a f reeUr, m l '.JieUnmitwre yeee, ! Wu JO Ji) 1 insertion " 1 d.ttkm Insertion, 50 md hym oard of VmorUrvv5 lines, tHr year, 5.00 A-tlilor, Eir, Aitmntstrator X.iorial notieea jer line, AM edvertieemcil for ft shorter pe tted tten we year vre payable at the fjM they are order sod If not pa d a person orderlne iVd will oe held .rpoiYiible for the mi.tr. PnM)hiKl evetT Lnlne jBHKMiAg cz;octa, Prwaro TWO DOLLARS PEE kKWti. lqr ni aiihin ati tnontna. or iluwthii paid 'within the year. No papa contiiiiiml until all airowJ-eire mt paid unleee at the option of tho pmk liaher. Subacrlntione nllid of the wOOltaT PAVABLII I.1ADVANCI. 9Teniona lifting and iminr papen Adlrnaar1 jo othera bocorae tubacrilra and are liable forth price ofthepepe VOL. 15. , MIDDLEBURG SNYDER COUNTY, PA., DECEMBER 6, 1877. NO. 29. 111 i If 1L 1 -- . - - r . mt i.,-WigrM ei'-ieNi -y7 't"PP "Pi ei f " r ;.--. rTi'fT'r'i'll' ' ' FT " l ''. ' - - :Poett1 fmtnthtCMfKi CleredAwy. ..-... t 1 " '. , ..; . -v- Vm teesieit e-fts '"" I " plsader rota tire eee.j.refifce kill. 44 ike eatklaeerni a 1 ttaJtr, falls ! khol lee till. W stay read leVe shining letter Ja tat relabtw of the prey We tkall knew eaok ether belief VTbea the ! have elesrtd away. We tkall kaow ae ti art ktowa, Rever mm le walk alnae, a tke 4anlBK of the morning, Wfeea lb f elearei away. If we err li bomea bllndaett, Aad forget that we are dust, ' If we arise the law of kindness, . Whea we ttrui U to be Juki, f sewy wla of pea.ee thall oorer All the point that elmid our day, VTbea the wary waleb li over. And ibe Btwia have elearrd away. Wt shall know at we aro kaowa, Nertr atom lo walk alona, la (he dewalog of the aoralnc, Whea Ibeatiae have oleartd away. When the elWere tniatt have tolled ue From (he fae of ear ewo. Oft wtdeem thr lovo be falteJ at, And we triad ur path alone We tbeold tea ihiin aaar aad truly, We would truttlbetn dey by day, Jttllher love or Name unduly. If the mlata haw elearrd away. We eball koo ai wo aro kaowa, Mevor more In walk aloao, fa. Ike dawning of iba mnrntne. Wkta the nUte lave elcarod away. Whea the nine bait rlton ahovo u, Ae ear Fatker knw Hi own, Far lo faee with lloae that lovo ut, We ehall hnow a wo or know .ova beyond Ibe orltal moadow t leale Ibe golden fringe of day Irart le heart wa bide Ibe liadvw Till the nltli havalard away. Wo ibatl kaow a we ar katwa. Mover more lo wlk alano, Wkta tbe day of light It dialog, Aad tbe mine hav elearcJ away. Jel UoelUnooitH The Schooltoy'i Joke. BT MRS. J. X.U'CONAVOHV. Jamie Terry wt probably (he pooreil lud I hut caiee to echuul. He would nat have boot able t g nt all it bias muthor had it beru nucha reanittre8, and euull pny Tor Lin iu itioo by Iter nell, Hn iaipr-vrd iig priviloneii, aad lurdly took t Ul timo ho oai(h,, fur pty at noon aod r-eoen. But tbon b h plenty ol cxerdine out uf a-h bire, chop. piu( wnod and doiiif li uti-vork ; r hie Leulfli lii u'H tulTr. rrovi-iooe we-o Mjaiily that wintrr at hie homo, ai ,1 I a, tt.rid they mM ofieo ha gnni hungry, if i'l ba l out beon r tint bi biu ol p--ttto lhy uuag.J io Uy iu at hai- Jamie liaAlto carry bin dinner to ecbool, and Ia tliuaur binkut w i rather largo (r tbe supply be ha 1 to Uk j. Uajjaii tlly folded a newa jnpur over i,aud read tbo news jitper at he -his diuner. He gen erally contriv d to hold tba p iper ' iw that the oot boys did not boo what be bad L tongbt. One day a j Uen of them were hi tbe droeaiogfAoiu at recess, when pan Fraeier ad I wondor ,what Jamie Terry bringe in that reneadoiu basket. 1 bavu a notion a peep in aud eee " Dtn always a coutriviaj some tuisobiff. 'For sbarae,' uid Walter i 'doo't do such a tbior.' 'Here goee,'iaid Dan, novar min ding tbe protoit. 'What do you think, boy, ooy two cold potatoes ! Let us help bin to a desert. Lot us eaoh drop U-a chunk of coal and set it hack at right Wouldn't it be fun f ' j 'Put yours4f in bis place, Dan, ' gaid Walter hWigonntly. 'I will tell you a better pleoe of fun, boys. Let ns each add ometbiug nine from oar lanobeon , Eaoh something dif ferent if We can, and let us be qniok about it, or w, shall get caught. Here's my miwia pie to start with.' 'Here's a doigbaut,' said Hal Took in tnii boiled egg,' said Roger. i 'Want A wiswitob, Walter Y aa ked John. , ' 'Here's some prime gingerbread,' aata Alien. -aneu oat eotie of tuose big ap Eiee oi yours, Lao,' eaid llofue, as s put in a conjle of oookioa. Dan wasn't U be outdone, eo be filled the basket np to tbe ; top and taoked down tb paper just half a mis ate before Jktnle came whittling in, as innooont of tbe mischief going on as tne scnooi-nouse mouse, .who . had been taking a itw of the pro ceedings with one bead ere front the aide window of bis domicile. That moose fared raloh better than the proverbial "church, mouse.' 'Mow, boys,' i id Waltur, at noon 'let ae go down to Ue spring and eat onr dinners. It will soon be so cold we can't'' So amy they went bonnding orer the lots, and Jamie was left alona. boar over bis slate 'Now 1 bare a good chance to eat my potatoee,' be thought, aud bo quickly slipped into the room for bis basket . ' How beery it is,' be thought 'Those hoy bare tacked in a, brick. J dare ear i they ere always np to eome anon caper, But what is tbe wee of getting eud. They only oo u to puy. IU open tbe window ud oop it out nJ if nothing.'. j Jamie sat by vizli, end o peoea ate oMkC er: j r ue nan' eUy. Vbale -tUi hungry boy, who had t z:"d on pota toes and kI - yz Jobnnycake I profusion ! His first thought was, How X wish my mother wae bore I His second wee that he mnet havo got bold of the wrong banket But ha saw that was ail right, and It was plain enough it was all tneaot for bim. , . ' 'Bat I would like to see myself eating that all alone, eren if I could, when my mother has . only potatoes for ber dinner, and a little sup of tea. -Til sare ber a good half of erorything.' . so mother bad a good snpper, as will as ber boy a good dinner, and, the boys at school were tery well pleased with their 'joke.' It did not end on thai day ettner. Before tbe week was eut there was a fine barrel of applea in widow Ter ry 'e cellar, and a nioe ham and flitch of bacon in ber stare -room. They were loft on - the porch one night after all were aaloep and though there was no name left with them, it was not bard for Jamie to gubss tbe source. A Woman's HtnoiuM One of Ibe moat romantic rpiode of tbe Run-o-Turiih .war occurri'd latt month during one of Ibe bloody omnlaU bo. fere llitla. At the ltuMian troops wore falling back before a dotprrato ontleught f ibuir eoomies, a young offlofr was seen behind ono of the ba'teriea boldly encouraging bit men to ttanif tboir ground. Again end ft gaio he rallied the liorpt, but tbe fire wae too heavy to be endured. They foil on their kooea sod entreau od bim to fly, but it wat of no avail, nd ut hint ho Mood alone smnng ibe dying snd tbo d ad, until a Turkish bullet pierced bit heart. When the Turkish commander, struck by tbo youth' eatruorJinary gallantry, sin. glod out lbs body for honorable bur ial, itwue found I hut tbe yoong be. ro wet a wonuo. What strange to- ertteompellud ber to renounce the peaooful pursuits of ter sex, and give up ber life, in the storm of buttle, re mains ontold. Ox Tuesday evening a week, about dark, tbo barn and outbuilding oc cupiod by Jamue liibba, Jr., at Lungliorna Mation, linrks county, wero tired by an incendiary. The buildings, a pnir of mulcp, n con-, two hundred buHhela of corn, togeth er viitn uuveutr ton of bar. crruin. Sio , were totally couxumed. Ah soou ns; tlio nro wna under way the .lwclling bouae of tlio father, James llibbs. Sr., va nterod and gone through, ftothiugof raluo has been miHaud as yet excepting a watch and forty dollars iu money. Mr. llibbs bad depoaitod rive hundred dollars iu bunk at Riislol a few hours bo fore, which was what the thioros were in search of. No insurance. Kd tica tional Fur Tbo PuM. COUNTY TITUTE 1. Monday EnnUif Sw!on. Monday evening was taken np with a discussion on District Inati tutes. The first speaker was II L. Wholly, lie believes them of great benefit to teachers, patrons, and pupils, liiit to derive the proper .... . - . . advantage from luern, those whe would be beuofited by them, muet attend them, and must take part iu them. Tbe teeobers uinst be the leading spirits in thorn. Tbey know tbe obstacles that are to be orer come by tbem, and beooe must so direot then, as to accomplish tbe end contemplated in holding them. la tbe township he represents, the schools bare improved at least fort i .1 1 l.ii . par oeo aioaa tuey aava neia mbu tutes. All township that hold tbem are far ahead of those that do not hare them. Every euch organisa tion should bare a written Constitu tion, and should be governed by it Mr. wm. v. Honarl was the aeo- ond speaker. Ha gare bis experi ence in helping to bold Institutes Ue bas been benefited by them. Nothing else so oheers the heart of one interested iu popular education as to see teeobers come together to seek aid and advice from one anotb er. The coromnoion of thouirbte of teeobers helps teaching. To do nimseii ineuceat an institute, a teacher muet prepare himself for it duties, and the labor required to do so, giro bim both power aud skill. At tbe first District Institute be at tended, the teachers did nothing but listen, the chairman doing all tbe work. At tba uext one at which he was present the teachers themselves did tbe speaking. Tbey discussed methods of teaohing the common school branobes, aud tbe meeting proved a very profitable one. Tbe teachers must do tbe prinoipal work, uut tba citizens all should take e lirely inlereet in tbem. A. M. Ffahler, Esq , was the third speaker. A teacher who goes to an Institute, but takes no part in it he said, will not be benfited by bis at tendance. To derive advantage from it be must make specie! preparation for it Tbe eieroieea of eo Institute should consist of discussions on lit erature and methods of instruction. Messrs. Gilbert FUson, end Shu men also gave their epprjeooe in holding tbem Frdfi Noetling poke at some lengthen the benefits wbiob tbe teeDherg the aoboola of thus diatriotl the! t beheld tbem, here derived fron titm. lie bee Barer met an istebrBt teacher that on !qm4 t.r..i liuviru. A Short Temperance Story. At a certain town meeting in Penn- sylrenie, the question came in whelh er any person should be licensed to sell ruin. Tbe clergyman, the deacon, the physician, strange as it may now appear, all favored it One man on ly spoke against it because of the mischief it did. The question was about to be pnt, when there arose from one corner of the room a mis erable woman. She was thinly clnd, and her appearance indicated tbe uttermost wretchedness, and that ber mortal career wan almost closed After a moment's silonce, end all eyes being fixed npon ber, she stretobed her attenuated body to its utmost height and then ber long arms to their greatest longtb, and raising her voice to a shrill pitch, she called to all to look npon ber. 'Yes " she said, "lock upon me, aud then bear me. All that tbo last speaker bas said relative to temper ate drinking, as being tbe father of drunkenness, is truth All drinking of alcholio poison, ns a bererage in health, is excess 1 Look npon roe I Yon all know I was once tbe mistress of tbe beat farm in town t yoit all know, too, that I bad one of tbe boat tbe most devoted of husbands. You all know I bad fino, noble- hearted industrious boys 1 Where are tbey now f Doctor where ere tlioy now T You ell know. Yon all know tbey lie in e row, side by side, iu yonder church yard i ell every one or tbem niiiug e drunkards grave 1 Tbey were all taught to be Revo that temperate driuking was sttfe that excess slonu ought to bo avoided i end tbey never acknowl edged excess. Tbey quoted you, and you, nnd you, poiutiug with e shred of e bugor toward tbe minuter, deacon end doctor, as authority They thought themselves sufe under such toaebcrs. Uut 1 saw the gradual change coming over my family and its prospects with dismay aud hor ror, i leu we were an to bo over whelmed in ono common ruin. I tried to word oft' tbo blow. I tried to break tbe epell, ibo delusive spell, in which the idea of Ibe bent-tit of tcmpcrnte diiukiug had involved iny hui-baiid and sous. 1 begged, 1 prayed; but the odda were against mo. "Tbe minister suid the poison tint' was destroying my busbuud and boye, was e good creature of God i tbo deacon who eiU under tlio pulpit nero, aud looK our laini lo pay Ins i uui bills, sold thrin tlio poiun i thej doctor suid a littlo was good, and ex cess uuly outfi t lo bo avoided. My poor hurl and, uod my dear boys lull into ibo suure and they could n.t es cape ; uud ono alter another I hoy were c mvryed to lh- sorruwlul grave if tho drin. kurd. Now look at nit again. . Yon probably see tne lr (be lust time. My sands are aluio:t run out. I hrs dragged my exbausieJ frame fioni my present bomi your poor house to warn you deacon ! to wuro you, Mdo teacher of God', word !' And with hor arms flung high, and ber voice ruined to en un euitbly pitch, she exclaimed, 'I shall soon stand before the judgment seat ol God. I "hull moi't you there, you fa'sa guides, md be a wiloosa a guinst you all I" The miserable woman vanished. A dead silrnoo pervaded tbe assembly ; the iniuister, the deacon and the physician bung iboij boadt ; end when Ibe president of tbo mecliog put ibe quetiion, 'Shall any lisoote be greeted for the aaje of spirltuout liquors V tbs unanimous answer was No.' Keep Borax in the Home. Having long med bortx for vari ous domtstio end bygooio purposes, I have como to regard it as e oeoes slty. Housekeepers who da not use it have something yet to learn coo oeroing a very convenient aud useful article. lo the laundry it I eco oomiital, at it saves bath labor sod soap, and Is really cheaper than the Utter. For blankets nod other large articles it 1m especially valuable, tod in all caet tbe use of a li'.ile borax will save bait' the labor wboo thear tielet are much soiled, while it is not injurious lo eloihas. It is perfectly efuotuil in driviog away rod ante, cockroaches, e'o , if anriukled around oo tbe pantry shelves, or put iu sinell queotilies on paper aad placed in ibe reowtyi of lbs inects. Uorax Is also of great value for toilet use. Fur removing dandrufl aud cleuoing the bair it it aNo a itood remedy for rough fuc and chip ped nanus, lit aphcatioo lo wound tores, brume t, surains. etc-. Drove very salutary, nod it is ofieo tbo oo. ly remedy required, even in severe cases. ludcttd, Uorax Is one or the best remedies for. many ailments in our whole hyirieuo, aad for that rea son slons should bit kept ready for use when wanted. That prrpared by Smith Brothers is ih boet' sad can heobieiutd or eltuoat lay grooeror druggist. Tbore aro many other e for b'trex whleli seed nut tpecl- iy, out mote x Dave mentioned ere aim enough to satisfy eny family of at ibe value of the value id the erti. clo, and to ell such, st well as those who do. Dot u ii dents ni it properties I repeat, keep bo' tx. Thi I'hiUdelnhie end Erie rail. roed Company are making prepare tione to lay a donble track between Wimamepori aad Sunbur, Taaal -rcatfwt . ai positive uurb run CATARItll, nRQ4IIITI9 A7ID ARTIIMA. Thoo.A4 tir htm an rM bv Ta. Oot.nsa. SKSd'A 1H LATIOff. wlf WOrO roO0Dlie(l lo- urliie l.f ihtalrUnt an.l IrlainU l'.tieott llvln at a nt.nco df.lrlMi to anil Ibom. ol'tanf thalrlo of Da. uniixnutitd, ran file tholr nm m l nt-om" Mr, unj forwra lo Dh. Ioi.i.knii i, vie Arch NtrM, Phll.l)h. when h III rotm a then a llt or nrlntt.l niiMilunt, lh tniwi-m lo wbleh will ontblo bim lo dMormln lb Butur of tb'r llh-i anil lb prulnblllir of ear, tlx will iiirwar-i io oo V w.lilr Tttt. hl nKlKF or bnnk. mlw in; lull dwer litl l. of tbo dlMao bo trou, IW sJv. Vsasoa St. Phii.., oet.I, lirr. 1 hToad Dr. (lo'l.lcoUr.'i loh.l.llnn for rrb. MrooctiHU, and Alhin. and m n llMly eurd. ANNlt tiKAL. KIDNEY AND LITER SPECIFIC AHADIUAL CURE FOK ALL DISBAIKS or TKt HiurtKis, di.adui:h. aio tRIWARY ORUA9. praaiax pM. co hor i mmnu ruiiina; wo nunc! or Brlno, t cbamlr-l h&lv-l biimIo, I on onlnlua rn.Ur.l r-r.iif.- aoturo I Ihtlr f)laa..b-., trot u hmi. (iimauiuilmi tod ttilnatloni rant. IHmi for IIWllHlvo l'alr In UU.Kil.lKNIihl(l'NPrlnlpol ost. Wl Aih 1RHI, rwi4lbl. PENNSYLVANIA R. R. Troloileart routon Junetloa ai folio wi MAIN LINE-WESTWARD. Plttaliumh R'proit raainn Kiproaa Wy Hunuan Doll I.tno KASTU'ISD. 1 "0 a. m. To . m. 10 41 a. m. 4 oo p. m. W p. m. Phl'n.lfli.Ma, TipreM I 90 a in. I'aolhu Kxpre.a in 00 a. n. Inhnatun Kiprmt 11 "4 a.m. Mail t io 0. oi, Allaotle Ktpreii 1 44 p. n Th Ft Lino. War l'nr an I Ih parlf. In l irea wat. an l ths Pavlilo aO'l Atlaullo Kvvrfa eaat ron daily. W at Ira ni lv ataiiuur In Mllttlo eguutr at lollowa : l KTH'A III). P. m. a. ni. p III OrafirMt A o.lanMin' Lotiu Ifliow Manayunk V Ii ayarii N. liniullluo 10 VI UK 11 "I 11 II 11 11 1 1 ; i ll 40 4 07 4 HI 4 l 4 V 4 :T 4 II 4 :3 -.-a r ,vu o: 4 Si 4 ; li w In 4' u .11 in : l.i m lu 10 Th I'actno Cipreaa wmt an t naatf. at iriiiwi at I iJ a. lu. ao'l th Aiuuilo t.t- irM ial ol 1 -5 p. in. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral For DUbmci gf too Throat and Luna, auch aa Couaba, 5a Colds, Whoopiug x iouan, urononiua, Aimms, aoa ton. aumption. Tlin ropotntlon It h.is nttnlned. In consequence ol the nmrvollous cures it has produced ilnrlnij the last hnlf crn turj', Is a siilllcieiil aKxursnce to tlio public that It will continue to realize the hnppioxt results thnt rsn he desired. In almost every section of country there aro persons, publicly known, who have been restored from alarming aud even desperato diseases of the lunpi, by its uho. All who have tried It ac knowledge lu superiority j and where Its virtues are known, no oue hesitates at to what mcdlulua to employ to re lieve the distress and auflcriiiK peculiar to pulmonary affections. Chkkky l'r.c Tokal siwayt attoriis Instaiit relief, aud perl'orms rapid cures of the milder va rieties of brouchlul disorder, as well as the more formidable dlseasea of the luugs. As a safeguard to children, sinld the distressing diseases wldeli beset the Throat and Chest or Childhood, it It invaluable for, by Its timely ue, multitudes aro rescued aud restored to health. This medicine gains friends at every trial, as the cures It Is coostuutly producing are too reiuurkable to be forgotten. No family t-bould be with out It, and those who havo ouce used It never will. Eminent Physicians throughout the country prescribe It, aud Clergymen often recommend it from their KUQ)r ed((eeXlUi'Uccu. rsaraaio bv Or. J. C. AYER 4 CO., lowell, Mast,, Practical aad AaalyUaal CnomUts, SOU) BY all tiHcoosns BvaavwuKKS, MAKI HOMt NAPPY. A VUaufal Saaaly Ooai B-adiit sal BMtUfal fletarw WI1A CO IT. THE OISOIHNATI WEEKLY STAR, A la tlM-ru Mr, wl'k fall ! , oataaa mir pw r wt mu, aa4 la la. Iaraf. u-uv I, m t4.kaal ia Otfliuaa, gina all Iba a.a, aa, baaklaiack lai u war a--ii. - ' ww . ..u nJ .b. haatittral aaatav. aaarr a-i-. aw. ut. f mmr ah raw Sbaa'a fywat, alaa riaAl lataaa. umikn I TUB STAB ll l lTlU il.aa m, vaarai an. a aaai aai aaaMa. af au aai .4 atailiaa ara. Oar laaaarami aaaaila. al.aa laa aii litoial ta .. tVTa, ura aaa raa l.i . a waal Nll cluk apal I Ika aaaalr? W aQVv-aia wa aa law. ru utk. Ta aaa Saiaaa aaaip, a-a -v wui aaaa a w.un .i, u. a aua a laaaaaaat'a ' SM ttve) Hdlif eeoaa. -'". f f"!- rr- ttawMl Mar ana ) aw U wlawett wif Mtl Ika atalaia. "TV Tmmt alto r BUaaa'o rrlaaa." aaji.a a. aa dT ia Ha aaa aaataM aaaalnl a. M. ml aaaaa au. wataa w. aaaa Mcyi-4 Dm tkia ai M. . tary,wrauaaW aiwur. Oa SwBwr. Me Walatwl at an4vaa, a jy w Him V LIS IU? at MEN'S SUITS formerly sold el e it It li II 4 SPLENDID ell wool suits u tt tt It II FINE caHsimero suits all wool ii ii ii COAT, PANTS, end VEST for $T 60 end en OVER COAT in tbe bargain. Boys' Clothing a Specialty. 110Y8 good trbool ruitt ' caMiaiert ruin " fino tiuaday tultt o1y We havo tx Lnreui' AMNoptint'tit o IIV1-H &. CAl'H than ever . before. Xrieen !-.; v thun ever. Over Coals for Jflcnaml Hoys, Cheaper than ever Offered. All we nk is to Come and See, DO KOT FORGET THE PLA;E, WEI3 & OPPENHIMERe iibovc Keystone Hotel, Sellnsffrove. FALL PENOfc!. sT Nev York Fancy Store, (In Holmes' new builidicg, opposite tlio Kcytsono Hotel.) MAIIKKT NT., Hi:LlH(51tOVK, 1V. j. ivicii:it htoci or DRY GOODS, NOTIONS & FANCY GOODS rsow rni.viv jsvjsis. I woiill moNt r'MKpt lliONi iMeei liiliy iiiiiMMinrn in tin; e thitt 1 httvejiiist oponetl the lurtrett iionc eoniiili'tir rtHMortiiiont t 1I' pitttlic t unci mi (j(K) CiOOJH, ever brought to thin eount.v. lAKGE VAHliyrV OP FELT SKIBTS, HOISERT, GLOVES, SHAWLS, A. FULL LirS'l: OF TIIK 1 JKlST Oermantown Wool, Zephyr. Ladies and Child ren's Underwear- A Full Line of LADIES CLOAKS which I selected with cure as to price and tiialHi. My Dry Goods Depart jtutit embraces all tlie staple goods such as Cashmeres, Alpacas, Delaines, Calicoes, Muslins Flannels Waterproofing-, Shirting, etc. In kahort m.vStoek Ih full nntl complete in o v- ........ . i . ........a ..l..l...v a - . . It.... airt .aiaaa-s aarjajra lion given to all teui may favor rte NEW (HARDWARE S TO 11 E , Middleburg-, Penn'a. Tk aslrlsBil wonts Inform lctlUn of MIJ.IIaLura ao.l aorriB.llu Jlalrlol (bal ka ka op,ua.i a nr4re oior. ai mataor aiall.a.l lo3.l 4al k will ki a full llu ol all klaii ( Uanlaar. lm.liJi( Heavy a. Sbelt Hardware, TKJMMINQS, SADDLERY, blio Findius. Lihrr. peoial laducoaitau is 9t BUXXDrG HARDWARE LOCKS. 1IINQK3. 8CSEWS, N A 11.8, It A Largt Aorlaial of Caal 8ll (Ibo?. tls A Bi d, llos. Ganlta Tool, aohtlkoa Ural a Raktt, Uty Ropoa. PuUt. A., Or Alt KIN PS ooaataailv ea kaad. AH at tirtelty RoJaood Prieoa, All wko are la aod f aay kla4 of Hardware will do well ky ealUag ai ilti plaoo, WA.LANTHO.N MOATt, .ltdaubsi-j, 8s;ir C., t, mm. YOU CAN BUY HALF 1' It ICE, et i ii for .. ii n ftl 00 7 00 H00 f 3 SO HOYS all wool fi (aj ' all wool toe ruitt 7 Co " Cntr Sunday tulit Til 12 fully minoiinrn to the i.iiiiiii iu iiiiv. vith q call. HEAD ! READ ! HEAD!! ! Dniri Ilnckonburfr. JSeaver fyringt, J'tumv. Pealcr in Hardware! Tinwaret Stoves &c Also SrOlTlXO done at thort notice, mi reasonable lariu and atifactirv manner. Mr I am full prepared to fur nish all kiuda of llardware, INnware, Stoves, Ac," at the very lowoot ra'.ra. e..Vll in nevd of Tinwtro or StwHit- ing or anything eWo iu inv hue ivf lu tine, will not rvgrel it by exameaiiiig my fviodt and term before purchatiu( Uea here. tmil KAXKINBURG. Ant;. 10, 74 nVTTPfl "JM.rt on, chki AVJVII19 MM. kaaaUial laaaw at BOW 5 00 ft 60 6 an 900 10 00 11 oo 1100 11 60 IS 00 ullt 4 eo e 50 00 W . TOITElt, -i T1 ORXE i' A T LA W. Sclinsgrove. Pa, Offer hi profrionl terriert lo the mihlio. Alllffal buain tnlradf lo bit are will receive jrompt titration. Offioo me door above the New Lolkrran Ckurtk, July, 4 ill '72. J. THOMl'SON BAKKli .ttoriie.v-nt-1 4vra Lewiaburf , I'aioa Co., Pa jgy-Oan bt tontultad ia tbt Ectitk aa4 Jcrman langusg. OFFICE Mark! Strett, oppotli Walla niilb 4 Co t Store 8 9y T J' F KANAWKL, - HIYPICIAS AND 8CR0E0H. rrntrrvllle, Snyder Co., Pa OlUr bit frtifwuiuc.l terricti lo Its public 828tf FAIRMOUNT HOUSE. NEAS TUX DEPOT, Iiltlleburj3r, lta. IltVI-N SMITH, PaomiToa. Tblt bom it in eloit proi'.Biliy I a Ibe Jrpol anj lit lately l'rn rtbnili aad ro, fin el. nooni eommojiou lb table well iipplieJ with lb hti iba narktt affords anj ttrmi modrn. II alio k,pt a Aral olat IWtry. wkoeo bortt. buta'i Ao . eta bt kk4 at alt i line aod at rooabl raiet. aprtif 'T7. U. J. Y. 8 II IX DEL, " ei'ROEO.V AND PHYSICIAN. Mi4dlburf, Pa, Ofltra bit proftioaal rlttt lo Ike ell itent of MiddloJurg and vioiaity.- klarek 21. 'T Justice of the Peace. 2foJteriii, SuyJer ( a., i'av All kiaJt of eoIUelioot made ts liberal ttrmt. Prompily alltadt I all tatiBOto iolrutiot io bit ear. (Jaao 3a. 'Tlif V. l). Iv IZ J , Justice of tne Peace ati CucrtTBictr, emltti Grvf aajyAsr Tm. Coll.-tloaa art til fcaaiaM awialaa ka Sat ffl.-aol JaaiiMoita Pa SI ka aHaaSaO a korl aHM. S,UTr aoa.ca lUiaai, S. ALLEMAN & SOX, ATTORSXrS AT LAW. Nollnwjjrovo, Tt. All profional boalaaa aaj Owllaotltw rairMi4 lo ikir oaro Ikairtar (ill M prow.' J Can koataltlta afUSA aiioaod lo. r Cerate. Office, Mark So NotiOaV VVOTICRit korohtsifoa H all i IA kr ih Ba4risa4. avt to raaa a Jaao .lal., V.'T. QIIARLR3 0. COUXXLICS. rfVt t o r ih y t Lav9, .Yf JSeWii. rio fMttty, laa k aaawaliat ta alklak at MSa. la-I.M TOUX U, AUXOLP, A. tttkirviM wr at. A DIST1U CTJ TT0&1M JTV uihai aaaaA k . PrtVaaiaktt kaataaao Mlaaisa) to bio a- H9w ,twi u xzs .ta4 mi I Mik, iallsti. aU kl Mkt AT. V'aax UvtitiMiTiai. - ..j ,owi .. VA.-wi--ati., - JA-aJllwlI