The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, April 03, 1879, Image 2

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iluron one year,
ilf. column, one tfaT,
mic-fimrth column, on, year,
Op,, gnnar (10 lines)! insertion
vfrr snuiuinmt inncriiuil,
professional and Dnslne cords of
not more than Mi n, per yc Ar,
Acditor, Executor, Administrator
ml Assignee Notices,
r.iitirls.1 notices per litte.
All sdvttHecmcnU fhr a shorter pe-
riml than no yww Are payable At the
lime they are nrdeTed, and it not rM.l
the person ordering them will ue nld
leave The Fort.
fati1 lh Fort for I am eoming 1" .
Tbit baa Ws ibe try loo long
Wtwtilrt sow pat oa our arm ir.
AM ( ' o mt ins wronf.
j iht fttbU Snd lbs aor.a.
gilll let waiia i strum iaa aaiaid,
i kotiront an4 valiant nMitr
Lows is Bgm in opra in.
Vvt lbs fort, hows' tr ssturety -
in us miiair lowcm t Bias.
flints. Wbots naiuro srsvs lbs ianligiil,
Ctasnt ropr In lbs tksits I
to iho tonl of aobls Impiils.
Bltb a nrm ana nmnlr port.
Boldly msrahtt forth I hlil ;
Droiutr, smor, i.iavi tub ion ;
Tbtrs rs svlls pl sndnrl
Thtrs sro Tioiorlrs Is h c -n1
Uvs Iho Port, hor allurint.
Tbtro s so lire to ct iiiinl.
fl oar furs hs (grsirs ;
Vsiy, dnngrr. lot ut sourl,
Tbm our lift will ho progrvrrivs.
Droiutr, siairr, Liavs tms Foat
All ilont ths lias of aeilon
Ltl ibis BBTTrfa WATcuwoaa ring.
Sonroinf pri, erood nj fiilua,
Lujitl only to oar King
"No mss's in, but Oo sail oouolry'n,
Hooml. 4n4 f good rpTi "
tl as wslh s in tho dnjrlifhl.'
BroiLors, sittsrs, Lbavs fl Four
lift Ocraii,
H e 1 o e t T u t
$UEPr oavio.
The followin? atorr, extracted
from an old woi k, nt tied "A Yun-
kee Among the Nulli lers.' purports
.?...! o ...i.1 .
man :
"The, as I said before, ar i
apt to be too cute for in e er
thiug except borsoflosli, and even
aeiPetimee in that. It was thin day
three years a0 and on this ve y
pot that I entered m linrne South -
ro for a pnrse of two tboanod d .M0.1 compassion uijjo
lrsi W hfi.l woti u Wit a. lint tvi
yoars before with all ouxe. lu hi '
be was the best horse at that time iu
all Carolina. Thorn were, to be
snie, two otbor b rses fta I very fioo
ones, too, entered agaiuiit bim t b
they were no touch to HouthroK
nd t was as sure of winuing as I
am of sitting bore this luotueut.
wlien who should con-e along but a
Yankee with a tin etrt. tie had the
shubbiest, worst looking horwe tha
you ever set yo i eyes on. e .r
lean, slab-Hided, cross-leg:..
rough hairedvuilkandauiolamee j
ored nun of a (juii as ever went w
four !egs. 11 stood all tho timo
if he were anleep in fact his owue
cilled bim Sleepy David, lu s'.ort,
sir, be was sue!) a norse as wouiJ
tint have brought twenty dollars.
"It was near tuu h mr of starling.
when tuo ueddler. whose oxloiioi
cunetipoude I luarvelonxly with that
of the hoists end who said his name
wss Zadoo Duknr, to the as niwli-
fttc nt of all, iutimated a winh to eu-
tvr bis horse aloog with the rent.
"i oar noise l etclaiiuKd I 'Wba
Itlmt sleenvlookiuK devil. . thure f
You'd belter enter him for tho turky
"Nofa yon know on, mister,' ro
tnroed the Yankee with some show
of spirit. .. 'To be sure the critter
looks rather sleepy as he st.iuds, aud
on that aocoat I c 'I hi in Sleepy Du
rid i -bat he's a jo-fired smart horse
lor all that Ile a like a sieved cat
i daraod sight better than he looks
I should -like tarnation well to try
niin agaiuat some of your Curoliua
Wees. To be sure I didn't come
all the way from home on purpose I
it aa I was coming out this way
itu a load of tiu and other notions,
thought I might time it so as to
ill two birds with one) stone i for.
Woks I to myself, if I can wia the
arse and Doddle off my notions at
ibe same tiao, I can make a plagttey
Wd spec - Hot I bad to hurry on
tike t'ie nation to get here in season;
ad that is one reason my boss looks
n kind of shabby aud out of kiltor
Ibis morniug. tut for all that, be 'II
perform like a day's work, I can tell
roo.' .
"Supposing bo bad no idoa or
looing bis horse, and that all be
id was merely to crratify bis vanity
lot talking, I bade bim be gone and
ot trouble as with bis a a xaa
s palaver.
why, mister,' says be, 'this is a
country aid a mat has a ngut
talk or let it alooe, j rat as be can
Vlford. Now, I have taken a great
ileal of pains to get here id time i i
)rder to ran 81eepy David a jaiust
nan of your Boutborn horses. I
fin't jokiogi 1'oj in earnest. I uuder
Und that there is a pnrse of two
l jn i r i i l
insa l(l aouarst naa x auuiiui nan
asinirty to pick It op,'
"Yon talk of picking op a pnrse
two tboaaaod dollars wltu that
of carrion of yours I Awsy with
on, and ( don't trouble us an f ur
hs-.' 1 " 1
"well, if I can t ran, then I spose
cu'i 1 1 bat it s darned bard, any
w. for a man to take so muou
ins aa I have to coma to the races
ad thsa can't be allowed to ran
I It'e too lete now. - By f rales
A. ' eearee the borse sLOii 4 have
sb entered yesterday i I owever,
f you plank the ea'jraiwe t money
,oo may get io yet.'
I -I eaU this bv way of getting rid
f tie fallow having no idea that I
sli er rti Jttrtb pr f t
r - 1
VOL. 16.
land a few ponce in copper. "Il tt
am t more n a quarter of a dollar or
o I'll plank it on the nuil.'
"It two hndrJ dollars.'
"Two hundred dollars.' exclaimed
the Yankee, 'by (Tolly, v. hat a prioe I
Why, they sled ue only a quarter
of a dollar to aee the elephant and
the whole caravan in New York
Two handred dollar I Why you
mint be. joking now. Bins me I
my whole load of tin ware, bo,
wairon and all. wouldn't fetch that.
(But, irieter don't you think that I
coiiM pot fa for ten dollar
"Nothing less than two hundred,
and that insist bo pud within tlio
short space of five tuiuutei.' .
We now thought we bad got rid
of the follow, but he roturoud again
to the charge and linked if fifty dol
lars would not (I t. thou evonty-uvo
then one hundred t 1 tludtug that
be oould make a bargain for lose
than the regular sum ho engaged to
do it provided be co Id Hud auyouo
to Ion ii hiiu the money, for which !
offered to pawn h'a wagon load of
potions, and leopy David to boot,
he asked one, tl eu another to aocom
modulo him wil'i tho loan, declaring
that as Roon as he took the purea
the Doaey ehould be returned sad
be would give ten tin whistles iuto
the bargain, lie however, got more
eursas than coppers, until eouie wag
who had plenty of cash, and liked
to soe tho sport go ou. lout biiu J?-'00
out f sheer malice. Though, aa j
if afterwards turned out ho had more .
mouey about bim, aud wus merely j
playing the possum all tho while. . i ; 4.. I ..
. U"X4 ". tc' w?" " " .
.saddle, Here alio ho was accom-
niodnted j nu l taking Sleepy David
fioiu tho tin cart he scrumblod upou
his buck and took hia station on tiie
comae. You uoter eaw a follow Hits)
awkwardly in j oar lifo Everybody
said ho would fall buforu ho I at
f,oue a huudrod yardi, uud some out
d him to witu-
''Mot bv a durued siuht,' said he.
'Why do you think I'm such a tarual
fool to pay the two hundred uud
then not run chun :m artor all '
' Others who wautod to euo the
sport, even if it should oost some
biokon boucs, encouraged him to
proed, saying, a they laugbod
aloud, that they had uo doubt he
would carry the pi io.
"That'e what 1 iulmu lo do,' id
he. "1 ain't couie hT for nothing,
cao toll you. Wake up Slopy
vid, and look about yuii lo"
udHt have your eyes loday
it's uo timo to bo enooziu' now, whe.:
thuru is money ut stake.'
"iho lurnj. us it he nn -lerstoo t
hat his master was saying. opuud
nis eyes ; pricked up his eai'H, and
actually showed soma signs of life.
"The siguul waa now givuu to
start. Away sprung Southron with
tho speed of lightuiug, uud away
sprang tho other rioothron horses,
leaving Sldipy David far iu ihe rear
and the peddler Vergiug fro.U side
to sido u.i if just roa.iy to at'op oil
1'be borso went piwiu- aloug with
his tail clinging cloae tj his hauuoh-
. ..... . ...I. ,
es, ana tl is nose biiiea eiiaiguii uui
bofore hue i and yon never saw so
queer a figure cut by man und horse
as this singular pair made.
Hut they Improve! us tney pro-
ceeded i the peddler sat more jooky
like, and the horse eviduutly gained
upon the others Lnt it wonld not
do lie came in half a mile behind
Southoru, aud a little lods belaud
the others.
It was now thought the Yankee
had cot enough of the race aud
would withdraw before another race
Contray to ull expectation, be per
severed, and even offered to bet a
thousand dollars oa tbe t Issuo of the
'The fellow's a fool ' said one.
"Ue don't know which side bis
bread is buttered,' said auother, t
he would n't risk any more mouey.'
"lie's safe enough,, there,' said a
third, 'for he hasn't any to risk.'
"Here, however, everybody was
mistaken again for the peddler haul
ed out another greasy pocket-book
and planked down a thousand dol
lars. It was covered of oourse. liitt
I confess I now began to fool stag
gered, and to suspect that after ull
the Yankee was more knave than
fool. I had no fears, however, for
the parse. Sontborn was not a bore
to be distanced la one. day, especial
ly by such a miserable-looking devil
as Sleepy David.
"The second heat was now com
menced and if ever I felt coulideut
iu the entire superiority of my borse
Soothorn, that confide ice was
strengthened as I eaw bim coming
in ahead of the rest. I considered
the parse now as my owu property
la imagination I ' bad grouped it,
and was about patting it safely in
my pocket, when lo, aud behold the
peddler's horse, which was behind
all the rest ahot suddenly forward as
if the devil kicked bint on the- end,
and straightening bis neck like a
orane, Won the beat by a throat latoh.
Everybody wa astonished.
'That borse most be the devil
himself.' said one, 'At least be
bos the devil to back bim,' saiJ aa
other. 'I was sure be would play some
Yankee trick,' said a thirds .
Suob Was the obssrvatlons" Ibat
pessnd Irons mouth U mouth, ...
a "ankes ia the ' meantime,
,JTrd to ulauk another thousand
doll trot nobody' woeM takeep
the bet. Au4 it vee well they didn't
If w
bnt even came ia a full qAartxr of 4
mile ahead of Southron LimsMf.
"The e, fey gnuly 1' said tho Yan
kee, as ho dismounted. "Ill take
that tbar little purse if you please,
and totbor cool thousand 1 I knew
well enough that your Southern
horses couldn't hold a candle to
Sleepy David.'
Soms National HisUfy.
The Editor.
"What ferocious looking animal is
this '
"That Is so Hitor.'1
"Imleod 1 Are thi' very danger
ous ? '
"dimetitnes. When cirnrrcd up
they liavs been known lu bo quite
mhaliva, and sgiiu they havo Ix en
known t go tlirnugli a cixivcuienl
bick window. Oouttrally they are
tiidd and pa-ivo
"When are they the must dsngor
om t"
"When intrulitd upon y a book
ngeot who wiiiit a frty line local
lor a seventy Hvs cont book, or by a
port with veisos about gentle ppriu."
"Are eJit'irs tr nt each o'her V
"Only whon separate I by several
blocks of h iiljiuiis "
'D.j i h y oiten h ive fearful com
bats with etch other ?"
'Oi'casionslly when they go out in
opp'oi'o il r 'ciion an I cimo Upm
each otln-r by ui'eiieiit.''
"Are editors ever cowliidil .'"
1 SoiuoUtues the s null oa.-a are,
hat iho big oj.'s vim Very rurly mlui
"D cdit irs oit ?"
"i'iiey do. It wis form -rly s ip
p. d thai they nlo only nt long in
tervals, um upuii rare eeoa-i "in. htl'
it is now well iiu'lK-ntiuutel I hit tlnv
eat a ; deal when tliey cm gut it.1
'-What kind of fooJ do they like
uio-t V.
"They ar not very particular.
W'tiilo thoy won't re I mo qusi? un
tonal, l'riel crulis. or ronsi turkey
about Cbi'iMnms time, they have h-i ii
known In insko a hearty repust oil
dt?h of cold turnips and a cm
sumptiv lii'iring."
"Omu they rut concei t tiekcts ?"
'We believe oot. Some poplo
liuvejimel litis ermaeoiis ioju-is-si-ie,lrou
lula les'ihin I is dry Id--,
but u i sutheoi iejtod lustutice el such
a thing is mi ri-eorl.
"Do edilois lice into shows ?"
"Tonvdi woeil tliHk- iiiv 1 iil!r
ami s hall 1 ic.d lor
a tweu'y-u e!.i t
lick, t"'
"Arc all cdilor-i buld, lika tbi"
! "No ; only the married one nrB
bild. li'il lot ii pas on ; the t-dilot
dues not like to lu siured ui.
Dimensions of Heavtn.
M'Hiii Curious Ft':iii'en abmit Pam
And he ui' OBiired tho city with
iheree,!. tweli'4 tboasand l'urloiii4.
The length, un I breid'h, uud tho
lieL'lit oi it are pqaat. U-v. xxi. (i.
Twelve th nisiind t'ni lo-e.-ei, 7.9-IU,-
Old fo't. Which being cubed,
71d.0'JS. Mi.nj t.o J J,iJ' e ib e rjet.
liulfol this we will reserve lor the
t lnone of U j.I an 1 the omit of heav-
fn, ami lull the halaiico lor streets,
Ij.viiii a remainder of 12M9S.272.-
OilO.OOU.O M.OUO cubic feet. Divi le
ili in by v HUH. tho i-uhieal feet lu a
ronui sixteeu feet square, sml tlit'rv
will be 8;,8; l,2td.75i,UUU'0UU ro uiu.
Wo will now suppose the w.nll sl
w.iys did snd always will contuiu 90,
00 J 000 iiihubituuts, und that a gen.
erjtion la-es 331 years, mkiug in ull
1 9G0.0Jll.0J9 every century, nn.l
I hi'. thit worll will staml 10,
000 rear, or 1.00) centuries, inak-
inu in till 'i.OTO.OOO.OOO.OOJ iohub
itanis. Then suppose there werojuue
huiiilred wrl ls equal to this in
number of inhabitants and d-irstiou
of ysnrs, making u total of 297,0.10,
000.0'JO.OOO persons, snd there
would he more than - oho hundred
renins six) eea feet square, lor each
Human Lucifer Match.
Lighting gas with the finger is a
foat anybody may pe form, bet a
person, in his slippers, walk briskly
over a wooleu carpo scuflieg bis
feet thereon, or sta d up.) J a .chair
with its legs upou four tumblers to
insulate it, and be there tabbed up
and down o.the body a few times
with amofF, by asov-nd i idivid a',
and be will '"ht bis as by simply
placing bis finger to the tubo. 7t ;s
only necessa to take t'ie precaution
not to touch ' anybody, duriug tho
trial of the experiment. The stock
of el rioity acquired by the process
we have desoribed is discharged by
contact with another object Oae
person must turn on , the gus while
tho other tires it.
i. u.-i-n i
"Sound,'' a'd the ououl uiastor,
"is What you hear. For lutiaae,
yuii (Jandi't feel a sound. "Oh' yes
vou eun," said a smart boy, "Jehu
Wilson,'' retorted the ' pedtgii(iie,
"bow do ynu m ike that out 1 Whsi
sound Oat yea feej 1" "A euoi
brushing," quikly replied theuiart
buy, "0'rrvo,'' said Ihe school
waiter. Cane up." Add that smart
bey fell end smarted.
1 - 'tWt tll me Mister,' ea'd an tf
fee led lover la bis package of sweet-
"-1" 7 . t V n s
nees, "give aae some eweet eoondine;,
The Prayer of St Patrick.
The following Interesting extract
iu Irish, with the Knglish transla
tion, was found among tiro papers
of a distinguished minister of the
t'reabytoi'i n church i
"The oldobt piece of writing in tho
sweet Irish tongue is cnlled 'St.
I'atrick's armory, or breast plats."
It is a prayer or hyinu, written
wheu fet. 1'utrick ns going to This
to preach pefoie the king uud no
bles of Irclcdjaud at that time
II the great peuplo iu Ireland were
'iibs, lo greatly feared thut lis
ould bo killed at i'ara. Hour the
prayer of Ht. I'eUicK :
"At Tare, t (lay, tl e strength of
Qod pilot mo the power of Ood
prestrve me vcveoftiod wait!'
over ino the r of llod liea,
tho Woid of (io I give mo bve -talk
the baud of Ood defend mo
the way of bod guide uie. drift
bo witli tuu Christ before iue
Christ rfter mo Christ in ino
Christ under mo Chi int over me
Christ on my right hand Christ tu
my left baud Christ ou this side
Chiist on tl at sido Cluist at ny '
bank Christ iu tho heart of every
pel son to whom 1 speak Chi ist iu
the mouth of eve-y pel sou who speaks
to mo Christ iu tho eye of every
person who looks upou iue Christ
iu tho ear of every person who hears
me I'm i a t j day'
A Letter (or Murphy.
A little freckle-faced tuu years-old I
school lioy Htoppeil ut tho post-of
lice in Columbia, tho other day and
ytlleit out :
" for uuy of tho Vav
phys ?'
"No, thcro is not.'
"An) thi g for Juno Murphy?'
"Anv lug for Auu Murphy V
"No. '
"Anything for Tom Murphy .'
"No, sir. uot a bit.'
"Auythiug for T. ry Muiphy ?'
No uot for I'ut Murp.iy, nor
Deiiris M hi I'll v, i ur i'e" Mitrnhr.
No? I'uni m .iiiiiy. nor ineiet Mur-
phy, no for uuy .Murphy, le,i,l. Jiv-
mg, unborn, native Oi foreign, civili-
;:ed or uncivilized, saviigeur b.irhar
ous, male or female, blank or white,
franchise)! or ilisfiaie-ln-iud, natural
ized or otherwise. No, sir, there is
positively nothing for any of thu
Mm pliyn, cither individiiiilly, jointly
or hevt-mllv, now and forever, one
and inseparable.'
The b iy looked nt tha postmaster
iu UHtonishmeiit uud said :
"I 'lease lo look it i here is any
thing for my teacher Clarunco Mai
phy.' 1
An Irish ui.ttrou etiteis a
ofli -.i : "Is this tiie place, sue, where
people get invoices f
"Yes, occasionally we engage iu
that kind of business What can we
do for yi.-ii, ruadaiu J"
"l-'aith. sur' I d loiko to get a di
von-e from me bnbtiatid l'atiiriek."
"What is tho mallet' with 'alrick,
madam V
"Sure I'athrick gits dhrunk, sur."
"Tha s bad Hut I hardly tliiuk
that iiloue will bo sullieieiit cause
Have von 110 oilier couipluiut ?"
"Indado I have, sur 1 I'athrick!
bates ino.'
"Yes, yes, I seo. That adds cru
c-lty to ditlukcntiess. Hut madam,
you do not seem fx suffer much by
your uppenranco from l'atrick's cru
elty. I tbink you must find 111
etro or reason before the Cou.t
will grant you a divo re,''
Well, sur, besides nil that, I fear.
sur. thut t'uthnck isn t thrua to me.
"Ah I now, madam, you begin '
talk busiuess. Wbut reason have
you for thiuUing that Patrick's uu
faithful to you t"
"Uell, sur, I may say that 1 s
meself that bus a stbrong suspici
that I'utlu io" is uot tho latiar of me
lust choild. '
Haw to Cook a Husband.
Tho lirst thing to be do-e is to
catch bim. Having done so, the
tuoi'e of cooking bim so as to make
a good dish is as follows 1 Many a
good husband is spoiled in tho cook
i . Sjine women keep them con
stautly iu hot wa r, while others
fioefo them with conjugal Coldness t
me smother them with hatred and
contention) and still others keep
.ein iu picklu ali their lives. These
women always rve them itb
-ngue sanoe. Now it is Dot to be
supposed that hltsbabds will be ten
der and ;ood if treated this way.
lint nro, 011 the coa rv. very ue
lieious when tuoauged as follows:
Get a large jar, called the jar of
care ul ness, (which all housewives
have ou hand), pl . your huebaud
io it aud Set bim near tho fire of
conjugal love let the tire be pretty
b. especi lly let it be o'.ear above
', let the ' beat be , onstaut cover
h'm over with aTuotiou t garnish
' with the epic's of pleasantry 1
aud if you add kis aud other con
f tlons let them be accompanied
with a sufllcient portion of secrecy,
mixed with prudeuee a id modera
tion. . -
A Frenchman oa baing tobi (liitt
a vonna lady bad iriven him the
"mitten,' iati 1 '"Me 60 oorapreod
vstybrtcsll bim. Ks nittteu Is e
iilove- mitout (he flngere she Ho
M" m " DUUn D "der-
keef me ge nitten i bat her fader
p ft f
PA., AWUL !),
Wise Sayings Front Don Quixote-
Mcrinty in a modest vVetn.n Is like
a fire or a sharp sword at n distance
neither dotli tho one burn nor the
other wound those that como not
loo close to them.
Keep your mouth shut and your
eyes open.
Tho absent feel and fear eory ill.
Self praise d rwiatts.
Tb dead to e bier, tho living
to good th-
All women, let them bo over ho
lioinelv, o pi ed lo heftr them-
selves ce'c'nate-l for their beauty
N inii . sud tnitflit rairaut nte
!ail)jeet luueh hunger mid ill luck,
l.ibeia'il v mav bo cariiud too far
' in those who have children to inbeiit
1 iro em,
V: t
' . 1
is more nei'aie.t uy iim
iiu beloved by tho libt
Ktcry ono is Iho soil of hi!) own
win 'h.
Money iu not for tl;o month of an
II! S.
No padlock, b.dts or bars can so
cure a muideu so well as her owu
Wit aud humor belong to mius
I 'Mio Tvilticst person in A couiuily
I is lie who plnvs tho fod.
There is no look so kid thut some
ood may not be found iu it.
We are all us tto 1 n a j ih, und
o" ' iivs a Rreat ile I wor
Let a heu live, though it bo
A pip.
We cannot all be Mars, ntul va
I lions.', o the pallia by which tj!
to d
c" c good t i ln-avi- .
t'ovetoii-iiiess bilista the l '.
It is y to un leitlo, but rcre
dit'icult lo linish the thing. j
'I lilt ti! 'U is i(l illy lipplil'lblo to j
all, whoever is ignorant is:
I!y tho strcils "lvnn l bv" ivo nr
rivn ut tlio house of "Novi r "
lie! ween '. u "Ves ' und "No" of
A woman I wou'd not undertake to
t'-rnst tlio point of a pin.
l'u Voce uud hIiuHI.i tho card.
A soldier had better smell gun-
pow.ier tliun inns .
I Other teen's , ins aro easily bom.
A bad cloak of iu covers u good
drink .
l'ray dovou'.iy aud bad sr or
When a thing is unco bogun it is
llliooht tillished.
Liy a bridge of silver for a Hy
ing enemy
1 he jest thut gives pa'u is nut, jest.
A Slow Train.
AVenro freqUi'utly tndobted If) on?
friend (Jolontl Yard, of tho M011-
! month 'Mcinoerat," for iiiiee.lot.-s
illustrative of tho character of the
peculiar people who bv.j iu New Jer
sey, lie seiida tiiii :
Jbe U0.1. i t tclla a good
ht ry of a stow railnei I iu tlie north-i-ru
p irt of t'ie State. 1 Io says he
weiittlieiu ouuning. un. I e line to a
shott line of rond ou whieh was run
a single, train tlio forward cud nf
which was partitioned oil' for bag
gnge. lie took bis dog ill til 1 ; u
wiiu him un.l put him under the seat.
Presently the conductor caiuo along,
uud ins -ted liiatthe dog should go
intothubuggi.,' 00m, which, after
soinn nlte t ailoii, was doto ; but here
the buggi:e master ''tidnia-idenfee of
lift)' cents, wuicli was de l ctl a-
a '-swindlfi'.'' a "pi -up J b." Iu
tw 1 tho con lee r and tho bag
gag master, a d soo er t ian piy
it bo would tio 11 dog to the train
uud lot lii-l "work I ' ; passage."
Tho nidurt "r assented, 11 ii.l the
dog was bitched the to li-ar of truiu. j uiau standing lv the side of u pale
I be dog, so T- s s, kept along : f.ijj l youth of blunder limine, b il l tj
asily m ith t' e tun but tlio con
dintor Icjsn ' get uneasy, ma dug
freipietit trips to the engineer, urg-i-
g hiiu to incre su liiu ipee 1 of the
train, uud back again 1 1 watch the
effect upon the dog. The litter be
gan to show signs or latigne, nut
after a while caught his "s.Cotid
wind," and Was keeping ui on its j
before. The conductor now or. lei e. I ,
tho engineer to heave ull the co il i-i-1
o the furnace ami stir up the tire, 1
which being done tho speo I pei-j
c ptibly increased. Tho conductor!
agaiu went to tho rear to ut serve
tho envoi, but the dog bad ittap
pnared, whereupon he tiiiiiitphaiitly
called T s attention to the
ft Tho latte.. lifter taking s
giauco nt the situation, qoietly
poiotcd to a crark In the tloor of the
car, "unit there, says ue, --was iue
log, comf ut ablv trotting nloU)i un
der tho car, and '.' th yrat
from one of the iu-'e boxee 1 r
pert Aid'jtiziHt,
Hith Priced.
A store was broken1 open one
night, bnt strange to say, nothing
was cunied otT. TPe proprietor was
making bis brag of it, at tha same
time expressing his em prise st los
ing nothbig. "Not at all surprising,"'
said bis uigbbor I "the robbers light
ed a latrip, didn't they t" "Yes,"
was the reply. "Well, ' Continued
the njighbor, "thuy found yonr
goods marked up so liigh that (hey
couldn't afford to takd them.
4uocq Viotoi io, it ia rd mored, bo's
eipresseil a strong wish to see Can
ads, and tho Priae 61 Wales ie eh.
toitnfffinflr her td tislt both (hat
euaotry and the United Statee.
NO. 4:1
Danger in a Sea) Skin Sacqje.
tt was a fearfully batterrd np citt
Nonces that raided into t'olieo 1 1 end
quarters tho other day aud demand
ed a warrant.
"Certainly." said the A . pick
ing up A blank. "What is the
suonudr(d'fi name, madnnof"
"It ftasii t A Uian i It was t!;ftt ng
ly. spiteful Uxuny, Mis. Mednll-y.
I ll have her bent's blood 1'
"You d hi t mean lo say that it
was A woman who batterad you up
in that fearful tuiuuier V
"HI tell yoi til! alnnt it. You
seo tho ili-igiinting eieitnr" lives
next to inn. And this in irnirtit I
wajM. p.,lisl,ing ..p o,.r cake has -
ket real silver, ler Honor when
wiml, aim ill. I l nee gnn: piiht tli
sind.iw bi't Mrs. Meiiuller. alnrtitift
out for a wslk til a sea! skin saek I'M
"Yets madam, bnt "
'I heideaof her in a seal tkin
h she run I'.ard'y pay her retit
I jest run to tho win-low to seo if it
was a Ren! skill or lint, and I lean 1
o t to look ."
"I insist, my good wo-ran '
"And I lea' lied and I learned
d tho first thing Iknuw I full clean
out on my hea I. '
'And that's w but injilrcd yon it",
t -is manner ?"
"KtaClly, fir. Now I want lo gi t
iier hi ii-hte t iuM nt Her lo I til for
ti n vcais, if you cm fix il that wav
Seal skin sack, indeed 1 '
Dot t' ., otl'.i'ial heartlessly refused
to in'erfere, an i tli fennlo wreck
walked oil", r .instiling herself with
tho telle. -lion tlmt il w.m iv,
and tiiat. at nil cveiitM. s'nc could cal
'all the clot In h-Iiiim tied to h.-rliiek
fence an I let down the .Mciuifey
liuen into tun dill.
Ocsolntiou of Palestine.
J In l'aler,liu,i y u arc nearly 11s
.nineli in tlx w.l b 1 ness as iu Aiiilii 1; '
j us to inhabitants, they a! e precisi-lv !
the things rtliu li do not exist, for all
I you can tell, exeeptiu tho towns uud I
I villages you puss through. You can
1 rido 0.1 day after day, and you risDi
over each liilt and sin!; into racli val-j
ley, and except an occasional solitary
ti.iv.h r with Ids servant uud his 1
.muleteer, or a Turkish nCeir with!
I his pnrly, rarely docs a moving ob
ject nppeitr upon tho
I N) cattle are ou tin Ian t, au I n 1
p- setigeis on tho highways. The
I loneliiiess strikes you ui.iru like that
j of tho desert, for il seems uncatura!,
I because here there should be life,
'and there is none. So ilnlliU 'S yo t 1
jinny in ike out at a distance 011 the I
! hillside it siiipM I'gure. 11 man on a'
idunkey. It is tho only uniu.r
tliing vo-i cm detect till ur mud j
I From Jel us tleni to lieyrout you cam
.scarcely light ou one single scene i f
rural iudnstry not one Miigle seen-.. 1
of 111. that cm bo conipared uuli
those on tie) i a'.) pastures fr mi the ;
I p nf Jabel el ."'ilf ir the wella of id
Mitch. 'I h-'le. iu places, tho imiiu
, ti y was full of people and chil lren, ;
.andt'ocks uud heiba a rejoicing
pie'uiii id pustoial i-r.isteuce 111 all;
Ms henltii ; tlii!e here, in the c .1111
;tiy of tillage, uu 1 tjans, und viilag
I es, the whole laud seems ti lio Un
der a spell.
Th Biggest not tho Bra est
It is the first Ivitthi th it tells the
courage of Iho soldier. M my think
before the b tttlo that tiotbii'g eft 11
frighten them. Yin-n it begins
they it c panic ti'iclcu, and run iu
disgrace. I'd I'liesta., of his loans
men at Danker Hill, u-ed to Ml a
l'oo., story of two of his soldiers in
that battle. A 1 u.'.i mi l p iwerful
the coiniado
"Man you hi 1 belter retire before
the light l.e.'iiis. Toil will laint
aay nhen tl'.o bullets begin to wlm
around y mr head "
Tlt pale stiipling replied :
"1 il ui't kuo.v bat I shall, as I
heard one, but I will rt:!j au.i
lie did st-iv
and was seen by Co!
dies'-r bating the biltln, calm und
(iim. loa guild tiling' with great
c lolness Hit the bmlv giant by
his sido mis missing, nud at the n -t
it ti t iv is found alive uud iiuh inued.
sect eleit under a haycock. Il'.iast
ful words and nioi nl conrago to face
any danger lately go together.
Tut Dirr
veil 1 'lit tho
-KM'K. "What rcr "e
ll.ihl T" said a ii' a iu
Nevada to a uew comer. "I d
into trouble by ill i"i) ing two wiv "
was the rt spoil to ,Wt,!l." sitid '.!
other, '' C line out heie liecallse I
oot into trouble by marrying tnly
one wife," "And I," Added a by
slander, "eamo here becauso 1 got
into tioniili. si n.ilv uy pro 111 1 mi
to insrrv one ''
Join (iv ho bad been lo .lie "club"
until J a. u "Mary, wasser cie
keeping ligl.'t for me, anyuv I"
Wary liecausi, Henry, ve-u Kuow
that rthllo tho lamp holds out to
burn, Iho vilest sinner nt iy return.
Jones kept butter hours for the next
week of two.
If the character f all nr Ttr ng
men stood as high ss their shu t col
lars, the Coininnnity wduKl present a
belter aspeot tbau it does Sjrn
tute Tinteti
Ii ni'sy be a very hard thing to' bs
Uiaxl by a lvorsity. but how much
harder to M tried by the Count
Pr.Mt'.Tied rvrry Thursdsr Evnv4
Tcrmi nf Sri1iTptwn,
TWO noi l.. PKR AN.VI'M. fay
nhlq villtiii niii-iili-. or M.JWifii'
paid h"n thi yrsr. No pftprtt ib
enrtiinicil until Ail AVmSrnjs are
paid unk-ss u' 'jiu Option of tlC p ili-
PuliM-rMioiisnnti'-idn rf lr conn'.v
, PA V tUl.t IN AI'VA.'i'K.
V9icrotis lifting snd 'icirc panori
Addressed rtli,-n lieeitiiesiilneribert
and sre liable I'orthe rice orthvfinpor
Saddle!4 and Hames
Ccntrevllo, Snyder County, Penrwt;
K-pnn bssil. mI nuk' lo ir-itr oil kls )
l 1 1 r Miillli-K, liriili, -VI, I),., 0-UrS
au.fci-. All w,,fh Hutriititiil tftr oris r
Mr -ill!f hni trlitl lo prut tlmt h
on-liriunlii ui tiu.4lnnii. Nu IV, -T4
il.'Mf St'l'iitll. $11 ('
AnK'ii ihn I tH'l t-niMr I r 'n 1 W
IT -
I o-
A l.0. tnt l iht K-otKHH- t I inn
.:, V--.tnt I Irn luuro
n 1 uiut.
! nr. i
not. a 'J tl.
'Vibrator" Tbrcsbcra
V :vi iMri;,. ki
A tnn Tlirckhrr :ti(;lne?
l;.ili.H, MICU. ,
-rrs'n !'l pt inlinlt 10 ihu
" '
. ... 1 "... 1 ... . 1,., .. I.i.n...
! t Ttnr-t'lra t'.sprrp-.
ol.liT ' Im'iK triil- tlio Srnn-
roT ' f.
-H.s.lUi '
MtttVI I.Ot rl frr Slliipll.
Iit nf I'nrl.
I . .. .M ..
J ...
. 11
1 1
.. IV.Mi lu 1. ...U,
QTr A II l'..rr Tlirrslinrs n Hprrl.lir.
01" tt t'nrlvnl".' Slpnm Thrp-tii-r
.... . w. . .. I, 1 i, n.... 1 i -.. Iw.
1 -tiilr., Ut '.uli,riiti M . ,1.
I". Tlioroncli
ni tonSnalilp, F:".ni
1 ;
. a-.itn in., m s.iH 1 itti(
1. 1 Vt ti e-. "('.it,li USlllUarf lrbaih.i4.
7 It rrtrtfrnlnr rnll nn onr Drnlrra
ill. : . H .! 1 ' I ; . .i. L - ue
JAMKS WlU.Slvt. Agent.
MuliaiiUiiit 1, 8n ler Co., I'a;
Tr ilu. .-(v I,.il-t,.n folio Tt
.MIN I.IN'K-lVfcSl WAItl.
I'ltl'lmruli Ktr4 I Ml ml
I iu I.i.r-. i . IS.
W it CA-'aotft-r lu t J a. 111.
.1 ml 4 0. p. IB.
f-l I.lnft SWi. in,
f '.ST'.VAIta,
I't.l ),!. .1, In l-,.rn 1.' 3'i a. m,
I ei I s.r r I-1 . 111.
I "nt in'1 U '-4
M.I t 1 1 r in,
t l4t.t e K.ri 4 p. u
T t ' n -. 'X l' 1 . Ps'l'
I1 K .pry.. w.,.1. 1 1 ina l..oiiu 4uj Atlatilta
:vt.r-. ai..i nin l;
wy irtiin lova U float la Mlfllncouulf
at i .
..'A HI,
p. .
4 IJ
4 ID
1 It
4 .7
f 11
IIA. I I10
1 ai-i..B
'li a ii-.l
I N. II .. mi It .10
a. '11.
1 1 ,vi
1j 17
il 14
1 1 .11
Il 4J
I.I i
lu U
10 a
10 si
I 1 14
1 J IJ
t a
a 1;
i Ji
4 I'
Hio I'nol.H f::,rt ..! c l La -!s.v
M.-y-.. 1 11 1 '! t. in. aollli AiUuils
pf.'l . 4l nl 1 .A p. U).
iQv:,,,"K n ,"CNr'1-11-
Countv Hurvoyor
Kratzervltlc, Sny.lcr County Pcnn'a
j aiirTtyinj auJ I'onvryanciny rromplty
hiiJ nkilit-i.y ail.-ti l.'-l A alurn if
i ibc f'lit.'iM )u'rtei ti2e e..ociiJ.
July J'.ih. :, j-..
1'nr . (.r uf ClTtllir
S50 l.r.l'a ll.ll'l I hi
ii. ttirr'i vill Infiiotlf ra
ll.Tianl .nlv fur. l.'alar
p.-. Itnrj ttail, I . Wa i.
I'-rj., k 'o . A iror.t. N. Y : Nnl-
llnwaa. k . M-IUMHi,
K ll,.lc. -.1. I....', l'lln- in...
tr.n i v .mo. roc , uu
Impr u. 1 I mt.r. . . ",i.i ara-
i.rrn. r.l-.n ruinn
p ial.irt. Il j'I in, Matt.
- - rrr
I t. lancrat anal Ih-M tMI.lV
e la lite
It I. tiar--r OiM n.,-r't 0 wn r4 1'.
t.i4 J . 1 t.....J w.ia M l .""I ai.
llitl,u a. II t it t jr auw..l .T.
IK M ,-l Ih. f IWw i.jt fvi., ku.l a"ii r " is
lLii--r wuh a ij o I..-r as la .l aa-kl..
f. T. I. .i.Knr!f plit.ul ou f'..
al,.l. pj r tlo.ucli .tf r.i Of, ISal m.
it l. l, avn If a Ul.t. a
CnJ "( t-J l l I " j " ,
Ti. M.a I. t .-a l. va vim-l . s f'i
rlv.a all t' w.O. fa.i ..m. m4 Umh-m.,
f.Ufl4l. III l.l.-'t IO .- fl'O ..! ah.u-vr H M-nci and it 4 .
-u.MjaaoMi.t without wMSi-a, a'tl at
a... in l - ...l, ta-t J O-,- I '.lu;i, .
tfcul - lll I
It u In
rrilwl tr astaa-
14 iu.,, alt 1 oa-t l -
r4- .ut Ilia A.i.t i-al t-l-.'
ban t..aa l
u i.i.'a-i-
t.Mtatv. Ii. l"i., ato Ihltlliat
- . 'I
iu MirfctS rrt-arta rcSltaWco a.,a ail
IU 4. ,it...ful. ... lull. VI U IU tSS
K.m.,4 ai-i-l rt..i.-'alt.. .
V a tra aa rarwaai . ImitiS
ar Blutaaisra .u-Tl.a l-., t .aat
a t a,.-i.aaui aacvt atA-
1-k.a. pa.UMa On mui ata ." I atay
... ". i , ii aw --"i '
mil i,n ItarWHI ta arut
:Va al iata AaaMtt,
aia r. -'-o-
V.. a. v,r. isllt arises
I trH otti , anas,
; mI iktu l axaiir. a
! ia aMt -w4 a-.a
l . viBnAToa'
'il'r, ;.lif'-Ti'i'. lirnii'-iiviitu, l-m4
1 ., . .i.i
I I.., . t .i I'.v.i., r I .-'I
r -...I.., ,..( .... t . , ... v.
arty fSBaoa, a