i:;''v 'Jg Post. ). CJ.3USE Edtor & Prcprctor. .., , ' RESUMPTION. Leal Thursday morning at nine O'cli-rli the) United Stated retorncd to a specie bni. arid tli pledge. ttod promifw of ci it pen y eara' stand in? ara re deemed. It is not holier fl tlmt tba cliAitff) will causa ri rip f O :n financial; and business circles IS10 fiii-ts was passed wkv legal lender rotes rtfWied one with W'lJ on the. 1UU of IIVcobuIkt, and since tiu-n there baa been, to all intent n it! pm pores, 'pivcticul resumption. Tiw mora fi.rmul act -of axcbanifiAK pihl fjr lexrd Under not by the - KOTriiiurnt eont.neneod tndriT. . At the fioatvi it centres such rxohnoa has Ien nvtd f.ir d-irs past at par. Tliii pre.l.e'.i in that there, won! I be a ;;r'nt m.h naJe upon the trea nrv rr tt'.M will not likely be roal - lid. With jjold and greenbacks nt jh'. i-om with tho other, and wjtli e-natora oulica payable either in itfn or fijiu, thure will bo no uotn al rxeit for the latter. It is pottaiblu tint cor tiki n ctassea of apeo- bi.itore ami luualiootets, wbrt are now deprived of their avocation. will attempt nil manner of reckless b- e liiuu a to embarrass the rot rn-nent in coirying ont the resump tion law, but they will find that PcvreWry Shonnno I10IJ1 the strong r linnX Tho LijiUd ftitoa jrovernment occipiea an enviable position to-day rxialLion that will strengthen t bo nation's credit and add lustre to ber fnir fame and good nnroo abroad. It will Ui a notable drty in the bis tory of tl.e republic, this 2d day of January 137 J. when the government returned specie pnynient. llrvord i!i Tiiuti, Wilkeabarre Jan. 4th. The Reading Scrip. Tho ri)il.idtlphia & Reading Rail road cxipiiuy are paving eff their npKMva in aciip. There are two ao'a i'f it. one fulling due on the I'nh i f Apiil, lSTt. Tho two sots are iiui!iir. with the exception that the tonne i t tho A pi it paper are printed in black scrip and those of the May paper in rtd scrip. The disign of tlui margin and scroll wet k in the nut re of the scrip over w hict, the ti rnis are printed, are also cioiilur. a coi't or Tn sciur. The fuI!oirs n exact copy of the Apiil triip : : . ruiuii.u' ii'iViiV r! M'.'to!:" watM, : Carl Seat. : rHrufnrni a, I't.v l, ! T' Pk la1piiL tlaadln- railroad; ; real pan r (MU I'n t'i ft t It Ltirrr ; kail ilttHinr ttii fuilrt 00 th I6ch ; ; .HI l )'H. tu 1. ml:n tntrt from dU, Kiihonc ll"M.in Oir t lu rlr I. I ThU fi l uu.t ror wihh dun bf 1h ; ; I btiA'.Vi l.t ut lcl ifiK rllrol rnm. : l"T. "f'l Mi U nrtltnl I lli'f Mforcor ! I at it itt.tnriiy ( r ihm amount 'u fh.-rton ; : la twrmtni tr m n1 lulj b 1 1 til Hi ; f him-ip and 1.4 Kilo ralirni eunie : : ni. l..rr.l b,i4. il ii.m l'hil.llpbl an I : ; Kittling t aad Irt.a company, nr any ; : cl'.cr uf du to aitiifrnr d i.Hiipanla : '. 1'. ( iyna.l, . IIK A KUlH 1. I ra : : (M.eadi I. II UnWhN, Kr. : ITS RAIMENT.' Thr pVfnt'i:t of the scrip to the en.pJojfes will crver the wages of die months of !' pttmber. Oetober and Nced,er, ile the December wapta will l e paid in cab It does not include tie ecnplojees of the 1 Liiliidi.lj.lU and Lending coal and iron cf.Uipury, who are all paid up iu c-jcb, but th io of the railroad con-pary. C:i:h of R- V Mackey. Hn. Robei t W. Mackey did on U'e.'aea hv ' ninrnin. Jin. lat, ati""1? mio8' bo b,ee0 1"",J ,01 2Q?'' l.ia leaideu'ci, in Philadelphia, iu the j 0"0 damages on the charge of mam- i . t year of hia age. after a long and . " heroic atrn'rifle it! disease. Dur ing tl alunt ten years no man in the J; pulil.cun pm ty has exercised ao irtnch lodiienco in -rditicul manage Iiix first appearance in State politics aa in I8'j:, when he was flirted Stalo Treasurer hy a ltepub hemi I.e-ii!a!nre. In 1871 be was in rlrcted wiUiont opposition in bis i nrty. In 1S72 ha waa re-!ccted r-t.itn Tieanitr by t!ie Legialature. and in 171! I.e w.k rliooen by Ihe pnptiir.r to-.e tin rtii't Treaanrer of tV. Stiitn ivi h r t!ie i..v cnnatitiilioii. I'c hei.I tl.e lvnouiijible otHco of Stnti Treasurer for mix of the eleven yeara of to active connection with S!aio politic. IU wa oniformly kind ar.it i!r,,;rrn-j in hia private re latious nnl ci!eennd by all parties. aiar.TajnaaRna)3aMaanaaajajBjaa Pro'cctio.i :o. Kinati Imm. grants. I ho (lovetnor of Kunaaa hai re im ;ed (nen.l l-.ruian to atation 'trc.ig military fVi.-o on the rnlhe!n Ku ler f that State, to prvnf tin rcMTv t'i. n Indiana fr';m ninkii.ii 1 f :-. t (. ; t . raids wi'bin its limdei 0. J i.o Coei nor etecta nil iiDiinvi'.Ui'cii i,f thlrn hundred thousand riiilem inlo Kanaas thia year, am! ;n uiitiuiia f ir their pro tvclioli. Hia reotst will be grant ed as i'ar aa I lie at entli of tbe am y a ;ll lie pel m.t. SeuaU r bhiine a iva h lira receiv ed tl'iee Imndied ett.tn from the M"ntl giving epeeitie inst incos of in timida iuo and fniti I ut, the lato lection, which he wiil Ii.m I ovur to (Im iuraistig'iling eouim tte. Tim Tie ia itj 1 rait it w II pay rut fifty mil! 'Mm of (U.llara io gold, in ext'hnngo f.r lgul tcrtdara with nut nloppiug W hi i!;e'r they will tLrn retort to the paymont of silver is not slated. VTude .Hi' ioi lis rettigneil the OoTeriiorahip of South. Carolina, an? a party nme I Siinasoo will hi ra.'ter Ui hoa tld.ut ia fbat Ptte. . . V ' J...-'- ' ''" Watte wiil preside GLNEHAL KLYii ITLJJ. . . . .f'oogrea re assembled oa the 7th iott Gov. Itartranft ia urged for tho Iteilin ruiaslon. OnlT one man iq thirty in Idaho Ima'a wifo. ....Hunter ia to be execnted on the IU1I1 of Jutiunry v . .('.herfr trees are in bloom In cerUin ba'my Culiforni.i valos. :...Tli( lno1nii''a Tjiili ture asiutiiud on iait uesJ'ty . . ....There are 4SJ places of rele ioos worship in New York city. . . . .Loni St'irtnnr waa frozen to death near Wilkeabarre l.int week. . . ..Ilnndieda of Michignn deer havo bcuo wantonly killed for their nidrs. .... A North Carolina ciw U the nwdert mother of twenty three calvca. ....The nignrl cd'ira niol by the I'onneylv.inia r:ii!rol cjtnpiuy nro to be chaaed, . . . . Jonnyjimpnps porpaJ thro' the snow in f 1 ! I blojiu, at Weal Chester hat week. ....V.. L. Tierce, of Hoat n, baa bfn appoiutod asaiatint Ueaauror of tho UniteJ $Ui. ....Four his- thievea were lynched at Corning. C'hy county, one day last weelr. . . . .There was an inereaso of 23 per cent, in the net caruiugl of tho Erie railway laat year. ....Willnira H. Vandcrbilt gave his broker, George A. Osgood, $j0, 00) for a Chiidtinaa preaeut. . . . .Uobert Bonner, of Now Yoik has ten horsoa in his stable, uino of which bare records below 2.2 J. ....The folks of Wall Lake, Iowa, have had a grand niuakrat hunt, killing over ono thousand. . . . .The statute of Charles Sum ner erected by ciiizjus of Ho.ton. was unveiled in that city last week. ... .In Jaekaon County, Alabama. hoj;s, sell at 2eeuls a pound, anil fienu beef sold at Ttiecalooea at tho suine price. ....From the spire of tho Con gregatiomil Chinch at 1'awlet, Vt over 125 pounds of bouey were tuk en ltccutly. ....Fdtyuine turtles, weighing three thousand two hundred and eighteen pounds, from Indian llivor, arrived at Jacksonville, Florida. ....A eanage seventy-two feet long, weighing sixty-one and a hull poiiuda, was in ido by a Mr. Slomi" ker, of l'cikioniuuville, from one hog. .... A convict was sent to the Michigan State prison in 1S.VJ lot lire, is seeking a pardon. Ho Ins earned over 81.2U0 by workiug over tune. ....Chicago packers, sinco No vember 1st, have slaughtered 33,- 6.TJ hogs, ugainst 24.1.071 for the same period in 1877, and 207,100 in 1U7G. ....A negro named Davidson, charged with tuurdar, whilo on tho jail at Statenville, North Carolina, on Monday, was taken from the otlicers and bunded by a iu jd. .... Tbe heaviest snowAtorm for a number of years occured in the vi cinity of Montreal last week, the ground being covered to a depth of nearly three teet- . . . .John W. Mackey, of the !. . nldin.nl . aitj ....During Governor .utran ft "s administration about forty-live mur. derers have been executed, and four more are to be hanged bfore tho ex piration of bia present term. . . . .Judge Cbaa. T. Sherman died snddonly in Cleveland, kit week. Ile was a brother of General .Sher man and of Secretary Sberman, and father in-law of Senator Don. Cum eron. .... William Niles, aged about 13 years, son of Professor I. W. Ndes. waa drowned on Christmas, at Sun bury, while attempting to eroaa the Suiiehnoj ou tbe ice. The body waa lecoveie 1. ....An explonion at tlm nifro glycerine worka. live milda from Pa teraon. Now Jaraey, occurrud, on .Saturday, killing fle men. Husea at Patteraon were abukeo as if by au earthquake. ... .V.t Congreaamaa Oa-ou Jonea of Pennsylvania, left hia homa at Wynnewood on Chriatmoa evening to vinit a neighbor, lis wns found hy the rnadaide frozen to death, bo fore midnight. . . . .Samnel Crown, a sporfaman of flerks county, baa killed daiinj the hunting aeaaon now eloae I, fil2 partridgi.a, beaidea a large number of rabbits, squirrels, wooJcock, pheaaanta and other game. . . . .Car, in North Brazil, reporta that the death in the capital from small pox number 000 daily. The distress in the interior of the pro vince is appalling , Tli p"pla are devouring carrion and corpses. Stephen D. Itiehards, vfio murder Mrs. Haralson and fumilr at Kearney, JNehraaba, in October Inst, was arrested in Ohio a few days since, and has confessed to the coromiaaion of nine murder within tUeluat tbreaj jeare .... Ut. Jacob Warts, f Rtooey erek township. Cambria) eonnty, raeeatly li'.led fonv r1d a)w. Anagtot Surprist. We ar cnt")t!y hearing tt some new aivl wande rful Intention or dis covery, it-h a the Telephone, Phono graph, lectric Lijit A., whio'i lend to revohtlionire all the old-faMiiimed ideus id what U what The principal drawback to the nae of these new ap pliance has been the cnnaidsrable outlay nereMiiry for Utuir ititrodiiction; but this Jitlli'iiliy as regards tho Trlo phone boa been s.tUofnctoiily - over come.' A Iloton' firm has succeeded in prod'irino; an iiK'rumeiit that mrk one mile, which they , are abln t sell orf-I.Q) coniplito. A do'oripthm of lie invention will ba found iu our ad- vert'iM!!-? cnlmniia. A Ksiv tlKM.tu A o vr lii'l rrerifel from the puMitW tK It. riTTii aeL r riimni,f.oT! hip lltALiii ,timn rna IS"'.'. Ti pp. prie l i ciil" Tlilt L ihlint'o i t'n 1' I h a nerr'.iv In all "nH rrnnlnip'l frimitlrA for H la full of vilunti's rn.itiif maiifr rrluilng In I'hiniolDy, l'b)"l'g"tny ITr.iiti, ltfirn, Uiri, t'd. 11 l mii'K x.'ti'a'f rrinlfl. rii'1 nin-t bart a wi'l cir.ulanrn ' in J w nunl.l , nil lr crnn In rui-lafir-Haiupa at niter to Ihr p.ihi:fier. 8 It. Vil & Co., 737 UrbaJ ny, 1 "r. Intrlifof flauurl, ciijlia an J enl.l. will make a lo.ljrinral lotariinj Uul ilifT ara sol leuanla al will, lou eaa .lroaM Ihrm wilb Itilf'a llon'T of llnrauaiinj and Tar. ia Irta lima llian il iftkw a aharill io aXeeuls a "lit. Bold by all Drufflaia. 1 1'ikas Toolbailbs Drops cart ia miuulr. Twenty6ve Iarje size rerfumeil Chromo Motto Cards, nn two alike, withnamo In gold. pot p 1 i 1 1 mi cenia . ddrea O. D. Litchfield, Litchfield. III. Plenae state what paper you saw thia advertisement In. Assignee Notice in Bankruptcy. "V'OTICK ia hereby given that the i.1 aail'rnlirna.1 ka ba-n du'v aal tru-illr rplni'! In lUoK-u t ' ol '. .1. K Z il rollha bsriuib of Uitfliobar,! Coloa oouolr, fa. Ja. I ir, AMl.naa. Assignee's Notico in' Bankruptcy. "VOTICK is heiebv given that the X v uodarfiicntJ b bai du ao I latl I iPlHjInial toidiH in Hiokru-itoy ol Jjb a buwail at AllvSiuburjf, I'nlonoiincv, P. ALt.MI.L H.U.ll.H. Jaa.Sik, 197. iiimt A dministrator's NoiCQ I.ottem X ol ailmlulurallnn ao Iha aitala ol Ji ha Klla. ilio'.l. ! "( Wa.t I.MTcr t .i. M. dar O'liioty, Feona., bavinic icn icrnid Io the uodaralaoad. all p-riona kitowli-ii ibaui ala Indebtail tu (aid taut ara raqunatt J to niiii liniaadtata payreaat. wbll iboaa havli a rlaima a Ml praiaol luam duijr autbanikaud lor lliauiaol to rni.DEFK TJ ST tt.MELV, JAJdLs Ivt-IMK. Jaa. t. ':. AdnlnUtratrri. Avulitor'H Notice. fit Ihe watf'r nf thf n. i'.;n-( e iis of W'U lianx Jljt'ict. In ihe Ciiirt of (tlllllll'lll '.'!! of Suy.U r C- PliH iinib rxigned .Vinbtor appoint. X a-l bf Ua i'iurl ti d.alrH uia tli tun I In Uia haeJa.1 l a. I k .lr A.l u. w,n llalnaa, w, ;uart n o pirlla In lular 't (or lta yur i t i. ia aiiitiitia at. at lia Ht -a ut T. J. Miilib. i'i. 1 1 lUa Mrujtt il Mil I ; . biri uii A IT n II A Y. ' Kit li. V. I. II). 9 u'.'l tell A . M. tul an. I attia.a all ptp.i.n havtiM tt i Mrii aaainat a '.Id ai -ta -,ra rina-c- ad t p aatnt li am duly kuiliriilii:i.i ,,a iia luia.ar iiautrraj Iruia amuin o f .r hTaul aad Innd. J Ai;oll vi X.l Kh r. JaO. , .ID. AUUIli.r. THE ORIGINAL ft ONLY GENUINE Vibrator" Threshers, with imtyiotio MOUNTED HORSE POWERS,' Aaut (an Thraahar Kaglaaa, Kida only by NICHOLS, SHEPARD & CO., BATTLE CREEK, MICH. via -r- i VUji .tvln4. -(, nvi:.4 i:,r men mt tfle 4t mi. I r'bfa)ituiA, ifond all Rlftrw fcif lapfcl Wt, Htt CI imii tmJ iut ttmttmt rU trm ui44, G HA IX nlrwl!t nat Pobmlt f tho KTIRK TlirMhUt Cxm I Ukw aV4U tria Um2f lwwlrtj Hii'ui'mi. NO Relvlrif Miafti Inaldf tho ftopm lAiwr. imirxi lr I- tbv s. kr bait. Wa1i, "-I all timsywaaiiintf tM. raioMiMf cMtari. MMMki frfawtif aaanol t-a a I Kivan4 rH tlllaM Ortia, Wir Utff Ua mr Utlf MfM4tarWkMM, NOT orIt TPMlr Hnpertmr fir Wbrtf. Uw:a, rU wr. I:'. Wauis. i, .i ri at. at- crta rire4iertit . I'W.li.y, Millet, Haw, life S. iUqiltr) at a'faV.ksWIA " f ftVllrtag ' to froita Ural I J Bartiij. MARVr l.Ot H far MlMptlrlir af Parta, n.in ir I ...I n, ,.ai i,. h.u.1 iuiu a it.aia. IU.a M UIMrlb,, ut araiurlaa FOl'It fclsasrliarnrnr'Mada, raaa uiut I., I ..i.. ;.... ia,M iaMJ W..,L.a M..i a. rw.,l ! HateM. IJTT.AJI Power Tbrvakera arll,r. i araiatoi uoa a.,raMI tar Ma i ww.r. flCB Carlrnl.d fXram Thmbrr Pa FwaAutM, far avsMa mg ur r iua4, ThaMaak Wirkaailft. fflaw. I! riOlaWt, Car ax u, i of fal . I Mayttil uaaa (af fa . . i n,. M(. " ViHATua-' lhrMtsPf UtaUw w lMosiiwsaas. POR rartlralar calf an ttr Dal til rltai ta sj her t Ua4w4 CaiajaSiar, vkavlj W skkStU If sjb UHNUY A. WOLFLEY, Saddlor and Harness Mailer Csntrevlle, Snyder County, Pertnt K'apaoa kao.l. and naaat to arlar all klndt olHaraaaa, Maddlaa, llridlai, Whip,, l olar. ao , as. All work guaraataad lor aaa foar dp. WolSay ka hut (rial Io pna tka( So uomum aia ou'iaaa. ivl ll.'ll, wuvate sale fa I,' A VALUABLE FARM, lluau la Pranaila Tiwaahln. audar aaaai, Pi, nnomlla HKvih-aai ol Bjiddiatiura. oa (ao ad b, bands or Jaano ru'i.ia kimii ro'i taauiMa io e rauo)it aAoa.l aad olkars, swliaiala ai altar, a. aitU lOOACUKS.i. ivuue aim ri mt . j um va lHMf m tMitai wm -Hta-(rfjir wita irtu, Misnary ami rhwlaut, ufmmf r Uil a t,TWV DVELLWQ IWUSJS, ftP.'V DANK HARM aad all aaaap oat. bolldlrsa, a a.Hl all al oarar Nil a aiai aa.y In dar aad a aafar Mliay airaaas al aur rania( Ihruaaa il Utm, iera.aa, air alarms atl tm th Said aad t Iba bar. A laaa aota lad) larai aiiuiuloaj aaakrav, a.. rawlrnaas. of caiaias H a (b'f tajaiMmio-a, 5a T VIBBATOa Auditor', NoMc lh itS'ltralantt. Idi'l if h.e areolnt. 1 'tlinr t dl.'Iril.ma lb f.inda la lb hand of It. It. 43rln ta . aa-iine rt t. J. It. Zallar. mil ihS r'lrn.tta tit hit appoiniitiaii nn THt'MU.W, Jix. 21, 1879. al lb efRea nr T. J. flnnin. r..q , al Mlddlrburc. al 10 o'eiolf, a. m. at biota time all varlita InttaiH l nar altanj If 'key tblak propvr. UIA3. I . VL-niUII. Ja2. 1879. Amliior. Aiulitora Notice. Estate of W. P, Wngenaelter. dee'd Tks Aa4!tnr arpiM't lie Orp'tuna" Coiirl of Pmi.Ur Coilbtf, la fcpart upna Xorpiinn ai( 10 H, aewnnl f M. I. Waaffiae'ler. J. Q. I,.- Pltia'lls aaitil. tv. bri. Eionlnr of U ttm. r. Wtn aalUr. In' of lb bnraaab of Srl'Baf ro latald eountv of Palr. draM., H oisel iha pariloa lnlti'l fie 'ka ri C.. nf hi aptoltitmrl, oa WKDNKI) IT ik2?n4 dav of januarv. A. I.. IS. 3 al ih Kftioo Itniel. la iha Ituro' of 8a- liuraror, at J o'cliw1. a m. of aM ilj. .tMCEL II. ORWtt. Jan. 1. 179 Auditor Tars Ast(ol Etit of M, ti Wajea ttVrr, survlrl-it parlaar, &a. Tba Aud lir arpMata't h lbs Court of Ommon I'leaanf flnylar Touaiv la an illi. not anj aJjnal ib aonon'ii af Cbaa. P. Ulrlfth. Esq.. iba A"lfne. and la make diaiplhiunn of ih, balaars IB 11a ban l f Said aeenuaianl. wall frir Ihe eariira innrlil fur Iha riirna nf hia appoint nirnl al iha li-valona !toil In Iba hor. A,ith of Pidin-froff. an TtKtSKDAY Iha 221 day of January. A. l. 1 479. at 10 s'eloek. a. m. of '! iT- Samuel n. oawfo. Jaa. 2, 1879. Auditor. Auditor) Nbtlco. TUB naJeratsaed. ka Ad lilor, anpolnl. ad by Iba Court I nf Roinraaa ?laaa of !nf drr ooiinty la 'li-iribma Iha tin l ar. riaias from Ihe Sharif 's Sato nf tlt aa at of Jrramiah llnyir. on Van! f x No. i lea Term. 137. I'sn. E. Nu GO Daa rrrm, I87S. Vro. Kx, N. C8 Deo. Term, IH7H. ami Al Kl Fa, N . 49 Daa Tsrra IMT3. a, nttlrnj Idtbadniiat of kis an. ii"iiittnrm, at bis offija ia M' lllah !- ai HUlny, J.S. 'J lib. 179. alUo clook A. M. al which lima aod plae all Par ties Intarrs'aJ are onliBed lo Miami aad raakskoawa Ihrir e'aiais, or Ua us da barred fro to oouiingMq n?nn aal, I fund. A. U. I rAIILr. II, Das. 20, 1878. Auditor. Auditor' ti Xotico- In Ih mnltT olie A$r I J Iht Cbtirf of sijikiI LuiniK cj i t- I irmimoa ? Irr SiM.iiami. , vj Snydir ,(.. Tbe unilrriro,d Aailllor appninl,d ti aid Court lo iltatrihule Iba fuud ia Ibr bands af A. J. I'owrr.oX. tni . aasicnra nf I'rtrr CairaEan, will nini ol hia office iu lb bo.ongh of kl iJJlsb.it ar oa Kri.lar 'lis 1 7 1 U. day of January A. D I Hi J, at 10 o'clock A. M. of laid day to dinrbary lbs duties of bia afpn'aimrril. bn ao l aliers all prrrou, bating claims apaiusi SHid F.mata and shtiilid Jo s sbais of raid luhd ars bitrby netiGtd lo prrarai ibcir claiids ilii'.y auikriiticaisd. or Lr for rtrr drt at rri) licoi coining ia for a some t said Und. THOMAS J. SMITH, l)rc 2-tib. '73 Auditor A.UIHTOU B NOTICK. fil tht t.lutitmf in? I J n ViK Un'hmi lt:i't JiV,W; Viwrt of Hn'jtln h'ujlf i.v'd. J Citiii:;". Tli ua lei t. Au liler sppuininl to ocrrisiu. ah lwr t4 rrt ainouiii. iirralufu-c awinled e Amol CujI a il lolomnn tiii.li. out of Iba dior payable i widjw aud lir ian( Mi.-Uirl I.jI ird'd, by Amos Y. il. abnulJ uu b paid tu said fulooiua i!ul ami Autos fcu.l. a par I. riDT Aiidilor s report. or hriliir end om.utiis alniu'J b pai i a i!, oiLrr l.kii cf da.'a.ii. Will nerl Id Jirti: Ilia Juliea f l.ii a toil, luir nl al his olH iu Middlrliur jo aniiiiJiT Jinutir I rt b. at l.i luck ' l Tbia is lliref,ir (j n.wif. lb .1 1 oUmun t.udl ami A mo, h'nlv. aa ar'l a ail u'brr persnu iiiirral,d in aid Lil.il lu b and appsar brlur sai I Auditor ou said ill, alien anJ arbrrr ibry Mill li brarl tilail), lo Ihrir rri- ci i claim eiiJ inisrsai in lb prtn ir lllOJJAdJ 8MIIII. Uto 2-1 ik. '78. Aiidin.r I'UIILIC REAL ESTATE. rpilE' nndersif ned. Asrittis of Frsds X risk Ksialini, by vntu of nn aliss or drr istusd oul of lb Coart of Ci,mrarj I'lraa ol Kuydcr onuner. lor ika bensfii ut creditors, As , will oXpos lo Public e'ald oa tbsprcmiiss, in W,l Psrry loaaabip, va Tlnraday. January 23d. 1873, Tba following deribd Valuabl Ileal Esiai. ia oil TWO TRACTS CF LAND aiti'Sts in lb loan ship and county jt'or,. aid. bpunded and Urairihrd , follow, TRACT No. 1 Hounded Knrib aJ.i J lby lands al Jacob Willow. Wst fc land el Jebn ewrlj art and Bomb hy laa It oi io iisii oi donu n. Mruup, sooisinnif 137 ACRES aior cr Is,, irlisrv'oii ar sreclcil a targe UWELUAG HOUSE, BANK II A KM and aibrr oiilbuildinca. tins Orcbard of eboie fiult Irrra good watr orar tk door, and sbsul IUO Acrss llrar lbs balance al limt rra l. THAI T .Na :! Iloua lr.l by leads nf Jolia 8uha, Fiauus llkoada and omrs. cciouiain i ELEVEX ACRES, ' ar or ls, bin rssiarkabl atll sl milk Chestnut Timber, tfal lo suaiaisaee at 10 o'olouk a. m. t said day wbsa du atteadanc will be gitsaaad trn of .U madknnan hy WILLIAM I1AU0MU, Jaa. 2, 1879, , , , Assigns. YOU WILL BH SOBEY t ran rani in rbtl nil Pad, with u I d Ural aaralull 0011, in. aaa Buckeye. Force Pump, Th R aT la lbs ,r hat Impmvaniaul InPnatpi, II IS ntlrilta, aim air rh.iahara wU'flii mat H r.rr aaay in oparaie. Ii.aan 'a aiiaohad la la, Sim,, ViHau. aad wr aaa b (brown ioa aar hnll tin la eiae ut ar fan ,!, ,nr Uirda an Yard, Waali Wodi,Wak aiieiaa,.aaka FIHE EI70INE .r raadr a roar aaa pra.nla, t ., mon ,M lawaaamiaairaaiaf, . BJ Cannot Freozo I file aalbas t liar, Ida Waiail S iM. T r !' kr an MM ndv,4j alirl p r tnm Imm4 kwkv, I 4' Sunul II. EX-SOLBIEES ATTENTION. Pa-)m rmourl fnf srillsei nf 0i 1a war, .lllilrd lo anrr by wnunlf. r:intara. dlaaajsolan, kin I. or by ,llrtl Irjuriaa. PENSIONS INCREASED. A larva noral- nl ih wa nnar ra-ilrtn oan- flnns ar now anlltl d tn an INI 'UK s o drr Jala laara. au a.itdlara dlankarval far wntwiiai, Hnpti'iiK, nr M khh amid i. INJURY, nitle. li Plfl.r. boanlv. All hi Inaas dnna bv oortaapnndane, sane a, Mymi wcra varannM', ureaanu Wnars lb rul.t. lnli'il Ilia widnar and balra an .11.1 - ll dillara aa i thalr lda nt Ih .r ol UK ar, n anili ,i i a panal'tn I a Iuo im,u' eaienia lar Inranlnra. Krart aoldlar wbnaaaaihla nnlma rVtnl I aanl ma tita 1dn-a oa IN.alard and ravalr In raiaro a SaarLSCorr I aaa, uf lb Nati3.ial Citizen Soldier.' a,rr pnilbd at Iba Naltmtt ilne'tnl ,1-. in an in iai--l I .r.ifnatmo ao,it I'anal,,' and Uunnly an t l.tn I. ( all . dll-ra an I il.alr hair. U irrainon laa; atulis.lsl fujl a. I AddfSaS WKb ( (l. v N. W. PITZ IE'tALn. V. A (llatia tirey, Da. II. 11 1. . HjXH. WaSllnxtnn, D. O Anjnoa's Nilijj. . 11 persona Intereafod are lierebt l BMISad that Kni F. Ll riaa of Je .na larp.. anrdur Ui . p., bai mada an a alaanianl nf all hia affi-la. hili Ml nar. a.nal to Iha an'a-ainr1 fur Iba HnnaiU ot rraiUtnr,. Alt par-nni hTln ilma -ra ra. auaatat in nraaani (;ia. ( iii, nn lrlf tal. an I lb a Indaoial w.ll uls.ia (nalnn I lata ..Tn,. J r.SHirit. Na., SS, liTS. Aal4nr VallS3rt0O TotltJtS. At.L parsnn lntsre.tr I ar hrrrbr n-4l .ej !bt fleiirr llinarr of We' Uavr Hiidrr Cn., mad a ae..?-naii' 'if all hi 3)t., raj,l and, prraiiu l ta Ih, Irraljn-lf.ir Iha h.n. ni "1 la trt I iora. At' naranns karln rlaluts araf.nia.la.l Inrraarai thnu In Iha nnd-raunrd, a. paranna lo.labla.l III piaa maM, luiiatdl I ttirm-o. MOJEi n'r.nn-t. JVOV. 3S, "71. aluaa. 1879. P IC 12 M I U M TO f Tint anoaoaisia TO Ts PKILIDSLPHIA WEEKLY TIMES. ANNALS OF THE WIS Wrlltrobylhs pMrn-lpal participants lath latalMral War, Nurib and duuib. A Royal Octui'o Volumi of 800 fa- fft$, JScautifully Illustrated Aad Monnd In l'orl and O 'l.l Cloth, w lib lllumlnai I Uvar I.IoIiikh (1'iloa.SI). Will t slran to Try aobaorllvr to Tilt WKtKI.Y TI II lor I' S. umin lb (o luam lrina, In all t,a (ba puaiaga p,l I by ua : Kur U oi l aand aor ..p u( I'll K w K)'t(. LY nn ir an I onae.ipy ! lh"AN. Al.1! 'r sto a mill eaud tuiaa e,ipia of VIII': WM-lvt.Yona faaraad Ibraa souls, o( lb ANNANS.". Club Terms of Tho Week'y Times : ICnpyona yasr 10 Coplas on yarli I Cop., ens ar i a. Oupi, uu, ar THE "AOALS" a7a FEEMIU3. A f'TT of'hw 'A im!!" alii ba fvan at a rm(iuutn tmany on n'llnt at fraiab wl ten, it- fit 'nr a rl.i ul tttci.tf. Tbl li Hrhitil Ofptilunlty witt.oul font in1 nt HttU trouula, Co iai a fotf of a p,aal Work llikt thou.tl ba raaU -y avarttta. THE WEEKLY TI5IES Vn- IM7J) Will ba kapl tuny mi,i ika hlh standard el k pat. 1:1 1 1 a -r ira a ii d to I frnn It ea tv ilni, aa ibar inaf ba auviai, kr ,s irlaa. and (ha a ,ni. of mtr rtdar,. Tia ir.nl aid dtttUrtl laalnra nr Tltr W KKIil.V 'I I il KS. mat baa p'iaJ v. .,u ar In Ihanaala II i t iutl .u-1 IUr,n jliinl tu, aar IhU, l : a . rlaa ulcbsptcra u lbs Unwritten History of tho Lata Civil War trow l.at U Aitr la Ik Oa'ilnat. In lb -lelJ, In in rir J a. H r:u ail .-Walk, Ib'a fratur of THT, Plltr.MtI."tt WK1.KI.Y I'IMKHbaalHl'HHu ,r . p..,,ul ,r. and liiera.a In luiaieat alib aiaif k'. I aua d Ilia p Hir. Wiilla iha., eonl-li.utiuoa a, II I a I,. air. .in all taoliuoal laill.an ina. tt'r a III la i Ulan tfnin iha jrl alun I pidnu id lb, r,.iei'lla aulbnra and "var llialr I'f I" r.anaa. tho array id .llttlniiul.'ia.l cuii'riKu lurs to Ibis da, ari.niaul axeeada In briilana, aoy tcr I raranlad by a Auiarioao parld,a.l. rnd poaul carl for aPK 'tdKV IV 1 1' i ul ih P IIUDKLPIIl A iv K . K UY ITKrK. li alll h a.at l yn altbaiii eesi r lainlua aail, and a bailara icu al.l .ro nnoor, U lh l.araaal, lu CUaai.aal aal III Itsil ol IU W,kri. THY TRElriME3. Pj nnltliiK ltk a laa? frlan or. and skP ni,juo ,l I a it. r ii iil aack a III SVi'.l KLY TIMIH l,.rona faar puttaas paid ky ua. ,ir iba L iV fhl.t ul l X. Il al am lima duriis ll, a aar i'0 ara dlaallanJ with It, apf, aai.d U u bd alii roWra f tfar uU(. Aidrsas THE TIKES, TaslisasrciLDiaa, Pmladelphia. NOTICE. A petition will be presented at tbe nralln of Ika (lonaral Aaadiniily praya In Ibat iMiy l onaet -,m,IiI la, r Ika 1 ouaiy or S idr l loaraaa Iba pramlurn or auualy kx and Wild-.! so.lu, u (a Uul Ufa. Jnxa FsTTaaotr J a. Juh I' kt 1 amiur, aa. atum liit.ii, la. 1.1 loa.H, Da. 1, 'TI. Vaa s. limuiicll. TAKE ,1 J.i. partia imtehteil lo na are i 1 brrahr rrqiia.tad In maka -niillt poymaiif, .nn it,,, a an iiava ar.y olaima a saluat n a arm alll ii, braaaul 11. sun, at ma, naln-1 ilia 1 tut (nal lu d. ul la nut lu iruss 01 uirioinimn. WL1 OPPIMIIKIMCU. 0 .1, '? S. talluiruv,, Pa . $1,000 IN PREMIUMS ! Ami Commissions to All. AGENTS WANTED lasrwyfost To la lb Vnltd Slal.slo sand sabicrlption f r IU BURLINGTON HiWMH. Sd flr emit tot npy aad tarnti sgssts Hawljj PDbllsiilni Ca.t . Dee fl.Cw. Fui linn Ion, Iowa ADMfVTsTRATOH7 NOflCELet lata af adirlnlairalln Mi lb aial af lala Haas. dsaad, ut of Pllarnr, in.r 1:, fana'a . karln m .nm. ad in i 'idrlrd, all paiMmakanale lkma,lrralintatil m ld a.lat at r.iiua! Ml .ik lmidll pafajkkl a 1,1 1 (ii. karln lalwalllp-rfi(limiwilt lliSa' ld lrlla) la MEU .UH t. Mf,I.H.- IVM.4S. TI 94, , t f Half.. . f lr"" .a" '"'-ra'a- . r. ' I -, I J r tC7v -; -: 1 : rniuiM seas c-cr, 1070. Hurrah for another Large Business! There is nothing cllney or forbiddifjf about OAK HALL tWi FjII. The fersonaf attention tjf Mr. Wanainaker haj .brightened up everything about tlio'pluce, and tha Fall buyrra with a QRAKD. SEND-OFF I $700,000 in Clothing and Cloths is' under tret broad roof, and T&o Stir shout' Uo PIzqs hot that tho poop 1 a hav discovered tfat ' and that, ailer all, it li best to Tho Tact is, wo hav outstripped every former effort, and pws forward, this season, ' BSTTBn STOCK, BETTER CUT, BETTER MADE. ' We rety on our TRUE and TRIED POODS TRUSTWORTHY PH1CES, and, on the basis of low prices, good g'Vidi, and thorouja satisfaction to our customers, propos to do a krfeT buiinesa than ever. WANAMAKER & BROWN, OAK HALL, S. E. Cor. Sixth and Market Sts., -PHILADELPHIA. r 1 " 1 Ifaatl iatf 4 Smtmim wiil W kxnd aw jlaartk WEST JERSEY MARL AND TRANSPORTATION . COMPANY. niPOhTANT rl'0 IAItHSTtN. W. ara a Drtnfrtl la lalliar ILIi Imlli p.l.hr.t.,1 M.rl ,i niHi..i.... .1.. u a. I. am t nna rua A atialy.l, i.f 11 pounds nl this viarl Kkio friiu a unifuna alls, c'ul Iroa IU'kl ta , uiaU ty Oacr, It. cuk,!ui Uolo(UIl baa J,ray, sbsns ss llla 1 bank Paoapann v Acid. t.Slks. bU'Cio Amu, IbTASli, I.IM-, 40S-I0 1 1. a. S 1 I.' I lis. 1 1 10 iba. IAUXSI.l, Si.lO.O. Tha Waal lry Warl Coo-p'any kvs Ibalr snd Uorounk y u.iad, aid ibar 1 lac', 1,1. U..II..J i..,l .1 . ... . .... ..,.K,ru 1 nun, in anil ao Irani I u,,rt sod uyrauia ul Ha raaiaikkbla FEEMAITEHT Ita snna' latnt ul rhi'M'hoils Add and rota.k oa, a, ai.u - I ar u.l alua lu II a lnni, f , k'urlksrlalunaa.lo, as., lllagir,n oy Sept. 12. '78. rgaarra?riw Ladies Coats. LA U IKS ccmTIs! ladies Coats are in great demand at present. Every lady' in Sn der S. WEIS' Selinsgrove, thore are stacks of them there, which in qual ity and cheapness cannot be equaled. wmm . p re68oaflol DKKtSS (jUDDS. Everybody is invited lino of KOHOI73 ; and prices are unquestionable lowar than over. Ooi 16. T3. . r . j tv ,1 9 '9 I.Vlt. PnuruxiDa srlaoa ISiaiks. yt it-is us. S 1-1 ib(. Total Ik. Marl a lr. ni lb lop to tho bottom f Iha k4, ikaa-ialrts to supti'f klsrl aqui.i 10 U saapl aU . . . . . . ,mpa, nu BSBrUS lMIISiaiSIS SOB B (MVS norm as FEF.TILIZER. lr.p mat 11 at ones tk cktaps.t kl l ,1 si ar bnikal ar tin liar lu. . at. CKOUfK. Act., Xiddlebnrir, aVOSES SI'ECHT, ARt., Heavertown. f3 Ladies Goats. county can be supplied 53E EBKBHBSEBBE DKttSS (tIOODS. to call and izn the full FA1TCT CC0B3 Tt3 , ; Hoirjiectfully, M. WRin. I - i t -a, I ' 4 , 1 1 v-i.f r 1 . I I a J- sj Itm M 73 c!-,"" J I