The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, February 28, 1878, Image 1
iiijiM;ia mif iMii .11.11 l.von B rCLfmirih column, one ye-ir. cSTwiimwClOlliw;)! insertion Krorv mMitionnl insertion. Prufewunml nnd limbless card of BotmorethmiS line, per ywf, Asdimr, Executor. Administrator and Ai(mee Noting, :l nniirfvi rme linn. 8.00 2.50 15 All RUVtTi:-"-"!! 1111 u(M than one your nre. pnynhltj st W time thr-v bio ordered, mid if not imid the person ordering them wili . hel.' responsible for tho moncv. a". .. I .n.tti IV. . A alinefn tiA I ontry A Gem From Fannie Forrtiter. 01e "T ,J "'' Kith T hd epoa your In l't pad through sissy a tjuaoglng oen Sloe ibui I Ml by the. Ob 11 lank Into rtiiu eye Toeir mesk. ort loving light fill lik t tatn of hollne.e, Cpoo my heart le-uigbl. I'm not been long sway, muher y " snd et Bloc Ut lf drop on tby cheek My lip to kle nii. 'Tit but Hi 1 1 lira I know, Dul very long it ooomt, Tbaugb ry night t com to thee, Poor nolbor ia my dream. fht world h kin Hy dealt, mother, By Ibl child tbnn loe'el no well j Thy prayer line olraleJ round her path, And 'Iws llirtr holy pll Which niad ber ptb to dearly bright H'bloh itrewed lb ros lbr Which giro the light nod oaet lb balm On ry bresib of air. I bear a bappy brt, mother, A bnppirr never I And, even now, new bnd of bop Aro hurtling t oiy feet. Ok t motbtr, lif may b brealb. Dot if euob dream are given, Vi'bil l lb portal lime w ataod, What ar lb truth of Uaavos t I br buppy hart, moibr, Vft, whn loud yn 1 ion. And her ton lono aid wiuulog words, 1 rr thluk of in?. And thtn lb iar my vplrit wtrpi, Uuhlddvn 611 ray ry ; And lik a houiMlv lioy. I long t'oto iby broaat lo By. Than I am very and mother, I'm vary id and Ion Ub I tbor' no heart whole inmost fold Upeu lo m lik thin o.o ! Tbougb uuny ini wreitbe bloooiiug lip I While lot lonea marl my ear. My mother, on fund kUiio of thin Wert a thou'iind liuiee niir dear. H e 1 o o t T a I o . A Girl's Adventure with a Robber Tbere IitjJ ubont tivo or nix idiIuh from Eiston, I'onnsylvntiiii, a fow jeura t-iuoe, mi hailcbt f.itiuof aim d Heu 1 M')ii, w;i Inlt v) rory prutty (Uulitura, IMoti mi l Mi'ilo. Thu lirst wus twenty tliton yunra of afje. hilo tlio latter wn litiietcon. Ttid f.triiior w.w a t'nifty. wl11-Io-i1j iihu, tliuiili ly h ) uiiaun rioli i Ititt tliti f.nuily livu.l in frxeollont stylo, .-1 tliti diiatcrs L.i'l rweivuil ' u I untiom. I'jtU of tbeuo welo pretty, but Mim lij w:it porli.ips Ut4 li iu l nouior. Th.urs vVhh il l l.i 'l: of atten tive young netitlemuu ut the farm, tiionll tilt) nuiliiioi'ii ( 1 V:W it it Vury tiiickly wutileit lint 'hoaiity lraw8 in with a ain,'lo h i r," au I t'.iu yotinqf woru tho oontie of it yity littla circle of ft ion. 1, iao4tly voting (ruiitloiikou, f iniur-i Hons i.i tho iuiiuuilhito noililjorh 1, at) I oma from Easton. I3y-and by it about that an earuest, lia.ul.s nuo an 1 8tirly yonn,' farmer full dospoiMluIy in lovu with M.ia ld, and pruposxd to hor. O.i tier part, who lovo.l lltrry M mtfrs ubove all thiyoiio ( fellows ilid kuovv. and told him fr.iukly bo niiht p iU to her father. In the iiiuanti no hIib conll led tho matter to bur m ithur, a kind hearted syiupithutio p trout, who saw uo objoctiou to the ch tico of her daughter, but all Was loft for the father to docido Farmer Hondurnon waa a straight for ward and opotimouttt id man That is he said exactly what be meant, do more or leas, and that be uttered freely. When Hrrry Alas tors called him on one side and told his special errand as to Maude, the father said, ' Well, Mr. Masters, Maude is young. I wanted Ellen to bs married first I she's oldost and I bare got a marriage portion of twele hundred to five her hut I haven't luid y auytUing jut for Maude.' . "1 have got pretty well before hand, Mr. Hendurson, for a man but twenty-four years old, and wo shall be ablo to do very well, 1 have uo donbt " "You mean you'll (aba Maude without any marriage portba !" said the father. 'Yes, sir, ery Rladly." "Well, it's pleasant to bear you fear so. because it shows your bonotit affection, Mr. Maxtor t but I isn too proud, though a simple, farmer, to let Maude marry till 1 can give bar a thousand or two towards housekeeping.' ''It is Dot worth waiting for, air, as long as we don't really ueed it, and both aro content' "Then, again, I'd rather Mauds wouldn't marry until tier sister is Married, beoauas she's so muoh old er, do yon sen, it will actually nuke bar an old maid. It isn't fair Mr. Masters. " 'Ellen ia vary popular with the gentlemen, and will auoo be uarii d," aaid ths other. 'That's Just what I baa aaid to myself, and then I shall ' begin to tick op a marriage povtlon for ilaude' "X trust that Is the only objection, Mr. Henderson f said Horry. "Why, ysa, yoa area promising Mo) rsspeettibla yonng wan, mid omt of at food fattwly,' said lbs far Mr i bot I rtir'l Wt Maude go on t 1 ft! toatbaVa respttotabl mar-f-y frotioa to git with bar ... . m 8 mm VOL. 15. "All right, Mr. Masters, said the old gentleman. Harry and Nande were very fond of each other, and now talked over the matter orr seriously. Man la oonld not blame ber fathor, and did uot like tbo idea of going to Harry without a proper portion to contii bute to their joint partnership iu dotoostio life. "Never mind, Harry, said the handsome young girl j "Ellen will soon bo married. I bars protty good reason for knowing.' Ab, but thon your father says be wants time to pick np a inirriagn portion for you, and that will take threo or four yours, perhaps." That is a poo l while, is It not. Harry ?' said M.tudo, just bluHhiug a little, for fm.r it souudod forward ai.d bold It's ages I' said the yonng follow. "Think of waiting three years why wo shall be old folks by that time ! "Not quite bj bad as that,' said Maudo. "I'm sure my bair will be gray by that timet "Nonsonse, Harry I Now yori are joking." "I was never more earnest in my lifo,' said bo, as bo stole a kiss from her pretty lips and ran away, so n not to hear hor ohide trim for his bull IIUH-t. "Maudo said her father, coming into the hotiso from tho barn,' "1 wish vou would ride tho sorrel mare into E inton. and get thin hundred dollar bill clianod at the b ink. Tho work'uou bavo got dono with tho roofing of the barn, and I wuut to pay thorn off tr-iiiht.' "Very well, fathor. Lot John put the side saddle ou, and I'll be ready in five miuutua." '"ho sorrel mate wa brought up to tho door, and M tilde was soon ou hor way at au easy hand gallop to ward Eiston. Sho had ui exoollotit seat and was a good horsowoiu m As si ie know this vury well, she oiild tiotliave obiocted to htva Marry sue h'-r just now ; but he had itoue a fow minute boforo iu itu op posite direction. NY ben Maudo got into Entoo alio roJe ilii'cctiy to the liank. but was unforlutiato enough to find itclosod After a fow minutes' thought she re solved to try to get the note clmng- ed nt a grocer's or at somo of the other stores, and went immediately; to do so. Kate seoniod against her for no ono had sin ill change to ac commodate Miss ILmiiIoihiju. At ono of the stores whore she stoppe 1 a very gentlomanly lonking pei no'1 took out hi.4 pocket book and said he thought he could chango it for her, ftinl she handed bint the bill, lint be returned it saying that nfthr all be bad not so much small money. Ilesoomud to regret this, however, nnd even followed Mtude to the d'-'or and usiistod bur to ro mount her horse. Hhe was forced to give np hor er rand as she did not lilce lo run about among strtnors ukiuie thoiu to change her bill, especially as no one Mutinied able to do so. Sho there fore turue I ber horse's bead ouce more towards boiun. Scattoly had she p.iasnd the outskirts f the town when she was overtaken by the stranger who had spoken with her in the last storo, an 1 who at fist thought he could change her bill He was mounted upon a fine look ing bay horse, and saluted her re spectfully as he came nlongsido. "Did you gut yot'.r Uill changed T" he asked. "No i small bills seemed scarce," she replied "Uo you live near here t" "About five miles off." "Quite a rilo " "Oh, we don't mind five triilos iu the" Country." "You ore on excellent rider l" "I have ridden since I was six years old," she sai 1 j "but my sis ter Ellen is a butter rider than I "Yon are generous to admit it," said the stranger. "Why. it's only the truth." she answered frankly. After they bad pissed ovor about two miles, they came to a very lone ly piece of road, quite removed from any dwelling bouses. Still as the stranger appeared so gent'emanly. and bad addressed her so politely, she bad not tho leiint suspicion of any Avil iittention on bis p u t. Presently he aaul su4 leuly, "I aill thank yort for that bill " "What f ' said she half smiliug. "Please give ma that bill." "What do you mean T ' said Miss Maud. , "Just what I say I" ba replied auddeuly. "I shall do no' tuoli thing I" abe answered firmly. "I am sorry to draw a pistol upon a lady," be ooutinned, suiting tbo action to the word, "but 1 must have that out hundred dollar bill at ouce." "Do yon mean to rob' ma I " "I must have the money." It was with difuoiilty aha could believe that tha man was in tamest, but when ha now oookad bit pistol and held it toward her with' one hand, while bar elteoded tha other for tha bill, aha' was forced to' yield try tha necessity of tu aiiwitfow dhe' Was a bravV bear'ail aVW even ivow aha did not tirrtf ttfttf AW trsmbla in' tha lafct f at sW stt' oonld not help bsrsslf atiV aVIs .1, VH V k vt K MIDDLEBURG, SNYDEll COUNTY, into the road and carried it gently several yards from thorn. The stranger alighted to get it and qnick as thought Maudo nit hor horse a smart blow in orJdr td get out of the robbor's power. The fiorrol mnre was a spiiited little creature and sprsng into a smart gallof) at ouce t while the stranger's horse which had been standing besidd ber, also start ed off at full speed in hor oompauy Hung I wont the robbir's pistol after thorn, having only tho off ct to iucroAso the spoed of tbo flying horses, both of whom wro uow on the doad run Mad le did not care how fast sho rodo, tho sorrel wis an as easy us a cradle at that speo I, and iu ten raiutites she d ishad into her father's yard followed by tho riderless bono. Hor story was Monn told, and Iter father aa with dilliculty prevented troiu starliug after tho robber with bis pistols and ri ro, bit bo know that the scoundrel would naturally take at once to tho woods where be could not follow or find him. 'Well, we've got his hdrso at ary ralo," Mid tilo faiiiinr, "and he's worth more than it hundred dollars." "Hallo, master 1" said tho man John who had been taking tho sad dle ba-t from tno strange ujrso. "What is it, JjIiu r" 'Thertij b igs are full of sotrihthing.' "1 should think flo," said the far mer ai lie enstrappod tha loalhor bags They were foun 1 to routaiti aoinu coniiterfjit plate.-, a (l iiutity of counterfeit money in various bills, and uIjo ovor liftueti htludrod dollars iu good mouoy I "Muzz 1 1 crmd the farmer. "What Is It. father I" Mid Man lo. "Why, your trip to Eattou Inu provud u proli table onu, at all ovouts. ilero'a ovor II f loon hundred dollars, good money 1" "Ah, but it will bo claimed by the owuer." "Do yon think a connttrf.iitor would dare come for tho tojlu that would oouvint him T to say nothing of highway robbery 1" "1 didn't thiuk of that." That evening r'armor Houdersou soiit John ovor to young Maxturs with a message to call around uud see him, to which Harry responded lunUutly Mr. Masters," said the furmer, as he catuo into thn large, olJ-fanhiou od Bitting rojiu, 'you romomber what you aoked cf uie this alter noon ' 'Yes, sir.' Well, I givo consont. Maudo has jiiwt furnisiied ber own marriage portion. Tuko her my boy, and be happy.' How it Happened. It Happ Miod right here ia San Antonio. One of llio parlies was u oitisampttvo Irmii Cououutiaut uud tho other u C imiuerotal traveler I'ruiu NcwJtr.scy. They were (topping ut the e.tuio hotel, In sdjoining roonii Tho druuiuiir wus of money, but baJ a splendid pistol. He said to liimnelf : I wi'u lor if ilial hunrys'ooking Texan next 'lour don't wuut t buy a pistol V Ho puiiini the wtspoo into In lreat piek'-t be walked luto Ins nel-.'tibir's loom. Tbit invalid lriu Connoeiicat bal been readiug about a tio'ed l'exiu desperado, lr whom there wss a In rye reward offoreJ, and hu fsnciej i ho do'suriptiou riituU bis uoknowu iieiulibiir. C'-'Uieqiietit(v, wliorj the New Jor iey dru'iiner einoi'o I ths room, shut the door snd pat Ins hand In bis lires-t piekot. the Northern invalid tifiu t shiver snd thiuk of hid pVf life. "What lo you--waut V uaked thi iuvjIhI. Th drumnior draw n lure Ivory liuiiilled revolver (answering the tie cription nf l lie ono IliO l9pei aJa s u-ieil on sti aiiijHii") and esid : 'I want Jo lor ibis pi-tol " The iroinlilinif hand of the iu vh li t cm M hardly tin J its wy into lu pocket. "It i s good pixtnl It never mi--es fire,' said the druiumur, bi'iUgD4 it la a h.lfcmk. "J J ver yor money p saxped I lie invalid. The di-u'in'iur took thsmooy, laid tha pittul on the table snd west out A soou us tha do r w sbm ths invalid Irom O mnwetiout breathed a nujo sigh uf relief and suit lo htm elf: 'I'uj vl'td tho Texas ds-p'.'rado took oiy tU'iuey. Wbu i comiry thix is, when you ure roldwd in broad leyliuht Iu a hoM. I'H leave to morrow lor Ih North." A soon at the' drummer got rut his rouui ha remit kd i ' I ra in luck, I'm glal that old Texas ruulan look my pistuL I w m der who' he Uoiug to try li en. I'm solug to ge out of here ia lbs worn lug now ibai I've got mouei to pay my hotel bill,' And next morning to'-b west off os tha ssnis irn. Ia about two weeks we will scan the Northern pa per fur a story about bow a nird 'iYxa; desperado tubbed aa isvsllJ is fcfan Aotunio hotl '& Atvi We knew thai vv tma to be lo nMaed) would ooma. Counterfeit rV mi tMaoea bav at last lovJd hlvrmbj that bJ -4boattba Tho Forgod Cheek. aOHBTBlMO THAT BVIlt MOSEI OP WoM AM B LUVB OOULO OT BUY. Cleora Dubamel was a belle, ari heiress, aud mothorloas Hut' fatti er, a wealthy luuruuaut eurossud in bustuuss, imagiued that tujuuy Would do auytmug, and so loft bi ouly daughter to luiofs aud gover ueases, masters aud mistresses. When Cleora uutoied society, at tho ao of uiuutueii thus bur fathet willeol sue beusmu uuo ot t u u quoous ui the cii via iu which suo ujoved, aud rau suou it couiso uf co ipiutry, uxtravaguuuj, aud pioasaro, us ouiy u gul viim lior Uuaaty, lo.u poiuiuoul, aud Unuiug up was capa ble of. Her father's attoutioti tvas first at tracted by bur e.i'augauco. Alls Oluoias mouiuly ailottauuj, thoogu loo ridiculously largo to be toiJ Uoio, was uoi, nearly cumuli tjr hor. Evury iuouiu bais ae.e sunt iu foi nor latbur to soiliu, uu.l iu spiio oi ruin jusii auoo, uud even souioiuiug storuur, aud lUougo tuo oiio Cioa liito luat luis spjauJ iiuuojj sioj I in uwu uf was bur lather, .ll-l thoao bills giew. Uuu mouth Mr. luhu:uol thro it uued to wiludraw his exuava0'aui, daughter from ejciuiy cuciroiy. mo niixl, uo duCiarod, lo luo iujaltt '1 oiuu mauuoi', tiiat luo uot iimo she ovuirau liur uliotvuuce, bo woaid uiunulf UJiiiy tuo varioaa ia.ihioua ole traduspooiilu witu wuom Hue was ' most iu nauiiuf makiog bills, luai luuy must uot tiuat liur. Liooia Oenuved him tuts timo. o iuoio bills were prusuu tod hot' faiuor lor payment. Ouo uay Iran a I'.ouvc.s, a young cluik iu toe euipioy of .Mr. Duuauinl, astoudod that goutlsuiuu by usiiiug , , . ... tit j .1 ui rit ui pmrnissioi. to .u.w.j ---o- tor. in iwt leeiiiveii u iui v abi npt uu.l peremptory o, foi' bis HiiRAur i and the merchaut, uot iloubttu that Cleora herself wat : uusweraolo for tho presumption of which tiiis young gotith mm h id been j'tiiltv, reached bouit in a very I irate frame of mind, aud sauna jmug j his daughter, reproved her shai ply. Cleura laughed at lirst, ponied ul- 1 terwards, nnd ended by crjiug. I Less tltau it week front that time j Cieora received mjOlhorltcture.eoacii - od in i?'ttcli briefer lungnage, but, (tiomiuut beyond auvtlnng that vountr lady bad ever lintotiod to bj fore, iud'iug from tho iujpressiou it irjado. "You ought to be proud of your woik. Mis,'' declared Mr. Dubamol angrily. -"Frank HuoTes has got htm self iuto real trouble thia i time, uud there s uo doubt iu my mm 1 that ho would never have done so crazy a' thing if his head hadn't buou turned about you." "VVbat has poor Frank done now?' asked Cleora, iucredulo.ialy, but looking a littly nneasy. "Ho has been foiyiug tho namo of Dubamul &. Co." Midi Cleora sbaitod, and tarne.l rod hu 1 bite all iu a breath. "Papa, bow do you know f ' "He dou't dauy it t bad tho of froutery to preseut it at the bauk himself, even. ' riileut some moments. Miss Cleo ra grew paler, and twisted hor blauk curls with nervous white fiugors. "Papa, what will you dj with him t sho asked presently. "I t 1 do uotniug. The law bo baa outraged will give him a period in prison, probably. Serve him right too.' 'Do you koow whore ho is now T' she asked trembhugly i but the merchant, absorbed iu bis owu re flection did uot notice that. "lit Newgate, ot course.' "Oh, papa-' Cleoia Dubamel roso to ber foot, white aud palpitatiug. Mr. Dubaiuel lifted his keen black eyes to her face scrutiuiziugly, "It wuuui oe easy to tongue mai you liaa some porsouai iniereit iu this youog scamp, ho said coldly. Cleora clasped ber bauds and looked at him with trembliug lips. "Vellt exclaimed tbo merouaut angiily, rising also. "I'apa, what made yon let him go to Newgate f "Really I Why abonld I n o't, pray f Come, come, Miss It is a good thing for yon, I see that he is disposed of.' "fapa, t rauu Hoeves never iorg ed auybody'e name iu bw life i aud Cleora burst iuto tears lor lue soo- uud time that eveuiug. "He dou t deuy it himself, re peated Mr. Uuhamel, with added iu- diguatiou aud amazement at bie haughty uatiguter a espousal ot tue youog man's cause Aa Cleoia a ado ber esoape from the room, be began to paoo up and dowu, muttriag, Mhos se f-wtlled enough to do auytbiug. "I'm glad he e , where be is, tuougtt t always liked the young follow. It t odd too that be wouldn't defend himself. Neither deufod or owned it borne mystery there, bat ita uot my bust nee to solve it- Frank Reeve wo tiled for forge ry i pleaded 'not guilty,1 but refus ed to give any aeooaut of the forged check be bad earteluty presented at th bauk aud received th mousy en. 11 waa ut to prison for five ytura Durrtg the trial, a Womaji plainly attired and oloaelt veiled, waa ob- aarved to be) nnrestittiuj i bar at PA., FEBRUARY the prisoner, it was noticed, sonmed to watch for tha entrance of this person, and to ba nnensy nntil she came, whun liis handsome face would flush Blightly. Ills dark eye brighten ' with pljinore, and he would lesumn his usual air of min gled pride and determination. Wbon Frank Itcovea' bright young hodd vaniiiho 1 behind tho igno uiti ons prinoti walls, he curried next his heart a littlo scouted note without address or signature, but written in an exceedingly d-lto-ito ru'uiiuuu hand, and having in onu cormr a most dainty silver and blue tit mo gram, "O. "H." It said : 'Ycii ates horo, I urn a cowardly creatine, tin aorthv of y u H ittliodiv vo l aro a freo man. if you ! not dupis time, I ill bo y our wif. Every hour of yoiir heroic imprisonmimt I shall tliink of you. I lovu you nlrea ly. and hIi til love Jni uioro cud m ra till wo meet.'' Three years fr'n that timo Mr Diili uuel died stiddstily i and bis daughter. bI.i'I singb and still beau tiful, cam.) into t!ie possostion of a I irjo fill tuno. In llio course of the fourth year, sho obtained by privite and pors.tnit appitl to tho lloirto Secretary, Frank H mvos' pardon. Tuo two m it at last in Mis-t lil huuiors own m tniti vint drawiii' room. Tho beauty and heiress hi 1 attirovl herself for Iho occasion with an nrtisim etao iravinuss huo h i i r bestowed on any party or ro- A 1H L'lIC tf LJlJ)IhS (. LO. A.S' which I selected with on t-'ilet. H ;r lovoliuosi was CttlV (tt to price (UUi IHUtt If. .11 if 1)1-1 C.'jmU JCj(irt n 1 description i her eyes wore IILCIlt Cltl'rttCCS all th.i Stllftle goods iifich 0,Y uovor tti- bovon 11 iihcd ith tear.-. Frank H-eves camo calinv into ; tho room, and stnppod a fow paces lolf. without olTering lo spproaeli nearer. Uo was veiypaie. aui ins closely cut hair altered him very umcU The ye ns, tl:u cmCuement :' -- '.:: aud tho coiup iinoiH'iip of oroo.ling Liioti'riiiH. ii in uravou i i'i i in- hj stonier linos than bad tnarko 1 that hands nuo coutitoinnco in tho llasli of egar, rotnatitio youth, Somo uuexpocted expression in that faco soetuod to atriko l-loora. "Frank," she exclaim" 1 i and in her haughty vmoa was a how and piteous accotit, "you h ivo never I ir- given mo l iauk 1 I bavo Biittjied, too," Ho did not say ratro, but his cyo ltshod, nnd he uttered the word "offered" nft'ir her contotrptouily. "I am a pirlonod convict," he 'sai 1 proudly. 'In thn tomble p i t,,Jti to which your cowardice con uomiiud n:e, uty young an I oaer manhood, nil tlioso gon. ro is mid e:f-s.icri!ioiiig impuhts which made mo your tool, even tho heart which ! loved y oil, have boon ono l:y ono jcrn-hed out of tuo. I for tvo you it first. Afterwards I grow bitter mouth by month, d iv by day. It was so littla you nuedu 1 to do to have saved mo all that long hor , ror, ray good uamo, if you u i.i s'.ooa by your wrong doiti1'. "Oh, Frank, I will atotio ! I am rich. Wo can go nnywhero where you are uot known.' Cleora exclaim ed, swooping to war 1. him an 1 ex tending hor white haudi entreatio- lie lifted his sombro eyes oocc to hor peerless faco. "Miss Dahamjl.' be said, there are some tilings that even iu-ney cannot buy that even the love of a beanUf il woman caunot at-mo f.r. that is what I came to tell you, and Good bye." Without as much as touching hor baud, ho w ts gone Iu another country, Frank R.oves redeemed himself from tho stain of that i;ij tstico uQl'd i! iiio hi 'it, and became au honest member of s icioty through his pitieut endeavor. Miss Dahamol never married. Mirk Twam acknowledges that bei e. i it. ..i..... I M.. .'..! I a toot. if ainitj v.tii. o head was level. The four daughters of a man nam ed I'iuts ate kuown as half a gallon of lasses. Iloll-Oij ience is what the Worces ter I'hM thinks the latest pulpit sormous amoaut to. Geutlemen's vests aro made this season with bandies on -to pull them down, you kuow. All earthly joys must fade, cud eveu little Tom Thumb, they say, is growing bald-beaded. Oue of the surest ways for a man to be robbed of his good name is to paint it ou his umbrella. At what rate of speed does a mau with the toothache go to the dou tiat At a tootb-hui ty gait. "Itooma to let to a few gentlemen with pas," is the way a householder worded bis advertisemeut. "Don't you be stiff and stuck up, after I ve made a man of you" was the outtiug remark of the sculptor to the marble. Now that tf.x'cber baa done away with the big blaze, the future for many does not look near so bri gbt as ft did. A young lady in Wisconsin refus ed an offer oi marriage, on the ground that ber father waa not able to support a larger family. Many mothera rais their daegb tors on the priuoiple of teaching them first to play the piano.' second to drams, third to tiinoe. aadaew 28. 1878. NO. 40 K A W & FALL aT 1'1113 Hew York Fancy Slortl, (In Holmes' new Imiliding, opposite tbo Keytsono Hotel.) MAitiiirr st NiiiiisHtjuiovii:; pA A IVI(3i:it MTocicjior DRY GOODS, NOTIONS & FANCY GOODS NOW 'ril,VN J3V1311. ' '" 'w ..." -would most rt'sporll ullv niuioiiiicb to tlu pulllc tlMtt. I lmv.uKt oiitiucil t Itcliii urot. IIJUl IMOM . 01UI ItMMOl tllK'Ilt t I1"" 5wVi!iS' OTIONM AM) l.'AISCJV Il-19 vr tioiiL;lit to thin couut.v LAIKJi: VAHIHTY OF FELT SKIRTS, HOISERY, GLOVES, SHAWLS A lUII LlXli OF Tf Il2 IIUST Germantown Woo 1, Zephyr, Ladies and Child ren's Underwear Ca3hmere3, Alpacas, Deaines, Calicoes, Huslin:, Flannels, Waterproofing, Shirting, etc. Iu ishort m.vitoolt in lull mid cotnplt'ln iiicv i'-t liiiiHT iippoi'tiiiiiiiiir tt nxy line. ivryW is iii rite. I to v; unit x th ,, to alt ,ch ma favor ,e ' - . t 10, '71 NEW ARBWARg" STORE, Middleburg, Penn'a, The nn ternlitn' t w.iuH Inform the -lttzti of MIJ.:i.hnrK au I urr mn lln .llitrl-i thtt he t,i '..uel a ll.r loitre Store al the iot mcnii.ine I it'.e n l tne da will kee a lull Hue ul all km li of 11 ir l'.ro. tcolutlit.K Heavy St Midi llarUtvurr, TRIMMINGS, SADDLERY, 8hce r!ndiui. Leather. . J. .vpfcial In luci-hiecln in TJ BUILDI'G HARDWARE LOCK.-I, II INTrKS. SCRKWS., 4c A l.ire ,nrinieii of C ii i!eel ihoe. et A ."i n.iei. Il-M'. liur li-n Tro!. ephylbe Grain H ikes. II iy Hope. Pulieia, Jte., IKO.N, OF ALL KIM'S eonetanity on hand. All ul OreaMy He lure I Price.. A'l who ire in Reed of any kind cf llrjar will di e.i by calliiij at ibie pine. M A LAN TItOS MO ATZ. Mi l lleburg, Snyder Co., Pa, May 25, 187n. PENNSYLVANIA R. R. Train, ! L.-'lilowo Janetlna a. follow, MAIN LINE-WL:irWABD. Pltt'horirh F.rpr.,, I'.ptn. Kipr.m Wae Fa.eugr I .11 i't Line EASTWARD. Pht'a l.tnhla Fljr... r. elite Kfpre. -tobn.tu.D Lxvrvit Mat .tiUolie Eipnte I "0 m. a Vi a. u. 10 41 a. m. IMp. R. 4 w p. m. l.'Sta m. 1.) ' . ra. II '4 . a. i'1 n n, 4 p. ai The Kat Lin. Wt P.n-r aal tha P-iolf. ft I ir, .n I l i. pciirc n l atlau'.le y l'JB,BlT'ut,00, ' ooooty ni.ns e. run .tan,. WH.TWAMO. a. m. 10 il le m 11 "l II 14 11 11 o n .0 Ornllla AolerMin'a l.onKl.llo rv.f..wn M.n.vuuS V li ejar.l N. lUmlltoa i'. m. "T 4 10 4 19 4 3: IT 4 II Hi a. m. l'i k 10 .vj 11 45 le i l'i HI) 10 Id . toe SOI 4 4 47 Ta PaelSa Kinr.i. et e.a b flK. at' "ON er'owi t 4 4.1 a. m. aad U au.a la t- prate al .J p. in. til M For All, DNICIsO, BEROSTKKSFR 4rirtt m iumiii ! !l niariiwi. Tbt !.' tlit ilia. 'ltili.. ofth Virm ot Br4timr Ulricb on tl Ut ot April, fi bu oPst,Kl 1-) ! nw HiiM tu ir iu Sliu Onf,o Wtur Nirl,itv pint, gpyottiU J. St. UuaiuK'sA)rt Leather Store and Fin ishing Shop, - ,,. - . ,, . .11 Uu.l. of K'til.b. a iKk, ennaiaima of Har- now. itl. rtivr, K'p ana I'.lf sum., M irrc. I eu.. I.lniag., Tpl-iHira4lJ., of .llAarfaltitiila,' J pric.a. Tlie attention ol Sh.wiuak.ra. r.rm. r. anl all albar la lu'iud, befon purvbaaiu ,T"lr.;';V.e..r..?r....e.lT..r.aevlli.' hiia toiut.a ib.o.u.uiiMof Stock. UiUvataka Ui aaclMUi; lor Laalher. fun t.T,.i.,o.... Pa IjJNION PLANING MILL 8Et.INSaKOVK.SNY DEB CO., " Kccly ifc Wagner Lumber Dealers er. tear Bern. Wlattsars. Bhstttrs Mladets Koxtrs. I teas, &sb. Malr lixlrnt-s, Hand ktalllat-s, rock ets, tfeatdlaxs,' fleerta. lOlCLL SlWINUtl'A BIS KT Tt'S It bias tee, lAtb, tUo.,40. . , ,. .' . .a,,',- , j Orders 01ioltd S4 IUd tsita MJink asasd daapattk. ns sail aad - is a sMfe Jms esrskiavaf etsu T11BPOHT. ru1Uaht(t yrj llmradnr Bvnin; JBBSMtAn CBOUsa, Ttop't- Term e,i RsSaonritinn. TVTO DOLf.A R-i FKR AXHVH. f: uio ritinn fix mom hi, or .u-n..t TiJ .itMn tri yrr. Wo ppr d continu)il unt.i nil iirriffa r l;tii unlea t th option of W 1'nlinr. buU(;tlptioti OtiUlJ of tb OOWfc P.if AHI.K IM ADT ANi'I. Wrewong liflina And mine pp atij iro liftKia fortli pric ofth papor inline my yoo-U. Vourteoua utttn- ,eith a calf. - - - - - - Jie.ycjif'ultu, HEAD! READ! li E A D ! ! ! llanU Il.ickciilmrf7 Iieacer Springs, 1'tnna. Dealer iii Hardware, Tinware, Stoves &c; Who SPOUTINO do'ie at short rot'u-e, on reiMonable term Hivl satisfactory nianner. U&" I mil fi-.lly prepared to fur nih all kinds i-f ll.iidivare, Tinware, Stovrs. .ti-. at llie verv lowest rate. fA:! in f-o! -f Tinware or Siiotit wvi or anvtliiin; e'.'C in iry line 'f bu siness, will not regret t' ry cxnttiening my yo. nU .iiul ten in before purchasing e'eewiicre. DAMEL HACKEN2UR8: Am- lo. To- N E W rr o ok At A. K. GIFT'S NEW CASH EOOS AND STATIONART STCES; on tU-9 North si lo of Market Street e few doors west from the Court Hoese. THE subscriber would ioform bie frit-tut. an th. riti'.u In at.d4l.aar 1 II-. .iirrnno-lltitf rouo'rT IKI b. ia. n.1 rrlara- r4 r-om v J h.. uj u.b4 a .a-Ir- new. Ure . 1 "M r-'t0 .tw f Mi-'lliir-oii4 Hooka, School I looki, llluuU ltoolcsj. , Wallets, Pocket Books, , Bible3 & Religous Booki; ALKUMS and picturm, ( .III kind ot Pi'per, Ink and t snety f.o..e. AU .nlit OH T. A P far n. Call an ... far i .tock (bar. l" ao cuac.'. for .liawiu j.s. K. GU T. . Xiiai.barf. fa. Sept. SI. 'Tl. jEVl KELLEtt, Manufacturer tf and dealer is FUIlNITIJRt!,' Would 'rspeifu'.lv inforsi th ilUa i Jelinseo and vielnily. lbt b siaafj lure t or Ue and keep eonaiastly on baa . rtlAIRS tir ALL HMftW, A!? Furniture of.ery Jiescnptioa , ' at lb verv .lon; pn- rfiiuuy inrite so eiaminatios f , i. , , . , t aEDSTKADS. BCBCAVS.T ABLBa,90fA tWW " i"".'. f'i ti gsjcTA lomlatioa 1 etteaaea ia m, carried ( Ik to all d siy im rvs-s " "ifi tllitK' Sslissgrov. April i9.;otf Harble mm tKWISBTjRO.' PA,' ITALIAN1 iltO AMERICA MARBLE ; noninxEirrs , f ombsttine. Statnaa, CrW. Vases' , LAMBS, for Children's ffrsves, PtMls, titilsU, Tvhlit'fa,. JHntbU e'sif r...f-'. a t OIW. unw .aw. 111 Lbs . W te Metkee riatSatoaM . IUIaail iu'.! tsrl a) M Or aiuaaa la.rble wtrnt.U md au.all it d.v als4 P"HJr;'?'rtVir?llh',r 1 A SlJJil N if1 r ' l k l-tt