je&j 'OUS' NO TICK.- I.t tVrs GO riiidldhotl rvpr7 Thiirmlsv Rvrhlnf " JEIlEMlAn CUOU8B, Prop'i Tprms of Sn1)(?nplion. On oohjmo one year, eVVVOT) Ona-hw, eolumn, ono year, 90.00 n-foorVh cilnnui,ono yew, 13.00 On square (10 lines) 1 insertion 75 Every atUHUotial Insertion, 60 Professional end IfiigineMS rarils of not more Mian 0 line, tcr year, 5.00 Auditor, Executor, Administrator and Assignee Notices, 2.50 Editorial notices per line, IS All advertisements for a shorter pe ill n In r lar elii piil'linntl-in " a aui-v aihil . yrart I;iL low that a"" ant rpnrlV TWO DOLF ,AItS TKR ANXIT5T. rr 8f 1L 0 i "air""! n en.ia of .i.w h w, fwt, - . jr-. (, " S'"" TT H'ifdaroonnlr. r., dm.l. rrr V 4 rB,M ndirln I, all per. i Y ! thral i, ,n FT,. '"" Immdill.Ui p.,ni.-i,l, -UN s.iJ'fJ i.Cil "'al'"" will proMiil Ihum duly au JVyf. 0 I JMMH rTl!'.l shle vithlnsis months, or ii0 if nut paid within the yonr. No pupiT dl coiitiiiiiO'l until all srroitrae' are T'fiiil tinlcwa at the ojition of the pub liehor. Bui iscrfpi ions nti1it1e of the county I'iVAIiLR IN AUVANCR. I3PT!roiis liftinff snd tisiiiir; psnnrs ad!n--xl 't otlipra iiocotuomitiacrilifir) and are liable Prtho di in ofthe paper W roTTEU, A TIOR .VK V A T LAW. 8olinsp;roro, Pa , OITcrs M proff jaional aervloaa le IV putilic. Allli'tal btm!n iitrual lo his riod than one yenr Are payable at the vine iney are nraereu, miu it ntn nnui the person ordering them will oe hold responsible for the monev. VOL.15. . MIDDLEBURG, SNYDER COUNTY, PA., SEPTEMBER '20, 1877. NO. 18. -- f 1 o o t r y . A Woman's, Dream- W , t rtoMKoa (miut, A wlnttrl etitit. Thr- wlnJikloir And ehak th window pan t Tk SUnl akadow eon and f o, Wlik lrunt drop ot rain. A dreamer nu eeafle th grate, Oo which th bright aoele glow, And inoaaa.tlll t. hour U Ul, Of cblldkood, loBg ago. In dreaeai ah roarae e'r Bill-aid jrMO, Beyond th oen'a dnep i Anil nan year thl oouie betweea Beeraatonea In 111' rough imp. .(In th holda eeoli Hula S twer riaeked by th purlin alrearo t Sack ealloe green end mountain tewr 1 painted la hor dreeia. Ilk far-off atralna, mothir'l role lli ewUy on th ear i Again .no ton bill hr rJolc, Ad ttay th rlllg tr. ' Yhoilr, whoa lock tlina'a ehlfttna; M Hkil totiohad with ullr-r f"i. One morored kr oo hi knoe Wltklo la wall or ham. Ia loa, long gold aataaer hoar, tier brother by bur l I, fjh ! agela among th Bowart, Alt wlohd l'i dlatant ltd. Again th bear hi youthiul vol, Mini lr M wmt ohlia i Th klle U null bar poowi ekelce, 1'roB book ol aaotent Urn. lh. T I thae Under mm'rlt old, Now thrill th vaan'i heart, Tko' year havetiuog thlr mlaif Mil O'er yt wher teardrop atari. That brother nt to roa th Co Upwa tba bald Aal.l. Ah, eaeag aworil that dealt th blow, Willi awn Wat aoar to alileld I Bat darkatt ehadowa ft away, Aad leave th ehtolageun. Mr tramhllhjc lip hav learned to lay I "Th will, not mln, b don.' ' The anhty falling Itakea of enoar Agaluet tha window pin, rJhln In IL firelight'! r-i.l.l y f lw , . idk art tl drop wf rain, Bba taral and Hit a If to boar Oaa vnloe amid a throng. That thrill bar loul wltb not, af otoar A actioea of a aong. A tnJr glance a loving amll, rim n'rlramy face, Thai blda th Una ol sar awhll Aad (Ira hr oharm aod grace. Tbm while the drearoar muaee o'er Tb ttrellglil'a orlweoa glow. Har daarait traaaora soiaaa ono mora Hak rroa) tk lon ;. Tb Joy whirh blwat tha kola boar Wkan aba bacama hla wir, Baata Ilk th parluin or a flowar O ytann of alter Ilia. (Selfjot Tale Old fetUna's Crima. YonJor in tint litUo hut it is torhnp8 the smalloat in all Switzer land poor Dattina Uaed to live. bhe was a very old woman, and had dwelt thero all her life. Yours bo tore, shi had had a huubaud and children. They wero all gone now bat one, a trirl named Lina, who lived at service in a far off city, and bad not been at homo for teu loui? years. Now and than 6ho could find some one to write for hor, onoe in sis yoars, perhaps she could suud letter to hor mother. It always told the euiuo story, olio was work incr hard and savinr; welL When ehe had enouL'li to bay a little bouse, a cow, a pout and a pail of cans to carry mule aboat in, sue would coma home to live with hor notbor. Poor as she was, eho was proud, and it was vory hard for her to bear such humiliation. Jioaidos, iu win' tor sho snuored miserably from cold; and liviuir alone aud diessinsr in rags, and boinir a crooked old crea ture, the children after a whilo be- ean to call hor a witch, and used to run away screaming when she came leaning on hor long stick, and talk ing to herself along the mountain pathways. Abase and misery make no one better natared. Old Bettina grew o sour and ill-humored that those who cave her work to do dreaded to boo her coming. By dogrees her natrons turned their backs npon her, and but for the good old clergyman ehe would have starved to death. lie, when he gave alms gave also good counsel, aud strove to load her heavenward i but Bottioa did not beed him. Had Dottina boon a civil person. be could have livod in the pastor's kitchen, but no other sorvant could brook ber tongue. When spring came, though, thanks to charity, she bad not starved. Bettina was in a worse mood than usual, and she sat at hor door in the dusk muttering to herself, when she pied a woman coming up the moun tain road. She was a till, large woman of thirty. Her dress was Tory gray and she wore rings in ber ears and a neckloco about her throat Over ber shouldor sbo carried a pack, fastened by leather straps i and her zaoo waa brood and bright ana soul incr! She noddod to Bettina, and called out "Qood evening 1 "Bad evening," said Bettina, "if von will i I soo no trood. "It is very bright, at least," said the woman. "What is that to a poor creature like me t" said Bottiua. Bbe did not bid the wainan sit down, bat she did so, and moreover nnfastonod ber pack and laid it be side her. ' "Hive YOU no children to take ear of you good neighbor 1" she asked. "I have an nngreatful daughter aome whore, said the old woman, bat she cares nothing about me.'' "Shame on her, then," said the woman, I have a mothor. I am go lnff to bar. In that paok are two trined pettiooata for her, and lined chemises for her also, and a pair of liver ear-tings, and bandkeroiueri Yon should sua they are so iray And there is silver l"And rc oac J a tia eanal to a base. : : U tvt ia trt rj "7 ( t "Not she,' said the old woman. And why do you come to brag a bout your finery take np your pack and go I" "a ay, lot me stay all night," said the woman. "I'm foot sore. I can't get further without rest. Ill pay you welL Lot me stay. I don t want food only lodging. 1 bo woman hesitutod, but money was vaiuabio to liori even a low small coins would be precious. She gave a grudging permission to the woman to stay and holpod her cary in the pack. "Is all that money in tbo pack I ehe askod, as sho did so. "It is there, said the woman, "and every groshon my own earn ings. And she looked kindly at the Id woman. Sho, howover, only frowned in re turn. Sho sat down on a low stool and stared at tho pack. Tbore was a fortuno in it, according to her views of money, and an awful greed possessed her. Thoughts too terri bio for words filled nor mind. They came in this way at first t "If this woman would only die now I No one would know she had ever been here. 1 would drag her body to the old bridso, and throw it over. and the money would bo mine.'' It was SuUn who whisporod. His noxt whiupor was this t "Why should she not die hore f " The next t "Sho shall !'' Meanwhile tho bleusant. smiliDU 1 ... woman sat by tho door looking out. uow pleasant it looks bore I' she said. "1 have soon pictures iu the houses where I have lived at ser vice of places not so prelty as this.'' "Artist gontlomeu come here to paint vory often," said the old wom- "liut from the bruise you should see it from the bridge. Uome 1 11 show you. I be woman aroae and followed hor. She had no idea of what was going on in toe old hag mind. bbe was happy and full or life, and never guessed that death drew near. They walked down to the bridge. How pretty I said tbo woman 1 "and the moautains far above us." "And tho blue wator nndor,'' sMd Bottiua. "Yes, as bluo ns tho sky," said the woman. Sbo loaned forward a little, to look iato tho stroam that rushed bo neath the bridge, and Bottiua took ber opportunity. - " - . a - . a There was a broken place in the roiling of the bridge just horo, and it was quite uugutirdoil. As tho woman turned hor buck, Bettina ruinod both hands, and gave hor a violent push between the eboaldors. She had no need to ropeut it. With a shrioK, aua me cry, ".uotoor 1 mothor I" tbe poor croaturo plunged hood foremost into tbe water, which covered hor in au mutant Another faint cry, and somothing whito swept along the torrent, aud Bettina know all was over, bho crept back to hor hut, Blinking with excitoment, aud with a hidoous hor ror in her heart. Sho knelt down by the pack aud tore it open. There were tbe gay oioiues 01 wuicu tue poor womau had spoken. There, at the very heart, tue covotea money. Bettina was rich in hor own estima tion. She had more than she could use, and she woud go whore sbo was not known and speud it, and live in comfort until she died. And, in a kind of frenzy, the old hag huddlod herself in a heap about tbe pack and kissed it. Aa she did ao there came a knock at the door, which she had barred. "Bettina I ened the pastor "Bettina. open to us r Bettina tbrust tue pack under tbe bed. and, pale and trembling, open ed the door. There stood her pas tor and bis wife, smiling aa if aome very good thing bad happened. "Bettina, said the pastor, "now are von this evening f " "But poorly, au 1 wout in, said Bettina. "Yes, yes, we will come in,' aaid tho pastor's wife, "we want to see the woman who come to you mis eveninrr." "No woman came here, said uot- Una. betrinniuff to shake. "Uere lies nor blue nanaiceronioi on the flour.'1 said the pastor's wife, stooping to pick op the objeot, which uor uuioa, era uowwiou. "She must have dropped it 1 cried Bettina. "A woman did ask a night's lodging, bat I refusod it She went on.' Bettina," he aaid, "surely your daughter did sot go on. It was Lina who came to your door una, who after ten long years, has return ed to care for ber old mother. We made ber promise that if you did not know her ahe would not reveal herself until we came. Bettina, what doAS this mean 1" Bnt Bettina made no answer, With an awful shriek, ahe Hang hor self 00 the floor and .began to tear ber long gray hair. ' She lived ouly a few hoars, bat before ahe died she confessed the horrible troth- She had killed ber affootionate daughter, for the sake of the mouey she had toiled ao long to win, and terrible as was her remorse, no one could pity ber. - The only word the rood pastor eonld aay over her grave waa that the greed of gold had maddened ner. A little boy went to bis father ory lux the other day and told him that ViVi kicked a fa tht ktl t?2 A Sontonoe Wattli Pondering. I U I . . . ! The saloon keepers in Cblcsiro wore found gnilty of selling liquor to nii oors. Tbe aUureas et tbe Justice when tbey ware sentenced, a report' ed in the Chicago Tribune, is origi nal and eminently whoUsome. Ths evils of the liquor IrafUo, and what a licenso involvus, oro rarely set out io a claarer lltflit thuti Iu tbe folluwiug d'lrons by judge Heading : liy the law you inuy (all to tuoo and women, if ihy will buy. You have givon your bond, and paid your lieeuso to oll to tbeiu, sod no one has a right to aiolett you in yo&r lotf.l buaiuoas. N j matter what tbo cooso(Ucnc may bo, no maitor wbal poverty and destitution aru produood by your sullies according to law, you havs paid your mom-y (or this privilege, end you are licous- d to purnue your calling. No mutter what fninthus aro distracted aud ren dered miserable j no msilor what wiwsj are. treated with violcnco ; wbst children starve or mourn over the doxracftttion of a parent, your business is legalised sud no ote may Interfere with you la it. No matter what mothor may oirouiu over tbe loss of a son, or aisler blush at tbe abaine of a brother, you have a nht to disregard them all and purnue your legal calling you ure licensed 1 You may fit np your lawlul puco ol baincs ia tbe most enticiug and euptivating form you may furninu it with lbs most costly and elegant equipments for your lawful trade ; you may nil it with alluroineuU or amusouieiits : you may use all your arts to induoo visitors ; you uiny bkill fully arraoge and vtpuss to viot your 0 honest wines sud ruont captiva ting boveragos ; you may tbon in duce tbirst by all oantrivanoot to pro-duo-a raging appetite for drink, aod then you tnsy supply tbst appetite to the lull, because it is lawlul ; you bars puid tor it you have a license You may allow boys almost ohil- drao to froquoul yottf saloon; thoy may witneas tno apparent salisfac lion with which tboir seniors quaff tneir spsrKiing glass : you may bo schooling and iraiuiug thorn for th peiiod oi twenty-ouo, when thoy, too, cao parlioipalc, for all this is lawlul X?" msy bold tno cup to thoir vory lips, but yoc must not lot them drink that is unlawful. B it whilo you iiave all Iboso privileges lot- money you pay, this poor privilege of sell- iog to children is denied you. Hare J parents havs tbo rllit to say 'Leave my sou to mo uutil (he law gives you a right to dosti-oy him.' That will be noon enough for me, for his moth er, tor Li sister, for his friends and for tho comiuuoiiy to sea him take his road to death. Oivo him to us in bis childhood at leart. Lot Ub havo s Cow years of bis youth, in which we can enjoy bis innocence, to repay us in aouio small dogree for tho oa re and lovo wo have luvixhed upon him. This is somothing; you who now stand prisoners at the bar have not paid for ; this is not em braced in your license. For Ibis cOonse, the court senten ces you to ten days' imprisonment ia tbe ooooty jail, sud that you pay a 8ne of eevootyQv dollars aod oots : snd that you stand committed until tbo line and costs ot this proseoulioo are paid. ' SjaaaaaaaBaaaaaaa Trajan s WalL The events now transpiring ia the neighborhood of tho Danube bring into curious promineuoe the name of the Emperor Trajan, tho battressos of whoso bridge, wo believe, still stand on opposite aides of the Dan ube, and whose famous wall seems to be the lino along which the tido of war is rapidly rolling. The bridge thrown over the Dauube by this great monarch was, in some respects at least, the most remarkable of all the structures that successive bel ligerents have erected for the pas sago of thoir troops. It, was not a more floating bridge, but a perma nent structure, carried on piers 150 feet high and 60 feet wide, and it oomprisod 20 arohos, extending alto gether over a span of 4,770 Roman foot Tho giant structure, than hioh anoient history records noth ing of the kind equal to it, seems to have been intoudod as a fortess as well as a bridge. Standing 80 foot above the water, it ia supposed to have afforded tho command of the Dauube navigation, a garrison post ed on it being, of course, able to damage ordostroy vessels passing under, while they would be above tbe roach of retaliation. It waa destroyed by Hadrian, and its pre cise looality has been tho subjoot of soma dispnto. .Hums, which evi dently might have formod the bat tressos of a bridge, occurring on the Hue of an old Roman road, however, seoma to afford little room for doubt Trajan's wall ia another ra tio ot the terrible energetio old Ro man. It is. strictly spoaklng a ram part of oartu, 85 or 40, miles long, and extends from Raasova, Just at the bond of Danube, to the shores of the Black sea. Though ouly an earthwork, it is a formidablo lino of defense. It Is 8 or 10 feet high. with a fesse in front of it, while the western portion of it la still further fortified by deep lakes and swampy valley of Kara-Su. In addition to all this, another .rampart of a similar character lies fast In the rear or it This is known aa the Sooth Wall, the apace between the two rem A Wife's FtAas Kealizeh. For . Haa .a t . a somo time prior to Frl Joy the 10th ult , a man nanwd Israel Rnuenznho wis employed as a bralcomsn on a Quaker enitino at the Pbilad. A Read ing railroad siding, st Ilea ling sad on the day iu quostion bo was to have taken sn iron oro train In lbs place of a sick mate. Prior to leaving homo Iu the morning his wifo ured him not to go, remarking that ho bad drciait in tho night that an accident was about to hrppon to him. lie laughed at her fears and reached the tratu la safety. Shortly after ward lis had to uuoouplo a portion of th tiuin whilo tho cars wero in mo tion. Whilo engaged In this duty be nui suddenly jorked off tho car by tho looniotive its spoed, and, fulling on tho track with his hood over tho rail, it was sever ed from tbo body. Suite Canity Central Aoi itiial Society, Ts le Ml at KiiMra, Fa., oa Thnrnhiy, Fr'nlay anj S'itur,l,ii, October it A, Hli mid Uf A. RULES AND KKGL'LATIOXS. 1t Tha field of competition opaa to all rait dante of tiie onumy lloa ol rnama provided that wbora Ilia preiuliini awarded alia.ll aii-aed tbe lutn of (M dollara (In) ner eent. of antranoa ahall be paid. I'eranni fruui c unll-a ean I...i.a a 1 . 1 1. 1 1 . r l.w .vli. a ainivll .nif.m.. I Sud All ntr1e lor ihlWtlon mnat hmade prior t ten lo o'eloek A.M. ol tb 2nd day ot th lair. Guinea oaa be made pravlnua lo tha lair by addreailna Urn Secretary at Mlildlebura-. (laod and eorapeUnt JudKee will bapolnted dunoa tba r'alr toa vard premium! and notice II laerltorlona artlele oa aiblblllon. Jade wtll l tnrnlahd with hooka of antry, which Ihey are dealre.1 to Sll op with th award! anil return lo ili tSortry by tea o'eloek A. M. of 3rd day. Wbeu a rneorlty or th Jn.lnaa on any aaetlon era praaenl tha ahall sonatllui a nuoram aad ar a aUiurlrad ta award prainluma. 1. Jadttee will award no prauiiami on an. mala or idki-r artlrlna bavlnn no ouilltUuB, uuleaa thoy are aiioolally worthy. 2. No alnnla art I" a all ill be entitled to a pro. niluia wliUU kna drawu a premium la au at aorlmant or lulr. a. No oiliOntiir will he allowed to Interloar wltb Judaea wbllo eiaiullilo anlwala or anlo loa aiiown by aueli eiUH'ilur, ulherwlao no pro. niluu will b lta for mou animal or anlo- Kntrlea for ipecd mo-t b mad oo orbeMa 10 o'ulock ol ol. day ol th ruoea. lb Aaaoclatl n will lurulali Lay free to all iaraine eablhitlna etwk. All outlloiia rapvlliua in anal Ol anaoq ahall Im dutormlued by tba Judtfea, wkoaa duu la- Ion euall td nuai. lilai-ratlonary pr-mlume will be awarded for all iuribrluua artlr.lA -thlbllait, wbetbar u mrraU-d In the followlua' U.a or nol an arliulu or eiiliual eliall Iki rtouAved fraiu thesrimnd barore tlm cIm ar th thibiliou. i-i-Tpi ny prrmiaainn 01 in i roaioani Tli aoclnly will earclillly pmei'mi all arltrlna while ou ililbltou, but will bnt b ri'iiinl hi auy lua or a.-ridi-nia that may occur. ' Htell ror n.irao auo caiur. ii-ua ir an-cp aii'i 1...... Mill! Km riinilliM.I fru .1? .'Ii.pj.i. L.iMrl. iiiice.i bamia win uo in aiiainiaiicn, 10 caru .r abx'k diirlint IliualiaeuiO wf tin. i-xhll'Hor. 1. Trial r raat iiurai-a. Ilmraday. trldayaud Saturday at 2 u'rlock P. M. 4. Iadr E iiiealrlanlaiu Saturday 10 o'clock A. M. f. Standi for tbe eal of rrrreahmanta an. can he oUlaluod bj application at lb Socrulary vl See. TKUTTIMO. In all caaoa fmir make a Si-M, not Iraa than tbrao to aurt. Il. at Hire Iu live, tutrauco Ire ten par cuut.of i k pri'iuluui. Ai.y nora uiaiauuiua iuu neia ib ouiy ouiuiea to thu Aral runner. llnraiiaelit"led In llata lo which tliry aro Bol eligible will forfait t!iMlr enliaiio. fee. Eiutraii.. ivwm ua..a. in v....i..1.m ..... entry, with oenie and daacrlplloa of Uoceo, and uatue of owner. PLOWIXO MATCH. Tha Plowing Match will tako ulaoo oa Situr. day inortilu at t oVlotTk. t-eraona eoiupeune: win nar tnoir aami bllohed and In readtnea at th appointed hour. The aauie of the plowman uiu-l la nlrn al wall aa ik kind of Plow to b uJ, at tb Win ol entry. I. m qaantity oi aroana ior aca toaai to b one-fourth ol an aere. a. Tb tlma allowed to do th work will b two boura. I. Tb ieama to atari at ono tiro, and sack plowman lo do kia work without drlraror ulnar aealaunt. 4. Each lowtnaa to atrika hla owa land aad plow Imlepenilenlly of th adolulua! land . With nuin ma ii tha fourth or au acre tlwd each nloi lowmaa will b ra-inlrail to atrika two back-furrowed laod, aad Unleu th dead lur- tow la tha middle. PATMEIf T Or PREMIUMS. Annoanoement of all pramluma awarded will ha aiade from th Judxo aland al t o'clock r. II. on lb laal da of tb Valr and will be vald al tha Traaaurar'a ein on th Fair urouud, ImmadlaUly after aakl aanonnoament aad h for ih Snal adjauromanl ol tue tihlbltloo. All (oodeonajchlbliloa will ba aold at 'Fob. II Auction, fro( ckarga, (II deelred) oa lait Say l th t'alr, TRICE OF ADMISSION. Stngl Ticket Ueia. dooiiiliiren le ' Seaaon llokata admlttlnK Father Mothtr, and lam II y na.ler 14 jeara l aaj. I no Slaala Seaaoa Tiokau ad 6addl koia (nut oneihlblilon la MI- lloa to tk admlaaloa ol lb owner 10 Single earrlaee la ad lltlon to oooapaal to aaouui uo uo uo ow An Hereon baring a ticket and tranarerrlna It to auolkar poreun ahall forfait th aauia. Premium List. CLASS No. 1-1 fort,. Baat atallloa t year old Or oiet s on IM tea i uo tee t ut I oo too Iw ad do BeaS brand Bear with coll td So dw do Beat a-Id I a r bora or Bur do a year old H do t year So da I yr do do aueklin CLASS No, 2-Ptowiiy MJch. ReelDlowmaa SI 00 aM do Sue CLASS No. 8-Gifc. tieai ball t yaara old or over do S do So oow 1 1 eare old or OTeT Sd beat row do Uoelkller t do So do 1 do S4 So CLASS No. s-ifiv Beat Soar d beat Baat uw bo wing al lea at I pica 4o lot ah oala t M too 400 too ioo oo DO so IM tad CLA8c)o.6-SAhi. Baal I yaga aiao do aw a 100 toe SawwUhlwb CLASS No. fl Dmitry, eel eoo turkeys it! ai wo o to i Hatl pair of aa d Hl pair of duska ', Uaat pair af pa fowl i do eklokeoa So aa al kUkevi S or aaore VI t t to aw 99 w- . awal pair laa taal CLASS No, 7 Owa ami &f. V kif bvavM wkU Vkaat . . ' ilea s do do do do do rya oala bnrkwhall arn Iu vara cluveranil 0 I on 0 do do ltnolhyaaAl ailrd CLASS No. t ll'tnt and VfictabUs. nKt hair bmbal awavt potato do ill do aarly ra do do do do do do il do do do di lo do eootlrlch harrlmn pink ay do do do do do do do lack do do do !,,o,k do 4 lUilll oalona baata earro' ttranlpa .inaitca lima baanl Ka At abt l.uncliai eclvry l.i do do do 1.1 ut Kc.t M Hut llaat do Oo S apilin-u plant varlny ol pppr aad laraii aaaat paoti'kia OO uo 4 nld tmfflpkln 4 do 4 anaba aiiutpl brooid corn awaat oorn duo ara CLASS No. U--V11. raat aollwllon or appli'a-not lata than on px'k uf i-h kln.1 i uo 'ml h. it iiA(b nf aaflh kind au 1 on to I OB a llaat and lar;aat eullMlluB r para il Uaat do do do llaat and "it beat llaat l bait Uaat do do do do do do do do do do paanhed do pi u 01 a do qaluoa do 71 4o Ml 2.1 baat do do I JJ Uoat c 'llwllun or urapa do plaia oatawb do do do l.atela do Jv do do roi(-ord do do do 11 bile do, CLASS No. W tjriVufturo fni)if inif. n-.i ili.i.Uv nf Aurleultural luiptainenta l 0" lilpiam do mower and reaper do tbreahlna: tnacutn do lanulUK mill do olutvr bullar aad a paratot 110 do do llu do do do do 4 do do do do do do do Kiain .11111 do hiira rak do oorn punier do Ouru iliullor do 0'irn kuaker v do bora bay (or do plow do cultivator lo barrow do I oat HuarlOM Machine iio enurn I do pump for walla I ..... . . CLASS No. 11 .ViHii.l'Hii-.l Artuks. (Manufaclured w Ithla Connly.) lit lot rabinat work do waah machine do eliilhe wrlnvjer da lot tlnwer do earthen war do took hut and furnltur do parlor ato.a wood or coal do apeoluien lullitry do do marble work do do luminal ti i o diploma So 2 tVI no diploma do do do do do do do do pilnllog do do broouia CLASS No. 12 - W'ayon and CurHozrt. Baat farm wagoD Diploma aud do bunny Uo oun iii( do aulky do aprlna? wagon a oo 2 uo I uo II Ol too oo aiciau do wheelbarrow an lo !! Iniur tiob do ehlld'a carriage CLASS No. i:t-iAiAr tnnl i. lure. Heat pair Sn boot do do coura hoot du do ladle ah ica do do do ualtora do aldehameaa Ivatuor do aula e-de leather doelile un-jr leather do dreiaa l call aklo du act ainle harno. do eel douhle baruea iiv it: Iw,, id--aa du eadilla do rl'llng brldl aud tlitura 1 00 I uo t7 ilfllHU- 11 "I to 60 Ml Diploma do do do I uo 1 ID M M an 9U Mmu'Ktwr. H jo 1 (HI loo ton Soo au to to 1 10 1 uo 2 OU t uo tea 10 I OO 1 00 M to to t-l uo bora ny-nei , CLASS No. 1 1 fUHMsrfc Uoat ten yarda wouloaclotk do nve yarda H annul do live yarda llueu cloth do pair hUnkuU do ten aroa ran oarpct do rug do dour mat ilo tiuMiiy mat do Ulll do Ioj oaLIu uultt do ouverlai do ailk quilt do crochet ooiinterpana do knotted couuterpai. do iuUroldrd cguutorpaaa do loung oovcr do pair plllowi aad lllp do cottnu atocklog do eattua lock. do woolen elocking do woolen eoeka do wouieu mltteua do woolen glove do llueu atooklnva tfl tu lal 60 to to do ou bauk ul liuea thread do aauipla atooking yaro CLASS No. 13 Luthi Furuy llaat ipaclmen ol amhruMarf do allk mhroldry do Uuor acedlawork Arlidr. p-joo S l SO 100 1 ou loo to I uo I w to es liw I en to 10 tu to to M M to to tu to 1 no 10 to t too. to to to loo do pair ottoman oovors no aula euaniuna do Beedlewurk collar ami oulla do pair ol wurked allppart do bativ'e Carrlaaa roba do woratd acart do wonted lldf do eotloo tidy do taltlug tidy do crocket work do tattlug collar do tuil-l eel do wo rated lamp mat do leather lamp mat docoUou leiuo mat do needle book do plu cuablou do walcb pocket doalippercaaa do footnivool do iiapor holder do fancy boa do tauoy ahal-noi dofaucy bracket dudy bruab do kraldrd work do bread a caku epreada do Ibrvad lliljr do e cau.aa lldy do ekam pillow and alieel do Ulglit urcea niceivar do cecd rocitr du bead work CLASS No. Id f fc Arts. Beat oil painting laudaoap at brel Ueet Oryatal palollog do woe pictur dourayou drawing do paucil or pen drawing do pnnmaaktp d nwdUy do pkot.atraph So Muled bird do cae ul buti.rnlae aad bug doartiscial Sow are do waa Bowera do we a buet do waa truil do (aucy eroa do bair work awltckea, carl etc, du eb-ll Sower doworalad Suwer do fcathar doaara do pliautom b. do Wat waa eroa do cornucopia do wall pookel SI 0 IW I OH 104 loo ioe lou to lou iao 1 oo loo iw too IW to ta to t tu lia) ti CLASS No. l?fdMjtiHi, FUnr$, find ';;'. Itaai aoilaeuoa f ha pi"" u bael do do do UaetMllaotlaa aitlSolal AoaerS M bal do d Heat boqaet aibeal do , , Ileal dacoratlr daelga doolletla do do kanglag baekMS do do eat Sawere d do drte-l aaluaaa leara do do dahlia do do rbauat da do atnala da So atra do do glaJlola a . ...l.i. aauat Laavalullf arralstd 'S too t 1 tu to to St a to be a to a tea CLAKS No, I3v-Jnwa,0 Otkl TUil- k Jek JtawalBl OTM do mii9 uu t at.a a.tV.1 kal ttlU I it?" .ib- do do do do in do do li r.aic;uwirSi t delaJytairi ao I do lt 10 to 1 do pant do vaat 6i do ahlrt ' jo do ncktla 1 CLASS Nv W-Mittinrry. Ilit ipilino ol mn1ry eioe CLASS No. .--J'- I'.aM, Dullrr, Caka, Ac. 1 (. n il buir. Ho. vl bail do d 1 Mnat. iMiiin.1 l'Pint l no 0 i. 71 Du J.i l.'l 60 fci) d 60 l. tj ' iv '41 bait do I t lual w'i it hrro l 21 do do Hon llv 'id li-t do do llaat fruit ak do tally do do aHin9 do x- jo p"uno 00 lo oak ol any other ktn l Bet 11 apl.Ta 1 do p. do drle.l liaaf wllk taod ol cjrlnn ao varau bam CLASS No. -Jl X .'.'.. C'- l'i , .tv Iltat eurrantjalty lo ailo 1I1 do M.raio do do pa.cb do do any otlur tmlt do i'la Imttar do pa.i'tl do do Eivt bonay do uailun vinegar of hnm manoractara do iuart aamplo arap win do blarkliary wlua do al.larbery win no euirant wtu 1I0 any oilier kind not apectlle l CLASS No.i.M-V(.'i.'nii, Cvwd Fruit, tt'C. j BeatenltwUon l'lrej fmlt JUl 1 " .- - o Jar ofcahned pojchaa do do plitma do do raaplierrltl do do ch.'irKa ' do do a ho. tli'hrrrlca do Jar frnltOiut trw. ini.l) CLASS No. iM-.VutV. Ural Hand f'ornt Mualo ilo iiiiiaical Inairuiuaiit of any kind do prclonucr on piano or t-r'u do do ou viuilu dtptuma lo do do CLASS No. '-l'iiotritn;vn. li-M lad ilrlvor nf alnttl li irao fcearrtaxe io ao ot i norat-a aua carriKo do h-iracback riding by ia.'.y 2 11 UO CLASS No. i" TriiUht'j, yVmy'il oit.f Miilihul Urn fi. riuar bar, !lt Trol Pura N-. I. t'orculte uu.Ur4 rirau(ae Flrat lli.rao Scioud " R(XD DAV County Trot 1'iiran No i. opi'U to all korac uauod lo couuly l.t Uorao l " M Tnian bat Swcepatake Trot I'urae No. S opim to all lloreea. lal Uoreo Slid ' rd tM0) no- t 10 latoe ;o or. in IMI too ttJl anion 4.1 io li oo 10 00 4 (-0 l'.O 4 HO iuv jno'ik " 1 Ho-1 pair Draught norer 3 1 do do licet Matched Uoraea 2ud do JN10N UOUSK, MlJ.lletiorg Pa. OEOHOE 0. SMITU, I'rorrictor. Acoommoilatiotia good anil churRca mod erate. Special aecommoiUtioDt for dro- erg. A abars uf tne ruuuo patronage n oliolteo). CEOKGE 0. SMITH, April 1. 1S77. Ctrityirvi pnn -fVl1 New York (In Holmes' now bniliding, oppositotbe Keytsono Hotel.) lVlICl:rX, 1ST., HKLIMSClliOVE, 1-V. STWTITQ linw.iuiit iotitniel from tho l-'iir-t - j XllaJ cr1 Coition vitlt 1 ho Larg;oMt unil moHt tjompleto OF NOTIONS ' AND FANCY GOODS ! over brought to thi county. Large variety in SULKIER SHAWLS, SKIETS, HOSHIRY. GLOVES, etc. Great bargains in ISLACK AIsPACAS. Special inducements in HAMBURG EDGINGS & INSERTINGS, Table Linen and Tolling of all descriptions. l?oplo lit novel of uti.v ptooiIm in ottr lino will fiud it to tkeir adv&ntao to cu'.l and cxtuuino my Roods aud pri ces bo f oro itircliasiu eUowlicre. Thoy enn alwavs eavo from 23 to 40 porctut. (JOOPS KECEIVED ALMOST DAILY Dl'HIXti SEASON. Tlumkjulor iat Javors a toiicit&l. OctKLTS. NEW GOODS ! FOIlOAHlIOIl pnonucH tho undorsignovl 'Assiigueo.of HOW AUD J. ROMIG Athusifsburff, Snyder County Ponu'a Tie Rtock Consists r-artlv of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, Sudi as QotliB, CwJeimers, Kentucky Jeans, ColtonacLu of every it-l anil qoaLtv, also Ladies' Dress Goods, Sliks ALL WOOL DELA1N3, Merinos Poplins, Aa at all prices) a&J ved-y tha BITS !HD cm, Carrcts. Fiaar, li ul Stair Oil Cl-'J. . BOOTS AND SHOES, llardwam, QaeeJiwaM, Tin and Glavrir VTrOvUnv! XVll1ovrrx Oo&MaV Sugars, Syrupa, liolaasea, Teas ol all kinds, and at Lovf ltM, dgartj A Toheo. riah A Salt, WltoWle ant) HUIL COaAL COAL, COiUU . ftUftfcMett MsKitkTa eare wilt reo?iv f ruuipt allrnlinn. Cilice onoilimralioTo the INorr Lutheran Cburcb, July, lib. '7. AwCKf. ll AW. WORACS M.LBA 3. ALLEMAN & SON. A T TOh'S IS i'H AT LA IK. HolillMrr.'O Vt I'll. 11 firofpanlnnal 1 1 u r i ri ci - a mil eottetlnt anlru-ie l lo their e:iro v.-1'.l li promptlr altonr lln. dm lie contllo l in Kugliaa or tlonnan. Oirme, Murke' 8iunv. i yt J rk an a v1: i7, " I llVPICIAN AND SlIlffEO, C'riilrct lllc, Kiijilor Co., I'n. ilfTer- Lis professional cervices lo the publio. 6-dHtf J)U. A. II. SMITH, PnslllA.V A .YD SURGE OX, Offt-ra hi profcailonul aervlcca In iht elll icna ut Atlaumbuig nn I ticiuity. Ifrpl, 71 j. y..siunii:l. SCllOUON AM) 1'ilVSICIAX, MiiMlcburft Pa. Dllors his pr.itVuiional ai'rtloca to the eit" isoiti of .Nli'liUvourg nn 'I yicinily. (Mnrch 21,'C7 Jti A. WLlZKIi, Justico of the Peace,. Jcai!rlvrn, Suyhr Co., i"o. All kin 1 of co'.lcutioii mn !o eu litirral lertiia. Trump!) attcud to all Ini-ino-w IntrumpJ to bit caro. (June "0, '73 if Mios cf tls PC2CS and Conveyancer, Mmllli Grotr, Suydcr Co. I'a. Cotttctlma and all l.nnlnsn pertarnlng to Oi ffl- o nf .liuilceul the l'ac will be ettndad 14 almrl notice. Mar,ll,'7f (QllAKLi:S O. CORNELIUS, ;i trn.'-Vt.-Iivv, Ali" Jl'.rlin, Union County, Pit, Can he rco'ultM la Lcgtlrh or iJorinan. My'i4, joiix ii. aITnold, ' Vttnic.v xtt Inwa) & DIST11ICT ATTOILMJY, MIDDLliBCBiJ, PA I'rcfcislonal t.ti'!nea entrutc J to dig ears wi" Iio prompily aucnJcil lo. f Fob 8,71 mm Til 15 Fancy Store, continuation or the ind it rcfvifHUf iftAU.tWi. H. WKIH. NEW GOODS ! ! IJV ri r-'rt tc3 !,: to -t, -.H-a. aa-oaaaal.. . "22 pyaaVaJ