The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, November 14, 1878, Image 1

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    . Vtlvertl.lntr IlntrH
One column one year, 'tV.f)U
One-half, column, one jour, so.on
One-fourth column, one rear, 13.00
One souare (10 lines) 1 Insertion . "A
Kvcry additional insertion, 60
TWrssionsI and Husincw cards of
not more than 5 linoe, per year, 6.00
Auditor. Executor. Administrator
find Asslgnoo J?o.lcee, t,T
Editorial noli cos per lino. 19
All advertisements for ft shorter pe.
rind than one year aro payable nt the
time they nro ordered, and it not paid
the person ordering them will oe hold
respoiwimo ior me mcnov.
J o t v y
Til Sylns; leave fall fast,
Chaemut, willow, oak and beech,
All brows and withered lit,
Now iwlrllnj l-i the somen; blat,
How tO'J'Wn nnder font.-lbey Waab,
Tbal one or oil mail die.
Tbli eiitame at tb year
Cno dly bomolo ny heart,
Wboo youthful bnpoo arc dtd.
'Tb darkmlng da) ere drar-e
Itek loo n mis I loo depart
Al withered Iratea aud dead.
Se li It ell deeay ?
Alt preeenl ta.-aon gala remote f
Monotony end pain T
Ab I no ! t bro a lay
Tbo robin ninia. How awt tb noat-e
A par, unearthly (irala.
An, ef all Bawers, lb drat
Beneain mo leeeeein spring mall bow
Sweet violet bin aad wbite,
Fa all loot love ohall buret
la (prlngUk beamy, imamer glw,
la bvn npna oar aif lit.
H o 1 o b t T
(t 1 o
A Strange Adventuro.
Ml e I ,
wrrvuie was one oi mose sober
little American towns which .n eor
titia class of novolists so delighted
to select a the scone of th'ur ro
mance, aud which fi-mpinutly lie
sleep for so lou a poriui of time
that it is a positivo Ulaiain.r wixin
oinethinjr ynt of tbo cirdintry !
coarse oi events unppenos, to aw.iko
tbein ont of tboir eUte of lothitry.
Orrrille hud been asloop for al
most twelve yonrs, whoh an evont
oconrred which tootbor with tlio
attonJaot iucidontn, completely o
ronsed tbo whole town.
Orrville wae aituited on Like
WaDoaa.ono of the most charming lit
tle sheet of water in onr I
States. In a uecludod tnlley, ehnt
ont, aa it were from all the rent of
tbe world by the enrrooodinjr bills,
with a solitary mijastio moantain
keeping silent vigil over the slumb
ering scene, lay tho beautiful lake,
and. on its margin, the miniature
town. Tbe spot was all that a poet
niL'tit fancy, or a romautio lover
sigh for t and when there w.t ad
vertised "A new smnmor resort, tho
Orville ITouso at Orrville," with ev
ery aeooioodation &.s., Ac, it is not
surpnsiuff that many parsons, who
had been struck by the surpassing
beauty of the pleoe, as the caught
at flying gWuoo of it in tbe wuizz:d
train should respond. immediately
to the opportunity, and enge to
spend tho summer or nu'mnu monthti
at so chrtn&iiit? a resort.
Among the curlier guuHts nt the
Orrville House, 'ore Cilmrlea L tey,
a talented youn j lirrifstr of liiuile I
in ran s, Colonel urrie, mid n Mr.
Van Havon, a Imuduomo yo'iuy
merchant of Now York.
Charles Lacy and Mattio limb
liad been phymnto in their child
hood i bnt the former hid removed
from bis native place iu his fifteenth
tear, and hud never met the sweet
heart of bis boyitdi days until time
had transformed biiu into tlu full
tatno of a man. JSotu were uow so
complotoly changed, that they mot
at Orrville as entiro etrangorx, and
were only recognizable to one anoth
er by tbe mention cf their n tinos
and places of residence. The ac
quaintance, thus renewed, ripened
iuto ardent love, and Charles Lacy
considered himself tbe luckiest ful
low on earth.
'Did you bear tho news Mattio t"
asked Lacy, one morning, as his be
trothed seated herself at tbe break
last table by bis side.
' "Not what is it t'
"Johnson & Co., bankers in this
town, hare been robbed of over one
hundred thousand dollars l'
- "You don't say so I When did it
cccnrT" .
"Soma time during the earlier
part of tbe morning. Tbe thief,
whoever be ia, made a pretty fair
haul of it left the firm with a very
mall sum for its own pocket-book.
It waa a private bankiogbonse, and
Involves many of the leading persons
of the town.''
"And they haven't aocured the
guilty parties 7"
"No i and are not likely to do so
eithor. Men who take such goodly
sums aa this, generally secure a safe
avenne of escape. But 1 can tell
jouthis," be added, lowering bis
voice, and inolining his bead toward,
hers, suspicion falls on the Orville
House, but no one individually, as
far aa I am aware of.
Just then a waiter placed a letter
by bia tide saying j "Something for
Mr. Lacy." .
It read thus -"Coma to Dal ton at
,tnee Your presence ia needed im
mediately at Mr. Oreenupa. Do not
delay, k. H.
"What ia this f Coma to Dalton
at onca I A. H. Who can that poa
sibyl. But 111 ro."
"I'm called away for little while
Mattie," aaid be, in explanation, ro
pUoing the note in the envelope,
but expect to b back aoon, 1 must
KO forthwith i and pressing bar
hand, ha left tba breakJast room,
. hurriedly packed few necessary
rticlea in bia valiae, and was at the
tetion Just ia tiao to catcb,
fcorninj train. - .-.
: .
fii lift ' iHtpiii . 'ili
VOL. 1C.
itio pay crowa or tlioutlossdaocHrs.tue way to ft dense thicket of nndor-
in the brilliantly lighted hotel, for
an atmosphere more In harmony
with her s.idlonej spirit. Hor hoartjing autinflod himself of tins pninr.
was very heavy to-nitrht Sho wan
dered lUtlpusly down to th water's
od'o. A little boat lay moored
there. She Scaled liernolf in it,
where she felt she could be undis
turbed in her lonely meditations,
ller thonhts soon fonnd nlterance :
" bat a chitiiKO I she raurmnrad
'.vhat a chnri(e from onr happy con
dition of a week ago 1 I Jean hardly
real io it I A bank robbed, and
Charles arrestod ns.the perpetrator
of the robbery and thrown iut pris
on 1 Uow could they ever mmped
him f Yet the circumstances aro
very mysterious, and a liaMy inves
tigation points to him. It is evident
to me, though, that he only left Or
l iville tcinporarily.t'.mt ho was called
aw:ty. Ftrnngo thst ho should havo
destroyed tbo letter, and that it
turns out there is no such person ns
Oreonup in D.iltou I It is not at all
str.mffo thnt bo should Imvo bocoma
excitod whon a conploof men laid
their hand.i on hiia ft ho was gotinr
ont of tho tnvin, aut tol l him ho
was a thief, and waa wanted immedi
ately nt Orrvillo. Who wouldn't get
excited nnd-.r such circumstance T
What nousonso thoy nlletfo I 1 hey
say ho luiht have written the note
himself, and parsed it through tho!
post Hot I know bo has not tho
least link of connection with tho af
fair i and the authoritina havo no
right to commit him to prison, when
ho can obtain bail from half a d jz jn
different persons. But tho people
hero are so excitod that tlioy will
li'iton to uothing.' A tear trickled
down hor pule cheeks. "Pshaw 1
I'll not bo such a baby nil will bo
right yet."
bite satin tho boat nntil the lights
in tho di'Jereiit departments of the
hotel gradually disappear, and was
just about to rise and lot urn to tho
house, when a fignre, oooiin down
tho path towards her induced her to
retttiti her seat, Tho figure piovod
to bo that of tlio voting merchant,
Mr. Van Haven. Mattio had tilwavs
bucn attracted by the bnudHome face
and winning manners of tho gay
New Yorker, and rather enjoyed his
society than nthern'io. So hlio re
mained seated until he took his place
hy liersiae.
"L-.nt's row ont npon tho like,'
3iiid Van Haven, without nn nuiiec
essary "iJood evening," ns he raised
tho oars and pulled gvntly from tho
iiliore. "It in a vary ('iiot night,
mid wo shall not bo disturbed. MohI
oi tho folk havu retired. We munt
move cautiously.'
"Why t' questioned Matlio, rath
or surpri.-ind at this remark.
"WliyT Uo you waut t o bolray
yonrnelf f
"U.-t.riy myself 1 Why, what aro
yon talking ah mt, Mr. Van Htveu f
Just then tlio moon, wluc'i had
h-.ieu shining on his back, foil foil
upon his f ice. and revealed a coun
tenance with sn uu'H'iil strange ex
presHion, nnd to tlio great astonish
ment of Mattio, tho fact that her
companion wa asleep I Van Haven
had been knowu to w iUt in his sleep
and perform n great many marvel
Ions feats while iu that condition i
nnd Mattie Harris berelf hid hap.
iieued to meet him ouco while u
joying a somnniriouiistio ramhio. rv
sho waa uot ut nil frightened by tho
circumstances tin lor hich she sud
denly found herself placed, but
somewhat astonished t nud, being a
yotrng lady of a good deal of mis
chief and possessed of tho nsuul a-
mount curiosity, of course sho de
termined to lot her companion con
tinue on bis nocturnal excursion,
"What aro yon talking about V
repeated Mattie, her saddenod fea
tures giving plaoo to an amused
"You know woll enough what I
am talking about' Jim. "We 'must
secure it to-night. It may be found
where we havo hidden it, and that
would be tho last of ns. That let
ter was a sharp thing of ours, wasn't
it f I tremble lest Lacy may be
cleared thongh, then suspicion
wonld seek soma other party. So
we'd bettor Uud othor quarters as
soon as we can possibly do so with
out causing any oommeut upon it i
and, oi course, we will not let tbo
money remain wbero it is now.
At the mention of Lncv's name,
and 'money,' Mattie'a ujiud, . which
for tbe past week bad boon invaria
bly coupling tbosa words together,
caught eagerly at Mm enspioiou thus
aroiiBed t and bur very frame shook
aa the light of great disclosure
suddenly flashed npon ber. She bad
found one of tbe gnilty parties, con
cerned in tbe bank robbery, and
oonld liberate ber lover I
Tbe discovery was almost - too
much for her, A dim mist suffused
her eyes. She clutched eagerly the
side of the boat- But she soon re
covered tbe first shook, yet did not
permit herself to speak, she treinbU
ed so '-:cBtlj.
Van Haven oontinued t
"We must leave to morrow i don't
you think sot' .
"Ye" ventured - Mattie. Now
let's r "S for fear ws should be
1 t'lj tad ayiloltj
t' . r.4lfa y
I hrnsh, pausing a moment to asiire
linnae f thai tint worn n1on. rr.
1)0 took a few stem, foraurd and
a few steps
cautions!? rained n lurpo stono. I'n
dor it Iny n ch1cet. He picked it
up and replaced the stono
"I'll carry it," said Mattio, with
avidiotis cngorness, feeling oiifUcnt
that r sho onco got posossion of!
tho stolen money all Would be well
with her.
Very well,' mIJ the somntmbulist
nud consigned tho cnxkct to her
koepitjf. ''Now ht ns get to the
boat n'giin, end wo will fl-iia the
arrangement -.f our plans as we
crost over to Orrvillo.
Mattio coimid.Tod it a mailer of
prudenco to nreo, and followed her
sleeping companion t the lak.i. He
took his seat in tho boat nud looson
rd the claiu from tlio a.tiilin. en
joining his asocinto to maintain per
feet silence until they should bo out
on tlio l.tko llo Hcenied t ) think i
that all w:n well, and sbovod oft"
from the shoro.
MUio otio.l In tho moonlight,
aud watched the boat nnd its aoli
tnry oarsnmn until they both wero
concealed within tho dark shadow of
tho mountain, behind w'lioli the
moon was fast hi ling horsi-lf.
joyful bound
"i m saio now i suo sau, witn a
But whnt shall I
jo i j m nan a inun from any
house, nnd have no moans of cross
ing tho lako. There is a road hero
somowhero, through, which loads
round to tho town. I'll walk It tlio
hotel. if it takes t ill morning 1 There
is no ti'uo to be lost."
So saying, sho bgan her search
for tho roa 1, which was soon found i
and after four hours of rapid walk
ing, for which tho excitemont of tho
occasion lont tho rerininito amount
of strength, hIio reached Orrville.
She lost no time in informing the
authorities ofthotoWn of h r sin
gular ndveutnre. producing tho
ciskot for their examination iu proof
of her statement.
Early iu tho morning before most
of tiie guests had urison, the trrville
I l i s
house was surrounded by half a doB
eu men, evidently intent upon tho
capture of noiiiii olio within. Pres
ently Vau aveu made his oppear
ance on tho pronnd lloor verandah,
apparently uncoiiHcinus tlmt any
tuing was wrong. Tlio sight of the
poiico quickly undeceived him: if!
was tip with him. e was handcuff
ed at tmco without imv ceremonious
notilicatiou of tho reason hy he
was thus rud-jly don't with Mattio
came down just then, after u short,
slurp, and was requested ti) follow,
when tho olli.-eis slurt.-d down tho i
street with their mUoiierin cokIoiIc.
atten.lid by a largo crow 1 of excited
spectators, which had soon congre
gated. A iirehminarv examination con J
vinced nil parties of tho guilt, of Van
. - . .
iveu, lint, itul not exotierato Lacy,"
from complicity in tho affair. The
; , k
Huusequeiii, iu veBugKuou, uowover,
fastened tho guilt upon two parties !
uu llavenauda James Thompson, j
an iirrvilln man, with whom the
former had boon on tonus of suspic
ious intimacy.
Of coiirso, all rodress was mndo to
Mr. Lacy Tor tho hasty opinions of
the peoplo coueorninj him. and was
ttcccptod by him as satisfactory. But
a more material expression of tho
thanks of tho bunkers was mnde,
when Mr. Johnson Limsolf. tho se
uiou partner of the firm, roso in tho
police court, and said. "That in con-
siduration of tho surprising good
souse and bravery of Miss yartis in
securing tho guilty parlios in this
robbery, it booame Ins plesent duty
to present in tho name of the firm,
to the former, the Bum of ten thou
sand dollars ; nnd to the latter tho
sum of fifteen thousand, and that bo
oould.aocopt tio refusal." .
iv e need uot attempt to dosenbo
the applauso and good feeling elicits
ed by thtso remarks that is left to
the imagination of the reader.
No clamorous demonstrations of
gratitudo wero made by cither of tho
recipients of these priucly gifts' but
both expressed their thauks in n
single Bontonco, and rotirod from
the court together, amid the accla
mation of the crowd.
Three weeks afterwards, Orrville
was going wild over a gay wodding,
and had actually awakened ont of its
long Kip Van Winkle sleep i and
the happiest couph in town were
Charles Lacy and Mattie Zarris.
TnsTnus Caoss of Failvbxs.
The United States Economist says i
"It is a significant fact that nearly
all tbe failures which ocourred from
tbe commencement of tbe panio of
1873 to the present time were caus
ed by excessive speculation, engage
raeot in enterprises outside propor
business of tbe purties conoemed,
and to the waste of capital oonse
quont on these injudicious oper
ations. To this statemont there
appears to be absolutely no ex
ception. A few minor, aod, as we
shall assume, innocent firms may
have been carried away and over,
born by the failure of greater con
cerns.' And this excessive peon
lation comes of inflation.
Tor Tne Pt,
turopean Correspondent;
LxTTxn No. 7.
The horrors of the passage from
England to tho contineut have uov -er
been overestimated The route
from London to Flushing in ol-
miiti, is DeUer now man at onr
former passage for now and better
steamers ply between tho places.
This your, however, thcro has boon
so much more Uavel than usual thnt
even tho uow boats nro over-crowded.
Ton passage is made in the
night and in tho early morning the
low shores of Holland nro iu eight,
nnd two hours later our steamer is
bctwron tho embankments of the
Scheldt. We can. just .se.o the
church spires nnd chimneys of hous
es over tho dykos, which indicates
that tho river level is a dozuii feet
iibovo tho streets of tho city. Tak
ing curs for Antwerp wo nt oneo re-
itliza that wo aro in a foreign coun
try. The strango guttoral Dutch nnd
old I'lemish which seems to till the
air around us, tho dykes oxtending
away ns far as the eye can reach, tho
squatty tile-covered bouses, tho
ditches and rows of trees which tako
the plaoo of fences, tho little patches
of il liferent binds of grniu which j
: r. v.vl n . T'.
broad, big fooled women wearing
wooden shoes, doing most of tho
work iu the field.,, all aro so .liiT.r-
cot from what ,o see at homo that
tho traveler caunot but bo gronlly
interested. 1 ho crops grown nro
largely wheat, but ley and potatoes
No cattle nro in sight pasturing, ns
land hero is too valuable. Mont of
tho animal is dono by cows or
donkeys. Careful cultivation and
economy of land H especially notio
ublo. No spot large enough to raise
a hill of potatoes even is uncultiva
ted, and grass is harvestod almost
up to tbo track of the railroad.
As wo nour Antwerp tho dykes
nro not so mgn ana uunuy net y
....w .o . j ! - - - h' i in tins way udvortisiug is tin nb-
a low hill U at length pass the. r innual sesH.on Is ono of tho' 80luto necessity. To gain customers
through heavy for locations and en richest nud most tasty pb,0 build- wo mBBt advertise ; wo must ad
tcr Antwerp, which iillhongb it has , ings I l.avji ever seen. No private vertiso to keep them. Wo must
experienced tho many vicissitudes of houso could bo better cared for or! create a demand for new goods by
n varied foi time is now on a wholo ; kept m nicer order, fmngino if,. ii,..;,. i i;i!u i.f...i
1 1 t ; ;i ,.r n..i;.,...
lu tho K:h contury it was the most
veal thy and prohporou city on the
coiiiinini, surpassing even eninco.
It received Us death blow, coioincr-1
cKu.y, , ,I1U ,,,u .uu
iiuiiiit (i-iiiii I in i ..i.nt I, mir .ntel
111 llio Wilis wim -pain .
' " , i
I.. .i.i.ii.iii lloi ..j ........ ,t l. I .
n....UK.,,., Ki.
of U:i.
110 .
we pass, (oeicoruied thu world over)
havo nuiiiiiiise coiiure running up to ,
a poiut two feet abuvo tho horses' I
I 1... II... 4 - .......
uu 1UL nuuu kuu liaceH inn
suoulders wbilo tho traces nro gen-
jnuy umuo oi ropns. nmaii lonos
it t l t it . I .
uy curt". uoiiueys, men
"J women and fiuqunutly by dogs. I
I....... ..I iiu .1....U .1 .. ...... ..f
"' ""o" .
W(,J which would bo called by nn 1
"'encaii ianmr a gooa uao i (r,
ououorso. Jiost oi tlio sueeis, i
parliculuily of tho old city, are iiur-l
low ami winding. Tbo -upper stor-j
iea of tho boubes frequently project .
over tho lower, audut tho comers of;
- I
bhrinea built into tho becond stories!
t in i.f.,...ln inert) aro of en lilt o
of tho houses. Artistically, Ant
worn is famous as tho birthplace and
home of tho urtist Van Dyck, us ouo
of the several places in which it is
claimed ltubeus was born, and us
tho centor of tho celebrated I'lemish
School of Art, which iu tho Kith uud
k7th centuries wus of world wide ro
pulo. Like every coutiueutal city
of tho least pretentious, Antwerp
has a cathedral dating back for its
foundation from 40d to 800 years
ago, a good assortment of churches.
which the tourist la compelled to
visit or be considered a lunatic, and
museums and so callol art gulloi ies
sullioieut to worry tho life out of the
average man if ho cousculs to see
them all. Tho cathedral contains
Beubou's fur-lamed masterpiece, the
Desouut from the Cross, which run lis
among the tirst three or four paint'
iugs in tho world. The museum,
the floost art gallery iu Belgium,
contains (5 'JO pictures a number of
them by Iloubuns and Dyck
Nearly all tbo paintings are ancient
and have boeu mostly taken from
tbe suppressed monasteries.
If tho traveler generously gives a
day to tbe museum be will go
through at tbe rate of five pictures
in three minutes, which will just
about give hint time to find the name
in tbe catalogue and the pioture on
the wall, and leave bim no time to
look at the, painting.
Tbe church of St James has some
of the finest and most intricate work
ever exeouted io marble.
- Tbe cathedral bas a chime of 82
bells, on which tbe most solemn and
long winded Dutob tones are played
nearly all tbe day.
Within tbe past forty years the
old foxtifioatious of tbe oity have
been removed end a fine boulevard,
with some cf the way three carriage
drives tell footways, baa been
made in its l Tbe same thing
has been it:
l jurusseis, Vienna,
roller cities of Eu
Ptr'.J ts.1 r
etablos for Rale, which they place on
tho pavemeot. There were in the
market Carrots, cabbage, peas, very
large fcooseberiies. Strawberries,
pears, fine apricots, potatoes, cur
rents, lame quantities of beautiful
black and red cherries, and two or
three vegetables which were now to
mo. The greater part of of those who
kept the market as well as thoso who
came to buy were women, tho moat
of whom wero coarsely and plainly
dressed, and slowed in their every
lo'jk and motion tho pernicious -f
fects of too much heavy work. For
ton cents we bought a hat full of
cherries, and wero given a cabbage
leaf as largo ns a nap'tin in whick to
do them up We had an occasional
sight of thoso wonJjrfol hals of
wlneli wo have all seen pictures,
which look lllto well no ytliin-; sav
it Dutch lugger after sho has been
through a bnrriean. Wo also saw
ono womon with the ancient I'lemish
i. .... .... . . - . .
uuuu oi luraifiiin, consiniinir or
broad gold band about the forehead,
vary long eur rings which hun'
down rosting on bor shoulders, nnd
curious gold spiral springs iu bur
hair, on that part of her bend where,
in my boyhood it was fashionablo
f)r young ladies to plaster dowu
th fascinating spit bow-catcher.
Brussels is only '11 miles from
Antwerp, nnd yet, contrary to what
ono would expect, they nro both
cities of iioarlv 200 OOiJ iutlabitunts
each In reaching BrnssoU we havo
... ' r?. r v: vw rinxvo.
-"',u lown "'l
, .Ivordo. where W ,11mm Tyndale,
, ono of tho Celebrated translators of
tho Bible, sulTored martyrdom, nnd I
thro,,,., Malines of which tho old
more torso that complementary.
1 '!'ik(?llr i Mnlin-
.!...' . 'Ml I- .
J linn It'lMIUILlOII
arose from tho Ktory that they onco
saw the moon shinimr brij?hllv
j through their tower, and mistaking
: it for n conllig-ition tho wholo city
tin no I out will, their tiro cnunrloa to:
cxtiii'iiivh it . - ' - J'"" to
txtingiiis i it- rri(,0 tuin , .. bv , 1C, or Jittlo.
Brussels ,s a moro beautiful city Ll go their way7 SlowASte. .;
I ZaUni' ir:'''""' oftClllU'tti"lit,'rttK" of their old
m.nmtuiolatis. I ,n so has an ad- tmdo is going across the way,
ded importance as being tho capital Llmi. bn,. .1.. t.i sf
. u. x,.o ouu nng in winch
nii. v i.i-..f..Uui, a.. ....
.manufacturers, a committee loom
with a heavy ve'vet carpet, and not
n epiM.oou in sigur, or n stain of to-
"itcco on tlio lloor. It was our good
ii'iuiiio uvo years niro to uttnn.l i
V. r' , w,""""-!
meet i n of I Iwi It. ,.... i
v..iiwr in-
IlitiltflntJ OH ill aa, ......II II . I
,,, 0 it
o.r. u.pres..Tit , lives. Tim ;
of Kepresetititives. The
memburs Hoeiued to bo nearly nil
Uii.'iug at tho samo time, nod there
wero ut leimt MiO I'rench words in
In, ii i u...... A A .
... tuiiiuiv, tj H.iy Homing
uie air every mmutc, to say nothing
al i -
u.o u, i.uoss gestures nmt con- j
raiim uonoraiiio
members contributed to tho occas
llm buildings, churches,
- . Kuei..-a. umumi, squares, utui
; ...-i". " u. ... iiom uro an oim,t j10 lmiHt imv0 j,.,t ll(i,i0 jt
intorest to tho traveler, nor will ho known in boiiio way that ho is
Jor't to pay n visit to tho b,ittlo!leiuiy to sell low, or ho will not get
held of Waterloo only 9j miles dis Uho customers,
t"t.. -'Ways advertising are ns nnracr-
i,''iii-ries. one. i in
, .. . . . - -
' Musouin , is worthy of special ;
f iinnt'iiiii. Itnfti rVtitia tl... ... .. ti...
....... w.u HiiTiiii ti, me
paintings and from tlio fact that it
is made up entirely of tho work of
the ono man whoso tinmo it bears.
L'rom Brussels to Cologne on tho
Rhino is nearly nn nil day's rido,
passing through l.iego, famous for
its University with 800 students
and as tho placo where all tho arms
of tho Belgium (iovoruuiont nro
manufactured, und through Aix-la-Chapello
tho favorito residence of
thu great iumperor Charlemarruo.
Our route takes us across somo of
tho fiuost agricultural dist-icts of
Europe, and nt times for miles wo
pass through uubrokon fields of
grain. For tho liiwt timo wo see
the distinctive features of Gorniun
farm life living in villages ubout
three miles apart nnd going out every
morning to work iu tho fields. The
social Gorman cannot end uro the
solitary monotony of the American
way of living on a farm.
May uot the gradual adoption of
this plan in our country go far to
wards solving the question so fro.
qneiitly and earnestly asked, "How
can the boys be kept on the farm 1"
Many of these villages have walls
about them, relics of the feudal times
when no man's property was safe
unless be bad a fort built arouud it
Having brought onr readers as far
as Cologne we will leave thou for a
week to tbe enjoyment of its many
distinct smells, and to counteract
iheni by purchases of "Cologne
water" from tbe dozen or more
Farinas who claim eaoh to be the
only descendant of tbe John Farina,
who first manufactured tbe Eau de
Cologne,'' We have bal the good
fortune eaoh time of getting thme or
tour of them to pulling hair over the
importart o.-istion aa to which waa
tht Farina end then escaping while
the battie waa racing fiercest,
fiext weex we nope to take onr
readers with na "t- Rhine."
f ' - :': r;tcaAB9
U, 1878. NO. 21
' Ia little book f nblinhed" many
yesr ngo, entitled "Haw to net
Moocy.'l flud the lellnwing remarks
on aiverliinr t "Whatsver your
'TOgpnwiin nr CHiiinir May be, ir It
nefiU s-ipport from tbe public, ad
vertise It thoroughly and rfflsleotly
B iiuo pnam or oinor mat will ar
rest puMio sOniien, There tony
posibly ho occiipttlous tbit da not
rexniro sdvriiii,i( but I oannnt
wull coneeivf what they are. Moo
in bosioe-s will s nnclimos tell yeu
they have tried advertising, and that
it did not pay. This is only whrn
advartnuno Is done sparingly and
uriidgiiigly. IImocnstliid iloa of
adveitisuii will not piv. erhaps : it
i like half poiti .n f phyiie mak
ing the patint sick, but eirniting
uoihlnj. Adiniuistvr bberallv. and
tho euro will bo permanent. Sim
say they cannot affird to advsrtiso.
They mistski ; they vaono. afforJ
hoi to siiyertisc. '
If that was trno firty years sjo,
It. issttll moro f iroibly true to dy,
BssinpM hns thrown off mnnyjef Hie
form that lumpcnd men emtaized in
it Retailer no louder tie their trade
ono hoipo, nor exiuct lo bo tierson-
ully acq minted with each one of
their customers. Peoplo buy tf the
party who tlfer the bot bargains,
bo bo friends or sirungcrs. Al
ih'Niuh tho voung firm of Sharp A
Bonti-m are soiling good very low,
t "owU .0U3d m t .od
'hoy have no trs.le. Slow A Steady
haa . gl0(!k, nro 0VJ
d eliii.n to U , fl,. .. .
Xv 7 Sh.n k lul m must do
, g' To Z u
H.nv i...v.. . i "i.1 'r " J i"
' . . V ' fi.r.
and'are selling ch,sper than
&traly ; they mut a IvcrtUo.
"To-nurrow it will do horilled
shout tho city that Sharp & Beatem
are selliug goods chenper than any
f!.-..i ;., i. ..: ii i :n i.l
if it .i.- ...:n u
Tloy conclude they must advertise ,
I". w
tho public
"Kvory business should bo nd
vertisod, no matter whoro or what
lit ia
If a moderato custom was
nmong u circle of friends nnd
acquaintances in a given
1 n .
woui.i still oo to tlio rnotclmnt s in
Mt(m,t to a.lvertiso nnd increase his
trade Tho main ex,,unses ot doinrr
business will bo about so much, bo
tho amount transacted grcator or
less. A IiITl'O business can I in donn
a mneli I,hh nnroi.nt,i,n r.f ,.t
" ' - ...... w VB v'uw
than n Him ouo. A man can hotter
Ufford to sell ono hundred thousand I
tlollars' worth of goods at rrol'-t ofi
. ... ... . i
ten per cent., tlmu tifty thousand at
f,ftuon pur 00t. A tiiorcliant may
,,Xpect to bold trado by selling low.
... n, !.., i.
uim us ,ug uuoj uiam Ul
man can
"Posters on tho wall sra good,
but thoy are there only a few days,
and then they uro covered by anoth
er advertiser. .Signs nailed to trees
along tbo country roads nro effectual
while, they last, but they soou be
come old, or nro rondored of no val
ue by a dozen others being nailed
over and under them.
"Tho most unmitigated humbugs
in soliciting advertisements aro the
men who hawo "hotel oar ds," depot
cards," "business cards," ' maps,"
and similar abominations. Mon
will invest in these wild-cut enter
prises who think an advertisement
in tho daily or weekly paper is bo
much mouey thrown away I
"A retailer should advortiso in
every legitimate way. If by circul
ars, they should contain but a vory
fow linos, and ought to have somo
thing about them to attract the
reader. Hut thu rttniltr should in
vest nintynint dollars in (fie col'
urns of his iocul paper to eoery one
thiit he tjejtemU for circulars, hiul
billi or eards. ' Jim name should
ho constantly before the buyiug
public But a small card of half a
dozen lines, paid for by the year and
never changes, is of doubtful value"
Extract from "On the JioaJ to
On Thuosday of last woek (800,
000 in gold coin arrived at New
York from Kurope, tbe first install
ment of about $100,000,000 that ia
destined to flow this way during tbe
ooming year in payment for onr
cereals, cotton, tobacco end manu
factured articles. The British mer
chants have been paying off their
debts' hitherto by returning to ns
our bonds, but these ere now more
tenaciously held abroad .than tbe
glittering gold, nnd heae epeeie is
peeping out to pay for odr prodooa.
raidea the extra value of this ooin
7 tHiroeos of sti&" ii rr!
n rX l3i.1 tor: y
v, II to tt 'c.
PuMtshed ever fttnsvUr Evcj
atJSHiau cari; rrtyy
Terms erf flttberi,pCi 'v
two dollars rr.a Ajfifir.L tr
able vithln six mon tea. or tXkffMrl
paid wHM n th t year. Ho paper 0
oontinued tratli all arrearage are
paid antes at tbe option c the esae
Oobacrlpttorts mrtrlde of the coimtr
Peron llftlne and usirur. psjpsn
addressed others become suhsuribers
and are liable rVrthe prioe of the prer
PrMlJBl-Rutbrfnr.l B. Hayes. Obi.
Vlo l'rdfut William A. Wbatlar, Ntf
9oriary of Sttf Wlllta If. Ivrt,
Nw Tork.
Soerrtary of lb Tr afarf-Joba 8beraa
3eriary of War Ooorgs W. MCrarr,
risry cf lbs "ary Rlobard Vf,
Tbompaon, Indiana,
Atloracy (Antral Cbarlan Davoos, Mat-
Puilreasior Oooorcl David M. Koy, Tars
Uroraurf of tbs fat.rtov Carl BtbarS,
Oovrnor .Tobn F. Hartranff.
!ulr nanl Oovaroor John tslti.
S,oriary vf ,bo Conoioawoahk I. t,
Drpiitf Heo. of lb Commoawtallb Tboa.
Priviiio . io tbo OovrnorCbi(r If,
Farr, Jr.
Chief Clrrk-.(J. f. rfaido.
Allornrjr Ofiirral Onorg Laaf.
Uilbfrt. '
Andlior OrnfralWm P. Heball.
Hialo Trnr'iirrr Amoa C. Novo.
Soornary nf tmcranl Affairs rfllltartl
.W t;aiillaM.
Supprlntrndn of Holdler' Orrhan and
ommnn Pchoola J. p. Wickarabam,
AdjiiUnt tlonoral Jamea W. (.all a.
Coiumi-sioner of Insurant J. M. Foittr,
Hiala Librarian 0. L Ehronfold.
ConnniDniuDpra of publlo Cbartloa O.
Uawnon Coleman. I'bilsditpbia 0sx
rrnl Afcnl and to., Ulllcr Lulbvr,
Fiabrj rowmlMlootr Ttenjamta I,. IT,
wit. Howard J. Ktcdrr, aad Jan1
Unitrt "nM Supreme Giurt.
Cblof JuMioo Morriioo R. rTalt. of
Ohio. '
Aaiooiato Juslieti Clifford, of Main,
Hwayno. of Oblo, Miller, f Iowa,
field, of California, Hirong, of Venn
sylvaoU, liradWy, of Now Jrav,
Hunt, of New York.
Reoordcr Was. Todd UUo, of Indiana.
Supreme Churl of J'ennmlvania.
Chief Juciice Daniel Ainaw.
AiaoeUto Ju, licet Oeorgt Hbarwood,
t'lynaes Merour, laaao O. Gordon,
Edward M. Pnxaon, Warren J. wood
ward, John Truiikty,
Ticetitulh Jiulictal District.
Prealdrnt Judgo.aJoaopb C. Buobtf.
Anoials Judaea, ilir.m UK ell, Samuat
1J. Mobuok.
Shprlff 1. Eisenbart.
I'rotbonnlarv Jeremiah Crotlfe.
itegimcr and Reourder James If. Yaa
Treanitrar flenry TtenTcr.
Dielriol Allorney J. II. Arnold,
Coroner A. M. Suiiib.
CoiniuUloner .Joel Row, Joba RobI
Moeei Krolibe.
"V"i,n ... iirnier.
AudiiiiM..-banll Doifenbach. War 01
Middleewarlli, W. A. 'Jlain.
Manufaoturorof and dealer la
Would reapeclfully Inform tb cltlien of
Selinegrit e and vialuity, Ibat be manufao
lure to or l,T nnd keeps contlanlly on baa4
cHuuis of a i.L kixds, and
Furnituro of ovory Posoription
at tho vory lowest prioe. II reepeolfull
Invite an examination of
JtoA epeoial Invitation is extended If
wly marriud to'.ki to oall and set my slook
or purchasing alaewhere.
fiolinittroTe, April0,870-tf
Tralni leave I.e'litowa Junetloa at follow
Pltt.tmrKti Etprei
faollle Cipro,,
Way PaiMuaer
I'a-t Ulna
Phl:.1el,hta Eiprata
I'aelhe Kxprem
lniinton Eipreii
1 Me.wij
IS tf a. nx
t oo p. m.
13 80 a a.
lo oo a.,
to p. nif
Ailantie F.irit
a p.
The Kt Line. War Pananvar aiH the Paeir.
le Hiri., . and tba Poino and Atlautlo
E.x,re.fl eHFVTiin deny.
M ar Irvint leaea tallont la
Mimin eoaaty
at lulloat :
a. M. p. in. a. m. p. in.
io m ut ion m
10 vi 4 10 io m tr
nut 4 14 Iolt J
1IU 47 1034 0tl
lli 4 it ion a oi
1120 41) 10 1 4M
11 40 4 St 10 10 4 4f
Vli eyar t
N. Hainlltnn
Tha PaelSe Kvpreta viil oa a M (lassod
.-.ley eyiown at a M a.
. m. aod tb
prret aaat at : p. m.
obtained for aiMluukal Sevlea. audlral a
other eouipaaoSa, oruamaatal Sealana. Ira.1v. .
niarke au4 lhol. Uavente, aaaljraaiauta, lie
torfareoaet. lofrlimaaMila, aad all mallaro r
lallng to Petoata, prsaipily attaaSaS to. Wa
make preliminary esaoilnatloae aa4 raralae
opinion, to ptealablitty. rr a ahart ae
ud all ao are lulareaiad la uaw laeealloas
and Paleou are loTllea to aa4 for a eopy 04 aa
"Oalde (or ol'talalvl Palette,'' wBtoh la aeal
fiea lo auy aSdreea, ead auaietBa aoaeplate be
etroetloae kaw tn obtain Palaata, aaa atBM
aaola ataiter. Ifariaa tba raet See years v
kaee abutoe4 nearly Urea tlieaaaaS Palaaai law
Aaierloea aad forelaa laeaauwe, auS aaa ilea)
eetlefeMory raferaoca la alaaaat efary euaa ty as
tbe Caioa.
Addreeel aVtVrtSa1ACraitte)e., Ooa
lore al PaUate and Aitoraa, at Inw, La l 4 '
UaOUlaa, WawhlMiTtwat, 0. C. IU'rw .
Ooanty Ourreyot
KraUwfvU, Uyt Cerr.!y rc2
Barveatp f ead Cawvefatv f
aaa) akf'u. :
atleae ta. A t
tkeeb,ri'srr"v r
a-t J.r . .
A yr- j fclbw ef 1? t- Y 1 r
, - , - -