The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, October 24, 1878, Image 3

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    The Post.
Ulddleburg, OCT. 24, 1878.
J. CHOUSE, Edtsr 4-
ltooma of
ItiMm Slate Committee,
P. B. Caratr Ttaib aad t'bMioot Strttla,
(monad Fleer.)
aaffrrra Rnntat,
trf Later at Coast,
f Vcnaaga Canal.
f A'lagtaoey Coaat,
r rHaipbia.
jier Cwnti RcpDblicu Ticttt
Do, U. 0. FISHER, of nUaM.
Da. A, M. flJIITH, or A4amibrg;
n. CRARLR8 MILLER, ef Ftan.
Attoelait Judge.
BAMUBL II. VODER, of Mlddlaorttk.
DAKISt BOLBNDER, of MldJltburg.
ROBERT 5M ITII, or Adtmi .
JOHR RBITt, or Praaklla, and JOHN
ROM 10, or Ptao.
var atrd DANIEL DIKFENBAGU, or Paan
Professing to bean honest man,
the candidate of an honeit organic
wation. 1 favor ho net t money.
The uolume of the currency should
be regulated by legitimate demand,
and not by the requirements of
bankrupts and wild speculators.
The currency should be redeema
ble as early as the exigencies of the
Government will permit, in the cur
rency rtcognited ly all civilised no
The contracts of the Government
should be held as sacred as the con
tracts of individuals, and the bonds,
the evidence of its indebtedness,
should be paid according to the un
derstanding between the Govern
ment and the lender. Speech at
Butl.r, Sept 2, 1878.
The Importance of .looting a Re
publican Senator In this really Re
publican district most be apparent
to all Doctor Smith is the uomi
oeo. He wan bora, reared and eda
ated in Snydor ooonty his inter
ests and those of all her oitisens are
identical. Too know him from
youth to manhood. His irreproach'
able character, liberal education and
unyielding integrity fit him to repre
sent this distrust in the Senate of
When the great war of the Re-
t. .it i . . i .
ixuiiua cross one, inoogn out a
youth of seventeen he entered the
service of the United States and en
... . . .
dored the hardships of a long and
bloody conflict with the patience
Rod gallantry of a hero ha only laid
down btsarms when victory crown
..9 a I. Da a a
sue stars ana o in pee ana our
country saved, one and inseparable
Educated in the Republican school
or politio by his illustrious ances
tor, the lamented Hon-Ner Middles-
worth and a line of oar worthy and
intelligent alliens bis relatives and
friends is the safe assurance that he
will faithfully represent Republican
His honesty of purpose and integ
lily is an assurance that be will re
present the people of the eonnty,
district and Bute with a view to
ihsir beat interest with credit to
feiasslf and honor to those who
litis native citizen of Snyder
CORRty worthy of the USSngmct
fee towaa and should rseeive an
GfstcUI majority, the result of
' vuticff for bja without regard to
prty orttia. i
v-i- nt att ru urtT pn i'P''J beronJ tnoaqaro. v I bavo
vtrw v vunaw tw vi i
First, IfecAnss he is a native citi
tea of nnblemisbod character with
whom yon are All acquainted.
Second, Boranso he is ad intelli
gent bard-working farmer who yon
sent to represent you in the Le;ts
latnre of yonr State an 1 be faith'
fully discharged the trnet yoo im-
posed in biro.
intra, necanse be was not an
office seeker and worn-out politician,
hot the office songht him and he ra
lnctanlly left his father's farm and
eonsonted to be a candidate and be-
come the pnblio servant of the peo
Fourth, We should not depart
from party usages.
Fifth, As a legislator he acqnitted
himself honorably and a credit to
all who voted fur him. lie dodged
no Hills bnt every vote cast was tru
ly in the interest of the people of bis
onnty and the State. Vote for
Charles Miller.
didate for Sheriff is known to the
people of Snyder eonnty. I'm ca
pability to serve the public is for the
pnblio to determine. That he is a
man of energy is far from a donbt
and whether the people want him to
again serve them is for them to de
Saranel II. YoJer is the Repnhli-
ean'candidate for Associate Jadge.
His moral character social qmli
ties business qualifications sound
judgment fit him to occupy a seat at
the loft band of oar learned Law
Vote for Robert Smith. It is one
of oar most important offices. To
him yoa entrust the foods of the
county. He is available and will
take as good care of them as does be
take care and manage his personal
Vote for JOHN REITZ an honest
farmer of Franklin.
Vote for JOHN HUM. a for yoa
have tried him.
Vote for MIDDLES WARTn and
DIEFKNBACU two tried officers
fully competent to discharge their
Vote for Doctor P. Hermann for
the reason that he is a skilled physi
cian a gentleman of intelligence
and in the event of the death of a
Sheriff would make a competent suc
cessor. In fine, vote the whole Republican
The merits of the State Tioket
have been fully discussed by abler
journals, but we cannot refrain from
aaying a word in favor of , O.
Fisher, our candidate for Congress t
he deals so fairly with the financial
question which so mnch disturbs the
country his legislative record is
good and unlike bis ricA, aristocratic
opponent wonld not agree to spend
the bardearned money of the labor
er in Constitutional enactments,
which would pension those who
would destroy the Government of
the United States or pay to English
Bondholders an unjust debt rather
than to the American citizen who
was willing to give his money at the
Governmental proposition. Shame
where is thy btuth f
A Falsehood Exploded.
We made a cautious allusion, a
short time since, to certain reports
designed to affect the standing of
General Hoyl, our candidate for
Governor, before the religions por
tion of the community. Oar atten
tion was first attracted to the sub
ject by receiving a postal card, in
quiring if we knew anything con
corning his religions belief, the
writer stating that it was reported
he was an infidel. Farther inquiry
established the fact not only that
soon reports were current bat that
a brother of Mr. Dill, the Democrat
io candidate for Governor, was help
ing the circulation of such reports.
We denied, on our knowledge, the
correctness of this report t bnt learn
ing that Rev. Dr. Nelson, one of the
agents of the Methodist Episcopal
Rook Concern, at Now York, knew
General Ooyt quite intimately, we
took the liberty of writing to bim
on the subject Be was naturally
surprised at such report and before
replying to us, took the precaution
to fortify bis own knowledge by
writing to friends in Lucerne conn
ty and now forwards to as replies re
eeived. Our friends will please no
Uce that all apeak from personal
knowledge, Tb following are the
Ni w Tost Oct 4. 1878.
J. Vakkoti, Esq .
rittsburg, Pa,
Dxar 8ir ! Yonr note informing
me that General Henry M, Hoj t is
charged with being an inftMul or
. it a i l 1
milVWU ajtaaJSJ TV VIS ll'Ui 1111 VtM UIW'J
Ho prepared for college St the Wv
oming Conference Seminary under
my charge, and having graduated at
college, at my earnest request, the
trustees elected win as one of on:'
teachers in the Seminary. Both in
the institution and among its pa
trons, as well as throng bout the en
tire commanity, he was universally
And deservedly held in high esteem.
I have always regarded him as a
firm boliever in the Bible and re-oil
ed religion. From bis youth up till
the change of my residence from
Wyoming Valley to this city, sit
years ago, so intimate was my ao
quaintance with General yt that
bad be been in the least degree in
clined to infidelity, I could not have
failed to discover it. When I read
your note, I said to myself, "it can't
be that within the pant few yoars
my friend Hoyt his fallen a prey to
scepticism," so firmly had I regard
ed bim established in tbe belief of
Christianity. However, to bo abso
lutely sure that no snch change in
General lloyt's religious views bad
taken place within tbe past six years
ss to give any occasion, whatever,
for charging bim with being an infi
del, I wrote Rev. Dr. W. il. Olio,
I presiding eldor of Wyoming district
i a a.vik a
eoJ reaiuent oi wiiEesoarre, ine
General's borne.
Herewith I band you Dr. Olio
letter, and also one from Uev. Dr.
uodffe. of the same city. Permit
me also to say that Mr. McClintock,
to whom Lr. Molge refers, is known
throughout the State as one of tbe
first and most bigbly respected law.
yers of tbe Lnaerne bar. I write in
the interest of trutb, and not to en
logize General Hoyt though I have
always bad a bigb regard lor buu as
a man of decided ability and sterl
ing merit I nnite with Rev. Pre.
Olin and Hodge in declaring tbe
chargo that U eucral Hoyt is on infi
del, to be wholly without founda
Very trnly yonrs,
WrLXsBiRBB, Pa , Oct 1, 1878.
R. Nelson, D. D.
Diab Doctob .-I our note of tbo
28th ultimo, concerning the report
that General Hoyt is an infidel, catno
to hand yesterday. Io reply I say I
have been acquainted with tbe Uen-
eral for eight or nine years the
last four and over, in this city, I
never beard each a charge even hint
ed till last week, ana tuen irora a
slip of newspaper sent me by a
friend. After recoiving your noto
yesterday 1 called on Rev. F. li
Uodge, the Pastor of the First
Presbyterian Church, in this city,
and of the family of Goneral Hoyt,
and showed bim yonr note. After
reading it be emphatically pronouno
od the charge of infidelity .male
against tho General utterly untrue.
From conversations bad with several
of oar older citizens, b have
known tbe General from bis yon tig
manhood, I have no doubt of the
correctness of Rev. Mr. Hodges
characterization or said report.
Yours trnly,
Rev. Db Nrlso:.
Dear Sir : Dr. Olin ban banded
me your lettor, and I cheei fully ad
over my own signature an emphatic
denial that there is any truth iu the
report that Uenoral Hovt is an infi
del. From personal Conversation
and from tbe testimony of men who
know bim intimately, I am positive
on this point, and T. McCliutock.
Esq , well known to you, says he baa
often heard General lioyt defend
tbe Bible and revealed roligion, in
tbe bar office in dispute with broth
er lawyers.
Yours respectfully.
These letters completely explode
this mendacious falsehood. Tbe ac
quaintance of tbe parties reach back
to General Hoyt s young manbood
and follow bim to tbe present
There is, therefore, not a shadow of
uncertainty left on the points st is
sue. A warfare of this kind is of
the meanest possible spirit As
rule, its tendency, when exposed, is
to draw to the party assailed the aid
and support of all honorable men.
It is peculiarly shameful that a false
hood of this character should have
been so industriously circulated
against him. And yet, it is, in
sense, a compliment It shows that
bis opponents realize that be is
strong among the better classes, and
that if tbey would barm bim, some
thing must be invented. His hon
est, noble character is proof against
fair assault Therefore to reach bim
at all, falsehoods mast be invented.
We are ratified to be thus able to
lay before our readers so clear and
authoritative a refutation of this
slander. Let oar friends meet tbe
falsehood, and denounce it, where-
ever they may find it In point of
fact uenerel Hoyt is a i'rosbyterian
in his religious raitb.
An Incident.
For the Harrlibarg Daily Tbiisbips.
Sept 27, 1878.
"A little incident occurred yester
day morning, mat will oe of more
than ordinary interest to the veteran
Union soldiers in Uarrisburg, espe
cially to those who were confined in
the prison pens of the 8outb daring
tbe war. Among the guests at tbe
Locbiel for the past week has been
General David Viokers, of New Jer
sey, a tall, fine looking gentleman,
who served with credit and gallantry
in R New Jersey regiment as Gen
eral Hoyt did in one from tbe Key
stone Stat. During tbe war Vidi
an and Hoyt were captnred by tbe
Rebels, ana confined in on of the
Southern prison pens, Macon. Geor
gia, for r long time. In order to
prevent the threatened bombard
ment of Charleston, South Carolina.
by our troop on Morris Island, a
large body of prisoners, about six
hundred io number, including all
tbe field odcers, were sent on ears
to that city. During the
Generals Hoyt and Viokers, acojm l0JJ.'p,,", of "" Wn
paniod by two or three others,! at tb-hmMof th-h-ir-or Ch-i Matters la
sprang from the cars la the dirknoss i'"1"''' ' fc,...hiP.
when they were in fall motion, and i NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. THAT,
escaped. Tbey wandered through
tUo rnvamps all night and knoiug
(hey were banted like wild beasts,
h;i 1 fearing recaptura, waded into a
Ji:iiso thicket of brush aud water,
tud remained tbore all day, hungry
uuto starvation, and almost literally
consumed by mosinitoos. Wbon
the night came on tbey got back
into the road and when within a fow
miles of our linns were tread by
bloodhoaod, and taken oa t
Charleston, where they reui iiuei all
through tbe bombardment During
their stay there they became separa
ted, and from that d.iy until tester
day they had never met and hence
it was with more than ordiuary fer
vor that the two veterans grasped
bauds and congratulated onch other
at tho Lnchiel Hotel yesterday.
The two officers sat and related their
experience to each other since their
cpiration, and it was evident that
their parting for fifteen years had
not obliterated that love for each
other that is felt in common by all
tbe veterans of tbe war."
Auditor's Notice.
In rnuitnM tj-) In the (hurt of Qm-
Me of, nan- vwn rims oj any-
Aarif uble. . J drr county.
d-rlt-d bsviDt bs appoint
1V4 'Aa.ll
oil I tor in dl-lrlbuio ibo balaaot
in lb hndt or William M;er, Atiigot
for lb bfll of eroJitori of Uarub-r J
Kahlt. wiil mt all parties io lotrr-nl, fur
tho purpoio of performing tho duller of
hi appoiaimerl, at bit oraao la lb Uuiirl
lloit-e, in tot Doronga or niuji-dht-, on
WGDNKADAY, NOV. Ilia. i 10 o dock
A. M. All creditors failina; to preneui
their oUlme at lhcl time will be debarrei
Irora partioipailoa in said illntrihution.
Oet. 17ib, 1878. Auditor.
Divorce Notlco.
Mary Jan SrrboLl,
In the Churl of
by her nert friend
J, M. Auraiut.
Culemnn SeeMd.
Liimmnn I U-nt
of Snyder Vowx
ty. The ndfrlJ rnmmlwloner erpolnUd br
the Omart tnuketh- t-tlmilo the above
ut-'t fir tti- ptrpoee of hie ap-
pnlntta-nt at lh- nfV- of J. H. Arnold, 1' to
the bTwuh f MMril-bnre ou Satnrdar Ilia IMh,
dr nf O-mti-r A. It. 17. at e'cli-ik A. M.
All f-r-nna itii-r-MMl ere k-renf notiaea to
Head If tbejp tblok proper.
jAi'UU ini.ncHi,
oewikg Machine
Bar or ara.
Unrbalsd in Appear anco,
Unparalleled in Simplicity,
Unsurpassed in Construction,
Unprecedented in Popularity,
And Undisputed in the Broad Claim
oe Miae M y
-ntmw wcavr opcratino
Uoft I erf set Stirlag Machlni
TeM fJfwfctfJtWIjIeWWf f)f VMIfj sl fct fvMSi 0Mw)
WejoM vrM to its oieaSoneo ana eaaorleWti
ear elhar maehhw. a4 la laawtfUaf ft te U0
trade no pat II aaoa It aterrla. a ad la ao laetaaeo
aat II erer itllaios to eawt any miamialiSis
lalel-f. 4
Yvwt) tfMsvt)M4 9aW M8) pyttMt sSAC l8)8JBJsJaJ fr9 8J8JCh
saaalaal thai e are sow ao-epoUoS Io law oat
e-late Seulrar td'-ir'hlmo)
oeiy time sals-.tM
leapt BMeUna It warrant e tat 1 rear, tad
said lor trtS al Mboral dHntnal.or aaoa aaef
pajnieaea, io tan iaa tiMtaiaati at
Ri M taaas Aea, Cltialaaa, Oata
General Election Proclamation
I, DANIEL EIAENHART. Hlh 8h orlff of
saltier eouulr, lioinmonwealtb ofPeoneel-a
ola, do hereb make kanwa and tire notlea to
the eleetori nf tho eounlr aloreeald, that aa
elaetlon will be aeU la tho (aid eoantr of
oiju.r, on
Tuesday, November 5th, 1878,
tor ine irarpoee oraieetior lha loetral pertoat
one pareoa for iioearaor of P oaaiylvanla.
One po'aoa lot iUeitUaaat Uoearaor of
I ann-yivanin.
unep-reou for Soerotary of Iatoraal Affalnof
Ooa portoa for Bapremo 'ada-aofPtBae-l-a-
Ooe pareoa to Oil the nHleo of Reproeeala
live la Unnaraae for the 1 8th dlitrlat, oompon-l
of the aouotlee of, Hunllnedon, Juni
ata, ferry, Praaklla and Pulton.
One pareon In r-prewaal th- mth Senatorial
dietrlet eomno-el ol tho eountlee of Harder,
Union and Northamberlaail. I a the Haata i
Peaoejrlvanla, to all the eaeaner nude br the
reelKoatloa of Hon. Andrew H. 1)111. '
una pereon to oil the ooioeor Ri-praeentatlvt
In tbe Uenerel Aneably ot UeCoinmoanealth
for lb a'luntt afHnvdar.
One pereon Ufiil thooaeoof Aeoaolata ladae
for tbe eonnty of Herder.
One perea tn BU the oflleo of SborlS for the
ooanty ot anynor.
One pereon to Oil tho oflet of Traoiarer for
the ooaoty of Snyder.
Three pereoaa to BU theemeo of Ooamltaloner
for (ha county l Haider.
Throe poreonaw All toe offloo of Aadltor for
ine ooantr oi wnynar.
one pereoo to all the oSJoa of Ooroaor for tbe
eonnty of ftaydor.
I alio hereby make kaowa aad elea aotleo
mat me piaoe oi eoiuiug toe aforeeobi oleetlon
Intheeavoral tonoahlpe and aorouKht within
Al the (Md-t'ltowe UaU, in aa4 lor the Dor.
ouifh of 8elluagrove.
At the Uaaaeuf Daaial Hot la In and foe rr-
Al the houee of Uaeld U. Uarrold, la aad for
Obapnian town.blp.
At Borer't Town HalL la and for Waehlnataa
Atlbehoneeof Joba M. Mover, tn the Bar.
onin ot aii'iaieiiarg, ror t reutlln lowneulp.
At tbe Odd-rellowe HaU la BeaTartowa In
aad lor Bearer lownabln
At tbe houee of Jeoeh Killer la aad for Weal
lleeeer lownabln.
Al the kanae of Jamaa D. Lone In and for
Centre lownehlp.
ai ine noneo or janeeej, -iiioaoi, la aaa for
MlddUereek Mwnahlp.
Al the Hooao of tia-ah A. ttiUe la and (be
Pen a lowaablp.
Al Iba aebool honaa In KrauarrlllA. la aad kir
dackeea lownehlp.
Al the aobonl uoaea at Saaavekla Dam la and
fur Monroe tewnehlp
At ibo a jomo of rrod. KalBlam. la aad a weal
Perry towaablp.
I Aiinouaunaovaaia aaa ttr iaa awrotua oi
Krary prenn,et-ptln the .fotla aflho
Peneo and Alilermen, Notrlea I'uulie nd per-
la the millila aerrlne nf the Miate. mht
ehall hnld or rbnll within two mnnthi hare held
ant offt.e or appointment f timnt or treat un
der the 1'elte.l -statu, orot thle Jtate. and elty
or -orpvrated dletrlot, w:.ihere eiantinned
omi--r or other-lie, e rumrdlnete orni-er or
neni wao tiortnaiine emUnrei under th
Ltciri-inre, r.tenutire or JO'iiiiary Depart
mant of thle State, or if if eltr nr of in. In.
eornnrated d'ttrlot, aed !. the! erery tnm-
her nr )oBree and or the ntaw l.l tier-,
and of the eeleel or emnnvn eounll nf anr
elty, or oomml'd-neM ol any Inen'porate l d,.
tr'ot, are oy law iniapthin er hoi nn nr oier
el.lnitat theeame time the nr
ment of Jnde, InrpenMir er (Merk nfaoyelee
tl'.uof thle tlommonw.altli and tliat ao In
tpertor. .'"d. nr nth r ufrlo-r nf end alee
ilon, ihall be elit-tble to be ih n voted Icr.
My the et ol Ae n'lly of .I jly .. m It l
a1 made "the duty nf re-y Mayor, rtherlif.
Al lerman, J irtli-e of the I'e -e, tvm.taiile, ni
erery eliy. eonnty, tn rhlp. or .ll.irlct with
in thia tinmrnoowoaitii. wuenerar eil.rd upon
by any ofller of aa ay three quail
Bd eleetore tb-reof, to eier nay win I,, or
erenue to the window or arenae in the plene
of tl.'Beral Klortloa whlrh ihall be ob.truitte I
In luoh a nay at to preraut oter from ap
proaching the rente, and it 'halt be taedutjr
nf every reepe-Hee ttanrtaMe of tu"h ward,
dlrtrlet or tiwnehlp wl-hln thu ;on.monweltb
to be prembt or by l)eiuty,ul be pl-e ol
bnl im Kl-ctloni, In ra4b wrd. alairlet or
tnwnebip. tor th purp oe of pree-rrlii tb
p-are a aforeniild."
Alto that lu tbettk e-nilnn nf the aet of Aa
embly .ulltlrd- An aet routing t.i eieeullnna
and othar pnrpnea." approved April Io, lew.
It it eaacied that the a. reeld lath eettou,
thell not be enuatraad to prevent eny mili
tia offloeror bnroouh oftl io' Iro n iarrlTj a
Judge, or Oiart at Bay a-oeral or
epeelal oleetloa In Dili Coinionnwe ,1th "
By aa Aet ol Anembly approved the 17th
day of April, law. It It enam el mat at
"all aloetlnnt hereefter held underibelai
ef thli ommonweeltk, the poilt tb ill be "pen
ed at toveu o'elook a. in. no I elueed al teven
o'clock, p. m. I
The lurpeoto-t tad Ju ice nf Ibo ele lloni
Ihall meet et the re.pei Ire plaeei appint-d
for holding the elactlna In the dtirlnl to wl.lnii
tbey retpeotvoly belnner, bfore teven o'clock In
ttt m.'rnlna- and feach of thoe lntieoiort
ball aplnt aneelerk who iball bo a qealltl-1
ed voter ol tnoh dlrtrlet. j
The qualified votere of thlt eonnty at all
general, townntp, borough and p -eial alec I
tlont. are hernlty herearter enmorn-. and re'
lUetled to virte by tlekett prin'el or written, J
or partly printed end -rtl written lav-rally
elaitlfled at follow, t One ticket ehall o nbraee '
Ihenametot all .ludaeeof ourtt voted for end '
to lie lalnllod ouml.te "Jud elarr " one tie
et thell embrao-the namerell Ktaleuftli-ert
voted for and he labelled 'State;- one tioket;
hall emh ace ti" name of all county oltlceri .
voted f.r, Inniudtng offln. nf rtenetor, memler
and memheri ol Aafinbly. r vote.1 for. and
meml'Oreor t'onarete, If voted for, and bo la. I
belled t'ouoty t" one tlnket ehall amiirao th-!
nein eof ell lownehlp nffl :rr voted fur end Im
labelled "Tnwnlilp I'' oue tlrkol eliell etnbremi
Ib of ell horongh oftWre vrt. .,r and
! label lad "It ironKh." and each clatt ihall be 1
di-iHvaitd In aijiarate hellnt hot, i
wnauue, The Flteenth Amendment of the
Conteitutlon ol tbo I'nlud Hutet la at fo.
lowt : I
MavTin-1. Tbarlahtofel'lranioriht ''n.
ta.1 Miatei to V"te thell not be ilent-d nr a-.
bridged by the t'nlted -telet, or any Mate, oa 1
ace-.unt of race, color, or prevlout eeaditleo
of ter.llude."
rttt'Tio-I. TheOnngrett ihall have power
teantoreo thlt artlole by appropriato leglil
tloo. Ann Wwuneaa, The t'ongreee of the Ualtod
rttalea, on na mi ni maren, irio, peeaed an
ant, ontltlad "An Ant to enforce tlierlgatof
eltlaaai ol tl.e United Hiatea to vole In the mi.
eral Ntatetof toll I'nloo. and lor otlier pur.
poaea tbe Brat and teoiBd teetlont of whlou
are at Idiom i
huctioh 1. lit It enacted by the Senate and
HoiMOof Kepre-rotatlvo of lb llolte I ritelai
o( Amerloa In t1,ngreit aaaeiohled, I'hat all
cltlirna of the foiled rltalea, who are, or .hall
be oiberwlnequellfled by law to vole at any
election by tbe pe-pl-, In any State, Territory,
ill.triet, eoonty, elty. partah. tnwntiup, chmi
dlrtrlet, municipality or other termor al euo
dlvlaloo, ehall be entitle) auJ allowed ti Vita
atalliueb electUia without dliilneileit of
race, ooior, or prevlooi tondition oltervl tie;
any I'oniiltailun, law, eutto.a, uaage or iOgu
latlna ol any state or Territory, or b, or un
der III authority, Io tba oootrary uoiwltn
Handing. Sarrion 1. Aad be It further oneiUe.1. That
If by or undo the BUiborlty, of the tlonatita
tlou or Inwiof our Mteio. or tuo lawiolany
territory, any act It or ibeil be required te i
doue at a iirereoulttte or qualirieailon or vol-
lug. and by an U joo'tltutlou or lawa, ie. nl
r uincert are or oe euarg.n -ain in. rtr.
lormaneeof ilutlee In lurnleuing itt liaena an
opporiuuliy to i-erforie tu u prereullta. or to
become uuaine.i to vol-, n man ie tbe duty
ofevry tuoo pemn and .B r to Kiv( toad
oillieai of tbe I'nitel ntatet, the
lualnppurteoliy lu panorm luch prerenul
lite and to iHMomo quallDed to vole wlin..ut
illttlnctloo ol rae. color or prerlnan eomliiiou
ol teivltuue aut n any tueu peraon or nincer
thali riue vr knowingly oial! to give full el
lent lu tblt aeclloB. be tball, lr every tuch nf.
fenro. forielt and pay the um ol Bve liundre-l
ilolleri to tbe pertoo aggrleve l tberebr. to be
reeovereil bv au aetMB ootaecata, witu full
ooete aad aucb ullowaaca lor e lunael foea a
Iba court tball deem juat, ao I aliall alto, for
every tueb oR-one. be deemed gamy ol a oila-
demeanor, ana aaa ii on eonvi ti n
nneo not ieta tnao nvo uunoren uoiiara, or be
linrltuneil im leal taan oue mmiin and not
mora than oi.e tear, er both, at tbe illicretlou
ol the "urU
Ann WnuavAl, II la dei-lar-d by the r.nd
aartbni af Hi-V 1 anlvl or the Donailiulloo of
lh. United Htatca tbat "Tble Ooi.aillollon, and
the lane of th- fulled Slatee which ehall to-
tba e.rm law of tbe land, ao thine
la the Coiil'ltuMon or lawe nf anr fltala to tba
contrary mewitbalandlng."
AID WhIKIII, Til Ugaalllre of II. I. IJnm.
monarallb.nn lh 1Mb dai of April, A D. 1 1 JO
peae-d an act, autlllvd "A fnrtii-r enpplvin-ui
to the art relation in i-rtiona IB line Common.
wealth.1 the trnih taction of wblrh pm, We aa
follow a ;
hai'Tiog in. That to mnch of every a.- of
Aaecmoiy ft. provm inei oniy wnne rrreiu-n
tball be entitled to vote or be r-gl.icnd e vo
lar a, nr aa claiming tn vnto at any g-u-ral or
ap lal election of thle Ommoawrelth, ba aud
tha aanie la brraby repealed I end Ibet li.r.afr
all fr-nien, wllhnul dlatluctlcii nf color, aliall be
enrolled end rgltard eurordlug to th pro.
vleloneortna not acciion or in eci approved
tviitnlh April, lata iitltld "An A,-t fnr-
lbr enpplmnial to tba ao rlalB4 Ut Ilia elec
tion or thia tioiuiaonweaitn." ana wntnoiii-r.
wlae nnalittad and egletlng laa, be entltlad
m vote at ginnral and apeclkl eleciloue lu thle
Tbe laid tbovn reel tod aniandmenl and acta
nine! be icnted and nkj.J by all aaaeaaora,
rgllrnf vnlrri, clevtloa ofllceri, aud other,
thai in rigiu ano privuaiiep Kiaraiiieii mere,
by may be aeon red to all Ih clllii'ua of tblt Uow
inonweelth entlthxl to the aui.
Hy thelbib rllnn of tha act or AeaemMy ol
.Unitary to 171. It le that (. aoUn a
the poll ahell clot, the omoore of io.'tlou ehall
iirncsed Io count an in vou-a eat mr aurn can.
dldate voted fur, and luakee a full r el urn of the
Mine In triplicate, with a return h-t In ad
dltlon. In all nf wbl h lh vote received br each
candiitat ihall n given anar nia nam, tlr-l
word and ae-ln lu flgnrea, and ihall lie amned
by ell nf ld nlnVre and certlltad by overaaer.
ir env. nr tr not an ccrnnsu, in o arae.r and
ny nffloer rfllng to elgu or certify, nr either
of lhm aha 1 1, write uioo vech of Ilia relnrne hie
or their rreaotil for not elxnlng or certifying
them. Th vote, ae ennn a amin tad, aliall be
pnbllcly and fully declared fmiu the window
to the ellla-ne preeent. eud a brlof ttalamait
ahowlti Ih vol recelvod breach candidate
thell be made aad elgued by Ih election orfloerl
at aoon ae th vote le couotad, and the earn
hall be Immediately poeud npoa th door of tb
election bona for Informaihiu or bo public.
Tba triiiiieat r-inma aneii o- enrioaea in -ore
Input and beeealed In praaeaca of th ifflcara.
end one en r elope witn tne nneoaiea reinra abaei
given to tbo Judge, which ebell contain oue 111
of votr. tallv-nanar and oalhi of nfSoere and
another of eeld envelope ahell be glv-vj in the
minority Inapectur. All Jodie living with la
twelve mil- ni in protnonmerye nmea nr
Ithln iwenty-bHir mime, tr ineir raeidanoe b
tn a town, village or elty upon the line of a rail
road leading to lb county eel ehall, before two
o'clock pot meridian of the day after tbe elec
tion, and all other Judgea ahell b f ire twelve
o'clock meridian of the eecoud day aftor tbo
election, deliver Mid r-tarn, together wllb rv
lorn eheot, to the Pmthonolary of the Oourl of
Onmmou flree of tb tounly which tald relnru
tbeet ahall be Bled, end day and hour of the ailua
marked thereon, and ahall be preervd by the
Protbonotary Ibr pabllo lnpctloa. At twelve
o'cloi'k on tbo eeld eaeood nay followlut anv
elaetbia Ibo Pratbaootery of tbe Court of Com
mon Plena ihall preaeol Iba aald relnrua to the
Coaria e e e o e e
Tb rolnrne prevented by lb Pmthonolary ahall
be opeoed by eeld Court aud eompnted by a neb
of Ite omaera aad eneli eworn aaaiatanla ae the
Court Ihall appoint lu the preeeane of tbe Jadge
or juage or eein uoart uo we reiurue eeruoea
and eertlBoate of election leeued under tba aeal
of tha Ooo.-t aa la bow required to bo dooa by
rat urn Judge I and th vole ae ao oomptited, aad
certified, ehall be made a matter of r-corcrl In
aald Court Tb eeeelooe of Iba laid Court are
onau to tbe nub la a a
ana tne utner or aaia tripiicaie rmorna aoait bo
placed la tbe bos and eeeled up wllb the bellota
e e e e Whaaover a place
baa beea or ahall bo pro Idee) bv tbo artborlllee
of any elty, country, lowuablp.or borough, for
lh eafe-keeplng of tbe ballot boxtl, the Judge
and minority Inepoetor ehall a flat the
electloa tball be Bulehad. aad tha bal-
lol-boa or boget ooolaluleg Iba ticket. Ilet
of vole, aad other papare, have boon eeoure-
ly botand wlttb tape and aeeled.aad tbe eigullure
of the Judge aud laepeeloi a t Staid thereto,
forthwith deliver the eame, hajeib-r wllb Iba
ramelniag noiea to th ateyov aud M-eorder of
.. . V.-f . , M VWWH..W, W. W 'f T, V C'-.M
to encb peraoo or ptraotia aa tbo Oourl of Com-
iaa a . unin oi tue
oper eouaty maj daelgnete,
dy at afweeaid, who abaii
I bosaa aad loop tbe eame
moo riea of iboi pro
at Iba place provli
I ban deuotlt iba aald
to antwar the call of tar court or trlhaatel
author lard Io try Iba uterlU of each election.
Ulvoa aader my baad, at my ettea la M I od lo
be rg tali Pith day of laopaomber A. I. lift,
aad la tba oaekiaoroOih aad teeoad year of tba
ladeptadeaeeef the Uaitad Hiatoe. -
OANlklla KUUIUART tmaril.
faxiIat csASonr. 1070.
Hurrah for another Large Business!
There is nothing dingy or forbidding about OAK HALL
this Fall. The personal attention cf Mr. Wanamaker has
brightened up everything about the place, and the Fall bairers
with a . .
$700,000 in Clothing and Cloths is under the broad
roof, and
ffti Stir pbout th$ Pisa
bows that the people have discovered that
Oafc Kams "Home,"
and that, sltet all, it is best to
" Stiek to Old Friendo."
The fact is, we lvive outstripped every former effort, and put
forward, this season,
yflt?y..tir'T-1 nTRtEP OOOD8 at '
and, on the basis of low prices, good oods, and thorough
satisfaction to our customers, propose to do a larger business
than ever.
S. E. Cor. Sixth and Market Sts.,
eeaar efal Meoweevi artft be bvmel oa) aaa
w i?oq
TtfT y V-a V a w vv-. eaam
nnw prepared to t-'ellver thle Joalty cibreta-l Marl al point! along tbo M. A I.. tit per
tun. An of luo pouud of tbl Marl taken fmin a unifnrta lltne tut from Iba faeool Iba
bank, made l.y tleorga H. t.'ook, Stale tlouloglet ol Mew Jereey, thowt at lullowt t
l'iiornnair A tin, 1 Mo II..
Hii.ii re Arm, ,. . 4.iiilm.
Iotah, Ullbe.
I.ltn, . ' J I lu II..
MAiinaait, S)-IUIb.
Tho Wett lrey Marl I'nmp.ay have their Marl enl lr..m tba top In the bottom nf the hod,
end ihorough y ailiod. aod tbey i letlge tbeoiaelvet to rupply Marl equal to the temple anal-
riila Merl Ii Mapied tn all claeaea nf toll aod rrnpa, and numtrout teitlmonlalltaa bo Ibowa
from far man aod tnrckiaau of lit romarkbble worth at a
fimMANEirr fertilizer
IU foTWtlttitnU ttl l pli'irU AfH i PdtMb -Ion, turtkt It tit nnn ttl fthMDaMt h $
mniir.R, vialyt to tli rrinrt of ovtr U tmt t ttRlil or MrtuB.
BTaaatSlaatim la, tv . t l a W W
oatwi iiiivi itai-aaiwBj, eaaj,t w ill am - iTeja Vj
Rfpt. 12. '78
Arc now being offered nt S. WE18'
Preparing for Fall Trade.
Great many Goods
of DRY GOODS & NOTIOHS between this and
the 15th day of September to make room
for Fall Goods, I concluded to cell at
Great Bargains now to all my Custom
era who will favor me with a call
Oct 16, 73.
Auditor's "Notice.
In rai-ri-ttj
atpnetl et
Jy." In the Court of Com'
mon J'tent of Sny-
ucr county.
T. .at a e .
HE tiDdtrtlgDtd bar lag been appoint-
i .b,luA,,ai'0V. ',,la.bUlv? b,'-M
for iha btat6l of arswllors sf Htnry
Mankllv mill meat all nartlaa la lalaraat.
for tbe anrpaaa af parrormlagiS duilaai
o, oi. .ppoia.mvo . omoo in ana
Court lioute, la Ibt Barougb af MidJIa-
burg, as UATURDAT, MOV. IStb. al 10
a'atacs A. At. All sroditara falling io,
prtteat Ibtlr slalata as Ibat ilmt will ba
i atnarrtd from tariloipailou la aais ditlri -
bail. a. A. M. 1'FAULr.R.
Osieiritv '-: Aa4ltr.
T W I J Q I? V
-ex w w v -w w f vr-a w V mv s m Y
t -ran.
. Total
I MA Iht.
IT t-lo Im.
110 Ibt.
109 IbT.
J. CROI78K. Act., MiddlebnrtT,
MIHKS SIMCCHT, A-t.. Beavortown,
closing out at Cost.
NOTICB it artbjr givaa lit at Ikafol
lowlag aiiltlta aava beta parahattd
by iba sadtrtlfsad, al Coat labia 'a Sala
and loft is Iba poet tot loa af BoaJ. K
Sbatftr dariag bjv aUaaora. All so ratal
'.art tanlioatd aot la ttaddla or laltrftra
with iba aaatt, vis I t Hog, Cook Slavs
a ml I SA. R SA. k.-IJI. ttl te S
lT,Ji t aoB, Uak.g ,la-a, 1 Mas
Btand. I Tsb, I Bamlsf Aikta. 1 Umf,
q , w ,,g, rRILIP U.WW.
I '
1-Lattara af aJ-l.tet-atlea wsaaaia f
a uo aetata of Leva lew ft era oa acoH, taia
af Auama Towaeklja, ye)or ooaaty. foaa a.,
Vateie am roqeetua u make Imaxtt! pay;
1 oat, wbtia te-ao avt eiaimt wn r-T"
satat aajp yrZU wTa ViiT
I o-t,s.irv . va