L'liilstr Ear. 27, 1879 ' AH communications, bushies lei tart Ao., for Mil office, to secure jft" luwHaii shotiM l .ariiire) Mr w.;rws r X JtotT. JcwdMurg, Myar Qninty; P. Adventoment, .. rorriTttttniratioii Ac, tmul b lisrulca : .'; In y Monday noon, to carv Iitsei tion in next issue l-iOOal New4 3to. LEWUT0WlSltI8l0V. ItllVIT tffWItTOWfl BAIL BftAD. .'" . tmtiii. PTaTIU.1t. Nell, turns, Ml I'd Mall Lewtet'aj.r Iwletnwn. T It e.a. I .,. lMa,m.la.a Ml MaltUa r TM Palate t II . w r. Sclera t t t iMr. AtaMbiri ( 4 lvrto'e 14 e)rvr. iMdlrb'ff . lr f , t It Imii r. tn what MM lleefroretat .O. Jaa. U wahary I IM i2 15 at'' til I! t7 ID It ! 14 4a I M s Si! in I vl I It M in !3 : tt T l SU aa IM 41 w 411 It as to s u S l9 B ft. TAYLOR, arlatdat. SAtE REGISTER. The following; List of 8ateA of Ron! And I'r-raonal Property are advertised or Billa printed it Ui oMat of "The Post." Saturday. April 6th. BherirT will sell . Real Estate at the Court Home in MiddlelHirjr. Monday, March Slat, Geo. B. Benfer win aeil Personal Property of Hen- Saturday, April Blh.Wierift will anil Real Estate, at the Court Honae , In Mulillelinrg. Saturday, April 12th, Oeo. B. Bcnfor, Aaalrnee of Henry Brnue,will aell Real Otate in Jacltaon twp. Saturday, March 29(h. Mes Spacht. Adiiir..nf I. 3. HiiftnnirU, will aell rational Property in Btiavertnwn. OUR KANSAS LETTER. JilWTOS, aim Co., Kansas. March 21, 79. Ert Port 11". la unneceaiary to tire j jour readers with an account of a trip to the weat, aa yott scarcoly pick up a paper but what give you the aame old description of the beautiful icenery crossing the Alleglienie, the ahort run across the Pan handle or Went Virginia on through Ohio, Indiana and IHinol, in being suspended 00 foot above water in crowing the Mississippi, next Thun der you into a seemingly 2 mile tunnel nd then land you aafely in grand Union Depot of St. Loula, thia part of the trip need no comment, and from this point to Kama City you generally t uiumr. tiacaafin iwn. aieep iryou are lortuniitti enough to gel reciiiimjrg ilmir. It la really amiMiug 10 luxe a inidinglit ramble through a Vain of 13 can, even if they are Ural clam emigrant aa you always find Jiletity nf love tick couple, primp old wild, jolly old bachelor, and lotajf quailing yiiuugtr. 11'e certitiuly 2 1 U I .. 1 . .1 1 n v. ..... I ....... I ! i vtiHij bivnn ini4iiiiuriiig it. i-i pur ons and all con.iilereil it lilli toned aa we were run tlu-otin.li aa A'xtra." Leaving little Snyder with good sleigh- lng and itriking this part of Kans m with dttaty road wa aliiiont too nine I of a change lor aoino of the boy and a KiUiiigue ti loaf iu the ahado was oott manifested. Wheat i looking Very well through this aection of coon try. Most of the oat i in the ground and farmer are buily eogaged in pre paring their corn ground, iu regard to nuwlcuts wheat i 72 to 7i Corn 2i) to 23 Oat 24 Potatoes 30 to W cu (ter Bu uttr 1$ to SO . cu per - lb And eggs 6 otaenjuc. JKanaflka, .jcaia-lie Eaaterlunday oice wr k aa far a tht) price of eggs "are concerned. ' We bad the pleasure of meeting 'onr old Friend Jno Dreese lat week. Western life seems to agree with John, eu he is fully 20 lbs heavier that when he left Pa a year ago, instead of work ing with oxen lie ha exchanged them for 2 fine span of koeaea, hope he will not forcetto plant a few extra water melon seeds for his visiting friends. O. A. Bowersox baa got settled down and with bb span of blacks seems to . be happy: P. D, Benfer, still clings to his favor ite team.aa well aa to bia lonely cabin A year ago in one of my letter I urged owe of the young ladies East to have compassion upon him, but aa yet I still notice the same sad smile when ladies are spoken of. - - . i 4 - If you wish to learn how gallantly ome of your Snyder county boy can escort the Ladies while others get the credit. Inquire of Squire Benfer who witnessed such a scene in Pittsburg the night of the excursion. Habvby." Abraham yer, who is among the tnoat experienced fruit growers tn our Qunty, writes ua from "Higlmplre," Jackson townhip that's up in the clouds and saya t "The peach 1 not "injured In the least and the pros "pact for an abundant crop la quite "flattering. The only thing to guard "against is. a super-abundance ot bios "soma and consequent overloading "of the trees with fruit. In order to "guard against which we have remov. "ed op h,4f of the buds, thus . dimin "laMaf'the qixanifty Mt4nQM)njr;the "ale and batteHpg the. quality ot the "fruit. Try this process and the one "trial will eoovlnoe the most looredu. "low." We have no doubt, friend JSyer, that it would be quite a surprise to many of the McMst Inhabitants" to see the trees U cf i-oha '$ at fmp I r ' V :r rLh tr?rfed at the close -j t trv. "Charley Rom in Snyder county.'' - McClcib Siivota Cou Mincn 21, 79. Mb. Editor r Under this caption is an article in your ivaue of March 20th. which has some truth and considerable error mixed therewith. Being familiar with the circumotancea and alo with tho parties connected with this but kit- c, I will with your permission; and as brierty aa poasible give your readers a true history of the Mppoeed loat Cliar nyrkom in thts county and thia place i Bomething ovet throe '-yeafe .'ago a little boy wm left, as slated in your is sue of the 20th, at a private house, not at the dunot. acnninnanln.1 h a. Ill l la (dog. He says he was left there by a gentleman and lady, but on being closely questioned, oould tell nothing of his life previous to that time. He was taken by a Jkff. Smellier who kept htm for a time, and then a Mr. Dunlap had hint awhile, a gentleman from Now Lancaster MitUin Co. named FiU ton took the boy home, where he say he stayed for eomo time, tut not re ceivingsuch treatment aa he thought he hould; and ( be'fii diatified, he through some one, that took an inter eat in him, was brought to Mr. 8tump in Weat caver twp, this county, but Mr, Stump not wishing to keep the ad, he saw Jr. Juhn Ulah Sr., anl re quested him to take tho boy, as lie aeemeil smart and quite inteligenl. Mr. Ulah, being well advanced in year and having no children, conclu Jed to take tho boy and-bring him up. He (Ulah) formed quite an attachment to the lit te fellow at once eaid attachment on ly increasing with time and acquain tance, until now, it wool I be quite heavy blow to the old gentlein in . to lose him. Some three weeks ago Mr Cregr visited Mr. UUh, and remained over night, when he received the his tory of the boy from Mr. Utah, Mr. Creeper, questioned the little fellow closely, and made up hi mind that this was the loat boy Charley Roas. The next morning Mr. Krieger came to this place, and was so impressed with the subject, that he opened his mind to Mr. John Jf. Troxcl merchant and P. V. at 'this place? - He seemed so earneat, and so fully convinced that the boy was Charlny Rosa, that M en listed the sympathy of Mr. Troxel, so that he (Troxel) addreaaed a letter to n friend of his in Philadelphia, Sit. Uawc. Sin i tli, stating the fact that a boy waa in tlieae parta, supposed to be the long loat Charley Ries, Mr. Smith went im. mediately to.Qermantowu and laid Mr. Troxel's letter before Mr. Ross. Sit. Roas thc.il addreaaed the following lot- Ur to Mr. Troxel. I'kihMphiii, Jfarrft XOlK, 79. Mr. J. Sf. ThoxkI., Dkar Sir. Ibrmicli the kimlneiw nf .Mr. Smith, I received your letter, I cnvloao phnto urapli of my m Ch irlie altlinugh I ik ii win iw oi nm ime in you in the mutter of idm jilc aiioti na be miiKt have chaiigctl wrv inn. h ainco he wa atolen, hptiir aeiiu me ii tiutypo of the iMiy.wliicli I will almw tn my family. iiiiii ii mere la any mmmuiiinve to hiiv f Iny children or we have any suspici on that the buy may bo my sou, I will V to Kcii him. Att, naktlie boy anna- tioua Ua follow t Have you any other nnnie mini tins one you now havo 7 ml ynu any brother and aiMtcr. and a hat the name if any T Where did von live 7 Wu vou taken awny from home and In what way 7 Wu anv one taken away with you and wlm"? Had you a brother called Walter 7 Please uote carefully tho child' an wer and write me all he iaya of him Helf. With thank for your interest I urn your Re(ectfiilly, Christian K. Ross, Room 2 Commercial Exchange. After receiving the above letter Jfr. Troxel, iu company with Mr. Dublin, vitited Mr. Ulah, to the lxy, but (uuiicl-hini tJooy .,Tlioy eakod per oiisaion of Mr, UUU ta visit the ohool, ant question the boy, which wa kind ly granted. They wont to the school house, and asked .perniiasion of the teacher to take the boy for a ride. which waa cheerfully given by the tea. cher, and as cheerfully accepted by the lad. They proceeded down the valley about two miles, and on the way they plied the little fellow with questions all of which he answered as far as he oould unhesitatingly .but failed to eliuit anything back of the date of his being left at Lewistown, except, be thought be had a brother Willie, but was not certain. 1 The boy waa anxious to ao company them to McClure, but they left him t the sohoolhouse. The next day Mr. Ulah, had a tintype taken and Mr. Troxel sont it to Mr. Ross and re ceived the following letter t PhikuMphui, March I7tk, TO. Mr. J. ST. rRoxBLL, DikSir.' Your letter with the tintypo waa duoly re ceived, The picture has been carefully examined by myaelf and family. We cannot see that there is any resent b lence In it to our iiiiaslng child but are not entirely satliflod to lei the matter rest while there' is a possibility that we might be wrong in our judgment. I will therefore, to determine the case certainly, will leave here on Tuesday uight so as to take the morning train to your place from lewistown and go to ace the boy. W)ll you please meet me at the sta tion on the arrival of the train. With many thanks lor your intereU, I am respectfully your. . ' ', Christian 1C Ross. ' M r. Troxel, tent his clerk to Ulshe's to bring the boy over so that Mr. Ross might meet .htm at the station,. Ifr Ulsh..eaine with' them.- -Although t waa .Intended ! jo keep matters qui yet It wu noised about and the rash of men women and; children to. Inf sta tion, reminded one vividly of war 'time, wbea the boys In blue started for the battle ald. When the 8i30 train thun dered up to the depot, there was an immense crowd there, also at the store and dwelling house of Ur. Troxel, all -1 t- r- r f- J- fry and dwelling of Mr, Troxel, where the boy was he scanned Mr. Rom very closely, and he remarked with a sigh ( 'now I be lieve I must give him up, as that Is his father I When Sir. Roes saw the boy he was much aflbcted, and as he ques tioned him, tears were seen to trickle down hie caro worn cheeks and not a heart present but lifted a prayer to Heaven in his behalf. Afr. Ross que lioued the boy closely, and with aux Ions, throning hearts awaited each ana wer to his question. At Inst he said with a sigh. "He is not my ion." There were many eyes tinuaed to weep, Ailed with tears, Ifr, Roes acknowledg ed that there was quite a resemblance between the boy and one of hie sons and further he remarked that out of seven hundred boys that ho bad visited and questioned, thia one bore the strongnat resemblance te hi loat Char ley, yet he seemed certain that he was again doomed to disappointment. Sir. Roe a ftc4 thanking Jfr.Troxcll and others for the interest they had man ifested en hi behalf, and the ympathy ahown In'hi greatest Sorrow, and al though importuned tostay longer, took the 0:20 train-on his return home. A we gaited at the sorrow ntrickcu man, in search of his loit Charlie many a fa ther sent up a prayer to Him that rules iu Heaven and on earth, that such sor row, such' a bereavement might be averted from their homes, Afr. Rom waa not the only one disappointed this time, aa I feel aiaured ih it nine tenth of those that saw him and saw the boy together, thought and think Unit it was father and son. Jfr. Roas ha gone home, Samuel Ross Evens, (if that is hi name?) has returned to .Ur. Ulah' although thero were a number that would gladly have taken him to their home and hearts, among them Sfr. Troxel. The crowd has dUneraed. tba excitement to a certain extent died out, and we are moving along toward the day and time wheu what now accm dark and myalorioos will all be mails plain. We can only offer our prayers to Uod, our sympathies to Jfr. Hit nuu aiir mi nun, ioiiow llie sniokinu furnace or trial a litllo longor, the lamp of love will only ahine the briuht cr, wuen me siorm ciouu or sorrow have panaod away. Tin Mr. Editor is a correct history of "Chancy Rot In Snyder county." IIlawow, Condaeinr Wolfkill and Malt Acrot Haas r as saucy at a dog with Iwa tails btaaua they bav got ebcauilrul rrlltlsJ, rafuroiibail aud ncwlj palnni pimwnftr ooea i tuolr irala. Cndno!r W. 1 a No. 1 notwiitiiUaliof bl elnna ailen- ilon to bis at only rJuou hut iraponaai Uonv.-fully eoxnltant of (he tffpnniitiit 111 of bl poiiloo, b Is slwaj plaananl al obliging. Dili br I II, at Uo aitij gtv aimteir ay for saras or for wna-sn If, la the spurts of buaian vni, bodnu'l ksvs a double lak in dlt- iribulioa tiaall b-mla anj tbr-malt for which Unuls 8ia fill not mk p. propriatiuBt, rht" oa'y will no admit i lit I wa art falia propbtU bonavtr, Ihit I bobs of our raiTiciiLAB busioma, tb 7 Sol. Opprnhf'uurr. Every body know. who ha a no, that the popular Clolh icr, Sol., about the 8tti, of Jmiuary lust took into partnership a Min Harriet nice which time he hnaincreaa cd hi buaine and put down goods tn the lowed fixuroa. Ho has now ami mean to keep on hand the Urges, bat Dflttlnl STOCK of Good to bo found anywhere outtide of Philadelphia and eOork. As to Quality and Price he challenge the whole world and the rest of mankind in ginrral. Abraham Landis has purchaaoif the Wathiiujton HnMn, located one square West of the United States Hotel, Har- ritburg, Pa., which is conveniently sit uated, near the centra of business and about to refit and refurnish the Home with a view of entertaining his patrpns in (irst-ulius style on the most reasonable terms. Mr. Landis is pop ular as a Landlord and Mrs. Landis can't be beat aa a Superintendent of a culinary department. J F. Rhiel'a advertisement appears in another column of thia paper. Singer Sewing Machine Agent. Depot ou Mirket Street, Selintgrove, Pa. Mr. Rliiel has done a large business in this county as Agt. for a number of Ag ricultural Implements and is esteemed for bia fair-dealing and unquestionable integrity. IU misrepresent nothing and sells at living proilu. Go and see for yourselves. Dr. Rosa Kothrock, we team; has rented and Intends moving to Middle burg about the 1st, or 2nd, and will practice medicine. The Dr. has an ex perience of more than twenty years in the practice of his probation is a gen tleman of excellent social qualities will make a good cltlxen. Audilort JVofo. The Auditors or Franklin Township will .meet at the Court-house, in Middlebure, on the Orst Monday of April 1870 to audit the aeveral Aocount of the township Of fioers.. . . 8. BOWKJf. , . 5 . , ... C. A. BOLENDEB. J. a BCHUCH, . . . Juditorr " WAataatBWataaaap , I Horsemen wishing bills printed, will And It to' their advantage by leaving their order with us, aa our price are down to . the lowest. Order by mail will be promptly attended to. - John Limber! I movlnf Into the Washington House. Killlan Bother ir":t Into the falrraount House, Iu Dr. Warner's Health Cerate fcr Cab at 8. WEIflV BEUnCOEQVE. tSJTCbew Jacksoaa' Dart Sweet Navy Tobacco. Defl. 8. 78 If. aea.Mualios at wholesale pricoe at S. W els' Scllnsgrove. (ik 'i. . 1 riie Stale Normal Sclvnoft rilnnma, burg, Pa.,- has, unutuaiyjfnwiiiiing praaecta for the Sprlnr ttHrsa. 'ItwHI open April fth, 1879. Ffr a-catalogtie addroas Rev, I. J. Wallcr iri Trinel pal, ,i i (R-S, Wels Seltnsgrove wiihea to re. duce his large stock of Dry Goods, No tiona and Fancy Goods, In order to make room for the Spring Trade,thoxe fore he la selling Tile entire stock, 'at greatly reduced prices. It will pay you to take a ride to Scllnigrove and visitt). Weia' establishment. T A Literary RrvoliiUon. The era of cheap and good' books hat cerUinly come. The- AcMr edithai of tnrr, eight handy and ,1-lmitiful vol umca, nearly 3,600 paiea. elcunntly boiind in cloth, for' t2M ia wl.kt the Amkrican Book KxrrtADwR, 63" Weak man Birect, X. V., ulttu- tulril.eri. ho buy tht month,. fWlmen vol ume, complete in itaelf.peatpakl for l cent. Nearly 00,000 voteptea, auld in liie paat llirco uionthe. 3ociincii pa ges and term to club ct free. CONSUMPTOtN CURED. ' Aa old pbrtielaa, rwlrtj-'fiom prao llet. having bad ilacfd la ait kandtbv to Estl India mlttlooary ins formula of a tlnpl vrgdakl remtdy. fbr lbs tpttdv and ptrmtarat cur for ' eontumplloa, bronobliis, caisrrb, atibma, tad all ibroat aoJ lung afffolloni, alio a 'ponilivt sad radlotl our for airvoai '. Utbllily sod all servant oomplalnla, afitr baring tail td Its won.ltrfnl euraliv. power in ibounaoilt of aet, ba felt It bi duly to' ajak it know to bi tuffcrlng fellows. Aoiuaied by Ibii mnlire, ,ad a dttlr to r.llevt bumaa aulfsriogl wi, tan l. fret of cbargt, lo all wbo Jallrs II, lb it r elpl, wiib full dlrfeiioBi "TrfT fJTtpariof and using, la Otrmao, PaaaitW or Eng liab. Stat by mtlt by adilrttalng wltb iiamp, aamlng tUl papct 'W. W. Slierar, Itn I'owtrt' Dloak, Roobtaur, Ntw lark. Mrb, 27,4w. . A Handtome Incoma For An En ergqtio Lady Or Gentleman. Tb Obio 8ola Work' of. Cineinoail bave jual pateBivJ aajar aor' Imroiliio. in lo Ih publlo a liambiaatat tnitbed Pamlly Hoala, an artiol lU b ,'alway been utaiied in vry boiinabold, ast in a fomnunioilloa 'lJrtei to Hi1 pubhtb r nf Ibia paper lb pmpr itlurt'ai ut to refer tbem to tow .relinb-le parly Iu In I ro J nee it for ibtm lo th ptupl of iblt t'oiniijr. Ii I very tel. lorn ttiat a nrw arilol tlep in tudihuily hit universal fiivnr. llou'rVrepart art ' tMid In In pralre, ll I alay nail, , lii r no weight lo gel Inrt or lo br; boaied up, it reliable, and Will Hut 'fet 'tiuVvf order. Tdo ilearriplion of lliviu 'ft'A.b,'adiuia baa mrmiuinleJ by a ,pjinn iu winch work a tplral tiriug q. joiul ideally adju-ied iu weigh, ailsiug. -V o twelve pouu'l- wilu purfeel . aoouracy, uu Ilia li'p nf lb column it Ilia . plaifarui on which tht iriiolt ' ba' Weighed are place t, and the btv an -'SJUtiii)U in dioalor to ilia! vou ona lab lb I art of any vettel you may una in weighing, giving you lb exaol Bet weight. Huuea keeper at oao let Ibeir Inlua I weigh ing fruit, sugar and other' lugrtdivui ueed ia prtirrving, ODukii.f " io., or In eaiinr tb wtighii of arittM from other. ' - Th 8c' art eiad of niArt. ir biaMv polithtd and an fluika4: Ba ibillful mauner. Tliey ar vary wtraotive and lake lh ey of every one.'wb.if r(,t ibeui. Ii teeon to ua tbtt uearl'yfeery .family In (bit count will want o ' I i ear. lainly a rra pportully tut iboyj' tuari and enargeotie fvlf lo JUAbi... null a ale lilll Inoom . during .ihtlNXl' few mombt. Tb Cipny,. Wgeott la olber eounliee- who art gaaUy aiikiog front $6.oe lo per dar.IM!hc tbem. and wa would rtoowmeod parI' ip net J of mployBitnt I o drop tbavUMlO 9CALK WORKS. No. 124 aud 117 Central Atenua. Cinoinuail. O., a Poatat Card, and all in rurmatloa elo.. will b sbecrtally givto tbem by aitnlioolng our paper,'' -March W.fW. The peclillaritv about' Vha A. 8. T. Co., Black Tip is that .childreu'a fine shoes to which thev ara annlied. nnl only wear twice as long, but they realy add to the beauty aud finish of the iiieatanoe. CosdSense:. ' " Tsaebs ui to pro all Iktoa. . Aa tlt- gaal preparation which ba jbase gaining grtund lb lait eight year ia Iba cooA iltuo or lb slok ana aOlioAwl, 111 K. Thompton' Oarovra. or Uaokaoh. Liter and Kidney Cur. It has aot failed l ur gravel, lonamalion, .of lbs kidneyt, and liver sonplaiat, wba taken a di. reeled. Alao hi Daodelloa asd Masdrsk I'ill. (augar cotltd) etaaot b leelled for beadaob and suattipalllB.' r"o ttl by all dtaltrs la stedioiaavt .Bend for circular. Tliusvills, Pa. For ai by" Jabs A, Monte, Mlddlibarg, Pa. Notice of Apptali. to: ... ." NOTICE Is brby glvta tbat Ih A p. peal ea lb Atuatfiual f lb vari- au Dlttriot f Saydsr aoaaly for lbs yar IB7S, will beheld lBlhCSilloB rsofflcsla Ih baroegh af , Middltbarg, wu s , , For Adams, Beevsr, Bisvsr ,Wet, Csatr. Cbapaisa, rraaklla. Jaektaa aad slid- dUburg, ea MtBdsy, April Uth. " rr Middlssrvek. Vlato'.l'aa. Prry, .Parry Waal, gallaagrovs, Ula aad ' Wathlsgtoa, ea TtdytirU 15th. At which lias aad pla Jl' h ay fl IhtaiMlvM aggrltd Bf .Sbflr value tlo By Btlad,afclby4WeJufopr.. Appaal Willbta.. rnaJ w;Jo A. bl. te e'slb P. hi. each day," AasMaors ar rqMaai ta be ereaipt 1 lldaaoa with lhlr Atau at ths th Ha ad ala b4 blaf d) ' -, , - juiin Homo, Catilltlara' t JUUM Slgllt. um. MMdls.1 hkxkt M.:fmax; 1 erg. Har.XT. Ani Va(lir UPs ! V.Vh, i 'htaboth m, r -tC js S;w PlWHilaS. I will stall trr Ik reolM fnf a llaipt VTAai.a liaiai, thai will raiaata TAW, r.niunriprui ana nunwai, leavins ." ie ana aaaiiiui aita In. r'wiaim iniariaat areata Olkalraaa bald heart ar Imnota n. Ait draat.taeloalnglol. tlaatp, MM. VaNIICke v-wh bi. w. i. jaa. to Tttia. THE WORLD'S BALM. Dr. t l. WttSvaa't Ai.TiaAVivaSvacP. wVL A reinaAf m4 THIBTY-F1VE YKARR m m priTaia prai-iie a, aud attar hllla to rad. etllj eve J111I3UAA.T1HT, rimpy.Rfylwlaa,-rnralal rtwmnittrv aTht. III. 'Ii-a'-h ll.he., an all SImm-i 0 whli h "fww ia iiapuoeiM, II now oBen to the o a b tn not u nmetieia, anil fwhntnat its. ,'r,ia. ERRORS OP YOUTI1. AntNTt.kWAWwhaaairereil a.f r-ntnm N.ronl i llahilitr .Prematura llarae.anit all ih effoela f f.iallirul Indlaeratlna, will for I lit Sla nt 'ilt.rlnK kainanliv, free tn all who tie! It. iha rarliA anrf AirL. r. .a. .... layl. raine.tr lit whlrh ha wa eared. nlT-r ttt wlalilnt to i.runi he ih adeerllxr'a emr eaaaeaa don l.e trtdraraina In aerfpol con. ni-nea. j.jh.1 B. UUUEN, 4 Ordar Hlra-t Maw Tors. j.,. ao, 'n.tm. To Con4uinttivci. J,!.."'.'?r,l""l " b"a rmnenllt eor fl tr that drrad dln-a-, . nnaniupll.m, ht a aim. pie rawed . la ai i.. I.. ' ' M llo .ud.r.r. n ,uai.a nf tnra. To all 'jT.'r' h" "PT of Ih prrl. rli.tl 'd.Ureaof rbarxe.) with the direcll na I prt(iarina and nalna the tarn, -biota II... will SllltjJ'.""i'!L",,,., !'"lrTioa. :at, woseaiTia-. c, Pern, vimuiii,. prrrl: 'U. will Mnia aildre. K. A. WILitltH.itf Pans alt, Wllliabiaburgh, N. X Jaa. IVTtl a. CAUTION. Notloalt hereby given that tht follow, ing arttolet bav been purchased by th tindertigned at Conalahlt'i Hal ami left la pntttetion of Iraae Mourer during bl pleaaiir. all perton ara euiioned not Inmedill or inlerfer with th tame Wheelbarrow, Cow, Heifer, 4 Shun, at l'uhry. Si Beda, Conk flmva and tittiret Clock, 8iak, Wood Cbeet. 4 Chair. 2 Bed tdt aad Bedding. Int Carpal. 2 Cup. board, lol or Carpenter Toolt, Doughtray lol Crnckt. Vinegar Barrel, lot of Tuba, Siantta. '1 Mtat Hiandt. lol Meal, barrel with Sail, loi bar I and Can. II butlielt of roitieee, ont-tbird of 6 aorat Ky ia ih groiiud. T. B. EEITI. March 27, '"O. Asij-neo Notice. A T.L persona interested are liere- f-m ny noiineil that Hanjamln .1. ftenfer of nt all hit aKeeia, real and permnal lo Ike on. dnlgnd for th hanalti of hn ere.lltori. All Krinnt having elalnej are rt-aa.a. to ,reeol em lo Iba aaltralanal and larannt Indabu will plaait make lm.o.!rte patinant. ii a... h.i , n n . i , . . :n ma.i ...i WILLIAM H. SHIil.l.KV. Mawh IT, 'T. Aatlgoe. Assignee's Notice in Bankruptcy. NOTICK ia hereby (riven that the nderttgnad hat Wan du f ad leaalle apnnlntad An.lanaa In H.nliraniMv l l.o.n Sboaart of Mlltllnliura;, t'nlonoanlr , Pa. . . t . . VALENTINE WAI.TKH jaa. via, in. Atllgnao. Assignel Notice. ALL persona in tot anted are here bi notified thai Abraham Krnnaa nl MM. dicer, lap , nnydtr 'o., made an alanment of all hleeiioela, raal and naraonal in Hit un denlKnal lor th bane nt of bli eradltnrt. All ra..at haelna elalini ara reottil to praaenl them to lb anderaland. and parmnt Indebted will pltaat make Inwedlate parnient. March IJ.'II. Attlga. Jt7uN F. ZIX'UM.VV, UNDERTAKER, Troxtlville, S,iyJer county, fa. I'nttriaklng laall ttt uraneh l pmaptlv t Uodedlo. , Mar OH 13, 7. A8SKJNKB if ALU OF REAL ESTATE ! rpilE nndcraitrnvil. to whom Henrr J- Hraa of .l"kin liwnahlp, ma la a Vol untary aMlaomenl Inr tl.a baoent l era lllora, will xpoe to f ublle Mala, ou lb pleniaet, o Saturday, April 12fA, 1879, thfollowln4rerlbad Kaal Kttata tltaata tn Jack .on lown.h'p near Kraltervllit. SuiJar vuhhij, aa., vuniainiug 93 ACRES, O nareha. with the anrurtenanraa l Rnon.t. eb Kline an. I ntbart, Kaat 1 7 Unit ol .ton a an norm ot reaiiKTeat. Boulli bt lamia ol J. neietiiej ann v. 11. wanner an.l Writ bj laad of Kara bar I Kiln., wlierton ara eraola.1 llrick. House, Hank Barn, end otner noeaaar tballllngt. A Btvtr lauing wen 01 oieaiieni water at tna door. A GOOD ORCHARD of eholre fruit traet la a thrl.lng eoadltlon. Tblt traet ol laud la In a high etat ol euttl. vatlon, naturally lertll toll, eonrenleat to market, leaool, mill, nhorrha., annate In a healthy losailtg, and aa ulerprlalug coamu- r 8ale It eomnena at Ito'eloek A. H of laid day whaa larmt will ba made known bt ULUHUGU. MtNFKfl, Mtroh , 117. Atalsat. Auditor's Notice- In themaltrr of the Smith. In tht Court oCbm won I'lttu m Sny (Ur Chanty. nnh nndertightJ Auditor annointtd br X lb Court at Feb. Term, lo dietributo tb fund In lb btad of David Grot sod Fannia Smith Adoira. of lb ettai of li via Bmlib, dcd. will ml forth pur pott of hit apnoinlnient at lha office of T. J. Smith. Kto. at Middltburc oa FRI DAY, Apr. 11 tb. 1079 at It o'clock a.m. at which liait and pla all pereoot In. teretitd r requeued lo vrttenl Ibtir slaims properly suthtntioalcd. II. It. wSIHM. March 18, B9. AuJltor. SHERIFF'S I) I BT virtue of Sundry Writ iaSded oat at tke Ooart of Vteaii fleat or am. d-r fr'aalt, fa. aal to ttadiroetadi will k St- pota i pueiie venaator enitry, t Saturday April flf A, 1879, tlOa'oloek A. M. at thtfnart Hrnaa. la th koroaah of Mldtlkrg, lha following atrlk d real aatala, vl I TRACT a. I. OmaaillKr. Tea. ft. All thai eortaln traat riaa4 ettaat la I . lerek Uaaakimaajler oBif, olalalag FORTY ACRES, ra at loaa, hen Ke k laa af fatn Aaraa. heath kv laa W WUIUaa cllkara WaMkr laa of Dart Matalasae, Maetk hi I. a af II aa i y aHetlBa, wkaraua ar araotod a Twexueg HOUSE, GOOD STABLE BathallmlMlam, aa tke peoawrty tig. aklra T rati a II of Mtahael Tea u, aVtalrtS ol ajltaakoth Maegae, ttaaaeal. uitta ri.ri.ra. tk lU rtfa4 tM la th aaraa.k af jUIJUtarw, at4 aoaaty, - fa., Wa4-a oethhy A at a Blraat. Kati by tat jMg . l aamw ay mm auayi went ay aWaM, at 'bXE-tl Alt ACRE. ALES H. 7. HELLIBOLD'S co.iipou.u Fluid Extract iByiHiy, PltARJlACEUTIOAL A SPECIFIC REMEDY FOR ALL Diseases op tub Bladder & Kidneys. For Debltily. Lou of Memorr. IndieDO- aiilnn to Rxrriinn or Hu'Iiicm. Hhnrlnet nf Brealb, Triuhl. with ThnugMa of ltete. l)ininat of Vi-ion, l'aln In tht Hack. Cheat, and Ueitd. Ruah of Uloo l to the Head, Pat Couniioanc. and Dry Slin. If thea lytnpipni arc allowed to go on. very frequently Epileptlo Hitn lCon. umptlon follow. Il'hen tb tontittulioo beenmet alfecitd ll renuirt lb aid of an Invigorating medicine lo ititagtben sod ... L . . i ! i vu up ia? ayeivinwwaioii "Helmbolffs Bacha" DOES IN" EVERT CASE. IS UNEQUALED Dy any remedy known. It I preeribej by tha mntt cmintnl pbytloiaa all ovr lb world, ia RMRUMAT1SM. flrl'.RM AToHROEA, NKl'UAMIIA, KKttVdUSNESd, DVSI'KI'SI A. IMHUKSTIoH, CONSTIl'ATIOH. ACIltS AND PAIS3, 0KNERAL OErtlLITY, A1UNEY Ulsr. ASIs, LIVKIt CtlMPLAINT. M'.RVOL'S DKDILITV, EriLWrtV. IIKVU TKDl'IILES. I'ARAI.VHIS. OKNKKAL ILL-UKALTII, SPINAL mSEASEi, ttt IATICA. DEAFNESS. LI'M IIAQO, CATAHRII. lSa.HVUl'9 COMPLAINTS. FKMaLE CUMl'L'Tf. Ao. lltadaobr, Pain ia Iba Shoulder, Cough bimneaa. Hour ciminaob. Frunl.cna. II..I Tan lo th Mouth, Palpitation of the Heart, Pain ia the regiuu of tbl Kiduejkt, and a iboutand other painful tymptomt, ar tb oBtprioga of ltptptia. HelmbOId's Bncta IKTUtTES THE STOMACH. And ailmulatet lb Torpid Liver, Dniet. and Kidnay lo beallby aolioo. In clean- ting lb blood of all impuriliet, and im parling Btw Itr and vigor to Ih whole tyttttn A tin tit trial will b quit luffioleot lo convince lb morl beeilating ol ll lua bl Mondial qualilltl. PRICE $1 PER BOTTLE OR SIX BOTTLES FOR $5. tlierd I an addrttl frls from ob. ttrvaiioB. Patlrnl" Bit eontult by Utter, re ceiving th (am atleaiioa a by tailing, by sntwtring lb followisg quetiloat I. Qlvsysur nmt aad poti.otnict ad. draes, county and State, aad your atarttl tXprtt oOc t 3. Tour ag aad sX t t. OeonpailoB t 4. Mtrrltd er Ingle t , 5. nigbt, wdgbt, bw aad I btallb t H lg bV yaba lick t. Tor plXio. Solar bf bale aad tyt I S. Havlag yea a staoplsg r rt gtlt t t. Rtlal without "rrtla all aa kaw about year, laaloo a dol. lar atooaaaliaiioa feo. Year letter will t bia rtltitt ear aittatlBa, aad will give fta lb aaiar f yar diae aad our adid pllo lralag a e4 Capiat rhyaielsas allad te terraa- peadeats. Alt Ullert Ikould b ad.lraaa. d t rlaalry, HIT .rilbtrt -StrMi, rhlladdphla, ra. H I KtLCiLO, tnggM 4 CbNilat, nuvrura, banchy tt Con Att)erti$nnmtt. $10 10 $0flf) aiwb aak fnrnit.e av ert month, luoik f-ni 'Vr .ii ltlnl' a thin. dira... rtAXtkR a Ult., ttaak, if Wall ut., pr York. PPPS NOW TB MT THff fr1 y f.,r , ,. rW " M fci rrotrudliiff loc. fAHe-flTa, oa seed e Inaatt throw af onr I hlMnat f.ho. taiur the ara half w rra.ua atioaat l Mora ILivaak th Tk. tltliar tho SILVER "Or A S. T. Co.' II LACK T I I will ritEViNr in 1. Alk fur tbt Ike wbea ktftkg. I M'HWjMM i'ill , rr Mot.th ilariaal Hi Kprn an.l aotnm-. fat full prtlmllrl audiM J.C. ilaUl UU Y a cti., 1 ktltildpklti and all i iaKAsta er TB Throat and Lunges rCHMAili NTLV CVPED. DI. T. A. Si.oci a't, Obiat ntaaur, PSYCHINE" takes tn cnnjonctlos with btl COMPOUND EMULSION Of PUREC0DLIVKR0IL and hypophotphltM f MMi: anil SODA. FREE BOTTLE tirwVTO,,d 1 eh I Bn.inl tultenna applicant ramllna tbelr name f. it ami Kl..la adlraaa to Ur. t. . r..M't.M, ill I tart ft . .New York. IIPHTHERIA!! iohnn' Anntynt t Inlment will poaltlrelf kfavent (hit terrlhle iltraaaa aan win noaitira. InfornalUa that ly fttio nli eaaet In ten. atit taet many llvo ant fraa by malt. Tloat tltlay a moment. I'raraoit .n ll bailor than cur. I.S.JOIIMMOMaaCle , llaaanr. at a I fa. BATABD TAYLOR AOKNT WAN! II f Ilia tnra, TnArai, and l.ttararv Oareer. Saftiira territory at ooea. Ctl'aaaa PhllB. Citt fra. Holt a, TU Saoiom at 01OAA raturnajn I riaya on li threat' OlaSUU el iri-lal Kl-rU and Infor oiatlon free. Like prunta weakly on Mtek op tion" nf eio to M. A.lilra.a, TV PoTti:lt WHIiillT a CO. llankera.U vVallitU.N. Y. i ii i ..I fvHUktlVK pn.1.8 mak nrw Ktch Hlond, and will completely ebana; the blmol In the enttra tyattm la three montbei Any person who will take I pill aaeb nlaut fnim 1 1 1 11 wee Me nay bt restored to anuad kealth, If eo-h a thloa bt pMuli.la. rtant be n..ll mr letter alampt. I. a. JUUNSUM UO., Bangor, M. CUTICURA. The (treat Skin tlnr It warranted to Oar Salt IlLMtm. Scald Head. liandrnS, Pimrlat and Come-lonaa. Scud Krerywliere. Nam an r ii of price. Hm-ill boiaa ton., larae SI. I'repared by Waika fc PoTTRa, Hotta. Seod to Uua imm lor elrealar aad Uttluiooali. AS EXOITINU BOOK I o.oeo SOLD I STANLEY'S OffN STORY (if bit Wild Ad'tntUrei" ant "Trtumpht" r w i i.n in in. irapnie eiyia or Hon. J. Ti llaadley.la ihenulv authentic and onpyrlnhted i ?'h" 0" In Amerlea. Ito a full nut .ry uf ' aoiiioo.an.i iittnin latter than an tna '"'" ' o proe. umm.n AefeaflLal ft M aVitl Ml t f,, It, teiia u iu ilpit hr I Clm. Mar AGENTS WANTED. tStWd'eSl'SBti UA..H iiKO.v, ruUubr, fblUdlliiftt fft. liAMK HACK tOF' BtiiSoa't Circyw Poaoc Pla If I T lafne lamene.l or wtaknea of tb brk, Klieumatltni and alt local a. be and palna. tbe batt renia.lv knows. It wa. lurautnd to overcome the tlow ami h ol thai Toioarr roruua riaaiare. 11 rllve pain at oner, and euia where other pltetart will1 .. wwmn miri.. noiu ararywooro by tirug al'U. Price. t "ertr. V. II, ItirKA, PRA.GTIGAL MILL-WRIGHT, 3feher Station, Snydrr C'tJ., 2'a. Agent for Ih I.ktept Improved Triaiaa Wt. T W Bint a. utrt tliraiakt, DaXTIBa. aa. aaa Uut.riKo i;t.iTa. at., at. ALaO. Agent forth PARMCH94 tA K. VII.I.R, Mutual rtr Intaraso, a Bd other Irat -claaa CoainaBtaa. trudlca and retldeata at afrlaar HuMeai Uat.l-7t.lt. PKIVATE SALE VALUABLE FARM, tttaau In Prankila TuWBJhln, aaydar aoaaly Pa. one mile Moull. t-i 1 Ulddleburg, oa Ik Publle Koad toad la. lha to raaaa-. b..ai. ed by laadtof Jacob Waller, Aaraa atelier aaa othtrt, twiuinlog 100 ACRES. rithly-tlekt () Aerrt elaarxt. aa.lar anaaJ leaaadl'i a klgk ttala of I'uttlTatlea, th Ixlaaco aell lliaiwrod Wiik Oak, llltkary and tibaataut, bortMuar elected a good TWO sivn DWELLING HOUSE, NEW HANK BARN aad all atvoeeat tiu bulldlngi, a aood well ol never feilia nui Bear tb toor aa a saver fatltag tlraaa af water raaniag Ibruaak tk hria, eataaeat fur watarlag au-ed la tbe Bold aad at Ike Mara, A tana eau Ua fatal aiiorolag aaatawoa taairucaa. TWO 0SCHARD3 at Ohole Pratt, ta a Urtvtaa ad I tl aa sa tk ' Broraiaat eaaltto kWharVt. I'ttnia, stilt, . liailraa tttoaaad tu Ba loaa Mob aaa evd thia a utraklo aru party. t ni. el. , irl It4M llrr4lU UAtatt sUlk, &. mmwM iarnor Mraaeaurt au a anorate . THKHStB. arerg Tnaawii Misstthara, aaydar coaklg Pa. Dm,U,'II. Auditor' Notictt. tb aaderaigaed havlag beta appalttae ' Aaditr by lb Cur f Ceataiaa Tltaa wt taydar eualy, lt dldrihet tb haka I ih band f faaae Bilger, Aatge of . HaheH J. Blagaaaaa, U kd taaaagad IbaahJ entitled I tb tags, brhy give kali thai h will taeet fee iba raM tr h'4 aptltaM at lb Ctrf. i. tvaLk ., t tha re H r e I v i' vl t ' ;. r m e i ritw. , jS-).,,. - ,