rrni3 post Middleburg, April 17, 1879. Kl1 " ' ' .1'! ' All comnianlrcliortd. Imsinrsa let lot ito.) for this nltire, to secure prompt atf-int'on slionlil lie rililrpsitert a follrtivst Thk Toar, Mititllriiitrp;, fttydor Cbtlnty, Til. AdvertiictrttMitiv omntinicaliont Ac. must be handed In by Monday rioon, to tecura inser tion in next Isstlo C. ii MJi JL'. -J-'! -'-1- asms lirltttTf Coobts. Ths Conrtt tt Unyder Canity an held on the fourth Monday! Sf r'tlirattr, MaT, and a,eplls,ar, and ateead leader af Daaambar. LEWI3T0WH DIV13I0N. teascir tiwmTOwa ant ansa, 1.111 EASTRO. mti. tTTOtt. Mall. Atemn. Ml led Mill ewttVa J.7 Hm I Wa.ra. IAS5a,ai. til a Ji jawtarawa 1 11 ftaitleat r tU 1st lilt ll lot !rt 4T tOI I It in M It n in 4 41 too lit IN lit; tit ! if. t it IM I 4l t It 4M Fainter 1 1J Maris! r. I "1 .! r. tar KM'lnn I M ' Mill. I I Jo Adaraarmrg 10 t.ert.'a deafer r. t oa iddlet.'rg t , tltlaer T. I IT trom-r F. t II imj r. in llnaa-rove t M .it. Jan. 141 anbury 10 DO 4 t V 40 tia 4 la 414 tot t M t It I If lit Itl HI !' I no T 14 t M t tt lli E H.TATLflK.fl'tperlntendenl. t?n, I Ne.vn, Busy the fanner. The faithful aupervitor will no looic after the roads. Hio tuneful lay of the frog is heard in the UnJ. In order flise hall, Croquet and tiuoit pitching. Great Imrgaius in Cnrpett at S. iVeit' Selinsgrovo. The boys are) impatiently wa itinf the coming of swimming time. It it about lime to set out flowers on ladies' spring hntt. Tako about this time a cup of toss fras tea to purify ll3 blnod. The business houses of our borough aro all doing a fair business. Ico erfaiii dealers urn making pre parati ins fir t it- heated term. U.T. 1'irka E(j., was in town ch Tuesday. We would airsin liko to hear from Our Tort Trevortyn correspondent. ti. . - r... . i... .ii r.ii iuniuib mr m iiiifi; .iui m mi kinds of fruit is believed to bo fiOi'di Adjourned Orphan's Court will bo held Monday, 2$th, inst., at 10 o'clock, a. m. Harrisburg firemen are going tohnvc a monster demonstration on thu fourth of July. The linen duster Will soon tske the pluoe of the army overcoat und horte blanket ulster. A Beautiful line of regular made Hose for Ladies and Children at S. Vcia' Selintgrove James Krise an. 1 DrolHtf fro n Mil roy livo taken cliargo of Uorei-i Mill in Franklin. The cheapest and nicest pattcrra of amliurg edging can be found ut S. Weis' felinsgrovc. A Lewistown man caught a catfish roeoutly, which measured 20 inches and weighed 5 pound. Note heads, letter bond, envelopes, arid all kinds of commercial printing ucatly executed at tho 1'osT oll'ute. Now is the time to invent a frmit ;ito, warranted to swing without creak iug and whose binges will not rip or tear. Fishing poles and tackle now receive much attention from their owners, and the discussion of plans lor tho coming luason it in order. Dr. J. Y. Shindel, administrator of the estate of .Vr. Merit, dee'd., will sell personal property ou Saturday, tpril l'Jlb, in this borough. ' Dr. Barber purchased the Hauch lots and hat rebuilt the fences, improving the looks of the burnt district. We are not informed whether be iutendt to build this summer. Those Aiisse who removed tho slept in front of a certain house In town are known. If they intend to play any more inch trickt hereafter they should not be quite ao noisy. Tin Umq,i'itoi!s avi-sm. A number of Gypsiitt encampod in Harry Smith's Wood's north of town, lust wuuk. They perambulated town and vicinity telling aoap and begjing old clothes and pro Visionti Ale; Uowersox and Bro., carpenters are remodeling and placing shelving in Dreete's brick building opposite the U. II. Church, to be occupiod by Dr. Host. Rothrook aa an.ofllce. The amateur gardener is now hard at work clearing oft rubbish, burning the combustible, and making ready to tackle the earth with hoe and scratch it with a rake. Curtain of the mire ambitlout have already towud seed in the Lope of aa early crop, An exchange lay t i You can't adver tise enough in a week to last a whole year, any mora than you can eat nough lu seven day to last 8(13 ; and yet tome to-called business men and boarding-house keepert aeeiit to think to: Hamuel Valley and I'eter Aauch start ed Westward on Tuesday morning with ft view of removing hence provided they are pleated with the country and can ttiit thomselvet otherwise, 0. 0, Outeliut and Adam Hhowtrs will go about May flrtt. The latest prediction of the ttncwnd J Jventitla It that the world will com tVaneadofl the 1 1th, of July,, It is vary kln4 ef them to postpone the vr I f i la t -V th American po. Silver Wtdding. :. D. Fm-ht and Lady and .Vr. II. D.i Onfnursday evening the irtM,'"" " h U "f which whs Mr. F. J. .,,1 Mrs. Kate Achoch. of '..Hid and duly nppiocla.ed JMinsgrovc, celebrated their Wlvbr Wedding being the twenty-fifth annl- vertnry of their married life. Twenty II vo years ago we had the honor of witni'tsing, at one of the gmomsmen, the ceremonies which united them in tho holy bonds of matrimony and which left a "green pKt" in memory which can-not bo efTacvd. We were to to ill be prcsont on this occasion. About 8 p. m, the invited guestt be gan to amtmble and the number ex ceded ahttudreJ and fifty. The Hall and parlors were brilliantly lighted and festooned. Entering the Itall the ye first caught that delightful word "Welcome" spanning the hall way, producing those pleasing emotions which, only a true, hearUfelt welcome can produce. On the tduth wall the hand of the artist had arranged in lei tert embroidered with evcnrreeni, 'Uoil hut blessed Ut ,-' and Teace,' 'Love' and 'Happiness' assigned conspicuous placet on the wall were only the shad- owt of the true, pure peace, love and happiness enshrined in their bosoms, innealh the mystic Silver Horse Hhoe and the Marriage fulls Mr. and Mrs. SOhoch received the guests with a true, heartfelt Welcome and reciprocally received their consralulatiout. ISo. ruggestive of the memorable event which united their ditstiuies and lH7'J the occasion being celebrated Were pendant from tho veiling, in centre of tb" parlor. After the seating cf the guesta, their youngest daughter, Miss Kva recited in a clear distinct tone and in an imprcs sivo manner the following appropriate Kanza : Kind IrUn.N I M l 70a srittas, avvuliiic t' our fa.ini 1 )utiira tb. atainnH's u.a4ara, Aud graat ma Hrl.la aoJ ruuia. t.al all bo hasroif roles 1 urj luv era iillo, Aodwlia uaj.itif In wiihlntfjoy Ivlattarsndbla Url.ia. ir Kth t aad daar Mothtr, lu tl.l i Uuiulilv pray t Ikaiall t.iur lila mi ua i brlrjlit, taoulult Anniar,ar oa;. And m iiar IWnlf lataar, In k'niliimt sal), yauf ay An I K'aui uu i an. I liialat(l, IkruiiKU ali f ut a.iiuiua a. which was well rcceiveil. ltv. 11. It. Helim-r, cognisant of the fact that t lie ibiof which was lied twen ty five years ago hud not loosened one single scintilla but had become more firm through tho cycles of the inter vening years which had rolled into eternity discarded the idea of attempt ing to rctio ihat&'iof which had been so well tied aud in his usually linppy styloniMdu a few remains appropriate to tho CCCaaiuni Hev. Dr. Born in a neat speech pre- eulcd the Groom with a bcautirul sil ver headed cane upon which he might lean w hen tho infirmities of old a je bad h?nt that once vigorous frame, and at the same time urging (hem to lean upon 0.d as their moM secure start" "until the end." He tlmn read the fclloWipg beautiful poem from the pun of a flieml ofthe Hride and (Iroo.n ; IHa frln l, f.r nraan l tatnlv fStrs, Yn-t-va ilia. lili' ntrt t l .ap, H -rt r. d ll h .., In t !. tri, lu olrDi ami Itormf aailbar. H oft lnoa J t r'Uhiol trtft. Ma I li.a l .llh 01 m i ni, Ksii a hva Ul.l tuoir i.rMa la lnt Aud turonoi 1ji tualr fjdn.l ill ia. Ton h1d fi'tir frtnoi iviml ni t, In ttitri smI lev.l u .brukan ; (iaalt.l I.; Il.a ilmpla Ma, "I Will " Lava all ta tlolaut t'lkaa. Yoa'rama la tt.a i-otnt in marrlad lilt, Wafsll t h -i i.v kii mm xi. Wh a rmaiui r a ar in .n aal wlft, lis la.lUaiatlUI It ana Mlaa. And frtand' baa tilth .f eoma to mast Yi.u. i.n ml ul d ooalon, Wlllifyinii-.th.il 'T 1 1 araal Y uu, aud uungraiaitttua. And bf Ihl wf Mmtl Mas foa Mat iu- f r rain.Mailia And ihiia l.rlaa Ui t" na r a aw. Muvli caa.-a luriaaat rtuaetluo. Yrt Tarlly tha llnaa 10 nu, Hai-a tillan In iUat piattnt, Tlil-, ol yur irnvr.ut p4tl It iraa Thia,ur jruar U'M urnauk Ood In ynar walihhTa l lil Ua l, And ulraamtul B.ialua: wtlars, And tiatiar tlill.a l l i 111.1 1. Of laaalt, liluauilnm d.ugbtarl. And Infant torn, (nail t'tant daid,) Haul It.) In O.id't oi. plaatura, Vv la tba baaranly raa itlou, lad, Aud Uiara a laid au Iratturt, Tha tllvar pa-lol now patal. You t'lurnay t.ward tti a'lldan. Thai yuu mty raarh thai o. at last, tlay iiranKLU uot ba liuuuliaa, May all aoar art that latarraaa, lla'tiildan In a.aul.onianl. Qui. Ian in .ui-.. an I uataaa, Abd gul.lao In anj iyisaat. What all tha foa.ti of li'a ara (old, And lliaa 10 yia has aada I, Tlin' ait at raaaL, u'ar (.aataol 0)old, Uf augal (ul.lat auaadad. To tha sraat Mtaaitaa PstarabOTS May ou liava Itaa adialMi .a, An.l tiaud Iba aadiaaa fa.rtal lata, Is lory and Italilus. Lines, written for the occasion, were read by 7, A. Lombard which for want of space wo are compelled to omit, Under the supervision of Mrs 8lg miiud and II. II. St bocli was present ed the following interesting lithium vmjiift "Night and Jforuing," repre sented by Misses Jiittd 8choch ami .S'allie Evans. 'Which is tho taller T' by Kinma and Willlo Pigmund Willie uheait hit grandmother by standing on lipUie.' "Charily" by air. Samuel Grtienhoe in the costume of a gray liaird beggar Lulie ScliiH'h lioldiug the hand of Lillie Kaempfer while in the act of dropping a coin into the hai, "1'utience" by Jaler John Kaempfei- holding a skein of tangled yarn whilsi tha grandmother uuravuls and winds it on a ball and a tulmber of play maletin Ihediataiue beckon him away to play a game at ball. The tableaux ended by repreaehtu tloit of a. Wedding which took place tweuiyflrt) years ago, .Visa .liudie HcIiihIi as lirlde, II. II. Hi Ikh Ii as Groom, wiib Miss Lulie fclim-h and Mlt Emma Stihnure aa lirldtttmaid and Qui, 0, aad V. J- Wsgenacl'ef a Groomsmen, JUv. K, II, Leisenrlug aa nitulatcri Rev. Hwaril mtl a few rem Krai tha collation nf rerreatuheuU trm grand in quality and quantity. Hitting f-1 tttnliig xoellant fausle ti tit 11,0 cvrnmg was appni in social inicr-; Course alio evi rtlliinir inai COUIU HOi""" "o muncnrr, ing iiro-1 donf! by the btmt and host cm to htld to (he pleasure and comfort of the guests Was ilono. The event of this titver wettding Will long bo remembered by all who partici pated. Mallciotsa Stone Throwinj). On Saturday last at Lcw-isiown Junc tion a boy named Charles Clinppel, ag ed about II years, In ?.ngcr l!ire a stone or piece of cinder at another boy named Hubert Itall, which si ruck the latter npori his forehead, almve the right eye. making a lacerated cut of abont two inches, and fracturing the front plale of the tk nil. Y riling all, who is a ton of Thilip Itrill, Was brought, to Judge Rilz's drug store, Where his Wound was dressed by Dr. C. M. Ititt, but he has been aulFet ing since from coiitussliin ofthe brain, and is nut yet considered entirely out of danger, as the depth ofthe fracture could not be exactly determined. Young Chappel was arrested an I lodg ed I i jdil. Tuns the sad sight of fath er and son, both awaiting trial for criminal filTcuses, is to .e seen in our (utility Jail, the father having been committed a few weeks Ago on the charge of drawing a pitol upon Mr. Bossinger. IswiMown lh moi-ml. Wet Beaver Hems. As you did not hear anything nf us for some time, I thought it neccary lo let you know that we are still mov ing onward, five of our schools do. ed on the 2rth, of 'st month. All Wert successfully taught, and uell visit ed by the patrons and others, especial ly the Church School, taught by W, ieber, bad nearly two hundred visi tors. I must also not forget to men tion our honorable teachers T.A. Wag tier, K. 0. Walter, W. Zi( bt r, and W. Kline, Who have kept tip literary oei etics diiriugthe winter fn the improve ment of tin! rising geiierdiinn. Many improved them-elvcs considerably. U. K. Wooden Weddma On Mrmliy rrfnin q'lita a brilliant (arty aemhlM at tba rai-idcnea of Mr. Haerjr Pr)B fir lot f nrr!' tf ft Irbrtl. ing the flfib snniasrstry of tha marrUyr of Mr. Brown and lot accomp!i!f. lady This wst a rani aurprita rarty sftrr tbe eongratulaiiot4 wars nr, mirlb and J.illty rulf J ihs hour. Tha nlflt wra nuniiroiit and auh'isn'ial Tba brid Isckid Sfsiti in her w,ddin auit, looked jusl as lotelr. aa when, t ) esra sao, ha made her nuptial tons. This was a niAHi r..nt,r.n n.'i.iAH . n i.t e na. m , ... . .. . couple wilt reinem'.f it anh pleatore. lor many a dy. 1 i.a party t rote up kt a lata bour all well pleiel wiib Ihs art niiig'l felt iviiita. Cot sua. A Leg (tr a Frt? Ride. Morrison Specht. son of a widow wo man resiiliug at t'cnlrcville, in mm- patiy with a young man named II.k-Ii, igeil respectively ttf. tut fitteeu vears eniicliiileil tn i) West aitlioiit the nc- tasnrv funds to pav llu ir way, hence ua're coinrelled to borrow a ride willi out first having nUaiiied the i-orseiit of K. K. companies. At Cincinnsti Specht was found with a leg cut oif. lie ia being cared for and writes tluit be will return home as toon as Ids in juries will permit his removal. We warn farmers lo beware of a clever rascal wh.i has been playing a near dodgo on the farmers in some of the wtsiorn counties of this elale. He pays each farmer a dollar for chickcis, writing them a reciept with u lead pen cil, the point nf which would invariably break otr just before reaching the sig nature. Then he woti.d prmlix-e a fountain pen from lilt pocket and have the faruter sign In Ink. Soon after he crssed all the pencil writing, and wrote promissory notes for lt. and floti, and sold ftiOO of such notes to a bank. John't .Vary Ann packed her Para toga and made preparations to go, where the still waters How, and the green grasses grow ami the r oy-posies glow, and Hid enchanting tiotea of the binulile-bee echo and re-echo through tlie vallim and round the bills, but John's lamentations prevailed and .VuViV lied her heart to that alio has concluded to remain. John, with tears in his eyes, argued that alia would net the ineiisels aud be would never tee her anymore. ItUN-awtr Mr. rickhtrt who re side! on Ktpiire (lifl't farm above town tied hit horse at the S.piire's ullice in Main Street on rtaturday evening and whilst transuding tome bushiest the horse unlooeoiiej himself from the hitching post and started homeward with the buggyi At the bridge be was captured and nothing brokeiii Kiister Suiidny passed quietly by. The Sund'iy Bcbools were well attend ed. Ilev. Sidoey S. Kobler, Ucfornienl , preilched an luleresling termoti in the evening, "1'lck eggt r Tom I'll bet my egg'l pick yours.' 'I won't pick against a jooen-cgg no how was beard ituw-aud-beu from the Juvenile. 8o AcOipist YetlerUy oinrnlus Mrt Joaathaa Orlana ef Watblugtwn luwniblpi Bill wiib a sad tti'l lrkl, wbiuk reiubrd It III breaking af oat arm, tad .1 Is supplied, lateral rlba. Tib III Ik, lady Infers tuatiilartd ftitti Ibt Oata la am tuatnlerablt aaagarous, Cavsisa. Itolilnt can ii jw ba ttau hophintf a taail the gardaa, looking wisely at -MiVta and ttrawt. with au eye lu house lailkilug. Tiiey hav taken u(t thair lilXltH art. k ptrotaoUert tkihl atl aa 'Itl t "1 r-' Me-.) The "Hand of Hop"," undpr the lui - turn of t. K. How or. pnv, a., in- .cresting ntijl-tniiiiiiol I in 1 1th Court .. -.-..r.... r..,, t-, c.o..p ,n ... n mrKe gramme was mrtdo lip nfwell trloclrd. insiructive nnd Inlf resting jilecM Well perforulrd nn.l ovldenco good training. j"Chew JjcksonV Heat Sweet Navy Tobacc-i. Dee. 0. 78 ly. .... i. i , . fciqlirt Ii'iK Cirej HjJicai ni Unm MHK cares Rlcaantui ad laae tnct C-i.pair Ni H tain t"n iirjisa 1 films-CiJifi-r liit !i FAt till tr L oicr.:!. f D Bvl'l by J no. A. .Moms. Mlddlatmrg I'a Twenlyllve btrgn aixe r'erfuriied Chrtimo Motto Cards, no two alike, withuame in gold, pint paid ten retils. Address O. II. 1itcblielJ, Litchfield, III 1'lessb state what paper you aw this advertisement in. a For Sato, Cheap A tb donltlin WaR'itl. Inquire of j. F. Hiehl, esdins rovo or Lew isburg, I'a, Wealth, tiasttiy, islenl er learning will mil stall much, if tha IbBi ha dit4.', tr Ilia thr iat riok l wiib alarrihla cough Bith tan ba eurr l by lbs prompt use of br, tlaaa' Fipseinrunl. 23 A fd) ciuir a bonis, t til drug alntti. S. Weis, Pcliiisiirove. bus lut got in bis complete st'.it'k of spring tfoisl All the Novelties nf Hie scosou. Trices arc lower than ever. . - Rnew Psctanl will cute vi coizt . r;!:)j.iii i'cijui t.u; mwtm g1 lionni PhUjhi u'es f ull ail ;cSt UMil I'itlJUl Uiili it Clii S, 5 tn,il CI H Al J. A. Muaiia'a Lung Mull', Midllehurj . . tiislis $t MahalTay, ril'tsber cf fto-ft Mu-10 k M')io lliHika. will rand lu any ad ilrrx Ihvtr ronipb-ia oisluniie with a la and basutitiil song, J t-I piihlishrd, ith 1'iann or Ui pan acei.n.'sniiurnt, fur a 1 It r-e ( ') tenl alamn. Addro-t Lralia A Mabaffy, .tlloona, t'a. A New Soni. W h jnt rari. from the P11MM1. r. I.naa s I.iui-iiiiiii io .' J n it iilih-. ! Words an I m.-bi ly hr l int Ads'la V.CHrr, arrant.! by II II. Mxhaltay Tries. .10 cm, tliis is a p.culUrl t'tig. tinipl so I ey, A aal pli-ttn mrl.idy, Med. I'd lo clisrniiii(ly patlirliu ocrda, so touching and t.t in aruii maul. Aa thin i....f lias just Vrtn issued, lbs I'ublisliara rt o "1 srn I it lo any una al half fries. fninl for iniro dtirtioD. Ad.ltp-s. Lstlia tk Msbatlry, I'ulilialiors Altooa.l't. "Itir Xrw (1 11. 1'rrrlirtiinj IVrfiime" is the best 11ml cbeu.est pi-iluiue ever (if lereil In Hie public lor perfuming wear ing apparel, letter paper, etc.. etc. Il r.l- mK,,m, . . .-n , II, lei I.'. paper, and Wlottever e!-e you may wib. a iniist relineil and plt'iisantihlef. Ifplaceil in a ilraaer. no insller ivloit .e llie coiitonls, it will lieceint' reilo!- ft enl 111 li'ts lliiio lill iiiiniitpt M.,il,..l ! .l;ice free. In anv addrest 1111 recei. I d Ibe price, i"i cent. A J.Ires II It. Litchfield, Litchfield, llliin.it, a n iT i in, h e el. ii,! w ii'il iiHi.i-r i'i i:in i.,a . 1.. ...... 1 . . i i r-i- j ' ! notii'e in. , , , A bui-mng aiitms tlii tli.nitinlt nf men and women to i i' I t ilf-e w.th a pain in the he. csut I br a a'rv.n. infl ime I kidney, sti.l torpid liter, where 'li-re it an itiifii'ii.t remely. Y..K. Th itipt n't llie.i.mt. Hnehu. It ukflie. Liter arid Kili.e) Cue it aarrinied lo g.ta re'ief au l cure Ilia grat.l, iuA immtri (,n ofttie Lit...... 1:..- . . , i. ii. ,'Tn ,n,ui,, , ,p.r ,f B, ilioiit.tuda tesiify tPiriu; Ilia pan eight jt r. Prepared by C, K. Thompein, Tiltll tiile. I'a. Fur it'.t be Jobn A Mian, Uidd'tbarg, la. CONSUMPTOli. CURED. An old pbytician, retire.) fiom prt.e lire. haflbgbad Uccl in his band by an Fatl India niittiunary tha f.irniuH of in,l,, "ts'shlo remedj. for lb speedy and permanent rurs for consumption, bronchitis, catarrh, asthma, and all ihr.iat and lung 9rtlom, ald a pntOite and radieal cure fir nerf ma ilebiluy and all nrrtoua enmplainls, after hating last ed its wonle.fil cueatite powers in Ihniiaandt nf eaara htaMi il hit du'v to malts it know in his tnlffrinj fellnwt Arjtus-e I by ibn m iir, aula Jetirs to reliefs human entfrring. I will tea I. free of eb irge. to all who desire it, this ra elpt, wiib full direct imit for prearin and uaing. In Oerman, Preneh, sr t'.nt li.h. 8eal by '! by tddreaalng wiib tamp, atniitit Ibis paper. VV. IV ,)herar 14!) Cowers' Rlnek, Kochetier, Nan Turk. March. iT.4. A Special Offer to tho Readers of this Paper. T OO I O It 03 CC1TI. Tbt Amerloan Ulamonl UlcitoBary, Cnnlalnlnt 3I,(KKI ordt, ortbof raphr, pronouneiailon ami detuition aocor lln Is iln brti Cncli.h ami American LeXicg rapbars, IllustraitJ wi'b nearly Sfojaa frafinica ; tattstes Ibt wtuta of Iba toliol ar and al lbs asms unit is J itl what a plain Itarning per-on see It. Il la deci dedly (bt beat diiitioatry eter printed. Contains Too double mluuia J1" Superbly bound in clsth and llt. T)pe clear and land.oms. Mat rsis la asy rsaJeroflbia paper upoa reoeipl of 6.1 senls, lu pay aoiual pjeiage and fiackiag ubargat Tblt greal Utter II gaud far ibiny dtyi only, aad It made tolsly fui ibt purpost of Iniro luotiua. Dal Ilelluuariai will bt seut lo oat sddreet Ibis spptirt but toss. Osdsb nam. Send litter, turreact r S teal pottaga aisuipl. Addrsrt al oaut Sarioaah Uio Oourtsr, KocsttsD, Mats. WOOD i B i s 1 uiiii u kkV'a rmtjiwe mm q fv lKt l "tjIfB J Ml laV W-4lliltM(4ttMItMtSV Han N'IJH lhalt.-tt. aetettUt Ha-ttl Mw wi WIlt4 LA II a If. MM A 14s. Via. a. IStWai.. I. attt at-tvaslslltllt lH.lt.4 ktHaVKatafMIM4J f 1 I "ItSX. C0.1SUMPTI0.1 CURED H f.4 ltMHftla. faHHl if yrtW.k, HaldM N IIM I iuOt iMatMvaliU UasJ KdltaVtA-ft 4j ft tustya tHtltg Muawij -vvm ft m, futut n jwa mmm m t-mt-mtm, M .4.. 4, aM4 m4 Mi tOtfa tud tHIV4g MfM.taMW ,4MtW 4M w kW tVth.UW 4tta M ugltt tVmtmm iW Sla.a tSxtgft kt U i . aW bM f Hm e . Tin- pcciilbirliv nlMiut tbn A. S. T. J- "j'J 'i H. to thf tK-Suiy ami Itutsli of tlib ioickioiioc. . -a - 'rl:)hl ftrurrl, ,V,t; rtrlif frm.twff 1 nui;iiiinii iiircea m-aty iWo.-tHelit" ur lt aid on Ills snmidtis-i (nr. lu from Ml In Hildsya. It nrfi.r Is'ls Mn pimx.bls e Jo irjr (0 IDS skin. bS1!j fl.pllril and ssrtsin lit !ct. Il will also trin-ivs D.iiidriltT an I pr'fs.il li.,i4. lain ihs ol sfi-iil lor ibis boitiiiiinil. IVi paoktfs, mti f aid. H esnit. Tarn nark s(ra 40 osnta. Ad.lrsst II II. Litclifl.-ld t.iielif.rl.l IlltnnU. I'lfs sists In xl.st papsr ynti sa this adrsrllssutsnt la, ttf. Utl. 'TH, y, A tiaidsomo Income Fttr Art fen crgctio Lady Or Gentleman. Tht OH Id Hoa'l Workl of OnolnnMi bavs Jusl patrmrd and ara on introduo iti lo lb publio a hsiiilsotnrly Iniahrd Ksoilly toale, an artlolt ihsi hat alwaj, hrrn nsadrd in tasry hoilrliolJ, ami in s ooinmittiloitl'.n 1 1 lrr!.r l to lea publish r of this p iprr Its propristort ats 11 1.. refrr ilinn 10 soma rsli.lbls baH lo In 1 rod. ie ii inr ihsin id iha peopla ef tin I'oittiiy Ii is crr Isldoni ibal nta trtiols stspt suddenly iiito univrsai favor lloiisrhrspsra art Inud in li praise, il is always ready, llirta arc n.. nsiflns to fvt l.it or to h hiiiiisil up, I. rrltstilr. and will u.it frt out uf order, rtio ilrsirtriiort ef I Si-ui 1st ban.lt, .11,. bar iiirini.onlej ly esluma in whirl. ""Itl a spiral spring so sfliaot ideally .iljiivifd na lo wstgh anytbing up 1. iwl pound with psrf"ct ace.tr icy. i.j. ihs top of itia Suliinm il the ('Hifofiii 01. which lbs arucl-t Id bt wrtftlit-j arr plai-sd, and Ibsy hats an adjuslnbls in dicaler so t'jai )ou can iska tha lara 01 anv test yoll way us in rirhiiit Siting you lli HuOl tirl mrifM. Il..ae liarpsra al oin's sea Ihidr tslus In weigh, ing Iruits, siiftrs aaloih.-r itigrt dienis used in pitrrtii, cnukmr, etc , or in stunx tin- ' ibis cf fdrcuet rro'.i ol tiers. Hit .Scs'c sr r.ia.le of tlssal. are blgh'y (i.ilirlir.l si. J arc Int-hc l m a kiin.il ma-itirr. lhty art very nilrautivo an I iat.s I hs ar uf rtrry iue wlm Iras thrill. J It erins to Ut Hi ' ntdi ly eery fiinuly 1 in this county will want nns, au I is cer lainly a rare apportuity for t una smart , and rnernreiio party in pick tip o'lits a j nice Illlla Inroihs during Hit htXi f, t inonths, lus lnuipiny has ng.-ntt in iittlts rniinlli, ml,,. FaAu-ll LI.... ' ........ .. ..v ... TH,., fr im i.tlil lo a'l.isi per day srlliuf ilirin, and we wniil l rtfe.iitontid i.anU in 1 1 of employment to drop tho (HI It) Mt'.A I.K WilKKS. So l.'iat.d 27 IVntial A.e uie. I'incinii ill. 11 , I'o-inl t'ard. and all in lormali.in no . will ba theerfully given Ihsiu h nienlioning our pa-ior, Msreh -:;.sw. Auctaneor (loorjro II. Ilackm. burg, of .Miililtfcrci li. 1'. O.. notilil au notince lo the people nf Snytler coun ty, that be will cry s i les for real ami irrotiii properly, ut -boil iioti.-o ami 011 the tu.Ht reasiuiable ti'Mn. lie KUiiranlees sali.-fiictioii. M.ir l.i 7l nuc rjfjurfj r CTflflC S f l . . j TB3r,,.,,f , ,, .,.Va' l t 40' Uoiii'i Tii.r.iirtHiiii,iriiiii. hT'vJ- 'and II either lor c.iu ur oa a.tiaiu Apr. 1 I 1 ' mn. Kiii. t a.i. it-! " I0 40' ' I "in r-m-f, St., I 1J" n.c I in i" : " M . .It is !") Jul .i.n; u4'l '. a H. K. J1. t. : I!. : I t.l"l i , I, I , i.i,l M....II..M It . m ... R. l.-lil.li V.I'. K. H. ii ; I.. ineh 'ti a .. in. .... ! I'l.llrl fujli 41.1, .f J, ' VoSllorii t'rlilfal II. H I'o, iioi.i I tataattaawtwiiii mm mi i-i I II 1(1 I'll ' 1 Mireh -.'M, liv Simid si nil. If. . M tint la fnweM and JukiT Writ, both nf rtiSi. tun t.iwnhip At t,eai-.iwi tpril d, hf P...T J. M. R-'ia ntnvder. sjt.mi.'l Or it nf II, a lierrille, S'n d t o m i v, to bt Ftnma K. II tier, .it M I .. . VI 9 c . I i y THE WOriLO $ 8ALM Il tarsi sfs Ai.TTif a atari'. Ur I. aA reni.l n.l TUIIlTY n VE YKAKH in p-ivat. -r.'tice, .ii.i nav.tr I. .una-I' raJi-i-t. I rura it i n:i'.t,v,riH'r4J n-flfaf f. f tlf..'1 in, I l I nl rt lrhi. II. ( ft - 1, l lt., m-'i l fll-Htel t III III" l.!o -tl ttl t-t.J I.f Tr I, it i oS r .1 lo ih - IMiMi. iil.IlT Hit I P ilL-.lHd, (( -'U-H'i- .'iiJ'lhf THK WKUII HV lh.'H'lNi. C . P. . U -1 iM1, M...lif.tt-i, IV. V, J.n aVVTUra. To ('oii.uitip(l Cs. 1 he a I tert it r. Ii ,. 4 I .re 11 a '..a-l-l. 1 1 f C ir. -d id tlmt ilretd .lt.--i-, oil. . , , 1 1 1.1, b, a mi,. pi- it'.if. If, it . si. tit l.i ni.v- ki. .ut f. l ot eiin. rrr lu.-111. t t 1. r core, Tt all ho .la-lr- it, h aar 1 1 ae.i t ..y ,.f o,,. p , n,.tl-.i, oa d.tlr.auf rlnr-.l Willi lite .1 1 . f-lt l.a Pi ! paiai n tnl muj th- .me, h'.h niTW.'lj I a vsa 1 rsa mr I'dMi'urrict. Atravt. II sum ami. a , i t -it. i...i 'h I .11 a.l 1 I....S .t tre-a V. A W 1 L.MJ.S, 1,4 Fruu e, Willi. u..0arb, N. V Jan.lVTi In. ii.Miidi:s. Vsi.etaa.a- litiV Ua. .. Iwm.?. "fXa?. I I"l mill I rf thi Pa 1 1. at f ,f at nr. etlaa I kiKL,,, r iru. in.l II, r.uK. tht. in t tt. eleir aud otailtn il : alio In - .irueii..Di tor pro vein, , iuri.nl ir. lb EURORS OF TOUTH. ArNTLKM AN .oaarJ.-ra tr rjfmrn rti)M llhil ttr, Prm i.ftlair U ,iv.u I H h. sttfitv-u 'f fxii Mul ItiJttsrmitiu. will fir tb t nl M(f .rtugi hitjiui ., nl frr to tio a I i, in- rtf .j iJ .i( Iton fur uink'Ubt tht 1 urltt r Uflj by tlil.-b h fnretal. Suttrr. t r iiltiitfj In prurti h iu ii-rtitt'-'t ivri ilMt'io iiu a.11 Ity ad I in 4 n Brrt o-iufi i-ict J H H. Oll'tX, 4t 0 4r Sli Mn Yon, ju. u, 'Ti.titi. CITATION. In tht' tnitttrr of tht exttW of Ab"j ill Ml. tjrr, Uxtt of Siiihirr i-unify, iwtwj. Ts Joaat'.aa Hll.r aa I rittl I Htlaer re..la la t'e'itr Oi, fa.) Iltnrt III 'aar. '.art. itii I ll. . Hi , i Jiii I I- ar Ml.ldlebura-. ft. I t.l.th Ilil4er l iry lnlar'B.rria.1 with J.eo'i siaarai allntr tt. Pa j ti'iher Hllaar .a arm ,rr( d tut 'tre at b Lirln tail. H'rert.wi. rt.rl, .lo. r. I Htntf and N'lk.oial Watial, rati Itu a la Ktmaai Hary AsiVt ua lot. latrnal ana I'anl I e.aiaiaaa, (la re 0 vt.l et tutu lor Its iS'Uiaa liiall nil aiier, but ol rl.natk 'til' I til lUnnak H Uar rati line al I'astl le, Mi.alnsr IVuutf Feontttraau i Hell, ut a bold a eria.rried wltk i arid II. Meat, rNiitsellli. l-a i laritl and Jta 'ie taiiutd aaa ktta r (heir aaiMtau J ieua Ml lar, New He.- lu, t aloi do., I'a.) r.re St . bold aba hat lo kar gi.ar.llas M rlla I. sahoek H litrl a, Pa, halt ill t vi tut Uld Alill Hila r, dao'd. Waere.a. t'r.aa ua .VI llliaar ami lilt ar.llt.ll..a U lua iv pkaat' l. ur ol iBi.ltr ojj i I .r till tl.a aa.idl'i. t lie ri.ira,aaj olaoatrt.-i, . oa ara baraht t..Miai. adtl lo k and aoutr aa Ike Sill d.t ,.f a tl rana-irill i'ml I lo H i tba IS k Set al M.f Bail asd ikia aauta wai a iiaatva lor laal pariaeta rtt d aol ba atada II lua Iklak frvpar. J. i'i l'B, At. V, lira l lata O. O. H. T. HElMBdLD'S Fluid ExlraCl l'HAUSlACEUXlCAij A SPECIFIC hEME&f f OR ALL Diseases Of TflB Bladder & KIdnOys. For Pi-bilitf. t.ita of sisiry, 1nlipo ition lo K ' 1 1 i 11 or ll i"ine Hli.iino 1 f Mrssth. Tr inMsl mill Th irg ut nl ' liiai.t.rs lJin-i?-a of Vi'on, l''n in lb- ! Hick, t liftt, and lUad. Itnb ut III iiid In 1 lit II ea J, t'sls Connie usiice, and tiry -ikiu. If Ilis4s svfriptotrt art all.iws lo o n, : ery frriiueoily l,pilpiio r its an I i.m- siimjition 'nll.iw. II u.-n Ihs a ii.tiitu'i iii harvmsa alfi-cls I It r-inires 1 tie aid uf an intiinriiinn m-dicint 10 tireotutn aud tons up tba rytiein Wbieb I "flelmboWs Hacha" DOES IN EVKUT CASE. IS UNEQUALED ny remedy known. It it preerlbet ilie mot eonneni aytioiain all uter tba wjtl l. in UIIKIMUHU. BI'KliM tT'iHP.iin A. Ll II l.t 1 1 , KI.ViiL,aNi:f1, UYSiT.i'sl t lMHtiKsil S. CilNilll'ATIOV. AOIIKs AND PAIS", "K"FtHr. HI' til 1,1 TV. Klt'Sr.V ll?K a-ii:-. LIV Kit rt 1 v 't. INT. NKUVtit-l UKUU.irt, El'll.r;i. II K l I K"f i'.I.KS, I'A HI.V-.W OKNtlltL ILL-HEALTH, sTINW. PI.E.SBj, silMli't. ! PK t I'N Kd.t, IblblNK. I LI' il II tO '1, ' CATAhait. K. itv.ifi mMVLVtST-". FlMaLKOiMII'L l.. 4c. Hea Uobe. Piiti ii tlie Mi nil Ura, I'..iil'Ii ! Il inriM.. y. iil -4..iio...!i I. rum (.11 a Ha l I . ... in ., .1 .,. .,, , He in, I' .in in Hie r'j.n -it 'he Ki bieya, km I a th.i'-.i'i I other pto.lul t)uiptuiit, sra tb t ofltj rit4 vl l', . e 1 1 1 a. HB'rabOW's Bachn KVB3R1IE5 TEE SWMJCi tnl a.irouU.et ibaT.'pM tif.e Bawlis. an, r,M..'.e , .i u...' i i.i i ainf i he bluoj nl ai iuip i tie. tS i i:n.' . . llr. . I " '" B'w 1!" 'ua I j.T 10 lilt wboic . .Vtlem 1 I A tingle trlil will bt qui'S rumsleat to PRICE 01 PEH BOTTLE OR SIX BOTTLIS FOR $3 Pelitrrel It lay aJJrttl fm frao cb trtali.'B. Taneiiia" mat fjnau'.l by leiler. rt- ceitn.g ilia tame ai'enn a tt ny ctniug, by antaering tl f iltowiDf q.ie.uoot I. tlite toot narnt an I piaii.ffi ca ad. .Ire.a, uounty aad Mais, tadyuur learttt tXprett utH.t ? TturttialitXt Occapaiios ? Married tr liagtt lll'gbL wtigbt. sow aa I la kt.Ith t Ho long katt youbeea lici .' f. Your tttsptf tia, twlr if ka!r tad tt T 8. Haling yoa a l' toping r treat gait t 9. Relatt w'lboul rftrttilut all you kaaw aboul your tst. taolo one dul. ar attonauftatioa feel. Tour lel'ar will kea reeeitt cur atttniloa, sal we trill giva fou Ihl btture of four dieaatt and our ssadid opinl.'B etnesratng a tur Compel aal I'byliclana allesi la torrea poadetta All liner, tiould b ad lr. e. 'titpeai.lsiy, KIT Tilbirt Atitti, Phlladtlpbia, ra. H T NELMBOld. (Sraggtal aid Cbtatlai, fbll.J.lplila, fa 60tD STatUiNTliti Jill 10, Tltrt ATM Kt,K.T trr mi.tilli hin t liM It.i -'Llalninp '., I h 1 1. a . Si' trt 1IA.1 b L" ilalninp -I , banlisrt. i nail 11., Mf li.lt sow TortTitie Nti .r-i . a.'..j MA la IMIIti LMl t p,t rrolrudfiiff Toei raiiklfTls. c Brat in loatr Itraw aaitdj fnur I kil.lrta t M.a Mlata ihfj .ara k.ll .ara aall aalaU wtrn.vn ataaaat al Malt uoatk I anitr 111 BILVEtl Il Ii A C K Til wiu. pitp.vr.sr tnis. Atk fur tktts ikott hta barltf. rri.! Ai'ii I'lfftif' "' .' itlt.trMurlh dartr( Hit f.ri. g and aumms-. I'orfuil prleulara iddraatd . ?(. I'KUT CI.1., I lilltJlkla, 1 a. O XNir il lTIO Tvl aNiiai.L t.sr.st;soPit; Throat and Liihg3 I'KHM.tNi NTLY CCBV.p. tit. f. A, S: 001 m i. naatr tit tlsar, "PSYCMINE'' takan In eon.uaelb.n wltk b 1 1 COMPOUND EMt'lSION 0 PURE COD LrVJ.ll OIL and L....u..ppbitai of 1,1 II i: ant) MM i. BOTTLE S-V u fieri ntt iitillriitt n'M'iat tli!f 1 tin l' H m ' l.t ia" I trnaa i i Jr . I. V. l.it I M. tjf wi . N) Y.. tf. DIPHTHERIA!! J..hn'n s n ..Itna-I.lnloitni will pullitet pftftot till itrrr It lis,t. an I will poililtt Il q.i!i nl a rii tn l.-e. trfifnatlan ttmt s I 1 its lutnt lUt- ent fret i.f mill, tl in'f, delay a rn-.-rM. l-rsventl n le iftiter thts -ura. 1. 1. Jdll . s , , l'n .r. Mama. iiti;vt 'V 4 ri-.t) r .r the ltt an I r. et tell. n a I't ' .rl tl H is sol Ml'. Is". I'rl-el re til' I 1.1 rer e v. Ntri.ttL I' L Bl.l t B 1 sd i n , fhCltipuia. la. ! A'lt'XT" WANTKIl I t xnOOi'i 11 '.It tl" i""V.v,.',wV- PiCr.lF.lAL E1W.S. I rk- re'n-rl I'lrtulart trte. A. J. ItoL MNt HtlU. REHKIt 1 lIKKtlUK lit 'Vtui A or OK ll I fl m a . i . . ,.,,1 . 11 1 tend .i"i lal ti 1 fata 'ii.ia tra'ed New-pipe wfh T.ti ealut'.ll InO-r-,...11.111 I ut-K Navl':a..t f-M'1'tndup ,,,,) iwll ii.i tt.lotlli. He inn II w-ne ma i.. t..ra '.iitln ela.'.s.a. ttars ol toiltal.tra .ll,e., HANItl. V. UkAttY, Wa kioaiun, N J. .BEiNSO'S CAPCIE' R POROUS H ASTER. 'Tliaralteo utt a'-.nl ll.a rta-tiet rut 01 Hte trili'e ..r mni 11 ,oi'u i l .tl .ft ti, 1 a i. r ever. ..I feinedlei. anal. .tllnlinti.it e'.tr,e.i tp.tl. -tl tr, St. 1. lteio,. is J.jiir mil I'jt.l. J abvut II tl l ..n ler'ul I -.! t t,f .11 t'r it rriratie'.t 1 iBUB TULGil '.V,, ';;r;' A I IA' r VV M Ii Secure teri ..r tt once. i h :.i iiu I'is. lioi as, T J ftaat.'ui fi , j I'm. a. AlfNA! rttu- in t" .1 rt io '. 0 letttl Ol Aj3 el iilti.-ialHte'ru and Inlor. init ft I l.t pro t -seal; on i e e n,n nl 'i to a.. JII...I T PiillCK WKl HIT ' '. lUnttn JJ Wall St.. N. Y. A '. .1 M ' I' I y-m Ki-ii Itl.u.d a the I .1 hi t u- em A'.y re-t-i a. 1 1 fr..t;l I t-t wren. I 1 I t. r- 1. 1. in aSS W'li c ..urie'eiy rti.. -e ir 'tin in itren tc .atht 1 tt.o I el't -.aci. . til aif it re,-..rt 10 Irur. ktalt' . It l i 1 a tsin tt r aali ta .' t ur J -tl '"r I Iter .U'Jl.f. I S. JoUNaU.Itt ('11., ti nig .r. Ma. ! CUTICURA. ! Tilt .J's.t -Skin l' 't la warrt'il I I i Ciira j lilt Kne iin. e., I II I lin.l.al. P m e( a n.l '.niie, 1. 1-, , .ii I r.vt't si i -a. t'i -in j rt- e 'l ! nrt.-. Sin,'! .i,a S . . ItrilL i I're) ate.i i.t W t a. a Pur ; ea. I:. i. n. Seal I to hoi i ) i r eie.'i'i.r an I tt'tl e t' ! A ,.,,.,, , 1VSD SOLO I STANLEY'S OWN STORY ,,iki,.ii'liii.i.. rd...L...u w t ten In 'io ; i.iia .. H. . J r. Hea.iiai. It .ia i.i.t .uti.eotu- aid a..prtattd 1 It. rurrt.cr i ri t. AtDta rtgr for In. i a i - , pvi a, utwii , AGENTS WANTF.Ii. I MA 11 BHO . P'jLll.ht pir ftftrncjup mm t-rT a.! Ill M. :c vut'o.v Ni-llee it hereltt (iter, that tbe f Mw. ing irtirlea hat been puienased by tba in It-rtifned al Con.ta' le t ?a!e and lefl In p "B.e.sicn of laaj Mor.ree during bit pleasure, a'l ( er.uue art caulionrd n.'t l.i me 1 lie or interfere with tba same ; W hetrr-t.t. Cow. Ile.fer. 4 !ssata. lot I'.'iilirv. J licit, I'n.iV iut a d tlturtt, n...-k, !.ak. Vi -i Che.t. 4 Cliaira. i lltda .leads at! I If-H f. Idt larpat, S Cup. i ,,,, I .I ol I ri finer T'.'olt, Dtughtrat I n l"r '.ji, Vinegar Turrel, lot of Tuba, TliaiiJ.. lliM Hol-. lot VI. 11. barrel with J-.iU. lot U'l and t .n. J buabt'.a af Poult t, ont-tbiri at S : aa Kya in tht grouud T. K. BtlTt. Marsh '79. PHI VATIC SxVfiE VALUABLE FARM, Itait " In Krasi'la T jwa.hta. autdae Vila's Pa ..nt ran South a.-i hi tjij liturar, au laa I'ubllt K...I ro I ta.dl a to - raa g. haa.J V to t laa.lt o Ja.Mli W alltr, Aarua alalia asd tlhart, toUt.ialua 100. iC RES. - f'aitT atabl isi i.ni eia.ril, aa.lae gooi Itaa aad U a t.1 atal vl Cumtat, la 1 tt.iaara ail ilm -eied tutmi, lliosarv a.d gtl'at t i hfiual, earavart ara. lad a good TWj VEtLL(3 ItOVSE,. ' ttl UtK UAKM aad all a-eaaiy ait t kulldlaaa, a aou.1 tail ! aav.r (ali a wa.ni. Ba r I a d r e. aa.t,' lallta auwaai al mI,., ibrouah ia i.ia. tsew.aa( t tur waienna it I. tua ait aad u.. tear. A laaa aula its laill sou rill eg ilti irtm aatt- . ta.ic . two oBCJKiinn ; j ai l-kosta frajl, ia a hibta taaydttaaa t -J ramle sm . la. n ajto'i. 1 - . ed. tad s.iita aa kvt aa 1 . this aaSieaalt teuawrlt- - , . lot bartiae panaia i - - . f ' - wmmwM 1 e4 bww 4 U...i..,4 IDah ilUt .-. i UT k-,e I , -mar, oj Via c'VJie- - ' - a. 1 arly aaoaar,