The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, February 13, 1879, Image 1

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    lvertt.Tis- Ilate-,
On, rrfHtnn rms jrwr, sVAfln
rfci-htiW. etilmim, one ycsr, 8.00
oi,o-furlli column, one year, 15.00
One quitr (10 linc.)l insertion 75
rvarv lUliuoniii niiunniii, uii
rrofwsioiial and Rumim card of
not more than 5 lin, per year,
Auditor, Executor, Administrator
nd AssignM Noting,
r.ntnrinl notices Per line.
AU sdvertisomenta for a shorter pe
(nd than one year are payable at the
fhne thev are ordered, and il not tinid
fl.a nerson ordering them will wa held
MrHtiMibld for tha maner.
0o lltil iy ef p1anr.
Tkt totBft the Bight if pale,
lt h ever thing we IrsMure
tithe op iiJ rtfrsla.
Ob lilt 1 tinral of gUdnctn,
The eesiee llit pat J 1 w
iJ v,b array of iiaM
As gaibtT'reuail a tonb.
Ob beenllsne loaf of rapture
IThieb lla aa in dura t
But toon reilar
All lbum glortou mirn.
H u 1 o o t T ti 1 t)
A Ffarful rxaat Acrott the Atlantic
In tli month of J tine, 1810, 1 fill -d
tba birtb of second uiate on cot
of tbe few steamships then plying
between Liverpool and ew xoik
The art of steam navigation -as an-
tilled to the broad ocean at leant
waaatill in ita infancy.
In these days of clipper built
atearoara the passage ia easily accom
plished in from eight to nine days ;
but at that tune to which I rofer,
tba 'Neptune' was regarded na hav
ins performed a uiarvelnna feat
wben, ou her first trip, alio rode gay
ly into the harbor of New York,
jnet thirteen days after leafing her
dock at Liverpool 1
Three houra before the atoamer
tsiled from tba formor port, on her
return voyage, I bad no idea of ship
ping in her. My eugagoment occur
reJ, aa I way say, accidentlly.
I bad heeu discharged from my
hat ship and was idling along tha
wharves, when 1 overtook bor cotu
tnaador, with whom 1 bad a alight
While convening, aboj approach
ed and placed a noto in the Cap
t i 'a baud.
''Well,' exclaimed the latter, aa bo
hastily porusod the piper, "what
can I do now f Here's my first mute
taken anddenly ill with cholera
What am I to do t He ia a trusty
fellow, and I reckoned on him to aid
me in keeping the crew iti discipline
fur tbey are a rough set. The true
olJ salts won't trust tbeao steamer
yet so we have to take what we can
get, 1 do not like my second mute,
be aeeraa deceitful to ine.'
He stamped his foot impatiently.
tt off perplexedly, oa tho steamer.
the bustle itpou whose ducks betuk
coed a speedy departure
Suddenly be turned to me.
"Mr. Ilerne, you are the man !
Coma on board. I will pit you in
tba second mate a birth, for of course
he will have to act first".'
Tba offer, nneipected aa it was,
presented too great a temptation to
be rejected i so, aa I had no wife
whose permission I must obtain, I
harried off to tny lodgings, p ud my
bill, bundled my Inggage together,
and stepped on board the Neptune,
half an Lour before she sailed.
She waa a fiue, staunch craft, pos
sessing bat one fault tbat I could
Me, altbo lgh to be sure that might
prove to be a aerious one, and a it
did i but I will not anticipate.
Her owner bad fitted her op at
great expense, and all that waa pos
sible had been done for the comfort
and convenience of the passenger.
lrge as waa their expenditure it
was not without ita policy, for every
inducement waa necessary to lead
travelers to trust themselves on 'the
new fsngled macbinea".
. If in this early period of their ex
istence an ocean atearaer eeonred
twenty to thirty passengers for one
kip, the waa considered aa reraarkly
'ortnnate. the average number being
u yet bat ten or twelve.
The fault t3 which I have- referred
Fa due solely to the Neptun
puiidars. A landsman would not
lavs observed it, bnt to a seaman 'a
pipenenoed eye it was evident tbat
Ida steamer was too long for ber
breadth of beam.
I This in any sea-going vessel waa
o slight mistake, but as regarded a
earner it was especially blameable,
the full weight of ber machi nery
ooesstrily rested amidsbip on the
"7 spot tbat ber faulty construction
mdered the weakest.
Still 1 could not but acknowledge
t the Neptune was a good, stoat
boat, and would in all human
robabilty make many a prosperous
acroM tha.'horring pond
The crsw consisted of twenty man
Wnaive of the captain, mates and
urars, ana a rougher set I nave
worn seen.
My first few honre on board ooo
me tbat Captain Clay- bad
reaaon tn Mcrvafc tha &Kuna
troatv ftrat mate, for he did
aestt) likelw to ranaiva mnnh mnnm
rt in enforeinir tha nrniuip Aml.
ns from the man who now filled
iObll llrtfPM ffM. ma ax lU MAal
uoona looking follows it was ay
I ny lot to meet, and, although, as
J superior oflOcer, I waa compelled
I Pay him outward respect, 1 never
poached bio. when X oonld avoid
ribeless, inspIU of my ill
fted aversion, the mat aa sed-
7 eompany as I
uil K WA. W m
very tact of LU do.
w . e -
Try ffj-j tf
below, leaving uie in
chargo of the!
Giving my mon orders to keep a
strict look out, 1 wunrily paced the
qnartor duck i my bead ached, and
tliore aa a weight on my spirits.
that I endeavored in vain to shake
Suddenly, ranch to my anrprieo,
for I bad supposed him to be asleep
Wow the voice of the mato atari-
led me from my revery.
Disregarding ray iiupilient ges
tures, he joined mo in ray walk, on-
lt'avoring to enter into a friendly
lint in addition to ray rooted dis
like to my companion, my beud'tche
rendured me irritable, and uiy replies
were none or the longest.
So for from rebooting my rudeness
however, he bore it all with unrnfil d
goorl nature. "W bnt is the matter
with you. Mr. Ilerno T lui SMked at
length. "Yon setm out of sorts f
"My bead achus biUiy, I answer
"There's no fun in that, that's a
fact. I'll 1II you what, yon go be
low and torn in for an hour, (will
take charge of tho dock for y.i'.i.
Maybe you wi'l foul bolter for a lit
tle rent '
Unoxpoctcd na was tho ofTor, T did
not feci thnnkfkil for it I Somobovv,
it came natural for me to contra lict
him on oil ponHible occasions, apart
from ray duties on bo ml
A moment beforo I had boon wish
ing that I wis freti to turn in i ti tc
I declined the proffer of relief I
lint I insiRt upon it 1 Ijo exclaim
ed, and he did insixt npjn it ho
stronelr tbat my cariosity was a-
roiiKe.l in to what his motivoa o luld
be, for desiring my absence, as ho so
ovidently did .
I determined to roaniu where I
was. J no mato grew angry at iit.
"Mr. H'.-rne go below, sir 1' he ex-
rlnimoJ, "Q belo v and turn in !
Von wish to make yourself sick, I
suppose, and shirk duty to-morrow
but yon can't come thnt,dodgu over
mo I I ordor you to go bilow T'
Jo have disrnsaratnl s positivo a
ro nmand, would have, laid me open
to the charge or initbordiuatiou, so
I obeyed apparently
In reality I pansy. I ou the laMer,
my head being just bulo the level
of tbo combing round the hatch
'I ho mate a inexplicable conduct
had now excited a fuuling doopur
than curiosity suspicion within mo.
iud nrui'd by on irresistible unpulsii,
I resolvod to see what ho would do,
now that lie had, as he supposod, so
(iiired my abseuce.
The tii.:ht wan intensely dark, and
uiilins he Nhould approach, so as to
look do n th-t h itch way, I was se
cure from detection.
Thero was a short silence, and
thcu a long, low wbistli aouudod
from the direction in which I had
left tho mate.
An innUnt more, and he was join
ed by one of the watch.
Then I hoard bis voice, in close
proximity to my concealment,
else, so low und cautions were his
words, I must have lost there sunse.
Now, U ibbins, that I ve managed
to got rid of tint mar-plot lot's
have our talk. We must bn quick
about it too, for I half believe the
f dlow suspects sometUnr,' hough he
ean't make out exactly what He
may pop ou dock again at any mm
ute '
'( thongbt you were so sure of
caininar him over,' crowled another
'hoped to, at first, but has not
of our sort, Robbius. I have not
dared to bint on our designs to him;
on the contrary, I've soft souped him-,
but be don t take very kindly to the
bait. He bates me, curse him.'
"Let biin walk the pluuk with the
others, then.'
"That's just what I mean to do
and what's more, we must give him
to the fishes this very night I The
crew ere nil ready, you say ?'
"At I That they are i as uungry
for the cold as vou could wish, liut
I thought you said to-morrow night
was the time to rise '
"do I did i but I tell you tbat fel
low snspeots something i I knoio
be does, and lie win Keep waicu on
me. mere s no ume iiko sue pres
ent,, in such cases,- lln will boon
deck again iu half an hour, and I'll
pretend to aee a veaaul bearing down
on us, and so get him forward to the
bows i once there we can easily give
him a above overboard i aod then we
can rush down on the captain and
rjasaencrers. We shall nave no trjub
in getting rid of them.
. "What 1' exclaimed the other,
them in their sleep t'
What would you nave, man T
Shall we wake them, pnt weapons
in their bands, and ask tbem to fight
us J I tell you I know bow those
things must be done. Uark ye,
Bobbins, in an nonr wo suaii oe
masters of the ship, and ion or ns
b worth ten thonsind dollars in
solid gold I Just think of tbat 1'
"But you are sure the money is on
board f
"Sure I Didn't I superintend get
ting the cargd on board f Didn't I
tba onoets sutppea rigui irom
the bank f Of eouree I'm sure. Do
yon take ma for a fool X Look here,
Bobbins, ro back to the tha watch,
tell them what 1 say, and let tbem get
their weapons from below, and rouss
'1 itAt mates, eve them all on
- .a ii
. r- ;n, we s?a con
alive, t want some fun with the cow
ering wretohos. Did you ever see a
man walk tbo plank T No f Well,
t II show yon some rare rport, thon.
Now be off to your posU And
hark ye, Jtobbius, do you see this
bowie knife V
"Of course I do,' wis the reply,
spoken, it seemed to me, rather
"Of conrso you da 1 Well, then,
tell the men that it it ready to drink
the tiro bio d of the first man who
shows the white feather. They have
gone too far to shirk now, and let
them roiunmbor the gold,'
Tho conversation tvrminatod, and
as the speakers moved away, 1 also
left my perilous station ou the lad
der. To doscribo my fooling, as I list
oned to this diabolical plot, were im
possible i my bl o 1 ran cold wilb
horror, my powers of thought were
I as conscious of ono idea only,
that I must wakt) tho capUin, and
acquaint Inui with tho iuiminunt
danger that throateuod us.
To make my way to Iim stateroom
was tho work of au iuntant.
"Captain, captain," i gasped, slink
ing him by the ehoulder. "Wake up,
for (rod's salio, wake up I'
Ho sat up in his berth, rubbing
his eyes und staring vacantly.
iCuptain, captain, rouse up 1" I
reitcratod. stamping my foot iu my
excitement. "I'heroUa mutiny on
b.iard a plot to niurdor us all 1'
He was fully uwakunod by such
startling intelligence, and iu a few
hasty word I cxplainod all that I
baa loaiuod of Mr. BriggV perfidy.
Captain Clay listened in silonco :
he expressed no surprise, time was
too precious to be waato 1 in idle
words, but tho d irk frown on his
face and the sternly knit brows prov
ed that ho was fully alive to tho aw
nil responsibility devolving upou
A sin do falso ntop rauht sacrifice
the lives of the passengers ontrtisto 1
to hii c iro ; no wonder thou that
his cheeks crew palo.
Hut be was not tbo man to shrink
when danger started him in the faco.
In a few moments Lis decision was
' i'r lit mo, I b Hove yon a'ways
carry a rovolvor."
"Ye., sir, hero it is." tapping my
brenat, "a four barrel."
' I hat is well 1 I have one also,
and two ciitlassos. Do you take
one yet utny not yet ! L jok to
your pistol, is it nil right ?"
"Ay I ay. sir !" '
"Mr. Home, I am going to im
pose a dangerous tank on you
I'liOHo villains do not expect you on
deck for half nu hour, you say :
suppose yon return at onco, before
thoy have time to complete thoir
arraugora juts t It may have tho
effect of postponing thorn for to
"3d it may, air,'' I exclaimed,
rising, "I'll go at onco."
"In tha meantimo I. will rouse
the p iHsongors ; fortuuatoly thoy
are all men aud give thum the
alarm i at tho least call from you we
win be ready to rush on deck to
your support."
"Ay J ny 1 nr.
The mate was standing near tho
after hatchway as I approached ; he
turned sharply at tho b jimd of my
footsteps, exclaiming :
"Whv, Mr. Heine, I hopod you
woro asliiep by this time t your bend
has got bettor very suddenly. Hut
I m glad it has, for you are the very
man I want. Tho lookout declares
he seos a light off yonder, but I
oau'tsceit I was just going for
ward to look from ihe bows but
your eyes are younger than mine.
Lot us go and see."
He walked hastily away, expect
ing me to follow, but kuowing all
that I did. it may well be believed
that I had no intention of doing so.
He stopped and hailed me to
come ou.
"It is not nooossary,'' I answered j
in aa luditTorent a manner as J could
answer ''1 can boo the light from
"You're dreaming, Herne be
cried "Come along."
" I'bank you, but moving about
makes my head worse, and I can
see the light just as well from here,
right off the starboard bow it is .'
Listening intently I heard a smoth
ered curse.
Come forward, sir, I order you!"
be shouted.
I made no reply i all my faculties
were absorbed in eodeavoriug to
discover among the men, who, 1 bad
every reason to believe, were by this
time collected on the forecastle.
But it was in vain tbat I sought to
pieroe the deep gloom around me,
while the sighing of the wind amidst
the rigging rendered it impossible
to detect any slight sounds that
might be made.
"By,'' shouted the mate, los
ing all caution in the rage that pos
sessed him, as I thus tacitly defied
him, "by , the villain smells a
rat I Knock him oo the head, boya I
Down with him I Give bis earooss to
tba sharks I"
Aa though by magic, eight forms
rose close at hand, and as tbey rush
ed onward, led by Briggs, I raised
my revolver and fired.
rne tortmoat man ntterea cry
ot' and staggered to the rear,
a -il Crsdi, stampiag on the
- ; tiat'-rcJ' ti Uoes bt!aw to
ont, almost from boneath my feet,
and as tho mutinoors fell back in
great coufusion at this nnexpecle 1
attack, the captdn and six of eight
passengers sprang on deck, the re
maining two have as yot ha 1 u
time to drem or preparo their woap
Down with them my hearties."
cried the mate, recovering from his
momentary confusion. "Down
with them I Strive bravely, and theu
for tho gold I -
Two of tho passengers, like tho
captain and mysolf, wiro armed with
revolvers, and we kept up n brink
lire on tho mutineers, while the rest
wielded handspikes with good effect.
Wo fought desperately, knowing
that should we fail our lives nhould
bo tbo forfeit t but the odds agaiuM
ns were so heavy that I know not
what tho issuo might have bcon.
had not their leader beoiA put hois
du co nbtb by a blow frj.o a hiuJ
spiko. This loss added to those they had
already sustained, seemed to daunt
our Husailants, and catching np the
senseless form of tho ratte, thoy
retreated to tho forecastle.
Although during the racleo fivo of
tho mutineers had bcon seriously
wounded, the damage to our own
party was but trilling, a fact easily
accounted f r by the circumstance
of our possessing firearms, while
uotn shot was fired by our oppo
llonco, strango as it appoarod to
ns that sucii should bo the case, we
naturally concluded that they were
destitute of those important woi
potis. Our conclusion was a mistaken
ono, however, tho real fact being
that in tho hurry mil confuaiou
consequent upon the matVs suddou
aud unexpected uttack upon we, the
mutiuuers had negloctnd to provide
tiimuselvus with the firearm they
had concealed below so carefully
that thny could not be OhtaiueJ at u
iii'iin-nt's notice.
Alusl had wo but known tho truth!
It' we can only proveot them fiom
craiiiitlo clise (inariers, saij Hit
cptiin, a wo held un anxious c innil
luliou ou tho ri'isrlor deck, "where
thoir n'lmhrrs might, ovsrpowjr in.
wo cii probably keen Ih 'in si uuv
until we ni'ict smithc vi-nsitl.''
We heartily ouuidd m tin' "pin
ion, but how win it to be done t
lhirrfcittU the di'fk !
"W lint might be dooo, aud we
lost no iim i in i-eititu ub "it it.
Thd cover of nijht (lor, I hav.
a rcB'ly intioia'el, U wit intensely
dm k) w iu!d conceal our mov4inen
I'roio the mutineers ; but it w ne-ces-'aryto
bo spiedy, for dwn wax
out tar tli-' nnt
The engineers were still at thnir
P'st i't tho rniii"or romi bolow.
whore they were suiroreJ to rem tin
unmolested the crew knowing woll
up in thoir koowledgo depoaedtd up
on tho faloty e( thesteamxr.
"Now, my Lds," said tho e. plain,
"to work wiih yen. Thivio quartet
bnati will make a rule barricade.
Mr. Ilerno, as you aio tba only sa-.
man left us, Nriug into the star
board cutter, and throw us tbo lan
yard." Very soon the boat ws swung in
board, and landed safoly oo the deck.
"That will do fiooly, my boy,"
oxclamie 1 Captain CUy, us we notod
how completely it defended thsBtar-bourd-qiiartur-diuk.
"No need to
bi uff it, they've no bullets to seod
through the plauk. Now fur the
other cutter.''
"By the time the litter touched
the dock, the Grit faint rays of day
heitaa to revs nl the objects about us ;
still, ai our prep irsti ms were now
too nearly completed lobe thwart d
by our eneiuloH, we made oo attempt
to conceal our movement', being fuU
ly sutihlied tbat we bad nothing to
fear so long as they were 'kept at a
distance : alas I for oar terrible
As we slewed the cutter round to
her proper position, a flash and re
port etartled us, while instan
taneously our gallant captain leapod
high in the air, and theu lull bead
long on the deck.
The bullot bad ponstratod as
brave and true a heart as ever beat
in hutnau bosom As we lifted him
tondorly, a loud laugh arose from
forward, while a sharp fire was
opened on us.
The command bad now devolved
upou me and my first order was to
bring up the matrasses from below,
and stuff them into the boats.
But speedly as our' work was ac
complished, the fatal bullet traveled
yet more speedily, and another of
our little band met bis ornel fate
He was at my side wben he fell,
and as I raised his band upon my
knee, the blood gushed foit i from bis
mouth the bullet bad passed through
his longs and life was fast ebbing
Poor fellow 1 be was fully con
soious that bis knoll had sounded 1
He was the youngest of our party,
aa fine a speoimen or youtnful oy
ous manhood as one would wish to
Only the day before, be bad told
mo of bis dear borne in England,
and bow bis dear widowed mother,
and one other dear evea than she
awaited bis return to them, with
hearts full of joy.
Aad tbU was the and of all I
"iUn proposes, God disposes,''
eavsr bt'zn M Hit creel fact boss
on those palid fenturos, npou which
death had already placed his signet.
"Mr. Ilerno," he gasped, "toll
them at home. tell mother, Mary,
I loved them, Their address u
in my stateroom. But my hair
mother, Mary l
A strong shuller passed over his
fiaino i it was the soul, stritg gliiiff
to freo itself from tha l ist liuks of
thu chain that bound it to its prison
Day had now dawned npon us.
t-nt the sky was draped iu heavy
clouds, a tit canopy, I thought, for
that dark, aad ecouo.
Hevurently wo placed n sail over
the two bodies, and then, turned
our gaze forward, wo taw. to our tho iLniiueers had un
consciously followed our exi'iipl i
A barricade, composed of hum
mocks aud empty casks, had been
thrown across the forecastle, iutur
stices being left horo and there be
tween them, for a purposo which I
ei'Jily divined, eveuhad not my first
glauco revealed the protruding bar
rel of a uiuskot, buhin 1 which ap-
poured tho villainous conntenanco of
tho mato, ovidently on the watch for
the first ono of our party, who
should rashly expose himsulf.
Au instant's letljctiou, decided
my cjnrso. Thero before inn, was
tho ringleader, tha instigntor of
tho mutiny, wlv' ' h had already cost
two valuable lives, even now the
villain was oagurly watching for n
opportunity to a 11 another t f tho
sad list, and whilo ho livod, I felt
that to hope for mercy, or coin
promiso with tho muliiioors, would
bo vain.
I had always beoa ncno'into 1 a
good shot, and with tenth tightly
clenched, I raised my revolver,
taking deliberate aim at tha glaring
eyes that flashed from behiud tho
row of hain nocks mid casks.
15 ing 1 how the sharp report broke
the stillness of the early morn 1
I did not need to tire ugaiu ; tho
mate bounded to his foot, and fell
headlong upon tho barricade boforo
him, where his body remained,
swinging at each tnovoruout of tho
Sovural of tho more venturesome
if our parly now urged upou mo
tho advisability of storming the
mutinoors' stronghold, confused as
thoy must bo by tho loss of thoir
leader i but I speedily showed thorn
that such un uttempt would bo mad
ness. W'n resolved to act simply on tbo
defensive and to await tho course of
Our patience was not severely
So cngressod had wo all boen in
the tceiios enacting around us, that
we had uot observed tho threatening
aspect of the heavens.
1 ho wind now began to riso, ana
in two hours time the full forco of
the g ilo was ou us.
liithorto, so calm ha I been tne
soa, that it had been merely tiecos
sary to lash the helm, but now I cast
loose, calling on three of tho pasau
irurs to aid mo. and onr whole united
strength was birvly suffi i nt to keep
tbo "Neptune ou her proper
courso, or to prevent uer irom
broaching to, and wallowing in the
trouch ot the sea.
And now the fault in the steutnor s
construction becorao evidout.
She pitched terribly iuto the bil
lows, iustead of inouutiog thoin t
being too short to extend over two
waves, too long to ride easily ou
ono 1
The result was to bring all tho
straiu amidships, where she was
least able to bear it.
The waters rose higher and high
er, and as they occasionally swept
over tbo duck, I directed the passen
gers to lush the cutters iu their
places, acd to secure themselves also,
by means of tbo ropes
Scarcely had this precaution been
adopted, when an enormous green
sea camo rushing on behind us,
with ten ill o force, foaming, roaring,
tumbling, fearful object to look at 1
"Hold on, hold ou for your lives I"
I shouted.
And then, with a shock that made
the steamor reol and quiver, the
mighty wavo came abroad.
-1 was swept from my grasp on
the wheel, aud borne on its resistless
Tbo next thing I was conscious of,
( fouud myself lyiug in tbe waist of
tbo vessel, which, fortunately for
ine, was some four feet deeper than
the auarter-deok. 1 rose to my feet,
staggoring against the bulkhead that
had savod me.
Looking about me, as I recovered
from tbe shock, I fouud that four of
tbe passengers were all who remain
rd to share my escape from a watery
That terible wave bad swept the
dock of all else, animate and iuani -mate,
barricades, boats, routineers 1
As though satisfied with the havoc
it bad made, the fury of the storm
now seemed spent, and in a few
hours more, tbe sea beoanie com
paritivoly smooth.
But now a new danger threatened
us I
Tba engineers rushed on deck
with tha startling intelligence tbat
tba steamer bad sprung a heavy
leak, amidships, tbe engineroou ba
ins; already flooded I
Tbtre was oo time to ba lost, oar
boats kaviDg all been swept away,
wa ksr'-I'y exacted from below
13, 187!). NO. 36
- ' - . ... -1 . . 1 J
contrived to push over tho side It
ha l not far to fall, for tbo steamer
was rapidly settling.
iii mis moment I bethought rne
that wo were destitnln of f jod, so I
rushed below, and half swam, half
wadud to tho steward's pantrr, find
grasped ull I could lay ruy hands on.
A groaning, gurgling nuisu warn
od mo to Imaten uiy rottiru on dfl"k.
ami in a moment more wo pushed
off from tho ainkiug vessel, ami
no le to, for Mvucely had we
attained a safe distance, wIh iiHih
huge mass plungod downward to
her grave.
My Htory is almost told. For
five days we moved slowly over the
sea, wiitther wo knew uot but a
Kind 1'iovidjnco direetod our course,
and at tho expiration of that period.
just ns our scanty provisions failed,
wo wore picked up by a vessel
bound for Plymouth.
Fads About tho Human Body.
Tho Rliin contains more than two
million ripenings, which are tho out
lets of an equal number of sweat
Ihe imnan ekcloton consists of
moro than two hundred distinct
An amount of blood equal to tbo
wholo quantity in the body passes
me nenrt ouco every rainoto.
I he full capacity of tho lungs is
about three huuured aud twenty
cubic inches.
About two-thirds of n piot of air
is inhaled and exhaled at each breath
til ordinary respiration.
Ihe stomach daily produces nine
pounls of gastric juice for digestion
ol loou i us capacity is ubout five
Theio nro moro than fivo hundred
separato muscleo in the body, w ith
an equal unmborcf nerves and blood
Tho weight of tho heart is from
eight to twelve ounces. It beats
ono hundred thousand times iu
twenty-four hours.
Eacu perspiratory duct is ono
fourth of uu inch iu length, which
will mako tbo uggrcgiito length of
iim wnoio udoiii inno miles.
1 he uvcragn iniin takes five nnd
one-half pounds of food and driuk
each day, which amounts to ono ton
of solid aud liquid nourishment an
nually. A nmu breathes eighteen times a
minute, and threo thousand cubic
feet or about threo hundred nud
suveutytivo hogsheads of air pur
Who dies t Death is aftor all !
Tho sweet sympathy of friends is to
it i is ...
ine uowea ana uroKcu spirit as a
healing to wounds i tho hopes nnd
consolations of religion inspiro for
titude ; yet death hath its own dark
uess 1
Tin lfM, Hid pell, lie knrll, Ihe liter,
Aod all wo know or drpaai or fear
Of hgony are iliiue.
Who dies t Not nlono the person
who has departed. If deaths means
chango, theu lifo is so much changed
to tun mourners who are left behind
that thoy may be suid to have died,
iu part i for that which constitutes
a great part.of this life has been taken
away No more is lifo to ns the
sumo. It is completely changed
Both io our joy aad in onr sorroy it
is unlike what it was before. The
day hits lost half its brigbtnoss,
wben we feel that the eyes which
have looked with our owu so many
years yill not opon to its beauty,
und when, in a great grief, we feel
that tho heart which has shared in
our previous sorrows boats no more;
we start bewildered, as if waking,
from a dream, and feel that we are
strangers and pilgrims on earth.
Our homo soonis uo longer to us the
home that it wus before. Not aloue
they who die j but tboso who are
left bohind have in part tested
An Irishmuii who iutl jui landod,
went to see bis sister, who was mar
lied to a Yunkee. Tbo couple lived
very happily io Chicago, and when
1'ut came, the gentleman took him
over bis place to show it to him.
Put, at the evidence of his pros
perity. said Io his brother-in.'aw ;
"Bogurra, you are vory happy
here with this fino property to look
on i my sibter had good luck en
tirely, eo she had, in gotting you
for a husband."
Ah, yos," responded tho married
man we would be very happy but
for one thing 1"
'And whuts tbat 1 asked Pat.
"Ah, Pat" retnrnod tbegontlornan
"I aiu sorry to say tbat we have no
"No children 1'' exclaimed Pat t
"then begarra, its not my sister
Maggies fault for she bad two be
fore she left Ireland and that ia tbe
i ay son my fatbor sent her to Auaer
A few years ago, ia C'oramancbe
oounty, Texas, a number of domes
tie chickens deserted by tbeir owner
took to the bush, and tha woods are
full of wild chickens. Tbey are
numbered by tba thousand, fly like
hawks aud are bunted aa gsnoe.
To Keep iroon. avcry house
keeper aiay aot know tbat if brooms
sre wai dipped in a pail of aids, sr.
tar tba washing U flnishe. iter will
PuMiidicd every Thursday Everrlnf;
Terms of Subscription.
TWO TJOJ.M US I'KIt ..M!1 fSjr
stlo viltiin nix months, or fiMittyt
psid within the No Mpur dis
continued until all srresrnuai are
paid unioM at the option of Uie put,
Suliscriptlons outside of tho ootmtf
UuPersons lining mmI lining pApera
addressed 'A othirs LoOTmn subscribers
snd sro liuhlo fortho trie oft'ie paper
Saddler nnd Harnesfl
Ccntrevlle, Snydor County, Perms
Kp on hun t, inj tntkM to rtf alt kloils
'fllrn., Ma.MI, llrlitlftl, Willi. OnUr
!,. Alt wnrk umnlJ (or on fr
Mr. WiilAar ' bat trUI la ir- that be
nilrl.oll buln. (or t,'T4.
"Vibrator" Tbrcsbcrs. .J
Aud Menu Thrrthcr KnglaM, j
Uad onl hf i
H.irTi.t: t, Mien.
lnirhli'( sliruln-fit-tiiisx Tim
r-n,.t. ,(.. i .ii I ittlivler tttstiJ ik.iui
in,'. I at n-n 1 i iiitj ml 4 .f anal
l't Va'aUiU.;, u4 l ir UU lug tmi IfiMM 1tatat
GHAIS ItnUrr will not F-ttfamii tv tfc
(Jl l nit ' s A I ettil l Mi.rh iki, b
IIMINM .4rt :u.t, SU0SI fUt wel J -J IU sUlar-MMSk
T1IF. r.N'TIUt: Thr -Iilnc
-ii I n t i . i, ) i ! (m..Iui ii , yf
lies Latlai Ore n AUH,f (LsM liuyrwvwvl UsasUsm, (
HO Prvt1vlrt0 fthnn Inaldsi the fwn
I. or. rt.tu , II u nr., ... lUl.llrS,
ei - I au. U li;v wit g ai,J veto VlLk -sisiiiI1
-Ui a. 'n 'rtl- a 'ei" 1 t s i ICHHsan.l CoHtlleaa Sst
iam, U't, Mf lty, Lvi-c or Hao. I, lis4Wtr lUteasl,
OT rnlr VfiMly iirrtr for M'hrft
Nl 1 1 irstier tit r 'si, I Imnid, Mi ttetear. aa4
eda. fvi lire 1 ' eiiarltawetitf" f " rosHtlleUatg
U fmi.i tcaia lw bawiM.
r WmpHrltT of Panas)
or aValleriutA
rOt'II Mrrn of Mrvnrntors Musi, rant
1 1 j i -i i i-.i i . i wii s it .i-.. sue, mm ! aifieaaf
)U iMdttU IKiH I'uwvie Itf WaltU,
TE.f lBnwir TMrrtitr P-jwUlff
fj w i aariaialtii JuaMa a .iMly lor feteaSM ruwar
Ot a rnr'.vulrd
t II. V II 4 .t, .1..
Hrmin 1'lirelifr
li.ife.ffueins a i L.sltsiauvs)
thy uiMsr awake) oi kind,
TLoronvb Vot kmnniitilii. rirtmai
WHI- ' t ItMt.. 1I,.M., IU1UI. " ,.
rnrllrular. mil nn our Drtbn
' ' I- ' ' "' 't w.' . Il lr.
TrtlDi ! t.totatuwn ,tun"tlon folio wi
PIllilmrKb KTprn lOOs.m,
I'neltio (,rei ft I'l s. m.
w H..uBor IV 4V m.
null 4 uu p. in.
I hi l.lo t uu p. m.
I'hl'i1ilphl EtTt. HIOi n.
I nold'' Lpr ID uu . n.
Jnhn.towD Lipreil lli4.m.
Mini Hop. m,
Ailnutlo Eiprol 4 p. u
Th l'"t t.lnn. WT l'nni(r an I .l Pself
li wo.t, mill tli Pnoldo aaJ Atlsutl
Ki'ro ot run iUUy.
Vy traiot lov .iilom Io MUBIn const
at lullawa:
a. in,
10 6T
11 C'l
II 14
11 1
I'. 10.
4 UT
4 ID
4 14
4 ST
4 II
a. ni.
p. io.
4 4T
10 6
10 44
l.nna l-llow
VI' ayitril
N. iiauillmn
iu it
li lit
Tha I'aoltta Kiir wtt t l Risa-od at
MeVavluwual6 4H a. m. sail tb AlUuilo Cl-
prtui u.t at l i3 p. ui.
County Surveyor
Kraliervillo, Snydor County Pcnn'a.
Purvtylnj ami Convfysnclni; promplly
anj akilll'ully oiiemloi lit. A iliare of
lb putilia't pnlronsm loliolteJ.
July iiu, is, pn.
l r m . an
gm mm g TUaliilr.l
WI I Ion alarrh wl
kTl. II I llavaaml apaa Cbiki ot l AI AIIUU
TUal Kanloril'a llatllrnl l ur.
Il nnt inataotiy ra
paaillly oura. Ktlar.
kirn kl'u. Auriir. N. T : Wot.
wall., wan,
Iluwan, Ktq , llnttatt'in, (Irani
I, lluwra, Ml. I.'iul". I'tlinoolall
aO'l trautlna by mall. Prlao, WHS
liiiiiruval luhtlar, il. l't "
rUar. Wtl.K . POTTER,
Proprlaton Hualun, Mm.
la the lavavat mm lMt lOM.AJB
HUaLV rEU prlataMA
0 la 4fc4 ttHatta-y.
Il la tha rl' ihl n.l. Ilia . of Ika
fariu Ilia ftivtiila uiora (iill.llua any
ulh.r.a. will kt ai a kyacarrful auialaa.
liou ollh rillowina reia, aad ."hi.iiup af
tlia d.ik r wuk any hr u( tha any amliHi
Tlia M.a la kamUmaaly ynud oa wira
whiiaTa(r flonalrw cut !, tbal auliaa
llaully liul,avaa by apoiii lifhl. llttUm
aaW iiiaa urui 4t a fciv .f ar - . S
Th l.a U fr.a fiom fwlilical kaa, an 4
al. All I Ii. HaM with himu, kJld MMINlr.
Io aathla II (! la hwia a at-ii-jt
Judtfiaaul ou wltBlavvr I. paaainul l
iiu mmIim. rllhnut utvlllillui
aad it dl.
bat al.
II la In m mmm aamiaaHva i
l or
traM-4-J m Iu uawa or upmuma, avd caa ka
iukI wil Ii Ilia ama rl pl-aauia ao'l lalaiaat
Itoia T.laa in Haina, aa worn nm'.w.
lata, aBawraitai-, aid J-4l
lu aurk.i rHrai r?tMl ai.d all
lla d.iaiiiiwau wa lully a Um laaua.
' lra a ,ruaaiaa, iuiwS -,
ar aim n waa lb fcr.a, kli.'ia 0a
tka uaai mdueinn wa aa ia la
i..w?a riiiriMAaiji4war
rKtf, Miiuf tha ainuay wkleh aueb llilaaa
aoiiiTaoat la Am haHtaa- aa at lara.-
lUMiinaauaivriiiinai ""7"
mm Mu-ikM aw pa tat aaKU
aa aiiiiianfcinati A -V USm
iM kaaii4alua na .a.
a-j.Hn.kll. 1
Til K
If fi
; 1
i I
, r ' - v s r"
r.." .- 'i.-'arV'I'l
4v --", "
r i t' -r