The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, December 05, 1878, Image 3

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    Kiddleburg, Dac, 5, 1873,
lZocn.l Nown, iVu.
STOlBVipTr meats. Tha Courts of
MTler ll art hel.t o the rnarth Malr)
ef reiraary, slay, sail Uaptaiabsr, Mtid
Meads al tMoaraasr.
-All foinimtulriitioi), litislnnss lot
tar Ac, fur thit ofllcn, to acotiro
prompt Attention alioiilil be niMretmetl
mi follows: Tint 1'oar, MnMlcImm,
Snyder Ontnty, I'n. Atlvertiamnnt,
ummnnicatiaiia Ac. mutt be liatiiled
In 1t Monday noon, to secure imor
tion In natt tattta
tosnrsv k tuwisrowa Ait shad.
Ii' KtnTomi. wistwssb.
tTATIUM. stsU. Aeeora. Mill
awlat'e J.T tla.ia. I 1I III,, t It .i
leswtetowi Til I t 1SJI tit
N Bill ia P tie III tO 07 M
P.luter Til tf ts t Jl
ahlndsl. It 1 30 to 114
WiaMtMuT fit tit tit
efeClnre IN t IT It 4 JO
It's tlilla P.l 10 1 01 Kl 411
ahaatiirtllt lit 41 til
Haaaerl-'B I It 1 1 t tt 4
hntrr r. 1 1 1 it j 1
Nl,ldlel'e. til Til
vut r. t it 4 it t i 1
Kniul r. IS! til TM tit
Pewlinr. til 4 41 TI4 III
Hsilaae;rvalal I M IH 111
H. it. Jta. tit I It t 8 a II
Baabary ! 411 1 vo
K TAYLOR, Sprlolan.1enl.
Tlit year U growing o!il.
ISa acarcity of water now.
The wheat it growing finely.
Now get ready for Cliristmaa.
Court commence next Monday
The bent timo on record mel limo.
Twenty-two enow predicleJ this
Bond lit tlie local liapponinga of your
aea still hntntr riiitrlifc at Rhafiiie,
kiu Dam.
8mall-po U raging in tome parte of
Union County.
More W.uo pl.viU are killed by heat
that by ejolJ.
The crop in the larg
est tin li'l,
A largo variuty of holiday good at
Watch your promise., Tlio country
la infested with thinvot.
B?Floor oil cloth nt S. Wets', So
liniigrovo. Prices very low.
The Kinuler inurdur ciwe 'ia bcinji
prepared fur trial next week.
The Murphy movement is, hring re
tired in di floruit piirtt of the State.
JliyLvlieV onat in print variety nt
S. Wei', .Sclinigrovo. Trices very lo
t5y".'lioi Jackson' Beat vitot
Navy Tobacco. Doc. 5. '7b ly.
Now ii the time to rouair sleK
alright and Hlei!t-!io'l airing, and a! 10
your ice hniiso.
tQr fne ait irtiiioiit of Ladies and
Minn fun at H. Writ' di-iiiisrorc.
Price lower than cvor.
A S inh iry Ivilnl koojior ia roportod
have pcku I avy over una tli jiiuu.l
'pounds of euU fur winter tun.
Mortyo'in mm ara 01 tho I nko'it,
for goo ln.ia-iiiis. a't 1 r. thny 4 m't
liko fir tho old man ti show thjiit llm
The w'ne man jila-etli the atoni of
hit gnu to hit al).)uldr!i)f rA ho firclh,
but the fool loiikedi down tho barrel
. to see the ball start. lio me Stiitiuil.
Wo do like to tee pcMont como into
thit office, lake type out of a i-it?,
throw them in the wron box, taki
copy off the hook and read it, Ao. It
shows good manners.
The pouuliarity about tho A. S. T.
Co.,' Black Tip it that children' line
shoot to which they are aplie I, not 00.
ly wear twice aa long, but they rely
dd to the beauty and finiati of the
finest shoe.
The Lutheran Q iarterly Conference
of tho Juniata Circuit convened here
on Monday Inst. A rctpoctahle num
ber of Miuistars and litydolgate are
n atteodanco. They are an intelligent
looking body of men.
Judge Jimkin hat decidod that 'both
necessity and charity roquire that
trains carrying livestock and per Un
able froigh tho run upon Sunday, and
that the autiite of 1790 is not violated
thereby.' Hloomflrll Tinui.
Constable Smith of this place, on
Wednesday morning started to Pliila
dolphia to bring Emanuel Elinger, onn
Aned in the JVnUeutiary, one of tho
rnon chargod with the Kintilor murder
He was pardoned on Tuesday.
JA nice line of Black Cashmere's
for ladle dresses at S. IPoit', 8c!iiis
firove. Trice vory lew.
Sausage mills are running on full
time, and turnine. out stuff for length
enod links long flriiwu out. TI mis us
age feot in I itu, without a sing
le break or hole made lately in Mif
flin county was a whopperithor at a
piece of ground hog, or as a story.
JVrry County Freeman,
Just now there' are many receipts
.1 I 1 .1 ll m 1
yuuuaueu 111 vau nawspapers, jor max
; ing cough syrups, but they cannot be
relied 00. If you tmed a cough medi
.cine, use Dr. Haas Xxpeotnrant. All
dealers sell it at 23 and SO cents a bot
tle. The old established house of Mestrt.
Horace Waters l Sons, Now York, it
meeting the public more than ','lialf.
way" in their Holiday bfier, for pianos
end organs. It seems iuoridiblo that
inch luttrumenU cu be sold at the
priote b- aed lit their advertisement
' f -rs la nnotlt'r coluoiin
' ' ' tC-f
On Werlnoadrty inoming t) h k d e
Mountain South of this place was eov
ercd with snow.
TilAcnivi!(T HBKVtcKs. ThnnVs
givlng services were held in the Luth
eran and Heformod Church, Rev. I.
rvino delivered a very able and appro
priate sermon, after which Revs. P. L.
lining and J. P. Bhiudct made a few
You can buy tho biggest bargains In
clothing at ll'eis A Oppenheimer's Pe
linsgrove, yon ever saw In your life be
cause they am g.iing to dissolve part
nership, In a short time, and pricr to
that they want to reduce thoir stock
as much as ponsible.
Don't fail logiva thim aa.ill.
BARGAIN S PeoDle attomlinir
Court next week, who aie In need of
I larnnat. should not fail to cull at llm
shop of M- Z SteiiiiiiL'cr. on Market
street, a few doors wwtof the Drug
More. Mr. H. keeps constantly on
hand a largo stork, qpnalsllng of liar
nes, Bridle. S.iddlet, Whips, o. c,
which be is selling at p wiij
also nfTora great bareiios in second
hand harness. Oive.V.irt. a call before
purchasing elsewhere.
Am r.Npi.KisAxr PKMiii'tMKtT. In
every community thero are those go.
sippcrs who are always busy witli their
oliy, and naky tongues, spreading
their slimy gossip. NosiMincr does a
gnntlcinaii becomo a widower, than
these niisrhievions bimy bodies, are
busy in having him msrried to this,
that, and the other I ly, and freq ienl
ly when there is not a partirlo i.f truth
in it. Theso busybodiea ycy often do
notaeouro vittouvr or anybody else.
Sunday Scliojl Convention
Pour TKKVKitruN, Nv., L7, 73
Tho first District S. S. of
tho East P. CSniference. I,'. . Chtin-h,
asscmhlod'Hi our vi!!ngu Svr. l'J'.h,
and adjourned on thell hli.
Thero were a number of Ministcrt
and Delegate presunt from varijus
Ileitis or labor. The session were
marked by an earnest spirit of work,
and duo christian sympathy .
riie principal topic discissod were:
1. Tho necessity and usofulnest of
S. S. convention.
2. Wlmtii tho nroncr aim and oh.
Ijnct of the S. 8.
3. What is tho mark of tho S. S.
1. How io condnot S iinUv School'
moHt successfullv.
5. Howsh'iuld tho clmrnli coudo.-l
h.v;so!f toward the S. S. in order to
reap II. o foil benefit of it.
Iho uiscussions, H-cra on bi'Mo 1 io
un earnest inannor, ao.i woro f.i:i of
spirit and interest.
We trust the seed sown will nrcd OP
an abuuiUtit hat
Lclter inn Ohio.
UsLi.srtiB. Ohio, N.if . 25,
Kn. 1'cifT. I wrilt vji a Lnsf ltiar
Kbiub nisjr dart jiu lak'nn la our .H .r.
irr ou inlj friouls.
Ths oarn arp lioh wi ai avsrs
yiU it eribbad n 1 ibt pyl amp ib
lsroit tut rt ht been utibtrid
1I1 prljes of which u h low that it
icarc!y pij Tor th U'r. Pnohs wr
aliuH'lniii nj t)iiinisii'liJ a fiur prio.
Ths wbout erup ir orir lrn is in
ll7 but only oj'iiinin'U 116 onit nor
busiirl. Usui li'iid n il burl us innnli
until Inialr. Tnrtt 8u jr oanniy mi'i
whoKt niors I will suppruas, but art well
inosrn to lha law woiaarrtsitl for rjb.
Mug aa uU rejiliitof UjIIoti axmti
UeiUr Tliy enierrl tut houit U tU
sight anj pluuderi 1I14 old mia of $17.
ou ia mono anl four nir wttouai. Tut
tlilevAi wtrt capturol aul tba iui'iu
proptrly reojorel. Tutjr art tsfel
oagtJ in Studuaky count jail sa l waiting
trial and will (el a fro an 1 pleuty of
lioit loltara trade tborou jliljr.
Turt Truly.
J. M.
This will Pay.
Many timtw tho smnil coat will be
roturned to every portjn, iu the eoun
try, or villago, or city, who supplies
himself and family with the plain.pmo
tical, roliahle, useful, paying informal
lion given in the American AirietUtar
il. It was so named bocauae started
37 years ago aa a rural journal, InU is
now greatly enlarged iu aiio and suope
and profusely illustrated, ao that it
meoia the' wants of all olaiMes of cul
tivators of the plots or of.the
largest farms of Ilousekeopors and
Children of owner of Cattlo, Horses,
Sheep, and Swine of Fruit Orowert,
FloriaU, Bui Wert, Mechanics, etc
From 600 to 800 original Engravings
in every Volume; bring right to the
eye and undenrtandinf;, many useful,
labor-holpiug and labor-saving con
trivances, largely home-made, and for
out-door and indoor Work ; also plants,
animals, construction of dwelliuga, etc,
etc. Tlicao numerous Engravingt,
makes this Journal greatly superior to
every other one treating ou the same
subjects. Hi e pertisteut, caustic ei
poturet of Humbug and Swindles are
of great value to all Its readers. Over
(25,000 year are espended in collec
ting useful and interesting Information
and engravings, the bonefll of all
which can be enjoyed at the reduced'
price of only 1. 50 a year, post-frei
or four copies at 11.21 oaoh.or ten dvp,
ice a tl each. A speoimen oopy' 10
cents. Try it a year. It will pay,
lished by Otuxau Judu Co., 215 DiouiJ.
wav, New York.
N, D. A copy of Marshall's magnU
Qcent 8teol. I'late Engraving, "Tub
FarvtR'i ruuc,"U delivered free to
--ry r ' - " -rcft-s JIm Ag:
eilra to
Twentyflvo large aise Perfumed
Chromo Motto Cards, no two alike,
withnam In gold, post paid ton cent.
Address 0. B. Litchfield, Litchflold, 1U.
Please state what paper you saw this
advertisement in.
A Jami 0 strut Oldl.
Pfavtr K.Usra Frttd.
Onlt-t John llsrlmsn,
Franklin flroon Kow.
Jstkson Amos Jsrrtil
MiJdlehnrn- Nathan (hanibiob
Monro N"sb l)e..ll-r
I'tDn-Chsrlrs lOnHlbi-rir, Ktwtnn 8
fisher, Ptpbitrat Otmbtrlinj, Ant
fttry Gnr K. Brotln, Psrflsl Qr
msn, I'liilip Keilrr, Thjmt Mlf.
Ptrrjr West Willis R. Uor loo. Frsrttrlek
Itsthfna, Jouslban H Hndsr.
ftllnsjro't lurg 8. Datts, J. Gross
I'ainn Uriah RV.Ijr. Jonathan flnmb;.
watblliKina Cslfia F. Moytr, Jtoob t)ef
fu, tea,
Adanit WHtos tr, John.Krh, Charts.
K Llovtl, H Y iloir, Ihomat 6rli.
Urura (uiiib.
Uttver wlHitia Markljr. Jacob 0. Snjdir,
Hauurl Plisirj. 8 A Waiiel,
Unr Wf,t.-Uorgo Liiabfri, Cbailii A
rht(ituan.-Ptiir' Rnhrrr, n. '
Unire J C TowersoX. F U llfllg. R W
ItarlniaD, Fivdrriok U, Har nto, V
vi I Ockrr, Cbarlti H, SsuiUr
il fltrsub.
Monri s -Jsmts P Bcnfrr, Js. Futnt, J
0. Clstiglrr. Chsrlri Kenler. II J
Kilter. Ilnhert Lcshrr.
Mi'Mlebur-..loha A Mont.
Midillecretk Henry Verger,
KrsnVlin -Cjrrus Howeriui.
Jsckson Franoit J. Itojrer.
Ttnn Jaeob nj, l.aao Erdly, Ilsnry
Ott, Levi ftcningrr.
Perry LotJ K ler, l.ewn Minium.
Ftllnse;rnt tl..r Khy, an,nrl Oem.
htlmf. Jamrs Mnssee, Jonathan
Kul.v. F J 8ch.eb. Lot llrich.
TVaihitigtitn.-Jostph Deihl, Issno J I'ntisi,
Fraimit Olss, Chrislopber llaines,
Ueorio F Miller, William Mojer.
TIW;A' llrnnl. Sculp n-nl J)iinil:TTi
i mujimtnti nireea neavy itiostariic or
:id on Iht iiiiiriihesi (nee in frnm iio to
8(.i dsvs. It liner f.iils No ro-il. lu.
Joury to tb ekin. Bssily applied and
esrisfo in ttrepl. It will also remote
Dandruff snd prevent Itatrlneis I am
tho lule SReul for this fi nipnund. I'r
psoksffl. post psii, a cents. Two park
es 40 edits. Address II. 11. Litchfield,
Litchfield Illinois, l'ieit.t eisit in xhsi
paper yon saw ihit adtsriiaemenl in.
titpt. -iH, '7H. ly.
"Oir Stwaml Kifrhsliu.) IVinrnc" is
lliti best and l In M. eel pftloittf t-rr (if
feretl to llm public lur icrfiiiiiing wear
ing apparel, lolti r paper, etc.. Me. It
i evei lusliiic ami givra to lim n, Irttrr
paper, and tvliatcver 'lo ymi may
winh, a ni"St refint'il and pleuaiint inlrr.
If placed in a drawer, no-matter nli it
be the'itv, it will become ri ilol.
enl in less (him 'JO ttiiniitcs. Mailed,
pnMtHjto free, to any address m receipt
f the price, !!" cents. Addles
Litchfield, Litchfield, Illinois, a n d
please Mate n hat paper you saw this
notice in.
Liver Coxptamt.
A few of the srniptoiiis are p iia In ths
side, s'.oiil Irrs an i h.iok, hirer taste in
the miiito, psrHiular! on niu in the
iimrninfi. dunti. in the hostj, poiu aud
Tistluii of ths eye. ejuqsi ipsiioa of I ue
bowels, Iran c .lore I urine, liruk duM d-.
poi:s or iirsivl. nervous d-ibilitr. anl
Ion of sppoi He, j. fur tiiou Itsrosia i,
Kscksoiie, uiver and Kiduev Cuis. tko
in cunnfcliin with Hi II minimi ail
Msmlrsaa l'tll-, is a speyttij of curt iu
Wit r. a out of 10 J.
I'repared tiv U. K Tlmiiipann, Ti'm
ville, I's. Hsnu.itit. Jl UJ pr butt in
I'll'a, cents per hX. '
For talc bjr 7ohn A. Moalt, MidJIebuts,
Cotisunipttoii Curod.
An old plivsi"iii, rctireil Ironi irue
tire, a ing liml jil:u'., in bin luiuis
l',V an KhsI Inili.i missirinnry the fnr
inula of a simple vegetnhln remedy,
fur the speedy hihI permanent eurr lur
eKtiNiimplmii, lirtmchiiis, catarrh,
asthma, and nil tlirnnl. and Inn? nlli'it
linns, also a pnsitive and rndical cure
fur nervous debility and all nervous
complaints, nlicr luiving tcstt, iis
wuuiierf'il etiiaiivo powers in thou
santU t.f cases, has felt it his duty to
maUo it known to his snfleriiiR fellows,
Ai'tuated tiy thin motive, and a desire
to relieve human BiiMcrini, J v. ill vend,
free of i harii.tnall ho desire it.this re
cipe, with full directions fur prepaiing
and tising, in Ucrman, French, iir
English, taut by mail ly adilre.isiiig
with ttamp, nttming thit paper. W.
V. Sherar. 14!) rower's 15iock. Uoches
Ur, New Fork. 4 w.
K. F. KnDlel's Hitter Wiue of Iron.
Tbit truly vabiatilt tonio bst been so
thoroughly lasted by all classes nfiht
eoinmnnity that it it now deemtd In.lii
pauasMs at a Tonio mtJicin. It costs
but li'tlt. purlttei tlit blood andgivtt
tout to lb HOiU'icli, reuovalea ibt ya.
tam and prsluuict lift. Kvorvhod tbould
btvt il. tor ibt ear of ivtik alooiaoos.
tiaocral llal'llltj, ladieilion, l)icaiet of
tba ttoiuaoS, and lor all eatet requiriug
a lonla. Yhit win includes ibt aiost a.
gretabte and tttioital 8U of Iroa vi
postcst C'itrtia tl Ustfoeiio OXido.eoui.
hlnsd with I'n luott antrttlo or vtgalts
bit toniti Ytllosr Peruvian haik.
Do vuu waut tomttbioc la itranttbtn
you t
l)o you want a food apptllla J
Do you want io set rid of otrvoutaeii t
l)o you want taaryy t
Do you want lo tl-ap well t
Vo you waul Is LuiU up your oonititu.
ilea t , ... ,.'
Do you wtal Is fetl wtlt f
Do you want to bait a britk and vigor
ous lslin t
If you do .4ry KUNKEL'S BITTER
1 ouly aik a trial of ihit truly valutblt
tonio. i
Uowart of toumtrrclta, as Kunkcl'i
ilier Wios oi trot it onlv turt and tf
dole at riojsd; la tbt known world lor
tbrntrtaanr nt curt of tyipoptia aad I't
hilil aod'at thtio art a uuBbtr.of Imila.
tiuat offyrtd lo, tho puklio, i would tau
line ihkCoojrauuiljr io purahaeo Boat but
at (eiiuias ariiolo, rosuutaoturi I by t.
9, ktinkt, and bavioc bit Slaoio on lha
euvk of tvtry boll la. 1'uo vary faot that
atsri art ailtmpung la iisuat ihit val-
u.tult rtnitJj prttts It worth and sptakt
voluois iu ii Isvor. Void only ia tl but
llaa or tlx bolt let for fS, 'dry Ible val
uablt atdioiuo and bt ooovioeadof iu
atritt Bold by Urugglin aad dtaltrt
IP Worm Removed Alive.
Hatd aad all tonp!ttt, iu lw4 hours. No
ft till head psiina. tin at, 1is aad Hiom
j ah Vrrt rsvovid by Ur. Kuahtt, U(3
Nwrih Kla k ?tin, I'bUadtiphta, f.
Vi'ad far eimular with a ileal iu ta al)
kiad ef worm , adviet frtt. Aik your
djrusgist for a Mile k" -r
rup, which Kill fl I
(U iU. I atver fills I .
vow shildiee sr (vo i ;
, sasmiieii, . .. ... ,
Rsn.tCT that la tvtry cemstsry of lb
silent tesanli set Ibt victims of selected
Oonih tad ilds and If yon art that
afflitted, avoid iktir fait by retorting at
nntt to llalt't Honef of llortboiind and
Tar, an Irtmedlstt, airttshlo, and ttrtala
meant of tur. Hold by all Unit-gtsl.
Pikt't loothaoht Propt tart la 1 miosis.
Aucloneer. George If. Ilaeken
burg, of Middlecreek, P. O., would an
nounce to the people of Hnyder coun
ty, that he will cry sales for real and
personal property, at short notice end
on thn most reasonable terms. He
guarantees sstisfactinn. Mar.13.77lf.
Live Agents Wanted.
To sell Dr. Chase's Recipes j or In
formation for everybody, in every
county In tho United f tale and Cana
da. Enlarged by the publisher to fVH
page. A contains over 2X1 house
hold recipe and ia suited to all classes
and conditions of society. A Wonder
ful book and a household necessity,
tt selis at rnnbt. (Ireatvet inducements
ever offered to book agents. Maniple
copies sent by mail, postpaid, for tH,
Kjclusive territory given. Atrenia
more tliau dmihlr their ntoncv. Ad
tins Dr. Chase's Mteam Printing
ose, Anu Arbnr, Michigan,
Oct. Kill, '. 13, w.
Wheat titr hushtl
Rys do -
Corn do
"at do
Cleversetd per buthtl
Timotbvsetd do
8. "J
1 -
lluckwheat do
Flsisttd do
Onions do
I'otMoe do
llnlttr ptr pound
Fts per doieu
Tallow ptr pound
Aceled t'lierrlet
It nr berries
Dried Appltt
flat-on. HiJei
s to 7
I'ht-i0iiis ptr busbol
Kbellbsrks lo ,
In ie l I'taobtt pared
I'ei I'onl IPutoStly
Chssintit eotl J o l0 x ti
A in.- l'rip- if lis Hatss a T"sksh. m
!0'itti Th.rl Slrert rniiolaliiMa. Pit --s U"i;l.l
I I uittii r tur cu or on nisrEln tiei.
Jiu, l-;t.
... i :
. I ;i
t'.SI.J'i. 1s
" " 1-- a J- a j
' " is 7
" 1 "
10 40'
t'ltrr-fipy, A'l
J'. lss, ,,.w.
I enn Ivsi.ia it. K
HiiU le: .In. sn I ll -f.lii- II.,
Leliimi Vsll'V It. tl
l.-hisli I'oal a Nsv. t' i.
1 r.lte 1 (Vnipsnii-a of N. .1.,,
I'i.i n.t. 1;.t.i a r-i,. It. K-...
N .rOirrn It. K. t'o...
ttnl I
... ,I.V
. . . . I W I
:::. ,''
1. :.
ton ,
I Jo
liiu1 i
1 Al? JJ II .1).
N.iv. st'i. I,y hs-. P. I. Httn. tl. Helm.
Is Ii nt I nn. i e.iuu'y so l jllrl Alary . Iislly,
1 1 eui:i-r e.-uu'i.
K.iv. til be ins ilia, A. II Mnr t'sr of
I'i-t, tnp, anu .Hl.i Mica i'.s .l il uo a.u
Nut -iltti l,y Hrr. t l. WsmiK.ts. tr. 'loi
V n..l, mi. I .ss'oU tiiruiMi, b itu of
a-tiiiisliin t.m ue. I,i.
Xor. eli In Vun-r'i Vul l'. nf Hs.iliiy.
t:ir A lira, lutsnl ilsinttiiarut intel au I 4 t
lllil llu.UD , 4 i 1 jfaar, t ui uiu 4l.l
Nv. Till, in Iiorstor tw;.., Ml-SIn Co., or In.
Ilduiuietl.i:., J.uit. Wiuiu Hj.uIk, tal )
)sar, 1 tm ulli aii'l 13 iU,t.
Niv. Tilt, In Waet nearer tup , of l'oniiini.
linn, Si .iiii .ilaurar, iK'ii 41 yaare, t uiuutb
su't iii.iavi.
N'iv. M'.h. netr AittnsiMirn, nf Paralysis,
Sumo itiaurcr, s,:e.l 10 ), il luuulUi aU'l .
In Vreslnif, Nov Huh of Membraneous
I rniiii. nam Nei..n .0 ( VI IIIIhiu It. n.l
' I turrlna a. tlriin, -s'J sr, kuuutbi sa l
Nov. I.MIi, tn Kle! fieM, Jsolata Do., lr. C.
I'. Walun r, S4tsil t-7 )ssre.
Nov., Iu l'lilU.lplils, after a hrlaf 111.
noi. i'Usrlaa W. ), ma ol Ueury auabo,
a.sJ tl years so.l 2 unialhi.
Notice to IloiX's.
In the matter olhr lUate r Urnry Grrrn
ltiln of IIVsl hriinr tou'nul.ipSiiiitlir
count UtccastJ,
To leaaa r. Orois. 'l,rlto-
rner iirnn. ami jouii ii. urvis. raalillnt near
i-urin iainiiair.
WabSPh tlx.. In. I.. Vmrw
Intarniarrlail wlib A Ism HouKirilnsr, Snli
& inia,.i....i..l mi.i. ui. i -. . . :
nnyiier ii., Harriet mtaiu)srria. with Henry
Honk, I'alnlsr, Mllfllu Co., Pa., Naney, Im-r-
in. nlml mih ., .... u IU . . . . a .
Co.. P... Hsonsh t'i liitarromTeTrVnl, J-.-pS
s. Hunk. Wauour. Mltrltn t;o. ! , au.l Jacob
.....r- n.iu... i i,,,., niiiiug rfi, wtiQ uaa;wuai uis comitiion
.iuiiu -u ir uis iruariiino, nnasl de-e-nil
stun ni iteury tirosa latent Ida tnacahl,i of
oaaarisa i
Y'iu are liaesliv rlt4 in lu, nA
iprissr brnrstlis .In lesuf uur Ornhsn-1 l' .iir
si an Onhsii' ;ourl .i Iia hul l at .Miil.llst.urj.
ou lha is .oii.l tt uoilsy nf lleva-nber A. D. liTt,
al 10 u'einrk lu tlie fiirrnoou, ihtn au l there i
sersiitneri'lnaato lain tha He.t E-uis ofid
llnnry tiwi, al ihs anrralse.l
vsluslinn pill iitMin II by so liiq.ial .Inly awsnl
e4 by Ihs said Umiri, au4 returned by ib-iilisriir
nf e!4 couuty, nr eh..w aanae why lbs aims
alm'iH uni bt sou, Au.l h-rmef fall not.
Witness tha H J pb II, Etoulra,
PenaiilKin nf our uM Omiri at atldilloOurii. this
lilt day of Nor. A H H7-.
J.OiiOllHE, Clerk, O. O.
bst lirso awtrdtd at ibt Parit EXpuii
liua of 1878 to
J. &P. C0AT3,
for Ibtir best BiX-Cord Mpuol Colton,
conftrruio( lha ctiiiaaia placed upon their
roods at all Iht World'a tipositsons.from
that al London, 1 ta tba Ctntennial
ExpotlliuB f I87ii, whtro I hey tank a
diploma lor "bLTEUlOU niRtNUX H &
QU.tLITV." -
Tbt Beaond Vise nf a Silver Medal wat
taken by iht IVIIliiuantio Llnio Company,
wblob olaimt lo bt tba ipeoi il tbatupiou
of Amerieaa Industry, and whtohbatet
lenaively advvrtltci a Qrand 1'ritt at
NO GRAND 'FRIZES were awardci
fur S;).oI Coitsn at PARIS.
Meeirs. J. ft P. Cnalt htva tilabllahed
In Pawlucktl. R. I., Iht larytit Hpiol
Colton Mills ia tba United Btatee. Evtry
prooest of aianuftoturt, frota tbt raw cot.
ton lu tbt fnlsbid tptol, ia tinduotai
tbert. Their Aaitrloan-oiadt 8 poo I J Cols
ton look Iht award at iht Centto ilsl. and
wbilt t hay bavo atver claimed special
merit for their AmerlcaB-naJt Spool Cot.
toa over tbtl manufactured In their
8001 oh Mills, Ihey ksvt tho tailsfasiloa
of aaanuutiaf that ihey fctvt ttidtatifltd
intmssivtt wua thit eooniry, Ibat,
AMEltlOA oi represent
PastmeirGShiSp I
Sclinsfrrovo. Pa,, will Dissolve
Partnership, Jun. 1,
Their Large Stock MUST and WILL EE RE
DUCED, if the gooda must be cold at a
The Large and Complete Stock now on hand
illb.HOLI) V'r YOUIl OWN PltlCluH,
and consists of FULL LtNC of
und COATi iu endlces vuticty iu all
jri l'ti lr A full mi l comploto
uIh, TrunkN,VallH,
Wo Lavt even tiling kept in a Erat
every articlo, without rvaervu V'!1 JiHAHT M ptr cent.
JIiiilMr tbun can be bought in thin section of the fcMute.
Keineuibur wo aro soiling a'.l oar goods at J luiael I.'ricoaj,
in order to rloao out tho olJ linn. Como at onco hv BMitiAlSS,
JUincuilcr tbal we mean just wbat e any.
s KeHicctful!y,
Weis & Oppenheimer,
Oet. 21. 1S7S. S. linarrrove, Ta.
'V rlV 1 ti o ti r 1
Portiblo Sjaa
Htetin I'vwcr Tbreklifr
tud Pejatalur
rPllF, IV.IIMItH ia tho inoal tn-lf-et
' Uraln I'hre-bi r. S.trr an I rlsmsr In "Lo
M.atMI'iilK l nitot lor lt s i .n:l f -n y ,
j ImreVl liy. iirMrs; ,- ,,j sa.i,r.i.
I ti a. ii'l letitn .irin r m,l Klu.l-. u
I m, I'st nis I'nenti, ta-y Kee.lloa
: anil Vlaiia iua .1, i.uijtne.i .if nrll, i ksau-
cr wi n"i,ir, a-i.i r.i-s int e int-ii.
t'vr lurtbsr lul iriiisti iu ai a r a l irs
EEj,',IN ULRICil, A3C.t
Judo 1V78 tf. H. lius.rovu. l'a.
tfanliood : Ho.v Lost. Ho KestoreJ.
Jtisl publirhe I. a new edition ef
la. tl LVB il tl CtllBSMtS
Ksssv on lha radical cure Isiih.
nit medicine) nf Hperinnluri hii! t or .ii'iul
nil H'l'alnens, liivjlitniary Hi-'n mil tin
es, Imputeney, Menial aul Fhyicul lu
cspsuiiy, lniiedinienia lu Marriage. e;u ;
also, t'aiisum tinn, t pilepy aad Kits, In
duced by SflMudutgauot ur iXul txira
vsgsnce, At.
(uyi'rioc, ta a sealed eoielope, ooly
Tha cilt'braled author, in llils !'nr,
cli-urly Ui'iuountrsiei, from thirty )eii'
suoreoful prsotiee, thai tbt alruiin
onnseipieuras ol seU-abuse may bo r uli-
I ,.. rnr.,1
'miiT curru
ilhnut th danierniis u-t uf
wrmcina or ma s( iiic .noil ar
the kuift t poinlitit out a mods uf etii- nt
I - . ' .
t,Uet '""j kC"",,n
J metui of which avery
anil etftclual by
sufferer, on Dialler
may bt , uiav cur
biiaislf cheaply, privately, aud "iiirjy.
in"iiiis Ltotnrt tbould bt iu iht
bauds nf every youth and over man ia
tbt land.
tienl un Irr stnl, in a plain euvrlopr. lo
any adress,, on rtceiptof
Cents or two pollers siainpt.
Address the Publisher!.
41 Abn St., New York ; l'oit ull:ce lloi i 3S8
Sept. 7. U7. ly.
TUlNnw MEfBEil Post
Ta any Atdre in the Uitittil
Until January Int. 1870.
TUe Km Tork Kiantna P-f shows no fa-.tlni;
off slues lha deiih uf Me. Mrysnt. but ili.i
t lilrsry, if ii llili,i(;HprlinO. :( Main. )'.'iilD.
It nislutaina lha biui 'u ur. uii ,r It by
the ln Mr. -(Uiiiia lleirsl'l.
Th nf anii ueasipar by all oiiila.
(b-inisvlile. tinrier Journal-
The ln1li re r tant-llrs arrn on dally of
New Yurt rliy. iNew H.irn (Vuumunweallli.
Tl.a wlaeal sa t sunn 'est ot II our uawsusitrs.
-(New York Uitriianili-ul.
nas a vary ' lara cln-ultilon itself tba ra
pevtshle rtaainf publla of thitctiy. M. Y.
AiwapiMatlha H iulh aa tha ba.l author Uy
ob toy Subjects. I New Urlsaks Tlniat.
Ssml. Weakly, taa yssr. .........
Uaily, oos year.....
.Specimen Copies Free)
V. O. BttYANT Jfc CO.,
Uratawsy k rilltoa wlraet. New York .
" A-WHinrnoo Notioo. , ,
ALL ptrstat iaurotttd art ktvtby aof.
ltd '.kat Htury Hunter nf Was I
kVavas Istb- Dayaar cm., asta aa seal ass aal
at oil bis eaVeis, east aat aaranaal la the na-
S re b s baaaal Wkia ee 4 1 lore. All
xiwlliuiii. it art re. aali4 an .rttes
stylus, color and Trices.
lioo rf 1IATN & CAl'N.
1 JiulrolIuM and
- cliirs Clotbitiff Ptoro, and will ed
I'lirnlluru Slro,
MIN ef . i -V sue the IiRI'iJ M'out.)
KEF.TS ennttan')- on hun I a full sti ply
i f Utst ' Kuiuiuire. iuciu.iiti
I H MI!KK M I'll . V IMiSUlt aud tMNt
"KAI'Kl Oil tlHS. LULXijKS. HOFAts.
.to . an I reuses to oiutr auyluiiig deaittl
in 'lie fitri.iiuis line.
I TIN'l i:i l TAKl IN
a "pei'ialny. Ati sa rtia -ot "I t'uthin ai
ways in stmt, also teat, p'aiu tud verj
but dbrouii.
Miiv :if.';.
V, ii, MVliA
Mr.iarr Stiti'iii. Sniltr I'll.
Aite-i fur Hi I ais-l 1 p' jrsl Ti'kb aa W a.
tli Wiiu.i,mi't Uimiiii, UaiTiau, AX-
as BuLTias) I ton H. . ae. laantfirThs 1 V( M EltS and I ATI
VI I. LI", Motusl Kits lutursuoe, aal ulnar
r.rit i'a Ouio-aolas.
t).n.'S autl ivililftict at Welter Station,
Ucu ,';a r.
fa its fMt u4 W-a DALUB
II talKetl KRU thtkt MVeaa-Lw itsal Wttpt Of IKsa I
fcrm eV-il I.i4 Irvttit tm,f (ulifflhu sb
Um MlMf 'llftWiilg 'trial. tUnJaOat)llw.alOf
u pr. rwuh vn rot bt nil nr ki.r'. :
Tt 4-r4 la ttsui Uutu.f iibUi cu iui
mh t p'l ttru tU It r-, lUsfel
il 4vvir frtvl. ctra y m fotn niini. JU mr t
4 tsfktai sviii it m iov j 4 tv eyM.
TL Ctab to ftv f t. j,
ttrr til .U tb rtirurw iml hti-4i,
! ) J.Ba0l CD lutYir II iwinc i ftoJ H 4ia I
. Itt sl lufc raMI Ol I lk I rtlM li
II it im mm airiiwwM or m I
tamrlCatl IU M tetanus., fttstf e IM i
rai w.iti llMtwrn rml f Uawu i4 UUtM
Um T.M 10 MaatA. bu4 b m aUllWBt I .
Itoi ;. IU MATMr r ifedl Uf i IU t
lmm m mmur mmnt ra. n4 MnvarBt I
iu MarhiH rrputtj rWlMtil! m1 j
IU tlAftAaU sV I Jlt my Itkk eHaMf- I
AMlU W tni-clua )rvuru.irva.. I
ant-. m fknu-. tuM lMlt 1
rilmMiri" 'f iiM arvA, 4Vsaaic i
fcW attssaaWal itct nramnt V Ua tTr bt I
a-k ft ntUrT-CaUAM HKWIPa
faTlaV UtaaJ th mciy wturb hu
wtwld coa. f ik hmUwtr mmm t la-a
at fieli
Ilk HI
n aaaiac
whara 11 r4npa.i1 aalasta.
W, awweaar. billy airislals fwa 0
aalw was a aVMaataiab ataats. a-
oa.4 Una libaialla, aa will be aas
mmm as as. Hat mf a. a.i '
4ia.aas.afca tw awalla," w
aa SiM.a. Sseltla' IS1 1
Ijal as a mmi alsa ear Iba as
mciitia mmi mi r
BOO W ALU ur ar.
.uimwiTHPUi immune i
JLUillUiUilii . i UlllUlUIlU ,
Lower Than Ever !
WTFn- ttwd for tvsr? etaie
aa1 Tsirltft In the I nh.a II fslrcslarf
f.ld fan at artitrett ba Neils It so ft.
Clulk Street, L)l ls.
CiilLMll'S SHOES !
IV tar twltt at long with tlibtr the
Or A. B T. Co."
AOns WsSTm-rorihst'it ami faV
! .alllnv riilirlst Hixiks snd HI'U-s.
n-l rednos.l It per tual. MsTioata lte
aisaisvt'W.. i-aiia , ra.
, Ail ijaiUta JJilsvJ.
Ben'ou'l Cpolns Pni riestor.
g 1 III arti 'is is sot M't rtMIV poft'sassj
vsTsnrHia.ry msrit. ur i'iavu una r"imuinj
i li,;gl-a. ta V nr nu lailir, Iu ti IU
LuJ laal ihs va II trut. Il II lar'nIpsrlB
ol hsne.l t. tnsr. tt ehnisloisa
Ilia's as elatannli a lii. lt 11 lo relli.s
lis a al uoss. trntlisn a il o irs wusrs
tLia CM st aud Wcsltis! ef tst let, ills-
.! K..ias. I.ilni sikI t'lil'i neu'llx,
SrklisuuiAt.i:a. Mtfitsl fe' at.
I lslli us, sail all l-'fsl aebas ant vla. II i-.
Liiiv -nais"i roii.S'if avar nevieeu. oii.i
fit sit llnual.ii Hr-l .e . -ents
A P sial t ant il l ui ll!i nur Mrs will
Imais la rstara, nar lllu.lrn's I niieulart
41 el t Hua-' ianilitilnK ( 'ttiiw. Hi asu a
viit..s jlai,ufssi,ursri, all Vtl sussi,
siaa Vorl.
IP Ail theTlnis.
err hail ttnmt ill-
from tb" Imiwrisrt
ilia aU4l eosi.
I'eM li.nesr . r i in In Assntu nJ lata
toat tvpr tie4ns V u. .Nstr'a
tree. TH I ' iiUa T a i K IIM S IM I'n.,
F.O H-'I. t.:. II Ji Vesaf t. !a Vor.
.iianafsnuia.i t trb't'v fl it-elitsa I'lanosl
U a eil oireet to Isinlili.s limn our til Fs
t'irr al lnoesi an.sto-itl.. i r . Ileauilivt na
f i eias, t:oreouil 1'lm.m. n t on (rial
li.i osud In u-s. Ils'iev lMs-uunt lo i ll
l aytre. litis1 r imv uii'il j ut 'e I ue llslll lutstaat fuu Alsilsl fret.
Agenta, Ecad Thts. Assuti a Hlirv uf tllJ 9"t
tn ntti irinii'ii.t. nraU i a l.irsa S'tinaiii
-I Mi tj is l our uns aoJ si n.Ui (ul Invanl Ins.
nis.u l nt iif. a I imi, ultUout islr.
fe'ia-HMANN act.. MitriUall, lll.b.
nt ' NOV I'lUIH with nuns, n., 1 lain
'O'T '1 11. I'll e'yl .Vn Ouiflt Ut
III Ll.kl U., Iluilsou. N. V .
t a ertstn smt speety enra l"r lninparso".
Il les'r all i.tlie '"r alcohoilo li'mrt
sn.l u tlia uarvuns teui. Attar a J
bsoeh.or sav li.iam'. rl ln !nlenoe. aelnaio
t... l I isiu ita all me-in au I puyel
"ui .lejire-.i'ie. It a!.'! piifaisr Ut.iU or
dim . i v s 1 1 r 4 1 a an. i Turn i oi i V i f Ilia Lit
ta. !- M hv .il ilrost ets I' l p. r
tl-. 1'a'nt.hlet en Alendel, Its I. fleets, un. In.
liti'eri.e-e s s iiss. ' ent fr. s ..n writing
tithe Kaihi Iatmw T aebSiSta
Man r u u.i., w H-uJ m.. . v.
Jr.tnv.n'a Aie-lyna l.tnlnianl alll iiH aly
preeejt lute varrl te.M.ome sn.l wi'l io'lttv
Ivru.e n! r- In ten. lut.rin-tl.o llial
wl I jts insnv live- ent ires i.y in ill. Ii.ib'I
' u. ..ent. I'reraril n Baiter ttiuo
,uts I.H Jtk-n . Oi , i.'aoiior. Mains.
e "A.'S'f.'f A 'iii"l fc'IKNT in
1 ,l5 1 O ikf" Ml LIU, -irir,
til J If n'ti Intf t.wll- f r tllO 'rtl 'lil.l ulil srt A'les tn Kit n-rl.t. Tl;i t 'l pro
Ui", writs si 'in e in . V. Nt4UilUolurlnK CO,
. CUuti'u i Isi'a, Mi York.
r Will .lltrtnttlio ItuLliI 1 VI ill'Pols it 100
..iu lur
,1(. I "IllfSl.., E. , , ' ...'-..
iV , rice, lur ei'U. sfLI.Niilll U.t'lVN
I rtt iu ree.i- es. Dunn wna r.ui ,i.e
.. . .A-.i'J.A.k.. l..l&A.i I ..I Li fl IB.
sail ltn'-r; .Vi" Ml I'H.VIH ;, T 1 I .In
a, p.'rrdui-1 i't , .n. ..... .
A.N I til 11 Iflnusl I jitlirfilM MlllaJ.
leal lull I'.f II ii Ii r. iv 4 r r. 11 s si
ins, .Usiisuuluisri X iioaiati, ii b. lllii
a nt.w r.xoiriNa hodk
liriMl 114 fnwim AiVfcN of
I Le u t r aui hwn'l" sn I p,r;i te I el.ean wit-
tl.a. it ) t'i 1 uri ' tt'iui .'.n..'ij sj.i-ir. 11 hi.
.1 1. Ii-.l! v iti.u. a till. Imi t .11 1111 w in-
larlul ili-e.ies.-l -s In Alrl-i anl luarvalniis
j..uil.s il uti ti 1 ut.s: '- H I- Uln osilflit as
r-uisiien, fr'uue!y . ra-a I. au.l tnhbly
tilu el Ii It.srliir'y -.ui u ol. A iu sm I 1 tu S. . d.y Niarlv I 1,0 11 sui-l Mnra
AliLNi'S WANi'BU. Wr.
II A. .1) Ui.O-, Publi.usri, Piitl ide.f a. a, 1'a.
r.ii.uij' l'uri.ia I'll t inuk New IMeti
ItliHid, nn.l will cn.i'pletalv eb:tntfa lua LIikhI
In tea at tlia -y cu In t .me mon:ht. Aoy
I etnii who will inks I '..1saeh ii iiM fro-o 1
io 11 wren may i.a ro-t-.ta I iuml bsatib,
II 111 0I1 athln4 la nn-:.). sent by mail fur
letter sta.ujii 1. a. .Ull..-u.N a Co., liais
.H.-w.t,,,. 1. M'T I.l.Veine. I
..41.14 yr-t Ati i f ifnitvii ft r
' ..4 t -fari.f utafil 4u t e'irt.- m 4 i 0hw
t- ta!. a. fti .4. 1 W . ht Iwa lu'tkrwn
-r t Aa ev I ft. arr t sit-- ui r f
Ui bled vta ('. V Mw ttl J,tit--'t aay
'I vtw t U aj e-t, uMw.i tl.iB, Pol 'if ft,
av 0- A. ' kfi.t 4 -(!., J .iwit rj. Tit.
O F. W A1U LE,nBrl Aint, PblUUlpw,
J. W, M. 1 1 Chamberlain.
lifters his ssre less to ths alilseai ol bt.der fc
IJ'.inltt nuuils.. lie Is a para, tli sl Paver,
haasaratideaiiiliil.ti wu k as w-ll aid is
thesp as en ba dual aoywbsre. Ua taa aw
sta ur aodieia.l al
aT Orders piemptly atttailtd ojtj
Psrieae kanlas koi'aa - -ia4 befsr
llvt I'w aa aarl
i..Ttsi I'Vr'iW
atavaf 0MVmfr