The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, October 24, 1878, Image 1

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    -- ' -fc-
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Jnvi one jr6r,
. Of!
ttlf vnr year,
" ,.,jftoyoar,
lilies) 1 Insertion
..f , mill insertion,
jjo. ..r4 RirfinwK cards of
triors than 5 lins. per year.
Au"Uor, Eteeutnf, Administrator
. t I AMijrnee Notice, ,
FJ Irlitl notices BOt line.'
1 advertiscwicilUr, for shorter pe
rid Jhati one year are payable fttthe
tinuihe are rdc1, and it not paid
the VrsdiOuttoriait thorn will oe held
re jnsi$l6,fotJhp,fnenef. ' '
15 . " . U . rM
VOL. 16:
t ra ' Republican la principle.
add, i wish to aeo tbia party succeed
iaht SttUtsfftll..I desire this
amwng many other reasons, because
I jrestly beliovo that it saved the
Ih&nlnthe dark hoar of the Re
beflon, aud becaneV the welfare of
oaf boon try, for years to como, ean
aloha beoemuiittod with safety into
Jft there afty Bangor of its dofoat f
Suppose that believe there is, what
woold patriotism, call upon, ine to
ddt Ought Lfjo4,4o- soaod the
alarm as far as rhv aioido will reach 1
No one certainly will dony me this
rifct, and I look npoa it at a duty.
Personally, I have nothing to gain or
lose by the success of. either 1'arty
Voluntarily, therefore unbongbt by
any price, or unswayed by any sel
fish motive, I, write this pnpor,
. f glory in mf liharoh, iu regard
tq the Rebellion. C'ortaiuly there is
do brighter page in our Country's
history than that furnished by Meth
odmis. No Charch'.did more to sus
tain the eanse of the Union than she,
pouring out her treasure abundant
ly, and sending hosta of her sons ti
boot the brW f Ibe tattler, and to
shad their blood to defend our Flag.
.And I know that in my awn im
mediate region.; throughout 'the
great State of Pennsylvania, and all
otef tuo .band, tbore are hosts of
Methodists, oepeqiailyin the Minis
try, who believe, without doubting,
in, ike nomad rvrinoiplos of the lie
publican Party, and there is no price
large enoagb to bay thorn from their
allegiance r
Is there any attempt to sworvo
Methodists, and especially Motbo-
dist preaohers.from their devotion to
a grqjit cause 1 .It is aold that there
is, ana mac me attempts win oo osn
tinned more earnestly up to the very
eve of the Llootion. 1
Upon the belief that this report
is true, I -write aud urge my breth
ren not to be false to thoir principles
and allow no unsound reason to iu
Uuonoe them to vote lor any man
whose association, if not his record,
proves that he holds views utterly
utagomstio to those of the great
tlepublican Tarty.
The reason has been urged, it is
reported, and will be nred, it is
eupposod, again and again, especial
ly upon the iitethouist t proociier,
'Vote for the Hon. A. 11. Dill for
Governor, because he is the son of
a Methodist preaohor.' Bo is aooth
or man the son of a Methodist proa-
cbor, ana yet that surae ' man was a
ltobol in the SoutVduring the War.
Suppose be was here new, and run
ning for otBoo, and that., this roasou
f'ae (trgod hyi Alotbodists of ovory
cloev should. vOte n( hjin,' because
he is the aoi of a ftolliiit preach
r. I tberk a ftltitbudist'- luyman or
preacher WtTd WouTd' u0t eqorn such
plea, who would notTegunl any
man urging it as insulting him, and
, who would nqt say to htm "No, sir,
1 eanjiavef east fy vote or a lta
bel." fa Uoii. A..H Dill a robol t I
do not say ho, lr it) hod been in
the South during tho war would be
Ljiya,.ai!te4ahilJJrotao''.dl? I
ran not tell. 1 can tell that at the
North tbe Damocratio Candidate for
Qoveipef Hal act with ra-party who
ayahpalhilei with tbs South, oppos
edjho war, and denied that the sol
diers had the"right'tbfole. How
can any Methodist preacher, who is
Kopublioan thomjlv. hh .has pro
foa4 resC?0t aodtipeiMUost feel
ing for biB"lionoredl fathof, vote for
bis Democratic sont
TJuttreB6irDmi fttnember of
the M, J5. Church, therofore yoto for
him. ' ! Simply because a man is a
Methodist is that a1 alifSeienk reason
.why some great public interest
bonld be "watrtjBtea iohrm f - is it
not possible for a methodist to be
rigb h heari but nrpug iuV hood t
'to have-Principles sal falsb And por
nioioas that following them no in
terest wonldTa'saf, 'and -with thorn
f ally in. the ascpn.dan th,o. Ship of
State would be forced tftt some Scyl
la or atearood intot faokia Charybdia.
Vote for A. H. Dill because be is a
ilethodist ! That reason" t slyly
luntad at in one . of our. MethodUt
?ipn whioll aaya i i. Th State of
ennavlvapia has nover bad a Meth
odirt Governor." J And I suppose if
thf writer of (bia aantenee had pre
vented bia reasons 'plainly he would
Lava) said j 'Pennsylvania. ; ought to
have bnee a Methodist ' Governor
bere ia now a - obaaeevote for lit.
tUV Why vote for him ' because
ho ia a Methodist I The foolish no
tion may possibly enter tbe minds of
aome that , Methodist Governor
wobJJ bring groat honor to the
"CburcEand in aome way buifd up
.her. . interests. The' Charoh, when
. true to herself, aeeko not her honor
from man bat from God, and her
Intaresta. depend not on any politi-
.' eal party but the presence of Christ
' In the midst of her. , Bat even eonld
a Uethodiat Oovernpr of oar State
bring honor and aid to oar Church,
Is the Methodism of Mr DUl of that
t to Msura us of such resulta ?
If it be, it certainly has improved
rrefttly of lata yoars, ' for thara were
t whan ha paid no attention. to
t i C rrch of wtich htwtsamem
t - b r 'i r-t atra atttaiiej
ciples and vote for bim. " Pshaw 1 1
"Something is rotten ia tho State of
Denmark. ' And it looks very much
like methodism of tbe Democratic
Candidate fer Governor of .Pennsyl
vania is all put on for the sake of
winning the Gabernatoriat Rmju.
How can llcpublican Alotbodista
vote for Mr. Dill T Simolv fol.the
reason tba ho is sTNlethodist, and a
MebOdiHt oi sucii a douutrui una.
hoping if be be elected that ha will
bring hqnorand help to the Oh a rob t
Can any loyal Methodist preacher
voto for bim f Can any loyal Moth
odist proacbor vote .for him T Can
that ono do it who pled so eloquent
ly bis Coaatry'e cause at the opening
of tho Jtcbollion, asking, with an
emotion the most intense, the ones
tion a auostioa that thrilled the
anionce in the Chnreh of God and
stirred patriotic hearts to their pro
fonndest dopths "Who will go t"
and was Answered by the umversu
shout of men .' 'In the name of toe
Lord God we will go. ' Can that
preacher do it, who, when his Coun
try called, obeyed tbe cill,' thsh4d
to the front, bared his breast to tile
bullets of tho on emy, and now cr;
rios a wonud received in tbe glori
ons battle for tbe right Can aJ
patriotic Methodist yoto .for. hira1
wnen no ueueves mat, our pepnoua
without tho groat Hopublioaa Party,
woold have gone down, broken shat
tered and ruinod, and without party
controlling the vessel it cannot be
said courtdontly ;
"Tbou. ton. stil on. 0 Ship of Stale I IU
Sail on, O Union, strong nt rl I i
llnniiiiiiijr, wlib sll Us lean,
With all its hopm of future yoars, . :' '
Is banging Veathtess oa thy ft.'' -
It may be sold that ' this is a per
sonal attnot on Mr. Dill. Njtat all
I have nothing against him porson-
ally, and really wish bim well in bis
legitimate calling, i oinnoc oe re
gardod as an enouiy ol hie family I
am friuudly to bis brother, who i9 a
usoful one in tho gospel ministry,
and thorefore A grand one, and who
now, on this account, wears his gray
bhlre as a orown of honor. Dut be
cause I wish tbe candidate for Gov
ernor well, am a friend of bis broth
er, and bave a profound reverence
and a sincere love for bis father, is
tbat any reason why I should cast
my vote for Hon. A. . Dill t
Should I place my good wishes, my
friendship, my love for another,
abovo ray love for my 0 niutry T
Who will dare to urge a reason why
I should lav aside my conscientious
political priuoipk'B and voto for a
man who is diametriotlly opposite
to me in politics f Who will dire
approach mo with such a plou T With
my views, 1 could not vote ur tuy
own brother if be stood in the place
of Mr. Will.
It mav be Raid in my opposition
to Senator Dill, I am . dragging up a
lend and bnnod issua the spirit
that gave birth ' to the" costly and
bloody War of tho Keuellion. Is
that spirit dead and buried t !fo.
Visit the South aud sue evorywhero
proofs of this fact. An intolligoat
Northorn lady, on a recont visit to
tbe South said "No ono surrender
ed but General .. Lee. ' And that is
true. ' Look at the Democratic Par
ty in Consross when tin powor was
again ia ita bands. We hoard agaiu
of tbe fatal doctrine of Stato Itigbts
Tbe impudout Southern claims upon
tho Treasury of the United States
for the indemnity for losses iu the
rebellious War of the South, and
other political views the very bano
of.our prosperity, if not of our exis
tence aa a Nation. . Wo bavo tho
most fraternal feeling for our breath
ere of the South. We are ready to
do all we ean for their welfare, to
pour out our treasure,' for instance,
to aid those who are Buffering from
that terrible Booarge, the Yellow
Fever ; bat we do think that tbe
time has not yet arrived when men
who, if they had received their just
deserts, would have died as Traitors,
onght to bo trusted with powor. Nor
should wa be willing to trust with
power the men of tbe North who
gave ' "aid and comfort" to those
who fired on tho Flog of the Union,
and did all they could to destroy the
best' Government on the face of the
earth. It ia impudent ia Southern
Traitors and in their Northera syra-
pat'aisera to ask so soon for the
trust of political power. Let them
waif for long years till the Country
is fully satisfied ' that their - repen
tance for the loss of vast treasures
and seas of blood in their dreadful
attempt to destroy the Union, is aiu
cora, and then ask buinbly to ba re
stored to places of honor and trust
ia the Government of tbe Coaatry.
Aad tho Coaatry may then bear and
heed thoir request, but it ought not
to do it now.
in thia note of warning am I only
putting tip a man of straw T ' No, I
am nob This boast has already been
made t "There are thousands of
Methodists, formerly Bepablioana,
who will vow for Hon. A. H. Dill,
and their votes will eleot him." Sev
er! prominent Methodist proaobers
of Repnblieaa proclivities have pub
Holy deolared their purpose to voto
for bim. Others, it ia beiievea, in
tend quietly to do the same. Re
oentlv a oresidina alder was ap
nroaohed on the sabieot of his vote,
and ha was told if by a certain time
ha indicated bia purpose to support
nr. lui Boca an inaieiaioa woiua
tsfye:! So ti adf aatan." TTbao
ory and t(
1 cannot now trtfw i
has favored Knr. :
bellion." That , fVaet-Bfv
true man. His wm'Vrn ctu aafo
commit their appuiti t . .nU intn h
bands, and trus' litneirway fiwf.
responsibility, fM-ie n'ovor will h
tray their internal U! i h issv p
that a number o' tlttLUaXat ui eaol
era, ia view of t i-lt.thntF "
for the Demfs tSndvltfo f
Governor of Pev;yni', ara u
riding on the n wa Zot fm pi
sos Surely this nr,i bu f.ilao !
Methodist proacWr .'f '.iLly Jat.
brought liko a sb ap tietfubL
His desire for u-tioit opinion
his brethren wouM ''' S'iia- '
bought, hisbre ,ii. cjoU. u
trust him again ' nr--Of t
sponsibility. HutT h i-l'it pvouo
ers are eontroll'" Ci uiit m
tives than tho g A ofHnloa Ot the
brethren, and tn o irt nvnt u I
slander t it mast b y ai ip"Ua b
of tho fact that nMr Ummhs a
sometimoB sitid .''' Ihe b't ai
nurost of meu.
A METlIODfTT I ILL) V !ll Uli. '
For Tus Post.
European fr-i oiiioonl.
LlTTBW ii.
Tht Li ul of
Thero are fow plarf - i h.iropo
have been visited t'j u..j o.)p!o
have been often"! better -eifibi
than Melrose .'la. ITuply a
ooooflhesliKatot . r iy jiroU
tiees cae be foaf t wlu iuuuot reo
picture of it ttmn point
view. Probacy tti' i ft" roi m
than three or fuu" rin h hi all I inn
which eoemp re wUi". Mat rose
iu to rest. Whi I it t" m oompluti rni
far it is unoccunmu .it iviihoatg;
roareveo, it is i :t Iu pcloc
tato of presorva;... s lo show
woederlel aroiukuoi n ' an 1 1 i;v a
eod andormr n.rf ul nht .
beauty mist ha ei befsre It w
wautoalv and wfc nl!y '.ifitroy
It has tbe addition I cuorm of bsvi
its raggsd and ifealhUaiC Wail '
covered wiiuivyi trm heoutilul un
tlsof nature, that thj I. u .i'j jchs b
desolation of lh oriioary reios t
ontiroly ejantlog, frxn the do
past scorns to ba ir"i? a j ij o
nn ilivieg preso' u ,
The structure ho reins ftro
ma.ih adioirod, w m.u'i'nr.od
lii'y although a HilJ ug jovuted
ioo form of rul mi . Monbip hi
oooupied the sameT1"'" iu tun i'n",
dlate vicinity ror W4 i . i. n i uj yen
previous. At fir -6, the AWiey . wa
vArvainnll bnilliu. ui tin no mo
than two thousand p'ninli )f t
money of that P' i., lb was oc
pied by a comm 'jjr of' Cisteroil
mouk.4. who wei-o ftvd-vd hy 1
rules of their orJ-r to omntutit ui.
faithful labor. ley therefore er
inge-l io aaric'iltnr H tranjoritii
SOU lliuunuaiiug uia.. . "i
nirtioularlv in t ootietruolioa at
oroamonUtioa of g' u ' bull JH
whose ruins fe no ' " 1 ' .'l o
E'iland aod So Aud.. Jilhurn is t
hotter picture of , rww nnd pore
veranco, thtn t, piinwUki".
mooks laboring f-'Uf hi your tf
year, with tneir wti nauua-wwuio
the mallot and b" y cittio oj
of flower ', plant , and corioutt aq
grotosi'Wli.?area.iti wliiiih hot
tho. outside and iu.. l of tv. olmrcj
was covorod. '-aou of-tUi. woi
yetromalns, th." oven-after th
storms or uuntrrcd oi yeir.- ua
beaten upon it 8 1 tuo woniiolli
delinacy and bei tfv fr oriioally tiai
Entoring throuP an irou ivtto c
the west side of ' r.ouun4 wo Ri!
at once in tho aVlea, ptztho rain
Oa tbe right long ooirlJ. '
whioh is filled wiU i a i h . mot1!
uraents, most of lutMrt a.wu(U b
time that their prion' iwmw
be read. Pass:n? u rdy t irout.
this and turnin';, to iaa right m
enter the ceme by anerro
doorway under tnff tmtli wiudo
The whole south f..r . .a ILo br
presMved side C aoyso.tthor bail'
ing und although xtllwr worn an
decaying ia grand, ir. l' s -. "; .f ion'
Oa ono of the . t fort a..
Been a part of t. fia"wf"vjf o"
elook, with part 6f7 uh f tho Wi'.
ye rwiwuug.a
sinoe gone froL rs 7vaaa t
boards even are erv u i ana wouu
er worn, xao v""ri iu
face, as it were 1st fiTC9f:iali
tbe tomb, needs ms'Tiuoa c
totnpm fvgit to um. .t ! th
fact that time m seeing atouw
to tbo east aide ;s ttirwwt win
dow which ia a air Jtf Im-ty r.
it stands in tha "iii i wall, xt i
57 feet burn by wwtfad -1
divided into flra IH-h by perpou
dioalar mullions.- o 1 1 won
subdivided into -ajf-J!wsbaf d
smaller seotionaW iiolioato Btoo
workmaobof whao r" unt
the preseot day t flnt"
right tba maaainjrf ert-wntltol
covered with won .lial provtb v
ivy, whioh eoupi t nuuowd tu
tbe stone work id lilTrTYiawi
fall awtapina; onr! toward
gronnd. Oathvru.i ao lc'
grass aad Cowat pffCL-JSrA1.
on a eorner of th dl bus'
was in foil bUKKOji! ' ' f l th
ground;. Whlla ' Uwar.-Ljntiiijjj
ainzinff and dy rurn-r
fromtnair naetfin im .y v. : -f)ru,
bary oa tho roitf
t!. !! ri net
i r;
r 1 1 r
iy facrttlaai J;
A iUloiltf