The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, November 21, 1878, Image 1

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    r -.a f-oVtmn one rear, $I).00
Cue-ha-f, column, one year, , , HO.UO
One-fourth column, one year,
nnt diiuro (10 lint) 1 insertion 75
Evcrv additional insertion, 60
T rofcssional and Business cards or
not mora than 5 Kite, per year, 8.00
luHiinr. KxMiitor. Administrator
and Assiiinee NolireA, 2.50
Editorial notices per linei, 16
All advertisements for a shorter pe
riod than one year are payable at the
time they are ordered, and if not paid
the person ordering them Will oo held
responsible for the money.
Tho Prophecy of Nuhum.
Woo, bloody oily I' Jehovah's
vole prooleirao
Leaf have t born thy wlekedaess, en
dured Ihf wadloe ahamrs.
Tby ttrssis are filled with rlotlngs, and
heaped wilb glory slain
Tho horsemen, wioliliag sword and Optra,
dtoeordant war maintain."
Take yt the spoils of i!Ur, taka ye tbs
poll of (old I
for aadlMt iiora of tMrWas thlagt her
op'olna fair nafol I .'
But void sbsll ba Ihs ally, anil e'.lent alt
bar way.
ForOod, abborool of htr pride, kor low.
sriog walla iball ravioli.
LaiJ wasts i lorJf Nine eh I Ak, who
hall eoratnr. bow.
Bemoaning tbat lb coronal la rtvletied
from kor brow t
Hor wlekedueas hath made hor foot Ilka
sends npoa tbo shore
Her plee forgot ohall bo, hor glories
known o more.
But tee I apoa the mmnttia eaaoe Ike
mesic.nger of pcaee,
Qlad tiding! briage of glorious good, thai
lerael' woee o-iall eoi e I
0 Jndah ! keep tby falcon feAsie.perforia
Ihy eaored vowe 1
For Ood shall bro.ik the heavy yoke tby
sorrowing head tbat hows
Jl i o e 1 n n e (i u m .
After man came woman.
And she Las been after Liin over
She was a poraon of noblo extrac
tion, being tnado of a mau s rib.
I don't know why Adam wanted to
fool away bis ribs in that way, but I
enpposo he was not accouutublo fur
All ho aid.
Womuu is not an amphbious ani.
mal, but she seems to kuow a good
deal about the peculiar merits of
water, and proachei thorn to her
busbund whenever uho Bmolls some
thing stronger tliuu wutor ou Liu
It costs moro to keep a woman
tbaa throe dogs and a shot gnu.
But sbo pay you b ick witu iuter
ests by giviug you a bonno full of
children to kerp you awukt) at niht
aui eiuoar ouliusoa cuady ou your
rJnndiiy ooat.
Bdsi lua a wifo ia a vry conveni
ot ai tiu'o to httvo iiuout lhn bouse.
8tij in eo bandy to rottr at whou
ever vou cat yourself wit'i tho razor
aoi dun t IWI liko bluimin yoursttlf.
Woiuiiu is tbo auperior Ooia iu
There boin ab ut sity Miousaud
more of bur sex tbau males iu t'unt
This account- for t'uu torrirlod,
liunted duwu esprcsbi u of tbo nm
gle tueu who euiiiato for tbo Eidt.
WoJiau was n it created porfot.
Sbo bas ber faults sucU as false
bair, falsu tcetb, falsa cojjpluxiou,
aud so on.
But sbo is a good deal better thau
ber neighbor, and she knows it.
Eve wits a woionu.
Sbo rnqst bavo been a uioilol wife,
too, for it cost AJua nothing to
keop ber in clothes.
Still, I dou't tbiuk sbo was bap-
Sbe couldu't go to Bowing circles
and air ber information about every
body sbe knew, nor excite tbo uuvy
of other ladies by wearing her new
spring bonnet to church.
Noitber could she bang ovor the
back fenco aud gossip with hor
All these blessed piivileges were
denied her.
Poor Eve I she's dead now.
And the fashion sbe inaugurated
is dead also.
If it hadn't been for the confound
ed "eoaik' perhaps tho ladies of the
present day would dress as eocuomi
cally as Eve did.
But the only place where this
primitive style is emulated is in cor
tain portions of Africa, where the
women consider themselves in full
dress when they have nothing on
but a postage stamp in tho centra of
their foreheads.
What a beautiful example in sim
plicity of dress, is shown some of
the followers of fashion by that do
mestio animal, the cat, which rises in
the morning, washos its face with
its right band, gives its tail three
jerks, and is ready dressed for the
Woman is endowed with a tre
mendous fund of knowledge, and a
tongue to suit
She bas the capaoity for learning
everything sbe was divinely intend
ad to know, and a few extra items'
beside. 0
Young ladies take a good deal of
stock io classics, and learn fast
When you see a young lady stu
dent from Vassar, with ao absorbed
look in her eyes, and ber lips rapid
ly moving, you understand at once
that she is memorizing a passage
from Virgil,
But perhaps a oloser inspection
will revoal the fact that sbe is only
chewing gam.
A woman ' may riot bo able to
sharpen lead pencil, or bold an
umbrella, bat she can pack more ar
ticlas into a trunk than a man can in
a one-horse wagon.
; The happiest period of a woman's
' Ufa is when she is making her wed
diuv garments.
The saddest is when ber . husband
comas home lake at stent, and vails
to tzt froca front door stops to
-ny c-t at i X-J ax sy
' ' ' ' '" ' ....... . . . , , 1 1 i i mi i ii i ii im ..mi
There are somo real curiosities in
faminine nature.
For instanco, I once knew a young
lady who could easily pass another
one on the street without looking
around to see what she bad on.
l'oor thing I sho was blind.
One of the worst habits a woman
can get into is a ri Jiug-baMt
But it is not mncli worae than tho
modern walkiuadreso, which Indies
persist in wearing on the street.
When a woman approaches a
crossing she pauses for one flouting
nstant, (rive's a sudden fticic mat
would lire the envy of a Mexican
mustang, and catches hor train on
the fly.
There is no fun in kissing a gin
when you know yon have got to do
it, and a crowd isstandiug by to see
fair play.
Tbo bost way is to lie in wait for
ber, and jump out whuu she is not
expecting it t catch her around the
neck, knock ber bsir down, tear all
the gathers out of ber dress, pull ber
huud away from bur face, have
ber cry, '"Oh dou't 1" as yon press
your lips to hers, then go off to a
qniot place and think about it.
Tho avenge asfe of woman is a
bout twenty two years.
She never lives to bo vory old.
Homo of thorn look as if they were
well advanced in years, but you
should not judge by appearances.
If you will take tho trouble to ask
a woman how old she is, you will
yet at tbo real facts of the matter.
And discover that she is quite
She seldom passes hor thirtieth
About which time sho bngins to
teir out certatu leave is the family
Scientific uiofi are tryiug to ex
plain why women can t throw Btones
with tho foruo aud prccisiou of tbu
sterner sex.
This is glaring nonsonso.
Womau may not bo able to throw
stones with precision, but they can
hit the murk every time with a giiJ
iron, or a stick of st ive woo I.
Experience bits taught uie that.
Wutu tn. as u gouurul thiug, arc
very bard to manage. I know but
olio way to Icuop u woman iu cheulc.
And that in to make hr dioss in
gingbaiu lutiver Bluebottle i n
lioiiit Circle.
For Tn a I' jst.
European Correspondent.
Letteh No. 8.
Up tht Rhint.
Tho most iutei-eiitintr t'n'uaf about
Colune is its tnagtiitlcont Gothic
Cathudntl whoso found itiou was lui 1
more than (JJO yens ao and the
building w uot yet completed. Parts
of it have beuu used at various times
during suvoral huuJred years for
uhuic'u purposes and tho entiru
structure was converted by Napole
ou 1. into a bay magazioo. In 1812
the work of restoring unj complete
ing tho grand editico was coiumeueed
by L'ovenimeut., aud sinca thou more
than $'J,o00,0U0 bavo been e&peudud
in this way. At the present time
there are about men employed
aud it is thought the building will
bo completed within two years The
iuteuded height of tho inuia tower
is 511 feet, which will bo the loftiest
known work of man. A bull weigh
ing 25 tons has beuu rcceutly cast fur
the Cathedral from cannon captured
from tbo French in the last war.
Tho Btaiuod glass wiudows and var
ious interior decorations are fine
and worth the careful attention of
the tourist
The church of St Ursula is said to
contaiu tho bones of the 11,000 vir
gin attendants of St Ursula who
were Bluuiruierea Dy tne Jinan in
450, and buried here. A large part
of the interior walls of the cburob is
ornamented with boxes of these
bones. There are several hundred
bushels of them in all and a more
ghastly sight can scarcely be imag ined.
The tresury of the church
contains memorials of the Saint her
Sarcophagus, her arm and skull, a
gold ring which she -wore, and tbe
arrow with which she was killed.
Among otber relics we are shown an
alabaster jar from tbe marriage sap-
por at Uana, some of tue nones oi
St Stephen aud two thorns from
our Savior's crown.
On our former visit we spent a
Sabbath in the city and ' bad a good
illustration of the way it is observed
in Catbolio German cities. Walking
through one of the principal streets
ws found most of tho shops open,
and all kinds of business going on
much as usual. Soon there came
along a Jesuit procession of several
hundred men, women and children
in holiday attire with banners, light
ed candles and a brass baud. The
shops were closed temporarily, oak
branches scattered in tue street, in
nnmmerabls little flags bung out.
images Diougnt to sigui, uttie
sbriues lighted, and flowers oast un
der tbs feet oi tue priests woo were
heading the prooossion.. As soon as
it was past business went on as be
fore. There were formal services in
the cathedral aud the many church
es. Io the afternoon and evening
there was music, dancing and drink
ins- in a larore beer sardeo connect
sd with onr note, on sua cans or ins
riverr Tbs revelry, including tbs
playing of a large band, waa kept np
until nearly midnight when tbs en
. . w. .a a a Mm
tartainmant enoea win a nne ais-
plsy of firswcrxa. Tts Eabfcft&J bcrt
as generally on the continent is
merely a great holiday.
Leaving Cologne by steamer there
is little of interest Until we reaob the
University town of Boon, which Was
one of the first fortresses of the Bo
mans on tbe Rhine, and was fre
onentlr mentioned by Tacitus. The
University buildings, like those of
all tbo great educational institutions
of Oermauy, aro inainguillcant and
unworthy a visit nukss tho traveler
learns from it tbat a great Universi
ty does not consist in fine buildings
but in distinguished professors.
A, littbt abovo Uuu we coino to
the Seven Mountains of which tbe
most noted, lliachenfel,or Dragou's
Rock, is muotionod by Byron, as,
"Tbs east led erg of lrobeaft.
Frowss o'er tbs wids add winding Hbioe.'
From a ruined castlo ou its sum
mit there is one eftbe finest aud
most extended viovtsontlio Rhiuo.
Iu the side of tbo mountain toward
the river can b bou the mouth of
the cave in which there onca lived a
terrible dragou, who ate half a dozen
mon for hi dinuor every day, and
was worshipped by tbo idolaters
who livod iu the vicinity. But a
beautiful captive christian maiden
was onco given him as a part of bis
daily rations, who held tbo cross
toward the monster as be opened bis
mouth to receive ber, which so tor-
rilled biiu that he sprang into tho
I. bine aud was nover seen moro. lu
proof of tho btory you cau sou with
your owu oyos tho cavero in which
the monster lived.
Just boyoud, ou tbo other sido of
the river, is tho mountain and ruin
ed arch of uolandseck ctetlo, oppo
bilo tho inland of Nounuunerth,
which was built by tbo bravo Ivuigbt
Kolaud ou bis return from thu Cru
sades, iu order that bo might over'
iooit tue convent on mo isiuud in
which his lady lovo halttUm refuge
when she beard the rumor of liin
death. This beautiful legend of his
luiiglly devotion is tbo subject id
ono of Schiller's finest ballads "The
Knight of Toggeuburg."
At Liuz are extensive quarries of
basaltic, which is hero found in hex
agouat coIuuh of from thruo to toil
iLchcd in diameter. These columns
aro used largely iu tho conutrnctiou
of dykes iu liolljud. N'ouwiod ro-ceivt-d
tho Motaviaus after tbeir ex
pulsion from duriog'tho
thirty years war, una from this cen
ter they bavo spread over the whole
In half nu hour more wo aro at
I ho beautiful fiiiuatod city of Cob
leoz, at the junction of tho Rhine
aud Mosello. Ou tbo opposite wide
of tho river is tho liibrahurof the
II hi no, tho fortress of Eliroiibreit
steiu, which is p-avctically invnlner
ablo It cau be defended by fi'J )
tueu aud can accomodate 10 ),00).
and its magazines will coutaiu pro
visions for SJO for teu years. Twelve
miles from Cobleuz 'u Ens, the
favorito resort of tbo (orman Em
peror, where, iu 1470, King William
brought on tho l-'rouch war by bis
sharp reply to an obtrusivo FroucU
ambassador. Cobleuz was the birth
place of the distinguished Austrian
1'iiiue Minister, Pi iuco Metternioh.
From Cobleuz to Bingon, a distauue
of thirty seven miles, is the finest
sconery on the Rhino.
1 brua miles above Uoblona is tbe
castlo of StolenMs, on a precipi
tous rock risiug auu feet above the
rivor. As early us l-uu is was a fa
mous castle, but 200 years ago. it
was destroyed by tbe French and
loft in ruins until within fifty years,
when it was presented to the pres
ent Emperor William by whom it
was rebuilt Uuoon Victoria was
entertained here in 1815. It in
cludes oue of the finest views ou tbo
Rhine Ou our rubt towers tbe al
most conioal mountain on which the
castle of Murksburg is perched, 435
feet above tbe Kbine, tbe only mid
dle age fortress on tbe river whioh
bas escaped destruction. Scattered
through Boppard are a number of
thoso strange old German bouses
With the frames on the outside of
tbe buildings. This part of tbe
Rhine is much frequented by artists
in search of the quaint and pictures
que. Like several othor places on
tbe liuioe in early times it boastod
a Lodge of tbe Knights Templar,
whose heroes are mentioned m rec
ords of tbe Crusades.
Just above, on the opposite side
of tbe river, cronwing adjaceut spurs
of the same mountain, are tbe ruins
of tbe two nasties Tbe Brothers.
These were occupied by two broth
era who loved tbe same maiden
lleinriob generously went to tho
Urusadoa and left the prize to Con
rad, wbo finally growing weary of
ber, also went to the Crusades, and
suddenly returned with a Orecian
bride. This broke tbe heart of tbe
deserted wife, wbo shut herself np
in her caatle aud refusoa to see any
one. Late one evening a strange
knight claimed tbe hospitality of
tbe castle, tie provea to ce tlelu-
riob, and at once resolved to avenge
ber wrongs, ie challenged Conrad
to single combat but just as with
battle axes raised on high they
were about to ohop each otber into
saasago meat the sad lady Inter
posed and insisted on a reooncilia
tion, to which they reluctantly con
sented, while as waa nnally the case,
the Injured lady retired to a eon
vent which was always conveniently
near. Tbe Green bride of Conrad
very properly soon deserted tbe
rascal and he Anally became reoou
eUsd to bl brother. . Thy lived
together in one of tbe castles and
bad a good time all tbeir lives
while tbe innocent aud mnch injured
faithful wife got what i comfort she
could from a life passed within the
narrow walla of the convent. If I
could have had the shaping of this
legend I should certainly have re
Mardod the beautiful woman with
a first class emperor for a husband,
tiiid bad ber spend her days in both
the castles, and made Conrad curry
water on bis back from the Uhiue to
the castlo 18 hours per - day, aud
given him only cold beans and crusts
of bread from the sorveuts' table.
Towcriug nearly 40J feet above
Hi. Ooar is tbe castlo of Kueiufi-la,
tbe largest and most itnposiug ruin
on the Rhiue. Opposite St Uour
aro tho lofty rocks of tho Lurlei,
and bore thu Rhine is the narrow
est aud most winding iu its course,
aud has a depth of 75 feet. I'pou
this uiouutaiu dwelt a syreu who up
poirod with wondrous form aud
beauty and lured passiug sailors to
destruction in a vrhirpool at its base
Arouud tbo first bend iu tbo liver
a bridge of rocks in the bod of the
stream, visiblo at low water is called
the Seven Virgins. Iu the neigobor
iug custlo of scbonebvrg, long since
in ruins, lived tbo seven beautiful
danghters of a brave knight They
l'ljyed tho mischief with tho hearts
of the noble young mon in tho sur
rounding country and ended by jilt
ing them all. Tho rtouy hearted
Huts were one day on the river iu n
boat, when tho god of love, eurugod.
ut them for their unwoiuauly con
duct, wreckod their frail craft aud
sunk tueni iu tho river iu order I
prusuiuj to soften tbeir hearts. But
thoy eeumej Dover to have relented
but rather to have petrified and aro
now a sad warning to ull yoiiug la
dios uuver to refuse au eligiblu
young man.
Abovo Caub, on a lodge of roc!;s
iu tho middle of tbe river is the
small and well preserved caitlo of
I'fulz, which bas only ono enttauce.
and tnut reached by a ladder. Iti
was built for tbe purposo of levying
toll ou passiug boats.
Abovo Loruh rises a high nud
nearly perpendicular rock, called
tho iJovil'e Ladder, which a Knight
is said to bavo nailed by means of a
long ladder built bv dwarfs, iu order
that bo might rescuo a fair lady who!
ua.l beeu abducted by evil spuits.
l'roiu Ibis poiut to Biuguu, a dis
tance of Homo seven miiei:, there aro
Jroui niue to twulvo mined castles
iu sight all the time, oudiug with
the celebrated Mouso Tower of thu
ci uol Uiaiiop Iljilto, b iilt on a lodge
oi rocks iu tho bu I u; tht river.
Mrs. Norlou's familiar pootn ' A bjI
dier of tbo logiou lay dying iu
Algiers," bas m ido Uingeu fatuous.
Abovo here ttio charaut-ar of tiu
country changes vory rapidly, the
hills recudo from the river, and we
are in the finest grape and winu
sections or the Kbiuo. lbe famous
Johaunesberg vineyard, of 40 acres,
which produces the linos t wiuo on
tho river, is just abovo iiiugon. In
its bust years it has givou its owner
a rovHuuo of l,0 ) per aero.
From Boun to Binguu ti ere aro
ruins of a largo number of watch
towers, of which we have made no
mention. Those were generally
built close to tbe river and were
usually circular. Tbe vines culti
vated all along the Rhine wburover
there is a southern exposure, and
tbo suddenness with which tbe vine
yards cbauge from oue side of the
river to the other, as tbe stream
change from one side of tbe river to
the other, as the stream changes its
directions, is vory noticuablo to au
American. In many place tho hill
sides are terraced up to the very
top aud planted with thu vine,
ibis is particularly the case with the
great mountain opposite Bingen,
while tbe expense of propane ' tho
ground, and thero t,ro eevorul hun
dred acres of it must Lave boon
thousauds of dollars per acre.
The whole Rhino distiuot shows
long coutiuoed and careful cultiva
The American naturally Institutes
a comparison botweeu the Rhine
and tbo Hudson, and travelers are
not at all agreed iu tbeir prefar
enoe. There are plain practical
mon wbo look upon a ruined catle
merely as an old stone pile, and for
whom tbe scenery and tbe legendo
have no charm. They cannot cue a
prosperous city or a good farm from
Bonn to Bingou, and so are loud in
tbeir denunciations of the Rhiue as
one of tbe many swindles to whioh
travelers are aubjuctid io a foreign
land, aud profess they rouid eujoy
a ride along tbe Erie oaual better.
Suoh mon ought not to waste their
time and money abroad and disgraoe
respectable Americans iu tbe eyes of
foreigners, f rom oonn to uiugen
a ride up the river of some eight
hours, the traveler is constantly
interested in tbe eve. changing pic
ture before him. Tbo narrow, wind
ing river, the steep bills rising often
abruptly from tbe water, tbe scores
of rained castles nearly all with their
legends, tbe watch towers and mod
ern oaatlos one or more of wbioh are
almost constant in view, the quaint
little German villages crowded in
between the bills and tbe i:ver, tud
tbe strangeness of everything one
sees, makes tbe day np the Rhine
one of tbe most enjoyable tbe trav
eler will have abroad. Tbe river is
not so large as the Hudson, and
benoe does not have tbat grand and
powerful weep' twiCt) wuieb tbe
Hudson flows along. If the reader
can imagine some ninty miles of the
river like the udson along West
Point and Stony Point, every mile
or so crown the Ligbest and often
tbe most iuaccessible poaka with
ruined castles, scatter strange look
ing villages along tbe bauks, cover
the sleep mountain sides with little
patches of vines, or different kiods
of gruin, and weave around the
whole tho accumulated history and
romance of twenty centuries, be will
have something of an impression of
tbn '-nriod beauties of the Heine.
We will remember how one of our
own party, a straight-forward busi
ness uiiiu of the greatest intelli
gence and good sense, and without
a particle of "sentimental gnsli'' iu
his uiaki up, sat all day on tho doi-k
of the steamer, taking in the' varied
beauties of tho river, and could not
even be induced ti go bolow long
enough to gut bis dinner. Our
secoud trip up tho Rhiue gavo us
moro pleasure even thau tbo first,
and it was with sincuro rcgroV that
we left the steamer at Bichrich, and
wont by cat-lingo t) Wiesbadou.
We hope, next wck to show our
readers something of "(Jermau
Watering I'lacos."
O. R BrnnuRD.
Selling Gsods.
It is a very common roninrk that
good sulosmou are bom, not mado
1 bcliuvo it is Into, But it docs uot
moau tbat a man is born a irool
suiesiuau only tbat what makes
bitu oQicient in that line is born in
biiu. There aro peculiarly natural
qualities needed to make a good
salesman, and if a mau does uol
bavo these bo bud bettor turn his a-
tetitiou to soma other branch, for bu
cannot succeed hero, let two men
who aro e. in, illy good salesmen, luuv
ba almost totally utiliko almost,
mind you i they nint bo good judg
es of human naturu. How Bhall you
becomo a good jndgoof linmau ua
turo T Vou might as well ask tue
why tbo violets aro bluu 1 cannot
toll you
"You nood to knov human naturo
becausn you must pleaso tho person
with whom you are talking must
make a pleasant impression on him.
Wo do uot trade with a disagreea
ble person unions wo aro obliged
to l we often bay articles wo did uot
orpoct to purchase just because the
mail who waited ou us was pleasant.
Every good salesman is one who
does just this : be makes himself u-i-!;wiblo
to ll'.o peiMou La is waiting
upon, so that if to dorr, uot sell him
moro thau hi intended to buy, bu
selld him all ho expected to purchasH
and sends awcy with a pleasant
iiuproasiou cf Ike fialestnau. D o
not lUHConstruo my phrase, 'inula
iiiiuauf cgr'ieahlo i' perhaps yon
have oeon making yourself agreeublo
to somo young lady, aud tbiuk the
same tactics you need with ber are
to bo brought iuto play iu tho otoro.
Yon could uot make a greater mis
"Whoo a person ontors tho store
he c. hIio should bo met with respect
fill politeness i not tho pigoou-wing
flourish you mako in the ball-room
when tbo prompter calls 'salute part
nerc' but a sulution tbat dignities
the person you address. Don t chip
per in like a p i: rot with, 'What cuu
t show you cr 'Whut is it, sir 1 as
if you vauted bita to push forvardj
his bu8ii.uss us rapidly as possible.
lio ir. as much hurry os you please
yournol but nover hurry your cus
tomer, ur.losu you aro sure bu or she
will boar it Do not volunteer ad
vice about what they 6hull buy ; if
you have what they ask for, got it
for thorn, and while you art gettiug
it, if you have something tb.;t is as
good for loss monoy, or bettor for
tho same mouoy, tooctiou it and toll
of its merits, aud poo pi a will give
you a bettor beariug it thoy see you
have the thing tbey asked for ii
they did not see this tbey would
tbiuk you were ont of it and were
trying to get tbeto to decide ou
something olso just because you
could not give them the artiolo they
"Never Joko unless you are sure
of your customer i never volunteer
a remark unless you aro sure the
customer will be pleased. Moo oft
en puss for buing wiso simply be
cause thoy keep thuirlips closed and
rnuny mercbentu get nob by keeping
silunt. I' you voluutour a remark
bear in mind that what you are aim
ing at is not to show your own
utaai tness or brilliaocy, but to please
your customer, aud let everything
you say rave this end iu view. Don't
gat iuto any argument of any kiud
or ou any subject in your store ;
every customer has a right to bis
opinions, aud if you canuut agroe
with bitu iu all he says you will find
something in bis views or creed tbat
you can agree with, aud you can
make tbs most of that What a pity
that this epirit cannot be carried
with us oat of car stores, and tbat
eooh of us does not go tbrough life
soarohing for that upon whioh we
might r.ll agree rutbor than quarrel
and bicker over little points of dif
fereuoe. -SMrmct jrom me
Koaa to iHau$.
wo Iriauraen were in prison, one
for stealing a cow tbe otber for c toll
ing a watch. "Hollo, "dike, and acre
what time is it f said tbe oow
stealer. "Ao' sure." said tbe watch
stealer 'I've no timcpieoe bandy,
bat suppose it's just aboat milking
21, 1878. NO. 25
. Coed Advlej.and Qaot) Wanner!.
Much jewelry is vulgar.
I'o not smack while eating.
Do not out your nails in public.
lo not breathe hard while eating.
I'nsweatened coffee euros bad
Short nails make the finger tips
grow broad.
Girls who part tbeir Lair oa the
sido look fust
In going np and down stairs pre
cede the lady.
A formal call is long if it lasts
over half an hour.
Young girls are trusted too much
with male cousins.
There is too much promiscuous
kissing in this country.
A young laly should not stretch
bor feet out iu company,
Washington doffed bis bat even to
a negro if ho knew him.
Ad Itess your wife as "Mrs." and
your husband as "Mr."
A pink ribbon under the chin
makes a pnlo woman look brighter,
Do uot have pictures of game,
fruit or fish iu your dining room.
A man uhonld never appear in bis
ahirt slooves beforo ladies iu tbe
No ninu respect a girl who flirts,
though bo may flirt with her for
'J bu lady of the house should re
ceive tbe guests at a formal recep
tion. An r-ngagoment of marriaco is lit
tlo less sacred than a marriage with
If it is necossary to use tbe hand
ketchief souorously, loavo tbo room
lutroduco tho gentlotnan to the
lady unless tho guntlouiuu is consid
erably thu elder.
If you meet a gnntlmum friend
with a strange lady ou bis arm, ruisu
your hat to both.
Nothing is prettier for a roundish
girl thau bruids down tbe back, aud
full waiHtod dress.
Men who eat what thoy want are
iisiiully more healthy than those who
are always dieting.
Never cross a knifo and fork on
your plu'e. Lay them nearly aud
carelessly parallel.
You need not call on nowly mnrri
od people unless you aro invited to
tho wedding or reception.
Proverbs For Subscribers.
"A wiaosoo maki-th a glud father,"
and a prompt paying subscriber
cuuseth nn oil Her to latlh.
"Folly is a joy tliut is dhtitute of
wisdom, ' bat a Ui-limpiout subscriber
euiiHuih m Tci ing iu tbo lious ol a
tiowsimper inukur.
"All i ho ways of a man nro clear
in hi own eyi'B,"eioopt the way the
l i; I i ii i no ii t siibticriher batb in not
paying fr bis nowepnpor'. '-Better
in i little with rii;litoiu-ues-" tlum a
thousand i-ub-crilers wbo fail to pay
whut they owu.
"A j i-t weight and bulance aro the
Lord's," but ihut which is duo upon
your n w.'pjprr boluns lo the pub
lislier thereof.
"Hotter u a dry morsel and quiet-,
ni'fa therewith,'' thuu a long ot
subcritiers who cheat the printer.
"Better is liu pour man that w.llt
ctli ia integrity," nod puyutb bis
eub-ici'lpti u, than the rioh tau who
continually tollelh tby "devil" to
call sjain.
"Ju lk'tncnts are prepared for ccoro
ers, htiipoi for the backs of fools,"
ati'l cvoi Uctiiig piiniKbuiuut for biia
who puyctb un. lor his newspaper,
"llopa deterred tmikuib thu hcurt
sick" is a proverb nad.y realized by
tbe puhlisher who sonde'.h out bills.
"A righteous man Unlet b lying,
hotico au editor waxos wroth against
tho s-ibsuribor who pro mines to call
a I oi'ttU ou tho morrow, yet callvtL
uot to settle.
"It biteth lik-i a scrpont and sting
eth liko an sd ler," when tho adder
gelt through adding up tbo amounts
due from bis ulis.
Business Law.
Ignoranoe of tbo law esouses no
An agrcoraent without censidora
tion is void.
Signatures made with a lead r--
cil are good in law.
A receipt for money paid is not
legally conolusivo.
The note of one partner tiad all
others .
Contracts made on tiundcy can
uot be onforoed.
A contract made with a minor is
A contract made with a lucatlo is
Principals are responsible for the
acta of tbeir agents
Ageuts ere responsible to their
priucipai". for errors.
!acb individual in a partnership
is responsible for tbe whole amount
of tbe debts of a firm.
A nolo given by a minor is void.
Notes bant interest only whon so
It is uot legally neoeuary to
on a note "for valuo received."
A note drawn oa Sunday is void.
A note obtained by fraud, or from
a pereou in a state of intoiioatiou,
cannot be collected
If a note be lost or stolen, il t!ooe
not release tbe maker i he most pay
An endorser of a note is exempt
from liability if not nerved with no
tics of bis dishonor within twenty,
four bours of its n on-pay men
tOmtejUt a?M.
anna yc.'
PubtUhed every Thursday fivenlstf
jXHxuiAiz oaoTjca. rroy'ji
Twins of S iY)Mn '"iiufL
two dollars per ajCkdm ivy
able vithin six montka, or iiUSOlfrt
paid within the year. If o papes? (Li
continued until ail arreairawes awe)
faid unless at tbe option of the pal
flubec ription outsids of tbe ooontry
BjeyfVrrorva lifting and using par are
Addressed 'A others become aiibacribars
and ire liable forth price ofthspapst
President Rutberfnr J D Haree, Olid,
Vies I'retldeat Williaat A. Wbeelor, No
ttecrstary of State TTiUSadl M. Kvertti
New Vera.
Seoretary of lbs Treaeury Jobs Bhermaa,
3oeretary of War George W. MsCrSrt
Seereiary of the Navy Rlshard fft
Tbompion, Indiana,
Allornry Urneral Charles DoteSI, Mas
I'uslmaaier Orneral David Jd. Key. Tea
i-eereiary of lbs toierior (jarl churl(
M ieeourl.
0ovrnor .lohn F. llartranri,
t.lenlrnaiilUoverDor John Ltla. .
Secreiaiy of the Couiuiunweallh J. Bi
Depmv rto. of lbs CommoDweahb Tbo.
I'rlvntoSce. to the Ooveroor Cbeotor K,
l-'arr, Jr.
Chief Clerk -0. t. ITrden.
Attorney anerl (leorge I.esr.
Ueput.v Attorney Uvueral Ly tsaa Dl
Auditor ttenrrat Wm. P. Prboll.
.-tisto TmrMirrr-Am.i, 0. Noye.
dooretnry ot luirrunl Affaire iriliant
M 1'nn.lliK.
SiipvrltiicnJctii of 9.iMlor' Orphan and
I'liminnri Mi-lioola J. P. VYickerebau.
Adjulnnl Ik-nonil Jtmei W. I.ntta
Com, ut. tinner onn-unncn J. M. Fosteri
atuls Lilirnrlau C. I.. Klirenfcld.
t'ouiiiututicr of I'uhlio Charlies 0.
Ilawmin Coleinao, I'blla l.lpbia Uvn
oral A te tit and 8to., billet Luiacr,
Kt-a Mug,
Flebery Commie. ioneM--nenjatnin I. Uo
wit. Howard J. Keedrr, and James1
t'ntftd .S'(ji Snirciae Court.
Chief Ju-tice Mnrrieoa R. H'aite, of
Aeeueinle Juslices ClilTord. of Msinn,
fwayne. of Ohio, Millr, sf lows,
I'leM, of Cnlifornin,, Sf I'i-iiu-eylrnni.t,
llriiillcy, of Now Jertey,
Hunt, of New Viirk.
Recorder Wm. Tod l Otto, of Indi-ma.
Suprimf Court of 7VmiNy.Yiin':l.
Chii-f Judiirr Pinifl Ajcnew.
A'iia!e Ju-iicrs Ororis J'har-wo'i j,
I'lynrs Mercur, luino 0. llordon,
Edward M. I'axann, Warren J. H'otd
war.l. John Trunkry.
Tum'.Uth Jtuti-ial District.
Pre-ldfnl Jmle-Joi.eph C. Buuher.
AHiociine Jmlvs-. iiiraui U'Meil, Satauei
1!. Schuck.
PherilT 1. Eieenhart.
I'rothouotiiry Jcrrmiali Crouss.
RrgUii-r aud lUojr lcT . Juuisa H. Tn
Trrinuror Henry Bender.
Dinirioi Attorney J. II. Arnold.
Cnronnr A. M. Mmiih.
Cuiunii.oionria Joel Kow, John Rotcil
Munrn Kiehht.
Hiirvrynr--Oeorit II. Brnfer.
Audiiom--luuiel I'ei feul-noh, !fsr Bi
MidillenwnrtU, W. A. ilie.
Manufacturer of and dealer la
Would reipecifully Inform the cltliene ef
8eliinrove and vicinity, tbnl be minufas
lurea In or hr and keeps cnnxlnnlly on Lau4
Furniture of evorv Dosorintion
at the vcrf lowoat prioe. lie reapeoiful
Invites an eiaininmion of
LOfXai-S, S r ANK.", CHAIR 3, fee.
ftiy.V epecial invitation is svleaded ts
ly married lo'.ke to eall und sea my stock
ors purohuaiug elsswbere.
Halinnirofe, Apr.lifi.HTO-if
Tralnalaave LtMowo Juoetloa a follows
Plttlari(U Kipreis looa.m.
I'aollio lv.irtm saua.-a
Wav f."enK.r e 45 a.m.
'll , 4 00 p. iu.
'at Lino S W . m.
FhHaOelphla E.piata 10 30 m.
fueiS Kiiir,., louaa. m.
Julm.toas LipruiO 1 1H4. to.
-oin s 410 m,
Allautie Ktpreie ( 11 p. m
1 i e at I.ln-. Wav P"nnra1 tha noir.
is li.r-. w. t, and tho lolOo ao1 AliaDt.O
Lin.-, aa.t mo
Wav iraioi U-are.uiloBS la Mlfflla SoanlV
ai tulluws I
wmiTtfJi nn.
Ad leMnn'e
U' Vayiuwa
li'lt ayarO
N. lumlltra
p. rt.
10 1.1
10 67
11 Hi
11 St
11 1- J
II 40
a u
4 IS
4 9T
4 ill
10 M
10 M
10 45
10 34
10 -i5
:u is
4 4T
The PacM- Eit.rcia wsjI tsatieflaanoS al
Mi-vtioii t 5 j . in. audi Atlantic Kx
pru at at i .J p. m.
ubUMIifit fitf tUt0JU'uk l dtflCM, QiitllCAl Of
otiisr eo'tiitenu-ln, o't 'u ouul JtilfiD-, iriev
U-ie-t;t..o liifriotiruttil", und fW mttra r
luilrf ff Vat- Dta, iirutuiittf iio-4 to. Ws)
nta priUiijlnrT txu Viliutt' in and fitruiih
ui'0.oiii a to pAtt ntiLHttjf, fit of of ciiiri,
U l fell ha ! mr-ftati it i Te)t.lttua
t'4tm invfttMi to n4 ,.tr r. eof vt our
fi? so uy tililrvsi sutIn r-iiui i
stni-i.u: tiOsv ii.o-i- a otl t ti '
ns)Mtt astttT. liiirnitf tho at vvy.
llirv O-Hi.i.fV Drffc.l.v llirse lMjla l-ntttul fnf
Arur.aa aiiJ lui-tft,u l.trcutont. antl uu
factory raftrtQctM iu ftluokl tvtrj .hulijt let
Ailttrr : I.OI ii SlfiGKR & CO. 8
tturnf ri:Mt, sti.t. Attorittg fat L, &lvt
limltJlU', v;litif;it.t 1. C, tjyi,1;!
County Surveyor
Kratzcrvilia, Sryd9r County PshA'tf.
Surveying aed CoavsTtaslng raatl)
aad skillfully attsadstl t. A ahats ef
tits publio'S patrsaase aallalleaV
July Sftih, '7a, d.
John.oo'i Ancd-sa Llaiaieat wlllfeaHivelw
nntt iki t4rriuisaa4u.sat4 will Mali I,.
If ei alna oms la tow. lMotSMi.s u-a
1.1 mvo siaaf Uvea seat, fro suU. v I