isv 4m0r s-m. . t 4lf(e)fi '-' i V Farm, II.i.u Tbo liigW. irico ftvor uiJ for a Ihoronlibro.l yosrliu is f 30,00. Jjoti! Lcnadnle linyiu, mni'llj pvci that mini for a Indl.ur of Doauiutor, ILu ltirly winter of 1875. CurA Jur JJiif?'irit.H la bnca discovnrcl that n u'o cf drpatf ttror.g fu'fhiric mU in th'oe-quarters a li.nil ler of wttor, fo adults, anil a omnllcr loo fci chil Iron, i oo InlUlijblo cjtj of dipt), fieri. How tt Mack S 'ore If you mix tbe lisirif 8110 j'olUh wit!) tarpon t'.no, sml then nrjily it t" U'o ntovo with a brusb, nu l ruS it in well, it tvill lo wore il'irnblj m l look luon gloRsy, timn if ruhctl with oi l tea. tincpnr or witor Tlio tuipciitinc trill aluo koop it from iutiti;r, niul will lnnko it look tttiito f,'mil rn Q1W. YhMi tlio hIovch nro' put ftway until tintntnn, it i u J)lan to brush thin nii.xtnro nil ovoi tbom, ntx.1 it w ill Lncntiia woll bnr dnneil, ftnd will not bum fffn"! rpitckly an if nppli (1 vhcn limy nit in uho, nnd thoy will imt rust nt all, Ho matter bow Jump tlio edition mny to. Vtcful llinti. -Jop lrc-b Inrd in tlO VOoncIs. Koop yrit iu wool orpins. Kcdp preserves nnl j 1 1 i . h iu h limp (a!t in n liy place. Kop viiu'k'iir in wood or 'if. Keep monl nii.l (lour iu a cool, tlrj phco. Lard tit pastry hIiouM lo tiM-d hard ns it can bo cut with a knife It KbonlJ bo cut through tbo flutr, not rolled. Crupts and ircri of broftl should bo kept In aa ' cai 'thorn jttr, clooly covered, iu a dry cool plane. Io boiling nicat for soup, uo cM water to extract tho jniccn. If tbo moat is wanted fur itiwlf alouo, fUngo at once into boiling wator. JJroil toak without snltinjf. Salt draw tbo juico la cooking ; it i do pirallo to keep those in if p?ibht. Coolt ovor a hot firo, turning frci. fluently, scaring on both bides, l'laco on a pluttor, silt and popper to tasto. To provrnt meat from scorching daring roaHtin placo a basin of water io tho ovon. Tho sterna poo orated prcvontH acorching and mako tbo meat couk bettor. Ucef bavui a tendency to bo tongb, can bo tnnJo very palntablo by Blowing gently fur two lioura with popper and, taking out about ball a pint of liquor whon about half done, nod lot'.ing tho ret poil into tho meat, Jirown tbo moat In tho pit. Alter taking up mako a gravy of tho li'pioi caved. Pony Rtinhia, Thero is a branch of Rtock-iuiMtii; that Americans room to have overlooked, that it) rahiinR ponios for children's use. No tnoro healthy reoroittion lor children can bo found than riding. Small J)onioc, liko tho'o from the Shetland aland and l'tminsula ol Coioa, cost little or no mora than a largo do; dbes, to keep arid all mburbm rcs ioloncos can easily nccotiitnodnto ono in fomo of tho out-houscs j or, toth crod on a lawn, thoy will tako tho placed of a lawn-mower und uMliz.1 tho f;iauK, Thoo ponies aro of a liardy nature, very int-dliont and afloclionnto to chiMruu a noble, bealth-incpiriug pUything. In eouti trioi whero huy aro cuinuion, many tales aro told of their ntatity and laithfulnoc.", quito einulin:,' that "I tbo noble St. lloi nm d dog. I . will iclato ono only of tho many told. Homo children aud their slinky Sbotlond wore 1 hiving on tho lawn near a pond. A little pirl i 11 int- tbo water. Whilo tbo other children wcro making a proitt "t.) do" and toiao, Master Shetland wmlcd into tb pond, took tho litt'o ono ty iia clothes in bin tooth, and brought ber out and laid lur on the chore, nul saved her litllu life taking a winrr action io tlio matter thao many a mine would bavo done. To thin might bo n Mod many instance." of this littlo net a nogaclty. Jlo.v much bettor to givo cur littlo ones buoIi a r ilay thins than 8ubjoot them t the iability of hydrophubia from buo or cauino pot. They iued littlo of grain 5 tLey will find ample uonrish raont in aumtner on tho I iwa ; und In winter thoy aro satHio.l with a little course hay and, oeeusiot al tit-bit or twoetmcat from tho children. Thoy thrivo on tho fnrj that would keep a goat, and are aa hardy, and more ornamental ; und their companion ship ioatiMa into tho mind of inlant humanity much nobler thoughts than tho oat, dog er goat Is capable of inspiring. Why not breed thoso rlimiautiro borne, and spread them through tbe land Ab Huraet Fair, in Lomdon, wo bavo eccj tho Scotch od Shetland poniou sold at from $'2. 60 to 10 or $12 each, lust as thoy cornojln, ia licrdn, two, llnco nud four years old If brought up on tho lawn with tbe children, theyunod no break lag, but conform themudvoa to tboir plaoe simply und quiutly ns child losrns to talk or walk. Io some parts of West Chester county, XT. Y., sad portions of tbe Eastern XUtss, xnly fit for graiiny, herds .' of , tirr toj-horse oould bo raised st , r-yuatiTely triSIoj eipcnsa. 'TJlss, . wLile car farmers wm4 tor 'Niother ctrketable srcla, ' n oI:!z:m c::! J r-t 9 :'j 7 rtzll crr- ..y f .1 1 iLtrv V'C1 rcm if ,v . ' HONEY OF HOREHOUND & TAli FOR THE CURE OF Couqhl, Colds, InHuonu, Hoxnenett, Difficult btihlna. and all AfTf ctlont of th Throat, Brunthtal Tuts. ami lungs, IcaOlna it Comumptlon. Tl.'u infillit'lc reincily i crmioct of tlic IInfv uf the l"!int Hi'tchmmit, in tStniiral union with TAR-IUl.M, txtractfd fiom tlic.llKF. rRlNCIlt.E of ttic forest tree Ar.tKS IlAt.FAMlA, or J'.alm cf Gil cad. The lloiirr'f Iln hmin-l sootIIFS AND iCATTRKS nil iiritjiiims ntvl iiillamma lions, ant the Tur Halm rl.EANSKS AND lil.Al.S the threat nnl air -pasaes leading to the Imik. 1 IVF. alitumal mfcretliinta V.C) tlic orc-ns cool, moist, an ! in ho.ilth ful .tion. no prejn lict korp you from tryir.j thi prcat mtdiiinc f'f a f.imnus llKUir, r.ho has savcl tlmutand of liv l y it in lar r privat praeticr. N.U. The far LuUu ha no BAD Tame or smell. I'Ktrcs 50 rrsK ano $1 ter roTTLB. "Pikes Tootlisehe Iirops" Cnro la 1 Minnie. R.iM t y nil I)rurcisti. C. ClillTKMON, Trop., .T, ESSENTIAL OILST wiNTi:it(;iti:i;v, vKiTKiiMiN r l-KV NVIt'JV.f 81'KAKMf M T, Ho. l orlmn Tnnir, Imoat.t In any qnantnr for emu un "oiiitt, im. imia nrieriki(, coiiimu floll, H.r,i;n, SO., I'J 00DCC & OLC0TT, lufortor iin.l Kxnorior.4, n Wl litni St , fitw iurk. Juun fi.'7 "in j" KVI KIU'LLIH, Notary Falilic Surveyor, Conycyanccr Riil Estate adjiisiiraiicc Agent. iinil Hon In anil Mortmp" ) ri-.rt.l ami t kin. In i f run vny ,vti 'lim ntt' ti'ltJ to iroinitlj Willi iifmno. itiiil itri'drriii'y, Sici'liil ftttctiiinii Klvon in huylnif iin1 nolllnii 1101 r.iinio. 1 irno in i- rw iniri, nylir t'n. I'd.. I'. (1. A lln j, Alt. riomuiit illlln, Sny lrr t'u., 1'ono'a. AuK.u'Ta, Iffl hitsinpxs vnii ran rna!e In. t'j la uu ir ilny mmla by nay wuiknr nf cliliorntx, rlidit In thore mwi 1 ic.illl.ri. fiirtlKiiliir onl .111 1 1 n w.rlU (roo. InipriiTii yiiur nre time nt llil liuil 'miii. Ail'lroM STlNnox Co., )'nrtlitnl Malna. AUy tl, ' A VALUAPLE rilurUUTY AT Pill V ATES A LR. fPHE nnderpignod olT.iig tho f d- I towlnv i. ir Ibct irnriy nt !rlvi1 Sl i. 1 KN Al'lits, I1111I, uliuikie In Ail;iln (wiiiiilp, Hoyilnr Cn , I'ii., ti ml Wei k Troxol vllls. Kilinlnliiir Uuilnof Win. Wal ler, l'mlfil Manr?r nn I nt lier, wliorcin Hre nreott'il AK.Hi.l lWi:l.l.!M IHII'KK, ST A KT.b'.HIII IP nl ntlior utiiill tlmf. Thel iml H In kuimI n!iit til tfultlvuf Inn. onvinlnnt It iniirUpt : there ili-n an i trpMont I m;i :i A K It of oblue iruli.en.t neor fjlllnic wntur un tlie prom Uua. k'ot lurmii call at Hid TintKior il.lrim I V Mil UK KKI.I.H. M r 1. '7. lruii'lvilli', Snyilcr (J )., t' 1853. 71. 1373. CENTENNIAL ! lfwil tlio tritt i .r "id "TVmnr.H Si.ri-itM r," ll.n mil'irl r i.niil.'. r ill t'.o Kl. til. lion "f the iulllu In lii.'l that Lo iln;iivl ll.'J CASH SYSTEM, an.! tirrdttnr, wilt sell koo I entlrnly furO ASH or I H m i iK, i.iii mi -;lHiie l that It UlUe true iiy itiMn f f 1'ilnir 1'itnlnttii. in -ntiniic. t ki c, on html a very lull ami well-.otcctetl flwk of U1U' UOi)3, CROCKERY, auocKKiua, BOOTS it 81IOE3, HARDWARE, CAKIT.T3, OILCLOTHS', WALL fATER, enor FiN'ftNas, ftSU. I'AtNTS, I.K TI1ER, OILS, Ad, AfO, &C wlili'U lio iittKrM ti it e 1 iluoeJ C.t.ill i'lilULS abllo at very Kreatly re- With t!ini to my oU aimtomem for their 1 1 torn I . iinmiiue tur u.nny yord nl the unt, I wnulil i licit tl.ilr cu-iiHu fur the lulure, hu Iiik. Hioy will bo bunwiuoil by tbe cbano, at wo. I u Vour huut'.'ln Korytnt, W. V. LCKIiERT. Sollnmrove,'Ta. QHOSa & liKOTllKUS, M.tnufacturcra of auJ JealemiuftU Mod of illILL TIMBER, LUMBER, PALING, SIIINOLES, LATn, FLOORINO, cto., Shamokln Dam, flnydor i ouniy, i t, ah ordora proiuplly Ililud. Vulvut, Chtmj, Fofilar, ami Linn T.unxhtt coHfanuy on hunl. 7-0y. PRIVATE SALE OP vvr-.tjiiiit: PROPERTY. 1 HE unJomlgncd will toll bia lata read .Juno filual.on Main Street, III. Dor oub of MiJ llolmrir. itoyJer County, Pa Thin ii a Jca'rabte property anj waa for. marly known as lb. EAULE HOTEL. Tbe inipruTomenta ooruprUe a LAUGK 1)()U ULK FRAME I10U3E, SL'MMEll HOUSE, LAltau SHED, ICE HOUSE, and otbor outbuilding. Ad exoollont well of water at the door. It ia auitabl. for a prltato dwelling or a Hotel, and located near the centra or buina. Terma a a sad rasonabl. For futa. r parUaulari oall ob or addreaa t J. W. OUWIA, Wttaffttowa, Kwtk'4 Co Ps. 11. 1M-. : ' t . fqi 1 Attorneys-Jll- trw. T , . JIVIIHH, MM ' - , " -v Attorney A t'Tnn, v . Ilililltbiirir, Prnn'a. Alt 1 r ..'! ,1 uu.inu ontrustoj to UN i-rntni t fi'tftit inn. "it'1 i I' rt'ijn pi (i,iiitnti ,in in i ukH'Ii atU Uer maa. M. 10,'T-l. . t i , . . . . JACOB OILnKHT, y 1 ' , AttornryAiLaw, . MtliM-Klifltfl. PA. AIIitMn(" enttottel to LIi cre will rrielT .roiiii altBiitlon. July iie.'Ti. Jfi ll BOWER, ATTCRNEY-AT-LAW, MithMmra, J'u. r. irnomiilcr, i ) (Office Id erne of .1, 'nlinfftinn oiaite. enil t.crji.nn. ConMiltatli'ti. In Kridl" Juno 13, '71 II. jj l. bciiocn, ATTORNEY-AT-LAV, AVm) IWiix, l'n!)i Cv. JVr. PrnfiMlnnal IiiHIikm riitrtinleit In lil firn will riii'vivu irt'nipi fttli'ijlluu. June 'ii,7, PHA3 P. I'LIUCH, Attoniry tc Cnn llor-At-Law, Oifl -e In Ai ji'i lirtii.tlna: nno A -or Nurtb ol tho i)nioo 1 nuiei, Krllimi 0 , I'ciiu'n. ;itloolliin anil e'l.othT p nfilmil tint ni" i miiii'iti i aiiti wiii reel it nriT'ii un I prompt a'lnnlnu. Art ll.' J. citoNMiriii:i:, ATIOHNBY AT f.AW, Hi lilU'lmrp, Pa., Offer hi prnt(ional acrvirr to the tmb Ho. Collt'Otion ami all cthrr rnfeHiiiitinl hiirioca cntrimtoil to liia care will receive iroinpt altontion. Jan 3, 'CTlf T J. SMITH. ATTdHNr.Y AT t.AW. MirtDI.MU KO.SNVKDK Ut., I'A ftller Mn Prorc'lnnl Sorvlenit to the inlll i;niiuitiiiiine ia cukiiko anu uitu.ii, P J. R. ZKLLEB, A TTOIiXVV. AT-LA ir Comilif, Pa. Mif fhifmrtf, Cniim All hniln". ntrnteil to hil rtre will well and f.ilililullv atmn lnl 1 .. Will tirartle at tbe novernl courln of Sny ler n'1 inti.Hiini' ronntlcn. t)in lie enneultvil Iu Die K.mill.b nr 1'iniau Innnuncn '7.HI pilAKliKS HOW Kit, J ATTORNEY AT LAW. Scliiifirrove, Tu. Offer hirrrifenlonalerTlee tn the pnh ho. Collodion mill all other prnfcutiioniil tuiainc entriiKteil to hi rare will rv ceito tiroinnt attpntion. Ofhce two iloor north of the Keystone Hotel, f Jan 6, 'I'.; T M.LINN, J (Suocemior t a. ir. pIltj tn J. F.aJ. M. Mnn.) ATTOUXEkS AT LAW, Lowiaburz, Pa Offer thuir profusalonal erlo to the putilic. Collection an'l all otlrnr fro ininlonal biiHitiens intni'tcil to iheir enre will reueiyf prompt altul ion. f Jan. S, 't'7lf A. W. N. I POTTKTt, A TIOnXEYS A T.LA W. RoUnaprovo, Pa-, Offer their profpiona1 eriee In the pulilio. Alllopiil h8ineiitrniiloil lo their cure will rccelte f fmipl atteniliin. OlUce ono iloor above iho Now Lutheran Church. July, 4th '72. .AMOtt AlLltaAM. ROHACR AtLBVAK. 8. ALLEMAN & S01T. A TTOltA'E I'.S -fl 2 LA 11'. Hiliiiwyivi I'll. All profeHilonnl bimiuc aud collectinfi entrusted to their ?aro will ha prmepllj tttriK'Jlo, Cnn ho consulted In l'.iigiinli or Ourman. OHiuo, Market Sipiaro. II. H. Orimm. Win. U. Pill. OltIMM te OITjTj. Attorneys & Couiicelors AT'UAW, OAlrto Noar tlio Pont Office rrcrburic. l'cnn'a. Cnnnltntton in boib English and Oermun LangimjiK. Dec, I '72if. QIIARLIW O. CORNELIUS, . Vt toi'iitw-Vt-T jivw, Kan IScrlin, Union Count;, Pa (ton lie coomittn I In LnnllVi or Oormaa. m.i n, io. i,ii JOHN II. ARNOLD, Attot'Hy nt 1 jHav, a- district . irroum: I, ' MIDDLEUUUO, I'A Prnfcinnnl buHlne entrueted to hi care 'IV. bo promptly attended to. Feb J THOMPSON BAKER, ewlHlnirg, V'uion Co., Pa tcV-Can b. eonultud in tbo EneUah an Gonniin 1 Itiiciingcfc.-Yjft OFrltJB Market Street, oppoiil. Wnlle smiiu o. Co btoro o 4 Jy M. PFAULER, ATTORN EY-AT. LAW, MUJhhurg, Pa. OfTtco intltoCoui'tlloiiSO Alt leital hulnem and claim, aueuded to. the I'lillettliin ol ( WM. VAN GRZKR, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Lowibburg Va., Offer hi prnfcional aornca to be pub' lie Collection nnd all other Piofemioo al buaineris entnutcd to bia care will re ooiro prompt attention. T. PARKS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. SELINS0ROVE, 8.NFDER COUNTY, Pa -Sept. 15, '07tf A C. SIMPSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, NortUumbotluDil, Pa. OfTera hi profeaaional aorrice to the pub o. ah Dusinava entruatea to bia car ill bo promptly altondsd lo. Jan. 17, '07U CAMURL II. ORWIQ, A TTORXEY-A T LA W, Mliniubur;, Union Co.. Pa! Offle mext door to Telegraph Printing offlaa. dm. w, ' Physicians, $c. li ii. j. y.eiiiMDL, j'tr- -----ismH ttat PlU rin.tia'ans. Ac . ,P!lYSICfANA'il SURGEON. hlng loe'ntoJ nt VIDDLERCRO. PA., nlTm. a few ttnnr tl'rt of the Courthonae. In Uf acr lirli-k t nil linr. offer hia fro foMlnnul tn'ricre the publio. He r.eke Entf'inh anit Oernmo 1 Oct.l7.'7. I)E11C1VAI. 1IEU2IANN, -a- I . SURGEON, r HT jlolAis a JiKih'-nili'', .ViifVT (oi''f. fiffer ht Pefoii'linil nirvleof tl ;th. cltUcnl nt Krairorvlll anil vinlnlt;. Au. 2 ,'; . JU. A. II. SMITH, PHYSICIAN AXD SVAOEOX, Offer M firofelonal r-rtice to the cm- ton of Ailmnthurft ana viululty. iscp i, 10 DU J- r KANAWKL, PHYSIC IAN AND tSUROKOM, t'riilrrtlllc, Snjdcr Co., In Otfcr hi trufceiiionikl fcrylccs lo the puhlie. ..3Htf I F. VAN HU3KIIIK, SUROICAL k MECHANICAL DENTIST Ftlincrovf, Ponn'a. ,lusiic:suj'the J'eacc. JSAAO lili.VVlilt, justice of Tin: riuui: nnl Ooticral Collector . Mi l.llebiirf!, HnyJcr County, Pa. Prccinl attention pnl'l to collection of nil kiipl. ' Keniittnncvs will ho ma'lc pioiiipily for nil col'.culiona maJo. Mar. 'iUi 1&7 If. Y." WAONFK. F.nq., JUSTICE OF THE PEACC, .larkson Township, Snyder Co. Pft., Willattcn l to all lxininp cntriiilcl to hi care an l on the moil renonnile lurni. March VI, T,Hlf T II. IIAUTMAN, jrsTicn or tiik ii:4Cr. t Convtvanccr, CENTHEVILLE, Snyder County, Ta (?ollccllinit an.l all hiMlnen purlntnlne In the nmce nfJu'tlca of tbe Pence will be ett-mte l to at hort notice Ai ra; "0 gETII MITCIIEIiL, Jtistico of tho Ponco t Convcynncor, .li kon Townnlilp, Snrilnr t' iniitv. Pi. IVlln tlon, i:onvi4iu'lii,. till all otlmrliu lime nuttaliiliii! t" lli niAi'n trill ri"-lc prooij aili titiu-'. I'lwtiilB -eail.lroW. e ll-rllo, lltilon county, H. Au. Hi, Id I. j J 6 II N K. 11 10 H ES, Ertq., J3U8T1CE OF THE PEACE, Ponn Twp., Pnyflcr Co. P JAMES MIDDLES WA UTH, Justice of Uic Peaco & Convoyancir, Troxlcvillo, Snydor ('o., Pa. Will ittten.t proinotlv to all manner ol n' Hour irt iliilio to tkrolflce. Oolloollon. m ic. Iiee'lii. .riicumiic., wrumn. t.i uiy , n-o yM. II. HARDING, jrsTirr or TnnPEn: Si 'Coiive.vanooi',. FKIIEMoNT, fnyd.reminty, Pa. l!ollo-tloe atnt.ll tiiieiiinii prtlnlni to ti e olMenuf .1 ii of ill l'oaoe will bo iI.i.Ik. I at tl'.urt notfi'O, . Atr. J 'Ti). O A. WETZEL,'. , Justice or the Peace, J!cn'xrloi"ii, Smjthr Co., Jht. All kind ofco'.lcctton mad? en )ilirnl terint, ivo'itpily nttchit to ail -iiii'inati intrusted lo bit cnre (June 'Jtl, 73 1 f II. K KCK,; Justice of the Peace aufl Conycyauccr smith Oi ovc, Myrtcr C o. I n. OOllcfttntu and ill Intuit!., prrtalnlnff In Die III ' uf JnVli'cof the r'eaoe will ! Uinlml to eliOrt notice. May.U.'Tr 1J. MIDDLKSWARTII, J L'STICK OF THE PEACE An - CONVEYANCIR, McOluro City, Sny dor Co.. Fa, Collection ami all hiKlDeri rnrtalnlnzto the otneo oi jii.tice oi me roac win t eatinnnen io at abort notice. July VI Ttf. O. IlORNUERGKIt, v , j 'JUSTICE OF 1 HE PEACE Perry Townltp,SnydertloontT, Ha.l L'olleotlnn, Oonreyanelnir. anil all otkor t'Kl e jier'.aintne; to lue omne win lie proui'tiy notjcu irnsve ooar . rtiuiuiniiTiii. v J I. MONBECK, ... , .9 list Ice of I lie Peace Ailatnahura. Sny iter Co.VPa." Will be iu hi tiltioe al ibe abovo nieulion- edplaoo. on MONDAY and SATURDAY ol euoli week, whoa all kiod of bunincBw reiatiuit lo hi otUuo. will b. attended fo puuf ;T-Vtu ' ' . 'Uotds. U. I'. Waliuer. If. li. 8p!Ck. CENTRAL HOTEL; H. R. liar. Eighth anil Oaatbarlaaul il, (Opposite the Court Houea,) . 'i Iulanon9 IPiiiiii'a,. iO: . S9Tbta Hotol 1. eentrellr and eonrenlently toi'ated. Cotniuodlone and plau.nt. ltooina way to envRid la aiWaaoe by eorm.pondoueo. Onrc win ha taken to make Oueate eoutforlalile. Feb. White Horse Hotel, N. W. Corner Tlurd 3c Wtfoa'StsT' , . .phil adelj hia., ; j."ktrauck,' ' Qoon 8tabmno, , i Proprietor. Wine, Llnuor and Segan of the Choioeal Dranda. ' marDO'76" ) FAIIIMOUNT HOUSE, NEAK THE DEPOT, lllllloburer, l?a. JOHN LIMDERT, I'MOPBuroa. Tbia bona it la clo proximity to lb depot aad bai lately bn rebuilt and ra ttled. Boonie eommodloua Ui table wall uppliad with tbo bast tba market . afford and term mederat. He alao keep Srat ela Itvory, whar raei, bugjie 4e., oas b bad at til tlaai aud at rtaioaablo ratal. sprit ('78. Hotels. mm nm M 1 fjlllfi NATIONAL itOTEL. 1IAKUISON WITMEil, IVop'r. Sollnpgrovo, Pa. Tliln Tt.ot I. rtctit'y li-r.l ! In th "Tiri.r r,it ma vtyolmM ym rnrtrTH're iurn t!i n:'r f -i.iiiiiiiii)'i.'Ioi. at Linvrat . l rr or tor.itn we ll! I uti'e to t-ll rin. Ta ..fl...... I. HiaL... V ftrntclMl Krutmrinl In eonn'i-tlnn 1 Uli tbe it. ul. Al.r Mciclinii.s' House, .11:1 efc SORT1I THIRD ST R BET, PIlltA PA Terms --t r0 por tlnj. JIlJMtY Sl'AIIN, 1'rop'r p r. W,l'ttlt, ftrrk Anr.1. "IKNTUKVlLT.n HOTEL,. J ttat. Mr. Wearer'.) Ontcrvlln Pnyiler t'o., Pa. TETtK HAltTMAPT, rmprleto . Tbl lonaeMaMMieil ni1 well IrKnwn tinfe hrln been purehaeed ty the uinlpr.noil, item mare ui lue punm' mi mnnue rr.1r.1t iiAiiLann April, e, t.Tl. 3 AmiS J. MITCIIKLI,, Piorricior faRAMr.n TATIOR.) Mr. Mitchell III a imrniHr lun ll ir I. etui will par no mean Dnnkuhli mi.ini eunfori hie. IIH t tlil end hir will be cut llml lth he ehnlcc't the mitrket allnr.1, n I bin Inria. re Tory rearonntil. Air.4 '7; Pli iliuh lihiit, Chvil'r J. S. FARITSVORTII. WITH JONES, HOAR & Co. Import t s ol 'i.iiid tl''.vi flnn.t: llbUi Ul 1 lilli. icrics Gents FnralViini Goads &c. Ho. 511 M.ii!;ot Street, l'lIILAPELPHIA. T.n. fonn, A. H. Hour. I Mar. 12';. II. Shottilev. il. llvlclitcl. B. O. SHAFER. WITtl JOEL J. 3AILY c4 CO. JOSlKiV, SMALL W A HE'S, Wtite Oomh, Kinhrn'ul'rifs fv tM :ta sr.. iiif i(ii. JUKI. .1. HAIt.V MKNUV J. IMVIS, i:f.T'V II F" , MKrtllx V. Van t jQAVID WILLIAMS, Manufacture of & AVholfiiale Dealer In ('lit, Maltoznnj, Walnut it nil Kot-nonri LOOKING GLASS Ficturo St Photographic Fuiuicu Ron. 230 and r.'2 Arrli fitrt ct, Philudolpbia Pn. Frame P.vpnired in I ho I.ohI manm r Mao, I'.cgil Jtng in all ita I rnnclii'H. l J ACOBR. KIEOEL A (It)., WIUlI.tMALK I'tAl.tU.i IN FOREIGN & DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. Xo.S:Ul Mfirlcof. Hi.'lihi:i ln. WM. MA N.N. Elank Book ISIaker Sta tioner, nnd Steam Power PR IN TEE. Witoosalo & W et nil No 529 Market Street, PHI LADLLl'ITIA. I'rotiutmma. One 1'i-ice ScIHk) Price Slarkexl On AH Uood.fJn ft Ayr. 1S-72. GR VYUILL & Co., WlluLXtALB IRAI.r.n IN WOOD AND WILLOW WAEE Oil Clotlia, Wiudotv cmi'iiIoh, Ilroomn, Miit Hrusliei Coltou Lap, drain IUrm, l.y N'vlH, Uiiokct. Twine, H'icliii, i.o. So. 4liO Vnrkct tHreet, l'iiilndelplaa, Feb. 7. 'CI , . ill M Fur All; TANTFT,r. ni:UttSTRF.Sir.rt ilctrclnan XJ onuii'-eto all Iliti-ifiU'l.. Tnal lnr. Ilia iliii. millltlou of till' r I rill nf JierKli i an, r e. 1'lrli II on tim lit uf April, hr ha m rnct In III. mw llnllil Inn In Hcftiia -, on WMcrHlrci't.alKive Tine AppoalU J . S. IIuuiiiiik'. .turn, a . Leather Store and Fin- , isliing" Shop, ' where will he found at all tlnma an aortnmit all kliula ul t liilnlu il iMm k, i onalnlinii of Har ucaa. Solu, V'liti.'r, Kip an.l Calf KUiih, Morroc l.tnltifia, IVippIni' Ac, nritlilnri-nlquullllnk ami prlciiH, TUo atiantlon ol Mim-uulixra, i'ana r. aiiil all otuvra U luvitti, bufurv purclienmg oiai'wlior. . Tlilrly.nreycara a a practical Taunrr quallflna him lou.laiithaiiilllli. of Stock. HlUcataki'ii III oxcliaua for Lmiln r. I, it. ni:RusTiti:ssEn, June T-'T5) SKllnaitrovc, Snyilor On., Pa twill mail (r'reo) the recipe tor a ilmple Vkdktaui.k Halm, that will remoye Ta, I'iiki kluh, PiMi'Li: and Hi.iirriiKH, leavlnn lu. mill a hi, cisar anu tiaautitiil alao in. elrtietion lor proiiacltia; a luxuriant urowib olUalroua hulil boail or (tuooln lace. Ad ilruait. Innlimlnv Sot. tamu, lltN. VAN L ELF t)t)., SO Ann Mt. N. V. ' SEL1NSOR0VE MARBLE WORKS. nir i tbe Be- Inxrove Murhle Works, ue ii now fully pre pared to manufacture. Mumimciits A n d Eeadstoucs. thl lumteer at price mvoh lower than hereto, fore, and lower thao ba ever been doue In the eounty. . Hevlniiluit received a Inrice tot of !)e'l)fn, of all the latent atyle of Alununient fc huail tone., I am able to aire aatl.raotlon In atyle ami prloe. to all that wl.U to deoorate the a-rae. oi neiiarieu triemi with a uvnl, cheap Naaumniil,Tiiiiiliiir llradaloue. 1 hare alio luaile arraloRenienta, o a. to be able to on (hurt notice, Narblo. Sand. (tone, or any other Kind or door and window ttllla, at prloe. to ult the For.on. lo need of any ot the above artlole will .aye money by oalllnu at tbe 8ellniKrov Marble Work before liurobatlux elewhere. 1 alao keep Kank1 Patent tialvanlned tlrare ttuaM lor.aie. iv diuereat atyle. Uoana anu tee. fMr. J. II, Long, of Adannburj, U agent for tba underilgntd where all or den, will rooalvo prtnipt attention; May, T-tC . . V. I, I ANTtf EM XT can make money foater tor ps limn Uni.rwiBi eia. uapuai boi reuuireai i w will atari yaw. sit per day al bene mad by tit ludUMrioua. Man, woiaau, boya ami Rlri hwi wrwry w mmrw eini lor ye. now la tbe Maa. Coellr oat at and term Ire. Ad. 4rMTvafcUa..AutlUiae. . ritnons OF YOUTH. fl KN Tt.r. M N ahirt r tPr ftiin r i -ri'iin !).. it v, pr,-tnr lljraj, enJ til ilii nf.-. t . f ynllifnl Inillnrfr iloo, will for Hm .ii( fifr.riiK lmmiait. Mnl Ire In nil he pic I I , tii' n i 1 pi ml illiecllnu for n tkliui the utinfl r;W 1y wltli h ho etireit. Htntuf- ra wi ri V: fr.-iMi i v I ii Rivrriiwr'e pcr' i'ip f .ti 'I" "1 hr HlrMliii( le ' twrf'rt r nfl. me. Jjlll II. 4S Ueder 8liwl ft wf rlc in your town,, t'miil- fn.. N'riir. tt'iflili-r. If sn wint Ml'tr. at wht tv..C"Ce of elfticr pi u 11 in ' Krint pny all the time IlieJ otk, Iti fir 1 .rlicn'.ar. bj 11. lULLicr kU... Port- Unit, Mill'.- . 1 .. $999S?s?f' run enlti f an'l ti ramie j ery areni e: in (he bn-tttew wa lur-tlio- lllln to wnk cun enlWeirn a i!nrn rtoilema My rlitht In thMr ow leu 1 1 1 1 . iiitre no mom to etn'xln hre. nnrfin tilftiiirit ertil hotef 'iio. V'wuio-i. and hot. autl xlriK 1I0 it iteil a. men. Wn will fiirnli y 11 it complete fMitfll free. -1 Iia kitne iar 'letter lkia anvthlnic ric. r win i-enr ttir cprn.e cl r'nrttnu yon. i'artHnir tree, writ anl rut mcrr cnil iinv-linnli'i'. tholr .'inn ami ilimuher mil all eiarn-n In necl nf peylmt work el home. muni 1 write 10 nnl icern nil anent me work Klonce. ow m tbe ilm. lii'n't ilol.iy. Ad Irere I'Kt Rkt'n , AegU'U Malt a, JJNIOM 1'wANING MfLlT 1 SELlNSOnOVK.SNVDKR OO..PA K coly & Wujriici Lmt.bct Dcnlcrs asii iWAjtrrACTfitrn or Door, tlnor ffoxr. M'lndnn. Khiiltor window llnxrft, Bllmla, Knli, Htnlr ' miiisa, llnittl KalllncK, llrnrk H. Moil i liisn. I lotirln-. HCni'I.I. M A W I Mil K L A III N liT Tf ' II Jfl KH uumgios, JjOtu, etc., &c. - Orlera eoticile l ami with rronn nee ami ilcpntoh. Pivene etvn nnif cxim rue oiir atock beforo parohanlnf clfiwhcr MESJI CEST8AL EilLVAY, tin anil ll r 4inorv 4'li, 177, train, un tl. r .il will rim nr f-ill'iwit : I. E A V K NtlKTUWAHD. If ave : Norlki'ru I'ji'i. I n in II (s p m J 4? p m lo l III t Ji a ni I v a la t;.i'it y rn ( Ui a in Nli-.ra r:xn. II d p m 7. vi a in Fivt 1.IM-. K.. J a 1 : .; ' New York I'l.iln. V.llnKton llaitiiimro H 4 rr I hI n rtr tteirintoKn lliTI 'l HI ti.iiiiiunire Sniitury Ni'rttmiiitierl.iliil ArrlvK at ! wiiiiutH.rt Klinrra llml .tlit Krle I" 0" a it. 1 1 i6 iu 5 p in p tn h.n'i p in a j p iii 6 n ! in 6. to p ni 6 .0 a pi e.l-1 a In ir to p iu U M p iu l .' a m I'lllpni 7. .il) p III'i p tn T SO p m 6 .'.S pin U MJ p ni 1 .00 p m t.FAVK MM'TltWAKU. I.earo 1'nclhc Imy II. il Honllirrn t:ti. Kxp. Kjp. Nlii-nr. Ful 4(iom I 41 pin I n'' '. 4.;A in il.ul . tn W..lti , k.(ila ni ll.n a in Hliepni Win 11." .i ii l."cV ttiycn f . in '.Mop in Wtii'i'l. T.u.'ieiii 1X1" piu 1 1 iA pro Noith' I ll.I.S am J.n.'ip ni 12.1', m "unl.ury .Plain l!.i p ui 1X60 a tn li.Uo a in S. li;inT.ivn v.M a in VI ' il p m i; n1 a in Ilerml'in In o a in Pi rip m l.tAam ti. oiut'i'n lo .u a ui ii.u p m lAiu ArrUn at : lUrrHbiiri; II ni a nt 4. lap m 94Sm 4. 1'lnla. .l4Sptu 7,.pin y .oo am 7 . a in Vi.w York 4 pnt IM i p m M m am to .3 a in It ililionrn 10 p in I.Vi i ni J.4,1 m J a in Wnnhiiii.'ion .opiu u.117 p m u.i:, ni y.l'i a n Tl.ote mark" I "f" . n-i' whrn fi;-m,l. A. .1. t;A.sATT, Oon. Manauer 101IX LA UDENi LAGER. BUGGY MAKER JWMNSilROVK. SNYDKH CO., PA. 1 1 ti n ji piirclnisc 1 the well known atnml in Pt'liiiM 'rovc, formerly owned h Philip ll'ecker, I nm prepared to arcomnimlnle nil who mny dcaire anything in my line, and n' lirikiil untlxfaclinn in all cntie. I keer cnn'tnntly urt liamt. and am prepared In iDiniilncmre al tint ahnrtet nouoc, UL GO I lio, 'Cffi&st' SULKIES, Iti'inj eiperii need in the liUHine, I Oat' tcr Ttynelf llmt I nm fully prepared to meei Mia wnpls ff tny riiHtoinerf'. The hnod ctnpl'ij ed nie nmnnir the beat meehnnicdn Hie ci'imty, nml Uicir work will not full to give uiiivcrr'nl eitiafiictlon. fcif'peeinl attention paid to repniriim in all Hi .ianeue.-A& H!iip on Murki't Htreet, a fi-tr douraaoutb if iho (Inruiun Itefurnicd (.'luin.h. .lolIN I..fIKNSI.AOnR.' Pilitisgrore, April 7, '7-tf ' 4 J. IL iJELIIElMEU 1)kam:ii in I1ARDWAKIS Iron, Hails, Steel, Leather, Paints, Oils, Coach & Saddlery Ware AND MANUFACTURER OF 5i(ivcs .V Tinware, MARKET HTRF.ET. November 2, 1 17 1 tf KittfKa PNrnt't'iMinTyn In the hl.tory o linlUr eut'rprl4 l.rtu ationlflil tho i'ui'liottlon ol the iiiri4A.ii:i..iriiyV wi'.i:icr.v Tnii.s' The I.arK.t, Che ipe't ni rtrlghtoiit Weekly In the I'nlon. H Jolumn. of tho t tinl.H.t Itn.nltne;. nmhracln all that K'loa to iujUo a Kir.t oUi. Live Week ly r ii pi- r. eat 1 he 11 rami and Dlniluotiva loatura nl TIIK WKKKl.V llAIKS, ibnt Ima nr no l .o popular In lUo na.t, xl'l l.o eoncinua.t (.hrouah- ont the year, vl : A Uhiiik ur Uu.Vi'TKita -ok Tim rwiiiTTa II Oltl I.ATB OF TUB V I Ia O I IK the t'lelit, III tho Forum. Nurtb and (South Thl re tture nr the I' tl I I. A 1) K L 1' 11 I A W KKK 1. Y TIM Kci ali ne will tiuke nuo ol the innft l.ntertalnlnx aud llintrantlve Vnluuiea oil the Unwiitlun liHcoril. uf the Into War that liui ever hern alvea to the nation. Vf hll theae eoDtrlhulpina ltl be free iroin all aootloiml partlian tone, they will he written Iroui the vailou. tauilpolul ol the reapeo'.lvo author and oer their proper nanio. TEiI8 PEE ANNUM Postage FBEE i tiueUopy, rive i tonic, sa. Tea Couloe. ,15, i'wvuty t'nple., tJ4. An i.iru uiirv win no lent rnu to any per.ou pending ,U for a tJiub of Ton, or 26 fur a tlubof Iwunty. THY TIIK WKF.KLY TIMKS. lly unltlnit with a low friend, and makliiK 1 at 'iuo oi Twenty, you will each Ki t the i.KKL.Y TIMh tur one year. tiataira i.alil by u, lor the I.ntv Pmi a of SI, '26. it at any. tluio durlnu the year you ara illnaatlatled with the Haiwr, tend to ut and we will return your money. THEDAILY TIMES. A t'lNt-Ulau UdenendeDt Horoluf Newt paper. Unlvertally nuoted by the Pre and th Peo ple aa the Heat ftew.puper aver publjahed In ihi.'idiUI.. TMHHl'otaK Paid, Bit Dollar a year, or 'iity teut. a uiuulb, Two Cent, a Uopy, Addrei, THE TIMtS, TlMH BUILPIirO, PutLADaLl'lllA. IJENUX A. WOLFLEY, . Saddler and Harness Ilalier ., . Centrevlle, Snyder Ctunty, Pnna. Keep on head1, and make to order all klnde ei tiarutaa, atauaiee, avrHiwa, waine, ueiar ke.,M. All wurt saar.4 for ewe ya&r atr.'wolfleti i lu,4rUuiU iiutiiu..".". a iwwva teataa FhlUflelpjilar una lisa' .ir 9t Rail Road: '' l Arrangement of PflS3cnBCr.Jra.T,$. Tralifs h'nve'fT:fn(foj'frii fj loirs IKHtMyYJtjwji'ftl) For PliiinioLln. In IS 1 1 nil a k, ..j 1 HIM K l For Mt . Carmel, Aalitantl, Tawiann., Pottllle,- Rtadina;, and I'diladelnhla. 11.00 a tn. .. . ' . . . . r Tntinf for IT' t-uhtti, f,aw trfoIlniri. ' i (Su!yiVt''"y'.)r . Leaa Phanjokin. f.fjo a'tfj'1.50 not 10 p m. ... w , ., ,. Leare rhilalclpbia f.lfi amy pujij, i m a ...... a rttyil1,l'M5 p MeTamaqu tl.26'p m A'bland 'J ?.0 p m . . Mt. Carmel 3.15 ptn, ',;.",""',.', Trnin If vr Jhwrisbvrir . fvlhwt Fnr tlfw Ynrtr-ft.So'f f- nrti 1 00 and f..' p. m. , . . , . Fur riitlndelphia 6.2o,. 8. 10a, m. 2,00 ind .1.57 pin, ' For New Yol h 26" b it For Phlladelpdla I. 45 p. tn. Train for Ihirrisluni li-uvr ai fallow Uarc New tork, 8.45 m 1.00 611 and "7 4.1 p ni. .I-eare PhiUdelphla, 0.15 a ni. 4 00 and 7 20 p.m. Xundt$ Leave New York 5.oo p m. . I.eaT-i Philadelphia 7."0 p mj ' Via Mori le A Kcx R. R. J. L. WOOTTEN. Gtu'l Mttuwjer. C. O. HANCOCK, tlon'l 'Ikket Act. ' fee Ti.ll n V. . . - GOLD! Ilarvel for A noma, vr trci. our now Ml tiaa Intel Jettelrr an.l Ich catnloaiic, with in- airi'iMlon h i to inak.. m mcy. Aillrr.a, i. Utoidll: fti.. fnlla.. I-.. or Julla. kae, H it. GOLD. Ureal change to make ninnry. II you can't at Knlil you ci.n aei Rreea. 'n)"k. We tire la par- run in every town to t tko au'urlpMon for th, lern-rn ohenpc.l ami io.t 1 lluair.itail Inmll . ii hi ic ill ni In the noiM. A tiy ono C:tn Imcuui aiifc- antni nitnut. i lie wmi elegant warka nl art IV8H I r no to m..crllra. Tlio price 1. low i tint niinnrt everyimiy rvMLciiiie. . une nyret report" making ovor fltvi In a week. A toy au'iit rrpi.r" takii.K over 4uu ruiui -riee ra In ti n liiti a. ail vliii unuiikn mnke tnotiLy la. I. Vouran dcmlnnll u u - time to the lulii. or only V nir rpare tirnn. Y un r.r'l nut he a- way I mm knme n-tr nlKht. Vim cnn Oo It a we, I a oilior. I1 nil piirtlculnir, ill-ectlon. ami ti tnji free Kh iiiint anil eitpcnalTe I mtut Ir-". li you w n tit iirii 1 1 ' :a worn uml n jour eil'lre at nnca. it eot nultitnit to try the i.u.'lnciy. tiv ono uho rtiKKi" Inll to innke (trout py. Ail ire "The I'eople a .limrnal," ronniun. jiuiue, auk. v. ii-iy. K'EW BUILDIMJR. AM "Vli'.W TT?IPTTa WAOENSELLEU.V SON, heroU reiipcrt fully inform '.Imlr friend and the publio generally that they u litre opened m STUUK in their NEW BUIL.DINC3S on the epnt eo lonj occupied by Dr. Jacob WnKcitellrra on the Isle of Que whet they now hnve nnd will alwaya keep a large and well delected tt.tsoi lmeiit of SEASOIx'Al'LE GOODS. In the T.adica' Department will be ronail full line of ' SILKS. I'OI'EINS, URILLI ANTS, VIOTOUIA LAWNS FHSUKKD ALl'AtlAS, .. SWISS MULL, . cam nines, ruiNT.. JACONKTS. PELANES, r ipotl ami ChccktMl Nantiukn, 9 A ' A Great Variety oi LuJii's' Dross Triinuiinps, Latort Htylo Hoop Skirt.-, l'rcnch Corsets, Eo.ll flvlo Hiilruoralf, Lnilien' UjnbreL. Ins, I'nrnfols nud iS'un Shades, Itomict Hibbong, LncoH, Huf- flings Enibroiilcrs, Linbn onil I'npor Collars,' Ac, fa'.,kc " - ' A 8PL EXD11) ASSORTMENT f BOOTS & SHOES . For T.nilifH, Minsie and Children, In ead Ion ynriety, of all ie, tylcs and prioea, elected for tbe Fall and Win I or trad. A full and complete (lock of CLOTHS, l'LAIN AND FANCY CASS I M E R ES,(JOTTONADE3, JEANS, Ac, Ao. COAL OF ALL KINPS I Oroeerl.', Quoenawnre, Hurdwar; WHUw wore, t cilnrwnre, Ulaawar. Co. All of irhlob liayinpr been bought very ear or CASH will be aotd at very email profit, Our motto h (Juick mitt and tmall frofit$. W alao par the hi sheet market trie or nil kinde of (train. - - WHEAT, lU'E, CORN, OAT3 and 8EBDS W are prepared alao to atoro go oda. al smull charge and l odoageueralCotumiaeioa and Korwurding litiiue. We hope that the puhlio renerally will Kiye u a oall aa wa baliera it ia to their interval lo do no before purchasing: le where. Give u a trial. W..T. WAdENSELLKR, M. L. WAOENSELLavR. MARBLE WOEE . . LEWISHUEQ, TA. ITALIAN AND AMERICAN MARBLE MONUMENTS, Tombstones, BUtuos, Urns, Ysset LAM A, for Children's Graves. ' Poal, LUiliUf Tobllopa, MarbU and tlite Mania, &o. . ... ill tboie wbo dealre tomiroliai tombitone er anythlnx elxe manalorturetl at the above men tinned tuarhle work., should eon.ult tbe under iKBod ascot, before pnrehaalnaT el.ewbere. eauL lu ptiniin, July It 'IS-tf.) MiddlebUrs, ttsyder Ce.PS WATCH & CLOCK . T.TATT1711 1 JTAIalalMIfir MARKET ST. IJIODLEBURQ PEHK'A. i HAVING located la (bia ploce I ouU reapeolfull ioforai tho oitUeas Cf Mid!lbor aad yleialty tkol I saa prop o4 to repair CLOCKS AMD WATCU akoap sad espodltleoaljr. Tbs wtrta f taa publlo I reipeelfull -'Se dv f . t ia.ev.i