The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, March 28, 1878, Image 1

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(ue-liall. cv.nrajTi, mi jci".
Oiiriiir'l year,
dMii)tii. (lOJairs). insertion
Ifverv .additional insertion,
fiyv malmd I ninoss cards of
m ore than lina, per year,
alsnlit'J , Esectttor, dmmistrator
and Assignee lS'otfA ,
A. MirniMra j or a nnoncr pe
riod than one year nra onvnhlo at the
tun they are ordered, 1 nd if not paid
the person ordering tbij will . held
repfln.ililo for tho moAeV.
o c t if y
llotronp? ction.
Llilai, lia'an. anlU ir I
81a on mumeni ''a thy flow I
Ciitst. oh I aeno tbf bpfr mi'irnlnt;a
,-Wkils my liaart p,ur. f.irih ill woal
twn bestit a ws-ilirn pruirie,
Whara ka Tin O'l for. blnl.
THsr lb proU'l riiniH'i wiring,
AaJ Ik ii!'' po?li- but
Tber In aarly ioi otiil IHtsJ,
Wandered I f r nuny s day.
Colling flwtr of richeii 0 lor.
Bloomlnc rr n l my happy "Ay
Tker. within t, fairy dUine;,
Hral affec'l r4a kept bar tlirnnf
Terrs tn prttfv loved voloc miitto 1
Ah I mint I a ia IrtiMitrai gnu 7
(bat rTfyrrl 'ntith (he willow,
HiJa by Bil. In deanmleaa sleep.
tVbara tke mock t rds am ibatr requitm
YYhtra lb low (,rn oloeer creep,
Art (boa lo.ed 1 la.twceily rtaiiog.
Lost la enrrow tvl to teats,
JIlla of lb 1 J1 ;'. p-i'tiering
Ilouol lb glairi af comiaj jsara.
Od oi y yountt airs U Uatlug.
Tract! of J jr cruel trsvl.
Flrasurei' t jars nil have withered,
Hope's sweet dreams forever tUd
An J I iiu, when lilt I ended,
Lev fi where ( in kueelm- nor
Bwert 1J rem, clenr plm-iJ rnr,
Ou thy frsen lunk a nutty lir .
W e 1 o o t rV 11 1 o .
The Taial Nail.
On t'te evening of Juno 2 1S37
a poJJldr ou h .rso'jv.!c nto:)i)iid
at the suiillty of oii3 J.)!ut Stuelu. on ''l'ley pui-s-'d round the foot i.r it,
the outskirts of t.'u twn of Tick- ' iJiftiippenreJ at tho nthor bido
bill. Hear Donc.nt.or, Eiil.m 1. ov-1 ' l-o ntvt mouient lie beard n nrretiti
oral ptrton-i w.;id i.i tli.i emitliv at nnd n Rcufile. and saw tliu U h of tba
tUa time, b.isidj tin bluu!: mith nnd ped-Uer piotrii.ln from tho cml.tiiii".
bis son Kiiihiu d. The p Id o: umU- I
JSUe'.oto uhoi bin h., -a i n lin t,
ly an ho oottlJ, nn bo it,,i.J to
. raacli D ine titer early and .'et a bud
At his old p!ure t f r the
beidfr "Statues," or I'liir. it intinbur
cfrisitors woull bj I jj'.uh f u1 us
ommo bition.
While the smith was atf ending t i
tbe poddler's hoi-Hit, uu itU.-r htran
fer eiitirt'od, alao on hot'iteli'tck. inul
likewise deRiVin' U.e huitlli's m-r
viocn, an his hiiiri i h 1 1 cist a Hiioc
'i'he two fttranors n'ld Ihuli io
geis f?it iut coiiv.MH'itiou, mi 1 t'ld
peddior linally opened it maUj,;iiiy
Vkit wbL'ii wii4 c is;mii Ju 1 by eti iip
from his kIiouLKt, mi l ex'tiLii'; I ins
.wares. wUicli cnii to I of ri.i;i, iol I
and silver uaum. iv'iim, mil at
forth On lh Mi-t c-'iuot't. hJn in
tU'tt til a p i I I w u i i ,' t J) i
er, Uo Lill-iul t-j ai-eoaio t.iy hi n.
as he wits 'iu in t!u s.t.a i direc
tion ; a I u that it k:, the p.i 1 l!nr,
mirht t.iliti In u to o.n h iiti
vhero h could tr't. aanniiu ulitinn
The peddler lepln-d Unit, hn was fo
inpf to "I'ho Trnvelefs' Host,'' on tlie
outeVittH of Doue iter. in it f.a-t a
liood house aud ho knew t'ie Lnd
When tho smith removed thnthoe
from the horiu of the lant comer, he
examine 1 it closily, leiuai l;in;r that
it had beeti made iu Hal Iitik'-h.
poiijtiiiff out tho fn:l t nut tliu nail
wns peculiarly made, having a h tlf
split in tho head, nnd tH iii it wax
JIolderiu-Ms fancj.
'I'll keep thin uail," tho Mtnilh
aid, and ho drove it ah wedo in the
Landlo of a small hhmmer, uhoru it
pHHed it Ihi'ooli the head.
The noddler Hcut for n llipjon of
ale, and they stood di inking mid
talking for smno time. When the
blacksmith joked llii pod.llur lib iut
beiu in h:cU a h trry w'iuii he timt
catno in, ho laughed and said t
"Ob, that is ull tight. I've mado
up my mind to sleep in the bi out
bousfl, where I h ive often hbpt bn
fore; it's o nf rt "! , a t I y 1 1 tiki
nuybody yon like in there, yon know,'
the peddler added with a "ink.
When the two men were ready to
depart, the peddler took a lure
wallet from the vuIiho on bin saddle
bow and paid llms uitii 'I ho ped
dlor seemed to make it otcn
;tatious exhibition cf his wmIIoI,
tvhioh was oiuiuiuod with bank notes
And cel l
The two roen rode off together,
and the smith cleared his placn and
closed it for tho uight.
Io duo tiuio tho peddler and hit
new fiiend reached the Tanrt lois,
Kfifit, and tol 1 tho 1-m llotd they
would sleep iu tho ont-buildiog in
the rear, iu which tbore were st vernl
beds. The landlord euid tber e was
good accommodation there, and
promised to make them comfoe tablo.
Tho peddler retired fiiet am I the
etratiger retnnined behind to ' Lave
avpper nod liuRer over his nle.'. At
eleven o'clock be went to tli u out
buildiujy, and five minntci lut er the
landlord observed the light p nt out.
XsextmoruiOK neither tbo uuddler
or hiH fneud appeared, sni the
landlord wcut to the out-bui &na tu
rouse thetu lie found U ie door
open, and on entering tho r, mm Ji.
covorod tho peddler iu his ' abirt ly
pool of blood. Hie head M bat
tered iu and near him w a lying a
iiaoimer wuu oiooa 80(1 hftir on tbtt
aieau. lie wan aeaa U ,a co1j
tl'l II 1 J" cuiu-
uen ma aiarm waa : ..
found tbut tbe borne, lwin(?to
peddler to the Ion at d niA the
aame room with hnr
and auspicioa at oo
. i . i i
i ,
, vtnt uiiawiog,
oo fell on turn as
lTZzZTlm''' .o authorise were
iivuucu aiuu outer ' i .....,;
Of the SUppOKld ;' Were 11 PUr'1 lt
,m.m J Tkv aaaaoaio before the
5?'' ' ,rdder. Tbe? track-
itr '"'-?, mAm of thai town, ou
Iffi. Id
VOL. 15.
evea of the oHI cere, however, canulit
ailit of n hort anions tlie brambles
in a v it I ley tit I the left of the road,
ami there tiki inao won captnrod.
lie wan terribly .frigbteoeJ ao much
an that he was .uuublo tn articulate
for notne time. Htrappad to hie
nnttJIe bow wan it valine, ami opon
nt it a heovily fiL'ed wallet, identi
fii'd nn leio? the peJJIer'a was
liefoie tho corot or the prianner,
who sniil Lis tiamo was Hemy
Scott, told a uiost axfe jumliug story,
lie nniil tlmt when U e went to the
ntitltoiiae the peddlil" bai already
jfotie to his bed. wbiOU was a high,
old-fnnliioued tent 'oed, witli cur
h'oott took the ted I t tbo opposite
end of tho room. Tbit. bod bad cur
tains alno. and the rot to wits Inre
and lnnu;lit v. Ileplitcct 1 bis clolhos
on a chnir, and fliini I lis valiae, or
hula tern, oil a bit ofcnt.peV nt tho
sido of tlio Jxtf. Whut i ho put out
the lilit, heobserreil th at tho uioou
whs nliiuiiin full into iK e room. Ilu
lav aivu'e fir some time . and pres
ently heard a step in tho room The
next moment tlto 0111 tuiti 'f his bed
wnn (retillv drawn, and he t iw a lace
looking down upon hun. Heliy
pet feet ly es ill. tlmiih Rruntl ahtrin
ed. Tho f ten iliHiippeat'od, Mtd re
trenlint; fonlateps ote lienrd. Ho
mono on bis elbow, nnd pen. ed
tlitoilli the t'liltiiiiis. Ilu diatiiK 't
lv raw two met) ul llio fitfthor eo 1
iof tLe room. nc:tr tlio peldU-r'M be
' here tun ii aenlil i ami a BiippreHa-
od oi v, nnd tho nest moiii'ilit tno
peddler bounded from the bud and
run. HCtoRining "murder !'' totviiro
.Scott'a bed. holding bin valimi ul .
arm's length Two iiihu followed I
the fugitive, nnd Scott, horrified aiK. ', hlip;)t:d from bis bed
oil the other iide, and bid himself
in a closet. Ilo heard llio uro.ttiK
aud blows, and tho ho mid of retirat
iug footstep1! i tiieil nil wits Hlill
The iii-xl iiiHluiit, bowiWer, tlu 1 or
opened, other f jotsteps were beard
ftlottg tho Hoor, unit the curt. huh o'.
Scott's bed wero hastily drawn. Tli
vinitatits whoever ho in, mt 'l'O.l
oath of dm ipp ointment, uu.l u u ill d
from the room.
After waiting for s i'iio time Mr itt
Came fot'tll froui the closet, fm
found tho peddler lying ou tho floor,
dead. Scott was in a lurriblu dilotu
inn, itnl saw at it i;!:inco
would bo RIlKp'iet'.-d of 1 1 1 v : D
ilred tho peddler. ranic
he hiiHtily drea. hioMelf
up Ii:h valine from tliu ll 'r ,
horse from tho Htililj, iih I
ibat bi
j niur
Iriukeii , piuka 1
took bis
.leparte I
from the inii, res jived I.C , bujW s ife-
ty in lli.iht. It win (1 light when
he reached Coninbro. j.ud then for
tli.' th'st tiin ho di-icj vro I tint tho
vuliHd which bo h id f tien from the
door was not his, I' nt tb peddler's
Ahieh ho had n( doubt droppol
vheu tho iii'ird. T' ..a Ml inj'in him.
and in plane of hich they doubtless
seized and carrie l off Scott's which
lay on tho carpe 6 closo by.
This exIr.iorJ .nar story waa not
boliavud by t'jf coroner's iury in tho
l.-lfrt l.f .ill t.l 1 .mnlnir nrli 1 141111. 1
Ngiiiiift iScott a It was shown th it
he had see"!' the peddler produce hix
walL't frot i the valine in tlie black
smith bhooj that ho h id offoro I to
iicci.iup in I ho pod llnfti Done li
ter, mid that he bad tiken up his
qmtrlfis Ht ' .ho same iu n. and slept
in too same room with tho m irdur-
l man. U wide this, he waa cap
tured wit if he valiso in bis posseHS
ion and wU it butter evidence of bis
guilt cmt'.d there bo T
Scott va i sent to j til, and in duo
course tlie 1 for wilful murder-
of charity I t voting lawvor undertook
Iih ileietiei i. i no eviauiice loriiio;
1. 1 no evtuoiiee 101 iou
ing, a'nd
n was clear aud couvino
Mr. O lit 1011 -nfierwurl
U Ui leu tno prisoner
chnnsel, a
encape. '
ritiiiBt hi
w nooiianeoor tiisciionts
f ho principal witnosse a
m were tho bl.icksmitu
John St ilu, bis sou Mellaril, lu
men that., wore iu the s uithy when
the po I ll. r and Scott first met. the
landlord c f the inn, who swore tint
Scott lirg d tho peddler to take lire
out-room when ho wanted to go to
another iut . aud tho ofl'wers who
found ScoiA with tho peddler's va
line in his p isstssion.
Tho biimii, ter with which tho miir
dr bad bcof i committed was pro
dnced on UV i trial, and shown to tin
jury. One f them remarked that
It WHS a HUH KlUltu imuciun ii.ii.i-
tner Sir ( I'Hrien quietly asked to
be ulbed t look at it, and he ei"
mined it cl osely. I'hen he Btuod
np and bn. JiU it to tno
Scott glanci I d dia eye over it for a
moment- nn j 1 then bunded it back to
he c miiel ".'lw nst instant he
i..i,.l.ed t it. drew it from Mr
q-j, ien's rasp, and BernliiiUed il
A'itU to lOOHt mieuao iukiwi
Then ba lea ' ned on th dm k and
unoke in a t . tone to the conn
ol Tbe U w,lu flbo.l
...Vi...iv mi iveraents, made bis w iv
""- " - .1. .: m
tn the " i'r""""! V"
eer. and '. Ublmo ins
i... ..n fnr a minutes lbe
-....iinir t .fllcer anuke to the
111 uevin' rj
itidgo, and rd ' a'tirU
1 an on icor ana witispHio.i
to liim f w0 rd, ,r: ?t?6' !'e
i.i.b-...tb. waa re-cullad to the wtt
n;.V.t.u,V7 v Mr. O'D.l.a, ..ho
ata. ou are mu m -
"Yes, sir'' lie atisworet,
peiceptable tremor of voice.
"I 'id jom ever work nt your I
iu Holdeiness f"
"Yes, sir, when I
waa a yc nog
"Anything peculiar in the mam
tare of horse-shoe nails io tliat
tiict, Mr. Steele
"I think there is, sir."
Tiny tell nn what the peculii
is, Mr. Mtoele."
"The head is divided liko i.
i a
"Anything like the held of I
onil used as a wedo in the Imn
of that hi ti n ir. Mr .Stoolef
eouusel nuked, bunding tho witni
tlie weapon found ner tbe body
the murdered peddler.
The wittiest' hand shook lk
leaf its ho reached out for the ha
mor, bis cltouka iriev dot Hy pg
and hit lip-, becumo parched, nt
though ho held the hammer in I
hand, his starring eyes wore til
on the piotioner.
"Anything liko that nsilt" 1
O'Brien repeated calmly, lookinf
the witness.
"Yes. sir," Steele roplieJ at leu(
with dilli'ulty.
'.Should you sv that nail
made in Hoi I lornots, Mr. Steele?'
' It looki like it, sir," was Stenlt
i s
".Mr. Stoolo.'' tTio counsel suit 1,
moveing ulutoHt clo-io np t) bit
and standing ho tint the j'ldgo an f
in i v could n'n botli witness and in-
I torrogiitor ilintiurtly. "Did you ever
I gee this hainmer before yo t sv.v n
I in this couitf
Tho witiu'm uave a cmp and than
recovering hiittsuir. hii I :
"Yt-ft, sir : I 8 t it iu thu ban Is ol
the coroner.
At t'oi.s jiiucturo tiitno w is a di f
tuibance in tho comt, aud tho otU .
cers were seen Ktiivlng to prevettti a
young mm from q uoting the rot' n.
Thij young man wit Itie'w .rd
Steele, the black .ninth's sou.
"Let me go," be wtid. "that t tho
dammed old scoundrel that J id it.
Mo knows that it is his hamui ' well
.enough. He knows ho plauiK .1 tlto
whole thing ami led me into! t l'U
turn k i ti lf b evidence! I li i t.ib the
utot v Let inn no, and l'i' hun
sJthoolJ villi:ui, though bo is ;t j fa
i itnur.
The 6ceiio that followed cV -juot be;
denoribed. Snflioo it to eJ y uulle J to kuow oiivthing about tho wo ith
pront'iui was imtuivd, nnd jott was cr bo cousultod tbo ground-hog or
transferror into nn nupoiumi wit-
owMS. Hteeio anil ins sou ukijt aaiy
indicted ami tried for t m murder
of tho peddler. Scott M',ie to the
b!ack-iuitb'H having tuk'.u the nail
. . . . . r ...... 1.
from tho old hoi'Be-si'oo, remarked
that it had bocn miu'e in Iloldornrsi,
an.l driven it into, the hammer head
as a wedge. Tho hammer was
furthermore idontiG ul no having bo
longed to slei le, teaciinouy was (riv
en which showed thut tho black
smith nnd bis sou wore absent from
homo 011 tho night of tho murder, a
ni'irketmuu swearing that bo bud
passed them nrar Doncastor, going
in tho direction of Vicl.hil, nt throe
o'clock on tho morning of tho 21st
of June. Hut the evidence that set
tled their fato was furnished by
Scott's valine, which they had taken
nt tho time of the murder of the
peddler. It was discovered in the
ash heap nt tho buck of llio smithy
Steele aud Lis son wero sentenced to
be hanged, audbith undo a full
confession to tho following effect 1
Steele sr , resolved on the robbery
and tho nmrder, if needs wero, of
tho peddler, immediately after ho
discovered that the man was pos
Fes'el of a large aum of money.
After the peddler and his companion
had left the smithy. Steolo closed it,
and communicated to his son, who
was aprodignte man, assented to the
scheme Hot It wero about to start
after the two men aud get ahead of
LilMl. . a b. . , m mtu ut . ,H ,..,.
1 changed bis plan. If they did that
u .lo tackle them both
s ,u. onfill ,. ...i oll
Ti. B1111,. k,,w the inn to which
- tljev wore .j,, aiul wrt, wh1 KC.
n,llliI1uli w;ti the outbuildin in
abich they wero to sleep He pro
posed, therefore, that they should
rob the peddler iu his sleep, and
only use violence iu case it was lie
consul y to secure their safety. When
they entered the outbuilding the
smith weut toward Scott's bed.
whde Richard remained near tho
door. Finding the man they wuut-
ed was not there, Steele and bis son
approached the other bed, a id found
tbe peddler asleep, kuowing it wnn
he from bis bill. I head I buy tun. I
to remove the valise from under his
bead, but be evidently had bis baud
in the strap, aud the tug awoke him
The leader kuows the rest from
the story told by scott After the
smith and bis Bon bad quilted the
ro "u. with what th'-y aupposed wus
to be the peddles valine, Steele's
moid tiling ive him wud a dread
tint r-eott hud been an 1 bserver ol
the b'oody deed nyid would lee g
nize the seized bim.
H. bnrrieti bavk to the room, re
solved to btTsiu bim if be found bim
awake. On discevering tbat the bed
was empty, the tmitb dropped bis
hammer iu affi igpt, the only expla
nation to his miihl of Scott'a absence
being that he bad ituessed the
crime ami quittefl tbo place secrete
fy t t give tbe klitrm. Toe smith
ao I bl" Hon depai tBd paniy atrioken.
and on reaching I kome to their in
tense tuortitieatiorj and disappoint
ment, tbat the valve, for which the
ka mnr.lai-a.rt ai man " aoil ay.
posed theraaelves to the gallows,
conlaiucd only a fet old clothes
and a biblo. Mteolo and bis son
were banged at York, December 8th,
What George Washington Didn't Know.
We don't like to be irreverent, but
wonld like to ask t What did our
forefathers know T What, for in
stanco, did fleorgo Washington
kuow T He nover saw a last mail
train t he never held his ear tu a
telephone t bo never sat for his pic
ture in a photograph callnrjr i he
never saw a stenmboati be never
sighted a Kriippguut he never rocoiv
ed a telegraphic dinpatoli i be nevor
listoiied t the ' ht. of an electric
len be never saw a pretty girl run
ning a sewing tuicliinoi h.i uovor
saw n self propelling ongino go
down street to a tiro t ho never took
laughiug gas ; lie never hit I a set
of store toeth he never attended
an IntcrnuMonal Etnosition t he
uevor owned a bou'tuza miao i ho
nover kuow "Old IVob. j" he but
why go on When ho took an ex.
enruiou it was on n llttboat When
ho went off on a train it was a mule
I train. When bo wantel to lalk
I with a roan in Milwaukee, ho had to
Igothen. When ho hud his piotnro
Itakon, it was dono in profile with a
piece of blank paper and a pur of
ish.urs. When ho got tint returns
' from bick counties, thnyht l to bo
j brought in by a mm with an ot
, curt. When ho took aim at the
! enemy, bu Im 1 to trmt t j a cro jko 1
ibarrellel oil flintlock. When ho
iwroto it was with a gnoso ipiill.
! When be hid anything t t iimh I. his
Jgi tndmotiier dt d it with a d n ning
ncc lie. When ho wont to a tire, bo-
stood in a line an 1 p imod bucket'!.
When ho lookd tit a dim ho never
dreamed that it was itnv reliti on of
'bin. When ho went to u concert bo
heard ucraekeil fi Idle and an imtno
claronet. When ho hid a tooth
pulled he Hit down and never left
jofF yelling. When hit got out of
.teelhho gummed vicinal. When
j he wanted an intern itionul sh w he
' nent for l.uf.ivuttn nnd or hired his
i nietnis up iroui Ul.l ir gini i with
tho Rpecimun carefully labelled in
bottles. When be once got hold of
a nugget of gold from an Indian
chief ho felt rich. Whon ho wante l
kooso-oouo. uon out wuy go
on T hat did ench a man kuow t
Who wus bo, anyway t
Pat Among tho Lawyers
While a number of lawyers and
trenllomen wore diuiuif nt Wiscas-
net recently, a jolly soul from the
j Emerald Isle nppeared aud called
for dinner. Tho landlady told him
he should diuu
when tho geullomen
wero ilono.
"fict bim crowd in among ns,"
whispered a limb of the law, "and
we will have some fen with him.'
The Irishman took his seat at the
"Yon were born in this country,
were yon,.inv friend V
No sir, I was born in Ireland."
"Is your father livingt"
"No, sir, ho is dead.
"What is your occupation T''
" A horso-jockey, sir.''
"What wus your luther'a occupa
tion t"
"Trading horses, sir."
"hid your futhor over cheat any
person whilo he was here?"
'I suppose lie did cheat many sir.'
"Whore do you suppose be
went "
"To Ileavon, sir."
"Whatdooa suppose be is do
ing iu Heaven "
Trading horses, sir:
Has ho cheated any ono there t '
"He cheated one, I believe, sir."
"Why did thoy not prosecute
him ?"'
"Ueciiusi they searched tho nholo
kingdom of Heaven and t
hud u lawyer.
Yhat to Teacu ocr Oiuls. Teitch
them self reliance
Tench thetu to insko bread.
Teach them to make i-hitls.
'I'eacb them not to paint or pow
der. Tench them to wush nnd iron
Teach them to wear thick, warm
To.ich them bow to cook a good
Teach them bow to mako their
own d esses.
Teach tiieiu to Buy "uo," and
nienn it.
Teach them bow to wear calico
difssi s nod do it like a queen.
Ti act ib m how to duro stockings
sud ew 011 buttons.
'I each them to regard the morals,
not the mi ney of their beaux.
Teach tbem tbat a good, round,
rosy romp ia woith fifty delicate
Teuch them tbe eaaentiala of life
trnth, honesty, nprightnesa aud at
a suitable time let them marry.
A yonosr eeotlenian of Brooklyn
has made bimself cross-eyed for life
by watohtng the tip of bis nose,
.breateued with an eruption of aore
boils. Ua evidently believed that
a watched spot never boils.
Why la tbe money you are in the
babit of giving to the . poor like 1
uewly-b.-ru bubef Because ita pre'
etolM fettle.
PA., MARCH 28,
. fly
rHosouoiiiv Ccr, Diiekm otiii Ski-,
HftAi'Tii iri ikk Compij-.xion, l'iciiii
0 KcwefMM K.llt MAIUJ4 AM) OvVT,
Cl'lKLt 1.1B ComUUul CoNTACKtH.
ilnnn, 1fsl niii4 Injur n (.( fyn n,,
SHOV. llilil TIU I . Mn X. iy Al l.
isnai ftiuiug fi mt loiul lm,unUi. of Hie
iwl mi uinitrtli-in of thr ic, but ako
June jnoliKcl by Hm mid iml, auab ai
n uij nLIu,. It nn'lrr tli- cciirii
HAKvnoimr rtfAfc. ttiowni anl iiUNr,
iii.lhi.mi; utii.trso'ur at at lima i fur
'.m-fcraUc l( any ivsmetic
i.i a liAilia arc intuinl rv uu' lit of
tileuu't Snl;ihur Simp, li in !:;.
ICU t ;ls Hirit'ylHK elTvttv, iiiii. kv. au.l in.
.kKI't l;m.LM.V!l; i;J Gul'T.
It rKo nuivi rrTS ctoiiitNT ami iikth
o.yiACT lltl tl.. t I KOV.
Ir tii'ii XT. Ili.VDR; rr, prevents
i', and n-Ianli prnyiiesi of t! liai.-.
i !iyiicKin s;crk of il in Uih U.-ins.
7 nr-i 5f C-rff far Cikr ; bei
Cjx3CuftPs COc. onJSl.iO.
' TUa jo cm tc'm it tiipf. it. ij of Com ri
t, l.-.IA.
::iLt ' t Air. av; viivkep. rrr,"
M u i r t: or-n, 90 Cist..
. - f" ... i. r m
. I . i.J ....II
Selinsgrove Pcnna,
(North of First National Bank)
VW'KM, leVri l tinrt of RaA'ly m.t
Men.' an I Hoy.' Clothing of trary
Qunlity anJ atyla
S E W I N 0
rpilST aro alio Ag.uli fur th
Sewing Machines.
Tn of lh IipbI and chetpwt mtiflilnai oT-r
tt to ttie iutlic. Ajtr. V", IITO,
Philadelphia and Reading
Rail Road.
Arrangement of Passenger Trains
-A.UG. JCitU, 1M77.
Traint Unm Utrmhm an fU
loin (Sittflay Krcrtfrtf,)
For tUmmiikiii, III. IT, H.tlQ . , ,i
8.-.f f m-
ror l 1 Pamirl, A.hl'in.l, Tnmnfiit.!4, Ranilliiir- anj l'liila.til.liln,
1 1. 00 ma. '
Trainior Urriiilim, Itnvr. ntollvm,
(SumliniH -.Vcvji.) '
Leava Uhamnkin, H.UU iu I. .'ill au.l
4.4l i ni.
Lear I'bUailalplilA P.tfiatn.
I'ntiavllle. t't.lll n in. Tanmaiia r
m A -lil it ii.l I M p in
Ml. L'arinel p m.
7Vtifns Iraif Jlnirinhury no!tvv :
For Nw Voik. ft.2.i. 8 II) m.. ami
i no ami 7 ft. p. m.
Kor riiil.lelil,i 6.2o. 8 f 0 1. m. 2 II"
mil 1.17 p m.
For New York b 2n n nr
r'or I'liiU.lelphi 1. 45 f.. ni.
TVnitia ir IlarHnhnrti Iran aiotlom
l.enve Ntw Turk. 8 45 n nt 1 .00 A 80
ami 7 4.S p m.
Last rUiUilelpliiA, 9. o a m. MU. abil
7 an p. m. '
taava New Voik g.Au p nt.
I.eava I'liiUitaltil.ia 7.2u p ro.
Via Morriifc t.ex H. K
Qen'l Manager.
CO. HAKCOCK.'l I icket Agt.
Fab T4. fit n a.
Juknaon'a l.tnliaaat "III p-wHtv sly
nra.aut ll.t. itl.aAM. aaj lll bttalilva.
ilfsnia nl-a In ten. lnlrtaaiUu tbat
NO. 44.
New York Fancy Slore,
(In Holmes' new btiiliding. opposite tho K-ytsono Hold, j
MAltlCirr H1, HKLlNNCillOVJi,
Extraordinary Bargains
offered from now nntil April 1st in order to re
duce our large Stock of Goods. A great
many articles
Just received a HOST
Oct. ic. 7:1.
S T 0 R E .
Middleburg, Penn'a,
Til. HHl.Mlitll. .1 H.A..I.I I r ... . .
Mlil.llMl.iarac l iirr.iin lln .ll.trl't llit Im
.i.rii.iiig .--inri. itt flu. .linv.
oi.lili..nel.lie. ,!! )n,i ,4 4fBl , ..
in an nii.'K 1.1 ,i,ru. Inelu.luiK
lleiivy it Miell ll:ii ilu tu r,
Plii.e rin.liiiii., I.i'iilirr.
(CIX. .'.peeinl 1 11 In m-iru-ni - in "iVJ
Lorn. iii-i.i:s. SCItKW.S. ..
A l.'irtfo As-niliitf-o nl t'.,-i ..! wl.w
els k Hi. i.Iih. II, ...a. I! ..-1..., T ...1.. .1.. "
Grnin KuWes. M iy Hnpea, I'alieia, c..
OF Alt KIMiS cniimntiii y nn hnn.l.
All nt Ore.iily lt,..iuM. I IVi-r.. All ),,',
nra In tip.J of ny kill. I r.f ll ir-lwure will
Jo well by cntliinr at iliin .hii.,
Mi'l llclnirc, Siiy ler Co ,
M.ty 2r. ISTC.
TrJlm le.ive l.t,.l.lnn .luuctlnn an l.iil.i.
M A I I.I K W KS r W A It It
' rUl.lniftfli F.rpr.M
Il'tirlllp -rri...
Wnv r(im..uuer
Kd-t I.lno
K A ST W Ant).
Phi ..IkIi.i.u Pipr.M
I ft a in.
' ? ' .1 . 111
l''4-i -.. m
I 01 c in.
1 Sv Ik hi.
M11 in j
I I :. m.
II ' 4 . . in.
i'. i. mi.
p. in
1 b.ii" i.iir...
'"liii.tnnn I i.r.-i
All. .11110 l-;iret
imflil I. ' Wnf P..Kr 1111 1 II, p..,-f
l H,r... .M.,nlMi. Hi. li 1. 1 I At' n.ll-j
hiereo :ii run .IsUy
w.. tr m lo.vs .u:,ipi Id Mutlin e..ii,ty
na lollxwa :
A tilr..ina
l.,inu irllniv
irvi n
' li eynr.l
N. Hamilton
10 M
In fit
11 !
II '4
1 1 ll
l. in.
4 "7
4 1
4 II
Ill (,-,
in .vj
lo a
tu :n
I'l M
10 III
p I.I .
4 47
in. i-anino l.Tnre.. w.. Kin I .1
Me-Vayhi.,,,! na ,n- Bnd Ilia Atlmiilo
,r, i-t at .i p. ui.
DANIKt.C. IIKHasTIIKS)FR it.lrri In.n.
ii.iiiii. Iii ,i lll..ri tr.l. Thai n. r Oi. .1 II.
..,,,ll..n of ilir f r i u nf II ri-lii , r K t'lrl.-h on
Hi. -l ,.f Auril, h- l.. nii... In hi. n- II, ill. .
h.g In M.-ll.ia (1 mi a. on W.lvr Mri-l,.lov. ',.
,.'ii)ili. J. a, ll.iio.i,'.i,t..ia, a
Leather Store and Fin
ishinff Shop,
.tu-re win i. f.miMi M .ii, ,.w,iii
ill kllt.l. nf e li.Uhi-H hln.-ll. i.r Hup.
ne.. S .le. Tpp-r. Kle "Hi! i'.tf Mn.. Mm rm-.
ci'., Lillian. T..iiiii.. kr., 'if 'llAerrnln i.llilea
nd prlrii.. Tlir ali.:iil,iu ,il Sli.tiualiir. K.rni.
n, ami all otbira la lu.llnl. Uforn,
Tlilriy.nrerir a. . r'rtlr.1 Tni.r Ti.llflr.
Ill in In in-la-n llio qii.lllle.iil dlurk. IIM.-.....0
lua.cb.ui;. fur l.'-.iha.
t. u. iiKnaTi;KKR.
Inna t 'T6 H-liii.wpiie, Hnv,,.ri!.. Pa
BKI.lNKOnoVK, 8N YOEIt )0.,lA
Kccly fc Wagner
liiimliei Dealers
akd MAKDrAcrraas er
Doors, Door Bowa. fflmloirs, Shuttera' illAJXl UiUOaUl X0,
wimlew Bexes. Btlnita, oanh, Dlslr iTorobstones. Stutuca, Vma. Va.
riiliiRi, Band Kallino. Brark I.AM IU, for Children's Oraveaj.
Khinirlan Lath . 4in.
ii i. . an i i.t .
OrUrra aolleltad and tiled aritk promt I
d si-n-
ruliltabaJ rur 'Piuradn Evening
Tirmj of SuVaorrpMm,
rvro ixi.r,A ?w pmi ajiim. p.y.
lile riihtn ai ni"ith,or ( .aoifmt
I'Hiil within thayear. lio mpr nlU
ooiilinuo.l ublii all arrnarnBiM mr
pniil itnleaa at tho option of alio uob
liaher. flnbarriptinna nttlaiile of tho OOUfiW
ftptr IV rir n i liOi.w. . :
I i ""'H nun II.II1K IWI'im
i:.ll ico l n nllnr. 1...,...,. ...I'. ...L.
iii'l ro luil.,o fni il,v riro of tlio paj.or
? !
R E A Dili
lhavcr fyi iiiyt, I'emut.
I'enler in
Stoves &c
Also SPOl TiSY; done n slioH notirs,
; on rcisoiml Ic tct ni mid aatisfactoty
j tii.-iiiiii r.
.riy I ii"i fnl!y fifi-paie.l to fur
1. i'li :i!l l.tiiils i,- I J.i t- p. 1,,., 'I'm wars,
!-'. ;.; ,. '1 i- 1 - ! . . .. 1 ivtcs.
Mi in 1 t'i'.l nf I' or hpituf
i'".' 1 if it 1 . v 1 . : . , tr el.-e in my line nl'lut"
.Nine's, will n. ! 11.4K I 11 1,, r v,,iiipn-nu
inv ..11..1I- mihI turmw h, tier p'.ticli.iaiiig
Ant;. 10, 7.1.
At A. K. C,y. T'- NRV CASH
mi tho N'.uth h! le of MiirKct st;-t(it a
few door:' trul fro n the Court Honse.
fPHK snbtciiber ni til l iMform bis
I f, i.-n t- ni, I l'i r.llr-r-. .. Mi,,,-bi.ia
r. liim .-.i ii.lri llit I... I n. tii.l r. lura.
H.t tiuiii I'liiiml.-lj,!..', i,-i.l 1 j.. , m-ii.i uu vail-
'.v. Iniii.ii.l IV-ll ...1. Ir.l k l.f
l ixcMllMiiii4 ltoobtn,
r-M-liool I (inks,
1 Simile 1 loolcst.
Wallets. Pocket Eooks,
5; Bibles Sl HeligousBookg,
Aidir.Ms vi ncTrnr.s,
l!f kimU ol t ait ; Ink and F'anty
I fr'ooifV
1 All ! I 1'IIK P f,,r I'AII. Cull anJ.eaik,
I .toi tin r.' 1 uu .iiari.'. (i.r .Lnwlint v.l.
1 A. K (ilKT,
S'l'l.iil.'JI. !!!J.ll.biir, Fa.
J KVl,
Mitnnfitctuierif anit itcalar la
IVnitl.i rpi1ll'ilir Infnrtu Ilia eltliena
fclin.irnve an I vicinity. 1 1. a I I. a manitfa
tares in i.r ler nn I keep C'ln-Mnl'.y "n liai
'Furniture of every Jlescnption
at i lie. vrrr lnweal pnoa. lis ratpaotlu!
Invites an etanttnatloti of
ntDSTtAnfl.UUltCa.US.TABI.CS.SOFA'NOKR, sr anu-4, ottAtns, a.
o)A apeeinl iuviiation is snen.lad
nly marrie I (u'.ka to eall anil sea my alt.
era f uroliasltig nlsawbrra.
Relinatrova, Aprlt3.S;0-lf
til iioa k da.ira t. nnrakaea t .i
nnvtklnai air m. Inra4 at Ik !
i..nal ssarUa .-k.. .Iimib ann.ali its in.
Staa.l at ant, kaf'-n uiirekaaint- lekt. ,
l..s V.,
. J arm ' ,
' aaa2aj-w. ' .V. !-- . l
I k uzt "