The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, March 27, 1879, Image 6

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    ' All communloMlwd, business lot
tart. dko., for this oroee. l secure
irt" atteefiti shoifla M d(Jneigrt
. w.jWsr'iM. ft?, taWfc.6itr(,
rxyciar -ujHmy, ra, Ativmitrcmerir,
In kv llomlev noon, to sumr lumn.
won in next issue
JLeOcn.1 New, Jfco.
aUtABB. MTia.
fTATtO. bt.ll, Aeoma. Mu4 m.II
am e
M.lttawS M
BleCref. 1
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B .TAYLOft.S.p.rl.taadeet.
The following Liat of fUIA of Roal
And Personal Property are advertised
or BilU printed at the otuce of "The
Baturday. April 5th. fiheriff will
Kant Katate at the Court Home in
Monday, March 311, fleo. B. Benfer
win .en rersonai rroperty or Hen
ry Brousr, Jackson tvrp.
Saturday. April Clh.SWivrift wilt mil
Real Batata, at the Court Honee
,in Milllettirg.
Saturday. April i2lh. Oeo. B. Bonfor
Assignee of Henry Brnuee.will wall
jveai rotate in Jackson twp,
BetUrdav. March SOlh M.iaau fln..l.i
Admr.. of I. S. Huffiiaale, will .ell'
i eraonai rroperty in Btiavertown.
JftWTOJf, Hive it Co., Kansab,
March 21, 70.
err. rusT It . is unnecessary to tire
your reader with an account of a trip
uim went, as you scarcoiy pick up a
paper but what give you the lame old
-description of the beautiful acenery
crowing the Allerhenies, the short run
rroaa the Pan handle of West Virginia
on through Ohio, Indiana and IIHrtni,
in being impend 1 00 feet above water
In crowing the Mississippi, next Thun
tier you luto a seemingly 2 mile tunnel
na then land you eafely in grand
Union Depot of 8t. Louis, thia part of
ne trip need ho comment, and from
thla point to Kansas City you geiicrally
leep if you aro fortunate enough to get
a reoiiuingg ihuir. It i really amusing
to tune a iiiitniiglit rnmlle through a
rain of 13 car, even if they are Km
class emigrant, a you nla-ays find
lupine n love oicic couples, primp old
. 1 . - - a i . i . .
iiiuida, jolly old Uclielur. and lots j(
quailing ' certainly
liad a Jolly crowd iiiinibcring (l.l i por.
aona and all coii.idorcil it high toned
we were run throuitlraa A'xtra."
Leaving little Snyder with good (leigh
. ...1 .1.! . . m
.iiKiuK tin. pari ui jvana-ia
vitli dtwty rnad4 wa aliuont too much
of a change for lomo of the boy and a
willingueaa to loaf in . the ahado ivui
oon ( mauifeated. Wheat U looking
Very well through tkia lection of conn
(ry. Bloat of the oat ia in the ground
and farmer are bu.ily engaged in pre-
paring their corn ground, u regard to
iurkta wheat ia 72 to 7s Corn 2i) to 2j
OaU 24 Potatoea 30 to M ct tier Bu
tiuttar 1? to SO cu per lb and egg
ctMiros. J$awa Jolka, almie
aater Sunday once Wck'; a faraa
t ha price of egiji "are concerned. "
Wa had the pleaaure of meeting onf
ia mend Jno Drece Iat week.
Waatern life aeein to agrea with John,
a he U fully 20 Iba heavier that when
he left P a year ago, in.tead of work
ing with oxen he ha exchanged them
ior2ftnspaiiof uomm, hope ha will
not forget to plant a few extra water
melon aeeda for hi vUiting friend.
; O. A. Bowersox baa got iet tied down
and with hi apan of black aeema to
be happy: ' .
P. D. Benfer, atUlclinga to Ida favor
ite team, a well aa to hia lonely cabin
A year ago in one of my letter I urged
aoma of the young ladica East to have
eompaaaion upon bim, but aa yet I atill
notice the aame aad amlle when lad its
are apoken of.
If you wi.h to leara how gallantly
eome of your Snyder cmtnty boya can
eaoort the Ladle while other get the
credit, Inquire of Squire Benfer who
wltneaaed auch a acenein PltUburg the
night of the etouraion.
Abraham fyer, who ia among the
Moat experienced fruit grower In our
County, write ua from "nigbaplre,"
Jaokaon townthip that' up la the
cloud and taya t "The peach Unot
"injured In the leaat and the proa,
"peet for an abundant crop la quit
"flattering. The only thing to guard
"against ia a super-abundance of bio
"soma and a eonseqaan! overloading
"of the tree with fruit. In order to
"gward against which ' we have remdv.
"edwehelfpf toe buds, taua dimln.
"iXla a uKt)ty aaMilneraaaf'M
ud baUariog ib quality U the
"fruit. Try thla prooeaa and the one
"trial will ooQvinoe the tnoat iuoradu
Wa have no doubt, friend Kyer, that
It would be quite a surprise to many of
Ut Vr?t lukablUnt"totethe tree
t " f.U f rthe t'J Bm
I V."ri:L2tr"rrseila4lheclosa
r - I
a a
"Charity Rett ki Sder county.
Ma. Editor t Under thla caption i
an article in your Iwue of March 2iXh,
which has aome truth andconiiderable
error mixed therewith. Being familiar
with the circumstance and alao with
tho parties connected with this laito-
ce, I will willt your permitalon; and a
briefly aa poasiblegiye your reader a
true history of theaappoeed lost Cliar-
ley Rom In lltla county and thifl place
Something ovet tftYew year ago a
little boy wa left, ai la ted in your i'
sue of the 20th, at a private house, not
atthe depot, accompanied by a little
dog. He says be wa left there by a
gentleman and lady, but on being
closely questioned, oould tell nothim
or hia life previous to that time. He
wa taken by a iff. Smellier who kept
him for a time, and then a Mr. Dunlap
hail him awhile, a gentleman from
New Lancaster MilUin Co. named Fib
on took the boy home, where he says
lie itayed for some time, iutnotfc
ceivingsiicn treatment a he thought he
hould; and , bejiis) dissatisfied, he
tnrougit aonte one, that took an inter
est In bim, was brought to Mr. Stump
in Weal foaver twp, this county, but
Mr, Stump not wishing to keep the
'ad, he saw Jff. John Ulah Sr., anil re
qHested him to take tho boy, as lie
aeemed smart and quite Inteligent. Mr.
Utah, being well advanced in years and
having no children, concluded to take
tho boy ami bring him up. He (UUh)
formed quite an attachment to the 1 it
le fellow at once id attachment oil'
ly increaaing with timo and acqtiain
lance, until now, it woul l he quite i
heavy blow to the old gonllein in .to
lose him. Some three week ko Mr
Cregr visited Mr. Ulh, and remained
over night, when he received the his
tory of the boy from Mr. Ulsh, Mr.
Creeger, questioned the little follow
closely, and made up hia mind that
litis wa the loat boy Chnrlev Rosa.
The next morning Mr. Krieccr came
to thi place, and wu ao impressed
with the sul'jcct, that he openvd hia
mind to Mr. John .V. Troxcl merchant
ahd P; M. at tfcis place - He aeemed
so earnest, and ao fully convinced that
the boy was Charley Rosa, that he eu
listed the sympathy of Mr. Troxel, so
that he (Troxel) addressed a letter to a
friend of hia in Philadelphia, .Wr. Isaac
Smith, stating the fact that a boy was
in these parts, supposed to be the long
lost Charley Ross, Mr. Smith went I in
mediately lo.Oermantown and laid Mr.
Troxel' letter before Mr. R ws. ifc.
Rosa then ad J reused the following lot
ter to Mr. Troxel.
Philadelphia, Shrek Wk, 70.
Ma. J. Jl. TkoxkI.. Dkar 8im .
llinmpli the kindoesM of .Wr. Smilli, I
received your loiter, I cnvlose plmlo-
rpu oi my ami t;ii.iriio althougii
iiiiiik ii win lie oi in uti iiie to von in
the matter of idMiiiuVutiou nn be must
have changwl vi-rv inn. h aim-o he was
stolen, iicitiT st'iid ui a lioiviio of the
Uy -nliU'h I vtill show In mv familv.
aim ii mere is any rraiimbiauce to itnv
f toy t'liildren or we haveanr susuii'i-
on Hint the hoy may bo my sou, 1 will
i iti srtt inin. a iso, nsk the boy ques
tion its follow l Have you any other
mime than ttiu one you now have T
ail you any brothers and sisters, and
what the names if nny T Whore did
voti live f Was von taken awuv from
inline ana in wiihi wuy r Was anv
one taken away with you and who?
uau you a brother called Walter T
1'1'M liole carefully llio child' mis-
wors mid write me all he savs of him
self. With lliknk for your interest
I u in your Respectfully,
Christian K. Ross,
Room 2 Commercial Exchange.
After receiving the above loiter .Vr.
Troxel, in company witli Mr. Dubb,
visited Mr. Ulah, to- lee theho but
LHU)d44m at JJakool .Xhoyaskod per
mission of Mr, 0b to visit the school,
n.l question the boy, which was kind"
ly granted. 'They "went1 to the school-
house, and asked .permission of the
teacher to take the boy for a ride.
which was cheerfully given by the tea.
cher, and aa cheerfully accepted by the
lad. . They proceeded dowu the valley
about two mile, and on the way they
plied the little fellow with question
all of which he answered a far aa be
oould unhesitatingly ,lmt failed to elicit
anything back of the date of hi being
left at Lewistown, except, he thought
he had a brother Willie, but was not
certain. ' The boy wa anxious to ao
company them to McClure, but they
left him at the ohooUhouse. The next
day Mr. UUh, had a tintype taken and
Mr. Troxel ent it to Mr. Rom and re.
celved the following lettor I
Philatlrlphia, March 7lh, 70.
Mr. J. Af. ThoXRM.. DkirSir.' Your
letter with the tintvno woa duelv re
ceived. The picture ha been carefully
examined by myself and family. We
cannot aee that there is any resemh
leneo in ii to our missing ciuid but are
not entinuly salliHod to let the mailer
real while there is a possibility that
we might be wrong in our judgment. I
ailil,-. .i... .u.
" .iismim. iv iicKJiiiiiiiB uo
certainly, will leave here on Tuesday
uigni so as to lase me morning train
to your place front lewistown and go
to ana the boy.
Wjll you please meet me at the sta
tion on the arrival of the train, With
many thanks lor your Intereit,
t am respeciiuiiy yours,
Christian K. Rom.
Mr. Troxel, sent hia clerk to Ulahe's
to bring the boy over so that Mr. Rna
might meet, h"11 "Uho tation. Afr
UUh.-eaine with', them.. Although, It
WM,lnUiido4 to keep ouUtars qule yet
It was noised about and the rush of
men women and ; children to . the sta
tion, reminded one vividly of war'tlme,
when the boya In blue started fur the
battle field. When the 8i! train thun
dered up to the dejHit, there wa an
immense crowd there, also at the tlore
aud dwelling ooute of M Troitl, all
t to e-i r' kt K and
dwelling of Mr, Troxel, where the boy
was he scanned Mr. Rosa very closely,
and he remarked with a sigh i 'now I be
lieve I must give him up, aa that Is his
father t When ,1fr. Roe saw the boy
he waa much afrouted, and as he quo
tioned him, tear were seen to trickle
down his care worn cheeks and not a
heart present but lifted a prayer to
Heaven in his behalf. Afr. Ross ques
tioned the boy ctoaoly, and with aux
Ions, thnhing heart awaited each ana
wer to bis questions, At Inst hs said
with a sigh. "He is not my . son.
Thers were many eyes unused to weep,
nlled With tears, Afr, Ross acknowledg
ed that there ws quite a resemblance
between the boy and one of his son
and further he remarked that out of
even hundred boys that he bad visited
and queationed, this one bore the
strongest resemblance to his lost Chef
ley, yet he seemed certain that he wa
again doomed to disappointment. Afr.
Rom aftc.4 thanking Afr. Troxolt and
other for the interest they hod man
ifested an his behalf, and the sympathy
shown in hi greatest Sorrow, and al
though Importuned tostay longer, took
the 0:20 traiuon his rolurn homo. As
we gated at the sorrow stricken man.
in search of his lost Charlie many a fa
ther sent up a prayer to Him that rules
in Heaven and on earth, that such sor
row, such' a bereavement might be
averted front their homes, Afr. Ross
was not the only one disappointed this
time, as I feel assured that nine tenths
of those that saw him and saw the boy
together, thought and think that it wa
father and son. Jfr, Ros has gone
home, Samuel Ross Evens, (if that is
hi name f ) has returned to Afr. Ulih's
although thero were a number that
would gladly have taken him to their
homes and hearts, among them ift.
Troxel. The crowd has dispersed, the
excitement to a certain extent died
out, and we are moving along toward
the day and time when what now seem
dark and mysterious will all be mads
plain. We can only offer our prayers
to God, our sympathies to Jr. Ross,
and say to him, follow the smoking
furnace of trial a little longor, the
lamp of lave will only shine the bright
er, when the storm clouds of sorrow
have passed away.
Thi Mr. Editor ia a correct history
of "Charley Rosa In Snyder county."
Conductor WolfVlll nd Agfbt
II. ar a sauey as a dog with iwo ulls
bteaus thry bat got a beautiful refill. J.
rsfuraishtd mi ntwlj pslnul piM.ngtr
oaob t. ibtlr Cgndiiol.r W. is a
Na. 1 aoiwiibttsa'Hag bis elos .1 tril
lion to bis not only arJuous hut hn ports. I
doii.-fully eoynls.ot of the rrspnnsiMI
ilis of bis position, b Is always pleasant
sad ebllgtng. Out brr I. Ilia who
laitly g.v blmieir aw.y for ssfraa or
for wtis-aa if, in lh eourif of bunan
v m. t. dno'l bsvs a doubl lak In dis
tribution smalt bt-m.lo. and sur-males
for wblob Unci 8am wilt not m.ko ao.
proprlaliwos, tRS!I oay will a .J mil
that w. .r.r.lot propbtis bowvsr,' Ibis
is oo.l of our r.STiccLAB busiarss, tb t
Sol. Opprnhsiiiier.Evtry body knows.
who has a it,tliut the popular Cloth
ier, Sol., iihoul the 8th, of January last
took into partnership a Mies Harriet
.nice which time he has iucreas
ed his business and put down goods to
the lowest figures. Ho has now and
means lo keepon hand the tiricsf, 6l
tflcelnl STOCK aJGooiU to be found
anywhere outside of Philadelphia and
ew.lork. As to Quality and Price
he challenges Ibe whole world and the
rest of mankind in ginrral.
Abraham Land is haa DurcliMed the
lf'a4Aii0foa Htm, located one square
West of the United State Hotel. Har-
risburg, Ph., which ia conveniently sit
uated, near the centre of business and
about to rent and refurnish the
House with a view of entertaining his
patrons in first chws style on the most
reasonable term. Mr. Land is is pop
ular as a Landlord aud Mr. Land is
can't be beat aa a Superintendent of a
culinary department.
J. P. Rhiel's advertisement appears in
another column of this paper. Singer
Sewing Machine Agent. Depot on
Mrket Street, 8elinsgrove, Pa. Mr.
Rliiel haa done a large busiues in
thi county a Agt. for a number of Ag
ricultural Implements and 1 eateemed
for hi fair-dealing and unquestionable
integrity. 11 misrepresent nothing
and sells at living profit. Qo and see
for yourselves.
Dr. Row Rolhrock, we learn,' ha
rented and Intend moving to Middle
burg about the 1st, or 2nd, and will
practice medicine. The Dr. ha an ei
perlenca of more than twenty years in
the of his profession is a gen
tleman of excellent social qualities
will make a good cititetn
AmHlon' JVjioa The Auditors of
Franklin Township wlll.mset at the
Court-house, in Middlehurg, on the
Oral Monday of April 1871) to audit the
several Accounts of the township ON
Doers.. , 8. BOWEX.
J. C UCHUCII, -Judltorr
. Horsemen wishing bills printed, will
And It to their advantage by leaving
their orders with lis, as our prices are
down to . the lowest. Orders by mail
will be promptly attended to. -
Joliu Usabert Is moving' Into the
Washington House. Killlan Bother
ids! luto the FalrmotiQt House, . lu
i i hi ; ,
Dr. Warner's Health
Ccrs3t3 fcr Cab at 0.
WEIflV oEuncoupvE.
tSTChew Jacl
lleit Sweet
Navy Tobacoo.
IT. 78 If.
Muslins at wbolessie' prices at
a. vteie Scllnsgrove flti 1", Vi,
Tlie State Normsl 8clpolaft Blooms
burg, Pa.,- has, unusuaiyj pnnnisiivg
prostiects for the Sprlns? efti. (Itwni
open April fth. 1870. Mr keatalogu
addroas Rev, . J. WallcKK Triitcl
t-.i i i
BUS, Weia Sellnssrove wishea to re
duce hi large stock of Dry Oooda, No
tions and Fancy Goods, In order to
make room fbf the Spring Trade,thore
fore he la selling Tile entire stock, "at
greatly reduced prlcea. It will rty
you to take a ride to Scltnsgrove and
visiltt. Weia' establishment. ;
A Literary Revolution. P
The era ofchcap ami goiio? books has
certainly come. The' Acn edition of
CAtmarr' QaifM' sVUJmA Litera-
trt, eight handy and lidautiful vol-
umca, nearly 8,50X1 hg(.s. elrsantlv
bound in cloth, for tl.OH ia wlmt
Asirricas Boiit ExrrtAsrait, 63'Aoak
man Street, oinjr $J suliecribers
alio buy thi inontU,. Specimen vol
ume, complete in ibierf. pentpaid for 1
ccnU. Nearly 50,000 vo'e piee,- sold in
lite past three uiontlis. . 3ociinoii pa
ge and term to club seat free.
As old pbysietsn, rllrji ftom pr.o
lle, baviagbad ,laed Mils bands t.y
bd East India missionary 'tit formula of
a slmpl vrgslahls romtdy. ftSr tbo speed
and permiafBt cure fof ' Umumpllon,
bronebtlii, eaisrrb, an beta, Sad all throat
sod lusg affections, also si 'positivs and
radleil our for B.rvoa Ucbllily and
alt eomplalnls, afisr having tsi
d lis won.I.rful curative, powers In
Iboussnds of cases, has felt ft bis duly to
ai.ko it know lo bis suffsrinc f.llowi.
Aoiu.i.d by Ibis motive, sad a deiir lo
riTs human iuiTringb wij), in I. free
of charge, lo all wb de'ilrs it, ibis r-
olpt. with fu It drrleiloSI tsr -eteparlng
and uilng, lo Oerman, Freaabi.t or Eaf -
lisb. Beat by mail by sflrisaing with
stamp, a.miai Ibis p. pet 'W. W, siierar.
lilt Powers' Dloek, Rochester, New Tork.
M.rcb, 27,4w. . . .fc;:
Handsomt Income For An
rgetio Lady Or Gantieman
Tb Obio 8c.t Works" of. Ciocinoail
h.vejuel pateatej aad are aar' inu-odue-in(
lo lbs publio a hamhuiately Inisbed
Family Ho.le, ao art lol. tbaOiirs,'. always
been needed ia every bonebola a. J in a
OommuniO'tlion addressed lo Hie- publish
er of ibis p.per ibe propr i.lors'ask us lo
rafer tbem lo sou relib.lo' parly lo In
troduce it for tbem lo the people of ibie
County. Ii Is very seldom lu! a new
article steps lo suddenly ftile unlvers.l
favor. Housekeepers ar ' tMnJ In lis
rrnlfe. it is alw.y rvady,?, Ibiii ' sr. no
neighis lo Krl loot or lo ber boated up, is
reli.ble. and will not ' rl ' -r iA of order.
Tlie description qf ibvm 'f'a.h,sBdl.iuie
base surmounted by a c-linn in which
works a spir.l ijirin q. jfOiMlifloll y
adjii'led as lo weigh. aiiibia. fl lo
I welts pound wilb perfect accuracy, ua
Hie lop of ibe coluian is . th.. plaiforui on
which Ibe articles ! bo wneighed are
placed, and l hey have an Ji'JJiisU)ls In
dic.iur so ill. I jou can like ilie laro of
nv vessel you may use In weifhing,
ailing you lb oi.ol Set. weight, lluuse-
keepers al one see Ibeir i.lue ia weigh
ing iruus, sugars sail maer' lugredieuts
used ia presvreinf, cooking' e'e, or in
eaiin ibe weights af pursaasM from
otaers. .
The Sca'ss are made of PstesJ trt highly
polinbaj and are Ratebsal: IB a skillful
mauner. Tliey ar very aetraMie and
take the eye of every oae wltfrei ibeui.
It eieme lo us Ih.l nearly ;sery . family
in ibis county will want oa,- -wad 4 cer
tainly b epportulty fnf ' Mmji' smart
aod eaergeeiie parjf lo auti a
alee lllle income . duriog .iboVeXt' few
nionibs. Tb Caipoy.1us.t.inls In
olber counties- wbo ar raaMy aakiag
irom ao.ue 10 oo.w per aoj--ewm tbem,
and we would reoomuend parfes is seed
of employment lo drop the. OHIO SCALE
WUHK3. No. IZiaod l?7 Central Afenu.
Cinciauatl. O , a Poaial C.rd, and all in.
rormalioa etc., will be beer(ailly gives
Ibem by mentioning our paper; - -M.reh w
Tlie peculiarity about' the A.. 8. T.
Co., black Tin is that .eiiildrau'a Una
hoe to which thev are aonliad. nnt
omy wear twice a long, but they realy
add lo the beauty aud finish of the
Good Senie..y:
Tsaekes as to pros all IkisM. . Aa ele-
gasl prep.r.tloo which ha ha galsiag
ground tb last lbl year ia U eenS
deoce of lb elck and aSietwt, ill (.
Thompson's Dsroima. or Liver
and Kidney Cur. It has aol failed l
cur gravel, tnfl.malioa, .of lb kidneys,
aad liter omplaiat. wbsa l.kea aa di.
reeled. Alao bis U.odelloo aad Maadraka
Pille, (sugar oald) e.aaat, b e lees I led
for headaeb aad eoaaiipailoS: For sal
by all dealer ia we4iiajv -Bead for
circular. Tiluivill, Pa.
rot isis hf Job Ai'Meats, Mlddlibarg,
Notice of Appcali.
:o: . a. ''
NOTICB Is herohy glvosj. tkal Ik Ap
eel the Aseessnteale eftk v.rl-
eue bieiricia of Sat dor eaaai for ike
year IS79, will beheld ln4h.Cmlalssla
or an la the hereagh af Middleharg,
wu i y. . , ,
rr Adaats, Beaver. Beaver , Ccatre,, rraaklla. Jaekaea aaA Mid
dlehaig, ob aloaday, April Ml h. '
ro Middletmk. Iloaroa.f eaa. Parry.
. Perry WeM, Bellas; rave, k lie tea aad
- Wasdtlagtea, sa T4yArU I&th.
' At which lime aad ! fcll wha east
feat Ihsmselvea a.He4 bt Shslr talua-
ilS Bay llead.i4ikey4MeJbfpe.t
Appeals will liMi rnske"Ja.A.
hi. le 'look P. at. saea day'"
Asissser ar retd I as seasipt la
alieadaae with ai u
lb Urns sad Blase shave Watedi -. -dUIlN
CmmlulBei i JOU si StBIII. -
uaea, MMdl.I MUIT MITItt,
earg. Mar. ST. ) ' li .Cesisiiatea.
h--- !T-
tatV t t
keoaa .
- Deo
1 wtn mail trre tn roetp for a ilmpte
VnavTlBLB, ih.l will rem.vs T,
r wm ...... riMri... BRfl nWITTNM, leSVIfl
sirnalioai tor rrclnelna a l.s.rls.l Bro.ik
M,mm,rwm nam no. a n inmtl I.e.. Al
dreee,lB.l..slaSt. stsmo, HtS. VANIIRLr
vvv mum si. r. . I . J.B. SO 7tl St..
Dr. t n. WstSma's Ai.T.sTiT.STsrp.
ee.A rinMr ..d tiiirty-pivb ykarr
m . pr.T.M prMii. , sua s.T.r Allies 4a radl
eelif .wo
nriMMf.Bry.iMiM.ejnrnfni. rt,on, y,.
J.Y ,l,h,rt". SInmws la whirh
"-"" npnwo, is now oar lo lb.
"Id hf ll R.lll Tlmrt Km. end lwhnl.u
f. O. Box Mt, schMUr. K. V.
!.B. vr,.
QKNTI.kMAW mhmtlmA r i.inlram
arurrans lUnllilr. Pran.stnr. kd .i
-- ------raninnv, will inr lllf
"rM(t.rlnnhilinnllr. ..olfr. In .u wh
rlnlpl rmd In whlrk ho w.a -nrA
w .1. 1.11. m-IIMII II fl M.III.M Inm ..
tn wlalilii I.. praAi hf lh .dterlii.r'i etpr1
. - "" in urr-ri pntin.
n-ne. JOH.1l B. OOUtN. 4t f'.A.. ..T.
New VorB.
. so, Ts.sai,
TO COIIf4UltlttlVCi9.
in. aat.rlltar.
f-."""' ""a'"'""", "kiok Ihxwill
iTltnaBCBBBlor t:naiMrTiua. :atb,
"'M. will nl.i., aildrou. K. A. Urll ui.a ....
Po. oil, Wlllieliiiburgh, N. X . "i'USti.
Notlo'ole hereby gleea that lb follow,
ing anlotee bare been purclissed by the
undersigned at Constable's Male ami left
la pneseesion of 1-..0 Mourer durloi
mii pir-r, are e.'Mlunrl
not lo meddle or Interfere witb Ibe same
Wheelharrow. Cow, Heifer. 4 Shott. a)
Poultry, ii tied., Cook flloee and flmtres
Cluck, Sink, Wood Ckesl. 4 Chulrs. 2 Bed-'
steads aad Bedding, lot t:.rpi, Cup.
boards, lot of Carpenter Tools, Doufhlr.
lot Crocks. Vinegar Barrel, lot of Tubs,
Stands, 2 Meat Htands. lot Ms.t, barrel
wiib Pslt, lol L.r I and Can. tl bushels of
Potatoes, onc-ibird of A acre Kre la the
tf,T T. E. KblTZ.
March 27, '79.
Anslgneo Notice.
ALL persons interested are here
kvnotlSerf Ih.t Heni.mln .1. Ha.r.a r
'1. "1. i.7 ' V "7"r.o.,mnen awisninent
nl .11 Ml .ITari., real ...1 peraon.l lo tb. an.
deralnl f..r the istnelit of bin er.lnra. All
Krioot having rl.i
am la Ik. ...leral
h.m lo Ik. ...I.ralicnl .fill ISrlnal lnrfn..
.r. re..M..ia.l i.. ,....
iii piM. imtna. nil. p.foiant.
william a. sHoi.i.r.r
Marsh V, T.
Assignee's Notici in Bankruptcy.
NOTICK ia hereby (riven that the
undersigned u bii duly .ad le.ailr
appnlntad Aolan. In Hmkrintu ul Jitia
hUoajara of MIlSlnlmrK. t'nlon ooanir . P..
Jsa.Stb. IIW, Asibjne.
Assignet Notice.
ALL peraons intoieatud are hera
l anitned Ih.l Alr.h.m Krouia. of Mid.
dkereea twp , nnv ler l!n.,m.d. ao .iln.menl
of all kla.Uafta, rail sod p.raon.1 to Ilia en. lor thehenaht of hit ere.lllora. All
larea h.vln el.lmi ar. reiueau.l to prwi.nt
tham loth. onJanUne.l. and parenns InU.hted
alii Imwedlaie paj-mant.
Mrch H.'tl. AMlgaes.
Troxtloille, .SityJtr county, fa.
I'ntert.klo la all Us oranoh p-nmpil r i
laoJaJtg. , M.rju IJ,'TI.
fPME onderaikfned. to whom llenrv
X- Hroaa. of Jkao. tiwnahlp, ni.ll . Vol
u tit am ai.lif oinent lor tl.. kaoent nf eralllora,
III aspoe. io fublle Sal., ou the pfemiMa, o.
Saturday, April 12th, 1879,
thornllowlnedrserUwd Katala lit. at. In
larkaon towoih'P n..r kr.ts.rtllle. 5uUer
Couall, P., eont.lnla
IMMNhw, with the .ppurtenanree t Round.
ed North by l'.oua.'rek, Hnuth by lan.ti el J a.
it'iaiiDi ..i oib.rt, y l.Dil .if ,
H.lPhl.y nd V. H. Wanner and Wret by
st Barnh.ri Kllq., auereon aro creeled a
Brick. House, Hank Banu
no nacoea.ry .ttntiidlns. A a.r.r
i.iiib wen oi water t tte door. I
of ehnlee fruit trees la a Ihrlila coodllloa.
Thle Iroei oi i.od la In . hlah at at. ol eultt
t.tton, aaiur.ily t.rlll. soli, eonvenleel lo, aeno'ii, mill, aharen.i, alluai. I. .
oaauoy locality, ..4 aa eoterpruiu eoaa.
8.1. le eemmeae .1 IS o'eleek A. M of laid
day whoa terms will k. iuada ksowa ky
Mareb St, 117. AiiUoae.
Auditor's Notice-
7a the matter of the
ettitlK of inin
In th f fcurf of Cbm
itoit I 'Inn kJ Sny.
Ur Chnny.
rnb undersif bed Auditor appointed by
X the Court el Feb. Term, lo dieiribute
lb fuads In ihc heads of David Uruss aod
Fannin 8mnb Admr. of Ibe eslat cf
li via emitb, deod. will meet forth pur
pose of bis apaoialmenl at th office of T.
J. Smith, Esq. at Middlehurg oa FRI-
uai, Apr. I iti, ib.9 at le o'clock a.m.
at which lime aad all pereonc ia.
t erected ar requested lo vreeeal their
claim properly authenticated.
l. U. Usiaa.
March 8, 89. AuJiter,
BT virtue of Snn.lry Write iunetl
l .1 lh. Cwtrt T VtnnM PUa af am.
aVre-aaty, Pa. ami la m.dlreeted, will be tX-
poec le peoue veacsowr eatery,
SUtttnlayt April ft A, 1879,
at ISeVetuek A. at. al Ik. Cart Hew, la th
koeoa.h ml aiwdiabur, ih. Ivlloalaa Saworle
ed real stale, els t
Urwamime. Tea. tt.
Alt that eala trael ml Wo StaaM I. M
dtimib aa.aabip, tmjmt Mi, .iaielalaf
aeeme. Cast aseal 1 Peen
a.raad. aenlh he lasa ml atuua. Lllwaa
Waelhf h4 ! taaehl Haeahaee. Ban. aa
Haa t Maury PvaUwa, wheewa .r read
aoSatheveaihalMlaae. as tb peestty ml a,
phlr. wina4 Math. Teau. aUoeauts
al Slta.Mth Moeaao. l.
aai'T k .
Smrtti H.rv Pa.
hU tf.d ePe.t ra th tWe.aa.bal
katlhal maiaaVatwSa. fcaM beaaVat lmm at
otara. maA hy a AUay, W wet by M,e.
d ..f ii Jf . I b"l '"i"'
pirHraf,i..,,(i,,aa u .,; 'h7.
flluw Hi. tur.i,. of enr. To all obi.
UlTttl' ""."l! '" P'M.ll" .
'd, trra of rh.r.r.l win. in. m...ii ...1 ....
aaaaam baamm eVwirha-a e - ar W9.&xmtHAmi-.ll m.ft. Ba. vi-"1 im IH m
Fluid Extract
or TUB
Bladder & Kidneys.
For Deblllly. Loss of Memory. Indieno.
alllon to F.irrtinn or lluaincea. 8hortneea
of ttrcalb, Troubled with Thniighls nf
liisa.aes. bimnee of Vilon, l'n In Ibe
Hack. L'hesl, and (lend. Rush of llldo l io
the Iliad, P.I Countenance, aad Dry
If these lymplnme ar allowed to to an.
very frrrpienily Epileptic Hie an I Con.
Sumption follow. H'hen the constitution
becomes efJVcted II requlree Ibe aid of an
Inviaoraling medicine lo siienitlieo sod
.wu. up in aysienwnica
"HelraboIdTs Bncha"
fly sny remedy known. It is precrihed
by ibe most eminent pbysloians all ovsr
the world, io
Mil II A 1.(11. t.
ERVoLs uKDiurr,
bt I AT1L A.
Headache, Paio ia the 8b
on dere. Crush
i.,. .. ii
Erupt.coe, I'.a I
Dittinesa, Wonr ciiomsch, E In 1 1.. l k P I .. . i . i i .... . 1. .
- - , . n.....'.u v. u .
Heart, rin ia the region of mt M luejei,
nd a tboutsnd olber painful symptoms,
arc the offsprings of Dspepeia.
HelmbOIffs Bnclm
And atimulales tbc Torpid Liver, B"les.
and Kidneys lo healthy lotion, In clean
ling tbc blood of )l Impuriliee, aad im.
p.riing aew life and vigor lo the whole
ay item
A emtio Irt.I will b. anil luffleienl to
cvatinee the meet beeitatmg et it elu
bl remedial quslilles.
say addrei free frem b
rattesta" miy loaeutl by tetter, re.
eeitieg ib Mat aoeaiica a by eelll.e.
by aasweriag tks lollewiag queetioaei
!. 0lvyur asm aad peat-mfiie al.
draea, eea.iy sad Siala, aad your aeoroM
Xpreea etBe t
t. Tear age aad eXt
I. Occapattoa t
4. Marrt4 r siagls t .
V nlght, weight, new a4 la health
. Bee Icag have yeaoee slek
T. Tear comcleXiea. ealer af hale aai
eye t
B. Raviag yea a stooping e staet gall t
a. Relar ailhaat 'ruanailta oil ih
knew .boat yar . Kaelew
lor aaliiioa rawex Tear teaiew win
thea re car aiteaUsa, aad w ,u
lt v ihs h.irf yemv dieeas gqd
at taodid oploloa Mcercjiag a e
Camawteal rayaUloa aita4 te vaav
adwata All teller eiU ba s I h at.
rauaavpato. ra.
Danchy , Con Advertitnim:
$10 10 M ar&:
era month . iMk tr.
ratr In Veil Sirwak
make tnrihnaeava
t .tetiil. mmmm
Addm.t. KAAlkHaiill.. Ihaabaaa. it
w.ii el., Mw York.
anw TSSIT luif if h uiiiM,. a.oua.eiHt
rrotrudliiff loc.
AhPflTn, yon need re laof Ikrew aeaf
yur thlldrias Mo., tat.r. Ik.y ar. haH
wnra.o. aecenat el Melee ILiaaak Ui Tve.
Either Ue
Or A 9. T. Cc.'1
II Ii A C li TIP
will phEvmr in n.
Ash fur ibeaa skoee whea hoylag.
THAI ! Ill' lfedv,,n'l
M rjme.yBB BsBt ,er Month .Isri.S
the Kprii ami lumma
il lumma-. rnr rull p-nielrS
MaO I HOT Cl., I htlllpkla
llUlM J. I
AN f ALL I IVK A5ta a F Ta B
Throat and Lungs
DS. T. Ai Sicia's, Obsai Bmsuv,
tiks In eoniUnettos with hll
and kypophoaphllee ef
lAm: and JSODA,
ot a.rb preparation
ai.iillranl landlnn tLalr
uni itt inr.. ati
name P. ll and Kli la.a illr in Or. t.
. M.M'f.M, ill e.rl hi . Naw York.
Johhan1! Ann.lyns I iBlmeilt wilt poaltleelf
Irarant thll lerrlhle dtaeaae and will noalllia.
ly r.i. tt:W caiai In ten. Informatl.. thai
i . tnaey IW-MBt Ira. b Ioa
d.l.y a moment. I'm? antl .n II Iwlal tb
car. I.B,JUIIinajaV('(l , Hnor. Mall
TAYLOR .isui:
'ANlli Sacoratarr
tjira, TsatslC,
terery lliraar.
t.rrltort .1 enre.
Ui'aaaa llTT
Pra. Uutas, 1U Kaaeem tM ,
relurna In M days oa i Iheetf
el (irSrl.l and lnfr
ttiatloo fire. Like pronia Mkly ra Knl or
tlnna of eto to i. A .Id ran-, T. P(Tti:tl
WkldllTacu. Wall Hu, M. Y.
I-AHSONH. Pi'itttAriVK PIS.I mak
Kli-h Hlond,.nd will eompl.taly rhen.a
the m tha entire ay item in threamonthsi
Anyperaon who will l.k. I pill .... nlaht
tr.ii. t to II waakf may be rallora-l u a..usd
he. th. If ao.-h . tbtnar be pali.l.. Hant be
eiallmrslattsrat.nips. 1. H. JUHRaUM
CO., Bao.or, Ms.
The Ureal Skin Unro t warrant-! lo Oer
alt llLi.nm. Stal I Haa.l. li.ndraS, Pimpl.s
and 1-orowlon.a. Sold Kt.rywhara. (teuton
r dpi of prlr. Hroall boiaa .., lar.a II.
rnparad by Waita a Potts.. Hueu a.
le Hot IMS) lor elrcalar ssd
fc.oeo sold i
Of hia " Wild AdTSnlnrW' and '
fkla "Wild Adilntttre".
'I'l.n In the graphic st ih.nult aoihant
'lap edition, a. I Itaelim
"Triumphs" r. ihanult authentif and .n.r'l kii
Fhlap edition... I I ewlllnc Uitar than anv
?"1,r bo"' 10 Ameriea. tilt
ibls-iowB the t..Bsi" T
. Hurb.i.ra pr.i". Ii. A
tea a fall m.i .ii of
I be preae eumme.d
It t. .... --, . . ' . . . 7
i . vii iv.-piiv diii iijwa. JSOre
if!ri.T? UIHTPn
BUU11IO rtniULU. t-tma add rata HtB.
Ai.ii UBOv, p.ilnh.ra, Philadelphia, ra.
i.a.ui: UACK
tts'on'i Care s Poaoci Pla
and pain, laa beet kn.aa. It aa.
nari. KDiiiiiiiin tail air v. . ...
tauina io oaerwme tee slow sell -a ef that
atone., sedeuio where other pl.ttare will1
'niiaarr rnrta. riwian. 11 reliwaa. a. n
, w,,n niiM. nuiii if uni
Ht. Prlfe. 15 -eM.
W. II, ItlPHA,
ileittr Station, Snyder C J'a.
Aeaot Mr tte t.taat I protest Treema W.
T M neaie. rr Ma., aaiTiBav aa.
bviri.o i.lvtb. he., at.
?.L.',J!,,,,',,U FABMSkS'aal Pa a.
TILLS. Mut.. I nr. laaareaee, sad ether
Int c'va.alaav
-ufllc. aa reaM.aeo al atrteep Bt.aten,
ttaete la Frs.i'l. Twoaahlev s.tia- .!
P- ...mile Hoath I m of MUkliehnr. mm la.
P. Ml Km4 tv4 lav. Ji-. it e rtMa, b..I.
eJ by laaJi a Jimi vt Bller, Aarna aveUat
mm wimmrw. .MaiaalBl.
100 ACRES.
Klshtv-elahl imi Aeete ehaat..
Imiiill. a bih atalevf t'al'it.iaaa. Ut
hal.avwwell HaabM! Wiiataaa, II aaart .ad
'joia. wherewaa ace.t4 a m4 tJ
ht t!tl ItlV aaJ .tl m-...
balUlle. eiel aelM oe rH m aim
aee tae an a Hiti ealrha) stream mt
alae rw.eia thrvaah lb fcraa. tutM !
e w.twrl.B h. a. i4 taj . to naae.
A Uweau th (ua eaxen. aaaaaeaaa eoata
ml tWa rtwW. h ahrrM eaXthe Oa th
eotaio ma'. baa X baba-a, t tatiat, attu.
MaUtw. aihaat em ajn aaaataiw sasihsa
UU o awettaa. evwey.
in r.riaMMT mmjtxMmn au m mmttmtm
-Jlt- -" w y 1 I lh
hMbabaew. aayvhw iVull r "
IhM. hi, 1.
Auditor's) Kotio -
Th aaltettwA kU b-r ortali
Aawr he ib Cant, mt Cammsai fUaa ai
a j dee eoaaty. 1 eteribana lh YnUtt
lata hiMS.y tW kUI.., Seatgwea .
Beet J, aVegwmaay W aal itts t the)
eMUktia) la Iba oka hStwhy ytw. yhM
thai ha lH Bjpecj h Iba g -m. mf s
! . l lh C edt. JL (wla
, sa ia i-e-- ce r
I ' ' it of ,
'4kV? W
rail ii
f I