A.dyetilsln)Br Hates On column on year, fflrt.no One-half, column, one year, . 8n.no ,One-ftnirlh column, on year, 16.00 .Vtm square (10 lines) 1 insertion . 75 V " Ever additional insertion, .80 ProfamioruU nod Business cards of not nor than 5 linos, per year, 5.00 Jfcriitar, Executor, AdmmiiUmtor - -'nd AmIstim Notices, s " 8.150 Jaitoriftl notices per Una. , .181 ' All advertisements lor a shorter pe riod than on year are parable at the ft mjfe ai4Mr A rei rA mne emr) If ftnl na-lrl 'the persoiTorderin them win b held rmnonsible tor the monnv. Poetry Hatty Words. A it IT war. ronS farewell. BriaC sagar ill repentant tear. And Ufa anaeS dnll.4 Ilk a ktU I tint Ml epsk, 0.1. ot1h fexrt n promt lo , Ok. StnlM torari I who n.t via W ham iMa feu Ufa tha tnih lav, u. -W ; . a It Ml ant H at tf , And b wa kfl alone to grle, And dlani-r kona ta a kf le, . A4 aaiar raa lk aaowa at aia. TflarorUi rot aacb tba eepphlr ka (traw grant la tha nmniar .ilea .. , Tfca saldao light apo tka f rewa ' Alluded lato omur o. Tha aaajaf bIMa, lh rippling ha , Of ftmalels aa lima and fall, 'To then, all tiinelaee kad bOBa, Aa4 raaf lure hop a dreary Saeel. Ae4 aa tT par tad aad tha lid H loe rolled aa lla fw.i war, 4 .Carta elratctiad a Saaart plala sal wlda, Wberala aofnireaela lay, -V V eft t fhralaa l.tidt did ka Reoallhertraage aaaha peaeea r'Thal morn, aod In bar fane? aba ' JUMd Slot aa she saw him laet, t'atll through meajorr heart to haari Draw lu, tkaafh aoaaa rollad kalaa Yiaaa piaaaiug oai iaa ranaiina aan, Tky llafarad tc wolk4 ka. Wltk loalat lonaint for In paat. Ok, 0-oluk toafia I that Idlj iyaka. au pjwmi ivvara : ww K laai Ta jraarawa fuallabnaaa awaka, Meleot T a 1 o The First Man. Soma repairs were needed to the engine when the train reached Rono, .na wuiie most or tue passengers -were taking a philosophical view of thi delay of making themselves as -comfortable as possible in the depot, in walked a native, lie wasn't a na tire iadian, nor a native grizzly, but native Nevadian, and be was rig cod out in imperial style. He wore bookskin eoat and cap, buckskiu leggings and mocoasius, aud in his ' belt was a big knife and two revol -vers. There was lightning in his ye, destruction in his walk, and as be sauntered np to the red hot stove aciaVaSCaSierea-: tobacco juice over it, a dozen passengers looked pale with lear. Among tne travelers was a car painter from Jersey City, and after surveying the native for a mo . moot, he cooly inquired t "Aren't you afraid you'll full down ana hurt yourself with those wea pons V t "W-what T gasped the native in suitonisnment. 'I suppose they soil such outfits as you've got on at auction out bore, Uon t thoy 7 continued the paiuter V what d'ye wean whj ar'yot whispered the native m be -jvalked around the stove and put on a terii- auie look. 'My name is Logwood.' was the calm reply, "and I mean that, if I were you, I'd crawl out of those old duds, and put on some decent ciotnes r I 'Don t talk that way to mo, or yon won t live a ininit 1' exclaimod the native as be hopped around. 'Why, you Jiomesick coyote, 1 m Grizzly Dan, the boaviest Indian fighter in the world I I was the first white man to soout for Ooneral Crook I I was the first white man in the black Hills I I waa the first white man among the Modocs I' 'i don t believe it I flatly replied tne pointer, -ioo, 1002 snore like the first white man down to the din ner table V . The native drew bis knifie, pnt it back again, lookea aronnd, and then softly asked 1 "Stranger, will you come over be bind tha ridge and shoot and slash till this thing is settled T' "You bet I 'Will.' replied the man from ' Jersey, aa be rose np. 'J ust pace right ont and I'll follow I' ivvary man in tue room jumped to LiV ' feet in wild excitement The Bayve started wr me dsck door, but warn ss iusoawi w Hioter t 111s beels, with a six-barreled Colt in bis iua, B.uiiBiai -w son t want to kill yon and have your :wioow come on me ror damages. suo right aJieaa-i m not a mar- 'lyod man I' replied the painter. But you ve got relatives, and I . don't want no lawsuits to bother ine just as spring is coming. Tm an orphan, without a relative 2 .1 M' -1 l.M 11.. V . iu wo wuuu auuiiwu iuo ierseyite 'Well, the law will make me bury a . r out yotur left eye, and tuatr,. v. That suits me to a dot 1' aaid the I CU.Lf l Tfu ,od teW tWwVte to the ladies' room I .'I was . the first man to attack grizzly bear with the bowie knife,' remarked the , native' as be looked round.,, 'I waa the first man to dis. eoTAisilTer in Nevada. I made the first scout up Powder river. I was At i . . 1- . a . . . ... I ' ' ii , 1 , 1 r I I j- . " , " "ou " 7" saadth part is not 4o dig a grave at this season of the thaJl be revealed in jejr. a miu i u ureaa a no or iwo the great day, jor joa, woaaa your nose, crousre ;n i 1 1st it so at I ..,:' v uviv vt aaa av t MV IUH VHW M IliUS UaUUDEILUrLUA... Thv. I. l I.. ! I I don't want to hurt this man. as he - - iuuiiiu. aeema kinder sad and dows boar ted. put nartnust apologias lo me.' I won't do it I' cried the ulnla. . . sntleojet), I never fight without laldng oaftor coat and I dont see Wi to hang t 00 said the nsj, ill. told it-I'll bold t I ghqaffid oa.Toioeainoborn, 'Hm mMiktum Hthattw ficht in a fcolroom. X need (9 do ft years 1 I , ' - - . -l L-m. J.-J JU JL.Vm mmmmmgmm -Sit ii 1 1 Ma i i aeaaa iia : I "7"OT i 11 I V.A-I At ago, but I fonnd it was running me into consumption. I always do my ngnting out oi doors nnw. 'i ii go oat with you, yon old rab bit-killer I exclaimed the painter. who'tad bis eoat off. 'That's another deadly insult to be wiped out in blood, and I see I must finish you. I never fight arouna a depot, tnougn, i go out on tue prairie wnere there la a chance to thro myself. Where a your prairie, lead the way I' howled the crowd. 'It wouldn t do any rood, replied the native, as be leaned against the wall. 'I always hold a S10 gold piece in my mouth when fight, and havn't got one to-day in fact I'm dead broke ' 'Here's a gold piece 1' callod a tal man, holding np the metal. I'm thousand titnea obliged. mournfully replied the native, shak ing his head. I never go into a fiirht without pnttinir red paint on my left ear for luck i and 1 haven t any red paint by me, and there isn't a bit In Reno.' 'Are you going to-fiobt V de manded the oar painter, reaching out for the bear skin cap. I took a solemn oath wben a boy never to fight without paintiuir my left ear,' protested the Indian killur. lou wouldn t want me to go back on my oath would yon V 'Xourea cabbage, a squash, a pumpkin dressed up in loggings T contemptuously remarked the car painter, as he put on bis eoat Yes, lie s a groat coward, re marked several othors, as thoy turned away. 1 11 give 10,01)0 for 10 drops of red paiut 1' shrieked the native. Oh 1 why is it that I have no paint for my ear wben hnre is such a chance to go in and kill I' A big blacksmith from Illinois took him by the neck and run him out, and he was soon no more for an hour. Just before the train started, and after all the passengers had ta ken seats, tue 'first man was seen on the platform- He bad anotbor bowie knife, and bad also put a torn ahawk in bis belt There was rod paint on his loft ear, his eyes rolled. aud, in a terrible voioo, he called out t Where is that mm, Logwood T Lot bim come out hero aud moot his doom 1' Is that yon t Count me in !' re plied the car painter, aa bo oponed a window, lie ritsuea lor the door, leaped down, and was pulling off his overcoat again, whon the native be gan to retreat calling out i I 11 get my uair cut and be back here in seventeen seoonds. I never fight with long hair. I promised my (Ivinor mother not to. W boo the train rollea away he was aoea flourishing bis tomahawk around his head io the wildest man nor. "Beware of Men." A strange caution this t and yet not needless. A humiliating tratb it is, that there is a necestiitv for our oeing on our guard against our fellow men, our brethren of tbo human family, those who ought ever to be ready to befriend us. What volumes do these words speak to our shame f So denrsvail. an Riiiftil. an fluviliuli even has man become, that bis bro ther man must beware of bim. He must even bo vigilant, ' lest be be wronged by bim in some way and by some means. Let it be said, indeed, that this caution is not needful with respect to an. mere are tnose in whom we may confide. There are those who would no sooner wrontr na than iney would wrong themselves. Hut such are the exoeDtione. not tha rule. The caution, to beware of men, is of general, though not of universal ap. plication. O.wbatan oqto.14 amount or wrong Is perpetrated by the raoo one upon another I How true (Dose pit - quoted words of Burns 1 Man's InhnisaDUv te Makta eouutiau ttomaaj otoqm." To specify aU the methods of ahnsa and ankindnesa would h .i,nn.t ami I an a iaalr Tn InAi.ll.M A L. Lvery commandment of .th.e second ubie or the depalogue is violated in a thousand forms. Every newspa per that we read contains a long, sad ohanter of loan's misdoiixra inuranla 'his fellow man. And then the thou- told- When all the judgment of what a disclosure Alas I that it should be thus. Alas I that every man W. ..at., t at.. :.! foing ' about dolnV harm, each and SavioSiv should not go .hnnt about doing good. pleased be Uod, better times ars coming to our sinful, sorrowing world. The glorious gospel is to be preached to every oreature. .Its be- nevolent principles are to cam as cendency in human hearts the world mMffa nnni nr t in s boly relitrion t and blessed times those will be. Universal neaoe and love will reiirnJ "iuey snau sit every man under bis tine aod under, bis fig tree t and none ' shall malt beta afraid.'.' t'Thoy shall not hurt, nor destroy io all Gods holy mountain..., 1'. waa a Va ' ' ' asj . Th daily inoome of Iticbard Jen, V)4 bla en. , Pf Queenstown, Armatruna county, from oil intaf .imii KM Willow, MIDDLEBURG, SNYDER COUNTY, Washington Petrified. The San Francisco ChronicU prints a Utter, purporting to corns from Wanhingten in which the writer ays : 'Us visited Washington's tomb, st Mooot Vernoa, Vs., soma twelve mile dawn the Potomao aod ws had tbs unusual privilege of beholding the mortal remains of lbs Immortal Washington. ViHltori to the tomb will rsraembor that '.h west wsll ef tho same has fir sveral years beon io a fttlidg condition and lo great nacd of repair. A fw days sinee part of It tumbled into tbo tomb, completely covering tbs sarcophagus of Waxhiogtoo aod ato that of Mar tha Washington. I order to repair the sfoange ia a competent manoor, It wa found neceisary to remove tlirro a lew foet from their resting pluce The 00s eonlaininit tho romains or Martha Washington was removed first, but attracted 00 attention. Rut the unusual weight of tbo one con. tsinlog tho remains of Washington aroused lbs curiosity of the vflhisl who wa superintending the work of removal, and it wai decided to open tha saroopbatfo. ia order to ascertain tbo cause. This was done, and the rrmaios were found to bs petrified ; in fact a solid stone resembling a statute the featurci perfectly oatu nil, with the exception of the eye and ear, no I raoo of w bich can bo soon. Ths boiy it of s dark, leath ery color, aod may be sail to be a solt ssndttono which would likely break should an attempt be mdv lo remove it from the sarcjphngus. Aa sged colored man, who has residod on the farm since he wss s boy, snd who assisted in removing tbo remain from the oi l tomb to the present ont', informs ui tint it is 38 years since their last removal. At that time thoy had rested iu tho old tomb 34 years, aod ware exhumed io a stale of preservation boyon l all expeota- tion, beiojt a sjIM cimptct m:s with tho skin drswn tightly to the bono, petrification no doubt having eommencod Its work, The , repuirs to tbo tomb will soon bo completed, anl the sarc iphagus Is not likely to bs opeoed egsin for a century to conio, unless, iodeod, in ths casj ol an acoidoot, as in the presoot in stanoo, aud petrification will complete its work, and tbo romnins of the iui niortul Washington will lLon be us enduriog as hi memory id dear.' Tin Voua Wirr.-aTbo lollowini advioa from a oorre'poiiridnt of tho Country Qcntltmnn i well worthy of aoooptince. bit we woull add a little more to it in tho form of n ua gasiion, tbut in oqsj you urj a furu, sr and have no wife Oet one. ''If you are iq any troukU or quan, dnry, toll your wile that is if you have one all about it nl once. Ten to one bor invention will solvo your ditncolty sooner than all your lc)ic. 1 be wit of woman bus bueq prniaod, but bar iusliuets aro quicker and keener than hor reason. Couusol who your wue, or your mother, or your sulor, and bo assured liuhl will flab npon your darkQooa. Wo- mon are too commonly adjudged verdaql (n all but purely womanish affairs- No philosophical students of tho sex thus judgs them. Ths in tuitions, or fiiiiiKbt, uro the mgst subtle, and il they cuuqot tee a cat io tho meul, there U no cat there. I udviDs a man to beep nouo of Lis af fairs a secret from bis wife. Many home has beon happily saved, and many a lortnne retrieved, by a man's full eanfidoooe in bis wife. Woman is fsr n)ore-a sneer an if a profit, than niaq, if she bo givoo a fair cbunoe. As s general rule, wives coofilo tho minutest of their plana and tuouirbts to their husband. Why not recip rocate, if but for the pleasure of meet ing confidence with confldoooe t I am certain that no man suoeceda so well io the. world as bs who, taking partner for life, mskes her the partner of bis purposes and hopes, What is wrong ot his Impulse or judgment, . she will check uod sot right with ber almost universally right insiinotA And whst she most sraves and most deserves is confi dence, without which, love (i novor free from a ahadow. A Slight Scare. A woman livinor on York street accidentally filled the sugar bowl with salt one momma recently, and in about ten minutes eveiy moutb of tnat family waa prayinor and crvinar. and drinking waroa water and mus tard, and trying to remember con soling passages of Scriptures while one of the neighbors waa rushing madly down town after a doctor, and another want after the const, ble, while the third held the terrifi ed (hired girl' in a closet till the con stable should . come. Thought she had poisoned them-. And it came to pass that the doctor . came with his stotnaohrpump and tbinea. and cleaned two of the fatuity out before he examined the ooflee, and when be bad tasted of it, be emlied, and thrust bis fingers into the sugar bowl, and when be bad tasted of the salt that waa tbqreiq, he lifted up bis voice and laughed then) to scorn, and mocked at their misery, and aaid, 'Ha ba I' and weqt bs way, both he aod ths constable. ... And behold be hired girl waa wrathy and refused to be comforted and aba girt; np her loins, and got up and lit out, nor bath any man seen her to tbia day, nor knowstb any pan where she put the silrsr spoons, nor a pew shawl, not the master 'a 'lifW bW0M.a9W-6w Bulletin. Ul VEGETINE aoiviss kta aarar failed Sta f aa tno aa I atraaf th lo la ajaasm Sabtl She Rests Well. Sorts PotasD, Ms., Oct. ll.liTS. Ha. M. R. Bravaa 1 lr Blr I hava tn aiek two nam with tha llTareomplalnt, and during that llinahara lakaa a t mat man nlffaranl iuitlrlna knt nnna or that tlt aia aa gnnd. I waa raallaaa nlnhta a41 ha na appal It. Mint utlnf Iha Vilti I raat vMI anil rnllah mv SxM. Oanf raooaimattd tha Vtf atla tnt what It ha to fu m. Yoara f.pmfuliT, i MRS. ALBERT RICkCR. Wlta of'h ahuva, Mr. 0)o. at. Vanchia, Aailfard, Ms vegtine. Thoammls will haar taatimiint (anj t H tolanlarllf ) that Vacatln I. tl maieal roapnnail yat pialrl kaior th pa kiln tat r. aoaailns anil pnrlfylna; thi blond -ar ailli-atttta; all humor.. Imp-irllla, or poLoa ius aaerallnns from ihaaraiam. larlaorallna: and stranath'B. Inn thaayilom dillltat l b; illaaaa In r.rt It l. as mnT hT a 114 It, fib Uraal Haalth Kaitorar." t- SAFE AND SURE Ma. tl. R. BTavias I lnl7Jfour Vaaatlnawai wammaa.lml ta ma, ami alaMIng lo lb panaaamai of a frland, 1 conaentad to try It. At tha tliaa, I was luff arlns; from araaaral dabillty ami aarron. pros trallnna. auparla laaail by orarwora aai lrra alar hblta. ita wamlarrul atrancthanla and auratlra pmpartlaa taama.l to artaot myiial.lll. tid ayalam (roia Iha nrat dna. aad uadar It par.lat-iat aaa I rapMly raaaremt. salnlne nor than a.oal h-alih and (nod f"lln. Hlara than I hayaaol h.iltatail to l Vaaatln my aioal anqullllail I olr lament aa lalnael. ara and p-warfl axant In proraatlna; haalth and raatorlas Hi waiitad ty.taia to nnw lir an.lorsy. VKi-tlna I Iha only madlolo I aaa, and a long aa I II I nar aspet ta Uad abauar. Yoars Iraly, W. II. 't.RK. 1M Maalary itrt, Allaguoy, Pa. VEGETINE. Vaaari aa thnmnahly rllrata ary kin J of hamor, and raaloro tha anllra ayatam to a haallhy eoudltlon. Tha folloln ltlr rrnm Ra. O. W. Mana. S.ld.firmrly fta.iorollha Maihodiat Knl.i-nnal i tlhurrh, llril Park, and at praa.nl a-til.d in j Liiwvtl. lotl.l ooavlni' avry ona who raaila Ihla I li-tlar of tha wondorfill rnrallva aiialllli-a of V. I ailna aaa thorough claaoaar and rorlll.roflha blood: Itroa Pamk, Maas., Feb., It, IST1. Ma. II. R.STivisa : l.ar Mir About tan yaara a no my hrallh fail ed throuifh tha duplallntf rffi-rta of dy.pop.la aaarly a yer lalor 1 waaatlm kad by typlmld la ar la lla worat form, It .nlll . J In my bai k and took tba form of a larxa driiid abari-na, whah waa UlUru mouth. In iiallierliis. I bad two surifiral oparations, by Iha baat ak 111 In Ilia Hut but received u ieriuaiiut cure. 1 aunVr. ad graalpaln at llmaa and was eonataully waak ea.d by profouao dlKhara. lata lojl small alacaa of boue. al diifaraut time. Mailer ran on tbna alaiut aevan yeara, till stay, lM, wiiau a rrieud rccomtaiiHlad ma to flalo yuurnoija auiiiaik with yu-i nr Ilia virtue or Vaiiallne. 1 did an, and by your klmluaaa paaeetl Ibniugh your niaiinfarbiry, uollug the In. gredleula, etc., by which your rmaedy Is produc ed. By what taaw and heard I galued eomeconfl dene lu Vesetlue. 1 eoiuiaeucrd taking It eoon after, but felt woraerruiu lu arr-iatei atlll 1 pr4evered aud sih-u rail II was beneating In oilir roi'nla, Vol 1 did nt eee Ike r.aull I deelr-d. till 1 bad takau It raitbfully for a Hula mere than a yar. whea Ik. dlra.uliy In tba ewk was ourej, ant ta9 ulna aanlht I bare enjoyed the Wat of h.alth. I ha In lhal tluie gained twut).flva ponnda f Saab, baing heavier than ever before la my life, and, I was aaver mure able to perform labor than bow, llimuil tha past few weeks 1 bad a scrofulous awalln.if aa large aajuy Bat gal bar a a another part of ua body. took YauS'lne faithfully aud II removed II level llh ibe euafaca u a uoulli. I ihluk 1 ahould have been cured of my main trouble enqtier If I had take larger dew, after luviug bacuiua acduaturued to lla offecta. l-l your patroue trnnbled with acrornta or kidney dlaeaao uuderalaml that It take Iliac lo euro ebroai dleoeaae. aud if Iboy will tiallvutlv take Vegeilna, It will, lutuy juilrfui-iii, cure huur Willi great uliliiialioua aia, Voura very trulv, O. W. MASSCltLiU, Pailor aflka MothoJUl K. Oburcb. PREPARED BY H. R. STEVENS, BOSTON, MASS. Vegetine is Sold by All Druggists. "NEW A. S. HELFRICH Beaver Springs, Fa. LARGEST. BEST STOCK Ot AND OOMPLETEST 13 ry Ooods, Crocoricn, QuoensiYiliwt llardwnre. Wooa V AViHov Notions, Farnisbinir Goods, Boots & bnoes, Uata & Caps. READY MADE CLOTHING cheaper than ever brought to Sny der County. Dealer in flRAIN, SEED, 3, COAL. LUMBER, FISH, SALT. BLASTER ta. All kinds of Qoods lohangei fr Csib or approtl souairjr produoa, Call and aXamln snv stook and Isara my prists ttafors pi4rbsln tlisebsrs. Ogl. 13. lS7t. 6m. )R.J,W. RQCKEFELLOW, PHTSIOlaif AND IUSOION OSsrt SIS prafasilbaal aarvlaas la US altlgaas a Mlddlaiiars and rlelnlt. Ai li'l PATTTTfln N OTICKis hereby given that the niiuwiigg aniaias aaa aaaa parsDasad by Iha aadarali Igawl at Saarira salt and lait la tka OT oha a). Uaadrlska 4 arlag aar ulaaaur. ail parson's ar aaatluaad not to in- Ula aad Bedding, InUrast IBS Ait Uara.IBhaaU, tUi riaror aiauai wua in Sana, is aiak. t CaM Hia .ml pip, hall ra r Orala la around ir in ia arooua, lot Uh, Oral lirlll, Itlrator, HT Laddgrs, Flo".. W Ha, i uvata, aaarrwei 01 it agfons, Waajoa Bog, Hlnala aad Daakla Traaa, Stars. 1 Sat liona.Oaa.40lr t" i " ' . aaT aii.aifeiai JUS I AH KL1NB, TaA UAH Iff PS I PA., -APRIL 2G, SPilEfG Great Excitement in Selinsgrove. ffEIS AND OPPENHEIMER'S STOCK OF GOODS TOO LARGE FOR THEIR STORE CHEAPER GOODS, BETTER GOODS AND MORE OF THEM THAN EVER. TTATINO JC8T RETURNED FROM X. MlifM, YOUTI1M ALi, VI WHICH WE WILL SELL AT PRICE TO DRFV COM PRTfTtOH . 1st. .!rnil!.'0rw a8h and ,0" ,0 Siil.Jf"2L0:, " wwim(j vuaviwi u 2nd. H?SSA!jZ? Dy Bimi,ar 1.1 it : . . v,ug im.. many years expenoi.ee In the bnsinoss. wo aro enabled to aou are enabled to give our Customers the adviintago of the same. 4th We adhere to tho GoMon Rule cures (uriisacii.Lin.arnfa. v. v.u.j IM'U IT LIU UUfO OHO OH! IIOIU US. Cth. Wbilsl we do not allow onr enstomors to deduct thoir Railroad faro like some clotliinir bouses tve anil at sucb bargains, that every one who gives us a trial is enabled to save ruauy uZ tho 3 !f E 7.ir. Try u apde for yourlf. Our ,tock u large and embrace, in connexion vritU the duthina a full lint of Oent I funueuny goo,h, JI.iU, t'v, Umbrellas, Trunks, Valicc tr. ,u" Unt V ALL OF WHICH WILL 13E SOLD AT IIOTTOM l'KICKd. Y0U fftr? ui eboP0' n" ",of ny ch" "uso in Central Ponn'a. besides baviuff ft chance in draw, mg a solid silver American watch. Koe advortiueuiout in auothcr column. Feelinar confident that our endeavors to servo our c.mlomfrs will mod win. ili, .... remain. piromig yi1 New York (in Holmes now bniliding, MAltKKT NT., WELINHOROVE, IyV. SWPFI nnHjiMtrotnrncil ivtnix tholnmt s W-LlXO Oltle with tho l..tiieMt ttii iihhi complete Mtoclc OF NOTIONS AND FANCY GOODS ! tivoi brought to thiH county, Large variety in SUMMER SHAWLS, SKIRTS. HOSIERY. GLOVES, HlACIt Special inducements in & INSERTINGS, Table Linen and Towling" of all descriptions. n TV "IG ?.uce(l 01 ,l".V Kr"ls In our lino win nud it to their advantago to call and examine my goods and pri ces before purchasing elsewhere. They can alwavs savo from 25 to 40 percent. GOODS RECEIVED ALMOST DAILY DC KINO SKASON. iiuinhjwjor2aat Jauors a owiUnuation of the tame is respectfully AGGugmiee'o aDe . NEW GOODS ! NEW GOODS ! ! FORCAHIIOH lUlOniTCiq lV tho uiidorsignod Assinooot HOWARD 1. ROMFG Adnmsbiirff, Snyder County, Pcnn'a The Stock Consists partly of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, Such as Cloths, Cassimers, Kentucky Ladies' Dress ALL WOQL PBLA1NS, Merinos Poplins, io. at all prices and very cheap. uaio aau uaio, wivm. xiuui, liiuic, aim mil Ull U101U. BOOTS AJVD SHOES, Hardware, Qneensware, Tin and Glassware Wcodand Willowware, Ooflees, muqiuv, pjiuya, juuiuBBUB, naa ui mi Kiaus, auu at aow irrices, Cicrars It Tobacco. Fish & Salt. U'Ih.WIa &n, uyaVi lVAi VVlMi ' A V atTI aV A W aMat AW Ull 1 Marok ?, 1174. J. M.LINN, A. H. DILL. (Suseaasors ta J. P. fc J. M. I.lna 1 ATTORN Elf 8 AT LAW. L.wl.burg. Pa OSar Ibtir professional ssrvls lo tb publlu. CullaoiloBS snd all other rro regsiqsnl buslntas sngugta4 lo ibf Ir ear will isotiTsproniplaUaatloB, f Jaa, 8, 't)7ll if.fl. Grimm. Wm. If. ill. Attorneys & Councelora Ai4-r, ; Offlos Near tbs Post Office. "rrcebursT. Vimm'm. . CoasuUalloa la belk Xoalish aad flsraiaa A 1871 NO. 50. ABR ML Til K EASTERN CITIES WITU TUB LARGEST AND MOST "in'moi (l.iu NU3 VOMPLKTB B I J " K R'JAD TilE AFFURU TU BrlLL BO C1IEAI'. t!ie ,Bam6 n"y wo Jo not oWtfo you t tmko un for the bust mauVturers aud .IS K BU1I Hi O til U 1 i A TOUIS. . ... of i ONK PlltrrH vin tt r ...i i.- i..:; y ,, 1 rt WEIS & OPPENHEFMER ONE DOOR ABOVE KEYSTONK UOTEL .Vl'aLlSSOltOvfe. peimoLnigB n - iii': Fancy Store, opposite the Keytsone Hotel.) etc. Great bargains in AIJMCAS. HAMBURG EDGINGS Jeans, Cottonades of every style Goods, Silks Mniriw a. Tarjsr ti-uu i Dili, f.-,,.--,,,, 18AAC DEAVEn. Aaalgaaa. Xf , POTTER, ATionyjsr at zaw. telinsfroye, P , Ofershil profsasionsl erjos lo ths publio. AH legal busin glrusls lo big oars will rooslvs prompt nlltntion. Offiog on door sbo lb $ Latberaa Churob. Jaly, lb 73. aoBAos ai..asA. S. ALLEIIAir & SOIT.: AT TO It N E Y8 At LAW. tsoiiiiMfrove, st All nrofaasloaal buMlnaa .ll.i l. eVJ-SI .. . entrusted lo their oar will be prosspil I vas D oonsuilta IB EBgusS igltail THIS POHT. Published every Thursday Evening by JBREMIA11 OROUSB, Prop'r. Terms of Rnbsonplion, TWO DOLLAIU VFM ANNUM. Pay. able within six months, or til.flO ifn.it pnid within the year. No paMsr 'da. continued until ail arroirsKa are paid unless at the option f the pub lisher. Bubsrrlptlotis oubild) of the county f A fAllLR IJIADTASCI. Wl'nraoiw linlna mid using papers addreawl 'a othent bminmesuliacrilieri and are liable fortbe price of tho paper or FOLLOWtva ANUSES V;iT (VB CAN poor pajiug arjre tjuautitiea thi. section of the coantr,, eon.e. taka crr .lvnni. f . .. ... "uu uo MwiepresontnuoM wmcU sot ..4 l-.v,. ui pmmajo na F. J. It. ZELLER, TiUUX&l.Ai'hA Centrevlllt!, Snyder County, 1'ennrw. All biialnm. antrn.lai! to his -.ra will ba wall anil '.Ichfiillr atten lwl In. Will prattle at the vara) anuria or Nnyilar ami ailininlng nimnllaa. Han Imi ean.Ulll In th Rngllrh or Oermau language. Oat. 30, 'J8l( CHARLES IIOWKR, ATTOUNEV AT LAW, Seliiinrove, Pit. OTers blsprofe..ionleriies to tha pub lic. Colleallons and nil other prorsiunnt business antrusird lo bis ear will re. cei?e prompt attention. Office Iwodonra north of Iha Keystone HoUl. f Jan 6. '7 joriN u. ARNOLD, A.1 tornoy & VISTMCT.1TTOt;.i:Y, JIipDLEUL'UU, FA rrofesnlonnl buslnas entrunlcd lo his cars ba prampll attended lo. r ob 9,'7 JTlOIlSONllAKER, -Vttono.v-at-l ..nw, Lewisburfr, Union Co., Ps, trSTOan bo oonsultd iu (heKuglishsnd German Inngiiiiiri'a.lffja; OFFICE Market Sircct, opposite Wait Smith & Co'a Store 8 -4'. g T. PARKS, ATTORSRY AT LAW. SBLISsailOVE, SSVUEIl COUNTV, Pa Sept. 15, C7tf SIMPSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Northumberland. Pa. Offer Lig professional serricrs lo Ibe sub io. aii uusioesg enirusita lo Bis gars will be promptly attended lo. Jan. 17, "67lf J- PETERS, Jaslice of the Peaca, Mlddleburg, Snyder eounty, Penn'a, Oulivevanrll! dun, anil Pi,ll...llnM Kirylliln Iniruated to bla ears, will raa.i. prumpl allaulluu. Jane II, TM J- f KANAWKL, PHYSICIAN AND SURflEOV rntrevlle, tnjder Co.. Offers big professional servleee la ths publio. 6-oSif J)lt. A, Jf. SMIfU, PflSlClAV AXD SUJtOEOy. Otter bis professional serriees lo Iha aiil. spnaof Adamsburg snd viciuil. tiepl, 73 DR. J. Y.tfRINDEL, fiL'Rnnnv avii I'lirsiritv MiJilloburff.'Pa. Offers bU prqfosalonal serrici-s g tba git. sens or Middleaurg snd vicinity; March 2,'67 1. JJONHECK, Justice of tlc Peaco Adatmbury, Snyder Co.. I'a. Will bg in his oflio nl lbs above tnanfioa. ed plaoe, on MONDAY aad 8ATUUDAY of eaoh week, when all kinds of business relating lo bis pIBoe, will b attsndtd Is F. VAN HUSKIRK, uaaC4b A ijeciunic, pentiii Sslinsgreve, Panu'av g A.WETJ5E&, Justice q( thei Peace, Beaoertawn, Snyder Co., I'a. AU kinds of eolleoiioue stad on liberal Urnis. Promptly altande ta all buginess latrugtee I kis esra. (Jaa lie, 'TVH V. J J. ltl 1 CJ K Justice of tna Pqace ant GooTCTancer. mlf.li fare)' a. luiilar spo a I InlllB QrsV. My4cr Co, P. Cllacllew aeS all boauM aarialalBS tatha Wl. WTTi 4aSBlaaW: Jfa9j 4W -Ut, vftyiBB. Y;5j 1rtt