VUG Post. IHdilehorr. NOV. 2L 1873, Ll'Tl - rr,.,J OVff tbt j oui "tiiltt lli-'ia i fl Mir , iU rionodoJ as prompt exiln ' JfllidllCF. Sunlight 'and Air or flogs. The b i U rta omnirerout 10111111 that noiSs a rsrlct and thrroforc it. If lie it si confine I that lie ranool erl that variety, jou tnnut sjtovi !e it for him, or nature will eon clsiui Ihj penalty of rioIateJ la. Si nI;Rlit. ami purs sir, and water ro eviiial. Thojr are om me' lo-l t olci Bad cweo'Ives. Tu-T ii b iter thin all the drugs an! povrii-rj ever conoctod. Sun Uttiit tbt Hncklnjtpi most have or die. Tbon di not nliut tho farrowing ajw liiti a Hark lutln to brinjj torth, and expect hor in a poimotd a'mo'phcro to rear hoilthv p. the miy auckle cr a 1 ar.-ll, yol tli 0 p'-t will got rn pm.1 In their foed until they feel the lnifr"r.itin power of adoliht. Fann Lite It l a com not) citnplaiit th., tin f rn ami fii'in life are not appreciated by our penile. Wo long for the more olcjtnt ptinuiis, or tho wsya and rushiuf df the tmvi. But llio (armor liaa tbo niot mno an 1 natural oecnpation, an 1 o'i(,'H to Cn 1 life sweeter, if to highly aeasonod, than any otbor. He aljno, etrioily apeak inj, Lai a hime. Haw can a nun tVe root and thrivo withont land ? He wrlen Ii-e hixtory upon hie Cold 'W many li, how many resources bo has j liia Irion lhip witli bis cotile, hie to.o, ltii dor, his trees tliej.sat Ufic.ioo iu Me rowing crops, in bin Improved G-lfn ; bia Intimacy wiib BMoro, with bird and beaut, and with tbo q jic''uin ; elemental forces ; hi co-opcra! io- a n-it b tho cloud, the eun, Ibo a-aaoiu, btuf, wjj ra!n fri)Nt Noibiu;? wid Uko tho variuna social di-tetnpors l,ic! tho city and nrti fi.'Lil liftf brfl.J uufc o( , mi )lku farming, like 1 reel aod Iurinp; contact with soil. It u'ras out tbo poison. It humbles biro, teaches patience aod reverence. hm, restores do proper tone to big system. Cling to the faraj.'.'njttko rouclTof it, putyourIf into It, bestow your Leart aod jour brm'a upon It, so that it shall s-ivor of yo aul raliafo your Tirtue after day's work is don". John HarrouyAt, in Sovembcr Bvrilmer. How Horses Are Spoiled IIow quick a liorae.becomua dilap. la'..d nod denidmlizod after it comes Joto the posc!ion of aome poopl. It tuakea no diiTorcaco how youu or oioo they tti o when they got thorn, thoy all ook k,iko ia ,CM tbiB wo jeursi, aal alwaya have that discour SeJ, destroyed appoarauco. I havo aero tueo vrho duim to havo great ju d-nient wboru wo lookod upon at wio prudent uDJdhroivd in buincsg tbat did not mom l0 havo any Idea of what trcn'mcut nd care a Lorse rcfjuired. If I i,aa boy ton year oU that win nut tuora capnblo nnd rnaonablc about auch things than niny people, I b:,u, j tninlt h wa a WoIesH i Jit Mujfwwu to think Bhoraocau enduro everything, g0 without food all J:,y and hair the night, nnd be oil.ou a journey ia bad traveling tioio after time. When tbey get Lowo t!;cy rm them Into an oU, da.k dirty pen, throw in a forkful of hay, tbo Qri itcy como to, aal lot them "rip." Thry oevcr rub nor dean them, and novor take any palnx to protect thorn Inm c.ld or dump '. They ov.Tlo..k difUctiltiog when in uo couJiii00 to hbor. Uow many young ,iy,h borsoa have wo eo all dr!,Wo out of ohapo cod all Fged down, their taek fcii ioche too lor ia froct of tho hips and a foot ol a half too .long. A horso need food reguhrly aud o)ea, as often as ooee Io fire hour-., t 3ttst, at regular .houn ia the day. Tl.ey oaunot botr fwting at well as rufi-.(ing animals; but tbey abould Mover be crammed foil of hay, especially afler a long drive when U.oy bjea without slldaf, uorj.jilroro a hard day' work or a loog Jmrd. luvo seen goodmny bor-ea nearly rpoiled by I8tln,j and craunning. It will soon spoil iboir Jigentive organs, and If loan continued it will weik0a tbora snd destroy thjir vitality 10 that tbey will never take 00 fleabat all ve under ffood treatmaut. And 0 tby always remaio, crookod, Shapeless mass of unaiahtly, usslens IhorMflMb," Uut, atraogo as may , eppesr, people never know tbo dif. fereuoe.ei lonx as the animal has a paash, hair aod hoofs. It U aot all work that has brooeht than tit thi. Tterttr ttousands of bones that ' " nr:iss tbey ever did. U Is I eiSfjeaenl. It ( not tor Us liysrj fcorss " ) f racsr's fcer tilt cr .. - EOIET OF HOREHOOHI) & TAi FOR THE OURS OF Coughs, Colds, lnfloenta, HearseiMSS, DlffleuH BrM'.klng, ana (II iffctlon ef tna Throat, BniMklal Tjbot, and Lungs, leading Io Consumption. . TMs Infallible temodv Is cTnpvtet of the KomkV of the plant Horthounct, in chemical union with Tar-1)ai.m. extracted from the I.IFB FsiHCiri r. of the forest tier Amrs IUi.AMr A, or Balm of Oilcsd. The Honevof Horchound sooth M and eCATTEKS all irritations and inflamma lions, and the Tar-Halm cleanses and MEALS the throat and air-pasaee leading to thejung. Five additional ingredients keep the organs cool, moit, and in health, f ul action. J -et no prcjudics keep you from trying this great medicine of a famous Itoct'ir, vho has saved thoaiimls of lives by it in his large private praotice. N.D. The Tar lialm Las ai BAD TASTE or smelL raiCES 50 CENTS AND $1 ttl BOTTLE. Cm tavinf to buy tvg lire "Pikes Toolbarbe Drops" Cnro la 1 JJInnte. Sold by all Druggists. c. N. cEinmos, rrop., n.y. 1L OILS. WINTKRnRKCS, PKPPE.tMIN t PE.t hVUOVAL, 8l-t;AKllSr, ia. of prlT(i'i,tiT, iwouht In an? nuantlty for rata oa uonvrv. ir imm nrnkorat, vomiola- ln, ft ni, ., ttf OODCE & CLCOTT, Impnrtors and Lporlar, SI Wl'llnm St.. w Vurk. Juno e,';j.Kiu. JKVI KEl'LEU, Notary PnWic Mum, Conycyanccr Ppal Estate ana Jisnrance Agent. IM'I n in t. and Mnrtvnuo' nranirxl mil l ktpl of rnn(rraiilnir tt' mlo.l to uruiui tli) with noiinf-, anl a-rnrri,fv. M-Il anenl'.'n to buying nnd niHlng Rol K.llo (unco In I',-, munnt, Sny.rrn. I'.. I'. O. Addron. all. Plooani Mill,. Snr.lsr Co., I'lnn'a. Auk.S'74. TJTinrjl liiisimH yon run rinii'.;c In. t r.rS 1 to - for rtT mmla by any AJUiJ X woikornrrl horiioi. rljht In tho-a own liioulluoi. Pariloiil , an. I mplm w.rlh fMroa. Imtnaro your intro tlma at ihl bnl mm. Aiblroat bTiMuH Lu l'urtiaml Main. .Uy0, ' A VALUABLE PROPERTV AT PRIVATE SALE. THE nndcrsinoil offers) the fol Inwlne ilciierllicd tirnperly at irlv!ita Sli. 1 LN A!l(t-i. lro.l Ixml, nitiinio In A.iin lnwnhl. iiiV'r ii , P., ton mil U'e.i ni 'l'ruT0ivi!. niilnlnK Ittmlmir v m. Wat-lar llauldl lilKitirr unit ulliffr., whacon nrd orertful aciHxl II w H.l.l M HIM'IK. M A III.K.HIKir atiiluiliflr 'IiHimmqk. i'ita luii'l I In a aond ul uliiviidoii. i-onvAnlftut to nrirbat : llir' ll-ii an mi-Mlaut OltCH A I! I) nf fl,.,lr. run, aid navar I lll.ic irator on tlit i i '. l'ur lrni call at tun tnuil.aanr l'lrkn FKrKK MIC! I Tl.fcll. M.r 1. '77. Truxolvllla, (.ujliJar Co., ta 1853. 71. 1373. CENTENNIAL ! Ilnvlmt adnntad tho motto of tli "Nivai.a Suri:iK." tho nub.crlbor would call tho at- I. nil. m . I tho puOllo lu tk Uot tki ba ka. aiioidad tka CASH SYSTEM, and huronftar. wl'l dell Rom1ntlroly tor CASH or riliH'roK. Iiolnv .uiuod tkat It l.tua tru .t(n of ilulnir IjiimI uena. no !'inntme to aeop ua uaau m vary lull and U-ololail (took o( DRV GOODS, GROCERIES, CROCKERY, BOOTS & 8U0ES, HARDWARE, CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, WALL PAPER, SHOE FINDIMOS, LEATHER, KIM II. OILS, PAINTS. AC, SC., 4C. which ha often to tha nubile al very craatlr ra- ducaUUASIl I'KlUUd. With thank. Io my old eu.toman for Ihalr Ibarul imtrutiaira fur manv voar. ol tha n.nt. 1 would folb'll t L olr siiioin lor tha ruiura. hnn. In. Hier will bo boa.miod toy the cban(, as ynurnamblaaarvanr, . W. V. ti:itnrT. SallnrgroT, ept.33.'75. Q.UOSS & BROTHERS, Mauufaoturers of and dealersla all kinds of ,BILL TIMBER, LUMBER, PALING, SniNQLES, LATH, FLOORING, etc.. Shamokin Dam. Bnvder vuurij, I I. au order promptly tiled. Wtltut. Chirr u. PopUr. and Linn lumber eoniraniiy an nana. T--OT, PRIVATE SALE OP VALUAHLK PROPERTY. TnB uodtrslgnsd will sell his Ul reel dao sliuai on Mala 81 reel, lb Bur. ough of Niudlahurg, Boyder County, Pa Tbis Is adsairabl proporly ad was for. erly kaowa aa lb EAGLE HOTEL. Tb lmrovtmuia eompns liuuis UUU rJLB rHAMK BUUBB, BUUS1CU UOU8E LAEQB 8 II It D. 101 HOUSE, and alhir ouibuildiBf. Aa sllal srall of atr altbaooor. It la auitabl for a privau dareltlng er Hotel, and loeated Bear tb eeatre r baaints. , Teresa eas aad reaseaahls. forferlk. er Bariieulaia eaU ra er Altorn'Law. X- MTEBA Atlorney-At-Latn, allill.nir;, Pana'a, All rmro.ttnaat bn'in- atratl I bis Sat will rtviilt prntnid attonlion. u.B.aitatioat.ia t.;iiB ara u.rmao. Oct. 10.TS. JACOB OILBEUT, Attortiey-At-Law, MIDlLKIIt'RO, PA. Allbntln.., n'iali to his car win racalr prompt attaatloa. July U,'TS. ? E. BO WEB, ATTORNE.'-AT-LAW, Ati'rfrfleh'trt, Trt (Ode la one of J. P. Uronmiilar, Eii ) rolloi-tiooi mad. Confultatlxna la Kntltib O'Ul.rin.o. Jan IS, ' h. SCHOCU, ArrOENEY-AT.LA, Aim W'ii, Union fb. At. Profrsalonal bn.lnraii to hi. ear will rarait prompt aitriitlon. Jun. 1,7. mixs. V. LLUICIJ, Attorney & OonntelhAt-Law, lime la App's H ill Una; on duor Cortk ol tin KflllllB. IIIII.Ii Scllumrovo, I'cnn'a. I'ollaetlnna and all other pro'aMloaal anal. n.l la aollidtld and Will root I To carl(l aa I , rniDt a.t.oilou. Apt.U,'iS.ll. T r. CROXMILLEIx" J a ATTOUNEt AT LAW, MidJlebiirp, Pa., Offer his profslonaI aervlees to th pub lie. Colleei inns nd all other profrnainnnl biuineas enlruaieJ to his ear will reivt prompt aileotion. f Jan 8, 'ti'tf TJ. SMITH. STTOHVPT ATt.AW. MIDDLtlll'Kd, S N V 1 1) H Uli., f rtffara hi, Pririlonl Sarvlcaa to th pabll uonauitationf. ia r.amnn aau unati, F. J. R. ZELLER, ATTORXEY'AT'LAW 3lifJI!nbnrgt Union County, P All b'ilnia nlrnt.d Io bis ear will ell aod lullWnlly ad.n 'nl tu. Will tiralto at th aavaral eourl. el Naydar and adininin. "tiititiaa. tlanbaooaauliadlu the Lnullah n. (l.rmao latia-iiniia oat. . 'rut CHARLES llOWER, ATTOKNEV AT LAW, ScliiiHrove, Pa, Offers hlaprofealona1.erviees to th pub lie. Collections and all other profion biiKlneas entrnaied to hi enr will r' oeiv prompt attention. (me two door north of the Keyalon Hotel, f Jan ft, T M.LTNX, A. H. DILL tt . ( Suriaaora to J. F. J. M. I. Inn.) ATTOH N bi S AT LAW, Lewiahurx, Pa OITer their profeaaionnl serriee to tb piitilie. Collcctiniik ami all niber prn- ieiaional hiiaines ntruiil. Io e.ire will recriveprompt atteni ion. I Jan. 8, 'tTlf W. & N. I POTTER, ATI 0 K YE VS A V LA IP. fioliii'jroTo. Pa, Offer iheir nrnrea-ionul arrvieea 10 t taa putilis. All legal tiunin. a.uirimlad to thrir ear will receive rrcniid a'leuiion. 01cr jnednorahnv Hie Ns LutberAa Lliui'cl). July. Slh '72. USUIl AI.LKOAK. nOltAC LI.K4 3. AILEBIAIT & SON. A T TO ItX H IS- AT LA V. Hollsrrovo, lit. All profeaaiiinul hiniiifa aril collreiinc rnlruxted to their tare will be promptly illdif llo. Cnn hi rnnaulied in English or Ueriuan. O.lice, Miti ke'. H.iu.ti. II. II. (irimin. Win. II. Dill. OUlMMt'toI3trJL,. Attorneys & Councelors A I'hA 15 ', OiTico Xnnr tho Pout Office. rrcluir;. 1'e ti u Conaulialioa in both Eaeli ih aud German Languages. Des.l ''lilt. QilARLF.S O. CORNELIUS. Vl tornoy-At-Law, Xeto licrlin, Union County, l'a Can b eonanllod In Koiillih or Oorrnas. Maj -it, 1. T.LI JOHN II. ARNOLD, Attornov ot-. I .n w. & DISTJIWI ATT0UJVE1, MlDDLEUl'UQ, PA Professional hnalness entru.leil Io his car w::; be promptly atUnded to. Feb JTiT0MPS0N BAKER, V.ttoriio.v-n.t-T.svw- wlsburg, Union Co., Pa tj5y0n be consulted in tha Kr.ill.h an Qeruiaa lunniairek.-ts OKKICE -Market Street, opposll Wall oniuu atiti aiora 8 S'.'y M. PFAULER, ATXORNEV.AT-LAW, MMJhburg, Pa. Ofllco in tho Court House All leital buainaaa and Ik Collodion ol ci.lin, attamiad to. lMay,2.;7,tf. WM. VAN GEZEK, ATTORMEY AT LAW, Lowiaburg Pa., Offers his professional servie to he pub lic. Colleolions and all other Piofeaaion al business entrusted to bis ease will re ceive prompt attention. 3 T. PARKS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. SKLINSQHOVE, 8NYDEP. COUNTY, P Sept. 15, '67t A C. SIMPSON, ATTOKNEY AT LAW, Nortbuicberlanil, Pa. Jffers bis hrofesaion! services to tha uh lo. All buaiuess entrusted to hi care ui c promptly attended to. f Jan. 17, '0711 QJAMUEL H. ORWIO, dt TTORNEY A T LA W, Mltainburv, Union Co., Pa.' OSle oast door lo Telegraph Prlallag one. 1- N. Physicians, $c., ) 1 !" 5 P YtlCIAK, I ::!sburg,Pa. fUe slu Phisia'aw, $c. jyn. i. orier bakber, PHTSICIAM AND SUIlUtUil, having loci? at MIDDLERuBtl, PA, filHe a few doom W.el of lb roiirlbon. In Heaver's Prick bulldiog, odera hi pro fraaliinil erviorS to ike publie. U .casks F.aclish aod German ta ,a ir ct.if in. ERCIVAL HERMANN, PHYSICIAN A SURGEON. Kraltrrville, Snyter CO., Pa. nff ht nrnfwtSonal aarvle to be ettl as " . ' i i .i i . .hi ol uraii.rf in. i D R. A. M. SMITn, PJIYSICJAN AXD StTltOEON, Offer bis profetalonal servlee to lh eltl- tens of Aiiamsburt and vioiniiy. leeps, ta DR J V KAN AW EL, PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON, Cciitreslllc, Unydcr '., Pn OlTr his professional aersie le Ihi publie. OiBlf K. VAN BU3KIRK, SURGICAL a MECHANICAL DENTIST Selinarrove, Penn'a. JuMic s of e Peace. 1 SAAC BEAVER, JUSTICE OF TIIE PEACE ami GenernUCollector . MMJteburg, Fnydtr County, Pa. Pnreinl altertmn ptid to enlleetlon of all Inula. Keieinnnees will be naile prompt Iv for all eo '.euliuas mad. M ir. 'JUt 1H7 if. Y1L W AO NEIL Eq., JUSTICE OF TH E PEACH, Jackaon Township. SnyJer Co. Pa tVillstlenil Io all business ealrualed to hi ear ami on lb n-oal ronaonable lorraa. MarebtS.'tWl T II. II A UT MAN, JI TirK OF TIIR PEACE Sc. Conv.vnncef, CENTUEVILLE. Snyder County, Pa rollacttona aad all Wn.ln.-a rralnlnc Io th ofn.-. o(.!u.tlr.ul tk I'sar wink le atihoriBntlr arrsTa s ETH MITCHELL, Jimlice of llio Tonco Si ConvyRncer, Jti-k-on Townihlp, Stijrd.r County, l'a. O..II. lion.. tNiin(4iiclni. and all utliarhn alp... p.rtalulnir I t'i o'h.'o will roitpt aib-ntlon. I'oxlvia.'aaddraaai H II rlln, ttoloa cunl),P. An!. I. loll. JOHN K. HUGHES, INr,., JJCSTICE Or THE PEACE, Peon Twp., Snyrler Co. P J AMES MIDDI.US'.V'ARTH, Ju:'.:c8 of l!ie Peaca & Convcvanccr, TntrJcvi'.le, Snyder Co., Pa. Wl.l at'.nd pro'n' tk to lilt oannarul bnl n... rat t'li' ioa ii tli. om.a. Ccll.i'tiona tna ia. Ii.tiii. A'il '! , writicn. .i j ly Hi 'Tl-u yM. II. HARDING, jrs riri: or the PEcr Convi,vtiiiciM', FitCKM lsr. iiyder0'inty, Pt. ('allartlnna ania't biaitica p.rtalnlnj to Iba ilhi .of J iitie ol th Poica will b'atnd.1 to at ali irt nollra. Apr. SV7S. C A. WETZEL, Ju3tice of tlio Peace, Bem'crtoirn, Sttijthr Co., Pa. AU kinds of collection made ou liberal tortus. Proinpi! nuead lo nil Miamear imruted is his ear. (June 'Jo, '7di Men cf liis rcace anil Conveyancer Sniltli Groic, riiydcrlo. l a. Collanilnra and all hiotuaa. p.rtalnln In tb. .I imllr.i.r III. Paai. will ba .ttanVd tc ahorl notlie. May.ll.'T XfEU B. M I D L) LES W ARTII, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE CONVEYANCER, MoCura City, Snyder Co., Pa. Oollaetlont and all bnatnett partalntn to th ohSo ol Ju.tlo of tu will to at tkori nolle. July u.'itu. G. HORNBERQER, - JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Prry Twanblp,KBydrOounty, Pa. Collaotlont, t)on.ynlnir, and all other but) oap.r'lnina to It oinc win b proaiptiy aau to. uaioa aaar a ruuiiau.Tiii J I. MONBECK, J ustice of the Peace Adaimhury, Snyder Co., Pa. Will be in hi ollice al lb abov metillon. d place, on MONDAY and SATURDAY ol each week, when all kiuds or Dumnesa relating lo bi ollioe, will be attended te eniif ,7:itr(j; Hotels. U. V. vVnlinvr. '. II. speck. CENTdAL HOTEL, S. K. Cor. EKUilt aud UuiulxrUad at. (Oppoall ib Ouurl Uoua,) Lebunon, Penn'at SaTTbia Hotel la neutrally sod ntly loc.ud. Coiutnodlou Bad pleataat. Houw. may be enuai.d luadvaBoaby eorrcapoad.uca. Oar will lie tnk.u to uik Oueata oouifortalil. , t ab. 14,"77.if. White Horse Hotel, N. W. Corner Third & Wood Sts. PHILADELPHIA. j-Iltrauck, Oood 8taslio. Proprietor. Wines, Liquors and 8egara ef lb Cbcioesi Brands. mar8o-70 FA1RM0UNT HOUSE. NEAtt TUB DEPOT, Alidcllobuis'a .la,a JOHN LI II BE II T, PuoraiiToa. Tbia bous i la eleae proximity to tk depot aad ba lately ba rebuill and re Bitd. Kooms aonmodloua Ike table ll supplied with Ike keel Ike asarkel affords -Htiia terms saoderaie. He alao keep a Bret elass llvrv. srbere keraaa, kuggiee ., eaa be had at all Unas aad H naseaaals rsiss. affatf'ia. Ilotete. ?i ' THE NATIONAL HOTEL. A. HARRISON WlTMEIt, Prop'r. Sellnxgrovo. I'a. Thl. Hol.l la rt'aa.ntiy batod In tb "winif.,1 al la a vnryl'lrabt ptM. nf tfarl.p. loatop th BaaTi.r acrnminmiaiinii. at ihwium, rr .iri.a'.opfdnf onr. will ba aara io call again. Th bra' orimnor lh bar. eeA Redaaraul lamt,-lnn w'lh tkcllol.l. A pr.lii.';. illerchnnts9 House, VORTII THIRD 8TREET. PHIL' A PA. Torms$lCO tor day. HENRY SPAHN. PropV C.W. BPAIti. I'lrrla snr.l.'TS. CKNTREV1LLE HOTEL, (Lt Mrs. Wvr's.) CanUrvIl Hnydtr l'., Pa. PETER HABTMAW, KroprUt . Thl tonaaauhllahad and well known kata kavlna bn pnrehtd by lb unil.rainnd,ao lioita a aaar ol ta pannr nn ron.r.. April, , tart. JAMES J. MITCHELL, Proprietor (aaaTAti.) . Mr. Mltoholl Is pnpular landlord, and will .par no maans ti m.k hit anta eo'n'orta bl. hla tnbl and bar will b .art Med w it B h ebolc(t th mark! allorilf, .ml kl t.", r vary r taonahl. Anr.l '77. Philatlrlphin Cards. J.S. FARNSYVOItTII. WITH JONES, HOAR & Co. Importers ol HDiscry, Notions, VtitcGoois, EnM .cries Gents Fnniisliicz Goods k No. 511 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA. T.R. fonat, A. II. Hoar. I Mar. II '74. W.H. Khelblav T. il. Ualrklel. BC. SIIAFER, . wire JOEL J. BATLY ft CO. JIOSIE li r, Ml A L L V?A RES, nnire 'jooi(, j'jnrrniirrna cp H art St.. l'hllnil. fitKf.T. BAtt.T El.TOV lt' . M FOR lltNHVJ. USVI4, HAill L VT. VaaCUI.II. QAVID WILLIAMS, Manufacture of A Whn1esa1Dealrln Cllt, JJal.osnnr, Walnut and Kosc wooil LOOKING GLASS Picture St Photos; raphio Frames Jioi. 230 nnd V,i Arrh Street, Phikdalpbia Pa. Frames Itapaired In In ral manner llo, Keaildina in all ill tranchrs. 7 IACOBB. BIKtlKI, & CO.. . J WIIOLl; ALL DEALERS IS FOREIGN Jc DOMESTIC? BUY GOODS. I'iill ultlphlu ln. WM. IAIN. Blank EookHalier Stx tioner, aul Steam. Poiver P E 1 1 T ER VllHisI3 Sc 111 Ho 529 Market Street, 3l PHILADELPHIA. One Vt-e StlUta Prire Marked On All Goods In i t yures. A;r. IH-7-'. KAYU1LL & Co., Whulbiaib DBAltB IB WOOD AND WILLOW WARE Oil Cloiht, Window Sliiidos, Proims, Mnlt I'rualies Collou I.nps, Craln Rags, I'.y Nets, Uiiekels, Twin, Vlcka. Ae. No. 4:n larkl Street. Philadelpbla. Feb. 7. '07 Miijsw M AIL TV A NIPT, C. rKlir)STItK4sr.R dnalr.i to au. If nnuii'-. to all Inlirr.ted. That aluc. tha d:a. aoliilloii ort'ia rlriii of Iliri(ati.arr a. IMrif-h on lh. 1I nf April, h. ha. onrb.d 14 li la n.w Imk In Nidlii.Orove, an Vat.rNtreat,abuva Una, opposite a o. u.numK'a tunc, b Leather Store and Fin 4b iliinn RTsots wher will bt fnnnd at all tlm.aan a.tortmrnl ill klmla of Kliuahrd block, eoualaiiu or Ilar- ii-.a. nui., i pp-r, nip .no tiair skin., Morror o'a, Lluluaa, Vopuluitaae., of dia.r.otqnalliletl aud price. The .lleul icn ol Shoemaker, l a nn. era.aud allolbere la luvltad, bafura purcbuiuf i-.u.r.i llilri.-nreveareaa a nraotlral Tanner eualin.a hi in block. liidaalak.B In aicbaua lor I.c.Hhrr. U.D. BKROSTIIKSSER, Juoa T-'TS b3Dlluaurova. Murder Co.. P ri33rij::s, I wilt mall (Free) lh r.olp for a ilmpl VeiiaTABta Uai.u, that will remove Tea, I uacKkita. PiaiPLB aod IIlotcihim. laavlna tha.klo toft, elaar and boautllul i al.u In. iruoiiuBt for pro uoln a luxuriant a-rowth orhiilrouB bald bead or amootb luce. Ad. draae. Ineloalot; Sol. alamo, UfcM, VANDELS' k. lllk III lu. M v SEL1NS0E0VE MABBIWORKS. Tb MBdertlirned havlnv purebatad lb da iaaiirov Marbl Work, b It BOW fully pis pared to maoulaatur. , Konoculs A d d Headstones. thlt lummer al price, mveb lowor thaa hereto, fore, and lower thaa bat vr been duo la lh oounty. Having lutt received a lar lot of Deilnot. of all Ilia laleat xylet or fa head, ttontt, I aw abl. to ulra tatltfaetloa In tiylet and prlcea, to all thai wltk to deaoral Ik ?rv. of s departed Iriend wltk a ateaS, Inaanirab'r.aikrr lleari.lone. I hare aleo mad arralDicementa, to as tc be able I furnlth on thorl notice, Nerble, eland- ainne, or any otner kind or door and Window bill, at nrleea tn .ult the auraliai.. I'araooa la need utaa. ur tba iiav will tav money by ealllng at tha elloaror Marbl Workt before parob.alna ele where. I alao kap Kauk'a Patent Ualvanlied Urav Ontrdtfor tale. Five dlUral style. Clone aau . MTMr, J. II, Loag, of Adamtburg, I agai for the uadrigod srbere all er dtre, will raoaUe prmpl atttatloa. nayi,' antner D ean make money luater lor ua Mian I arlhlui alt. Uaautal aol mii.InI mm wlllaiarl in, BIS ear da. al uiad. k. aae loawnaaa, mmm, ' waaUd eawetwawe S work re. wa. aT.w la o -. V-Klw eaflasa ltv Aa ERi;on3 07 YOUTH. a OKJtTt.F.MAI arhoaanTaeM rnf yMrafrwa A,rT' rroo l.iiH;tT Pr ua'aiw D.ear, an all th. .froct. "f r'ithral I jiUfomllnn. will for tha oak. of aiiSirliiii htia,ntv, .on I frtia to all w bo tirM i, tto rct'ifM M-1 dtrfcjtion foe maklfi b ain.pU roio.d by which ba w. Mir..t. f,r. ar. wlahlua to pr int ir in aiWe!!.!-' .tp.r(a ioiiaiB nnwiiiy an'i-Tinn in pernara Man. !iti-. J lllS B. UUiiKM. 4S llMt.r fltracl Now Tor. f ty a week In (IIUU' baala.M a a week In ronr town. 3o;it- rl.k . If tea want at wh'rh i.r.on. of aith.r .i mo aaaki. ar.t pay all tha tint lb.y wnrb. U for irtlcalra in H. HaLLKT k U.. Port. and. Mai. $9991 I'an'S b. mad by vry (! v month la to kaatn. w far. b. knt Iboa a M I Inar Io wo-k can aatlvrn a doran dollar, a day rUhll Ihalr wn looallilaa. H.anorom io aar. niiain... pi.aaaot ana aonar able, tvmnai. and bora and alrla do a wall at men, w a will lumltn yo a eomplai Outfit Ira, tha bo-li aa n.ta 11 t.r Ikaa antlUna I,. v will h.r th .'coje f tiartla ton. rartinniar. ri. writa and . rar mart and laM-hanloa. ,nnt tad raaaSl'ari and all eiaa.aa la naod nf patln work at knata, aboald wrlta to a. and Lata all ilml th work at oar. Now II lh tltn. Ibia't d.lay. Ad' drM l'ai'lfcl'o., Aat Mala. IJNION PLANING MILL ft ELI MaO ROVE, SN YD t B CO., PA UCeely & Wagner li inner Eiealers axo WArtrrrTt'Rra or Doors, Dnor Boirs. U lndrs. Shnltert window BoxfSf Biindj, Hash, Blair Fixing. Hand Kalllngi, Brark rts. Monlillnzs. Flnerln?. KUKULI.iSA W1NJ kCABl.ttr 1'URIUtfO KUiogies, A.atit, to., aio. OrJrrs so'lclitd and f lld wltk ftroaial ires and de.paDb. Pi. n11 and sam n oor (look bfor purchasing lwbr N3RTHSRH CEHTRAL RAILWAY. In aa l attar January 4'b, 1S7T, Iralus a thl. ra j win ruu a. lonow. I LKAVK' NORTHWARD. Laav I Nonhara :o. .V n in li st p tn 7.47 lit 0 .10 Ul I S ', a m IMtu ." ia It IB Xl'tara til.. tt.Sau in 7.JJ a oi Ll n. .w Yrk Tun. Waalilnptoa It.itlmur. II irrtal'Urf f lori..iowH It.rn'lou t. liti.jror H.iiilu.y Norlliiuub.ilaad Arrlf. at I Wiillitujapwrl S.imira K in-.tla r.n. :tS a m II SO a m li'.u" a ia It usaai S p iu . p m S.OJ p m 1 11 p m S. 10 . in I.Hpa IO.SO a ui S 0 a Ul a(laiu 13.10 p to U.W p a I IS am f.oopm T tOpm 12 IS aa :S i oi 10.) p in 7..ipni I. (Mam f.lS p n MKAVC HUUTIlWAnU. L. Paeiha lity Mall Snnth.rn . K,r- EP. t ap. Mlioira Fal.i I 00 m l.opni '""il'i S.Uaiu Mia Wailtlna S.MIaui H.ilam S31pm 'n. I'.ma m Lock Havaa e.:iea m o.tftpm tVniaid. T Mi m is. in pm II S pin U Nnill.' l I'J 3.05 p n. I3.S". . Ul -Juni.nrr 0.1" ni i ;o p m VI Ml. m S.Oo a Bi Hlhi".:rfiv. !3 a in U.Op m 11.0' a iu H.rudoii lu i s a in ta.lS p ni l.'lam Ornii(.-to'n lo .u a ui S.ispui lSaia Am. a at i llarrlabiira II IS a m 4,10pm USam 4.00am HIhIi. 141pm 7... piu 7.0 1 a in T ?S a ni vw York a.ivp'ii lo.u p ,u 10 OJ ani 10 S a iu Haltiioor S t' u ni I.Uaai T.lam f4''aiu' Wa.hiuutoB .07 pin a.u7 f m u.liaiu o.i an, Thua uark.1 "f atop unlr wh.n fls.d. A. J. CA.SSit IT, Uan. Mauas.r 10UN LAUDENSLAGER. BUGGY MAKEK UELINSOROVK, SNYDER UO., PA. Ilnvinit piireuaaeJ lb well known aland in Pclin'rove, formerly owned by Khilip Ulecker, I am prtpurrd to avvommedni all who inny drair anything in my line, and warrant .mist telif.n in n',1 case. I kef eonrtanilv nn hnr.J. aad am prepared lo iiinufaolure at the ahorl. al police, VU SULKIES. A&EZZ&lm SLEIGHS, Ae Heine experienced In th business, I Sal er m v Be If lliM I am fully prepartd lu meet tli want, ef my cuMoinr. Tb bandt employed art uiuony lh heal niecbnniealn ii county, and their work will aot fail lo Civ ant infection. Si-Spocuil ittleniloa paid I raaairUi in all lie branches. "tjbal nliop on Mitrket slreel, a fw door souls of lb Gorman llrformrd Church. JOHN I.Al'DENSLAGER. 6litisrov, April 7, '7U-lf J.u' SELH EIMER DEALER IN HARDWARE Iron, !iail3, Steel, Leather, Paints, Oils, Coach & Saddlery Yare AND MANCFACTDRKR OP Stoves & Tinware, MARKET 8TREF.T. I o win low is, Penn'a. Navimhor il, lt7J-tf Scunaa CMPnnoitnitxTan lo th blttoryol StuiiUr astirj'ri'oa h.ts attaadad the . 'UblUulloB ol th imr.A.rit:i.piiTA. WI2KKLY TIMES Tb Largett, and llrlgblut Weekly In th Union. M aotumnt nf th. Cholaoat Hadlnir aiahranln. all that vu.i to mike a r'lrtt-U.t Llv Wk- If I'ftP'r. -h. flmnd sad Dlatlnotlv reatar nl TH B WECKLV T1MI.S, that bat proved to pupular la the patl, will beeonnnuad throunh ont Ilia year, via: A SHi. ur OuirTaa er laa vkwuiTTaa II I H T O li Y or TUG LATE CIVIL VV A. It . From IVaikln Aetor. lo th lleblnet. la tb r loin, in tua rorum. nortaana noutu. Thla faatur of th PHILADELPHIA vTKUKI.Y Tl.MS.MaUna will make one ollh mini Luierliilulnic and In.truntli'a Volumaa on the Uaiailil.o Ketordt ol lh. late War that hat aver beeo alvon to Ihaaatlon. While the.a eonirltiuU.iu. .Ill b Ire from all (rational partlaaa ton, thy will b written from th vailuu. ttamlpolult of tha rpe:lr autbor aad evr proper oamt. TEEMS PES ANNUM -Postage FBEEt unttiopy, er. Mvtflpe,Ba. 10 Uoul.l, ll. Tweuty lloplea, 'J4 Aa Extui dorr will b tent enas to any peraoawn llnasii for Club olTu, orBU lor a Club of Iweutv. TRY TUB sTEEKIiY TINES. By anltlnawttha law friandt. aad nek In. npnt'lub of Twenty, you will aeh K'l lh "until nm r, lor on uuaune uaid by ui. lor lh Low Haira of ai.'il. II al any 1 wltk tin in during tb you are illaaatlalted th I'.per, teod to as and w will rtura yout uivBoy TIIR DAILY TIMKS- A ilrtt-Olaal ktorolns Nw- papr. Valvertally named by lh Prt and lh Pea PI a tka liatt Ntwapaper vr pbllthd la hllailtlpbl. ' raawarottaa rata, bis Dollar a year, or Piny Eeau moatk. Tw lleau a Copy. Addrat. THE TIM ra, Tina Bt7UDia, puiLAoatraiA. OENRY A. WOLFLEY, Saddler and Harness Ilaker Cantrtvllt, Snyder County, -Panrta. Kep a kaaS, and aaake v eMr all hlada . bova aA alrlaT.rL.MM ul.ll L . . wfc.i i r.Til w " 'i . -T'. y."' .1 .' "-. a a-ar", .rJr-' t v , - . 4 s- Arrngmenl f Pats;r.::r Tf.'n 3NOV, lOth, lorb- - - , - ' Trains leave tltmdonat fmU' low ( Sunday Jrcptta Por Rbaaahia. 10.2a 11.1ft a aa ..a I I) p m- For Mt Carmel, Asblsad, Tasstaesv Poltsvlll. Rssdisg, Bad rkilatUt.ll: 11.11 BBS. ' ' Trains or Htrndon, Vaes at Jbthmt, (Sundays hatrptrd.) tv BbaBtekia. 1.00 as Ma a.j 8.4pm. Lave rblladetabla .Do a as. ReadU. ll.M ass. Potisvllle, p as. Taasaaaa 1.10 a A-bland 2 S6 ta. Ut.-Carmel3.V0 a as. Trains Iran llarruburg as AVfowi y Por Kw York, .2o. I 10 a m a4 i 00 and 7 6 . m. Pr PkilaiUlpbia 4.8. 1. 10 a. t. eoa aad 4.00 fas. Sundays rf Ww York 6.2 a For Pkiladelpbia l.46. aa. Troini for JTarrisbura Uats at follows i ts lfw York, 0.4& -aa 1.00 IM a47 4 p. Lsv rbildlpbla, 0.45 a m. 4 00 aal 7 2V p. as. . t Sundays Leave New York 5.8 p as. Uti !hlladlpbla 7.20 a aal Via Morris m t.tts R. R. J. E. WOOTTEN, Gen'l Uaoaffag, C. G. HANCOCK, Uenllicket Agt, fb 'f. tu a . GOLD; a nsrvatt tor Aelt. W 'ana iraa, oar naw t pa tlaatrated Jawalrv aa wltk la. aroenont bo to max. aioa.y. AUdraat, si. ORONKiiU,. (JO., folia., -., r Mllwa. iaa, Wla. GOLD; Oraal I make oon.y. II jon eaa'l . Roid yoa tan .t Rra. aekt. Vi a naad a aww urn In avary tavtu lo lake anb.orlption for Ik larreat. eliaapeat and ba lllaairat.d laali puidioallon In tha world. Any a no aa hwam a .itc a-lul airool. Tha mo.1 tlwaal nark. of art given rrae to auba,irloa rt. Tha prlc it aa aw mil . i n.iat araryuour tUMeilbat. Ol aii.nt report. niaklBx over la.. I a wk. St laily report, taking ooer 40 tuttrrlhart In ttadavt. All who 0Kae otak monay l..u Vouean devote all ynnr tlma lo th batlaaaa. or only year .par II01. Yo aod not S. a- a.j i rum no-n over bikbi. sob aaa do it at wall aa other.. Full dlr.clloaa and tarma lr H-Mnntae l iuntlv HulSI lira. II you want pronluM wort .and tyar aililraa. at one. It rnatt nolhla I try th bu.tb'.. Mo una who anna... alls ta aiak r:ilpy. Addr. Th hoopla . Jonrnal,1 Portland, naina, Ana.,'77.1. JEW BUILDGS, AND NEW PRICH WAGENSELLER& SON, h.rtVy raf,otfully inform .hir friend aad Ik publio gaoerslly thai tby base opa4 s iivas ta taeir NEW BUIL-DINQ3 ib lb spot so topg occupied by Dr. Jak vftgenvi:r on thaltl or gu wbr thj ion have and will el'ay ktep a large aa wl selected a.iturtmat of SEASONABLE G00D3. la Iba Ladlas' Dryartmsal will k feaaij a full liae ef SI L?CS, POPLINS, BRILLIANTS, VICTORIA LAWNS FIG IREH ALPACAS, SWISS MULL. CAMBRICS, .jse-'ir . r PUINT3, ' l JWjyji, BELANfeSr' Striped aSU Checked Nanlucke, it A A Great Variety of l-sdie' Presa Triniminis, Latest style ft . a-a t e , a a 1 . iioop PKirts, rrencn Uorsets, Kail style Balmorals, La dies' UrubreL Ibh, Parnaola and Sao Shades, Bonnet Ribbons, Laces, Ruf flinpa Embroidere, Linaa and Paper Collars, fcc, io., SiO, A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT sf BOOTS & SHOES rar Ladles, Mitdle and Children, la eat Ua variety, of all vise. Kvlea aad atlaat lcld for the Fall and Winter trade. A full and complete atoek ef CLOTHS, PLAIN AND FANCII CASSIME R ES.COTTONADES. JEANS, Ae., &o. COAL OP ALL EINDS I 3 Qroearie. Queenawar. Hardware, WilU' war, ceuarnar, Ulattwar. A. All of which bavins ba 4nAI errv or CASH will be old at very aaiall prof u uur none ia " saf rtyli Wo alio pay the highest marks! pria or an ain'ie oi grain. WHEAT, 11 KE, CORN, OATS and SEBI We are preprd also te store ee ed. at smalleharg and to doagoaeralCoiaasiasier. aad Forwarding busin. ' I W bop that the nubile seaerall wll give u a eall aa we ball Il la te lath Inter! lo do o befor purabaaing al'. wbsr. Q v us a trial. I W. F. WAQENSELLIR. I M. L. WAOENttELLEA. MARBLE WORT, LEWISUURO, pa. j itii itai tain aurniiaaai otsDVI' ARBU VaJ ea, ) iiauan nun amkniunn mrtntai. LIOimnENTS, Tombstones, Statues, Urns, LAMBd, for Children's Graves, Poat. LinlvU. TuhUtaus. llarbU Sat Slats MaideU, to. j ill thot wbo dealre totinrehet loathttoats ' anything Ue manuhvivrad al the abov tione.1 marble workt, .hould mbibII Ik aaw llBBdl sal, befor porehatlnij elHwker. I Jaly U Ta-lf.l ,Mlddlbr, MytUf O- . E. DENTZ . "j WATCH & CLOG' LIAKER! UARKIT' 8T. MlDDLEBUfta PES' HAVINO loeated la Ihie plaee I we repifully Uforas ike ail it allddlaburg and vioiniiy ikat I a f d te repair CLOCKS AMD i akp aad espeditleaaly. The r ef iba pabli i respe ";r 1 ctTi't-t-jnz" a, JX.Be) Vw 4kw-d. t. tol. e , ..j