THE POBT. niddleburg, July 19, 1877. JjoCrt.1 Nown, Vc. All communication, business let ter Ac, tot thl office, to lecure prcvnnt attanllnn should be aridrpweod M follows! Tim Post, Miridlebart;, gayuor Cbtinty, Fa, Advertisement, rmminicatiotts Ac. mutt be handed in by Monday noon, to ecur inser tion in nest win Bv all RDDonntnce the chestnut croo will be large I hie year. The tree are loaded uown heavy witn blossom. The wheat crop In this count? U de Cldedly failure. Many field were not worth euttlntr. they having been nearly destroyed by the fly. The Democracy of this county will !iold their (IfiloRnw election on the 21st nst., and their County Convention on the following Monday, the 23d. Notwithstanding the complaint a bout the potato bug, the potato crop In this State this year will probably be the largest for many years. Our people should examine all the money they handle, a at present there is a large amount of counterfeit 25 cent silver piece out tn circulation. It I flow lawful to shoot squirrels. It Is a pity it Is not IaraI to shoot the wen who panned the law, putting the date of the shooting season so early. O. C. Gtitelitts, the popular clothier and express agent of this place, is now provided with a No. 1, 'Hum, to carry passenger to and from the depot, rain or shine. The bwu is made with a Hue handsome top, and U made very convenient for the accommodation of travelers. Cnl. is a clevt-rand obliging fellow and the 'bus will do a good bus iness. lTi Laura Tliercc, the girl sent to the Hotmtf of tuTuao at the last court for setting Are to a barn, has been re turned to our jail. The authorities there declined to keen her on account of the enormity of the crime. She was verv clad to set back to our jail. The judge will now have to re-aoutence her. Huso Imri.r. On Aiturility last we lire informed, Mrs. Aauiit Mummol of Monroe township, this oonnty, put ner infant child, azed about six months to bud while sleeping. The bed was standine? closo to the wall. Tho moth er returned in a few momenta !o see whether the babe was still sleeping, vrhon to her horror slio found it site- pondod by the neclc bctwoon tho boil and wall, dead. We learn with retrret that Samuel tt. Miller, well known through out the county, as an active and enor getiq tree agent, committed suicide by hauKine on satordav about noon, in tho "wagon shed, on his brother a farm in Washington township, by tying a rope round tho hay ladders, auspoiieod in the shed, his fuel touch inir the zroiind. There are various surmiMes as to whit vaused him to commit tho rash and fv ttl act. AoanKvr. .nst Monday evening a weuk. Amanues Hrhninnacn and rred- vrick Smith, of this place were return ing homo in a buggy, and when about a mile north of town, near the resi dence of Mr. Jacob Stciningcr. and where there is a very short tarn tn the road, the horse took fright at a cow and made a sodden Jump to otto side upset vwr, me i p n'igry, aown a sicen em bjtiikinent and throwimrthe occupants out with great forces Mr. Suhambnch had Jus shoulder hone hrokent besides other severe injuries. Mr. tSmith, wm more lucky and encsned with a few cratches. The top of tho buggy was toru to pieces. TBAtiiM.-Wliile there are no doubt Some honest men who would labor if they coilld gel employment, on the roao as " tramiM " the average tramp m Tngnnnna ana a emmnm, auu ronscnirently an enemy of society. Voin all parts of the country come ao counts oi onences, irnm pent larceny to murder, committed bv these worth less creatures, who are growing so fast in numbers. It is serious question, what is to be done about the matter t Decent people for their own protec tion, tuust Insist on having tome legist latiort. at the next aetuinn of oilr lino. Ulaturo, to lessen the evil. With we country so full of the deaiierate rascals a it 1 at present it Is almost as necessary lor oeonie uvinir in loneiv district to be on their guard and arm ed lor resistance, as it was in the early day of the settlement of the country. when it was but common prudence) for mo BKriuuiMinsi wpn ins uoiu wiw hi musket on hi shoulder, to be rea dy to meet the savages, A Word to tug Lbiia.-lt i at. tnost sickening to read the repeated description in detail of ladies' toilet tapon great publicoccasions. I it then all that women aim. or asoird to do. to excel, and rival one another in dress and diamonds t of Is there something better beneath this surface display 7 Let us believe that there is, and help to develop a nobler type of woman hood. Indued, Why should not worn an' dress bo equally simple as man's not necessarily luce nis. out no more Coninlex. nor enslaving? to thn hndv and limb. Men do not dnd it necee ary to change tholr costume, two, three or four timos a day. anil whv should women f . Men aro not requir ed to don a new suit upon every public wuaaiuii. uu or reoeiiuon. ami wnv should women t Are their natures and characters then as fickle and c prioioua as these constant changes Would indicate t Wo do not believe it, and hope the women will soon prove to men, and to themselves that such is not the fact, by adopting a simple, sen sible, and healthful dress. He, Till LoMoxaT Days. We are now passing through the longest day of uiv yuur, hot never iwwiibu oil a tnore beautiful picture or shone through a more denial atruosnliera than that which now prevail when ever the bill and vallovs of Pennsyl vania unfold their rolling landscape of living green. verywnore in the grass fields masse of white olover nour the (weetnes of their run-fume unon the surrounding air, and the deep green of I mm landscape w varioxi wuu tne bloom of yellow butteroupe, wbitt) daisies and fed clover. Such summer day seem made far idlenes rather than the ne ver ending round of toil and drudgory. Th Weather and these day are for the People In the country j cities know but little of them. Walking in too field, now, and listening to the bird long, and noting the flight of the olovor-liv-ing butterflies thai flash through their brief existence in tho summer sun, one begin to ash himself what nil this endless rush sum) hurry of life to for. n d why owe may not be lor ft while as rree and idle as the huttartllaa. Oim. ing to thl highest Northern point of lie year, nawirw ana mi son fjeenl now for ft brief time ta mmi that tha drat, of men in oy tUft deep, fU.1 iiutviner, Et, , The adjourned court to be held In this place on Tuesday, uly 24th, has beea postponed to Friday, August 10th 1877. fUxVl tfs Yoi Citv fipstusa t)r SHOTORT Fa 1ft7t. His sieonil volnms nf this vslasM tiS l1liikl wnrk InU f Mim ww rnniipnvni, m wi . wsiivr Hnk a )., ot S Pirk fUwrn, ft Tors. Us twist mt mmi lu imi (Mfwi la hs pfa SStllos of Wis erMSlit nl, loiaaiiS It snflf rlsts ss rIU)il, III tTMs-rsnMoal spiMMr as Mnili, sxrUlnTr It l a Am tpwit. mm f nnk-niakliic. It xnattlna oymr nn kandr ram Mora laattSr tkan tka Ufl vaar's olm. fclilrk has larval in Iks tort ar Iks iimlSatina of thawork. aas oupallMl tka PahlMkaM ta iMtta kafaartar on. IT tka foil alaih homnA Mltlos al Oaa Dollar par aon?, apon tha rooalpt nf Mh am that III forward tka work In aaf sdraat Is lbs t'alal aulas ar Cassia, a MatlTpSSUc Pro paw. Dth of MaTw'm. M. Byem Tka 4tk of Ma)nr We. M. Rrass wstoti taokplaoaat tka raddaaoa olhln aotkar. la II. U knrnaik. a tha third lnt., altanaak dallf ainaotad, aaal a gloom evar larra pnr. tlm nf thaaoamaaltf. Tha Motor vaa born la thlt plaao la 1M1 and wm aoooanaontl la kit satk Tr- ahlldkood paftad la oar Wwb. tarraandad bp tknaa who baoama daarlp attaobad U kin. awlaa ta tha noblo and (saaronn Iralu ofsharaolar wklk In af tar lira mada him s ramrlta la tha larra alrola la whlek ka aiorod. aad whoaa kaaru thronbail wllkalul. kor boat aad whona oyoo lotharod moltturost tha aoaouneasmt"nyoral daad.w Is lasi ha oolorl tka aorrloo M lit l.laataa. aabnf Domnaat I. 4Mb f. V. t.,hoM ar. siotad to Uaptals .tan IS, lt4 aad to Hr'l Major, April. ISM, and was aiaitarad oat af arvle with kit foiaponTal tha okwaoflha war. H partlolpaud In all tha aaa-aaaaaaU la whloh hit ooaipanf took aart, bain aaea okadad. Hit rapid praaintloa baaaoka hit worth at a ooldlor aad ao blahor aowpllmat eoaldbapald him tnaa wat laid at at hit fa aaral bpuri A. at. Kmlth.of It oar or apt-teat, wka wat a mambar of hit aompoap. ? it ; "Ho m aba nf Ut braTaat moa la tha Anaf nf tht pVHnataa." What klghr anmplllnanl anald asp aniarada pat him. Wabolloa tha Itnaia dlata taato of hit death wat ih malt af aa lawraal lajarp nradaoad bp a eprala, whllal enaerad In handling nail kega. Ha waa a ember el berarelte Ukla-a No. let, A. T. M., eed wat barled bt tha fretralt who narlnrai. ad their Impretalre and tolema rltea ror hit rename. Is oar earlp rhIMheod the enter or thia arUolaaad thedeoeeaed were loeeparehle ooipaaloaa aad the frlondthlp thna fortna.l brer remained siaen, we knew klm well, aad thall erar ebtrlth kU naap aoblo qnailtlot. nia aejan wiotnvr, at won at ait aiaiera aoq brnthart hare thr aTaKatkt of tka oomiaanltt. la Ihla tka hour of their baraavaaeai. Taisusa Ivlt lltk luk iMPosttfo L'rox Farmers. It ought to be unnecessary to warn farmer to beware of traveling patent rightageuta who aro constantly " prowling around" for victims, uut it seems that many farmers are as eiwily tempted as a boy with his first postal currency in bis nocKci. wnen ne sees a coiiieciioucry. and full a victim to their own greed too often. The farmer who has any scnue will never buy an arliclo from a stroll ing agent, when ho ran got all he re quires from a reliable hardware store, where he knows tho merchant and is hiniKelf known. At this sconon the rural di.ttricl are full nftlieno patent right agents vending farming imple ments. In no chko should a farmer buy of these men, because no farmer over dealt with such hucksters without bcimr cheated. These scamps, in nine coses out of ten, make pilgrimages purposely to plunder unsiibpecting rar mcrs. and where thoy can avoid it neV' er vibit tho same locality twice in the same season. The safer plan is not to buy of a stranger what you can get al a store where you are known and know the merchant. The local merchant, for all varieties of supply, is the safest party to tramo wtiu ana lariners must UOUUUU ill Ullll BIUIIC. Dbatr rsoN Tixcruaa or Aronirs. A death, whtek bst naturally allotted lb tmpaihy or lbs roan rriaoas or lb do ersaed for her surviving part ntt. occurred at Me A lister II I, Juniata eouaiy, on Ike oiskt of the bih ult. Wo sltrids lbs re port of lbs sate st we Bod It, hy way of oauilon 10 ibnto suDerloc similarly, e- aintt lbs enplojraienl of Tiootura of Ae enila st a remedy. The victim was Mi as Clara HhllliniKford. sged 2. A noiae was beard In bcr mom after the retired lbs nlgbt of her sad deal h, and tome of the Umiljf going up lo Inquire tbeeaut fonnd tbo door locked, and hearing noth ing more conclodeJ the bad beea dream, ing, and gat it no further thought. Pail log, long a fur ber ntual boor, to make her sppearaaos next morning Ikry repair ed to ber room and sailed. Obtaining no response the door wat forced, snd she was fonnd desd. htr head lying serosa lbs footboard of lb bedatend. A aeareh ret tilled la (lading a bottle eonuinlng a quantity of Tinotur of Aoonit. known at wolfs-bant, a polton. It was known sbs as la th Habit of otitic It lo altar lb pain whloh th differed from oooneionsl toothsoba. An Inquett was bsld. and thn Joary, la Consultation win two pheeioiaoi reaaero'i a verdiot, artr examination, that death bad ensued from using ths tiaeliire in a hollow tooth, some of which bndgot dowa ker. throat and paralysed ken Wh ik nndsrtaksr lubteqtaily arrived to prepare th body for burial ko suld ooi olote bor mouth, aad fonnd her jaws loektd. "oil day aaotker In quest wss ksld, aaolker Stsmloallos bal, on of ths sai aad i flaw pbyeiolsa being emplored to aid lb Jury, wboss Verdiot was aeeta rrosi iossjsw. tapermduoed bt tlssturs of neonits. ka. A partial post mortem sXaminelioa Subsequently ddrel oped that Ik poison had not psnetrated further thsa the breast bone, not teaching lbs slomnek, leaving its traces as far a it went. M sae should as ibis deadly drug as a remedial agaat except wkea, and as prescribed, by aa iatsUlgtat phyil olsn. LtwutowH Bmtitul. i e i A flrtACB or HARKtsnpRO fll.ACk'LBO oaooed at MiDDLtrrows. The gam bler is always ready to pluck the uo- suspecting and entrap the unwary, A pair or those piundcrors repaired to Middletown on the 4th of July, for the purpose of plying thoir game, and when the crowd had reached a certain point began operations. As usual, there was a victim ready to bo lui Dos ed upoiii The gambler had recourse to tne oi a game or three card monte a stool pigeon was ready to bet' and win the advantage of tne game seem ed to bo entirely against the gambler he lost on every card. Thia tempted the ruatio, who Was looking on, and for wiioseuoooptioiuue winning was done, With a greedy eve oitr rustio hastily roposoa to lay iiu on a cam, which uing no sooner dono. when nrosU I he loot. Instantly the gambler sepa rated, but the loner was a cree- dy man, who bat ta wiu, and hav ing lout at once began to squeal. Hepalrlug to a constable, be hail the player of the game arrested and taking before an alderman, wben, before a Charge was mode, he agreed nottobThig a suit if the money was refunded. But the monte man had no money-hi stool pigeon had taken flight with the spoils but he did not like the tdoa of having a oaae returned to court, and to escajie this gave his watoii ( roIiI lever worth 179) aa a f ledge to return $18 In a day or two. t wa ouiok work the srauie. the nluokiug, tlie arrest and the eettlemont did not occupy an hour Doth gam bier returned to HarrisbUrg oonviuo. etl that Middletown is a bail locality for threw card nioate. Th trouble is that in such came, when tha law la appealed to, the cowardly lose of the mousy ougni to rm pumsrieu ta aonm inantisw aa well mm the gambler. If tha latter is a thief UN tWiner Is a kuave. Ignoraut a tiw aan to, bwasoee he leaks to make tuoffer in an unlaw- tl aad AUhoutst laaaatjii-aVAf, Jd, Ova TiMssa. He tbiaklng man, truly aejs a soattaporsry, aan pass Ihntiifk tha eouotrt aaj te every ner and l bar a beautiful trots of forett trees eat dowe, without f alias: ' Jntt Ik proporlloa as metroes ere sut gown in tkal earn pro portion is tss sannirr injureJ. The ab sence of trees or shads sautes lbs spriest sad wells to go dry, lbs sank broomte perobtil for want of rals and shade, and vrcelailon Is ruined snd iiunied. Csnnot stop bs pnl lo It, should ot stir Legls Isturs onset sons law that would eempel eaeh farmer le have al least trs aorta of woodland lo eVtry bbhdrsd kores of bis arm I we taini it would bs well lo put a tlop to Ibis wknlttale doetruelloa nf lb btaotiful and bigM utrful woods. A's. A Ilex oeOLoaa'e ncapavn Ooap, whloh maaintinnw anti roaia only titip oata, la anfflrlant Manttnlv Material nia aI tp flalphara Hatha which wonldaradloal a whole oaiairajr ni rnanmaiie eadeauunooaa maladlaa, ld br all Prngtlata Hlll'a Hair k Vklaktr Dpi, black or brows, Auctioneer Oedrge H. Hacken. burg, of Middlocreck, P. O., would an nounce to tha people of Knydef coun ty, that he Will cry sales for rent and personal property, at short notice and on the most reasonable terms. He guarantee (ntisraction, Mar.lj.77tl. MlJoh 1). Rauppkbatoii, Tailor, Mtrtfta'Lrilllv Inf.ftPltia IV.A niu.r.1. f IfM dleburg and vicinity that he is prepared " ' kiiiuo ui wnr in ins noo neat ly, cheaply, according to the latest style and warrAnttxl tt At A.ti;nn done at short notice, flusinemi place. corner opttosite the V. B. Church, Main Birccu Sept. 28, Al YcbstkbP mats QueiTtoxe. Are tou a detnondent sufferer from tick Headache. Habitual Cottivtness. Palpll. uon oi live nenri r nato yon di ill net of tho bsad t Is your Nervous System d. pretard f Does year lllood Circulate bad ly ? lists yon a cone b t Low Bnlrlts f Coming np of th food afler sstlng t Ac, Ac. All of that snd atioh more arc di rect results of Dyepoptla, Liver Com. plaint snd Indigestion. Osnss's Aourar Flows Is now acknowledged by all Drug gists to b potitlt cur. 2.100.000 bot Hss wers given away ia Ihs U. 8. through lo the people aa a trial. Two doaat will eatlefy any pertnn of Its won. derful quallly la suring nil forme oflodl. gestlon. Sample bottles 10 els. Brgu lar site 75 etc. Bold potititely by all nrtl-claet Drugglatsin His U. 0. JnntSId, bp R. W. I)na, Mr. J. P. Will, of I'hapman hiwitalnp, eutt allae Allcei). iMaaa, of Parrj toamablp. A. o. Hornheriiw, 3. V, Wm. O. Ilxlma f Prrr Tn., Hattl r IKi., and Mra. Huaau (lantiltr (lata Uuiub 1 of Lirtrpoul Two., Ptrrp Co, jjij:i. Junr ili. In Contra towntbln. Malllr. danh. tor of Hanri ao.! Elliabatb StaLluwktr, attad 4 Joaa nth, la Utntrevlllo, Qeo. 8llne, Sr. a (ad im rara. JnooSiih, IS Vttj townahlp, Moaot Frrmop. er,aged 41 jtart, S moniba and IS ilajt. Jnaa S4, Wm, Harhar nfSualiarir, and N las Cilia Millar of Muamuklu Paio. On Iheeth tst. at Beater 8prln.t, Maggie J. Herman, ol loileamall'a oftbeiusHt and -vmw.w. mmw m jwwm aou waafi, GOVERNMENT STOCKS. AC Clot- vjt IntPrlraaof lie It Tla fc Towpaatn, 40 SoiiHi Third Htraal Fhiladalbla. Mbx-ba bonvhl am ai i tiwar for oath or as taenia. Jely 13th, IMT. BIO. A 8 Km. t'.B.l'a, Ital..., .IIIU k J... .to! .lw'i ..lllli ..IU " lev " m " 10 40'a Onrrrncr. S'e t'aiui.otw, llallad t-ki'a IminarHraalalH. II Pblladhhla and HaadlKS R. it, Lohltfb Vallap H. H tiblah Coal k NaT. Oi UnllM (loaipaiitot of fi.l Oil On k b AIIcr-'p Val. R. B.. Pblladrlphla a KrlaR. K- Norlbara llautral K. at. (Jo Oold gELl.NSOBOVK PRODUCE MARKET eOSSSOTSO WSSKLV Ut VVncrssriMellcsi Ar. Mean. Wheat Ttr bushel t 75 Rvs do 60 Core do to 50 Oata da IS la do Clovsrsssd per bush! to riatsced ao 1 26 80 Onions do Patalaaa do tlmolhyrood do Buokwbenl do Duller per pound Eggs psr doiea Tallow per pound Lard 1 10 07 lo 08 I'karriaS Seeded Cherrle 18 Blackberries Rnabotrle Driad Annies 4 2 Dilod Peaohsl pared do nap area Bacon. 81d Map 6 to 7 Ham 12 10 tn Bkonldst Bid Pea Coal 1 80 Id 2 DO Chtttnul coal 2 80 is 8 Oo Hp ross nn lUES LrescenI A Volameof vMaiLLisn tareaaet bp tha a itf-nae-rhtatorlea U P. Brwhiotti daaortblaa- tbe Huatiaae snd Treat: Mwcial, palllloai, 'aad reiigiwwa niaawrp aal rwaaniiiwaii taeir ona-Lira. VAaiaocoaToalt. aad raoot-iaai. Tiaa. Ike oaatat of tha war, the luaat at ttaka OyeitTiaa iiiiit SdHiaaauta-tka utn mtv larsaaata of other natloat Intuited 1 llloa-raphlat of tbe Ki'uaua. Ittruaii aad llmiUAU 1 all Hlaaijr IllautfataU. Tk noon wllliaaia ataaat , Waated in. ioaami oa paav liberal lerraa. Addratt HUBHAUI) 0HUd., rebllibera, PJ1 8aalomat,tnUa. July 1. 4. CENTRE TOWNSHIP SCHOOL f NANCSS. ioh kfoka Ool'r tor tka rear utj. th. AM II WS4 nut INN lit rr all SI To amount of OnpUaat Bv asoaeratlonl Ami, paid KphralU Wetter. Treenrer' " eamnal atettiier, Trenturar lar l Val. ds Townahlp aiphrnlm Waller Treasurer and Col' leowr ror aoit, IR. To oath 8amnal kteuner, former Traaaarar To ami, of Duplicate for IDT eaah JoaaUta saa'tere of LMnaatuaa toaaablD To Mb Joba Mvha Ool. for 1ST Uaoraa w. arao wart ital. on aid Oabool Uoaa.. To buieapyroi'NeUdn UaVSt B Andttors Paaa isif M lluaMalliiM Treasurer S data mailing U BfOirahs Waile aaallac Coal hot u Peroaal allowed tas-aniar for bill Mr coal Mrs sal. al arder paM Taaakert as. M Traaaurer'a pereentas lev pay tug J' adliora Paaa av kai,daToaaabh ttatiti fete rvt bv John atolin rtJ ' " tkpawaaaa waawt wi, ' Taaal W. ml tk iadltara a fMalr tewuakia. wm, iwaertn aaaiwrt at aiwaitw lowaaarp, tlaa mat this 4th Sat af Jnaa Ml, bade. itaai tbe foraaetng Masairoi SaaiSMlnS thsm Sj) SjCJs4rMii -j atwaaai taa W m natiati sat aaie eta sap at jnaa eali eetieet st fl. W. 8HtfWE9. lW 101.3 I11U liw ,.ia." vw. .in,' 111V .I072 07i . 2 st wl vl . 34lJ Vi ,l 130 X . u it Farmers t Farmers . . Farmers ! The Champion The Champion The Champion Reaper & Mower, Reaper & Mower, Reaper & Mower, At The Centennial. At The Centennial. At The Centennial Tha UhambMt rareltad fire Plrat frMotam MedaU, aiihatanllalHI bt an award of Five tt lilomAa fur tha Anrat atltlhltloB tn tha hall, and roeofoisod aiarll In tba Urret Nation. i Plal.l Trial held aadrr I Ha enaplrte of Ih (irntannlal Etpoaliloa. Oa thia nrraalno tha Cliamvlon rr- ciHlml lb aatealahlnalr Msbl draft of Out Han. drad aud tblrtrma poonita, aavar before edaal lea 01 enp otbr stowias sitcuius. qoii NO BIDB DRAFT OK IIRAVT WRIOHT. NO BIDS DRAFT OR I1BAVY WE1QIIT. Iioj 8TJFEBI01UTT OF THE CII Alt' PI 01. ROII The aadonhta iollnot f Ih (fhamaloB ovar all olhat marhlnaa, la la th material, work maaahip. almpllritp aad darabilitr of ooaatra. Hue, l.ihtna of Irn, ooareul,iue ot head, lint. Ilnrabillip of mar bin, aad finally a am. rhlua that barraataall crop ralad br e farnMr aaerMfiillp. II will riii lodi(d aad Una lad Oral. Hard aad Flat tan be toacttafel- Ip barraatod with tele mathlua. la a fcw mlaalae th Raaalaa Attauhmtnt oaa b raraod and Ike maohiu aud read fur th meedow, Alt we atk It to sit Iht Champion t fair trial. ead If II do not glvntlrn eatiafallou lo v- rjr partlcniar, wa do not aan poa to bup. Per fur (bar particular call oa ar addrraa, ARBOGAST A SMITH. Holtuagrova or Mlddlabarn, Pa., Hap St,TT. AfaoU for apdrr eoantp. OSWEGO STARCH and MOT EOOXUMIOAL In the World. it parfantlp VVU.-free from aoMa and other fnraa loiwuo.xx that Injere l.lncn. Is MTKONUKR man eat ether rtinlrlnc merh l laaatlty In ln UrNIKDHX-ttlUaaaaod noUkea work si wept Ibttame. Kingtford'f Otwega Com Starch It the moat dellolouaof all preparatlooa lor Pudding' Blano-Minge, Cake, Etc. Junes, TT. em. PENNSYLVANIA R. R. Tratnt leare Ialatown Junotlnn at folluwa MAIN LlNE-Wt-irWABK. PttttlmrKh Kxprea 1 00 a. m. paotflo l.apraa e 7a a m Wat faateuger 10 tt a. m "H 4 on p. m. FaalUno ISp.n. EASTWARD. r Philadelphia Kipreae lima m. I'anino r.ipra In on a. m. Johaatuan taprtte II m a.m. Mail 4 Hi p.m. Atlantic Ciireat I It p. m Th Paat Linn. WapVutanrorand the Paelf. la Piprutwaat, aad tbe Paoloo aad Allaatle EiprM eaat ran deilp. Wot tramt leare ateileee In Alimin eoaotr al lollona : wrarwAan. aaT-an, a. m. p. to. lis hi 10 ai in 10 44 ttl lull tiw 10 1 01 10 IS 4 U IV 10 4 47 p.m. (Vrantine 10 M Aaderton't loir iMnpttllow II oi M' aplown II 14 Manaiunk II pi Vliayanl ll) N. Hamilton 11 40 lot 4 10 4 IS 4 V 4 ST ill 411 The PaelAo PJtnreaa wat aa bo flaisod at McVepinaoet S43 a. m. aad tbe AiUnila JSx prtt el at -it p. m. LEWIST0W5 DIVISION. St'SBt'MV a LKWIHTOM'H Hall. KlIAD. I.eva F.AHTtraao, NTATIUNS. Mall. Aooom. UIU'i J7 II a.iu. I 4A p.oj. IiwlaUli 1 31 S oa MalllaodFTU tti Palalvt V 41 t II ShludalP.Tbi 14 Wuua, r.TU in MCIr t on t II waarwaHli. Mltrd Mail inua,ni. t'juiui It 2 114 lo or it 4 U IS sol a aft ill S u T0 T M T7 i iu u IU0 4 II 4 44 4 19 4 J 4 II 4 or 4 00 14 1 40 tn ta in i ti lo 10 H'a ill lit r. t It pjt STf Adaiuahura1 1 17 axa'arbi'n t M Banff r. in Mlddleli'rsl MaUw F. ttl Kramrr P. 0 1 Pawlin F. ti 8llnan,r as 8. U. Jun. 4 aaburp is OS 1 to 40 Hi 4 ail 44 4 47 IM II sat E. B. TATIaOa.aspertntttiaaat. A DMINI8TRATORS'NOTICE. XVlattart ofadatlalttratlan on tb Stuttof Jeeob Orate, bb of tkanaer towaablp, tSay . u . BU n.,iD aeon arant edte lb nadereiMaed, all pertoat kaowluar tbamaelret ladtbtad U aald estate arererieeat.4 to aaka Imatatlat panaal, while tboa bat. sajairr"1 ---.T..i.tut. TJA vID OROHS, Admlaltlrnters. Ayer'o Sarsaparilla f Tcr Scrofula, and all sroiuiousuiseases,rya tipclas, ltoso or SU An thony's Flra, Kniption and Eruptlva diseasaa of the skin, Ulceration of the IJvpr, Stomach, n.ioneys, jv,ungs, rinr plos, l'uttules, Bolls, blotches. Tumors, Tet ter, bait Hheurui Scald itcau, jtingwonn, uicersi sores, jmoumtuiMii, nenraiirin, i'ain m tne Bones, Side and Head, Kemalo Weak faess, Sterility, Lencorrhrca. arixin from internal ulceration, and uterine Aiseaso, Syphilitlo and Mercurial dis eases, lropy, Dyspepsiai macia Uou, General Debility, aud for l'uri tyin the Blood. This SaraaiMurilla is a combinat Ion ol Dock with the Iodide of rotassium and Iron, aud 1 th tnost efficacious medicine yet known for tbe diseases it 1 Intended to euro. Its lngredienu are to skilfully combined that tho full aJterativej eltoct of each 1 assured, and whilej it is so mild aa to be haruiloss evsa' 10 children, It 1 still to effectual aa o puqre out from the sviteni those impurities and corruptions wbiclt develop into luathsoiue disease. The reputatioo it enioys is derived from It cures, and th eooodeaee which prominent physicians all ovsi tha eouatry repose lo It prom their experience Of ha napfulaess. CerUtJcaiea fttteetlna; iU virtu) ttave aicvumulated, aad are) oav tantiy beiug received, aad as many of these ease ar publicly koowo. they furnish convincing tvkUnc oi th superiority of that faraaparilU over every other ait rati v atediciR. tSo geuenuly 1 it Mtpertority to any Other niedicloe koown that w need do no more than to aaaur the public that the bast flualitle tt tW ever ponsesaed ar atrktly mai)tiiktdi Mf4ktt Mt Or. I. C. AYt 4 CO., IomK, Itntw HRGSFOIID'S If Yon Wish to Know Which is tho -r n ! Why Call. See Hear I: J PI u a o 9 Home" and you will no lontrer doubt. rwse Organs Juive stowl the ti nt for years and aliOays $ave entire satisfaction, whilst ut tiers proved defective in many in at antes, Ollflr A "MS Th "Street Ilmne" Ofy,. hat taken tht iWe of vrXwV"XXA.lkJ. allvtftee Vryan$, whertoer irttrO(tw:et. f)P(l A "JG t) "of be tlefeiDed hy ,t:eni aiut rt,Ucri. Fvr v,'v" KJ they arc tare to hare tt i-try laryt profit. ("Y.rii "MCI fitly direct frmt. the. Manufacturer and you trill w ,tttd pri,'e only ubotU tht tamejiaurt a uinttti can otiy titmut. ATit a "vrn " " tie, trtll be fir, Very lot ratet. OftO A VS Term' C,uh or . . 10. 12. 18 month VAtvuxixJ, credit teith yrictt oj only one yrojit. WALNUT LUMBER TAKEN IN PAYMENT FOR ORGANS Also, Orfau mado to order in any atyle of Cano. Call or nond for Prinea, Terroa, Ac of difWcnt Btyloa. Nono are genuiuo except they Lear the Dame "Sweet Home" in fnll Address n si-,- 'VEET IIOM15 ORGAN CO., Deo.14, 70. Iknvcr Sprint,', Snyder county, la HEAD ! HEAD ! READ!!! Dun'l Ilarki'iiluira Heaver Springe, 1 'en rut. Icalcr in hardware, Tinware Stoves &c Also SroiTINO tlonc nt slinrt notice, (in rcnnonnblo term and eiUiafactory manner. tftT I am fully prep.iriMl li fur nish all kiiitl.i tif "lliinlwiire, Tinware, SUives, Ac. nt ttie verv lowest rittc. X.AII in need of Tin, are or hnwl ittfx or anvtliing c!n in my lino uf lm sii.ess, nil I nut regret it ly cxnincniiic: my giMiils mid terms heforc jHirelniaing elsewhere. DANIEL HACKENBURG. An?. 10. 70. l'Zmt ublinlioa l-4(in. American and Foreign Patent. UH'MOHK art), SucwKnr In tlHirifAS, llnaata k tlo., Miillrltnra. Palnil. p-nrnr.t III all rnuntrlr-l. X fia 111 arivartre, Nu rliartfn nnlaaath palaal la treotait. No fra fur maliiK to prainniiierr iauiinaiiint. ne aiMiiinnai faaafar nliUtotne ainl ntlni'llia a rtiarinir. Hperlal atlitnllun irlven to !otrfrap Oaaa In. htrm thn l atent orBoa, tiuull ul bafir u,o (ra... Inrrlhii-mnit Mull, lo iliH"rul Hiatal, an J all lltiKatlun apiKrlaloma; lo lavrutlma or fai. ala. KkuS niaup to Ullmjr a Uv., fur paaipb. 14 wf till pe. Old Bounty Land Warrants. Tha leal Report nftba UmnniUainnar of tha naaaral LanA Ufllo tnow 117,1110 aorae of Hoonlp LaoS Warrant oatatandltm. Tbaa wrr laanad r act of I ait an prior act. OIL. MilHCkilU. pat raab for Uwat. SaM bp roe latoreS latter. Wnar AaalKanxata ara linpor faot wf It lntruetkine lo par tact tka. United State General Land Office'. (Joetaatad Lead Ota.- iraavnM before tk t'allJrIUIalaarl LaM4 Ufltoe an 4 lierart maol of law Jutarliir. Patrala (Maliaa. niialas a?4 pra-atnptioa Clatiua aail douela4 Cseee tttendwl ta Arrear of Pay and Bonnty. Onliwre, enldlara, ea tellortofltMlale wr; er their balr. ar la auap caae aatlUad lo mooap ftoattk liotarumanl of wklek tbep bar ao kaowladc. Writ full blatorp of tartlca.aad ataieaaioeuit of par aa Niaalp rarrlreS. fcn kawa'Suip loUllBiora a Co.,aa4a full rplr,af lar aaaaalaatlea, will be siren pun tree. Pension. All eltrora, Snlul.rt, aad teliore oaad4. raplonm, ot laJoraS la th lata war, tUtuti, can eblala s pauiloa bp atdrttalu Ui. (iaaa BtoaaBnlarl hw fallrarlra M Crf. tiafriM h. aiiram Uuarl af lb l aitad HUM. the Uoarl of Claliut aad tka CUIbm Oomiolaalnn, Sauk dpartraol of oar baaiuaa la ooarluctad In a aaoaral barrao. uadr. ih ihimui ih tdne tlpar laocM parllaa niulurid bp in ukt Ifnu. rrompl allvelloo to all bnaiaaat rntriaatMl Uiolloior a Co. la that MCured. w dtalr to win laccaaa bp daaer.lus It. Address 6ILM0EE k 00; VMhlngton, V. C. ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICK.- IrflUfaeradmlhUtratloS oa tkttatal lalM Oainbarllna lata ofraaa tna.ihl. M.M katioe baao araataa lo the niuUraifO.d, all rr aonaknowlna tbaraaeltei Indebtad toeald aetata rraiueMdlomaklalmediUppraai while taote karlaa oialau will praaaul tula dslr watea lureetueaaeut to , UIMBT KtlVKB, I, TT pd. adialalauator. Asf3ltrnee Noticei l LL person in Urea ted are haro L bp notlded that William Halna of t'kan. aa towaaklp, Nor.Itr eoaatr. aa ant of all kit eOeate, ratal aou peraoaal to Tbe aailerlnd for tha beaeAt of hi ermlltor. All ptraoat bt. Ian rlaliaa afk ranuaatMl to ura. al tbeiu to th aadaraiyaed, and prrtona la- w.www ww ya a. aaioiauia.1 uagiuaot. apvlt 11, TT, Aaalaaee. ADUINiSTitATOR'S NOTICE. tiOttert of adalaUlralton oa the ealale ot Petef abremer, dwod. laieof Adauit tap., sup dr Uoaatp, Paaan katlBp; bolu granted W ike aadaralaaad, all paraooa kaonlai iheaa taltat Indebted to aald ettaia are raquvatad lo aaakelaiaaadiave pnaaiaal, wktl tkoae kavli'a lelni will pratsal Ueaa Salt aathaaUaated lor tatllaniaal I fcti b tfUKLr PUKM, Ata It, Itn.pd. AdatlaiArator. F. YAN ilUSKIRK, SUKQlCAli MBCflASICAt Ct.NTlST Sfslinsrovs, Peno'a. A DMINISTRATOR 3 NOTICE. JTl. LMMrt of adnifabllr.lioa oa ikteetateoY Leal Wiener, let of talon Wwaaklo. taiJar aiaaw.ri rmt oae n aavo twaa araaaaa .- M.-iA - . . . Fl . . . . aawaa-iaaaai ail pvreuas saowrag atwakted le tM oaiate will aij Il ahak ha. para. I a III touae aa.laai elalaae aiahaat Said ealale) will ptwaaal tAaiH Ibr Seiue aral ia sUMAM O'MIIU. Jane r, nt, pd. . AdaalaitUaAetv N'otin Alt pm siad MOTllS to LaX Ue aetata ef Soroaaaa BuWnrSos dwttt. are kreat aouaad that ikaaaaa iul ta paid aa ai kaftin Ukt ist 4 u .( IS. I. al. a. - Best M a i ii i ill 1 1 i s : s wm i and Examine the "Sweet 11A ... A promptly done In tht verv bert manner ut or two years A dministralor t Notice -Letters ol X Va.lmlnl.lratl n on the e.late of famual MmllU. Inte of M I. M labor ll.irooah. Sny lar niunip, Pa., ileoM. ha. a iitea vranta.1 tn th nndar-Unnl. All Inolna thania.lrt. Imleiitod to ald ttni will pi. mak. I mm, dial. .aym.nt lills tim.e hatlnic Claim, aaaln.t taul tliatt will r'nt lor ttl. n"pl to J. II. it At it t , x. M1 IT, l?r. Adialol.tratur. NEW HARDWARE STORE, Middleburg, Penn'a. Tha nn.ltralirntil would Inrorm th-tilrn of Vtilillai.nric and .urr lun'llne ill.trl.t that he haa npanoil a llr.aro ntor at thn ebrtre mantlnna.l plaaeajt tnat tie will liaa,, a full Ilua of all kind ol Hardware. Inoladlog llrary it Shell llnrdtvare, TRIMMIN'ftS, RAPDLEnV, Hhoo SA vptcial IO'luomienlB In BUHDIG HARDWARE LOCKS, HlNOKd, BCRKW3, NAIL8, ie. A Large Ataorlment of Cstl Steel fbov. elt A H.eJes, Does, Garden Tools, scbjlbes Grain Hsket, liar Ropes, Pallrji, 40., IIlOiX. OF ALL EINtlfl cootlantly on banl, All st Greatly KcluceJ Priree. All who are ia naed nf any kin4 of Hardware will do well by calling at thia place. MALANTIIOS MOATZ, Middltburs, Bovder Co., l's. May 25, 1870. PRIVATE SALE OF VALUAI1LE PROPERTY. THE nodsrilgneil will tell hit late teel dtnee eiluaioon Mala Mlreet, tbe Bor. onfb ef Mldilehttr, Snyder County, Pa This is a dellrsble properly and waa for. merly known as lbs BAOLB HOTEL. Tbe intprottmsnts eooiprlie a LARGE IM7U BLE FRAME UofaR. "UMMBIt nOUSB. LARGE SHEW, tCB HOU8B. and other otnboildine,. An eteelltnt well of water al Iks door. It is suitable for a prltsts dwelling or a Hotel, aad luosttd nesr ths sentrc of bueineee. Ttrmt easy snd reetoeabU. tot furth er narticulars call oa or address i.m. OSfftO. wnlsontdwn, 5mli'd Co., Pa. Aoj.3i. lMtl. 8 EtDHo. toO F. How.Lt A Co , IVaw fork Ifof Paraphlt of Ion nan aint.uin ii.,. .., Jam aewapapera, aadaatirjiatea tbnwlag coat of advartlalnMr. M . . Mar. 1, 14-1 j. JOUN Ki UUOUES, Esq., Justice or the peace, Peno fvrp., Snyder Co. Ps OAUTtON "VfOTIOl'l u burebv Riverl Dial the X r.llowlnir artlolaj have been paehae el br th andtralif aad .tt:ona.iiiai.ti. 111 In the poaaualou of Aaaa.tu A. Kilo uuimc an aii percuoj ar eautluiied not to laiyrlar or meddle with .aroa. tit i 1 tlooklug Mo and flxturoa, Mis L'kalrt. I Roctloa njalr. Hatter churn, woo.! ckaat elock.lthk. bureau. I!urnr Hunl.uLr.1. 9 u.i. and UvUdlos, krio eoal Slot aad pip. .h Boiler. auuUbtttiar. It tarda ant. ah.,1 w kink, vital aaala Uairal k vluagar, t plat. Iron Ktiue, Square. adamitp , Map jp, u. N CAUTION. OTICE 1 bnreby en that tbe following article hat been parohunl bt theaaderalaaedat AhIrd' ttale and left lb tae poaeaatioa of loo. than Uoweraot darlaa bit tlaaanra. All pereuaa are eaailoned nol to la. iriereor nadille Wilaihaaauie, tit: t Horeal tad U.rneaa. 4 head Horn t attle, a hoe Watun boa, t aiprlB) Waaoat, wood Alad, Hat lad Oar. and Porta, lot of Board, Kaoalna Kill. Orlad atoat, Khlnala Mohln, Shoatt. urala Kra.ll. Harrow t 8haa Milna, Bukt tonxue. Mlkaggr Uaruata S rnltlvaturt. . .. .. rBltailts; II A &M Alt Apr, t. n. Ditftiution of Partnership. "TiTOTlCE ia hereby iivert thai tli X V eop.rtacr.hlp karaaofur allaUce naderlb. uaaw, at, I awl tin of ewlMk A hi oa back, ta Ih aiaroaiitil'i baamnaa, haa thl. dap bwaa die ol.Od bp manial All who are labi. .J allb.r br book aoouani, or bf aow, or all w!h hat tlainia ajialaal aaid Sraa will plaaa nana tatHanwalaiibooldalAjrwiib 1. 1. afuaibae., la wboaekAade All AoMaatt bAte beea pUuad for AdAai.bars, f. April IS, lilj. Arjdiataeta iVotloet ALL prona intrteI ara (ierw tn aaiMwo) Uat UAT1U K. aalLBl. 4 to lb nadattla'aSil M tbe prae ol aVaTaoT. iota, aa perao aa.taaj ewyaae. ate twaat.i.J ises. nndsif-aje aad pat- a laaesied n 01 plena avake h. HaU pat ui. aw i I i f.u wllLliir' FAIBMOUNT HOIISR. It U AH THE DEPOTt IMfltll:1ttru't Pat lllVIN SMITH, 1'aoppiEToa. Tble boms I In olots aretrenliylo )hf depot nnil hat lately hern rebuilt and rc Atled. Rotimt oommoiliout llit lahlwi luppllrd wllb lbs hrtt tfe ntsvkM tforda anil terms mrxlerate. Hs slso keeps a flrsl cleat lltery, where hcraea, bujtgiat Ac, safl be bn. at nil sJ at rtsloaaUU rate. apvt'f'TT. PatHhy ifc Cot Adocrtitemtntt tlot Mriraln. In Atnarlia PI f)fll P, Manrha, Map! tod tataluan frea.I A 11 HI U ltr, IraL Jew jlari ahaat (nnalr; ratalll tW SI. ri, tnt fnr 0 iwnila Snd ilanap. ilnaap Atuala U.a Iddlaborro, MsaS. ' ?.5 r t r Amiti. ari.aew .iri-, wtm aawia lita. W..a. ki.l I u tlitj...... iVaaaau, PI. T. VEGl If BlsnllU 4 tap u . aa . a a l7l n-- ariwaij jnj, a ,t noli, II, M tt ntnrsial fU tt .a. aa . IbfttvAl rx-iT.M ly iu nm, mi mm fnttn ttOftlnlisil knntATtnltn .. isu l..... - U- . " " ? " w tt'ttjee c'lrnpsi v.iiivr'nr m.,-i,m,H fthu.-M mlniett.i4l t rn nnm h)nPtl liid - V at., mt . ,. iFvMiaiiir-un miisj T NVMal litt lbotioiuinui whtrh it toimrwl Mrnm. a I it , 1 V "7 tVaVUM "JieUIXl. aeXjftUiU- W't v r ill Tbrlliln i miUna mri POI IT I I SOoa A t alt WawtaH tor the CROSS ami. TiiH CRESCENT Hr Ilia .nln. ni l. A. ..... ,t .. ..... . MM,"J Pltlml. tU'l rr'llailana imi-ii- -'i" n'""i i m. miaiana auj rur.a ; ran of Ilia war, nila-Mjr tn'araaia al at... : 11. oerai.M.a o Knl.ra,t. Hleklp (llHataat f "r tarnia! iiulrklr. H t II H A It II UK! la.. I'ub... txl rjaaauu ruila." a. m. r. t rtiiiAi,Miii4" WATER WHI.EL la darlarad th "STAXIIAHI1 TUBntlVK,' hjr nr.rnM tirranna wli i u.a If. 1'rina rI.K. Naw faiupulet, free. N. i Mt'KMIAM. Tori, I P"pr euilnna lora l.ttor, I .l. coiuh. . f it . 1 nuta i...niM. .. . . . . t . . ail M. and atSiup. Vau Oar J Uo., alia- dloooro, M Attention allT OKEATrlANKRrPT8At.KOK.tKWEf.KYl ill'.' "'" "HI toiidtir mail. POtlpalil ell of Ih r.lipwiua;pM..a of .airr. r-. ' ' im-.i r.nurava. ni.ara rlUI. oi.a ( ,H IVnt Shirt nfirta, I IV.IIar Ti 1 W'ddiini Hmn.lHilt Hlat. 1. .!?'" -" !ral-.rffln. W, fin-r ihra aaiii b.rualn tn-iralrto diawaft.n lino 11 our bu.ln.a., .. . h, , ,,, , "at.loUr," '""""rst low prn.a. Sand for ''"LB to., jll Iiro,tajr, ft, Tork Cllfj DfiniT S" '''i- n,.v ' rnp 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ro'ioirm 10 .fart renraaMtia; AUUaAr HIHX TWAIN N K W "I'itP HIMIK Applf. wltN, 'Kux;..w.,!r c a xa i-. ns Uv Kaat Klshtb St., Ne York. GLENN'S SULPHUR SOAP. Thorough!? Turei iriaraiei of tbo Skin, BrAuiiurt tbe CoinpleXion, prevents an I remcdiea Rlieumaiiain enj Gout, heal Sorrt and Ahra.iona of lbs Cuticle sot Counteracts Contagion. BOLD liV ALL IiRl'GOItTi, Prioet fentt per Cako ; Box (3 cakes 1 To Penis. ' N. H.-Seot by Mail, Tret sM, on re, relot of Prir. C. N. ritlTTtNTON, Prop r 7 tfiXtU At- .but, n. 1 AGENTS '".""'."' ni.rlia of th. r . , , , 'l"tratad Waally. bafor.d. ii'iuitnjng npnti pour ..rk for tlna fall aud ln t.r. l, 0 for Thia aea-ui aurpaaart jiirTlun iitr.nir. ro erri-mpto.!. Term. ',?,'Sn ni'Pl'terl A l Ir.a., cllAS. CLU CAH u to., 1, Warr.u KT. N. Y. TKIFLIVU WHH A CJOLD I ALWATS UANUtKOlat Wells' Carbolic Tablets Aaura r.n.dr f"r tJonijIia, and all rliwaiMnftb Throat, Lurju., tua.tand Uncut Minibraot. Vnt Vp Out j In Kur lioxt. SOLI) MY ALL URfOOlSTS. C. N. CRITTli?fTUX, TSIitb Ar.oaa. I. . AUlVillO mis, boautllulip fr.niad ui. o, man ior ei. bell at tight. .Nat. Urnau o Co., Philadelphia. Blue and Red Light. LiFE A5D HEALTH WITUOOT DRDG8. tlr. aaanatia m.i ma.i. u . . Aosbt The oalr book pfa.tlrall. irMtma ihla auorblo "opto. Sh'wa bow "5 tpnlf the ti.atmaot. an.i tall, af man aoaeaa. fnlaurti mi.1 by th thl. woadarful me d um. t;ircalra and iwat larma to arlr ap Sat 6L l-hli. Brol'UAK -. ' 1EEAD THIS ! ! A ebaass for all to Matt or late money, snd get the Dest Goods is the market. TEAS, COFFEES, &&. Sold at I" war prteas than the Sam oaalttloa tea be hoekt at anp other koate In lhb ooue trp. All oortl orantl In be tatLfaatorp ead al rprnntel. ar th manor will be rtl fueded on return of the aooda, which map be) don at oureipaaaa. . Tbe reputauba of oar hdntefnr .iflllne t.n- inl eoudi at Ixiw frlft. (fir ptarar, haa keaptrt In tn Interior, at the lnweat Whole aala Tra.le Prloea, when a Club U lurmad larif nouah to taakt a email Th o,Mla of tack tnwara rof ih elab will ba pat ia aepa. rat aad marked with name aal eot,i aa to atold ennfuiloa Indlatrluatlna. ( all! be aanl by r".raa u Oullaet oa U llvrr. All wialnna to v Uioop bt porohat' nil ranilty au.i lla at New Vors fVbriaaio frlceaeaa Ult Iht rnaliar orr a nnnv rrtawAa and aal.hlmrt. and taaS lost for Club i'lrcu lar. Priae-tuti aa. W irt a proMoi of Itherfofila, ur moDy to tb txraon who tatt apueoiBo. ia eouiioaate lor trouble etc Samuloa of TKA k t'Ot Fte aenthy mall, bead tor Prkv-llat, and Club Circular. Stlner's New York A China Tea Cd. M. H. M08ES Si CO., Probrietorn. TT, TP, II, al and tt VtsBY Street, New Tork. 11) leap al korae. Ac tola wanted. OaUII aai $Ui terina ti ee. Tatl'B a UU., Atstin, Ma. LAIliaetrtal (a Imoi oral ait Tarte stti br A. Ik Car. ' panty Of Plamial, Basils: A GREAT 0FFEB ! ! W will Jurist tke Hard Tims fit poteof llkJI'lA.NiW UKOA"i. Bow an J eteun l-kand of tral-slsas makers looliiil. ing Wattra' at liittr prioes fcp caah ar InalalltneniS or to let nntll Paid for than ereraeforo orfare.1. WATKHi' ON.tMU SQUAttM a tl'BlGlIT flAKOtf OH GAMS ilactutliaa tkU Hew Boo,tenlp Boudoir ate ie nr. W AV. 1 Aetats WaaosyiOU. 1i do SI6U ant need tsar. ' Orgsa ran. 4 tloj to T rMnne fao. Siepe Bis. i 1 StoM IV0 saAk. not need a Jear, la fajrfwM s dor and warranted, laical awe Travel I nf AOIJITM WAltTia lUnautUeJ Cains log VaileO. A lioerat ifiaewuai la tench ere. Ministers, Cburebte, tie. 9k ret nJ tic at half fthew. HUHACM WATVM 0Olt Maaafaoiarara Iraalern, M aa taaar. Jl C 10, wiel Mai ii m mtyai eessbs 'if. aaaatan) av .'. it 9i i uua siusti m, na