The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, November 15, 1877, Image 1

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Ono column one year, V).00
One-half, column, one year, 80.00
One-fourth eolumn, one year, 15.00
One iquare (10 linen) 1 insertion 75
Every additional Insertion, 60
Professional And Business cards of
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and Assignee Notice, 2.IW
Editorial notices per line, IS
All advertisement for a shorter tie
i, riod than one year are payable at the
time they are ordered, and ii not paid
the person ordering tliem will tie held
responsible for the monev.
Mother. .
Early ess ssmrner saoralsg,
1 esw to eblldrea put :
Tselr footsteps, slew yel lis hlasas,
ssrss bsat las tsadsr froae.
Oas, latsty sal sf bsbysnofr
Looked as with eager eyes
Tbs stbsr wstsbea ber slit fairy
Oppressed with ewolbered sighs, i
i 4 ,
0ssr fcotber !' eried ths llttls sbs.
i gstberod tbtm for yon "
Tbeowene! flowsrs sod lillles,
Aad Msbls hss sobs tos."
"Use, BetHe t" whUpsrtd Mbl,
W bsvs sot reecbod It yel.
iTelt lilt w set there. derUni
; It IfB't fat mj pel."
Get wbsrs f sakea Wetlle. 'Tell sis
To tbs ebnrcb-yard," Mabel Mid.
No I bo I" srltd Hills Nellls,
ad sbook ktr sunny kesd.
BUI1 Msbls wnlapsred sadly,
Wa matt tsks tbm Is the irsvs.
Cons, darling f" sad tbs cblldiea voles
Tritd is bs sltsr sad brave,
But Hellle still srpt sslllsg
Far ap lals lbs blus ;
Bos, mother, se, kow pretty I
Ws gatksrsd tbtm for you."
Asd wbsa bsr si tit' pleaded,
Bbs erled snd would a ot go !
Aagtls don't lies is ohurcb-yards,
Mj mother doa't I kaw i"
Tbea Msbsl beat aad kissed bsr,
So bs It dear sbs ssid ;
'We'll tsks them ts tks srbor
Aad lay them Ibera instead.
KFor mother loved it dearly,
it was tbs sweetest pleoe 1"
Aad Iks joy thsl cams to Nelly
Shone ap la Mabel's faoe.
I ssw Ibem lorn and follow
A path with bloetoms bright,
Until lbs sodding branehee
Concealed them from my sight.
Fat stIU like sweet moils
Tks words ssms ringing throagb j
"See, mother, see, bow pretty I
Ws gstksred them for you."
8t. Nicholas
Heleot Tale
A Narrow Escape.
My old friend and schoolmate,
Philip Coloord, when be went into
. the army, left his diary in my poa
session, at the same time telling me
that if I found anything therein worth
using, I might put it in shape and
give it to the world. I bare just
opened the Diary, and almost the
first thing that attracted my atten
tion was the recosd from wuiou I
made the following sketch .
, Some years ao my phystoian
Hbytold me I must leave the oaotinj
Iouse and travel for my health. Let
it oot be thought from this that I
wasa weak, puny, man. Far from
it In fact, I was too stout and
strong for so much confinement, the
result of which was a morbid state
of the liver, aud a weakening of the
digestive o.'gans, with accompanying
dyspepsia aoaoonsupiuon. t Knew
the physician waf igbt, and I at
once planned a voyage to Europe ;
but my parents were anxious to
know if a borse-back ride through
the Southern States would not be as
good for me. The doctor said it
would be better. 'Then,' cried old Lat
titat, the bead of the tirm, "you will
kill two birds with one stone.' The
meaning of which was that I could
visit a tttpnsand and one correspon
dents lis the Cotton States, and
square up a tbonsand and one ac
counts while looking after my lost
health. I bad no objections to this.
I steamed it by rail as far as Cincin
nati i thenoe by water to New Or
leans. Then I took the river back to
Yicksburg, where I bought a horse,
and started across the country to
the eastward, intending to strike the
Atlantic coast at Savannah.
Late one evening 1 arrived at a
small settlement near the Tombig-
bee, in Alabama, where X found
quite a comfortable inn. After sup
per I sat down in the .barroom, and
aoon discovered that among the
guests present were the sheriff of
the district and two of bis deputies;
and by listening to the conversation
x I learned that the; were out on im
portant business. lister, when alone
with tbe landlord. I waa informed of
the k Scalar That section of the
country had for a long time been
infested by a gang of desperate viU
tains river pirate and horse thieves
who had robbed and murdered both
travelers and citizens, and who bad
thus far snooeededia elading the
vigilance of tbe offioers sent after
them. There waa something won
derfol in thiai for the most expert
deteetivea bad been n'pon the track
of the uarandera many times, and
vet not even a clue had been gained
to their hiding-place. That they
had a hiding place was very evident)
aad farther, it wee a place where
both men and horse oould be ef
fectually concealed. The boat de
clared that it waa very mysterious,
it. waa past his comprehension. For
more than a year plantations have
been' robbed i taavelere have been
robbed i boats npoa the river have
been robbed aad area large settle
ments have beaa iaveded, by tease
bold oaawa. .; The patSona'a idea
was that they had a li ease sous
where aadsr the groaod i for if
there roadaivons had been above
grouad the ,eeer wonld have
found It .before tUs.
. tta . floioj Baonioj we
VOL. 15.
breakfast at an early honr, and short
ly afterwards tbe Sheriff and his dep
uties started on to tue eoutuwaru,
toward a bend in the river, where
the crew of a flatboat had been rob
bed onlv a few date before. My
eonree lay to the eastward, as I had
business at Cabawba.
"Yon'd a made it better, said my
host If you'd crossed the river at
Ulnnpost in lust case you a a oaa
a direct road to Cahawba but now
yon've got to take nearly half the
distanoe in a wild oat road and mule
path, llowsomever, ff you've got a
trood boss, you'll mske out I reckon,
mat is, ii you aon t get piuam op
. . . . i m 1 . . ! 1 1
bv tbe pirates.
I bad been aware of the character
of tbe road that lay before roe, and
bad rather preferred it to the better
route to tbe northward, i bad pien
ty of time, and I liked to see these
out-of the way plantations, and as
far aa hospitality, it was all alike.
I was at home everywhere. With
one or two exceptions it seemed to
be the chief aim of the planters to
make my stay with them as agreea
ble ae possible i and I fonnd more
difficulty in getting away from their
doors than I did in gaining en
t sat out of the settlement at
eight o'clock, and at the distanoe of
some five or six miles t met a man
who informed me that the water was
too high for a comfortable fording
at Linden Creek, and that t would
find it pleasant to torn to the south
ward, and go bmow tbe uig lirake
rnforring to a cane brake not far dis
tunt which oovered several hundred
acres of tbe rich bottom land. This
was a route but little traveled, but i
minded not that so long as there
was a plain path so I jogged along
opon this new way, which I found to
be dreary and lonesome enough
had no fear of robbers, but still the
character of the road was calonlated
to excite one's caution, and I in
stinctively drew out my revolver and
examined tbe charges, and the oapa t
and when i bad done this I slipped
it into the side-pocket of my sack,
where conld reach it most handily.
Aftor this 1 whistled, and then t
sang a low verses of an old song,
for the purpose, 1 suppose, of con
vincing the birds that I was very
cheerful and eany.
Ify and by I reached a point
where the path crossed a little
stream, and here I was joiuoJ by a
horseman who bad come out from
the timber to the eastward. Aa his
beast had been drinking, I did not
notice him until I was close npon
him. He was a middle-aged man,
of medium size, dressed in a com
mon hunting garb, and carrying a
ride before him npon his saddle
bow. If this man was really a hun
ter, I thought he was entiroly differ
ent frofn other hunters I bad met in
that country. Ilia clothes were ViieU
ly better, and be lacked the free and
easy off-hand way of your genniue
forester. He bailed me as though
he was surprised to see me there.
and I could nut divest myself of the
impression that he regarded me as
an interloper. Be looked at me
sharply, and as he drew up near my
side be asked t
' Do yon belong in these parts T"
It struck me then that he might
be an officer looking after tbe river
pirates. I told him that I was a
stranger in that section, .traveling
partly for my health, and partly on
business i furthermore told bim that
was on my way to Cahawba.
He looked at me again; taking a
careful survey of my whole figure,
and then remarked, as we started
away from tbe brake i
l s pose the Ureelc is fall J '
"Yes," said I.' ' V
"And so yon have to oome this
I said "yes," again.
"That's partly the case with me,"
he said, "though I ain't going ex
actly your way for any great dis
tance. Bather a lonesome road,
isn't it 1"
"It is, certainly."
"Not a very pleasant place to meet
robbers," he suggested.
I admitted he waa eorreot-
"Have you heard any thing abont
those chaps t"
"Yon mean tbe robbers V
I now felt sure that mycempam
ion was a detective, and I told him
what I bad seen and heard at the
inn where I had last stopped. He
waa. deeply interested -very deeply
interested i and I ventured to sug
gest that be might be searching af
ter those very villains.
"Do you really think so T" he
I told him I thought so from tbe
first. j
"Zonnds lHhe muttered, with a
smile "1 mnst be more careful, or I
shall expose myself too ranoh."
Then be acknowledged that be
waa an officer, end as we rode on I
told bim all 1 bad beard concerning
the outlaws.
7n tbe eonree of half aa hour we
left the timber, and soon afterward
we came in sight of the cane brake,
ft was a enrions sight, that maae of
canes stretching away almost aa far
tbe eye conld reach i and as
came nearer wandered not that
even experienced banters sometimes
1 & 4L.1 M -1 A M iL
oat isnr way nu iwmi to umo
in the trackless depths of snob a la
byrinth. For the distance oTsoms
two mj'M we rode along eloae by
tbe e of ti-y kraU, aad then we
m t Mm
account of tbe softnoss of tbe soil,
esq pretty soon we came to wnere a
body of water lay between ns sod
tbe canes, i bis water seemed to be
a e jrt of btyon, fed by seme stream
beyond my sight, and it certainly
hod a swampy, dismal look, sugges
tive of snakes and alligators. We
bad passe-i a poiut of wood that
made close dowu to the water, when
fancitid that beard the sound of
horses' feet behind me, and npon
turning 1 beheld fitir horsemen just
emerging from the wood. My com
panion certainly endeavoring to
make some sign to them, but they
did not see bim. They kept straight
on to the edge of the bayou i went
into tho water as though it were a
continuation of tbe roa J, the horsos
moviog with perfect assuriinoj, and
fluallv disappeared within tbe doDtha
sf a a . - - - (
of the cane brake.
1 looked at my companion, and
be looked at roe.
"That's rather enrions. isn't it T'
be said. And he looked into my
face very sharply
"Curious cuough,' I replied.
"What d'ye s pose it ineaus ?' he
It bad naturally occurred to me
that within the canebrakt might be
tbe bidden retreat of the robbors,
and that the place of pasHage across
tbe bayou wus known only to tnoin-
selves, but 1 did not speak my mind
to my companion, I intimated to
him that L had no idea of its meau
ing. "It isn't impossible,' he pttrsnsd,
with his eye still npon me, that the
rascals we ve been speaking of have
a haunt in thore somewhere."
I told him I thought it quite like-
We rode on a short distanoe fur
ther, and close by a spur of the tiui
ber be told me that be must leave
"I should like to keep on with
you," he said, "but I mast take the
rest of my way alone. Here is my
lie bade me good-bye t hoped wo
should meet again, gave mo some
directions touching my route, and
then turned toward the timber
Dear reudur, did you ever, either
while stauding in the stroot, or iu
some crowded assembly, grow ner
vous and uneasy under the impress
ion that some ono was gaziug upou
you ! and bavo you not uudor
such circumstances, looked around
and fonnd a pair of bright, elootnc
eyes fixed np n you t oomotutug
so felt 1 as 1 rode away from that
At length tbe feeling became op
pressive and I stopped and turned.
In another iustaut I should have
been a dead man t The seeming
bauter had dismounted, and bis
keen block eye was glancing along
over the barrel of bis ritle directly
at my heart. Quick as thought I
slipped from my saddle, and on tue
same Reoond a ouuot citne vizziug
over my sliouldor close by my ear.
I tuiuk tbe tenth part of a seooud
lost to me at that time would have
been fatal. Tbe villain supposed, of
course , that he bad shot me, and
leaving his horse behind ho hurried
toward mo. Under such circum
stances I oould have no hesitation.
I waited until he had arrived within
a few paces, and then I leveled my
pistol and shot him through the
heart- He kept on toward me, and
I fired a sooond tiu'e t but tbo first
shot had been sufficient
"You're a fine traveling compan
ion, aren't ye I' said I as i bent over
He started to his knees, raised
bis hand toward the cane brake, and
tried to cry out either for help, or
else to warn his companions there
bidden but bis voioe bad failed bim,
and he sank back deal without hav
ing spoken a word.
With as little dolay as possible I
dragged tbe body np Into the tim
ber, and having remounted my own
horse and taken tbe rein of tbe dead
man's horse over my arm, I started
baok. t did not follow the road
over which I had come, but kept to
tbe southward, toward- Hricketts
Ford, where the Sheriff had talked
of goiog. 13y tho middle of the af
ternoon I waa on tbe track of the
officers, though I did not find them
until eveniug. I told them what I
had discovered, and early on the fol
lowing morning, with fifty or sixty
well armed citizens, we set off to
ward tbe Uig Brake. I remembered
tbe place where tbe horsemen bad
taken to tbe water, and upon enter
ing here and following oirefully a
long, we found a bard road, where
some peculiar movement of the
flood had thrown np a ridge of gra
vel. Having gained tbe cane brake
our way was clear enough, for we
found an open path, out through
the canes, and at a diatance
of a quarter of a mile where the
ground was high and dry, we came
upon tbe robbers' oimp. f welvo of
the .desperedoee were there, and
vara easily captured i and the a
mount of property which fell into
the bands of tbe officers waa large.
Some of tbe villains were away, and
probably made their escape. The
ohisf pf tbe gang, a Texan ranger, of
the name of JSaetrop, waa tbe indi
vidual who bad overtaken me on tbs
road, and whom I had shot, ad
he been content to let me depart in
peace I donbt if J ebouldbave been
the oause of trouble to aim. As I
hava already said, it bad ooourred to
me that tho hunt of the robbere waa
'A "y
J particular desire to be iniud up iu
such a mess, I might have kept on
my way and left the oluuers to at
tond to the finding of the 0 Jllawa.
The cowardly attempt npon my life
however, determined me otherwise i
and the last act of John lltstrop's
career, instead of saving bis gang
from arrest, as he had iotendod.
C roved the signal of destruction of
ctU bim and them.
The Question of Deserted Farms.
Much has been said by poet and
writer ou the subject of deserted
farms snd still there is abuudaut
room for more before the troth of
tbe matter is reached, it is a true
and much regretted fact that during
the past five or eight years many
farms have been giveu np, And many
young men, had they had a chunoe
offdred tUom on tbe farm, would to
day have been far better off than
they now are in the callings they
almost reliiotautly chose, t say re
luctautly t yes, and mean it i lor t
know young men who are auxious to
I'farm it" but thoir parents not be
ing willing, they are forced to go in
to a store, or some other establish
ment Any why f Is it because
their parents do not regard farming
as honorable as an industery bo
neatb them T Not that; but in con
versation with one whose son do
lights ia the wealth and freedom of
tbe farm, he said t ''Farming is all
right bnt I bolievo my boy can ob
tain a livelihood Doxier than on thj
farm t and although he desired a
farm I wish him to try a merchant's
life.' I shall dillar with this goutlo
man i for evory young inaa who has
a desire and a relish for farming
should be gratified, if posmblo.
V bat causes so many failures and
manes so many uauitrupts r it is
forciug oftentimes--people into a
branch of buniness they have uo in'
turest iu other than the money in
vested i who cannot outer into it
with their whole soul anl pnrposo.
Older persons are sufforud the
freedom of choice i why not, I nsk,
allow tuo young mun tbo same light
ful privilege T
; .
aguin, wuy uo so many yonng
men leave tue farm T llocuuse. nine
times out of ten. tho bov's colt is
tbo fatbor's borne tho boy's steers
the father's oxen. 1'hoy are the
boy's so loug aa they are kopt but
I when they are sold, tbe mouov goes
luto tue fathers pockits and there
Why not encourage yomr boy by
presouting bim a bunk note of tho
amount t Why not treat Lim as
one who will occupy your place iu a
lew years T by not ouoonrage hi in
by giving bim au interest in tho old
farm t Why not show, by word aud
deed, that farming is honorable, nnd
that you wish to oncourago hiiu to
continue, and not by with-holding
all theso, force bim to the conclusion
that farming dries ap all the kiud-
ness and pareutly affection of a pa
rent and oblige bim to believe that
he must try something where he
can obtain a livelihood and more,
or lose bis best days delving with
discouragement waiting for 'dead
meu suoos T
Ibis is nothing more nor less
than a self evident truth t and in
view of this truth, can we wonder
as we look over our state aud fiud
so many farms, onoe occupied, but
now deserted f
A young man of ordinary abilitv
and keen intelligence, when be ar
rives at the ago of twenty or twenty
one is not avian to remain on tlm
farm unless au interest of some kind
is offered, for it is nntural for him
to thiok be can do better.
We knew of an active agricultu
rist onoe, who now through infirmi
ty of years, is unable to work on
the farm, who has been blessed with
a large family of children, but now
in bis last days he and his wife are
alone failing to so encourage any
one of the many sons aud daughters
sufficiently to remain with them
during their declining days.
For the reasons named, many, I
do not say all, of our smartest boys
on arrisiog at the age of manhood
strike out in the world in a new di
rection, either in our cities or the
West, and if we wish to retain thorn
here, and witness, iustead of deser
ting, thriving farms, we mast pav
some beed to that maxim Do as
you would be done by,' and oon sid-.
er that the son has an interest in
common with tbe father, if riahtlv
eoooursged, and rights that should
receive some respect i and we shall
have less cause to fret over, deserted
forms, and the abandoning of them
by our yonog men Jejenon. in
Mirror and Farmer,
An Oakland huckster bought a fine auotion on California, street
lust week. He paid $140 for it, and
christianed it Martin Lather. After
trying for three days to pnt its bas
nets on from a second story window,
the owner resold it for 914, on long
time, and under tbe style and title
of "Sara." Jt was purchased br the
city government, and willbenoeforth
be need to suppress riots. Jt is ul
oulsted that when backed gently but
firmly into a mob tbe business end
of this faithful animal will ' be equal
to four Galling guns and a howita-
Batan was the original "deadhead."
He cot into tbe Garden free, and
then cansed trouble by bit talking.
Wdg &
MEN'S SUITS formerly sold
it i a
SPLENDID all wool suits
I U It tt
FINE cassimcre suits all woo!
HOYS (nod nchool mils
" riiiiiiiicri uns
" fin Huodnjr lulls
Wo have ii Liirucr Ahni iiii'ii of IIVT"N A: CA.I7H tlinn ovt r
lclorc. A'l'ifOH Lows? i tlinn over.
Over Coals forJtlcn and Hoys,
Cheaper tlm ?vcr Offered. AU wc ask is to Coiuc and Sec,
do Not forget the place.
WEIS & OPPENHIMER, opposite Keystone Hotels Selinsgrrove.
New York
(In Holmes' new builiding, opposite tho Keytsono Hotel.)
I would mowt roHftoelf itll.v nnnoiincn to the?
pullie Unit I liti ve.JiiMt opened tho larcro r
nrxl inoHo eoinnht nMMoitmeiit of J1'V
GOOIJH, over brought to thin county.
Germantown Wool, Zephyr, Ladies and Child
ren's Underwear
A Full Line of LADIES CLOAKS which T selected with
care as to price aiut quality. Mr J)n GootLi Depart'
ment embraces alt the staple goods such as
Cashmeres, Alpacas, Delaines, Calicoes, Muslins
Flannels Waterproofing", Shirting1, etc.
In short myHtock In
ery thing appertaining; to my line.
Everybody it invited lo call and examine my good. Courteous at ten
tion given to all who may favor me
OctlC, '73.
Middleburff, Penn'a.
Th vndarthrtMS would Inform In olllitni of
Mlitllliuri. imI aurMUO'llDM rilatrlot tbt k
ku opcawl Hrlr titan at laa alr
oiantluaetl plaaa al loat ha will kaap a lull
lias al all klsl ol Hariiwasa, Intituling
Heavy to Shell Hardware,
Shoe FlHJIugi, taaibtr.
t&u Aprsisl lailaossiaaU is
A Lrg A atari mailt of Cat Hlcet Pbof .
I 4 gpasas, Hoas. Carta n Toola, lahjlbcs
Orals Bakti, Hay Ropas, Pulitjs, Aa.,
Or ALL KINDS sosstssil sa bsnd.
All stOraslI Radoaad Prlcaa. All waa
srs Is saJ of say sisd of lUrdwsrs will
4 wtll by sslliaK at ibia plaea.
1 11
15, 1877. NO. 2G.
G 00
7 00
8 00
and VEST for $7 50 and an OVER
Clothing a' Specially.
?3 AO l'.OVS all wool till
6 CO " Mil wool fine mill
7 6o " finer Huuiluy auiia
Fancy Store,
full nncl complete inev
with a call.
Da h' I Ilnckenbiir,?.
Beaver Springe, Pennti.
Dealer in
Stoves &c
Also SrOUTINO done at short notice,
ou reasonable term yd satialttutory
Ikdr I am fullr prepared to rur
niab all kinds or Hardware, Tinware,
Stoves, &.0, at the very lowest rates.
A.AI1 in need of Tin were or 8pont
ing or anything else in my Hue of bu
sinews, will not regret It by examening
my goods and terms before puroliaaing
nauin usnrcwou
irnnitsss iirtwn ei a w
V :
twnn KLMST Oil. OH
" tnnlialiT arasa4
T11M i'OHT. .
Pul)lU1iP(l erery Thnreilav Etrmlntr
Trms of Snbsennfion. .
sll ritliinsix months, or fc2.3") if not
piild within thD vr. No impor dis
continued until all arrennwo are
pniil unties at the option of the pub
Kulisrrlptione rttiNlile of the count?
r.iyAur.K in advance. .
frTTPoriiniiii lining and imlng papers
Adilrpsscd 'x other become subscribers
mid are liable furtlis irirerthpnper
$5 00
6 50
6 0O
0 00
10 00
11 00
18 00
12 r,o
13 00
COAT in tho bargain.
rt .'ill
Not. k,';T.
Solinsgrore, Pa ,
OITari lit prnfciiiional rrioci to (lie
pulilio. AUK'Ritl buntnaa mlruxle.l lo his
oar will reciTr froiupt kllvnlioo. OHics
on door hon lbs New Lutbersa Cburcb.
July, 4ib '72.
Lcwlaburg, Union Co., Pa
t-Onn he ponaulted In tbs Eugllih and
Qerman lnngu:igi!k."Xiidi
OFFICK Market Slreet, oppoiil Wallt
Smith St Co' 8lora 8 iff
Ccutrevllle, Snyder Co., r.
Oiron bis profeitional saivioea to lbs
publio. 6-dttlf
Iltlllolurtr, la.
IKVIN SMITH, riiorniEToit.
Tbii bom ! ia clone proiimityto ths
leiiol and ban Intel v been rebuilt and r.
Hlleil. Ronmi eomroodioui .tbe Inble wall
up)lld wilb tbs beat tbs market affords
and terma moderate.
He nUo kenpi a nrat elaat livery, where
homes, bugiea 4o , oan be bad at all
lutes and si reutooitble ritiee.
aprlif '77. ;
U. J. Y. 8 II IN DEL, "
MiJdloburp, Ps.
Ofleri liii. profemlonal lervioee lo lbs eit
lient of Middlejurg snd vicinity; .
f March 2107
Justice of the Peace,
Jtiui vert own, Suyder Co., I'a.
Alt kinJe of colleolione road liberal
leroia. Promptly attende lo all buaineae
iolrumed to kia eara. (June 2U, '73 if
V. 11. KluCK,
Justice of tns Peace anil CoaveyaDcer,
amltli Grose, my tier I: Wm.
Collarifima anil all tiDHlaaaa arrtalalar to tba
fltra of Juatiuaof tba faava will k nitu41 to
abort autwe. alay.ll.'IS'
NellriMgrrovo, !
All profeaaional boalueae asd eoUeetlng
eolruated to their ears will b prow pi I y
aliened lo. Can be eoaaulted is Engliak
or Oerman. Office, Market Square.
" Noticsv '
NOTICE Is kershy gives lo all aereoss
by lbs asderaigDed, sal lo Ireapaae oa
kla nirui.aor aarry av ar taaa aay wuait. oktpa.
beaux4a, Aati'ae tod, aaoxlaa), imrrmm, tw..
a..aa all pecuaaaa aoaiuUiiS h1 haUi aiiwiili
aeoonllBalo l.. T.J.aUSlTM.
Juae ., 11. , .
Vt t o rn y -vV t Iia vr, t
New Jlerlin, Union (Xntnty, Pet.
Ca aa aoawattoS ka atnailbk St OeratM. '
Mai ta, IStl.U 1
A.ttorney tat fLsaw
" 4
Mlddlaburf, bi,.
Hy M, Wi,
were (jrtsJ to ttt t ti ritt ca U the oaai brake i bat as I had no
Bookkf ' l.
ProfeaalMsl Vselasss-