The P o s t ." Middleburg, Mar. 27, 1879. I. CROUSE, Edtor A Proprttor. y mmm Samuel J. Randall wae oo Tnes day of last week re-elected Speaker . 01 toe uonseor Hepresenutivcs Weston, who is alvar w1Vinrr 1, . ------ t led never winning, baa oballenged ' Kowell - to a eonteet for the bolt - The match to take placo io Loudon . jaay otu. Hurrah for Woston I lie might win tine time. The friends of the Union and of National Government mnst taud a her etood in 1801, 18111, ISM and 1372. The issne baa come up and it must be wot Chicago Jnttr Ocean. The reduction of the Ux oo to bacco, together with tlio inndoquafe , appropriation made by Oingrene, re likeljr to p. event Secretary fiber roan from paying the arrears of pen aioniM rapidly ae ho would desire. The Democrats don't abut Reform o vigorously aa they did a fow roonthe ago. The translation of tbe - . cipher dispatches nerved to reform the bidden meanings of their corrup tion into onising letters or ioraray. i But they are bt ot on vindication f , Zscta Chandler atates to a friend that be made bis late double-shotted speech on Jeff DAvia, exiiec-lintf them to come back at him, and thon he was going to make bit real speech. "I wanted them to do it. 1 teas leaded for a bear '' That sulphur shower, which frightened the good people of Read ing, bas been explained. It was , nothing but pollen caught np from a species of Jersey pine, borne on the wings of the wind and distributed over the land of Berks. Tbe people . are no longer troubled with forebod inga of their latter end. Grant bad a splendid time in In dia visitiog plaoea of historical inter ' eat, reeeiving delegations, riding on elephants, and dioiug with tbe high dignitaries of that country. He will return to this country about August, landing at San Francisco The ' journey eastward promises to be a grand ovation. Chicago, it is said, is to have a Tilden organ, to be called tbe Morn ing UeraUt, with Manton Marble as editor. The Morning Cipher is suggested as more appropriate, as is also tbe Ark and tihechinah. The t-tnd Teller wonld be more to the point than any of them, and should be adopted by all means, if tbe party is disposed to give force and eclat to the campaign of 1880. Tbe Widow Oliver, who is orose cnting a breach of promise case against lion. Simon tameroo, and claiming tbe modest sum of 50,000 damages, bas already come to gi iof. In the Washington court a few days ' ago General Butler, counsel for Uen. Cameron, produced tbe "widow's" husband, to tbe consternation of those who were backing her. Thus baa another blackmailing scheme been nipped in the bud, and the "widow" will bare to look for other pickings. In Red Rock, Luzerne connty, about 5 o'clock Saturday afternoon, an unknown man, evidently intoxi cated, staggered through tbe streets, carrying on his shoulders a bag con taining eight quart cans of nitro gljoerine. Fifteen minutes later the town was shaken and tbe inhab itants terribly frightened by a moat terrific explosion. Investigation re vealed the fact that tbe man bad lipped down, causing the explosion, which scattered 'fragment of bis body in all directions. All that could be found of him would not fall collar box. The remains of the late Bayard Taylor arrived at New York last ( Thorsdsy in tbe Gorman steamship Gelbert, and were received with fit ting honors. There was a funeral procession from the wharf to the City Hall, aod there tbe body was deposited, aod a funeral oration de livered by Algernon 8. Sullivan, a poet-friend of tbe deceased. Sir. Taylor was greatly beloved by. the Germans, and conspicuous among tbe associations that took part in tbe faneral eereusoniee were the Ger man singing societies. The body remained at tbe City ZU daring tbe night, while a guard of honor kept watch. On Saturday it was committed to its final resting place io Longwood cemetery, near Cedar croft, Mr Taylor's borne at Rennet Square, Chester county. The great walking match in New York, which commenced on tbe lOtb and ended on Saturday eight of the 16th inst, between Charles fiowell, m Ecglibman, John JSuois, Daniel CLearysod Charles A- Uarriuian, aod which created socb furore io few York and hardened the col uoiBS of the newspapers, was won bf KowtiL The sneteu was to walk WO Biles is six dare. ' Rowell made Knnis 475, arrimaa 460, and O Leery, who stopped on tie third day, Hid a&ilea. 1 be atrgrsgste re ceipts were about $'l,im i the ex peeaee sbool $11 AO), wbicb leave boat 140.000 to be dirid4 soaocg tee walkers, Aeeordiag tbe agree seoi, Howell gU W tr sent, Kasis 97 per swat, a4 liamieaa 7 JM seat , tbe lou walkers tnt rsseirirj f atveb. OXeswyUv lt'l tscee BtZee, is not r c f-t fri mmj, ' ' ' if1 'r NASBT ON TILDEN. (CsrsriiT X RoAii. men it io las tiai a nv Kentucky.) I rusry, 21, 1079. J The Republican nerstkooteis wicb is on the tinck nv that martyred in nocent, raninc! J. I iMen, are dooin a tnoct ifoncccssiuilv crooel thing That poor man Lez suffered ennIT br Dein deprived nv tbe otris to ich be ux electnl by votes wicb be bed bought sod paid for, without boin botiodid tn tin villainous manner. To hold that Mr. Samuel J. Til' den knowed anything about them ci plter dispatches is to hold him np as a man capable nv takin a posinhen irregulerly prokoored.' Samuel is not a man uv that kind I kin aver that Samuel J. Tildon didn't know nothiu about 'em I wnz at l ildeu's bouse at tbe very day Pelton and Marble wuz there arrangin to see that the Presidency wuzn't taken by frod by Hayes. We bed bio oonsultiu en the situasben, wicb wo considered frot with danger It wus a ciitikle period in the his tory uv the . Uuvernment. Here wns Tilden electid. es we boleeved, and here wuz returnin boards, hold ing out for money. Uv course, bein a just man, I wou t say the Kenub lican usurpers bed offered 'era mon ey to hold steadfast, but it wus very plain thoy woodn't come over to ns wuuout money, and a good deal nv it. 1'elton, Marble and the old man bed bin in coosiiltasheo before I got in i in fact the consultashen wnz over. Pel ton nud Murble bed their carpi t bags packed, and a kerridge wuz at the door to take 'em to tbe train. Good-bye, nevew, good-bye, my sieaaiasi menu Marble, sea Tilden cheerfully. . "I don' know wat too are a goin to r toridy ana south Ker liny for, but may success attend yoor enoris, wnatever tuey may be. And be winked a solium wink with bis left eve. Unklo," sed Pelton, "nv conrse you don't know wat we are goin for, nor yoo mnso't know i yoo muat Keep yerseii in posisstien not onlv not to know, but to swear that you don't know." -And nevew Pelton winked eollnm "Nevew, trust me for that." Bed Tildon, "hut see that you dou't fail, no matter wat yoor misbun is. Sua cess is everything in this life. To fail in anything is criminal I taught yon that, nevew, when yoo wuz a pullin infant. Wat yoo tvaut is suc cess. And Mr. Tilden winked still more sollumly with bis rite eye. Mr. Til den kin wink with either eye. "Never fear, unkle. never fear i all you bev to do is to cash sicb drafts ez we shell make nnon yon, and yon will be satisfied. tt'e shell require a large sum--possibly two or three nnnared iuounand dollars. Hut no matter bow large, cash 'em and have confidence into ns. Too needn't know anything about wot we moan to do, but them drafts will be drawn unto the fund from Floridv and South Korliney." And he w'ioked once more, this time very solumn. "It is well, nevew," replied the kind and coofidin old gentleman, "I bev sicb confidence in yoo bev all the money yoo want and kin yoose. wood en 't take tbe Presidency by any questionable means, ez I bev sed a great many times, and above all I wouldn't yooBe any money to prokoor it and J know you woodent be an agent in any sicb tranracehens. Still, you shell bev a barl full nv it, persoomin that yoo are goin to en dow stools for the ignerent freed men with it." And be fetched another wink. "That is our purpus, nokle, to brink the prejoodist freedroen in close conjunkshen with bis nateral pertecters, tbe Dimocrisy, and it will cost a great deel nv money " And all three nv em winked at each other solumly. And they departed gaily, and tbe result is afore tbe world. They didn't git tbe electoral vole they wanted wieb Mr. Tilden didn't know nothin about the yooserper Hayes okkepies the W Lite House, aod ther is a nigger in the post-offls at the Corners I I insist that Mr. T lden told the exact trooth when be said be didn't know nothin about tbe cipher dis patches, aod tbst the effort to fasten guilty knowledge onto bim is vilenis itself. I know it beooz I can't com prebend bow so skillful a purchaser nv men ez be tiez alius shown bisself to be sbood L'ev failed ef be bed at tempted it ( and second, Mr. Samuel J. Tilden sez be didn't do it, and tbat onght to be coocloosive, Ilesidbs all this, he is very angry with bis nevew Pelton, for compor ruinin him in this matter, lie hex bio over two years gittio angry at bim, bat be is a man slow to wrath, in wicb he is moderasben itself, es in everything els. No ooprejiidist person will ever hold Mr. Tilden gilty. lie was the victim nv neve Pelton, wicb hex alius led bim. Pxtbolicm V. Nasby, Reformer. SBBBBBeBBWBBWBBBBSaHSBlBB k violent wiod storm, amounting almost to a tornado, ptsd over the southern part of Macoupin county, Illinois, oo tbe 11th. destroying bouses, barns and other property. Edward McDonald, living near the sou life ro line of tbe county, sod bis Utile grand-children . were, killed, and several ether . meoibors of bis family were severely wounded One or two other death are reported Tbe track of tbe storm, which earns front tbe north-weet, is said to bevs beesj about qaarts of tails io widtk- -- il Tbe New York SWAw epihotsi see tit real becaeier aod policy ot Auditors Report of Receipts and Kxpeodilvre of Snyder Couoly, Penn'a., Table showing the amoutfcliaiged and received, both County and State; Commissions, Exonerations, and the balance. Yet due. . DISTRICTS. COMjDTnRH. Adams, Heaver, Heaver West, Centre, Cbaproao, Franklin, Jackson, Middleburg, Middlecreek, Monroe, Penn 8. C. V Perry Perry West, elinsgrave, Union, loses Krl, Sam l Uur.bman, Joa ii. llaines, 63 5' 71 29 140 78 5 Michael Yeisley, . 6-' 49'2lV 11 D M Swartt, . 848 f)0 493? 231 34 J. W. Eisenhower, 1035 9& :-21 4 148 44 John Sowers, 636 20 27 29, 44 00 . J. U. Rachman, 299 46 27 00 280 69 . Simon Erdly, ,688 98 29 27- 288 IT Rt.,iio . Q7(i hr-"arsi' r405 00 ' isher A Isaao Row, 1367 Kd. V. Moyer, ' Jnd K Gordon, 7enry llobcf , John Neitz. Washington Ram i W. Walt. 1415 2ft 57 78, 304 IT Total". $19767(1 Table of Jklinqitfni CtMfotors. of 1877 and DISTRICTS. COLLtOTOlll. Heaver, Ffeury Wearick, rVntra Aaron O Vallr. Heaver West, Joseph N. Wnioes,; Centre, Kpbraira .Walter, i Chapman, Geo. Ileintzelman, rranklin, Middleoreek, Middleburg, Penn, Perry West, Union, Adums, Heavt-r Beaver West, Centre, Chapman, Franklin, Jaekson, M iddlecreek, Middleburg, Jno. W. Walter, Samoel Hassinger, James P- Smith, Reuben Row, , -Jacob 8. Willow, : Peter Steffen, Moses Krb, Samuel Bachman Joseph N. aines, Jesse Sohambach, David M. Swartz, ; Henry lleimbach, 'x Robert Bouse, . Simon Erdley, ' .. , David Ranch, , n Thomas Stetler ' Monroe, Penn Perry 8. C. Fisher & saao Row, Edward D. Mover Perry West, Solinsgrove, Union, Frederick Keisliog . Hnry Huber Peter Steffen, Washington Samnel W. Watt. Total........ Items of Expenditures. Auditor, Auditor pay ... U A ll.n.n .I1fl(lln MiflOnnlB Off tllS Httrtl Otfl:M at IUuuol IN MT ProthonoUtry't OJfire. J . CrouM ProlB'7 rM for liTI Ulii 92 Jteguter as Recorder $ UJJice. A. J. Sucai,r)irlD( Tall oor K He1) District Attorn; 1 OMre.. '' Jobs 11. AnrU'ifm for ll'i ,100 Juri Cotninimionfrs. nil, Rtmnw nil lulluK UTI M S S. I". Bbry ' ' S 70 JO. CommitMOtiei $ Omce. f W riMMi HlKllflnorV. Htttllinfl kc 10 ? i. O.'oniono. ri.rMuiio vt io Kw.Coin. 7l dTt IrrvUo Ml M Jubn Ku.K " " " " ' J1' J, p. Aar.D'l IJUrfe tiUrj " 40-iim T ... .. ' I I..M Itf IU J'riou. r J.M. nrr ' pill w-lrt.e-'. I W A.ruD " . . u ....... T..i 1 4 Jobs J. Tuf L fu r's t'onttabltt', Junticet' and Witnef set feet it Uummomceaitu .- Cute. , to. Job Flbrr IM JremUb MilUt 1 ' Mim Kiarick S0 I rib Mojrr .nil tlllL,f T4I J .bv tl.lm 1 Wa. rMkUSaril I1 Lo.Td Hoyr M Jw-ob BKiiasa 0 I Url.r Harbrr Pr, Uioth.rt - H.mal 11. Biml l 10 Hrd H. null I It Joaalbaa Hrunu.r X M Joba MaiKlrMi fc A. ZobUr M I l'..nH Mt.Mlh Si - tma H. Har,HBrr Btar.r and W.U. Lbm 1 On IMt Kibibu! ttllgr rrdriOi Olac IN II J I to lltl a w Tboui J'irdua ba.ld S Wia. U M.r H.rtl. Joba k.HIBKr Abr. Btui...r Jo Homk Uaack IH IN iTM I, Do Joaatbaa Mofr, Iral Erb t'ri.h Mor.r tl KtllBrr lul If bdw.ra Luh ' l Jan. A. K-ruoU 1" " EIIb Knoitr 1M " Hih K. lltrol L. R. H.iu. a Ed. Dar lit Ii Ityaa Ifauboriaaa 1 at MicbMl Wiau4 I " ! Htr l it J. W. Arnold IH Jaiyk f ww 110 - Juba 8u,d.r I M JuMpb Smllb l ' Hluiuk U...l.r I TO m lr Hi.b 1 1 - llubara Jordaa 1 14 Court Expensei. Jaa.AdJ.l'aill Jar MO suaribr Tll.0 100 Courl rlr I 00 rb., PMU Jarr 0M M " Uraud " Mi 0 MiMUKnpb' i - tJaaaUbl ttlirM 01 It - TiawUB tit C'uuncrUr 110 Mar Tro. V mit imtf 41 41 Uraud " lit 10 , Hlarpar 4v 0J " tuwubit ratara J 00 Tiuaooa It in i.'rl rlr Sopl. Ir P.iil jnty 44 M IVttl 0 40 IM M w i mum 0 mi M Sui'irpbr Owubi ,tra - Tipaiao - tniri rif Da Tom. P. ill Jury Oraud Jury - bUMnfi" Uuumiiiio nUM - TiimUS OarKrif atoardi Jarvra uo no it aivr liiM auua n ii t II SIM IIU MM io Courtftou$e Erptnut. VuBBf a KlpM rrsaab broaaat IKM (Ju.a4linau4 IIMM II' It IaUI Motaulr aual VS a)il U. Mrr"' .ball 10 u Jbu MH' Bia fxw K.Mb Mtllblaf I SO J t. SuiHb bawium ouau ill0 IM fwuo M -,B JaiMr.sUa oafrlM tOOe S7T 01 JtrUly lUpairt. IA4JMB4 Mabaa Itiaa Kfaia!Uo II M tot 0 4! IM in m . 0f 1400 ., . 4 SM ' MOW ' - r as set it i'raua.UI HmUtM atM41Mfe MaWi - Weuai'o JI4dbrf swim Sbaavatla Pest - Iclkt turn ' I? SaHsosewe , Amuof$. rut A'w simi Ti.i .b."-"! Ti ae ii V in. i 0T Misiibs. Oot, I stt. nl, I HtM. JOonntf 641 32 H 25 4t 52 15 00 991 4V 63 83 291 60 45 00 60 00 20 00 28 00 'i0 00 20 00. 15 00 20 00 71 " T -658 0J ' 0 25 63J 86 25 of -' uo Z 40U 2 05- 353 00 D44 21 681 WW 43 679 74 l"i 67 292 45 20 00 40-00 .30 00 75 ttli.OO W)35 Hi 3392631 65.39159 69 2 056786013 24f21 v Ante. (;briil ui iU7SmUiI in V Conaijr lf5 ' 403 7(4 77 Vti 187 22 77 .; ,84 88 1876 803 HI' -96 81 , 138 15 ; 159 83 - w 4'15 IV - 164 88 .'. 13 78 . i1 j8," 84 1877 209 Ml 1!fli4d Ml 15 96- -' v 165 69 15 00 298 40 95 00 127 45 154 64 85 00 15 71 11175 60 90 85 84 83 35 300 20 74 00 211 28 145 47 864 65 163 60 199 06 180 13 270 04 39 58 251 79 110 00 398 05 158 00 741 92 7 88- 8 78 8 52 219 8 41 10 82 8 85 9 31 5 83 7 06 6 65 8 64 , 10 48 ,18 08 , 4 08 18 50 8 72 25 03. 11 52 ,394 3 82 160 05 " 247 15 '',zn 23..; J 7(53 S8 "'.309 47 ' ' ' 178 99 ,u d '419 58 . 1" 323 89 i hftfi (il ' 9 77 98 2 38 4 43 5,238 05, T. J. Hibltb mi(r'l rt'n Jndg St o 1.1. MBiibaaa'.ava.iiiflal ' 1 40 VNiai-JcoBpailoglelloa Jiiba Zwhraaa at l Con.l.bUfor tiriiiMii No. 'otloa 03 00 IaaWc NbVlirl aa t twi.l.blr adrar Ii.Iiik a alUlid'- FK rlu'u IS! 00 M. B. Il-iirit b l l aprtial tUcllua MuuruaWauablp 10 M TOO TO ) h io- y - HJaH . - t. M. hml'B.' rfllldla'riani Uomagh 1 00 HanxMI irnr, tllorvf , ii i. H.aiBtl AUwaaa, . . , I 0 If rroiiarlMA AM' . " . M A. I. KbV-'", 1 K pM'tr. I ... j . .- 44 M . N m. ..b r . . . . . Iamt .larol. r1. W'.Tl'af : W. ul a. H. Jilr4,'4-orrr toaithlp muO'UOIO JrSEPIIA.L.U.atlARD. . ort PK-U'BUjn . t-'0 N.r.iiila .in" lllur. .wl l.rtr.l Flrll..a Pr'ocUaliUon Nuu' orai p-i-' - oo .' ,'. 'VnaMkiim. WKIBIOK. l)oit l'focllnoo 14 01 HB lr aa I .IrfH lll.r.. mm mw "' It 'It. 4v C. V. AlOT EK. part t,rrflboM.Bi ' VOot rlolpV'M4'JUMaiirari . 30 on .-.lotjifcHfcAiiaii vwofsie. OOOH PMalBttlHM tui ' H.aaluMajul Muaadll arta lurl tl -I'liua fKaUuiatloa aiOt Jobaofk i.rfi- I. : .; a.- eo,ijo ..r MitlluneoH$. Aal lr4 ..utul.trtot St Ja b . aatab 01 tl K Olll oullooar . VI i Joba A. Vlon 04 AT TIUmVrb.4B J. Allr.4 ..oboeb 4 41 Jobu l)l)-rt r. . I J Juba M.'MorU uiprtoTcoalett a Hi'4oianturf iii tdward UaIBr. Iawrt 40 N, 0. I iiar ll oo.u fiamnal rurT v. bBiaar toaaif U K-HiibtmblV " 400 Hoe. ' loo . A. W. PDlVPT PMBMiwaM aarrw la KWllftluVlt daiaaa M 10 00 1.9 ApdMaaAlM4Mejolo4 It. C, r (T at bl J B.aUltlo IT or 1). T. hSMdl.'Aal uo k rtpalrt U0T A. U. Hiiuu'tMlaHloBl tar ! VaaauaajaMUl . itraai nra at 01 loO(i;ti.iai Kr marda IS4 to aiiraaiaa OxaoO 111 00 Wa. Vaa laaawr do do I4iu0 A, J4,l Ulilat do So .10 0 asrjaaia laaludai' 07 00 Jorawlab UrbuMalal RMardeoaM Is Mill " ruoia.a Jurilua ail ra. U.tuiiuua'altb 03 00 Raekalollar b ribladal Kiaanaalkia ol laa ihuiJ r.oialBI ol lb Klaula a-awllr - tlM W. t. S. bMl-oipoSMO Taaabar iBillial ' MM Oao. II DtDdr at al Road VIowO toT 19 Oo. Ola ob, l IToa aaalpt M To I .HIM Total 4Ubotoatt 10,44100 8vpiiacbtNTv;oo. W, lb uidnlnt4, Coa alitloetrt iae4 for said ouuty, Do oor ufjr ibai ih feregolog I a iru aal oor. rro! 4biBMt 'if 4 bo tlltburooaiouU for ibt ar tsttt, I U boat of our haowl. d - ' bi 1 Hltaaat oef ktadO tbit 81b dajf of Ja ear ' JOHJf ROM 10, " VJOHN RK1TZ. ' " ' lltrSMY M. WETZCL. AftMl L . ConaiiMloaort, J. T. Aer.aJjo'rC 7VewiroV Account. llory P(r Trrar la baooaat witk St . dat oautf 4b lb four A. It. 100. DU. TO wt of Uo tn PIT'S aiaaaafS 170 u VooSaiUiidissaruriawo. lou ir ' To aal 01 aiaio " - - . MaUul Baok u Tobalaaaa ul a'l itUil toitloaoat Il.or U Olio r.SMM I oraoa r naar job i m. Uur- no OTST MM MM MM I M Uo tor SM MM T Irataoo mm aula av laot aauloaoat draos br 4Jia J. W .Uota la , " laoarot Traaaaro T oab fra forr il. tor tbbBgO lit oo . . , 1 T oaab Irea Ckad. F. SaU t al laap(4oe tjoaa Taak Uua)PA)ll ot l taaa Ur4 vt. smmm1 laail To oaa Iraa lauiaia Co. lot iapa4r I iiMsf 4slpTi4j)f T iioui JV . bjc lap OAaa root - Jb Tt.' aid laa bar Ml MMMIl To aab tana ib4jatr llaaaao ' TibubaMUJa vi. adUtt M44B-( 0lff ( . . M4TS ,.-..,p'e ..'. Uf aal afvitM kf TiWr I a.1" ,f 0.Slt7 roraal4 la UTt .mmm.7JrJm'nytB" Twoi MadteMUMTraat mit T.V "s 4 " Mbi, 114 aal Sll M .aHU ' 1 MM - Wwaf "lf bM m a-a " a aa avu aa I rtMts, i m , ,-fi'm , , . 'J -. from January 1st to December 31s V, atioim. f Ha use 'aties. 189 95 630 111 .725 69 841 52 255 09 817 6.1 " 103 89 2 75 270 48 622 71 644 .08 884 62 80 13 630 17 252 25 15 64 s cc 7 69 '2 78 18 20 " 70 5 93 10 65 22 11 10 9 60 75 22 68 10 45 8 39 14 29 1033 96 24 39 Previous years. '. ) Sioaaraitlasi 1 PlUlssM ! Ja.l, ui. I i7i. I llTI. SUM. lOotatr I mats. 03 6 60 19 88 1 84 10 98 .63 13 52 86 126 01 632 41 106 07 7 88 '4 75 8 78 ; 8 52: 1 79 10 82 10 76 6 28 40 8 41 8 85 931 8 83 5 75 7 06 8 64 1748 4 68 2 29 9 65 90 15 08 10 22 ' 87 12 67 02 373 67 57 63 68 99 165 89 40 208 22 1 70 "1.932 27 ' 10 50 8 72 1162 8 29 3 77 1 19 23 25 03 3 94 .3 82 9 77 98 21 53 2 3 4 03 115 08 9 90 "89 20 160 47 111. la b.B'la nt Traaa'r auil paid to KhMd Uravo Xrouaiaror alaalad 430 10 21.0 4M Statamant nf th aaaaaU aad llakllltlat of Bf dar ooaaif Jaauarr lit 1174 . - Attets. Aanant 4n by -ollotnn. Co. tat of 1171. aaUtaadlB IIMII - Htal " Mi ll l'. " 117? a prof '1 oari l,WT7 Btata " nan tt.l. la kaodl of Troaaarar 4W 10 iT i i Liabilitiet. A m't of ordtrt ol In, o'ttaundla tot SI ' " " '77 a pra ' j aart 010 00 I CM tl Aaiota la tie oti llablllllot 0S.SMM 7'e A Honorable, th Judget of . Court of Common Pleat of the . ie County of Unyder. , W Ibt andriid, Ait'iiinr offlny dr enurj'r. Do eariify, thai la piirno oT lli 470i 8oil"n of ill ant ontiilfd Vi Aal rrltin( to Cunli. Toti-hlp4. So.' p.rr.l lh luih 1I4 of April uirl at Hit 0 janii'alnnart' o lie, tn th un If l Bn.rdrr on ih flih d ijr of Jatiuarj I87'J. and did audit, brtju.l and tttla tut rrcril teoonnit riuird of ua by law asrrhly I Ihearfiml Atto of Aaiomhly and cSupjlrin.iii llirreio. aeoordoa it 1 .r hni uf nitr judmonl and abililira.and thai lb furrnuins it a eorrrot and liur Hiatnini of ih aoeounii of ibt Commit, tionrra and Trotaiiror of tal 1 County. In Wliaota btrof, ti bat borrnnlo 11 our btudt and oealt, al ibo plao a fnrrtaid ibit Hih day of Jaou try A. I. I87U. NKRB. MirtULESWARTII, . fl MAUIIKK. U.V.NIEL liIEr'f N'B CU, Cobb y Audllert ADMINISTR NTOR'S NOTICE. l.ttrt nf dalBliratloaoa tbotataol J. P. HoUnatla, lat of Hoarlawr, Hn lr ooBBtp, Pa, di-'d bar ba erainad to tba aailaraiaaod. All poraoBI kaoalaa; tliaaaalvo lorfabtad 10 laid tatalo will pla. aaka la uixILl paaat whll Iboa karla olalaa aicalnai laldotiat will iraaut tbam for aotll. aant to MUHkS tPKOMT. K.tmm SO, '70, AdalB'ilratar. Adminisirator's Notice. Letters ofailalolatratloa aa th oatato ot J.'ha Lal, dre'd, laiaof Ckanaaa to.aiklp, Hup. dar UouBtp, Ponaa barlae bn s'oatod to th BBdaralaaail. all nvraoB knaalna lhaa tolto ladabtad to a. Id ial ara raquaatad to aaka lamwliat payaaat, whll thoa barl' s lala will prat Ikoa duly aaUwaUobl for aoiiioao 10 CATUABlrtr. i.ruro fob. Si. 'T. AdalBlitralrll. I KXON I SlU.Omialf ii 07 1 61 10 78 . 49 67 2 67 .14 87 48 17 8 60 42 00 . 43 27 1 27 9 52 1 05 25 67 2 45 ' 1 4(1 30 61 80 1 09 18 18 ' 8181 180 14 97.185 .105 29 45 1 16 ' 88 '48 8a 163 65 61 3 43 . 31 72 1 19 . . 0 89 23 15 1 63 7 81, 47 21 2 55 ' 80 40 28 99 78 0 05 60 70 73 2 89 0 87 50 AOMINISTRATOrl'S NOTICE Let tor of ilnlBlairtlun on Ibo oouio of Nlabola Mlaaa, dooaod, lata of Perri twp, Hoydor (JouBlp. Paaa'a., karlaa bcaa ;rBl d to Ibo ndoraloBOd, all paiaoot ksoalns tkaaaalroa ladbtario tald oalalo ara raqaait od 10 aako liaaxllaU payaaat. whll tboo karlu olaloi will proat tkaw dolf aotboatl. aatod fritiat to DATIDO. MINtTM. rob.U, 'TO. AdalaUtrar. TAKE MBiTflClB! ALr, parlies indebted to ns ars karebr W aako lamadlaw payaaot, .ad ibo. wka b aay alaiaa a. salaat ia ara will plaaao pra.aai ii al aaoa.owlBBT to lb mtl Ibaltba arm la ao la roooa ol dUelatla, WUS a OPPtlf RKIMEU. OOl. i, ft. tiallBlf rora, Pt . YOD T7E .BE 80M I roe raplas tbat old Paap wllb a ate a ad 4 nut tret oarafully ataala lb Buckeye Force Pomp, Tba Botkoyo It lb ory laattat laproroa! la Paiai., il It auuMraolad wllb lrbuibr wbiau mat II r.rr aaay to aprat. lloaa aaa b suaabad to tba Uaokar Paap, tad wlr botbrown bpb aay balldla la of '. w7.r.TO;'.s-:.V"kly.v,4 WMk FIHE EUOIUE ready a yaur wb prlat at a aort tan tba ordiaary paap. Il Cannot Freeza I ol4 waalbar. UarabU boroad a doubt. Tb ry paw (or daap wall. ' T wart la pari alih.rutiM, andralr.a wlibla a pore. UNl llMdbwba.' Jf Mbla I 4p about It. Iron T.rttrv. Wind Enslnt , . Itrrtlapafa I Wlad Raglnot, tellaaotbaopap la a4b, Of lor prtlit addyM . Wa V) CBATTnaJi , a mm., it. oi.(i.ntrr. t mmmmm iiabset. nnn U IL RnlAsi ftf lft7ft avat 0tWTfcWSW WT W BT ajr WJP V WAT OWbSJAVVW ' Vf NivVVVI juj Chinese A Three-fold Incrsassr;; WA8TI SO MOULT OK INFERIOR COOKTKRfBlTS. V V,',, V ; . . . PRICIS Or TII8 0BNUIXI OREAtLT REDUCED. All Former Years Qutdonk 356,432 Gfiliis Sip SsfiicMii Solliili, HT ANY PREVIOUS YEAIU " ' Wf12CIAlL4 NOTICE. Many abnses1 rae W' np nnder the old system of Belling sewing machine throdtOt "MidUletnou," wboee eupi.litjr bes often Isd to misrepresentation and fraud. V ' .. ,. ' For tbe protection of tbe public end bare abamtmtd thu whole perntciout tuttem. We have dire.etly through our oten salaried We can thus give to tntry putchar of a Genuine Singer Sawing Mt cbine tbe guaranty of a company of 35 years standing, that any roaobiuo sold by a "Singer'' agent is exactly what it is represented. . " The diflerenee between such a guaranty, and the gaarranty. of an irre. sponsible, bnngry can tenser, whom the pnrehaser has never seen before and may never see again, is too marked to require comment. . We Warrant Every Machine Sold by ns. r The Singer Company Itavw establmWV-ari -'olT)ee' Iw TiLST!' DHUQ STORK, SKUNSdHUVr; l'a, Machinos will be sold on the InsUllment plan at reduced prices. , . .. ....... March 27, '793m. WEST JERSEY MARL AND TRANSPORTATION ; ..coaiiM'xw . IMlOTlrvVIs to FAriiHiiiiri:.. w. :.t. bow prtrd Io illrr 11,1. tilly lcbrBld Marl at ilnu alnn tla ti. I.. tlO pi too. An IO" iinuuUa ol tlila Marl takon Iroin a uoilorm alio ant Irua Ibt fatoof lb bask, Bad by (laorao H. Cook, Buto Utologltt ol 2iaw Jtr.oy, tbuwt a loliow l pMo.rnnBin Acid. t 10 Ibt. bJn.irin Ai'lD, IOTAH, L.IH , Mnmai, 40 4-I0 lb. 0 11' Hi. 1 4 ID lb. t.l-10 ID. Th Woal .lray Marl I'nmp oy bay tholr Marl out Irna lb top Io Ik bottom or tl .!, ad lbroab y ald. sad Ihrj ldg ikailrt to Ibpply Marl orjual to ibt wpl anb riil. Marl I adaptad t all laa f roll aad oropa, and Boaorout tatlallt tal k tktwa Iroai'faiaiara aud truaaa ol It raarkbbl worlu at PEBnAloTElfT FERTILIZER ItaooBalttaanUof rkoaphorlo AMBd Po'ak alnnamtkt It at osn tbrhaptt aad ball ol a Bar. .nil .r aaiu.l valua m tba laraart f ortr 1 pf baabtl or ' pr Iob. . Parthar laloruiallva, at., wlil b irB y ' J. CROUSH. Agt.. Middleburg, Sept. 12, '78. MOSK8 SPECHT, Agt., Deavertown. Ladiss Coats. LA 1)1 KS COATS. ladies Coats are in great demand at present. Every and in Snider county can be supplied S. WEIS' Selinsgrove, there are stacks of them there, which in qual ity and cheapness cannot he equaled. v gum1 ' 'tom. mumiQmM sr str n bi , ; V BaayaaBaaaBjaMaaaaaBiM " '..r -- ft f -. . . i 1)1 Jii, MM Irtrrt QQfVKM - V. BEINO t 1- abolished the "ruiildlatman" an.1 ..ii artantt. whoa, we are able to contrnl SE LIN SO ROVE, FA. At.rMIXI PuomxieaoPlaoB Watkb. , . Tola! ; - 0 t-l Hit.. it mo in. H i i. - 1 IbT.' Ladies Coats. n .... 1 iTHK8gR?ooi)Bl ; ; i bb i mm sssr ,;'t4 ' t' . ".v -m i tue lxseBoersue party t tbie wwe t "Ie every tint's t-r tie rurttr of "yt-it icV-i r' r'