Inrin, Jlotiie. Sin. Fruit Caie. 0 w i ) i i1 of su gar, OHO pjiMl riMl'l:1, O'H b:llf ponoJ button on pint sjur fireim. one pun. I rutins, oris teiipajufdl B-xJi, 'i 1 ou) of oiQin a iu. 7l Curd Hnrn?x.--k. sn ill rj a inlily of palrttril burux, about the izo of a pit, li.,ilvod in tlia tnuutb and lot al-wl? run dowa the thro it will atop tli tiVlin an I cjre hoirsousis almidt instvitlr. A m ii in Silon. Oregon, clsira l bit premises of raid be cite'iiif o.i and p Turing cirbtio arid ovar it anltarninr it Ioom. Tbaodjrof tboir nnfortanU Irion I p;mr to have convince 1 the otfmr nts of tUs propriety of going oUewlier For ll7tUiVt siok loU ache, in liioj I by biliotls ddrano mnnt, stanp flu C3Q(1 worth of aeo ns an I camirailii flv.e.Td iu a little Water, to mike strong diootiio, and take. It has le?a trie! suooosa t ulljr in Tarions cases. Paint to last long should be pnt on early in winter or spring, when it ii oM anJ when ni dat it flying. Taint put on in eolJ weather forms a body or eoat upon the surface of the wood that becomes bard ami re els'. weatbor, or even an edge tool, almost like s'ato. iSpraiiti an-i Bruitti in Inriet Dissolve au ouuce of campbor in eight ouncoe of spirits of wine i thon add one ounce of apirite of turpen tine, one onnce or spirits of ail am tnonia, half an ounce of oil of orit bum and a labloapoonful of litnda nntn Rub it a quarter of an hour with the hand, four timet a day. All fruit trtti llko a rather dry, riouBoii. jo a com ciuyoy uoitoin dipnnes nro nsuully frequent. Do not plant do p j cut off tap roots, and encouraLjo init f ice libers. Sur fiioe muiiuriiig is the best mode of doing this after the tree is plnotod. Do not allow any thing to grow vigorously around your troes the first year of planting nor allow tho oil to bacoine hard or dry. Tj drain a depression in a fiold where a clayey or hard pan subsoil prevents the sinking of rain water and the laying of Ibe land is nnfa vorablo for ordinary method of drainage, first dig a bole na if for a well, through tho excavated earth so as to allow the aurfuco water free ftccoss to the pit, and standing wa ter will novor injure the grass or green crop in that part of the Hold. Cough Syrup. Put five cents worth of pine pitch into a pint of water. Jjei it simraor until tuo wa tcr is well impregnated with tho fla vor. Dip out the gum which re anion undissolved and add honey enough to sweeten and make n thick nyrup. Strain this and bottle. Doso, a teaspoonful four or five times a day, nccording to the severi ty of the cough. It will afford speedy relief. Xgyt batch much hotter if the nests are made by niacin? cut turf. and shovel of mould, sand or ashes in the box or basket, and on this a little abort atraw, than if straw only is need. In this way a convenient hollow is obtniued, that prevents the eggs rolling out from nndor the Betting hon. In cool weather the eggs are thus kept of a much more equable temperature than in nests made simply of loose straw. Brine for Luton Cattle A stock grower writing to the Now York club, gives his mode of destroying lice on cattlo. He says : "l de stroy tbera with brine any kind of suit water will do it I find two kinds of lice the blue lice, and I think the other is hen lice. I tried red precipitate one year ; it killed the lice, two yoarlings, and a two ear old. But washing the cattle with brine ia CQHinr, and they get into the habit of of licking one mi other, and are more geutle toward each other." The quickttt way to improve our pasturea when abort of manure ie to top-dress them, or to pasture aheep for a season, as thuso animals will exterminate such weeJs and grasses na cows will not eut. If the pHHtnre canuot be givou up to sheep, pasture as many sheep as cows, and it will be found thai the pusturo will sus tain as many cows as when they wero pastured alone, while tho fertility of the pauture will allow nil increase in cows of at least ten per cout. annu ally. Insceit must be looked after now. Tho clusters of ejrg of the tont ca torpillar may easily bo seen nguinst the sky in a dull day ; they are to be looked for aa a ring about tbrco fourths of an inch wi.lo, near tho ends of tho twigs. Cutting and burning ouo of theno destroys about live hundred catei'ttillura. TIia Mn kor worm has unfortunately reached places where it was not known a few years ago. The insects come i i I a oiu oi me ground in early spring sometimes in r uruary in a Wiim time ascend the tree to lay their eggs. Lamp Jfsploeian Many of these way bs prevented by tiimminur tho wick daily. 'When burned for aev oral evonings without tiimmiug, the wick becomes blacked, clogged, and inoapabls of supplying the oil clear Jy and uniformly, and the chimneys are sometimes filled with flame and smoke, to the embarrassmont and alarm of those present Some ex plosions would be prevented by never blowiog oat the lamp down the chimney for if the wick bap. pens to be too small, the flame may be driven down Into the oiL The best way is to turn it down with the button until Mtiaguished 1853. 71. 1873. ' CENTENNIAL ! Hsv In adnpiad the mo'ln of lb "itta ftivrisi a," th snbeeilber wool. I rail th at tention of tk aablle te .the fact that he kaa odoplod Ik CASH SYSTEM, aad hereafter, wl'l eetl (nods entirely lot CASH or r Hiill (ir.,b.ln satlsosd thst It I the Ira ey.tem of dolue bosioe... II sontlnaee to k..p bead a Try fall and irll-MItii )tuk f Dlir GOODS, 6ROCRRII8, CROCKIRT, BOOT! 8II0BS, HARDWARE, OARTETS, OIL CLOTHS, WALL TkTlTL, BNOIt FINDISOS, FISH. PAINTS. LBATHBlt, U1LS, AC. AO., AC. whisk h otters to th robll at Trr I rtlf r. ilae4 CACH PMlUEif. With thank to fay eld itoiar for their llhral patronage for many year af the pait, 1 www hi toiiqii invir ior u latere, aop. In, they mil k benelUleJ by th baag, a walla Year kaaU reant. W. '. KUKHtRT. ntllauror, Stpt.SI.'Tk Q.R oYs T BROTHERS, Maaufaolurtri of anddtalerdaall kia.f iBILL TIMBER, LUMBER, PAL1N0, SHINGLES, LATH, FLOORINO. !.. flhamnkln Tlam. flneJ.r voumy, I'a. All order promptly filled. TiNef, Chtrrv, ropUr.tnJ Linn r.umhrr ctHtranuy en Aonrf. 7--0J, JENRY A. WOLFLEY, Saddler and Harness Maker Ccntrevlle, Snyder County, Penna. nvp. no anno, ana maaei to oriier ail Rimie iMitmn. Hailnlee, Hritllea, Whip., Oelar ke,aa. All work cuaranteed for one year Mr. Wolrleyaik hot a trial to prove that be undentaan k4e kualaet. Nov. !,'". PRIVATE SALE OF PROPERTY. TUB undfMl(rea will sell bil lal re! drno llii(iion Maio 8lrel, lb Bor oiif b or Middlehiirg, Snjdtr County, r Tbii I a dtrirnbl properly and w for. merly kaown a tb EAOLK HOTEL. Th improvements cotnprin a LAKOg DOU ULE FRAMi: IIOl'.SK, SUMMEll HOUSE, LARGK HIIEl), ICE HOI'SK. and olbtr ontbuildlnga. An excellent well of water nl th door. It I tuitahl for prlvat dwelling or a Hotel, end loomed near lb oiDtr of businen. Term ay and reaaonnhle. For furtb. r parlioulara call on or addrea J. W. OWIO. Waliontowa, Korlh'd Co., Pa. Aug. SI, 1876. EVI KEPLER, Notary PnWic, Snmyor, Con7eyanccr Rpal Eslale ana Insurance Agent. Tedl. Bond and Mnrtir.irAi hmim.i.1 mm, a i kind or onvyaneln tti.ndd to uromitlif wlik ne.tneai and aeeurraev. Speetai attention irlvcn to buylnf and lllui Real K.tat (fflltl In Freeniunt, NntilerDo. I'a.. P. O. Addrei. ML Fluaant Ullli Co., Feon'a. A u. .'?. JOHN LAUUKN'SLAUEU, BUGGY MAKER SEMNSOROVE, SNTDER CO., PA. Havinc purcbatei lb well known atand in Bnlinarov, rormerly owned hv Tbilip Dlecker, I am prepared to aeeommodal all who may deilr anything In my line, and warrant atirotinn In nil ease. I keen constantly on baud, and am prepared lo manufaolure si the ulinriem notic, UUUUIK8, SULKIES, SLEIGHS. Ac. Being eiperienoed in Ibe buiinevi, I flat. ter myeelf tbat I am fully prepared lo meet the want of my ouatomer. Th band employed art among Ibe best mechanic in lb oouuly, and Iheir work will not fail to give universal lallaraetlon. SajTrecial attention paid to repairing in all ila branche.; Shop on Market lrecl, a few door south of Ibe Gorman Hefonned Churob. JOHN 1.ALUKNSLA0ER. fielinegrova, April 7, '70-1 f J B. SELUEIMER DEALEB III HdRDWARE Iron, Nails, Steel, Leather, Faints, Oils, Coach & Saddlery Ware AND MANUFACTURER OF Stoves & Tinware, MARKET STREET, LowiNlown, Ponn'n. Nevember 2, 1871-tf SEUNS GROVE MARBLEWORKS. TU ynr1rilttnsl bavlnir purohijl th 9 inrov MetrM Wrk, b li now tnllr prt warw w Hiwwmwv. w . Monuments A n d Headstones, till utaar at nrle mveh lower thaa haraia lor, aad lower than ka rr ba doae In the eouniy. Havlnilu.t received a lane lot of TWilra or ill Ik late.1 .tyle e( a h... tone.. I an abl lo elv aturaatloa la (ill., and urlce. to all that wlak La dmnnrim . a-ravw of a departed (rlend wltk a , ehaa, 'I'iwIi nr Mvaaklwaje. I aa.e ai.o man, hiiUh uiv iu lurDi.n on .nor boiio, nartii, Hand ton, or any other kind or door aad Wludow bill., at price to ull th narchaMr. I'ereon In seed (aav or the above article, will av aiony b aillugattk Helln.areve Marble Work, before purohailna- lMwkr. I al.o keep Hank' PatentUelvenlied Urave nuard.for.ale. i'lv dlOerest tyl, Ooni and . oT-Mr. J, II, Long, of Adamiburg, agat for lbs uodrlgod wbtrs all r der, will reotivt prtmpt atlcnlioa. BlaMYMI. r. L. KAKTJTE., Al torn cis-At-Law. c 1IIA3. 1'. ULitlOIl, Attorney At Oaoanllor-At-Liw, OtBe la App'l nnliiiin one door North el th SLoysioBa itoisi, Sellnazrove, I'.nn'u. f'ollsetlnns and all ftthar professional kn.U I- solicited aad will resdve unlal ant prompt ananiiua. Apt.ll.'iMt. T P. CRONMlfjTiu, ATTOKNEf AT LAW. Middloburp, Pa., Offer M professional rvlc le the pub He. Collections and all other professions,! business niruit to bis ear will receive prompt allaotion. f Jen 8, 07lf J. SMITH. ATTORNET AT LAW. m VRd. sntedr oo pa Offer, kli ProfMlonl Mervlee t th pabll iteaaaiutloa la Kacllrk aad Ueraiaa. P J. R. ZELLER, ATTORNEY.AT'LAXT Ctntrtville, Snyter County, Penna All bn.lne.e nlrn-u.l to hi er wlfl w.llanrt Mllifnllr attanded to. Will iiraetl at th .(oral oi.arta or Hwydcr aad ailinlnln roiintiea. tlan be eoa.ulte.1 la the Enall.h or Ueieaan language net. ao. 'ictt CHARLES HOW KB, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Rolinagrovf, Pa Oirn liliprofelonalrvlee to lb pub lie Colleotlon and all other profeeeional bu.inom entruded lo hi ear will re ceive prompt attention. Omce two door aorta of the Keydon Hotel. I Jan 0, '07 T M.LINX, A. II. DILL If (Suocet.or I J. P. a J. It. Llaa,) ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Uwliburg, Pa (Iter their profe.iional aervioes lo lb public. Collection and all other pro- leMlonal biiein antrualed lo ibelr ear will recelvpronipl atttniion. Jan, 8, 'C7i( W . POTTER, AT70RXEY AT LAW. Selinngrove, Pa , Olferahia profeininnal tervlce lo Hit puMio. All legal bunlne. entrii.l'' In hi cur will receive trompt atlenlion. Olfic ondoor ahov th New Lotberan LLurcn. July, 4ih '72. obacs ALLattaa). S. ALLEMAN & SON. A TTOltNE l'S AT LA IK HolIiiHK,y All profeasioual buninee auj colleoiing enlruvted lo Iheir ear will ho prnmptly aliened to. Can be consulted In Engliau or (lerioaa. Otfio, Mark'. Square. ' II. II. Grimm. Win. II. Dill. QRIMM&DILL, Attorneys & Councclors A T'LA W, Office Near the Post Office. Freeburs;, I'enu'n. Conciliation in both Englinh and Otrmaa Languages. Dee. I I. '7 2 if. QHARLES O. CORNELIUS, Attornoy-AtLnw, Xeie Jlerlin, Union Countif, Pa Van b eon.ulted In Enxllik or German. MayiM, JOHN H. ARNOLD, A.ttnie.v rt Inw, &- DISTRICT ATTOJtJVKl, MlDDI.Kia'llfl, VA Profc.iinnnl buninee entrunlcd lo hi care w!;.' b promptly attended to. I Fab J THOMPSON BAKER, Attorney-nt-Tjaw, Lewiaburg, Union Co., I'a EtW-Oan b consulted in Ibe Eniliah an German language. -g OFFICE Market Htreel, oppoall Wall. Smith A Co' 8i or Ii d'.iy M. PFAHLER, ATTORNEY. AT-L AW, Miihlleburg, Fa. Office in the Court House All l.iral hualnetii and the tlnlleetlna el claim attended to. (May, 177, tf. WM. VAN GKZKU, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Lowisburrr Pn., OITen hi prnfeaaional ervio lo h pub lie Collection and all other 1'iofe.aioo al buaineaa entrusted lo bli ears will re oaiv prompt atlenlion. g T. PARKS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 3BL1SS0U0YE, 8NYPER COUNTY, T Sept. 15, 'OTtf A C. SIMHSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Northurcborlaud. Pa. J Ter hi professional sorvice lo lb fun ic. All buaincsa entrn.ied to hit care ill b promptly attended lo. Jan. 17, 'C7tl CMUELn. oRwia. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Miminburar, Vnlon Co.. I'u- OIBee next dnor to Telegraph Prlnllnc once. Ilea. 30, Physicians, ftc. J)R. A. M. SillTH. PIirSlCAN AND SURQEOX, Offer bi profeasional service to th clll in of Adamiburg and vioinity. 8rp4, 78 rR J,'W. ROCKEFELLOW, PUY8I0IAN AND SUBOEON .V..". proraloal rvla to th eltlieas aiu.iieuBrir ana viololtv. AB( 4' DR. J. Y.8llINnBL, 6 Ulia EON AND PHYSICIAN, Middlcburg, IV v)Ar bUproflonal kcrviee lo lbs ell noni of Middlodurf and vioinity. Marob 21. '07 r)tt"j' K KANAWKL, - HIVSICIAN AND 80BOEON, Ccutrciille, Baider Co.. ! OtTar bis profowlonal rvioi to lb puuuo. . O-dBlf ft . VAN BUoKIRK, " UBQICAL MECHANICAL DEHTUT Ssliasgrere, Pa'v Jmtictsof the Peace. JSAAO HE WER, JUSTICE OF THE TEACE and General Collector. Middtebtirg, Rayder County, fa. Special atlenlloa paid to collection of all kind. Keraltlancei will be mad promptly for all eolUoiioa mad. Mar. viat isib ir. YH. WAONER, Esq., JUSTICIOFTHI PEAC, Jaokaoa Township, Snjdsr Co. Pa., Will attend to all bniinsas tatrnaUd to hi ears and sa Iks moil roaannahle term. Merck 12, '6fllf T 11. HARTMAN, JtSTICR Or TUB PEACE. Ac Conveyancer, CENTREVILLS. Snyd.r Connly, Pa Colltetlnn and alt hn.lnee partalalae to th offle of Jump or tk Pae will bo atuadud I at (hon noue Ap r trie gETIl MITCHELL, Justice of the Poaoe & Conveyancer, Jackaon Township, Snyder Connly. P. Oollon, i)onvevtwln, and all atber ba ate. prtainln to tia ev-e will reoolve penmpt Ion. PmIodVi address! Kew Brlln, UiiIob count , Pe. Ao(. t ISTT. J OUN K. nUGEiTEkNi., JUSTICE OP THE PEACE, Pane Twp., gojder Co. Pa JAMES MIDDLES WARTH, Justice of the Peace & Conveyancer, Troxloville, Snyder Co., Ta. Will attend promntlv to all manner n bast s partalnln to tbsorave. Unlleetlons man, lie.Is. ArtlolMk.. written. (July J I'kie m m a fe at k 1 I I ll.t a, . Wtm. Justice of the Peace & Conveyancer, ci-nav, nra:-j -. wriurii, i .mii i ions ai kl.d. as. -1 -k. A . k. - tik.. rltrms. 'All lMmlnM pirUlnln lo lb offic will rTftvv prnmpl mnd careful aiteutloo. S,f I., .a Fimr i, -tt ii y-M. II. HARD I NO, Jl STII :r. OF THE PEACE Jk Conveyancer, FIIEEMONT. Snyder oounty, Ta. Coltartlons snd ll bn.lneas nsrlslalna to the orn. eiir Jo-lire of lbs Peace will be etteaded lo si short notles. Apr. V'1, A. WETZEL, Justice of the Peace, lieavertoxen, Suydtr Co., Fa. All kind of collections mad on liberal term. Promptly attend to all business intrusted to bi ear. (Jun 2tl, '7.1 1' J I. Iv IZ CK. Tnsticc of tk Peace and ConyevaMer. Mil 1 1 It Ciuve, Miydcr o. In. Colle-tlnns !d sll l.n.lness vertslnln te the (ll-e o J n.l 1,-rnr lb Pscs will k ettended to short uoilro. Bray.ll,? JkJEU B. MIDDLESU'ARTH, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE AMD CONVEYANCER. MoCuro City, Snyder Co.. Pa. tfnlUillnn. ttn.l alt k.lwa nvnMn- , offli-a ot .lu.tlne ol the I'eace will liestten le.l to i .uori nuiioe. July 24.'.eil. "yyiLLIAM O. IJERIIOLD, Justice of the Peace, Port Treuerton,SitjJer County, Pa All bn.lnera nlrt.lnlnir to tkeofJVi or Jnstlee of the I'eace will r.sel.e .ronipt .Itentlnn. i'wii, nriicis. wrutSB ae. uonveysnein at teadej to. t b. If. G. HORNBEUQEIl, 'justice of tub peace Perry Township, Snyder County, Pa. Colleotlon., Oonveyaaclner. and all other bast as ixr'.slnlna to th otnee will be promptly J I. HON BECK, Justice of the Peace AJamaburg, Snyder Co., Pa. Will he in his olhe at Ibe above mention ed place, on MONDAY and SATURDAY of each week, when all klnda of business rctntiog to his ottioo, will b attended te euiif ,7'ltruj! lloteh. D. V. Wanner. D. It. Speck. CENTRAL HOTEL, U.K. Cor. KlKhttt anil Uuiuwsrlajad St. Oppo.ll ill Uourt House,) Ielmiioii Penn'a. aVTht Iseentrilly and conveniently ln'4tt'd. Conuiio.lloiis sn-t plr.ssnl Kooms may lis en4ued In slvsaio hv corre.Dondsiire. Osr will ie ttken to ntske Uao.ts eouifortsbls. reb. H.'.7.!r. illercliants' House. -ll.'l Ac -na NORTn THIRD 8TREET, PIIIL'A PA. Torma 50 por day. HENRY SPAHN. Pron'r. C.V.SIaAIIV, Clerk Apr.1,'7. aoBB3sB(BBiBwaMaBBjBijBjajaf E.VULE HOTEL, No. 227, North 8rd St., Ijclweco Rac and Vino) PblladelpbU R. D. CDMMI508 Prop'r. M M. 8WARR, Superintendent. White Horse llotci, N. W. Corner Third & Wood Sts. PHILADELPHIA. 7.kTtrauck. Qood 8rABLma. Proprietor. Winee, Liquor and Scfare of lb Choletal urauda. marSo-7 rjiHE NATIONAL HOTEL. HARRISON WITMER, PropV Seltnwgrove, Pa. Tbt. Hotel le nltsesntiy lnesUd In tk "sanar, sad le a very desirable plaoe fur travelers to sinp) tba xiuTor aononiiuedaltons el uiw rates. Per soBs.inppinf ouee will be ears to sail afsla. The be.i of liquor In Ibe bar. SsV-A hrslolsss Jfostsuranl lacoonsetlen w.'lk tnaitotei. Apr.l,'!. imw HOUSE, JAMES J. MITCHELL, Proprietor (BBAMSa ,) Bt. laitakall la a uuU. I.-Jl... .. astro a bsswm ts attks kt saest eeatfoeta- i v- "s v wi-t a e-- wita Hotels. IiHlKMOUKT HOUSE. . NEAR TBB DEPOT, IVlicldlebtirff, Xa. JOHN LI &t BERT, PaornTO This hou I In aloe preiimilelo lb dapot and has lately beea rebnilt aad re fitted. Room eommodiou lb lablo well inpplicd with tb best lb mark! afford and term moderate. Ho alao keep a first class tlverr. wbr h,rsee. bnitgiea Ac, ean be bad at all limes aad at reasonable rales. aprltf '78. BALD EAOLR HOTEL, No. lit North Third Btree) PHILADELPHIA. JOHN CLYMCR, Prerfer January 1 1870-tf CENTREVILLE HOTEL, (Late Mr. Waavw1.) CaUrvll Saydar Co., Pa. PETES HARTMAN, Proprlet . Tkle lonstb1l,kd and wll knew hat bavin; been purchased by lb andsr.laaad, o iiiu a aar i sao panno nst i.bii., PET til HARTMAIT Aprtl, S. ItTl. Philadelphia Cards. J. S. FARNSWOETH. with JONES, HOAR & Co. Importers ot Hoiserr, Notions, White Goo.., Embroi deries Gents FcmishiiiE Goods k No. SU Market Street PHILADELPHIA. T.Tt. fnnsa, A. n. Hoar. (Mar. II '74. W.M. ahetblsy. T. H. Belehtel. a SHAFER, JOEL J. BilLY ft CD. HOSIERY, SMALL WARES, White Qoode, Embroidrriet &r. tit TV. rtd Ht.. lircl. jor.r, .1. rtAit.r rr.To dm, Mrrw HKNHTJ. DWIS, dAH'L W.vamCULII. QAVID WILLIAMS, M snufaotaree oft Wboleaal Dealr la llt, Mahoxanr, Walnsl ani Rosewood LOOKING GLASS Picture Ac Photographlo Frames Kos. t30 end 13S Irth Street, Philadelphia Pa. Pram Repaired ia tb best manner Also, Residing la all lis braaobe. 71 JACOB R. R.IEOKL& CO., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN FOREIGN & DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. IV o- 333 Market Ht. rMillndelphln ln. WM. MANN. Blank B3akMi7i3r Sta tioner, and Steam Power PRINTER, Y liooMnle v ICotnil No 529 market Street, PHILADELPHIA. Fromutneee. One Price Selling Price .Harked On All Goodt In Fi gnren. A.r. 18-72. d RAY BILL s Co.. Va wuuLstALa Disiris is WOOD AND WILLOW WARS Oil Clolbs, Window hades, rtroom. Male Bruth Cotton Lap, Grain Bags, I'.j Nsl. Biiokets, Twine, Wicks, Ao. Ho. 420 Jfarktt 8trl, Phlladelptla, ro. i , of NEW A. S. HELFRICH Beaver Springs. Fa. LAROEST, BEST AND COMTLETEST 310CK OK Tivy Goodn, Croceries QuoenRware, Hardware. AVootl & Willow Wore, Notions, Fiimisbinjr Goods, Boots & buoes, uts St Caps. 11EADT MADE CLOTHING cheaper tlmn ever brought to Sny der County, Dealer in ORAIN, 8KEOS, COAL. I.UMUBR, FISH. HALT. 7 LA3TER k. All bind of Ceods iobanJ for Cb or approved ooualrjr produce. Call and Xuiio wtj siook and leara ay prlo bfor purobailag lwkr. Oot. 12, 1876. 6m. skAAAVaa1! be ad by vry aieal ev- bi. II1III r, month la lb ie baalaeea we far- JlsTsin nlsk. but those willla- to wa-k " w w esa easily earn a duaen dollarea day rlaht Is tblr own loullil.. Uav au reoai le iplala ksrs. He. In.. pIsaMat aad koaer able. Women, ead bay ad girls do a wall a men. W will lural.k yea a eoaplet UotSI Ire. The baslneM pty. betur than eaylhlBi elM. Ws will bear theespeda of wrtla you. Partloular fr. Writ aad a. Far mers and aieaanlo, lair son aad dasakUrs, aad all elasss la aeed or paylas: work at korn, shoBld writ to a aad Isara all skoal tb work at eaee. Now la tke lime. Iloa'l dly. Ad dress men alio., Aaausi alala. TftJ Kvp os) eWnef ail kinds o " aimnii a M0 sm ftotet. Sum- jMonses, Warroutt, Leant, 8ubpo$ 12wtnbllMhecl lHClfl. American and Torciga Patents. ritr.MOR: a mi . nn.sxr Ilosaan a Uo.. Hnlleltor. Pstente proenred In sll eonnlrles. If fee In adne. No share nnls.sth patent I rnted. No fees bjr mskln th ptsllmlnarv slamln.tlons. K additional reesror ooi.inin nd onrtactln rehearing. Rpeelsl attention f Ivan to Inlerfersar Uaaes bo fore the Peteat Offl", Eitentlons b-firs On. dress, InfrlnireRieBl amis In different Rtstas, and sll lllinailon .pp.rl.lnln to Inventions or Pst. ents. Mend Bump to Ollinor 0o for pampk. letafaixiypifse. . Old Bounty Land Warrants. Thelaat Report of-th fjnmial.stnner of the lenersl I.o Uffla ahnwa I.sst,V) an res of hVmtity trtnd Warrant onistsndln. Tkoe wer leaned aadee set of IMS and prior arte. till.. MOKEkOO. psves.bfoe tbem. Send by re(. Islirsd Mbsr. Where Aealt-niwsnt r taper reef w lvs InctewetloM to pwr feci them. United 8tetes General Land Offioe. (Vsleeled Land flseae prnaeented betor tk Ualteel StBtaa (reawre! Lan 4tfBe sad nprt. atsat of lb laterlor, Pslvaia Land Ulslins, it. Into aad srs aaiptlaa Olalase ead Meeieelead CaeeaaUeaM be. Arrears of Pay and Bounty. ' mnm '.in Tm n. ,n. ni WSV, OV their kslrs, are la entitled te sanney h h wi .uma ,nmj nsve no bnowlsds-e. Writ full history of servie,and wHamininMr Ban nooniy rseeivso. cn closes-amp tnOllmore Co., and fnll reply, sf. - -- --, win wm . i yuB ires Pensions, All nfleere, odlr, asd sailors wmmrled. roptnred, oe Intared la th 1st wr, however lltfMIV. 1..M . J J ........ aior a Co. I.aes proeeented by Ollmnre a Co. before the Bnpreme (lonrl of ths t ailed H,lee, the tJonrt of Claims and Hi. Houthsra Claims rommlesloa, Esrh denariment of our hn.lne.s Is eonloc-l.d In a sep.rats hnrean, andrr the rh.rvsof the asm. eipeilenevd partlee emplited by the old ...... . a minaiipiiiiiiiviin nnain,w.fiinisii tnuilaoveaon.tsthn e-nrd. w destr to w .wnn "7 ans-trv IB la. Address QILMOEE k 00. Waskratts,, T. r NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILWAY. tensed sflsrlsnasrvdtk, 117 T, Irala talhls ro win ran as luliowa l LEAYE WORTH W A RD, Leave I Noetbsra Klattsra rip. II atpai I.Mia Pset Mi... ' m I" ol s as II Ills 9 90 p SB M p m vl p m o p m .Mpa KSrv, t p aa 11 a pa '. p a S. to pre tllia kMSBB ..' na e ma .Nam tlHB 1 15 am llllpa J.w York Phlle. W.ehlnfftoa H.lllmor Hsrrlshwrt lnrelnwa Hnrndon ttelin.rov Mnhlary Northiiiabsllsnd Arrive at I Willi, import Klmlrs HnlTalo Kris IO.M II I) p m ltKip aa 104 pm Mo pi I ia p ra p ra l.oo am a p m .Upas Leave socthward. LeaVsl r.eise Day Mall Sonlhera Etp. Eip. Kin, Fall 4 Od a m l.t.l p m .,, . trials tcosra W.ikln 1.00 m ll.ttia I.Wpm "rla i II. ns in liwlHiTtafiWim Mlgm TUsm lam pm ll.i't pm lil.Uam North'd t.kkam x.npmll.Msni Huoiwry osm p a UMs m loo a ia S-lln.urov M iu 11.10 n m fl.O.' a m Hetodon 10 l'S a m f 4p m 114am UroTieto'n lo.'.o ni t.kipu l.Wam ........ Arrive alt Hsrrl.bur II Mara 4,10ptn ftSara 4 00am fbll.. a 44 p m 7.J0 p m t. am litis Now York .4pui 10. n p m loot sib a ra Hsltlmor liipaMips Tllim T4ain Wa.UiDdloa .0,'piu S.U7 p es ,lis ni litis Thoss marked "P stop only when Biaired. A. J. CASSATT, Osn. Macei.r. FAUST & WEiNTZEL, Selinsjjrove, Penna. (North of First National Bank) ' illKKCIIA.Vr TAILORS. READY MADE AWELL seleclel ilnck of lleady mal Mone' and I'ojr' OiotUiug of Erorv Quality and stvlo. SEWING MACHINES rpilEV ar slro Agents for tbo DAVIS AN TUB ST, JOHN Sewing Machines. Two of the beat aad aheaneet machines ?. sd to ths public. Aug. 10, lilt. wf -r'' V T eA 3 EOHET OF HOBEHODKD I TAB pop the oimat OF Braalklnf, and aU AObtln 1 1k Threat, aVwaohlAl luaa, and Lsasjs, eSaawe TM iafallibU remedy is oonpod of tho HoNsr of lb plant Horebowad, ia cheaaical union with Tab-Balm, ostracud frota th Lips Fbinciplb at th fore at tree Abibs Bauamba, or Balm of Cilcad. Th Honey of Horehooad SOOTim AND SCATTBas all irritations and infUmna. tioas, aad tho Tar-Bala clbaniu and IISALS tb throat and air-pa aa get leading to th lung. Fivs additional ingredient keep th organ cool, moist, and in health, ful action. Let no prejudic keep jroa front trying this great encdldaa of a famous Doctor, who baa saved thoaaaadt of lira by it la hi lug prival praotke. N.B. Tn TJ Bala ha so sad TAsTB Or tmelL raicts jo enrrs and i pxa soma. . ' Oraal aaviaf s. key lares ties. . "Pike's Teeiavteke Drape " Care te 1 KlaaU. Sold by all Druggist. Philadelphia anil Readb Raijjload. Arrangement of Pauenger Trains, auo. lfjtii, isrr. Traint leave Ilerndon at f0U loiet (Sunday Excepted.) For 8btmokia, 10,16 11.00 sat aad I.J5 p " For Ml r.rmel Ashl.kd T.-... rotlaville, IWadinc, and rhlladlplel! aa.w . Traint er irenulon, knee atfoVwi Sundayt faerpUd.) ' I 401 Sk"kl'' 8, " ,5 Lv rbllad.lpbia llask. oadl 11.30 am. Poiiavlll. ntio pa. Tamtatia 1.25 fa Aahland lltta. ' Ml. Carnal 3.18 p a. TVfifnt Iratw HarrUburg at follortt i dfTn' ,,dTAT,, '2o' 8,0 1 00 and "7 6ft p. n. for Philadelphia 6.2o, 8.10a. at. 2 Ot and 3.57 p a. Sundayt For New York 6.2o a m For rhlladelphia 1. 46 1. m. 2Vnin for llarriiburi Irate a follow Leave New Tork, 8.4 a a 1.00 0 80 and 7 4H em. Uave Pblladetpbta, 9. IS a at. 8.40 aoj 7 20 p. a. -e infr'is tv ?w Tork 5-8o p m. Lea 1'blUdatphia 7.20 p mi 'Via Morris A fci.rx R. R. J. E. WOOTTEN, Gen 1 Manager. C. O. HANCOCK, Oftn'l lielcat Aet. rb. I t4. Til a 44. 6 OKf CA A(F.rdnroflUprwak Will vu .vv pro, ii or ioriit f jta. New Ar tlele.. In.t i sleotsd Nsmp.ei -oot free to all Address W. 11. OUlUH.ITtlt, fid I'altua SI Asa York. GOLD.; Orsst chsnc to mska mousy. It y.i ean't set, roI.I od can est urs.i tisoks. Wa need a rter. son In every town to take .ubecrlpt Ion rr 'h-lara-ee. ehespeat and best lllus'ratsd ramlly puulleetlon In the world. Any one can become s suco s.lul sssnt. The mo.t elegant work. nf art Riven frss lo aobicrlhsra. The price la aa low that almoet ererybolv subeotlbea. Cue aent rspnrta maklnc over flb.i In a week, a lady rspria teams; over -K) mbi.rlbsr. In ten ilsje. All who snusns make money le.t. Yon ean devote all your time to the ou.lnta.. or only y ar .par lime. Vo nud not hs way Irnm hoin or nlvht. You can do It as wall es others. Kb II partlenlars. directions and terms tree El.-iratit ard ei.ensive iiutnt five. Irtou went profitable wer. seod aayonr addreaa at once. It eo.ts nolhlo t in try th linalnees. Wo one ho nns-sarea falls to inalie greet psv. addra, "ike 1'eoples Jonrnal," Ierllaad, Maine, AR.,'! WV BUILDINGS, l AND NEW PRICES WAOENSELLER& SON, hereby reepeotfully Inforn .bir friend and th pnhlio generall tkalthey Lav opened a riTOtlfi lo their NEW BUILDINGS 'in lb spot io Ion; nooupied hy Dr. JaerH Wngenellcrs en Ibe 11 of Qn where they now have and will always keep a Inrge and cll Mlecled aisorltnent of SEASONABLE GOODS. Io lb Ltdie' Department will be found a full line ot SILKS, I'OlMiIXS, brilliants, victoria lawns hui;redai!,acas, swiss mull, cambrics, PRINTS, JACONETS, DEL A NHS. Stripod end Checked Nantncks, Ao ALSO A Great Variety of Ladies' Press Trimmings, Latost etyla Hoop Skirts, French Comets, Eall sljle Baluiorals, Ladies' Umbrel las, Parasol and Sao Shades, Bonnet Ribbons, Lscos. Ruf- a: ,.i.i. i , . . uiujtb jniuroiunrn, ijinanr and Paper Collars, Ac, A;o., Ao, 4 SPLENDID ASSORTMENT of BOOTS & SHOES for Ladies. Mlaaies snd Phlld... i .t less varletv. of all !... .i.i ..j "7. " scleoied for the Fall and Winter trad. ' A full and oodidUI alank ar CLOTHS, PLAIN AND FAXCr CASSIMERES.COTTONADES, JEANS, Ae., &e. COAL OF ALL KINDS ! Orocerie, Queeniwar, Hardware, Willosy ware, teuarwi, Ulaswar. . All af which bavin Keen Au.l i or t7.5 will b old at yry aaall profit Our motto I t?uic taltt and imU fnjlu. fe also nay Ibe blwheel m.ek.t ..I.. for all kind of grain. WHEAT, R VE, CORN, OATS and SEED We sr. nr.ner.d .1.. I. .1... ...J. mall obarg and lo do ganralCommiioa sou rorwaruing ouiinei. W hona that lha nul.ll. .ll elva na a sail as wa hllA li ! ,A ,i.m;2 iulcreal lo do io before purobarUg ! wwere, miii vs a trial. VT. F. WA0KN8ELLER, M. L. WAGEN8ELLEU. Manhood : How Lost, How Restored. "ej Just puhlisksd. a aw edilloa of 1 Ds. CuLrsRwaii's CsisssaTita m ibm Essat on ibe rsdioal our fwlih. out ndioiae) of 8permlorrhoaaor Senil nal H'sskas.s, Involuntary Seminal Loaa cs. loipoleney, Msutal and Pbyaieal la. eapaeity, loipediaent lo Marriage. lo. alao, Conaunipllon, Kpllepey and Hi, in duced by vlf-iodulgne or Xuat tilra yagsnce, fee. UaVrrioe, Is a ld eatelope, only IX eul - Th oalebrated author, la this Essay, clearly deaooslral, from a thirty years' sncc.sful praelioe, Ibtl lbs alarming evaeequrucce or aelf-abua may be radi cally eurd wtiboul lb danger aa of inlernal aedieln or lb apptiealloa af tb kair poiming out a mod of our at oe impl. ecriain, and effeotnal by mean of wbiob every sufferer, aa aallar what hi condition may bo , aay eur bimsslf cheaply, privitsly, aad rUallf. AwjrThl Lsciur hould be la ike band of vry yoolli aad every aiaa ia lb hod. Beat nndir al, In plain envrlap, lo any edre, yoit paU, oe rolplef alX nla or Iwa poalog ilarapa. Addreee iba libllshr, TUU CULVRIIVVKLL MEDICAL CO. 41 Ave St., N.w fork j roetaf,ae Ha L tnttJ'w low a" aio' i enea I sb ml b.t.Vb,IS. I- ' 1