7 7-': Only Huik, Tom Darcey, yel a young nan. ISad ctowo to ft hard one. At heart h might lit? ben all right, if bit bead aod bia will had only baeu right i bnt tless being wrong tha w iota timtine was going ou tha bed tery fat, thong! there ware time whan tha heart foil something of ita ot I tni'.hfj! aiming. Tj n bid loat bia pUa aa f .ire-nan in tha great mvhina ah op, an 1 whit mon ay be now earned carna from odd job of tinkering which he wia able to d , bre nnd there, a', prints honaea i for Tom wm a genius as well m a tn'whanirt, and wharl hi heal waa steady cnongh he on! 1 mend a clonk, or clem a watch, m wall aa he cool I ejt dp and reqru late a atoam engine and thia lier be could d batter thin any other mm er empl jyed by Scot Falle Mannf-ieturin.; Coiapiuy. Due d.ty Tom had a I b to wen 1 ft broken m i wing machine) and rea per, for which he received fire d jl Iara and on the following moruing be atartod out f r hi old burnt the vilhe t.vvoin. lie knew tint ma jg am,y noo In I the tuanoy, and that hia two little children wore aaiivi wtaiaw um it iiibig l llil'llQll n 111 D in absolute aulToriug from want on clothing and tlmt morn ing be had a debite ith the better Jiaitt f liim- M)lt i bnt the butter pnrt bad be c.in.e very weak and slinky, and the demon ofappotito rartied the day. So away to tho tavern Tom' wout, where for two or thn-e hour, bo felt the Pihilirating r (Torts of 1 1)0 al coholic draught, and funded himaulf ''ITT. he could sinti nnd laugh i but, aa iiHtial, atupefactiou followed nnd the ntau died out. He drnuk whilo ho could atatid, and then lay down in a -cottier, where bia com pjuious left him. It was lute at night, almoat mid night, wlu-n the hadlord a wife came into the bar-room to aea what kvpt ber hnebaud up, and ahe quickly lie Tom, 'Peter,' said ahe, not in a plena ant mood, 'why don't you aond that miserable Tom Dorcoy borne t Ilea been hinging around bore long e Dough T' Tom'a atnpefuclion waa not aonnd ileop. The dead coma had left bia brain, and the calling of bia name atung bia aoneca to kern attention. Be bad an insane love for rum, bnt did not love the landlord. In other veara Petor Tinder and himself bad loved and wooed the aweet maiden Kllen Gos and be won ber, leaving retcr to take np with the vinegary apintcr who bad brought him the tavern, and he knew that lately tho tfiptLr bad gloated over the misery of the woman who bad once disonr.h'd him.' 'Why don't yon aend bim borne f demanded Mra. Tinder, with an im patient Ftamp of the foot. 'lluah, lieUy I Ile a got money Let bim be, nud be ll be sure to apetid it lfore be goea homo. I'll bare the kernel of the nut, and bia wifo inny have the bunk I' With a auuff and a annp Betay tnrncd away, and ehortly aftorward Tom Darcey lifted biuiaelf upon bia elbow. Ah, Tom, are you awake t' ica' 'Then rouse np aud have a warm glaaa.' Tom got upon bia feet and etead ibi bimaelf. 'No, rt-tor, I won't driuk any rarro to-uight.' 'It won't butt jou, Tota ju.t a gloea.' 1 know it won't V said Torn, but toning up bis coat by the only soli tary button l-ft l'koow it won't,' And with thin be went out iu the cliiil nir of iiiidnigl't. When he got awy from the bbttdow tit the tavern, be b topped and bx-ked up at the stare and t lieu be looked down up on the eaith. 'Aye' bo mntt-red, grinding bia Leel ju the gravel, -j-eler Tiuder ia lkio the It-nul. nnd K-arin poorujott luwvera io that aectiou of the Li.in the northltba hiihk a hUHk more limn mthloka ! and I aru hel piuS uiui iu Uj i. i bui t-ouoiiitf rav i eiiauyo aud Mercer counties iu ife of joy, rolling my children of j JbU(j by a heavy majority, although itonor aud comfort, roLbiujf uiyeelf 1 it in usually ltepublicau by about cf love aud life jut that I'eterjtwo thouaaud voU-a. Judie 'iruu. Jtnder may Lave tho kernel uud El )en the huak ! We'll see ! It was a revolution to the man The) tavemkecper'a brief ejHn.ch, meant not for hia t-ara, had come np on Lis aenbea aa fell tha voice of the Kisen Que xou Ssul of Turn us. 'We'll aeol ' he replied letting Lit i luctst sute e"uU'er, to foot firmly upon the cround t aud!iIeuiy Kawle, waa born then be wended hia way homeward. On tha followiug naming- he said to hia wife t Ellen, have you any coffoe in tie Louse t ' 'Yea, Tom." Sue did not tell him that her bister Lad tnven it t,i h,.r. BLe waa clad to Lear Lim nt,k fr.r' coffee inatead of the old. old rider I wish you would male me a cup, good and btrong." There waa really rnnaic io Tom'a voice, and tha wife net about the work with a atiango U utter at Ler Lcart. Tom drauk twocupi of the strong f.agrant coffe, and then went out went out with a leaolute k Up, and walked atraiglt to the great mauu factory, Lero Le found llr. Scott in thi office. llr- Scotl, I want lo learn my trade ovor again." "Lh, Tom f What do von mean t l mean that is Tom IVcey. come in ine acuce 01 ine law tie back to tha old plaea, Mkiog totf lu 11r of tho.Le waa for tho Tut,7ud hoping to do K'"Ulur2 l lW Uf'" botia lat er in ma micre. 'Tom I" cried the manufacturer starting forward and grasping Lie band, "are you in earnest! la it really tha old Tom 1" "It's whot'a left of him, sir, and we'll Lava him whole and atrong very soon if yoo'll only set Lim at work.'' "Work ) Aye, Ton, aod bless yon A m i . aw i iuu m as eagioa io oe set p ana leeica to day. Come with me J.WHI uBuua were weaa ana n teady, bnt bia brain was clear, and waa not perfect There were miatakea wbica be bad to correct, and it waa late in the evening when the work waa complete. "How ta it now, Tom' naked air. Scott, aa ho came into the tenting houae and found tbo workmen ready to depart. "Sbo'eall right, air. Yon may give your warrant without fear.'' God bleed you Tom I Yon don't know bow like musio the old Toloe aounde. Will you take your place agaio ?" "Wait till Monday morning, air. If you will offer it to uie then, I will tako it " At the li tile cottage Ellen Dar cey a fluttering lioait waa ainking That morning, after Tom had gone, aha bad found a two dollar bill iu the coff.io cup. She know that be loft it for hor. She had been out nnd boujLt tea and angnr and flour and butter, and a bit of tendur eteak t and all day long a ray of light had been dancing and glimmering before her a ray from the blessod light of otlnir d.iya. With prayer and bope sue Imd eut out tue tea table, and waited, but the sun wont down nnd no Tom caiao. Liht o'clock and almotit nino. Oh, was it but a fulao ni"iwn ueiiu vaay glimmr-r aft ir all ? Hark 1 The old step! quick, strong, eager for homo. Yea. it was Tom ; with tha old grime upon hia bandit, and tho odor of oil upon his gar ments. "I hive kopt you waiting, Nellie." "Tom I" "I dulu't mean to, but the work bung on,'' Tom I Tom 1 Yon have boeu to the old shop ! " "Yea, nnd I'm to have tho old place, and " "Oh. Tom !" And alio threw bur arms arotind hia neck aud covered bia fuco with kisses. "Nellie, darling, wait a littlo and you tilmll bavo the old Tom luck a gaiu " 'Ob, Tom, I've got bim now bless bim I bleu bim ! My own Tom ! my husband, my darling V And thru Tom Duraey realized the full power and bleatting of womnu'e lovo. It waa a banquet of tbo gods, was that eupper of the household gods all rratoted with the bright augole of pence and love aud joy spreading their wings over the board. On the following Mouduy morniug Tom Darcey assumed bia place at the head of the great machine shop, nnd those who thoroughly knew bnu had no fear of hia goiug back into the alongh nnd joylcssnesa. A few days later Tom met Peter Tinder on the street- "Eh, Tom, old boy, whal'a up V "I am up right side up." "Yes I see. But I hope you haven't foraukeu na, Tom t" "I have forsaken only the evil you have in store, Peter. The fuct is, I have concluded my wife and little once bad fed on husks long enough and if there waa a good kernel left in my heait, or in my manhood, they should have it.' "Ah, you beard nbat I said to my w ife that night I" "Yea, Peter, and I shall be grate ful to vou for it as long as I livo. My rememberanceof you will ulways be relieved by that tinge of warmth aud brightness.' Successful Candidate. ; jour uiiMirv. Tbo Hon. John Tiunkey, who was on the Cth ult., elected Judgo of tho Supremo Court, to succeed Judge Met rett, is a native of Mer cer county, Pa., Laving been bom there in He btudied law with Suuiuel Giiflith, iu tho town of Mer cer, was admitted to tho bur itnd fjeedily Locarno one of the foio- , .State, lie waa elected Jud-'e of i the judicial district cooiiubod of (key has diplayei creat ability ou tho beuvh, Uaving the reputatiou of being oue of the very best Common Plooa Judaea in the bute. AMoa c. Novas. Colonel Atnoa C. Noyea, juat o- bucotcd in New Hampshire iu Jblo lie removed to EuPoriuw, Cameron coaDty, iu 1S17, and eugagud in the lumberiug husiuesa. In 184'J he aettled ai WW port, Clinton county, where he 8ti11 reside, lie wna chosen to the Legislature on the Democratic tioU tt in lbO'J, add reelected in the fol lowing year. At the Democratic Convention at Erie, in September, 1875, he was a leading candidate for the li uberuatorial nomiuatioo, aud tha large vote winch he theu abtaiu ed uuujiNUkubly ludicated hia popu lurily Willi tLe Xemocrata of the btata Col. Noyea is at present a memuer ol luejJoaru ol Public Char iliea. WILLIAM P. HCnELL. Hon. William 1". tichell, elected Auditor Ucnerul to aucoeed Justus r. 'lemplc: was boin at ochellaburg, doujoiu couuiy, in ion, ana enga g ul in the iJtuctice of the law. tie uuoaeu speaker iu tue aecoud yeaj: of hia set vice, at the sge of 31 Le waa elected to the Senate in 1857 from the atrong llepublicai district of bomeraet, liediord aud Fulton counties, and came within oue vole of being nominated Auditor General Di lboa, wnen blenkor ai nomina led aud elected. Mr. bcholl was in lo7i oomiuated for Governor Lv the Labor party, but declined in favor 01 Nr. JJuukaJew, tlia regular i'euio ratio candidate. The Auditor Oou tf " i pi?M . tU aoaJ u at preeeut a toeubar of F. J. IL ZELLER, A TTORXEWA T'LA Tf Ctntrtville, 8nyder County, Vnna. All hoelewee entreated In tit rare will ell ead f.lilifnllr attended la. Will prextlee at the eerl enarte r Raviler sad arltnlnlae romilie. Oaa Im eoaaulte.1 la Ik EnKllah or Ueraaw lanineee oei. ao. tjh CUARLKS 1IOWER, ATTORN B7 AT LAW, Selinegrove, Pa. Offers Mi professional services lo the pub Its. Collections and all other professional bwetaaso antrum ! to his enrt will re sales prompt attention. Omoe two door north of tha Keystone Hotel, f Jaa 6, '07 gETU MITCHELL, Justice of tho Foaco Sc Conveyancer, Jsrkaon Townahlp, Border Uotinlj. ft. Oolltlon, Vn??u.'lii, n I all othr bo alpee. fiaruititneti tbe uftt-'awlll receive prompt ei'aallon. I'imIu(d eedlra! Sit II rlln, Itnioa eeonlt. Pa, Aug. M, leTT. CROSS T RESCEN 1 HE A o1a-iietf Tnnt.uno iiT-nuT br thi avi iiit hl'lrln I,. P. Ilrnkoitt tnrttiln t'i lrit aid Traaa: Hoelnl, political, ami rtligloua hUlnry enl onilitlttii thalr uom-t ire riaii ccurom, aa1 rnrrMitni. Tl, tha aai ot tha war, th Imikm at ik I'llRHTI A A O A I H T MOHtHOIKI-the wi'ihtt iTaT ot othar nillnii ln lrl j lt r4ttila ot tha Kplkim. trATKit Nn.t I-IKK4I. Alt Itlrhljr lllulrrt,rl. Tlia ao.-K iHllllona Hrrrt noir, Wantel tx aTiTi.T,3.otio auknti on Titir Mar,l larin. Ad.traM Hl'lllMUl) BHU-t., fu ir,. ;si baoiuui . I., Pblla. July 13, 4. TXECU TOR'S XOTICE.-Lcttera 1. J ttamantarT nn tha etata of I'nnrait haartuk, lata or Haxar TnwnLlp. Nn,.ir t o.. Pa., dcl. bafabean aranta.1 to the mi'lor. ltna,l. All irponi knowing- lham1rft loel.t. aJ t aaM taia will lfne mane Iniir.nllata liamaBt while thoar having oleliua aaalmt (Aid eilate 111 rraiaat tkeoi lor feutm-nt t. 1. I- MAN Ki t K. Jane f, IDT. ti.cuior. J6UNK. HUU1IE3, i, JJCBT1CI OF THE TEACB, Peon Twp., Snyder Co. P OSWEGO STARCH IithallKST and MOST tOONUMIC AL In the W-orM. li ptrreeiljr I't'HK free from acldi ami other inrmun aiilmt4ncflF that lojure l.laen. le NTIKiMiMt than an? other requiring Biurh ! quaatlly In mint. le I. N I MH !-!!" end Snlfbef work at. wayi the anise. Kingsford's Oswego Corn Starch le Ike molt delleleui of all preparation! tor Pudding's Blano-MaDgf, Cake, Eto. Jane n, ;. Cm. SIMPSON,' ATTORN KV AT LAW. Northumbeiland, Pa. Irjore bis professional servirrs lo tbo pub lo. All buaineaa ontruted to hia ,oare ailt bo promptly mtended to. rjaa. K. 'CTtl CKNTUKVILT.P, HOTEL, (Lata Mn. Wier'i t.'entarrlle snr)er Co., Ta. PETIK HAKTMAN, fropriet,. This lonaeatabllabed and wall known knte harltiK tain pnrrhaatd by the unlenlnnedt so Helta a share ol the public pat roriaee. 1'Lltll n AhTalAX Arrll, I. IIU. JElt B. MIDPLESWARTU, " Jt'STlCI OP TUB TEACS Al COSVEVASPKB. MoC'ure City, enyder Co., Pa. I'alleetloas and all buaineis partAlntaa-ta the oSlee el Juatlea o( the fiaoe will l anted t to at abort Bailee. Julyli '.Jlf. EAOLE HOTEL, o. North Srd St., between Race aud Vine) riii!airl Li. R. D. CCMM1S03 Trop'r. M. M. 8WARR, 8uperinteadenl- COMMON V : i FEED CUTTER CXcels all to Ibo market in lha qiuutllv nnd qualiif of lis work. Will out corn fodder, with ears of corn unlm-kul, n readily as bay or straw. It rrcivod the hid heal awaid at Ilia Ctnlrnniul JCrhiliimn ind at thirty S'nie and Couiiiy fairs. Length of cut. bulf inch, inc!i, and one nd a half inches, wbicb cau be chaugrd in a second. No. 1 has cutting capacity of 4iJ? inches, and will dt more work than snj Y.t Bjaetiioo la Ibo market. In price is no No. 2. eutliof caoac'HT 4X18 inches Pries $46. JS.. II. CO IIU, aWscrai-Tcaia, Xo. 197 WATL'U STJIEET. KRW TORK. Feb.l,';T.0m, THE VICTOR CORN SHELLER was awarded tho first premium of oleh- een 8iato and Counly Fairs in 18TU. aud at many prerioue nnra. It works easily aud well, eenaralinz I lie eora from the cob, and is superior to any ooru shellrr in tho market In streuKih, sooipaotness and eXciIlenos of work. I'rles ?1. Pescriptieo circulars fro. li. conu, MAXCrAOTDKKB, No. 197 WATEK STREET, NKW TOHK. CQQQ 'r "tt ia JlilalaJ "" UDt w w can aaally a Can't be made by every aaent e- the buataeea ire fur- tboae allllnv to wuk llveara a di,iAa df,lli.ra k day rlubt In tl.alr own loeallilea. Hare uo rwiui to esuiaio uere. nuaiuew piwsaat aed hnner . able. Wouien. anil bays anJ vlrla du as arell ea luen. Wo will lurnlsb u a eoniplate Dulhl free. I'lie bufhie's uava belter iba.a anvuin. elae. We will bear theiieare of siartlna- foy. f-ariiouiara ire, w riia ano ao. ear mere end Bieebanlue. Ibelr suns aud dauab'.ere, and all elabaes la nead ol paying work at borne, ahuuld write tu us and leara all alioai Iba work atnnoa. Now la the time, liun'l daUv. u. dreee luia kUo., Auusu Ualua. ewspaier Adverllslug Agents GEO. P. ROWELL & CO,, 41 PARK ROW, N. Y, Tliey bare Ibo satlefaolioa of eoalrolling tbo moat Xtausiea aod eouiplelo adver tising euoacoiioa wkiah baa eer been se- eiireu, anj oao wuioa would tie hardly T ... poaaibls la aoy etbor souniry but Ibis. They here euoeea-ded la workiug dowa a oaipleX busiaree iota ao Iborougbly a systematit SBeibodibat aa change ia tko oewaptper oyaUas of Averioe ear, soap ot loo, while lha wildosl Jaformelioe epoa all topiooa lotereeilog lo adeertiae re is placed readily at Iba disposel of tbo public. A-iiraelreia Atw rrk Timu. Junt It, 1876. KINGSFORD'S NEW ifIX A. S. HELFRICH Beaver Springs, Fa. LAROKST. BE8T AND C0MPLETK3T STOCK OF jyvy O ootlM, CrocnrlnNe QuocitNwaroi llnrdwni'o. Wood & Willow "Vn t'o, Notions, Furnishing Goods, Boots ot bboes, iata A Caps. READY MADE CLOTHING cheaper than ever brought to 8ny- Uer County. Dealer in OR At. - CO.tL. LL'MCKR, nan, H LT. XAsTER ao. All kini)a of Oonde eioSan(eJ for Cmb or approTed nounlry prdaoe. Cell and eXemine iaf eiock and learn dt prion keforo (juroliailug eleewbere. Oat. 11, lrj'li. titn. GLENN'S SULriWlt SOAP. Tnoaofotttv Ci;es Dissasci ovtbi Sattf, bEAt'TirtES tiik Complexion, 1'EtrENT AND klMKDIM RllEl'MATUU AND GoUT, Heaij Soim and Abrasions or Tlia Cuticls a.vo Cot NTEiLAcra Contagion. Thit Standard HxlFrnal Remedy for F.rop. tioni, Sores and Injuries of llie Skin, not only MOVES FROM TUG lONrLF.XIO.f ALL HUM ISHES amine brum local tmnurities of tha Mond nnd obstruction of the avwcs, but alsa those proilucfd by tho sun an.l wind, such tan and freckles. It renders the CUTKia MARVELOl'SLV CLEAR, SMOOTH and PLIANT, and beini: a wholesome siAUTinta is tar pit ft ruble to any ooanialic Al.LTIIE REMEDIAL ADVA N'TAQEI OT Srjt. ra-tia itATtta arr Insured bv thr i si oa tlU nu'a Sulphur Stxip, which in arfdf , lion to iu puriljmg efa-cu, remedies and THE- vENTi KiiEiMAnsM and Coir. i It also disinfects clothing and untH and PRKVEKTS HISFAiri COMMUMICATaS ut . 'Comtact with tho rtlisoK. It dissolves DAKDr.urr, preitnu UU. a, and retards craynrn of the hair. . . e i i a. . ITtTiioans speak of it in high lenns. "rices 25 and SO Cents per Cake; per box i j vam). ouc anusi.-ju. t. B. Tae 50 ceot cakes in tiiole tha auw of &om aS a cents. "HILL'S IUIE AD WHISKER DIE," DUck or Urarens, Ccata. GRAVU1LL i Co., WiionsAiB Distiaa i WOOD AUD WILLOW WARE )!1 Cloths, Window flhadea, lVoimr. Mat tlrutliee Cotton Laps, Ornin ISupta, f.) Nels, PurVets, Tnriues, Vick. fit. No. 420 lni-kl ttlreet, I'kiladulpliia. Feb. 7. '67 J. B SELIIUIMKU DtALEB IN II1RDWAKE Iron, Nails, Steel, Leather, Faints, Oils, Coach & Saddlery Ware AN1 MANL'FACTCP.tR OP Stoves iV Tinware, MARKKT 8TRF.F.T, Ieviwill, leiiia. Neeeiuher V, ISTl-lf YH. WAONKU, Em., e JUSTICE OF T II C PEACE, Jacknoa Township, Soyder Co. Pa.. Will attend lo all business eulrusted to bis care and oa the most reasonable terms. March l'i, 'OHU SEL1NSQE0VE MARBLE WORKS. Tka underaliined bavlnsr curehaaed tha Ro- inavrove Marile Wrks, ho Is now lulls pie- pared to manufacture. Mcnuments . A n d Headstones. Oils summer ef prices much lower tbaa hereto tore, aad loaer tbao has over boea dooe la the oounty. iiarmeriuai reoeieaa a laraa 10,01 ueeisrna, of all ll.e latoai alyles ol Munanaata a bead aumes, 1 am able to aire eatlafacllua In at r laa and nrlcea. to all that wlab to deoorale tbe tcrave ol a depart.! trlend wlib a iai, oUaaaji M,iiiMeaii, rniaa ar ranioM. 1 have atao made erralntteuieuta. ao aa to be abu lo lurnlab on aburl D'lUne. Marble. Head stone, nr euy other kind of duor and Wlnduw HI la. at uricaa ui aun li.e uurouaaer. feraona le need ol any ol tbe above artlalee will aave muney by ealllua at tbe Helloae-rove uarble works before iMjri:bsainaT elaewbera. I ali keen Kaok'e HatenlOalvaulsad Uravo nuards lor sale. Hie didereat styles. ijae and aea. aWMr. 1. II, Long, or Adamsburg, Is ageut for ibo uaderaigned where alter dere, will reoeive prompt atlenllon. Mai, T-U. V. L. K ANTMCB. JP. CKOXMILLEIt, s ATTORNEY AT LAW, Middlebttrr.Pa., Offsrs his prolesslonal ssrrioe te Ibt pub' lie. Collodions ana all other professional business eutrusled la bia aara will reoeive prompt aitaaiioa. f Jaa 8, 'OTtf J U. 11 A UT MAN, JIITICB OP TUB PU4CB. Sc Convpynnoer, CKNTKBVILLE, Sa;4r Caaat, Ta (MleaHUes aad all kaaleees partalalav u tha eaTce wt JuaWea irl ns f seet wiUsaauuSMi aisweitavuse arc an ins BIGGIANT CORN MILL Oriada feed Iwleo a fast a any other Bill of tho same sise and prloe, and will ken required, grind abelled eora aaBo lenlly floe for family use. Trieeo from 936 to 123 Otoe, Tho 34 one horse sotll grladt front lo lo 16 bushels of meat par hour. Tho low horaa mills (rind from 16 le 6o bonnets per hour, according lo also. No machinery required to operate It, hllah boras diroot lo loeer of Ike saill, DeserlpllTO elroulars froo. A- I- OOIILJ, M ARcrAC-roaaa, ( No, 19f WATER ITItCET, IIW TOHK. D AVIS HOUSR At the MlflllB.Oeatre. Markarr a f.ewletawa . St. iienoi, earner oi water ana I'nreae BIS, LewlHlown JL'ii.. George Flory St Son, Proprietors. I-Open Day and Night for the aooost odatlnn of travelers. A first class Res- taursnl is attached to tho botal, where Uea'e at all hours saa bo had. Terms reasonable. 9.43-tf WM. MANN. Blank B33k Maker Sta tioner, and Steam Power PRINTER. Vliolsuiio aSc llotnil No 529 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA. Promthiesii. One J'rice Selling Pritt Marked On All Good In V yuret. Apr. 18.72. TK&W BUILDINGS. AND NEW PRICKS WAGEXSKI.LKR A SON, harol.y respectfully inform 'heir friends and the pnblio generally that Ibey bavo opened a STORE in Ibair NEW BUIL.DINGS on tbo spot ao long oeouplcd by Dr. Jacob Wagenrllera nn the lelo of Quo where they bow have and will always keep a largo and well seleoieJ assortment of SEASONABLE GOODS. In tho I.alles' Department will bo found s full liuo of SILKS. POPLINS, P.1ULLIANTS, VICTORIA LAWNS FlWTUKi) ALPACAS, SWISS MULL, CAM OKI CS, PRINTS. JACONETS. DELANES. Striped and Chocked Nnntuck. Ao r ... ' . 0 . A CSri'nt variety ol Ladies' Dress Trimmin-a, Lnient rttylr ti cl:-. v....t. n L'.ll at vie Bui morale, Lad ion' L'tuhrcl. laa, Paraaola and Sun ShsHoi. Bonnet Ribbons, Lacos, Rut- QiD)is LmbroKlera, Linbo and Paper l!rs, Ac, Ac, Ao. A SrL KXMU A 8S0R T.WEN Tof ! 1.00TS&SHOB3 , Knr I.adire. Mlai-ies and t'hildrsu, in end lens variety, nf all eitee. styles aud prices, seleoted for lbs Kail aud Wiuler trade. A full and oomplote slnok of CLOTHS, PLAIN AND FANCY CASSIM KUES.fOTTONADES, JEANS, Ao., COAL OF ALL KINDS ! Irocerics, Queensware, Hardware, Willow ware, Cedaraarc, lilnsaie. io. Ml of which bavin been bony hi ir;i low ' CiSlviU be sold at trary small profits, liir motto Is vuir mitt ana small yrofiti We also pay the highest market price 'or nil kiu'ls or gram. WHEAT, KYE, CORN, OATS and FEED, We are prepared also to store goods, at a small charge and lodoaganeralCommiasioo and Forwarding busiuoss. We hope that ibo pu'ilie generally win aire ua a call as wo belie, a it is lo their interest lo do so boforo purchasing elso wbarej. UUt us a trial. W. F. WAOF.NSr.LLER, M. L. WAQEN8ELLER. MARBLE WORE. LEWISBURO, PA. ITALIAN AND AMERICAN MARBLE MONUMENTS, Tombstones. Htatnns, Urns, Vases LAM IM, for Children's Graven, Pottt. LlntrU, T'iblftopi, Marble and Mttfe MuntiU, il'O. All those who desire lo purchase timbetonea or anything et mauaiactar,! ai ine aiiore maa tiuned marble wurka, should eonaull tbe under, alaued agent, before porohaalnv elaewbere. El a n i 1 r. 1. u vj rr r. i. , July II 'Tl tf.) tllddleburii, boyder Co. Pa j."s7fariw6rth7 W1TU JONES, HOAR & Co. Importers ot Hoisery, Notions, White Goods, Embroi deries Gents Farulsninz Good! k No. 511 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA. . B. lonee, W. H. nhelbley. . H. Hoar. T. U. Uelehwl. I Mar. 1 1 '71. TJ. SMITH. ATTOBKCr AT LAW, MIDDliKllUKU, BKY EUK UO., PA OSers bis Professional aervleee to tho pabll OawsalUaUuBS la fcoKllah aad tiermaa. GOLD; Oreal ehanee io ssake money. If jruueau't et uiu f ua aau (a, sjreeu baaks. Wo Bead a uer, sua lee-er, tuwu to lake aubaerlptloa for the laraoee. eueepesa ana boas situeiraieu rasan, publleatloa In tbo world. Aar oneea laseviao s eaeo'eaiau aaooi. sua xuas eiexani works of art alvea tree lo eabeerltaare. The pries Is eo low that aiiausi vorfuod, eabaeilbaa. Oao as sat rooorie taaklasi evoe also la a week. A led, eaaui repur-a uaiug asr tuo subsMlbors la ua da; s. All who oaaaao make moaay last. Va oaa detou all tr llau u Ue iHislaeae, r !, Tr aparo llaia. Vwa aud bus be a. at fieaa hetai oe Ukt, Voa saa do It as oil aa ibera, Pall particulars, dlroetloaa aad lavsss free Klaaat aad eiuaaslve Outni froo. If see weal preStabte) wra asad as sour addreas at oao. It soau aetklaa U Ire sua Saelseaa. Mo eaa who aaflseslaut to make Jreaika. A 'trees "IM k Jeeraal, rUaasf, aUlas, AH'(''T-lp. .JBbj uAtoaaa rajsxAw 1CJ3. l71a CEIITEinnAL! Hartas? adoptee1 the matU of tko "ITieinta aiaraara." the sabMrlker wnoU sail tko Ob. uatloa of ke pa bile to Iko feet Ikas ko koa adopted tko CASH SYSTEZI, as tii I wwrsmiiar. w oraf li puimi aaitiwii s"i r re n ot PHuKfi ir ktai atlsaeil tkal II la Ike tree patera otoetaa baameee. Uo eontlnne lo keai ea fcasid a vorf fall and wslUeraetail sleek ol DRY 00003, R0CiaiK3, ' CROCIlflT, BOOT! k IH0E8, HARDWAR7 CARPKT8, OIL CLOTnS, WALL rAPBR. 8II0R PIIDIIfOfl, Fill II. PAINTS, LtATIIIR, OILS. kC, AC, lC. whlnh he nners ta the nabllt at erf areatlf re dueed CASH 1'MlUk.d. With thanks It mv old snslomara for Ikelr liberal palronaae rnr man, rears ni ine paav, would enllelt their euatom for the future, hop. Inir. the, will be benentied b, the change, as wen as Toar barn iie aervent.. W. V. KUKHCBT. Bellnsirove, Sept.ta.'ta. Or. R. LWalcott 181 Chatham Square New York WOLGQTTS PAIN PAINT. fttofia nstn Inatantlvi tnMwi tnflaaj itlaa heal out sorea eaacere, and all ulceration. II wll net stain smart or barn the aula. WALCOTT'S Catarrh Annihilator. For tialtrh, e . fa the hevl, weak nerve,, fa ralyals. aatlafietloi, alvea or amner returned lioth Jtemtilirii S-lil bit mil Traeeliiip Anfnf, WliolnnU nnd I'rtail. One trial snil'lent. Tested free of ehsrre at the Mnrder eountf AeMpif . Township rls-hts will be tfrante.1 nn utierai term,, la Naf.ior end ' NorthonlierUnd eoiinllea. bv the un.lerained. I All orders will be promptly ni led br address Ing f.V.VI K t'VVKt.I..1,oM At mc. rioaaani Mine, ivnjvier tje. ra. (Ms, H.'Tltf. iTIerchiiiH House, ii3 sc iir NOIITH TII1KU 8TKKBT, I'UIL'A PA. Terms iBL CO per day. IIEXUY SPA1IN. l'ron'r. C.W. Blll5f, i lrrk Apr.l.'Tt. y)R J,W. ROCKEFELLOW, PHYSIOIAir AMP KUniFtrN Oft.ra sis proreaalooul .arvleas to tha eltlseoa o urn. lienors: anil viemitv. Aug- ivi IJALD EAGLE HOTEL, L So. 4IA Nonh Third Blroet PniLAUKLPHIA. JO'IN (,'I.VMKH, Vrprntr Januarv 1 7o-lf Q.I10SS 1 IIUOTllLUS, Manufaolurers of aad dealers ia all kladsal HILL TIXIUKH. LTJ M HER. P A LI NO, SIHNOLES, LATH, PLUORINd. ate., 8heeskin Dam, Snyder ''ouni. l a. All orders prompt! filled. WmIhiI, CArrry, Poplar, and Linn l.umhtr ro'oiiy en aoau. 7 0 EN P.Y A. WOLFLEY, Saddler an Harness Maker Centrevlte, Snyder County, Penna. K'epa nn hand, and make, to order all klnrte .. . ii U . . i ii ,1...,,.. r b. i .. - 1 1 i . ui n.i h.i ri...-,,., .(,,,,, n ui,l ,i.l.l. s.e , ai. til work aaaranteod for one year Mr. Wolilev sake but a trial lo pr0 that he uiideraumK hia buaineaa. ( Mov.lO.'TI. J.J O'NEIL. Ju3tica of the Peace, Port Treuerton, Snyder County, J'u All hiielness pertaining to tbeoffioe of Juatlce ofthepeaee will neelvo promnt stlentlon I ....I . A .1 1 .1 aril l.n A. fl llrni....)!.. .1. leaded lu. Julf 'It.lf. White Horse Hotel. N. W. Cornpr Third & Wood Sts. PHILADELPHIA. j."kTtrauck, Oooo SrABiino. Proprietor, vflnrs, Liqudra aad Ssgars of the Choicest Brands. mar3o-7r JEVI KEPLER, Notary Putilic, Snrrcyor, ConiByancer Rpal Estate and Insurance Agent. Deeds. Bonds and Morta-aaes prenaredand a I kinds of oonveyanelna alundad to prowptli; with neainaae and aeourraey. Hiieelal attention len lo buylng-and sslllng Real KtU. OOloe In s'reenjont. Harder Oo. Pa., P. O. Address, Ui. Pleasaut Hills, harder u,., raos-a. Aug. o 'io. JOHN LAUDENSLAUER, , BUGGY MAKER BEMNSOROVE, SNTDEH CO., PA. Having purcbss,ei Iba well knowa aland la 8linsv,rovs, formerly ownsd by l'billp lllsoker, I am prepared lo eoooumodale all wbo may desire anything ia my lioe. aad warrant aaliafaotioa la all oassi, I kerp . 1 I , eonitanuy on uauu, aun am proparaa lo msnuraotura ai tot anorieet noiioe, UUQQIES. .Ttr SULKIES, Mrmrk SLKions.fto. Baiog eiprrlrnoed la tka buslnsss, I flat' ler myself that I am fully prepared lo meet tbe wants of my ouslomsrs. Tka kands employed are among Ika beat maokaaleela tlia eouuly, and ibslr work will net fail le give anivorsal satlsfaotloa. geae"Bpeoialatteniioa paid te rapalrlog in an lis Draaonaa.-wjsa Bhop on klarkststrset, a few doors toulk or Iba Uoraiaa Ksrormsd Lhuroh. JOHN LAUDfNdLAOEB. Bellnsgroro, April 7. '7v-lf T M.LINN, . A. H. PILL V (ttoeeeasors 10 4. r.k.U. Llaa,) ATTOKNIiFS AT LAW, Lewlabarf, fa Ofer Ibelr professional aerrioea le- tka pubiia. Uwiieoiioaa aad all elaar pra fessioual business aalraalad te their tare rill rosely vprowp, attsai laa. f Jaa, I, '7if J)R. A. M. SMITH, tUY&lCUN AND SUBOEON, Ofars kit arafaaelaaal smites la Iba elil iimtf AiasHTkarf aa rlrlslrfa tfi, TI T 1YI KILLER, Haaaraeiarerar aalaHaMVla FURNITURE, WetUd rtpewtfu11f laforai Ike elilatas el aVUgrovo aad vlelalty, Ibat he ataaafae. waa la oHaw aad keeae oeaetaally aw baad oriaiaa or all suit on, akd rnraltr of STery Deaortptloa - at tha very lowest prioa. Ha reapettfallf taviiea aa eaaaiiaauaa er i aUayrKADS,IVlaUVt,TABLM,aorA loqnom, arAfTos, oAtaa, m. BjsT A speolal lavitatiea le iloadad la wlr married folks to tail eat aeeaif ateak' oeej parthaslag alaawker. tallasgrova, April tM7v-if Tit H. HABDINO, JVtTICB OPTnCPIiCI . Sc Gonveyanoere , FBBBMOST. Bajdar eeaal, ra. OellaslleM and all baetaaea tMrtalalae ta fee eaVeof Jaatleoof the Peace wlU aoaUenaeAaa et abort entice. Apr. CTTa . B. 0. SHAFER, WITS JOEL J. BATtsY ft CO. HOSIERY, SMALL WARES, White Goods, Embroidtriti sfw; Q INT. 3d Mi.. 11.1 lad. joKt. j. bah.t ci.Torf nro.Lirona- HKNKT J. DaVia, MAM'L W. VanCULIL JACOB R. RIROELA CO., WHOLESALR PP.ALP.lia 111 FOREIGN & DOMKSTIO DRY GOOD9. TVo. 333 IVXafket Ht. 1'hllttJelphlo, ln, JAME3 MIDDLE3WARTH, JuiUoe ol the Peace & Conveyancer, Troxleille, Snyder Co., Pa. Will altead prorantlv id all aaaaerol waet aesspartalnlnalrt theoffloe. Oolloetloae mate. Beads. Artlslee ao., written. ( Jal, tl,Te-tr; yiLLIAal 8PANOLER, MANUFACTURBR OF Carriases, Enggies & SolJdes. Beaver Sorings, SnyderCo.Pa I Warrant All Wort Mannfactnrci By He. I3r Repairing of allkinda prompt ly attonded to on abort notice anil reAHonuble terms. April 1, 7l.-lf. LHEKMONT HOTEL, A.1 IKKEMKNT 85TDEK CO., PA, KAViu 8KILKK, Proprieler. This new hotel isnow prepared lor ika aoooinmodaiion of guests aad will afford oral rata nterlaiumenl loprreoas visiting t reeniout. Kvory effort will ba made la promote Ibe eomfort of travelers stopping at this bullae. Cboieo liquors at Ika Bar aad Ilia Table supplied with Ika boat Ike market anorua. An ample atabla la aoa eel inn with the bouse. Aprill,'76tf NEW STOCK At A. K. GIFT'S NEW CASH V Our u "uu" araaasawsassstl WIWIllll on tho North aide of Market Street a few doors west Ldtn tbe Court Uouee. THE aubacrilcr wonld inform Lis friends swat the rllla.as la illddlebara aad ibe anrmnndluK ruautry that he haa )nal ratara. ad froni flilladelrhla and haa saw opeaad aa ea rm new, iart,'n auu w.ll aelecled stuca mt M ifwccllxt nooiiM 1 looks, Mcliool I IooUm, lllnnlc Hooks, Wallets. Pocket Books, Bibles & Eeligous Books, ALIiUAlS AND PICTURES, All kindi ol roper, Ink andl?ancy Hood. All sold CHEAP for O ASH. Call eadeee airl lots mere is uucuargeror euowtui loooe. A. K. GIFT, Sept. at. 'TI. atlddleherf , Ps. i QAVID WILLIAM8, Uanufaeluresof k Wkelaaala Dealer 6IU. Mahogany, Walantaad Base' LOOKING GLASS Ploturo U Fbotoitraphlo Tram et. no an in Arc. ureal, Philadelphia Pa. " frames Repairad ia lha belt ataas Jso, Regilding ia all ila braaabaa. ina Nbw Fur All. I TANIEL 0. BEHOSTRESartE Seslreel JJ aoanrete all InUrsaUil. Thai alaaai tbe I eolntlon of Ibe Firm of Berajelneeer h Ulrlrsl Ibe lt of April, be has opened la hie aew pall maia neuae uravo. oa w alar atreet. above I .iiw.iw Biaaiai'a eaora, a . Leather Store and Fi ishingr Shop, hare will he teaed al all tlataaaa aeaortwaal all klndeof Klnlabad Klaak, enneletlag ef Mj a. Boie, vfipyt, a.i aua urn anus, men eo's, Llulaae, Touplnirs ko.. el dieersai aael and prices. Tbe attention el Skoaasakere. fall ere, iul all outers to iaf lias, oarers pafeaaa Tblrtv-ava veare aa a praatloal Taaaae eaavali klaa loudae Ibe qaalltlaa ol Sluek, Idasai ta esebenge lor aeatbar. 0, V. MKROHTRICaaER, Jau T-'ftl Mllaa(rave,aarerOe. JJNION PLANING BULL . au.msaaoTa,avTDKR oe Kccly fc Wogm Lumber Dealci tJfe.. aT.A.u laTI. J... AvaVa Wladew laies. lllaAa, taaji, tii. ruinci. saaa aiuasa, uacii ata. Mealdlaira, riearfpf. J aOICbU AWiattl CABIN stT TOa eUsioslee, Lath, dae ska OrArre iolUlled sad Iliad wit as J area aad despaisk.' riesse eall aad laa oar ateeb before parahatlag u BLAGE a largo let page keek, aeataialaa alias el lk aoeetrr, vllb trauoae, win aw Mas n oat Ire te eef . t osmm Mhsarlkrtlea aEo. YkakaaaVaC J, and Is SIM, with s lag at aa for sif DAKOTA Hill as auluaia leasee (sa road lag manor, bash -eal aad tie a woaUra iparaai f w,-a laeas. aa ooft awalTr. Tsree avS ' far It A, Ika arloasf ls- f aawh Adas 11 77,l4As.a.. fan I taaa asr Th n. Cu 8h. Out A ICho The T N IChu, Ilbl Ai And Chj. Pbe'i Dm t Co Cmo.. Tills It Milli. O'i, Ciij,- Thera An m in. A toue lid C'lOll It Munv I Stl'll .Subba! lot bi We drow convon twenty perceiv ami an carcel; of aire, two or was fn creator of her t npproat ami hot Sbal was bej side, e and wl ly oozin ' temple, with ten its expr be looke Cut tl toon the visitors i aad . tab father children be had ' 1 them, i 1'uul wo leavo bit "Mmui ber, atd Lis child woolj Stl oorusj for nuat ba I not know tor, if bo So Tan borne, in end kiuil Jrave bim , uoks am! nerer oo breakfast tha beart scantily fi Lis little it Andt Wearied b etafjg antrelsfo