The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, December 05, 1878, Image 2

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    no Post.
TJddlebwg, Def.. 5j 1873,
J. Cl J JJi, Eltor k rVtpreior.
.n: " ' , 1
1 he Consul oM 833.
Frw'i ninfiry step have been taken
111 CoDifr-" in iieparatiint fr I lie
work of taking tho census of 18SJ.
Tbo ol.tcf i)uruon iu view by Ihe
Cooaii'utiou iu lojwinjr census
every I oil yosrs was the l.iyimt of a
lusis for t'ie apportionment of rep
rest o'ation and the imposition of
1iroet tmes. Hut ( the develop
loeut of statistical science tue ceo-
i n U t bocorsi to bi ft grand
stro uut for tue collUija and aitTu
sion of vidaable infonw'oo- It is
i I n r n bnrrcn aiutimeiation of
i-rnn, l"it ft ciirirebenBivo exbibil
f tb id il 1 ma'-erkl progress
of onr jih-;'I
i t iiHiis, prepared onuor
,t..i s-.tptt vision, of Oou. Frauuie
Vl!iT, lar b-1jumoI every othpr
ci-usiu it this country aud, indued,
okcoIIm I tltn eoteinp irary census of
nny otU.T c xintry iii its scientific
ftrran;;riuoiit and the wide range of
inform i.'ioo which is presntcd. Hut
4 in. V i'i ,t worlto 1 ia the f.ico of
sotiou ul-nt-it-lns iu Ibe law, which
he ii.liNit-t 1 in l.ii report t find with
pr.(.T (!!), ;ro.HHion:l action, tliinie
ob-titf!" pah be no fur removed or
r -iii.' that tbo census of lSiO
will bo a ib'cidod improvement on
the excellent rocort
.. . njwweweW 1
Tiro lit-H theory witb reference
to tbo nto-.tlitiif of the body of A. T
Stewart, in, tltut tlio tboft was ac
tuated by n spirit of roveno. This
is expl.titiu 1 na fUows:.V number
uf year , I no Rooa tbo story)Mr.
jftewert putclmsnd a lot of property
wLiicJi inula led t church and ad
joining graveyard. Tbo terms of the
uirelia-it ixipiin-il JMr. Stowart to
have nil tbu bodies of tbo dead in
tlio tiui.t cemetery roioterroit in a
duxi'untcd plucs. It is alleged that
in the performance of this work Mr.
Stewart took advantage of a flaw in
tbo articles of sale, and insttadof
rouiovit)) mi l re intorriug tbo duHil
Uomutly and iu order, tbo bouen
wcru pniiiiiHouoiiHly thrown into
wh'oub uuJ the roinaiuu of scores
buriu.l in a t'oinnion (jiare. Tbo
tbtory n.ferrtid to is, in effect, Hint
8 mu of tbo friuudu of tbo dead tbtiH
ia.ltK-cuily moved front one rcHliu
plitco t-j nuiiilu r, iu a vpiiit of
rnvcno rrtnliutcd by Rteuling tbu
reinaiue of StvMurt. Tbere may be
nutbiu;; in tl.iH Htory, but it 13 bav
inj a nido rirru'ution.
Tlio (iuvnnor hut Binned the
! ntb wnriuit of Ktboe, and nitb it
tbunn of olbor iniirdurei'ii, three
of u bom a o airto Mollie Manireti.
Mai ton Hir'fii wuh associated witb
Kt boo iu Schii; lkill co., and Sbarpo
and MrO .uik'1 were two or tbo t'ai
bou county MoMien. Tboy were all
fault- trioJ and justly i ondou njil,
ftud jiMtiru will lu.wert herself, after
many de.ayo, iu tboir execiiti u.
Tbo Cftli upo i tho li -t i-i Alexander
".."NkVUJB, WHO KIIOl UI9 wifo ma
cbutcb iu i'LuiuAJhu about a voar
Otn (iiiv.iiNoi.8..Sinee the odmi.
tiun of tho Cuiistitutioii of 17'.)0
luiikiu' tho i)f.i.-t; el. ctive, PtunHjl
tiiiiiil bus had n-vt nlocu (lovelliurrt.
OflucM', tlniu served nine yeais
each, m. hi i v. d nix yeara each, nnd
tiv'ht nerved three vcars each. Tbev
wne all iiulivit, of tho statu, three of I
tbem having tweii boru iu Uerks
C'junly, threo in Muiitjjonieary, two
iu I'ontrts two in cstiuoreland,
one iu each of tho counties of
IMiiludelphiu, ChiAler, Lancaster.
Ciiiiibeiliuid, I'liinhliii, Noithuuitou
llJ XcftLvniUrLiuf,
A footir of tho public ca;ih cou
tnbiitiiiiis of homo forty odd cities
oi.d towii-J for tho r lief of the yel
low fever suH'ereiH, hhowg a total of
l,a.iJ.oq:. This includes only
the dmn.tijut of money made through
the authorities, nml not tho great
til. oh which Ijuvu been raised in
ntber wiiyii. 1 1 in probably not ex
travaaiit to say that the country
hi tit tint less iht.u tuo million uud a
half in money t tho htrieken dis
tricts. LeaiiUs the ciTeittigs of vari
vm kin.!.
The iiivehii itioii
into tho cause
of the tiro at l iipo My has resulted
in fustmiu etiKpicion'of tho ciime
of iiiCoiiibnriMU on ui;S. It. Luudlam
the prnprittor of l io l.:eau House,
in which tho Iii . i oi ii-iuated. Char
ity induce the Uliof that the niau-is
:.. it .. : i
,m... a..., ,..- eiey j uMieo ih ;
r "; '"4 " vn 11 :pol
iu', it ,u, nut iii-vii wiin iu inti !I1H
liniid when the deed wj done, ho
will be so disposed of that ho will
but BvloU repeat it.
Lord Lurmk, the imw Governor
flBnend of the Cutin di.iu dominion,
Las rtnehod bis destiuaiiou aud was
received by the populace with great
tlomotistrutious of ciithusiusm aud
tolt asure. 'I h subjects of Her
Msjesty in the north appear to be
woudel fully elated with thy idea of
baviui; thu daughter sud sou-in-law
of their (i'letu witb them.
General Grant was offered a
Kn ghthood by the King of Portu
gal, b eh, of coin o, he declined,
ilis owu groat cnioer in this couutry
uivea bitn more renowu than could
I done by all tbe Knihthootls that
11 the sovereigns of the world could
lieStOW pl OU lillll
President Hayes hud fcr gueste at
tJie TliHiikjritvog diuner at the
White House Thursday, the families
of hie Hdcrelaries aud c.ei Iu.
Tn bit forthcoming inesstge Presi,
. dont tViiyea Hill lake strong eronnds
gainst the outrages and violations
oi law tu in touib during tbe Utt
ULD CF $2,930.
Our&lars CaiiQht and Money Recsvor
It waa evident to t hone about town
Pbiirwdiiy Ai"toi unuii that omotliinit
whs nflint in pjlice circles, since t:va
iuarb)U uud otburs were ffni.'u l t )
nnd fro mi a still bunt for siinthi!tfr
It tuiruinated nt evcui". iu Uie cap
tnre tf tbreo feilti'wi named l'eter.
'erry and VYi'mou ninamau fir the
robliHiy (A old uiiiu Hunter, tbu
uiht Wf.irp, to tim tiino of some
'.'.,HM). J be ciicuulntauCes are as
follows i
The ol.l gonttoraan liven alone in
.1 Ift'o'o bouse on Kilborne street,
ouar the railroad, and buin worth
uiuob property accunvilateJooti
Hideiable on mi ey iu tbo luuse. Mr.
Cupp's wifo . of our place in bi
daughter, uud hii family are in the
l'il it of providing the oi l man hix
victuals. Tboir little b.iy Wssoy
took bis bioakfant to him Tliitrsday
morning, nd the til I oiillom an
ored bitn to lelurii iipinedi ttoly,
nu t tilt bis mother to come there as
be bad something awful lo tell her
She hurriul through itb bor morn
in's work, and went there as re
quested when hor father under a sol
emn promise of secrecy, to tell no
body of it. informed her that abont
12 or 1 o clock tbo nk'ht before be
awoko aud found bis inotioy bad
beeu stolen. be.idti four silver watch
es. Mrs. Cupp went home burden
ed with tho artful seel et, aud wh'ou
bur husbaud caino to dinner, sho
made bim proiuiso likowiK'o to keej)
tlio secret lieioro she would c iininii"
nioatu it. i'hilin thoilL'ht a hid1
promise bolter broken that kept, Paper teelli sro a new invention
betico when bo beard the story de oaiuatiy, and a number of npeci
clareil at ouco that bo bad a lirettv 1 '"8 were uiphiyd at tho late in-
Hood idea who did the deed, siuco
lureo leiiows ImJ been working
about lieie all summer, sod, bavini;
uomo from tho samo uei 'hborhood
iu .'uiinsylvauift where Mr. 7uater
formeily lived, they were iu the
habit of visiting bim, as well a-t oth
er uiumbors of the family, aud would
be likely to know that the old man
bad money uboct the house, and
from what he knew or did not know
about them would be uouo too jfoo 1
to tako it if thoy bad a clinuco. which
was not wanting. 'After diuner be
seut word to Levi and John Ilea tor,
sons of the old eutlumau, and alsj
informed Kill Mayne, tho .Marshul,
who, ou learning of theso suspicious,
aud the tact that one of the follows,
at least, was thou at work for Alex
Tittle aud the others about tbere,
procured a horse aud but(y and
mudu for Alex. s place. Mrs Tittle
told hiui that the chap was then at
work helping to draw iu corn fodder,
also that be came in the night be
fore, about 1 o clock iu the moruin
Bill waited until ho came up with
the loud from tho field, uud, taking
him iuto the biigy, started f.n
towu ; but proceeded only a littlu
way when he stuck the robbery ut
the feilow, and told him it would bo
the best thing bo could do to tell
where the money was. Tho robber
became soured, and under the u.-sur
slice that they would bo easy with
him told the Marshal where his part
oi iiio "swug was una. ll.ey weut
back to TiV.'u'b bum, aud, after dig
giugsomo time iu '.'. o bay under tho
com fodder they had that day piled
upon it, a package was brought out,
of some $l)'J. Hill was ccitaiu then
that the other two fellows had the
i balance. He found them around
oue side of the bouse whittling with
jack-knives, and drawing bis revolv
er told tbem to drop their knives,
which they did insluuter. Now,"
said he, "1 want to kiio.v where that
money is you took of old man cat
er. I saw you get over tho fence
last night, and there '.- iio iibo deny
ing it, for joy eyes do not deceive
Tho fellows wilted, and wont with
him to get it. Ono bad iiidden his
iu tbo ground under a board, the
other iu a pilo of fence posts. Tho
packages hud been divided with no
referenco to tho amount euch con
tained, but altogether ?l,7l'l. 'JLo
watches were also recovered
The chaps wero brought to town,
as related, aud locked up for the
night. The next morning one of
them went with the Marshal to get
a pockotbook, which was found to
contain a lot of pennies and thiu
pliibters, about iu value.
Mr. Heater did not know jmt how
much money ho did have, so is un
certain w hether it is ull obtained yet
or not ; but 11 ay no thinks bo can
get more of it. The
prisoners are
rmmos might
one being an
,J()t brothers a:, their
indicate, but related.
uuelo of nuuthor, etc.
They hud their examination yes-
terduy, aud tho evidence was too
complete to furnish any plea iu do-
feuco i beuco, tbey wore bound over
lo Court, aud in default of bail lock
ed up in jail at Preouiont.
Mr. Heater is very uu fortunate
with bis money. Having lost a larire
amount iu Sinclair's failure, he do
terniiuud to be his own bunker. Hut
that did uot work well, it seems, aud
ho runs great risk of his lifo to keep
money aooui ins unuse, w tie re bo
lives uloue. In reviewing the cane.
one canuot help admire the skill and
acuteuess of Marshal Mayne iu re
covering the money so readily. The
thieves might have persistently de
nied all knowledge of it, and it
would have been dirlloult, if not im
possible, to prove the crime upon
them i but tbe Marshal's knowledge
of human nature euabled bim to
strike tho weak spot the first blow,
and wring the whole thiug out of
Tbe Hester family ought to do
tbo nice thing by him. as but for bis
wit it would have oost tbem proba
bly several hundred dollars to recov
er the money, if tbey die at all.
Btthvut fOLlo,) Local Nu$, Aoo.
France has 83 0J scboxd achir
A fire at Mftrrsville. New ,ir
on Friday, dc&troyod t30,0: j of p
The fiuit Vuok walnut trees
the worl J s'.'j sai 1 to grow ia l'cnt.
Hundreds of persons are fivinjr on
charity in fft'-fll-ild, K iUu I. hi eon-
fce-piouco of tao bus.aoss depression.
Tbo term of the next (fovernor
will commence oij' tho ttiird J'uosdiiy
of January, to contiuu four years.
Whfn a tramp demands a meal of
an Arkansas worn tu she sticks a
piftol uudr his Uuno aud tells bin!
to "oat that."
It is said fiat wtr is inovitable be
tween I'lnland and tiio AtiiMor of
Aftnit.tu, Kilii'i troops areftl
v.iucin on Atg misttn.
Uy an nxtiloiiiiri at ft cil mine nt, Indiinn. on Tburs ltv. Ill
men were killed inntinlly and u
number of others fatally injured.
Thomas S. Power, ilrn fnaiufiii
lurer, of I'hilitdolpbia. dioJ on Wed
nesday inornin?, leaving an estate of
$1U)0,1,0JJ to bo Bsraintilu 1 for by
the heirs.
Tbo total amount of Unito I Stales
taxes collected frjin national banks
since the orauiz itiou of tbo bauk
in system t J tbu prosuut time is
The States which voted for the
licpnblicau ticket at the lain election,
cast tuura than enough of elect nal
votes to el set A l'ltbiduht of tho
Uuito l States.
exhibition in Kerlin. They aro
warranted to b.i fully as durable as
any other toeth.
Robert Harriot, the rodestrinn,
died in bin borne at Jersey City on
Thursday. He was the lirt man to
walk in this couulry one thousand
miles iu oue thou sund consecutive
Old Grandmother Forrey died at
Lancaster ou Suuday morning of
lant week, aged l'.:l yeais. Slio
could clearly roiunmber the Revolu
tion and was well uloug iu years
duiiug tho War of 1312.
A party of forty armed men. on
Wednesday night took from the
jail at La Orange, Kentucky, Ooorge
Williams, a colored nuiihcr, and
hung him to a tnio two lude.i from
towu. He the criui.i,
' Tho national prango of tbo Pa
trons of 111! ih.llldl V met in twelfth
annual session, ut Kieh.uoud, on
Wednesday The repents of the
oflh.'eis showed tho order to bo in a
llo.u i-hing condition t!irjugo,it tU
A workman in a Tiov mill iv,i-i
guiding a red hot iron rod between
two tollers Uj Htiliublod f.'.Vurd,
aud tlie rod entered-month,
passed tlir-i'lgll I'.is round
iiu.l round Ilk. body, llo wa.i fright
fully li'lvn id, yut ho ill re-'ovor.
VLfj pai tic indi-tite l to ns sro
lii:rniiy r..iio-t. M in lUa l.n'
pAymenl, aii-l fin-a wbu have any clnn a
u.iln!l till tl n ii will jilu ia pia'dn: t ia ai.n.i i
uiie. ouln litl I mac (liu II. m la uu In
irui-eaa uf dlkn uil in.
Wtls A Ol'l'KNHF.IMKlt.
Pen. , 'TS. tellui(rove. Pa.
$1,000 IN PREMIUMS !
And Commissions to All.
In every Tu.t Tuwn In the I'oltol SUU tu
lou l aulxvrlpiiun fur Ihe
Sund Qve cenla for o py aud toriaa lo agantt.
Havkcys F-lis!ii!!2 Co,,
Dcc.5,Gw. Burlington, Iowa
Iu I3anktui)toy.
Diitriii Court offic I'nilnt St itn.for Ihe
HVsfrnt Diniriit a l'nii'jh'aHia.
rpiIIS is to civo notice that on the
1. t.Mh i!v ol Noe:nlier A. II. l-Tt, War
rant In IUiiK upty w it l4iul .-int tha .
tat ol v.. I II. .-Her uf MilUinburic In the
County uf I'olun an. State of I'uuiiaylvmila.
wbu hi baan aJiu.lira.l a. Il in truet ui.n bla
own iietltl n; Unit the paymaut of nny lubca
anil tlio ilollvury uf any pru'iartr lielunicluiC 1 1
noli lUmru) i tuUliu ur f ir tile uo, mi l tue
Irai tier of any prniarty by hi n e f irind lan
by law; tbat a ruai-iliiK f tue e'ruilllura nf a-.lil
li.oariiit ii pri ve hir 'tu a, nl euuoe une
ur uiuri. aUti-aa nf bl -l it-, will
a c.mrt "f itaniiruiitv. to l.a lnil.len at Nor.
tlimiiLerlnnil, I'-, ut lit urn to i.f A. C. stiup.
ou, t ., iia'.ire Win. it. Imiwaller E.i.,lla.
ut'ti-r, mi tli Sab day of lie-mu'i-e I). IsTI
al lu'cl.iok I. M. JtiHN II ALL,
I'. S. Maralial, a OioaaebKor.
I'ltUburgh, Nuv. i !;).
In iiunkruptcy.
Vhlriri Court of th L'aUfil .Scif. for the
W'rtlemltittrivt of i"taxiiuuii,
r1HS is to give notice, that on the
X tMh day of November A. l. IT, a War.
rant In Hmaruiity waa i,iiiI aam't the ea.
Utenf I'aior llartinan or tl. mrevllle In tbe
1,'niinty ol Snyi'ar and Stile nf fanoiy Irani,
who baa bavn a ljuilKail a llaukrupt upon b la
own rulltlnni that the payment of any liable
tud Uie ilelitory ol any property belualnic io
fueh lienkrupi to bim or lur bif uie, au-l the
iranler ol any property by Ul tit are l-iris Han
by laat tnal a uiaeiln or the Orel l tun a. tal.l
IliinSrupt to pruva tulr -lebta, ao'l eliouae one
or uiure aalen e of hlf Lalete, will be held at
a Court of Uitnkruptey, to be h il la-i at tlie
uiuoeuf A.O. Mioii.iiii, Kan,., In N riliumber.
laud, !'., bduri Win. O. Datwaller, K i , It,
alaier, on ike W'h day of liana n it a. f). Ul
at II u'cUog A Al. JOIl.tllALL.
U. a. Marabal, at Aleuuoger.
PltUiiurgh.Koy. tS, IbT.
I tint lh fol
coanis bf brts
f roihnanlAr
or Pnvlvr eaunif
jtet lo lbs At t ourt for
nl Hfilitaa nirii.lanL rail t
4 li III eualrar; Ihs isms will
tfAtlrmS'l .
tfAimt of d. P. VMc Alilgset
of Hrsi1!-r ft flm.
Amo.utf H. H. Orlmm Ailf s ofT. J R.
.."Olof Ll Rapltr Ailnir WIIIUn
Srco'int of H. K. Millar Ailnts of Jobs
M. Krrl.Ur.
Awianl -f OitUli Aehrsy, AtaUaM or
Wllil.lB HIMOC.
Ao uiint of A. I. HostriJt Aiilia of Pa
ter taJ.iuau.
f. rnOfSB, Proth'f.
Prolbf't Oiacs, Nov. T, ';.
Wlir- i- lien. J. C. lttioK-r Praal
dnit Jii'lgS f Ilia Ju'lioial t)ilri
fnmpoai of lbs eminties of BnyJar, t'nlon
ami Mifflis an llirsio O'Ntll ant
Sam I. tl .llniok Kins. Aaoil JS'lr
in suit for Hnvdor count bsvs tasutU Iheir
precrpl liAsrinx. ilalo lbs .il'b day ol
Srpi. A. I. IH7. to roe diroll fur
lbs hol'linjr of ao Orptitna' eonrl, ennri
of Common I'laaa, vourl of Itjfr an't Tr
minor ati'l General court of Qaarlrr 8rs
aiont of Ihe panes at Mldillahnra:, for Ihr
rouniy of Snyder, on ibe 2nd Moo Uy. (br
inn Ids fb d.i of Peoeiubar sod
omiiinua ono week.
Notica is IbOTofors haraSy lan lo llir
( orourr, Jantiora of the !,- and Counts
blea tn snd fur the county of Knyder, lo sp
pear in their proprr prmon iib Ibeir rolla
record. InqniKitmi . xnmimiiioiia sud
other renimlirni!a lo do Ihnae t tiingr-
whicu of lunr oihcai end in thnir brbnll
perlein Is tadmio snd wiiooi aud per-
aoni proaeciUinK in lietisilnr Ibe Uommon
onllb ageinat any peraon or paraona nre
trquirrd lo be lli'D snd there alien linr
and not diinriin wllljuel laete st their
peril. Juatioee nre reiiuealed In be punci
ii it I in Ibeir slleaitiiuce si tbe sppuinled
time SKreeily lo noilee.
Oiteo undur bit hand nnd aeal st Ibe
Sheriff's oITk-v Iu MiddleliurJ. Hit itlai
ofO 'l A II . una tliuunanJ eight bundl e 1
'It is worth double its prieo.'
C'da I'Ai, Aderrtiitr,
Full-sat Paper Patterns !
A Snppmr,t H1 tlvfi In frj nnnbr
for l;u, ron'ntn'nsT lullnl.'.e ptirn Ptint
lor ft tatif', or ottllil'i ilft. Krf rubtvrthtr ttt. nivfl, tiiirlnti th rir t tittt
pitirrnt, o Ih lun will b worth mort
tl-tftti th itu-(,tlrllon pric: -t Imprv
uitun wtll tUvi t iQsttU la tfiutr rrieii,
rTstn7i'i M oiziM"f(ntn. ftir
1tM(MR ii ippi l inn, ii oo..rt1 Hr-lri
fHtlfui, 2 atmiaiIU roUr-l fMnn p!t'y
V4 pahs ol inuRh. ntl fthOMt M W0J CUtsl. Ill
prut" Ira I wtrlibuiaUftr
lt tmiuenae elreulallon a .aila Ita rrnp-la.
ru It -i-eml more ua eutelihliunnl. atirlea.
he , man eov oiuor. i niea mure luff toe
inuiiry ibao auy In Ibe eurl.l. Ita
I'hrlUimj Tola and Xwtlties
Are Ihe -I puillibel anyaher. All the
trut ci-iular wnte-a are e-itiiltir-l to write
-rlln.ll( tr Haraiia-iK In !: In a-l Ii
tl.ih tu I a r.aial i lantry nT ahirt airlra,
uvi: iiiimi.'m 1 1. fort itt'i i r N'ivi-
K.rt'KSwM . l?ai i.y Cut H HIOiba, Uanalcl, k'rjDCli Jn4iii llai
eai,.linat Au.U.i, an I "Hit nnrrVal mi. lleeulbir uf'Jutlali AViau'a Wife."
.l.j'uiiif'i f.'jjnf '(tftoi Ftatt
t atio 1 f j, ot!.eit- f hae pUu are anr
I a.i ,.it air-bl, it a lua uaual a t, an I ara tn.
I u I .r .e ny I'ney ll ba tuterblt!.l Ataii, ouuiiebolj a '4 Ulhar raraipta I
in m.? iev-r) inia-iei4 iu la-i'e.
N. Ii. At tlie yiibluticr uu re-utTi tha
r-iituaa tu all uutl RUerlier4, raraii-u!i l
me , kaaier 1'iau aa. Id tact It tbe ohaayett
iu ibe nu.U.
TlHl W.V f Alr iy i t Jdtiurr) it Vir.
aaTKr.utot:i ri i.i.nii'i -w
Twiif'ltilxfir l;1..1il, 3 Optra firfKn
v. Ith eapy uf Hi, premium p .intra till, i 1 i
ktiat l'i.Mn l.'ula iiuilt'en,'' a na l.iliar
aiiiv1i'e. tha peraon etitlon ut ihe t'ii-.
S t uplca mr .'!. rt C,iiea tar t.ilJ, tu
ipli a fur l I,
Willi an tt-a winy o( il-a Mavulre f..F law,
a a pram uoi tu Ibe perion calilut up tue eiue
ft t ojili-a lor 00, T-laalor 10.00. 1,
-oiivaiot il'.t'e.
with h- lii an eitra npy of the Mae-attne f'.r
1MTV. end Uie premium pl -tnre. Sva .Mlar ea
Kieviug, lorha par..n galling up the c'luu.
AdOrena, lmal-lil l,
ac:heftnitt St .' bll.UIphl, I'. Sped.
ii. ma uratlt If wrlllao lur.
Scientific American
TumTr-Kjurvni ybau.
Tha Most Popular Scientific
Paper in
1,10 WOrlU.
Only 20 tf Year, including Foi
tajn, Wefkty. 52 Xumbtrs a
year. look jutyet.
larite Kirat Clara Weekly Mewrpaper of
tiilern Pagt. printed in Ibe tuoat beau-
liful elvle, prufuaelv illustrate 'I with
apleudid enftraviuge, rtprearntinj Ibe
neneat Ibeiiliun and ibe room reoenl
Adiauoee iu Ibe Arts sud Helen iu-
ulU'lmn Mew nnd Iniereaiiii,; t'aet in
Agriculture. Ilurlioulinre, Ibe Home,
fU-blib. Medical rruresiy Sucial Hcieuce
Nauirtil llialury. Geology, Al tonoiny.
The moat vulunbla prauuoal papera. by
euiineut writrr in nil di-psrituenls nf
Science, will be found in tlq Eoieutillc
Term, f S.20 per jresr. f I. CO half year
which include poalago. Duo.Utii in
Agent, Mingle nipiea, len col. Sold
by all Nrwadenlare. Kemil by puain
order In ML'NN 4 CO., rubliahere, 87
I'ark How, ew York.
I.N I lr 10 A M fclllf AN, M U N N
vi, ere runtuuia oi Aineriosn auu
Ktreign I'alenl. Dare had .11 ytttre x
i ... i i .i .
labliihmenl ia ll world. Pstenia are
obi ein td oa lb bet tern. A peeil
umioe i mad in lb HOIKNTIKIC
AMKU1CAM ol all Ineeniiou patented
ibrougli Ibi Agrnoy, with lb nam and
rtmilruce of the r'aienlee. By tbe la.
uieuae circulatlun ihu given, puMio nt.
teuuob is dircoud lo lb meriu of ibe
new patent aud tali- or introduction often
esailjr 'Heeled.. Any poreou who bsa
men n nw uiacovery or invention, ear
aaoeriain, free - of charge, whether
peienl.esn probable be obtained, bv
writing lo l bo undersigned. We aleo tend
rsss our Haud Book sbout ibe Haieol
Use, Fieni,CeH trad Marge, ibeir
cor, and bow pocured, witb hints for
proouring adeanoe oa Invemlor-s. Ad
dree fur lb Fspsr, er couceruiog l'te
37 Park Row. New York
BnlB,.YM Uo,-'r Hb Mi. Wablui i,
Atsgneo't Kotice.
All persons interesUtd are hereby
natiaaS tbat Sew K. Utnbereien of uwaii.
twp.. low a at mas as a
alawMalol allele alfaata, both reat war
euual t. Ihe aailwalgaeA fur lb. bene St ol
ereulteea. All peeaoa kS'lse eledata are re-
t . rT. .,M"." aauaeeeieines,
ons leaeo IpdeteS mul otetae te i -
Kotioa Intdlvont Act
"VTO TICK is hereby ivoi that Oscar
i 11 Rl will nn-t tin itl fMilllin nM
tlimrt ot (mmn Hl , Hi'cminlf of Snfrfrf
mm tl.a Xtm-Amw ..f I l.a ml . It., k . ... ! .
frft'i I. ,.,!. tit Ai t m l thai tha m Will tra
iHinflrni.J bf lh lSiurknal Xoiptiout Im filJ
-' . .m-
J. C Ito t'SK, rrelh'r.
Nov. Slat, UTI.
Atsiynea Notice.
A I'Tj persons interested are here-
V by nntinad that W, CI. I.TTZ, nf
Jaaaann t , ny tar Do.. !. an alenmant
of all nil rnta. renl end para-mat re tna
ilaroaual ii,r Ilia haie ar nf tola ara-lleirt. All
paraiaa Sartne: nlaliva are rai(taiN tn praaant
iiiani lethe ttmlarl-xna I, no. iaona InileifieJ
i III ploae nieke inma'Mia pa rai-nl.
fKHolVAJa Hf llAIA.N.V,
Not. SI.'TS. auiiinee
I1T virtue of ft wrtt of Fieri Farias
li'uort ontnf ISe it.m-t of Ooinn- Hlaa
or S'-yilar rouuiy. Pi.. anJ ia me.ilr. elaS will
Kiivoil an fabile Vendue or Uatcry. an
Friday, Dictmhtr Gth, 1878,
tt I o'elnek. P. M . el Ike (1. trt llnne. In Ibe
linrnite " Mioii'Viir4. tn- inrowiee Soffit.
e l seal r.ataie, to out n tat eerlnle ua
aiiege aS'J
Tract of Laud
llnata In A leut ti- lilu, Snrlae aoai'r.
I a., .iiinilea an. I ilea, rii I ruhia. on Ibe
irt'i by lai If of I nni il-iitar, 'teri itnitn t
anS llo ert emlii. S 'iia by Ui.U of It i-l-l ,
Klloe an I -M h ia I Ku. van by In I r .loan
tlixij, and Wa.l by I oJ of Hubert aaiilU, eun. 1
11.3 Acre3
more or left, whoreon ere ereotti s LO'J '
Vtcellinj ILtu.1t, Sprtnj Home,,
It. t 'i It Darn, '
ami Mbar eatbnihlloaa, at ef tta.
l.niS. ,
KeliaJ. taken le exaulian and to be ml-i ty
II KISKN'Htir. l-bana.
ffherl.'l Diane, M Wd lebarK, Ko. II. l"7s.
rpnF, nndt rsigiir-il. has on hand nnd
a mahaa to orlr all k'nil. or ll .ria l irnil.
Ineenlaat HANio PHn'KS Ut t'.ih. rne
rlieipMt plai-e lubuT In ihe rrnmy '"mnu
aa my al iek before pureliln alMwbar- an I
b ernrlnen,! tli tt 1 em a i: ti li unilai-i"l I In
tiia line ol II ir. e. KvMiea, Hi.lla-e. Wnlp,
a . ae, WiirS arrant. io ala stliUcil j .
All work pruuipt'.y aOna-J tu.
In all litbraaokaa daae seatl aoJ cl.aap at
uia iiwp, i
It. 2. 8Tr.ISIN(Plt,
AllJJIebara, pa
akop on Maikal SI., a few duura w.i ..f l.rua
lure. Ker.
jfOTK'K of Wi lows Appraise fiMi.t-'
111 under the $:itil) Law Not icp in
hereby riven Ibst Ihe following widow
apprsiaemente hive been flUd wiih ihi
Clerk nf Ihe Orphan' Court of rlpjdrr ('.,
for ronfirmntion on Monday, the ftib day
of flee. nxl.
Aporalement of Mary Snatber wlliwof
Jaeob Kebeilier. dec's., leteuf centre t ";.lili..
Appralaemaiit of Wary r
II hkalley, UicJ, leieef Waa
Sba ly wiilnw ef U.
I'eiry twp.
Nov. H, '7.
1. OUCH'. Ulari I), l.
3-Eutton Kid Glover,
FRKrdl'lI AND KNtJl.ISlI C'a.b.aere
ifi Klryant HIl.K JjP.IXS r.i
(''. uj'uaerlbere, tl lUtf, lo
TKHt : .eir. wl b Lj
atuictiea lor Cluba. Spe-iuiou .ta.nb.r,
III aia.
rS.'send for Cluli.leliar'e Hpe-iil fir--ylr.
eotiaiuio, fu.l particular of iSii
'pleudid offer, -
T S. ArtTIH'K HilV,
Svv 7. 2 w. fl . 8, lib Hi , Vhil'e.
t foi rp)lsi iit -il l p. u i w.tti oi ou
u4 A ii'it Brut erof ;lf . uiut
Buckoyo Forco Pump,
l ha lluriey la Co r lu'e-il liniiniva-iiam
In fu.u.x, It le eu-iiruo4 with Sir-i-baui iara
wlce.i mai II vrr y tu utarata. Cl.iaa eau
ha attat-lie.l to the ll-le, aa P.mi.,. ati I water rati uim ana I'OU.IIn In raaa uf nra.
Yun ran wai-r f ine iar. I.n a-ul YarJ, Waal
WinJuaa, Wa.a lliiKgiaa, and bare a
rr W iii iuf otfu M uu nor wl
thftu iu onliB4r atii.u(i. It
Canuot Freazo
In oil 1 wthf. I ii-lU bv n t Joitt, TS-
yrfii;i-nnfin1"Si wiii, Tn wurtiiiii !-rlt
Itiii ilo4 W.sjiuUtr. .N Jtuliis; io Jrcay ftUout t
1(0.1 Turbl.13 Wind Cu'jino
It tift frtt ItiimvA'aSi.l In Win-I K' sfiiti.
i :tsn tt t'lAMs, pa u. u npiraitiiit, tip fur
llftrl.JUl.ftTs sVit.Utlrl
w. l, UK i rurv,
Oct.Sl7i:r, VlOiu tttiuuij, Ta.
Sewing sMachine
Unrivaled in Appearance.
Unparalleled in Simplicity,
Unsurpassed in Construction,
Unprecedented in Popularity,
And Undisputed in the Broad Claim
ereaweiat . .'V
Xloet Perfect Sewing HacMne
Tb srw I pepstertN si Well It
SStokia Irlaaita te lie aactllanca ana a
ever olbar ataebleaa. aa 1 aubaliSaa
IreSa w pot II uewa K eialta, aa4 la ee ImNmos
la It la wr.
wea it etr tot mmsi is SSustr SM
Two sesNiMl rarrha WMt bo IwereatW I task
SSSahMl tajal we Srs sow OeaapeUeS U bar owl
r tin wo a saal&wtaa ta
VaVW (4.V ttM7
Mae) I ii eat I "
tef aiae M y"1 I wan, see)
waw jo Seel " " '
cm warzaTiT
4 . .
i . i, i
- fer
Hurrah fof another Large Biiis!
There b nothing clingy cr forbidding nbout OAK HALL
this Fall. The personal nttcrtion of Mr, Waniirnaler r'M
briglitcntd up everything about the place, and the F-dj buyers
$700,000 lo Clothing auj Clotlui is under trj'broad
roof, end , '
Tho Sils aiQzi thg flzco
shows that tlie people luve discovered that
t -e. t, -. . .
miu umr, uiicr an, i; is ucm io ft
49 Sliek lo Old Friends.
Hie fact is, we have outstripped every former eflfoit, and put
forward, this sca&on,
WelTOly onourTRUE andi TRIED COona at
anil,- on the ba-is of low priecs, Rood toods, and ihoroiith
sntisfdctioa to our cuitonrs, tropo to tio a Lircr buiiucss
than ever.
S. E. Cor. Sixth and Market St3.,
J. B.-Mt ewe olj Aulaanarn trtl fe Uim4 on ewr fiot.
com ny. !-r - -
i m i 'oiiTA is y nW'F A J rMEK A s sr
new tartta.YTn daiHaVtWr-y Vi'ty c'b'ataJ Marl al polnta eluue t' e S. fc U. M H. at l a.r
.UI. Au i.f liiiMiinilii.MI.I, .. wan l.i.r. a ............ .1..-. a... k r. -. . .
jbaak.uiau by Ueoree II. Ckv , Mate tieo:v(lat cl Maw .tertef, tbswe a Iblpwe t
I nn. ennnin Ario, t C-l He.
C i inr Ai m, 40 1 '0 It e.
I I'Uil, T . Ila.
I- 1 I 111 It,
tiaoareia, tl-ielba.
The Wiwt Jaraey Varl IVo-ii
i el Pfea1if hvo their
n. tborvbgk y ttilieil, (4 lta pledge Ibab.aeliae to (eppif atari ek'al tt tbo taiapla aaall
I"" Wtr! tt adapiaS ta all elearet rf aoll aii.l erupt, at c auotraut taallaudalltaa beebaea
It urn l uert aaJ truiaoj.s ol lie remarkable wurtn al o
Ita arcrtitnentr af ' brrt-linile Ar',1 anil Paiaak elnne male II al enre tbe rketpeel at keeltf
' . at-ii.l taltie to ibe tarineit ef eiet 1 p.r tutual or . pet laK
I uilbar lUuri.alloD, Oe , kl.lba glfaa by
1.'. "IH
Ladies Coats.
Iadie3 Coats aro in great demand at present.
Every lady in Snyder county can bo supplied
S. WEIS', Selinsgrove,
thoro are stacks of them there, which in qual
ity and cheapness cannot be equaled. ,
t '.I tf IB P.Tg.!' Wt W
Everybody is invited
lino of Tinnmra o?rri
prices aro unquestionably lower'than ever, i
: ' . '' -."'
Oct. 10. T3. . ' ' .
laMlere of ada.lnlatr.IUn na aoaia www
en lb aetata of Lenta Neraeoo 4oed, )U
of A.lamt Tuwnaklo, SnySar e--l,
a-awa a
htwi eaaw e 'a a pa a- if
parawM kew- I - .
eatate are r - - - -w
-t, whito ,
. -.a) 4. I
r tV:
' del
f. ' . '
l'ui'T xtpievlsoa
II MO li-a.
Il tb be.
rot Ir. tn tha Inn tn tha bntnm mt tha
J. Cttor.K. Aft. MiddJebnrff,
VOSKS SI'KCH r, Agt.. IWertowa
Ladies Coats.
! V
to call ql cso the full
v Airnv r oi. n.
Bospeotfulll . , .
. . f . WEIEJ.
Acik:3trjiv":,3 rtr:
lereef a-u MI a
- ; .1;:
",, e'i a,
A4T1 a au wwiTwttawl Bat (tlw