The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, July 26, 1877, Image 1

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    Alvertlln Hates.
On ecfarnn one yeaf, fm.00
OiiavW, cuinmn, on yes,
Onavlbaarwk onhtran, one year. ld.OO
On iqMrt ( W line) 1 Inswrtioo 75
Xvtrr aifttionan4 InsotUon, 0
FrofaMtotial and Bualness carls of
nut mare lbo 0 liiww, psr year, 5.00
Auditor, Xsecutnr, Administrator
Mid Assignee Notir-cs, 2.R0
Xtlltorlal notices per lino, 15
II dvertisouicuts for a shorter pe
riod thau one yar re payable at the
Onto they are ordered, and it nut paid
die pnraon nnlvriiitf tliem will ue Iiclil
responsible for tho moner.
Church Rulat (or the Ladies.
by joi rev. .
tr hfi1 tit moraine;. orh In 'at.,
Then ntw ehurob lorn inlnat.lKi.
All will thes bturnlin yna,
AaS will ou.r. jour bono.tluw.
lt hrnll. wreath nur ree,
Aid lak. jour . wlin leutil-. ro.
Xjt all Toor thought. P wl en high,
And raarrang. jur oar.lInaUl.
Think how rellnlon,'. trim, to :,
Aatl .rlllol.. jruur si'itlHit'l lra.
Lt all your heart ho niTa-1 'with pralt,
Aad aotlo. Itr. MIccHlo'riaoof
Put from your mind all thought of (In,
Aad rcaujaet your diamond plu.
Think of how rood Million prariM.
Aad tkaa .mouth out your bultoa rIotm.
Oatoh wall th. prwiept an thry Mil,
Aad itaoolh lb wrlakl. la your .tiawl.
Think of tho alan.r' fearful fat.
And aotlo U your booa.t' ttraight.
Pray for th. Influcnc. dlrlne
Thotlady't bau, mark tho dentin-
t-l taador pane, bom. your mind.
Aad omictie that hat hohlnd.
Ftflort on rhrlatlaa re d-ar,
Aad Si thoia curl hohlnd your oar.
Lot your hoart warm with llinl nray.r
Aad Tlow that horrid groane Ilk thora.
Rflet upon th wiekal'f ware.
Bw. II your (old ha la' gut of lec.
Tklnk of the peae. tho rno I ihall and.
And woodar who ara .luiog houlnd.
Tklnk of tho bardoai Ohrlulan boar.
And aotloa theto itraugo ladl.i thoro.
Tho lat words hoar with eootrlt hoart.
And hi Juur pull-back whoa you nor U
JI. InoullaitooiiN .
The Shadow in the Valley.
Up and down the valley through
tvhiuu Custor ma Jo Lis lust charge
long that creek where no in:tny of
lleno'a monfoll dead from their Iran
tin and struggling Iioihbs in tho
thickets and along tho raviuos, a
shadow larks day nud night Tho
last scalp had hardly boon torn from
the head of tho cavitlryiu.ta wtio bad
crept into tho tall grass to die, when
this shadow skulkod in the ra'loy of
death and bogau dooliog out rotri-
Tho chief Dull Knifo, had much to
Bay about it tho other week, when ho
emrrendured. Ho spoke in whispers
when he rofurrod to it, and ho look
d suddenly around au 1 was foarfnl
that it was softly stealing upon hi in
to stab him iu tho baok.
Crazy Horse's men had nothing to
Isay about it when tbey surrendered,
nd whjn wliito tnea unked thoui
who or what tho alia low was, thoy
Bhouktheir heads aud wliispored :
"We killed 'oni all, but yut there
is ono loft! It in n wiiitu mm
There id blood on his f.ioo and cloth
ing. Ho chitios a miheo an I two re
volvers, an 1 tho ui'it winl blows
liis loug ylloV emit over hi-i shout
dors. It is a spirit sent lo th i
Ureat M mitoii to watch over tin
graves of tho white sol lims !'
Whito in f u liavu s.fii thn shadow.
IlllUtOI'S, tllippCl'.S, Mi l HKOUtS Who
liavo built tliuir camp liios that
Valley, through whicli tho big iiionn
tain wolf skulks and prowls all night
long, have felt tho pioHuncu of the
mysterious shadow, or liuvo seen it.
Thoy have Hod front their blankets
at its suit slop, and they have tired
at it when only ten feet away, and
yet it glides, off unharmed.
It is not a shadow of sentiruont,
bat a being which demands venge
ance for tbo awful butchery of that
little baud of heroui for tho two
brave brothers who grouped them
aolvea around the noble Custer and
fought to the death, each ono lying
within arms longth of hlui who
fought fiercost nud longest. When
the soldiers raovod oik of the valley,
leaving near three hundred graves
bohiud them, tho woltes rushed out
from canon and ravine and don, to
dig up the fresh earth and feast on
the brave doad. Tho shadow was
there before tbetn, a solitary, mys
terious and vigilant sontinol to guard
those sacred mounds. It Bcreamod
and gestured at the fierce boasts, it
fired upon them with rino and revol
ver, and struck at them witli a bright
keen sabre. Tho wolvos ran here
and Were, from grave to grave,
gnashing their teeth in nugei, bat
the shadow closoly pursued. Thoy
formed in groups lu tho midnight
darkness and waited for the shadow
to tire out, fall asleep or go away,
bat it paced up and down over tho
gravoa, vigilant and unwearied, and
daylight eame to hurry tho wild
beasts to their lairs until another
night. Hunters and snouts have
beea there to soo the sentinel's boat
ovor the graves soon it in tho light
of noonday, when men could not bo
mistaken.. It is a well leateu pain
which runs from grave to graro,
carving and winding to tuko in
ovorv oue. and now and thou it
comes close enouirh to tho creek for
the strange sontiuel to hear the bab
bling of the wators. Scouts say it
is a path boatuu by human feet The
rod chiefs say that a shadow or spir
it could aloue remain tlior in that
lonely spot, having only the oompany
of tho wild beasts nud the graves of
butchered men.
Ouco whuu Dull Knife and a trim
tf few were snouting to leoin tho
whoreabouts of their white foes, they
euoatunod in tho valley for th night
Tbo shadow stole among thuiu as
tbey slept, and when a Usive sorcaiu
aroused th baud from slumber five
I Ua red men bad boon murdered
-.oaoh brouaad throat slashed awosm
with a keen knife. Th shadow
stood a little ways off and ieerud tli
living, wllO hllddloU toguthaf liko
frighten)! oliildieu. Yhu thoy fled
fyc yhvlf lives It pursuud thvm with
VOL. 15.
ilrawn sabro, and tho chiof has a scar
on the shoulder to show that ho was
struck by tho blndo. Nost day, whon
a full band of Indians tnarchod into
the valley to solve tho mystery and
secure revenge thoy saw no living
tiling. The bodies of their (load
warriors were cut and backod and
gashed. Fivo of tho poor covolry
nion whoso brains had boon biaten
cut and limbs dismembered had been
Itofore tho crown of a sinalo crave
had sunk down. Crazy Home started
to cross tho valley at midnight with
his lodges. Tho shadow coufrontod
his band and mocked thorn, and as
tho red men hurried along in tiio
darkness, vividly recall in cr the mad
charge of the cavalry and tho fiorco
desperation of tho surprised villa
gers, the strango shadow skulked
along with the column and firod shot
after shot into tbo band. They firod
it it, and pushed out to capture it.
but tho shadow disuppearedlas shad
ows do. Two squaws, a child or two,
an old man and two warriors fell by
tho bullets which the shadow fired.
From that timo the rod man avoid
ed tho valley as tho whito man avoids
the pest houses. Thoy would not
cross it or skirt it, evou at high
noon, whon tho sunshine beat down
npon tho craves and on tho waters
of the historic creek.
If this shadow was a shadow a
mist, a nothing it could not beat
paths, nor laugh and jeer, nor cut
throats and fire riflos i and yet, if
it is not a shadow, how does it livo T
Is it some crazy liuutor, whoso bo
fogged mind drunk in tho story of
tbo awful massacre and conceived
this wild plan of vengoanco T l'er
baps ono of tho little band of caval
rymou escaped doath in some
strango way and reoovorod his
strongth as he woudered among
rocks and valleys and hills rocov-
oring strongth of limb but not of
reason, lloheving himself callod
npon to avenge his comrades, he
lurks in tho valley, liko tho wild
beasts around him and missing no
chanco to striko a blow
It is not a month since two armv
scouts crossed tho lonely haunt, and
halted long onough to soo that th )
graves ha I not boon disturbed.
flioy saw tho pith of tho sontiuel
leading from grave to grava. Thoy
saw tho skeletons of tbo rod mou
slain by tbo shadow. Thoy wore
leaving tho valley when their ears
wore greatod by a mocking langh.
and from a bank of rank grass and
ry woods a quarter of a milo away,
thoy saw tbo shadow beckoning
thorn 1 .) como fir ward. Tho shadow
soemed to boa mm gtunt, long
hiiiro 1 hit'ii t:i being, drortso 1 in ras
which hail onco boon nn nrruy uni
form. It bold no in tbo air and
shook at thoin a cavbino and a b i
tire, and wlion thav gtllopod away, it
sent a lea Ion bullet whistling past
tboir heads. N. V. Stoi.
Salt koii Cows A coi respondent
in tbo Country Oentlenirin says that
ins experience in tho milk businoss
is decidedly iu favor of a free uso of
salt for cows giving milk both sum
mor and winter. Ouo winter he fed
bay that had boon salted when it
was put in, aud fed no salt in nddi-
tiou as it was uuuocessary. Aftor
that bay was gouo be fed hay that
was not salted. Tbo milk docreased
in quantity day aftor day for a con
plo of weeks, causing him to wonder
what was the matter, wbon suddenly
he remembered that the eows were
haviug no salt He then commenc
ed to food salt regularly, and in a
few days the flow of milk was up
to its usual quantity. Farmers
should not neglect to givo tboir ani
male salt i it improves tboir appear
ance, gives a rolish to tboir food,
keeping up a hearty uppotito, im-
Ero ves tho quantity of milk i hence,
utter of bottor quality and flavor.
Fattening animals need salt, and in
feeding it should not be negloctod.
Salt helps digostion, keeps the ani
mals in hoalthy condition, and ena
bles thorn, by uiukiug tbo food more
palatable and nutrioious, to lay on
flesh faster and more solid
The Usb or FoiissForks are
rartolios even now in many parts of
Spain i and in taverns in many
countries, particularly in France,
knives are not placed on the table,
because it is expected that each
porson has one of hi own, a cus
tom whioh the French seras te have
rotuinod from the oU Gauls. But
no person will any longer eat
without forks, landlords aro oblig
ed to furnish these, together with
plates and spoons Forks are not
an ancient institution Aoont tuo
first royal persouage in Kngland
who is known to have had a fork
was Queen Elizabeth i but although
several were presented to her, it re
mains very doubtful wbotuor suo
used them on ordinary occasions
Forks came so slowly into use in
Kngland that they were employed
only by tbo higher classes at the
middle of the sovontoeu century
aud as lato as the oigUioeuth cen
tury table fork and we may add
knive were kept on so small a
sealo by country ions iu Scotland
(and perhaps la boiuo parts of ting
laud, that it waa customary for
gentlemen in travelling to- oarry
with them a portable kuifo aud
fork lu a shQ" case.
' An Irishman from the far West
write that pork Uyo plouty out
there that every turn, uian you uioei
is a bog
Three Hours In Glory.
H lint a littlt llirl Kite While in n Trmim
A (!Ump nf the StivivrTalkt with
ih'imrtcil llrlutiotu, tie :
Tho following lotlor, bearing tho
signature of a roputablo person, tho
fitcts heroin narrated being nlso
vouched for by promiuoiit resi
dents of tho placo, wat printod in
Tho Voimtif Jiuf'ormcr, of
Monroo, Wis., of April lllihlant
At tho earnest reqitoHt of Nullio
HLtckford and hor parents, I shall
otidoavor to iufonu tbo public of the
strango and miraculous rontoration
of tho life ahd health to this little
Btitloriiig girl. N'ellio is thirtoon
years old, and nover has boon a ro
bust child, and eight weeks ago hor
mother (who is sulTering with con
sumption) Iiqooiuo dangerously ill,
and Nollin, thinking her inothor was
dying, left her and ran for a neigh
boring lady. Thoy startod back for
Mrs. Hlack ford's, and Nellio was in
such a hurry that sho caught up tho
three year-old child of tbo neigh
bor's wbilo the lady was ahead with
tho baby, and did not know that
Nellio was running for lifo with
that largo child. Whou nho did soo
her, sho stop(ed and exchanged
burdens. Nellie also ran for anoth
er noigbbor aud by tbo time sho
had run ovor two milos sho arrived
at homo completely exhausted, and
thus commoncod tho dreadful Buff
ering of Nullio. Sho had boon very
ill for eight weeks, sulToriug almost
constantly. She was ittteuded at
llrnt by Dr. llichter, and improved
quite rapidly except in tho spine.
Feeling bettor sho quit taking
medicine, but wus still so weak that
walking seomod au impossibility i
but Nellio folt such a desiro to again
walk unassisted, that ou Friday,
March 31st, sho vouturod : but the
exertion proved too much, and falliug
to tho floor injured hor spiuo in on
doavoring to savo herself, au 1 went
into a violent fit, taking tho form of
opilepny, lusliug two hours. Tho
next day she had another much
more violent that lasted half an
hour. Tbo frail form could scarce
ly bo held by strong poi sons. Dr.
ltood was culled i she contiuuod to
grow woak, but had no return of
convulsion, both nppor and lower
extromitios being parulyzod. She
continued in this bulptess condition
until Sabbath. Dr. ltood callod and
said she could not livo till morning,
and that nohnuan power could save
tier. NevertbeloHS, stio did livo, and
during Monday forunoon laid in the
hu mo coudition, perfectly quiet and
conscious, yut nnnblo to articulate,
except in tho guulU'stwhinpors. Her
mind had been porfoctlv clear da
ring nil hor illiicj, Tho luiud cx
crtion, even tho taking of a npoon
f nil of water, would canso her to
sink nway till tbo pulsation of tho
heart could uot bo noticed, nor
coul. I any pulse bo discovered iu ttio
wriMt. J hoy turned her gently on
the shoot, and that would cease the
sinking spells. Sbo was also doaf
for days at n time, or wish was
to leave hor lifo of pain, die and livo
with G id and the angels, ere her
doar aftlictod mother loft her an or
phan. On Monday afternoon tho
friends and neighbors assembled to
see hor dio. About 2 o'clock ebe
sank away, growing weaker and
weaker till about 3 o'clock. Her
extromitios became very cold, and
thoy thought hor goutly and hap
pily passing 'over the river.' All at
ouco a change passed over her fea
tures, a sweet smile illuminating hor
countouanco, and the most intense
delight soomod portrayod and lin
gering on her faco till it fairly shono.
Words foil 'me to express the hap
piness, contentment, and glory there
dopicted. A continual chango seem
ed passing over her quiet faco all
tolling of something bright and
beautiful passing bofore hor enrap
tured eyes. All at onoo, to the as
tonishment of nil, she raised her lit
tle hands in the attitude of listning
iutently, changing her position con
tinually and eeoming to listeu with
all the powor of her boing. She
continued in this state for very
nearly three hours, seeming perfect
ly uuoonscious of all surrounding
objects aud sounds. She seemed to
gently rouse from this condition.
She opened hor eyos, and, seeing
her mother standing uear, a sweet
and heavenly smile passod over hor
faoo. Her inotnor stoopod and exit
ed hor if she had board aweet rousio.
iVellie bad spokoa before of hearing
musio whoa in her sinking spells.
And now comes tbo Btrange and
miraolous story of this little daugh
ter of affliction as related to mo by
horsolf i
"It loomed as though I was walk
ing through a pleasant oountry till I
oamo to a place that surely was
heaven. There Wero streets neatly
paved, and auoh beautiful fonutains
as clear aa orystol, that aeeiuod to
rise up and then fall in bright
sprinkling drops. I laid down on a
soft, grassy bauk to rest, near a
fountain, when my grandpa, who
bad boon dead six years raiue to uie
aud id I should go back to take
car of my little sister till she was
large onough to take ears of herself.
My little brother whom 1 had never
won, eame to me and told mo he
s my brother, aud be played snob
swv musio tor rno on a goiaou
haritA A crown of troJd ouoiroUd
hi bead. II waa all dressed iu
o learning wliite and so was grandpa.
And ho did uot look ao old a wuou
here, aud bis eves were perfect, not
bliud of on aa u used to b. Hi
MBk - aiAi i " -ma i j i v?i s
;i v i i i ii vxx.
voico sounded so familiar,
"Then, oil, I can hardly toll, I
saw Josus all robed in whito, a daz
zling crown npon his head. Ue sat
on such a boantifnl high seat that
waa on a raisod platform. All soom
od of gold, and thoro woro boantifnl
troos, flowors, streams and fountains
of clear witer around tbo throne
and everywhere. Angola were flying
Around, bright crowns upon their
lioa'M, anil golden harps in thoir
hands, and playiug tboswo'itost mu
sio that 1 ever beard I folt so sor
ry at first when giandp. told mo I
Hiiould go back, and take tbo placo
of my dear mother, and she should
como. When I first soomod to get
to this boagtiful placo tho sweet
word Wolcome 1 Wulconio 1 ochoed
all around. I saw so many things
that words fail to tell tbetn now.
Tbo angols said tbey would cure
mo, that I should Likono tnodicine,
and I know I should gut well."
Since tbeso uotos woro first t ikon
lown, Nollio has improved rapidly,
has walked and boon out-doors, aud
sooms in a fair way to gut well.
Commerce of the World.
Francs exports wines, brand ios,
silks, fancy srticte, furniture, jewel
ry, clocks, watches, paper purlutuary,
and fancy goods geiiornlly.
Italy exports corn, ml, uax, uour,
wine, SBsuncos, dyuilulTit, drug, lino
marble, soap, pViutiuj, engravings,
molasxcs and salt.
I'riMsia exports linen, wooluns
zino, artiolos of iron, copper aod
brais, in Jig'), wax, bams, niunionl in
struments, tuhaoeo, wiues aud purco
luin. Germany exports wool, woolon
goo is, linens, ras, corn, timber, iron,
load, tin, flax, hemp, wiuub, wax,
tallow and cattle .
Austria exports minerals, raw and
insnufaoturoc silk llireaJ, glaii, wax,
tar, nutgull, wine, hotioy uud mathe
matical iostruaienU.
Knglaud sxpoits cottons, woolon,
glus, barJwaro, carlbenware, col
liery, iron, metulic wares, salt, coal,
watchox, tin, silks aud lilieui.
KusMa cxpiru tallow, flax, hemp,
fl jur, iron, linseed, lard, bide, wax,
duck, cordage, truth, fur an! potash
Spuiu export wines, bruudit-H, iron,
iVeah uud Uriof iVuit-', quicksilver,
s'llfhur, xult, cork, ulTon, anchovies,
nilk aud woolen.
Chiua export tos, rhubarb, mil's,
ginger, borax, sine, silks, t,aitiu, lilli .
ijreo work, ivory wure, laqucrod ware
and p ircclaiu.
Turkey exports opium, silks, drug,
gutm, dried trulls, tuluc-'O, wines,
csmclt' hair, carpels chuwl.1", camlets
uod morocco.
HiuJoxtsn exports gold nod oilrer,
cochineal, inline, Hur-t'i p:iri IU, vanil
la, jalap, lu-itic, C'juipeaehy wood, pi
iiiuuto, drugs utiJ dyc-HtulK
Brazil ctp-.irts coffuo, indigo, Mi
gar, rio-, hides, dried moats, tallow,
iol'i, ditmonds and other stouts,
i;ums, mahosuy and Indiu rubler.
Tbe West Indies export sugar, mo.
Uses, rum, lobueco, cisra, mahoga
ny, dyewood, coffee, pimento, Iresb
fruits and preserves, wax, ginger
sod other piccs.
East India exports cloves, nut
megs.maeo, popper rico, indigo, gold,
du-a, camphor, beozino, sulphur, ivo
ry, rattans, sandal wood, zino and
Tbe TJnitod States exports priooi
pally sgricultural. produce, tobacco,
colton, flour, provisions of all. kin J,
lumber, turpontioe, agricultural im
plements, sewing nitcbiocs, eottou
goods, cutlery, builders' hardware,
t'uroilure, locomoiivet, munitions of
war, gold, silver, quicksilver, etc.
nARDt-Mso Steel As tbe hard
ness depoid on tbe quickness with
which it U cooled there sre better
materials tbau water, which, bosides,
gives no unequal temper, tbe ttesai
bubbles developed iuionupiing eon
Uct. Another thing, water is a bad
cooductir of heat, and if tbe bub
bliu and heat did not put it In mo
tion It would b unfit for hardening
Water with plenty of ice in it give
s harder temper einill tools may
bo stuck Into a piecs of Ice, as jewel
ler and watchtunker inr-trt ibein in
a piocd of sealing wax. Ud i alio
used by lb era as being belter tbau
water, at it doe not evaporate so
easily. Tbo Damascus i-U'el blades
are temperred io a strong ourraol of
cold sir passing through a narrow i
slit. This gives a much more uo.-1
form and equal teinpersiueit tbau
water. Hut ths most effect ve hiuid
is ths only liquid roots.' uvrcury.
This b!iog a good conductor of beat
iu fact the very best tiuid con
ductor and the ouTy cow ono ap
tHiara to bo the bert liquid lor hsr-
deuiug steel cutting tools. The best
tteel, when forged into shape and
hardened into mercury will cut el
moat Boything. Wo bav eoea srii
clos msdo I'rom ordiuary steol,
wbioh bsve beee hardened aod tem
pered lo a deep straw color, turned
with comparative ease with nuiaff
tools from good tool steel hardened
u uieroury. Jioeareol luusiiogtue
vapor while hardniog.
Largs quantiloa of dead flak ara
found flouwii pu th water and ly
ing on tho banks of th streams ia
Itensaelar ana Washington coun-
ttaa, N, V. It n upHoJl that tb
fish bsve bee polsonod by ran
green, which (ho farm or in that
aootioit bav been usiug in tker
field for th dosWuoUoa of the po
tat oo btttf.
PA., JULY 2G, 1877.
Vmartaa hi nover NILS lo .ffix-t a fiirr,
elvliiM tb .nil ItnuKlb to tb. afittiiu iltblllt.t
.il by (IImt.m.
' SOI'TM PoL.KD, Ma, Oct., II, IOTA.
Ma. II. B. Stitiki :
I)Mr Sir I b.r. hrn .le t two yrtn with Ih.
II vor miuilalnt, an I during that lliu. Iiave Uacn
. Rrrai rnaojr ditt.-riMit milir itiv Imt notiant
llit-m lia In. aujr kikmI. 1 w.a r.llrn. Iilul.ta
ana had lina)lti,. Hlnc InkliiK Ih. V.xo
iln. I w.n and re1ili my f . m ,d . t?ao rr"iu
uieuil tb. VK' tin. f. r olial II haa d'ia. for lu.
Y tntra rtir-tritllr.
M KH, Al.lltlt r KU'KtU,
Wit npa. of th iIhiv,,
Mr. Uou. M, Vauiili.n, Mixlfurd. M.u.
ThonnU will ter ftitltnniif (n1 to It M
ttTilartlj ) tlitt VrK-lttiA im the I in".t. t tMii-
!ioUtt(t yot filiiretl tiftrr tlitt puhllr f'r fftH'Vt
tut fttift purlf; liitf tin ttltaml, fradlt-itina all iitv
niurai. Inipnrl tl'-sj tr tMxinus c ration) fnfti
thn ytm d-M llUtl r d ) j in fvt, H in
m iun bftvo cftUwU It. 'TU Ureat lloallU It,
Mr. H. II. ffTKvrmi t
Iti ymir V-bMIo wa rvommunflrrl in
m, atitl ylftiilinM ti tbi i)rttialnoa vt frlftiJ,
I content! In try ft. At t ti ttinf, 1 waa ufTtir
UH from HM(iral debility ari'l ur pritra
tlotia, iutwrlnrltirnil ly uvarwitrk aOil itrn))r
liblla. IU woutWful tnntl.rfilnir atitl rttra
tiv pf'p)rtlia atvrruM lo fnH.'t my deb)Ulattr
ysiirm from the flnt tM, od tinlr Ma pru
tnt I rapidly rtM-ovt-rvd (raining mora than
umial lioftltb and frood fffllnrf. Hitics thra I
bar not hfnlUt'd ti itl vn V'tlBv rur moit an
qua1inx1 PDd'irafinut aa bAltiif ft aaff, aun and
Miwerfal aifrnt In prmtiotlwt bralth and reiatnf
inaiit vaMfd aiaitut in uw nr and m.riT
Vttoiina In lha nulr rofillnlfi I uat. and aa Iwim
ft I Utj 1 Dftvar tjlicl lo Hud ft btlr.
four, truly, W. H.ULAKK,
I JO Hoiitry HirHi, AtloKhauj, 14.
Vrocti. ttioroiivhlr .radlrat.t ...ry blnrlnf
bmnor, and feature, tb. .otir. rrilem to a
The fnlluwInK letter Irom Her. (I. W. Menl
fl.l'l. f,rtDerlT .atnr ef the M,.tlio.llt KplMi.
ii.l (hurb, flyd. I'ark, and at rM.nt a.ttled
in l.nw.ll, jiant ennvtnee ..ry en. who re.d.
thin letter nf tb. w'tmlertul curative quelltle
of V.K.tln. aa a tboruuKb cl.aat.r aod puilO
.rot tb. blood :
Htd Habk, Mam., r.b. 1J, lire.
Ma n. n. Stuv.ii. !
Iirar sir Abnut tra ye.ri ao my health
Nll.d throniib tb. d.tdetlna; .fieri ofdyr-
llia : Aearly a year later I attvk.d by ty-
1linlireverlnltaworKtrnrm,1l aeitie.1 in ny
ark and took th. lonu nl a lar. d n.atl
at'pe.N., wblrb waa flfiMn mnnlb. tn natli.rlntf.
I had twoaura-lral rtliin, l y th. It aklll
In tb. Stat, but received do rman.nt cur. 1
anttered ureat aln at tlmM and waa eoneiant
ly weaken"! l-y a t'mfur. dlacharir.. 1 alio
luft amall pleo.i nf lion, at ilitl.raut time. .
Matter ran on lliu. about aev.n yearn, till
May, 1N7I, when a trl.nd reenmmendei! ro. to
iu to ymirooa and talk with you
tu.nt V.netln.. I did . and by your kind,
nam pane. I ihrnuiih your uianutaotory, mdlnit
th. lnvrH.ata, .to;, by which your reiuvdy Ii
Hy what t and beard I gained iota. en. In Veiln..
I continence! tekln; It aooo aft.r. hut Irom lu .Iteoi : rltll I pem.v.rc I and
hid loll It waa inflll.K me In otb.r rwpxt.
Yet I did not rwi th. r.ulu I till 1
bad tak.n It felthlnllr
lor a mil in-.r. man
)aar whan th dltncuUT
ultv In the Lark tn
eur.j, and I t did. inuntbi 1 navu.njoyn iu
het nf health.
I ha. a In that tlm. .aired twenty fir
pound. n( fl.h, tain- heavier tuao .rer llor.
n my lit', and I w. a.ver lujro abi. to xr
f,.rui lb..r tnan nw.
1'urlrn the ft lew week. 1 had a .crofulnua
welllnu a Urn. a my Cat xalhur ,uu auutb.r
I'Art i,l uiv liody
I tiM.k Cioilue lalllifulty and It r.mnred It
level wlthth. .urtac. In a ulnnlh. I think I
ih'itild hav. ten cured nt my main tMunl.
unnr II I bad taken larner, .iter tav
liitf I .cnni. accuptoine-l to iu .rtect..
I..t your -tr,in Iri.uhl. l with .nrotul or
kldii.y dlteane uii'lerilan.l that It take. tlm.
t our. cnrenlo iticaei. and It th.y will a.
n.nily take .rf.lla., It lu isy ju lm.oi,
car. 11.. 'U
With Kroat obll.ailiini lam.
our. ery truly,
il. w. .M.tNMiltLD.
I'astor of th. Melho.lnt I- Church.
Vegetina is Sold by AH Druggists.
Beaver Springs, Fa.
lr3' CirOOtlM,
y'od Jfc Willow
Notions, Fumisbinr Goods, Boots
A boot's, tU Jc Caps.
chpapcr than ever brought io Sny
der County.
JAtteler iu
All klsJa of OooJ ttohasJ fof Cs
or apnrvTol .ouoiry prvaue..
t all sad ai". mi .iocs .a i.wa
my price, bofor. furwSMia, .UawkM.
Uoi. is, Ifi o. oia.
1 J totameoUrr ra Ik. mi.m .( iv
.Mrka, tel. of ft T TietAlp.
.. r.. dwd. liNM.ruiM t. w
Ml. U mm k.AWla. tf ewl.e. tlM
umMmui. will r. lw.ej.Jl.1.
t il.ahlo. .latwi. atul aW
Mlato .IU rrwMkt Ueaa tut Milwwt I.
a- r
j... . i an.
VLL m ar kcb auilaU
ssia.i werotiMiai fx aiaai
by a. Us 9fth vt UuU. IbVI. m I
rewM.4 aar ! to U. mb. uJ
will h Nf II waUw aii.Ul t. Ki M
b Mwswas s Uw.
tsaa r, Man. It, ?.
NO. 10.
New York
t.. tr..t. ... ...
v... ,.Ui..,Vb mm uuiiniinff, oppositolUo Kcytsono Hotel.)
vitiiiyr is'r., hki.inhuiiuvk. i.
. if Liu titioM
IiiohL CJoiiii
IiiomL CJomplolo Klorh
Large variety in SUMMER SHAWLS, SKIRTS,
HOSIERY, GLOVES, etc. Great bargains in
Special inducements in HAMBURG EDGINGS
& INSERTTNGS, Table Linen and Towling
of all descriptions.
if0?1'.10 V .Ml ' kocxIm in our lino
jwiu niKi ii io lut-ir aavuntufro to
i"" """'K niiwniHTe, innv ran niwnvs snvo from i to 41)
Thnnkjulfor jmit Jnoors a continuation of the tm is ny,citfnllj
iolt-tttt. h.L,ctt;ill
to to,
Go-eat BargaiiuTiG I
tho imucrHigncd ApiriKnoe.ol
Atlnnisbiirg, Snyder County, Pennon
Tlio Stock Consists pnrtlv of
bUCll ftS CIOtllB, CaSSlIUerS, KentackV Jeans. CottonaJes of nmrr .It la
and quuLty. also
; Ladies' Dress
ALL. t)Oli PL LA INS, Morinos Poplins. Ac. at nil prices and very clcap.
BATS ASD CAPS, Carpets, rin, TaMe, M Slair Oil CUii.
Hardware, Qiicenswaro, Tin and Glassware Wcodand Willow warp, C.)ffues,
Kugavs, Syrups, Molasses, Ttas of all kinds, and at Luw l'rices,
Cigars k Tobncro. Kibli .V S ilt. Whr-lfhalo and Hetail.
COAL, COAL, COAL, w"iuxkk,
(Sueelor. IS J. F. k 3. M. I. Inn I
ATTOKSfci'S AT LAW, L.wi.burg, Pa.
Offer tbclr profmioEal .erfirra to ll
public. Collcctiont .nl all otber fro
ffional butinea. entrual.J lo their car.
will rfcritrrrronipt attesi ion. f Jan. S, 'rJTtf
H. II. tirimni. Win. 11. Dill.
Attorneys & Councelors
-4 T-LA IT,
OftW Near tbs Post OfSco.
i'reeburaT. Prnn'a,
Con.altatlon ia bath Eagliab anj German
Lanfu(M. Dec, 10, TJif.
CtntrtvilU, Syr;r County, Vrimi
All bullae. eotrn.ted t. bit car. will
wall .a t falibftilljr .tl.ndej lo. Will nra-'ll
at th .r4 .ru at Snf l.r .ad aJioiai.t
c-xmtia.. Dan jaiuj Is th. or
(ferman Uofnara. O.t. au, TJU
Pelinejjrove, Ta.
Offer bl profe.alonal erie to tb publ
lie. t'olleciioo an4 all otber prof.oaa
bu.inei nlrat.l io bi r. will r.
jselvs pr.mpi aumiica Orrie. IwoJot
aortn or id KTion not.i. utmo, o,
Vttoniv nt Inw.
MlUl'LEDfUO. r.
PrsfeMfoeal bolni tBtrtttl.J U kit tar.
!'' b prcwpil. aitaJJ U. feb
Lewibur, Vaioa C. . Pa.
tsjrOas b. ulii is tk KoclUb aaJ
U.rmaa ian,u.fe nsavl
OrrU l Mark.l,
satitk A Co's Stor. '49j
Xvvthnn:bxlanvL Pv
trfass) kts pTjafMwWMl awrew. t. ta p.k
Js. A beSiaww Mtrwi4 I. kialsar
- I Jaw- IT, 17H
Justice of the Pence
Will Vs ta bt & at Uwb. wMiiw
rlMa.M MvlAT sat ATCaDAT
U waws. ail M
ftlatiat l bio
ill bs atisaisw W
TU 13 l'OMT.
PirtillahfHl every Tliursdav Erenlng bf
Terms of Rnbncnption,
nl)U vitliin gii luontlm. or J.50ifnnt
paid within ths vrnr. No pnpnr. dist
roiitinui'd until all srrcrtrnr ara
tmid unlcM at the option of the pub
BulMtrriptinn nuti,le of the count
JpqriraniiH lifting and using pnnore
ad'IroKHrd '.i others lifCotHOMiWrilior
anil aro lialiln for tin prirc of tht pnprr
peDuDDDg I
Fancy Slore,
.. .. r .
iii'imwI from tli Inf .
'with 1 lass I .iii'iri.wt ... W
to IliiH -oiuitv.
nnd essiuino my kx1s nnd pri-
h. avi:ih.
. - j -.j.w
Goods, Silks
W . l'OTTEIl,
-i Tionyjs v a t la w.
Solinsgrove. Fa ,
nffcr.rii profciooal itrticei lo tbs
publia. All l.ftal butioMt tnlruit1 to h:t
ear. will receive f rompt aii.oiio. ((Ba
oo Joorabo.e tb. Sew Lotbtraa CboraJt,
Jul, 4ih '7J.
rt ALiiMi. aoaAfa atias.w.
NoltneaT'ircs In
All prof.niooal boaia.M aa4 alL.tlnJ
c.tru.i i to ear. will b. pr.aptlv
attend to. Can b. ..nrollej 1. Eat '.tail
rcnlrcTllle, Saydrr C..
Otfer kla frcf.taioasl larvitaa to tbs
publi. tint
Otter hi profcMtonal MrntcM lo ( M U
i.ntor AJaatbarg asj viotaiiv. (f 1, TS
MiddlfPnrft Ts.
Offers bl pr.'feMloaal Mrrloa to Ik. rv
at of Miiii5ar aai .loialry:
Ntarek Sl.'eT
Justice of the Peace,
itrJI, Jewtf (, Vfc
A3 kinJavf ocllMM ati liwU
I .rata. Iwjl uiwJi i. ;) V i 1 n 1 1
larx4 a. ki sat. (Jut ,
IxstlcB ef Be PsaasiiCtiTjni.'wr,
altb arsis,7tr, afwv.
CUI-MW. aS all
Saw. J e.l M. P.
IT.NkO.N UOlSkt,
SIKMMwtb ra.
8M 1 TIL rrtfH.L.
AeMwweeJallo. f J awj i aw i
wMa i
. .aar. ai ix paai. p
Aprfli. 1STT.
QtiAaiL&s a oouxcurdb
AW Aria, rVs LWryi, P.
wl r,,we SSt
.... v-"'