v. 1877. burg, AUG. 9, .miinuniealiona, business let f,r this olllre, to secure I'tention Klioultl be addressed n . . ii . r i T: 1IIB IWI, ill Mill K'DUrKi Oiiinty, Tit. Advertisements H-diioim tvc. must ie untitled n.liiy tuioil, to sectiro iuscr- mt ISSUO ilvor coin of every fssuo is ,: plenty and hard in dotoe.!. ra!iould tvnter tlmir horses of irivu slowly daring tha lii'iitcd ia eye. on swindlers, tramps -4:irs lio irepureJ for an rn is shoving forth' it. 4 ear, .ling cnri will soon lio nbuiiil- now blows over tlio oats jiu! cool nilita nnd plenty of csiiiny lie oxpoctcil. vc vnur receipts nnd deercflsc emlitures." in the valuable in i sent to those, who forward ivo cents in answer to the nd .ctit, 'How to bneonio rich.' i;h the sun lim horn extreme ,i season, vet comparatively ,m hiwo been overcome by tti to our knowloilo ucnu :!itriroil In this section. -Tit Snvder ('onntv Contrnl ural .Society, will ImM its fair f.iir prntind, nonr this place, on l.iy lluirsilay ami Fii.lay, CK l,'4th, and 3th, 13T7, :-!it never to believe, evil of any e urn certain of it- Wo nuoht oy any tiling that is rude, and even in iokor nnd we over to carry jo'.ces loo fur. iw a well established fact, thnt nn'tion of property at 1'iltn 1 otlicr place, was mostly or .Tcausod byb.id in on train pi ive no connection whatever romls. ; the riot at rilNlmr the in House tvna occupied ly tlio I Chan. Given, proprietor, and nstein and their families and r.s, were all driven out. Many icure stolen and carried away. aatrimnnial market nt preent tint, and lovers and preachers .sadness on tlio outlook. The min business anil the conse- r that marriage illicit lrintr f to the door, perhaps deter ,couplo from cutting married. respondent writes to the Hi-itinh Jinnvtl as follows ; ''Tlio bent for bugs is a bun-trap made by j series of holes in a piece of ,:!i a gimlet, and placing I i !i mattress of eacli cot. The ftviod is to be placed period i w a basin of boiling water." RrsToKEn. From onr late ex ' we nro enabled to state that strikes are now about ended, lies received from ever the iiintrv show the war is over. :. trouble, that in Luzerne i Tlio corn is in foil tassel and promi ses an abonndanl yield. It is stated that a new kind of burr has made its appearance In this State, which Is iln enemy of the potato bug. In size and nnnearancn. it is similar to a fire-fly, and its back Is docoratcd with wldo and varlnirated strines. Tns Law roa Vaobanct. Tha law re- 3uires all persons going from door to oor. or pteolng themseleea In streets, nighwsys or other roads to ttg or ffitfhtr alms, and all pprsoiif wsnilerintt abroad and h)f(jlnj, who hats no flied plaoa of rcslilvnca In tha townnhip, ward or boro', to ba arreslad as vsgrnms, by any onottatileor oilier otflotr ot ihs pcice. up I on oniica to nun oy any innabllsnl or the township, or' in his own tiaw, Ii also provides for a commitment of euoh mrnt for not ts thsn Do dura, nor mora than six month wtlh liability to U bor under ordera of tha directors of tha poor. Stisoy 1'Kori.R. There is a certain class of men and women who seem to livo for the sake of denvlng themselves, and everybody else tliey control nil that makes lifts bright nnd happy. Oh. denr I how it makes one sigh and feel miserable just to think of some ofthese circumspect and over-particular crea tures I Who would cure to bo born and go through the measles to say nothing of the whooping-cough nnd other ailments to which juvenilo llcsh is heir in order, over after, to go groaning and moaning through life? It is not worth whilo to livo nt nil, il all day nml every day, one lias to oc saving and doing everything for tin future. Il hy not livo "for tlio fun of too thing 7 CLASSICAL DKl'AKTMENT or The Missionary Institute The scholastic year of this Institute is divided into tluco terms of 1:) weeks each. The First Term begins Aug. lit. 177. The Second Term begin. Nov. 1", " Tlio Third Term begins March 8, This institution has been In sue. cestui operation for l'.t years, nnd du ring this time has prepared scores of young men fr College, nd tho higher classes in college, as well as hundreds for business lite. It admits students of both sexe. nt a very moderate cxpen.se, and all'ords educational advantages to either sex not interior to any school in the State. For tlio next acholastiu year, Five competent nnd experienced teachers throe male anil two female will lie engaged in giving instruction in the Troops passed through thia place on i A DMINISIRATOK'3 NOTICE Lct- tho H'inliury A Lewistnwn road, onl-ir f admlnlntratlon on ths aststa of A. V , f .u t i i ' .""Ji'ar Ountr. Pmn'.. harm bean rn( i,;i, n j inn j,iiat-i lit; ulti 1-1111". I ! to tl.Q Dnil t'ov. yartrnnll passed through on one ot tho trains. Tha Republican Standing Commute mat, pnrauant to djournmn, In tha Court Ilouta, on Paturdoy last, 4th Inst. Henry Moyar, of Tann, was elaeted Chair man and D. F. Moyar, of Fraaburg, Bee rrtsry. Tha action of the old Committer In salectlng J. B. Hall, and A. W. Tottar, Esq., raspcetlaaly Itrnalnrlal and Rep. rticntaliTa ilalrgates to tha Ptste Convan lion was rallfiad. No other business of Importnoce was trsnssctad. Adj ournad to meat at tha call of tha Chairman. Caxmino Coi.n ltKRntKs. Mrs. L. C. Penned, the inventor, has been uc eessful in citnning cold berries, and fruit so that they will keep the season through, nnd tho housekeepers gener ally will be glad to lenrn how she does it. I aking homos, pens, licit n or corn. she tills the jar. bottle or tumbler btiin- lul or the ra v, fresh aiul pcrleetly sound fruit. .Mie then pours in clear cold wa ter to fill the interstices, screws on the cover or puts In the cork, turns the vessel upside down, nnd that is nil. If by accident any of th. fruit show signs of fermenting, it can be cooked in the old way. lsrulcne.t. all neinnns knnwlna thamfolres In'teMixl loaaM e'tnteare riinet ad ta tnake Imme-Unt tymnt. title the lisrltiK nlslina will pretant than) dalf aathentl. ealad lor attlaniant tn HAHAII J. FUTri KSJ, UtOHllK U. fHCHS, Juna ts, rr. Admlolitratort Amtitor Notice ii l.'ie Mutter n( tht Amlijnrd Ettatt nf Juhn ehau vcr. Tha Auditor appointed to audit tha ac count of J. ,t. Phrader asslgneo of tha n- bote est si e and lo report distribution of ihe balanaa in the handa of the account snt, will meet Ilia parties Interested on Saturday, August 2"lh, siT, at lo o clock A. M. at bis t.tlire tn Ihe C ourt House. Middletmrg, Ta., whan and where ihcy are requested lo mnke llielr claims or be lebarred from coming In upon iil run I. A. M. I'FAIILER. Auditor. Mid lleburg, July 19, lf77. J3T OF Classical lciartnieiit of this school. For particular address. i. lil'ltX. I'titsctrAT., t'elinsgrove, Ta. The ..( Rilatin'j to MHH irii Com P'liii'S. Those who join mili'ary com. nanies connected with the folate tuili tia, in time of peace, must be pi roared for tlie emergencies for which sucti or ganization are created. In case o.' dilliculty they aro subiect to be called upon and nnint respond. Tlx; law on the subject is very clear, and is us fol lows : "Kvery man who join a mi'it.iry enmpanv in vuusvlv.iiii i is swuru to JU303S-SEPT. T. 1377, ORAM! jriKUCt. AnAM-!me N Tmael. I'KAVHa-!lr. Snerlil, M. A. Wellet. 11k an VrT .Isr.ib ii, Iiroor, Jofei'j N. CiiS trk II. is. Helliljr. Mlhset Vltey. Miiuii.KiieHii lisiirlei llearor, II. V. oranol In, .ta."b lt"!if.r. Minnow t.avl .1. Itoaver. .Tsfoli Unf, tiiini.n-HKKK John liiinkeli'srsor. I'kns Hi-nimtn list-man, Honrjr D. Smttli, i.'u,, , ,l"iiinui,. rRKHV-.lnpeiili Murtln McLiKsnnovii Jhn stsliler. .Tot.n P. Nhnra Hsiiis t. I". llHflcr. .lul.n H. Kullr. W A:onT..s (I. W. Alan gas, Jonathan tt riiain. tETirjntons. Anivi-Mwfi Vrb, Itanrr Halt, Hkaiirr t'anlel M. HaiMk, J.ihn Wofnet. Umavkn wkst Joe.i II. tlnrtister, Joseph w nune, a. K .il in uenwiriu. Hi.ourl 3 Sellers, .l i-seli S, I l-li. Wilton II. l uh. CiiArMAK ile.irss A.MUaner, t ranki.is Willi. n ii. Ii'iwnrsnx, rr.ieMln Hulih. John M lllnier. h. I. srl .TArasiiN-Oenrna J. t lliuler. s. K. Yarl.'k Miiii.l.Kiieii.i .lnoob Aursii'l, Peter Npeht. .MiismiK Panltliisuglor, William Slesr, John Ven.lt. Viim.i.e. kkkk Ailsm Saner. I'kHitr Inlm II. Arlivs't, Tusas (lonitllna;, rhlllp sinltli J m.iii I Yerticr. I'Btinv Wist Kinanual Ktrsiili. I. M. Tosts, Wilson II. Welnef l'lot W'elney, Jacob K. Wlllnw. I'.i"i-ClMrlei irone, .Tonoph tt. llenitrli-kn Bess Hasiri of itt wis. - Fanners I Farmers j Farmers ! The Champion The Champion The Champion Reaper & Mower. Reaper & Mower, Reaper & Mower, At Tho Centennial. At Tho Centennial. At Tho Centennial T HE CROSS f ASP Till! RESCEN A Tn1iof 1-ltH'T t.tWff tTRnKH T IiT th tMt- i'M r iti'iorinn is, . itrnu m ticrriijiukt t't iriA4e n( 1 1 HKf fnt-lNl. iHiltilrnl. nml r lti;iMiti liNlory nn I com liilnt tNclr Tl Uin CAUfl n( Hi wrtr, ili ! rti nt Make i '11 RIP ri AN A (I A 1 H T MnHAUMKIlAft tliO MIHMIV INTKIttt-TM of OttlAT tlsltloil IllV'llVfiil mi 'nrniihtc! sir !h Hi i.ri, M r ATK-aM h nn Hl.r.KflAl.' i All Uti lity llliinlrnit-tl. T)i R million tirtil nov Winl l t Naii'uin M , f'lill. July 12, 4. MOODY HIS Ms, Works, & wmtm I it is lielicved that tho miners "j couio lo terms And resuim ...... . . .smitioi-L the r .iiitttiilinii ol th,i I mteil h also Hctllcit witn me ranroaii- r., - , ,, . . e ., . . , .... I , I. ... l HI ITS II 1 1 VI l ll'J .UII?-ll LIU I'll I HI A (.1111 sylvaniii. J lit is reipiired to obey the orders of tlio Governor, who is com- lililllili-r.iil.f.liinf 'I'll, itnlt.iy nniniiLi Jrivs. At th's sessnn of tne other thiiiL's. of the inilitarv. are to re- ;slicsshould bo IookciI afnr.. jnviiMon. ijucll riots 'nnd distur bs into which the Min docs j ,.m(.j,.s. mid ni-1 nml nssist the civil of e become-very nflensivo when i ii,.,.M j., m iintninin und upholding ol. sud u-.'i'ss irlly u:i!ietlt!iv Ji,c Ws of ihe Cu'hiiioiiwimIiu. I'n o.unpelled to brenlhn the air , -s a ralisfaetcrv substitute is furnish ;i.vnated with puisouous .is. J,.,,il Up- niemher refutes to uo, he of lime should a'iso be em-, eourt-inartiled. 1'inler cer : i purify water close's, water j Uju (-,.Mi1i i is f-.r ret'usiuir to o lie ic. M.' li.-al ifithoiity s ays ,,.,; . ,lm,, n, j, ,lllt jH , .-es are 1 i iMlani Ii" i n ivoin :,,;, i, ,.,, under-:-! an iionnsun- iiient of thirt v days." Tlil. It the only suthentle an t lull MtorT o Mr M'lnilr an I all Ms re-rrsi.lo ii.iihiis l-n ml In one n nine nf lama ernwn delsirn ItlMin Snl.l h ful-.i-rll'tlun cnlr. '1 he bm.lc is .Ilviila.t Inf.i flva ill'llii.-l usrts treitlnir cf illiterent entiiei'ta an. I illlterent ms'trr Ilia l il..wlnK heliiic Ihn merest evnnnsls nl an ex nlnnit.irv nstore nf the nrst ttirea parts : "This ! ure-emliientlv tl.a newet, rrelieiH an.t mnet riimiiliMe nt all the M ly liters! lire- It rontitlns Kiva HimRs is Js : In lulinlanca l.iU.iwn : Here ! Part T., wtili-h slrei a eVelcti nf Mr. M'Wlr'e ll'e an. I an a."'..unt "I erery 'ae' ht vreAi revlvnl enmintKnei all tl.a tturartnnt (sen ar.'t IneMenta that esn ba l-mml In any I. Us ni ii.-.uy nir wmca ai-me ynu uava to l ay f i eu or a ..i" Here l the mot i'lna-ln rttura n Mr. Mos ly that can I f.iun I. H Is an elegant steet Imrtratt. ms'le In liiinil'in: whien tt-.e rubltiti' era have liniMirte1 eiveitallv l"r thla Imnh. Ttila iitetiire of tlie I il l tl imontea.t waa titten lli.nr i,.vr. mi..i,..i i' Hmiih. i-,..i.,i,ii nn tha apnt by an arum vtio went to Mr. Moo- i i.i-i. 1 I ilr'a iil.l inline lor tliat tiurpnae. ran ii la a coiir.-iu.ii ni ir. ihiwit a won tterlul nnrlralia nf ttie men an-l W'linsn nf the utile, whleh have been an mui-K ailmlre.l ,nth tn i. rest llrltaln ami America. 1 here are twenty live ol them. Thla la tha only iKwik In whlrh these rtlbte nrirtrall have ever t-een tirnuuht tncellier. I'a-t 111,1a air. .Moody's entlrii ejitora ot tlienlnav. '1 Iim iianal air nf nlltillalllnu Me. Mnnila Mr tnnna baa been thr-iw I'M .(her forty nr nftr newai'aierrntniria, wiiiinui me leaat aitetnfit at elaalrteat.in by eut.leetai print tham nn ebeap piier in curap nin.nnK, an i puau the aala m rapl'Hy as pialhle, limply on the rtri-nuth nf .Mnn.ty'a name. In makinK tlila part til. Ih entire ranne n( hlailnjtrlnal sermons an. I lecture, have been evaintiio.l. ami erythln remirkahle nr nl. eaooelal value tiaa been aeleete.1, ant arranureii by aiil.j9.-ta t an that the rek.lerinay aea Mr ji i Irtoli SaLis-iiR.irr I.ewla Anlu H.C llrriratresa.-r, I'harles II. Iloyar, Usrga K. llooJrlcka, A. V. Set erli. t'siiiM William Kreba. Wa.sui.,tos I'liillp Praeao, Fran -li olaaa, i i 1 1 1 p llemlriok), Uenrs; ll'J.Uurinao, Sam uel hba.lal. . nana'.e low types ot f-;ver. tv is to bo set out from th :v,' to tho end of lhi inoniii. .:. loiiir nan nice- up crowinu i' i'Iiim ; net ihe dwurf ki nl six in- I .-(, in (ji Md soil, and keep cul- :.tiirinj; tlio season, until the earth un. Those who prefer 'nf trenelies, ca i make them 1" aidii, ami a full spa 1 deep, ta mi to hav some .uoo l soil at .turn, which should be we'd ma : sot the celery in two rows, 8 apart, nnd tho plants at 6 inch i.e rows. -Ni-:n. A .luniata t o. paper ol t'k says that Mr. M. H. emey, .tit-, in Port Itoval, Juniatu Co., vnun?; man in ins employ, went eTuscaroiA creek nt tlint place, is, on Friday evening 27lh tilt. 10 o'clock. Mr. '. cot into the bevand his depth nnd beforo his .iiion could rescue hint or call io was drowned. Ihe boily was th next mnrnine nt three . Neither of the gentlemen 'Kim. The sad ntl'air has CMt a over tho whole community. it nv Lioiirsisri. M Henry iftliis nlacu was struck by liuht- Jurinir tho thunder ishower of . ... . . fyevening. Jte was at mo iimo the snout. And tlio tluul came the nine. tiArnli.ini: his nrni nnd ler, nd causing him to fall over H t. no soon reeovcreu. inn r some timo nfterwnrds a prick- nl numbness In tho side that re- I tho stroko. No ttoulit tho lies- portion of tho fluid hnd passed t ho iicimmiK rod. or ins mini ice 1 havo boon more serious. ifielit Timri 31a lift. ten by n Nuukr. loam tliat a tew wceKS nco t a Mr. Grubb, from Centre town- was mnking fence, Ana wiien tn et of lifting A stono, ho wns bitten e nr his rini'ei-s iiv a Conner nenu Tlie wound wAsrainer paiiuui firat. but nothinir serious was - : ii i. i it lit r for a (lav or two Alter ii nun x . , ned. a ft or that time nowovcr, injured linger, beRim to got very , piviiiR Mr. Orubb very Hoverc . which became nioro excruciating dAy, until last week, when it was overeutlinl nuiriiiicauon mm uineu -9. nnd in ordor to savo tho man a the finger was taken off nt tho 'l joint. Biuee nmpuutuun mo it Is getting along linely. (RIsGbers. In ordor that tho ffir can roalUe how little danecr can e from tho use of Paris Greon, we o made tho following calculation no pound of 'aria Urcou contains It, 4,110 grains oi wuim nrauoiu. aero contains 43.5AU snuare feet p Application of otio pound of Pari tm LO ILlll ilia uilieiisj iiirauq ii furnishes therefore but About grains of aisonio to each square .. l Ilia anioutit in ikii t no put un nolAtflcs thomselves, and a man Id not oat sullicient in a day to get (imml. This amount, however, is :oly diminished in practice by its ... ... 1 1 urn on lite iimocis. aim oy neuvruow a in the soil. Consequenlly thero i I in no daii'.'er whatsoever In the Hcirltural uao of Pari flrean, ns Jar . " . . . I . I -1 ibaornliou is conooi no I. nun us ri- A Cm mm iif AeeniKX rs. A cnrreapnn.l imiI of tlio Ni'Wville t'.nlrrtrist furiiisiira ihe f.illoivinc ; Mr. H. II. .leCuni of uesr Ite.l Iiain, lets uf Into t.ceu nnt'ni-tuteite , I iii-l lieynun.'. pricei..it. A few J-ivs ago while rfiii'iiui t'r.vu Iteit linrn ftilli a liuii'll.i nf tniis nu bis fmo borae, Joe, I tie oiiliii-il Ixoanio frigliienc J nml ran nwuv. tl'i! I"i(?s ki'H i tiff luniie nn-l a'Minjr in his I'rielu. Hy a ureal etfort M. Mo t'une euco.'t- l...t 'in ttiiiruliig him Inta I lie renee, where nulnriuioiieiy a projecting stiike struck the liai-se In llio eye, knnck iiHf ihai ui'X'tu entirely nut, nn.l also atrik itiK Ilia rl'ler on the lircual nn.l aide, un-linri-iiiK lii tit anil nltnosl bri-aUino; his riha. Tbe li else ran borne, an I Mr "Hew 1 wish ihat my Hklu was ua while ami unft a ynnr,'1 aal.t a la.ly the nth-r tn a fi-male frl.'n.l. ''Yml can eaally make It anf sal,! Ihe lady a.Mroael. "II iw I" tna,.ilri'1 ihe hrt apeaki.r. lea (1 Lass 'a HCLruva SOAf. S .1 1 by all UriM idll'aHOr k Whiaker D), black or brown . iO o. ula. sa Voi asrtr thess Qcibtioss. Arc von a (icspun.lent sufferer from Mek lle.el.ioi.'1. Ii ibiiiiftl CostlToness, Palpitn tinn nf lli 'curt T II no you ilizilnesa of Iba lieiel ? I 1ur Nartous System ile presse.l ? Does you" 1,1""1 eireulne ba l ly l!.iv.ynu a oot.J? bow Splrlte t Omulnn up of the fooit at.-" tallnn t Sc., o. Ail oflbeso anJ muoU are Jl- rrol reeulls of Dyspepsia, LiJC t-'om. pluint nn.l In Jipesiiou. Ohrrs's nl''',T Klowkr is now aeknuwIeJe l hy all DriiJ jriale to lie posiiire euro 'J. -loo, ooo bot tles were iiircri nw.iy in Ibo I'. 8. Ibiongh lrii(((tiis (o tbe people as atrial. Tiro liii.ee will eatisfy nny person of Its won. Jit fill futility in curing nil form of In Ii-(-slinn, (:Miple li.itilcs 0 rH. I'egu. lur sizo 75 ota. 8nlJ po'iiivoly by all Arsi.uluai Pruggieta in I Uo U. ti. Auctioneer. Oeonro H. Jlaeken bure;, of Middlecreek, 1. O., would an noutice to the people of Snyder coun ty, that ho will cry sales for real and personal properly, at short notL'o and on the most reasonable terms, lie uuaraiitccs satisfaction. I Mar.l-YT"! I. The flbarerilrn rerelve.t Klve Klr.t fremliitn Mo.(4l., anl.-nttai. il bv an a'.sr I ..f Vim I'l- l'binia.f..r 111., tliti-al pxtilt-ltlnii In li e I14II. an. I ens-nirea im-rll In llin ilr.-al all.-n.l ri'-ll rt.il lir-l'l utnb r tin' aiiaei.-i-i. of flu. ( Vrt.-iniial Kliieltlitt. Oh Itila in-, ...t.-n tin- I 'han-..-ii -.ir-tiMl llie aalnlilalillo'ly I it.-lit drill nr 11,1.. lent Iri'il ati.l thirty -nun l'.iili.la, tirv,-r before eilual ail hi any ntln-r M. sIiik .M.i. hlne. dminlstralor't Notice -LeUcrt ol antninlftratl n en tha astala of namiiei naallh, lata "t Miuuianara: nnmmi, errmi eounty, ra., nee--i. na-a i-n urainw n- Irhlabted tnaaiaaalate arm piaaae maae immi,- illata payment ahlla thna harlna eiaima a aani anata will prt aant them mr aaia- aialnal mant tt May IT, I87T. J. 11. IIA( II H AN, AOalalalrator. rpnp nndorniRned offers I tnaiaa nVaerlbe.) urnnariT at P' T:N AI'KF.S. rlnarail laml, altoaia In A lama tnwnahlii. Hny.lar t o irnieiTtiin. aotninina NEW jS-fjARDWARE STORE, NO FlfK tRKT till IIF.WV WFIOIIT NO SI UK 1HIAKT lH HEAVY WKHlllf. mi 1 SUPERIORITY OF TEE CHAMriON tr iitfuT fni lilnrs ) lti ttitfarli. work tiimn-hin. nimi litMly mi l iliirntnllty f v iiirt H"ii, Iiif lit it nf linifl, iMiitri-iitiiK n( lidinl lit' if, P irnlMllty of tii ttino, an-l tinftiiv n nil-.-lili.o (lint lii vcntiM i p'' rlm i hy firmiT mtrcHMf-tlly . It will Cit l-"lifi -I urn tttiiKlf-l Jriitn. t I h tr Kpi i tinl r Im t an bo Pucfi'Milul- ly l.r Vf pi' il Uta lulM in, hina. In a w mlnntrii th H'rlntf Atlfti'timrnl fn hi rotuovO'l ut tbu m liiuo inaJo rtftly f r tint nii'fttlow, All w unit In tn piTMh (Mimplnn f.ilr(r!l, ir II A 1 inn nl Klv.MMitlfi' i.itif lion In i-- r-1'irtlf'nUr, ilit nek niti buy. l-r fnrtUvr I'trUc-iUr rM on r I'MffM, ARSOGAST & SMITH. Ht'IIUKr" f Miil'llclMlrtf, 1' , My W,'7r. A-ii'i.U f-r fl nytl r t mrity. PENNSYLVANIA R. R, Train leave I.el"ton .Innetl m s f- ll.rs MAIN I.INti-WLSl WAIUI. I'ltt.t.nrnh K'praal 1 on a in. I'ai'ltle Kxpreas e 'J-i a. 111. Wav I'aMOiiKef I'1 4J a. in. nail 4 ' V- i- l'a-t Llna I V- m. FASTWAIin. I'hl'a.lelphla Epraa UW m. faetne Kxpreaa In uo a. in. .Iiibnut'ian Lapr.-M 11 a. in. Vail 4" p. m, Atlantle Erpro a l p- ra The Ft l.tn. Wav l'tnKr an I Ilia 1'ii-tf le Kxpreaa weal, n l tha I'a.'itle n l Atlantic Kpre ea.f. run .la:ly. W av traini le.va atailopf la MliUIn eounty aft'iiluwe: Middlcburg, Pcnn'a, The nr.leraliinr.1 w.uil l Inf.irm tl-.a .-tttrena nf l.illei. inc. an.l -iirr nie tin- itKirh t that be hia i.p.e.t a llarilwaro M..r at tho aiwive iiii'!tll..n-1 plT-e an I tnat Im will kre,i alutl Una ol all kin. la ol ilar.lsara. tualuillna tlnivy & Shelf llurritturr, ti:imm!(is, sAniM.r.r.Y. I'line Kiti.liiiits, l.enthrr. t ."pecinl 1 11 ! uceillc lit s In -YjVt BUILDI'G HARDWARE I.tKTK!. IttNur.r. riCltnVM, NAILS, fie A Lsrin Assnrlnienl nf t'nsl Steel Miov- els k (ipailrs. Hues, lar l.Ml Tnnta, ei-liyllirr irain ltnkrs, Hay Itepcs, Tulle, JLo , 1 1 ION, (IF AM, KINP;t rnnatantty on lian.l, All nt (Ircatly It t u r-e 1 prices. All Iin arn in n I of any kin t nf ll ir lware will Jo well ty calling nl this place, M M.ANTIIn.N MHATZ. Mi I lli-hurg, Hnyiler Co., l'a. May 2r,. n:. A 1'ltlVATE SAL in. tho fol- Inwln itfirerllie.1 pr.. party at pi-lrata l-ala. tanii, annate in i-na, l'a , taa mtlea W'eal nl lan.la nl w m. wa'.ief. i.imI Mnnf,, an.l ..thera. wlierenn are ariptr.l r"'-i lWKI.I.INi lliirK. s HI.I:.'Ol0 an.lnlherniitbuU.llnaa. 1 he Isn.l l In I state nl eultlvall-.n, conrenlent tn innrknt t there a alan an m-ellenl 4 Hi Ml A NU nr eh.ilrs) fruit, ami eever l,nin aiaier nn me pre-niava. t or Teruia call at the emmiM" nr a.inre I'KTKR hllHKI KI.l;!'. Mar. 1. 'TT. Tfux.lllle, hnytor I'o.. l'a IAYI II MOUNT HOUSK. 1 PttAU THE OF.I'OTi Ill4l1ltirfa IUVIN SMITH, l'lioimr.Toii. This lions la In close prnximily lo iha Icpnl an.l tins lately Veen rcMiill aiel re- fillcil. Itonma cninmn. linns die Intilenell supplie l a'nli tlie In el tue market nlfotJa ii.i.I terms iiieili-raic. Ilil also keeps a tlrsl elu'i litcry. whom hnri.'s, luiifptc c, can lie ha.l at an times nnd n' realolinlilg rales. aprltf ilijaiaaaarrMMmaewaaaaraaiaiiai Ihiiieli'i tj ('"' A'li'i rti.'ii'trnt DtlNnQ iaKnlt!cene 1U1WU Ern.ewiiii.i rrtsj a ikiOMnii.t ls a UXlUilllOJi prlithi I'lan'.a Utile vel c.i win. t.ran New f -i. I'lan-K n 11 1 y flT, I.I lire U...o.i..'l I ply ai'J.'i. I'arl-r lirKBii" . M -a fl'.. He-pa ''. 1 (,,p "my a i-'iri ..-w . .-i, llee'l I J slt'ip Slid Has anl rmipler ' 'riiiin ."., r.i.f nr,-r I IO 1. k'an-l -ri-ia w rr ..;i--'w-i ill on lil i te"t trial. Y..ii a-k. an.v I -f tor an Phe-lp r I ap.wor liar.i 1 i.imi. i.b.vie. inn. I hae a-.nK 1 i 1 a war c-.n '..enccl ..n tun bv ibo lnn"p .ll-f- Ha'tle r-.ij. Irn. I'nril-iilars Lee AsMnne Haan-.L . Hi (iiv, Wa-hliis' "". No" Jer-ey. P -t barcaliia In Ain.'li 'I M:i an.l Catab:iii. trn t I' Mm. t i, r. r. P. I. 6X,-w .e.-ea .1 1 inn I-, t.'lalli t r ll.Tft. ant I .r 1 I ..ii.t. a-. I atainp. f'li'l' Mnli;l ,Ma-e. PRIVATE SALE OF PROPERTY. fllllE im.leraiirnc I mil soil hi late rcsi X- 'Ictice siiiiniemi Main flrocl, tho 11. ir- nnjrli of Mill -lU'tnirej, rny.or Cminty, l'a Tliis Is a ilcairntile jirnpcriy nn l was f ir. tneilv Itnnwn ns tho DMII.I'. lluTI.I, The itnprovi-ttionls coii.pri-e a t. A It UK lull'. m.i: Kit ami: ipnyi:. mi-mmku imimi:. I.AItllK Mir.H, II I! Iimisi;. nn l other i.iitbiiil.liiiis. An rx'i'llont well of wnivr nl Ihe ilniir. II is eiiitnl.lc for a private ilwellini; or a Hotel, ntiJ lecateJ near tbe centre of lmsiness. Terms easy nn l reasnnaMe. For furlh. cr Particulnts cull on nr a l ire's .1. W OIWIO, Watsontown, NutibM t'o., l'a Aii(S. 31, 1M70. OK V M' V 4 lttis. all new ''':. wit'l ZO name M-. ..m pi.t. .1. II. 1.' I'' hi". Naaau, N. V. Wi-.TWAHII. HASTWAIItl, a. ra. p. m. a in. p. in. (Iranvtlln low 4 of MM -.' An.lera.m's t-7 4 10 M i.-i 6: l.onidellnw II' I 4 IS liM .'. '.''i MiVeyb.wn 11 14 4 t; H'sl ' Manayunk II i 4 .17 u 'J Vlieyar.l 1 11 4 13 la 1 1 4 N. Ilaiulltnn 114.1 111 10 10 47 Oi..r I'amplilot ol nu iue". e nii Unlns ll't" nl j-HH, nea .papora, an.l c.-illiu.ilua rh.iwInK c.it o anveru.iDK- uur. e. .u-iy. TTsnz-frtrrTtLT r m.v. i r. i.rn ViV7JLalXXi.l4 Wllllt.S: IT- It-atri. rttr.n, Urn. t 11, X, V ., f.ir., 1 1, 1-71. II II. Stkvi S" l'ij. i. ar air - Kr.-m p r. .n. al Ik'I.i lil rt- i.-l by Its na.-. a w. II a. from p-ra .nnl k 11-I.--1,;- ..f lh .... wh...- r-ir. . tl.r.-t.v l.av-. a.-.-ni .1 alm-.at f11lra.nl I .111 lii"-l b.-artll. an.l lti.-r.-tr r -rn in.-r, -l the Vi'iretin.i f.ir thorolill lallile a 1,1.-1, it I-. tali 1. '-I t . .-ii..'. jam . r. 1.1 1 ii.t . t. ale la. tor Calvary II. ptiat Cleir. Il .Sicrtme'l- 1. 1, (. oxl ) J ' 1 1 J 0 L LA us (ftho lient Inl In Mf!1i!t. nnf tlto T tUliN fAflfir H.MI.Il,1. A FARM FOR 0200. In ea.y payinenta with l.ef rato' . f liitern.t. si:cin;i: nwow! u Full Inf.irinatbm aent frea, a.t Iror.', U. V. HAVls, I.anl AHont. f. P. It. It. (.'M Mia, M ml. Ino.lv'a entire ilnetrlnal teaehlnva In enmnaet nn.l at.teinatle nr. lur, an.t la bla uwn vtaoroat an.l llfo-l ke style. Thla iiuillno of thenl iay la the only attempt that hna ever been ma.'. a nt an nrlnrly ami ennipl.-ia proaentaitnn nl Mr. M.m.ly'a relict. ua nptnbiaa : anrl if ho were tn .lie m-ifay, thla vn. ntna wnni.i lie ineuniy wnra irnin Willi n hia arnnaellailo IhaurUi auj tuoiao'la oould ba lul It nn.ler.t.i ii). Thl inasra oMniity, Ilia Wnr.la, Work an.1 Vi 'orkcrs." tl.a ln..t valnal.lo bonk nn thla ante ,'et f.ir reer- nce an.l periuanonl library u.a. fhle .loparlment nf lhel..ify c..inprli.(-a tli-o aest.'n il. lil''h alve Mr. Mn.uly t.e.t nerin.ma an.l aa. ti.'sa I nrai. ali-iut (In.l: aecnti. I. about "e"a l'll. 't a"1' lllal'IN e : tl.lr.l, about Ihe '....J ..1.1. fourth, en Sin nn-l Salati.in i an I nl'h. on tn.' '-a-t 1 hli-Ka, aa tbe b.H,ka nf tlionlnny call then,. I. -i iimren, iiau.aou ins HeturanlfbirLort We-illun l-lrilt II i"l'ri. ti ' Tha t'Ritliin KxpreM went ofin ! HakvoiI nt M eytowu! 4.t . m. uJ tho AtUutlo ti-prt-i vast at .'3 i. tn. LEWISTOWN division. SI'SHIKV k LKWtSTOWS HAII. Hi I A f. f.ffavR FASTWAHtl. WINTWHIH, STATIONS. Mall. A.c.ilil. MlS.'.l Mill lwil'n .1.1 Ik a.m. I 4.ip.ui. V S.1 a.iu. 6 -. p .ill AHsi'.'ticd IMotioo. A T,Ii pcrsiiiiM infpresteil nrn liorr X by imltlle.t that llVll K. SKII.KII. nf I'orry tnwn.hlp, Sny ior cmuey . ba. iniele an aa.iKntnetit nl all hi. eite.M... real an-l per.onal I., Iha un.ti'r.lmie I ..r n-e nnrp...e nl hi. cre-ll-tnra. Alt er-ni. havlnir claim arc re-iue-te-t tn preaent them in ihe iin.ieranrtie.i, an.l por-ann- lii.lehieil will p'ai.a make linnie-llatn pay- Uielll. Wll.l.lA.Al 1 1 A li I I I l . Apr. II, '77. Aa.lKnse. CRESCENT preaei. a irroal .leal aV Df t1'!" "no. tie thinks lh..t H...I .."I oil 1,'let H con.n iilri tire ! tlierof.ire, lie pro ielii mnHi ' l.owlstnwn Til Malttand I'Ul Palnb-r T 4J S'nii.li ir.TM Warner r. 7 W Mci lnrt, a na II'. M.l'a Y. I' p.m 8 11 A.I ifn.i.ii rrf a -ii lii-uvi-rt..'n s :i ll. i.f.-r r. s a Ml.bll. I.'r It "1 Moiae.' . all Knni.-r K. V 14 I'n.lllM K. M 1 1. .Iiei. V i taiiubury n ii T.. II. TA YI.'lU.SnpTliit'ii.li iil. in) o. a Ml 311 lour I. -"i j m v y, 4 i.i 14S 1)1 i 4 44 j : v ;ti 4 iv li din in uol in .1 10 s 4''. 4 ".' 4 il.I f 4 ll 4 14 111 4S 4 :i.i I ;. i y 40 4 IS T il : 1 4 ir 7 a; s 4 f 7 t fl "I a i j f n si: a a M J e:o on .mi OAT7TIONT "VrOTICK in hereliy uivi;n tlml llio 1 it l .ll i w In k article. Iiit.i been pnrchaa- I JTtw an! Thr'.lllt: t a!:'.'.!::i ZaSIJ T'.i IT ! I : I i a 1 1 Aurnts Wniii.il r.irilic CROSS -m y tin rmltiiMit I. I. Ilrorki tl. 1 1' l I-. til l IrHlik'" Mill flOllllflll, Ittl l ri-lluloilat I'M'M. 1 1 it r 1 1 1 ' r nn l liixi irv .fflt ltn--titi n I r.irt i I'ttniii' of tin- v nr. tnii'lity tn'rt-"iit t nl ik" : II1 oiT'lii'i "I H'il"ri,i'tc. Hlt!ilv lll-lnio I. K r i.-r:i: ,-lr.-- ,ul.-kh. II I II II A K H UUO.H., I'lltiK., 7.K SlIllNolll.SI., IV:U. I'A. s. v. in iixu nti r V ATE R WHEEL wlrnc artlfte hiro I. con nirrh(- dwlin! Hi- "MAMMh li kiiiini-.," Mby lhnnilf-lno'l at Conftiihd snl an-l .Y.itt'rnifW-ri..M.' n i !- - ro '-" Hi Ihft II.Mlltm III AUat'l-tUrt A. h 1 W MUl l-I.IM, . I ta. a . nmi.l.'l, tltirliitt hti iletitirn. All prrnip nr ciiUtt Mie-t i I ft. i m mi'Tipra or moino wmi Finm, r. : 1 - - luklim M.i. on nrnt liUutv, mi t'tialm, 1 tT?TTl.T I 'rr inl mii l v.- l. tw, 1 fk. (inM liocwinn i .ti.tr. I'.uttflr rlitirn. witi liim rlock, rnU, t.urau, rurner 4'ii"nr., K t.n nml !( iMinir. rl. ruitl St-v nti I --, Wi-h H'illir. tMittor. in yrl furpnt, fUnl tun. Sink, mi-it viin'(si lfarrol H vluvK-tr, (1, Irmi Kiit:o, . pinro. JASMKS E. Kt.INK, A .In tn i , May '-'i, li:; . FIIN'.'r i -flu. X iiv.; ii -i Im? .j-I'-hm .n rtr l ( (4. aiut ttiu.iui. I'ju U ir 1 (; Mt.l- .llt'lKiro, Mwh, VfTl 1 1 Pilbi. nMlXISTIt.VTOU'S XOTICK. - apis-sra In lh parani an.l "'" ' At ettorii . f a.ti..!nl-trati..B mi thea-tatn ..f suntion Sue.m.l. chrlai an l hia im H one . . o ..,, i n..n tnwnalilii. Mil-tor of Ibo be-t parn nf the wlmla vrnrk. 'r .1 ,.. j'.a. ,l.-'.l have been trr.ime.1 m the Moo-ly baa mora isiailliui an-l umpi.ii ininua . - ,,,1, All perai-na 1'nnwlnit them-elvee t.iaay about tha Son nl ito.l than any nther ie. . , Y'j;, l0 ealulu will piej-e muke Im- liuioui lea.'iiur ui ma """"","" u.,ii;,,B i.avtnent whim tti.no having ciauna think ol tho.wiet wonlaul J.atker.ul I enalnu. .'.ija.uii. will pre-mt tnoin I .r aoiue- i-,i UIliAMu Nl.ll.. June 7, 'TT, p't. ! Iiutnui teacliur nl theie iliiiea. He make, nna ' ' think ol tlio ewi-et wnr.l 1 i I. ...... an.l Cntllllla Tha lulr.l Se.'lmn Klvol Mr. Mooly'i lao- ' liirrta on Ilia llolv M.lrit. GniimiiMCUT erneue . 1, 'I The e.lllor .if this v.lieuo t-vik the 1io.t r-ipnrts OVERNMENT STOCKS. &C Cl0S-,,f tn .a.. l.-nr. a. tln.y w,rn ilrst Hlvi'ti in Ini' 4',-leeairf llK llAVUN k Tow ana-mi. 40 (Mil. ao, tiel also the b.i-t r...orts nl the aalue finnlli Tli.M atrei-l riulinl.-lplila. Sti.clia Iwua'it . le. tnrra lo Hnal 1 ciin.pjro.l IIi.mii Inuolher i an-l a.J I otthor for il7lh, 1-77. V: .r. H J. was astoniatie-l on reuirniiig to tin. I the eye miraculously in l'a ilaoe agaiu. NcXt ui.irniiin lie Inun.t again Ihat Iba eye bail been eut all niglil, anil after pulling it back, a oelfbrateii bor so doctor was aum nioneil, who look the eye oul ami aXatniu t it, and a small splinter was diaoover ed silckinit to Ihe back part of Iha eye. Tha eflinier was removed, tho rye relum ed, nnd be believes tbe borse will aol loose bis sight. Following tlila was a visitation of bog-cholera, which loaksi a weep Iwcn-ty-eight of bis tinest porkers, worth f oo. And immediately following; wan the run mag away of hia fonrhorae team, the W5-.I ' Ki7 " " lv.s " 10-40'a ' t!nrr..m-y( 68 6'a last, new IVdleil fc2"'e i I Anndt-1.d..(& II u McC'uiie! hlla.'l..lihu anS Kncillns II. Ii. caali or on uaigin. July Bill. ASK K.I). loa'J 1 I.eblKh Vallny It. II I,i.hich Coal k Nav. Do Units'l llompJlili-s of P. J.... nil Onek fc Alli-M'y Vil. It. It lhia.li-l.hla It :rle It K'..., .Korllieru ( oulral it. n. w.'.... Uoia ....ur.i ....I"IS tl ....ll:. ....IS! ....Ill ....lo;a,t el . 1J PJV bHik the tri-etuii-nt of oah ciplc In Mr. Mio.ly-a boat f..nii, unJ arransr.it the wbolo in their pro-pi-r or.r. umat p n tl'able illM-onrMi.a, ami alone are w.irth aa-paratn vnltltm.. Nu OTHkn nodK has rv- kll COHTAINSO TIIK J. The t'.iurili K. tl. in. entitle I Rln and Salva tion, roiitaliia bis lav. into earm-nia on praajNAI. aALVATios t aiK'h a..rin ma as Mr. M-ioUy saya 107 i arn "nl tn uotiV.'tt ainnara wlUi." ko4 1 Tlit-te are the euriuotia ainl aaylnKa that set IS1? eonm nf the KniUah .-b-rey kiiliiHl lnui, aiot ttiat ih . wi ro so aliarply crltlclaed lu lljetot, by the t'ul 17'i tarlau. l.lli j 14 .rela'-M svly'l Man," that fnino of Iha II -Si.a : ton pa ple iiia.le su.-u a l.taa ationt. Moo-ly aaya II la all a niiaiaeo iliac - o.mj.iim., m iiiau i, i.-.ru In li.i.ton be does nut not nt-vd to be boru aualn,' A.liuluiiiratnr tO!i"J K.LINBOIIOVE PRODUOB MARKET gKUNBOUOVE PROI oonaanTtn wisklt bt WnRonsoUor aSc Hon. 1 O Wheat per bushel Hya ao t.'ora aa Oats do course they took being almost certain to Cloveraeetl per buahel cause tbe death or wounding or un bor-1 riameea aea If not checked, wbon bi sounder lis. Onions a9 ler. Just convalaaeeat afiar a severe sick I'otatoea do poll, taking ia the situation, wlih won Tlraotby'eeil do derful heroism ran out. suited the rain of I Buckwheat da a young and bigh-spirited off .wheel horse, lSultcr per pouod and bv a aunerhumsa effort auoceeded ia V.iai per doiea slopping tbe whole team, al the iniiiii-1 Tallow per pound nent risk of bor own life, displaying an Lard almost uueaua'.led act of bravery. Cherries Seeded Cberriea A Sxn Mistake. llio followinc nc- Blackberries (.mint nf nn uttoiiinted roliliorv and anil Itnaharrica n.,.iilont. nooiirriiil nt. a. annul! vtllium Ilriaa APPiea stvleil Drytown. nortlioast of Mai k-tta, Uiled I'eaobes pared Lanrnster countv. Jtov. Cliiisliau a Nissley, an tild Moniioiiito jiroaclicr, Bacon, 8lde livea near tlie viiiuro reluri-ca to. aoap "U.ii,i,ktiniA Inxr. wintei' " aitva llin -1 I nam niiuW and ErpruM, "a party of truiiipa Hliouldef attacked lii lioitae, and aince then the lj0J, . r,nilu liai-n Iipoii noriieiilnilv enreful 1 a Coal about tramps. On Tuesday night shortly after nmo o clock threo tramp enmo ui his resiiienco win uuiiiuiiucu iiwiiinw. T iefaniiiv bccamo very iiiiicn alurnied and Iderv a horn and ranu; liells to cull tho nciKliliom to assist thorn. lo 85 to to . Assiiico .Notice. AlAi pprMona interesltiil nro hero by notllle.l that Wllllain llalna ol I'liap mini townahlp. snyior eounty. ma.le an aaalun uieut ol nil hi. alleota, real ami i.eraonnl to Ihe un-loraieTiie-i mr in" ownoni in ,.i- All porwina ha.lna i laliua are rmiuaatail in pr... aent them tn tha un.l.-r.Une 1, an.l p-ranna In ilabied will ploaao ui.ke luiiiie.llalo paymwit lU i Iv I . I' I I H, CAUTION. OTTCK ih hvnhy 'ivon Hint llio mlniE nrtl'Uw Imvo I n tmrfln - tv t -i un lorf U'hP i nt A rirt'" S n ! r nti'l nit in tin) jHi-woHi-.n ( ,lnti'itti;iii It'i'ver-m ilurlfm h l.lt'.iMire. All i'ir-'ii- urn r.iui t nio I u tt t In ttTirrnnr itiP'1'llii witn t tio striinit, vl-r 2 Ilnrnei itti I lltirni'". 4 lic:i 1 H-irn . utt'i'. : U im Wii -itn ( I'". 'I 'rlll, U'nHl.tH, rT'lml sio I, li iv ltt itfi'd Hti l K.Ti", Int nf r.imrild. Kuniiitiu Mill. Hrln-I Stonti. Nlilntri" MhcIiIho.'.' Sinuitr' r.iln ( r.nllo, U:ifTiiT V MfCji kitio, MiiKy tuLuue, (tut 1'UKfct) llftrtio-" '. i ultU iitrK. I I 1 ' la IV 1 , i 1 1 41 It a 1 . Apr. in. ATTENTION ALL ! (1 li K t T II A N K li I' I'T S A I . r. I V .1 1: W K I, l( V (lu r.-i'ill't .-I ;.J f.-i.t. w. w III ae.il by mall. pnaipabl. all ..111,.. .. II. .aim-pi...- f J.-w.-lrv, ii : I pair il l.! 11,1. . I hm.tiiM.1 SI.-.-io lee ..tia. .in., a- I (l .l l IV-. nl '-ltt j.t-11., I I'-.lUr Htn.l, I W.-.l Imu 11 ilii.', I ti .It I"! if Wal.-li I 'li itll an.l I ll.'lil'a li-.a.' : .ral S, -,.rf I'll.. IV.i ..It-r ties ni'.Kcr b iritain i...-r.-ly to .1' aw att.-ii. tl.. n l-i ...ir I ii.liii-.-, un ui ham a 1 1 tn.lH of ii.h-i mol J-a.-lryat )w proi-a, S-n 1 ..r I 'alii l"i ie. tiil.K l I i.,7:i.'i llroadway, N-w Tork flly. V. VAN HUSKIKK, 3UUQICAI. 4 MECHANICAL DENTIST SorinaKr07' r'enn'ft. 1 2i 80 uuparet Cheat mil coal 18 10 07 lo 08 13 4 lo 6lo7 li 10 I" ) do to 2 00 80 to 8 Oo (St u nana 410.1 llru(eee i.e 414) Ii bla wonderful wdRhlna aeruion that pMctuova aucb. a markod ImpresaUni lu llhii-aifo wtiere ha propnauil to lianu apAirnf aralM frnni (and a UlPOUe aud Wclllh the uieui- bora of bla tabernai'lo and coiiureuatinu by 0101111011118 'i'uu Uollimatiiluielitw, tlratooeby one.andtlieu alnat thawliole Ian Hnoliii r. 11. r (sua pass 4ij)ln bla great aoruiou ou Law anil Oraoa. Ou paita I II To (rtna that remarkable talk to faltaa woiuan, ami Iha lottertQ.t ouaof thoao I pour ercatitri'S n-nt him. and which he read at one nf the Muuitay lnullnpl lu t arwell Hall. Ainous Iha aorinoua lu tiia-tion Five I. that nnatiutba oReturn of our Lord.1' wli.-h la nub- llahon aeparatoly with Ihe proof lolls, nooeoi theotner btsifta of Ms).ly aorui.ins have H. TUI. work la a.. M at a iHlor aocorJInS lo quality of hln.tltia. ferl'ina Umiiroiia of ati iy lug the htatory anJ n-uierkehla Joints of thla re luarkatiluiuan, alioillA apply li ellliur of tho eub acrihorawbo are oauA..iurf lhacoaiity. (1UA1. A. MdYER. Sile Aii. ui lur Bii4ur Co. Hssbt D. Cease, Bub Aaruu Jul xa. .loaeph HoharlaDd alias Kale liar man. both of haltllf move. chai. K. Hrher and Hlia Clara Kreegor, Mr. XiaslrVa aim Josciih took both ui Hallaanro.a. i .e. . . i..i. .,o h. K.mual ftoholl. Eia..- Andrew l uuii. nun mu-r piiiiiu iciaua- i 7 .- ,, , , r ,,,,. .......w.. n , ,, 1 1 Herrnin ana aiiaa a ioi uieae, vl v.i." sion tho woinoii n the house allowed l0V0ihii hint logo OUlSiao. iioweni arimuu Juiy jo, by the aeme, John martin. 01 wean- tliO barn anil HllOlliy lieani naiKii. iircu i inioa iwp., aav am ..1 and lie Uiwi .Bocrotou i una ni .,. . --r- w.mDOi.. MiaaEra ditch. walUiiK for tlio men to gci closer. .:Vrnuu" of Middtaoraek tewuibip, to Mr. . . - i-: . . 1 ... . 1. 1 wiinn Liir.tr eiiL iiuiii' 111111. nu iiiuu, 1 filer naca. 01 rarri waoraiy. thlnklnir they vwsre tlio thieves but July aith, by tbaaarna, Mlai Manada atraoh insmnu ui inav, wrcj ""."""',. yeeaer, of rentllo township. (1I1X1HS1UV. WIIU mm vuiiima w .v... nsoisiaiice. Tlie ftrinir mat yoiiiiK air, Xiaslnv heard it the party who waa coiiiintf to tho reiouo, tryinn; their pia tula to sco that, ihey wore lit good Of dr. Ilia aliot rusuiiea tuiaiiy, 1110 ins arsM nnloriiltr tha UDDur uart of Mr. I.... Moore a slotuavci . as soon aa mo auu. arwa iicrt.l Mr H vi aaid to the two moti who er aiut nini, ' t in aiioi. J3I1520. Julrai, In Mlinia Co., near MoOlura, Jiiau w. i.muauiau, aoii w, , . anal ml. lBHallnairrove. Jiila, For eat warauai ler. aaad ay. Via, tod. 1. aalinaurova July t4. Joseph Warren, son f Albert Ueuibarlina, aae.l tmoatha, IS day 1. -.,m inanaiiiai Manila, daujhtar Of and Immediatelffoll to lliefjround and ha ;a-d itarg.m uarut., .... yearaand ahortly after e urea., sir. atooro ana - M , u, j7lh nU K,n. Uu. Mr. NisslfV nrn married to aistera. 1 wo fb,tar u U) j, lunar. ea , le the id jar el bar nf iheilrairtpaluva twit nrroatod and a. . . COUKT l'KOCLAMATIOX. nThereas tna lion. J. C. Bucher Traal V V dent Jndae of the Judioial District compoeed of the counties of Hnyder, Union and M i 111 i a and Joseph A. Lumbard and II. L. Hauileuhuah Ksia. Assooiate Judifei in and fur Snvdor county have issued tbeir nroceDt bearing, aaie me oni nay 01 Mav A. V. icii. 10 me aireoieu iur Ibo holding of an Orphans' court, a court of Common i'leaa, court or uyer anu icr miner and Oeaeral court of Uuarter Bee sions of the reaoe at Mlddleburg, for tbe county of Hnyder, on tbe 4b Monday, (be tag the 2-lib day of Bept. 1877.) anil oontlnne one week. Notice is therefore heraliy given lo the Coroner, Justices ef the Ponce and Consla- hlea in and for the county or Snyder, to ap pear ih their proper person Willi their rolls reoordi, iuquiaitiona. examinations and otbor remembrances to uo moae iuiok" wlilob of tbeir offices and in their nenau pertain to be done aud wltneaaes and per sons proseouting in behalf of the Common. wealth against aay perion or persona required to ba then and there atteuding and not departing wunoui ivava a. in peril. Juiiioea are requested ia be punct ual in their attendance at tba appointed i im. areM ta notice. Given under my baud and teal at the ah.rlff'a ouiea In Mlddteburc. the lolb Jay of July A. !., one;thousand eight buudred and seventy-seven. UANIKLKISENIIAUT. Sheriff HEAD! HEAD HEAD!!! Dnlv f 1..-.0 cniii- ptlrot to ai;irl ennrsa-.lnic A li K I W A I V ! n i: w M-1HI' III Ii IK Apo'V. wtlh "ilnlSP VA VA!Si:i.S 1 u Ka-t l-.iahth St., Noa- Vors. GLEIIH'S SULPHUR SOAP. Tlmroiiglily Cures liiseases of the Skin, Ileaiilities the rotiipleXiiin. l'revonts nu t rouicdios Ithouniiiii'iii anl 1 1 nit, licnts Sores mi l Alirnsoina of llio Cuticlo un 1 t'ouuleriots t'ontairion. IKILIi 11 V ALL DHUOOISTfl. Prlees as Cents per Cake ; Ho a (3 cikcs) "o Cents. N. IL Bent by Mail, Prepaid, on res eeipl of Price. C. N. tMUTTENTOS, Trop'r 7 ?iXth entie, N. V. A DMINISTRATORS' NOTICE.. J. i i, muiii'ii-." . .7 . . .:n i... i.,.;. ta mi llio Ciilot' of Uio trol.-ft..lllt''V,.r,,,,M'u,, 7m u o.ia. aad ,l,ears, Wuioatbaaad lo ituai ai aiimlnlitraVtlonoD ih aattU ol t....lul I X ami II lajkal I IIK i.iaol r.uu towaihlD. dae'd k..iu h... 10 Iha undermined, all par- aooi knowlna thrwaatm indabled to laid estate ar rine.laJlo uiakoliaiuasllaUp.yuiaal while tUoea havlna olaluia will proesmmeui uuij auUW,.le.udlo,atll.B..uii(oMy MoYKRi May It, 'TT.pd. AauiluUWawr. Ayer's Hair Vigor, For restoring Cray Hair to lis natural Vitality and Color. A dressing which is nt onco nfirce able, hcnltliy, nml clfcctiiul for preserv ing the liair .Faffed or gray hair ia toon restored to rt orininal color. vUh A alos$ and freahness of youth. TLin hnir Is thickened, falling bair etweked, nn1 baldness often, thouch not nlwnys, cured by Us use. Nothlnt? can re tore tho hair where tho follicles aro doatroyod, or tho glands atrophied aud decayed. Hut such ns remain can be saved for usefulness by this application. Instead of fouling th hair with ft pasty sediment, H iriH keep It clean nnd vigorous. Its occasional uso will prevent tho hnir from turning gray or falling otf, and consequently prevent boldness. Free from those deleterious sub stances which, make somo prepara tions dangerous nnd injurious to the hair, the Vigor can only benefit but not harm tt. If wanted merely for HAIR DRESSING, nothing olso can bo found so dealr able. Containing neither oil nor dye, it docs not soil wutto cant brio, and yet lasts long on tho hair, giving it a rich glossy luotro aud a grateful perfume. r MM FAB SD BT Dr. I. C. AYER & CO.,. Lowell, Mast.. JVelaa mn4 AnmlnlUml Chrmttt. sau i al cneuvtns wvkataHsaa Ar- UPrWi'v! Iinit!iit" tho in rlta of f!,. AlaTXaLliO, Illii-tral. I W.-.lily, l.rfnro .p. ti.rin n i n ar ti (Kin pmr work for Una fall and win ter. Tho. -oiiiliiii.il. n fi.r Thla .ea in enrpm,a,-e aiiiTliinir h.'r"Tnr.,rff aTT .inpT. il. Torin. a.-oT fr-o on nppiieailsB. A.l.lma., (HAS. L'LU ( A k I'll.. II Warreu Sr. N. V. Dairi IlaciwCiibarpr. Jttavcr Sjir'my, J'chhu. Jienler in Hardwarei Tinwarei Stoves Sec Also FrOI'TIXO. dnne nt short nr,tioe nn iciisotiullo term nml suVisl;ietor.v ii l ii ii it r. Bay I nm fullv pirparrd to fur- ii'ihIi nil kinds of Hardware, Jinwuri', Stoves, Ae. at tlio very lowrra rates. LW.AII in necil nl 1 inwaro or pjmiu- in or nnvtliing rlf-o in my Hue ot tiii siuess, will lint rcuri't it y cjraineniiij; my r-wilsiina unii ucioro jum nnsuiK ..lii.iu'liorp. DANIEL HACKtNBUrlD. Auc-10. 71 i:MlltllilHMl lHllf. American and Foreign IV-enta. IHf.VdTtF. h lt., Siiceea.ors lo I'SIPMAW, ll.mui n i llu , Snlli-lb.rl. I'alrnta .rnenrvA In .11 i...iii.til,.a. No Ii.-. a In a.liao.-e, No chari!" uiilt-aitlio patent la ifianteil. No foci for nukiril tho rri'llnilnary eramlnaMniia. No atliti..nal feeal.ir iiMalnltiR ami eonnurima a rr ir'.i. applv Ihe ttoalment, an.l t Ha ..f tuanr aiieeeaa. in '"''"re" "a.la l.y tha u. n wnj,.rmi ma. I "1 I .I.... I'lM.l.n an- Im... . .. TRIIXI(a WITH A COl.D IH ALWAYS DArrOKIKU'S Wells Carbolic Tablets, Aanro r, ?n dr for liouuha, ant all ili.i-aaoaofiia lliriBt, Lmifra, t'hi-at aiut Mnrua aAouihraae. frit 'ft Only Ta ltlur W. ffliLn BY ALL HRl'rtUlSTS. JC. K. OKITTEXTON, I Slllli Avenue. N . AllJltiJM 1 Q MUS. heautllu .V 'l. ,....i sonl I.)' taall lor l. Soil at ala-iit- " , Cil.fi o Co., I'hlla.l.lpaia. Blue nnd Red Tight. LIFE ASDHK.U.TI! WlTll'iCT unCUb'. Pr. ranoof. areal worn Is '.vnw HsnT run Aiiksts. IkannHliook pre etli-alle troainiK thla nmear.aiy ai.i.iruiiif ie .,. m, now i.t din a lar at fceran Jli term. fraa.TKDr. a, UO Aireaie ante.l. (intfti anl Auau.ta, Me. roeaii.r ,.iai,iina w. .- 8i.eral atiotilion alien to iuierfcrance Ca r..m in. I'.imil (llh.-a Kl'i li'I'-i.. a t re ireaa, lnlrlli'i.r.l.-ui en 11 in iiiiiiTna i-.... .". pile. nil. J. M S lUU'jiVHt k CO., 7il I'ha.t- ii iiiianuu -ii. . " -.-. -. - . i nut rr., oia. eilt. Hollil (.letup lO UUU-ire o., in. paiuyu. lulof IHIy pau. a. Old Bounty Laud warrants. Thalaal Ki port of the Uon-nil-aiow-r ot lluf Oeneral Lan-I lllHce ehoai t.s7,MSl anr.a ui Bouuljr Laa Warranla ootataninnu. I nee am laanra uadi-r art ol sj anil prior eels. HIL MOMCk llOi rayeaaU for tlieui. S.-i.a hy r.u- liu-ra l WUari" Where Aaaliinnn.nie ar luipcr- ct aefive inatruciKmi 10 prrnu-i inoni. tfnitel fitatet General Land Offloe. i innuaieJ tmA Ciiee nroaertiteil beferaNaa United iala tKoaral Lana om.e an.t Ppert nient of Uia Interior. Palvate I.an.l l.l.lina. ailnlna arol pra-eUpUoa t'lalma aan uinisaiea t aiee alteHilod lo. Arrears of Pay and Eonnty. nfll.-en. aolillnre. anrl aillr.ru oMbe lata war, or Ihelr helra. are In many ca.ea entitled lo Bioiu.j (eoni Ihe llofarMBolil "I wuie mry uava n u::r3r.rKt ia- lla'.ksKuaa-t are I rxrt, IrauiTlI --a fndul Dnri, Sett rci-.f m to atr rlsr K Mm f.rsr f:r KA CKtt. fart. Ctl for AO Mati. lu Cur- rcuir or f)ranitv A GREAT OFFER ! J We rill ilarlnn these HarJ Tines Jlea posa nf 1(10 1'IANO.i A (IKUANS, new an t aes rel-lianil ef first -class mauere inoluj- kimwleiuea. Write frll blatory at eorvioe, and ir e waters at lower rr.eoa Mr fix or Lto.muunt or ..y aad Ponnty eeei-lved. a-nt Inelallir.ente tr lo let iinlil paiil for than. everlicfnra otTenil. WATEUf 0A...f eloai-stamp totlilreoN a C , an.l a full repp, It-r examlualwu, will ba (true ou flee. Pensions, WAKF. anil t'l'f.UIll f l'l WJS tiiU WANS llncliMinrf Tliclr Rc euuverjr fc Ubuilolr are tlie lllisl JJ AVK. 7 -aclire l'inniw 5J.VI. 7 I .1 di "Ifil nnl seJ a jfiar. ' '- " Pmp Or;a.f (50. 4 slop T Mots $. 8 Euipe y.sjf. j Hiope $100 cash. Due) us. a year, la p'-rfocl at der uud v.arninie. Leral an4 Traeelinar XIU'VT.I WAKTr.n. tUn.lrai.,1 came raprriencpii paraioa rininaTen ny tue ,nu m-11a.I S lla.ml.lu.H.i ,AU.L ftrw. r-ron.pe aitei.Uo.. to all bmlaeaa tm4M u all(M. ,,0n' etlBl lio TeaeB. All nfrWrit toVYlns antl MllrxY Wnpd-x1. ruitort)l, or injurnd in th Uto "r. iotTt t iiMtii.r, rait ultaift )eUho t ftadrtrwliif (ill as Pas to. I'd. Siipiviiie 4-VwUrtof His I Kjtd St-wta tl imtt ol riHioiM ftni) th Kaa-tilirnClftlm roimlBt.ni, lu tv 'rl buraii, jnOrr lh rbn:af tit WlU tJUOCBM tlf dMMfluii li. Address GILMOEE & CO. Weahinetoai p. Miaialvra, Ctltuvliea, ei. Hatssi mm- Uteatkalf frint, lIUIlACtS WAU'Orf IsOSrt. Waniilar'ttrar. A IVal?re, 4it Ba( 'liibttt., Uoioa ftiuaro, h. V. SrO r . i "v l ' rornnu-, ' - -5