The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, December 05, 1878, Image 1

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j ! '.' '., ,,,.b. t .x ....,...,("-- ' " .
:.. ' - - - - ---- 11 i. : "r,mmm ' ' .'' ""' ', w r----
1 A- " J inswrtton,
ft .jr.rJ and Lwlnejs crirrls of
c L.MI lines, Mr jrmr,
Jr, LMBQtor, Adminismtor
r-J Attn Notices,
r '"Tried itotioM pr Hoe.
.ii wiiiMimcnii tor m snorter pe
Hr4 Ummi one year art paysble at the
ttrH " Are ordered, and if not paid
th '"won ordering them will inj held
m Alele for tho monav.
Dh'I step m paper. vi atari
Paa'l atflka ay. raaia aff
rTaa hew thetlae ere atri egtst,
, aeiiare aere la gat
feat tag a llula kardar
la I weea la da.
ts4 serepe '.ka diaa legether,
Saaagk lar aia aad jea.
1 taa't affarJ la draa Ii
I lad H deees't pay
fe da wlikaai a paper,
Hecever aihara assy
kaia la aak say seigh.a
Ta ilea aia ibelrs aa laaa
.ay eWt just saj . bal mean It
. Way daa'i aa kata year ewa.
y.a vaa'l tall ka e wise II.
If . y aay fata.
tViuM htppaa aat la teach aa,
ct a littla lata
ykM all ia la a hubbub,
, J tuUg go all wry,
d. pUier, If yeuV aarrlaJ,
, ri kaaw tka raaaaa why.
eklldfea west Ihelr sUrles,
Ad "Ife if ssiieut, laa,
At C glares ll ever,
Ad Ikaa la raad il through,
And Natl lie leadere,
A ad aaa ika book revlewe,
Aad aaaa tka sorreapoadeac ,
Ad a far eerep of aaaa.
I al da wlikaai it
- U la a a aaa ta try,
far atkar paapla late it,
Aa'i priaiar, a ibuii I
I, tay. aaal keep aia peeled,
Aad kaaw what's goieg aa,
qt frl aad ba eeouaiad
A ff J (laiplataa.
Tkaa il kladly, print.
If ff ka aaaiairbai alow,
far aMk aal aa plenty,
Aa weal aal few yau know, .
Iial I ppar,
Caet "Sal U May ia in a,
d raikr doak say auger,
Aad "iikaat my ita.
Be, prirr, daa'l yaa atop II,
Vales jea "sat y frawa,
Tar kar tka yvar'a aubaeriptloa,
Aad aradit it rtkt dawa,
Aad aad ika pptr praupil
Aad rlarly an,
Aad Kilt ariag ua waakly
I ia KaUaaiad baaiaoa.
A coll, atornsj nibtio tha month
of larca, 13J7. Maralial Lafebrra,
wits Froncb troops, bad iu-
vaatad 1 antcie. Tba citjr was rri
'aooixJ bj 17,000 lluaaiaa and Frua.
aian aohliara, aa l tlinaa togetbor
with twantjr vr thirty tbonaaml well
armed itiina, preamteJ nearly
doubla tba force ; which oonlJ bo
"""a"' v Huuii oi) lucre
waa nee4 of tha utinoat'vigilence
on ana part or mo aoulinala. for
deaparata aortie from tbn Kirrison.
maaa anwar,migbt prove colatnit
At fridnight Jaromo Dubois was
plaoad nfoo una of tha m wt import
at poata in tba advanoa liue of pick
ta, it beiog upon a narrow atrip of
iana nuaai oov tba marshy flat.
called tbtfaniosnla of Nehrnir. For
nor than an boar bepaood bis lone
om oeat witboat beanuff anything
nor mao ua moaniug of tha wind
and tba driving of the rain. At
Magta, kowever, another aonud
broke upon bia ear. II stopped
an uatenoa ana presenuy be call
"Who's there V
I be only answer was moaning
Ha called aftio, and this time he
Beard something like the ory of a
child, and pnrtty soon an object caino
mora aim on i of ine aarknesa. With
a qaiok, mobatio movement ha hrn'i
(bis mnskat to charge, and ordered
.ue intruder to bait.
I "Jlercyr exclaimed voice
naoni aooot me I X am Natalie,
yon koow me V
Heavens f cried Jerome, elevating
.ua muiiitti oi nis piece, 'is it yon,
Jar child ' i
"lea i and KM ara eraoA lammn.
h yon will ooaa and halo mamma I
She is dying !"1
it was cartaf nlv NaUHa. a litLU
IH OnlV VMara rll Jin.ku.
Pf UsetU V;kot. Lieett was tha
ifs of Pierm Yaillant, a 8ergeant in
r a vwi regiment, and was
pun toe army as a nnree.
I "hy. is this, my child V
ud Jerome, Uklng the little on by
iearm. -Wbt Is it about yoor
( "Oh, good Jerims, yoa eaa hen
now. HarkV
"Jerome bant, bis Mr, bal coald
7 witj sod the rain.
??" in Jba drMdfnl mnd,'
Jid in obUd, Mi; is dying. Sba is
" w away, van can naar har
ng." . . y
ij datrraes JsrOIa Mtharad frnm
Hii that kr bUairltad Ukan k
it with bias ia th morning, and
in ihs TMlt. rben the storm
;m i np, her saoCtvNtme after her.
J& toaaoda
baek to the eW .with bis wits i
Prrrr1 M iirn alone
- eora sktwcci meat with bo
The way, LiT,Tar, hd be
dwkMj Bir-tkiB, and she
1 loci ta p'i - 3 raodered off
1 c V where aba
aMiw ' .
- j, uooj VrrUJihalit-
rt-rf i
cj lfya
i :.t- ..j, nr. yexr,
( M n,vn yeMr,
(, -Il I..' kiMrtioa
tal danger, and it was in fail power
to aava her. it was not in his heart to
withstand tfas pleadings of tha child.
tie conid go and rescue tb name
nd return to bis post witbont de
tection. At nil events, he coald not
refnae tba childish pleader.
"uive me your band, Natalie 111
go with you.
With a rry of joy the child sprang
w turn aoiumr e aiae ana wneo sne
bad secured his hand site harried
him along toward tba Dlace where
she bad left her mother. It seemed
a long distance to Jerome, and once
be stopped as though be would torn
back, lie did not fuar death j but
be feared dishonor.
"Hark I' cttered the child.
Tbe aoldier listened, and olainlv
beard tbe voioe of the snfferioff wo
man calling for help. . Va boeitated
no loner. On be hastened -through
tbe storm, and found Lisette sank to
ber armpita in the aoft morass. For
tunately tuft of long grass had
beeo within her reuou, by which
means she bad held her head above
the fatal mad. It was no easy mt
Mr to eitracte ner rrom tuo miry
pit, a the workman had to be verv
careiui mat ue uimaoir did no lose
his footing. At lenirth. however.
she was drawn forth, and Jerome led
ber toward his post
" H'A comet thtrt X cried voice
from the gloom.
"Ueaveus V gasped Jerome, stop
ping sou treniouug ail over.
Who comet tfurt V repeated tbo
Jerome beard the olick of a musk'
et lock, and be knew another sentinel
had boen stationed at tbe post he
bad left. The relief had come while
be he bad been absent I
"Friend with tbe countersign, he
answered to tha last call of tbe new
He was ordered to advance, and
ben he bad given tbe countersign
be found himself in the presence of
the officer of the guard. Ia a few
horrid words be told his story, and
bad tbe officer been alone be might
have allowed the matter to rest
here it waa i but there were others
tpntoStrtttth 'wfieTtfrieTdi -,to give
up bis musket, be obeyed witboffi
murmur, and -silently aocooipaiued
the officer to tbe camp, where he
was at ouce put in irons
On tbe following morning Jerome
Dubois wus brought buf ire a Court
martial under churge of huving de
serted his post. Jin confessed that
bo had beeu guilty, and then per-
tniNgion was grautud tue suutiual to
tell bis story.
This ho did in a few worJs. but
tbe Court could do nothing but pass
senteuoo of death but tlie members
thereof all signed a petition prayiug
tnat Jorrome uuoois might be par
lonod i and tuts petition was sent
to the General of tbe brigade, and
through him to the General of the
division, by whom it was indorsed,
and sent up to the Marshal.
Lefebvre was kind and generous
to his soldiers almost to a fu'ilt, but
be could not overlook so grave an
error as that which bad been com
mitted by Dubois. The orders giv
en to tbe sentinal bad been very
simple, foremost, of every necessity,
wss tbe order forbidding bim to
leave bis post until properly reliev
ed. To a oertainn extent the safety
of the whole army rested upon the
shoulders of each individual seuti
nel, and especially npou those who
at night were posted nearest the lines
of tbe enemy. .
I am sorry," said the gray.haired
warrior, aa he folded up tbe petition
and banded it baok to tbo offioer
who bad presented it j "1 am sure
that man meant uo wrong, and yet
a great wrong was done. Ua knew
what be waa doing he ran the risk,
ba was detected -he has been tried
and condemned, lie must suffer I'
They 'asked Lefebvre if ba would
sea tbe condemned.
"No, not' tba Marshal cried.
quickly. "Should I aeabim, and
listen to one hall his story, 1 might
pardon bim i and that must not be
dona. Let bim die, that thousands
may be saved thereby.
The day fixed for tbe execution of
Dubois was the morning succeeding
tba day of tbe trial The result of
the interview with Marshal Lefebvre
was made known to bim, and he
was not at all disapDoioted. He
blamed no one, and was only sorry
tbst he bad not died upon the bat
tle field.
"I have tried tsbea orood sol.
dier, be said to bis Captain. "1 foel
that I have done no dime that
should leave a stain npon my name.'
Tbe Captain took his hand and as
sured him that bis nam should be
held in respect.
Toward evening fierce Yaillant
with bis wife and child, were admit
ted to see tbe prisoner. This was a
visit which Jerome would cladlv
have dispensed with, aa bis feelings
wars already wrougbt up to a pitch
that almost unmanned bim i but bs
braced himself for tha interview, and
would have stood it like a hero had
not littla Natalia, in tbe eagerness of
bar lov and gratitade, throw herself
upon bis bosom and offend to die
in hi stead. This tipped tbe brim,
mini sup, and bia. tears flowed
Fierr and Lisstts knew now what
i tr Tv-7 wrt aad tSiy prayed.
a a a t .
-'' r ! 5 til tilths
time return to Jerome's boVhood
bom. First the condemned thought
of his widowed mother, and he seat
her message of love and devotion,
Then he thought of a brother and
dark -eyed maid, whose vine-clad cot
stood oil the banks of the Heine, one
whom he bad loved with a love
such as only great hearts can feel.
-Un, my dear friend I he cried.
bowing bia head upon hie clasped
bands, 'you need not tell them
falsehood, but if tha lhin. ia ...-
ble, let them believe that I fell in
Hia companion promised that be
wonld do all be could, and if tbe
truth could not be kent bock, it
should be so faithfully told tbst the
name of Jerome Dubois should not
bear disgrace id the minds of those
bo loved bim iu other days.
.Morning caino, dull and doom v.
with driving sleet aud snow aud at
ao early hour Jerome Dubois
wts led forth to meet his fitte. The
place of execntiju was fixed upon a
iow, Darren spot toward the . sea ;
and thither his division wasbuinir
mircbed to witness the font fill pun
ishment They bad gained not more
than half tba distinco wheu the
sound of some strange com in itiou
broke oat upon the wiutry air, au
aid de-camp came dashing to tbe
sido of the General of tbo brigade,
with tbe cry t
"A aortie I A sortie I The onemr
are out in force. Lot this thing bo
stared. The Marshall directs that
you face about and advauce upon the
peninsula I'
In an instant all was changed in
that division, and the Briador. Gen
eral who had toinporsry command
thundered forth his orders for tbe
countermarch. The doom was dis
sipated, aud with glad hearts the
soldiers turned from the thoughts of
tbe execution of a bravo comrade to
the thoughts of meeting tbo enemy.
"Wuut shall we do with the pris
oner f ' asked the Sergoaut who hod
charge of the guard.
Leud him baok to tbo camp, re
plied tbe Uaptaia.
Tha dirdction was very si in pin,
but tbe execution thereof was uot lo
be so easy, for hardly ha 1 the words
tta&ped' tko Ctptaio s lips when a
squadron of FiusHiaiV fayalry c true
dasuiug diroctiy toward tuoia. tM
division was quickly formed into
four hollow squares, wliilo tiio guard
that bad charge' of tho prisoaor
found thouisolvus forcod to Hue,
"In boaveu's oonio,' cried Joroiuo,
'cut my bonds, aud let me die like a
Tbe Sergeant q iick!y cut the cord
that bound biseib w behind bi'O
and tueu dashed toward tba poiut
where bis own company was station
ed, lue rattio of tue musketry bad
commenced, aud the I'rusHHus were
vainly endeavoring to break the
squares of French troops. Jerome
Dubois lookod about him for some
weapon with which to arm hiinsolf.
and presently he saw a Prussian of
ficer not far off reeling ia his saddle
as though he bad been wounded
With a quick bound be reached the
spot pulled the dying ollluer from
his seat and leaped iuto tbe empty
Duboise was fully resolved that be
would sell his life on that day sell
it in behalf of i ranee and sell it as
dearly as possible. Hut be was not
needed whore he was. He kuew
that tbe Prussiaus could not break
those hollow squares, as bo rode a
way thinking to join the rrenoh car
airy, with whom he would rush iuto
tbe deepest danger. Supposiag that
tbe beaviest ngbtiog must be upon
the Fuhrung, he rode bis horse in
tbe direction, and when be reached
it be found that he bad not boen
mistaken, upon a slight eminence
towards tlagleeberg the enemy had
planted a battery of heavy gnus,
supported by two regiments of in
fantry i and already with shot and
shell immense damage bad been
Marshal Lefebvre rode up shortly
after this battery bad opened, and
very quitely made up his mind that
it must be taken at all hazards.
"Take that battery,' he said to a
Colonel of cavalry, 'and the battle is
Dubois beard tho ordor, and saw
tho necessity. Here was danger
enough, surely and determined to
bs first at tbe fatal battery, he kept
as 06ar to tbe leader s be dared.
Half tbe distance bad been gained,
hen from the bill com a storm of
iron that plowed into tbe ranks of
the Frenoh. Tba Colonel fell, his
body literally torn to pieoes by a
shell that exploded agaiust his bo
som. Tba point npon tbe peninsula pow
reached by the bead of tbe assaul
ting column was not mora than a
hundred yards wide i and it waa lit
erally a path of death, a tbe fire
from twelve beavy guns was turned
upon it The Colonel had fallen,
and very aoon three other officers
went down, leaving tbe advanos with
out a commissioned leader. The way
was becoming blooked up with dead
men and horses, and tb bsad of tba
column stopped and wavered.
Marsha! Lefebvre, from his elevat
d place, saw this and bia heart
throbbed painfully. If that column
war routed, ana tb Russian in
factry sharped ovtrtbt peninsula,
ti ressit r ' ti rias.'tou.
ext. sr ' t :a ii tb anlfora
cf Ft" .! rorsijjepoa
r f Irr-ihth
with bis bead bars and a bright
ber swinging in bis band, rushes to
tbe front and urges the column for
ward. Hi words aro fierce and his
look is dauntless.
"For France and for Lefebvre I'
the strange horseman cries, waving
bis sword aloft and pointing toward
the battery. "The Marshal will aMn
we lose toe aay r
The brave troopers, thus lod by
one who feared not to dash forward
where tbe shot fell thickest cave an
: ., ...
answering shout and passed on, oar
ing utile lor toe reign of death so
long as they bad a lively leader to
follow. Hopinir that be mia'at take
tbe battery, and Vet conrtinir doatli
Jerome Dubois spurred on aud final
ly the troops came upon tbe battery
with irrestable force.
It woe not io the power of the can-
nouaeers to withstand the shock.
and tho Russian infantry that came
to tneir support wore spept away
like chaff. The battery were quick
ly captured I and when the suns had
been turned upon those who had
sborUy before boen their raastors.
the fortune of the day was decided,
the Russians and Prussians horse.
foot and dragoons such as were not
taken prisoners, made the best of
their way back into Dautzio, having
tost mucu more tban they bad gain
ed. Jerome Dubois retnrnod to the
guard-houso, and gave himaulf up to
tue orator in cnarge, r irst a sur
geon was called to dress several
elight wounds which he had recuiv
od. Next his Colonel was callad to
see what should be done with bim.
The Colonel applied to the General
of brigade, and tho (Imioral of bri-
gado, applied to tbe General of di
virion, and General of division to
Marshal Le'ebvro.
"What shall we do with Jeromo
Dubois f '
"God bless bim I' cried the veter
an lienors!, who had beard tho
whole story t 'I'll pardon bim todavi
and to-morrow I'll promote him I'
Jerome Dubois, in time wont him
self to soo the loved onus in France i
and whi-n he went he wore the uui
form of a captuin.
for Tus Pint.
European Correspondent.
Letter -Vo. 10. "
On pleasnt umtnr aft ornOO",
tn i t n nn wnic'i we were wm
w,n lii al ang ibe feriilj vulley ol
i Uo Kluiie, wiieo with a ruddoii turn
it Hwfept away from the river toward
t'ie purlc ni 'lotiin, aime tea iui
di-tnt II ill' an hour later, wo wore
in the b ia'i'iiul un I romoiiully sit
uated city of llei lt'lber irnzintt in
nliu'ist opon muuih4 lauummtii
lbs graud, tri e oovercd ru iuiitam
whiou siieioixl ti huti over our heals,
and wo'i lenn bow a ci'.y could ever
pos'iMy bi Buocit)l ia b'lwsen it
id'l the Neckir whioh wailios us
baf By mx o'clock we h id goua
through too euul T toil loruiul
courses of the Vihle tie hole dinner,
and were oa our way up the lon
s'ri'et which led ta the csille, more
than SO ) foot above the city. We
bad timo only for a hurried glance
at the ruio, wbiob are the graadost
unl mot exiemivo of any ia Gar
miny, before the decliniai( sun threw
around us the glories of a beautiful
s i met. Late ia lbs eveniojr, as we
sat ia our room talkimr wiib a frienJ
tho full moon ouuio up from behind
the gret mountain and shono Ujun
(he city and ibo distant ruined
with a riah04s of silver ligit which
throws a psouliar oharm about suju
a acene this.
The next morning, oedsr the gild
sees of a frieoJ, a atudont iu tbo
Uuivrity, we set out tor aa all,
day's tramp over tht oioauUin uui
through the ruined cattle. Sevjral
hoirs walking a'on,! wl uuile
path wiudin couataody upward
through the woxls of the m unUic
side, bro iirbt us t thi au-umit m re
than 12'JO lost above tha city. On
the way up w bad maiv b;aatilul
outlooks from restiiiic pise along
the path, giving us constantly vary
ing and winJemog views ol the oit,
the castls and tbe surrounding coun
try. A part of the time we wont up
the remains ol along flight ol stairs
sailed Hoavan's Ltd ler, which for- I
marly extended from the cutis
straight up tbo side of the mountain
to its very top. iiit no laoguago
eat) begin to d justice to tbe won
derful paoroama which lay bafors ss
alter we bad aoended tb lower on
the Kneigistabl, or King's sea B i
low, sn 1 far away boyoad tha city is
tbe fertile plan with the Ruiae and
tN eokar winding through it Ueyond
the Rhine are tb Harts lioautam
with their wealth of Wends, and in
sight ar also tho Oben waled, th
ourbian and Taunu mountain, and
on the other aid of tbe tower, tb
broad, rolling, unbroken greon of
the bills and mountains of tue Block
Forest Oa a dear, day with a good
floss, tb spires of th cathedral at
trossburg can be seen by those who
have good imaginations. Descend"
ing by oirouitous path w go
through sores of huckleberry bushes,
and these, indeed, give uaras to it
lor nsideioerg, ta JCngusu, use as
nothing mors than hueklsbarry lull
or mountain.
"What's ia nam r Emtain.
Cow all teat is beaati&l and romau-
tic ns to t su-;cUi by ta
"C!J Ccrt'jcl i:4Ur but wtt
w begin to talk about the jold stone
hoase oa bddkleberry hilL th ideal
as an oosen out or us, and we can
not think of anything poetical. In
like manner, when we think of moon
light walks "under the lindena," we
picture vo ourselves. Drown Hatred,
blue eyed, Oerman lovers with their
armes arouod eachjotbor n a roman
tio and nitural m intlCr bnt when
we talk about "moonlight under t'io
boss wood,"' which means the same
thing, it is impossible to brini nn
any tiling poetical or to tbink or any
tbinv short of Hamantha Simpkins
and llezokiah Itawbones straggling
awkwardly along on opposite aides
of the road, and venturing an occa
sionalremirk about hnskins, quilt
ings, or tbe prospect of the "apple-
sass ' crop.
Ou tbe way d wn wo have a Ann
view of the Valley of tbo Nectar and
up a pretty littlo stream 01 the op
posite side of tbe river. We again
see the city from a hoiuht above tbo
castle, and from it are enabled to gt
something of an idea of the size of
the castle and the gardens around it
Doscouding. wo enter tbe castle
grounds at the Great Terrace, which
forms one sido of tho gtrdns, nnd
from which there is a very fi 10 view
of tbe c telle, tho city and tbo country
beyond as fur as tho llartz moun
tains. A part of this torraca ia a
"P. irom 1110
gardens below nnd filled in against
mamm l.!..!. .! t .1
' " " uiuuuiain. netwoen
kuia nun tuo cn)t un Wllioj IhO cas
tle stands thore was formerly a
large flowor garden which must
have presented beautiful appear
ance from tho part of tho castle fao
tng it or from tbo terrace
A walk of a quarter of a in lo along
the terrace brings us to the main
entrauco of tbe castle, bovond which,
and nearer to the town, is tbe Eliza
bethan gate, a large triumphal arch,
built by one of tbo lords of the cas
tlo in houor of bis English wife, Kli
zabotb. Tho main outraoce was
formerly over tho mast by a draw
bridge and through a watch tower
with a narrow passago closed by a
....1 . t. , . , ..
iuubhito poricuins, wiioro rusty iron
points can still bo seen above our
heads as we enter. Tho eotranoe
opons iuto n great open square,
mound which thsbuildiugs aro
mostly arranged. Thoro nro thir
teen or fourtoen of thorn in all, of
various sizes aud in different de
grees of proMorvation. Thoso were
built by successive rulers from (i))
to 300 years ago. and lluiMlido with
mov e or Iohb elaborate ornamenlalion.
Tbn ojstlo was several times be
sieged and captured, and was throe
tiuius destroyed, affd entirely or
partly rebuilt- About tw hundred
years ago tbo fortifications oriv
place woro blown up, the castlo was
set 011 fire and a ptrt of the town
burned by the Fieuch. It was after
wards partially restore J, but n littlo
less than a huudrod years ogo it was coips or clubs in the University aud
struck by ligbtuiug and its dostruc- they inclndo not more than oue
tion c Muplotod. Siuoo then it has fourth of the 700 students which the
boon left iu ruins, but carefully pro
served, Several of the buildiugs
have tomporary roofs, and some uro
occupied by tlio attendants. As wo
wander for hours through the many
rooms, banquet halls, chapels aud
underground passages coaooctad
with this vast system of buildings,
we begiu to realizo ia a measure
what must havo boon its maizuili-
ouuee when it was completed, three
uuaared years ago. A part of a
round tower at ono augle of tho for
tification which wss blown up by tho
Freuch, shows a wall of solid ma
sonry twenty feet in thickuuss.
la one of tba many cellars is the
celebrated tun or wiuo cask which is
the largest ever constructed. It was
built 130 years ago and though un
used is yet ia a good state of pre
servation. It is almost as larire as a
bouse, haviug a lougtb of thirty two
foot, a hoad diameter of teuty
four feet aud a buug diameter of
twenty live foot, ftloasured around
the middle it would girt more than
seventy eight feet
it holds o JO hoarheads of wine.
and its contents would fill 23 1.0JJ
bottle. Wear it sUnJs a figure of
one of tbe oourt fools who said to
have taken eighteen bottlos of wiae
daily, and the oolor of bis face aud
tbe size of his stomach oonfiruis the
in many places the ruined build
ings are covered with a donso growth
oi ivy, as il Mature were kiudly try
ing to cover up man's failure iu try
ing to make that which would last
In tb evening we bad the pleas
ure of seeing the ruins illuminated
in honor of a convention of millers
who cams to tb city for an excur
sion. Th University of Heidelberg
shares with tb castle th honors
and pride of the citizens. An
American looking over tbe city finds
no grand buildings wbiob suggest to
him tbs idea of a great University,
but scattered ber and there ar old
dingy structures wbiob ar pointed
out to bim as making up the Univer
sity. I admit it was with a feeling
of disappointment that a frieud of
mine, a student in tb University,
took me to a plain, briok, thro
story bailding, which looked like a
common court bousa without a
steeple or dome, and entering a small
door told n I was ia ou of th
leoturs-room bailing of tb Univer
sity. W peaW, along a narrow
ball, took drink of water from a
faooet ia tb wail, aad tarnipj down
a ti'JZ ttrroTty i tt
5, lbTA NO. 2T
right, a few steps iWnirbT "os l
door which opened into Am lJ!
Tbls rotlm was nerbaoa fif fMj
.,"'" winuows on two Sides,
lb desks were long benches, the
01 one Demg tb back and
aesK 01 tbe oo noit behind, just
like the benches in country school
uoosee years ag . If tbesa, had ever
boon painted there wernso traces of
1 lel and tiie uoble German eta
aent. alter tbe et; li of the ba,re
uowhi launooDv In CorirJMlicut,
no not noon aliove leavinu tbo
moras 01 ins jookkoire on the seat.
Ink bottles also seem la
of upsetting here and sending their
contents over the desk
just as they do with n. The leo
lurer s platform was in tho
of one side of the room and had a
plain desk iu front of it like a com
mon pulpit. The students, soma
sixty or more, were all ia thoir plao
es quietly talking with each other
before the professor entered. When
the lecturer opaned the 1
ffrootoJ Mich mibJaotl annlausn.
which he seemed not to nniin.,
walked ra;.i lly to tbe plat form,
where standing boliin 1 the desk and
"I'vuiug um manuscript lie at once
ooinmonnod his lecture. He spoke
for an hour on nrim-inlna nf Ir nr.
national Law, witbont evnn nikA
I ,.. ..' " "
.consulting nis manusoript, and dj
ring this timo there was tho most
porioct attention nn tha
r!irt of Ilia
bearers. A considerable part of tbe
students took vory few notes, as tbo
lecturer bad pnblishnd a b.tokoti tbo
saino subject but a short timo pro-
iuiih. At mo ciose or tue lecture
tuo same qmto applause was ro
newod and the stu lonts reiuainod
seated until tho 'rofossor had pas
i iuw ma mm, wuen tuoy aroie
and went quietly out.
It would ba considored a marl:
of the greatest discourtesy for one to
K" oui nuring tue progress or a loo
mm uniess mo circumstances were
most prosstoi. If aov student
suould show intentional disrosnoct
to a l'rofessor or disturb a lecture
bo would bo nnprisonod for from
two to ten months according to tbo
nature or tuo oiiooce. In tboir treat
ment of each otbor tbo students are
most careful of their porsonal di?ni
ty nnd honor. Anything liko hazing
or abusive lunguugo, even calling
of a follow student a fool, will bring
down 1110 wmtu or theautboiities on
tho ofFondor's head and at least will
give bim a suspension of Mix mouths,
and be will bo posted so that he can
not outer auy University in Ger
many during this timo. The stu
dents who uro acquainted with each
other aUays lift tiiuir hats iu pass
ng. ia rogard I duWing and dissipa
tion I find thai, this is ooufiuo.l al
most entirely to what is called corps
stiidou's. There are five of those
University boasts.
Tho corps students can bo known
by tboir brilliant embroidered caps,
which look something like smoking
caps. The duelliug is confined en
tirely to these students and is car
ried on ia a systematic manner, there
being nsual one duel a week during
term time. Generally the combat-'
ants are appointed by tbo oaptaiu of
tbo club, and tho contest is carried
on in tho presonce of the membors.
The duelists nso slender swords
sharpened only at tho point. They
protect tho upper p irt of tho faco
aud chost with a wire serene, and
the arms with liavy gauntlets. A
surgeou is always at hand au 1 a
feuoing master stands by tha si lo of
eaoh to ward off any blow which may
seem dangerous. Thus protected
th ) ooutest continuos uutil ons hat
roooivod a wjuod, goaorally on tho
face. The scars thus formed are
o illod houorable and are a record of
Uuivorsity life, "pointed to with
pride" by tho young men and thoir
We saw in the city several young
mon with plastors on tboir faoos,
where tbe wouuds bad not yot heal
ed, and a dozen or more whose
facta were very much disfigured
with those tokeus of uiistuken honor.
Some had several scars each and
looked as u tuoy might nave come
off second best in some bear fight
The greater part of the boor drink
ing and smoking is done by these
corps students. The popular idea
of the ngbtiug, smoking, drinking
German student, is no more tbe
real cna than th hazing sophomore,
in "Vale College Scrapes represents
the true College man. As ia our
colleges, a large majority of the
stndents are faithful, hard working
Th library which is ia th center
of tho city and ia not a fire proof
building oonUin 800,090 volumes,
70,000 pamphlets and 8,500 manu
scripts and diplomas.
There are. many things of interest
about Heidelberg as well as th
oastla and University, which tbe
limits of this letter will not permit
ma to mention. I oan only add that
when I am again in Europe ther is
no place which I shall revisit with
greater pleasure tban tbs old Uni
versity town of UehUeberg, -
O. It BuBCaAat. :
LIWISTOWM. PA.. SIS IhaeaaurUy aw Oat.
laaa. Caree af M4ly auS sm(cm at Ihum
t a s4a-.-r se kw-aaVaaa4 aira a .
ra, bis laarasuvaiy far OS
f M4ly auS sm(cm at luu.
IW-a kMt atra a -
I. I es s t ratmnara
yaw.irw'' .rsv "C " ' ,4
Published" every "UorsxUv C.-H -r
aoie vithin els montks. or iU9k?rr
paid within the year. Ho paper ewk
continued natil all arrsawags mr
paid unless at tb option of Ute eaav
Sabscriptlofif (mtsld ottmctotmtt
MTrersona liftfn and
addressed ' others booomeaubsoHLero
miu aro iiaoie lortne pries orthobata
r -r
cNifKn ATA? RS.
Pratlilrnt Hulk it I mt
Viae rraildast Wlllisal A. Waaaler. N.
Seeralary of (,,
Ntw Terk.
William M. Iveris,
Ssorctarv af lbs TrtW
Blohara xt
Seeraiary af War O tor fa
Seortery ef the Maty
Thompoifl, Indiana.
Alloraey General Charles Parses,
Pvetmaitar Oanarat DaTlJ 11. Ka. f
!eortvjr nt tba IsterW Carl: Boouri,
Ootaroor John F. lUrlraefl.
Lliitnnl(loeroor John Llta.
Secretary of the Cotnmen wealth J. 0.
DepiHT 8o. of the Commoawosttb Thoe.
rriraieSea. to tbe Ooeroor Cheater !f.
Karr. Jr.
Chief Clerk 0. P. Warden.
Attorney Qeaeral Oenraa Lr.
Deputy Atloroey Ueaartl Lymaa D.
Auditor Oenertl Win. P. fluhell.
Slate Tearjiirer Amoe C. Sojt.
Seordiary nf Iuivrnal A8iri-ir.lllanl
Superiniim.l-nt of S.MieM Orphan and
Coronvin (tnhoole J. P. Wiokereheot.
A'ljulanl Uoneral Jams W. Lttta.
Cuiumixioner of In-uranoe I. M. foster.
Slate bilirariaa 0. I.. KhreufoM.
Commissioner of Hubllfl Charlies 0,
laMoo Coleman, Philadelphia (U-a.
era! Agent aud del., Pillar Luther.
Rraling. '
Fiebery Comoiieeioaera Benjamin t. (la
wn, lloarard J. Reedrr, and James
Unitnl SUtlr Supreme Court,
Chief Jumice Murrieon R. Ifalte. of
Associate Jmtlfles Cliffnr l. of Malao,
Hwayne, of Ohio, Miller, of Iowa,
Field, of California, ftroOR, of Pens
eyleania. llra-llxy, of New Jersey,
Hunt, of New York.
Reoorder Wm. To ld Oito, of Indiana.
Suprrnu! Gmrt of 1'emuylvanitt.
Chief Juoiioe Uaniel Axnew.
Associate Junicoe George Hherawno,
Clyse . Merour, Iaao O. (,
Edward M. I'a.xson, Warrea J. irooJ
ward, John Truukey,
TumUirlh Judicial Ditlrict.
President JudeJosepb C. Duoher.
Asiooiale Judges- llirain O'.Neil, tiarDusl
IS. Sohuck.
SSerlff-.D. Eisenbarl.
l'rolhonntry.-Jereiniab Crouse.
Register and Reoorder Jama M. Yaa
sindt. Treasurer Henry Benfer.
liai riot Attorney J. II. Arnold.
Coroner A. M. Snilib.
Commissioners-Joal Row, John Rim!,
.ii uses Kranoa.
.SurTeyor.-Grorgo II. Denfer.
Auilnors Daniel Doifcnhaoh. Ner B.
Middlsswarlh, W. A. Glass.
JKVl Kli LI. lilt,
Manufacturerof and dealer Id
Would respeetfully inform the ellltena of
Belinsgrote and rioinity, Ibat ba mannfac-
ures to or lur ami keeps constantly on hand
Furniture of every Dosorlotion
at tbe eery lowest price. Ua respeotfully
invitee an examination of
a0A apecial Invitation Is extended le
arly married fo'.ka lo oall and aea mv stock
ora purchasing elsewhere.
flellnsgrove, April6,870-lf
Trains trs'a Lawlnlowa Janotloa as folia wi
Pllt.horah Kvpress
Haeinn Kipreis
I oa a. m,
a ) a. sn.
10 41 a. m.
i no p. as.
tv p. m.
lima s.
10 via. m.
t so p. m,
wv rasteuaer
K-t Line
Phl'telnhla Esprets
t'snine Kipress
Jihn,loa Kipreis
Mat i
Atlantic Express
a ss p. aa
Th l't l.ln. War Ptsa-ncsr anil tha Paair.
In K,pr. weft, mnA the Pauldo aad Atlaulle
Etire run lailv.
Wv traint leave stations la Mifflin annate
as lolluas i
a, m. p. no. a. in. p. m.
lu u 4 07 in u
to tr 4 lo in m ( v
1101 414 1044 till
nil tt io at tin
ii24 ear io u oi
nso 4i iiie 4 11
II IU 4 it 1110 4 47
M' Vevtown
N. Hamilton
The I'aDine Esnrast wast eeatSflscejod at
McVeviownata a.m. and lb Atlaaile a-
press eaat at a p m.
oliiaind fur mocusutcal dttvtoa. ai4i-l or
otii-r eonipot'idi, ornaiueatal dslgas, trade,
msrks aud Ub-lM. Uftwates, AMtauiueuts, la.
lerferenoita. lufrlntfeniatiU, aud all mltars r"
Isiliui to PtLnu, iiruiuptly IUudd lo,
make prellmlaarr asiuliistlons and raralsb
opluloiia ss In ptt-ntatttllir, free of of ebtrs ,
and all wno are lularvsi-d la uew laveutiiiaa
nd lUhls are Invited t, eead fur a aop of our
"lluldo lur nblalnlua P.t-nU," which le a-at
fr to any aldr-as, and nllns eouipMe In.
trurtlnas be In obUla FalauU, aad oiksr val.
asbl atalt-r. Puriua lbs past ave yr
hsw auttlnad Btiarljr lltr Ihoaaaad Palaata fa
Amarlma sad PuraUa lavaatora. mat aaa alva
ailaf.aturv referenca Iu aliaoat every aoaalr la
in iin,o,
Addraae t LOIH BiaOM i
t LOI1S BiaOM 4 CO., Soils
ante and Altornavs al liw, La rat
Aaakilngtwai, U.C. a,r,'it
flora of Patau
Uuildlua, Wsiklsgla
Ootmtr SarveyoT
KrtUervillt, Snyder County Penn'ts
Surveying sec ConveyaaotBg preapll
asd skillfully eUeaded to. A skssre ef
tba public's patronage eolleileeV
July IIHk, '78, pd.
okaeaas ABM vac LvutsaeWI ll aaaltlt
paavaal this twrnuie Sti ue. aM a-iW
It rats "a aa U t-a. I- a 4
il save e Uvea el ia aa s i.