The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, February 13, 1879, Image 3

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    The Post.
Jill"?, rD. 13 1879,
mvx.zr--.Z-s.. .z
1. CRO'JSE. Edtor A Proprclor.
vnzi. ' '.
Arrears of Pension.
Tba omiaisHioner of pensinna ii
evidently dotcrtuod to lono no timi
in securing to persons entitled to itH
benefits th-ir ritf'da un.lj.- tlio li;i j
grunting arro.1r.14 'S of p;ni jtn
which hits jnat I'i.eonio a Inw. To
this en I Ito hai i.nna 1 tho f.)Ilovi;i,?
eircalar Jottur :
Persons who aro entitled to ar
rears of ponmuu, undjr tlio not
tfrantin: Brroir.i, appruvud Jami try
i,'d, I37J, and wIi'ih.i pnnai na worn
Krautiid previous to t'lit dutn. will
not roquiio the nnist wn of a cl iin
agent in obtaining tin mi junt duo
tlioin. All corriH m l,,ui!.i iu Mi
tion to any claim for Htteh nri-ear
will Im witb U,o pi rnon entitled, an 1
no claim a'oiit will bo roejjnizu I in
such claim.
A letter alln-sac 1 to tho o ittmiH
aioucr of ponsioiM, hiin I liv tin
.oraou wLo uas in receipt of the
pension at tlio ilato aforesaid, an 1
two wiliU HHCH. in tbo prcsonco of a
luaislrato, will h tlio only annli.
eition required, and upon which the
Kiiio Ul Ull paniOS CJIIClTIIOiI will bo
'J'ho J'ens'um Certifiuifvt should
not bo Kent to this olTic'o. but it
be exhibited to tlio uiuj;itrato.
Tbo lottor ahould bo in tho follow
ing or equivalent form :
To the Commisiioner vf l nalon ;
' 1 n pi-'iiHi'diaT mi-
dor ponhion ceitilicato No. ,
hereby npply for tho nrr.ars duo
luo, nndcr tho act irriintiinr urn :n-j
oi jicnaions ( approve.! January V5, i
... ...jr uoiuiueu n.iitrehs is
there insert tha baiuo of tho pofit
ntlico, and if tho clamaut
a city, tho iiamo and nuinher of tho
Biroet and reuKletico mubt also bo j
T" . . . . 1 k ...
m kuunu to uio to Do tlio person he
describes himself to bo, mid at the
Kama tiiuo ha exhibfed to me his
pension certiliculu, tthieL h number
ed .
Magidtrato's signature.
Governor Hoyt has fairly nottlod
down to busiiioHs,and onco ho selects
n now attorney general, tho govern
Uieutul lunchiuo will bo fairly in mo
tion and run without a jar. With
liia extensivo acquaintance and
knowlodgo of publio men and the
wants of the people, coupled with
Lis groat personal popularity, there
ia no reason why ho sLonld not uiako
one of tho tnont popular governors
tho state has ever had. II o goes in
to the oflico freo from tho trammels
Of old politicians, fresh from the
ranks of tho peoi.le, aud if ho fails it
will bo Lis own fault. Hut tho Ito
publican patty dooa not believe that
he baa any knowlodgo of tho word
ikiI. It is not in his vocabulary.
Ooveinor 7oyt did tho proper
thing in tho selection of Hon. M. .
Quay as Secretary of the Common
woalth. No man in tho Stato is bet
ter qualified for tho position than he.
and none could bo moro valuable to
Lis chief. Tho l'hiladclphialiocord
ership, a merely local office, was not
tho place for Col. Quay, and wo aro
fclad to seo him return to tho serrico
of tho Stato. yo did moro tlinn
imy other man In tho State to secure
Ivepubliean auceesa ut tho last elec
tiou, and ho not only deserves this,
but Lighor honors, if it is in the now.
cr of tho Jiepublieun party to bestow
It is reported from Washington
that tho uow arrears of pensions bill
rrquiro a much less sum of money
from tho I.'. K. Troasni v tlinn butt
bet 11 anticipated. It is said that the
number of persons on tho rolls who
will bo entitled to additional pen-1
hions under th- bill, does not exceed
forty thousand i that tho cases can
bo settled in ninety days j that the
ovpiii'to amount of each pensioner
would bo about 675(1, and that the
total amount required to pay ttieiu
would not exceed thirty four million
Tha bill to restrict tho immigra
tion of Chineso was taken up in tho
bouse at Washington last week, and
passed. It provides that no master
of a vrssol owned by anv citizen of
tho I'nited Mates shall tuko on
board nt any foreign port any num
ber of Chinese exceeding fifteen with
in'out to bring them to the Cnitod
Ktates, under a puualty of inu for
each passenger iu oxcosa of fifteen,
such jiounliy to bocoiuoa lieu on the
Tessol. Tho vote was 10o for the
bill to 72 against it.
Ocb Stcuuiriiis AunoAu -Tho lo
rouBdfurtbu Co eminent four per
cent, bonds iu this country has ex
tended to Kuropa and tho nownpa
pers there upeak hi;rhly of thorn us a
safo iuvestineut. Tho per rentage
provided is in Knropo an excellent
rate and now that our credit is upon
a safe basis, the peoplo are eager
to oblaiu our sseuritea. Thia will
greatly help tho refuudiug aud is a
complete uuswer to our iullation-i-ata.
Mr. Lywau I). Gilbert, who has
filled the position of assistant at
torney general for four or Cvo yoars
past, it is said will bo roUined by
Governor Hoy t, providing he so do
sires. 7e has Leon at Chicago for
tba past two weeks acting aa attor
ney for Major Iteoo in tbo court oi
inquiry now sitting there.
7;uli.ll oloala prloes at
B. Weis. Belinagiore.
- .'"..-a 0..t.v
younes.a. utile of claimant ; r.ont h where each letter can i.;d costs
7"' 'Un,J")fT" 'Bi,: j tbo government from hix to eiht
t Signed in my produce. by ,w1ioi0i1h,8.
, Now York Slate will
'r.!0iM".Hoi. her Kaiioinl (.uarda
....Trvr.,n lnvo potion or; ' ' , . 'r
ovcrI.L,. llra..,h hotel U""S "',:nn,; 1 lL" Mr
but Kuldoiii w uver bo e irly u now.
....Thoro aro 111,0,5:) d in ITIih nni xpcrlod nppi-aratico of the
North I'ltr ilii: , or ojo iloj to i vory 1 bridge i uc'ti'ittf od fiir by v.i.( (ju n
llirco uhopjt. I titics of K.ricnv and iro which pnnpd
.... During tho pnHt lo V(.r(..!i,,lto,,bo vor from I.-iko afttr
it MH .il. (;.n.r:;i:i f ir.n,.r. h.iv., in. i
voal.l in .,.nh .
. . . . 1! iluji.i'.rifMM mrriil " 4 ston
in lj Id" tcli tfiaph wires cent Kuhind
ir i.OO'J IiihI vu-ir.
l yoi)l. M& mh.
fried livor iiu 1 ico
Tildoti club has jjihI bscn
oranir 1 in 'iltdbiir tj T,iuop
him mi for H ().
. . . .Uiiiimrd llonry Vna, p iot
and csMnuMi, ilic l in HuMtoii, ou lant
Sundiy. njf-jil 'J'-l yearn.
....'ii Friday, thro lit'.ln ir!s
pa'.v their mothi:r dio f.oni want, in'ii.i.
.... Accounts f.-om I'ppnr V. vjit
ivo (art-roiiditi d.tnili4 of tuo
f.unino '.hero.
....Tho Si'iialo, non!l"inrl tho
nomitintt'in rf Srivif-r Cliriiliancy
to ht Minuter l0 yvru.
. . . (ir.iiit and family
(nil" I on Siilurd iy la.t forlu lia,
via tho -wil' oiitial.
. . . .Tho pnl.lio d i' l hlatciinHit for
din monlh of .li'i'iiry uho.V'i ni'ii
duction of 3-.7ol.y-J''.
. . , . 1 nvid I'nrkcy, of Morriftfown,
I'n., agrA twHiity-livo, him nmrriud
bin t( p ratidinother, a;oJ nixty.
.Manufacturing cutablishtiiPtifH
havo boi-n idlo for vi ir aro
n, ,i
starling Dp alou0' tho upper llud.jon
. ...Thofiro at I.eo, Mira., lastr, and near tho Canadian
wet k, burned ton stores, a printing iboro lingo cakes of water-ico arc
0I"' . 'I'iacopal
ovor ,,
....A Congregational church in :
Illinois h is rejected a can b l.ito for j
ltd pulpits on tlio solo giuiitid lliut
tie Uhed tolmeco.
.The. average cost of tuition
per month for each attendant of tho !
publio schools iu retiusylvauia is
eighty four cents.
. . ..Tho btory from Fountain Co.,
Ind., about bcoui.las '(.Hover boin
killed while iu bed by u inetoorin
stouo is a lie.
....Seven tiinnsan-l miners aro
i llo iu tho county of Durham, ling-
land. The distress tiicro has not
been rquiilod biuco tho great sttiko
iu It 11.
.... It is stilted that tlio btenmer
Albion has been chartured to take
llonry M. Stanley and party lo Zan
zibar for uuother expedition to Af
rieu. . . . .Tho Chicago olovator.a aro full
of grain, and notico has been served
on slupiiers that no more can bo re
ceived until souio portion of tho sup
ply ou liaud is retnovoJ.
.... Mr. (lonrge F. Seward, minis
ter to China, ho is now being in
vestigated by a congressional com
mittee, is a nephow of tho late Hon
William 11. Seward.
.... Tho bahinco of Irado in favor
of tho United fetatcs for tho year
ending 1S7S, was SoOI.5t2,o71,
against a balanco tho previous year
of only . 1 10,050, 11 2.
. . . .Tho l'hihideliihia 1'i'enn under
tho editorial managemotit of Hon.
Kdward Mel'herson, is ono of the
ablest K publican jouruuls iu the
Stato and Nation.
. . . .Two yenrs ngo a corn specu
lator at Clarinda, In. refused (il)
cents a bushel for .'W.OOJ bushel of
corn l.o hud bought at 110 cenf s. la
ia now v I 4 lo ......I..
- ....... ,.u ,v(Uk i .1.11113
II bushel for it
a nu.HK.i joi it,.
, ,,,At nn cxnenso of yin) to tho
peoplo, besides his owu lawyer's
fees, a farmer of Jones county. Ia ,
has recovered 1 ceut from a man he
sued for fourteen fouco rails, worth
V) cents each.
. , , , A young man
1' years old.
.... - .
sbool teacher in (ileim ('ity, (ilnm-
bia county, was recently iu tho act
nf shooting whou tho brooch pin of j
his trim blew out and entered his
skull, canning Lis death tho baiuo
... .A fight occurred last weok at
M'Hi'uii station, between M. II. and
I). II. Mixon, brothers, in which the
latter was shot nnd killed. The
difllculty was caused by a misunder
standing about a Lorso tr ido.
. . , .The greatest excitement pre
vails in I'ittabnrg among tho eattlo
men over tho roeont order of tho
Hritish (iovemmont prohibiting the
importation of cattle from America
I'iltsburg ships three thousand
head of eattlo to Europe a woclc.
....At Monlvillo, about fifteen
miles from lielfust. Me., John Mo
l'arland. a farmer bis wife and grand
daughter wero murdered by ono
Howell, an iinyauo man. Mrs. Mc
I'uiiand was shot with a gun, and
tho others had tboir braius boaten
out. Tho murderer was afterward
shot and killed by a nonjbbor whom
ho had attacked,
.... A dimo, a nicklo and a penny
were found iu the crop of a Mont,
pelier rooster last week. Tho cat of
a resident of East Dorlin, Me., swal
lowed a five dollar pold piece, and
the village butcher offorod 12 60 for
ha- Wbilo Mr. James Ruboy, of
Harionia, Ind , was feeding Lis bogs
bo dropped nui pooket book among
" J1 Juea "'- . ' -
-4ilM.. .
T;ia Niagra lea Oiitlja.
According to tho I'ulTtlo (Jaitrltr.
Ni.ii'irs livir below tho fulla, is
ppannr I py a !)ii l;'3 or ico one imlo
1 I .. . ; . ri-l
l" cavy aiortn. nun.wy
morning tlio nociunniatod miK3 ci
ico cnino (o a i Imul otill lirncath I'.ui
HUflptnsion liidgo, but in a fow
honm tho i".o dn'ii uddi!ily began
t.j heave, grind and broa!: iiitofiag
niriilM, with a Ion 1 ip I piiiiful noi
Itiuovnda 8holt distntvo nrnl then
enmo to a N(.cond halt, vhii'h wai
followcil by n thirl movement, moro
violent and luisv than the other. A
vanl ipiantity of water had accutu
tunlated b(-hind tho ico and mi lo a
d.'rfpoinlo effort to get free. At ro
I atoJ by a ri poi ter of thn Hnllahi
1,'iniritr, tho ciioriiKiui body of snow
and ico wn.i rainud nji by tha water
nndtouNid nboaf in all diroctiona blocki weighing hundroU of
tU!i wero liftod into tho air. J'oold
era wero torn from tho ahoro u:i 1
' . i :..i ,1 n A.. i i.i......
r , j'b I11L1, lii'J nil I (I'll, IVIl'l it ru ii,i
lir-tri.'O which hi indd ihu.j fei.t aheve
hip-h water was curried mvay. Thn
ponderotis fticngl.'i of tho enra' d
waicra was ho a lpueci ih it n, nnein
.1 .u If II, ,....,,1.1 ,,.1 ll. .
" ""V ......... .v.... m.J .1. ci.ii ( . hniiOl, MIUi.l.HW.
goigo in twain atld 111 that wiiy fcS-,1,!i.i-K'ilin.l.rTiv..rnllnl-owlth
c.iiio from tlieir iiupriminuiriit. As',,-1,;'"fc,4,"'"'"',,,'"''1'',',y,l"r,,',ui1,ti
limy cciild not; trio niile-' .viinuy. n.o :un .iny ..i v, ii nrn.
dam in two, they raised it boldly in 1 ," XW il i.oVt V'fZl
to th Itir lllld Itlhod away beneHl'u Ml.m orTivnri h'rvnr n.H.-
, . . , . , , II. ill ill l.l.'Ki ii'. ttntl f I hf l!in ' u t will li(l
it, li-avitig n mum of ico abovo and : i.u.i .n i v.i i. n,- u ...imi iiii nit
behind them, 'lho foiiiiation uf tin,
ico in this blidgo is not tho lamu oil ail.... ,.r ii.. ii.
,,.VIJ m'lto ii inu 1111:1, .'II tll'MlitiM
Ameiiean dido it is chiefly compose'!
of snow formed into roin,d d ImnhN
r (ihapea, and looLs lilio wt.ito e v .!
As ono approaches tho c.-ntro of tho
river, tho ico fragments bee mio bug-
formed into a nohd mass. In some
places there urn crevice twenty five
or thirty feet in d -iith, but wator is
itiot seen through them. At present
jt'ao Hiufaeo of tho t-pan is eveoeding
ily rough, so that it is very f.:i-':iitir
lo crois, but l foro loin' a road sill
bo iuaIo through this ice-Held for
such in reality tho bridgo is being
sixty foot widd
Tnduli 1. I'ctija'iiin, rvico a mom-
ber of tho Unit, d States Senate from i
I.oui.-iiunna, and mil h' i m-u 1 1 v a mem
ber of . lull'. I'avis' cabinet, is a Lou
don lawyer, with a practice, it is Paid
worth cne hundred afid fifty thou
sand dollars nunually. Mo is (irl
years of age, and looks no older than
C'S-Dr. Warners Health Cornet cx
cell any other kind in ftyle, henllli
and durability. For sale bv S. Wei-
i'l7Chov Jackion'a I'-t S'wet
Navy Tobacco. Dec. 5, "S ly.
im.iwiwi..iii, 't.f wj wmmvm mM
Vi' virtue of n cntnin wiit
i.f Ki. F.
m i-iii'j uiu hi I'm i n.ii-1 er t.i.iii innn
I'lem r.l Snyder counly end lo me direct,
el mil! be cxpimcd lo I'ulilio H!o, m the
Court llmi-c, in Middtvbur, ou
Friday, I'ebruaiy 'JUt, 1871),
Tbo followi.ift 4 .-cribed A'eM Kt!e, Iu
wit ; A cenaiu
Tract of Land
oitmilc iu HVm IIc ivit loivn-bip, flnydur
county, l'a tmuiidai X .rili, Kai-l and
Poiiih. by laud of I'anl lldiiler, Wt by
luud vf Michael Aumiller, couuiuing
Six Acres,
iHoro or lean, nboruju uro eiealct a TWO
Houses Stable
lllld other olllliiiil.llllgil.
Si.iMl, ukru in execution and to ba
old u tba properly of .liunei P. I'liilip.
I). lUILKNUKIl, Kl.erit).
Sberirii OtTioe, MiddleburR, Feb. 3, 'Til.
!.... I ... - ..
J lii'i ol a'lir.lnliirnttiin on tlio imtnte of
?. "l'''"" u-Z'-tJ'Vl " P-
t r.ii.iiji t.iuitiv. i i:nn n., imvinic iMenarant-
i"'1 "' uniler.Unml, all m om kn wli k
tlioiiiiolvH to oi-uite ere reqne-t-
eil te lunke Ittinie.llHto 4 inenl. wMle tl'.e
"v,"a eiiiiiiiwiu.roeut ii.tiuuuiy authouti.
eutO'l lor ottlouiout o
ret). 13, A.liiilnliitrar
J V 1, oiler, nt aitnilnl'trntloa llieritatent
relet- ri'iter'ill tain ut A Um- tw.. snyiler
o. iiute, I'u. il.e'.l huve lieen Hranieil to tin
llllilHrrt'uneil. A II linri.. m l nn. I.,..
tinU,i.lj.i lonal.t ..lut. will ece nmke I in-
1I,...I1IU ll.(Vlll..lll .1.11. Ih...a k.ul.. .I..I....
amiiniit laiil enata will iri.iiotit ihetn lor fettle
lueiil to J.XCUU 1;1N IA M AN,
.tun. a, 'TV. Ailuiiiimtralor.
1 V virluo of a urn of nlini Fl. Fa.. (
) ued out oflhe (iuii pf L'oininnn I'leiie
of Snyder oiuinty, Y , and lo me diruoled
ill lie eXpnned lo I'.uilio f ile, nt the
Court Homo iu the Uoiougb of Middle,
burg, on
Saturday, Feb. 22, 1970,
at 10 o'clock A. M. of enid day, the fal
lowinir denerihed Heal l.wtale. to nil
The lillowiiiK LOTS OK (ilttH'Sn Noi.
2i u -i India iomu plot of MidllebtirK,
Hnyder oouuty, l'a , bounded aa follow,
lo wit ; by lot of John II. (Irwin,
l..utb nnd Went by an Alley, North by
I'ulilio Iload whereon are ereoied n
House, Good Stable,
8 I'M Mi: 11 HOl'SE, TWo-lTOItV SHOP,
and other neoeeaary ouibuildiuKii,
AI-oal.OT OF (JHOU.NU eiiua'ed In
Franklin lowntbip, aaid eouuty, bounded
Kaat and Weal by land ef Jeremiab t'rouee,
Moutb by I'ubliu Hoad, North by laud ol
Henry H. Smith, aaid lot being ICO feel in
depib and HO feel In width.
Alio a lot of Around eituata in tbe
.towuebip anil eounly aloreaald, bounded
Kaat by lot of Albriubl Swlneford, Houlh
by Publio Uuad, Weal by lot of Daniel
Miltboune, North by iba 8. k I. B. K.
eontaiiilug ONE-FOURTH ACRK. mora
or leae, whereon ia erected a TWO ETUUV
with otber iraprovenieaU, Relaad, takes
la exeoutloB aa Iba property of J. VT,
L rick KiM-liu,.', by tirni of nn rh:tn or
ilir Iiii'I nil df Ih (.'ottrl of Oiemmni
l'lrn of ?lnj lor eiua'.Vi t-r i tin h firfii of
vrc'Jiiur. & , will rX(ini lo Piidlio MhIk,
on lb rciui.c, in Wsl Terry lnwuliii.
Saturday, February 22nd. IS"!),
The following ilcfribcJ Vuluablt Heal
Kninte, lo wit A
riiufilr in lie lowniiip nl c.MHity nf.ire.
flii I, li'iii.i Jci nil I d .'"on lie 1 Hi fiillima ;
'I'll AO T Nn. I UiiiiikI'I N.irih mVl
ton liy Inn Ii ot JhojIi Willi), nl y
Inn I uf John hwpljfoit Mi l SuiHb liy l in U
of lb lliirn of John ii. Hrnup, oonlaiutug
mar or hrrcu ro rrectr l a l irpo
vi:llim uousi:,
II A Mi sWS mil oi lx r nitbtiillinfc.
l ine HroinrJ of chuice fruit Ima gnol
w iirr tiar 1 1 il nr, an hcul H(l Aure
(.'Irni lb li.iln'irp wpl limltrf I.
.''.ilo to oiiiiinictii'ii at 10 o'clock rn.
i f mi. I iliy wIiimi 'lii oitoreUiict will tie
i;in oiel loiiun of al mn lr ki'nwn by
Jul. 30, A-i ignee
NSi; N )TICi:. -Notice
rflrnu II. l
k, Win.! H .avnr,
I'avl.l V. K.m'rtsr. Ki.iimllu
':"'" "u'" i.i- v." ln'
!ti .-line wtttiln lilie.ii l irn l'nr tlio iim
rci-i I li..inil mey I r. i uior m Uio c i'k
'O I i-'uurl, llial tin 1,1"" I " ! '"'in
lit M.
J. noi SK, lllirk n. S.
Vni'll'K ii brr.'l y olvrn llic fob
i J.a l nviiif! A-iiirtie" Aucnun'n b'io been
lilo I in llii ellii'e of I lie priillioiiulnry of
I1I10 ('curl of (!. I. of Snvdcr euu my nnd
I will be jrefnic i i tlio tic 1 court fur
I cimfii 'ii 11 inn. mil unli'-n eutlicicni ru m
lie nil iwii t) tbd coiitrni'v Hie a.uui) will
bo cuiifirine 1 .
c.iiint of I).i. Ori AHnl.;liec .if Juni'.lun
A mil "f
Ilin :t..iu.
A.'. iul.l i.f W t
H 'llliMll'Ul.
Illli.rr An-isne 1 f K"l-rl .1.
Ilr '.Ii 1: A iUu"C i lKillUn
A '. iit,t .if Win.
liir.llnrr AKHiKiirn of .Inlm
). flJulSK, Ir'.th'y.
rruthy'i" (iiflic, .lu.,
fftjOTli'K of Wi.b'.va Apprulsnt'ients
" under the i'KI I,av Notice I
hereby piveo (but lb following w i biwn
a'prim'nieiit h ixn been tiled with Ihr
Clerk of ll-e Orphnns' ('len t of nyd.r Co.,
for t'ohfiriiintiou on Monday, the'lih d )
of Feb. Iix'.
Ariirlm n. -i.l f l:l ml c.i'i ll'imnii l wMi.k of
liainl ll'iniii.l ,Is-vj1 ive ul (.''iii.ii twi.
All-'t 1'iiii.iit of Snriii ililit Wl.low of
II ...i., il.r-'.l tbt.i ill .-..-lit.illi.v.-.
A 1 1 ruiM'inrnt nt Ki-i.ei'cA Klloe ot loa CI
Ji't.n K line, ilee''l
A i iil inii.t of .Mary St iLI wtd w of J. I u
Maul, ill, il.
Jan. , 'TJ.
J. i.uor.SK, ci-i (i. c
Eeforfl You
It : aHnd f ir a ".
r.-i.i ..I TH. Ii 'J.I .11 JtiAliK. !i t. m
Mitn.iii'.iti I v hi- I' at ii V ly I ir, i -1 ( v
I ur i '.In nni Mini Httii ,n(allF Ii-rcp"!" .
ri'ail(tia ui-lt(r ii inivri'l :. ! fit.a i in p np;o
Special Features.
All tlia iir'Mnien wliii-H h ive ni 'lie T s a
Hi in. . ifjUr ll d.i.rll.e 1'iut.l Mali...
i:t ie rnaularty rntit ithip I, iine'y: 'i'i e
l' r l.olirr.oi ll,t JiMOn' Ivui n-riii-
I I p.illti.-Un, Kv. Heir .1 ui u . .Vn-I.v. a'.l.'U
ar.. emeu o-ele (or mik lli.Ane; niir
ilnuvtinl'l liriiirtmnnl, a rl.:li 0. i.'i'itutv nf
ITai-tl'-al I .1 uion uii'i. nt Imnrfl.t .
In ev. ry hoire; a Yimou l'e..i :'
a lieltKt-io lieii'irtiiifliit, einorarlna thn week'
if Suinlay Si-h'.ii l.e-i...n i I, am, Inn I'tintrv;
the lirUlite.-t A it and li.a II...I sti.r
to., I itlrilnal an I Se.e-ta.; Atiivf em to 'urre
pnilent'. an'l the Latent N.ei In.m all pnrt
ot Hie world. I 'M H mm rlr ul no. Inriti-ly
In every Ni ne anl lrrn.i' in the I'lilm.
ami in eve-ywh-re reu!niiail the Inree.t auJ
l.e-t Newa mi l Vamlly l'a,.r miil.i, any
a here. Try It ami r. u will uorur wlllinK V be
Wllll.'Utlt. '
Am n.ic tho uew tonurei lor thli wlMtr are
a kerlea of
Andorsonvillo Prison Sketches,
kv nne who wan there. A new Serial Kinry wai
eiiiiim-ni'eil Nor. nth. Another one eum
iiieo e l In .lur.uary.
'I IlK.Mi Nlnaia eofiy, per year, '.' eoiflen
coi l , a 17 en'h ! ten or more eu.iea. UI
. aeh, ai il an eura ei.y th e.ery etui, ot ten
Ni rcluien co. lea tent tree, ,ul for ooo. Ad
(lrve TUJ.K1HI nl.AIIK, Tolclo, Ohio.
Fifty Thousand Boolrs
for N;ilo nt Hall li Ice-
We are now nllorlt.e to the pnhlle. porteuc
frei ulil, at ona-halt (he reauUr ii-iji. ntty
thuuianil viilnmi.. ot ehli'e bunke. eoi'ierlili.
II Hur.v, tll',y, Kiotlnn, I'uetry, lluimn,
Me. Ileal, Kelttfl'iui ami s. Ittitihe Worn, e.-tl-iiie
'l Niiti'Urit A, at', ete, Ttie.e
tionki are mI eteil l.y uur Mr. I.ttk. .vi )
liinii tie. .hclvei of inn leaUlnv pulill.heri ol
tha rmin'ry . ara all lie w nml Ire.h, anl ara the
I'll nl lot cillllnin b I y thn lotall Imuk-eolli-re.
We have mallei il. on. ami. nl th...
I'liok. to all p.rti ol the eountry, ami eiary
l"i"k .ent iint l warrame l in I exai'ily a re
pie.-uaicJ anil lo Hire entire .itlilae.iou.
'4Tii.oin;s rrtun.
We have prlnte l a lame am) complete eata
I 'Kuni'loor iiii.k, arr.uiKe.l by am. jo-la anil
on ai;iliratnu;wlll mall eoplna Irea to any al
ill en. We ei.aU al'o lie a I ail to nenil Ireeiie
einn n eoplea ul tha llt.ana whenrver erke-l to
Ooio. A II pervoriH rea dnic Hill erileanu ni
ara ronll.ll Invlieil to aeud ua by po.tal earil
..r iitherwieo tha uauiee of theuiaelvea aud
Irlemil. Ail'lre.e
IOL.1 DIJ ULAUK, Toledo, (lino.
PURSUANT to an order of the
1- Orphan', ijonrt ol Hnyd -r tlounty, a.,
the un'lerilaae.t A'lml'ilitralnra of the eitata
of Henry ilioaa, ileueaiaU, will otle.- 'at I'uhllo
Sell , on the pieuileea la Wa.l Ueaver twp., on
FiUity, t'tbruary Wth, 1870,
The lollowlna deaerlhed Heal Eatate, ti wit t A
.ltuate Iu Weal linaver twp., on the ohl itaue
road lo l.ewiaiowa ai.out o ie inlle Imu llan
narvlllean.1 lour mil el Iroin UoCiure, b mn.le.l
he land, of li.ulel lla.llnaar, Halra otjaeoh
neply.deoeaead, ami t'rauklla Kooh, eoaula.
, 11 ACIMaS,
and lie Perehea, with allowaDoee. Tha la
provopiente are good
Houses, Bank Barn.
The land la In a blah elate ar cultivation, It
devldedlulo oouvouieot S.lila, nearly all of
whlob are eupplied walb water. Akoul u
Aeie el the properly la
well eat with white oak, pine ami other tltaber.
There ara lire Saa araliarde la good twarlaa
errtar. "
bale la eotaaence at is a'aloek A. U . af aald
Sar whea dee tieadaaoa will aa glraa aa4
ucau ) aala atade kaewa be
- liliDOHia,
Wbirn ihn linn. J. C. Hnolirr Pm1
ilont JivlA of 1 1' ( bi'trin
ompno'l oflhe eounrien of 8nvlr, t'ni.n
nl MiTin nut Hirmn U'Ncll Mil
f'lim'l, II Vo l.T l'ii. A.noflst Jn Vc4
In an J for rinyJcr ooiiuty bnvf Ufiii-.l (tHir
preccril rfnrirjr, dule th 30t!i dy of
l'-c A. D. lhTfl. lo mo dirict4 fjr
iho hnlillnn of kn (Irjihonn' court, a oonrl
of Cutnnion I'lrmi, court of llyrr iiml Tcr
minor an I 0ncrnl cmrt of inartrr tif
ion uf tho rjnno t Mi. I r.clnr,t. fur I tic
ciunijr of SnyJor, on Mia lih Momloy, (l
inn Mio U4ih day of fahruary and
cnininiiii nun wci'k,
Noliiia l iliorefiiru hr;ly nin o lb
Coroner, JniHer.i of tho IV.iao 1 Conriii
blci in and for ilic county of ny-ler, to up
ficnr in Ihoir firopcr pci-noa i;h ibrir roll
rccordu, Inqninil jonn. r umina'iona an'l
'iihor ri'ojem'oriincoi lo dj tbo-j thina
uhl.'li of llirir o;Iice' n I in Micir hfbult
pcrmin lo lie done nnd wiinosnej mi l cr
mm (ironeuuiinK in be'nail'of lha Common
wonlih ugalniil any rroa or ftraona art
raqiiired to ba Minn aud Ibcr atlandinc
nnd not departing without ! at Iheir
peril, Jmticei Kra requested la b punci'
nil in their allcuJunca nl lha appomiad
lime aitrevably In noiiee.
iirrn unl.-r my bund an I ffil at lit
S(ipnll olrn:c InMiddlrtiiirff, the Jli Jijr
of Jan. A 1). one Iboumii.l eigbl uini lrcl
nJ acvnty-nin.
DANILL lli):.EHHKIl. SS-riiT.
A LTj pnrtiofi in11(o'l in nro!
..yniffit. p ti -a win lir njr rlni4
hi 1 11 -I ih tlnn will lo pra-ii t i ini4 i
Kti'H. 01 nn 1 thi 1 1 t ttiat t:ii n. in 1 out la
DO-. '71. tellui;ruv, l'J.
n"D a n-'PTfi a t wriT w
J liter St't'ion. Suysr Co., 'it.
AkciI for the ( ! I.pprore l Tni"i W.
KCU llul.TiMI l.l.uril, Ml.
I. m I. iirent I ir th KAuM Kit a1 end las.
Vll.l.K. vlii'iil etro liifur-.tioo, not oMier I
liriii , l-. ilMtitrnnl...
a-OUU' anj lerl.lsncs t M'l'er MMluo,
lie:, a '
i Jl K M X IT M
Ti rviiv nkw nvnm utnuH to thiI
Wr lit n l.y tha prln M il ptrll"lin!i In the
lateiaval vViir, "rio an.l s. ulh.
A ().''' lotVit' of fiOO 'f-
(..', i'.'.'f'7, U!u"lriUi
An.fl' nn.l lo i?.d .ret ainl ( .11 rh.ih with
llluoitodie 1 1 Her l,lntn4- ( t-il.-a . ei.
'VIII lie alvr-i to every lulxcrllier to 1 II K
: ia. l. I I 'I Ki fur i o. up ut ta iu:ijwii.4
lentil. In -II i..i tli.i pi. t-gu i i.y an :
l.-r t wl I i-e-i't i. ii. e' ,y ..t rvt !; vv t.' K
U "in. y'.r n I ':ie copy .,i t!i '-a.N .V A l.s '
('or I o wo a Iil i.n il 1'ire. e. , 4 ,,f roK
'A't.CKI. i "no yitranJ tSree vovlea ol the
tli!l) Terra-J of Tl.c VtVeKty Tiflw :
It iy o-f year ft lo (opl.i oi.e year li
.,.. e, no .1 . ei 0..i..e( vi,e jaar
THE ,!AmtS!1A3 APR3H1UH.
A (!t if will lw 4:In an
1' rum tin i ") ity.f n n ,j. ti r-ir t n.'i
Ul .4TI. ft - fetl.IV.
'If i It I') p .1 I lllld , Wllll'lUt Crt UN I
I 'Jl ! ' l Il i. Ml. lit, I" Uli H (ty tf M hpUuUl.l
Uur hi thuiiiit It ft-xl ty twr;,is).
Wll: kept lolly np to the Mar, ilnnj ir I ef
h- n.t. ainl loii riivein. rt -a.l.i fr r.rn tin e to
'in. a er. i hfij t, aoeaeateil ty ex e.'leuce
anl the wmit nt our r a'lnti,
'the ii nl an.l HutlneMve feature rf TUE
V.' l.f.i;:.Y 1 1 il Is. tii. t iha. pK.veil (o "i
In Uiu 4"l II tie e niil'iit.1 itir.uiati.iut the
year lT ', rl : a Men of r ul the
Unwiillcn liis'.ory of tlio Laid Civil
Krom I.ea'llni Aeton In the ('ahlnet In the
He'1 in l ie loru u, North au l Hmiih,
Ull. f.atum of TIIK I'll 1 1, Ml U. I'll I A
WKIMil.Y 'I'l M US tn- hne.iiiia ry pupnlar.
anl tni're'e In titteret with eve J we. k'. I.
eue ..I the i per. Wulle tli.-'i e.mi
ill I e liee Ir -io all eei'tlunal partlran erne,
tin ? will lie wremn, Iroin tha v-rln.n etan I
p'llitie nt the rasp'tle author ami i.vrr their
proper namei.. II. array ot illitlnautuhod
i-iiti'ril.utur to tbla oei ar'.n.ent exi-aeU" Iu
l.rliliui'v ii py eier preientel l.y an Aiurrlean
aa.srnd a p'.til eanl for asPKi'lMKN
('0'Y ol the l'iilI.l'l't.l'lliA WkKKI.Y
I I ill H. Ii wlUI.eai.Dt t" uu allbmit O' .l
:iintni. well, aul aa h.llova (n wll pro.
nntire II the l.areii, the Cheapen aul tbo
Hot ol the M eikllei.
Fj iinltliif with a lew (;lepiii, ami iabn
unit o I u II of I'Vnotv. Wt'l aaeh al lilt.
WKI.KI V 1I1II.S for one year, petltine patit
l.y nn fur tha l.nW I'lili K ol el . H at aoi
tune ilnrlr.a n.ayear y. u are UiM.,.tle.l with
tie taper, aenil t i ul end aa wl.l return your
In a I im lint man,
AssQncc's Nclico-
All persona iutorcufml are hfribv
nntlite t that Hem K. Iiaulerman of -l:k-
011 twp. . Miv.liir t'i., l'a., bai niaile en aa
alaoineiit nf all hte etla-ita, Imib rail an'l per
'unit to tho uii'iervliuiid for the lieneftl ot
eraiMtora. All car-one hevloa; elaluia are re
(oc.ta.l to pre.ent thete to the oo'leralanad,
and thofe Indebted will ploaee inakelininaillate
payment. J. T . b l 1 1 II.
Nor.,!l, l7. . AeeUnee.
f yon reiiltea that oi l Pump with a aaw ana
ui di out Ural carefully eiaiaiue the
Buckeye Force Pump,
T-i IJuabey ! Hi t.ry Uitt lniirovmnt
Ih I'uiui', ii li contrt.olta.l with air-rliijtlter
winch iiinvkv II very ti u,Mrai, u mu
h ltfti:hii lo tU lui'kv Fump, iij W4tr ru
Ii ttmtwii Qpou any buildlaK in c tf tlf.
Von mo wir vitir (UrdoD and Yid, Wuli
.eee ready no your own pruoUoi at no more coal
thau aa ordinary pump. Il
' Cannot Freeze
In eold weather. Durable bevnnd a de il.l. The
very imap for deao wella. Tue working parte
are leather auo'loue ami ealvat within a poroe
liu lined oUaiuber, Notbluj to deeay abool It.
Iron Turbine Wind Engine
la elan a a mat Improvement In Wind EDtflnee'.
Call and ana thaaa puuipe la operation, or for
parllvulare addreee
Oel. 11,'Ttar. a eoaaiy, fa.
lUaanfaetarera of etrhe
i CO.,
laa aii.a-.i.iiiar aiit ua -
Maw York. '
lUannfaatarere olatrltrtlf Srat-elaaa flaaaa.
Wa tail dra-ii la rai.iieo baa oar Im.
I i . e
f Pa
tclinfrrove, S&n. will Dissolve
S'nrtiivrsliip, tiaii. 3, l?cd.
fvt I'u ir.
Their largo Stock MUST and WILL BE HE
DUCES, if tlio coda muat bo cold at a
Tho Larjo and Complete Gtock novr on hand
iiib 40Jai .vrr vouii own Piuciitf,
and Ciineials of a f l'LL LINK of
anI COATfj in endless variety iu a',1 styles, color and Prices.
and tinier A full and complete line of HATH ale CAlN
IIM)i:ilVi:AIt, II.i.-Hn.VIlous,, Ulank.'
Mw, 'J'ninkN, ViIioew, JmhrelluM and
We have evorylhin; Lcpt in a fiibt-ckas Clothing Store, and will aell
every ailiile. without iohi ivo rV LliANT A jer cent,
-Ii-npi- than can be botiyl.t iu this section of the Stute.
Kuuieiubur wo are sellinj all our goods nt I tmlticcd I'l-icen,
ia order to close out the old firm. Come at once for HAKGAIX3.
KouicmLor that we ucan just what e say.
Oct. 21, 187.
IMl'OUTAN'r 'J O WIlMEItH w, ,
onw pi.carr.i toileilvtr tU.ju.tiy cenl.i.i. l 31, aj ., ,,, ,, fc ,
.n. a araiy.i. ui (...u.,0. in iui. .liar, t.ik.o In in a uniform altee eut tha (.' ii
kaiik. D...I. t, uevrae II. t a..k . State (ieoloti ol .New J.r.., now, "Vuiwa I!iBit- Arm.
a 11 .
H. i.ti ir Ariu,
I OTA.n,
I. IM..
4e t ie M .'
a ; I It a.
I . lo lha.
"' ..-.-...
.... . .... . . ... . .
a .-10 :u.
in. ., r-, jei.ey mart i-erep.ny tr.elr Marl eut from tCe top lo the hnltoB ef th. Ul
a.1.1 tborungh y uiueo, ej La 1 1..... a.u,l.i to at.1.1 i.?i iV.. .?.?.'... ,....!'
) 1 -1 ... .
I iil Marl la a.lap'eil te all rlaxr nf r It aail rrup, and cuaieroul tcitlmoalMlieaa ka .h..,
from fain-ert anU liur.a.i ot 111 reo-arkkeli. wurtu aia khihhiiiiiiwihimii
It. eonitlt-eou ol I io.r.hrle Aehl ,r.d l oiaih
ulKPur anl if ..Mln t- ua 10 Iba liirmaia ,if
ariher lulor oatke, c , v. 1.1 M gtt.n oy
Sopt. 1-', '78.
h eviit! t.ij ui xr xzs
Ladies Coats.
Iidio3 Coats are in
Tt 1 a r .1
iii ci r Ait n v iji niiviiiM
...... "" .I,.
S. WEIS' Selinsgrove,
lUUl j (1V UyllVU') VI VUVi.JA tUCACa W lil is IX Ui U UU1
ity and cheapneca cannot be equaled.
imiBBurxzararrrauarm aaaaaa.
man 'a. i ii t'a aaiaitiuayawMaaWMa
tsswjrimrmmrfmmir, ita.l..iev,iTTi
BBFX-. n ---j;minW--r-
f ''w "Tf a I
Everybody is inTited to call and csb tha 5
lino of HOnOITS and FANCY GOO
prices nro u-u-rtirmtb lcTrcr tt'cTsr.'
1 ,
Veis & Oppenliehner,
Hclinajjrove, l'a.
r.riiiM .
I'" urn ef taoa
t-P IM.
17 V ie li.a.
Jol, m ,b,
alone make It at onee the ebeapeat aaa keel tl
.1 .... 1 .1 ""
' r "' "' "
J. CHOU.K. Aft., Middleburrr,
HOSKS SPKCIlf, Ayt., Ucavertowa.
x W' tt's; R
Ladies Coats.
great demand at present
a 1 aa 1
i:tt ii i v cvi ii ilia niiTvniinu
- A a
mi cum
T'T Aiitt ATT. fli fni
gJUrta aj low ai 73 cte,"