Middleburg, June 28, 1877, JL.ocn.1 Neww, .Jfcc. All communication, litislncs let tors Ac, for tliin ollicn, to sociiro prompt attention slmiilil li aoMrrssctl us follow: Tub Tokt, Mitltllol.urjr, Bnydor Chunty, Pa. Advpitiscmr-tits, comntinleatiotis Ac. must lo lintidcd in by Monday noon, to sccuro inser tion in next Issue A full lino ofrofrulur mudu liosonl 8. Woiso's Selinnnrovo. J. F. XV. Wo nro sorry to olnlo Hint one of your notice whs too Into fur lust weok's issue. Tlicrfl will lio no pnprr Issued from Miis olHoo next work. J.ib work will liowcvcr be ntlcnded to ns usual. Some persons oflon censure tlio con duct of oilier, wlinu under tlio sumo cin'iitiistaiircs tliey would not have ncted half so well. Some one stNjijPst that tramp MimiUI be employed to catch potato buss. This would he. a pood way to make them enm their hoard. AnAMsnuno. The first, two sessions vftho Fourth of July Exhibition to be linM At AdiimtbnrK will bo free of Charge. Tlio (ilianiro has boon ir.ailu Binco the printing of the posters. Tlio republicans of T'nion County liave nominated Clins. II. f.iMsenplui; fur Prothonotury, Calvin M. Hayes for County Surveyor and 1 1 'in. 11. Half penny for Coroner. Tbs clergymen of ChsmWsburg have reeotved to oppose Sunday funerals. Why not st tba turn tlmt oppose Sunday wed dings also t 1'erhaps thore Is a good deal mora In a wedding than in a funeral. Funerals generally don't pay well. lliisl lisis is business, sure, dona Id Chambers, burg. To Boil Ptflton.Lnl tho potatoes lie of a si.e; do not put them into tho pot until the water boils ; when douo, pour oil' the water and remove tho cover until tho Rleam is romo ; thou scatter in half a teaspoonful of salt and cover tho pot with n towel. By adopting this plan watory potatoes will be mealy. Tlio city council of lliirrislmrg li.is, liy ordinance, forbidden tho salo or firing of tire-crackers and other sub ounces within tho city limits, and the Itoys will havo to forego their usual Fourth of July fun. H'o hopo that our Council will pass an ordinanco of tho puma sort, and enforce, it too. Tho will of the rich man of tho fit. turo will read : "To the rcspoctivo at torneys ot my ciuuiron i pvo my en tire estate and worldly goods of all do Bcription. Personally to tho tho child ton, and to my beloved wife), I pivo all that remains." This instrument will satisfy the familv-aud suvc tho trouble of proving the old man insano. Kc, A Pip': Oram will be li'dicili-i at th Jiow'i Church next Sundav, July the llrst, at L'l o'clock in tho afternoon. The Itev. E. I. Wolf 1). D. of (lot tysimrfc, will preach tho dedication Kermoti in A'lifrliuli anil tho Frcolmrj; Choir will furnish somo choice music to enliven tho occiuion. All aro iuvi tod to ttttoiul. Ooon Advice. Thero never was bet tor advice given to any man than the following taken from ono of our ex rliances : "Oct up early every morn Jug young man just as the sun darls bis first rays up the eastern hori.ou (sharpen your wits, and perhaps in the course of a dozen years you ean tell at h glance what a horse, will weigh, or how much wheal it requires to innko a barrel of Hour, Without first putting each on a pair of scales. Il lakes time to acquire such knowledge, A man can't inherit sharpness ho must re ceive it at tho grindstone of experi ence." Tub FitiR Ciuokkr Nuisance. In many places lawn lnwo boon jiassed tiroliibitinc tlio uso of firo crackers. They are dangerous, ns wolf ns a nni eanco and should bo abntutl. Tlio (Jor luantown Tiilrgraph etatos that "Bta tistics show that (f urine the past twelve years about fl,600,lKX) worth of firo crackers have bton importocl into this country, and the lost by only two con lbiKralions, known to havo originated with those dniiRorous articles, amount cd to over (15,iK)0,tXX1. It is boliovod that every dollar's worth of Hicbo ex plosives imported occimioiis $100 worth of damages. An Mohsngs expresses oar likes and dislikes to a Jot, si follows ; "W like lo sss s man refuse to take bis looal paper, and sit the lime sponge on bis neighbor for Ibe reading of it. We like lo bears nan eomplaln, when we ask htm to sub oribs for bis borne paper, that be lakes mors pipers than be reads now, and then f;o around borrowing bis neighbor's, or oaf about nntil be has gathered all Ibe news from it. We like to see a mcohanio or merobant refuse to advertise in bis borne paper, and then try to get a share of lbs trade whioh lbs newspaper brings io town. Out, above all, ws like lo see one of our, rich, misorly men, who can not pay f 1.60 a year for bis loesl paper, always manage lo be around in lime to read the paper at Ihs sXpense of a friend not worth a temb part of what be him self is. It looks so eooootnioal, .thrifty and progressive.' A 8vrarT,KR Exposed. For somo weeks past, vague rumors have boon circulated in this community regard ing a nefarious swindle that was boing purpotratod. Those rumors have now lusuniod somo positive shape and will no doubt as the details and facU be come known make a decided sensation In this county. It appears that a num ber of persons have been quiotly in formed that an over issue of money liad been made by persons connected wttn lue Treasury department at Wusli Ington, and that the aid of discroot persons, was nocded to got it -into cir culation. They wero told that by in vesting flOO, or any largor amount they would recolve double, tho amount In this fraudulent Issue. The money was naid to a confederate at H arris- liurg, and the pack ago purporting to te ilia stolen monoy was placed in tue hands of the viotim. This whon open ed was found to contain old paper cut in the shape of bills, or some othor equally worthless stuff. We have a list of on lie a number of persons, some resident in this county, and some Juniata who were willing to share in the stolen money, but we withhold the names for the present, until the matter can bo further investigated, and till the list is more complete, Among the . names wo notice many who stood high in tue estimation or mo people, ana Taooi tbs Cattis. Th Lewiitown Oatfttt bs an Item of Interest lo all nth ermen and lovers offish. It says, "the number of dead fith In t be river, moitly cetfiab, ti asulijeol of general remark, and various cauee are assigned for it: We had been under the impression that It was caused by deleterious matter (tolling Into the water or drugging, but an exami nation of one taken from Hie water while yet struggling for life, showed a promi nent spot on tus lower side wiilcn looked like the fatal sting of an Insect or (be re sult of some disease, and wo are Informed that the sime thing has been noticed by others. The blotch looked eXacily like the poisoned circlo of a wasp or a bee's sling on the human skin. For the present or until tlio right cau.f Is sscsrtal ned, we would sdslse all persons to abstain ironi eating catfish." ftTuflront bargains in A lnncn, Cali cos A iViiNlins nt S. U'cis's Hclinsjjrove. TuY Tilts. The fallowing seasona ble receipt is niv of application, am) wo are saticllcd tlmt u properly tisoil it will do pood try it : lo tlealroy liiu nn sqttnsii and ru riiimber vines, dissolve) a teaspoonful of saltpeter in a pailful of water, put one pint of this around rni'h bill, shap ing the earth so that, it will not spread much, and then tho thing is done. I'so moresaltpetrc if vou can all'ord it it it good for vegetable but dentil to ani mal hie. 1 he hugs burrow in the rititli ftl night and fail to rise in the morning. Ills also good to Kill the grub in peach trees only tiso twice as much, say a quart to each tree, there was not a yellow or blistered lenr on twelve or fifteen trees to which it was applied last season. No danger of killing nnv vegetable with it -a concentrated solu tion applied to beans makes them grow wonderfully. Ooasirriso. -It is almo-t Impossible to calculate the amount of injury done tho character and reputation of the ninil fliserent tinrsons bv tho trilliuc. senseless gossip engaged in by thought- ess individuals lliougnniii me com- mtiuitv. The sliifhtest rumor is sei.ed upon and enlarged upon and then scat tered broadcast to travel through the community receiving additions nt ev ery point iintil the purest aro made lo appear the vilest, and they are injur ed in reputation, business, and in so cial circles to such an extent thai it is dillieultto recover themselves, if the gossipy individuals in a community you'll for a moment rellect what in pistieo they do by their unguarded words, they would consider long ie foro they gave vent to their thoughts. For frequently "tho wisli is lallicr lo tho thought." 5yfreat bargains in Sun Umbrel las and Parasol:?, at .S. Weis's Solins grove. SwEKT-PoTATolliro.-Another pest has just Hindu its appearance in the agricul tural world, and U proper cilorls are not made to check its advance, tho raiser of sweet potatoes will find his hands full in the endeavor to protect that plant from its ravages. I,al I'ri dav, Mr. Uenjainin .fohnson re-'nling at Wishtown, brought to this ollice for our inspection about a dozen speci mens of this new pest. They are a little larger than tho well known lady bug, and resembles it soine-what in ap pearance, but, wo were informed by .Mr. Johnston, that when in a bcalty condition and on the stock, the shell, or sheath of tho wings, has a bright yellow appearance resembling gold iiroiir.o, 'lhe sheath is elul'L from from to rear, the two parts being joined at tho shoulders. Our informant also re marked that this bug does not molest the common potato. l'ublio Opinion, Jane i'Mh. r5-Whito anil plaid dress goods in grout variety nt S. H'eixc's SeliiiHgrove. Prices lower than tho lowest. A It.u.o PwisDi.sn. bsl week, a rougli ctiHrnoter, well known nliout town, pnn- oelvi'd one of I lie niuxt niid.imous swindles yet on record. Htnrling for llio country, he reported that a young tiny, residing lit Ilmleton, wlioliad a preil tiumlier of frinnds in Iho rural diniicts, was dea l- from llio i ffocls of a railroad aecidonl, by which tinlli legs were cut off and Hint lie was commissioned lo collect a sum siifli oient to tmry him. Ily means of this art. leal story, lio suceoeded in soounnover filly dollars, promising Unit It should be paid back when Iho railroad company paid "I lie damages," At one place, the residence of the hoy's aunt, he told lhe story to palhclionliy that, the old lady fmntcd, and lor two hours laid In a stu por, fours being entertained that she would mo. As soon as fie nn I eoiiuici up a dolliir or two from llio house ho left in high haste for parts unknown. A pitiable or more ooiitempitnble swindle it has not been our lot lo record. Bo completely did bo succeed in deoeiring bis rural dupes Ibat many of them ma, lo preparations to attend the funeral. The futlow is know under the mime of 12d. Itolmer, and should be, and will be nabbed bj the oUiaori Hazleton Stntintl. Fraud. Iiinoranne ami Sitirrtilion. Within tho last two weeks a Gorman tramp camo to tho house of Peter Helm, first tarm auovo mo imago nl the hend of town. Ho succeeded in persuading Mr. Helm, who also is a German, that somo ."0,000 had boon buried on his idiul soino-wlicio (luring the Revolutionary war, and that he could (hid it. lie required 1.5 in mon ey andasilver watch. Having no watch of his own, Huh it borrowod ono from a brother-in-law that cost tVW or. o5. Tho tramp wrapped tho watch in a woolen Clolll onu toon it up stairs unit loi'kod it in a chest, cautioned them not to onon tho chest in nino days else thoro might bo sickness and death in the family. Jlolin tlioti Inanetl mm his best coat yet and took him In a buggy to tho dopot. In tho mean tinio Mrs. Ilohn oponod the chest, and instead of tlio watch found a stone In tlio wool on cloth, 'i'ha tramp had made the watch f (." in money, a good coat, and several days board. Such iL'iiorunoo is utterly surprising : but liehnisnno oftlioso men who never reads, and is too poor to lake a pnpor and get posted in those tricks that aro It will bo a matter of interest to all our readers who are dosirous of ndarn- ino- thoir homos, to know that thoro haii been incornorated in Now York a Stock Company with a cash capital of a quarter or a minion oi aouars, tor ine manufacture of l'ianos, which will be sold direct to tho peoplo nt factory nriues. Its namo is the Mkndemsohn I'iano Co., ollloo No. 00 Broadway, Naw York. Thoso l'ianos made ono of the finest displays at the Centennial Exhibition, and were uikiiiioimi rnoommondod for the Diploma of Honor ami JUvilat of in,itrU. This Comnanv aro tho first to do a cronoral business witli the tmrclutttir di red, saving hlin more than one-half tho prioo oliargea uy otnertrM-oicus ma Mrs. Wo would recommond nny of our readers who have any Idea of ever riHi4t -VJ.,. J-rfPftatf-ui... .".-!C Thero Is a great deal of crass rut in Ibis vinc.inity, and if tho weather rv mains favorable, tho bay crop will bo pretty well finished this week. Auctioneer. George H. llackcn- burn, of Middleorerk. P. ()., would an nounce to tho peoplo of Snyder coun ty, thnt ho will cry sales lor real and personal properly, nt short notlco and on tho most reasonablo terms, lie j guarantees satisfaction. Mar.15.77tl. A clean and agreeable RiihMilute tor Sulphur Ointments, and other preav un guent u?ed as remedies for obnoXlou1 skin dlgaes, Is Oletin's Ptilphnr Soap which cures far more rapidly and com pletely and does mil soil llio linen. Hepnl, t riilenlnn s, r.o. 7 tn, at. is. i.ipiis Hair & Whisker l'yo, UnoW or brown, G) CIS. s CTu.Totiv D. liAflt:vnrr,iT, Tailor, resiiectfiilly informs the penpleof Mid dlcbtirg and vicinity that bo m j.rr -pared to do all kinds of work in bis line neat ly, cheaply, according to the, latest -tyle and ' warranted lo lit. fulling .lone lit short notice. Ilnsiurs place, comer iqqmsito thu V. H. .Church, Main Hlieet. Kept. S,7ti.tf. DON'T VOIK I i rr TI I K TK liTI I- Py spec's! re.pie't I will sri "if Mlddlc burg, on MOMUW mi l TI'ESDAV, Jfl.V, Pith and 17th. I will eimo prepsr.-1 to do any work perlaililng tn Penlistry. Filling and treating Natural Teeth A' Speclnlljr. Tlios, desiring my services ivill rluae ct 11 Karly and make en gsgements. Thankful for psl fs?urs a coniiuuanco of lhe lame s.diciled. Iiepeel fully, it. r. VANnrsKiiiK. Pclinsgrotn, P. June -I, ST7, A (ViltlV. A" provionlv ntinonnend we pre-entel sHOblp fll.VKIl MEH- ICAS l.r.VKH WATCH, on the JSth of April, lo our eiil.mier, and Ihossme w drnwn by IAVID rtKII.CIl, Landlord nl Kremonl, Snvder oouu'y. D.ir enterprise having met with sucoo4 we will dispose of ANOTIIKIl WATCH, tho same way. to be drawn without postponement, on the !l(h of June, 177. Any person buying worth of goods, at our loweil prio s, will reeelre one ticket, on a $10 purchase two tickuls, larger amount In prnport Ion . Wi:H (U'PKNIIIMMKtl. How it is Ponw. The ilrd object In life with lhe American people Is lo "get rich"; lbs senon l, how to regain go 1 1 health. The first can bo obtained by en. orgy, honesty mid saving ; tlio secon I, (good heailli) tiy u-ing lliirss s ArncT rt.owsn. phould you be a ilvnondent suf ferer from any of the elTuots of Pyupcpnia, I.irer oinplaint, lnligeaiion, &., sa':h as Siuk llendnohe. Palpitation of the llcirl, Sour flninnch, Habitual Cotiro- ness, 1'ir.nness of the Held, erT')U Prostration, bow Hplrits, .tic , you need not suiter another day. Two d ues of Augnt Flower will relioro you nt once. .Sample Dollies 10 cents. Nebular size 7fi eenls. rosiltelv sold by ud Cr-tl-cla-s Druggists lu the lT. rl, (l.'t.o'M. R. F. Kuukul's ISittor Witio of Iron. Thl.trtile vsluihls ton Is li lieon so tlior. onvlily leMo.l t.y al I el ot ttie e.tinn.itulry ttint II I now ,l.(em-..i r..tt.MtiMif'illn a- tt Tiinti' me. Heine. It em toil llttiu I'lirltio ttm i.l.io.l srrW alvr. lone t Die !u n i' ti. reii'.Vito Itie Mystmn nn.1 prolong It.'o. rlverj-t.-nly fltoul'l h.teo it. Kor Hi., euro of tVetik rtomi.-ti, doner tl itllliy, lr. IU .."tlim. lntw of the si.tmieli, OO'I for nil ei-e. ro'i'ilrln n t )') Tills w Ino lili-lll ! ) tlio mo.t .isr. il.ln An I eltl ole it .sll. i( Iron w ii.o - riiralo orl:is noil.i oxl.le. eouil.lnn.l with fie iirxi o'erveili ol voi!et'ile t.M lci Yellow TenivUn H irs. Do ynu v im r imelM' to stronmiiuu you I lni y ,u want s KO...I niii.tltn I lioy-iii wnnt to in't rid ol uorvousnow t lio you aiii enwfKy I Ho ynn mint to :jl-;i well I lio you wnm t li. ili.l up vuiir oonstltotl m ' jiu y.iu unt to f'ii-1 wult I II. i you Willi I a l.rl'W iiml flofi.n fee'lllf t II roil ilo try KIMiDI.'.s JUilK't OK 1 Kll. I only fk a t'ld of fits vali'sM" tonl-. H-w.iro oi ,-iiti i on',.1 f . Kitntm!' IMtlrtr Wino ol Iron I the only fl'iru in.! eil i-tuil reni eily In I'.o liiio .n worl't rnr t io teritn nent euro ..I liyio.ei'"iu nii'l lirtMlliy nn I im thorn eru a miiniier ol linli .Hon' ollnre.l to tlii i.tih'l woiilil oauti'Mi tecooiTSiinlly to pii'eht-e ii.oi ilut the iteuillno nrtl'il. tniiiuta.Murcil l.y I-:. K. Kiinkel, ami IrivliK M"tuiirji mi Hid cork of eviry holtte. 'I ti vory liiet tlmt others aro iit- tnnipt nir to I m rate tin- vmii inie re-nvuy .pive : it worth nn I 'peaks ro'inmi' In In t ivi'r. .ol.l only In SI lioltl . or 'Is li"ttle lor Try Ihln rnlunhle innillolnn ami ho o ui iriu io i or in mer its, Sold by ilruKKtut) and leloroior ol.oro. "apo Worm Kotnnvoil Alivo. ItVailnnd all fomiilni", In two luinrn. No f o tillltK-ii'l (inirni". Seit, I'i'i, mill Sioiii'-h w oriin r-'iiior,'ii tiy nr. nunii"i aw n inn .-uini m ., Phila.lelnhiii. 1'n. S-n.l for i lri-uhr olili atrn- tlaonall ln, I" i,l Wnrmi, lvi, fr. . A'k your ilruiivilut f ir shittlunf Ku'ik"!'' Worm Syrup, whl. li will Oil thn work. I'rh-o tl.OO. Il novor falln to romovo all kluil'. fr-un I'Ullilri'n or rown p'ruonM. Jiiructlnn-. with It. w wmi i mmmwi iimii imii mmi:i. A I Iho ro'lilones of the hrl ln't in ilhor, J'liio 10, l.loy.I riavlilite r snnhury, and Mi liulln Waters, of Selliisrnvs. Onthe il, tint.. John MsKlrath nfIHnlllo I'a. to Mlm l.vlla t. ltoinin, of West lisa- vor bnydor oounty. ii i:i. In Nellnsnrove, Juno'iJ, MUt Ulars Swarm, In hor SAI y.'ar. ASSIGNEE'S SALE. TITM undorBiernod, Ansisriioo of Pe ter Kllnular. for Ihs henent o f creditors ke. by virtus nl an orilor l.nieil out of the Court of t'limtuon I'leni of Snyder eounty, will epjie 101'uoiio oaie, on ins prsmiava, on Siituritnn, July 2w, 1S77, the followlnif deierllied Ileal t'stntn, lo wit: All that oartaln tuo'iuaue and TWO Iaiva llK KOUNI situate In lhe ton of C'enlrevlllo, Hnyd.r county. I'a., iioumtsil tiy strawberry Alloy, lot ol John Sloln, lot or Uenrus Htain and I'utilio Hoail, euntalulng lis K it A I, r AliItK.more or let, wheruoo la erooted a TWO Hl'UUV J't.ANK I'UA.Ui: HOUsU 0. ALOf All that certain me'uso an I traet of TIM- 1 1 Kit LAND, situate In t.'entre Twp, eoumy aforsaald, bounds I by land nl William Nuuok'i holm, Jaoob Frock, Valontlno Waller ami Honknl Hauiptal. cwntalnlus U AOttK, more or la. All that certain traet of land Pltnate In town - ahlp, county aud alats aforeaalil, Uoiimled by Uuilu of Jaoob Frock, tiimrso Hniiipacl and James 1). J.mrj, cuuUluiug TUIlbli AUUES uioro or luas feu. Nalu to commune al 10 o'clock A.M. of aald day wliou tenua of mile w III no md known by. June !6th, 1877. Aaalsuuo, PUBLIC S ALE7 TIIE unilorBi?nod Etenntors of tho atata of John Iira-o. late of Deeatur towuahlp, Mini In oounty, ilecea'sd, l,l olfar at l'ublio little, al liauuorville, suyUer Oouuty, i'a. on Saturday, July Htb, 1S7T, The following Valuable llt:AI. INSTATE, Til I HOUSE A&'D LOT annate In Mannerellle, Hnydar county, and bounded North by Main Huoot. Muutft by so Alloy, c, ko. tun prupjriy ii tue 8'1'ORE BTANII, sow neenpleil by Andrew II. liuti. It la a l.arifn '1'no MturT Weather. Itoardsd Houae, with a Ursa aud eoo ran lent store It no in, itoiill BlAlile. auo otuar ooo aaaary outbuildlns, A woli ofMCellent wa (Mr nl.. Ilia Huua. 'I lila Is an shims lent Bland, being; In s rich and thickly allied lunulas eotnuiuaitx, sua any purann wbs dealrM sol n In the im-reaatlie busluecs will ttkd tUI a raro opportunity, bala to auoiiuensa at 10 o'oloos . il. of laid day wbaa Uwa atlemlanee .will be sun aui) urm. o. as.. ...a. .bow. sy l(KEEs J l.l). Vi.au. June M. Itrr. Cxecutore Tj. euiTii. ATTORKEt AT I. AW, i--4iID! " Bus Mm of tin Wfflffl. Farmers Farmers Farmers Tho Champion The Champion The Champion Reaper & Mower, Ftcaper & Mower, Reaper & Mower, At Tho Centennial. At At The Tho Centennial. Centennial Th r!ii!"pltin r rlr.l tiv Ylr T'r' riltnn Mi J il-, s'i'i'i t'.tl it"l by mi ip f I'tv.t llHi.n f.T II" M ..t tt.Mitlon ti llin i.tll. Ami f.r iL"i-rI fi-ri( D th OhmI N ili.-n I Ti l 1 I'lltl llt'l-1 lllll!' r 111' U('lltt 'f ttl r.'tit''Tllllrtl KM'"eitl"ti. (it Mi If c tln th- rtiMti)'lti r .or J tl llio Kl'M.ttitriMjr 1 u' Ut .Ir ifl ir Hi" 11 " -Irr. I kil l I.tlrtj-OM. I" Ijc Vif tiuf r f J a I- .! I) ny s (In r Mwlt .Mm litne. no sttn miavt on in: vy NO lIliK Mi A FT OH HKAVY wr.rr.iiT. w Kiuiir. SLTEKIOBITy or THE CIIAliriOM. i:o.: The nmlmilitM rt r1l.-nf of (h IM'mrtnn nvtT nil ullr tnvhlrir, N In th tntrrltl, w..rlt-inon-tiin. ii tr fi I tr 1 1 v nn l itur tttllily (if cii.Hfruf ((.it, l.'tfhtfH of !mft, (MiT"iit'tH fi of .niil Ht.sf, It'ititl ill'; f in litnr, nn1 finally in v fliitm t'nl lisrr( mi iTM'i rt-t . lit i:irmt r -' -Kf"illy. It Will C it HTi il t.4liKll Urnln. (1vfr Sic 1 mxt Klti cnii be PucciBiltil ly liavt:iUvl witti thin biftL-Muo. In a f- nilnttlrii th Tt"ilni Atta'linil n In rm )no1 uJ tli luii tilU'i iu1 tvaily f r tlto npatlMW. All wit nV In In rirMli rhumnl'in ft fulr trltt. nn.i Iff 1 mm nt tflvornttro ti f.--t in i hi rv. r imrtli' iUr, w t) ui H )itii nuy. For fiirtli- r 1 drtlouUrfl emit on or 'Ur ARQOGAST & SMITH. S.-lliisr"vii or MliMlcloirif. l a.. MerSl.TT. AkoiiM fur Hnj.lor roiinljr. "OAITTION-. NOTICE is ln r ly ivtn Hint tlio followlns article, lii've I- en puri'tiitne.l liy tho unili'T-luneil at t-ue-t.ili,e, sule and let! In the ioe!"ii!i rf I'ornlwn'l Idirlmiin ilurlns ley t-lettMiro. All persons nro iviutl'oieil not to lliterlrro it lUMldlo with Iho Htlne, vl. j I loi-k. o'.k Moy.' n-e. T. ukettlo. Ha!tli.it, l.mk-Inwiill-' Ntnk. Tithlo, I'tiulr, Wooil t'hent, ciiiioiril. - Vln-u'ir Inrr l'. I'oul nil t'nn, 'i lire.i.i eiie.l. na-K i nilio utiix-iy, 4 ne-ii iim. jet'. Iron Kelt:, llin-k-'l I'll "I, -t Hu.l nt- ii.lt, Doiiuii Tisy lliinau. Klonr t'livt, U ll-.w, lo ('Men mi', .1 I'iiIi', Ket, Mllitl, Wood bluto, liuti I, I r nl.l In,: lloo. A. t V. MAKKt.l'.. rnn' 'ro"k. April, St. 1777. PENNSYLVANIA R. R, Tratnn lonvo I.ewlstown .Titnetlun ss follows 1H I N I.t N K-W tr-' r W A li I'. I'ltt!.tiriti i:preii 1 i") a.m. I'solli" Kro I. tf) n. in vv roKroi.itor o n . m 'nil I no p. in s-l I. Ino 6 p. in I'ASTWAUII. I'M'adelplita F.sproM H so a to I eelllo Lxiire1.' lo ml a. in lolini.toonr.xpr" ll'I'.m. Mult ft lo i, in, Atlantis Kpro'S s li p. m The F"t I. In". Wst fiinn-ter an t the I'netr le IxpriM wn.t, a n 'I thu I'.i -III j anJ AtUutlo KTO-e.' enl run ililllv. v nt trami lo.ivo atsilon' In .illfflln connty nr loliuwi : wr r v en r i:' r- e. in. p m. flmnvllle Ati-ler-son's l.onvli-lliiw At ' V MTnuyrtnts VI' ryaid N, lliinitlton to .'..I M. ,7 II "I II '4 11 I 1 .! II I) 4 .'7 4 10 4 li 4 V 4 :7 4 I) 4 : i s A I'l !1 l'J l.i lo :n l'Ui lo 1.1 I') 10 f' S' fl II J ' 4 4 47 I nt i:- The t'aeltlil nprn w-l I e tl'iuit" Me nyiono nl r. il a.m. mil tho A'. I in: to I'Ti-Hn tn-t .It i l 111. Lr.7IST0WN DIVISION. Pt'MlritV ft T.I'WINI'.IWN 11AII. tliiAO. I.IMVH IVAIto. H I STATIONS. Mill. A vou , Mi i ii- ,:'. , Mil i. fi '.i' l' .0 Ml fi 0-1 4 VI I 44 4 M 4 A 4 II 4 ur 4 ml 3 I'l 3 40 nr.a s vs :i n 3 I a 3 ii II So I,- wiit'n .1.,' 1 .iu. I 4'i.iu. ,.-wlt mil 7 'JJ o :s lu u , !,t M I'l I' it, H ii hi S 41 . :is s ui 7 M 7 u Id M o :i5 tl I) M iiiluul 7:ij luinr.-r 7 n S'illi'ti-1 V. " .VI in t n in j l s u 3 a; ; io 4 oil 4 IS 4 :i'i 4 IS 4 4," 4 M 6 I t es-i Wsvtinr . 1 ''"' U'"lur so l Ii Mills V. H p.m r .Inlii'l'liri; s 27 i.,iii..rt ,,n s .Vi li. nr. r K. W Mill. Ill -l.'rn U i'l M"l.,r , V Vi KrHiui r r. w 10 , lnu V. V i l liri'irove k ;is K. (t. .Inn. k 4M Huubury 10 oo E. l(.TAY!sO,SuporlntonJniit. mnNISTi:ATOKS'N0TI'K. o'leri of ad 111 1 nil '.rut ion on the cuts ol .Inn,. h i Irons, lalo or Hoaier towii'hl,, Sny- ler eounty, PaMoenouHeii, tiavlns ticeti Krunt- .( to tha iin'lerAiKned. all per'ona kiiowliiit tlieuieelve Imlotitn,! to aalil ctate aro re'iuo.tt-il to nmko Inline ilaie payui..ul, wlulo tlio'n hav. Inn i-ltlum will wuent Ibmu duly autUoiillnat- ea lur mtileuioot to li a v 111 '1 linitli K.N (i.S OIM.SH, May 01. '77. Administrator! Ayor's Cathartic Pills, For nil th TMirroeoa of a Kitmtly 1'hysio and for ourinsr IJustivnntias, Jaundioo, IndiKoation, Foul Btomach, llroulh, iloaducuo, Krysipolns, llhuinna tiam, luruptioiis ami rikin Disensea, lliliousneas, Ilropay, Tumors, Worms, NuurnlKint aa a Din ner l'Ui, fur purifying tho iUoud, Aro me most effective suit congenial pur-g.tUvucvordlH-coveri'il. Tlicy nro inild, hut eiroctual In their opera tion, moving the bowels surely anil wit limit pnln. AllIioiiKh uon tlo In thoir p crution, they aro still the most thorougli and scari'li Inp; ratlitlrtlc mctllclno that cuu bo employed i clemislnB tlio stomsnU nml bowels, nml oven the blood. In suittll iloscs of one pill a day, ihey stimulate tho dlpestlvo organs aud promote vig orous health. Avp.k's l'ti.ts have liccn known for moro than a quarter of a contitry, and liave obtained a worlcl-wldo reputation for tlielr virtues. Thoy correct ills cased action In the several assimila tive organs of tlio body, and are so composed that obstructions within their range can rarely withstand or evade them. Not only do they euro tho evcry-tlay complaints of every body, but also formidable ond danuer ous diseases that have battled thu best of human skill. While they produce powerful effocts, they ore, at tho samo time, the safest and liest physio for children. Hy their aperient action they gripe much less than the common purgatives, and never (five pain when tho bowels aro not inflamed. They reach the vital fountains of tho blood, and stronirthen the system by freeing It from the elements of weakness. Adapted to all ono and conditions In all climates, containing neither calomel nor any dcloturlous drug, these 1MIU may be taken with safety by anybody. Tlielr supnr-coatiug pro serves thorn ever fresh and inakus them pleasant to takoi while tx lnff purely vegetable, no liurm can arise from their use la any quantity. rsirAiso sr If Yon Wish to Know put a a- 2 SJ 5'? Why Call, Gee, Hear and Examino tho ' 'Sweet Homo" and you will no loutrcr dcubt. 'IhvfC Organ ft have flnl the I est 'r jriv and ahrais entire mfif'arl 'ion. n hilst olhcrs rovcl di J'ci tiee, in many invtoncet. ORGANS. Tlw "Strrt Horn,) oil cit r (trjiiun, ?' JVX 1 1 -5 th,ij rc ritrr ! OKGAKS. ll'ii i lira ( ffi'M jl iil )rii'i only ti'i liiii limn it- llipiiirinif on firyiin i. .V7.'A oin Ai'nrit i if '1., ' I" iroiitt; iliiiii' in thv t't''y ln .it ' vrry Imi' 'iifi ft OTJO A Tt'rm C'tah or J. V Xl ere fit irilh jiriciK WATiNTT lil'MURi; TAK1.X IX I'ATMl'.XT 1'OK OKOANS. Also. ()rt,'nnn mmlo lo onltT in nny Htylo of Citso. Cull or Mdnl f.r I'lii-cn. ToruiH, t'ic. of tlill'i'i-ctit HtylfH. Nono nro ciiuino (xci'i t llioy bear tho imnio "iSwri t Hnum" in full AiIiIii ms v:l':rI, i ia oikja :r., Pcc.ll,'7(5. I'.i iivi.'r Sprinjen, Snyder county, 1'n. HEAD ! KEAI) 11 E A I) ! ! ! EhiBil ESiukcr.sH-ai Jlcwcr Syir(,s, Poinii.. J'eulcr in Ilardvrarei Tiuwarei CICVC3 &c Al-in PrOl'TINti il.ne nt slmrl noliri'. mi ri'iisnniilihi ti'ini mid r,iliJl'.ii-t"i y III :m ii T. t-.if I inn fully pn imh 1 l f'ir nish nil liimls nf 'If tiilivair, Tin";!1' SI'ivs, &: nl tlir1 vrtv l.iwi'st r.t' ' ri,..ll in tici'il of 'I iinMifi' or Hiciil intr nr iki t liinn rise lu my !'ht "1 ' ' -lilli'xs, will lint n-rrl i! b.V i X ll 'i'llill.' my 'noils iiml tci ins iu-iuiv pnrci.asin:,' Iscwhcrc. DAfJIEL HAC!(r.f:3'JF!G. Any;. M, 7'. Tcrii iii siuMi i m i j r. Ami rii an r.nd rori'i:;:i r.vk'iit.i. MIT.MHK V. 'l , -m i:u I'tt., S.t!l ..rn 1 1 fllll'MU, '.i,,iits li ,,'iir- I In ' p'UlhlritiM. N.i I'l (I'' IM N" rlirtr:1 ml --.it-.. (il t-. ti nnt.i.l, N' f fr tn n.i if.'lii.l!irif.y i'X'nittfnm. Nt) 11 I 1 1' ' 'i tt I ..n f ir fHutiiiiiT ni t o hi in.'ii'i'T n r-n.-tr,ii iM fl I fi II iMttt.itl I't VOll to I fits' p!e 't.lli'.' i ', - I' r" Hi" i'1'..'nl i mi, r.t-itl'.u I ' t.' i' n renn, I nn in;." i:. nt U in ililT rout Sitt , n t II Jttft.ti'.i! utipcrtrttnlpir t Inv.-tit! nir. nr I'M iil. S.'ti l Mutiii U llmu rti X ' I' T l It i't of Htxty i lk'. -. OM Eounty Ln Warrants. 'Thn U-i li-port . f iho t '.ti!in i - .fi-r of tl." M unity Ijtioi WurntnlH otiitnruliii;'. I'ln -v w. r- m tiii'ti r nl lift bihi i-rtor n-iH. uiii- MUH K N ' . l" i ."It I r lio -in. eS lol I'jr r- f. int. rl l"ltfr. IVliffi A I -i ihi' (its 11 p lm r- i't h c Kivt' iiiHtriiit iotm to ir 1- t tlo'iii. United States General Land Ofllcc. CiTil.'ntr", Itn I C i iiroH.Tiit'. 1 ..'f.irn Vtn !ntt ! St nl. i t't tril Im.l Mtt -o nn I I rt- Mli'llt i f tl llll'-ltor. J'MYAtii Islttol t IHlll-, inlnltip aii'l priuititiua ('liliui itttJ ilouiutiUA'l I ai i n a ttii jui oti io. Arrears of Fr.y r.nd Bonr.ty. fHHi'rn. oltllorst, nml Milom of tho liito wrtr, or tl'. lr Ulr. aro In nmtiy c n r 1 1 1 (t l to lunuoy from tho ( iTrnm'fit nr whitM. tio y imvn no knowl-ilin. vrt full liUtory of .rvliMa Rtul titti'tK U it of ji-ty mill htninty rM''ivol, t n. 1ohimiiiiii toinlitioro a Co., ttii.t it full reply, a f- tur isaiuUiatiou. will bit itlvuii you fno. Feusioua. riiitnrotlf or In.luri'iWM tho Ulo uir, liownv.-r unf itly. i:u ubtntu a pi'iiMou by ail lri-ilniT till uioro K C'o. ('iiMrsi i ronai'iit.M hr fjiiinoro h. rn. iwm thn SutT' nm (Viint of I'm I nit I Stit.H, thn (Jonrt of t 'iMumswul tlm S'xil horn Claim ('ointnlMhloii, ;fb tlot tirtiuont of our liii-O'i.'-tt c m lu-t'-tl In A rut liir-ftu, umlit tho t hri! or tlio ino rxinrlin O I pnrtloii i-rnl iyt"l I'y tho ot.l rtrin. ITiinnt Hitfi'tloit lo ail uuhuji-hb) i'iiiriinT.'-u ioiilhuoro r (V. I thus) H.'OnrtJtl. we dumru t" win muci'M by ilotUTvluw U. Address GILMORE & CO. WarLtnt'iri, P. C. ADMINISTUATOUS' NOTICi:.- I.t'ttornol ailmlnltratlnn nn tlm fttatn nl I'atilol ileuilisrlliiK lata ui I'snn toimiililn, ,l,ioM barlns I'oru Kraliti il to tla ii,i,lirln"il. all oer- anna knnwiiiv tln Mielvoa ln, ,i,i,.il to all oatato tro reiine.tct to niaUi'linmoilulonvmi nt wtiiia llio.e liavlnn utalma will pr.uuul tUom iluly iutLoniUatoit(ri)ltlou)mit to Hl.NKY SU1TKH, May IT. 77.pt. A'lmlnHtrator. Ar-tsitrnoo Nolico. Alilj pnronn intorontod 1,7 nntltlail thai vrilllam lln nro liore llalna of ('Imp- man townalilp, Sny.lor snunty. mails an a.iiliin iiisnt nl all lila olloota, rnal anil poraonal to the umloraUneil for th" tmnelit ol Ma urolilora. All iernna liavlnar i lnlnu aro rsqiieatml lo pr,' .pnt ttiem tn the uuili-ralKiis,!, ami p- rtona la aebted will piea.e uuko luiine lln'o rnvimrt. ..c . a npi a.r.n, April. 12, 'T7. Atxlsuue. A' "milNISTRATOnS NOTICE. Letters orailminlstratlon on the eatate ol Peter KlireiHar, ilicl. late of Ailains twp., N.iy der Oounty, fauna., havlns l,ien kthi'i"! to the umlomlKneil, all p. raoua knoa liiK them elres lioletiteil to salil eatatu aro m inojio l ti make Immoillate payment, while llni-o I, ivi rlalini will pruaent them iluly aiithonMi'iitua tor ettlemnnl lo 11. t. Willi' f r i .it, Slay 17, ISTT.pa. A.muui.uuior. F. VAN li UbK 1 Ji Lv, SUHOICAL & MECHANICAL PE.NTIST Solinnrovp, ronn'a. ( DMINISTUTOrt'S NOTICE. .. letters of ailnilottrntloaon thsrttateol Levi Wlliiiur, Uteol I nli.ii townslilp. nuy.ler oouuty, I'a, diuM liave besn srauio,! lo tue unileraitfueU. All imraona knowlus theinaelvoa Inilulile,! tu aal'l ettats mil p.ajre laake lln uikiIUiu iayuinl while llinae havlna eluliin atialual aaij estate wIUito.oiiI liioui lor auttlo. luunttu ' JUHA.M O'NKIL,. June 7, TT, pi. Ailiuluiatrator. - 2Toti;o. perBoim oviD,f ALL NOTES to . in Which is the Bestir a. u T C :: i. p.5 Orj'Dt "t ( ill ii In ri i'i:r lull titl.ical. (.'if j'Uiri: 0 l-U,.r$. For i,"!t: i I In: .Villiuf,t,'fi'ri,;i nio, 'I f'.c! Citmr I'-inrii i.i i" you trill i ut.i an i-i, l''.. '.iint.r nt (I. 8, 10, 12, IS vioiittm or two yam of only one irolit. Vtiniinislralor'3 Nolico --Letters of iiilmltil-triitl ,n on ttin cutnto nt Suiniinl Smlili, lute ol M lil.llohiirrf It iriiiiuh, Miy.lar county. I'a., ilec i, im.u t.,,., uruuti.,1 to the ili. lcr-lKOcil. A II criomi kii , Inn II, ion- lie In.lnhtiil io -nl.l em 'iii. w ID plct-o ii, ak -Inline IUt,. paytlieht wlille tho.o li'ivlnif colloid Di' lltil IMI.I dilute Will ou-rlit tl.'otl lor ettlo incut lo j. u. 1 1 A II i N, .May 17, I'.;:. Ailiulnl-trator. NEW s T 0 M E Iiliddleburrr. Fenn'a. 'I li f nn,tir.t,-n I u'-itil I Inr.irni t'io -'i'l rrn" nf Ml..'ll,iir;f h'i I -nrr mil linn i tri-t tliit ho I.iin niiMH'-l s llirliiiri' rt-ir-. nt ilm uimi i IMl-tlt I .11 1 1 I 'Ml I! I I I l It tl'l lllll li.'.M, U hill Inn' ill nil Kin, I nl II ir.l uro. liii ln lliih- tlouty t. r.lult C!:nIu;tic, TJUMMINOf, S.lU:iiV, riino I- itl'tit'w, I'P'ltlnT. T.. ' 0ci'i1 lli'ItH ' nifii't in "V;3 i.oi'K.", n iNt: t:;, .'cni;w, naii.m, .ic. A I.nfi:r- A 'firl mii'it i f Ciml HIitI Slinv rls .'; fpnili"", llni's, llnr-li-n 'I'nul'i, Hrlijllii'p ilnin Haiti':'. II ty '. I 'til leys, Ad., OF AM. lilNliS r.in.'lntitiy on lianl, All nt (Iri'iitlv lln Imi'i' 1 I'riri". All v.lin nro in in'i'l of itny kiiol of 1 1, if, Iw aro will il.i well l,y cnlluii! nl Hn" lno.', MAI.AN'l'iluN MOATZ. Mi'l lluliiiig, i-ny 'lor Co., I'a, Msy 'J'.. ls;o,, PRIVATE SALE OF a TV 11 fl. rpiH' unilsrslisneil will soil his Into rosl J.ilotiro sitimio on Miiin Slrool, Iho Ilur oiikIi of Mnl lli'hurjr, h'tiy liT County, I'a This ii a ili'sirulilo ,ron rty nn l was fur. iiipt ly known as Iho II. Ml LI', IIOTIW,. Tlio iiiipr.ivrMii.iit4 ci'.inf rise a bAlllll'. IKlll. I'.i.i', Kit ami: hi h si:, . 'tm u:it iiochi:, I.AlUii; MlliU, li'i: IInU.si:, mil otlu-r iinllniiMiiiKS. An cioolli'iit well of rater nl Hip ilnor. II Is riiii'ililc fur ti privnin tl well in ir nr a Hotel, nul locitloil Dour the centre of liiiiiien. Terms rny nn l roasoniihle. For furth er particulars call on or aihlre'S j. . ti ,v iu, Wnluontoivn, Norlh'J Co., I'a. An?. r., IMT'l. Si:Nli'j:.ii toO P. Il.nvin.l. Ik 1'n., Now Y.irk lor rumpiilot (il in.) t'.iiii, i-iiiitvl uliiit lirt4 ut ,i,.i) nui.iii,iui-t, au.lctftliU'.loa tU'iivInK oitiil HiiviTto-itiK- iiiur. u, tU-iy, JUUN K. II UU II ICS, Kriij., ;JU.STICE0KTIIE1'KACE, I'cnn Twp., Snyder Co. Ps OAIJTIOM-. "VTOTICi'; in Itori'hv Rivt'Ti Mint tho i' fillnTlriK artli'loa havo I. ceil tnirclia- eil liy ths unilerMinu'l at t;oniitat u'n Halo an, I flt lu ttia iiiiareMHt,!.) nl AilKUntua A. Kline itiirltiit lit. j.tni.tiru. All par.. ma nro e.iutlonoil not to lot 'rtoro ur moil'liK with anue. via: I (M'lklMK rstmea nn l tixturon, MX ' li Ire. 1 llnekllis I'U'il, Itilltnr ehurri, wooil cho.t elofk, .Ink, i.uroitu, iinrnor tuptmuril, i lie.ta on'l ll-'il Unit, krl'i emil rit'ive nii'1 plim. Wanh Jl.itlor. nppl Initinr, Is yunla enrpot, ctiot iruu, riluk, tnem icaioU llarrol a. vlues'ir, pls. Iron Kettle, S,(iniro. j An:a E. kun'i-:, AJhuii I p., May 'M, Wi. CAUTION. N'OTICE in Uon Uy pivon flmt lhe foU'lnir ftrtlt!eii itiiv Inmn iurrlinM tv the tin ieivluDO l nt AiUnre'i Snlo nml kit In ttii p'VnortiM of Jni4lUrt)ii Ittiwemux during I'l pluiMure. All tirflon nr fltii tunii nt t' in tvrtnronr tiill lo w.tu Hie tnm, vt! 3 llorvof .tint Krn 4 hen t ll'irn tt O, '.'-Iimmo W ttrnn .V b3i. 3 tprliiK Wfcftrn, wuml Mo I, 1 1 tiy 1 1 -io- nl K-tfr'H, lot or H-iKfiln, K'vnntnu Mill, trln I Kt'.no, sliiiiKtu Machine, ii Shuutt. liroln t rjue, iinrptw J Mtfev uijih, iniKsfJ Vou gut, ft l Jtuglfy Iidrucx u nun ninrsi thU'tUlHi HAliMAN. Disolutlon ol PcirtncrMp. JOTI'RiH hereby i;wn that tlio tinmo, Hj l aud title if v nt It it tt Mut.lMiik, tn tllti Illfl'i'HJIllI mitIUi'HSi, Iil llllat U'ljf IH'IU lllsV h vi.l liy tMitUftl i-mit. lit. AllwiMitrtt ludnbt-e-t t'Mhcr by iwk noa-i'tint, it ty ntlr, vrtll wliu liuV :httiti a(atiiiMt uttltl 6 cm rH l'tsid inAktt g. ttlotULtii w itlKiiii ilnl Ay with 1. 1. iunhiO', tu wti"j I.Andt All AOv'uuitii Iiavo Ueu - auiU Ivr atL-tlltSllluUt . SMITH k MANUEOK. Adsnialium, Vs. April 10, 1'77. Aseiyrnoo Xotico. A LI p' r n iiilorn.itnil nro liire l.yVu"l tUat US VID K. HHI.1,11, of rrrry iii,wn.''.iri. n.w v,un, uiwuv ,n ai'ij..iil of t.11 Ula an. la, real anil n" ' t" Iii WurtefalS'-! Ir loe -l.y afca rnii! Ion. 0TTC:K Is 1.1-rehy pu.-n Hist the ful lotrlng ntti le Iists deen ritreltaseil tiy the iinderslaned, st fonetnlile'sHale and left In His )io'e'sinn of Ooo. W. Hither du ring hl plefliiirp. All persons are tautiin ed not lo nieildle or luterfers with the sumo. t llsy Mure, heifer, Itugpv nnd Home", Trnrk Wniron, horfo iienf, Itynet, fork, p low, ilouiile mill plnsle trenn, htnil was on, k, eook ftmo nn I uleimll., lnlns lieneo and looli., fihik irtnln er-ulle, lio4rd', rln -k, meit 'tim-l, rittof Mrrel, hot nun, lot renn, rim inn machine Hii.i, nt of i,J nud lir.l. llin. I II MH.HICK lill.OLII, May U, 17T a VAi.tAiiLK rnoreuTv at P1UVATKSALE, fPlFK mu1pr.iitio(l nfTrn Iho fol- lo In ' ferliir.l lToporty ot p' Irsio NhIo, I I N ,m . I iirr.l Ihii.i. ntu'to in Aii.n. toirii'lilp. sny.lrr I o , l'4,, too mil Wn.l ,1 Troseuliio, ii.oniiif Utiilmif t in. Wel ler. Imnti-I lTirrr nii'1 . -t h nro, w hereon are erorted i k- i livv I .i.i.i Nil in irm:. s i a ih.k, mini' .lint nil. or oui i ii 11,1 inn'. The lin I H In a koo-1 'lie nt riiltlvilti oi ,-nni i-nlnt to imirket : I'.ern r nlo nn Hi'i'llnit 1 1 III 'II A U I of -1 1 . . 1 1 -l li uli, mot ncvor f illli water on lhe promt'ja. f or l erto call at ti e i r iminnanr il.lie" I IT Kit Mllimi.KIt Mnr. 1. Tri.x. li ill,., Nny.ler t'o., I ? i hmoiTni' ji(Vr.i:, JL1 ukaii nir oKPfir, :Ml(Il'lurir, I II VIM SMITH, I'iioiuptoh. Tliis lintit I in rinse proxjnilly lo Hit lep'.l and hn Intely lieeti reliuilt and r Ulied. Ilooms eoininodioiis the Inliln Well 4tipplied n Ith lite lu-st the market atlurJs nil terms tuiiiloril e. He nl oi hoi n it lii-it i''.nS4 l;ery, where horce', liuie' , cull he lul l nt nil limes nnd nt reiiruiril le rates. nprltf '77. Diiinhij t' C'n' Aib'iTli.M'miiiti I', t li:ir.'tltl 111 Autrrl ,ii. and t.4tiili,,;oe tri- 1MJI 1. Mar. hi, lllll) l . r. I). I. GN.-w fl.... lor 'i i, .tll.l.lh l.orro i'l I niu-l 1. 1 at ur i. ri't ill. fir 1.7.",. "lit I'ln-aii AtiMK I';., or. V I'VMtll. 'yl'. wlt'i II. lU'Sll.ll, I'li'l. iNliiisilU, liclu' ( ' , N. V FUNi!: 1 iMi-k ii 'l'l'liiif o-i-Hti r it N ; n l t t I' -. nu I etimiit. Kim l.'-r I (J i.i MM Ut ...r Vjiw, ATTENTION ALL ! II Hi: IT II NK HI I'l SAI.l: (ll'.IIIW fif.ll Y I in r ri ll, I l 1,0 i . i t w.. i. Ill ai'nil l,v mull. .ol il,l. all ol tl- rollowliiir . i.f Jon. rv, it.-. ; I 1'n I r till II it. ,1 I n i m f 1 Ml, ii,. Hut. I oia, on., N. l l .t, IV'-nt Slurl Mo. In, 1 l oll,,. Stu.l. I W. .l.lniif II. If, I 11.11 Pl.it. U it, h I 'l,,i in no, I I I I'lil'. K '' l'..ril S' nil I'ln. Wo oil.rthiri ,;iii:.ir l.ir.'.ilu nu-nlv t ,lt uti.-n 11' 01 to OUT I'll ,1 ll.'HU, HN MO llSV,. a I I lll'li. of unt il. " nnd J.'wclry at low prlcis. Mi n i for il i A nil-ill,. ri'l, K ih t',).,7:iS liroadwav, N. w T,ir Clly, Only Jl.i'D cijii 1 to r'lirt ciinviiuMtnir UK TWAINS N l: W SI'Hll' CtHlK AlU'ly. with ft nn. l.i'J Kit T8P.fi Kit-!.' ;.iit"- ;s'tit ' r.vif.'..,... I'.'-i -.'.it. M I'.li.lt i'1 l'Ui.' t VV.- I. IH I ,.ll. -'I '...-nl Ill.'l M 'be IS i .. .In. .mi DEAD AND 1 M r-l,, U h,,., 'ua i.7 -v. IVlf il, I'tili Jiitl'U i . fiolit r. v fi i;t 4'mii i. i,i ri..iMt l.ilr..' I) -ItV l Uio'tiil I III. tii..k it.' I-. I , 'ill. l l bi ll ' 'I't, A'U.-ll'Ja Ht4., trl, atl Hi il.ilt 1 VV.-Uliiit Kli u.nt C.sw i". l T.ir Hf.. ' 1 -It'll III, ! Ml.i'lf 1 M.lt Cl. lalill."1 I tiu-j I linr.i, ti"''l I'M! 'A',-,'.','';,;';'J'VK, li a I. URIDE, Clinton Plnoo, New York. GLENN'S SULPHUR SOAP. TI:nrntt,:My Cures t i joshi' of the Skin, lti'iitnitii" tho t'liinpli Xiiiii, Pi-i'VPiiis an, I roinolii's Ithi'ii'ii'U inn nn, I tiniil., hoiiN f.ires nn 1 At'risions of tlio Cuticle an-l (.',, unl or, u'H C.uit nion. F'H.l) l'.V AM, Hl'.l'lHil.'iTrf. rriecs 'Jo L'onls per Cako ; llux ( I ctiKes ) To t fills. N. P. Hont l y Mail, rropnld, ocipt of I'rioo, on rc .N. Cltri'TKNTOS, Trop'r 7 fiMh At- i . a rviT.irT.n Inv tl fit.' the tin rlt of ttm iiJjlUD, Liu tint 1 . i klv. I.ffi.r.' .lo Illlll'lllt.' 0, !,xr ln.rli r,r ttilii 1..1I lllol ii lu Itl I" ..r TI'I" i-i',i-iin mi pil-m-S '. r,' a'l r.'iin.r.'.i. Toi-uii m-nT I .ii. A .r:.. I'll AS. l.'J.U- r. I 'l- "i Ii I fl' In, .. r r t' l ,1ti('il.,ll Wi.rr.n ST. N, V. tkiii.im; WITH A tlol.ll IS ALWAYS ll. NUDltOI'rf Vells' Carbolic Tablets A. ore r.'in"ily f,r t',,niii. ami nil iH.i,a,'aottiio I'limut, Lhiii:n, rt.i'St ami Mioma M 'tiihrauu. I'ul l'i Onhl In JHiifi .Wis. Klt.t) 11 V ALL MM'OmsTS. t.'. tt. CUVl "l i:N l t)N. T MHi Aronnr, N. . fl m!''TT" ,J r'.LMI N r oil. T'TlliiT iXKXyjH AO Ml is, t.o.i ti t Kli 1 y rriiiuo.1 -out t.y in ill l"i' fl . Hell t slgkt. N AT. I'll ur) Mn Co., riillmlolphln. BIuo and Red Light nn; anh iin.vr.Tii without MiuiiaS.- lr- Piin',,1t'f kf mat work U Nw Kkamv ron Ai.knt-. 'I lio onlv I'Kik iirfiflitcilty troHtm tlil- iittvops;ily iiiiiorlilntr t'.iilc, si, ,wt Imw ti ntply ttio tf titiiitiit. MD'I tt'llr "I irmny tiiioonKK. (ill 0'i run tiiri'liT l-y (Lit um nt thin wninlrrftil iua "Itiim, I'lrt'HlarM 111 1 l.nt terrni t- rly hi I'lK'tnt-. ,1. M. biOlihAUI fc CO., 7i-l Chodt n iH 1 titU. READ THIS ! ! A rhnnoo for all to tti'iko or Sfivc mnncyi snil pet tho I'epl (io, i, Is in tho murket. mi COFFEES, &C mild at l.i-F prli'M Ihtn the namit iiMtlo fiin ho h'niuht ut ttny nthor lwmo In thin omn try. All g -'ttl irrimt'il ( jat I -te'tor y ii n. I nf roronnui( or the tnnnoy will hu rtw fuii'lol on ri'turn r the koo-1-, wtitcU iny ha ihn ut nr ; pn.. 't he i-iiiitiitin nfotir tiniuto fr ttlllnir tn i1urt ifinnt nt lw 1'rtc x. (t r :ttt nr), tmit tftvrn us Mn lln In Now Yo-k City tuiti vt' lnlty, thttt ! n-i ei'i-iyoil ty nny other Iiuiihu in thn tr.l. Allor tn slum tlitllhorttl-m w Imvb ttptprmtni'tl t niter tiiif h-hhIh tu iimm UfCr tu th luturtnr, ut ttie uwnt U Im. ho Trmto rrh'on, whon rt forme. I Ur.i jtimiifh to nmko kimhII civ 'i tm (C.mIh .f ench ineinh--r or the rluh will l" nit in iop nitrt p.K'knKon, nl tnnrkeil wlt'i nunie At) a roMt. mi h i kvoI I r iiiinl in lu IiUrihuttn, O.to will l" tnt ty r-Wproitsi t i I'olh'it tin ho 11 vory. AH wtnhm t' avo imtny l y t'tiroltAM inif family nupplh-n Ht Nv York VI- ftuio I. Inst o tn tiU tho uinMor over nuinnn lrlnU tuiiltietn.hh.irn uti-I fon I lo m iorriuh t IcMi lnr. J'noo Met, fcn, lo ulvo a iireNent t either le-iiiM., or 0101107 t the per mm whu koii up the chit', t ruim en-'tto lor tr.mlilo eto, Sumiih- of TI A V I HKFKi: rfntby tnll. eeint ior rri.'f.uu, aim uiuu tJirouiirs StintT'ij New York & China 'JVa Co., M. II.M0SKS& CO., rropriotors.- T7, 7'i St, 81 &nl 90 VESEY Ntreot. Now York. ftr) Altty At home. Aenti" wAntmf. Outfit nl , torutt tree. 1 Kt'K DO., aquuiii, Me. Premium Silver Spoon Coupon. 1LVBK PLATS, Jl) (As Vninn Alesr Itnlm i lit MUra, ra. Tliia la to o. .rllly tliat I e .i aulNKirtlnr of tlie aior fioni wlil. h 1 tiara out Una Can ln, ami am entitlo'l. uniliir your iimmlutn ai mnin-mi nt, In a fjll sol of lttni laMul Wl rur boona, w Ith toy in Ii ul ensrail thereon. I ciiuIom lirrawlOi T6 eta., lo pay eipruaa, rjioklua, hoalnic anil cinftrarlus cl.artea. AaVUu ri,oviit of lliia Coupou, wo ai.ro by ssroa to iijturu to the a. id.ir, jyrH or .il t0 cAonsv ,,r ai.l .a full, a full act of sla of ouraalia i,UUl Silrnr rlooona. with tlm Ini- tale of il, sender, or any oinr nun-la 4t a9aSMM eassaaa ist "Til , w ' ,