. L'J.IUJLJ-UJiL- "-..L'lUBgg A-'lvortteJlnar Ilnte n. One column on year, 1(10.00 One-half, column, one year, 80.00 One-ftitlrih column, one ycnr, 15.) On sotinrv) (10 lines) 1 inaortion 73 FfofeMion al and Business card of AM mora limn 6 lines, per rear, 0.00 Auditor. Executor. Administrator And Assignee Notices, 250 Sdilorial notices pr lint, .. - 15 All advertisements for A horter pe riod than one year sre psynble at the rbna they are ordered, and if not paid tba peraon OMoniiR tnoiu wui be neiu responsible for tho monov. VEGETINE KRirild TBI BLOOD, RENOVATES A MTiaOBATES TRS WOOLS - IISTIM. tit Msdieat Properties Are Alterative, Tonin, 8olvent and Diuretics YtOKTIXC It mvl Xoliil1y from tk Juice of orfiMly leeted hrk, rest sod kerb, and alrongty concen trated, that il wilt eftVtunlly eradicate from th tytm every taint ofSomfot. Scrofuleu ilitianr, Tumon. Cancer. Can rant Ham or, Eryilpla. Soil Rheum. Byphilillo Dittaeet. Canker, FalntneM nt lb Stomach, and all dWm that urine from impure blool. Sriaiica, Inflamma ,nr and ribronlo Rhanmatlam. Neurjklai. Omit and Spinal Complaint, can only be sBVetually cured through the blood. ' Fr Cloere end Eruptive Uiai of th ftkla, Piitlulea. Pimple, Olnioben, II li. Teller, 8otd-btad nnd Rine-wnrin. VFfJ. KTINE bu sever failed lo effuot permit ' sent oar. For Paint In tb Biok, Kl ine- Pott, platott, Dropry, Ptntal Weaknr, Leu errhoea, ariaing from Internal ulceration ad uttrio diaea and Utneral Dehilit r, YBOKTINE not direcly upon the can-. f Ihtt (amputate. It tnvignratee an I Strsogthen lb whol .viem, net upon bcrllv organ. all Inflvtiatinn, uret uleeratlno and regiilnie I he hnwrl. for Catarrh. Dyaprpii. Habitual C Uvea. Palpliatlon ol lb Mean, Head- kt, Pit, Nervouanet and General V. a I 1 1 ... I k. Uarvnill Hv.l.m nt dials ha lieen eueh perfeoi ttfa Ilea at the VKOKTINE It porln iu klaod, oUante alt of tb organ, and po a eotrv.lllog power oror lb nerv- a yttm. Tba remarkable euree arTcl.l h VKfl XTIN'E bat Induced man phyaloian aid polbtearie whom wa know lo pretoriba 04 at It la Ib.lrown r.itnili. In feet. VEOBNSK tt tin- hl remedr Jl dieord for the above dia, and it Ikoooiy reliable IUood I'oairiaa yl pu4 aaror tb publi. THE BEST KVIDEMCE, Tb follow:i letter from Roe. C. ft. ft.it, raater efat.K. kireh, Na I. Ha.. will im reaJ with Inlareat b, m,or ptij .icun". aim theaaeeBerlD fern the lame M-. is aillnt- 4 tke hi t tu Rer, K. H. n.t. ytnn eaa doaH thi ttiaiiy, aihl 1 jI beat tke earatt'e powar. f v r: KT I w K i Natii'. Mm... .Ian. I. It I Tr. H. R TaT t l r -I V h and toatoa for rfifiln yoir v.iKri ia4. felne of the irl'Htiiii. Wa l a.iir.l ikat It ha bo the in. i it iint nor km life. Hal n t..a rear. .4 , fur the la.l two year ke ha aurf.ra.1 lr u n.oro-l I kle I. eatil by rolulou anV.ttlon aol waa.0 far rlie.i1 that n...l( all who im inn tkaabl bl raaiteery lin'n.lbl. A e nnvll ol akU Dbflele eoulil al u bat ih fl .! ho"! kit erer rallying, twouftne numiMr Oaalarlii that he beyon l lh .ii:i l hi- aa rea'tl. that '.n aiapit tno iulil not . klm. vbeh.il aat l 'r niuli in phI ire tbeopentinn. Ju.ttheao .iomin ".n k" tec blia VaoiTma, auJ Ir.nn tu.l tiui tuibe CiaatbebabMii .nitluo.nly luipr.i ia. He at laialv rata uaJ hi. a a.ll-., m own awar kl. eroukaa Bileane.aait alat about cbeerlul 1 an J iiruotf. Tauntc 'kr ettll anm dlacbarge from t'i. eeohx where tn Urn1' It e. I. wa bra tb.falle.t intt.l.nna tb.t la a little time be III ba nrf'etl eur.4. b ha. take about three ils-en b.tlb of iariMV, bul litaly 'il but ll'tla, a. ti d alarat that ka li tuu aatl t i ba takin iB.etcto'.. KoapueUlly car. ti. t. Utf.r. ' aire L. O. K. BEST. ALL DI8EASkTT7f TIC 8 BLO )3. If Taaatiw wll' rallere pl . eleti.e, m l. f aaJ euiwae k dia.t . re.turin ihaiMiiant l ixrl.Jt h Mlth aftartryl irf iluUrani. I'bytl. alae. jo r a.,llin, j.larl l , r-iar, U il vt aoaeluora vr it, It f 't i ar au ;ar. r. fun la blt'lrtd I '' l till iiiallolna Pr'. in- Id aanb r.t ear-. I It . b tit k Mnl, to tb. lraltla t il l. It can tra y b eal e I Hie Ur.at MliiOil Pui-ilter. TuO aaaitlixrct nfili ora-iaataa In tba bl miJ i an I no ni"lloin that uot est dlrratl oimo It, tu purity ami raaoratat ka aay juat eUfia upja ibe publle atteouna. Kecommond it Heartily. SOOra HO.TOH, Kh. 7, 10. Mr. Tairt Dear rtlr I b ukaa -ral bttlle. of yoar V.nailoe an t am ruaemo 4 III araloibla realy for lrip.pl, Ki.l aay Caiplalal, id aj.rl liability of the teal. 1 eaa htartlly raaomaa id It to all ilia In teaalhabrooiiUint.. T ur. reivtiully. attta. 4.0MUHK H VHiiuH. Mt Aibaua 3tr-t. PREPARED BY H. R STEVENS, BOSTON. MASS- Vigitins i. Sold by All Orugalltn H U W' JL S. HELFRICH Bearer Springs, Fa. LAK0I3T. BIST iToci er AND COMPLETES? Dry Goodly Crooerlw, IIarrxre. Wood Sc Willow "Ware, Koliooa, Faraiabioft Gooiln, Boot k Shoe, Bkttk Cajja. r . llRATiV MA DP. CLOTHING hawper than broagbl to 8aj ft Ooanl DeeJer in SRAIN. . '.SEEDS, ,. r COAL. LUMBER, . ; flSII. ALT. . BLASTER At. ,4Ukia4 of Oeed tebangd for Cb r approved touoiry prodaoe, ' Call bad oXamluo my tloob ood Urn y prlee befor BurbaiDg lwbrr. , Oet. IS. I IT J. im. J)3. J, W. RXCFELLOW, PtJTIIOIArT AND UROUrf awfan U.al aarel M Mb elitaaal 0 T an M VOL. 14. Poeti'y Motherless- Tk wloeof Ik paker era knikji ' Tb jr full of tear, at b laid I 'If soly I tilll bad a mother To lo bul mother it dtad ' (ler kead wat bowed low on ker hotom, Thiit biding Ibe t.rllil the bd, At eadly and eerily eh nuroiiired I "Ha uioiber m moibr I dtad." No mother I Oh J lonely and weary Of life, wiib tie pleaotreaeo tw, And no on lo go to for onmfori. No ooo like a mother 10 true I I Inow how lb heat, lime mlitirJ. Find) reluee, like a bird I'l it neat. From tli tiurut tbalarouu I it art breath "g. Aloo oa a dear mother' breatl. Ter. many and w.ary, har ponoiltJ With aiUar lb bur oil my bro. U it atill, a in d t) i of my oliildiinn I I aejictluii'i am weeping tliere no. And if in the duk of Life' eeeolng No mother awalu ma below. I know not, when d,trku urrouodt me, To alioin in my eorntw to go. Thrreare oilier Ibot loee me and elilde m. Vbo fi-iauialup to me i m ii d tr, Out all there i lun like a tn i nr To go lo in aiiguitli au I fe tr I pity thee, friend, witho'it mother ' Unt On ojii bring oomturi lik li 0 lo Hun no I Iru-H Hun foreeer lie will be a uiuihrr lo lb I Holoct 'V al. Hov Slio Came to Hu Hi.i. BT MART HtltJ CRUWELL. 'S j you won't Lure mo, Nellie t Ydq uro sura you won't tn trry mo f rrtittj littlo Jim. Nollid Will.tr 1 livikeil mu littttivui out of tho win Jjw into the q'liet village etreoi, aa if aiDotif the lenilem traen an 1 on the front boiluil IniiJaoiipe slio rIioiiM tiii'l the uustverto lloraou Lvi m'u q ittution luon nrterH inotudiit. aim lurneJ lior luce ttward him u fico na frtwh uti l futr in it pa tchy lil .nn it luituy youujj yiil'u tou yoars bur junior. "I I uin-tt;itiiJ I cta't, Mr Lev- 18011. Mr. Leviaon lookmlbor atrui'it hi lior briyit bluj ey-. bii.Ii lvuly blue eyoH, noft an vulvet, u kI the vol if of u violet tbut has blootuoj iu tho rilm.lo. "IToti ure 'afraid' you ctn't, Mr 1 1 1. 1 id T Aim or mo anotliur quuit- tiou yt-a or uo do you Iovo in f Sim liliiHhuti au j itinilo I. ttu 1 loo! o.t bnwitcbiii'ly. Why, hli: Ltivi mm, I iiiaj.ii Hurv, of couriid I d ) like you I I uU uyu ill I. uvor biucti I flint lino vou vw:tia atul yearn v;.' VVhen Will WilbrJ, wou the priza ill iUova irjto Htrivni; rr ! Ho voii lilto I tuu thui), Nttllio, mill yon liliti mo uovv f Titen why won't you marry ma f You've bjai a will w for tbree yottra uow. Isu't thut loiitf enough to niouru the virtue of the depu.rU)' I T 'Yo'i wicked man ! Aa if throe hundred years con! I ever touch mo to forget poor dear Wilson.' lior bright even reproved him sharply, aud be tpecepted itU good (race. Grtntiiijf the truth, NdUy, thitt your ducaaiied biiHuuod w:te a good follow and a loving pn tnur, I atill cannot eee why you rofate me. Tiul i the eubjost uti lor c oimi loiatio.i at ui'duuut. Nollits I Whv won't vou marry uie 1" Tbeu Mr. Willai d' luce grew a little ur, aui ber plump, fair bttnda trembled 'Oocanse, Hurry, became Wilson Willurd made me promiee never to marry again.' 'StutT and uonaenao I Wbitt if be did f A bid proioiae in better broken thau kept' Mrs. Wil lard twisting bet ring nounbily, and lookiug at tbe illumi nated wield of tbe Btoae. 'I know it id.' the said, slowly, 'but Air. Levison looked earnoatly At ber. 'Yes, 'bat' what Nellie f la all rssoect sav it poor Will is dead and gone, and you've beau true t bis memory all these long years, ao J what has be to do with you V . 'I kuow,' she said again, medita tively, 'but but, Harry, be made m solemnly promise never to m trry again uudor ponalty cf bis evtrlat lug diapluaaure. And doD t be an gry witb me, Harry, will you T Hut I almost knota be would appear tt) ate I' The lovely bias eyes . vers lifts 1 in suoli piteous appeal to bi. and tbe pretty little widow made suob a nervous little uestls noar to bim that it was the moat humaa thin in tbe world for Mr. Loviaou to put bis arm protect! ugly arouud ber aud as sure ber ba was not angry with ber. So you believe lis would baunt you, Nellie, if you broke your promise f A senaiiile little wouiau like you to veritably believe in suoli stiporet' tioas foUde rol I Aud . after having waited for ten years of your married life, and tbres years of your widow bood, you ooudemu me bopulessly for tbs sske of suoli a shadow a your busband's gbost I' A Vtll- .l i. . 1 1 I I A AUOi tieiuw tooaeia unpiuriogiy at bim aat via, and ber lips, quivered,- aud the tears Stood iu great crystals on ber long Issues, O. Harry, now cruel yon .are I You kuow I love you better tbau all the world, ouly l oore not marry attain I .. Don't ba angry nlee don t ba Angry witb ma And Mr. Liaviaoa looked down At bai Wfsa aoa, aa4 sMar4 bsf bs 6 1; MIDDLEBURG, SNYDER COUNTY, never would be auirry. witb ber nnd tbeb away, Iiouping silent hmledio tions ou tbe brad of the defunct buubaQtl who bad boon tyraot ougb to burden bis lovely yonng wife witb it promise. Tbo laatsunnet rnys wore flinging their golden and scarlet ponnons on the pale blue sky when SI. Levison opeued the door of bis cozy sitting room, at home, to bu met by tbe laughing face and guy wvloonia of A youug gentleman, who bad cvi deutly btxtn making himself at borne while be watted. Heigho, Iiuvisoti I jJiii pi iaud to suo mo f How are you old follow how are you t" Mr. Ijflviitoii stitt tad a second, thou greeted him wur.nly. I'rod Willurd I Whoro in th. nsme ! giodliO'4 did yutl iipiuiu i rum t Wiy. 1 ibo'ilil you vtrrc nut lo etiatl Irotn E iultud lot" A goo is innutiiM yet. Ui l buy, blcsi you I in glad to eoe ym, iiiili iii'li, ir IliO iiinlunl, 1 cotiloea I wu Btn tl.'il- yoil ure It liviui unnun ol f'nur brotlivr. Wilt mi. Vf vo b 'eu tilioiu- ioir gliss you know ' luting Wiliitt'il s eve glonim 1 inm-. vliivvouily, at lie iuten uple.l irrevorn ently. is giMil, Lor. Yo'i nursn my proitf liniu nintur-iii-lnw, ol' ciursof I kimw alio roli.'iiiunly lielifVcd in Vm, 1 know I tuu imp it icu I li life her I ii' tha lint li no tioca Will' lUlliTlll.' Mr. L'Visoa Im I . bittn looking ihuiiKiiU'iiily at the em i r ulow.n, lk melted rnlne, beiihil tliu mlviT bars til ibe ma' i now tie lurucd sudletily to t're I, in I lti lbibaud poiauusively tin hit ahuuliior, "See here, t'red ; you mo a friend of mill'', and I um udoot lo put yoir Iriemlnliip lo me led l warn vm to do me a very grout lavur will you 7" Frel lauglial. Will 1 1 Of ciurto I will. What's in T Au I Mr. L 'viaou turned llm key 0M be ilo.it s nd llie oousuIIuk lion lulled uunl the Ituu-Uui'pir rung tit dottier b. il. Five Loin later the in ion was ju-ti crroiiin ov.r the tops . if llie lu es, making u poi feci Q.iod of ailvvr li'iltf ifinrv on 'im iitii.t econe. mil .Mm, Will.ir 1. with a tlvecy white zephyr aliuwl and Iter crepe brown hair, w tau ling at tho ki.cheu iloor, on her return Ir. oil a tour ul lt.peclioii to ilu hiiu little bau mil .'uiriao lions.-, winch she bad p-rHiu!l' veii wu H.-e.ir.t fit' Ilia mgiil vor tiii.te bur h i-'j-io i ileelh. II jr chouk w.-r.i fl ibI.oJ Ij tho tint an n'o ttilcr Qiwer by ilu k. co Itia of tlio lr -ty nir. and hrr eyrs were iflowin like tiie nine Uivh ii hIi i i-io.i.I thiTJ "uo m oiuent in the Uroad ImiiU of whii tuooulight that litv aihwurt the 11 or liko a mIjui I.- idut. Th'ii, with a lit tie involun tary exclnuuli iu at llie perleot bouu ty of tho tiiuht. thd went in, locku l the door alter her, lT her lliroi her vsnt wora all reti' e I for the iiilil, an.t (hen J,av it bitle tbriok, lor, ataiid!ng in the self stme nccii'.ioniud plaee ho was wont to occupy, anil lonkinK a natural at if it woro liim tell' iu ilin flo-b, v.a her hti-b.nid. She tsiirl'id he i' khiek. mi l trie I bravely to lO'l brave, but hef bum l t'uriun it fin ml very U't liuijilineti ly um "ltd reibaad thut the ut loik tug upon it bona ti lo gliosu l Veri. t tlil.i inliiiliiiaut of tito hud ol eter nal uliaiiowe, Will !' ho Slid, fuint'y, with lior hand tight mi tbe handle of tho door, Will, in it you T' ills voice wu precisely as it bad beeu in tho old day mellow, murfi I'ltl. a lit ties donniienriii Will's uo deuiably uniiii-taUubly. . 'Who alio ill It be hut I Nelly, and omo uo purpose to cuiinuniuute with you.' Yo ?' lie gaped j 'but what for? I bvo tried I have dune everything that 1 thoutfhi yon wo.il i with. Tnere is not Li n if wrong, Wid V Tb palo, im ouiilnod face, the Hpovklei bl'tok xui:, tbo spoil'- lin en tba very sum in which bo bad been buried, tbe low. familiar voice il almost paruhsed Nellie, and yet Mi'ft-d by the very material contact ef tli door ku."b she blond ber uround. wod lisieued. 'Nuthiog is wrong witb you, Nellie, but with me. I can't ra-t in my grave kU'iwiaif the wrons I uninlen. tiouully committed in bin Unit you to perpetual wnlohoo(f foi my ake 1 com lo rev.iks my deCiaintt, o itiv you tny full permission to marry gam. and my a Ivico to mar. ry;HiiiHC Levluan. i'rtmiiso ma yu will do il, aud I will rest peacf f illy lore, vor.' Oh, Will t II you xsy to if you itiiuK it best yes ! yet, I will I' - Hr fioo wu pjl enough nW lo liav paasd for u gbot bertoll'. "Qo 1 t-k at the hi ulock iu tbo lining room, Nellie, and sou if il ia ear ;he stroke of iwel.' tine went duinhlf, inei-baatcallv, at bis behuat ; end when she tamo Lack ha. was gone, uud Hi mionhhi ireamed iu uo to tuipiy room. Then tha reaction li'llowed, sod N llio flew up lo b r bedroom, an ) leckod tli door, and overed ber head with a ahuwl aud nubbed aud oried hvauilo.l'y until bsr ovr wrought nrve foand relief of sleep. Tt stst day Mr. Livisnn seats littia nets uvf r. Apuionlslns:' for bl aneming dis'uriy in sot omiog lo bid her u, by oa bl suddsa de part ura for an Indefinite lime, sad telling bsr that br sjrael daolsiou saver to marry . again bd been lbs eaves ef 1, and Ibsi tbsy ntlbt aav ar sjajbtk aibUi. ata, .., . Yi V n! '-rh- eS 15. v.i To which Nellie, all pale, alarmed nnd crimoa with enoruaion, penciled an anwr, uring bim shs had changed her mind, and bogging bim lo com over lo lunch, lo ate her. and meet her bretticr In lsw, vtho had nidy just arrived (nun abroad. Ol' course Mr. Lovi.ou camo nnd it didn't Inka two tninu'si In teltlu it. nor did Im Inuah t her when the sol ftnnly folaled her CtpeficliCs' Ol Ihc niht bel'ors. . for it em bis I.O'l, lltrry, junt rtt (me at 1 am ahvs nn 1 tpeaking to you !' 'A jollf oM t pienn, t thntrhir.il, ikjn.luking iiirit, Nellie 1 Hie lii- ahoKlnhip, we'll hold lii.u in clcrnul reiiiemlnaiico,' Nor did Ins Cinntennnre eltanao a I'riitur.', even when ho tl I Nollie, Hid Fred Wiiltril discus'ed tbo mar v. lonely obliging kindueis of III de pHol. Nor did pretty blonminir, Lluxhino Mrs, Nellie ever for a tn nit unt dream thill her vl-itunL wn 1're.l lnmiell, -t-' by a wig and Inlso whii-kers, nor w in there any nc ah fhouli know, for her Im ptHtita. wj teeuivd, her conieienco at enso. A Nobby Liltlo Cduple. T.vo of tho Huinllcst children in tbr? wolid for their ngea, whie'.t uro twelve J-Hiirs. mid twelve yearn nnd two months rettp-vnivHly, wuro in" , tro lncud to tin. faculty sud student of Julleon in .Medical (Jollo,;.', I'lulit delpliiit, recotltly. 8enot'itil Lii m t ', trail to, a uprightly brunette, in u fractiini iiiider twenty iticlien hili, and weight five pOiitidt in linr new elegant street costume, whioli in cludes complete female garb, from a bonnet down to tho modem gaiter, tho latter being less than throe iuoli vs long. It was ox pUin.nl that she wan born nt San I'arlos, near tho city of Vera Cruz, Mexico, her parents were both large nud boulthy poraoiis. She talks Spanish fluently, and tin durstandri a s uatteriiig of tho Mug lirtii tongno Oeu Mi to was twelve years old on the Otli of Oetobei'. lie wat born nt (jreeu, Chenango conn IV, New Vol!.', hi parent bearing the iiaino uf Flihn. tho father, wlio ufooinp Allied the diminutive, neigh ing 171 potiudii, and tho uiotlier Id") pound, At bis liirth the Ooiieral weighed 24 poim l-t. His n lvoirdu ptiia now in "J pounds t height il inches, lie in it blondj. I'tin Ujn tual woro a full bait-room costume, couHintiug of black coat and p tnta Iooiih, white vest itii'l while iieclitie. I'tirinsf bin vi-.it to tho college tho little fellow tallied fluently, nnd wis ipiito active aud, when not treading on the trail of ber ladyship's dress was busily tmgn;;od in casting affec tionate glances at bor. In prosotit ing tho lilipuliitus to tho admiring asHcmblago, ProfesHor Oetuhttll said he bad brought tho couple thero to introduce them to tho I'uil.t 1-tlphia Museutn, at N'intli and Arch Streott, as something wonderful even nt this wonderful ago. lie explained that be bad mtdo a careful examination of the subjects and found them in lulligeiit. bealthy and perfectly form ed. The heart of either, said bn, is tint larger than nn ordinary siund hickory nut, and tbo liver in equal proportions t and yet they perform their functions regularly and per fectly as thoso of fully developed men and woman. .Their brain, be added, correspond with the size of their bodies, and their intelligence surpasses their sizo. At tho con clusion of tho I'rofessar's remarks tho (Joneral shook hand s'l around, and tbo pert Mis bowed and thiew kisses a, tho gallants with whom she bad been coquettiug. Sked Potatoes. Farmers should have an eyo to their sued ' potatoes for planting next .Spring. Tbe ex perience of thousands of farmers in various sections of the country goes to show that largo potatoes fir seed are no better thin medium sizo ones only that in dry season, if planted whole, they sustain tbe plants by the rooisrnre in them better than smaller potatoes His not advisa ble to plant the very small ones i tbey should be fad out, but select those for seed that are rather too small for marketing. Hut in a rich soil. And in A sulUcieutly moist eoason. potatoes no larger than a walnut will produce' good crops Some years ago I planted some po tatoes, a new and du;f variety, no larger than filberts, and the produot was as good as when I used large seed but tha grouud was heavily manured, aud the aaason was favora bleWhen one buyesnnyof the now varieties, and desires to produce the largest possible crop, each pota to may be cut into as many pieces ns it lias eyes, and one oya may be put in a bill. Two or three bundled pounda of potatoes may thus be grown from ona pound of seed Tub result of the Presidential election is tba sama as if tba Presi dent of tba Senate bad counts d tbe retnrns in tba old, old way, avar ainoe tha days of Washington. Tha Klsctoral Uotnraisuon but followed what was heretofore considered tha Constitutional way of disposing the questions submitted to It II made o new decision i it simply reaffirm ed tha uniform practioo of tha Gov ernment in aoeordanoa witb tha bonast construction of all tba oouv mb ta tori tba, UautUntiea. , . ; fill PA., MARCH 22, 187T. PENISSYLVANIA R, R. Train laar Lhtown Jnnetloa at follow! i MAIN LINaV-WUrWARO. Plttntiarah Ktpratt I'.olft - i:ira. Wa Faneugar 'lull FaatUaa EAATVTARD. I rn a m. i 1 . in inii a. m. t .0 . in. II p. m. Phl a.l.lplila Rprei HSiam t aetn i;rM ! w a. m. tnlin.to Kiirt II 4. in. Vail t In p tn. ktlantie K.pr.ll I i p. m ThFl.ln Wt l',niranl tha P.irlf t ir wt. an. I the l'ol l)aol All .till i trnr... it run oatly W tn,n le.ro W'loni la Mlfflla eonntr tt lull .il I w ntirtr.il .stinn a. in, p. im. a. nt p ni. 10 XI 4 "1 In M .- 1 1..; 4 o 1'ivj tl't til 0 it',1' tt 14 4 I" II t 'l 11 Jl 4 IJ I'l?. Mi ll ill 4 t' 41 1141 4 47 It) I'l 4 IT l-lllll . An Ur-in'a I l.-emlllii M-Ver "wn Munttniik VI f,r. N. Ilimlltnn The raIA i:.rrtiiH n baflitir'. nt Mo Vayiotf't at ft u a. in. au'l llie Atlititlo bl pr m -.-t tt i ' p in. Trii'iiii..vA t, -wiiin n fttiti.n, .inp;iinir t Matn ftret. t.ir .li-t'wn t'lnritun. r nv.v- j Iria a...ntter l'i ttnil Ir.nn atl trln, nn uijln iiiiv, I m.'itiiuui ,r..n flail .nil v. LLWI3T0TS DIVI3I0N. ti'unenv A L'.hhtuivx rail hiiak, !.' r;MTwtin. "TATIins. Mill. Awn. t.'wiorn .1. it 1 1 i.iii, 4 "dp.ni. I. -.l-.iiiw'i 1 1 V 4 11 M . ill. ni II it 4 S-l 1'iiiiii-r i : 4 ' S'lind.l P. II IT 441 W.snor l". II M 4 44 Mn'I'iN lili M't if- tii-. r. i.' up.iu i 11 A lii'iiit.urii II ill A -.s II. i.i-rl.-'n II l H'-.if' rK. 13 U 4 Mill II. i .'rn li Ml '.ft Kt .!. Mil.il M..I ! V. 4.UI. : on I'UI 111 II V M II ? t :0 n fi 4) t 4t 31 II t In) IS) 7 4f I !' T l Oil T II T II il : t M t 10 (I II t - I (l IT t "A It t -. ft 4k 5 i S 31 'i.- r n e 1 a Km in. r -. I in e li I I'.-.llnil V. I l IW ; K..iin-.ia I I h S il. .tun. I SS Mt lUllkiirj I 40 TO-) i: II. TA Yl.tllt, Sui'-rliiii-ii 1'iit. Philadelphia and Reading Rail Road. Arrangement of Passenger Trains- Trains Icare Ui'rmlon a fuU loir (SiiitilaiH ljrci'ptnt.) For HIiamoKiu, 1H.I& 11.00 am and n.-IOpm- For Mt f'armet, A'lilinJ. Tmi'i, l'nii,il. Urn. ling, nud I'tiiUdt'lpliiii, i I t .OU a in. 7Vuni r f'Tiifiiii, f'ir! a follow, T.ri Shi. ii. .kin. 8,U(J am 150 and' 3 0 I' ni. j l.re I'hils lelphia 0.13 am. Heading. II. to n m. I 'ntif ille. 1'MO p m. Tnmitaia 1.25 p m Aihl'in 1 . . '1 p m Ml. runnel 3.16 p m. TV'i'i ivti'' llirrtslmrn a follow) : Fur NVw York, 6. 'Jo, 80a ui and 2 nil eT.fio p m." For I'hiladelnhia 5.2o, 0.05 8.100.d5a. m. U.00 and 3.57 p ra. For New Tork h i!o it nv For rirttadelpbiii 1.15 f m. Trnini for llnrrintmrq leave as fnlfoic : l.i'ior New York, H.jj a ui l.UU ao.l 6. :io nnd 7.4'i p t.t. I.rtre I'Uilndolpliia, 9. li a m. 3 11 ami 7. JO p ui. Slum Leaee New Tork 5 Uo p m. l.eitve riiilailelpl.ia 7.'JU p in. Vi Morri. k V.rti It. It. J.U. WOUTTKN. Octi'l Mnuajcr. CO. HANCOCK. tien'l I icket Agt. Feb. t '74. ? 11 a 4(. NEW PUNING MILL at SALKM. P. O, Snyder Co. Pa. HAINES & SNYDER Proprietors Tha ahnra ha.lnar antarad Into a en-part-namnlp f-ir the parpufla nf.arrylna- nn mure iani.lir.lv ami in batter advantage the bu.lnea ofmanulaeturlnit a general a.iurtinaat of BUILDING MATERIAL, SUOH AS Doors. Shutters, Sash IJIl?JIH4 DOOR AND WINDOW FRAMES Hfiroll Work, IMouldlii;4 All Sorts of a-l.h ta ay to tTarpentert aad atlotktfl who Intend bull'lln NEW MOUSES. Or Repair & Bemodle, OLD ONES, that wtkae tt.efasUltla anil are prepared furnl.bat fair piloa. KtAIIT MHR oral hurt nnttne. ehaatiar than can ha mail a bv hanil tbl laott Important parti nt bullillOK. Waalio Uiiilil IttitU, iS'rwal i'vtti and Bala ten, li racket tt iiooriiit Hid i iter, Nur faced Iloarda, sod do a geaersl business of si kiodt of Lumber for Wtartnraetleal aad experltaeed Arehltaet anil Urauaauia.a, and our patron will bat. tu oaoaoioi oar knowledge aau aaiii. Our work will JVtiw tatUI actor July, 0'I6. N Caution. OTICE is hereby given that tba following ortleio wr pirek.tad at Ua tab:', eal, un ten. flat It f, by tb nnd.r. laaal Bad laft la tba H:ialuo of LU Uouilllni. durtn kit i-l aiur, AH l eraoa.ara eaull.eed sot Ui lou.far. or inaddl wllk lb .an, via I S Chain, Dee. Ulu.k, Luang, IJapboard, Table, nlaa, Cnus ttio,a aud Be tarea. Tub Meet btaadr, Bwl A liiila. Had Mad, Cbaat, Uarprt, lto In Haetilaa, a bkoau, t ow, Oklekea.. Iron Ktll, Uriad Abas), Vreaatal Aaw, Vlawar. . tmJ irSUlw. at. I, I art, i,tu .III preeeut tbem JlS.w NO. 15. TACOIiil. HIKOUliA CO., WIIOl.tSAe IIF.AI.I.R3 IR I'OItKIliN ft lAlMKsriO rvo. Mm-itot st. lhilutlolpliia I'll, -v. 1 1. 11 J IV . Jiisiicj cf ft. Pc3C3 and Caiwyaaccr, sm II :i OrtiK'. mi yd at Co. I'a. I.'.'le'tt'.nv 1ml all l-iiinrf tirrl.tnln In Hi -B) - ( .1 i.ii.- I:w I'.a.a w, b an. .-1- t In t .itoit niitK'tf. M.,ll,'7i). fJNlON HOUTT Mlilllebor Pa. OnOltan O. .SMITH, Proprietor. AiVommndnlion (fnn.l nnd rlmrtrc mnl 'rule. Hn-cial nci'iiiiiinu.l itiiiri" for dniv-ir-. A 'hart of lb pulilie ilrnnee in olii-itrd. tiLO 0. 8M11I1, April l. 170. J J O'NF.IL. Justice of the Peace, 4orf Tixverton, S,iiftkr County, I'a. All bii.ln'K prt.tlnlne ti th onV nf tit. tire nfllial'Mea will nr. I. a iroliiH iiltsntlon. -l'.l,, Artirlei writt.o be. .k-tir,,in.-tim f ten. 1. 1 tu. Jul, Hi ';.i,tf. ENUY A. WOLFLKY, Saddler and Harness Maker Centrcvdle, Snyder County, Penna. K'-eprnn hn l. ami m.tin to nr lrr all kln't nfllain., Mi.il'll.l., Ilri'llr.. '.Vhli., I'nl;ir ,'. 4ll wnr - KU!irtnt.. fur una yu Mr. w.illoy aim km a trli.l to pne thii he an IrratanJi hi bu'lnant. Nur.lil,'i4.' n iU)itNui:i;Gi::i7" '.nrsTicR or r he peace Parrr Tnwnrhlp.SBrilerl'ounty, la. I'nllvrttun, Oiinr.yancina, ami Mil ulnar but o. liorialtihiK to the nWra will ba pruuiptly nJ.il to. ill'linti rroutinn.rllla CRISTADOROS Hair Bvk, t'hl.ii.iro' llnlr nrel.tri RAfmr an.l I1K--T ; It nrt tn.tntaitrini-ly. priMlui'inH tiie ni"i nt irnl 'i4ilr ol tlt.it'- or tlriin ; -to . Nn'.' m r l s tha sK'N, an.l I. axil ii-llr I. 1. 1 a -un-l iri prti ir.tiliiii, nn-l r nt a up. I'lietrr, w.ll uup.in.al I Hit ur L.lf or tli hi ..nan. Hulil bj Drmul".. j. cK.srA'itiitD, I' ll n-,..V'3l. .NaeYork. I'M. ni.'.e. iui. J II. I1AIIT.MAN, " ji HTic. n or the I'Etrc. :. 4n v.vimcv, tbNl'ULVIl.LK. Hnydur County. Pa. fi.llrrll.in. an.l all hii.m.m p-irlnlnlnn- tn tiie rfl' ui .In. iii. ut iba P.aca will ua m n in I -c at .u.irl m-Ui-a AprST'T i:it II. MIDDLES W A R'l'II, Jl'oTlCE OK TIIE rKCB AND rONVEVANVEIt, MoClure City, Snyder Co., Pa. rnllartlnnt ami all tiimlnoM partalnlntt to the ofn- ol J Ufltlrn of tLa fLnra will l.il.nliil in at iburt untlia. July 'il '. I'll. undertaking; E. L. BUFFINGTOIST. Middle bury, Lii. Fnr murh ! than ha haen haratoforaiial-l for ttiein In tlili ic. Mr. llu lli.Klun I. a r.riirtli-rwnrkinn -nil l pr.p.irail furnlnh t'OKKlNx, XASKET. an., at nlmoat o i.-hnlf th prlra ihey bare beretoloie eoit bare, lie alio in .nulaotnr.4 of all daierlpttoni, and at ureatly retlaced prle . All nnlan pramptly attumlait to. fat hit ra. denra In rraukllni an.l alliiaolloo la all oate uarntM.. Apill i, I170.tr. PRIVATE SALE OF VALUAHLI2 PROPERTY. TUB ttnder,itned will tell bit lata rr.i denne rlniaieon Main Hirer I, the llnr. uiigh nf Miilllehiirjt, Snyder County, l'n Thi ia a drrirahle properly and wa fnr, merly known a lb E.IULB HOTEL Th linproremenl enmari.e a I. VKOr) DOU IlLK FKAMK IIOUdK. SUMMEIl IIOCflE. UAKUKHIiED, 1CK IIOIMB, and other outbuilding. An eioellmt well of water t the door. Il it tuitalil for a prieut dwelling or a Hotel, and looaltd near Ih otnirt uf bueinaa. Term tay and rtatonnhie. For furlb. tr partiouUtt call as or addrett J. W O1WI0. TTnlsonlowD, Mortb'd Co., Pa. Aug. 81, 1870. Newspaper Advertising Agents. GEO. P. ROWELL & CO., 41 PARE ROW, N. Y. They bar lb tattifnelioo ef controlling th moat rX'tntir and oomplot silver tiaing eonototion whioh ba f ter been 'e oured, and on whloh would bo hardly poeibl in any oiber eounlry bul tbi. Tbey ha anooeedtd In working down a eumpleX bu.inr.a Into to thoroughly lyittmaiie niathodihat na (bang in Ih newrptper eyatam nf Amariaa nn eaeap aotio. whil. tb wildeat iiformal)n upon all loplctt lnlr.'ttlng to aiUertia er I placed readily at th dip .el of th publi. Btiraetfeum iff IV 'Turn,' Jwm 14, 1870. Send fox it Circular. A nfTNTSTrlATfil vfiTrnic llaVaa mJ ImiIIIba A.sk n tba ul.u al Ptr BlffiaViwUKUor A4bMi rarmlp, -Uo'4 ItAVlBlkl bsAstu ar.uLtaal IA Ihak aiii.lsbraiiBSb.ul sb.ll h.ftic it.asia)ir4M idiTfiud to i-ia if r raauauad tm aaallniKlutMriaaBl wbila 7u UbavlBit alaldt will aiwiaalUata Aall aakksailiislaal aWMt lata.at U l mwnnTa. '.lrcUtii.i; tVbl't Vftlc'i," vliIA'" -i i.i vr-rr-r tuu r riiJilinhod every JKUEMIAQ Tonns of ' two dollar? able vtihin mt pnld within th continued Ut pit id tinless at lieher. Bubacrlntions orr PAVAHLK I.. . uTTenion lifting st addressed n others bee. and are liable fortbe price Roaara tia. S. ALLEMAN tfe'SON. AT TO ti V E' A 1 T. A W. HcHiiMo;rovQ JX-. Ml prnfr.lonnl loi-ine. and eolleellnf iitrii'e I lo tlieir cr will be prnmplly ttene lto. Can he ennantled In Fogliso if Oermnn. fltlire, M irke Bo,tinre. j. smith. J. ATTOItVF.T ATI. AW. MltiDM.IIfli'l. !NYI:ilH Oil., I'A 'Wrr bl V nf-,'.nt s.rrlre. to th pab'l tlunriilltl'.ti la l.nallr ano '.l.rniaa. f, N. M YKU-i, lJ' ATTnMEli COCaSCtOR 4T UT, Mi l'Iloburg, Snydof County Pcnn'fc ITiro .n few door WeM of Ibe rourt Hun on MhIh .trnrl. I'niiiiltai Ion In i;n!i!i and fjormnn Innjnigct. 8ep.'07. Wf.V A NT, K7.K, ATTOnNEV AT LAW, l,pviburg Pa.r 'Itfcr hi pri.frlonal arrrict to )e pub lic. I.'nllvoiinii and nil ntber l'iotrtioa il hiiine eutriMtrd lo bit Oar will re ceive prompt attention. X v. "OIuTnTm IT. I . K IL ''e ATTOUNEi' AT LW, Middleburj, Pa., tllter hit prnlflonat ertre lo the pub lic. Cnllonllon and all othrr profeaainna 1 lntin4 entrutad to bis enre will reneito prompt alien I ion. Jnn 8, C7tf II. It. Oiimni. Wm. H. Dill. OUIMM&DILL, Attorneys &'Councelors AT-LAW. l OlTlco Nenr ths Post Offieo. I'li't-ltiii-a. I'ntn'H. Cnn.ultniion in boib EnflUh md Ocrman Lttngil'iur. Dre. 1'J, 7 -t f. r mTYjinn, a. H. DILL. ' (Hiirra-f.r. to J. F. .T. M. I. Inn.) A r roilNKt rt A X l:Vi. Uewixbur, T. Oifrr tln'ir prof.'xionnt aervieet to tb piilille. t'ollrciion nnd nil otlirr pro-I'o-I.iiiil imaiiiiii rntriiKtr-d to ihrlr fart will roccireprouiptattenilon. f Jan. 3, '07t f P j. r7z n LLEU, ATTOnS'EV-AT-LAW Ctiitrciullr, S'ti'lrr County, J'cnna, All lii-ln- rntrn-teil to bit rra will l w.ll an I fnl hrnllv attn Inl I i. Wl.l l-.. tlr. at tii .avarnl a mil nf Hoy-tnr an-l a-lini-iiol tir.. i!.,n i" coDwalt il Iu tb Rnnll.h nf ll.-rmnu la .aimun Oet. ). 'T4lf CHAKLKS IIOWKII. ArraitNEV at law, Sciintgrovs tllTer liiprnf(lnnnlrTie.'t to lb pub lio. Co!le.-tion nnd all oilier profetiona huainr entrusted lo bi cire will r ela prompt nlteniinn. Office two door nirili nf ilir KeyKlone ttolel. fjitn 5, '07 JOHN H. AH SOLD, Attonioy nt Law, i DISTRICT ATTOIME Y, MiuDLUuuna, r.v rrnfealun(il t.nnlnesp entrusted lo hie ear ai:? be prnmplW nilcn led lo. Fob 0,'71 jti ilnrpriON ii a Yi-iTi A.ttoriuv-ut -I JltW, L.'wisl.iirg, tnioii Co., r. SviyOnn be cuimultod in IBo tnglltb and l.-ntiati litngting.'k.'ual III- I'lt'K M irkel Sired, oppotite Wall fmitli X Co' Siore 8 -43y W'OTTETti " ATlORXfiY AT Z.lTf. Solinagrovo Pa , OlT-mlii prnfes'ionitl t.'rrioet lo th puhlio. All legal luidinet out rn In bi aura will-rtinflivi. rrnmnt altontion. OfTioa on door aboeo th Now Lutheran Cburob. July, lib 'J. B. T. PAllKS, ITTllllWPV 1 1 T w SELlNSOitDVB, SXlfDUlt OCNTr.'Vs Sept. 15, 'OTtr A C. SIMPSON, t- ATTOIINEV AT LAW. Northtimberlnnd, Pa. Iter hit professional turfic to tho pub. io. All InmlnrM enlritated to bl .ears ill be promptly attended to. f Jan. 1?. 'C7tf j. rETEiisj Justica of the Peace, MdJIobdrg, Siyi3r cuit. PaiVa Coiivrranrliitf dniia, anit Collai'tlnra made. ri-rMiln Intriitleil lo bi car, will rre-li prompt kliniillou. Jim 11, '74. 'I .T. I,' tT4NAU'KI. w v aababa t aaa PItTSIClAN AND prjflfiEOS. C'cntrpvlllt), Hfiyder Co., Pa. Offer bi profMiioanl torfleet la the pniiiio. n-3Btr A. II. SUITH, 0 pilrsiciAX aXd sVnciEoir, OITorl hit profesiona1 tereloei lo tb olil tent of A'litmaburg nod vioiuiiy. Sept, 71 DR. J. Y. SlIINDRL, BCtlOUO.N AND PHTSICIAIT, Middloburr Fs. JHert hit proftttloaal ttrVloet lo tb sit inn q Middljurg sod vloloily; f . March-Jl.'BT . I. MONUECK, J ustice of the Pcuce AIam$burff, Snydtr Vo., I'd. W ll be In bi offic at tba above aieatlos d plaoe, tra MONDAY aad 8 AT UK DAY ol ak week, when all kladsof buala reiaiiog lo hi ottio, will bs alltadts la) Juua'do 73if j F. VAiN , tUAQlCAL fe MECHANICAL DZXTUf Ssllnsfrrovs Penal. A. WETibl, " v Juitico cf tha Vczzo, &4Qi0rioitn, SuycUr Co., ife -AU hlad af seiJeotloa ttadt eat Hbtwa srsta, i'raatpi aiiaads te bllJ;---. 'tat.- W.7, wwkV.