The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, February 21, 1878, Image 1
X'ctvertlMtrtur notes. Ont column two t ...... inrt.oo lo.OO 75 rn-hiiir, column, nnn year, One-fourth column, ono your, One square (10 linos) 1 insertion Every additional lnertion. frofesslonal and Hininem car l of tint more than 0 lino, per year. Auditor, Executor, Administrator and AiRnPc Notices, i . 1 M,,tl,,a Tnv linn 6n 5.00 2.-"0 IS jylll'.rm. , . " All advertisements ior a sooner pe riod than one yes r nro puynlito ot thf time they are ordered, nnd II nof paid tlift pcron ordering them will held rwpomiblo for tho inotiev. Naughty, 6 t Mica. Bki itooJ bpti!nl my liili htjkeJ ob ilr, tier eur! against my raoi), Anil turning rounl ft ra in fair, M rT ilioujiin 10 Imci, Bh P'H a dimpled ImnJ in min, To hl'l ii In trio, A1, nliirting J ui a lint, il I '1 rsally tbiuk jo r uic.' (nob ward Heart of la wodl I tjiull, And mli nsy In Mls t la f.ict. I tliliik I mil si much, Anil bitiicl nl a ki-a. The win.otn tun I htgsn In ut, To wrm a triflo m l, 'Tliat' ry naughty. lr " h ilJ, "And now 1 think you're tud ."' I loM htr whlls I eWped her wWt, Whr long, dirk lre. curie I. I w otil-l nut tin her .i di.tpl iced, N.. o it for all i no wnrl.l t An.l kirn wltnniit her -iwei'l coimfot, I nrer. nrtn-r would "I'll "H y'i. aUma jroil miy." until, "And now I think yoa'r g.iod.' Bh ulAod hM my litIt.h irkid oliilr, llrr curl tiRnn.t my tic, Anl turning run til to m-i fair, Sly ry Ihniiithi lnincf. I tonk lir (Innplvil hind In miti. Like cunning lint mlc, Ao I kimo l lnr whn the tnii l"ti old, 'll'i nmulilv, Iiul Ii' iii.iv." M e 1 u o t T nl o . The Spy. ST B I.S'IK aUXFEHT. It tvn nearlr n liunl: I fears ag , on a bitter D rMiSr m in the dark year of 17ni. tli it t.i re-j poisons were earnestly i-nil in conver sation, in a Hu ill ro u of a ho ne on second Rtfce1:, .nivmite (Jurist Church, in the city of i'.id i I d;ihi i Tlio di u!v tl iriog Ii lit nf a wax can dle reveal'. I t'io ii''ip usl'iiy ait by tlio table .in id I iui'1, lei ili fnl yoinx w ii ri a t I a y uli uttir cd in thu C.t'itiii'tiiUl ituif inn Tiitt topic np'iri wiii.;!i t'tuy c iiiVirnl ai'cmu 1 t'J ajiutit tlto ij rnitly I'u,. old mm vn iiMjudi illy 'ifi v n. un I wiiilo lu wn Ki n'in ; tit im mi I dduly ci ii i it ti'vil JiVi nf si.ti-l. niiiH'. til i vii 1 1 , .in I tititt'L Ini cr.n'i of :l it tn. i i'.t... , t if. cin-tc l hi n t t st. I .vi:n i i i'c . Ul l 111 III) I I MH I t H lill'.l I I ,f s) .,.!). S'li"n it'rtu no.l, lm biiltiviu i IoiihI v ! U.l lil ID HCif ll t) 114 .'ill ! TIliMf hm evil ti uim ! iiitiini;lit tll IMltl'j of dfil ii-t -. t ill l.'i 'dy ! M.I.V t!m r , , Q I I d if. ll I in .' Viiion,' Mii I I'm y i t i f a , I'ur, v vi'iui'.iy. O on, d in,'tit r i' o inti'i'.i 1 fi oil i.) I'l, :i ! l.n .ii ) ; t -n ill. 'I'd. IJ4 W'ltt,l , :).'lll! .lit) sn I to flue 1" ' I will t '.1 th it ill,' it ii v ii' j It!)) yoniiif wiiiii'tli, wilii leifi ii litjr eyes. I'iiia win, Il.!'rt U-ilel.'clc. li-ifh boon my cro-a f n' vena ! llnln t(iit i;i l in with Iih uttonli mm rliim'd my Im.irt mil Ii in 1. ill tlionli I Mji ii iiul i i 1 I nuivil lii. ii, nti 1 lo;;;M.l mv hIdj)-! i)vuiyv.inr-4. ILlvu I nit tol 1 hi ia tli it 1 w is t.iy buliMthi'.l f l iving li-ir ii 1 1 a iMy on His ')1 liur'a. Tun wiTo nf t.ii i.i, I!m binvo J m.ipii Stiiiifirl ! Il.ikniws not tumor. 1) it t i-l iy, Ijdiy Im t-'lli'th tun, il'iK-m Im.i im t hi-i vifd. Ii'i will hrin dia ;r u! un I rui;i up m lua ii n I HHII4 Hn taunt- 1 ma sii I to un',' luvnre of itii, if thou r hh etli inn !' llrt.ivon pity tux I VVimi can I iIj ta .ivurt In p'tiMuit. Iiis ciliiiiiny T To-hy lio tutu ovon pokun to niu tliu evil' 'Sjy uo m ire 1' ej 10 ll lie I th ) a 1 dier, Riin lm hia eh iir Ii i?V up m tlio polinhod floor, nnd sniitiu liis oi'd hilt oith thop ilm ofliii Inn ). 1'nacu, Alico, poiwii. in Q l"g umii! I h ive hnii'd enough 1 I kn iv till 1 Tbia in U L-iH inu 1 Tnin in in. this raouatur of a Itiilxti t Eiteluoli ah ill nut escapa mu 1 Ho bh ill not live ! No, by lii-avfu 1' What ia tliia V broka in tho ol 1 ronn with un expi'ttiwinn of an jur '.Mil word and m ilice 1 M.m a. i H'. win 1 Is tliia thy t ilk V I'rithoo, lut tno Irivo uo moruof it! J.euvo the wiuko.1 to (1)1 'ou getinoo is luinn, auitli thu Lord I' This ruhnlcM bi'ouht a apull of t, Iciil'h npon tint ptuco for a .noniont. n an iintint aftttrw rd there win a pro it Luni k at thu d tor. 'It's thj wind.' criod the old tn m ith ti luce of teir ir. The knocking continued Ludor and londor. Alice and the yonn eoldier ruiw ninji with ono impnUe to opn tlio door, tlee eutoied two i'r'ppiu firuri'a 'A bud night I' anil one of the won, a he entered the room. 'Yen, verily, friend I' aus vered the old man, pouring at the naw-c iiiihi'm; thun ponliu-jiiijf, 'Art not thou, C.ip tiiu Tamper V 'That i my name, and I preaent you to Corporal lit-at, at your eor vioe.' 'And your name is Abraham Ship pen, if I luuUke not 1' anil the offi cer. 'True, true,' said the old man i nnd Captain Tamper, and Oorp irnl Beet are welcome to shelter, Ood knows. Draw nour the fire, friend.' . 'I'm sorry to-say, it's a bad niglrt, and bad buaineaa briugs us I' said the ofUoe. 'There wasai large meet log to- day at the ladian Queen Ho to), on- ITottrtb streeti respeotingr im mediate action against spies, Tories sud friend of the kin?. Pevorat wuro imnlioated'. Ainouqr others, tha CumiaitOs of Safuty -ijivs u the VOL. 15. 'Ah 1' broke in the yonn anldier. 'And one foattph 1" A scream froisi Alice. A ail l inn outbnrat. from the ot'.iors 'Joseph Stamford t' Tlin y:Miticf s il lier roae np, and:'' iiowin to the oilier, siil exniie lly: 'At your BurviJe, Cupt iin Tiimpnr i Joieph Stiunford ia proaimt I He s il itos Lia S'.ipi'iior nfiLvr !' You arn aiiHpictd of being a frien I to O uirL"1 ' hn Tuird 1' Tlmt for Ceird the Third 1' aniippin hia ilnira. il.ircj.i VHaiiintin for ni" 1' 'You tire Sfcnaod of Hiuin '!jo 1 anvil tho Kin j ' in this h juso 1' What f ibis isafrunn!' bmUi in A'ico 'We are true p.tlriots all, Hj.ivuii lu our witnewa !' l.oi this look like loving the Kin f mi I fie yo:tn a il lit-r, to'ichin hia mililiiry ooiit and aord 'Ah, lm 1 It'a a ,'oo 1 j ike, CipUiu 1 A iron I ioko V r i iiiuiU I ext-I uinud tlio oi l tn iu; .. m it,. , in a til in UI ltnei liu l I iticr, i Mo ill Mi-, nil enemy oioiii l- nil ocun w u in in nn niiey vjiy. shi I Mil j. yet I am faithful t. Oil' reiiitnio 1. and thu Aiuoricm Union, an I I -t nil 'llrre's your mm omtiiiH"! Jo. one int ilt tlin ll i of our rihU in ;aop!i. lire ithliMily. '.V apy.' a vill iin my hotian I will lljlit f my kocpin up co u.u itiic.iti ni wftli tho heii'lh. in v fi'iiitiv, un 1 in ,' (I id ! inieiiiv 1 J irryin on illin.t trib! Wo aro friouda uf liberty bore, not! iipiua !' . j Ono can't lull friend from foe, j Iheao timja, m ister,' aai I l),.8t. tt'e but do our d.ity,' nai l Cip - t.iin Tamper. 'We hive or I r 1 1 h ild our mini until the Lounml of S if.-tv d.'!i leu 1' IJi it 1 iia 11 frien 1 of itid 'poo duiiee. I o to j nu A'.noiiitou to iu rrow,' a.ii l .Joseph. 'S 0 milit tlio j ill mt Robert I's teleok nllDe,' uutvelol t.10 L'ap tain. 'Oipfuin !' cried Josnpli, 'kno.v you thn m ill K.-itelnck V 'N'ot I. co'iiia In.' riitm,' retui ni) I Joseph, 'li-t rao t.'ll you what ho is like. II j is likj any other H'ie ikiii.r, aimli 1, amo itii fine I, Ii tin liltekeyul villain yo.l evei'Hi.vt weal's li i - own re 1 liair iie I up with a bl.iu' lihhou and powd -red. Onlv lie limps a little. Vlnll-t, wound they ety ! Oh I know l! ni !' "Where is ho ?' as';ed the Ctp toil). n.vrywhere." auswurol Joseph, "and iu all d.suis a 'our, dpt. no. on 11) v pu'olu of h in ir us a m 4, pitiiiiisu to upnea'. to.iii'irrow I11 f ire tint C lUiieil nu 1 taito tin oatii sf iiliei aiiee if ne 1 be. L.' ive iu. i!o ie f !' iliia ui.iil.' 'So In it !' h 11 I the C ipt ihi ; 'h it vinii.t till Jilel-nli. I'iia t .v,i is i'l 'oiis.) 1 u,'.ii'nt traitor in I s,i m ml tiioy wiil iu 'ii yo if lion ) it vo 1 h u h ir hi 11. 0 1:1 vou point him 'mt r (J o l ir,' said Vlica, 'llio nun you Ntn'k hith ofton visitiid litis ii inn, hut -till ili hi ni m im. t hough I hate him, I will 11 it mIoii der hi. 11, ho is a true pitriot mid no HI)V." ';rit. tut!' blurt ol Joseph, "a patriot foi'sont.h a Tory sci nil ! u ivne ; 1 lo ! Ai l thou m 1 1. Aliee ?'' We have no tima to 1 10a.) f and theoill 'i-r In'iis i'i'ilv "Li lv, faro- W..I1 I S il li.ii1 re 11 1 uh n' to 11 my 1 v I Ooolniht, master!' Sj siviiiMT. ('.ipfaiu I'liupti' tin I thu t7n')irit left the room ubi'iiplly, f illo ve I by I os'p'i, who oojiiil 1 1 j att'jjt diii' for I hem. "H i. h 1 !' ccel.ii'iiii 1 thu Captain. as lie looked iieross tlio street. 'Di I you mike that ?'' A m ill! j I u ;uru Biuic into tin shadow of th') ro it church oppo site. 'We must ke o) our eyes opuu. 8 ). so 1' cried Joseph. There is soioo uii-iuhlef afoot to lliht 1 (J.ip. tain stay in thu 11m ib irhoo I f ir God's sake 1 I'hut lojks suspicious. Ooo l iiiht to ye ' n I Joseph slam njd tho dj r und rati saivoriu into the room, 'Haste thuof while I hi 1 j myself behind thje fol lin0'-d ur of the room.' Aliue opennd the door to a tall in iu wrappe 1 in a wet cioait una wearing lou boraeiua i's bjota witli a faint my shu ree inizo I him, and strove to ke ip him o it. H i pushed her aside gently and outur ol tin p ul. w. Vh.'.ihun iuippoii glaivd.ut the intrnd-'r a momeut and thou 01 tod I3 vil ou evil 1 llatll '.ho wiuked uiijht brought thue to punish list Aauy, wretoli, or us old as I am I will myself dru thue forth I Away, Robert Katoluck j 1 will not harbor thee. ltobjrt Ksteleck smiled. Us was ilwuys smiling, always smooth-voio ed. lie throw off his rloak and said Peace, iuod sir 1 Listen to ma, I am j o ir friend, and yon will find it out. Do you know the tl inor you are in f Tho liritiah are e'en now at the threshold of the city. They will slay all I He, it tii and dotth await ns I Hut 1 see a way to oa. oapo, I oome to' ronoue yoj and your Uanguiur Stop ' intorrup e l Alice, with a defiant tfuaturo. U brt listoleok, thou has so ljjht lu dis ionos me do n it insult me further ! I foriv 1 thee all I Vet I be of thsj I ntve us iuataotly. Tby life is iu dauber I Already have the offieera been here iu searoh of tbee I stay Dot a mo ment. Forget thy wicked designs and save thyself. Be quick I Th town is alarmed against tbee r Hubert Eetelacli smiled at lief: but Lis smile wua the smile of auer M1DDLEBUUG, SNYDER COUNTY, 'Oh 1 my beauty t I care not for mysh'f nor eiro I for y inrd -voted father there, I want you t I will h:ivo you I Come 1' He w'izod b'r linnl Khewitli. Irew with a scronu, and the old father cl aapin hia hail Id cried out, 'Ooil duliviu' tla from thia ai'.nii'n 1' At tint instuut tho folding d ioi flew (pon. There alool ..iaph Stiirtford. Tiie v.llinu d;d not f oi'ot hia miiiio 1 Ho drew a pi.-ilnl from lin inner waiilrto it nnd iiioind it nl. th-i Holdiei" l''ofliiu itoly tin) llint loik uii.aed fno. I.i in inat rit in ir( tli.) old in. in wi'uuoliod tuu wi.'iijioii from tho raa!'il's ifi'.-np. "I aireat yo i nan trait ir an 1 apy.' rrie 1 Joaepli. ilr.ivii hii aword and unhiii' on I'j.tulock (live mi) your sword ' The cowar 1 vi.dd id thu weapw without a word Ilia f.u'o boi'iuio livid 'Ali !o, lot in tho olll vira t' crio.l ' i h -p i t un.i s lortiy .ut-mv ir i u ip- ii.:.. .. I . t. . II I. ... .i nun ivi i i-n - i o n wnu 1 Miirdi-rin' thiovin ( I i a u i a i n liimatilf ! l iik-i hi n oil. I hivo u',1 thu proof Tomorrow tli i o itu-il ah. ill lm ir m.t. Strip n!V Iti-t u ii.'oi ni, he iliarnciia tho holy r.inau of Liii ily! Awiv with hi u !" An 1 thi-v t mk hi u ,vc!l ti ir I ) 1, to th old Wiln i Hl.m:t pn i i. 'I di I n it t-ll to , 1 iv", fii f.jir of irkill thee,' H li 1 J.nep'i, press, in the Inutif ll Aiien ti iiis bosom mil kisiiii In')' f tie fn'e!.ii. lint this linn ynslei liv, ! twi.-j ut 1110 oil liH ftre.-t." li I ho hi, tlioe ? s'lii aske I -.v it!t A f.I'M ol fur. I N'i).l),.,.vnl Think Oil. les capo I his allot ! I Ii iv,) known him Ion ns a apy. 'In will m .'t hia do serts now, lie I1.1t.l1 Inou d'-a nini reit evil horn. I h ive .ill tu.) p n j pors nil th ) nvid uico neee.-is iry to j si-ti.l hi ti swiftly to tho gViluiV. ' I'l 1 ere are more like hint here il) tut s. 1 r... - . , . ... . i,t l.,sf itobea .V.U..I... t:.,l t..H- lo1"! , ,. 1, . ,. tti,.. n.evi. aivj ,n o.vo U1I1IT I II HI fll S. Ill ' 1 1 III II I u I .lillT.l. i" or t;iy h.iko 1 I irivj nun. I vt t sii 1 t'io pitriot t hot he iii'iitunit his J 1 : 1 1 i i ' 1 : 1 1 . n t Tim li'ii is ui'ohu'l an I nee 1 liar I iinmuvs ' N)t. mviv diys ail r t'.i'nevMif, a lioiho -il! nu: I fai'ii'nly ir 'p: i 'o street, follo ved i)y a ero.v, I sii.mi in. 'A prisoner escaped! A 1'orv p:n 111. 'i' ! I'e itu to too Hpy. ii n 1 f. iitu 1 of tin prisoner h i I .act 1 illy pi'oe I rod liim a ll ii'se to ai ( lr ate his t se ipe. A lier iu tin mob h ipneuin to Urn iC the horse ami, to o .11 1 1 1 a sp''in ; nu I thro.v the ri 1 ir over liis hi'.i 1 They ran to pi ik up too in in. rt was 11 ibert list. ) leek. Tho b illet h 1 1 tl it lo ie'tel hi ii I'll.) fill had broken his in.v!;, .. t. i ... i .,, , ,. , .liM.'pi 1:111. II . I I' IIII I lll'v, l. u 11 ; tlio ei npiig l with the title of 0 ip tiiu well ou'ii' l, an I with 'isib.'o cut iu tin h'iouI lor. but he live I to ! u.iii i.ii.iii.i uti.l it'll. in unto ii, itin e oiiii'rv, b it i l his own h u , w ioro with his own Inlno I Alio, t'io In,) pv ii l mii, un I turee m irry e'lil Ira i, life was to hi.n a i noo) i of Inooi ties h i 1 blissf il r j at. Ciinraotor Am in the happiest an I proudest possession of mull is his charaeter It ie his wealth it is a rank of it. self. It usually procures him the linn us, an 1 rarely thu j til isios of fame. L k i in st treasures that are attained l ies by cireu.mtanou t'.nu by (inrselves, cb iraeter is a m ire felieitous reput it.i in than gloi'y I'hu wise man. therefore, does not lespise the opinion of thu.woill he uatimitus it at its f ill vol io- he loes not wantonly jeopir.lizo liis treasure uf a goo I iia no. Uu d ios not rush, from vanity atone, aainst thereo.'ivel ajiitim outs of otliira ; be doea not Iiuzird bis costly jewel with unworthy ooiubitiuts, and for a petty stiko. He rospiet the li- lolition of decorum. What is the essence an 1 the lifa of ouara iter f Principle, integrity, indupsud mo ; or, us one of the great old writers hath it i ' L'hat inbred loyalty unto virtue, wlnoh can serve without a livery.' These are qualities that h id not up in any m in a breath I hey must be firmed withourt ilven they mint in ike onraelves indissol uble nnd iudi truotibe as the so il I I conscious or those possession, we trmt trunrjui 1 to time an d ocenion to render teem kn wn. wo miy rest assured that our o i iractor s toiler or later will eitabli-h ' itself. We oaQHot more defeat our own object thin by a rest Ion an I fevere I anx iety as to what the world will sty of ns. There is a moral honesty iu a dui regird for character whiuh will shape itself to the humors of a crowd. And this, if U most, is no less wise For the crowd never 1 ng esteems those who flitter it at their own expuuse lie who has the sup. oloniiHS of the demio'ie will live to eomplaiu' of the tlekleuess of the raoiK WWs' grosrliug at bur husband lavtt summer,. & woman in Chicago .....i Mi.taix-ll. lii iliiih, I imitniiuini r n i. i vm uii mnwi'ii- Iy killetB- tUafiieVslibut J uasto tbi. w - " r"-"" " .zsnirmmzFuaA. Dou ti for Old Maids. D tn't iet s nii'ol with the wliolo world bec.mao some of tho brothers didn't take you in out of thb col l 1 m lyhu it wua your fault. Don't think when yon lookback thro' the vnta of yoira and aie yourself, in iiniu'inition, lennin o ver the jfardon gilo with Hint f.-l-low 0.1 t'io nth'ir ni 1 j. tli it yo i ma In 11 nariow iscape. II iui"n'ht have only been fooliu with y m. . Dm't think if you hid it till to do overn'iin you would In l tr.ny itlv and bulti-r. Tim pio'.n'iilili.H mu ymi would do ah nit na mueli of 11 1 m yu i worn thun. I Don't try t 1 m i';, th 1 whole woil I b 'liove th it yo 1 are in 1 ri 'nt eu n iHt a 1 1 w o il I 1 t inu iy tiio b.'nl 111 1 1 on top of llin roiind if you cjuld, for you know you would. 1'jn'tn'iy fliit. nil woni.n iiroNim pleloin who iu irry, for t ii not uo.iip'ini oit n v to yo i.1 tu )tl) -r . I'ou t to tn;t ''10 In mi when voit jj.f iX I Ien iii e'iina in.ikui ' it lively for your ueihli )rin aistira that tlmy uio't y.iU'-a. Yi l d 1 i't kiio.v how tinti!i fun it ia to b.i wil- loping them with 11 alipper or doling , the.r. with piniii'- D ni t. swear off I'roiil linnl m awi-"1"' nty an I t ike nil your Kti.-k in p 00- j "'d i""4 H "' ""'e. N 1 r ul and pi r dies or p jt c its. They lire just ,m , mauoul r.ior.u ul i h uut'ler n i,. c..u mean as men wh-ni you refuse tij'",Bl '" bj t ll oinl wiilnut ill -gratify lh"ir eapi ie.'S." trmisior nou ii.i.v,t uf the hpirit ! Don't think the world don't put a I In is u wmli-t uin tli..t proper cstiui'ite upon ea'i'iot ' reei irel io oiu nj Lu' ,1 mm --Mutoi'is iii'ot' msM'i'ly poiu coiiull '-s tiion.iuds h 1 lui-e ot'i 11 tin to you as e:;ni)plos fur tin ir ! r I u, in-ghci it tveiy .,u. iiml fri'iky il in ;!i!ers. 'ulmijn "Nut by iu'kIi', nor I y 1 Don't think you ouht to mnilu 111 J less Inc.! I I i t vo l ll IV.'ti't' nu ono iu ) irti.- i! u' to Huiiio for umlo j f n Hpit,, if f ir uiihii el to, just 1 to make ineu h irry t int they loi'i, m U!h a liuneh of nuiiui'.j.l ai'.inhiuu I go uue.i'it iii'i-d. I Di'i't think yon ou.;lit to lie stiid mil Hiinliie. lii. us 11 luisti.ce. Y ul Into n. 1 few of toe resiioiiHiliili. ties of life th it ymi on.;'ot to bo 111 111 orry as a bir I i l t 11 li u 1. D in t t.iilnk I. '.) 111 1I1 a ii.istik.! wilt II x'lo i' nielo l.' I not I 1 live un 111.1 111 11 i ui 11 1 : run j nt:m n'l ill lt l;. sUo wjaU ,MV0 beeu vol V louolv. ..1 1 ... .1 1 r ; . .1. ... . .. . r... j, wla,0 ay. ,,,, lull hours ;j j I I' :( : t it ' ll iss:.) 111 ill 'up Ii VO'l tV 'lit ll'.l o 1,1 tlioti h'.art a base I) ill e'.ilb. D Ul't wo il' I in fieo !Ui I look :s if you d.jLe i yo.nelf on crij ao-p'l-s Jt is j nt ns cny ti look In ih a v. -el an I is i it. O io lit' it. u ui i in , 'ni. iu ill in i'l '"ll III' J I ll'l t.llieo lieViU' iirti'iowli' I 'mt itn.w; tin'n to nuy of the I r Ii of creation. 1 1 in as merry us n dttno morning, and ovi vbo l v l.k i-i ho;'. I Dni'treiiio liki a leolun a I gropo thro i t't l fo i i a inn 1 1. Tho one who is eo ill m 1 ti his or her' own society ulutie Inn generally Vl ry uuiiileresli'i , o mil) my D Hit thu'; th ore is so neUiin ' u, t n.M.. .1 r ...i : i. .... a ... ..i i ! I i ,i ,1't.iii , ui:u:i-i i m ii' 1 1 1. 1 1, i ii Willi) ibeunnu it ! losii't run nxi"tlv in- I e..r.lint.yo..r notion. Thero urn t'l'iinm Is of people who di no, mi l yot tluy fail t in iko think ! it iiov better. 1) in't get worrin I tvil'i tlio little fellows because they romp, und yell und raise tiie misuliiuf generally. I'h. it's ti w.iv t ioy hive of lj'.tin. folks know they are about. Don't e.iinol iiii at the orl 1 yon live in, but m ike the beat of it while you mo bore, trip through it lightly, merrily us vou cm, n i l ut the end yon will Un I that while you Lave hud ho no of its trials vou hive ulso escaped rainy, and onj lye luu aver, nge share of blessiu ;s. A FAirin'ur. I) m's U2'.vaiiu. .V ;niitluiian who lives in Vernon conn. ty tells a remark able hI iry of the sa gacity of a do which iiecoiupunioi! bun on his travels. While iu the Short creek limber, on his way to Topliu, the dog jumped mid cull lit the horse by the bi i lie rein. Air. Ewing drove Uie iiuim tl off. but it persisted in c itching li.e horse bv the reins, until tno geutloni an c m eluded it must bo mid Under the impulse uf the mom. mt he pulled bis revolver mid shot the miiuial, whieii then rati biek along the roalovir which ha h id come. Iu a few min utes Mr. E ting misaud his overcoa', which hud been tied to the sad. lie He turned bio to Und it. and nf tor ri ling about u mile, not only found his out, but his faithful dog. which was Inn on the irariuitiit dead. Jtjf'craim (Mo) Tritume. ACunious Will. A cuiiouswill, siya the RoHtoii Aihyertimr, bus just boon settled in Ilorliu. containing a moral worth a wider circulation than a miser's lust treatment often ob tains. The poor man died, whoa t the general surprise it was found ha left 111,011) marks The 3 t.OJO in a package, signed and sealed, una to be crivnn to Ilia native t iwn in Neva ns i 1000 each to three brothers, and 01)0 to a friend with, whom lie Intd qnrrrelleil. It wua stipulated that none of the four should folio v the body to tho grave, which B'lffgoa Hon the throe brothers gludlr one pto I. but tho quarreler walked along an 1 forfeited liis thou wi I marks, for the sake of paying a lust mitigating hon or. When tho package was opened for th town it diaeloued another I . , , . Al on a ia a ... ;' V1 tbf .30:? ,0 to ?7 of ,t.ho lf,n u-hn hmilil iliarairaril ilia itln. r.:. " m-w PA., FEBRUARY About Turning a New Leal. There art lew (ifi'iiii alio lie hut at luo v'iai if the "i'l f me boin- 'nii.fl ni iiit.i. 4ikr. iU'.ii lii e a r, ift o - -- - - tlntir liutu a, r i ol' ii in iluir li SJU'I ll'Mire 11 lillll'Jbt UlllM'Irul un.U' y th.'UUllllI pri'BUU. 2Stui iy ml ieu to mumi a ue IibU in ln.'ir I. ok ul Me, up'O hi tli in make a ll w ul rt-orm, l Uiu tt.iVMU ol U.u nr '. i'1 ii itvibtily (j i' Co. ii iii i-u..ii' lieil' Ue.iru 1 0' inij'iun u.u l itii'i li. iu in. Tut- li'a-iiii lor liC'l rtn ol no . 0' m nr) i mu.. ft. in ' li t n i) il r h I uiui in . ti .l i u. i. ii'i'f . I-1 1 n,..k Un V.'l . , ; l ll.ii . I i i ilv.'i I.. O Ci'Ul , A i. I'll I4'H t Ml, I, l"l ova r. a ul "lie ,tic 1..-.1.I1. u i.l ll 11. It la httnl, 'IB plVcil lin Ollu'i li iioim liil mi. itiliirl n hi He n' ur lu.uiiut'l 4 ImiMl 01 11 fi.i Ullil'ia uiM 1' In I K. j -1 V ' ui iii., una a I-ii 1,1 ..m-1 11 it. 1 1 ic- li'llu llnli v..i..lnil ; I. Ili linn t!l. it- I I u.u iv uui b tir ill-mil nil- 11 a I uili ij 1 ile, UU'I tiit',i hi 1'. mho ilid'eui. 3 luM in ii.'iiiiiaiiou, mill s on linii h.ick ii'iiiii into IU or 1 01 n. r i' .11. ((. I'll. 1 II ri Will iil.VUVH lm Il,, v' ' '"" '" ''elm m a'u 11 l 111 niu In the lu-r ol li i.l, in I in 11 ul '"pe.i lo me U;no lli.n .r r. iui i v my B,ur.i, n i', lull i v iu fci.or.i, hai.ii i'ie L ir i ' Jj U all, I IliTi lore who 'losl'n lo 'IU' II u leal ' wi ll 'h i Ne.v, k ili 1 ui I nl' (io I in hum I ' p nu' InreiHiiX h mid cniiianei', mi l p i--rvi'iv, no' tt'ilii.l'ui lnii lip-es Ir on 1 1 i'" to tune, until neiy 1 I nil I -'- viiiiiint i ci'ni ii.ti'.i .1111 rrue 11 "i, ! mi l ne In'ius til "i'iit'nl umsili 1 u 1 ii''" i' i pl.i'ilmli.-.l. uinl ilu ir I li .l - luo li.uiMli'iiue I in ii..hiemi ' ii'-H "'ul tin lunx..! the jinf i.f (Jlii'inl. l.u'.'iti'iUt tV.ViiVe, A Rui'.iAik ib.u ri'OSiiiil'l'.Uiit. In .M.iifll lt, While I lii) UMiUi'l Unite I ;.'.ii.s i ii'iuht 11 r . ii u m lilli in liu i:i: ,j- ft I'm I U '3 i.l, ti. (J.. lii.'uii'ii nit Aiihur 11- 1 I1 ii-li' r, In r e.o 'Utile u'lii'er, lo't the eu ei un a I it i ni . I. i n in ni a' L ii t o i.f .iii -t ie e. nu I t ii iuin ut l hi' i''.r.iti mi ul that ii iie. 'he rhip sol. til lm linnl in i' p ii t itiihoit In ii. A j (t. ,y i; y ; .,;;,.r Air J'ielrh I I' llllll' '1 I i p .I'll l 10 (J ilil III '- . . i, li .. ,i ... '! iv J. 11. J! C C-'i pi 1'neiil , a ll il lor .. 1 1 in . ,,i .. m'iii r ii nth. : ii e l to nun I ion i he h.i I :i res ii. IVl'lll t l 'Oil III I III! 1 . ..... i ,i.., ,,!... II ll 'Ul I ir I In lnO iT'll'i' (far i il us ol I iil-hin lO UJ-l In' S'oul I In- ni'.fSel. I In. In. I n.' i , ' "'iii.p.i'. if pos rnig i n his in. ii I. ;i'i I i o 41 -.- I'Vl'IV lU'llllS I I If i d nu he. I j III ll't'Nity D c ii ; .iii'iti ii'lil-el t ui -iter ii'in H l it.r r.'U."ii. U Ii ii lie l.i'iiiil ill it nil s i'li els h i l I d i It; I ho I. li ;1k'1ii.hi iii ili- ma .t - e l, ivii h i; . jiiii-iiii in n u hi let'iru F'l' I his In t is'0l tie ler mu'.) oi l In .1 hv i t i.i.iriinl. ut W.i'h- 11'i.toii Nity4Yarl. in An,i:t In l In ijelioie1 lie in id ' ii H iueiii'inl in ub-lHllee iis u''ove, UU'I ealleil t . in -111 '.I ire Ol.iz, Cioiiiiol ir" U';'" l iiyilll, ill I he II l-llll, un I i tin r I'lli- 'er. to pre'ii in it hilum lenvin tiie i-hlji lm hill t'lld it.e'll f Iho Ire ii. I iu I. n:t, Ii ui in- tin In! uf ri'ii'lii.l ; the cruise in the te-H'l. Tins is ii itiiitier ef ree r l, mi tile in I he Navy D p.n iiiii'-ii, uu I, ih.iii.'li -ij 'Ii u line Jl ill"iiuo la m'ii'1 a arh'ii mil" I he late o' I lie Heron it lit I'litno mil' ii V sii) r-'iii."i. people in think Ihsi .Mr lhe eh 'i'e n' m 'i'li i ei uus inl t pr n on io he i tree o hi bv i If wr- eli H Kotv II lak. N (J. W'jtUiii'j' ton Jl 'j)t'li 'itn. A Vtuv ar.tNoa Cvsis 1'iio ('iu- (iniiiiti Comnii rctttl of liiHt week re ports one of. the most reiiiuikiible iiifclani'i s tn rreord of pu'ental tlo vot 'on in Unit city mid of suceeNa in keeping seciot a family ulllictioii. 1 wt iity-n-vi n j t ni s ngo he kept n Iioiiho ou Wihteru row. About tlmt 1'iiin a niuiiler of lnuin'S in tl nt vieiiiily vine dei-ti'oted by Hie. inrliuliiig bis it sidniico. Ilia wife in a delicate condition, PilflV'led iniii h from fright, und subsequently gave lirlh lo a nionslrohily un off-t-i ring nil In mt tiny of tho bettoi sem-eaof nliting creiilurc, except tlmt of si'ht without toes or fiug ei s, tli'iil, spHeetiiesH, wiinoiu inn leiiat spark of intellect or Instinct I'welity-seven jeira have passed, and the family have kept thsersi turn iu the ho a 'hold, secreted iu u loom, mid only a few of tho neigh bors besides, lio ere on the most intimate relations, have known of it eliblenoo. It cats when fond is (ilaci'd to its mouth, mid is kept iu a cleanly posit iou by the mist con stant euro. A long beard lies grown on its face. It is about three feel iu length It crawls about s nun, but ui'ives with great tlilllcnlty That such a creutuio bus lived so long is siugnlur. That a family, iu- stead of placing it in some aluui, has endured' its presence in their midst, sud nurtured it in assiduous privacy through nil these years is a strange and nffjcting iucideut of pa tornal dorotioo-. ' - 21, 1878. NO. 39. ii . " i 1 i4 i (FALL PEP8 (Itl Holtnca' lo w, AIAIlvi:r NT., Ni:iJAS(iliOVU, 1V i.Aifc;i:it BEY mm, .NOM & FAH8Y 6D933 is- than i:vi:r I Otllll tito( rcMDcclliillviiiiiii.n...... . Mibli I Iiul f lt:i vcJitMf )mkm1 t lie 1sii-m M imI 11104 itip. iisNuiltnoiii ol !1V ;is. ?,:'rr.N4 and i-wrst-v (! , .'.r In'oulit loiliicoitnlv KAlKili VA11IHTY !' FELT GIIIHT3, II0I32HY, GLCVU.'S, CIIAWLG. A KI JIK lilMOI' mix-: ! J! 'ST Gcrmautovvn Wcol, Ccpliyr, Lr.dici and Child ren's UadorvTon,!'' Villi L'ir 1 fLADlEXCU). IKS .,', l itre i v In pru-v nu, t iichlii. . hi , , a. 1 in niees uu in xw;.e n !, ,v rr v Cashnicroo, AliJica-s, Doainc:, Cr.!icccc, i:u::i:i.r, Flanncb, ViitcrproDauj. CI: rt-113". etc. In rslioi-l in.v ii'!c is t'i'.vi uiiitj;' :i ppcri r .. r ...... . .. i.rrrihon y is n,r.r, r, ft, l , ml m ijfi 'i to ml v,., mill dri, r ,,.. O.-t. 1(1, 7; I, r sw v-vaTirric vr v. jl -ur r rv nv NEW S T 0 Ii I) 1'ti. iin lT-l rri- l mmiiH l-ir.irm I'i.i IO i I.l II'mii mi I -ut li.i t .ii ii -t t li n i'..'ii I t ilirl.iiiii Sti.rn ,it im. II '"'.II. .11. I pl ll'l 1 I (!) ,1 ,d ll ,ul, , .11 .vn I II. lino el uu bin. l i iii ll ir. .tr,i. IikIu !i ur l!e.lj & Mull (iinituint TillM.MINCS SAPiM.r.RY. .'iiiM I t 1 1 1 i l f.f iMii-r r-'X- In liii'. uu lit- in l.Ji im'i.'s MIMICS I ii.-.' t i' I. I... II .. iii inn tni,!'". M iv Sl'ltll'VS V !t.-'. " u- il ef i'n-l --ii..l li..v. . li irei-ii .'. ' ', '" i ln i:i,.... i .--i .. a L. . IKON, i IF 111, KlNUr! r.,iibl -in I toi li in I. Ml il lilvilU lie hi, i. I IVi l , 'ir iii ii I i.f iinv kill I i f II ir liii!. In well hy r.iilliii nl this ilui',., m i.n riinN- M'ltrz. A!i l lli liiirg. Siij-.ter Co , IV M-iv 'Jl. IK."'! p:j:!Sylvahia r. r. 1ruln It'iro l.e Klrtottn .Tuniiloa an fill i.f. M V 1 X I.l V li-W L.-j r W A It I) PUl.liiirtfti firvili l'Oft I'hcIII'' l:irii ''.'I.l. V iv I'tti-a.ixar In i! . "Hit lulu. V I Line 9 :j i, f.'ASTVAi:r. I'lil s iiti.iK l-'iptH's mi it I'lliti i:iri.- in mi u. '"In -I n n l.ipr Ti illi. tl ii 1 1 6 I" r ll nitio K. ,rs I H . Tti 1'nl f.i-i-' 'Vitl'iiiiiiiPHniMe I'i. 1 i-Niri-, w.'t. -in t t'Kl I'l.-i; I- mtri..!. -"ii-i run .In I v W iyiri ui in iva t l ien. In M. illl"WH : I'l l t lull. Miilt'n "u .tv WNTWAIIIl i ii'titti li ii. O'-invlllii A n.l.-r-'m'li l,"t'Ul-lilW H'V'"n M iimiiuiiW it vnr. N. Il iiiilltnn I' ll .VI I'l '7 II ' I II '4 II '.'I II 11 1 1 " 4 "7 4 HI 4 I'l 4 i 4 17 4 ll 4. '.II "i. i" f, 1" l. J I'l l i I" .11 l"tf. till I'l Ml 6 r ' If . 4 I lit 4 Si 4 T t l I'lifllln l:tirpn. w..l r,n llti."i' M- v'ui, n a ,:i . iu. uinl Ilia ,vl mOu ir. vu-l si -i .il (i. in. I nt r.x- Hi D AMKl.O. IIKIKIST . KSSl'R ili alrnlii ill. Illlllll. ,. lo ill illliTi'-t ll. Tlmt .l.'i i. .' nl Hi. Kitm "I II tj-i.' ... r a C'reOi "i iIih l-t nf irii, In. Ii. 1 in t.i. ii." li hi. 1. I I'll ill S. liu. inn , oil Wnt..r ilri'i-l, il'iitv I'liic, ll'l'l'iilll. J . K, HiMiliiliu'i i.1.iii, Leather Storo and Fin ishing Shop, vhrrt wilt Ha fointrt hII tlinui nxirtrM'tit u ll klliiltJiif Kllil"li''(l Muck, 11 1 irj nf (jtr vm, H .ft, l' r. Kill null .'si'f sMii, MnrK. 'it'ii, I t HI HU V-'l'liiii.' s'. tliUciviit fl'tn'lt ft f ml trtit, I in- tttifiiilnii ol K'HM-iti. i ri rtrin ri, ittil all uditTk U luviinl iMsfurr tur ltiiif (ls.'"it'ii'Hr. Tiilr,'.Vf T-ir") i iirn. Mra I Tii'-f q uliftr liim I.i Ui tlir r iiUhf. nf .S.H-k . Ili Ii m UlifS III it'UsillO fur I. -ItttT. , 4, llKHO-Tlii:wsKM, lilup T-ft Sluii4rv., S iv.l-rO i,, P4 yU) I'LANIXU Mll.l. 8KI.INS(lKHVr,SN YUKR till., PA Kcoly Wag 11 r Ijiimtici Dealers ash MAn rcTi'sia or Ouiirs, Hour Bum, "''"''v '' " u. . . .... ...... KUIuss, It.uiil l;.,llliitfs, ru. NetiitiiiiRs ion riii.'. urte'i.i.sA winii C4Uls . r 1 1'KNiKtt bulimies, lutin, vo.. ., , Drilrra bUilifJ anil lil!U nitb n nm; 1' tff u'iT stotjk bctets putubsaiuc !-. Jr HjABDwARp? mi 13 I'OHT. Pnlil!.-liil rvry Thumlty Evrninir JiiaEMIAtl CVLOV3K, Prop'r Terms of Rtibscription, TWO M I KU AlOtW. Pay. si-Jo vithinaix months, or .'.oOif not r"hl vt ithin thayenr. No paper ill, continued ur.tii all srrenraea are n id unions nt tho option of the puh O'lliscriptinnt rmtM of the tonDtf P.WAItr.K IN ADVANCE, l'ersona li;itg mid iminir 'mpern adilrpaied '. 0II1 -m liee"ititiiil.i riira mu lire liul.lo fortlin i.riee ol'tlie pnp-r aw.iwiwiii. Fancy Store, opposite llio Keytaolio llolrl.) H'rocii rjri' : el -eli l, iri' il v h! ,i - .tin : 1 1 I -irimii1 incv.' tuning ( m. 12 1 ! i.r,i,inn iileu ic,7, ,., 1 1 ''!:irs. vn rjrLT v UK AD! I MO A I) II M A I) ! ! ! i. li.tti't ,;.. .'' I'e.iler in T f' i' Ts-, -. .L-b 1 .1 ' . A - ) r"''i '1 .-rr- " L VI, 'I'nrriv: i .I'M li .ri ki II irlti'i', '.'. I V I.l Vl'-I il ri"'t.l.e ' ' '. 'l.'..-i . .ri 1 1 in-o- ... ! .'f pi :ii;ie lo. N E W m t o o jl A. K. (III'T- NEW C.: E03K 5TATI3SA3I SHX .'on the Noi 111 M'lo of Market Street ii few doors west from thoCourt 11m s, I. 'IV IE s i. 1 r, ,...,.' stlb'-',i iber e mild ii.foriw t., ,1 I'm i IIHi. ua Hi M.l,ll..liuri. i. i. ,,..-., ...utii.y ,. null, tl .1 !ir Iri. Inat r. ' . r.l Ir. ..ii I'.ill ..I. il.l.' I 4 .1 I. l- 11 1', l.l"llll .. " -v. li"i-mil w i ,,.;i-. I.-.I ii.i Ii of i .M issiM-1 luni-ot t-s 1 txyxi - i s'oIiddI J 5 ii.1i: -a. 2 tin nlc I Inolifs 7n-Uei3, Pohat Bool;: il .U I'.I'M s AND ciilTrriN. . in-t,i nl I'n'i i , lm'; (.(.' 'e 1. Ml ...7. . . vi -ii 1 i'lli: I' r..i t' tNi), ..ill " i s i.h' 1 ii -i 1.1... ' ... i'i f.-r .1"". uui i.'n.lil. A. K (ill''!' M-i.i. 'Jl, "71 Mi.Ul .turii. r iii'.t.i.Kii M ii'iiiifiuifi ol niiii li-slfi-io V 1 ll N I T U It E. IVi'n'rl rf-po'crullv Inform lh cilir. nB 1 H!'ii.'r.t. un I fielnllv. t aibun'sc-j liir.- l nr lr ami kit.p pensinnilj 011 hli'i IMIMRS HV At. 1 1 K1VIIS, AS') T'lirnttiire of every Jloscrtf Ciou a 1 tin. rv .i'''t iH-ine. II rpt'-i !'l I' Innlio. un ciiinilnsiiun nf viinsTKAos.Hunv.Ara.TAiii-s.MUf'.s MiF'NOfs, srtvtis. i'hwrs, kc frj'r-A iro;iil invi ali'iti i rmi'nJti tly iiiiirrin I fu'.k in call sinl r V J ii ' Of r iiroliastiid (lurit litre. t.KVl RII.LE'. Kdlins-rr . A o-rll l,sTtt-i t I.KvVlrtHUItG. FA. ITALIAN AND AMERICAN IVIARvU v H0!Tt7itIii:!rT3, T onibt..nea., Statues, Ui.;.-.' A'ukc T tmj tr. . C i IO....H'. I in.t m. Foil, Slut Miviffl. .tu. , ll ti.uM wbo .liiV Iii nu roll t "al'.w krivtlilnif is- iir'iv tinml l Imi i't', l..i I int.)') - k. .Imu'il m't.u', ,1.. i- Un) l.'' .. i"irf ii' ! br uVii ti-tk'J jliiJUi.iil.-.'Ji.i'u.'V. ; plMiOaV 1 '...... J. : : ' " , - "i t -i" kit"' 'tTfn'tt i'l i ' ":i '"' "