The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, April 25, 1878, Image 2

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    JTfte Post.
Middleburg, APRIL 25, 1878.
J. CROUSE. Edtor & Propretor.
Republican State Convention.
Hr)4tttRf aft. Ran-SMC, HtatsCoh
Mittta, II tuniPM'nrt, March 27, IS7S.
In pursuance of a rtolullon of lha R
publican Stat Committee, ndnpl ! tit
meeting lull la IMrrirburg thii day.
Republican Mule Convention (is he com
fineed of delegates from each Prnainrtal
nnd Representative lii riot 10 lha num
ber lit which such district It entitled in
lha I.e gi.Uture'iia hereby callr l to mart In
the rlty of II tirUburar nl twelve o'olock
hoon, on Welneaday, May 15, 1874, for
the purpose of nominating one peraon fur
(Itfvernor, ona person for Lieutenant
(Joarnor, tine person for Secretary of ln
tvrnal ArTtire, and ona person for Judge
of i be Puprtmo Court, 11 order of Ibc
WtiliAM r, H'lLao Chairman,
Join A. Pmtt., Hfcrelnrjr.
The Income Tax.
A tlia Ways find Mean Comrait
loo liave dt'ridoit to roport a rooas
una reimposing tbe income tax wo
rrtiall soon hnro a revival in Cori7
rons of tbftt breezy Western nml
ISouthom oloqiionco which ha bo
often shown how atrociously crimi
nal it is for the Eastern Mate to
have more money than other Stated,
And that tho only ntonemont tbny
ran make is to pay all the taxes. It
is proposal to tnsesi two per ccut
mi nil innomcfj above two thousand
dollars. This, tbcroforo, is not ex
clusively n tax on the rich man, and
roftBt n oo ossft rily rive tbo tax nn ex
tt'nsive application in every part of
tho country if tbo till shall ever be
come a law. For a good while thero
have been murmurs that the West
mid South would insist npon the
revival of this tax, becanso under it
their section, as tho rolativoly less
moneyed districts, would escape
easily, while tho Eastern States
would pay hoavily. If at tho very
fact that under this tax the bnrduu
falls on communities not in propor
tion to population is ono which con
slitntca tbo tax au illegal ono. It
enn ouly be justly imposed in such
n way that lew York and Illinois
will oqnaliy pay, not according to
the number of people in oacli, and
if it is imposed otherwise its collec
tion will be opposed in tho courts.
Si'RouL Rescmitio!. At a confer
ence at the United States eubtrene
nry in Now York Inst week, between
Secretary Sbcrmau and tho moiubors
of tbo lato syndicate, romiltcd in the
mprninfj of a contract for the snlo of
5O,0U0,0U0 of 4 J per contain bonds.
Tho details of tho negotiations, in
cliulincr tbo raothod of ravraonts.
are withhold in the official statement
of the 'transaction givun'out at tho
Bubtreasury, and of which tho fol
lowing is a copy :
The secretary of tho treasnry and
the members of the last syndicate
Lave entered into on agreement for
the salo, for resumption purposes, of
ttiHUHUHMHI liana. ,Ji,l.e wane Jjrm-
luium on gold ooin, $10,01)0,000 to
ue snuscnhoil lmmodiately and 85,-
The war cloud in Europe has not
yet been dispelled.
Tho publif) debt of Pennsylvania,
I State and municipal, is nearly $45J,
Government land costs $1.23 an
acre, and mi-key ti, a bottle. And
yet thero are tuauy who prefer wii
key to land 1
Chester, last Saturday, bad a biff
demonstration against tho "Wood"
tnrilf bill. Senator Dlaino was the
horo of tho day.
The bill to repeal tho bankrupt law
has passed tho United States Hen
uto Thero is vory little doubt
that it will also pass the IIouso.
Sherman expects to bo ablo to ro
sumo gold payments by tho .1st of
January, whether Congress repeals
the resumption bill or not
Tho bull punch would be an im
mense card for the saloon keepers
tho first fow days. Tho boys by
hniitlreds would step in and emilo,
just to hear the boll ring.
WHO 000 tier mnnti
nuce oi too year.
Tho sale of 4 per cent, bonds will
bo continued by the treasury do
partmont as heretofore upon tbo
terms and conditions of tho last cir
cular and tbo proooods will bo appli
ed to the redumption of tho li nor
eont. 5 2 ) bonds.
Thmty-mx thousand dollars Lovo
boon recently appropriated to
etrengthen.ronew or repair the foun
dations of tbo Washington monu-
snuua iu mo cny oi tiint uamo.
Pioarly a generation has paBsod since
iuo original foundation was laid If
History rocords it aright I'lowdeut
Taylor lost Lis lifo from exposuro on
mat occasion, ana eating too hearti
ly of blackberries and milk aftor lis
tening to tho classio elonucnoo
evolved on that raemorablo Fourth
of July. It is questionable whother
nny foundation can bo raado at the
present sito that will support the
proposed abaft of five hundred and
fifty feet. It would seem to bo wis
er to take down tbo work already
done and build npon soil that can
stand tho pressure. This work Las
been a snbject of ridiculo and shame
long euough. It should bo either
completed at onco or ''eliminated.''
William Philips ono of tho Pitta
burg rioters, tried for murder at
that place, after the most condemns
tory cvidonco was acquitted by the
Jurv. 1'itUburg has a keen sonso
of JubUco.
At a caucus of the Republican
members of tho House at Ilarrinburir
on Monday evening of last week it
was resolved to closo the session of
tho Legislature by final adjourn
ment tho 21th of May.
It is slowly bnt surely cominrr.
Tho Northwestorn Hank of Chicago,
ana tlio lhiru National of. Cincinna
ti are redeeming their notes in gold;
and this course will soon be followed
by all the leading banks of tho coun
try. Another Mollie Maguiro was con
victed of murder in Mauoh Chunk
on Saturday last It would soon
that tho only way to end this infa
mous organization is to hang all of
its membors, and tho prospects of
such a consumption aro exceedingly
The Republican committee of
Union county elected Oeorgo W.
Schoch, editor of tho Mitlliuburg
Ttkarapi, delogate to the State
Convention on Saturday, by a vote
of 23 to 13 for Dr. Rook, with in
structions to vote for Wickersham
for Governor oil tbo timo. I'h 'Uu.
Times, 22nl inst.
Montgomery Blair's Presidential
ejectment projoct cannot get a pa
ternity evou in the Maryland dclo
t'atiou in Congress, with whom Mr.
lilaic Las been workiug in vain.
h a c h particular Representative
BUrinks from tlio notonoty which
would result from allowing his natao
to bo asociated with tbo scherao.
Mrs Tilton, publishes a confession
in the iNow York papers of last Mon.
day, in which she says that the
chargo brought by her husband of
ailultery uutween uoraulf and Henry
J YjuuU - jutoiuruojo to iier. .Mr.
f r r i. i
"rauui ukuiiruuiu ids eoniOBRIcin
with an explicit and absolute douiiU-
nuiinto on Wodnosday of lust
wook coimrineu tuo followjii'r nomi
nations : John W. Ilbvt. to be Gov
ernor of Wyoming territory t Thom
as Aaamsou, of I'eunsv vauiu. to li
consul general at Hio Janoiro Jesse
w. ureiat, of Pennsylvania, to be In
dian ngeut at Otoo agency, Nob. i
u. jiuii iiiusser oua i nomas u. (Jal
nroatli, poBtmasters respoctivoly at
iiuuiuiaou una iuin uity, i'a.
Thore are in this country about 8",.
830 Fcdoral oflloo. holders, or ono to
every ninety volora. Whon to theso
aro added tbo Stute, county, citv. bo
rough, and town olDjors, it is calcu
lated by a Washington correspond
ent that ovor forty-fivo voteri must
support by thoir labors at least ono
man in order to mantain the present
form of government. Liberty is an
inestimable blobbing, but it is expen
sive. The spooial commission appointed
under resolution of tbo State legis
lature to select subjects for the stat
uary to bo contributed by this State
to the national collection in the old
Hall of Representatives at Washing'
ton city, have agreed on Goneral
I'etor Mublenbersr and Robert Ful
ton as the representative l'ennsylva
niaus worthy of being Landed down
to posterity ia endearing marble.
Ges. Jacob M. Campbell, of Jnhna.
town, Cambria county, moinbor of
i.ongrsHS from tho Bedford, Hlw'r.
Cambria and Somerset district. hi
been appointed as Pennsylvania's re-
'1 here is pathos, real and unaffect
ed, in tho cloving passage of Mr.
Christian Ross's .lecture concerning
Lie lot t Cbai ley ben ho compares
bis nuost to search In a deep, dark
abyss by tbo light of a taper, where
lie neais now and then a littlo voice
in the darkness crying. "This way,
papa, bear I am " bnt when he goes
in toe oirecuou oi me souna uo nnus
it is only the voice of his own hopes
and tho wispering of bis own heart
Adolihhed. Gov. Hartrauft baa
signed the bill abolishing the "pret
ty waiter girl" system, so popular
in Pittsburgh. Its provisions are
general. It prohibits proprietors of
placos in which intoxicating liquors
are sola from employing females to
dispenso drinks, under a penalty not
exceeding 9500 or imprisonment for
ono year. Ho license to soli intoxi
catiug liquors is allowed to be issued
unloss with the express understand
ing that tho applicant does not em
ploy any females for the purposes in
dicated. In addition to the fine and
imprisonment provided for, the act
requires the forfeiture of liquors.
A Million of Dollars
Seem a ereat deal of money, but Oak
Hall innt now contains about a million
dollars' worth of superior cloihing for
men and hoys. Entering Una month
on iw eighteenth year, Oak Hull brings
to iu work of clothing the people an
immenae and valuable experience in
knowing exactly what the people want,
and in being able to furnish it at the
lowest nV"res.
Tho present Spring stork at Uak
all has been prepared with even more
than ordinary care. In Sprinir over
coats, every style ; in neck wear, tho
nicest novelties ; in boys' suits an im
mense variety ; in business and dress
suits for men. all descriptions. J ho
advantages of dealing where tho stock
i so ample as to furnish abundant op
portunity for selection, both at to style
and si.o are too obvious to need more
than passing mention.
Tlio old rules prevail at uaK Jian,
Promptness, politeness, cash and com
plete pntisfiu'tion cuaranleed. The
ticketing of each articlo with iu lowest
price, lroin which there is no abate
ment, is a great convenience to all
Tho custom department of 0.k Hall
is one of its chief fen In res, nnd the fac
ility with which goods nmy lie ordorod
by mail sent from Uak fall ly express,
brings tho people's great Cloathing
bstabhshiuont to tuo doors ol all our
Candidate Cards.
Ms. Emma:
Hlaasa nnhllah lha nama of Captain
. W. flflnian of. I'nlon Town-bin. mm.
ll'lta for laglalaiara. Ma la ax o l ao l trltil
I. r, a eapsbla, ann anortcatia iid'Hiana man
o II al(ilal. will M aMa to r'prwaot. tho
panpla Hajrilar Uuaatjr, with aoaor and
craiilk HarutLicA
Eo. Post i
Wa taka nloajara In ramnnnamllnn
to tha Rapablloan roura ornrJr aonntv for
nomination and ra-olartlnn tha Hon. Charlaa
Millar, praaant naabar of tha Houko or Kapra
antatlraa. I'or Indaitr, rrTranoa ao.l
rlma attantlon to hli onialal datlaa an haa mom
tha a-taaja of bli fallow maoilwra aa wall at lha
hlhar otnalalt at tkn Stata OapHol. Ha darot
ad hlinaalf ti tha uf tha Uommon-
wf alih, ami aai.a. Mr to tha Iniarau ol nor-
lar counlf. Coorte-f to tha cnntlaman and
tba lntraata of tha prly would aotltla hlia to a
ran'minatmn ana oiaoiion, oaauaa na ia now
familiar with hliduilaaand will ba bat tar abla
toaarraklievutliuanaf. Ilsavaa.
A timely doaa of Hcliaork'a M andraka Pllla
la aura to prfront aa attack of tillllonannaa,
whan a ahrt uoslacl of tka warning aiiuptoma
may darolup a aurloua ctaa of fav r. ellUer bill,
lous, Interinlttont or typhoid.
Hilionck'a Atandraka f Ilia ra oota all eansea
of bllllouanraa, proiuplljr atari Ibo aoaratlons of
lha llr,nd glvaahoalthy tuna ti tho anllra
aalom, It la no ordinary dlaaorcrj la laedlcal
aclancolo bara f'und a barnilaaa oara for thla
atnbborn omnplalul. wbloh aecorapltahca all tlia
rasnlta herot'if ir pro lucad bjr a ttn naa of (J'..
omul, a mineral Jnatlv drradod by mankind,
and acknowlcdxad to ba dcKtruotlro In tba as
tro ma to tha human ayatrm. Thai lha proparttra
of certain ranUbloa oomprlia all tba rlrtuoa of
nalomiil without III lujurioua q ulltloa, li now an
aJiulltnd fact, raudvrad lu.llnputibla by aaloutl
Ro toata. Tliono who na tba Matidrak Pilla
wlU ba fully aallaoad that tba beat laodl.'lima
I ara thoao provldad bv naturo In tba roiamoti
lililoua Uarauifaujautf WitMww'r (.v. ranjr
of tha Inlnrloua itrtli of aaloinot or olh-r
oua. Tha aocrii - .aiaj aa will
aen oy thoalirrod color of lha atuola, thr
iliaappearauca of tuo aalluw compluiiou auj tlir
L'luaualnaT ' tho touguo.
Ample dlra.tloua fur uaa ai company each
box of I'llla. rrapir'.doaly b; J.H.S. Ii git
k s. o, at iiiirprlui'ipakfs, Cor. Sixth aud
ArcU blrrota, j-blladelpHTI. Piica it eeuli per
Vox aalo by all dntitgUla and doalrra.
taatainantarT on tha aimta nr ii:.i i
mo lata of Jackaon Towoahln. Snrl-r
Co., Pa., daod. harabaan irranteil to tha uiMar.
alKneil.All paraona knowlon ttiomaelron lu'llt.
ad toaaldoatata will rlaaaa inaka Imniedlita
pavtnent whlla thonehavlnn olalaia analniL iiki.l
aflata will praaant them lor aotttam -nt to
April 95. IITT, Etocutor.
-A.Higrnoo IN t Mice.
VLL peraon" lnlerrtod arebcrcliy noti
fied '.litit Frederick. Kcrsllnif of Wopl
I'orrr lownahln. Hntdor Co., made an anli.nnirui
of all bla ediHita, raal aud paraoual to tlio tin
duraliinod for tha bonehl of hla rre litora. All
poraoua haviutf clalina ara rqnoatud to pra-ent
thoiu lu tha undrraipne'l, and poraoua ludablod
will plaaaa tuaka luiuiadlita payment,
Apr. 4th, 'Ti. Aaaluuiw,
Tlia adTsrtlanr. havlnn baan ivarmauanllr
onrad ol that dread dlaaoaa, Oouaumntlon. bi
a almpla ramailT, la aniloua to makakuown
in nia latiow auuorara too
Tho rcsponsibiltyfor tho confederate
defeat at Gettysburg, like tho credit
of the Union victory, has boon
a bono of contention among military
men, and Oon. Xiongstreet' strenu
ous efforts to shift the blame from
liis shoulders upon Loo's has dio-
vokod a longhty articlo on tho othor succeed Oon. Cameron
biuo nom ruzunguijeo, wuicu meets
with gouoral favor in tha South, and
which coutaius a letter from a pro
roinnnt Boutborn officer who savs
al..i r . v - a t . . .... . . r
mat, uto. uee ioiu mm "tuat bat
tle would have boen gained if Gen.
Longstreot Lad obeyed the oi -dor
givon him, aud had made the attack
-arly innload of lato." lie said fur
thor. "Oeu. Lonarstreot. when onen
in fight, was a most brillant soldier ;
uuc no was tuo naruost man to move
i uad in the army."
The resumption of specie payment
is virtualy aceompllshod. For some
time past gold has boen paid ont in
change over tbo counter of A. T.
Stewart's great store in New York,
and other large establishments. On
Monday last the principal banks of
Fbicago and Cincinati announced
that they wonld redeem their notes
in cold. The Pittston national bank
of this State made the same an
nouncement. Gold it now quoted at
only one smarter of a oent Dreminm.
and will soon be worth only its face
Mini MlllAI, I 'II . 1
aiui "uou KrawuoaoKS wiu oe at a
iremiou. Aai thus is vindicated
be wisdom of Horace Greeley 'e oft
repeated argument "the war to re
' umption La to resume."
presentative on the National-Kflnnh
lican Contrrossional Oommitteo. in
lha selec
tion is a good ono, and is announoad
as giving satisfaction to tbo itepub
licau leaders.
A New Countt The bill nrnvid.
ing for the division of I.uzorno coun
ty passed the .Senate on third read"
ing last week by a vote of 38 yeas to
4 nays. Tho bill now awaits tbe
tuo signature of the Governor to be
come a law. The now oounty will be
caiieti uack-awanna, witu Scran ton
as the oounty soat. Wilkesbarro
will remain the oounty soat of Lu
zerne. Luzerne county had a pop
ulation of 1UU,915 by tbe consna of
1870. Scranton tho county town of
vue new county oi Lackawanna bad a
population of 35,093 in 1870.
Thore is a good deal of horso sense
in tbo suggestion of the Atlanta
(Qa.) Constitution, that if the South
is satisfied with Mr. Hayes' Southern
ponoy, toe divided North has no
right to complain, and if it does,
what are its wrangling nolitioiana
going to do abont it T A man and a
naif or two small men may be in a
majority in corner trrocerv contro
versy, bnt whon the case haa broaler
bearing and ie submitted to the ar
bitration of a general tribunal a re
versal of iuderraent ia onita likol in
follow in interests of iustioe and
common, sense.
H.lnl nl .urn T..
all who ilaalra It, he will aand a copy uftha
iiiHoniiiiuu uaaii. iiraa oi onaraai. aim lua
olrectlona for prepirlnu mil urliifc- tho aama,
whloh tbay will find a at-na Opus for Cos-
at mptiom, Airaai, unoNrniTi, ha.
Purtlaa wlahlna tha proaorlutlon, wlllptaaaa
oddraaa, E. A. WILSOPf, I'A Pacn Ht.'wtll.
lamabursk, N. T. Jan. 17,'TMui.
To th RapnUlaaa "tr of Snydar innnty,
w raanaotfully raooir William It. Ha
rar, of Mlndlabu-, aa uit ranillilata for
tha nomination at tha eiri i l i v Kiao
ll.m, forthaolflooof Mtanira. ' lk ' t'
Hapubllcan of nnqaaatlonania ti ' .- 'o i' c
party and haa eooirlbntod laraaly I .
caaa Ha la a koinI buatncaa man, fully eu.i n
tantfortha piltloai and hla at an tampor,
mild and alfatila nannaraara a aafllnlant ur
antaa that II aleolad no ono would autfar un
naecanary oppraaalon, of aonnd Intrarrlty, Hd
moral ebaractar, onmpotanoy. favorably known
and lataly aonoaeud, hla nomination wonld
Klv atrauglk to Ika tlckat at tha Oanaral
LlaotloB. UiTitnnaur DnaraH,
Editub Post i
Anni.nnn t. Rnlandar at s randl.
data far nomination lor tha Important olBoo oj
Sharif. Mr. Ilolrndor la well and favorably
kown fhroaaliotit tha oounty ia an aiporlane
ad omcar and auatalna a raputatlon for aTOod
naaaorhaart and aldeial lanlanoy which vory
law otnoara tun. Hla vlvnroua ollorta In
bohalfof tha parly havo alwaya liaan attandad
wiin aiinoaaa, 111a paraona I anl tnilltioal innu-
anea la atraoilk to the nartir and. If. nomlnalad
ha will taava no ftnn- antarna I wtilcU would
lacura victory in tut rail oampalsn.
Cdito n Pot t
PI. aae aunnnnre Ihronuh tha ''roar" tba
nama of Wni H. M'-Oartv of hallnagrnva aa a
eamiiiiaia Mr inaomi-aor snerltl, Mr. .Mccarty
haa alwaya bee a troa to tha prlnrlplaa of tha
party, aarnaai in ma anpimrt or Ita iKai men,
na naa mo raapari or an wno know mm. Me
baa baan a auoeeaarul buelneaa man. aud wa feel
aura hla nomination aad election wonld do
ureal credit to tha party, Ropubllcana I aup
port una.
Ed. Post i
Kaennmand to th" Rarnbllcan nartv
tor nomiuation. mi tna apnroaciiina: rrimarv
r.iaotion, lor jtHamrr, wanaviAM hmib ol
t nlon townahlp. Ha la a nantlaman who la
known throouiiout lha rountr of aood moral
charactar a bualnaaa man and iwa.iaaaea nod
aoelal iiualltlaa If nominata.1 aud aleotad will
tuaka a Bwd and tlfloiant oUlccr. ADAMa.
Ed. Post ;
Wa anaraat tha nama of John ft
roeklar.aa a auliahla parann lor tboomeaof
SharlH. Mr. fooklor la wall and favoralilv
known aa a gentleman ol Integrity, aflabla
and aoclabla, and pnaeaaaed or ad tha reo,ulra.
menta lor a aood nuhllo ottlcr. Ha la Idenlllt-
ad with lha Intaraata of thaaommon e'aaaaa and
thalr Intaraata would not aultor at hla hamlt.
Vota f r John U, t'ooklar of M-linajro, far
snanu. aiinuLKcaaaK.
For County Treasurer.
Tha nnderalaned woild reaiiaolfnlly annonnca
hlnixiirai a oandldaai fur Ilia nointnatlnn of
iiimiity Treaauror at tha cneuinii Hapubllcan
I'riuiar civciivo ui auju-r i -'oioiy.
Troxclvillr, Pa.
Tha nndaralitnod would raapa-tfiilly an
nnunca hlinaalf to lha tepuMlean volora ol Pny
dor county, aa a oan lM na lor nomlnatl .n for
the oinco or tiouiitjr Trwtnirer at th ' annulns
I nmi.rj civuwuu. tlltivri.
ra burn, fa.
Mr. Pott!
Pay In tka Republican votara that
ttanrva w , how. oi Aionroa. ia a eanitiouta i
iioinlniitlon to tha oin.ta ol Traaaurar, at tha
ooiulnit Hrlinary K action. Tha nnaaaoa nl tha
roiiniy wara wall mauaia. durlna It la tarm id
oitica.a ia yaura aK. an I ba tniulltad hint.
aaii aa a cumolcui aoj wortny omoer.
AssPfii&lfi.Maft.- ,
Ma har nlla.l iba m.- t..t ona term with cradli
,,..-e-ii -in tua lie la well aciu.n-
w..., ,B uuiih oi ana omoa ana u ia avarv
way iUkl,lttad fur lha poalttoo. uu.
Assignee Notice.
ALL peraooi lnlereiled are hereby no
lined tuat Henry ft en far, Jr., of MIJ
dleereak Iwp., r3nder Uo., Pa., baa on
tliiai day mad aa awlgnmenl of all bla
effeote, both real and peraooal to tbe un
diraignod for tbe beuefit of eredilors.
Ml persons having claims are requested lo
proaent I bam to the undersigned, aad
ttaoae indebted will pleaie niaka Imme
diate payment. ISAAC UILUER,
Mar. 14, 1878. Aasignet. '
BY Virtue of an order Issued out of ibe
Courts of Common Pleas of Snyder
County, tbe undersigned Aasignet for tbe
Denttot or creditors of William Clear, will
oner nip uuue Bale on Iba premises oa
Saturday May 18A, 1878.
tba following deeoribed Eeal Estate lo
wit a certain
iluatt ia Monroe townahlp, tsnydor Co.,
i'enn'a, bounded by lands of Qatigters
Heirs, Sarah Kten, Mollie Logau aad
Daniol Letbor, oonlaining
and five perobes, wbtreon ara ereclsd a
large ae frame Weatberboarded .
House, New Bank Barn,
and ether naoeiiary outbuildiogi. A
Spring of good water near Iba boute.
Tba above premises ara aituaiad nil Ika
road leading from Hbamokln Dam to Lew-
lauurg, about i miles weet of Bunbury,
and are oonvenlont lo Markets. Boha .la
Cburobee Ao. The bulldioct are new and
Iba land bas only btta farmed a few
year aad is oooetuuently good. A con
siderable amount of timber is still stand
ing oa tb land, aad a large number of
oboloe fruit trass now olaaiad. which ara
la a thriving growing oonditioa.
Sals to oeinuenat at lo o'clock A.' M.
wbaa tarm of sals will bo mad known
Wa heit leave to praaant to tho Hanubtie..
votar. of i,,yd-r oounty tha nana ol Henrr
Smith ol llenver town-Ill,., aa a aultabla can
dldata fur lha office ol aaauclula IoiIjh,
AlAar Vomsa
Mil. Editor :
I' I car a let your raadera know that
I am a randldata lur Ilia utn .a or Aeioclate
.tiiiUa a hl-ittotha actlnn ur thm
tha coming l'rluiary tlaotloo.
County Commissioner.
I llereliv annouuca mv aelf aa .,.M.i.f..
lha Kapuhllnnn noniluatlun tor tin. im, ..r
oounty oouimlaaluner Tx. SHOLLar
FntTon Post !
i. . "'" nama of John B-ltt of
rrankllu luwuahl.i aa a ,-in.ii,iku. r..p
U'lmiulaaloner. The nfflre la n i,n,.rf.n, . .. .
and averylai payer ahoald tea to it, that nona
but houaatcapalile hualne-a a-e nlected to
' aiiiuw. nr. itima la wen oialined I he
lilaio I alwaya an aaen.-at r-iiiildli-an, truthful,
mneel, fruiial, and .. ,r;,, - I,., k ,.v. n. .,J
of lha peopia ami if,.. , ,. ,., ajica-ita Ilia
iruat oouudtd lu bla vara wi.a n.: ! t' .
Pi i
MB. FniTon. Pleaae animnn'O thacindl.lac
of.l.ilm Komia-or Peun lownahln tha olfloe
Of OOUJI TV OllVUiaaiOMKa. Me h ...... i
ti rm I'U credit o hlmai'lf, and lo tha Krint ad
vantaue of Ilia peopia. Near tx'ora wra the
flnaucoa of I he ciniuiy In a Utter condition, anil
thla la attrlbutatile. Iirirlv. m. d.....i.,.
nun. 1'irruirHpuumaiii or eapeneee, bla aloan
peraooal aiienllou arlvaa to ovary bill praaentid
lo tbe Oomwiaelouora tit approval, and In tha
eeouomy enforoa.1 by eKauple. Republloan
voiera ym i au not no natter Iban lu vota fur
.wa nuiuia, rSBN.
Ed. Post :
We, cltliena of V Iddlaaraak. town.
amp, raeoramand lor nomination, fr tiioollloe
ui vumiuiaeionar, at tna nail Republican frl
inary r-iaotion, jiiorrH frdly, ol franklin.
.r. . "n nooairioue, aoonomloal and
Intallla-ant farmer, aid II aleotad, will take good
Caraol Ilia financial Intaraata ol tba couuty.
ED, PoT I "
,, Plaaaaaniounca John Slab ley. of
flcllnrrnva,u a eu liable oaodldata lor no jl.
nation to the othoa of Oounty Uoioiulialoner.
lie la an exoellent bualnaaa m.n .na ,i m m
tbe luipuruul offloe wiWi eredli.
AT ivfl.. .
Near the Depot, SELINSGItOVE, PA.
i i j
Big Stock ! Solid Goods ! Low Prices I
All Grades ; AU Widths ; All Prices. Men's Heavy Brosram, Buckli
and Lace. All Warranted.
Plain, Foxed, Button and Lace Misses BUTTON & LACE,
ioviv, rcrviv, down its itrice.
CMdoens' Shoos, AH Styles and Widths in Great Variety,
A large stock of Lace and Button Shoes on hand and made to order at
short notice and low prices.
Fine Custom Work nnd Repairing mndo a specialty.
ney'rtfuuy Your$, m. S. SC11ROYEK
Auditor's Notice.
mtIK unlcrslford, an auditor, appoint-
L ed lo distribute Ibe fund In tbe hands
uf Adam Bower aaalitnee of Jeremiah
Mitchell, among Itioee entitled to the
aamo, will meet (lie rarliee In inlereat for
the parpnae of making snid distribution at
Ills ollice in mo uorouyii or MiddteDurs;,
on Halurdny, tbe 27lh day of April A. U
1X78, at tt o'clock A. M. All persons liav.
Ing clniaie agiti't taid ealale wrill please
present Ihein only nutbentlotiled or be
' -.iail from coniinln for a
rpiIE nnlprsiyncd offrfi tho fol-
-t. lowlny deacrllied property at private Hole
i r.n A;nr.i, eiearaii land, stiuata In Adama
inwiieiiip, rioyoar t o , ra., two mll -a we.l o
Troxalvllla, adjolalna; lamia of Wm. W aider,
Daulal Maurer and nlhara, whereon are eroeted
a Kood llWKI.l.lNIHIUt'St.Hraill.K.HIKIf
and other valliulldlna:.. Tlia land la lu a tiood
tato ol caltivatl in, ronvanlant to market
there a alao an excellent OKHH A It II of oh.doe
run, ami i ever lining water ou tba premlsee.
For Teruii call at the promise. or addraaa
Mar. 1. Tf. TroiulvlUv, ftnyitor Do., Pa
April 18ih( lo78,
W, Bow,
Ed., Fust i
Pleaaa In.nn... IaI..
1 . , . ) . - a.i. . ' ' ... ... . . . 7wr
-",, .w.,nvw ui eiiiiiuaunraT aa a
naudldile for Oounty I'otoialaaionar. Mr.
M oyer la an aic.llaat oltli.a. and a -ood far.
mar wno manaaaa hla own aiTaita in . k.,n
neat and auccaaalul manner and will no doubt
B i au.ira I ma CBUUiy.
Ed. I'oeT.
... Annomoa rerdlnand Ponaa, of
; , r . - wH'., w. ior uoauioaiioo to
the oirtoo ol Oounty Oaninilaalonar. Mr. Sonet
If nominated and elected will make a oourt
aoua, obllifln and elflileni olHoar. Ha deeerv.
ea the aooilnatlon on aocoant of hie ttdellty to
'.h l,"-'1'allty-aad tlarllng good quail
IIM of head and heart. H "
Ma art Bkpdblicabs.
Mr. roar.
. . .'sl'0. Haebeld lea candidate
rortbeaonilnalluutotlieom:e of Oounty Oom
nleelouar. Ua la a youus man of loteiirliy,
comuoiaucy. and baaasood war yeoorJ, Middle,
eraok alwuld ue rayreeented, VOTBB.
Ed. Poct.
annul It.... a. n.iM tm -
candidate far Uommiaelou.r. tie l.aa booeat.
upright man, a food kruiar aa lnlelllel eltl-a.o-and
will Ukegued care of the fublie lu
"YT9TICB is herchr given that the fol,
i.1 toning articles hno been purchased
by the underpinned, at Conslable'eSuU and
ion In the poaaeainin of William Loae dure
ing hit plcaaure. All Deraone ara omiiinn.
ed not lo meddle or Interfere with tLe
aame, li i 2 Mane, fow, 8 Culvea, fj
Shoela, 8irlP!j Wailnn, Miorae Waon, aet
Hirneae, l it I'allln, Oheatiiul Kills, Wheel,
''fow, reunion- Mill, Hay I.vMer., 1H It. ft.
riee. lot of Poata. Oultivator, H irrow, Plow,
Horn Plow, It hushela af Potatoes, Otvia Stove
and ttalurea, talf ilol. CUalra. T.lile, Bluk. I
He Is aud Heddius, lloreau, Coal Hlova at.-., t
l), Olook, Saw, Crow-bar. ttruhblns Hoe,
-th. , vela, ( ll.rrala, 20 liuahala of Ooru, lot Date,
a Acroa of Oralu lu srouud.
Asaianoe Notice.
ALL peraoot Interetled ara hereby Bo
tiBed that William Krebe of Weal Dea
ver townehip, ttayder county, made an
assignment of all bit clTools, real anil per-
uiihi 10 me unuereiuueil lur tba Uonent
of hie oredilort. All persons having
claims are requested to present them lo
tba underaignad, and persons Indebted
pleas make immediate payment.
I'Kieil UlbflEL,
Mar. 14, '78. Assignees,
-5'j nmm nolSS
ici eon
Gronadirenta held
tiw Mr.
J- Oatharln Krarnar la lha Mamm.i. e m... 1
dlaburg have baan placed lu tba hanJa of ih."'
nndaraianad for eollantlon. A II Mraone In
arraart ara reauoatod to aaaka immVn.u
. . . ... K. K. BOvVKlfT
April U.y.VMn-"M" "'
Ainanea't Natloa.
All persona Interested tire hereby
aotilled that OhrlatUn uru.. u,,'
tonal to Ua aadarelBBoa for lha bwaaaV of
' . r . m . 99 IBI
reditort. All pereeae kavlsc eialata era ra
uaatad lo praat Iheas te is nadaratar aad
ad thoa Indebted will y-I," 'ili
AuiUU,lt7l, , AAalaaee,
Ij. tiers of administration on tba aetata
of Jacb Jarratt dae'd, late of Panu town
ship, Snyder oounty, Pa., having bean (ranted
to llieunderaluned. all nareona Euowlaw Ibam.
aelv.t Indebted to aald estate ara requeeled to
make Immediate payment, while tboae having
eleliaa will praaant Ikeul duly auttieolloalad
lor tottlement to
Hat., tl, UTS, AdmlnlttraUrt.
"VTOTICE is hereby given that the
i-e followln artlolae have been purckae
ed by the nndaraUnad at Bherltt'a Sale, and
left in tha poeseaalon of, Henry Detrlcb dur
ln( my pleasure. All paraona ara eautleued
not to Interfere or maddl with sauie, via I
1 Horses, Mules, t Oolte, S eowa, bead
young cattle, I Mheep S lambe, Ho, How , t
plus rJnoeU e Sett u ir.e near!, Huiisy Har
osaatiadilla,! Ilorae Hlankeie, Lot of Hack,
wheat. Kye. Oats, Oora a Wheat, lot or Ulaek .
Iiulth toola. lot of Corpenter tools, ajrlnd atone.
1-1 Buahal Uaaaura, s t'lowa, s Harrows SCul
tlvatora, lot of Ohalna, I Woaons, S 8prlnai
WaanalKTruok, Itllala-hs.fhrMhla Hi.
china power k shaker, Hay Hake, Ureln Drill,
Knaaal Kaaoer k Mowar. Vennlar aalll. Irnrka.
8Uoals, ItaVaa, Double at Blade treee, lot aa
aortad Lumbar, lot K. K. Tlaa, tee at eat Tim
ber, geld Holler Wagon fraaee. Wagoa board.
. t UtiOitaa? VlRXMOal.
Karen, nth, leTt,
Assignee Notlot.
ALL persong intereatwd re here
by aotlllad that Imoo W. Byar, of
Jaoaeoa twe , snyder Oe., made ea aetlanment
of all blaatTeeU, raal aad nereonel to Ibe aa.
daraUaadlorUabaaaSt of bit oredllore. All
Kraone bavin olalm ara raquaalad to praaant
ant to th uederalaja ed, aad pareoae iBdebtetl
wlU pleaa make Uaeeedleie payment.
VAtiU uituss,
rill mall (free) tha reelp tor a tlmpt
BT4BLB Halm, that will remava Tan,
oblbbs PmriB aad Blotobu, laaviaa
akia nJt. alw a4 kaaauiul t ala U
atloBt twr nw. ala a luxuriant weawtk
I efkairaaa.baid a4 a tmoota fao. Ad-
1 " ?f i'V J
'With much greater variety
Than cvcrl
)Wi ampler facilities
Than ever1.
IVith far more customers
Than ever
TPo aro better prepared
Than evci
At considerably lower prices
Than ever
Thm Man and Born
With lapar a Clothing of Amoioei
Tntm tka LArgaart
Clothing Hons
' In AaieiiMU
Only One Price, The Lowest. Terms Caste,
Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Returned.
Samples and prices nailed anywhere.
Ordere by mall promptly executed.
Sixth & Market Stt., Pbiladalpbla.
Xo Satpply
valuable iwQrTimr.
IVILSOrJ SEVirJG MflfilliriF
WILtOn'MACHEs'teo'ld fffKHE
627 A ESO Rrnarliamu Hau. W.-l- . na . .
Cer.S..f.AM."eJ-::r ""T..','r"- HWwnini, U.I
V. r . w,,,oaK" .! mna man Franolsoo. CxU
Audltor's Notice.
In ik woianed ettatno I In the Xburl oj
of William C, Bow- I Cbmnum Fleut
" I of Snyder Cb.
TUB undersigned having been appoint
ed Auditor to dlstributa tha fund. i
tha hands of Paul Haines Aaaicnaaof
William 0. Dowereox, among thoe en
tilled to th tarn, will meet th parlies In
Interest for tha purpot of making said
distribution mi tba office of I. J. Bmilb In
the Boroagh ef Mlddleburg. Friday th
20tk day nl April, A. i). 1878, at 0 'lack
A. II. AU pareoas baring claims agaioat
Mid lata trill pleas present them duly
aataeaUoated or be forever debarred from
outing In for t shar f mid fuad. '
Ar.l,'T8. . . Asdltor.
of admlnlttratlsaaioa Ue etuU'of Baa.
? 0Vd"?4,,i lmmt Waat Beaver Twp ,
Snyder County. Pena'a., havlac ! grant
ad to tba nudartliinad, au Mreona keewkrn
uemtaivee ladebted to aald aetata ara raxiaaaW
ed la make Immediate peymeat, wbU tkeen
A. A. BOM If.
Holloa Is herebr given Uat. tag Mloay'W
Ing arllole have oaea purchased by th) l
nndartlgned at ContUbls's 8al aad Uf
In posaestion ef Oeorg Baton daring v
hie pleautaro, all parioat eve aaUaa4 '
oi te ataddl or talrfr with ibe sam
Cooking Btor axturew, i Bed B4
diug, 0 Chairs, Table at Bpraad, Binka'
Cbe.t, Looking Oltt.
Apr, U,'T8. 0.aDTWff
1 ' . 'L
nil " I I. JP I weaweay-
a (1