Fnrm. Ilornuw Ae. Hard Ginger Snap. Ob pound of lour, hilf pound of bolter, htlf "nnd of brown sugar, two Uble rtoonfnl gin kt, on labte rwonfibj dote, and molssso eiioogh to tasks a stiff doogU. Graham Biscuit. Th bnt p.re of (lor 4J on teaapoinfnl of salt, on ofoi. two or crm-ir. I'rtnr, one litblenpoooful of utr one of Url n1 wet ap with water. Tale la t quick owe. Doujmt. One rap of warm milk, onehir1 cap of lard or battar, eae can f vent, one teaspoonTa! of salt, lt this rje OTur nichl !o tb morning ad J one cnp of soear en f(!B, on fratpnnrjfol of cionnraoo W - . I. .1 . 11 rige, men eat n 1 irj. Fumkla Pie One qtiirtof etowel rorukin, stowed mtil it is Just sft ennnrb 10 ko throagh the eoleoilee. A'ld (bar eggs; one pint ricb milk (orearo ie belter) plct of bntter tue of 10 o(r,(inire to rioh'r,) eae nut met", ug,trnd silt to.tante The Management of Horte. Tbejr ebeuld be fed in proportloo to lhir work. Ao idle teem rosy be wintered epna good bsy aloae when wortinc lightly foed of train at noon will ha aufflcieot, with hay moram? and at eight. Wiih heavy work, ten anuria of iroand core mad on, and chaffed straw or corofodder, wH be pood feeling, aod in tnaoy tajs, for amall hones, less will do UkhI groomio is necessary for health in winter. Ground gypsam prcad upva thefloora will prevent Mo puDireot olur coramao to stables. Tbis i.or of nromooia is hurtful to horses' eyes, ud the frequent cause 01 opt Dai in ia, and rssulting lobliod nss, ia whioli ao msay thorss are trouble!. Ttirowa fow ceilfuli ol water upo lbs floor fint, and tbeo scatter around a shovelful 0f tbe gyptutn. Fieh air should enter the etablca at the bottom and .the roul air eooapo at tbe top. Make amill sliding doors for ventilation. aod eoTur thrrn wiib were netting or sain 10 exclude Tormm. Agriculture aim. Milk for Fattening Wfcat a diffe rent Uste a floe, nice ly and quickly fattened fowl h.. wten sorted on the Ubls, eonpared 10 one which has beoo fjreed to cratch for all in living, aod thea is cotmgotd to the spit ia anything but a fit condition for food. Farmers realist tbe importance of fsttooiug qiickly when iosJiog beevos fortbe batcher, yet many do not seem to realise the fact that what holds good with that bind or meat Is equally tree when appealod to fowls. Tun. deroest and j-iioiues are remits of fattening quickly, while mere ordi nary flror and want of tenderness neult from letting fowls run until wanted fir a-e on the Uble. To enable one I t fatten fowls or chfcks qqickly, it is absolutely nc cmary to trivoa'Kb flKi wjj ao. eomplisli the purpose best, end t this end ws nolii'sitstingle- re com mend plenty of milk in soy state, from freb to tbxi. This should be fed in connection wi'b a grain diet, for ooe ouotercU any possible de leterious influenre of the other. If kept In a darkened place and fed nnepalringly on milk, with grain tn proper proportion, yoa will aooo have something very choice to offer p 00 your tablea, to your frieod, as wi-ll as to your Jamil. When milk is fed, no water is rqulrud for fat tening tom. American Poultry Yard. Ziv Stock There are two kind of lire st'M'k tbst It does not pay t) Loop ufur it bus b'come old ; tbeee aro sheep aud poultry. A vigorous WoJiu.out sboul 1 be mads each y ar. 11i n In mi butter time for this than iu the fall wheo pas '.a re begiua to fad and finding become bteeMary, Sberp ahuuld be eo kept through the winter that they will b ready for the butcber at the end of the feeding seasn, so that at least with a litilo extra fevd. ibey my g.) Into the market. A eherp attains its pritno at sbuutfoar or Gro yean, and from tbst time they bfgia lo gradually decline. Their teeth be come defective end give way, so tbst it requires extra care and leediog to hjep them In good or even ordinary condition. It will sometimes pay to give the extra care to a ewe that ba proved an extra breeder nurse, but lbW ' --t thus distinguish w ' J HONEY OF HOREHOUND & Ul FOR THE OURE OF Ceiioe, Cold, Influent, noamnen, Diffltull rMlhhtc, end all aflartlont ef the Throat, mNMal Tub, anS Lungs, leadiae to Coniumptlen. Tlii Infallible remedy if competed of tbe Honiv of tbe riant HnrehouD'l, In chemical anion with Ias-DaI M, extracted from the Lira ramcirLt of the foreit trr Arm BaUAMKA, or Halm of Gilead. The Honey of Horehound ioothmand SCATTKM all irritatinns and Inflamma tion, and the Tar-Balm clp.aniks and meals the throflt and air-pas 0 jr lralin to the lunp. Five aildiuonal inprcdicnU krrp the or ran cool, mnit, and in health ful action. Let no prejudice keep you from trying thia rreat medicine of a famous Itoctor, who hat sared thoutanda of lives by it in hi large private practice. N. B. The Tar Balm has ao SAO TAiTX erameO. raicxs jo ctirrs ahd i ni bottlb. Ona aartas T la's "Pike9 Teetkorhe Drops' Car la 1 Mlant. Sold by all Draggtits. C 5. CROTESTON, ftop K.L ESSEHTIAL OILS. WINTEBOREEN, PEPPRRMINT VlHI NVROVAL, SPKAHUl.Nr, ,ao. of prima alltr, )otitl any anantltr for omb a uauvarr, iraa iroia omaaraga, eoaaail 10a, aiora;, ao., ay 000GE & OLCOTT, Iiannrtera and Eipertert, II Wltllam Nt.. New xors. Juo,'7I.Km JEVI KEPLER, Notary Poblic Snrroyor, ConTeyanccr R?al Estate and Insurance kml TIM.U lA..I. .Mil HI........ .......J A - mi 111 uuuTwyaocinir Ktii-nuvn lo proDlltllf with naaiaaaa and areurraor. tpwiai attention lnn to baytnr and falllna RmI I ll.la ilfMflA l k' . u u 1 - . 1- Pa.. P. II Arfilr4a ML PlM.am Will. llTlflfll huninpM von pan rncrtu'e In. If r,i I St to e par day mad by any SJXJU X workar or Uher (, rlirht In thtra own luoalitia. Fartleular an. I .mpla w irth a Ira. Improve yonr ir tlm at thl liunl- nw. Addru btihom a to.. I'urtland Mala. Mar V. 'Tt.lr A VALUABLE rKOPEHTV AT PRIVATE SALE. THE undersigned offer the fol lower daorlbd nmparty at private al. TEN AO RKS. rlrara.1 land, altuata In Adimi tnwntblp, Harder 'o , Pa., two mll-l Wa.l l rroiaiviiia, auiomine ianinr wen. Waular, Iianlal Maurar and ottiar. wharenn ara arartad aaood liwtM-lNH not ;, H I'AIII.K.HIltlH andnthar tiulldlna;i. The lao l la In a eood tat ol anltlvall m, convanlant to iurkt ; thr ilo an airollant 1 1 Kc 11 Alt II ol ch.dra frull.aid oavar falltua water oa the pranlina. I KTKK HHKKKr l.tK. Stir 1. 'II. Troxalvllla, anydarUo., t'a 1853. 71. 1873. CENTENNIAL ! rlavlna adnntad th motte el the "Itiain Siiraara." tb ubrrltir would call tha at. Motion of ib publle to tbe faot that be baa adopud tb GASH SYSTEM, and karearter, wl'l a.iKood entirely lor CASH or FHOIM'OK.Ulog iiktlanwl tbat It ItlU ru yatais o( dome Uullnot. wll-latd (lock of DRV GOODS, C ROC E Ear, GROCERIES, BOOTS a SHOES, HARDWARE, CARPETS, OIL CLOTnS, tTALL PAPER. SHOE FINDINGS, LEATHER, FISH. OILS. PAINTS, AC., AC AC. which k odr te th aoblle at vry greatly re- With thank to n old anilin, tnm ,k.i oarai pairoaaaaior many year or the pat. I would Mllelt tlialr auatom for that fMiiir knit. In, tb.y will be benefttiad by tb ebaoKe. a walla Yourbeuibla aarvant, W. V. IITCUVPT 8elln(rove, Oept.SS.'IS. Q.ROS3 k BROTnERS, Maoufaelurers of sod dealer la all ktod of .BILL TIMBER, LUMBER, PALING, SHINGLES, LATH, FLOORING, eta., fihamnkia n.m m.-A. ounij, t o All ordure promptl nlled Teleuf. CkltTV. PoBUr.lmif.imm r.a.. PRIVATE SALE OF VALUAHLE PROPERTY. mill oaderslgaed will nil bis let reel. JLdeaes eltuaieoo Mala Street, lb Bur. ough of Mlddlehurg, Bayder Coaoty, Pa Is a desirable properly aad was for. ly kaowo a tb KAuLK HOTEL. Tbe raeoateala eenpri a LA ROB DO0 8 FRAME HOUSE, ECMMElt HOUSE, ".0K8HKU, ten HOUSE, aad elber 'dioga. Aa eseslleat well of water 'oor. It is suitable for a private t a Hots), aad loeaud Bear tb Maee. aad reaaaaabls. For furlb. U ea or address 1. W. OtWIO. ttewa, Horth' Ce, Pa. bind, o A . amm Attorneys-At-Law. L . MYERS, Attorney At Lata, MMitlahwra;, Pena'a. All prnfaaalonat batlnaa otrattd te kit ear. will r-alv prompt attaatieo. tioaulUliun Ib CaelUh and Oarmaa. (At. 10,11. JACOB GILBERT, Attorney A t-Law, MIDDLEDURO, PA. Alllmalnaa nirutd te blteare will raoalve prompt attaatlon. Jul J aa.Ta. P e."bowet ATTORNE '-AT-UW,4 MUl.ttehurp. Pa. (Utile la efftc of J. P. tirineiHUr, is ) "nitration mad. Conanltatlon la Cnellak atid (lruan. June I. 'J.lf. M. L. MCHOCll, ATTOBNEY.AT-LAV, Arte Berlin, Union On. Pa. profaaatonat bntlnaaa anlrualed lo hi ear will rr.lva prompt attention. Jao T),'?. QUM. V. I'LUICJJ, Attorney h Counsellor-A t-Law, uihim la App' llaltdlne an door torts nt tb Knraton. Ilotal. Sellnagrwvt. I'onn'a. t'otlMtlont and (ll.cthar pro .MlnnM kol n ta anlirltrd and will raclva arafnl and prompt aitaniloa. Apf.ll,'ti-tl. T pTcRONMILLEIt, O ATTORNEY AT LAW. Middlobnrs, pa., Offer hi prof lonl lervlee to th pnh- lie. lOlieeuone una nil oinvr proieaaionni buio ontruRted te bis ears will reeeive prompt alKntioo. Jn 8, Uitr TJ. 8MffiT ATTORieBT AT LAW. MIDDLKIIVKO, RNVk.UK Utl., PA Offer hi PnfoMlnnal Karvloa to the pa bit Omtultatloa la tnallrh and (lrmau. P J. R. ZELLER, ATTORNEY.AT-LAW Miflinbunj, Union County, i'd. All bnalna ntruatd to hi car will wall and faithfully attendad to. Will prartla at th wvaral eourt. of Snyder and adjoinlna .nnntle. lan l ennaall! In th Ennllah or arman lananaia Onl. t, 'Till CHARLES IIOWER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Sclinngrovs, Ta, Offer hi professional aarvlee lo lb pub. lie. Colleotlon aod all other prnfpaainnal btiaioeaa eolrualed to hi eare will re eeive prompt attention. Office Iwoiluora north of the Keyalone Hotel, f Jan 6, '07 M.LINN, A. II . DILL J. t ATTORNEYS AT LAW, LewUhor?. Ta Offer their profeaaional rrioe lo Ihe puhlie. Collections and all other pro- ieaaional hiiatnea aintruRltd lo ibeir ear will reeelveprompt attaatlon. Jan. 8, '67tf A. W. & N. I POTTER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Selinsgrove. Pa , Offer Iheir professional services to (lis publio. All legal buslnesiitrusie'' tn ilir eare will reeeive frompl attention. Offiee on door thove the New Lntbereo Cburoli. July. Sib 'Vi. SAKOKL ALLSMAN. Boaaoa ALtewaa. 3. ALLEMAN & SON. A TTOliX E YS A 1 LA IK. HelinHsrrovo, Tn9 All professional biiaines and eolleeitnt enlruated In llieir lare will he promptly aliened lo. Can b ennaulled in Knglisb ir German. OiGoe, Market Square. II. II. Grimm. Win. II. Dill. G III MM Sa DILL. Attorneys & Councelors A T-hA W, Offlee Nnr the Pout Offico. 1'irrburK. I'cnii'a. Coneultntiou la both English and German Language. Deo, I "ilit. QHARLES O. CORNELIUS, Attorney-At-Law, A'eie Jterlin, Union County, Pa Can ha eontulied In toitlUh or Oarmaa. May St, It. r.tl JOHN II. ARNOLD, Attnrnnv fit-. T -n ..'- & DISTfilC'T ATTOIMEl, MIOOLEUl'UO, FA Profeeilonal bnslne entrusted lo hi eare - b promptly atleoded lo. Feb J THOMPSON UAKER, Attorne.v-at-Lnw, ewlaburg, I'nion Co., Pa H0n b eonultd ia th Eneli.h aa Oarmaa laogaaget.'nM orriCE Market Street, oppoatle Wall omna IO store o SDy M. PFAHLKR, ATTORNE Y.AT.LATT, Middleburg, Pa. Office In tho Court House All laical hual neu and the Cnlleollon el viaiias aitauueu to. .uay,17i,tf. WJI. VAN GEZKR, ATTOHNEV AT LAW. Lowisburg Pa., OITere hi professional (srvice to h pub lie. Collection and all other I'lofession al buaioea tutrusted to his ears will re eeive prompt attealioa. JJ T. PARKS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. miNsauovB, esywEit coustt, Pa (Sept. 16, 'tJ7tf A C. SIMPSON, ATTORN ET AT LAW, Nortbuicberland, Pa. J8re bi professloaal eervieee to tbs sab le. All Dueloees eotrusled Is bis .ear ... h, .rviif wtteauets to. IJoa. 17, Wtf (JAUUEL n. ORWIQ, A TTOBNEY'A T-LA W, MICIIalMsrf. Vmtmm Cm., Pa: Ofaaeaeiteoor la TUgrB. frlatlaa . wee.se, U7T.U. Physicians, Stc DR. J. V.8UINDEL, umaKOM Ann wifrsTrrAw MiadUburp,. OeTers hi wrefeeelMal aevTlaasi tm ik. .ia. Usm sf ICilearg aa rMaify. rhysieians. $e. I. GRIER BARBER, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, loealed at MIDDLEDURO. PA., few iloor Wnt of lb Cnarlhenae. bavloe office ia tiver's Prick baildias, offer his pro fioal eerrleee In the publle. He peak EnHb and Germed " i .a ej a f i V O. II oi sERCIVAL HERMANN, PHYSICIAN & SUrfGEON, KrtxltrrviUe, Snydrr Co., Tit. Offara hi prnfaaaionel t th Vt.lt a of KratMrvlll aad vltlulty. a J. S ,7 b R. A. M. SMITH, PHYSICIAN AND SUAOEON, Offer hi professional nervier lo Ib eltl eanf Adimabnrg and violnliy. Sept. 78 DU J- V KANAWKL, PHT8IC1AN AND 8UROEON, t'eutretlile, Unydcr Co., In Offer hi oroflooal rvie lo lb p'lblio. fl-3fAtf F. VAN 11U3KIRK, SURGICAL A MECHANICAL DENTIST oii nnr; rove, Penn'. Jintic -.sof th e I'cacc. "yyiLLIAM H. SNYDER. Jaallco of lh Prce- Salem, Snyder County PonrTi All Collections and rerniUncce proiuptlj made. Kot. !,; tf. pAAC HEWER. justice of mn veacl fiml General Oolloctor . Mi Idlehurg, Snyder County, Pa ftnrnUl attentinn paid to collection of all kind. Itemittanee will b promptly for all eol'.eutloo made. Mar. 211 IHTPtf. made YU. WAON VAX, Keq., e jrjSTICKOPTHK rEACfJ, ' JackaonTowntliip.SoyderCb. Pn., Will attend to all hnaineaa entrusted to hi eare sod 00 the most reasonable terms. March 12. 'tlMlf J II. II ART. MAS, JI'MTICR OF TIIK I'EtfT,. V Coiive'itncer, CE.NTUCVILLK. Snyder County. Ts nntleetlons and all hnainasa partalnlne to tbe offlee ol .luatire of tbe Haace will tie attended tc at abort Bullae p r ct'Tb BTIl MITCHELL, Justice of tlio Ponce St Conveyancer, Ja.-k-oo Townsiilp, Muyd.r V nnly, I'a. toe -tlnii., l'nvevitctiii(, and all oilier tin aliieaa nertalnlna to the ilV lll r't-elrr prompt aurntioi. f jelulfl 'aaddreeri Ns B-rlHi, Union .ouu I j, Pa. Ann. U, IrH. J OUN K II UO !I KS, E-q., JC8TICE Or TIIK l'EACE, Peno Twp., Snyrlcr Co. P JAMES MIDDLES WARTII, Justice ol the Pease & Conveyancer, Trosleville, Snytler Co., Pa. Will attend prnmmlv to all manner n host nesspartHlnltiato tbeofflre. Colleetlone tnv je. Heeds. Artl. lsfko . written. (July 2).'7-tf M. II. HARP I NO, ji huck of tiif. I'C.ici: !k Convt'.vanofip, FKEEMONT. Snyder eounty, Pa. Collection and all hnaineaa perlalnlna In the oftVeof Juatleaof lbs Peace will be attend.! to al abort uotlca. Apr. 17'T. Q A. WKTZKL,' Justice of the Peace, Beavertoien, Suydrr Co., Pa. All kind of eolleellon made on liberal lrm. Promptly attend tn all busmen intruded lo bi eare. (June 2tt, '8r V. 11. 1C 1Z J Ii. , JaslicG or toe Peace and Conveyancer Snillli Grove. Miyder ( o. I'a. Colleellonaand all l.aatnaaa nartatnlne lo lha Bee of Jnetlcaof lb Peace will bi attanled lo abort not I.e. Nay,U.'7 JEH B. MIDDLES WARTH, JUSTICE OF TUB PEACE ARD CONVETANCEB, MoClure City, Snyder Co., Pa. Cnlleetlon aad all bualnee nartatnlne t th otflea ol Justlee of tb Paaoa will MtunilI to at abort notice July tt'Illl. o. i10rnuerqkr, 'justice of the peace Perry TowBhlp,BBjdrOoaBtr,Pa. Collaetlons, Ooaveyaaeln;, and all other ba.l aess paruialnt: to tb otBe will be prewutl a Jed to. omoa aear Truuinasvlll I. M ON BECK, Justice of the Pence Adamtburg, Snyder Co., Pa. Will he la bis oltiee at tbe above menlion edplaoe, oa MONUAT aad SATURDAY ol eaeb week, when all kiads of buin relating te bie olfioe, will bs atleoded le emir ,"8fuz Hotels. O. I. VTnlmer. . H. Upock. CENTRAL HOTEL, a. BLUwr. Kla-hih) and OwaabarlMsl Ste. if Ippoell tba Uuurt Uuuaa,) Lehunon. X'enti'ci. arThi Hotel la centrally and eeavenlentlr loaated. Commodloue ad plaaaaot. Booaaa aaar a eaaaaaa la aavaaoa bv MiHia.aii.Biia Oar. will h takes le make Oueete (outfit MeM. . tt.'ji.ii. CKXTREVILLE HOTEL, ILato Mr. Wearer1.) Catrlle Harder Co., Pa. PETIB HAKTMAW, Proprlete . Thl leag establish, aad well kaewa hole kavlua been Barefcaaed bv Ika uaaerai.. ..m w wmm.w w. ,a pi ivaaV. April, S, IST1. union HOUSE JAMES . UITOHKLL Propria tor (n.sasiaj.) r. VHsketl a a-' )", oMsHtl res -e m let. r w" - - See il Hotels. fJIHE NATIONAL HOTEL. HARRISON WITMER, Prop'r. SeUtiHgrove, Pa. TM Kotal I ptaaaanliy treated la th "e.tiara,' and la a varydoalrahl pliwa for traveler, toati.p the aaaTnf aeeommodatlona at Low rate.. Per enne. topping onca will be aar to call aealn. Th Poe ornqnor in tea oar. UtrK flratalaae Hoataarast laeooneetlna w'tk tbeHotaU Air.lu.'7S. ilicrchnnl Ilonsc, NORTn THIRD 8TREF.T. PIIIL'A PA. Terras $LCO por day. HENRY SPAIIN, I'roji'r C.W. SfAtl5f. Cierh Apr.l.'TI. White Horse Hotel, N. W. Corner Third Wood Sts. J?niLA.DELIIIA. j."kTtrauck, Oooo ftTABtmo. Proprietor Winra, Lld9r anil Sefars of tha Chelecu tlrand. marHo-S f.UHMousr iiorsE. 1 KGAkTHG DEPOT, IMlfltllolmfyr, JO. 'IN LIMUR IT, Pnopnirroa This bona I In eleae prnilmlij le Ihe Jet ot ami ha Intel hero rehiiili and re- fitted. Roomt romnMiilioiia Hie Inhlewellj ftipplie l wiiu III heal tbe market aVord a vJ term moderate. Ha also keeps flrai ela livery, whore h.iraes, hnggia Ao , ean lie bad St all Hates and at reatooabl rate. anrl'f?. PhilatMphia Car. Is. J.S. FARN3W0RT1T. WITH .MES,H0AR&Co. Iruporinrs ot Hoiscry, Notions, Wtiite Goods, EmW .cries Gents Famishinz Goods &c. No. RU Market K'trnct, PHILADELPHIA. T. It. lone, A R. Hoar. Mar. IS '74. W.H. fthalhlar. T. II. Uelebtel. c. 8HAFER. e WITB JOEL J. BAILY & CO. II OS IE li Y, S.VA L L WA RES. White Qaoth, Ewhrnidi-ric , 52H TV. St.. 1hf lnl. JOKf. .T. TIAII.T El.TO'f I1F.I. MVIRV HKXKY J. I VIS. SAS'L W. VanCDLIL QAVID WILLIAMS, Manufacture of A Wholesale Dealer In fillt. Mahocnny. Wnlnnt and Rosevooti LOOKING GLASS Pioture t Photocraptalo Fratnoa Xo. 230 snd 2 W Areh SI reel, Philbdelpbia Pa. Pram Repaired in ihe heel mannei tlan, Kesililinir In all it hrancbe. I At'OB U. HI KOKL k CO., ' WIIOI.KMAI.E litALtRS IS FOREIGN k IiOMKSTIO m goods. Ns. :.i:i3 MiirkBt Mt. I,hlhi(lf-lpliljv ln. WM. MANN. Blank Eook Ktaker Sta tioner, and Steam- Power P B I N TEE. VIter)inlo & ICotxiil No 629 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA. Prnmylne. One Price Selling Price Marked On AH Uoodt Jn i'i guret. Apr. IH-72. G ll.WUILL & Co., WiioLsaaLS Daai.aa is WOOD AND WILLOW WARE Oil Clolh, Window Shades, llrootn. Mai Brushes Cultoo Lap, Ornio Dag, F!y nets, iiuoaet, i wine, wiok, ae. No. 420 ATarkst Street, Philadelphia. reo. i. oi 1 Kit M All. TV NIK!. 0. BFIHOaTUESr.R dlres lo an. U ouan-eto all Inlereatad. Tbst alune the ill a. solullon of tha l inn of HerK.liaaeer at Ulrieh on ins isr or April, ne naa ooene'l la hla new lliillrt. Ins In Helms tlrore.oa Water Hlre.t.abota fine, uiyvei w. nenaiuai'a etoro, a Leather Store and Fin ishing Shop. wbsr will be found at all timer an aeanrtmeni all blndaof Flnlahrd Stock, cnnalailn of Har. uaaa. stile, I'pper, Kip and Calf SUlue, Morroa so., Liu.aiia, TopiluKaw., ofdmarentqualltlaa and prices. The attention ol Hhueinakara. farm. ara.aod ellotuera la luvltaii, Itafore norobaalu else. liar. Tlitrty-nveyeareaa a practical Tanner qii.lin.. .iu, iviiiweiiiequeiiii..oiBiocB. ItldaaiakaB ia aaottaua;. tor Ltuatncr. t,t). HKROSTRKSftER, June T-TSJ bVlinaarove,Hii)idar Co., Pa riMiu:s. I will mall (!) tbe realp fir a elmple V0TL Hal.M. that will ramora raai aura, PimrL aad Uuitimu.4, laavloi ."ia, ei..r.B(i eaaatitui aiao in. atructluas lor pro laelnar a l.taurtaat aroeth ofbalroaa ball! heed or aaannta lee Ail. d'ess. 'nalusln. set. siat, BS.f. VANUEltP SE1UJSGR0VE MARBLE . Theaaderaleeed havlne aerah IBsravo Martile Work, Its le sea IMIy pie pared te maaulaatara V MnnnmRiiti A n i tTpoildnnptx SHWHHiNlfUW s H fg) UUUIUiUUUyai thll UMNIW ftl ftrltffM BKlk .aa than m.mxwMli. urj, mm wwmw u ... ku .... i d... ia th. ana aa ever beea Ooe lo the I bav also saad. er . I ..u... . u..i.a. attiaa, araa ether k lad ef doer sad Wladow Ills, at prlaa u eult the pBreoaJar. .-araa its Bead of aa ar Ike aeave artlelew ''sevswuees kr ealllaf at the Hetlaaarots ".r?to F''f. a.wrBalna; eteewkarw. I aleat htaa Utkl'i I.....U.. hXm 2S.Ti slros-ereot tle. Cea a .1 fyttt. I. l!.Loaf, sf AdstabMr, Is - S f " (" i aadriga4 where all mr .efts frsaipt aSisatiea. WORKS. sled then. OUBtV. nariaeia.t reeeivad a laree 11 ar Dlwaa. ." : . ar.lltk.lau.l st.la. of Moaaateat at kead- VJt v kUa t. a -o.tk ' T- iTJ:?.. ?i7"' ton, I a at able te five etlaraetloa la si i las T " tt' Oeota tlopy. aad price, to all that wish ta deeorate the l'! THE TIM Sit, (raves of a departed mead wltk a Mas., eeteww Tmaa Boiioiao. fatiiBairaia. ERRORS OP YOUTH. AORrTTI.KM AW woarad for year from Narrnn Uehtlity, Prematnra Derer. and all tba ffeer of yonthfnl IndleFretlon, will forth aak of .tiffrln booianitr, aen t f raa to all who need It, tar reclp and dlreotlnn for mak In a tha almpln nraedy by which ha waa eared. flufTer. ra wlahlna to front tr th adverttaer'a atperle enoa can do mo by addrentn In perfect otifl. eaea. JUH.1 O. OliDEN. 4S C'.d.r Btraut Nw Tor. $66: a week In vnnr town. 4 nut- it free). Nor la. Header, If vow want bnalaess at whteb persona of either at oit make areot iter all Ihe time Ihev work. Write for particular, la II. HaLLBT It C., Port lad. Maia. S999J Can't he undo ht evary asat v ryoionie la the knaina w far nlab. but those online te wn-k ean eaallvearn a rtoaen dollere a dav riant in then own lorall'lae. Have no root. lo eiplaln here. Haslnoat nlaasaet and honar ahle. Woraai. and hot. aid alrla do a well aa man. We will famish y-n k eomplete f'ntf.t rev. j nm nsriiive. P.Ta Miter 1,1. iniliilra ala. We will hair th ernenre of siartlna ana. Parllonlara rree. Write end . r.r ners and moebanlea, their sons and laoah'era, ind all eiaa.es I need of paylni work M home, should write to ns aad learn all ahoet the work i on-e. now is tna time, iv.m'l delay. Ad dreaa rac It Co., Aaaasta Ualua. QNION PIANINO MILL SKI.lSf SO ROVE, SNYDER UO..PA Kcoly & Waincr Idiimbci Uenlcrs akD stAFi'VAf Ti'nan or Donnt, Iloor ioxrs. Window, ghnttrrs window Boxes Ullnrl, Sa.h, Walr Fllni;it, lliiitd Hal II nis.. Brack et. MoNltllne. Klnorlnr. SCHt'l.bSA Wlnikt;AblN.T TURK1NO Chingloe, Lmth, Sio., &o. Order roltelleil and filled with prompt irtaan l despatch. I'ieaae mill and eiam ueo'ireiook bfor purchasing elrewber NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILWAY. O i en I after J.nnsrr h, tVT, Iraina oatble rjiu win run aa ii.iiow. i l.P.AVK NORTH WARD. Leave Noriiiera r:. S M p ro 11 Upia 7.47 p u S.IO , m i f. m IMin ." a to S . a ta flsstr r.i,.. II M V IB t.j a Tast I.I lie, .few Yark Him.. W..viniion llaltltir.re It .rrlabilre l irKotown llrn.1'irt Melinaarove H.iiitury Northumberland Arrive at I Wllllamauvrt Klmlra Hnrralo Krlo I :J a an I; SO a m lo O a n. ii i iu I. J p 10 ' a m ui .0J p tn S li p tn (0 r aa t.Mpai S.Mam lit e ia II tn p ia 11 H p m S.ISbsj t.OOpm T.tSpm 13 II S Si I itpm lll.Mpu 1.11pm 1.00 am " p as ..SAVE SOUTHWARD. Iava I'scifie Day Stall Sonlharn r.vp. Lip. Esp. SflaesraF.il 00 m l.u s m I'ooalo 4. state 3 co a in vraisin I uoa m ll.iTam ISlin l-'rle ll. ids in I, -1 lltrtn i m e.tkpm Wnieft. t.ataio ll.lupmll I'tpia I2.aam MnrlliM .saoi a."l n. U.3S s m uiilmnr fsoam 9MiailtMini t.litin Slliiai(roTe IDl in II. kO. , fi o! a m II. rn.l. n lo a m n.i m l.ltatn (. omfii.'n lo. io a m S.M p m s in Arrive at: Harrlabnrg II M nt t.lipia llltn 4.00 a m Pklla, 9 4lpn r.:pm 7.0 am T :IA a nt New York . pm 10.11 p IB loot iiuimtta Hihlmore Slipm ?.a p in T.ltein Tt'ani tVaeliiiigton .07 pm S.U7 p aa l,Ui m S.I3 a m Those marked "l" slop o'llv when Saffuad. A. J. CASSATT. Oeu. Manager JOHN LAUDKNSLAUKR, BUGGY MAKER MKLirtSOHOTE, BNYbKK UO., PA. lUviiig purebnsJ lb well known viand n Pelinsrnve, formerly owned h Philir uiecaer. i am prepared to accommodate nl: who mnv d.-sir anything n my line, aod warrant aaliafaelino in all cesee. I keen constantly on hand, and am prepared lo nianuraclure at in enoriexi nut lee, IS UU (J IKS, SULKIES. RLKKJHS.aIv IIhIiis experieneed In Ihe biininest, I flat ter my re If that I am fully prepared lo meet tbe want of my customers. The haudt employed are amour- th lrl mechanics in III ontioly, and lbir wort will not fail lo give universal tlfactlon. tVTopeoial atleniioo paid to- repairine In all it hranche."a 8!iop no .Mark el el reel, a few door aouib f the Uermnn Itefnrmed Church. JOHN I. At' UK S3 LAGER. 8llnrnv, April 7, '70-if j.b SKLIIIC1.MKI. DEA LEU IN IMRDWARE Iron, Kails, Steel, Leather, Faints. Oils, Coach & Saddlery Ware AND MANUFACTURER OP Stoves & Tiwnrc, MARKET STREET. IewlinUmn, l'enn'a. Nvmbor it, 1871-tf Soerea UaraaraoasTsn In th history el Intllar eatsriirl.es baa atleaded the fubllaatloa of tbe iriir.A.HipiiiA. Ui:i:KIAr Tbe Largef t, Cbeapeat aad ItrlKblett Weekly la tbe Uoloa. M aolama ef ths Choltest Raadla;. embraelna all that goee to make a t'lrt-ele Llr Week, ly I'ap. r. sTThe Orand and Matlnatlva- faatasw at TH K WKKKLV T1MKS, tbat has pr.ive l ao popular la tbe past, will lie continued through. ont tan year, via i A. aaataa or CuarTaaa vr tea vawaiTraa II I N T O R Y OF TUE LATE CIVIL W A. It , from Leadlaa A. lor. la th Cabinet, la the risia, in tue roruut. North eud Mouth. This feature of tba PHlLAIiKLPHIi Wr.KKI.Y TIMbtt.line will make one ol tbe most r.piariaioioa anil la.traollva Volume, ea the tlnwil'len Kaoord ol in lata War tbst baa var baea ilvaa In the nation. While these contributions will be tree froa all a-atlon! partlaaa toae, they will be wrltiea Iron the varloua (Uadpelnu ol the raspeetlvo aathore aad aver their proper aamaa. aifnin nrm lu.nl. m.n iiiaau) rxa aasuA-rostogs lULii i One IJopy, i. Five Doptaa, . lea Ueplee, ,1, Twenty tloplea, r Aa KiraaUurr will be nt raea te aay peroasanilinifurai;iubef Teu, er,W lor SI Vlwlf VI WflllTl TUV ailE WEEKLY TI3IEI. ByBBltleswIlba lew Meed, andmnklne WSJ.i . 0'.?'W'",I "'" h K"he r.r-M a. i t en iur one year, imsiaife paid "j mm, mr tee low raira ei a i.'it. n at aay tfine durloa the year yoa are illssallrOed wltk 's -Sr, bii to a au w win moay retuia year THE DAILY TIMKS- A t'lrsHJias ladepaod.al Morslas news paper. .. . . . . a. ... ,""'"rstiy qaniaxi mj rre ana tee rse- I lb, M, j,wpapf over paklUhedla 1. 1 n, i. - ' OENRY A. WOLFLEY, Coddler end Harncrs Keeweeab" IhMswS. I e. ,. - 1 ZZZJ w - f ,v- i - 7?M a - eae-'"t v ' e-ri s ' . ial Mi Tail! Aavaadl Arrangement f Phttenger TrVr. IV OV, lOth, 187Q, Train lear Ilernrfon at 0L, lotrt (Sunday A'j-ctrpt'J ) Tor Pbamtkla, 10,20 II. ,i . S.lft p e,rr'!a A.M.oJ. T,. Trilnfor tlerndon, lmw etfoUowt Svmdayt Exempted.) T.ev Rhamokla, 8,00 am 1.1 Knl p m. 1 Leave Phil. .1.1. 1.1. O A . n. .. . r-'- - - . niMlu 11.6.1 a Wl. rollsvllle. p ns Tanaqaa' l.lo f Ashland J "1 p m. Ml. Cartn! 3.20 p n Trnlmt ertiv IforrUbura nt A'fowi f for Raw Tor. 8.2o, 8 10 a at., aaj J 00 aad 7 f p. m. . 1 Por Philadelphia 6.2a, 8 10a. at. 2(M and 4.00 pa, Sunday! Ter New Vnrk b 2e a m For riillndelpkia 1. 45 e. tn. Trtiine for Harrirburq leave n folio . Leave K Tork, 8.15 S m 1.00 614 and 7 iS p m. I.ve rbiladolphla, 9.4S a at. 4.00 s4 7 'lo f. m. Sunday I eve New Tork i.ta p ro. I.eavo l'liiladelphls 7.30 a .' Via Morris A Es R. R. J. E. WOOTTEN, Oou'l Alanaffor. c. a. HAXcorK, Oou'l licket Aet. Teh u b . GOLD; n n arrest for Aenl, We en. i ir.a. oar new to paae lllitritel Jeaelr aai Wateh etaloane. with la. r-ietion Bust to ni mansy. A l lr.it, u. RHi'.-ia.a )U., r-.ill.. fa., or allieaa ee, Wl. GOLDI flreat ehaare te wake sannay. ll yoa eaa't est Boiu yoe ean eat grease oeeke. We aead a ner. aoe ta every town to take ssbserlptlee far Ike larvess. elieapeat and heit Illustrated faailly pul.lleatlon In the world. A ny one eaa hacoaia oe srtul K"t. Th moat eleeaat warka ol art a Ivan free to anlianrlbara. The prlee Is aa low that almn.t vryholr uhsill. 0 Kent raMrta inaklne over SlSuln a vssk. A la.iy aaant repona taking over 40 sahejrle.r. la tan da a. All who ana.a. etake meaey fa.t. Yon eaa devote all your lima to the baste..., or only your a para time. Yoa aead Bel kaa ay from bou;e oer nlnbt. Yoa eea de It a well aa oilier. Full partleulaia. dlrestleas anil term, free .l. saotard ei sailra tlomt Ira. I f you want pruBtable work sand as roar adiirese at one. It eoat. nothing te try the business. No one abo ana. a, fall to make greet pay. Ad Ira. "ihe I'eopte' Jooroal," Tortlaod, Ualne, Aua.,'7T.ly. Ii3. DENTZ WATCH & CLOCK MAKER! MARKET ST. MIDDLEUUKQ rESN'A HtVINO located lo tbl pi aoe I Would respeot fully Inform lb eiiiiee f tltddlrbtirs and vicinity that 1 am prerer. ed lo rrpair t' LOCKS AND WATCHES cheap and rxpriliiiouslr, Th patroaa ef 'be puhlie ) lerpeellultv aolieiid. - E. DENTZ, Sliildlrhnrii, My 1. 1S7R. imm " wouk LKWISUURO. I'A. TALIAN AND AMERICAN MARBLE H0NUBIENT3, Tomlintonea, htatnert, Urns, Tsses LAMBS, for Oliildren'a Oroves, Pott, Lintel, Tabtcln)), Marll wnet Slate ilimtrh, &f . II those who desire to purchase tombstone, ea anything eUa ma.ura. tiired at tha aiva la.a t'.ina'l marble work., rhoulrt eoaault the aaiaa. unei .gen., tiaiiira purrnasing elrawaere. 9Slllt.li IIWI:it. iuiy ia 'Ta-tr.l MI.Mlehurg, oKer Ce.FS THE SUN FOB 1879 Twe stiti, Wli ha printed every day dnrlng Ilia year to roma . Ita purpoae and method Will be the a.me aa Iu the past t Tu prsaent all t lie new Iu a readalil abtpe, and tu 111 lb truth though beavea fall. Tua 8ca baa been, la and will ronllnu to he Indepenileiit of emrytHul. anl everything .are the Truth and lis own ronvlcllon of duty. That le the only policy wlil b an buneat newspatier need have. T.iat Is the only polity whtob has won fur this neapeor tlie atmSdenee and frlendehlp of e wMer e .n.la'e-iev tbaa waa ever eo loved bv any other Amarlo.n Jourual. TuaNUH la lha uawepaper for the people. It la not f,.r the rich man agalo.t I ho poor man er t v lha poor raea seelnat the rich man, bat II srekslodo .on. I juatlceta ell tnlereita Iu Ihe e.nnnunlly. It I. not th organ of eny psraons, el.aa, aect or party. There Bard lie no mystery about Its 1 . and bates. It . for tba hnu.al man agalnat the r'Hiie. every time. It . fr Ilia houeat lemooral aa w. II a agalnat Ihe dlakmieet Repnbllran, and fur tba buueat lta publlrau Be against the dlsnoosst-Dsmoorat. It dnea not take It sua from th utterance of any Political orgaaKtloa. It glvsa lie eapport nnreaarvadly wbeu mea or measure, are tea greeraant with Ihe totietltnlloa and with Ika principle npon which thla R.pnbllo wee foaod ed fur tha penpl. Whenever th Oonatltatloa Bd non.iltiiilunal principle, am violated., la th oolrag ii". oouaplraey of 17, by which e man not elvoted waa placed In tba Fr.sld.ul1. otflce, where he atlll reiaalua It epraka eat fr Ibe right. Tbat la Tub wua'a Ida ol ladepaad eooe. In tt,a reaper! lhara will be bo eltauge IB Ita prot'ranim. fat 1ST. Tug 8i' baa Mrly earned IU haired of raa. OS's, frail Je, and huuibaua of all aorta and .Its. It bones to deserve that hatred not laaa Ib Ike rear IgTJ.thau In ISM, M77, or any year gone by. Tug Mt'g will oontlaua toehlnooa the wkfcsd with m.ailtlg.trd briglilneM. While tba leaeona of lha paat ahonld be eoB. alaatly kept itefora tbe peplr, Tua How doea not piirvea Iu wake Its. If la 17 a nugaalaa of ancient history. It I. prlulsj f.r tba maa aad woman ofl.M.y, whoaa inoarn le clilrfl with the women of tday, whoaa eonoara la ebl.Sy with Ib affair, of lo-ilay. It haa both Ihe dlapa. altlou aud lha ablins to afford lie reader (he proo.pte.t, fulleal, aud most arerula lalelllgancs of whati rcr Iu lha wide aorl I le worth ati.a lloa. To thl and aad Ilia n aonrre belonging to wrt-etabll.ud pruaperity will be liberally ana praeant disjoined condition ofaarl praaant disjoined condition efparttae la UUlrv. and tha Uncertain! nt ..m SiIuf. tuts couulrr, and the BnreHalutv of ),. future laud aa axfraordlaarv alirniacan..a tn the nte of the eoiulng year. The .llaoueeloa of tba Brass, the debate aad acla ef (Ion it re aa, and lha move ments of the leader. Iu every section of lha Re public will have a direct hearlug on lha Pr... leullal elavllon of IhKO aa eveul wbh'h aiast b rgsrled with tbe most augloaa Inlereat by .v. ery patriotic American, whatever hla political tdeaa or allegiance. To Ibaae elemeuta of lolere eat way be added the proliabllllr tal lha Dams ocr.l. .Ill eoHlml both liouae. of Uohgraaa, Ihg Ineraaaing hlieneaa nf Ibe fraudlenl Admlnla Irailou, aad lha spread Bad slrsngtblng every, where of . bealtby abhoraace of fraud Ib any form. To present wlib aeouracy sad e leare.es lb eauil aitnaiiiHi la ub of It varying phase and to expound, aueordlng Iu lie wtll-tnowa otrlh.'da, tlie nrlnrlnlea that aknnld .ulrfe a. through the labyrltilh, will Usa ImporttBt Bert of Tub Hue'e work fur la;. w li.te the means of making Tea Row, a s political, a literary end a geueral aawapapar, mere eulerlaliilna aad aiire uaaful lh.B .... be fore and we ai.a to apply tbara freely. raiee or eiinaaripu.ui remain anebaagea. For tea mailt eta, a f"'ir page aheat of Iwauty eight eolnmna, tba pi lee by aiall, post paid. U oenla a muaU, or SS.M a year I or, lacludlag ibe Hinder paper, aa eight-page sheet of afty-els eoiuiuua, ike price ta stoeole a Bieuih. er gf.JS gear, puauga paid. 1 ha iiail.y ailllloa of TUB Bob le else far. Blsbod separately t gt.ee a aer peiege paid. Tbaprloe of tlie WaaBLf HBB.elgbt pagse, afly.lg eeluaiBa. leBI a sear, nualaae neid. roe clube of ua soadlag tit we will wad ka eixo espy free. Aad raa.. PahlUkwraf TBSt'sa,'.w s mVg Mopf --'-r -v f c J tr7m SIvlrli l luw as 75 cu,