w a J o V t KJ0 , . r " . m ? The Post. Middleburg, OCT. 5IQM i ' J. CROUSE. EJilor & Proprietor. Itopubliean Stato Ticket. rc IK f t P R t M K J V DO F.. HON. JAMKS P. 8TKKKKIT, of Allegheny County. roll HTATr, Tnetsi'KKn, HON. ILLti n. II A AT, of Montgomery County. FOR AI'llriH.NEliAU HON. JOHN A. M. I'ASSMOUE, ol "rhorlklll Couniy. Tlopubllcau Co. Ticket. FOR AROCIATR JlTidB JOSEPH A. LUMIJAKD, f Kcllnegrov. TOR COUNTY SURVEVOIl OEOItOB It IIENFEK, of Jackann. Slmiillng' ( nnlmltlee. TM following gentlemen rnnstltut th Pleading Commit! lor th ensuing year i Adm-Robrt stmlth, tt. H. Mldleswartb.. Heaver I. I. ilaniwck. Iir. I. U inrad. Heaver W.st-A. A fish. A. .1. Himlg. Centre Hoter llsrtmac, John K. Mnangter. I h.iM-.l. n. lull. Kl. . tthaeller. Kranktln 1, A. ftolen tor, It Kl.eomwor, Ja-ksoa Dr. H. Ilatman, Henry Mnyer. Mlddlotmrg J. II. ArnnM. Oeo.O. Nmllh. llddleerek-J. Robert Heeler, A. II. hook. Monroe J. y. Trexlor. r. '. Iliuntl, I'snn Jos. R Hendricks. Henry Mnyer. ferry (Jol. Win. IUrlluK, K.. I. M iyer. Perry Wot i.N. Winer tv. U. Winy. lln,irov J. It. Hendricks. A. N. Ueinber- linn. l:nlnn-i!l. W. U. Herrold, rapt. Thomas W. Hoffman. Worhlngtoa-Juhn A. Illlblsb, Heory 11. ll'ittr, Witu Storrntt, Hart ami Pusamoro M our stnn'lanl boarors, wo will nwucp tho Stuto from the Lakes to Maryland. Thoy aro pood man anil truo, nnd ovory Itopuhlioun in tho State should support thorn. Thr depreciation of tbo vuttM of tho roal cstato in tho throo States of Kow York, PoniiRylvania and Ohio, during the past flight yearn, amounts to a sum autlicient to pay off our eu tiro National debt A skrpknt thirty foot Ion;', with a hngo body, "carrying ita head as high as that of horse," in spending tho summer in Uradloy comity, Ten nossee. It wan seen during tho war. Tbe East Tennessee papers Lave faith in tho accounts of it. Thk strocts of London would form nn avenuo of six thousand miles. In tho cleansing, fourtoon thousand mon find employment, and six thousand horsos and two thousand four hun dred carts. Tho work goes on day and night. Ai. vis Adams, tho fouudor of tho cxpross Company, who died a few weeks ago, commenced tho Express business iu 1810 a very poor man. Ho died a very rich man. Last week in ono day bis Express carriud S27, 000,000, tho security for which was a eituplo receipt. The Dauphiu Doposit Dank, Har risbnrg, recuivod on deposit, a few days ago, seventy dollars in silvor half dollars that had boon lmrried in a collar on South Second street, for nearly forty years. Many of the coins dated 1S2'.), and somo of them aro as far back as 1814. Tug legislative fish comraittoo, with a civil ouginoor, arrived at M.i rietta on Monday a week, and from thonco viuitod tho point opposite C'hickios rock to oxamiuo into the foasability of feeding tho Tidn water canal from that point, and thus do ing away with tho dam at Columbia, agaiust which thero is so much com pluiui by tho up rivor pooplo. IIon. Amos C. Nov eh, tho Demo cratic candidate for State Treasurer, was a regular rooster while in tho legislature. Ho championed ovory epecios of legislation favoring mo nopolies. Tho man who would miss no opportunity to furthor the nchotuos of thoso who antagonize la bor when not held to a strict ac coontability is not a safo man by any tuoaus. His actions speak loudly agaiust trusting him. A Peteiwduuu (Va.) paper chroni cles tho advont of a now potato bug. AVherovor their bills perforate tho leaf it at onco wilts and dies. Theso bugs aro about the size of an ordi nary chinch bug, and bavo a bill, similar to that soon on the mosquito, only it is lougor. When bruised the bug omits an odor similar to that of a chinch bug, while its color is of a dark rod, It is said to bo vory toil acions of life, and is fouud ia largo numbers in some localities. Phesiuent Haves' progress throngb Kontacky and into Tennessoo has boon a succession of enthusiastic re ceptions by immouso crowds com ponod of all classes. Ho was woN cotnod at Nashvillo by tho Governor of the Stato in an eloquent speech, which was rospouded to by the Pros idout Gov. Hampton and soveral members of tbe Cabiuet also spoke. Tho cornor-stouo of tho new Custom House was laid, and a visit paid to tbo widow of President Polk. Tub Democratic Stato Convention of New Jersey, last Wednesday, a week, nominatod Qon. Qeorge H. Mot'lollan for Governor. There appears to bo some doubt about the residence of Gen. MoClellan, as his name was sent into the Now York h'Uto Senate for confirmation for an imnortant nosition. lint th Ha nnlA of New York, failing to confirm him, lie no tarns np in New Jorsoy as the democratio Jerseymau's candi date for Governor. It appears that the democrats are bound to give Mo Clellan an oflloe in some State. His failure as a General daring tho re bellion appears to have soeoiallv en deared him to tbe Democracy of the Northern States. It is aaidbewas nominated amidst the wildost en thusiaiia by tbe domooratio Jersoy tnoa Or. M Ct.ei.LA!, in an artiolo on the Regular Array, in tbe current umul;r of Harper's Magazine, tie i. .1 . i l. . i . i. -1 i ii . nAM UIUIIOIIU'H? tll.lli CUTIfc U IUQ UUI- anmont of the Muloo tad ittiniy !linil wm-a. ni1 nf Hti. ttrnamifc Tnili'iri war in Iiluho nn1 Montana, is f ir in oxocm of wh.it wo'iM have mintniiifl 1 a Htun.lintf nrmy snllkiout to pro vent any luilinti npriainjf tho lusa of b itnui I'fo in oiiiscmu'no of our neligctiuu. bi'in;" loft nut of consid eration Jowr what will tho Itatnoc rary say to this n'l"ato of au in croitsn of tho rotfiil tr army T Os last Fr I'csidcuco of id.iy tiitfht a week tho Mrk J. Willia-n1, of lluuluu townx'iiip, near M n tlui Fur- imoo, was rubbed of about five thou sand dullurs in mnnny, notes and bonds. For safj keeping all were stowed away in a trunk umully kept in tho second-fltory of his houso. It is oupposed the thief was acquainted with tho promises, and entered the saiuo somo titno during tho evening, and removed the trunk to on adja cent corn-field, whore tho empty ti unk was afterwards found minus of its contents, of which about nix hundred was in cash. Ikllrfonte lt publican. Jay Cooke was hardly released from bankruptcy beforo his business energy found activity again. He rotnrued to ono of his old ventures, tho iron mines and furnaces at l'ino (Jrovo, in our county, and purchasod them, together with the railroad con necting Pino Grovo with tho Cum berland Valley railroad. Two an thracito furnaces ore now being erected there. At tho name time he wan skillfully managing to socuro r088Qj)tiion of a bank, and succcodod in capturing tbo First National of New York, ono of tho most success ful Institutions of tho kind iu tho couutry, and thoreby becomes a member of tho Syndicate. Wo hopo success in those ventures will assist to ruliove the distress ho cattnod in this community and others. t'r title Jeritil. At Se. Tho Nnnbury Aiimrh'nn nays that tho I'otnocratio papers are completly at sea with regard to the Lepublican State tickot. Thoy can't find a vulnorablo point for attack. Indgo Sterrott's probity character is too much for thorn, whilo his high standing as a jurist cannot bo ques tioned. Col. Hart's long connection with tho Treasury Department, which Democratio investigation tes tified had boon so woll managed, places him boyond tbo reach of Domooratio malignity. J. A. II. Passmore's gcnorally acknowledged excellence of character and his un questioned ability to perform tho duties of offlco is too much for his advosaries, whilo tho platform in ovory plonk is so much superior to that of thoir own party, that Demo cratio editors in Pennsylvania really havo no occupation this year but to bark at tho moon or Simon and Don Cameron ! Lot thorn bark, if it amuses thorn. Wh. P. Schell stands on the platform that says "capital combined in corporato organizations has been too highly favored.'' Yet be intro duced, snpportod and voted for an "act to incorporate tho Amorican Improvement and Loan company of Philadelphia." This net is tho in famous Credit Mobilicr Hill. And yet Mr. Schell is a reformer pur ex cf.lrnre. It was probably also in the interest of morchants and farm ers thut Mr. Schell voted against n bill inlondod to prevent nndiio dis crimination and unfair charges uu lo by railroad companies for transport ing goods to non-compotitivo points. Ho probably also waH weeping over laboring mon's ills when ho sought to defeat an "act providing tho means for securing tho hoalth aud safety of poisons employed in tho bituminous cool mines of Pennsylva nia.'' All this ho may think was dono in tho intorest of business and workingmon, but thoy may bo of a dilTcrent opinion. Oh Thursday night a woek a band of thirteen masked mon took pos session of tho Union Pacifio Railroad htation at Dig Springs, Nebraska, destroyed the telegraph instruments and compelled tho agent to haug out a rod light, so as to causo tho eastern bound train to stop, llio mon boarded the train, placod tho train men nndor guard and secured tho passengers. Tho express car was brokou open and tho safo rob bed of about Rixty five thousand lollarn. The passengors wore also robbod of threo thousand dollars in money and four gold watches. The robbers did not toucu tno porma- nont safo, which had a combination lock and contained a vory large amount of money. Tho robbers dampened the fire in the locomotive so as to dnlay its arrival at tho noxt station and givo them time to escape before an alarm could bo given. A freight train ovortaking tho passen gor train, tho engine of the former was sent on to Ogallalla, from whence tbo first report of tho rob bery was rocoived. Tho railroad company offers five thousand dollars and the express company leu thou sand dollars for tho capture of tho robbors and their plunder. Prosperity Coming at Last. Th New York M'orZJ says ; That there has been a most decldej Improvement In ail th various branohes or trad la a bundantly proven by the appearanos In our thoroughfares of numberless drays and truoks heavily laden with all kind of merehamlise. Not sinoo th days be- for th psulo of 1873 has Broadway pre sented such soen of bustla and aotivity a It do at pressnl daring th business boars of each day, It would to at If tha reoent days of strlk and riot wr th darkest hour" ia thaoouimeroial hi tory of this eountry, and that thsy had ioimedlatsly preosded lb dawa of "bat. Ir days." All th signs of th tlms la dleals that th hops Indulged tnby'lh merobsnts of tbs land bopts whioh bavs been deferred from season lo season art about to b realised, and that prosperity arur a l sag abscuo bat at lat "eoui Uty." Doth the Jtepublican nod Demo cratio conventions in Philadelphia nominated Judge Ludlow, (Demo crat) and Judgo Fell (Republican) for the respective Judgeships they now occupy Judge Ludlow ha bceu on tbe bench for twenty years, and Judge Fell was appointed last spring to Cll a vacancy. Thero is a sentiinetit prevailing largely in Phil adi.'lphia, and to some ext nt throughout the State, that n compe tent and faithfttil Judge fhonid not be removed on accuttut of bis politi cal procliviliis. It has always beon strong enough in Philadelphia to re tain a Judgo on tho bench against an advi-rso majority in some instan ces of many thousand. This prin ciple is so well settled there that the politicians of t-th parties have ro cogni.od it by formally nominntini, in each ease, a Judgo of opposite political inclinations, and have thus settled tho (mention of retaining in tho future a faithful Judgo npon the bench without regard to his politics. Tho name sentiment that will givo tho Republican voto of Philadelphia to a Democratio Judgo, will soenre for Judge Sterrett who is on tho Supreme bench, a largo fraction of tho Democratio voto. Chambers burg lltpotitory. Wamii-ioto, Sept. 18. Tli Coifed 8tlf Conatil l Liverpool Inform! tbe Je piirtment ofSime lint the opersli la ibt ool ton mills of Bolton nj vicinity, to the number often or twelve thousand truck on th first of the present month, rsihcr iliin tuhmlt to a relnotion of five percortf. ia their ;ei. One bunJreJ ami eix mill nr close 1 In conionuenoe. It In eluie.l that the men aro in good finan cial condition to continue the urike, and that contribution-) art eapptied by other aeeooiatlon. These nppenttives struck also in 1S71 anninel a reduction of five per cent , but eutiniitled lo arbitration, which decided against them, The five per cent. wv, however, restored in 1H7IS. and the present striko l ooctnioned by the attempt lo lake tl off again. Unless arbitration is again restored lo (he pres ent strike is likely lo prove a stubborn one, for while the men assert their ability to remain out an Indefinite lime, the mill owners, on account of tho continually do creasing American markets for tbeir goods, the famine now raging In ludia and tbe Kastera war, aro raid to bo well pleased lo have (heir places closed for somo time, Court Proceedings. Tlio several Courts of Snvdcr Coun ty, convoiipd Sept. 2lih 1S77, present lion. ,i. u. Uiiclier ami his associate, I). I.. ?aiidi'nbuh and J. A. Lumhard, Tho usual reports nf constables were filnd nnd John S. Stellcr. John Mohn and II. S. Kelly woro appointed lip staves. Tlio usual amount of Orphans' Court Diismcss was uihiiohciI ol. llio criminal list was unusual v heavy. In tho Common IMcas. the following cases wero tried : ll'm. f imtfs endorser otc. vs F. J. R. Zellcrs. This was a su it brought upon a noto given for a patent ii:tit, nnd resulted in a verdict fur the plaintiU'ol' $l lS,di, upon a reserved point. Tlio SolitHurovc Saving and nuiMing AMociafion vs John A. Foster and Ma ry J. KoiUer. This was a 8cl Fu Sur niortsntrn and resulted in a vonliet for tlieilcrctidantH. Reasons for anew trial wore tiled. James Reaver and wife for ue va Gab. Roworsox. Verdict for riuiutill' for ftt). John V. Weidcnsaul vs Peter Tlnrt mnn. This was an action of Ri-tilev in and resulted in a verdict for the de fendant. Iu tho Common Tlons nn iniiiHual amount of Kulienil business was dis posed of. Tlio Court and oluers de serve preat credit, for dispatch lined in disposal of business. Tho Head Quarters of the Itcpub" liean Stato Committeo nro nt Rooms Nos. 5 nnd Phila. Pa. G Continental Hotel Gen. Pearson was arrested nf rittsburg. last woek, for murder growing out of tho receut riots at that placo. He was released on en torins ten thonsand dollars' bail. Notice in Partition. The Commonwealth of Pennsylva nia t Greeting: To.lohn Maurer. DanM Maurer, Nsrah llenfer and Knos Henter, I'olly rinnkleand .lohn Hankie, llnor.'e M surer, th ehlhiran ol Kllialieth 1 lurtr who woe lnli-r. married with aoraham Ka ist and whose reil. itonee ar unknown i lort( Maurer son of Michael Maurer dee'd. also, tbe children nf Josi ph Maurer, dee'd names nnknnwn, lodrs and leiral Itepr.'sentatlves nf Frederick Msu ror late of Jacksun township 8uyder oouoty, fa. deed. You aro hereby notified that Yf virtu nf writ ol Inquisition Issued out of lb Orphan's Court of soyder county, a nd to me dire, led that an Inquest will be held at the let re.l. nonce oi me saw r reoericic Maurer dee'd In .laekson township, on Thursday th IMh day of November A. I). 1877, nt 10 o'ehnk a. in. to raak partition or valuation ol th Ileal I's- tataof salil ded. when and whero t ou may attend II you tblok rroi.ei. v. tiacNUAUT, SherlU. Oct. 1, 1877. ASSIGNEE'S SALE. Tlionndorsifrned, Assiflfnoo1 of Ram hart Kb or ivashlnaton township, by vir tue ol an Alias order Issued out ot the Court of Common fleas ofNnvder county, will expose to I'u ill lo Sale, on tii promises, about one mils North of Palos on Friday, October 2Gt 1877, ths following deserlh ed. Ileal Fstate, to wit : hounded by lauds of lraae Faust Daniel Kha ler, Jos. Leulg and It euha l'bllllps, contain- 129 Acres ,o ACRES throf a o Story' moror less, w ACRES thsrsofar well tlm. uerva. A 10 ntory Log House. nARV. and other outbuildings ara upon th firemlsea, also fine youn orohard with ehnle rult, aud Howlug water In nearly vry hold. Alto a Mm Stone Treet with Kiln tltnated on th rliix. South of t'rhurg, eonulniog Hale to eommeno at ona o'ebMik P. M. nr and terms of sals will b made known by W, AldVKH, Oct., 6th 1877. AltlKD. io oay wnen uue attenuanc will be trivon A VALUABLE PBOPERTV AT PRIVATE SALE. fPHE nndorsipued offers the fol -- low lot: dosorlhed properly at private Bale. TUN AUUBM, cleared laud, tltuat In Adauit hiwbsuip, onyoer 1 o., rs., two miles west ol Tn.I-l vl 1 1 Bilmlhlni. l-n.l..f MI m. Daalel Maurer and otlien, whereon ar ereouJ a 00a uviM.Linii miliSK, HTAHL,t, BHOf and olbar outbuilding's. Th land Is la a good Itat Ol aultlvatlun. rAsvsnUnl Sa i..krkt Iber s alto a eseellent OUOI1A UO of eholc run, anu never uillo water on the premUos. rat Terms call at the promises or address . UtTKK bliUKKFI.KII. Mar. 1, I7. Troxvlvtlie, budi Uo., i' PUBLIC SALE. Br virtus of an order leaned ool of the Orphans' Court of finvder County, lb nnderslirneit aitrnlnlstratftr ot Ibe estate of.ta- b l'unkltrKtr, veessed, will eipot to Paklls bale, as the reuif, aa Friday October 267 1877. Hie M!"loc tefftrllid Rest rtl s Itnat Is .Ml'M'erreek township, t-nyilor Couatr, J'a., eantalalug 33'Acrofl onalfl orth bv lends nf mntl Sohneli, K.st hw Isn't r Aatnuel YO'ler, Month bv lan1s of .NnwM llottlirer anl Wet by Unas ol l'an. lot Uulouder, wbersos are er ecu J Dwelling Uvue, Jitirn, end otier neeary oatbull lings, Netnr ril lug hrln ol Mater A Good Orclmrrl of ehm troll trees. Male to eommeoee at I1 o'otoli a m. of sabl .fay. when lue iU nl:ince will be alvsu anl terwi of ste in t kn w n by W ILI.IA M I' t:.N li M.HrROKR, AJuilhl"titor, Pept. 5T, lTT. EXECUTOR'S SALE.' THE indcrsigned eXeonlor of the fstatt of l-eier Orarbill late of West I'erry tuwmhlp, Snjiler Co. Pi. on the premises on Tuesday, October 1(5, 1877. thsfillowlog Keel Fstats to wit; A 'Certain Tract of Land sltnate In sl1 town-hip, boan led, North by l&n.ls of Miimnel Showers anl others Ksst dy lan'lf of Jsoob U. UrybCI and others, Month by Holomon tlrayblll, and Knit by lands of John file and others containing 77 Acre and S3 p-rebel whereon Is erected a Large Fiamo!IIoufo;i3ank barn a Saw Mill and oth. r outbuildings, a Good ORCHARD. aliont 44 Aeres clear th b ilanr we If timbered. Sale to eniutnenee at lo neloelc a. m, of said day when conditions will be mode known by DUL.UJ1U.1 u.n 1111. 1., top. 37, '77. Lsseuu r. Pnblio Sido of Valuable ' EEAL ESTATE ! rpriE undersigned. Executors of A the estate of .lobn "trrnh. lata nf Mlddlo. creek T iwnh'p. Snyder l ioinly. I' , dee'd, win ouer si i-u biic hsis, on tii iiretnltes, on Satunl'iy, Octobrr iolb, 1S77, the following dererlhe-l valoalderesl e'tate, vis: Trset Nn. I. situate In M id uecreek twn , Snyder eotinly. I's , about ne and a half ndles north or Melsor Mlittlon nn th M. h I,. R. It., bounded in tbasonth bv land of Moors Holy, weal by land ol J llllirer. north by bnd of .l.i.lsh miner, and east brlsnl f .Iirsml.h Mllehel, John Mlltnan and itenlamln Hummel, eonlainlnir 103 At'RKS, mnri or Was, wbervon are eretnd a tsn.inr? weath' rb.sr led DWM.I.INO IIMITSK, HANK II It S. Wa. on Shed, and other ontbulhlluiis. a well of a-ood aier n-ar tb uoor. two vsouent Apple Or chards, with oihor eholte trult trees, soeu as Cherries, Peaehe, he., about I MHTY-H V R Ai'KKS are cleared end In a l.lnh stme of eul tlratlon.and the balsnee welt timbered. TRACT No. I TIMIIKK LOT Is also sltua'e In th Mlddleereek township, atoressid. b und- I by land of Kdward nil g on the we-.t. south by lead of.laooh Kramer, ast by laml ofje,.b liuWx and north bv land ol Uenrue hollir. eon. tslnlnit TWM.VK ACRKS, in or or less, all WILL i'iMHKItKI). TRACT No. S l,lKTieiE Uir, Is also sltu itod In the township of Mlddlnrreek. aforn Hid. boundeil west I y bind ol llsnl I Holendor, norm by land uf Ja.-oii H dnmler, dee'. I, east by lotof , sinl south by land ut itl- oiiiiei sonocn, containing Si 1 tHLIiKrt, more ur Ics. Sale to rommenn st 10 o'. loek A. M. nfssld dity, wki u loruis vl sulo will be wade known hy TH S. M MTRArn. llhSta .M. bl II A, It, September), 1S77. txooulors. BLACKHILL3.S a largs Vjo page bnoV, enntalnlug full Infor mation id th ennntrr. with map n1 Illus trations, will lw sent Ire to erery one send. In l no lor sl inontbs siibsnilptlon to the lidkill'A IIKKALIi. The IIkiiw.dI- lmo aj-o. lumn Journal, and Is nil. it, with enterialn. iua reditu nifiiier. both original end e!riil It Is a eesioin journsl ol wetter n tduas. Me. tmen eo y sent liee. 1'lireo ni oirhs nlth book for o', j the prleonl the boon al'.ne Is 75 cents. A.ldro-s, Till; IIKKAI.ii. Yank, ok, 1aKita. General Eleclion Pioclani ilion I, DA VIKI. KISKVH ART. Hlh ShorllT of r-nyoer couniy, i onmonwe.i!Tn ol roonyi,-.. nla. ,to hereb. iu:ike known nn I ulva notio t I I bo eloelt.rs ol the eounfv nl ire.i ibl. tli nn .'"1"" wi b tu iu me ma oouut r 1U J Ul a vu Tuesday, November Gth, 1877, fnr the purpose ofelectlnK the eevora! persons hereinafter named, to wtt : Cue person lor euprem Judu of Pennsylva nia. on person for Auditor Qenoral of Pennsyl. vania. ne person for State Treasurer of Pennsyl vania. una person for Surveyor of snydnr county. Ore person ror Associate Judo ol Snydor eounty. 1 also hereby make known and Kir notice ma r l lie piac 01 n mat in arorosai I election Iu the sever.il townships and liorouhs within the county of Snydor are at o,,wt, to wit At tho OdJ-FtiliCW Hall. Iu tha lloroiiuh of S.duisrove. At llio House of Daniel Uorlt In and for Perrv towoeblp. At the house of David II. Horrold. In and t.r Chsiimiiu township. At Hoyer't town Hall, In snd for Wtihlnffton townfbip, Ailhe houseof Uooree O. Smith. In the Hoe. Olltfb of MbldlehurM, for Krunkllii township. A, .1... t'.. II.. u- 11. .11 , ,1 ... n. ,.- ..- . . - nmt, in axiavvriuv, u. in and for lieaver Ptwijkbip At the h'ltieeof Jacob Miller In snd for BYt Ueavertownwhlp. At the house of James D, I.ona In and for Ceittrv township. a i luo inn.su oi jaiuesj. siucnei, in snd for MMdletrek township. At the Uoiuu uf tsarali A. Miliar In snd for l'i-iiti towuhip. At theei'huol house In KraUervllle, In snd for Ja, kson towuiMp. At the t koil house at bbatnokln Data In and for Monroe township At the h otso of i red, Rathfon, tu and for West perry township. At the omrl Uous In aud for the Boromrh of Ulddleburg. At the nonse or J scon uiotter to ana for Union township. At the house of the heirs of Charles Mattern In Truslcvllle, tu aud for Adame lowushlp. At all elections hereaner held under tha laws of this commonwealth, the polls thall be open ed t soven o'clock a. m. and olosed at seven 'clock, p. in. F.very ix.rson, excepting ths Juttless of tha Peace and Alderinou, Notarial Public and nr. tont In th mtlltla service of the state, who thall hold or shall within two inoutbt bar held any olMee or appointment uf protit or trust un der Ibel'nlted btalet, or of this dial, and city or eorporated dlstrlot, whether a commissioned otfloer or otherwli, a subordinate orBaer or aaent w'.io It or shall b (mployed under the l.eutitaiure, r.xecuiiv or Juoioiary tiepart ment of this Hlate, or nf any elty or of any In corporate. district, and alto, that every mem ber of Ooniireet and of th Slate I.enlslature, and of th select or ooinmon eounoll of any olty.or eommlsslanert of any incorporated die trlcl.are by law lueapahl of holdlns or exer cising nt the same tluie th otnc or Appoint ment ol Judge, Inspector or Clerk of any alee tlon or this Commonwealth, and that no In spector, Judge, or ollur olhoer of tald ! lion, shall be eligible to be tlwo voted tcr. 1 be lutpeatere and Judge of th elections snail meet at in rpeoilve placet appointed lor holding the election in the district to which they respectvely belong, before seven o'clock In the morning, and each of tbos Iniotort seau appoint una viera wao suail oe a quallO' ed voter ol tueh dlstrloU Th qualtlled voters of this county at all K,iviai, w u.u i, wruuHU ani ppuoiai elec tions, ar hereby hureattar authorised and re. quested to vote by ttokats printed or written. or partly primed and partly written several! cUtsllted as follows t One ticket thall embrace the nam ot all Judges of courts voted lor and to be labelled outside "Judiciary " on tick et thall mbraceth name oral! Stata officers voted for. and b labelled 'Stat ' ou ticket shall embrace th Usui of all Oounty offlaer vuivu ,ur, iudiuiiiuk uiuoe oi ssvnaior, member and members of Assembly. Ir voted for. and members of Consrese, ir voted for, and b la belled "Couniy i" on ticket shall tmbraaetbe usuio sof all township otncsre voted for and be labelled "Towuslup '' uue IUkl eball embrooe the pau.es of all borongb otttcere votad for and be libelled "B irouuh." and aaeks class shall be Sepotll1 In oeparat ballot bos as. CHven nudvr uiy hand, t my orncslaMlddl hnrir this Sulk .Iah t uiktml. A s, iu and" lo th. ou. hundredth d UrHJ at thi Uidepeudoaosoltb Uiilled Mt.t.e. P. W. BROWN. WE IDLER d .2 "C '& M in a O Si i ' -avv d ill 2 ei P . r m. a. ! g rmmm) f , ? 1 pA22t il I For the very best MnsicaJ Instraments, HTlis fnt'lcot AfToivlH Onll on BROWN, HOLAND & COMPANY, l.lilWIHMUHdr, I13NNV". This company is woll Established, deals ouly in reliable Instruments, such as tho ESTEY, MASON & HAMLIN, NEW ENGLAND OliO VNd and ARION PIANOS, and offers thorn at figures to snit the times. A completo stock always on hand. Call and aaj them oven if , you do not purchase. LOCAL AGENTS WANTED IN SNYDER CO. Address, BROWN, ROLAND As CO., Feb. 8,'77.1y. Lov isburg, I if Yuo Wish to Know W&ich is tbe Best X u C A C SJ 4J 3 it r: f 3 'el &s ok. - rill Why Call, See, Hear and Examine the "Sweet Heme" and you will no longer doubt. 7icso Organs have stood lite test for years and always gave entire satisfaction, whilst others proved defective in many instances. ORGANS. ORGANS. ORGANS. Dry not be deceived by agent and peddlers, they are sure to hane a very large pro'it. ! 1 "VTC1 Repairing on Organ, Jfelodeotis, Amor XVVjrx.l NiJ fa t wm ijg pr.miptty done in the very best very low rates. OT P A NT Terms Cash or 0, 8, 10, 12, IS months or two years V-XVvT Vi- credit tcith jn-icts of only one. projit. WALNUT LUMI5ER TAKEN IN TAYMENT FOR ORGANS. Also, Organs mado lo order in nny stylo of Caso. Cull or send for PricQH, Terms, &.o. of dilT. reut styles. Xono are genuino cet'pt they bear tho name "Sweet Homo" in full Address rs vi:i:rr home oisovts go., Dec.14,'7'3. . Heaver Springs, Suydor coun ty, P JAMES J. MITCHELL, Proprietor. (KnAMltn STATION.) Mr. Mitchell It s popular landlord, and will snare no means 13 niak his a-ueste comforta ble. Ills taido and bar will le supplied with the oholeen the market aflords, and bis terras ar vory raasonabl. Apr.4,';7. ' Notice. NOTICE is boreby pi von that tho Horses, Harness and Conveyances, now In possession of b. J. Yerirer. and uiuloved in conveylnsi ih II. 8. Mall from New llorlln to Northumliarland, and from New llerlln to .Mid. dleburv, are my personal property and all per sons are hereby cautioned against luterferlng or ttiaddllug with th tame, Sollnjgrore, Pa., June J, ls:7. I EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Lotters -S tntainentary on th estate ol Sarah Frv- noyer. deceased, lat of I'errv townsbln. Hnv- dcr County, I'enna., bavtnic been Kranted to the underslxned. all a rsons knowlnir them. elvet iudebled to tald estate are requested to make Immediate payment, while those hsvli h i lalmt will present them duly authentleated fur tcttlcment to CM A HI.KS HU(ll)Ll.N3, Aug. 'AIM,. Lxeoutur. CtENOr.0. toO. P. nowsLLfcCo., New York Oior Painuhlel of loo panes, aaiitalnlnii lists of jmU netvspapuri, andeslluiatet tbowlng cost of auvuriisiug. iuur. v, 70-iy. o. uornrkrukr, 'justice of the peace I'erry Township, Snyder County, Pa. Collection!. Conveyancing, and all other bast ness er'jslnln to th offio will bo promptly ended to. onto near Troutmotvlli . Executor's Sale ol VALUABLE REAL ESTATE TIIC undersigned Executor will odor at Public Hal, at the lat residence nf John Fertile, dee'd. In Jackson township, un I'KIDAY, OCTiiHF.K 1Mb, 177, the following valuable Real Estate to wit : A oerlaln Traot of tnJtltuat in tald township, sonUlntng 27 ACRES. and 111 Perches, In a good Hat of cultivation, bounded North by laude of Harnhard Klin and othert, Fait by laodt of Hoioiaon Klloe, South by landt of sinlomon and Henry Kllue, Wst by Isnds of llarnhard Kiln on which ar erected a good Dwelling House, Bank Barn, and other outbuildings, a spring of icllnt watHroonveilent to th hous and barn, good orchard ol aholoe Irult, sonvnlut to scbaoU, Churches, ko. Also, Four Acres and 1J Perohes, bounded North and East by lands of Henry llrnuse. Month by lands of "Sam uel dross, and others, Wett by Solomon Klin, ot which S Acrs Is cleared and th balanc well timbered. Hale lo commence at 1 o'clock P. M. or said day when du attendance will b given and termi of sal mod kuowa by i.U- WAONKR. Bept 10, 1877. tseoutor. Stray Mare. A Bay Mare abont 10 yrs. old and 14 X bands high and now la posssstloa of Ivld Seller, la lb towa of rrmoot, Th owner Is requested to coin, and pros property, pay VSZffl EZiiSL li'uI'L poeosl or aoeordlng to law. oj ami take oer away or Sli will be ills- law, by tbe mlertlaned. iUlS U. UlMUlS. ROLAND. JAMES LEPLEY s 9 o s i o o 8. I h a s a o S 0 of 2. S p. OS W O a o The "Sired Home" Organ hat taken tha pines all other Organs, whercccr introduced. 2"(r Iiiy direct from the Manufacturers and ioh trill Jind price only about the same Jigurs as agents can buy them at. vordenns, Ci., manner at Best in tbe Market. LATEST IMPROVED Willi all its Otlier Points of Electee, IT 18 27mi Lujlitest and Easiest Running Ma- chine in the Market, The. FineH FinhliM and taosl Eleqanlly Ornamc.ntnl Machine in the tmrlit. The Larnert Family Sewing Machine in the market. Qipalile of sewing from the finest Haiti- took to the heai'iert of Clolh, Simplicity, Durability and Certainty eont- ini'd. TVirt Shuttle carries more thread than any other. The Shuttle Tension it adjustable without removing me Mutuejmm the Miuhme. WARRANTED FF THREE YEARS. This family Machine combine all Ih re. oulreinente of . tlannraelurlng llauhliie. and tnlllng the same from fj.lt to lo loss than auy oiner nreiKiiaaa oiavuino. 4-Alao for Sale, attachmente, each as Ruff. lers, Tuckers, Ham mere, also. Needles, Oil, for all leading Bowing Machines, aud which con be us a at a amen auvance or ooei. for particulars sail on oraddrees CHAB. 0. SEEEOLD MidJletu'rg Bnyder oounty, Pa. Agent for Snyder st4MJaluiisg Ceaatlts Apr. 13, 1 677. CAUTION. "VTOTICE is hereby given that the A. a following articles bar been purobated by thaodrtlgolt Constable's Sal aud left in tu possession or Daniel Heal during bis pleasure. All persons ar cautioned not to In. tertereor Butddl with th tarn, vis: On Cow, IS" SSUKS. , D. USKI ttlUSt, Aug. la, m J T. PARKS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. SBLUJSOUOVB, 021YDKU COU.tTT, Pa 8ept.l6, '07U WHITE SBWII MACHM FAUST & WENTZEL, Sclinsfjrovc, Penna, (North of First National Bark)- MKRCI1AaT TAILORS. READY MADE A WELL sclestej stock nf Ready-m Ma Mens' and Boys' Clothing of Ever Quality anil slylo. SEWING MACHINES rjltlE? art also Agonta for tbs DAVIS AM) THE ST. JOHN SeviDj Hacliines. Two of the heet snd ehespeet mseMne ofTef. ed to the public. Air- to, in. WM. HAINS. WM. H.JOTfnER. TO BUILDERS The Undersigned ara better prepared now than ever to mnnufaotur all kinds of Building Materials. Tholr new establishment Is atth tarn pfaet the old on was, near 8ILE.1I, eJiYDEQ CO, PA. s bout on and a half miles west of Sellnsgrov, They are prepared to (urnlih D00H3, Ell UTTERS, SASH, BLINDS, DOOR AND WINDOW FRAMES, MOULDINGS, 8CB0Lt WORK, TUANINQ, FLOORINQ ANI EIDINO, SURFACED EOARDS, &o. rsrpenters or othof parties about to hnlld. are reotiedtod to Mlve nt a oall. tlur work aadi our prleet will bem.ide tatittaotory. IIAINKS & SNYDER, Snleni l 0. Snyder Co., Pa JunT, 1877 tf rpiIE NATIONAL HOTEL. C. E. PARKS. Proprietor. Solinagrove, Pa. This note! It pleastotly located In th Meinre,,s and Is a v-rytlesiru1'!!' place for traveler, loetop; the RiaTcf accomnioilaitona at Low ratee. Per sons et, .ppirirctiee will be eu-. to call again Th l ollijuor In ttielwr. Mrt class Kettaurant In connection w'll th Hotel. Apr.ly,';. Dissolution of Partnership. fpiIK firm of Reher & ISrosious, L wagon makers, carrying on business st Fremont Hnyd. r eounty Pa. have dissolved the Ci.pirmershlii heretofore (listing, by mutual eonstot. UFIUftl TtEHIlKTl. i.KOUCK V. IIHtlSKOTTS. I am pleased to Inl rin the poblta that ths bu-luert el tii shove firm will continue at tbe old ulaeo. and would be glad to have a eonllno. nuce ol th patronag heretofore shown tht urio. uLoaua tbuuiis. May, H), 13:7. A. M. Pl-AULElt, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Middhburg, Pa. Office in tho Court House All leiral business and tha Collection ef May,a.77,t& claims attended to. To All Whom it May Concern. BE It known that atnonpr the res ordl of tbe oourt of Common Pleat far flnv. der t'ounty, the following decree doth nm alia appear, vis: "and now to wit. May Uth 177, th Court having fully considered th petition of Oeorg W. Taylor, do decree that the nam of tho tald Oeorse W. Tavlor be changed to Uamtcig w. Wavkh. rgauvaiAM, ... . . . J.O. BUCHKR, P.J. Certified from th Moordt this 11th day ol Juns, A. V. 1871. J. cjgooss, Vfiifj. Philadelphia and Reading Rail Road. Arrangement of Passenger Trains. AUG. lfStli, 1877. Trains leave Ilerndon as foU loiea (.Sunday Excepted) For Bhamokln. 10.15 11.00 am and 8.25 p nr rot Mt Carmel. Ashland, Tamsqaa, Poitsville, Reading, and Phlladslpbts, 11.00 a m. Train for Ilerndon, leave at follows, Sundays Krerpted.) Leave Bbamokin, 8,00 am 1.50 and 8.40 f m. Leava Philadelphia 9.10 a m. Baadlnf 11.30 a oi. roittville, 11,10 p m. Tamaqaa 1.25 p m Ashland 2 SB p m. Ut. Carmel 3.15 p m. Trains leave Ilarrinbura at follows $ For New York, 6.2o, b 10 a mM aat 8 67 snd 7 65 p. in. For Philadelphia 6.2o, 8.10a. mi t.OO and 8,57 p m. Sundays For New York b.2o a m for Philadelphia 1.46 p. a. Trains for IlarrUHrura have asfoUou s i Leave New York, 8.45 n 1.00 8 80 aud 7 4." p m. Lv Philadelphia, 0.10 n. 1.40 aai 7 20 p. m. Sundays Leave New York 5-8o p m. Lv Philadelphia 7.20 p mi Via Morris A ssx H. R. J.K WOOTTEN, Gen'l Manager. 0. Q. HANCOCK. Uen'l 'llckot AgU Fsb. '74. rlliw. M. VAN GEZER, - ATTOKNKY AT LAW, Lewisburg Pa., OfTsrs his professional ssrvie to .a pub Uo. Collooiloos and all elbar Piofsion al busiuss sutruslrd Is alg ears Willi oW prompt atttaiioa. ,L 11 " SatJUs.swi-esss, uvy,,vs 1 TT A t 1 U stn t ssa le s - .lawwVSMaTasaasp.s-stasj s.wrsts'f-' - r - .aad Orrstaa I .saagST a rx lB.a, I OFFICE HirSt v:r Vltb. k Ca'a f