rn L . r . i tie r osi. Mjddleburg, April, 10, 13719, -- - -".- - J ; ! i. CRO'JSE, Edlor & Proprclor.. I - 1 " " 1 i To the Hepublicau in Cgrjifruss : evneu mm. If tbe North is ' sectional, I lie Depth Mario it so. " i in ' ,Il$s cruol ' for tho bj!iJ Snth to ait down an no small nnd delicate man as !r Mentor. , I ' I n. Saturday lust was a bi I day fir St raoinlior of Congress iut Inn than tbroo of thuiu hiving dud Vithia a few hours one m Viriuiit, on ia Tennossoe and oua iu II try lund. Now York could not Hot alonjr we t without a scandal, tha present nbject being Tuhuajje. tho noted preacher, who is charged with lying, deceit, and a doen other things. Schuyler Col fax has just closu.l au extensive, loctmo tour, nod carries bomo with bin) $10,000 as his net i profits. Lecturing pavs hotter than : politics, Bays tho smiling llr. Colfax, aud ia much more congenial. Jeff D.ivia dosiroa tho country to nndnratnn i that be waa no m no re- uponaiblo for tho rubellion than thou I eanda ol other ?outlifin in on. Woll, pprhapa not i thoro woro donbtluxa Mvcriil thousand who ou'bt to bnvo boeu banned, with Duvia. mt . a t i i if lutnuiiorm mo oKoioim .ih-.m,,,,.. ,t .... ,rivil iL . State, whoBodovontly thankod Go I j that the Confederatea bad capturei the C.ipitol, ia accusud of huvinif Stolen from 62,000 to !f :l,000 of tbo yellow fever funda aont from the North, and to buvo spout it gittnb- ,iDe- The Poinocratic In idura at Wash ington oiiyht to Bend a apeciul com mittee to iMisniriaippi to reason with the editor of the Okolona Soutfurn Htntti. The editor in question ia not playing "good boy," and tilks right out tho sentiments which bis political friends are trying to conceal for policy's sake. The Ilarriaburg 'leUyrayh baa been interviewing the eouatora aud members to ascertain thoi r prefer cnoos as to TrcBidential enndidutea. It appears that there aro VI sena tors and 32 ruomhers in favor of Orant, with 4 aonutora and 10 mom bora for Hlaino. Tho balance favor other mon. Among tho Dumocrata there are 3 senators and 20 mom bora for Tildon. Senator Jackson ou bo- log interrogated said : "I bnve a preference, but won't commit rnvsolf jet i a follow might bo sent to the national convention I' Holland, tho Cli.ambersburg bank robber, lately enme noar to escaping from the Kastern 1'onitentiary. II u bribod the turn -key and obtained communication with his wifo, wb ) is ia I'hiUdelpLia. Numerous boxes wore passed in to him at diflforont times. iSnapicion was excited in Bomo way and bis soil was searched, revealing ropes, hooka, a bank book, showing bim to havo a considerable Bam of money deposited in Now York, and his whole plan of esoapo was writton out in sympathetic ink, by means of which they were able to tell just bow he iutoudod to oscupo. The President has at length found a Minister to the Gorman Court, iu the person of Audrew D White, ."resident of dirndl University in tbo State of Now York. He is a man of letters rather than a politi cian, and the selection is generally oommmended. Ho was one of Pres ident Grant's Commissioner on tho ban Domingo question. He bus vuiuiuKu ii'initiuu, a? I i l . i been a member of the Senate of tbelPT h"d a"J .otlhe" werf n'' oii. v vi, . i i. land the court bouso at Nu walk, deleonte frn. Hint. ln l Ur l the Cincinnati convention of 147U. Tbe President again sustains bis re putation for good appointments iu this case. Most people will agree with the Ilarribburg Patriot whim it says : "As was guncrally iMilieved wonld bo the result, tbe testimony ia tbe breach of promiso suit against Kx Senator Ca noron has proved con clusivoly that Mrs. Oliver is a black mailer aud perjuror of the most mis erable and detestable type. The unanimous opinion of ntioiorous ox perts and others lesves no diubt that tbe letters on which the claim of promise of marriage ia bused, are but poorly executed forgeries, and if Mrs. Oliver ia not coiibigtitij to the peuitentiary f ir the execution of them sha will nut gut bur j iot do strts. " Senator Cbandlur, as Chairman of tbe Uepublicaa .Slate Committee of Miobigau has Usued au 1 drt ss to the voters of that Stats which beurs tbe marks of Lis stalwsrt Ucpubli canism. After denouncing tbe alii aoce between tbo democrats and Ureenbackers, and citing the present revival ia busiaos as the ruult of tha snceessful resumption policy of tbs ltupablican party, be says : The Republican party redeems its pledges to tha people, stands by its colors, tukos no tep backward, of fers Do apologios, 01 tea its record of unsurpassed excellence as a guarsn Im of its future course. 80 long ss ' 1m ersdit of tbo ooantrr 1b meuaced. ' its Utegrity questioned, its citizens 1bIs4 aqaal political rights, its au - ihoritt raaocoMMfaUy defiod 1 so long BM tM MacaUoa or the peoplo 1 titmii tb ballot box tsmpored r or frtiedoui of speech deui '; ' . i) tsj portion of the country, wiUtba IUpablioaa party ' and patriotic duty to will eofltiBM to ask ' 'i rv t 9t tbo par 1 lB4ttJ Tombstones for Soldiers. IL is probably irenorully roraorrv I w-. , 1 tl.nl mrtr i n An is in 1 7 'I Ctitiirrei pi ml. n Itw iiroviliniT Tr tho erection of dnrablo hoad stonos ovor tbo graves of e'ddu rs of lliu rptf'llur and volilutnt-r furors of the Uitittid States wlioen liMiminx are intone 1 in tho National Military Cemeteries. I Lit l.i.v I.'.h boon rar riod o'.'.t, nn 1 tLi-t (raYt8 of the N i tion's k' v in those cemeteries me now poriu uucntty marked. At the instance of tho tt'ur l)eparlmeot. (jonrona bait recently anlli'iri.e 1 tho Meetion of similar hraditofie over tho pjravtis of tho Union sol dies who arohurriod in privnto mid village conictorioB. This will bo dono ns Bj.ni na tho nc',0MRiry ar-nwKoriii-iita ran be made. In the meantime the (Jdartonnastor Uenor ftl, nt Washington, will nt onco pro reed to collnct the necessary iufor imitinn aa to whore these headstones aro required. All persons havinr an? knowlo Ij'o of tho bnrinl places of aoidiera in priviito cmnctorios whoso graves are not marked, oro re'tuestnd to com mnnieatn tho fact to the tjilaitor master (Jonernl, nnd Hive regiment, company, and date of doslh of do ceased, if known. Similar inform ti on iadeairvd from purlioa in cbargo of audi conioloi ica. (f conrao it ia not intendod to fiirniHh unudatont'i for pravns over which tnonumcnta havo already benn t-rcctcd by relatives or frieuda of iba ducvaacd. The Tobacco Tax. Thoro baa boon cmai lorabln anxi hit m uin;w tuu ii'A.ui nio nun w fHuu;, . TlB a3 ftmonJ(J , uk,j3 0iXout n. n... ..m.. Tho t.ix on in innfarluro l tln',co an.1 until! ia fixed at sixteen cuata a pound. Kvery pack.ige of cigarotti must be htampod. Tbo rates of tax on cigara. che roots and cirgaretts aro un -h in'd I. Tbo registiMliou of cigar m ikors ia not required. Coupon cigar stamps are aot adopted. I'igar mannfacturera may leavo their namoa off of caution notices if thoy desire to do ho. Tobacco and biiuIT manufacturers must continuo to print tboir uamos on caution notices. Tonnramit cigar manufactories are not prohibited. Bonded export cigar manufactor ies are not authorized. Kxport tobacco bonded worobous is aro not osUb'ish'iJ. Leaf tob icco may be sold by li censed poraona to pors.ma Hint are licensed in quantities loss than an l?rii":'1 P? I 'f, "Hw wor.Ii it is again lawful to Bull loaf tobacco at rotail. Several fatal cases, of death by lightning have already occurred, Boomingly indicating that tho at mospbero is surcharged with elec tricity. A young mail named Henry Fink, formerly of Hariisburg, was milieu ou i ruuy at uosuon, in nana, nut. 'M I ii a d.iiiiu i-,'-ui!i ri, miirn north of Decatur, Illinois, a wagon containing a man named Robeson, his two daughters and Mrs. Jones Nye, was struck by lightning, in stantly killing Hobesou aud his daughter Kate, a rod sixteen years, and throwing Mra. Nyo to tho ground in an unconseious condition. 1'robubly a dozju canes have already occurred. Tho telegraph reports Gres in all directions. Seneca, Illinois, sufler ed sovore'y on Saturday 1 the Fair field block at Madison, WiKCousin, was burnt ou .1 11 nni are ionnl an naarir coiniiiine in iiiem- the same day and,,,, , ,0 ably a du q.ie-tin. twenty persons injured ; the Tre iiiout youse at Clareinont, N. II., hurt on Saturday and live persons "10. WM '0 burnt. Kansas conn's on a quarter of a million immigrants this year. A fire in Rnadinff last Monday night destroyed live frame bousss. , . -ii i -i i onuuiur umrru.i i u.iu.. u Cameron mansion in W auhingtun. A ISeiks county shoemaker bas a 1 lapstone that has boon in use over oue bundled years. A father was on tho bench ns judge, and bis son at the bar as prisoner, iu a Cleveland court. At Key West, Florida, are thirty six cigar factoi ins. in which are em ployed about '2,0(10 bands. The total amount of lumber that will be sent from Clonrlbild region is estimated at lu6,!C'J,0.0 feet. Tho town of Hristol, It. I, is pre paring to culubrut'i in the f ill the -UUth anniversary of its sultlumeut. One single mayor in a Texas city gets $2") pur ynar, and no one asks bim what he spoudi tbe money for TboChiuebe encyclopedia, publish ed at l'ekin, contains iifty tliousuud numcB aud costs if 7, SOU -per copy. The jury in tbe Oliver -Cumoron ease, on 1'ueaday of last week, brought ia a verdict for tbe defend ant. A grave digger buried a man earned Ii utton, and brought in tbe following bill to bis widow i "To making one liutton bole lis 5. Ad eight-year-old gill in Tilts burg, who was born blind, bus Fu eenlly bad ber sight restored by tbe treatment of physicians. Paring a beuvy thunder storm lust week the Homsn t'stbobo convent in Cario, 111., was struck by lightning sod bnrned U tbe ground. - Osorg Boyder, of Fort WaytJ Indiana, waa walking la bis sleep aad ih mistakao for a barglar by lU aisttyr. Bit Uat bint wii "-S, It ia ' rim: at iiiiLtu:Liiii4. 77ie Lot Etllmatel ft $1100,000 One Mitix Ktlh.it ami Sivtinit InjnrciL rtm.ADKM'im, April 7, The lira Unit bt.m ut tho corner of lln'o mid Crown atrutta nt an uly hour jchtorday inuiniiii; nt tn;Uid no b-aa tlinn thirty-t h r e o luiildi'ii mid coioplettly dt'Btrnyrd auvoiituoii, nod Urn lnaa will not fall much nbort of SiMU.OJil. 'J bo wind that blow llorct'y for an hour and a half nftor the fno bejpin rratcrday iiDrtiing hi ctned to aid the Ibuuca in their dt)!i ih'tivo pnrpoaca, for whon tho bluxo b id icii'jtiuJ to tlio south aide of J toco tttct. nnd bad devour ed tho most Vnluublu propi rty there, tho wind turned it toward tho lichly atoi4 buildina on tho north-neHt corner of fourth and Itacoand drove it toward richer booty There were acveral accidonta.but only one result ed fatally. Tho can ho of the Cre ro tnaina a mystery. Tho lofiaea, by the best information which could be ob tained in tho burly-burlcy and con fusion of VRKlorduy, aro eBtiuintod at about o.OOO. "Hrevior," "Jon IVimor." "Small Pica," and "I'ic i," aro tho n lines of the four cbildron of tho editor of tbo Ilawkiuaville (Teuu.) Dipntch. Since paper napkina woro intro duced by a manufacturing firm in Wisconsin, a year ago, ona lioatou firm ulouo baa sold 25.1,0 10 of thorn. Last year I'hil i lolphin b id 713 fires. 3"i(i of which ero due to care lessnusi on tho p u t of bousoholdiira, to defective iiues. The aggregate ago of 227 persons i who have din I in lliltimoro sincj ; J.an 1st, is 17.H15 years an average of about 78. Uuo womin was 109 years old. A dispatch from Fort Scott, Kan sas, says that on Tuesday last Kill Howard, a negro, who cruelly out raged a twelve-year-old daughter of Coorgo I'oud near that pluco, was taken from tho jail by an armed mob of several hundred, nil 1 bung to a lamp post. Afterwrrd tbo bjdy was burned iu the public square A cull has been issued by tho friends of Tempnraiico in I'eaiiHyl- vibijii iu. m k'vitiu vtiivuii,iij, i yj u assembled at Harrisbnrg on Tbura- .1... 1 I.'-:. 4 .....I.) 1,1 1 nr. I. t... i mmy, ijilll --aiill UIHI oll, 1870. MoiiHiires aro to be consider ed for the restriction of the liqaor trulUo and tho euuetmout of prohibi tory laws. Tim Linnnr Mutit for March jnt iaaiird, will delight all who apprti-i tlo thr highral claaj of liter itiirt. i'liink uf il, IUS elrgauily ptinlr.l piaa, all for lo c-ania, or fl.oo s je.ir .' Vn rinj arliclr. "Chapter! uu HuciaCt n, ' ft oni utipiihliabail ninuai-rii i( lia I at a Juhn Mnarl Mill, lacrria'uily tht nbl.'it writ ing which haa recanlly apir- l or lit it ti'pic. A. I'roclor'a uriinla on ",W id iiftl Soinuatnhilliain" will mirict h ull tho- who are eurioua and Ihnaa in ereait l In aciouoo, Thnni'ta lluithra (jit-ana rn lortuining akct.;li of ibr o'ind funona hit nrnrly fnrgoiien W m, 1'ohnolt, Bun .my l'riccf l'roiea.ora lllnnkie J.-hb ftii l W.ir l 11 1 I1 ' able arlicira a.'citl lii'rran I i clcjUra and aiutl'in ut' tht iU-ir mi l hinoiy. Fraarr-TyiltT cuninh'iiia a tu lle povin, "Cuiileo'tneiit " that I" -ina l.i fit llie r, niiida fit iht pi. at itlaa we'll AIititiioii UUclt'a 'r'i Mi Anc -- of i; l.i.rlo l.auih." AvKHictt liuii Ki. ciMNiiK, ruliliHlii'ra( Net Voik ; noi l oa !y lijr tui'in direct. Modern Socialism. Tl ia not grnprally knnwn lint ilia Nla John Htuiirl Millf perhnp. Ih a'llrat of modern writrra on pulnieil atd anritl .l.-iiee, commence I In the yi.ir IS'.ll n book on Horialiam, -whirh, if il bad been onnipli'ioda would probably have barn recoiiniied a. Ilia srnMuH of hi. work.. Mannarrlpt rbaplera of lbs ' incnin 1,-le work hare rrcinily lietn bronglil lo liglil, now tiiont prominent in the pulilio ihoiinhi, thai ft Loudon Keview and slau Tint I.I utiti Ma(Iazi.n if N , w Votk nr puh liihiiid Ibeni, They art Announced tn a p. ptar in book form oa April 'J.'iih, pub iiahed hy iht Amsuican II00K EXcsaNiis, Ni-w York, Tbs price, pom paid, in clulb, will bt 0 etnie, r in paper '2') ctntt. It It a work which all iluJenltol polilieal and aocinl tnpioa, and til tn ligbltued oitiztua( will ho glad la read. Cyclopedia Of Literature. . llal ofth celebrated author wbnae j u, ai wri,iu(, ir, rpreaniel in vol- Um 3 of tbe new Acme edition of Cuts. bkh t Cyia.oi'si uf r.Mai.ini hiTKHArrea. jutl received, It eiirl'iinly very aurnoliro lo any perton of flue liiernry itala, rot . I'eun, Hazier, Hunyan, Lucke, Nowtou. Urowne, Unit, Walton, lrydn. Temple, r.relyn. I'epya, Buller, Adiia ina, Harift, Hope, Kaniaay, fibber. Hi eel, Ui-rklry. Id toe. and liulinbroke, fcre few of lb brillitni ttar wlnob hritihiea lha 4 U paget. "It will bring slndneea lo many acbelnr'l heart." ay the TlSKa. of I'bil delpbia, "lo And ihftt thia trully a lmir ahle work hat beta broulit within the rang of ah illow pocketa." Kiglil tuub vuliimtt, beauiifully printed, and ale gantly bounl in elmb, lur only Hibi.or by ibt tingle volume fur Id ttnn, pott, paid, it certainly s msrvtl of obtapnem, and tbould aatabln'i an tnviabla reputa linn for Ibt pubtiabert. If il cau sol uiakt ihi'ir furluu. Aire i ly the rep.irt s .alt tf stirl v'tio.ooo vjlumtt. It ought lo bt in tvery library nnd home In Ibt Und. Ilpieiiaon piigee and full particuiwrt In variuu aiylr of binding, leru.t lo club, tie., will he etui fret on requeet by Ibt rubliaktrt, Ibt Asiiicas Uiius Kivuaxu. b& Ueekman rtal, Ntw York. Tht work it tuld only lo tubacribera direct, and Ibe prettnt wonderfully low rstet art offered uuly lo aarly purcbatert. eaBBftaaBawaawaBBWaBwBBaavaaavaBan DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. PTMIE oo-purtnership heretofore ox 1 lD4 betwaan Haoiiea H. I'eaaler and .lauiea W . Npecht ol admxlMir, aui'lar l)uH Ha., traillna ualar IN Uriat nam ol ralor a. MMal.t haa i till day baa a .IimuIxI liy urniual auu.aui. 'lb bu.lni-aa will continual at tka oMiand by Jaioa W. Suaalil Iwko will Mill alt acouuslt kajluagli-s t' tk old nrm. IlKI'llKM H Kr.SMLKB, J. W SI'MOHT, Adtejtkurg, April , Mi. . WASHINGTON HOUSE ! lllcIlluIurf- l'n.. JOHN L I M II E It T, Proprietor. Tbahv Bwpslsr lloul kat koet reltted 4 refurslekad IB U tot etyls. lit central toMUoa M oklai tor feualnaat ' is lUntos l O .art and til a ) it SaMdMsiff . Ta l 1 e " Ifca Iwal Is Ikeaiar. d Us ias I ML L CANDIDATE tlARDI Jltl inter tto Recorder. r.DITOR fn T I At tha tlna la an. protohlnf mia wilt h ellf A iipaa lo fUoi ui'thl pt-mnii la nil ill olho of Hogimrr lUconlir. anil li li enr duir Id prlaot ourjliMt nri, you will tbsrefjr plcitut minoinca lb Dm of 8. II. Hchnak hi a H'llmblai rioB la Bit Mll nflio, bt ha lirtn irlril anil lm Uronrd hm btto to wll ,iitlilii-bcil far bit frompturit id nltfn ling lit h i buin. n I ha ht proVr bia irlf It be hnfl. sober nai lo. ihiiirioiit. ant tit tivfj wty qimliflot! to fill tht oflico of lilnb ht hat ft thorough kDnwIr Uo. 9 that no furihrr rnnmmn dn'inn I ticMrjr lit n.-eH Iba ijrmpaihy oflliepirlr. ha hi bcra uoruttuiinla ilirniiith Picknr tO'l lotj iu Hint b l in nr4 of bc'p. Irt nt nominal our Tingeit men, and nt Dill bt turt of tut ctsi. )" hi Attjrnfy. Famxn rnr : W would cM tht ". linn ni i ho H'HiliMon rrl. tn Iht furl. Dial Iht nt nomination lor 1 1 IU riot Altornm hnoa-tlT and rKiitiullv btlnn lu II. A I.I.K- MAN. Ii'l. roiouM Mr. Allamao roralr tht the nnminall'in, wklh wo ara oonirlont ho will, I'y lin lnm niajorltr. our rarty will than hava rn IU tlnkat, a Kap'ibnoaa who has nror lllnrhd. l.wjr ol null lt. an. I a. Ileman of annwn nmrnl ehar.-kntr. Mr. Alia mun an lilftrlrt Atmrnof wni b an honor to Uit patty and ft er,Uil to Iba county. HarrnLiCA, OLD ANOnJErwrLTEr vaa.Mvvaia. a Da. BAKFOItD'B LUT.R lalOORATOIl Jia a StuuJard Family Rcmcily for ! jhneasosof tlioLirrr, Stomach aSpJ rnnu ixiweia. it ia I'urelT 31 jV'ctjf tililn. It never ?Ui 1). ltiilra-Lri ia r wasiiiiu uu una . (Tonio. f6e -.tfO.an o J'5 ' HA6 5 . ' a V ill rl I J c V ae. SV ? O' d .Th'S Liver!, luvitroratori lias burn trued J my practlcj ; and by the public, for more than 85 venrn.2 with nnprccPiU'irtcd rctnlU. SEND FOR CIRCULAR. JS. T.W. SAJ1F0HD, M.D., KvJ?2J5VT,J J ity taiauiKT tix tkil lot- it aiririioi. J liOTHK'JCiv, XI PHYSICIAN L SUSCC3N. li 1 ii-burg, P11 lif'ar Ira rir'i'aatai, , .arvh ti lot'it el'l? ! f MM lltLur ai.. rloinlt). A,r. .1, ll-'J. AlllilOX,"M N'otitV- f.t thr mitllrf nf tlif nt'tte i.f win Smith. ' In :!(. 'fit of Cm lll'lll I 'I' ll J f;';',l l- n'tr timiif'i. ! fl'ie uuderalh ' I .til,r ar-pjlnt" I tyv t the ''nurl ul IVIi T-rm. In di-irititita the fund in ll.n hnii.li of Un.i l Gi-i-a ai I Knnnia ft.ll'h A l.nri of the 'Inlo tt tivlu I'ntlin. -I?i'd. will meal fnril.e pur. I'oaa nf hit appointment nt lb oRire of T I. ftnllh, Ka at Midd abiiitf nn UU IMY, Apr Iph. 1S7! at 10 Jilnok a.m. ! at which lima and plxce all I Mnim in. tere.iad ie rnjiiriiad la t rent 111 Iheir olaiine pripeily tutbenlieilod II. 11. OniH. Mrrb 1. s;9. Auditor, Notico in I'artitioa. The Comthnnfenlth of I'enmylua uit, drift in ij : Ti .Taeah S.Hmilh Henry H Hmlill Samuel Huillh, Jau ti S riinit,s Mary Interm .rrla l witii Kr.!erlk lllnKam.n, iia-IUnj In Huylar emu ty oanrK. S. riinlth, I rem. litis at 1 lin ..p.nntiimi. Juniata ., An. i nt intorinirrieii ttn .1, ll, lia.iKhertr. now 'Sei.-na.ed loll lu aurvlr l.rr a huiand and i iiir eniiiiran. vu S.alon H. liauuhariv. am. , I 'n M li.lirlv Merll M, llxumi. rly a I ol wliuia ar minora ami have for tha.r n.r. lliu Hv. I,. W. t'ra Winer, reldin at I.ao. anon, Cft , J.eoti B Hmltii t.n alindli.ur. leaving laruaaaten etillilren, vie t leramlati 11. Minllii. rcahllnir at l.)kaa, liauphan i ., I'a., Jii,h I'. Mnltli. rr.uliiig at Mantiahn l.nn i;;ur,.. v..vA::. ,s,r:srr,r:.,j:i:!? I'll. P. aoiM P H ulita. Mrv ll'. . i.r Ana Kllta. Iiitirin.iriatl nt. ni.vi i k .ji.. ID1 iB PI H Br7 a h ii a si .w if h o m aswTv j u u L .a i flnar . , a .4 m una i.e.. mmm SVc' o (OF r y i r'r u.fl V M'J : ' MIBR PL !IJ h-m m ai in mum m fvl HH VI n fnfi; ol':,T Bf n m b'A C, ; t nflAKrcHME7. mmm m U ill A '.-1 II L v lioa t K intarmarrlnl wltb (ia..ra Npaolil! "nydar County. Penn',., having ptn srant all reapllng In Hndar l.'uunty, Pi iirylmnl., : t'l to ibt utilerlKiied, all pamona knowing famue. .-inlth, now al,o ilenaaaail wnj left 10 i tl'tmaalv Inilehted to aald atai ar rUt turvlvn una a wl'luw Klliabeiu Miultli an. I n. a 1 td l mak Iminxllal payroant. whll tUoa. ehll. Iran, vu : l.nulra luiarmarrli il with Hoi. niuiiu hoouia raalolna at nrleoul. Juniat. l'n.. Pa., Agnaa Inleruurrlal with liiulel Knour. r.'iUing at ninnury, I'a., Harali In lariutrrlad Ml b cbarla Ultoi.all Mary intar. m irrie.l uh Hanry ll.iohmo. (I ra Smith yiur iiltlonr, all rld.. In Suyilar t'oaiity. PiDU., halra and lanal reprei.ntallv! I Hanry and .Mary HoiUli, I t' nl tk Horuugn ol Mlilillviiiir, suy lor eu ibty, dn-al, Yuu t l.aruh, noitnal ll.n by virtu id ft writ of I nnj i It i.iu lu. uui nl th Dri hio'l I uuriof Miylai emiiity , and lo in illrcwie.l thai an In uaai will b h .1 at Ilia Ut r-i-Ut ni'uf Hi ai,l Mary rimitu d.-ta., In tk lluiiiueb ol Ml till burn. on ha ui.l.y May l.tli A, ll l-Iu, at iu u',: lurk A, M. lo mak paril lion ur vauiailnn nl lb Ileal r-alal .. m u it. .l. Wbu and whi-r tou may atlaud if you iiilnk proper. . II, HOf.KN IIKI, Sheriff. Bliarlfl't iiffli-a. Mlddleburg, Jaue 27, lt;u. Notico in Partition. Vht Commonwealth, of I'cnntytua nin, tJrr.etiiKj : To Jmt S. Hmtih, Samuel Smith, Hanry S. Hailib. Mary Intarmarrl I wlib prwiarlek llinsaman, all rtnl.llng In Hnyilar ai.uoly, l'a ilenre s. eujltl., rarl.llng at I houipioi town. J unlit Oa., fa, Ainotla In trmairid wllb J. H l)ull-riy wbo la now 4w.ail but I'll lu lurvir lii-r It DaugU. rty, bar buabaod, anil ibre ehihlreu vu I Fioaliin H. llaUKberty, Mlliuu H liaugberty, IK rile M Haoifbariy, who ar niluura and bav lor tbalr iioar.llan Hv. U. W. Craw mar, ul l.aban. n, Pa., Saiou-I hrullb bo Ii lao n-M am tan t .urvlra nioi a lj, l-.ll. aabatb rlwUb, ralilli.s at Sunbury, Pa., and n clilloie.., em l.oulaa Intcriuarrla.l with Moluuun Knouaa real.lma at Oilauul. Juniata i)., Pa., Asnea tow lulanuarrlwl with H Kuou r l llaj at Sunbury, Pa , Mary Inivr. w.rrka.l wlik llaory Saabuan, Narak Inter, uiarriad wllb t.'harUa U tcball. aadtleirat W, Hiullh your ptlilour, all rcldlns In Saydtr ; Pi., b.lra ai.d legal r).r. eulatlrei of pbillpMuiitu lata af lha Uorough f Mludit. uurn, iMaail. Vou r hereby notlflad that by virion of a writ uf laiiulaliioa laaued eat of IktO.phan'a t;ur of Hiiydareannly I and to ma dlr tied i ilial an lanuaal will b bald at lb lata real lane of ib aald Philip riDalih, iIhiih.1, la ib Uoriaeh af Mbidlebarg, Nsyder enuniy, Pa , on Halurdar, Hay ITib, A. - ll. UIS, tt In 'luk A. ). U mak parmioaor valualius of lb Haal l.ttalt ol tal l deoeaaad. Wbaa sad arkere e sue stund If ikiuk prepae, 1 AOLKNIIKH, Shtfln" BbarllTt OStt, MlddUkurg, Mm. , Aiiigne NobM in Bankruptcy. NOTIUK la tunrb firm that tbs dare-4 haw ow.s s4 JbaweUf llai4 Aa- In y of tWr mtmmm, ti ( I - VP,. Assignee Notice. A I'Tj poraons intoieated are bore- XVbynntmad thai Abraham Kmo,i.f Mid illcr lw , hnyilar I'n., maifa n aflfnmont ol all bin rRauiv r,l and raonal to tha on- uarfiiinaii for inonanant oi run orpilllora. All par.iaa haTlna olalma ara ran,naiad to I'ranaet mem tottta aolarlna1. an.! tiamnni ImJabtod win tiaff ntii luiinfi'iia'r pii) rnani. 11L.XH i KK.'t'r., Watab 11,'Tt. Auinoa. Dr. Oherholher's Liniment, CAMPHOR MILK, In now hlrhlr rannminan'td and atianalralf uan lor iniaunintipin, r rat ,l F'al, Afh4, I'ulna", Sura', Mlnjn H wolllnx Sj.ralii, o It In l tlir nr. at at vaina In riulng Cull, Uall'. Etimliia and awallinir In h rai. It ana n-il-li y and vnraty. It at i Bt aonfhaa and rollaraa tlia nttn .lolnt. tha l.wnoa Muriloa :tni toe A hln Nerva. Tha m may win ba iialil b.c k to any una not iatlnd with II tf i rl. rrlra!aanl b-.iia it l. I'rair'l only by I.tI Oiiarhnlitar, M.T. and ..1.1 l.y .l.ihn A. M..l, !MI..ll"lur-, and Slia ooton a Uaibar, Ctiitrarlllo, I'a. I ho Phconlx Pectoral. Una protal liaalf In ba pacnlltrly adanltd tn nld paranna, conamiitivoa and ehlblron It braakii ft eold. It atna fooih. It al ia ax. praioratlon Itiilraa Inttant ralltf. li la .iranifih. It hrina rant. It haa mftdo mora aural than any othar motllidn. Thouaamla nf tha altlrana ol rtittrn P-nnay Irani haa uad It fur yaara paat and tt.tlfy Villi rallof lvn and onraa a.cf d. lrlin. u& iinnla ar k bull ll a for tl Pranarad by l.oal Oharhn ttar. M. tl. and ad'l by .Idbn A. Moat, Ml Mloi'Urf, ftndBIU ontnn lUri ar, t'ontrayill, i. Airii am, !;. i y I JOHN f. zkciiman; UNDERTAKER, Troxeh't'lle, HhiJiT count, Pa. t'nlartaklng In all Itl bliOoh'i r'implly at. ttmladto. Marob !,' 7. AsHiuco Notico. A I'll ix-rsons interested are here- Xl hynotiflad that Raniamln .1. Itanfar f ,lnriian T p Snfiler t'o-. niait an aalenmfit r all hli ette-i. real ami perannal lo tha nn. ilamluna-l I r tha t..nant"f Vl it. -Iluiri. All 4 purauna liavlnn elalma art riii-tea l.i preaent 2 tbatn to Ilia unilamiKnail anil aranna loletitd will tiita. uiaka iminaiM-tl paymtnt. W1LL.IA.U S. MiHM.KY. Marnb IT, 'TV. A-aiKiia. PUBLIC SALE ! THE iinderaiyned Attorney In farl for the l.eir and Ugn repreaenlalitea of Mamuel I'lricb, Itie nf Jnckaun lownahip, r!nydrr eoiiniy, I'a., deoeat d, will eX puaa lo I'ublio H-tle, on Ilia pre'iiio1, on faiur.iuy, A1ini ,h folD deacrihed I ainiftta ill Iba Townal aturday, April l'Jtb' 1879, two tract of land aiintta 111 Iba Township of Jiokeon. nuuiy and Kl.ile ntnrraaid, bounded and loioribed fnlluwa. In wit 137 ACRES, and C7 pcrcbea, boiiinled bv land ol Simon Kjcr, Julia Kutiki I, Levi Ueater, other Un l nf di-radnnl and Fennt I'reek. hm.l Mn tl'HM li K til uiiil.F faune and in ft hi nil mate of cultivation. (he hnlanoa well timbered with 0k, Wit. nut. Ash, Hickory mid Yllw fine : "btrtou art (reeled large Dul'ULS LOG HOUSE. n..VK BARS and mber ouihuil llns. loonte i wiibin lg milet of Kratiertille nnd Knour't nnd llenfer' Mill. Tht anil " ly 101m or me very boil qmuny to no iouiiu anywnereun tut ur.ukt ul lot I'eunaereek, ALi 4-1 ACRES, and f'l perckva. auitiii a afores iH nnd itdjoinins lh tibote d.'aciihrd Irnot ; Itimuded by luu-U of Jaa .l C I'lrlrh. Jneh Lrply, IVnnaoieak and above lroi ; hImuI 'Jo A( I:LM CLKAT., is Sou l alar uf otiUiv.itinu stid uii'ler frond lri- the baUiic wall linibiired with Oiik. Aah. II ick aud Yellow pine. Dm the flrM dtsciibcd Iruol tbore II ft thriving 0!lC HARD, it ehi't fruit. Huh iriai. are welt walarad cmvi uienl lo Mnikal, Mill., t'hnroiiea, ,S-.iliuii'a and nro tho m.n ih-airihle prupertie l itely i.ff.acd lor au'.e til 1 till e.iuniy, Tliea' Iriolt will bt m 1 appurutiiy or logollier lo tsuit pur- chaaert fnte to ermmence si lo eV.lnek A. M. nf iid iluy wh.s due tilteadan will he giveu aud Itriua of aale made kuu-o Sivtcri. m. rt.mrH. Marob 81, 179. Ailorn.y in fact A nMIMSTRNTOU'.S NOTIPR. . it I attari of arlmlolatratlnfton thtnatattol J. r. HulluaKl. Ut of lloAvertiiw, Snv lar e-iunty, ra, d'-e'd have liaaa era'.ted to ttie ni.ilerai!iai. All rri aa knowing tl.reilva liiUchteil tn eM ealat will pie.p make lm-im-iltle payment whll mna kavlnir eluluia ai,liiat aald atat will present tham for iilllr nient lo WuSI .S ll'fl 11 T. Murehtn, '7t. Admli.ttrator. Administrator No'lce. Letters of aituilnl'iratlnn on tht aftata ol .1 lm l.anlu-. itauM, lai of t.'hnpinan lo nrnlp, Hoy. ,lr ilntin.e. Cnm. ii.i'ln. .t..)..! I lo the umloraluned. all in raona kiiivlm thara lva Imlelitad lo tald eaiatr ar rnneitei to mak Iraineiliata liayriient, while thou havl ir clnlina will pr itllemnt lo rlnlioa will preitnt tU.ui duly ftutbentlcftled for rATHAtONK I.KVKI AilmlnlalralrU. t ab. VT. a dministratoh-s NoncE-Let XVir of ftdinlnlatratlon en tha aatat of Nli'lmlaa Mlnum. itoraara.l. let ol Prry twn blii nlulm will preaant tbain duly aulhotl. eattd lor lettlauent lu lA10 O. MIMI'M. fab. IS, 'T9. AdulnUlrar Aitditor'rt Notico. Tho underilgued b avlng bras appointed Andilor by Iba Court of Couirnoo I'lent of Snyder county, lo dielributt Iht balanoa in Iht band of leeaa llilgrr, Ailgnt of Holier J, IHugaman, lo snd among! thnte enliiled lo tht aame. hereby glvet nolloe lhal he will meet for lha purpoaa of bit sppoinlmenl si the olHatnfT. J. fluiilk eq- in ibt Uorough nf Middlehurg, on rri lay lha lttb day cf April next, st 9 o'clock A. M of taid dtp, when and wbtrt ihott iuttrttitd may alitud if they think eroptr. 8AUCCL ALLEMA1V. Mar. ISlb, '79. Audller. YOB WILL BE SORRY -o f yon replace lhal nld Pimp wltb taw ass ud do uut Brtl earefully eiautlue lha Buckeye Force Pump, Tb P)ei:kaye I lha vary Uataat lropnvmnl In I'umpt, ll la eonalruoiad wllb sir-vhaiulHira whleb make il v.rr a.y to l,ral. line oaa ! aitanbaS lu lb lluoaay Pump, aud water ran ba Ibruwn apon any biilldlag la eee of Si. You ran watr vnar Harden and Yard, Weak Wluduwt, Wftak Buaslaa, tsd have , FIRE ENGINE ever ready en ynnr own pramlaot ftl no niort totl Ibaa au ordiaary puuip. II Cannot Freeze lo told weelhar. lluralile havoad t dtiihl. "The very pump Hie deep well. Tu work log part r liatbar auelloii and rtlvet wllblu a porn lata lined ebiabr. Nulhlug la daaay sboul It. ' ! ; Iron Turblnt Wind Engine I lien great Imprevtietn! Is WlaS Engines, fall aaal tka pauiipt Is eparallon, mt fur parluulara ftOUraa W, 0, BIATTOM, Oal.ll,Tsl.""" --aMSTW '' ' 1 "i 1 1 "" 'ji- ' TwWTo4 r- r-a -f "- 1 ' a ' .v - . ( , MACHINE IN Sales of 1878 over Sales chines. A Three-fold Incraaia I WASTB NO MONET Olt ISFBalOR COUTBRFBITS. FR1CG3 OF TUB QBSOIXH 0R8ATLT RBO0C.D. AH Former Years Outdone. 356,432 Gmi fcr Mm llMl Sill 1313, 73.620 MORE THAN IN AUT PKEVI0U3 TSAR. NIMJCIAL NOTICE. Many abuses havs rroirn en ! nndur the old svstem of stilling sewing machines through "Mid Jlomoa, whose cupidity lias ollcn led to mistepresoutation an 1 fraud. For tbo protection of tbo public and ourselves we have ahiinhnt.l iMt trhole fterturfou syntcm. TA e havo direct!; through our 01vi ttldnet rtrcnt.1, whom we are ubioo Qootrol. We can thus civo to cceri uuroham-r of a (hmiiinn Sitiffur Sewin? Mk. chine tho guaranty of a company of sold by a 'Hinger1' ageut is exactly The diflWonco bet wo on such a cnarauty. ami tho irunrranty of an irre. sponsible, hungry cunvassur, whom ninl may never see aguin, is too marked to mpine comment. We Wtirrmil Every The Sinper Comnsnv bava establiiihod nil ofRde in UliSIffl D It I'd SI'OKK, .Si;,NS(,H)VK, I'a. Machiues will bo Bold oil the instal Imei.t plan at reduced pi ices. March 27, '10 dm. WEST JERSEY MARL AND TRANSPORTATION .C03IIMMY. IMPOI1TANT TO enw prvparaS I .la liver tkla Jurtly relehre,l M irl at leilnt elun j t'. .-. k I, It R. i . tun. . analyata or iu-. pounutulthl Man tukee Ir. m u l.-ru. alia. et tn.. th fjtof iu bank, mad by llura H. Cook, Si.le (laologtrl ol Krw Jtfwf, ebvwt at Icllowa I I'HnatHnnie Acu, til if-ir A. -IP, PriTeM, l.iwi , lUA.iajXMA, It Ih. 4 a.. It., t f I Ibt. 1 I!' IL I. ::.I0 .ha. Tb Wot lry Warl l'nrapny have Ihelr an. i inoruuBu 1 wiieeo, at ii,y l iv.:ge leeniaeifef lu tapnii atari tot al lo tat aaapi aeal- vead. I ll Varl I aSaei.! I all claeaet efai.ll irom la.maraaDii irarewian 01 in roiartnoi.i PERMANENT lie ennal lineal id I'kuaehorle Ald and Poick a lore rankr It al ee tktrkaapatl atd ktl tl ru'iiu-i ". and f value 10 th laraiar uf oval (I p. r butl.tl r H r t 'urlkr lafurnailua, St., will be gl. f Sept. 12, '78. II III III llllll I I I III II III I Ladiss Coats. Tad iks l adies Coats are in Ever and in Snider S. WEIS' Selinsgrove, there are stacks of them there, which in qual it and cheapness cannot he equaled. , )IE8 UNDERWEAR a' ' ' L. ' ' '. i fcTOOtt oil cim t . i i . . s ! Everbjj4r is lavitsd trwtmm1 - a -;-..,. . mK, awl-j' jV.. e. -J. I aM yTi! -1 ' THE MARKET byigiin of 1370, 213539 Mi. aboliched tlie "luiddluman and sell '25 yara standing, that any inuobius what it is re!iesnted. the pnrchaacr baa never seen befure ill:.e!.litc Sold by 119. SELINSQUOVE, PA. FAIlMETtH.'-Vi sra 'trvioi Pe-ri.a,er laos VI a ran. t in Ik. lT i-! let. 1 1-lDIMi lot " ih! Telnl Mnrl eul fr"m tbt Inp l Ik kotleai ml tk. had. S ereen, and saa)trt leatlaotlall eas k ahtwt wurta al FERTILIZER J. LIU) I !K, Arft.. Middle burr. MOSJ.S SPECHT, Agt., Uearertowa. III Hill Mill! I IlltfUII Ladies Coats. coats. - great demand at present. county can be supplied if ' I 'r-t V 1 " k ! ' a ' a ' . f I 1' 1 t rt to call and tzi t!i3 fall f : Ue mr , w J r y1l jts as luw ss 15