X.dvettttttg Hate i. column one year, JW.OH )n Wlf, column, on ffAY, om lo.oo r. r,,nnn nimran,mw ycnr. anUArf li tines) i insertion j r.. aihlitiortAl insertion. , Bo - ,. n i- .1 ... PfMoioiml nnd niisincAs cards or ninr thnn 5 lints, ncr veAr. 5.00 10 Auditor, Executor, Administrator .iinl notices per litwt. 15 All Aovr-rlisernrnta for a shortr pe riod thnn one tat are piiVAblo At the dm I"" r ocred, f "t rAM ih person ordering thm will oe neld raepoiMible for the mcnev. Poetry Leave The Fori. BV A. VAB BVKB. ' rtM lli For fo' I Am mln !' Tbia bAi Wn lb try loo Ion W Wi pal our arm ir, And (i) fnnk 10 tse)l th wrnnf l tht fwbl tnJ Ibt coward, fllll Ik wall aad trthrtnikM ttlUtll, Dai kaetront Hixl vsllant aoUior ,' .' , Love 10 Dgoi io op-a an i. leave Ih Fort, b'r curetv -All Hi mil Mr Iflwen tn4e. ritntt. whoit ntur grave lb tanllgul, Ckvonl prosper in tb hi to ih wl of ttoblo Impale. Hi Ik A firm And muni port. Boldly maroli forth I battle ; Uroiuer, liner, biara th wit Vbr r vll past nlnrl t. I Tlitr Art vteiorie lo he ( n1 Year th Fori, howe'er Allurinf , Tbere ao ilege lo b eimainej. Let tor w for b rr.aiv Oa'y, dn(rr. lei u toui-i, Tbea our life will he progrev-ttv. Droiber, tinier, Liav th Foar Mil lon th line of eiion Let ibi aarTAB watchword rlnr. jBnroin( prljf, creed and faniua, LojtAl only lo oar King No aiaa'a ma, but Oo l and oouolr'n, HobvM, ab4 f coJ rtpoTi Xl ua walk A in Ih daylitbl.' tift Omrn. H o 1 o t T it 1 . SUEPr OAVID. Tlio following atory, extracted rom an old woi k, nt tied "A Yun- tetlie uthorby South Car rii'1"11 . M ho wmi .:,, . I niodiilsd i at) I tukuiu sleep, Villi) "Tbo Yankee, ns T said befure, ar i ipt to be too cute for v ia e er -liiuff except borauflosh, and evon wiretiinoa iu that. It waa thin iliy ;liree years ao and on this tb y ipot that I entered m horse Soutb era for a pnrae of two thou nod d U titrs. He had won u likt mini two ears before with all onse. Id hi ia waa tho best horse at (hat time iu ill Caroliiiii, Tlioin ero, to bu mie, two other h rses aa I very fioo men, too, entered auixt him i b iliey were do touch to Southron idJ I was as sure of winuing is I nu of aitting bare tliis moment, ivhtin who sliouUl aon-e aloii but h Yunkoo with a tin out. He had the ibubhiest, wout looking horse til l tu ever set yoi eyes on. IU i lunn, sliib-Mido'l, oniss-lc;7..' I'jn'U haired,;uilkanduiijlaHse8 . urrnl sua of a Run as ever went w four .'ogs. yn stood all tb (i time bf he were asleep in f.ict hts owue killed biui Meepy D.ivi.l. Iu s'.orl, pir, he was audi a horse as would tot have brought twenty d-jll'iri. 'it wa ne.ir thu h ur of sturliii. 'lien tua peddlur, whose oxlonoi uriDHixnule lUArvulonxly with that It the horsn, aud who said his name has Z.idoo i;ukr, to the as' nish- tor nt of all, mtiiuated a wish to eu- iur his horse along with the rent. Mi our noise I exd.uunul 1 'Wha ilmt sleepvlookiur devil, there f ou'd better eutor hiio for tho turky UZiAfJ.' "Not'a yon know on, rnistor,' ro- hrnod the Yankee with eome show Jinirit 'To be aura the critter poka rather aluepy aa he st mda, aud rn mat aocoat I c 1 blm sleepy lit ili but he's a jo-firud smart horse r an tuut. lie a like a muged o it daraod aigbt better than he looks ibouhl .like iurualiou well to try iio against some of your Curolma lorsea. To be aura I didn t come 111 the way from home on purpose l lat aa I was coratuir out this way Vita a load of tiu and otuur notions. thought I misht time it ao as to ill two birds with ona stona t for. Links I to myself, if I cau wiu the larse and peddle off my notiona at m same Uiao, 1 ean mako a plagttey ooa spea. - Mot I bad to bnrry on i. 'Q oaiiuu to got uoro iu Bensuu, Bd that ia one reason my boss looks b kind of shabby and out of kilter m moroiug. Hut for all that, be 'II jonorm iiko a day a worn, i can leu pa.' . . "Sappoaloff ba bad no Idea of AtOQioj bia horse, and that all be r"t was merely to grainy ms vanity ft talking, 1 bade bini be gone aud ft trouble ns with bis d d ian palaver. Why, tuiator,' says be, 'tbia is a country aid a man baa a right V talk or let It alouev trst aa ha cau lord. Now, I bava takeu a great m! of pains to got here iii time i rdertoran Hleepy David a,'ftiuat Mas of your Houtborn horses. 1 in't jokiug, I'm in earnest. luudor na that there is a purse of two )onsa nl dollars, and I abonld like Qaziogly to pick it tip.' MYni I.IW if nlnblni nn & nitre v . "7'- t"-";ji "r- f" ' two thousand dollars with that Jo Of oarrioD of yours 1 Away PQ, and dn't iruubtq ua any with any fur- I Wn, tt oan't rnn, then I spoae Vt'i't i but it's darued hard, any P, for a man te t k so tuiiuh lias as X bava to ojmq to the races Vl than oan't ba allowsd lo run Wali.' pit's toe) lata dow, Dyf. rnlas ' oonrae tb boras sCo d bava ,n anUrad ye trday i I owevar, I ytt plank the eitVauot money may gt ia yst.' l said tb)a by ; way of Mttlng rid -b fallow bavlurf no idea tbat bn M oot-:r Mirth fwi vf the i rt-lraJ, f-t... t tVrtnoe VOL. 16. and a few ponc in copper. t tt ain't raore'n a quarter of a dollar or ao i ll plank it on the mitt.' "It's two bnndrfd dollars.' "Two hundred dollars.' erciairaod the Yankee, 'by golly, v. hat a price I Why, they axed me only a qtiot tor of a dollar to Bee the elephant and the whole caravan in New York Two hundred dollars. 1 Why you want be joking now. Dluss met my whole load of tin ware, ho, wncrnn ami vrnnl.lii't f.ilnh (hut lOut, ir isler don't you think that I couhi got in fr ten dollars ' "Nothing loss tlmu two bundroJ, and that must bo p.iid within tho short apace of five miuutel.' We now thought we bad got rid of the follow, but bo roturoud again to the charge and asked if fifty dol lars would not d . thou suvouty-iivu then one hundred t and tioJiug that he could mako a bargain f jr lss than the regular sum ho engagud to do it providud bn co 'Id Aud iiuyonu to loau him the money, for whicli be offtired to pawn IT i wagon load of potions, aud rluopy David to boot, be askod one, tl ou another to nccoin moilato him wil'i tho loan, dudaiing that as soon as he took tho pjrsj the moMy should be retnriiud ajj he would give ten tin whisllus into the bargain. He however, got more ourtcB than coppers, until some wag who had pluuty of canii, nud liked to see the sport go on. lout hiiu 9U(i out of shour malice. Though, as if afterward turned out he had more money about biiu. aud vus inuroly playing the possum all tho while. "Ills uoxt object was to borrow u ACConi- king eleepy David fiom tho tin cart he scnunblod npou his buck mid took his station on tlio course. Vou unver f:i a fellow sits awkwardly in your lifu Everybody said ho would fall boforo ho I ad f,one a buudrod yarJn, uud soiuo out of couipassiou urged him to witli draw. ''.Not by a darued sittht, said be. 'Why do you think I'm such a tarual fool to pay tho two hundred uud then Dot run chun :e artor alt V ' Ochuvs who wanted to seo the sport, even if it should oust some biokou banes, encouraged bim to proond, saying, as they laughed aloud, that they bad uo doubt be would carrv the pri.'j. "That's what 1 iiieuu to do,' Aid be. "1 uiu't coiue her for nothing. ' cat) tull you. Wake up Meepy vid, and look about you io" uiist lisvo your oyes op.-n loJ iy it's do tiiuu to bo suooiu' now, who.: there is money at stake. "1'ho lursj, us if he un lorstoo l .vhat his master wai saying, opuuvd ois eves t pricked up his ears, and actually showed soiu3 signs of life "The sigual was iiuV givou lo stmt Away snraug Southrou with the speed of liiihtuiug, uud away sprang tho other Southron horses, leaving Sloppy David far iu the rem and the peddler Verglllg Il-o:u Hide to fcide as if just ready to di'op oil The horso went p iwing along with Ills tail clinging eloso to Lis h umoh es, and his nose stuck striight out bofore bir. i and yon never saw o queer a figure cut by man aud horse as this singular pair made. Hut they improved ns they pro ceeded t tbo peddler sat mora jocky like, and the horse evidently gnued upon the others Dut it would not) do lie came in half a mile behind Southern, aud a little loss behiud the others. It was now thought tho Yankoj bad got enough of the race and would withdraw before anothor race Contray to all expectation, be pur severed, and even offered to bet a thousand dollars on the issue of the rare. 'The follows a fool ' said one. "He don't kuow which side hi bread is buttered,' said auother, Df ho wouldn't risk any more money.' "He's safe enough, there,' said a third, 'for be hasn't any to risk.' "Here, however, everybody was mistaken again for the peddler haul, ed out another greasy pocket-book and planked down a thousand dol lars. It was covered of course, liitt I confess I now began to fuel stag gered, and to suspect that after all the Vankoa was more knave than fool. I bad no fears, however, for the parse. Sonthoro was not a hoiVe to ba diatanod (u ona. day, especial ly by such a misurable-lookiug devil as Sleepy David. The second bent waa now ooui mencad I and if ever I felt ooutideut iu the eutire superiority of my horse Sonthorn, that oonllde mo was strengthened as I saw blm coining ia ahead of the rest. I considered the purse no aa my own property la iiuAjrinatiott I bad grasped it, ami waa about putting it ssfuly iu my pocket, when lo, and Oetiold the peddler's horso, which waa behind all th reittshot suddenly forwards if the devil kicked bim oa the wad, aud streighUuiog bis uuck lika a orane, won the beat bya turoAt-latoh. Kvei vbody wa astonished. ''i'hat boras must ba tha devil himself.' said Qu. 'At least be baa tha dovil to back bim,' said au other. "I was sura ba would play sows Yankee ti iuk,' said a third tfuoll was the observations' lual passsd from mouth la woutu, . ) ' '.'abken l tha raeautluaa, (4Tid to. pluk auolhur ihousaud doll m tmi iobly' woaM twifa p tha bet, An4 it M wall thay didn t MIDDLEBUHG, SNYDER COUNTY, but oven came in a full q4artu- of A mile ahead of Southron biuiaxlf, "The y gnuly !' said tho Van kee, an ho dismouoted. "I ll take thst thar little purso if you please, and tothor cool thousand 1 1 knew well enough that your Sonthorn horses couldn't bold a cftndlo to .Sleepy David.' Som National HaUfy. The Editor. "What ferocious looking aniinil is ibis r 'That Is an alitor.'' "Indeed ! Are they very danger on ? ' "3'nietimcs. When cirncrod up thry have boon known lo be quite mb-.tiive, and agiu tliey havo bi-en knovo t) K'l tlit'ouifli a conreuient biek window. Ui-ntirally they are mild tin J t'ji-iva '' "When are iliey the most danor- cS1 t" "When intrul.i l up'n y a buok iigeet who winti a li-rtv line litl lor a seventy Hv font book, or by a poet with Veisea shout gentle spring." ' Ar oJit irs vr.s at ench o'her V "Only wbon separate I by several blocks of b'liltliUijs." ' D.i ihiy ulten hiva fearful com hats with e-ich other ?" "O.-caHioiiully whon tliry go out in oppi-i o .I r teiioiM, an I cmiio ip)ti escu oiner ny seci leiil. ' 'Are editor ever i-owhid -id .'" 'Sotnotiiues the suull ikkm are, hot I he big od.'S in Vory rurly tului 'ed.' "D i editors eit ?" "i'lieyju. It w is form rly A tp. p. I that tliey sle only nt lon in. U-rva's. uml un i.iro oees-i on, lull it is new well uu'lKuticato i l hit thev eat s mo it deal when iliey cm get it. ' Wli.it kind of food do they like uiot V. "They ari not very puiiicului. Wiiilo thoy won't relmo qui enj tdsl, fried erulis. or rmsl lutk-y about Chi iftnms tune, tiny have b en I kuown to msko a lieurty repuHi off d'irU of cold turnip and a cm suiiiptiv heiring." ' Omu i hey rut concei t tickets V 'We believe out. Some people have gained tins emi'ieouii iiupi-i-s. sioi-, fro n luls" tru ililn in cr y I t-. tint u siitheoiejted ius'unce el such a thing is on record. "lo editois go free into shows V "Tony d w.ieu tiiev uive n d ol!ar nod a Imlt I ic.ll lor a t vcu'y-li-i c?.! t lickvt"' "Are all cditon bslJ, like tbi ne." "No ; nnly the married ono an! b 1 1.1. 15'tl lei u pas on ; tlin i-ditoi docs not like to he mured at." Dimensions ot Heavfn. S'uua Curioui Fiyuee about mi And be ni' nsiin d tlio city with the reed, twelvo Ilioa'Slid lurlonk. I'lie length, au 1 l.roi.hh, un tho height ol it -ve equal. xi. M. Twelve th I'lsnnd I'm bi-ii?, ".OJU,. 010 fo-t, wli'ch being cubed, j'.tti . 71M.IHS. U.IJi.0)),iK) c ib o f-'ct. lialfol lliiwewill reserve tor the tbronsof GjI an I the c mil of h.-av- n ....I 1. .'.I.A I. a I .... .A . en, in I but the Imlunco for ( tree is, Ijivin.' a remainder or 1 2l.llS.72. 000,000.0 Hl.lM) cubic feet. Divide thU by ' 0'Jll. tho cubical feet In A rnoui eixteeu feet ! Hare, and there w.llbad8il,L'ld.75),0o0 000 ro-in. Wo will now suppose th wmlj si w.iyadidsnd nlwiys will coniuiu 0'.0. 00 J 1)00 iiihubituiita, anJ that a geti. erHion lasta 'i'il years, niakiug in ull i OGO.OJO.OJO every century, nnd i h i'. tho war) I will stand 100,- 000 veara, or 1.00 I cenluritis, muk in in ull 2,070,000 000,1100 iohub 1 tan Is, Then suppose thoro werejoue liiitnlied wurl ls equal to this in number of inhabitant and d irntimi of years, making a total ef 297,0.10. O00.OJO.OOO persons, and there would be more I Iuo ohs hundred rooms sixt eeu foet quar, lorcAcii persoo Human Lucifer Match. Lighting gas with tho fiogei ia a feat anybody may pe form, bet a person, in bis slippers, walk briskly over a wooleu curpo scuftlcg bis feet thereon, or ata d upo i a chair with its legs upou four tumbler to insulate it, nnd be there robbed im sad down o . the body a few time with a muff, by a lovml i idivid a' and ho will "lit bia us by simply placing hi fioger to the IuImi. j oily necessn to take t'te prvcsntiou not to touch anybody, during the trial of the experiment. Tiio stock of el ricity acquired by the process we have described is disoliaivod by contact with another object. Oa pel stin must turn ou tha ga while tlio other lire it i n ill i "Sound,'' Nti'd tho ouo4 uiaator. 'I what vou hear. For Instinct, you1 csnui't fotd a sound." "Oh ye vu iii," sstd a smart boy, "John Wilson." reloi'leJ th peiUgoitu. bow da you nuke that out f What auntl esS ' tils' feel T" "A teuud hrasbia," qubkly replied tbo smart hey, ,U,r(vo'i 4'J Iti aehiKil- taaatai. C mi up," AU I that smart (toy fslt anl Binartsd. awASASaBBaaaaBaaaBaaaeaj ' - 'tloul ma Mister.' sa?d an a. factaxJ lovar lo bis pckis of t'wsei. naaa, "glva aa sows sweet sonndins, - t The Prayer of St. Patrick. Tho followiug Itftoreslidg extract iu Irish, with the English transla tion, wns found among lira papers of a distinguished iniuister of the Cmbyleri n thuiTh t "The old.mt piece of wrilinj in tho eweot Irish tongue is called '.St. I'striek's armory, or breast plate." It is a prayer or bymu, written wheii fet. rutricfc os going to Thi b to preaoh pufora tho king nod no bles of Ireli' diaud nt that time II the great people iu Ireland were "iius, lo greatly feared tliut be otild bu killed ut rani. Hour the prayer of St. I'aliick : "At Tara, t . day, tl e stroiitrth of God pilot mo the power of God preserve me " vi vcofliod walo; over inotho ihi- of God boa thu Wold oftiod give me bvo talk -tho hand of God do'cud mo tho way of Uod guide me. C'li-ist bo witli mo tJlirist bifuro pio Christ rfter mo Clniet in me Christ uuder me Chtistover tnu Christ on my right h-ind Clnist tftt my left baud Christ ou this side Chtist ou tl-ut sidu Chiistiit my back Christ in tho heart of every pet son to whom I fptuik Christ in the mouth of eve-y person who speaks to mu Christ iu tho oy of every person who looks upou mu Christ in tuo ear of every pursou wno hoars iuo Vlt Tara t day'' A Letter lor Mttrphy. A littlo freckle-faced ten years-old school boy stopped ut tho po.l- lice in Columbia, thu other day and yelled out : "Any.hing for any of tho .Viw phys V "No, thcro is not.' Any tltt g for Jano Murphy?' "Notbiiy.' "Any iiig for Auu Murphy ?" "No. "Anything for Tom Murphy .' "No, sir. uot a bit.' "Anything for T ry Muiphy ?' No not fin- I'ut Mni p. iv, nor Uoin is Murphy, i ur r'u Murphy, tio.- I'uul M.inhv. nor lindLH. Mitr - phy, no for uu Murphy, dei.l, liv iiitf, unborn, native o. foreign, civili ;:ed or uuiuvtUzed, B.ivnye or barbar ous, male or leioale, black or white, fratiehisod or disfrate-hisod, natural mi I or otherwise. Nj, sir, thoro is positively nothing f.r Any uf thu Mm phys, cither individually, j liullv or severally, now and forever, one and inseparable.' Tho b y look. -it nt tho postmaster iu astoiiishmetit and s.'.id : "I'leaso to look it i here is nny-tliinn-for my teacher, Claraiico M.u l'hy." An Irish uutrou etiters u lawyer's iiifli -o : "Is this tiie place, sue, where 'people get divorces f" "Yes. oecasionady we engage in I that kiod of business What cau we ' do for yen, madaiu J" "l'aith. snr' 1 tl loiko to et n di ; voice from me hulnud ratiuick." i "What is the matter with 'alrick, mail nu t ".Sure 1'athrick gits dhrunk, suv." "Tha s bad Hot I hardly tluuk that ulouo will bo siillicietit c.uiau j Have von no other complaint ?' 1 In, la, l.i T lli.in .nr. P.,,!,,;.,!. - " " - , ..M,IV.B . . . . bates mo.' isoinn n!u eaUon, was Joro ;but here "Yes, yes, I seo. That adds 0I Uw'thuli.g-v.:e master -s bna i lea fee of ,.1 1 i ,1, ii,,l.,,,.. i i tiftv cents, wnu'ti was do i ,-e.l s - ,u iiuavi.io itrililil ii, you do not seem t- Buffer much b.- your upper.. ance from 1'atricks cru jelly. I t b.iirC you must find ti. Istio er re a sou before the CVlT.tj will (rant vou a divo ce." Well, sur, besides nil that, I fear, sur. that 1'athrick isn t thrtto to me." "Ah I now. madam, vou begin talk business. What 'reason bim vou for thiu'iing that 1'iitrick's uu- faithful to you "Wt-ll, Bur, I nny say that i 's meself tlmt bus a ethroug suspici ;that I'athlic'. is uot thotathtr of me lust choild. ' Haw lo Cook a Husband. The first thing to be do-e U ,0 . catch him. Having dot.o so, the! moi'e of cooking him so as to make I .i.ivi'1 .LJiiiaa f .ll.,t-4. i .,, 1 in Mi. X- Same women keep them coo utautly iu hot wa r, while other ficc.'.o them with conjugal Coldut ss I me smother them with hatred and contention, and still other keep ' .em iu pieklo all their lives. These women ulways rva them ilh ngue sauce. Now it 1 Uot to be supposed Unit lillsbatlds will be ten der and 2xd if treated tui way. but nro, on tho col rv, very d lieious when iUBjrtge.1 a follow a: liet a large jar, railed tho jar of caro uluees, (which all housewives have ou luiudV,pl .your husband iu it aud set bim uear the tire of conjugal love let the fir be pretty h especi lly let it be ulnar i aKve ', let tha ' beat be . CoiisUul cover bin over with Tool ion gsrnlh ' '. witb the spire uf pleasantry i aud if you add km aud other cou f tlona let them be sccoinamvl with a anflloieut ihii tion of aetH-eoy, mixed with prudeiicst aid motlera- Uou. A Frenchman ou bViug told' (UAt a young ladv bad given bim the 'indlan,' sM "Ma 60 eompread vt ybu call bim, T- luftteo ta aw 11 m t ituu , M hat fader - intaaaraaiM flit , j n PA., AP1UL 3, Wise Sayings From Dun Quixote f'enoty In a modest V.ctnsn Is like A (Ire or a sharp sword nt a distance. ) neither doth thu one burn nor the other wound those that coma not too closo to them. Keep your mouth shut and your eyes open. The absent feel and fear eery ill. fv( praise d iwiatca. Tb- dead to e bier, tho living to good th" All women, let them be over ho homely, o in ed to her them selves ee'e'iiuted for their beauty. .S'ltiii ' end Cnitfhts aitaut me ".nliji'ct mil -h liungi-r and ill lurk. Libera'ilv m iv bo cariind too fn 'in those who have children to inheiit ' fro o em, V: t ' 1 is more scented by the au bulovud by tlio lirfbl com- Every ono is tho Boil of hit) own Will .H. Mom y is not for tho mouth of an ll.'.S. No padlock, lulls or bars fan s 'cure a mnideu so well as herowu, 'reservis "And 1 lea' ne.1 and I learnml ! Wit aud humor buloug to niu d the first ihltig I knew I full clo.in j julouo. jout mi mv In 1 1. I l Tlio Wittiest person iu A comedy! "And Hint's wlmt injured y.n ir. i ! is Im who plnvs tho fol. 1 1 'is manner T" " I lliero is no Looks'! I . t I tluil some ood may not bo found iu it. Wh are all us (io 1 im J il.-i, mid o' ' ops a great ib; I wor Let a huu live, tiioii'li it bo with U pip. ! e cannot nil bo fiiars. and v.i jrioils ,-. o the pit in by whiea (I to d c' e good t i Leave . j t'ovetoilMiesi, buthls the Ii . It is y to undeit-lo, but Were ditlieult to lini-di the tliini,'. I he t..' 'u is i( illy apjilie ilil'j to all r-i..li-i, whoever is ignorant is iv I Jly tho street "ltynn l bv" vro nr ' rive nt the lioilse of '-Novi r " lie'.weeii : 'I "Yes ' an 1 "No" of A v. en. in I wo'iM not nn Ki t.iko to 1 t'T.ist tho point i.f n in. ! I'u 'elieu utiil sliill'l i tho cird. A soldier had better smell gait- ' powdi.-i- tluiti urns . Other ife.i s , in.-, aro easily born. A bad cloak of eu covers a good drink 1'rny devoutly nod barii ir or "totnlV. When n thing is ouco bi-gun it is almost finished. Liyuluilgo of silver for ally ing enemy The J. st th'il gives p'n is no', jest. I A Slow Train. TiY',nre frcipKMitly Indebted lrou friend Coloiitd V aid, of tho Mon mouth ' I'eiiioi-r it.'' for unuc l.it - illustrative of tho clialacter ofti.e peculiar people who livj la Now Jei eey. He scmU '.' t it : I bo Ho. i. G I '.ell a good st ry of a s'.o i i.!i-o i I in do n .i :h eru put of t in State. Ho savs h. wentthcie u'uuiiing. ti:; I cim-ifia sli.it t line of loud ou wi.ieh i- run a si'iglo, ti iint io f.-rw ird ei. K.f whiih was j ti.. ti-. I nil' f.irln gage. Ho t hi!, his dig ill t:ii;-i.-wiiu hiiuand put him tinder the seat. Presently the con duct r eimo aloD. and ins -ted Uiat tho d ig sliou'.d go , II! tot lie ba-'g I OOIU. WHICH. It'ef i "indlei. a -pi' -up a swiiiiiifi, a i t -uiJ 1 if. l. tw i the co'i lee' t nu I the b ig gig tu.iti r, a d soo er 1 1 in piy it ho would t'-i e dog to the tia u aud L-t bi-i "ui4 I pus.ige ' iuo 'ii.it' .ir asseutea. au-i ina'tu; o.tt;e. Aii'ge a:; i p mstu .lo,i was hitched the to I' tar of traiu. j iuvi et.ie d'P bv the m ie if a pile 1 be ' f " l'1 ' "'f-' "S':.V " ,,u 8 1 lt v" doctor le.'n ' get uneasy. m& .iug I frwpietit trip to t.ie eiigmeer. urg- j' H bim to mere se ti.o spee I of ue , train, uud back again t-i watch the tfleot IH,1 tll t" l4l!,-,r l" ig.ui t.i how sign or fatigue. tu: slier a while cinglit u:s "s.con.i wind, ant was keeping alter before. The conductor uow ordered the engineer t heave all the ival i i- ' the furnace aud stir up the fire. lm'1' ,,l',u ,KT '.'"J '"' I""" ic ptibly i:.cr.aed lhe coudactoi ;agaiu Weill to the tear lo id ervr the ttV-ct, but th tbtg bvl iti-.ip- Ipesred. whereupon he tiiuittpiiaiiih J called!' attfutiou to the fact 'Ibo litte.. after taking si glance at the t nation, tj iu-llv I pointed to a I t.i a crark In the door of the! car. "and tio'ie. say a he, "wa to, , trotting aloog uo-l .log, c.oufoit ib'v der the C 1 r, and ii.'-'J t' ovo. jwt tme- J' ' oa-'d .-art .'lir m 11 Hih Priced A tore w brxtken civn eer uigtit, tnt tt align to sav, celhiiifcj was cai tied off. I re pivprietor wa making I.. brag of it st t'.e mo. . . lime evpie-siug biasuiptise at l.t- ing notld'tg. "Not at all surprising, ' said hi nigobor t "tt ttblu light ed a laittp, didu't they I" "Yaw. wa the tepty. "Well, e ottiouxd the , ujtgbbort "thev fouiut Jttnr .OakIs mAft,v! up -i high tut they couldut affonl to takJtheuv tjitoea Mctoi ia, it i rd aior!, Iu spraa a AtrHg wise, to Caa - id, and Ida Priaa ot WaWa ia an. (ionraIiur Iter tisit ootki tUt " f tt 187!). NO. 4:) Danger in a Seal Skin Sacqjc. tt was a fearfully bnlleri-d np citt iioss that walked into I'oli'co Head qnai terft tho other day ahd demsnd od a WArrntit. "Curtainly," said tlio P. A , tuck ing up A blank. "What. Is The scoundrel , name, tnadunef" "It wasn't A Amu i it was ti nt, ug ly, spiteful hii-re, Mis. Metinir-v I'll Imvn In-r luait's blood 1 ' "You d m t mean to say tlmt if wns a woman who battered you up in H'rtt fearful manner ?" "I tl tell v.) i ti!! filiiint it. Vou sen tho di'iisting rieaturo lives ...... . ... . t ) ..! u-t io mo. ,i.l II1IS 111 lining 1 I Ae.if.rihrnt lr..f..l r -as W.. was jllht p llit'iill r up our iMlii n.Hi',m:'i.SVfli a ." H'lr.n, et real silver, cr Honor when I ivhut. Should I see goiiig inst tll-' I.mi'.. tnt I the VHM KUH--i I t) I N nin,l... I., it Mr. M...!.rt. I V I I. I.e. V, -11 .1 lilt luur.n.'a. IQ I uLli , . , . ..,.,...,,.,,...,..,,,, m,j out. lor a wsik ns a seal k kill eaek I "Yes, ma I nn, but " ' I ho idea of In-r ins sea) hkin h she Can l-.Ar I'y pay her rent ! j'-st run to tho window to sen if it ''.tl a rerl! s!. Ill Or tint. an. I t I, ...ii 0 t to look I "I insist. n,v iroo 1 woi-aii ' "Efietly, tir. Now I want to jitl her hi rested nn 1 nt her to jnlf.iri ten years, if you cia (ix it that v,ay i Sen! skiii sack, indei-d ! ' ' Joit f . otll.'ial ln-ii tli-Hsly l e'ase ! ! to in'.eifure, nn i th" feiniic win k ; walked off, t insuling herself with tho nll.-ti. hi that it was wash d iv. and that, tit tlii events, siic conl I p. it . all the elotnes-liiiH tied t ) h-r luck . fence nn I l-t down too Mc'iuib-y . Iiue.ii into tun ditt i Dcsolntiou of Pdlcsbne- In l'.ib 'linii y vt arc nearly ns much in the w :l 1. 1 nen as in Ariibii: as to inli ibiiaiits, t!i- y a:e piec:( lv the things whith do not exist. f r a!l you call tell, except in tlio t jwim nn 1 villages you pa-s through. You can ridu o.i day after day. nn I you rise over eirh liili n:id smli into r.!c!i v.i' ley, mid except an ncea-iona! sobtai v ttavcl. r witli his Servant an I his luu'eteer, ur a Turkish ofJ -cr with his party, i ireiy d ics a moving ob ject appear upo'i tiio liiids-ipe Nj evtle are ou t'.u Ian I, no I n p- seiigeis Oil tiio highways The looeliiit-s stnkes yon in ro iiko that of the desert, f.r il see-ji iinr:tttra!, because iu-ro there shtul I be life, and there ia n );). o a .ti'ii -s yo t may m iko nut at a dit.ia,e on the hill-ide a single fig'lie. a ci in r ri n iliinkt v It is too i t ! y tas- i u -r t'.:::g ) j cm detect n! ar oiu I I'roni Jetiisk.in to lieyreit yoi cri scarcely light oil one sin'o s.'uli j tf rui.il in 1-lstiy II . t oii singly s . Ti ' if hie that cin bo dioptre! m,'i thi's-i on t:i; : i') fist uvs fr vji (j.. p t f Jaoei e, ; if ir t i : if ir t i Wji.-t of (.1 M.t. Ii lii-re. i:i pi ices, too ti y w is full of . iii',. a:: J o i m 1 t'.ioks and h -ilu a r- 0 i. r.i 1 I :!. MO. tig pie Mia p . -r i! t c .-e v.i aii its llemtn ; I.v!'-. 11 t .e I i'l:i- tiy of t.i'ag. a- 1 t.-.u. an I n.iag-,e-, tho wh do in. 1 -c-.iijj tJ I.-j r.u 1 der U S 11. Th Eiggi st ncl the Bra.esl It is the tirst bittln th At tell t'le c Ming.' of the s jld.u.-. Miny tii.i.k before the L tt!e that u.'tL-icg c.a frighten ta.- j. Wi,.-a i: b-'giu th.y a c j-i '.i1 triekeu. An. I ran in bsgratte. I' I C e .;?., of l..s to i cs men at Hunk r Hi.', n-ed to ij-si., s:orv oi mo vi u s . u-.-rs in f...'.. I v j'ita t f leudr lig ::e. an t t: I'ut comrade : "Man y..u In I l the tig.it bei..s. iAV '.iei! ';'..i ti-i! Icr retire before Is1 Will :a.l: e: begia U wa.g arou.id j ur bead 11.' pale tupl;!lg repli ' I "l o ".; : li i.n It ! I s,i i nvt-r he.,rd nue. but I wi.l ft V S4 1 v u-.i st-. He did !av. an I w n eea by Col. Ctits' r .'.r. i-cj '.l.e bittits oil.a aud t?;ui. lo.l g I fi.itg with glrat . i llness 15 it i.te builv g'4i,t by Ins M.Lt .a missMig, st-d at the rt tu it is f. itul alive au I uuL ir.ur.l. -eoiettd u:ider a hivc.ick. 1 1 a t - ful words and luoni c.taiage to fv uuy daig.T lately go to.tlrr. . ' Tuk P: . -. WL.-.t rr-le v. a t; lit ti e rlet ' id a e- io .Ntviti to Ue.C luer. "1 d into ti ,tut'!e bv tu i-i viug tvo w;v -.' was the r, pome 't!t. ' said .'e d let", c ime out Ueitt bev.tase I get luto livable bv min ting oVy otiet wife." "And I," A tied A bv iat.iv.d or. ' f.i:il i.eie because g j by proa;i4Ug , into Irouoln si n, 1 to lOAirv ore , , ,, ....- ?! . ''v' b-d lu to .be v.ut Iiihtil -I 1 y w a ,a 11 u. " " " b.t-itiuir itgi 1 or me, atit ' tv 1 viArv--' HevMU Heuiv, a. kuow that ithile tuo Im;" hold out t. bum, th vilest sinner luty wtua iouv kept ttj'.it-r hour fr tb ut wet k or twvv It the fbat-kwtrr vf xlt )-lt y f B wiea stotsl a b go A thvlr ahut Cvd ( tnw, K cxuamutiity woukl p-vt a lbvttw AKp-t tuau it vkv evi Il may be a ey vri tkisji to be trW.1 by a ltt. b- ko n TlIM IOH'f tV.MMifiil rvrry Thm-liiv Ewni-4 iKnKMIAH CR0U3K, Trof Termi nf Snlifrtiori, two nM.M! w.n v.v.vrM. r.iy nlilo villi lr. or M Min'it paid wiih'n ihi VMr. No pspe vji. riintiiiiied until nil Arfsrnva ra p;id nnli'.is i.' 'iis epl'.on cX (3vc p '.ti-lid:t-r.; PtiliM-rption miti-.iijn rT court'. ,1'AV U:l.Kt IN At'VA. I . t9rP(;rsoiiH lifting and 'isiri; psnora Addir.-iiM .) rth.-ri lieeotiieniil.Hi riberS and sre liable I'orthe t.rirr of then0r JJENUY A. WOU LEV, Saddler and Earnest Maker Ccnlrevllo, Snyder County, Penim; K-pnti htfi.l. acl muk.i in i-fter all w In ia if II.. mi-.., Mi.lllr., Iir.il.f., ;viiln, U..lr fl , Ki. Atl warx e n if-,ioi"l frtr ohe veer nr. vtihT aaaa hat a Irlat lo pr.ua Hull. un'lurmjin.lii u.i liuiltiei. (Nuv Iv.if FBACfFICAL filLL-W&ISQf , JA iVp St.i'i'on, Siftt-r ' '. ,nr1 i( ,.m,.n1, -i uS-e ana miueaoe At Mtieer siHmL not. x '? it. VIBRATOR I B l e.rikll. 1T.E ORIGINAL & ONLY GENUINS Vibrator Tbrcsbcrs, v. :t-i i-rr..., zu MCV'.TED HOSSS POWERS, Ami l,.n Thrrahtr l.ncinrt, :..u n.u tiii i ii, mic u , i '- ..,'T!r i r. ,.lnl 'i'i-. :rtii-.'iiiri. Time. jTt If. t:-;-.c-Ts '-! !'l ri-iult io thu T'; Irj t'.prra-s i nl in- 1 li".i Iri,l- thn Srfini r.ip'lnv I ! lsnr, " ':- ..; ...,.r 1 . to . F oi JTT I ! I'dwcr " Iisr-hsr. a fam-l.ltr Qt it r-rlrnl -f rn m 1 I At I -I ajf i Tlirv.i-r F.i TSoronch Vor&mtt .hli F: -g ax roR rrtin'r-tilnr. mil nn or Dfulrr - ..!.. . Sk JAMliS WF.I.SEll. Agent. y. ibar.iu i. dialer Co . Ta, PENNSYLVANIA R. R, Tniu l-a I. a ' At 1 1 N i.i S- n t in-"l q ai fiij ri A'tsl .V.i Kl. I -0 01. t ' 4. a. I.tl i m t il ta. 'V .- i'4e (r tu s n p. a. I '.ST :t l.T., VAAO. .i l-'.- I: J a. . 1 HI. r. ii.. SIT ::. 4 . A -If"' (1 1 (t-e. a r". 4ll Vi a It- r-. aa- n 1 1 : w r :t r., :tve : .jei ta M. :a eoaitf . -. -. 3. i J a . Vst:-A- '-.- I. -n ,: 1. U II 1. .. 1 ! ; i 1 . i . I l . t tt- l ar- U i r. : i. l:t -raf w le.iia-.4 V a. i-' .v liu..i.o 'UK t m 44 M ' i l. I - t. 31 43 la a .4 II X ri V.- r ! V.1 Coatir v Kralzsr!!!:. S; Hiirvoyor-y-er Csmty Penn'a vi- S'raayinj q J C 3 1 ta.- 8 1 nl . ( .: -uiji i a a4. tt - -3. ' - I l.r a af l irtHA a Baa at. T .11 ti.iloel . KUi l I it -l aw I 1 'mt a-.a-r-i m . a ;-. :n: ,a-.:a r' .TeV 1 1 I I av I ar.- I fi". Kalar kaJ KJ J - hr, .-. t-; . -. $50SI 1 1- la-- -.iv a . . ia i .- . t at- w r. t x a r .' i r t . U i-i a. tl ta. v LY t Hm ww-arsr aAaH tI.V4 la tkW faMttf. a 4 at , .wv Jl-tW t ' 1... tax sja) 1 K k. 1 ti ( V atay V-t. If aVJ a-a,av, a f SlA. '. ta Ma .V o.llSi - ! aV A . Sasr4 liasa-. o-aW'-A. Ax ... W tA,Sl 1 A S.I St AiaaM SlAAfAal t (kel -t . kill '.ia.t at I'.' -4'V ''- BV- sA SMl,s. tia a AABsaaa aaASATaawAABBatjt SMT 4 raAA . 4 .. AMh .; AisVA 4 A tA, WvS, B..-1 1 ' VSs iHatSli- M" - m .-v U ifJ ljmAS c nsyrrli .. J MMli - mwv listasta i sllisJsi a AM ja A deMAi ) at. 4 M seat aH -- A .a - --H V 1 ik AJtaM-s. v - a a - risv rf T a4 iVtHtSl at BBlJa BBBltBt fAs pSBJea)asK A, 4 a' .-... . a a VV Mb t4a 4f. VvMt W A?at. . tKaaa. S . ) - AA MS V 0-' a . a "1 -At iamt.' And tull hlu. ?T1ZZ n i jtt'?5 r f-v- JZTZZ