn tlmro o'
tlir (.ub io'o isir. r iitt octlcUci.
I .
July '.'nil. 7), l.
l or ..r r l lTtllll"
Tlit M or.' IIk.II l l r"
lur. msrri. ili re tin., intlv rft
'lvon. nirliv rnr. Knur-n.-.
It-Da ttll, V' It,
rrn i o , Aii'iirii. .. y : m.
I:um4p t , Ali-ii.itt' n. (Irani
k ini. .1 I tlm.inl'
nr I ir. ii:o t , ... ill. Irli)-, tj
linri.v irli iir" ' . "'I
rywur WKr.K h'TUlt
f i .ip-lct.irl llii'luo. ,Ui.
! tho lurmt nl lt VtOI.ULU
VI w f t.i I dir. J tilt iMllTHua ."T
::ir,Mni t -.s t., ttul -.-n-
ufttiv f .'tt-wiffitf f-U.' f
Ilia lt-ar-ir ik.l tuvii m-
U. Wlwrwlll : fvuat Hlii.n j;
TiiJb'.i. .'. r t "1"' " f
wli tr ftomc:. v tti -i. iM''1-"
Krte.lf ivd, irs t-y y' It, el- I'-
t4 iirs r- w .-yli ."' !-"': e
I'M kl.o a t -" I- I l csl ... "'
fiMiUtM nr n.i iumiiuiI l.w.i..
o . lu 4-n-Ji IM iff. l. .si.Lr.ti. I
.1-UftiMir.t uivt i ....'tr ; a
V.I.M. S4v.i- iOh. iI ftirU'.f, 61 )-
.! la III I a rtM (lV wlr'l. tU. J0.
It u il no oeuMi ovi iliul
tft'Sl-4 .'I lift ... . ,l.i i
rv.i' li llft!'Kitl i l.i.ia ii in -i.'S
dnt.lU M I! '0 tr.'H.i.Jli
liK.iai. Iu Ila.:l.l'4. iuh-w.
I law, ratvrrl1'aatsl! ' s.wrM
uu Mwiria.' rt.M la elJai -
lia ftKiiuii.... i i ... i-t-.
ftVftftU dl af-l-ft. l-'ie.. ... '
! mm ckisttnax, fcafftS-W- oko.
at.oliMOHiii-O'"." ti. i. i ' "
Or .! a lllT tl t alHai
l-CS). mit.u, iM-ru all..' OilI s
.wlTaarf lo iVavtt " 111 r .
M tba pmftn IJ ' I-., tm-saa
V .... nt. tia liiit at a.. lx. Siiiiu
Wll ll I'-Mlt lV"'- JT 1
I Wllttra iTTttialK. iill m I
. v' ""i "Um r l
leaj Wfi ajovei adH ,
..0)o .OaW V
m I'mlr.'.r ..f '... I - , 4.r. r I l, rt , i.t. t. .
l.l i,.1ilvt Zlv-f."' ' t IftHji i ai-iblo.
Tnrutn arr- - ej
rty roner. and t-e r'V. j ' - -
I Waoal' "Vw