Jkmmm- -sai tA siBl- Vi -a. 1 .'A N i -J LUdilsbsrg, Ear. 22, 1877, Jocitl New, rc. All communications, business let- Ao.. for thie n(nc. to secure prompt attention should be addressed M follow : Tint Post, Middlebnrg;, Snyder Omnty, P. AdeertisenienUi, Kmninicfttion o. mutt be handed Jh by Monday noon, to lectin Inter titm in nest Untie Work tu commenced last wpplc on the 8unbury A Lewistnwn Railroad Bridge at Solinnerove. The Keyttnne Bridge Company of Pittsburgh, Pa., u awarded the contract. The time far drains the fireient ass, ion of nur uillio school is nigh at nond. Tne hoys ami jrms, however will here hut a brief respite, a the pri. ate schools bnft'n soon after the pub lie echoolt close. David Wert. of H'otliinston town nip, wm chopping wood one day litsi week, end by mistake sliced n(T about one half of the fore Anger on the loft hand. Dr. nibighaii found it neces aary to amputate tho Injured member at me eecomi joint. S!ow. On Friday enow foil At thin piece to the dppth of about six inches. end on HntunMy and Sunday, tho wen tner wee intensely cold, the merenrv in the thermometer falling to ten do c rcee below r.ero. There is nt tide writ lag, Monday, tolerably Rood sleighing. Auctioneer. George H. JJaokiio. burn, of Middlecrcek, P. O.. would en nounce to tne people nrnnvder conn. ty, that ho will cry sulefcir real end personal property, Ht short notice end on the most rcusnimbla terms. Ho guarantees satisfaction. Mar.13.77tt. We Ultra that Peter iltrtmtn sad Jihn Matin of Cenirerille, hare been swarded tkseealrset for oarrying ihs mail from Btiinitrote te Lswlstnwn, fir lh nrXi renr year eommeooing Jul (el, 1877. . Dealer WUr, ato, from Cntrill has reeleed the ennlraet for carrying the It en lbs New Drrlin and Middlehurg . nun, lor rour years, from July let, 187 When anybody die, eels married, runs away, steam anything. Imilds house, make a big sale, or whi ps his man or ins wile tireuk his leir. or fete the etnfninjr, kicked nut of him bv mtilo. Or doe anything that is in any iii wmy reuirnni)ic, ana ynu nave reason to believe that yon know as mnnli bout the occurrence an an.vlui y elso, don't wait for some other person' to re port it or trust us to And it nut bv in. tinct, but come and tell us almut it. or end the fuels on a postal card. This is the way news is supplied, and it takes a goodly supply of that necessary rticle to in ike a good hum miner. see if yon cannot improve this year naioiHs Know every item or news lust transpires in your neighborhood. DirTso. A bill was imrnltioe I la Ik House of Repreafai by tbe litu pbla county Rpreentailtt -Ti pro. yhlt for (ho ereclloa of peolteniiary si Merriehurg, fur ihs ute of lbs eountits of Daupbia. Lebtaoa, Vork, ru-nb-rlial roalia. .Uins. Pulion. H mrinraon Monburebrlso I, Union. Snvjt-r. l'rry. vnrr, inn .lltUIV, WRISR fTM- viiitd ibsl it fbsuM eooulii four UiinJrul ells, sol spproprlsis loo,ooo for lh purcusit sf lb necestr roundi sn lS srsoiloo of Ibo Mtry bullion" .' m ! (iroTius ior ids appointment or 4t oamiiliri by lb Qoraur who SbauM ultot tbs grounJ. sprinira I th .ertisa sf tb buildisfs, h tbould r without eaipoaiiii. itUei lb rablusi so l iiei&t upoa ik oUa. Tb till wss report i frooi Couiaiiu with a aigsilf raooiaaaa Jsiloa. Jioij Jim ti ii s uj q Dtnivk 01 ejqtiitt oijm suo .uy juiuuoJkiij j'noiii. peiiniitiem "K WH u" l'UilBJiH 9 1 M JJ )tii pue ivn euo vi e.is e jt q.im HI e im ' J'iui.tiiT 'uodn j3 .(am fit t0iu. qj jo etodBip pue .ui,m im 0i lueiuaVuujJit shui I(,h japoq ii AWl iuuiuui e.oqu eil tif) uoijiodoad u ei3i.ii) siunouiM jajwi to ut eq in w sieoii oj Benqojtid QOO!f UO -USAI3 e M 1JMl 9UO wu hmuas oo nf Aiiq ou ii w ox 'luetnauodisod nv oooajeye m n 'Ui m pad y Xe'pjn leg uo j(uoiwii.) i no jo uo oi vos'id w s Ji9a eq . ti3UM e.on etir. iiuowti3 jno oi majjd e ss qojSAi jee'i uttJijaiuy mu y DR. HaXs' EXlRCTOIlANT TbSOMt Kntf fnr coashi sn t OiM. ThsUslokMt Haia.'dy fur (Jr.up ana liar aM HAAS' expkctoiian:' Ii no Hnmbiir. I would not b lth nt It If It ealIMabuUI. J. H. Hoovs. HAAS' EXPECTORANT JPbs Mnrsat Haiadf for lnllusat. DiOI-dtt broathlaa, Aitkais, nrouekltl, ACoaiuiatloa IIAS EXPECTORANT ti th Kaai Prapsratlon of tbs bta I In tb M if I, 1 bar It by ia rM. J. Us. l.oo. HAAS' EXPECTORANT Tba lMl Mnibf kmnmi f.. IVk .,.1. . n For T'tfMl au4 Lung Ola H baa ao o,ul HAAS' KXPECTOU'Nr ! 1 la air fsmllr r yaa rist t baow IU ar t Iroui siiilau. ua, W.stairaavDsa. . HAAS' EXPECTORANT for a TntoMaaon cousb It h no oounl. It la paralf HSatla, tar aail f lnt. HAAS KXPKGTORWT 'rsva oior 'ffaatUa baa aar lhr Maillrls ih iihi, iaai i a. aao oaiaaLa u. a. MAS' KXI'EOrOUANC f aolil k all baalara lq M '.Hoist al J ott aao.l, THV1V. TktVlT. $12 7 al bom. Au wat1. OatSI sad toraia frs TKUk uo., sasaata, al. 8EL1NSGB0VE , LIABBLE WORKS. Th andcralirnwl hsTlae prahaa4 Ik V. tats-rat Mnrkl Workt, he I sow 111 . Monaments A n i Headstones. &h anmr al aria aiaab lowar Iksa karat . w'. ad lowar ikaa rr ba doas ta lb Haa( latl reoaltad a Mrt lot of Datlant. , erslMhlaUatalrla of Mosamtnl k kamt. Stonaa, 1 an aula to lr aailiraatloa la la aad prleaw, u all that wiik to daaoral ih r4 el 4 dMrld frtaad wltk'a mt, abtau iKnanaut, Tamkj . r . I kr aia at4 arralaamaata, ao at ta k al ta furalak aa akorl annua, Narhl. aland. Stoaa, r aar alkar klad of door aad Whidoa Ilia, at prloM la aah Ik purekawr. "nmw rartaat la Bead ufaar of Ik atura srllala ; f,,,J"0V SBlHaaj altk Malliiaaro i jural Workt kfor parakatlaa lhar, ' l )p Haak'a laini tlvald tra Osarda hi tala, rife dierat iyU. Uvta " I Ur. J. H. Ueg. ef Adamabarg. Is for lb eadrlf aad where ail er V will eeeitM4iBi atteetlna. Ciepltl letter. ItARRisntlHO. M sr. 1V lS7f . . At our last writiuu we left the local option and usury bills in a state of doubt in regard to their final fate. Both bar now been diepoeed or much as was foreshadowed in Ihie correspondence. The former bill was acted upon yeeter day and wae eo amendod before a vote woe reached as to leave the question to a vote of the entire state Instead nf by comities. The discussion was long but fruitless and ended in a big circus over the attempt of Brooks, of Cimeron. in deliver a speec h of'JO or nairea of uBiuiacrmi. in ii set) en I Hen I lam bed forgotten to page the eheets and the result was heentahntltas nun h tnl. ed as though he bad forgotten himself ana "mixed hie liuttermilk." The final result was that it was beaten bv a vntn of 68 yeas to 109 nays the vote'on both lines oeing uivKiea. ntiout equally lie tween republicans and democrats and iIkis tieing entirely cut off from politi cal bias. The bill preventing usury wad alo defeated to-day. AlOVT DOOS. Bill No. C3 concerning tbe protection of sheep and the taxation of dogs in the several counties or the Uomtiionweallh was taken tip on second reading ye tcrday nnd for an hour furnished u subiect of infinite amusement to the house. AniendmiMit nfter ameiidinenl wss ollered more for tho purpose of killing tne tun man perrui-ting the measure. The bill goes to third read ing and will probably fall. Ol.U AND NKW SAT0U, The experience of the first twenty four hours of this week formed a re markable episode in Pennsylvania pol itics. Tho reVignalion of lion. Simon Cameron ha been frequently rumored within the past six mouths, nnd vet. we think, never seriously considered by him until last week. The situuested nii'c live for Ibis action by such papers as are ..I I.. II. i . ! : iiiiwuu iu me uiiirrMia ia eoiirviv eironeous. It is possible the latter to together with many other good repub licans, may dill'cr Irom the presiilvnt in regard to the wUdom of bis initiutorv stvp indicating the line ol his policy as they may disagree with other steps in the future hut this will occasion nosticli breach as to causa enmity and wo ven ture tli sa-fmon or miber prophecy llint Hon. J. U Cameron will nIm bit st in tb rienat without tb (lightest tttixewf III feeling hails of bis new r-iiu.il ion In th cabinet and l'rrti.lent llsyea will bar no warmer iiporirr in Ids efTurte to irengthea Ih party and rnfurii shin.. than th aw Jenitor from I'l-nnrylrsui Tb Itepithlieaii bal atiatxloned all Idea of a prvliiuin try esueita until tbr anailing ami-Csiiiernn papers ssterted lht Ibry wers being wlii,p. Into a sup port of Mr. Csnierou a tintt tiieir j iU incnl. Then I lis canons wasoslls l fur une o'elook on Ihs I3tli inst li l.iaird just IS minins ih 13 J niemtier pretent nn'in nsiiiiK Mr. Cinrou by a uu iiiui.iii eoi pasntil a redtlution tn.ljring ih policy of Mr. Ilsyes auJ IJ iiirneJ, A eomuiine was appointed to wnil upon Mr. Cameron and inform bini ot th acnou nflbcesucu wliioh plettanl duty hi-in loo, th geutlemtn responded by wirmljr tbsnkibg tb ptriy which tenderail bim th honor sol I ten in a Are uiinu'e tpeerb taarkeJ out bis fut .r eourae. In doiiiii litis ha plsotd himself in prfoi aooorJ villi Mr. Ila( aud Ida pulioy. POM. Sewing Machines Ac. Charles ('. Secliold, nf this place, tbn popular HKcntfoi- tho White blmttlo hewing, Machine, one of tlin best and cbeitpeai machines sold, is also, agent fur attach ments, such as rttthVrs, tuckers, hem- merit, also, needles, oil, fur all leading sewing machines, and wlncli can be had at a small advance of cost. Mar. 13, 77. If. Oaon Aevics. Now it th llms of year rnr riieninnnla, lung rveer, so. r.rv family skould lie a boo I of UntciiKii'V Gssmsm trit. Don't allow for mi mo ment that cough I tak hulil of your rnllil, your family or ynurtpir. Con aiiniption, Aatlima. Pneumoi.ia. Croup. Ili-niorrhage, ami other fatal diseases may set in. Although it it true Orrmsn Syrup ia curing llmutands or these dren.U rd deases, yet it is m icli better lo liner it st hand h,n litre ibxes will cure you. On Dutila will I jour whale family a winter and krep ynu fi from danger. If ynu are consiiinptife, do not rest mull you hare tried thi ramedv. Simple lint 'let 10 cr nl. Regular til ' oit. tlolJ by your Drugglat, John A Moats. While, siannih and tnflany lady's bands arms or nuck may heeom. who tiara Glenn' Sslpluir Soap, Pimples or niher dieflgurmenit of a eomplexinnsl nature. are surely obliterated by this healthful promoter of beauty. Depot, Criitentnn't No. 7 IXib Anu. N. V, Hill Hair VVbitker Dye, dlnck or brown, A i ct. Maroh 11, 1877. 1 oi, BQl.Johx I). Rai'drsdutoh, Tailor, resiiectfllllv informs tho neonlainf Mi,l. dlebuig mid vicinity lhat he is prepared to do all kinds nf work in his line neat ly, cleanly, accnrdiim to tho latest stylo anid warranted to lit. Cutting done at short notice. Business place, corner opposite tho U. U. Church, .Main Street. Bcpt. 2a.70.tf. E. F. Jkunkel's Ditef Wine of Iron. Olva tone ' ths slnuaoh, ISJi'irnesa the app. lite ami a-t rta.llifer.tio ,( et 'l a ih hwi In healthy sntt. SIII4 all In r -al h imore Ihtt etintaiumln it- Itishlsil. unrr ntt iha aa eratiot't an t nllan I ik I. ream. It (aitltot Ih ltr lo a hail hy a-lloa aa I airsiuthais th n t. Imnanl , that nl . to ll'a that nrs. e tt si-ma rmm i-i'M( has II. Thoiiao.lt 1 1 all wa ks fll', tcatllf lo th elrluaa nf Ililt tecllrni medlaiai ia eorrea Ins ilia daraa- mantof th ileeaile- oran. list tus km, ulna Miililniilr In l hot'las aai for Kosask' UiTTsa Wis us I sa, sad uks ao uthr. Dyppiti. Dyijitpsia. Iypepia. B. Y. K'iai1'a miter Wins of Inm, la a ram rnra for Una dlaae. It ha been nrsarriia dallT fir mine yeirs ihs iire-lliM of iilnem piieielans l h nparleled aneesas. Kvibiko na are niasoi apoeiue, vin-ianu ritliisor res), Srr. uess n mmnk hea-lirli. iliatinea. .lee., la asnd low tnlrlli del Ih uaouln. Not told lo bulk nnlr In tt ui baltltr. Il-iyoa want ton lh n to t ranulli n ynu, of ao d apnatlta 1 llo too want lo al e l nf aereoutaaait Doyon want e ar. elaei wall, orhaeurid uf ,.n,ata, llilnaf or I'var rilt- I Try r. KnsssL's Mitti s Wiaa IS". Ery kitil ausrsnias-l I t do a re- oaimenillll ml and traos, 1 nforik W iftlh HI. Phllaitalplila. Pa. U I tka ilanulna. M.,1.1 by all drssl't. Ark r Ii, 1 ivsata's, ad tak a other. Alt I aa la a rtl ibis ealaahle steOleln-. Uru kotli will soaelao foe. Ut (is boitli.irkv,l for on. Tope Worm Removed Aline fan Worm. Pin. Heat and etnaiaak Warm real ted all la Inim leu It (oar h tir. No fi until kaad raTTaua UYorta l.aliaa alltl sml In one. Ark foei d ussial f tr amtmi'i Whbm rai'P. SjH oali la ai Oi b Lira. Haari r.t ahlhlrsa ar t;roa a rena-. It seter tails. Or tend tor rlrf'olar it lr. gunk I. I North Nltilk street, PhUalelpkls. Pa. A vir by all f rs. dead lkr asm tlsias for raiara ul Kite . EXECUTOR'S NOTICFi -Letters lastamaalart nn Ihaattat nf falr lira. till 1st of west Perry Tnwnekta. Mntitat . Pa . a, hat ka aranlaa tu th .i... tlanad. all par-ont knowlns lkomltaa l.ll,. d lo lahl aststa will please mat Imaadlite payuteal aklleiknse having elalma aeslaal talrf Mlt will prweai lha-n lor teltte nl to wtsujivjt txrjiijU tfartb II. latrr. k.asntor. ADMINISI U T0R'H NOTICE. -lllt nf adtntsMUia-a tkssiatal fai taii.utaof Hsae.r it,eaklB, Mai. lay kip. .lev ranted ta ike e.-aalf. Pa, e'li Bat aaea aramtil ta ika antler' BBSs' All rtt at knaaia IhS aIrt ladebtBd ta Sals) muib will pleae stake tat meowtia psiamt aail that Btfla era I at a sinst is Mtaa vni praaani tas r ,r sain. aMSt M nr, pa, -OROTf TRObbvw MARKET eaaaersn wstetr T "V Densseller Ac Hon. Wh pr kahl UO i 1 n Ry de to Cera 4e Halt de -a go Cltrd pr basket I Plaisetd de 1 g trnien d I'oiafnet ' ii go Timothyteeii d thick whtal de Btittsr per pound ' ' . 2o Rgg pr dona u Tsllow pr pua4 07 Lard lo Cbrrlt ' 03 Aetded Chrrls g Blaokberrl i Raabcrrie . J, Drltl ApplM Diisd rabs pared . do uopar4 Oaooa, Sldae te J Ham . . b iiitdae Has ' fesl . 1 Us Is 5 (Kt CltMinnt oat w 2 8J io 8 On MAIMtlKI). Hareb 11, y Has. r.. I. el, Mr. Hailn !tarnerd Alltt Alary J, Uslia both f Krati artlll. a In aela-roe. oa IS Tt h Intl., hy p. Psrka, Dt.ll ll.nrr rsk d Ml.l Aasi Ray. both ef 9e Inturoe. H Kae. n.t. Warren Mr n-tberl It. Ca.t. !. of sun .ar,, and .His Cllt M. dsavkter ot Itate Jarra'l, y..q. Ai th Lutheran Pannnaee, t rrcebote, en Sonla. eva..na ll.rek ih, i, It.... 1, . Wams., Mr. Ittihaa H. Itlehf. ol Aarusi-bsra-.amt lu Loutaa siaif -n.of r'reet.ur. March Ilk. hy Res. W A.tlts,.f. tl.tleMa laser nnd .alts. It.itt Utw, both or Peita Iwp. Marelieth.byRe. ay. R. WJ, Ja net M. f.ei1ev..f K atiarelli., Mar Isr c. aa I .VI lit H t.K Fllita.of tlllror, iktliniaOo. "jiiai. On th IHh Inet , ib Haealur loanahm. Mif flin e lentf . Mr. Jahu IrMa,aaaO t rrsrt. Hi uvuibtand Idayt. ' In WonrneTap., Marsh 11, Job a I), Jarratl, Mai fly. Tm. I, Al E'en.l tie, Ju-ilatt n.t , t'ah, tl, Mn. Car oline aiialleub rsar, al lly. m a .t. March tilt. 1 1 Parrs i.a .ri ... . th l.u ia, M.rli, wila of r'rel noa T.'ouo. aa. ft fssra, 4 tajoiiia aad 10 Jays. Marsh Slh In .Ml.t.l sure ek tap., ef nnist, W'aui slo.ier, a J Ii y tarsi uio.itba and ' Mar. h loth In Pane tw., John Jarrett, ait. I about u ara. Mar b th. al MeKeaa Halt fm lis. af I-.,.. tuniiilua f'loranre. alia of Via. P. IttiMih. in (tie s. th tear ol her 4. IVi t.lb. In UarafaallDo., few, J.eobOlait, Miue.lif oi eaoir.aal . lost ;t jrear. March I a l. H t ia l!ili l itu. tiki. . Ooii.uiu, t uu, l.lnie. ana ol Jsm.lt A. sultr, Isre a l. l-rinsrlr ul W athluslou tap. In the wrearoihra4e. " On the sih lnt.. I t Dearer tap , f fatar k fetar, totlsr ateirel lr aae, aed S laars aad I aiuulu. fOVtRNMENT STOCKS, AC Clos Vrt iuj l',i.i. ta llaeas k rovatSBu, u oslu l o.rd airtvl l'uilsosi)iiis. ai.waa hoiMln an I s-l I alikar lor t.sau or a,aitu. liar. BID. ASK CO. U.S.'. ll " Hi's " " ls-J. H J ' " " ." sj " ID 4'. ' tJurrenc,, a " s UH, kS, I!allat a-.'. I enii.yiaeiiia it. H , IU.I, I IJ'. " ...luW ..I a., ..iu ..in ..la.ij ..I'ifa ; .. '. .. SIU ,.IM ... K.ii ... II .. ..ItW! , Jits', I IriV I 111' H-n 'a k. ii, ,e auii ta.'esins It. n. X,biu V,liey K. II IS 4:.' II Ul Lt'liiMh I'.jsl k N.T. On l.'nlteO OnJll'Stiles ul V.J , "il dr. tk k Aliev'y V.il. K. it... I'kl Bill l. his k I. lie H K- .tnriiiiru CVuir.l H. I(. Ot UstU , lO'f ll VI Cuution- VrOTICF. Is lirrvby (TrB ,,a fj. XI lotviuK sriiolee bnv been purchased by the uudt-ralgiied, t l onai hie e Sale aud Ivlt In th puMireeiiMi of John Ut'tx durinu lilt pleasure. All person ar Cuunoued not liiii..ll or Imeriere with the anoie. iz I Hood Kioe, Utiod 8lon. Bsrrel! Ilatid M sn ill, 2 Cows, a I'lg. Meat Hiand I'oikiiij fiiote and fl.Viiires, Cost Slur, ffitik, Wood Cheat, t'oruerCupheanl, (,'lnok J. U.MOVfcli, March 22, 1877. NOTICE. NOTICE ia licreliv citen lliatmy wife. Ilarrlal I'stirtnee t.mm taft t!i aal boar.l wlik out any tu uel ut tiae ahal r. ikareiur waru a I k S n not ta iru-l her on tut aocuual aa I will Ty n dabtt tun- a-iwi vy nt-r attar ants iiats. "AII1.UH COVRTNCY. , March, th, 177. ROCHESTER SEEDS. Iteid's Florsl Trilmte. a Look nf 00 pages with Ctilnri-d I'lates. dcii-riltce dtlO varii-tis nf Flowers, Vettetables, unins. c. rnce 1U cts. Tins work with 0 iikts. REID'S FRESH FLOWER SEEDS, including Tansy aud Verbena, for 25 t-ts. U Choice varieties and The Tribute. 50 els. Vegetable seed substituted if tir. ferrad. II'. II. It EI I). Mention this pnpcr.l RiH'liester, N. Y. A DMINITRATOIVS NOTICE th a nam on th atat ol MANY n. sill. KVil.ii..Mail aa nl II...... i ... .l. u dr Oo mty, I'anu., kaels; nean nrantd to Ilia sndertlsneil, all p -rtont kuealna ihaia ! ikdaoted lo aald eatnts ate reueed tu riaiuia win preteni ikew ds aulkrali-ate't fur asaaiainau te aajtvtns. Wl.libl.lh iuaieae, nil, AUoilaUlraisr. A dminiilrator't Notioe --Letteri ol XVadaiulstratl .a oa suaia bob e lb Ml vl Jail. A. Milter, 11 ul Ailetaie Iwii., t,ar vault, fa., ueoM. ua a been a'aule.1 1 tne Buner luheu. an i eravat tnoin thsina-Itea Ittdebt'U lo.abl ealais will ulesae maka liauta- dials pejiueut shlla tuese fcaelng a aim. apaisat aatu ea.aia am ireeeat tneia inr rail la Bitiwt A4lkL A. WKIItb lrk I, IITT. AdailnUirBtur. F 0 It BEN T. rpllB undersign J ofTtrt for Rsnl, nn J. reasonable urine, tbs onipliri bUrt'llbK MIUP with flXiure aad run Ding watsr tinder lb building. Bene ibr llanroad, In lb town of Ueaeenoan. Munder county, I', Tbl (isttd Hfr far ludiieewmi lo s Uood iiuinber. for t r new aud panleulars call on or ad drts II tHHl S. FHKKD, Mar. 1, '77. tiiowa, Pa. Ansifjueo Notice. A Ll perotins uiU-iftMUil are hereby BitlMllhllr. tslak MIMbl el Mlddle aiaea ar, atBder co , I au aatlgamaal al all Bia ailBets rati ta I asraoatl to iitaan -lsiil loria btBsNlofki srs.nt.ira. Allie ttua katlns sua r.quaa rd pressul tk lo lb ualrisl. aaif trMn ladskwd 111 ulaatj lass iibo.iUI ptaiaenl. Ail AM tiUtks, rh. II 'T7. , AttlB. Mf!!!!IM Ta tka Wnrhlna liaaa. Wa e eaw pr pand m tarsi k adslata at k tmatual eia- I'bif neat al "Bi, ins w"i oi tae ll u, . rnr mair eptra atoinanta. Malnet , llaai a pr e able, l-ertont afaliMe fata sa ly tarn Irani as eaal tS. bc eei alaa. sa-i a prop irtmnal sat b St ot j ikslr waul lltaa la ta b il Bar aVtad slrl ta a.lt ntaaa a me I kal -l aku at iklt Bailee war tean Ika t address sad tae Iks lasala aiaka Ihlt enaarallela-l a 1 1 l a aaoa aa ar But wall talladad a a til b 4 nt Sa lr I rta tat IB mbie ul writ a. '! psrilea ars, eaatpl' asrlh trl dolls r ta a.,ei. a -aea oikaa. aad a aunt ofHitaiaaad Vh. J!4;."? u'tb lai seat sad baa I llt atad 1 sbb aaet Intel Sled free be a. II. Rasdw rbbtMan't, sn eanl free it a bi Baraasacai. MM) Uaoe aeM T OECKIPIS AND EXPENDITURES of Snyder county, for the year 1870, commerjcing January let, 1876, and ending December 811 of ame year luciusiye. 9 9 "3 3' - basal T W-.a-i a'tJ M ' a r'S' J reffee- 31 r- re a t it n s r ttttznmmnt i i ss nnacuueosoeiMitmeiui; ne)f.Asa.aa.iss. UtnUOCtsk! OintteiMHeiuoe o e n o ts U0OHISh"Clee.iSo - e te ii4CHiiogta-iiegt6iS enj J fc t M w w i.1 in M O i. 61 s c W c . -i U u -i o 5 u - u . " o u K 3 Cl-ll--JOwUlv.jtlUH. t-i o . es ct SI (s) HUMInHHMUH OUtlMCIOWlit.-1-lJ.lJoi; r 1 o OS U C CI Oh MO O 8 Ci TO tn UCT.-..I Cl 4n sW iii -4KA0 ta ea s o e a. w ci u cn a-, o 00 -1 c M r oicoeJciarcifc()ct - ,e;i ti t; ii -u t i. u io Iti lluquent C ollrclor). IHatrlflll. I'oll'ra Nam .a. Tatr. Hnb'l Klaanh iar I art t'n Slats r'rankllu r.eaaar i antra I'netimen Krsnslin MliMlaliarc I'arrr Hanrt He. rick l7 HI l ?T Ol Aamn !. Waller fat Irk Krnan .lohn W, Waller Jtkii M. ste ler Jaeok A. Veraer llt tit -47 II k . II i lit . Jl ftl Items of Expenditures. Auditors. A mlltora par Inrlinling- rierk e $. AlUuiau aihlllltiscnunty ufSca Sou Jry I'ataamlsalaaara. 17. P. Welssr, Jury eoiaialaalsnar 10 " A. rt. II 'llrlcli rf.t aa 0 A.J P-l-ra rlerb it do I too A. K.Oift MinulB leaik ta-U I'rof llMolMla, OOlce. M'l-re Safe A I. s'k I) i. Irau Safe IH ;T William Maim, It . h-ls h. , I'JtTi la, a. f. K imitf. ha tuna lrnn aife oo I'. A. Oiaen. fr. Iltl nu ' 3S t Fkiht eslnei.ird, ntliisramldiu( i to i alf iii Blvlller, r.-nalriiirf k.t. o II. A. S iii.H-h, eir,-asiie 70 lii-nr,! '. Misiiier, rsrialriaf ; .1 W. Itreese, ettireaaatis 340 J'thnA. Mnttr. stationery ii 61 Aamo R. (till 17 31 . Allied H.-hoeh .. j,- V. Iltelimter A 8 nt 771 tl. I). Ontliliia riureasse-e J. Ijrouaeblllof lees fir IS7I 4 n dvll fasaol Js'oSssk at, flnrder Co. IS H Rrulalar Keaorder'e OaTUe. A. X. Olft, etallnnery n Wltisniiiyer and ttuii,elatiouary 1 at John A . Muatt do l J. M. anisii.it, Hacordlog Oondt tit for TitBaursr 00 brlaT'Ofl)e. Wm. r. Father! alal alrit. k Jnrr-Peler II. Hnr.ler nd lav.lta H. MaUnr a liurs'a Aa a P. una. ( aBal On. II SI Daniel Kiseiiliert. autniaonlne lerors. Fab. Mat, S.p'.an.l II. e. T'rma ll'l Ul l D kiiJiinari, faaa In U tartar Netalooa. kll 00 DlatrUI Alloraay OAT lee. .form Wtllrnntrer repalrlnf labia sir. S e la. is. sierra ta.-a Mr it n. 111 oj C'ulllnlUaluurl'a, flflloo. Inel liow. l!omiBlt'r St ilsy atrrlea 1'5' t tnlin Kmnlai, do tl do IIIIKI Motet Kraba tl 1 tt do lie' 10 .1. I'. Aurand, iMerk, to 1I.1 I Dim I., ra. Mrare. Allnrnaa n OoB're Inn no a. a run K illft, Hutlonery St 67 Wlttanairer k Sou On i 00 LldVr k 1:0. ileulli paper Ae., II uo do Mile book -.o toh P. Nlatlar maiilnsT Bar ka Itto M. . Hahaab airraaaasa f J staatuel Hnaen erf las! fritttri d Cnniitilaalinar. tie tie) F. I.. Ilutter KasUirtllon book I) I il. O. (lulellaa ea re.titr It) .Inkn a. M"l Hiatlnnary 1 U fir lit at h II ackaoiitklus I 00 (. Allrd Behoek oil elotk Ae. 1 J VsarlktaM Ktuewtea (Ihs. Rounder, el al lienllii coal lo 117 ft J riranen a nmiiier, 11111 nr eoai 111 laia ef -Jt ll.uielT. Uhnatia, pslnlln mntkst 111 Julia A. Mnai. while laail, nil ale. 10 to Juh 1 M. eieiirrclsaiilii( eeliar tie. 1 11 H haiuefitrdriiairlnsehilr It M ill HnSiitta aud O t. .' Tju coal SI 1 1 Jvibud. Stellar, Janlbir NM Bnattria Pewllrallnry, Jjhs M. Moris, Trssanrer of t. 9 P, aUiomuy Ooutrlvta lit v Court i:xp-nee, l ahltl BoltB'b-r bna-il'ni dorr I M lab. Itriu P. lit J.irur 11 I Ufa 1 " I.Wb I'anatithlat Ratartt 40 Itsisinar is 00 Tlataret til Loorlrrtar 30IH May Tsfai l eilt laror tut "I Ors.d llau Oonatatilai Hetara 1 . Kaporier o 00 'I tKtta . tl 00 I'nuricrvar ri.si 8pl.Tersi Pet.l Jurors lato itrsno 14 -41 I unstable! Retarst 4 MeiHiriee ooo Tlialivel SO St ii.u-trryer . It 00 !. Trai-p. lit Juror i TT lira ml " Mlt liiiattaiilet Itctsrol vu It . utlar .n0 Tlatarat !H U Oouri error llto J. 0. 9allh bwardlns Jury A. I 00 airall RipenstJl. A. ttf, nnwertoe rptlrlne thutttr ft witteniarsr a 8 m lotl UiiK. to Win. 11, Walt- rantir nsebluiBeys 4 01 A. .1, peehl reiotltlaf pamp too adaaj Hnoaera yloket raueeh. low) A. J. Sp rht fen - post II' Waaenseller k tu enal a a- Ohar aa P saaaial lomb'f use I harlaa 11. at Inln sr kaolins seal I eo Henry saaehi uemn ttnek eie. t Tt stem a Wetiel, rsuslrlaa ro ifeis. S ou lumel T Mlnia.lt " n aie ler, lak'Bo.r A I'e. pleket fee It juau a. aiaiiar taa r ana rpatriaa IS T Uaalal Citaakari boardlug prloar aad loekat tM m Da let Klakar Merekaadlts 10 is baUdl-bake ore te. M M llrldg Uepulre. llian. ii, h . 1 . m u w 11. u 1 y li-naa Jieaeer ds n . Li IN 1 'i0 l:iu "1101 lotts 4114 lot 41 Ktt IStt lO'il l"l 4M lo 41 14 i ! lli-aaa' da do Hranth, Chapmaa do ' VlnhnBIOtlRS Uo do Hoyrra Frank iln da Hiwaraosa do do Wtttsit MiildlMretk dot M.ltera do da -Ions Monro ta at-kiwk do dm Huraa Pena da Hmasr do da at so BelmaarsT trfwtae tbaa 1 aw 1I tl 4M It Wlnteaa Maaest 4 do B.lfvta g Ctjilta Cctamtjaweilta. CNBC. -Uia s-..4 L. . w., P' ' -J''' II eg I" 0 HN SI o'rSitieSUfic'IsJeiSliif, cr, I ri u l " CO I . . T! k' m B ffaf ,8 e- in ti lftJ.U 9 v O tl ?" MUUH'a 9 t J l-i t-' W to tii Ct wee. i.1 wi li in i Em a -1 tfl cn 7 r - .JMo.i'' T i c c 1 i' do So Will, etriillb. Ilsillrl .Isr- reii, rrrns linuiiusl and Ian lei lle'ill do do chaa tli.rtinaii do d i Jnliti ).aa Su d 1 t'liae. t'ier So Sn I. 7e.br do do lottii t'lsti.lera do dn Htno lianbarinaa do dn Wm llis.il dn dn .1 11 llarliuin do dn I esia Kerateller J 00 dn r llllilati Keultr do do Jarn'i ft-tiilr do t d 1 I'eler I Imma do d He. re Ka'iffintn A asmliel Wsllar do dmlenra-e i.m dn dn II w Hllla do dn JnarpU Honk 1 ti 4 iO s ftl t . 14 tits Ann anora far Atieasnrt pay, asking Spring itieta. menlafc'. Ill li Atae-anrt , ,s tioHlalrf ef anlera dor. Iimth e,r jiti Alitnrt pay tasking TrltaaltlAl- ttttintult mi li I'.lertlon .Tadeet fur hnl.l ta Sprln K eetlnn 1 :l rieilerlck Mbiauereial aJterilalsg .. . Ill 40 uenerti ib isaiir llttt frlutliiff. U. II AO F. Mnttr I'nurt Pr.i. laoistion 4 during rtar lion An.ial oal too Nala ol II, I.. lij 0 Franklin W'a.rtek I'ourt Pr.ielainltaa-tilnrlns year 10 no nee'ta a l:t: en hluraa Inr lt;t tut llna.itsl CieeiluB fruelaaiatloa iiiisi kalenl IT. I. tl)m Aaaosl Appeal too Japb A t.smhard t:i-tioa Pruclanailnn I'nurt - tdurllgyetr hale sf 11. le, ' Annual Appeal Jeremiah rroeee Kneei,na an. I l.tnan-llturtt for lirt I leeiloa Pro atnatlon I "an durlaar J. b a ark, f.irint he. kt, bale tf I . L,. Kottd mn tee. .fo epb Peter Weil 1 oarer Tan. II arrisnn I aab. t l. - " I. V. Kalahu tt Able Herald t'hel.man " JaonkHasb 1 " John Hill rrsnklln win. II. riaaear Mldllebura Mem uel II .wen siliulnltu.tt.i- nf lb riisia.il A. l.ltaukoaer, det'd mi.l.lleburs Itaae U. Ilmtenttloa Monro Tap. -loaea Trailer " ' Henry Jtuer t al. WatklBst iS " lulercal, DJwa.d Dttalar laqueate- Osorss T. it el al ou deetl body of 8tra utl Maluk lArO lit 1 1 1" tit in M 80 .at tt 10 lots) ti Hi to' luuu III te 1 1 il 1 40 WI WOfl ti 00 tot' ll J 41 00 ITW Road letve. Ilanry Dietrich el. si. jm m Fwx Seal pi. Pharaa Troup at. l. )) Mlacellasnpoue, Wai. Tan tl'tar yrafeada ial ssrsles 10 tint tit .facnb Naah a. Snyder comity, and Oituuel W, Faebrsr ea, .ir.br my 41 1 O -orns H.r. Mllllary tl i Tbiimst Hot', pal l to Cinntr Trsas. nrer f.trirsci of llussale-l la.i ,, liittis, a ihs E-lliar Or,-su Irscl III Weal U 'Star liianship, Ooininis tl mers hase ei.-d 1 1 refund it no etieh trarl aaa in aatd Inatietiip, u aiipearln tkere la uo sorb trarl il 11 Wll Inn I'rnntmiu tf. l. euata in anil of .1 teoh ' aa. ijOer cionle. 111 91 Heurv ll.uisr, Trraeirar, (.as lu Vo. ass I'd land aalaa ti M Hmirt Mnlwr, for s. bonl, D irongh sod 4) P.str laSrs ea aieral 4t4 J.inartian Muter, Tat rrfauded I to aaoiast W. Wall, "11 gj Wiliaiintter aaj Sou, Whits I. id, Tor pi alius, as. tl j Janiea P. Bonn aarrlnn.lesii Joha 11 irtl delttt-iBetil t-Oil-i'lnr 1 00 Wui,No.illa( Kieaae. Teavuare In. lilote ler 1 t tt tl L. N. Mrera p.-uf .aal.tnal terelrrt la sail uf Jacob ssb and atuual t'eehreraa snider eoauiy list la. N.Myera, Tails ton lu'i; 11 bmvder couxrf as i IT lb tubaerl Inr. Commitaioncr In and f ir tai l coun ty, llo etriify, I list ih foregoing I n iru and correct 8itmnt of lb Heeeipi and tXpauiliiure loribysr l7ti, lo tb beat uf our kuoaldg. la wltntet whereof w bat brnnto el our band In Ih Csmniiiunr office, ia Mid.lleburg lb yd da ef Jaauary A U. I8.'T Aitttt si. P. AURANU, Clerk. JOEL DOIT. - , JOIIM rtOMia. MOVbS KHKBS. ContniMioBtr. Treueurrr'a Account. Iltary llenrtr Trtrr la ae.eaat with Bay. dor eounir, tor Ik fear A. U. Mil. DR. TstalofOoaaty tBtadorltft IIT40M Mat ' ' id m - a eaentf 1st est'g f UTtand prttln.it year 10U tM T eat. of Hut ta sat g f IITI tld prcelna itsr III M Teai. of etdewa by Mryttd Joku M, tenrdea MM T taek reo'd Ail Hasatr leMaea Ait Wt tti tl Te eatk ret'd f D.iM Riteahart, gaa, oew.atosa.elik ee A W Wa sstsl it ) T eark e'd ef P relerleh BIlgM et at for Utaa eateral bMM TBa ro-a eiiteey (aaar stai Aie II. Iad told rt Te tath rMHi kw Is aril Mid be Oaa'r t to ' laabst tol l .toil Tt ei. f airllUry tag IM'd sTBBJ w.kkttak..- . . .B It 11 ljajict ?15rtTaVllirrwuVt"w tm"":"r'T" """" rdenla 1ST paid by Traae. 1041 IS Htsta lea aaia m atats Tmiari, I s, a sa By Cowwiatio! I Ktll'rt f lerl, mist ser w " .. V ttata Bf EIBrBa aa .BBIf lV r UIM BfUtsMieaadlSB, eaatf " " " tl UtO wjiaivear ira aaa prarwa year aelataaillny steely tet wyaaasaei tsteaaa BreTtoae fear oatetaadla lMM By KtoBsrsiluat loeellatvrr ef Iff aa I preelou yaarl eeaAtf tl 41 By KioartinBi to sullaelort f itri and preelout yesre ta e? By kaltaesolaote anpald drawn by Hanrt and Joba U. Uerdoa la fa- or ol TreatUrBr IMW W. Dora la fa tor el freatarer for taieade (rj tl Dyliaaaurar'ttoaalMlestatilni M ally. ret. Hill Hf Trt s.arar't enawlitlo as Bil tt at t per at f .r lluuttter ll.aaaaa 14 tt By ainunt of Bllllary eider raid tIM Uy e..muiiealna o tsi uiliuart order 1W Ulne-due euanlf lakaade vf irsaturar ni It Sll eo M ranl rlataDcee. AMtt. Jan tel. IITT. t'nanty la at irt tstttaaJISa; Stats .t t ltM IM tu 7 ear. fa -it 1711. run tl Tim l tiBbiy lt f itTt aaJ priat year Male " I'alanee Is han.lt ef Trtai-irar Ualanee or Mllllsrr. nnd In ktadl f J aeeb Droit, as. 1 reaaorer tiixlUititi. anukl of ordara nl 117 outatan lit. .131 f. t;t pitrloat leart Ujt tl TotalAaeele "V.ltM Mllltarr l und. I)H. To Sn-, dns al1 Atnd and In kandt f iarntt un.i 1 reaanrsr. 3 8nvui:k oou.Nxr se. i W. Ilia tinilaralenad Amlllort of Ihs cnunte offlntiler. Mints of I'tnnajrlfunU. llo (,'eriif.. that In pur. anance of II, 4,1b Section of ib net of a. sembly entitled nn act rrlniin; 10 counties nnii inwnaiiipinr ism, and oilier not an. I siiiplemeina ilirretn. W met nt lb cnm iiiissionrr olBc In ibe ilorou,h nf Middle burjt. tal l county nn th first .Monday nf January U. 1N77. (being the at ilny of anid month) and did it.i lil, adjutl nnd sel lie lb fiiresnlnn acenuni of tb Commit. tinner nnd treasurer of tuid eoiimy, nt reiiuired of ua by law lo th beat of nor jmlltuient nnd abilltie. and that w dn fiml th tarn true and correct a timed In wiinest whereof, w Imee bereunn, sel our band at tb orlic afortiaij Ibit 3J da of January A. ll, l.;;. HAMI.I. DIKKE.NBACH W. A. 0L.rl NKR H. MIIUtEVTortTil. Count Auditor. ViJVlVOOl I d Ihl llsll.sl.. It. eeeal ..... . .... ... ..... innfiT s.i".iniires M , hajelieen a.leerllss.l, siicl, a Pa.te., Uillnrea, " I j,,' ; sltaois,eic.,allef Bhkh bare Iwau aban- dm. 0.1 V1' "" '" " srot,llnln till nf M;.n.lal.K...a-.. al all tlr.iu gt.irea Aak f.;r Irr.llar.nr a I .)tk t,- Won.ler Uti-a..!. Ma I.irr.f .ro.n. Ans. 17 '7 SHERIFFS SALE. T?Y viitne of a writ of Venl Et 1 ' leaned nut nf the ( O'lrt of Dnmimtn Plssanf Niitderrntiiity. and to tne dirvrle.l will baa, pnatd to Puhl.e ou the pre.uiasa, on Thumliy, .Viire 1S77, a lOnVlnrk a. m.nraald day 1'is f..lwli.l- de-e,-rl'sd If.al t.atsle In all- A rertain LIlTnr 1 Isre nl (Imiiiid ailnale In Mi Olure ka.t lira er Inai.ahip, ana.ler f-.nB'e, Pa., hnnnlel. Nnrih Bliev. smith by M.tn strsei, y.t.t I.. kiti.l Win. II. Herbaler ami Weal h street I'l'tltaillltttf SU IMI Irmil ....I IS. . . ... .. ... ' 1., ea.ere.in are eri eieo a k- M..IUW . it-ar. a.ll t.f k HALF other ti bun in, ,14. wtvni nv.as.auo Neiaed sn.l taken in ezorniinn and lobaaold talUe properly vl ,T..ti pli S ttu.ith. .. r..KMIIART,aiierl. Sheriff a OSes, Midd'ebaig, Mar. 1, lt.7. CAUTION. W"OTICE la heri-br given J1 f.i'ln.ins; artleiet hate iwan pi the nnleralanelal I'nnaiai.la't Sale (tint (he srrhaa d I.a I l"'to.elnn nf Hlia .n Xe.th'nan durlns hit I ''urn. All r.,,n are eoilnne. n n to In- ......r msi.ua w in tue taute. eit: TCInlrt. lebie. ame, bureau, Most Hino.l. Tub tl b''k.- Isaac kltkUs. Adam lp.. .Inn. I, WT. GREAT OFFER! ORGANS. For 1111 Trice Until MAT lit, 1877. A waks T Lert tf auitt I How it tk tla Id buy aigant, illE"SVEKT IIOMG" OUOAXS will bta. l.l aalll May sail at tk feialng akuleaele prlOB I FIP.HT rl.tt Plain taaaa In tValnlt. Oak, Cbettaal. ar any deaired wood. 2f.trie O li'ii, t ttnpa aad ka et.ip, llnalile HeMoat ki.u do I da 4 ttops, t 'slsai , kneeatop, Tu."0 dot t "tuis. talaala, Mmatna, ' 71 ei de It I do Tblt It p isarf.il ami tatet tnaed isttraatnl 10 0 SI';nMU CI.A!44.-r1eatit1fiil1y Flnlthtd Carted, Henl.lel, Pannelad Vtneered aad Horolled l east. ft. IT, 4 itope.Caleate and Knee imp. All hatlns larVe ull.iei gtoti de. tl, T d knee ato'i sory Dae nrtjaa toei tie. tb, I do ('al. tie. t'i tttt rt- dt tv.O' do. Ai, It do do ileiase onopler knee t'p ys oo de. to ii do do Ooapler, Huu.eaa ae lu...u TIIlRt rt. ts) -Large and ftaadtnme t'. let, ta Mlrh Walnut and Atinrie.1 fancy wootlt, oral and Muare I'ai.aala, Carvel Hraekeia. ul k earslnsa rnnd easea Ksn. y MnuMad, lu 1'lle.l and Pollahed ia Mr. kstln all I. si loiproxoieot. IV. 40, Satrn tiffs, it, ery lint parlor tn. tlruraent. a '00 d. 45, t Btapt, A p aarfol lattt !oad ura an 0 do. 4d f da Matin a baaaa tolea llelna IJ.00 d. Md Cela.ie. Thlt It really I ha- It a at I Hni.e Ira) 00 fie. ia, t dn dn Oeupler the "Pearl" 110.OU do. it, IJ do do do n Ha-. A I'hurcbiira.B llo. 0 do, to, It ttnpt, I 'el nt. Coupler, "eh Part Hanaaa, lkree tall lU Vlbiaturt. 1MM rni'RTn Ht.Aaa ntra fans dtread 4 Fln.tbe l In Plann-liryan htele-4'aaee. The Piaaal tlraaet Hanafasinred. We anailsaea be aerld m t. tal th.u mi loan aad Ue Prlte. t'er Prleet add 11 per Mat Tttrd Clt. Para-tnt hatlef el.t I ittramantt whlrk Ihey deair lo eienanga tie new oaee aaa do eo u Ib mnai res Sizable t-tuta Wa will lake Waluat loaber la etckaata for Ureaaa. ReyalHa f all kinds nf InalraaaBlt prsapt. ly dens Bit navel ceaooaetM ttrat. Addrew, SWEtT HOME ORGAN CO.. e Biavar Sf ring. . , ' SnyfJtrCw. Pv tied ltvrt.tr. CAUTION". "rVTOTICK ia hereby Riyen that (be X lliwla art let ee hate kaea pa re kae- w wj aev was ersaa vvtr at vuasaae s a eels BBS rJi'VeS f.?!.' IVT.. JT I tuJL'ohif glttSl seaeetlua mt Babsrt Milker Snrta All prasat Brasaailexaal ask. a ataddta with aaaaa. i.ii aww.ki.. pip Tseta Altil !, Wfril skaatT k. KtaaJ. let Amm. I k. lee B . aaiiai .7 iir-tae-t ..--;Jaa.f j "J1 " ' f I kj 4 . , Pi.a.saasa a mneh erssier pnwer la reatnrlneln J 1 a liesltht elate, ll nsaer pr...1nera al. kt.e-e, la t t-i , ,-arlBlli and tiiee.ljr In Ha aelmn. ll Is fa.l an. I 10 1 .er.-i-.1iii veerr niher retne.lv. m .-ar.iul-a s .e'ntre in an or alalit ilaia. rl.i.,ti... .M..11,.... HEAD 1 READ ! BEAD!!! Heater Sprtrtft, Pwwy. Dtwler ia Hardware, Tinware, Stoves &c Also SroUTIXd (tone at short notlee, on reasonable term and satisfsclor manner. tar I urn full ftfepafed io tut' nisli all kinds of Hardware, Tinware, Stoves, Ac. at the vt ty lowest fates. B4.A11 lit need of Tinware or Sports iiiR or niivililm else In my line of lm siness, ti lll not refret it ly exnmeninf my kooiIs and terms before purchasing elsewhere. DANIEL NACKENBURG. An. 10, 70. Afenle Wanted for lbs flreal p V. XTK NJf tTj IIOOI: liBiaeoae ttltt irp.tY.s. Mend for l.'lreula I-, W- Itl.lLB.I A HO., Palla.lslptla P. Notary Public, Sarrcyor, Coireyanctr, P"al Estate ajjUnstirance kwl teeoi tt.m.ia an.i Mortsseea prepare.! and af ktmia of ennteyaoelna slt-n.la.l to Breapthy wltb neuneae ami aecorrai-y. lelsl aitentinn alsen to hsytng nnd telling Real t.itst itiflr In Preemnni, snrderUn. Pn.. P. ll. Addrett, Mi. Plessaai Mllla, Soy lef Co., Peaa's. An. I 'Tt. Sr.rTti llo In tl p. Rowsi.t A l!o., Hew Tore for Pamphlet of loo i.ae. e.mtalnlns Ilaia uf neaapapart, ao.latllaal! thnaln enatef raieta. IUr. t,'7t-lf. Dimchij cf) Co'e Aftntrtisemtnte nerANrv t'ARIH U at... with Baa toot 9e po-l paid. i. M. llcaran, Nana, lira l-o., It. T. -aw aa. KMT Mlllnn Ootg r jasx asawsiry umuti I f 1 I Una mil. I'.mal I a t"lm Tleraniwi line atns sn.l a...l.l lt..l.lAn tlAntnu.f Mn. The ah., re a. II. I.a sent l M1''. f"rt1l!a. bars heen retaiie.l f r S pji ntrnpi at.vk n4 iniiai he enl.l. Mr 11,1 Mi Hon U'ld Watches, 10. ea.-h, fnr epeenlAttes iinrpnaea, SimiO llniere. "I i Al Iii Ann-aran.-e In a t-"1 tannine "M, "His rapntait.in f .r hnnette, fair ilea In and llle.riie i. i.n.n, he any a Isertiaer lu Ibl cue. v. Y. fur Hoa l-r. ia. !. F. a tUOKMA.N, iT Uoud SI.', JTea T.'rk. ' WSURANCE MEN! ta?,0e. AGENTS WANTED -tOB TDS-e New England Mutual Ll:c Ins. Co. The oldeal mutual In 'tis country. Chartered 111). MrtEft L TERMS 0IVEJ. MAUSTOM A WAKIXIrf, Oaneral Aal. 13 Snuib rourtb Slrt.l, Pull lelpbta. ATTENTION ALL I ni(ETltAIKRt'Pr MAl.t OFjrwrLBT, tlnr cel.t uf 10 L'enta wa alll s.id h insll. pnslpsl.t, sll nf Hie fi.llowllit pleeea nf Jaaelry, tit : I pair ll I I Plitrd li.nrt.sl niters Hal. I'ltia, mis set i.,, Pmnt aj.iirl Al't la, I r,ilsr M.i.i, I Wr.t.lioa- K-ne, 1 Kill Plat. Wairk (Miallinn.ll Hem 'a Hues IJ.irsI II -art Pin. We nff-rtlna onaar titrtislti merely to dinastiaa. IImii in imr imai nea., aa aa has a I kludi af selrhea and J.."alrj al low pricsa. Sand far l.'alaltien. CUUt A C.,T3I Broi.tssr, taw Terk City, llneM!. OT I ffinn TTTTtnnr RlliUUS "fllLtt-rTflLLL AWBruetl 1UB VVtalVDOlffJI a-....-.. . Th meat practical, tlntpie nd elfeciite- Its inverlor ad. vanti.se at partial a tie la uni versally acknowledged. Ad dteaa. T. O. AU'OTT Afliw, kl fe. . t u a eel. A. ava I I a a cMn.rf. Mi.f.NT HULLT, 5, J Will g ? niaaufaeterlng rihu, t9H(lM""!h- 'E,fTa WAttTkD oa r iUU Ihrs Ureal tt H oka. the hTOK Y OP UU A RLCT KOkJS. A full tceouni of tblt (treat Myi'ery, wrtttis by bl. failier, beila H .h o-n.i i.rout In Ihnll Ins lnttre.it. fht llluatratel fcaoil-book to all r. llaloBt, a i-.in.pii to A-count ot sll iltn.iralna tlnnt aud tern, j Illotiralloni. Alto the Unlet' me.1 oal nnt'le, i,f . p4 leoaat. . luilraiinne These boikt ttll at rlgbl. klalB snd Fernala Aanit eutn money on iliea. Par tieulara free. Cnpiemy mall & eavb. Joku B. Poller A Co., Phllsilelpula. A. HOME & jVA.11! Of Youi Own. On the Iln nf OK CAT tlAII.BOD wltk) good raarheu tv.lk Ear aad WaT. NOW IS THE TIME TO SECURE IT. Mild ntmttt. rerlil oil, h,t (ltnolrr lr to, k Haltlag la lb I' o I ltd stat. Anoka, Vspt, Fall Information, alto "Taa Plot sit" tnt fr to bII parts 81 tho world, Addrttt, O F. DAVIS, Land Cta. I'. P. R. R. OMAHA, NIB. DiWCnVIiiWHOTrD 39-BED ua n uuii u a AdjUalBhl snnerss.s . 1 1 ntk.M In ...u - - 4 a Me ol Ina ,y a I Irsaaf.r -A Im.msassa.ialaal warns I la litis aad d,acat onllee. Ciree. IBrt free. V.V. BAWSO.f A CO., Ml Arek Bl., Pkil. AnFNTS lossslleatethe ntrile ef Ih AWAail AkJ, Iiin.ttBieo Wseliy, bsfare de leruiinins upi.u tunr ami for thie rail aad ale tar, Therniuhineiioa t.r This aen-nn aurpaaaae enTlilus hrrvTntnre aTtrniprsa, TSraa assw fr. ann ai.p.ieaTlna. A.ldres., i BAS). C!LB CA A l-U.. 11 Warren BT. 5.T. TRirLllfi WtTB A O0LD IB ALWAYS DAMOBIOf UMI2 Wells' Carbolic Tablets?, Astir taey ess Csaefie, and all dkwaaeaaftk Threat, ieuage, Ckra and Baaaa Maabtaaa. Put l p Only In Blue Barm. SOLD BT ALL UiCOOWTS. C. W. CBItTlMWit, tBlstAe.a.r.T. A Lucratlvt Exsuess We want 500 m re ftret.etaiia Sewine; Maehine Anenle, and t55 men tfne py and ability to learn the ruicwt ot delimit , .Hewing Marbiuee. Com pew satinnUberal bot earring acrordior Awilny, Chararier and Qnalibctrtioa "rela K,nl rW l'iCttlw, Ad WlUaam SttM (thIIm Ck CHICAGO 821 A 82 Brotvd-iaT, Jfew York, Br Wew Orteana. . A ftlCTTaMl tAiTToit. em l.-k I 1 rks... ladles' hand I I f1! asms bro sih, A ear KM Is. lnr"P", pair slrsaul lfl I rild al ios eleere I Vst I '.ni'oiia, sal spiral V J slndt,rnnrtnllon not .it "Sl-v V K. 7w i r,-.-i