The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, February 14, 1878, Image 1

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    mTiitwi one yor, ... .M1)?
II : w-lf million, one TMti I , .B"
i . c t r rfiiiirii 11. tuts arrai .
Mimrn (10 lineal Insertion
Ctrr additional Insortion.
rrotVitsinnet nd Bmlneaa fArJ,nS ltnra. rtrr raw.
I mm mvin " -i ;
.-.j:..- F.rutori Administrator
ii -J.ortlaamcnta fo B inOTtpT ne
tod than no year ere payable nth
Smi they are criered, nil If not paid
efao person ordering them will le bold
Maponaible for the monet.
A Sudden Curt.
atelasehary lf i ; I.
" la ttokfiMt kr Mil,
lad la '"' and b'ke vol
To bf sad kmband ! J j
fir Dil I. wk eartktt forta
It tsrnd Is lifl Slav,
Oil wslisad P whit,
Net tkfeW TMlf awey
... .i
worn kind and lra,
Ot whom yea mt dpod. I
fib I trry Ars-aill Junes
hs It dsrt friead '
T finb. I nv wtl 1I
To pk of lhl hrr
Jer Artnlll Jean an' I
fliv llkd Ibt Millar r,'
Tke Je n' Ars'sllls Jos"
fU be In ri aa I il
I Nil yon. David Wilkin-,
l a sol e-fla' tt die.'
ffirdtrk r flik4. kr strijth rt
Ph left hrb.d of pin
X work bad irl ! swty
When eb w well in.
dole ot rr n. 1 o
ftm tbi BsteoiiAa Vikmii
The Road to Success
Wht ihll I d Irose my
ptlflitt quHStioi mko I by lotir
jomK raeo whia firat atarin ap
on Ibotr b'iiuei c in-sr. r.o n iy
rotptto ait'wr it br l,P ,"'rt'
that i m kriltiAat mmtter atrok-j li
tb tniUiuao th it i to opja th
pathway of meftcna befjra tliam.
brilliant ratntHratrokei, bjvrir,
alwaja carry with Min (frsit li-kn,
it rula, the adrunciiueiit rn-Hrt lv
preaoot effort ia tl)" ditfuat, aurtiht
sod mom eiH.T 01 atlti!imi)t. in
chooaioi; a profttavinii or a trails, it is
of iha ntuioHt lmiiortance to aolct
00a that ia coiiL'Muiel to tlia tiiata 1
aod having cboami una t atticlc t
it, for tuera ia a wonderful elmnnt
rv auaceas in the ataiuin tliaton-
blet toon to stick. How many of
oar aucfesHful att clung t
bpth.vny markal out, at tim
rbeu fiiuter bxitrta W'liilj b tf a
taodonel tlia an 1 ijujf'jt rt
tiija ia some lea iliffl.'ult, occipli ju
I ibi a g joil trail t ia timt a joil
rofu8aiu 1 aro quantioa tlmt iuv
La at all tuue aua-VMini by 'Yea.
for thOHs wit!) t'j ability ni nt-i
ir tbair purguit au.l wii p ty
tha perBerverauca wotcu ai')iiH ai
all ti'Daa 1joj:q la '
It ia folly to mpctto aUrt on.
tipou aur earner with in iMnvav
of prtfra4 a plainly tappii cut
a it lata down upon a 4ttrt. Tor
all tben ttiiii reiiUta tiiH.oaUdH;
and wuila a pnmtnt wuio'i pnnii4
11 things tuny prjve cntintlr unMiio
caanfal, one apparently ry uninvit
ing may lead to rupid prgta All
occupitions bave tui'ir p'iri;U of
activity ami of d illtifss ; tlia briak
fcuaioaaa of to-day may be tlia dull
oca of to-morrow." Tbe rapid riat
of othera io particular pirMuit ia
t:0 criterion, became bnainaaa ia
aomethiog like poetry, it ia not
mucb tbe aubjoct aa tlia manner in
wbicb it ia truate I tint dttHnninea
ita quality. Ba eapwii.illy careful
not to over-eatiinate your ability. It
ia very natural to fenl q-iite cinrino
ed of yotirobililiea.iiiul to bnni;rieT.
d that yonr ffirta are not mora ph
pacially recodiiixa I by emp'overa,
but rent aaauied tlmt in lh on.l em
ployers will roO'iijuiEH any oupibiiily
you may poaHi-aa nt ita propnr valno.
and are at all times eajnr to avail
tbemseWea of any oleiuotit yon mty
poesaaa tbataroaWantii(;i4ona to the
pursuit of tijer bmrnu If. 01
the other baud, y our ability U ruo
offniud, beir in min I tbtt o i aio
fairly eatabliabed up m tbe rlirht
path, an 1 becaieful not o nnccnub to
tbe induCitnnnts o!T-T'd (Ut)wlier.t
by a slight advance of reinnnm alien
Tbi ia indeed, tbe ro-k upon which
tbe bopaaof IboiiMiulaof yotinmen
Lave fonndmel Id a position
held by diut of appreciate J labor
' , ' ' . ,' '
J,bT "I ?fe:K,"tM!'
auaii aro uui tihiuio mh ,u aiiiiaco.
and which can acarcoly exist io a 11 1 v
position First of all ia the consid
eration that you are making prog
fees, so that, be tha ob-diclns whit
they may, you aia mirmonutiiig
them. 'I bis is a great point, bi-canae
in a new position yon do not know
od coo not foresoe what elemnuts
of opposition may exist of arise.
Next bear in miod that the length
of time you have been in ao employ
ment is a valuable element 1 yon
ars becoming identified with the
business i yoa are setting mora fi
miliar with it, aa vrull aa more c ipi
bis of transacting yonr part 1 and
above all yon ars making a reputa
tion in it. Yon are also forming
round yoa s number of busineas
acquaintances who ars ' to batHHifol
to yoa all for all tbe reat of their
lives, some of whom ars in the fu
ture to besoms employers othera
prominent employees, and ao on.
and all of whom will ba morally sttre
o form a tolerably aeon rite estimate
of yonr stability, aa yoor buaiuesa
rapacity. Hoar often do ws bear
tbe remark, "Oh, so-ant-so rose
beeanss be bad a frlendavho conld
"ir'a-i''. As a ruts, bow-
-, 1 ( :ion to artvagaa aa
: i 1 r cries from Mendahia,
m m ... , w , " 1 ww it.
1 r
v th al
.0 l.
r j t
il l 4
In baa-
rrwt ttaan.
I at tair own
VOL. 15.
omtnending othera ont of pure
friendship. . Indeed, anab a. oonraa
wnnld be anything but an act of
frfandebip. because, aa compared to
(ratting a good appointiaonk, koap
ioir it ia ten timoa mora ditfljnlt.
I'ba ro d to a access is not a royal
road, bnt it is a tolerably straight
and sura one. Anxiety and wateii
fuloese foraaoeesai avidity to acise
every promising opeoinr, rwadiiiua
Wrolinquie'i what ia already gained
for aooitfthiog apparently mora in
viting, ia mora a bywiiy than
tbe Mgbway. Tba energy expended
in tbia manner will prr a m a a hun
dralfold more intoroat if directed to
baco'iiing profiHent ia bis duly do
tie, in maatarin tha dilQdiiHiaa of.
bis calling, ia learning tha afiVnce
of his ocoapition, and atn lyinj ita
naoaaaitiaa.. Ha abonld ata ly not
only in, bat ont of, workin-r h jura,
who the pan, tha tool, or tba in
atrumeot ia laid down, and bia daily
duties are end'jd. Il ia tbia whidli
will enable f Jture (Uva' dutiea, to bo
parforotad moro eaailr an I more
efficiently. In f.trt every j t of
knowledge gaiued after the hours of!
daily labor ia cipitxt whioli will b'tirl
ample intarust 111 tha wv ofad-!
vanremuuti and ao euro ia this that
if snob studies are diligently and
intelligently purauud, the present
will be the all -aba rbbi topic and
the future may be lift out of min 1
with aluioat perfect aaurancn that
it will be well able to cara of itxelf.
There are aoiuntiuiea cironmstanr-Ma
wbiob may interrupt a auccsful
aud worthy ctrer, bnt in a toli a
caxeit ia only ntcenary to bt'gio
ovr agin, tin liarooi and and with
increased dutcrininat.ion to s:is.ieod
Oa of the greatcat ciues of fall
nre to prog re a in bUHiueaa i a dia
lika to atreniiona exertion, eapci tlly
when manual labor ia euUile 1. Too
many youn:; mju get the idua that
b'C'iuse tile jr ft e fnxrt t'loy oi;bt
t bo able to live by th.iir wita, an 1
tliwy nbift about from pillar to post
in any occupation that dona itnpoo
what is commonly tei'ine ! mauuil
labor. Thia indee-1 ia a sad mis
take 1 doaultory or ilitioraut ocmim
tiona are laborious to the body, aud
from their ricixaitudea ami uncer
tainty very exhane'iug t the mill I
ll mau cauuot, in tb" vary nat n e
of t lioga, Uarn or follow a tr t le.
but tb a 'i i are a ltpted to do a
,aill fio i tbe pursuit loaa onoro.H
and mora roio ineiative that t'fon
tertainiog so ua other putwuit bo
"ue uf a dilike to a mannal U'mi
If an operative be v)'iin ekillful
workman,, be ia a ennnta even
tbo'iijli be d oca not attain ri'lin :
and if ho permit thia Utt r f tct 1 1
.uka bin dianontente I, it ia u it an
evi If ue lb't Ilia cireer h is not b ian
euccetm, but rather tint lie pnr
uite a morbid feeliuj; on that ooint
to overshadow bis buco-hm aa a work
niu It seema to ba a hu nao pro
liviib 1 1 wibU that onus ocoupiti u
liad bi-en sometbiog tlxu, almost
tnythiog iulaed but that w'lio 1 it
ictU'tlly , and we often bear it mi I:
"If I hud my life to paaa over ae'u
I won! 1 be a so-and-so.'
We heard it remarkod a few d tya
A'i'i : 'If my f tther had educate 1 ma
until I Wis 18 yi'ara old I s'lould not
have required to toil at the bnoli
I'bo reply to thia was a w ill ch ivii
that we give it in full aa follows:
Tbia is a miataken i loa When a
young man, of IS or 2 ) years old
and with a go id education, seta out
to earn liia 011 living In ia to bo
pitied. Wtut is he fit for t lie
kno va notnin of any in in 'a biai
nana, ho haa no expetieoce of either
boHinaaa or tha world 1 he cm por
form work, but so can tho
oISju boy who w ini into the o!Q;e at
II yara ol I an I hid a yeir at nigot
soli 'd. Ho cm probtbly d) the
aaoio work aa the by, but bo cm
not work for the boy's piy ba
cannot afford to atart at tha begin
ning, but tries to jump int a mid'
die position whic'i ha ia not cap tbia
of holding. The boy ia his superior
' -.. .u.,-
thing of the routine an l. of tha p ir-
ticuilr requiremMit. of tnat partiou-
inasmuch aa ha haa learned soma-
reqoiiemMits or that par
Ur bnaincaa. II t isalai growing
up with the firm, and will in tiiua
understand the duties required in
ovary ein iloytir'e station, from tha
offlje boy up to winterer position
ho may oocupv. A J "d cooimon
school education, with the naiisbince
of a night school, a ill fit a b y for
any ordinary oconpation.'
A Rodbeb Foilbo. Charles II.
Smith, a telegraph operator, of
M huh tor, 111, was retnrniug on New
Year's'night from a party, w.lking
along tha ntilr al triuk. w'len sti I-
dunly, on the nil Idle of a treatls
bridge twenty-five feet high, be was
stopped by an armed tramp, who
forced bim to throw no bis bands.
and mrrender bis revolrer, $GJ in
cash, a valuable gold aatiib and
aome jewelry. . "Vell, oil boy,'
said the highwayman, in delight,
"you are poity woll heelnd," and be
ordered his victim to I over hie
uUtr, dresa-ooii and vest As
Mtnitb took off his vst ha
an oppoitnuitv, an 1 witb a deeper
ate paali buria l tha robber from tha
U-eeUe-wa. 4; nititho-ias) - wnty-
five Utt b;ji. ' I lorrying bank fa.
i;aiataooa, on bia raters ba found
i the blgbwiy" lyln asiaelesi, sa
rioaal if not faUllv wounds L on
the ios, with all bia nJauder, uJ tile
isih, Jtmima, and Vie WalvM.
Josb Htavsr loved Jemima Pine
apple Lovet bar, did I say 1 Love
was ao oama .for it Whenever ha
saw tier bis heart boooded up into
bis throat so violently that lis was
thrown to ths ground. Cold chills
w ml 1 ran all over him, M ha ex
pressed it, 'from ths solo of bis bead
to tba cro vn of hia foot' Jemima
was prettv, to Josh 1 hr hair 'red
as the reil eea.' large area which had
the faculty of liwkiiig ways oppiaite
each other at the same time, sod a
nose which loko I aa if it had bean
Ung heded by tha addition of eeve
lal others.
Now Joahnt bad never escorted
Jemim.. home, f ir alia lived near
two milua frooi Fletlntrg. Slia ca n )
to 'myelin' ' every Mibbxtth night,
an I would walk across the flel Is all
alone, not in the Ittaat afrii I of the
wild (mats w'lioh at that tima in
f.n'.ed the c mutrv. H it ona niht
our bar 1 reaolvod to hiar the dam
sel coinpin v, an I a-'O ir-liogly pre
pare 1 for hia n n't nrnal jouruf Hi
got his grau Uathnr'a oil b oraa pir
tol, and I iade.1 it to tha tha muzzle,
and t brunt a l rg lorh r knife in
hia bosom, wliic 1 IH nit di ll t bait
hi n much fori", wis the boeom of
Ui 0 .tt A Uutdra completed bia
Tile mooting close 1, and Josh,
with Jemim laming on bia arm
like a Urgegoorl hauginr from a
tall vine, at out for the Pia.applo
"Weare in tb3 wool now Jemi
ma.' eai I JoMb, aa be -natistol bis
pirtner over tha f in ' iof t'jo laat
8?H, "nnd noro.nue tha tug of wir.
Ill betaditna that tbeaa wo ill are
full of wolves.'
"I think fiey will not attack in t
but if they do. oh JoHiina, on thv
arm I will recline, aud breathe my
life out aweetly there.' And alio
gave a 11 cU a sweet aigh that Joah
dtarted, thinking it the half smoth
ers! growl of a bnar.
'Woata tho matter, Josh T
' tu, nothing,' and gaining new
0 iurag'1 at the sound of Jemiuia'a
voic t. he a 1 Max M her arm till ahe
nearly avraamed aloud.
?nMuly a striugocry eolioad
through the wood.
"vVulvea '' all lOtui Joa'i.
'HiarsI-' re-e-hoel hia partner.
"0 una, Je'iiimi, let us git' And
they got.
Through tho wool- they want,
lorn liter illy dragging Jemima alonr
The foe wis apiiroiohin 1 the ooup
lo e mid br bia footst ipa in the
l.:avea, for tliey ba 1 wan dared f.'om
tlia path. t
Joa'i. cm t go any f irt'iar 1 we
inuat 'treo it, sail Jeinuut; as ahe
ps'ia-i.l for breath.
iiygiso, wo mint. Mara ia a
tree wit'i ita lini'ie tugh baoging on
the Krounl. I'limb it, Jeiuimtl
llnre I go (Jo h ! if the auimils
olimb tha tree, what then t" And
with a boon 1 the ierriS il Joshn i
climbed np tbe treo, leaving Jemim i
1 1 f illow hi in or bo devoured by the
terrible puraaera a few feet io their
lint Jemima waa an old climber,
and waa soon beai la Joah, who waa
i)rehe 1 ia one of tha highest branch
ea af the tree
' Lia'eti, Jemimi 1 bear tba horri
ble thing gnawing at the tree It ia
wnlvea, sored aliootin . They will
gnaw thetren down in half an boar.'
I fear so, Joah.'
Hilt hold, Jemima I I've got a
pistol,' aaid our hero, thinking of hia
weap m f r tba first time that night.
Now nf keep atill while I ell Kit. .
Ha deliberately cocked the weap
on, p iiuteil It rlowu through tha
branches where the purauer waa
p iwing am mg tha le-tvea an 1 fired
it waa a destructive shot and Joah
went spinning through the tree like
greased lightning. He bad loaded
tia pUtl a tntvily thit it had
kicked bim from hia paroh into tha
iawa of ths animal blow. Hut for-
tunata;y na on 111a leoi, an 1
in aa inaiitu. wi, khh np tut
tree, liaMnsa. bia red locks caching
in tba limbs, which cruelly tore them
from hia head
"I waa a dime! f ot, Jemima, to
have loaded that pistol ao heavily,
and it kicked ma right into tha wol
ves months, but. that thank Moses,
I escaped. Just feel my head
Jemima placed her band npia
Josh's cranium, and withdraw it wot
with gore.
t hat ia my Wood, abed for yon,
Jemima, and I am willing to shed
more, dognned if I ain't'
"Can tho wolves climb t"
"Climb like rabbits, Jemima t and
every minute I am looking for them
to coins np here. I do bdinva m v
shot killed half a d icon of them
Listen at them gnawing. Il ws on
ly 0 nl I keep them (.'flawing at
something alaa besides the tree, till
daylight, we would he safe '
- MMav ba they ars liks bears, Joah
ur, they eat anything yon throw to
' Well, I'll try them 1 ao first, here
goes my boot," and taking off hU
lloe boots Josh gropad hia waj ont
on a' limb.
''Farewell, dear hoofs, bran new
ones, eost eight doll ire thia blessed
mornintr Farwll I sanrifl e yon
to Jemima," sod tbe splendid boots
were gona r.
: Fur awhile th ' animal ceased
gnawtag the tree aa i gnawai ths
boots, Joah enreiag inwardly the
whits. At last tbe guawing racuta
'Jilaat bim I be ain't eatisnod with
aibt dollara' worth of leather, so
I'll bars to give him eovsutaeu dol
lata worth of clotu," away weut bia
ooat 1 it was soon followed by his
vest sad stockings, eu I Jositaa de-
dared that bia "auaaeutionabla rai
ment" would follow ths rest, at
wbiuu declaration Jemima blushed
and aaid 1
d iloobne." " '
a "Bleated if I don't Jemima," ba
spoke detarmiuedly, atid wocld no
doubt make bis word good.
But the Veet satiaited tha animal
booeath tba tree, aud a few ho ire la
ter u ireing diwur.d l'ue lovers,
for tbey were euoU BowdSieudeJ
the Wee, wuea lo I to iuuir aauuisu
uieut tuey beheld Ja.niu'a s pit o.lf
chewiug mt Jauoa a uual. 1'ojjr re
alized ail in au tuitant It wa Lue
calf whiOU bad loiiowed lUeiu, and
not wolfua. The guewiug they Ueard
waa tue barmleaa animal cneing at
aouieuudorgrowtu wnicu grow piou
tifn ly around. Joab'e eye litis I
with lenra wheu be looko ai'ouud.
There lay tha boots, but I f jr
ever 1 here tue coat an 1 vest 0. tew
ed iuto pulp.
They aaid uotbiog, but procsadod
to the I'lne.ipple luooa.ou, wuuu
they told a doleful story about be
ing tree! by wolves 1 how JoaU:u
had saennoed uis clotLes to save
their lives 1 how Le slaughtered
near forty of the rvjuous auiaiila,
Ac, ko.
Old Pineapple said each bravury
and devoiion should not go uore
warded, and, placing Jemima's hand
in Joshua's, told bim to take her as
hia mate.
P. Tbey were mtrrieJ, and
now live iu a little but with one
room ami a garret, near Fleaburg,
uowa flouiisbiiig 'burg' on Turtle
N. B Jemima's pet cilf waa nev
or seen after tha night it troe I too
devoted co j pie. W'st rather guasa
it didn t.
"They All Di it."
There are few books that comprise
as lunch vicious teaohiu withiu a
apace of four or five huu Ire I pigoi
aa ia contained in thia little puraie,
"tbey all do it," wUich bis ben
placarded on tbe bill botrdv. au I
called into tbe oars of tha pitblio lor
aome time past, Tbia is tba one
aonte tea which takes the courage
comnletelv out of a voath. aeariu
lhr MiMiuau mm aith a. r I. Ii..t
iron, and permitting diapair to oir
ry taem off bodily iuto tue depths
of cniiie.
"'Jo, they all do it t wby ahoul 1
not yoa I That is tbe auggesli in
'That man there lies aud oho its, and
will commit any oriine whuii tho
law doea not make dangerous. So
it ia with all of them. Chore is m
una in your trying to be different
from other people.' Much ia the
way the tempUtiou eoinei to the
young man tbrowu on the worll
with little knowledga of ita wjye,
and perhaps ehieldad only by tue
loose training of au over fond moth
er. "People are grossly immortal it
is siil' Even toiopu'auoj elvo
eatea got drunk iu private church
daoeaua swindle Savings Banks t all
you sea of mortality ia but a aurface
ahow. Beneath, tli-re is conoeiled
wiokedneas. Vol will fio 1 you in out
follow the mnltitii Je t' and tue youth
with the pleas ore of tha world tbu
IihIJ np before his glowing imagin
ation, and full of bodily health, plmi
gea, forthwith into what bo belisvoa
to be 'the world.'
If tha devil had concentrated all
bia cunning during tba centuries
which have) elapsed aiooe bia ejec
tion from Para li 4a, bs could not
have produeed a morop ai
g'lmdiit with wbiflh to e mq iar the
aonl of man than this, "They all do
Bnt young man, listen That
seutooco is a lie t as bass and foul a
lis aa aver waa conceived in the
mind of man or devil They d-m't
'all d it,' Tiiore are th mtm la up
on thoneinda of good, pure men and
msa in thia world, bad as it is ty
aaem. who are lea ling npriglit livei
They believe in U til, nn I in tha
eom ninds of virtue, an 1 are g ting
along with tho happiest reaulta 1 1
themselves and their neighbora
Tbers are men who think that they
sro put into this world not to grati
ry their own one appetites, out, to
be true and noble and higbmin led
men. There are men who would
disdain to tell a lie There ars men
who would die I tin to ba aoeaeeory
loa woman's fill. There are men
who would die 1 tin to tnka an a I
vantage in trade, or to do any other
selfish or maun action Tuera are
men who try to bo just, always, and
kiodly both in word and faeliuga
tn all There are men who laid
hniuble, unpretentious lives, and
who without miking it known to tbs
world are d illy doing a vast a nount
of ao id among their fellowtnen.
And, is it atrange to sty t these
in in I ad vary hapov lives and as s
rula verr encoaful lives. While
the nnprincipled man mar enjoy
temporary succss, sooner or Liter
he wi'l suffer for his laok of honesty.
There are a thoneind wave in which
Virtus revenges bersolf npon him
Bnt ia one war or another be acta
Ida deeerte. 1 There - are . plenty of
erimloslseronnd is trns. Bat
they are to ba pitied, not imitated.
Navar believe that what aome d.t, all
do i make ia yonr own pereon a
standing example ci ton falsity of
?k7 3 j; .
What an 0M Ccsifiot Sain.
TVs made note reitly of the par
don grsnird to a elrid conviot
mrn-d Ford, who fn" twonty-even
yara pas b-s li locals I in tbe
Ki-tem Penltrmiry, with a son.
tanca ( death buokjio over bim. A
nnrr spondeiit ol ths Pbil-dlpbla
7,mtslntTvlfWad bim, ju-t befors
b s ili'Charg-, ami wbsa q ietionad
m r l-tion to what h tnnibt 01
the lata r-hellioii be Suid t "I li lo'i
ka iw der wao war jintd 1 le kfd
ml' ti mv t liov "O tao aeo i"H D -11
ed aee'd lota ot xojera a Maiidin'
oiisiJ, whn I tb u (tit they ski
jwine to hrak in le pri.'io ; Wui
wh n T lo i-.'d st them asiu I
d y wau't Pui'a lell'y ljeo . ks v
wiik tno-t bivs. D v aa Imoi Olii 1.
I a.Hes ot th'in muktV Is
at h lhif iiioio un a Ani
dee I Iwar I (he big 'in bung dose
at tha Njvy Yird, and I g"t down
in therell, 'ciU-e I didn't know bu
dre nionjht ha a ta'tlo a gwiia 101,
and a be1! nionght e one kiooiin4 In
to in v cell. N iw if lo oer aids
was sharp, why didn't iy hud I
Imuts and torn? up tbe I) la -vara aud
take PhiUdflly, and lh"n th- war
wa otirr J tint h"y dulu't. Yt, si'
da oolored pcoilo am free bit ibis
When Bka l by the reporter how
h would lixo to he trjnlrr.nt uvnr
the river lu the almknuai. whore be
W'luid have more iraelmn, lie re in 11 r
k"d. a the turi wi'lled up into his
eyes: 'Wool I 1 like ittOlilUoi
knows how I wonll bre-s de dsy
whan I ciiU'd o le green C-1 le, d
rilibnr sn I 1 tio ky nncii innah, nn I
Iri'l sa ttiouicli I was free, Ir', Iree I'
At this time lie h;i 1 no Ura that he
. . . .
hml been pariloiieJ, hmO as
ghmpa of parti il f ee tom opnrcf
up to him ho exi'l ii'in'd : 'Dea a
bird leel h ippv when it aine in I'n
rae J No I V 11, 11's de Biinie lip
piuesa Hal I have frit lor iwootj
tive loug yure. wi lout hope of de
tninre. Ii4nramih, whi'u I i
out in de pisou yard, de first tiom
ineo I huvo lii-eii a primner, I could
nut npii.k sa I felt the sunlight lull
mi uui widnot iruo ban ur rtuna wll
to atop lu be-rat. It the firm
bngiit day I had.'
Th.i story of this poir convict ia
-ai etmugli. and it may be that Gov.
Jobus'oo knaw sointohing ot tue
uteri's of the eias when he nii!ei'ted
o aiiru tho d"ib wirraot wtiluh
wo t) 1 have bung the darkly twenty.
BVe Vnara SiTO. TbO S WtrS OlteilU'
ting inrcuuia aiicea wlns'i tlia vary
nncticnl iu'-ore of that day cold noi
ifcink uf tkking into ('oii-ideraiinii,
fr ii'oy were Imtiaad wiih s'lim-tbiog
ot the Mo-ait) law, ebicb dfmniea
'an rye lor aa , and a tooth tor a
to-ih ' The old darkny haa now aa
opp Ttuniry of looking out over
Ull fiilda ids'. ' gri-eu with proJi
n grio j on th lid' aides that p""
naiil an array ot Ioi'ms' tr 'ea d-nodMil
of tb 'ir b-avi-a. and on a world ib'it la
to huu s nn ili4t ol' a dtvAoi, sll'r
his I iiij retireui 'ut. II" wid fi'id
lii.n-i lt a p-ilHot Birinjrr in a vnry
luu s oiia w o ld sn I miy le glad lo
ek tno a.ili'ii I- ol' hia pris m aain
An Akvard BriJa grosm.
Cbietr Tribune
Tha guests at a recent expected
marriage iu a certain church of tbe
Weat Hide were treite l to a aingu
lar and rather startling sonaatim at
tho very moment when tho connu
bial knot w ia to bs tied. Tho bride
and groom wars a young couple,
and ha I mida all tha neooaaary
preparationa for tba antioipited hap
py event that waa to nuke thorn as
one, aud it waa thought by tbe re
spective friend of tbia pair that ths
eonroo of true lovo had rnn quits
smoothly with them, and a geuuine
mutual etfjoti in exists I bttweou
tbem. Tiie invited company had
entered the house of worship, aud
tho attendants on tbs couple bad
tiken their places around the alter,
ami tbe minister remained iu wait
iug to pert irm tha ceremony, Tha
bride, attire I in an the gorgeous
finery custom ury on auoh occasions,
alighted from tho carriage, aud ths
groom oleppa l blithely and lightly
after her aud in doing a t toappoued
to aat bis foot npou her long trail.
As be did ao, tbe (air lady uttered s
low cry, and axolaiintd eoarply '-O
dear how awkard you are I1' The
yotiug mm a face colored as ha
atnmbled otf ths rich garment, and
hs give hia arm to tha la ly woile la
boring under a couiaeea mind. I ha
pair walked into the cturoh and
d own tbe ilo to the alter. AU eyes
re-tod upon their in ivementa, a i l a
imirmiir of voices aroaa as tbey came
in aud took their position bif ire the
miuiator. Tbe eerem my prooee la I,
tits iniuieter aeked ths bride if she
aoold aooopt tha groom for her
wed led h'leoau I, aud received the
aaual affirmative answer, aud waa
about .o interrogate the young man,
when tbe litter impuloively and un
expectedly oiid to tbe bride i "Ob,
Imu i bow awkward yoa ars I aud
q iiokly turning ou his heel, walked
out ot ths edifloe with ont another
word of explanation, leaving tbe as
tonished bride standing at ths attr
in mute bewilderment and the min
iater au I guests in blank auuseiueat
The young wan went bia way in a
eorrtage, and the diaappnntol bride
and ths maids who nought to com
fort her left tbe ohurob for their
bomee . The oco irranoe was
t lal one, and baa eras tad ao email
amount of gossip in tha vioinity
.fattvehorob la sttrmtsi. ,
14. 1878. NO. 38.
05' A WE)
New York
(la Holmes' nsw b.iliding,
pitblictlmt I linvejtiatt optMtctl tlio lnvo ,t
ciooii2' s ,ON1M AM) FANCY
liOOJ N, over brought t thia. rounty
. v pull i -irv r: or Tins hkst
Germantown Wool, Zephyr, Ladies and Child
ren's Underwear
A Full Line of LADIES CLOAKS which I elected ivilh
fl AHaTl M f I niil MS ......1.1.. tt t k ,
w.r v ,v .yM Ww ih mi , if. , uu jtrif iioou.1 1 levari
mail embraces all the staple etwds such as
Cashmeres, Alpacas, Deaines, Calicccs, Kuslins,
uianneia, Waterprocfinj, Shirting, etc.
n ishoi t myMforlc its full mul complete in ov
cr.ytliiiijj nppex-tniiiixiito i.- lino.
El'trubiulii is invited tn null Mitt IMl tl -Ma. MimAm f-...... ....
fon fftven to mil teAo may favor utt
it i ia
Middleburg. Pcnn'a.
TtianalarttaiIwnuM Inform ttirliiina at
l..lll.uri aoil urr iun lln iiutrlct that he
hee fiMD'
hi a liarilre Utore at tha eimre
trim that he
a at tha aim re
III keep a full
inentlnaeil l'Uoee-i l tnl ha
llemr ft Shell llnrslxvRre.
flhoa rinillnea. Leather.
BS .Vpeoial Indueasiaala ia V0
A Laria Aenrlmtnt afCaat Ileal Hliov.
el k Hpai,. Hue. Oardre Tool, eehjlkee
Qrala Kakts. Iltjr Rnpes. Pullejs, As.,
OP ALL KIN lS oonsianiTy ea kanil.
All at Uraily Kedueed Priree. AU ke
are ia seed of any kiod of Hardware will
do wall bjr eallins at thle place.
Mlddlaiisr, Ha; Jar Ca , Pa.
May 15, IKS.
Selinsgrovo. Pa ,
Offers hi profeseiansl eereiea t h
puhlls. All leeal business tutrcata'' I kit
ear will receive f raispl stleailoa. liHae
on door shore tk Maw Laiheraa Cbarek.
Joly. tk '72.
t'eatrvt llle, In tier Co., Pa
lifer kls r-ruftciiosal ssrvisss I lk
v atas TUB DEPOT,
Ill(ldlelittfir, Jla.
Tbi liauati Is ! prctleihvla Ik
depot aod ba lately hs rcHailt sad r
sii'l. Kauai eoiaoiiou ikt labia wall
upplid wlili the heal tk aarket efferde
a nl laria ramleral.
H rnUt keep e Brat si livery. wkr
bjreet. kiifsia k , sea k kai at all
list sd at raabl rale.
3?'ATJ,E1ffflTf'8&' SOH.'
ATTORNS' 8 At lAf.
Nolliiwriova I'm.
til profeeeiaaal beeiaaes aad eelleslieg
fstrueied I ikeirsars will b prally
aliened le. Ca b aulid ia CaglUa
or Urata. Ui, itmrU Bijaara.
Tralstlasv Leltlws 7stla a Mr
Ptiuharah !(prt
faeiao Kiree
wt Paeugr
Pa l Uss
Phi aaelphla RlpreM
faelSe Capreee
Jekaeleea as pre
AUaallS Ripe
t Hm.m.
xp. at.
Iftsa so.
l M a. m.
Il ute. at.
ttp. at
Tb Peat Use Wv Pwiiw sat tba Paelf
la apraM !, aal lb PaJlSs a I Alleahl
t:inr.Mi M raa 4aile.
W traiM leave euttoat Is alMIS aaea
as eelUae i
vnasiu, avwaea.
a. at. a. . a. a. a. at.
le tt lM la
ww at
list St
WW W9 r -
Isst I
. !1 !$ a ar
it a
ft a
T T?
N. BUaillM
ii. atara
II.Kaeilllsa US StS UIS im
Ths Pastes W" ess waa oaa be laa) e
MtVeeo-.-' w a. sw VS rat Ah., t ti -
THH rOwtT.
Plibltsbad every Thuredav Ewavlraf
aiMtAtl CKOU9M, Prop
Tenaa of Hatpioai,
b a aithln ait biontba. or ilflVMt
fteld wltLIn tba vaar. X
suatu au an sail
raid wm at tha acttoa
!....- 1 ..All 1 1
ubtcrlptlona of tba
'raons hftlnf aud naior papaaa
j !0.ot.h,r'beooMeeuCsoriUBi
and are liable for tba 1 rice of tba paper
Fancy Store,
oppositsths Keytsons n0tel)
witi a call.
Da n'l IlnckcnburpTa
Jieautr Springi, J'tnnn.
Dealer in
Stoves &c
Also POUTIXfl done at short nniice,
on reHNoiiiitils term and atwfuctury
irjtf I am fully prnred to fur
tiieh all kimla of Ifniduare, Tinware,
Moves, 4c. at the very lowest ralee.
MuAII iu iiei'd ut Tiownie ori'otit
ing or anvtliinjt .ae in my line of Im
sint'ts, will not. laurel it by t xauuMiing
my good and terms before purclniit'
An, if), 7o
A ri'TTTS 11 Ptv:r.VT nil. nunc,
VT 'llil X O ill'", builll.v fr-n- l
if.i fcv m-ii mr Si. sal' at eiaht. mt tin.
C rkUaSelB!.
Middlebut), I's.
Jflcr his profeHianal (r: to tb sit
ilea ei Mi.lJIjurg and iluienv.
Miircb 21, '67
Justice of the Peace,
Renorton, Snylr Co., 'a.
AH kiad af aollealioa taade nn liberal
teria. Praiapll; aiieadt to 'l bminer
Inlrueiad I kit earn. (Jso 'If
Meg of tUs Peace ani Coaft .
aiulth Ciaie. roy-i :
Cnllei-Hnar iS ell i"iiluM aertsloiae 'o
Ai of JjlMif ibr ve-i ulit be tuuiA ,
eUrl Ur.ll.'l
F. VAN BUoallKrl.
Selinariifr, Tenn'a.
u Berlin, Vnion CVsvtly,
Oaa ka onaie4 la Laailrh ar Oerwaa.
Hf M, l 1 14
A.ttornajr nt Ijnyf,
DISrHtcT ilJ.Jl
profeatioaal Kuataet eeireeted I kis tars
f?J ka peeaytlv mi.Lwi le. iVak
Le!kmrg, Celts Co., I's
tfr0as he seseultcj ia tb aglleb a
Oeriaaa leaf use. "
OPffCI Mai bat Street, ppll Walts
lib k 0' Sieve B y
IIAai30 MTITMER. Prop'p.
SelUtn'sror. Fa.
Thll ! t plHeaati la4 la tb "eeaart.t
eel e a
Salrmh: plana far ti.retw lanap.
,w.Tpiapwea.ilrerUj)alM. V
"VIJ' . ..
1 ., itsaraa
ike aaavaf fcaWraSri.
u -tit . V
1 IVftr""": - t