The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, January 02, 1879, Image 1
t .C3 n.cie year W.IK) i tl intertioa . 70 i 'HnTttori, BO t-j sine ..'M-dt of linM,pr year, . B.GO t X.: t KUtr, AdmittUlrator 1 1 .oe per line, - '14 . . aauoU fur barter pe i t.A year are payable at tht j ex ordered, ud U not paid 1 ordering them will t Laid -la for the nonar. A4l Ho4t tfet ir Poetry fH tatdeop lit Ik wlater aaw, Ait tk wlalar wrodi ara woarily oighlog Toil ft tat harhbtl oad aad tlow, Aid troad tafily tad opa.l low, for It old r lira a-dlag. Old year, ya (neat aoi a la . r Yaa went la at aa rotdtly. f oa 114 "Ha aa aa oioadll, . " J . Uld y tar, aa taall aat 41. ' ' Re tiata atilt ho dotk eel wort Mt ailt ai at Ika dawe of da. , . lie kaik aa atktr lift ab?a. la gav eia a friad. aad a (rat irat Ufa, Aaa ke will laka "tnt away. . Old yaar. aa aieu aoi go j Bo loag aa aa ka boaa wlik a. Satk Jo at aa kaa taa wlik aa, OU oar, aa tkall aat go. lit fralkad kit dawpora it Ikt krlia A Jollier aar aa tkall aat . Vol ikoagk kit ttt ara waXiag dial, Aad ikaagk kit fact tpaak 111 of kiai, K wot a f load la . Old tar, j Wa did ta I i lough aad or wlik yaa. I'va kaira aiual l 4i wtikoe, Old ytar, if yoa wait die. tl wo fall of Joka aad Joel. Bal all kit atari- qnlpt art? To o kin dl ifco watie hi toa aad klr ba'a rid poo:-kta, : Bat ka il bad ad hroiO. Krery aa for lilt aao. Tka aigk" littarry anil told, air fVlead. AadihtNtw-ya.r blitboaod bolJ, Mend, . Ctaw ap ta toko kit ewa. How kard b broalbtt rar lb onow 1 kta'rd Jaat bow lb erowing aook. Ik ohadawo tio. io a id rYe ; Tb arlckot abli at : -lit M ji baat lowt 'T I arly a'ol a .. ftkoka faotd bvforo ua dia. I Id tor, wa'll lieoitjr rua l.o ou i Wbot la ll Wa ou do fur ua Bpaak aat bcfora ou dio. Hit faea ia growing tkaip aad lb: 1. Alaok J our Irlrad U goa.' Cleat ap U tt ll ap bit ebla 5ip from ibo toipo, oad lot blai ta Xkot Moadoih iLe.o alear, Aad woiit.k at ik duur. Tboio'o a aow foot aa ibo floor, vio i.tou. Aad a aw foeoot lb door, my f id. A bow loo at ib dour. 11 tsjoeilaiieunx The UooiiiCd Coildinfj. ' The oilior d-y ft I 'V docbV lrft4d iudi don', w:U h wut a eho-er aid r. (' ,'.e" h.uon. ! p.4 ; into tbe Ik'i'wx tJus .d too v Ixjckoiied Sir.. i)u ii over to '.te cot tier of the loom. Ai:-. tin . is . hiuiiiiImiI n iiinnilr. iml Lha "i'!i'u j, on y w, b.eaiedf mju uddtaaaeJ bun j.!'"'0"1 .follows: . ''W"' 'Weieyoa-ve, at-. Ihil'lb-a I. .'i r -ii . t- u.inu.uu win uo iuw ui '.oa ui iiiiua iatweniv miaales time f "What a. you .tvioff me f Sili '.lU " 1 " .. .VJ .. ..a r .. . - bo 1 : Mr. Moiiis. - " '' ? ;-v 'tfa 4bo.,. '. A-jj J ihe huj "I tragifiogyoulliesl Jnt ;" wuch bulJa be,wee. wof jr..m,H ;j (C - ..d c-i tae ! ' in.. joa UUa w.oi.ig lu Urn yon ; .wa"K .'"U'B.'.or, SJrv, Gjj. o. ; 1 r.i l will r.v to luik uiofo." mv -.Ulr,t,"'.rtU.?cWf- ' ' ' d,,'.s 5fc,if v.'i. Wi: , .a iuv Su Atlhispolot Mr. MjuIs beiai to look se-Hoos. Do you temeaibe.-, ' coao.ieJ the "double bre iiter." 'ubout sevei V4444IA Ar.-.t, a thnill!rt I14 llf.a ... known as 'itaol'ays,' tumb ed ioio j dust, tweoiyflre oiiaates fti'tst tbe inmates weie warned f ' "Uoae to Ibiok of it," said Mi. M 01 ris, ui do lemember ft leetle omstbiog ftboat that W1. ai-. I waa tba man wbo ' wfttoed tb iamate? of ihttt hni'J.o. llyto doiog I. saved fj.vv-sevei : live. Every aeveo yeu.s, ! s.ive forlv-seven lives, and if I bid t'me todyI would explaia lo youth dluaisaiplaoee I aavedtbat o a moor ' of bamao being io, for ta last Hi- . If aix yaai-s. lint yonr t!m is short Yoa have joss- Ai'teea miaates left ' to warn your fellow oo-luborais. Am Bfti k me. I depend upao you to warn viy soal ia this buildiug. How many men ara employed :a tats Bsgoidcent sttoctar I" . "F9!'tyfteTB ia All, I belUfft.'' ' Strange, very strange," made, ad "white-choker, ia mel.iooboly toa. Then turning to Mr. lio-ia, imtilo:ingly, "I bag of you, my dear ', to bastau and warn the iu natea In lis 1 ap joodUbye, eir. If yon f i try ftdvioe, ia twelv miaa a tim yott wlU b showeriog blase lus npoa me." llr. llorrhj gazl oa tb atrao;r AA be departed, ftnd proceeded to W ti rest of tb e!ei ka all ftboat 1''' itw with v-ift yt"ous : :v . JisiA UtUoad inUotly lb fir;ot through, when a Ut. C cru spok up C2i !! t't rt r' :r4 ii About tk t iilsy V. .21 iT aa he waa ia oatoo r t' i tiae h r-rrsai r"u IT' r-' "j t'-lM ri 'Ms r. - T" li" -it"' it j f : : " a il :iu i . r t VOL. 16. 'cfflcial tima-kaaner. Fiva, ton, flfiaao miDotaa kfl?r lima waa oallad waatad awar, itaJ Ttl tba doomed LalUin narar ny mnou m auffMraX uoe brona .ua afjaotatoia aoeakai off, and quiet) waa ajaio raauncJ. Jt mi not m oni oiniaoainti bar to remark that, tbat while the jui'diaif waa gttiing to tamble, eo., the (uah-boi in t'aa long worn sneak ed off wi:h tm In it. 17JI Ceiuly. , oppe.'iuobtluat reviia i tue e.idftfi a1! t ooble is av liajv'. bt ii'-l abend lies ft nun''., ftb'eaibaua . n . r.jir, and oj tie o.t s ' ia iee bouie. I tbiok wa '.u 'n.-: '.. o's oJ j'ei 0 a.. I i e.j .1 tvw.t'okiiu d.k !n. w .a.ii tore. e ve liar.ii w.ailT. n U.i w o.' ej w sa .Wvca J.'a ia pe hr:il..e U..." Oar 0 t'f n.' uc .. feer o-iwa:1 .'.-om on ? b 1.;, o: tine wee . "g om t . ow u. o van. .j'd we r I Ler i'n-t i u '. ow ; ar i ra i'.oui ibai. s'iAi . aV T. eSB..u a ef wa I hoii a w.S a.n'.es u.d .jv n W V H'd a. tier ua 'ii. e fee : e ' js we . .o ''t.O -M 'ii. e Loi Jttt e ' n-e i- ,I-J 3 rafilo our bwiue l.cmji-w sjaai'l 010.. U'.tl tho g ar ftjd iiv uuktlr.1; c i.e j' .l a. Uo.he a, i t ua u' er Ti.avej ia re'v j cj ce Ue o d.iy ,ktUi dm a w 1 01 '.w iA auuH.ttj . 'ie 1. s ui.ui)i iwsa uitke b. a', wl.u ga. .e m ' .lifcUft: tioua, Itia .it ine.. -iv3 ot iovo t iw iejue ipI liot i' .s ns 1 a 1 e .r il- i ie 1 1, ;e aoi'ud ft d t .be d ao. de .. loo ua, 1 .1 lld Ijli e bo'aiiSs' piav. 'J'. .oe 04 ua .1 jve uitt vbat e.iw:api l.jw. id j lir, t m Ut Iimi ofrswbo Live lut. .Mk t'- v4 :ime tbe't .ift!'e 1'ps. , 4 . ni .V.a ':Te. o i 1' 000,0." !. P0., s, o.i t tell "oaibat . ii Jiy "o sauoliu .ow, w. i oar.! Ji a. bidde i I vu !a I w leroe n' ..ioe of Udi.i- , , u. J:i:kle.,. i lj.ia.'.'u, o ue' . o lie ice. VV w .-i:--' .he ! v ! 4 i.'.! a id the' .l!i a ! i ni ii :m kiou ...i. .W one lut 1.) .r.a. Tbe rca l-i' e b'oixi ti.l i he .; o-iv i-9'jt vmr of "4i.i i a' i rf'ia'-. k.i'?.i j i iaa 1...II...J ' , ;i the ib u of hu if7 tie josl .. JBTjJr' 1 j " ' m w4 ''v. I J.i , taeoae wo d.aMi r .i - .n - - . l '' " ."'.""l ..K,-J"V"- M ""': "-''', ,JU 'n,M ,d u Ut,nr 1 VUOi ' owiao. i" ' J lm '-ow?.: ere v lion 1 I nun - ivu lua. ut v uu o .in.' t o.ds, every drip wiuUiod in ihe syafeni y:jies thr ngh tl bear, iwen'ty-eijbt times ftu boa, or ones every two mioutes. Yk bnmao ueoi t ia deemed by poets and phileav I - 4 - A.l . Anr mtf'm UIUOIO 4 WW "W 4W4, w 44 ,. lions and passions 1 the seat of mos . uitiuu v miivk: v. wi aLanaiuiY : n.i wi". owwi a -u- scieaoe, d by me.i npon aa tbe root ot I. '"'.a .' - ' 8"a--w?-w '-' !l .00 01. Mm Wora... Wra. ILiharLa in lha WauLhurloi VjaDIIBU . TBI W trUUllUUT nMBL'ti I Man vi. iff a man to reform bim is like biu meaaui'ed for an nmbrellswl It may ox may not b satisfaoiory t j link van maw aa wall l.' Lo tna'. a ill ,,lih'n;..- tin ...!. lr t Itr Li a.'IlT! I 9 ' ' i man who love a ma;i. No malte!:t J we. e it "a iha. kA.nri t,A m.w Ii aIia will rT3 lOimal' .V' .S-l l Tlkt b.av avai vlhi-iff. for him t and 1 ave Tdi-fibing, lor mm i and i l-f u ' ; v ould no.givft aoap for bim if A'aokoowa to Iwrrlin ape.;k 'g p so du't Kok long aioce on the ave ft. H ia ft n.rk to tin . t -at islftawftmati. res iodJble look-Uj-o V "P.ibmer u tbe ho uwdl woold didu UU. . AHA w flt SUSllli I OW) 'JW. -a V JWVB, i... in a i,aIi.;ia ot.i. nf ii.. ,1 uu i.ioa,A polioema. ot ah as 9 - A . ... j blinf t,tog un g' loa, , Ail IkSiafi Aft BB1 llldi AyoBB -w uieadookiogr wellwaw: womaT. 4 OA .a ,i . .a ... She paid ao alta-iUoa to tb rabbi foltowiog or wondering lookw of the iaffdrt b, bot too-: to b! Cjji.? . ,mw a r . a. T . to roify and quiet bim. I ooatu net k-'-i tii'Jog bow little man wodd a.k by a woman. Maa ia of tti Maoblr' ma and a juperior be isvibnt b will ret a womua in miiiIiIa. and than ltiava b' cat oal of it lb ! etl sbe rac. n Foa Ilia Ui'a Caks. A Newark ;:stor dreppei in th other even. oilier even. i to tts a married fnand whose vri. wti absent ttom rr.'ooisi vi;t II ' a a a a . . a home on a ...awl U VU4la AA-IAJ I iotioj , dMpa-av!, as a -war r l a (ml Iah. Vvh.' aalrad . - , v..BBAdA rjDttwiiion. ritMtfWKjry, whtw.oa imib aia t -Lad it bat by J :? 'i,0C"" T09 - J I moket, asp aa, ?k " " "I M1TJDLEBURG, SNYDER COUNTY, PA., JANUARY r"r Ta rar. .1 : ML H.j to. . l.t" IBa woo in with I a itn RvroV in tbe i lie I C.'uV.'a Ilcroli id i. Ii'toa' aa:i tod iVas Mated ere'. o wlv h .J eilt . om g matCtafav !o fis ) eler of Lhi n -eo it 'aie. Ai o i, o." w .0 Iiai RO'1" b.7 ' f ' x ucvb.- . r ;i t e n a T 7 L .e litoMri oimi t ' '.j J i" ir"-an,iiji g'eeo raiiey 01 uuamoun ' eoll- ti ft3'4 at Lie bate of Jit Blano, amid iudb. v ia :'.jV. . w,w e mr;i C je , nni.A'iiii b.oid a t.f ..h is an.i jij!' ujj -.S 11 bit -a-s Ijii.a.a tt'i.t.le.vy r.Jd ua r " ' B '- 4.. 't' . . :tu ;: . .d . 1 . - e . i4i..4 ts . o ,C ii WJ '.om , ft m' e f tYiF.o w lo r f.l'o) ; r om liie 1 lr V,"-i v.-.k JA r t cm the I 1.14 I I a 1 ; t b ' . w 'i3'i r .v u A i .JJJ I ftV . a " f.r.i n . , . . ! r ii A t ; n i i n s . At .. 1 ui .; 3 w. . 1 1 j 1 a :- 1 m ; ; : d t iieo-ji v ..j I : J w;i t t.ioa a u a 7 a- H li .'.'! VI ))- .' 1 0. .! i :!iidj j- i i 1 i Li ' ...0.1,-4 v i' 13 .!m a :',( ia 1 1. : . .8 a ii " imis 1 .1 1 ) wr '.v. a o . OJ- aaoii:; (t. .tv 111.0.1 0 . (kL:w.. i i.ia i.:as.l o cm A. -v a j ; o ..ii. ." i ii a I'.n.u.i .iK v -1 1 e c a:,n..i ui wa -, .. .. . i'., 0-. - 41 . jri . . .,o ..... W.. 1. i i. U ii ' I '10 yet, -4-B UJ ;ed uuj; .in.1 T r-f.f Water '. ' A.i.; ..i 4 j 'o.o i a : Ar.u in eata i'.n,. id.e i en. a.' uu dae 1. 1., .i a e d "op;8 1 Uj.TQ . I ave ; unvo i-iiiuoou two poas. .."o.-utt u w ' . is mo of t l c.vsiiei fiu da U'a.a (JOJJ fee'. W. The reidorj u. 4 . h.:e Wwi a.ajtlyeo 'aiao'Jea.u' :.rtj.m to bj loii ia 4.13 j: .'i S; ' ' ! of what it is tv ,, rd, f- J ? ,.ie visi-.e, .i sou Uu BJaad of tU:i ;.( -i oti jo ly up those two raoao c.ew.o oa.i.1 ; 4...4-., o ..ll is d j-:,e he d. Oi Ihn .j.) ! 'tis, by i.i nojof go.aar utj .t pur ; i ;i tvsif eunof i je .-jo Jm,9 IjoLs like boi wIjo no i o' aia.i-a 1 .,0)1) s.eps b.i, or gjing '.'4,i0:t.!;'v.i.' Mi', uaom'iei bv theaetiii of f;op aa-i mi it pin' of ordiuuy . . J.v.3 .o! ll o 4 . a .!.w52J.'J. b.-iiili'i. o war Uow.i it is J!.j r::'.i -i w io iV n-e- ci a k. lo, i4. y. t; ta .a : 't9'aw aions wii vtij , t ;., oa -;,oa ; mi i . ; s .S ii nl-j . it . -a i"..Bo. -a a' wlivel -... v. wo" e I'm jt. b-SA' hi c "... Ve Hi i e a., a'. ;'. . a of sa u ii- ig.itl f i.iJaiiB o i," 1 i. a i':. ! men . a jove. ia F. aco i. o O a I is n g -.iat woj ln tj w'ikm U.1 ioiiuWff4' .-riftoa uo As of j e are ia h v. - h j , - v .:-:. r..i.i4 '.is. a m .''; wo t i pit .it: g ioh t the ' wuj-coi Oi'.l e w..e v'o.?4 w:.di iaa s - oa.4'7 1 j-j ,j "'jj " a ni d w.ij .B.jw, j - j'j, Tftao'i n -! 4.:ei sa lea. ,ia.,imr Jer a .4 wu wa e :au it : , -4 ..1. lit tv'.l:A WA A I'lM !l I: orertia bu. ' oa.iia i.ilo i wa'er 'aejaii. li:..g oJ ro tlie 1 .ic we aa ' !e li. !e wlV lb t'1""" ..JdS WU a Lr;iiurtt.. uvum And than Ihrs wot a ti.l S., Vlliirh lo m.. I. y fact did tSO1. Iht only ou ia iw. ' Tbe o;i.'a of Cillloa ia uAt cou- e r.Lea. A a-" i" i ti lEf ou, it w ''1 com u'y i f - , . . fc wjo was so long 1 jjonaoaed ho e fcj ;;, - Dak of S-voy, ad yet woGVaUuiohe which sweeps down the fa. . . I ; .! a ...l, in oao ttataa. an I ai 1 Ml at in i hu ear t CbKltu I iky pritoa It a holy p' Aad ikf d floor aad aha --Ut 4 IaV . ll Ui J hit tAjTjf iip1 ' la- t w f A- ,id pa.a w.-e a ao. . rj. m J A , I a . .....I 4wM I tma I A alat.l far ikt appaal front lrn ta tied." Tf in tliia ooaoeutiou tb raid w'l twidtio the third avalo al Chilit 7 . " " ... Tl EmmLm PilarLniasr b will Bud laawia.Tamt deao VMMall tbiaSl'llesa. eaaowa ' '77'.uibw 01 wjuw a-a wuutr IJaiiava rawioau Going by CttA up tb Rh n VaAV liAwwaaoon oatfa to theGorueal Lne rrieai, wuerw ouib wt w vuw tVoogb th bas of a moaota'o ; j .iuii. Int into tb '- . nWa-i lha ifcaa . kUJUVi - aa, ar - - ii, more loaa 400 fetbh parpeadUji'.'iir aide ldt aud Aba meet at hoi f r" .. . .-a-a auapendad horn ero-Mett tnm :tii to gWtaaatoiy. Ka'Jrtr,fu. bat oaa floar gore ' l"ay, At lb Ang'A of tt jSbon. i5lCtU), 0f tbi-s Crat V1 ! - U !u, U tirent CV -iLrtdlfJirnoli the road is a' one the side of tho : VD-inntaln awank h ao.Uaflliaa in -If Spf iof , bat theae are rery rare o onomir, niinongn at long mier " v.n,, ,v..v. TiHte'ur loaaa his hto b oue !bo 4 on Mt Fie.rere, which ia also Wa (0 np aad ap trsiil the ea'inaii'', ,OJJ faet nb.)e tUa eft', from wlnnh O.dOtl feat abore the sea lerel, we are farored with a cUf d reaebad. From this pmat the de Ua oaa seethe eotire Mt Ulnao MMotioto the valley on the opp taile r td Mt Blaluo itaelf with ila bide ia vara ataan and Than! 'aat enow fleldn fron ba, 1 to aum- rue or tore or loar hours down . . m . . . . I wiodinj, diahiog alra:im, at the :o3t of graod soow-appea mono lai ie, and nearly all the time in sjht of fflaaieis, briair us ta the M g antlen ajene r wbioh the Alpa , all Umope oaa fa'.'iiiab. A .'tar a g -1 oightareat we are J ev'a ftad lv for the asoeut of r'Jigbts of oar i naginutioa had never a spur from whlf h oeie.1. Wit'iiu s:;ht ware liter iioi;ftie.L a spur e is ft fine view of the Mar da) a-e and the glftaaars wbio.l foiai ! . U'e climbskl slowly ap by a wiu J 12 na'h a it in Ilia .u inl I . J ' .. - u VUI . u k u w v . w v . uv 1 in inno;, anu auer a iiaru wau ui fi.-jtwo boar are at lhei;r- reatir.-aut! t.he a.imm.t 6,300 feet above the' 10 ;niB. and after a, ruttd wall of lava) 6? tba aei. The aacant of Lh stsin ' a'mau nlo is made solely for the fi'ie1 t . a v-i'ewit eTards of the immense :.i ot Ice whlou fill ft'.l the higher gj es or l .is Al;ia, aaa 'M"licuia: e a i. as, a 1 rauu.i ao tJi muj . ... K.i QO riw8. If'lVs re I.I oujed ntadlna. i.ivtino ft i,k 'osof v.iat rie.; We oonl l almost Ijok d iwn ujm .. om 10 M 15 iu les Ii leustj ami fr.m iMiml a julf to fjjr and a 'h.v f miles wide ft ad of uuknown .? LV Lihk.1 nn into wiitl-s and ''.rea iasli-.v ffo::eii be oaa get some :.:aofhi u a.itj'.aciei'. tor aes :,!'it ii Im t-t,l"' its way along tlita ' ' I ' n l,', 'n? l 's debris fartlier ia iijdo'.va in.. Ibe r.ti'ey until it looks 4 en as .' a com .'.oy of gi.i.-.ts had been rt wo Ic or. rying Mo ti rt ftua rocits u .w i f om ie tuDaa'-'ae. At tbe 1 . w m e l l of l'ie glaciers, the edgos '." anVH. Hi 1111 lii'uil laui I.D:0 lUS Bin a bo oove.ed wi h di.t and rocks'ooverod by otoitda. nod occasionally ... . ... . i . . i.i, - i 4 r . i,.. i : .a. : is o.e x amcuu to Mit -wnu auv of. ai;i y whe.e the edd of the - J . . oliiinn is. As itft .v 4oaos sloely ov,rtcloii Js. After enjoying the wonder u .. o i!a ifcies o the bottom of ifn! ieW 10 more t iia aa hour we a I t ie ft' ..uiur is broken upHiosooa i aad reach our hotel at six 1 ' a t ',' ..-I 1 u generally stond o'c'..'!:. '.o.ii.- 2ti of fiese ate s.'.mx) -lVui.-g the dry we bave mads on u " ? T 7' . ijw. h' j uauureus o. . iu e v uiue. ai jner o? vuo - u- uiiPi" a.U moianrm.aua S O'ft a.HUliBJ Drill..; a-ni ere ura maay oj'nia'..i.jBa i-oai v i .m ur u ueusva, e . . u s ui .o wje?e iwj o a ' o.vus i. ii.h ftgniJu.'. . eoirnye . .oj oe.weuu unm in.iiCi,urci,e4i HBV,, Baolle.iicks, aeveo ;, (Uogorit c.o..h3r kUe ii-jnevahad fallen from tll , trumpois. svea plaitues, a'.i3:", bm vearcui io the wo...L twaUy-l7at3 taroe f.ances. These rt,n thunins. so viaN, teveo ?3viroa.ue i.nipoiM.i U9 1:1 po'ur.o.l Alp'iia '-'.- ii .n.a T.ia ion ii'l'iiiO. .n.a T.ia f on a'i! noj". . J .! v a ie vv 'ave befo mi" vi:ta i-e; u.;.i ..i.V 4C11? from Dori;. mil), ui o laaiiiir and was faluKv 1 ir- ' -' o .OMieJ. 0. ' .11 we c'um'ie: over uwy ro".s oi ft.oaud up rock, which r i. .ovl .ho edge of the glnier wheu .i wi u.ger ft.i4 n''aa U mare oi wi u.ier ;:n rn-'.n. anil no Lba aide of tie:a &. a .i!i n.i tb ojw'lt sida. W - j tow Ij s dowa lowaia ine sa -ey p.l ft c . ile no; ne'Tus above tue i. !' 'rer, td bave cousuu'ly ohaug lae upp ivt-st views o? v o ozsn oidows ftndllbiough ai ,ar walled taoi bilow ui. Ia ' rtklPl I ore .;. i o to be tor - ;' e Sh.av...i ft p-t-.i a the memuer tuisriae as oneoi me pieaa a . -it .n-o 'j1 " ' : of the'-3'etof my ir.pif it Were not that mi '?, bif '-iov c we l proleaied a ir.tive' emoaking ft 'long nine' !v J. i ' '30S -Jal the e ia u at tbe ; made of the most villainous tobacco asfc ."i'.'U,a!A ooe ia dizzy J which ever grew, sat oa the Beat io '. - n . '-:hia Moat of Lha front of me, and cave me mast of .'v IVo o edge of tbe pub ia ' 4 v A a nl ik civet onu a far -ii, r. A- n .fje'inrto I nk over tba jp god ftd-e and aee tbe certain idiiuLs oeer or wine, and the pies .11, i An ttiA uhai o ltioLt hundreds enoe nf ladies is not oansidered a of e t below which awaits the poor nnfo ia3-e who mike only one m'ssiep. A lit? farther on we come tathe OhapAju, a email bouse bid. den behind projecting roots sa as to a.t 1 be out of the way of daoger from av- 3pil.ig. This is siti'ated upon a' that time ha been place of i.uaor ,,!' jttid oliiT, and from it isob-'iaace. It b.t a large oumber of' I lued a ti ie view up the fflaoiar a id i!gbt angles la I aia whole valley of Cuamonny sea. is to be sank deep dowu betwasa the mountain, while the imoetoons Hi ie a! ream, the Arv for ft lil tie way seems ia forget . a a 1 ' A I : ..1 tt.n....L Oiift.. ana wiauaiovmij iuiuuju ftlmi at at a g'aoce we the lofty mbw covsrea moan .s- covered moan J- tops, . me 9 frozen river with to slaggish bat Dowarful ca imU aad nearly 2, 000 feet below o tb loveliest of ftAAO wt9yV which look like a mtebty psstore by som g aat artist get in a fiajBii nf great moaotaius. Tba view f om tbe Ghapeaa is ou of Mmt wbioh only tb Alp can give Bad wbioh will linger forever ia the Deoeo.lin at a steep path t'ivo ' .b woodou lsida.r aooo 00110 to ftHttlf but from wliio'i av short ox 9.'aIiA ca'l'.wiVtda to the oo th glider arid tb 'o g-otto (: t i:Jl tb tvi4na Uftdar it 'Ms '1 bis ksaL.a aLtrgd by lb gnlV o tltat it wo U see ;i led r o-i t r.. ' the winding path which leads up I the wa of thn steep miOHHitl 00 the opposite ai U. Aftor three houra .11 . : - mil. All tbe mointog the grea'er p -t of vbe mountain tops had been c ?ered with c' ju la. but by the time we r- .flho 1 the bjUd on Mt Fiegere 1 i: the aftaro'i t the o'.onJ ba l brokou a war an I we bid aa m!. " -Acted vnw of laa lofty bujw whii dome of M'- lilanc, glu wriui i'i tht full rays of the Biding sua. livtv us was a view w'..ioh the wil.lest ally "Alps pil 1 upon Alps, for we eonld see at once tjirteen mountain neiks. the lowest of which is two mil, llllT'l. OH I ll tlie lUllMt. rerCH- " ' o - mir no in me naiTeu anui wo cu i"jf i iu u -. nv . .u hardly dislingtiiah it fro.n the clouds, Uwa.-a Mt Ulu.ic the monsro'i of I .nro;ean rooantsfO', three milos hi t'.i. Those are mai,ly of gi'.unite ftnd of the peaks rj 1 np almost aa poia i as calhedud tae .urn' ua u ace o.ipiaire us, ana w'.l'.ii 1 si'rat we eoslutt l nine "reat g'.wers wbic.i reached d'iwa into liie valtev and as man? amaller onei, w.noh ca;ne only put way tlon ilia nio.inliin elopea. i a tuo loroumi and more than half a milo bilo us lion fie e'eeu viillny of Gliamonuy a i.l it4 lit'-lo villa ;e. with the . oi l a id tho stream winding through the zreea fiulds ao ra- aay tb it thoy look almost like i-ibb ma. At limes pirts of I'm uiou i'-' l ran.e, or the au.U.Dll oi kill uiuii" un woulu oe rue uoiui oi .l- u.wiu un.v wn,u sua ligj. would nppear 'a s. a - A above the . . . ' . " . ; ion . t luuwoi, luouniyn j..jjuv wium u ..r. t "W" "v' A 4i i.i a us . i m. iy u jour. i : - i : ar l ie e c.e si., c ;imtii.iin imoi oi i.i a..awo oi 4j .4i.i, j wjn.if ii -- uj4uhuw """ "J i .hoji umu io bi uoibmi, mm m uo ihe dis. n ca in six hours. iluah oftue road is cut through it'ocid, a 1 1 walled up at tb side. taia i javer saw so hue a oarria go i road, or oue .villi such a good raid bed aoi g ala. And indeed the aao ioau ooi- umuj uu uuma mo wouder lo Ame.ioans. Most of them .i-.e graded almost as carefully as auu mo wujuu riu ia coverej wii.ii u.-oauu wuo. The upper part of the road is roUTU eount-.y.out toe ten 1 miles ueareat eneva isiu a no.i aaa 1 well cultivated. re'ioa. i saoaia re j the way thta wretched second band i tobauoo smo ;e. All over the cou i neut almoat every raaa smokes aud realm: at to either. Geneva, which ia beautifully sit uated at the foot of the .ake, is oue of tae mist important cities ia Swuzerlaa 1, ftnd contains . ... ... mare lor eg a resideais than any othr. J. WkLch ani iswelrv establibhments.l aad extensively maaufautures mueio boxes, and carved work. Oa n clear day one can get ft fiae view of Mt lilani from tbe a ny in frout j of tbe Hotel de Russia. In Uaneva I a a .. it. . I.L. Al -.1 Ma i0og me ibbb suero are a larire dies' boarding schools. On oar for mer visit w attended Fierre Hya cinth's church, bat some oue . eUe ooaduoted theservios. We however saw bim and bis American wife aa they left tb chuicb. Whit in Qenava w war awaken, ed very early one ao unearthly noiee auder oar window Our first impression we that half a dozen fall bras band bad com to ai us a eereoade, but oa looking out w oould seeooly a market woman witb a little wagon and a dookey ftboat tba ela of a four weeks old oa!t Tba woman seamed to o Bssaomag wi4 an atifo -oing bar rgaenl teat 'p oa bi lonf t wan Auttti'.io is tiii f to be msaauiaff With tbe animal and witu I a- ara. Ue uat a. aU)i ic 2, 1879. NO. 30 ma lo which teemed aatoniahin? that iicu woDueriui tocim powers oonia be wrnpoed op io to email s browe kin, ftud the longor bis powerful ergumoDC oootionea llie more my wonders grew, and to this da I can not hear a donkey addresi so aadi once or epoak to a friend a oonple of muas away withont heing fllled with awe at the wonderful mainer in which be seems to be couetracted Until beard this Geneva dookey I never balf ralixo i wW rnnot ho Vften tbe in:iiew between Bnnlim 10 d the ben I on wbioh be road, or what was hiiniflod whon 'the im opened Lit mout'i and spake.' We will bring this long letter to a close by aakiog oar riders to get ft through ticket via. Mt Cenis tunnel lor Naples, SQO mi las away, whare we bona they will be eufHcientlv re- covered from the lonir ride of two Java and night without thaoomforts of eleopinif car; td go with us to the buried city of fompeii, and make tbe atoont of Veauvius. O It. BoanwAari. Kjjmjar asd.i sit bis u.uiO. In sertn dr a dore w neat. Krery luren dayoabe laod retted Jaonb terred area years fur lucnei Jacob mourned term days for JOBOJIQ Abraaam pleaded seven timet for S'Mjom O.i the lovtnlbday GjJ en Jed bit w JIK. '11. - , at ... . aii goiaea canuiotiivK Had seu uraiicb8, Jacjb ws parsuod sorea days' jounioy uy iiOUao. bery tvdiiiQ yoar tun law wai real ti tbe penlo. N.iaYiiin wu-bed seven limes in the J.iiduo Ua tie tvronth day Noah s ark lUCUaJ 1110 I'MUUd Poloiuuo wt tevea years building tho temple, oui failed tevto day al rt no iieauon. Uu tht tTiuh d.-iy of the terenth rn 'Oth thn chit. Iron of Inrael fftfted ocn iiy In thtif tcn'.i Jub's friends tut with him seven nays ana sajven Digtus. aud otlerrd ni!a ballook and ft-.?eo rams ai an ntonemont. A p!,ny of soveo year and a r.imiuo if Hevao vearn 4atr frtold ia ;hnroah'ft dream by aeveo fat and ,8VC1 M bctt4tlii ,nj luveo Mri of biaated oun ; , deatmolion of Joriohi seren peraons bore tereo trumpets Ueveu ilays ; on tho voib day thv imarchad amnud teveu timi. and Ht ,,0 cn,j 0 t,e TClith round tht niggii rell. in tha r.arelatino we roud or tovoo unilo ani Bren A Scan. Amoug tue pollers of a yoii'igmio who was recently mar ried ia Bradford was found tbe fol lowing scran, t wit t Things to be don this afternoon baf ii tbe wedding i Uet some keys to fit valise. Kng'ige oairiage for train. Oat license to marry. tot shaved end hair trimmed ft little. Sew buttons on blaok pants and gst a pair of suspenders. Buy ft bottle of perfumery, lie sure to waeii feet well I This is the season when the girl wli ise strn father has kicked lior lover outdoors packs up a few things, writes an eight page letter to ber i mother, u.ops a clothes hue from , bor ohamor window, and at mid night, when silence reifrns, raiacs the Hah, sees bow daik it is, and-jnmps into bed as fast tv she can. :. tt i'rtat. I Whea a Nevada miner u over loom by tbe beat and begins to i i ! i. : - u: I i j .i I Mil up iu uib uuwoia uia kiu uu ! .. 4 . . , ,, . .... IUIIW, Ull 4JIV4UH4 IUIUUII 1U4H 4JI41IJ ...u .u. I.i . ..4 (-uuaiITU" A devoted husband says that the obooozraph is simply a machine that ''talk bauk, and that be baa had one of tbat kind in bis bouss ever since be was married. They war having a snarl, and she asked him if there was auythiog ia the past he would lik to recall. Ue heartily answered, "Yes, the day you first refused me." A boardiog-houte roistrsts, lik th rest of us, has her weak aud at.oog points, tbe weak point being bar code and th etiong point tb batten A Pennsylvania papsr boasts that tba State raiaee oo-ttf.h of i'i rre produced io tl,tr,zir;, r liquor form k' ) n CI i Anew oannoa teated in the Krr Bredelar, which pan of t IKO a t Wh.oftboy tc 'toa klattto.-tr':' j in bualr s j 1 - crsbiKij. r THIS I'OUV. PwWMiett every Tliwradwv Cvesk jbrsuiau enema, rrop Terms of Snbsenrbon. two m,i.h iw Pica A5NrJn. rr. able rithin six monrtoo.ov HMtni paid within tht year. He paper eontlnurd until all arraarajras ar paid unlaaa at the eptaea es At pb lithsr. (tubacriptloni witnlde of the toast PAYABLI IRADTAilCI. PrPerooiu HlUng and using paper addreaiail ') othoro become aubaiaHiisa and ara liable forthe priaa of tit paper GOVERNMENTAL D1RETOT. I'NITRi) BTaTB.1. Prooidonl Rtitbtrfnrd B. Hoy. Okie. Vioo I'roiideat Wllliow A. Wbtlr, Now Totk. Soeraiar of But Willi M. Ivsrla, Wow Yoik. Sorii7rili reft i i- JkaSkraia, - Obi. So ir f Wi 0 org W. IftCrar, low, t dtoioiary ef iko Navy Kltkard W. Tbompjon, Inddoo. Alloisoy Utneral Oaarlot Dot, Mas ' ooobuxil. Pvtima'ior Ooaoral David M. Kty, Toa atooo. Aforoiary s tbt latorior Carl Sekara, Uiooeuri. SfATB. Oovoraor Jokn P. Ilariraafl. LltuianantOovoraor Joba Lttia. 3or!ary of Ikt Coiamoawoallb . B, l.iiin. Dopuiy 8t. of ikt Ctmmoawoatlk Tktt. MoCiiinanl. rrivaiotloa. to tht Oovtraor -Cbtotor N. rrr, Jr. Cblof Clork 0. T. ITardoii. Auotnty U.ntral Gor(o Ltar. Dopnty AMoioty Oooorol Lymaa D, Oilbrt. 1 Auditor Ornoral Wa. T. B. I aial Tcaronror Aniot C. N oi Storfiory of Iuitruil Affa. t ITilllaoi M CnnJIn,,, 8uprinionlen( or Sotdiora' Orpkaa Bad fommun Mohoolt J. P. Wlokorobaa, A.ljillnnl UnnoralJoDio W. Lalla. Counnl.ilooor or lonuraaoo 3. M. Poiltr, 8lalo LibrariaaO. L EhronfotJ. Cvioiomaiunor of I'ubllo CaorlUo .0. Diiwon Culamaa. I'bila.ltlpliiit 0a vral Agonl aad ., U.lltr Luikor, K ling. Fiilitrf Cornmlilontr--T)onjmlB L. t!o wit. Howard J. HoJrr, aad Jaaos Duffy, JPDICIARf. United States Unprtiiu Court. Chief Juaiioo Murriton R. Walto, of . Ohio, Auooialo Juillot-C1lfford. of Matoo, Swoyn. nf Oliio, Millar, of Iowa, Fiol.l, of Cotifornie, Hirooj. or Pobb oylvnuia. lira.llry, of Now Jorioy, Hunt, of Now York. Reoor.lui Wui. Todd Oilo, ef lodiaaa. Supreme (hurt of Pennsylvania. Chief JuoiiooDaoiol Acnew. Aiionlnte Jii4iioi-t Ooorno Sbonwood, Vlyooc Morour, laaao 0. Oordoa, EJwaril M. Paxoon. Warroa J. Ifood waril, Joha Truukry, ririiia Judicial District. PronlJant Joph C. Duohvr. Aftooiato JiiJbb lliria U'Moil, Bamstl B. tJobuck. COUNTT. 8btrlff-D. Eioenba'l. Proiboootary Joromiab Croutt.' Ilrgiaier aad Boooiuor-- Jaoiot M. Taa lundl. T.t"urr Flenry Boafr. Uioiriol Attorney 1. II. Arnold. Oorunrr A. M. Suilih. Coiumi.iiotieri Jool How, Joba Roa'.g, .Moifi Krobb. 8urryor--Urorgo B. Brnfor. Auditort Daniol Daifiahash, Nr B. Middleawarlb, W. A. jUia, jtJkvi kellkk, . " Maoufaoturorof aad doalor la FURNITURE, Would rapet fully Inform tht citli'oa of 8eiinaxroo and vioinity, that bo maoufae turai io orter ami krep eonalanlly on bead CHAIRS UP ALL KINDS, AND Furniture of every Desorlption at ibo very lowoit prioo. lit rttptetfutl latitat aa tiaminauon or BED9TEAD3, BUREAUS. TABLES, SOFA. LOUNOES, 8 r AMDS, CHAIRS, lit. tjjjrA peeiaUavilalioa it oxtoadad Ie wly mat iod fo'.ko to eall and ttt By tttek ort f.urokaaiug alitwbcrt. LEVI BELLBR Relinasrovt, April0,87D-lf PENNSYLVANIA R. R. Tralsi laofe Iwlatowa Janalloa aa (Olio wt MAIN UNS-WtsrWARO. PUtubnrck Eiproil 1 It a. raolHn Kipr.aa t at a. aa. It it a. ai. 4MB... I It p. at. It Ma m. 10 oo a. aa. IINO.Bl. a- w.v raaaoiiaor oil rlLlot EASTWARD. Phta1.tihla Eiproao Paoine Kaprata Jobnatowa Kaprail Mail Atlaotlo Eiproat taop. Tho Foat l.lna, W.f Poaaangar aal tho Paolf. lo lapraaa woat, and Ibo fooloo aa4 Atlaatlo tipraia rua d.ilj. Wot trnini atatloat la MlSlla ooaatf ailolluwii Tho PmIBo Eioroa wait oa a bt 8.(04 at MoVoriown.t0 4Sa.oj. aad tb Atl.ailo kx QEOHOE B, BENFEB. County Surveyor. Kratiervill, Snyder County Ptnn'A.- Borvtylag aad Caovtyaaalag promplrf and thillfully atlondod la. A akare of iko publio'o sairoaoct tolieltod. , Jul 'ifilb, "78, pd. YOU WILL D3 S3MT f ran roplaao two! aM Pa i Wllb a at Oa a t A not Irot oarafallr oaaaalao tba , Euclroyo Teres Per r Too BookfTO lora ot laotaat l " rnm, ii io omaorooioa wu. . -a woko It r Af ta WCOTWABB. BAtTWABBV . m. p. m. a. m. p. aa. OronTlllo 10 M 0T 10 M IM Ao.l.raon't 10 T (M 10 ta 1ST l.onnl.llow 1101 410 101 ISO M'V.riowB 1114 41' 10M lot M.B.yoob lit 4 IT 10 XJ 11 Vli.oa.r.1 MM 4 41 10 It 41 N. H.lalltoa 1140 4 31 10 IS 4 f 4 " '. .Aaitaa to i aanaar ' Kim a a aur inlt . OMiwa -4 ,.. laa0,waAB'iWWA,4 B i awrix on owaj a" WvOtl..-. F i A, 44 CL-.M ii wai w.ty a v .-a oiv a i I hll a, and 1 1 oa ( ' jlaljit er;i,3lUtH!f" r '.",.L-' Urr. -t t 1 UUa'l