The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, February 22, 1877, Image 1

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    I.,, a .,
Orjerb-arth column, on year,
Om sqnere (10 llne)l Insertion
Every additional Insertion,
etVo-reMonal and Btuines cards of
not mar than 8 line, per year,
jLOdHor, Exvcutor, Administrator
and Assignee Notions,'
SditorUI tiutioM tier lint.
All adrtrtkomcnU for a shorter pe
riod than ons year are parable at the
rims they are ordered, and if not paid
- the person ordering tlicm will be held
responsible for the monev.
Strike at tb root of dl by purlfe!,
lb blood, restoring lb liver and kidoey
tohealiby sotlon, invigorating lb nervous
to set evil. ftneeti eomponod. wbleh
sliaply purgs tbs bowel, but a atfe, remedy whtnta I sure lo purify
tbs blood, sad tbtrshy r.slor lb health.
t w Brerlbd in of Serofut and
other disease of lh blool.'by many of Iho
host physicians, awing lo it great sue
la surlag all diseases of ibis nature.
Doee not deceive Invalids Into foil hopt
by purging ud creating a nctiiioo op
p.lli. bot assist nature la eleering and
purifying th wbol ey stern, leading lb
llal gradually to perfect health.
Wi looked npoa ai o etperlmenl for
some time by som of our beet pby.laUns,
but iboie most iaorediiloue In regard lo
tie merit are bow lie moat ardent frieade
and supperleri.
Says a Bmloa pbyiloian, "bai a eq-11 a
a blood puriitr. Hearing of lie many
wonderful euroe, After all other remedies
had failed, I visited Ibe laboratory an I
seavioeed myoelf of It geouiu merit. It
te prepared from barke, riot and bcrbe,
aob of wblob Is bigbly effective, aad Ibey
are compounded la sueb a maaoer ae to
produce aetosiibing reeults,"
I aekaewledged and recommended by
pbyiloian and epotb.oar.ea lo bs tbe
beet purifier sod eteanier of tb blood yet
-dieoovsred, and thousands speak in its
raie who bar been reetored le bealtb.
ttoeToa.rob, u, tin
Mr. U K. PTtlTiFI !
l)Hiilr-lwi one fear tone I fstind nr
elf la a feeble condition from neoeral debility
Voirottar was atrunaiy raooutmmde I lo ui by a
vriooe vnonio uoeu louoa ueaeate i uy its use
I proeared tee article aud alter u-inat aeveral
boltlea, tti restored to heeltb and illeiiontltiu
dtuui. I loot qilet o.n tdtnt tttt litrtll
no uieiltetno superior to It f-er thote ojinpUials
lor whl-h It Is eapeeUlli prepared, and would
hrlull reooraoioud II to trwae who le d mat
e aoedsoutethii.; t r tore tueta to perfeul
LtullB. Ketpeolfuily yours,
u. t.. I'KrriNiui.L.
Firmer a. M. rettldK.UI a Co., 10 Male (t,
CieomeiTi- Nor. tt, 1171.
Mr. H. R, Stiviss :
leer air lu two bottle ot Vetrstlns furn-
lifted in by four agent, toy wife bje used with
grout benoni.
h-For e loa lline the b tl been trouble I wltU
dUilotx aod ouiiive..ei : tai0 tru ibl are
ae eotiro.f riuiv.. a jr tba a ol V-( tio.
HIm Ij IruubltJ wild It. tpatln aod
ttaaeral DtiiUHf, aao Ui Inn icreaily ImdoUi-I-
tlt'i Walnut (treat-
Ntnci, !., J use I, HTJ.
Mr H. R. Rtt i
Dear tlr Turuuita t!io adrlee aol earnait
terealoe of Ker. ri St. Ht. of lull tiiu, I
lore beea ufcliM Vexetiue in fyl.xiiila. ol
klek 1 kere tuilerel y r
I kava ! eulr two u iitlei and alreaj leal
Bayeelf a a tuau. HuipMtlalf ,
fca. J. W. UABTKR.
Eport froa a Practical Cleaibt aai
IIOdToa, Jan. 1 1ST,
tearflr Tble Utoonliy tut lkre ..l
l retail t"J kJttlei of t"r V ee Ina elooe
April it. It'i a eao truly .y iht it IimkIvoo
lue oet iinictijn ui any iir tue ujiu
liUluta fir wbleii H In rodiii:aa tUtl I eer
Sold. Sr.ame:y a dty care namut i.ijioif
buv euvtuuiara t04t.ivliu tn Itf tarlte on ilieiu-
elvee or their lrleuii. 1 am tierieolly o 'Uiil"t
efteverel eeot ier f iloui l u uure beiutt eur
ed lij etiue aiooa in inn ticiuiij.
Very re-pni-tful y yor,
Al IJ1L.UAN, tft Ilroadvaf.
T SiSTaxe, Laij.
Vegetins is Sold by All Druggists.
Beaver Springs, Pa.
Dry Goods,
Wood Sc Willow
Notions, Furnishing: Goods, Boots
tt Shoes, iats & Caps.
cheaper than ever brought to Sny
der County.
Dealer (a
All kinds f Ooods eiohenged for Cask
r approved eounlry produeo,
Call and eXamlno my stook and leero
tay prloee befor purekaeiog eleewbere.
Ocl. IS, 1S7S. Sta.
- Auditor's Notice.
THE nndersiprneil appointed An
Slier at the Uooaeibor Terra of ike Court or
Uommoa Ploae fr aaydaroouuty. to makadle.
trtoatloa af tbe fuade la Ike haadaot I. I. aloe,
book Aailaaee, for the booeSt af tb eradltore ot
felearf M ehtley, ataoner t be aereoa legally eo.
title te tka aa'oa, haraby ! aotlea, tbat bo
will meat tor the dlwbaraa ar kladutlea ae aald
Auditor, at hi adkee, la Mlddiabam, a lb
loth day of rvrtry ueit, at to o'eloek . M.
feald day. at wkUk tliaaaad idaaa all partia
U lnt)r-jjMadt A. ai PPAhT lea.
One oolumn on year,
One-balf. oolumn. on year.
VOL. 14.
1 o e t r y
Both Sides.
A man In bin ra. rl'llne; alone;,
' A eally dreite.1 wife by hl ni l. i
la ratln and lanei the like lb. queen,
Aad be like a king la kle pride.
A wood lawyer etood on the etreel at Ihey
pMO'l i
The narrlaire and snnple ho eye 1 1
And .al I, ai he worked with til. oa a lac,
"1 wlak 1 net rlokend ouuld ride,"
Theman In the carriage reofarkod to bit wifi,
"One llitnet I wnu d aire If I enul I -I'd
l. my wealth lr tbe itreua-th and the
Ol tb. man who eawed the wood."
A pretty yoan maid, with a bundle of work.
Whrxe face, a. hmornlnc, w n f.ilr.
Went trlpiln alone wltn a cnlle ul UotlujUt.
, Wblle b imoilua a ljr. Urj.iu oi air.
8h I Kilifil on the carrlaie: the lady the law.
Arrayed In apptrel .none,
And .aid In a wnn,ier, '1 winb frm my heart
TbuM.atlna aad laoca ware mine.'
The lady looked out on the maid with her
no lair In her oillcn dreaa,
Aad aeld, "I'd roiliiumfo, pontine and
Her lie.uiy and youth to pon.M.'
Thee It le la the world, whatetr ou r lot,
Our mln la and ur tune we employ
In lodKm end .iKblOK l"r wbtt wo have not,
fnuretrul Ivr wool we enj iy.
H e 1 o o t T it 1 n
The Bashful Man's Story.
It may bo fuuny, but I've dono it
I've gut a rib uniPa baby. Hha l
owe il'jpartoJ oynter stown, brunJy
cock tails, 0o'ler boxes, boot-jtcks,
atHOonding shirt, nud
doiuijohn, Slmilowu iresont hoop
skirts, baud boxes, riliborm, p:titoi8.
lonjitochingri, juveniln drexsus, tin
trunipots, little willow chairs, cra
dles, bibs, pup, euar tents, p.mtifo
tie, hive) syrap. cnitor oil, Oa.lfroy's
cordiul, Bjotiiiiivf syrup, rhubarb,
sen:t, salts, S tiills and doctor's billn.
Shadows future-more proud
babies, tujro hive syrup, etc , etc.
I ll just toll you bow I got caught.
I was almost the d irudent, mont
teacuRtard bitHhful fellow you ever
did see, it was kiuder in my lino to
bit taken with the Bunko every tinn
I saw a rfreUy girl approaching iqj,
and I'd cross ttio stieut any tiiuo
rather than face one t it wasn't bo
caiiHO I didn't liko the rrilteis, for if
I was behind tho funcd lo)l;iii;(
through a knot hole, I tu t l :
at one long enough. Well, my nidler
Lib gave u pat ty ons nielli, ttn 1 1
stayed uway ft'oia home buc-nu) 1
wai'too bashlul tj face the music.
I hung around tbo house wbintliiu
'Old I)au Tucker,' dancing to keep
uiy feut warm, watching the heaps
bobbing up nud d iwri bjliin J the
wiu low curtains, and w tubing the
thundering party would up so
I could got into in y room. I smok
ed up a bunch of cigars, and as it
was getting lute and mighty uncom
fortablu, I concluded to shin up tho
door post. No Hoouer eail than
done, and aoou put myeulf snug iu
"Now," says I, 'Jet hor r,ip 1 Dance
till your wind give out I' An I cu.l
dling under tho quilts, Morpheus
grubbed mo.
I was dreamiug of soft shell crabs
ana stewed tnpe, ana was having rt
good time, when somebody nipped
at the door and woke me up. Mtap
again. I laid low. 'Hip, rap 1' Then
1 board a whispering aud 1 knew
there was a whole raft of girls out
side 'ltap, rap 1' Then Lib sang
'.'nek, oro you in thore V
'Yes.' says I.
Theu came a roar of laughter.
'Let us in,' save she.
'1 wou't' s:ty J, 'cau't yoa let a
fellow alone T
'Are you in bed T' says she.
'I am,' says I.
'Got up,' says she.
'I won't' says I.
Then came another laugh,
lly thuoder. I began to get riled.
'Get out, you petticoated scare
crows 1' I cried i ''Can't you got a
beau without hauling a fellow out ol
bed t I won't go with you I won't
so you may clear out f
And, throwing a boot against the
door, I felt better. But presently,
oh 1 mortal button I I heard a still,
small voice very much like sister
Lib's and it said t .
'Jack, you'll have to get up, for
all the girls' things are in there I'
O, Lord, what a pickle I luinlt or
me in bed, all covered with shawls,
muffs, bonnets and cloaks", and
twenty girls outside waitiug to gftt
in 1 If I had stoped to think I
should have panoaked oa the spot.
As it was, I rolled out among the
bonnet ware and ribbons in a hurry
Smash I wont the millinery in every
direction. I hud to dress in tbe
dark for there was a crock in the
door, aud the girls will peop and
the way I fumbled arouud In tbe
dark was death to straw hats. The
critical moment cams, i opened
the door, and found myself right
among the women.
Ou I my Leghorn I cries one
My dear, darling winter velvet 1'
cries another, and they pitched iu
they pulled me this way una tbat
way, boxed my ears ; and one origin
eyed little piece Sul, her name
was put ber arms right around
my neck and kissed me right on ray
lips human nature couldn't stand
that, and 1 gave ber good as she
seut It was the first time I ever
got a taste, and it was powerful
good. I believe I could have kiss
ed that gal from Julius Uaeaar to
the 4th of July.
"Jack, says she, 'we are sorry to
disturb-you, but won't you see sis
Borne 1
Yes,' aays I. 'I will." '
I did do it , and had nnothcr
smack at the gate, too. After that
we. took a kinder turtle diving each
other, both of us sighing like a bar
rel of new made cider when wo were
awnv from each other
'Twai tho closo of one glorious
summer day tho sun was sitting
behind n distant lien-most the
bull-frogs -were coiumenciu their
evtming songs the pollywog, in
their native mud-pnddles, wore pre
paring themselves for their B'.i'td .m nf
night and Sal nnd myself fat upon
an nntiqititlod back log, linti-niii to
thj musie of nature, hucIi as treo
toadrt, rooftters nnd grunting pi'.
and now and, then the lo'jllow music
of a tlinhmt i icKuss was wafted tn
our cars by tho gonial r.npliyrs that
sighed among alio ninllun tticks,
and came ladoned with t'ei delicious
odor of lum-ro ists tin 1 pig htys j
The last lingering rays of the sitting
sun, glancing from the buttons of a'
solitary horseman, shone through a , who do not strive, nor cry, nor ra'fie
knot-holo in a pig-pen, full iu Sal's their voice t bo board iu tho street,
face, dyeing an orange ji;el lino, but who will not fail, nur be ills
and showing off my threadbare coat courage .1, till jtilgnnnt ho si in
to bad advantage. One of my arms, the earth. Mcir who know their
was iirjiind Sal's waist, my hand ; message and tell it. Men who know
resting ou the em ill. of her back;
she was utmost gone, nud I ditto.
She looked like a grasshopper dy
iug with the hiccups, an 1 I fultjlio
a mul turtle clunked with a nSh
ball. f
'Sal,' says I, in a voico ns m
us the note of n swan
you have mo ?
Sou turned bur evo lie.tvonw.ird,
clasped me by tho Inn I. b id an at
tack of tho h)iv,sail blin I. stin
gers, nu 1 with a sigh that dron- lnr
slioe Htriugs to her palate, btid
Yes V
She gavo clear out, then, nnd
squattod iu tnv lap t she cork screws
0 1 nil 1 enill uui j I mil rolled in.
1 linggo l hr till I broke my mis
pmiduts ; 'and her breath s nolt ol
onions fcho ha 1 nto two weeks be-
nr . i . i.. .t t. ....
sho Bel tho, aud we r.tetie..d for :
ium, ihin w "tvii i
lour woeut every tngni now we
sh Jill i walk into the room to h
mai rio 1, till wo' got so wo could walk
as graceful its a couplo of Muscovy
dirks. The night, the company
and the minister camo, the hignal
was given, and arm und arm we
marched through the crow. In, I hall.
Wo wore j'.it entering t io parlor
door when d iwu I went, kers! tp on
the oil clotti, pilling 8 il lift u mo
Sumo cussed follow h 1 1 d.'iipo d a
bauana f-kiu on tho tlo ir. an I if. il i jr
ed uie. It split nu ttwful hole iu my
casimeres, light iiudor my dies
coat tail. It was too lttoto back
out i ho clapping my liaiiTjfm-r it,
we were spliced and taking a seat
I watched the kissing the fn-ide j--'
ration My groomsman was tight,
and ho kissed her till I jumpo ! up
to take a blice t when, oh horror ! u
.,r.n i . i ,. ....'.. i d. , v... ll. , i... ...1,;. , i
I 1 ..- I
ufiiiiii.t u.v, iiiii. i'i.iiiii: i.i I nun I I
through tho hole iu my pants, had
pinned it to the ohuir, und in ju.iip
: i .1 : ... .1 l i . ti i. .
iiiu till a utniiiuiuu fc.y iiiu it'iiuuiiix
- ... .. ."
- .. . t 1 . 1 ...I....!.
ii'.u tiiu itnLuuiaiiuit;
111 11 1 1-1 L .1. ! .J It I
tritlo more white muslin than
i ..... n.i. ...... .. i '
picawui. auo women giggiun, mo
. " 1
1 t 1 tl
uioti roared, nnd I got mad, but was
. e '
lioallv put to oe.l. tin.
d thero uii m v
troubles ended, (loo 1 ui'it.
Tub Tiiiike Uiciicsr Men. Tim
threo ricliCHt luiti in tho 1'nited
States Astor, tUewart, Vuudwrbilt
havo died within fifteen mouths.
The first inherited groat wealth, nud
the possibility of making vast ud dic
tions to it without very much . Ili t
of his own i tho other two wero the
architects of thoir own vast fortunes.
The combined wealth of tho throe
would probably nggrogale S2oJ,
000,1100, or four times tho amount of
the publio debt of the United States
beforo tho war. Thero is no evidoticn
that any of them hns left a blank in
the field of effort which ho occupied
so successfully which cannot bo till-
od. The Astor property, tho Stew
art dry-goods business, and the
Vaudorbilt roads aro managed with
the satno comprohenmvo grasp of
principles and tho same keen atten
tion to details as when tho eyo and
brain of thoso with whom, they wore
so long idontitled and unditnmed.
Thore is no reason to believe that all
three aro not as capable of indefinite
expansion as they would have boon
under the men who made thou what
they are.
Novel Reading.--Now bo far ns
the intellect is concerned, there is a
question whother absoluto idleness
is not at least ai advantagoons as the
reading of novels. Thore is proba
bly no condition of existonoo, out of
sleep, which is so little an exercise of
the mind as that of novel reading.
The person engaged in it sits with
out exertion of any kind, and has a
certain quantity of pleasant oxcito
mont poured iuto bun by the author
through the eyes. That is all. Ho
is intellectually, no less than phys
ically, as passive as a cup that is fill
ed from a pitcher. Unless he reads
to criticise and refleot, which is not
the case one time in a thousand, bo
is simply engaged iu the laziest pos
sihle Bort nf pleasure seeking. It
might be botter for him or for her,
intellectually as well as physically,
to be engaged iu some briskly, bod
ily, exercise, involving attention,
Iudgment and care to avoid boiug
mrt. This, at least, would bo ton
io t while of all occupations, novel
reading is most passive in ita nature
and relaxing in its tendencies.
What the aok AVaxts. A writer
nay : ''Tho great want of this ago is
mon. Men who nro not for sale.
Men who are honest, sound from the
centre to the circumference, truo to
the heart's cor ). Men who fear the
t Lord nnd covrtousness. Men who
will condemn wrong in friend or foe,
in themselves ns in others. Mru
whose coiiMciencus nro uto tdy M the
needle to the polo. M.n who will
stand for tho wriglit if. the heavens
tottur and the esjlh reels. Men
who can lull the trntli tin 1 look tho
worl I nil 1 the Devil right ill tho i'.yn.
Men that neither brag nor ran. M. n
tint neither awagger nor llinelt
Men wh j can have courage without
whistling for it. and joy without
shouting lob: in;' it Mon in
whotu the current of everlasting life
runs rtlill, and d.-ep, nnd strung
Men careful of Co l's honor and c.tru
1 !ss of iu i'i'h nppliinse. 5Iou too
large for eecl n i.ui limits and t m
strong fir Stictariau binds. Mou
thujr. duty . and
do it. Men who
know ytflr lao und who till it
Men who mill 1 their on business
Men who will not lio. Men w ho urn
qot t io lazy lo work, nor too proud
to bo poor. Men who nro willing
to-cit what they htvo e irne I, h i I
wear what they have ptid fir.
wuo know io wo jiu tiiey
havo be-
!livod. M'in alios t foct nro on th i
everlasting ro?'
M.'U wh are not
'asli t n 1 1 of
jure Htrong
their ho,)o. M m woo
with divine stivngto,
ilivino Hlreuglh, wise
j . . - . 1...II.I. oi.iiiu nifii-uiit. i, i-n;
i with tho wit 1 ml tint cotiuth fi'.un ;
wiso Wllltll
iin.1 loving with the lJVo of
Christ. M in of till
1'arTL'n is I'.iAM K
Ir oor dairy -
) men need n nimr. mi
eo -opener, a !
'. Iiaj fi uil. 1 ' a til' -jo ,t 1 ..... I . I I. .. ... I .
, " -;" '....Jill " .'"
"o: Is. here is on
. mm, ti'M'o is on in 1110 neai 01
tit. j ...I .1.. P...II,... i. .. .1....I1..
.., '"-
i ui i il ni.ii i i i' r mi i Mill i iv
anl s il l bv
tlm N,w York .1 :,!,;, Tl U . ' 1
nu,. ii. ii ....... .... .:i.. ..r
good butler io tho market, put up
..-..j v.. . . v i .-,..,11:11-, ,11
in nu Hiirao.ive H:tipj lor sm i.l eon ; ri., , r0il.j4 uro h0:ll v the only
HUiiiJis. W Ilea wo ki. w to it. .,:i , j nu4 nf c .I'liiu.iiiij.ilioii ; but those
diiiyuian geUiI-lo iipniud firliis,, of v,.r iuUioe ct!1HU'Uctiou
products, another tl, no I nn , n,, U ,U Cv.-i and lurgo utono con
. .. oeuts the ye ir round, nt his d tiry , til, ,,i;ly illlop tllJ traveler's
o .or, u ii 'sy h -'en io ii a win pay
t . bring butler nero.ts tho
1 ail I
fioni Franco, if it is only g
ihipulv eti'.ojh la suit thu
oils put'cioscr win will li t v o s o:no
thing nice, whatever it to tv c ist.
j All tois butter is mil) fro n ch .i.-o
jcows, cluioely fed oil do in
f..d; tho in ikiug is dm) iu the
lea. lest tni'l'ier. ine mili; is Irt'i- aw :.t it. v v..i.i it ' u i
nei-tar, the civ.tni is c!i true I with '
ii.. i ... ,..ii. .. . ..... ... ...
;c!o "k mi I tliei'in nn iter, Uio li ittor is
worked with skill, tin 1 is m i lo up in
i i i
Khapelv ca
s, wuieii '1 1 not require
. I
to b i cut when brought to tlio t ib!e.
I'oniparo then, tins eiko-hird.
golden yellow, srt)i;t, fragrant nud
. .:. . - i . ! tl... :il. ....
. .. . -i
nmi. in., t.t ii.l
leillllllll liJ UII t;I J n- ini; mtn un
I .1, . ,., ...
i ;,... i it..r..i.i
llllslirilLI V t:mtil.v, wile.. n t- i . .nil. ui
' frvan i' (-. mi's v vim i't
. ... , :..,i.r. , , i-
.1,1.1 i.-iiii.i. li t e nti.f m l ll 1.. ii. ml lil-
, , , .. n., i . ., i
b.ii.l iifii on fr.nn tl I ill v l.ilr.t.l
I : v" , : :.: , .. . i " 1..?:.
mi l carelessly milked, nnd is churn
ml anyhow, and tho dilToreuct is
amply accounted for. .V-j-e York
Tribu ue
Kinds'Rss TO AMM tt.s a:i A'n-!
btirgli could haiidlo his lions nnd j countries.
tigers with impunity. No uniiirit Asia is still tho homo of tho tun
will fail to respond to kindness nud I jority of tho human race, after hav
uniform goo I treatiinnt. And csh i ing supplied offshoots from which
pccially will tho noble horso ruspect have sprung great Western people,
and confido and faithfully serve a About four sevenths of tho earth's
master who deals gently mid kindly! population in Asiatic, or 82j,51S,
with him. Wo have otirsolvos taken o!ld j lviro)o o mm next with over
a spirited Morgan nnro which had ; a fifth, of II ).I,17S,:J0 J J Africa with
been rudely haiidlod and became en. about n seventh, or 1 IK). 921 ,600 i
tituly unmanageablo through Jnrsh America with less than sixteenth, or
treatment, and, by nppea'.iug to ber 8o,oT.I,N0 )'. an I liu illy Aos .ralia an 1
iutclligenco nnd respecting her I'olyuasia with tho very small f ran
needs, iu three week's time ma loUion of 4,7t,tilU iro.ip'o. Karopo
her entirely safe nnd reliable for I is the most densely populnto.1, hav
wifoand children, andull n ho would 2 persous to the hqiiare mile t
treat hor kindly nud handled her Asiac ttnoi naxt -IS to the s pure
gontlv. and we havo, nftor five years, milo, Africa next with 17j, -Yinorica
sen the same maro resume her old !
vicious habits when ngaiti under tho
control of one who resorted to ailn
tritry or brutal treatmeut. Always
appeal to tho hotter instincts of the
horse, the mule, the ox, the cow, ns
well ns tho dog and other domestic
animals, und they will never become
vicious or unmanageable. iSirni'
A Hip.d-Ciiau.mino Lvny Y few
m ruths sinoo, siyethe Jiieknn villa
(Florida Unlm, a handsome in nk-ing-bird
Hew into the residonee of a
Lady in this city nnd alighted at hor
feet, exhibiting little or no fear or
suspicion of hor, and permitting hor
to catoh it in hor baud. She placed
it in a cago and it seemed happy and
eoutentod, nnd it proved to be ono
nf tho finest singers of its s'penios,
filling tho houso with melodious
strains, until after some four months
captivity it was taken nick and died,
much to the sorrow of its mistress.
A short time after the decease tho
same lady was sitting in her room
when another beautiful bird of the
same family came iu and took its
position near ber, apparently invi
ting her tocapture it. whioh she did
without difficulty. She plaood it iu
the same cage, and it S90iu3j as
contented as the otbor had done, as
if it knew and coveted a lifo with
so gentlo a mistress.
An livnNEsT Life. Earuostuess
does not always movo it!i a clatter.
I hero nro other things in this world
which nro quito tts pleas iut nnd edi
ifying ns tho "rub-a dub dub' of n
e'inro drum In fart this kind of is not generally tho highest
stylo of music. Have you never
kuoAu a nia'i bustling nud officious,
an 1 clamorous, nn I loud, but lio
did not weigh hoivy nfter all n
thing very well und r stood by every
one except just tho man who miglil
havo pfiitiltivl by that piece of iuf or
illation! And have you never known
a lean, quiet hud mioHtt iitatioiis und
i:iiiniui, nmi who was u perpetual
blessing, a golden man, di ep-souled
and trti", whoso memory I tigeie l
lot),' nfter bo was gone, like light
upon the bills nft -r t gorgoous sonstt?
Tlio shall ow Btream ralt!cs nt-ta-;
its coitrwo i but when it is met and
drowned ly tho majestic tides roll
ing iu from tlm ne ts, there is silence
on tiie hills. In the great lido there
is the power of more liiau ahuii li'o 1
rivulets, yet ils coming is almost ns
quiet ns tho celestial f irces that
brin ' it. Tlio tide ll ws do'.vn. nu I
shallow gro-.vs the, and
it ,'atn
the o.npty clattering goes o:i. An I
this n what we wish to nay, that
thing i most p itenf, intli iugii tloui -onstrative.
as indoed t'oey must b i tiieir .ll.'cts, uro not ncoessnri
ly noisy. A strong and earnest lifo
need ti it make what people uro in
the In lit of ctlliog "a fuss '' It is
better to ho kuowti by the letd tint
strikes titan by th j bang of tho gun
Hint Hends it.
l! v Coai'iimkn in Itt'ssi The '
llussians at'u tho best c it roin oi in ;
tho world. In order to a-jq lire
the great skill in driving to which 1
it!'ey attain t!i-y begin training ;
early in ft:t. when tpnti chit-,
.lit n. It is wondeifiil t s 'O tool
boy coachman tlritiiigit carriage-" J
and-four over rouh nu I dangerous j
roi ls, nt full gallop, fr ten orj
t ,V(.Vd
111 los lit 11 Htretch. lUlSSia,
fiu rtll know, is n eniinti-v nf :ml
lovl.n.l l, II ll lll ti.'i'.w ..I Ho
--- --- . - - --.
'',.....i.,u'i ;il v. ........
exlei.t., being II.0)tl miles ,,t ,ts
i l . ii .. ...
. ",-,;B Ula, . 1'! 'r1"?'1" " .
ittl.lLIlfll I .I.IJ llllleM ll 1.1 eillll.l lllll:'
, ilo ......... ..Iii,.,.!., T llllil II I I ..f
i .
M.'iti'.. mile-i. Tin. nr.1 . ti'Li-t
.tro,.Vt. . f.,,,1 j f wo ,.i
without a.ty biMluments or outsi lo
ni-.i !.-. in tt ii it i.e.-.. litr.O... fi.-ifi44
wjlj1J ul( j rUj,;. ri voi'f ; un I over t!
langor .ui roils, and tho still more
ilailgeMUS bridges, Iho ItusMiiti
c i leum III dtslios nt til ) fastest g:il
I ;). It, h "inn a mira.ilo Unit travel
ers do not, its a lull', lost their lives
and br 'ak their limbs mi l co.tfhs
j mi'iiiiy. 1 lio latter often
phi'-'o i -iho co tell b .nng Htop
pe l f ir ivjiiirs uooi .tiiuos half u
dozou times on the road.
Tin: I'opt i.vrioN ur iiiK (Liue
Tho met trustworthy csliuiata of
t'io t.uinbor of peoplo oti tho earth i
,n,ish.l bv!JST OFJURO;
I,4j:i,'.ti7.! fiiMM, .in
for the year lw7'i, as fur
uoriu.iil statisticians, is i,s..v.'i.
0 10. ihlS is llll lncroHO of over
twenty Hnven millions on tho esti
mate of 1ST."., but too a igntoiit it io'i
111 not title entirely to too oxoess ol
births over deaths, but 1 ifgely t
tho o'lit. lining of more accurate in-
f niirilion regarding the population
of legions little known, und to more
periet'i census rouirus iioiu utuer
nn I Australia brings up tho rear
with Gj nnd lj respectively,
Hoy Lo-t foii SEvr.Nrr.E- Years
In HII, Nays the Scrnnteii Itepubti'
cm. in tho Lickawanna region, little
Henry ll irt, eix yours old, wandered
away in the Ihrest hctwo-n Olyphunt
and Cob' pond i, Iter berries one af
lernnon, and wo lost. Nearly every
ahlo-bndiud man in lilaVrly twnshp
tii-ned out nnd aom-heil the wends
and fe lis in vain for Iho lost boy.
win. was finally t'iveo up and mourn
ed as lost. A few days rlncc, wh!e
a gentlemen from Olynlmnt wai visit
ini friends belew Wilkesbtrrx, be
in it a young man whwe resociblsnce
id fenturei wns so giniilur le that ol
uenry Hurt, of Olyphunt, that he ask
ed him if h!s name wns not unrt. no
said that he was culled Riley, but be
inubt be Hart. Th fj'hrr aud moth
er were pent for, no I as sn'on as the
mother tutored the room the recogni
tion was bet worn th mother
and her lonlial son. H trcollecl
but little of Ida early history. For
nineyeur the nun wilh whon bo
lived, and who ho supposed wh hi
father, boated oa tho Delaware and
Hudson Oae-il, and he vividly recol
lect how the brat of a mno looked
bitn up in the hard, flogg-ing him and
half starvirfg him at limoe, tfier nioe
yeire of such tratmnt ha rao away
and fared better. Tlte ei Rieatjoy
io the family ovtr. tbe reunloa.
1877. NO. 41.
!IOriCK of Widow Appralioinoiit
under Hie t.WO Lnw Notice Is
hpreliy given that Hie following widow.
pprtlaoinrnla h.tve bfen fibd with llu
t'lrrk of ll-ellrpliena' Court of Snyder d,,
fur eoiinrmittiuu ou Muiiday, Ibe -lilb day
of Feb. IU--1.
Ap)r'nl of CirUliani Miller, wiJ
oiv of .lulm Miller, de'-r-tol.
1 at. I, '77. , . t:(Ol SI!,t!l-rkf). C.
Assignee Account.
V'DTICK is hereby uiveti that Hen
I ry It. Miller. Amiuoioi of nr''r t! mnly
lliti", of Se liiKjr tv.-, h i. filial hta a.o mtit In
til..- I''ll'-, m!,.. ,M ill tle.iirK, eii I that
lit- -a lit- will li.- ir-. nl-1 I ir r mfl -in ,t .f
rVtirimrv T.rm ullluiirl. J.I HUI'M,
.1 1M, Is, .'. I'fothoiioiery .
Tcj-ysi! NOTICI'
1 j .'.r,,','y ,.,,
llrnrv Sp .fir,
r.liorli .ulili,
I . 1 1 it Im, k
1 1. uii il. -i illh
.1 mi . .1. tt I h"l,
lijri.l Kflr-mtrni-W
il M il. lr p-o
.1 i!in II Kii.-kler,
i Ic-irne 1 1 u er,
I hamaan.
V"el ll n.r.
Mil 11
tin I II ' r-nl(,
I r iriklln.
Sf Khrurnve.
t . e. i : i ,, .-n.
I . it. 'II i-a, lie.titnrii'it , I ri-eiMe-ir
li tve hli-1 t'.eir p -in ...ii. ..r I .t.- ru ilf ono wlh
1 Ue t'lvrk oi 1 1 i trier ul Sn y .It-r r.u 111 y ,
ill 1 w I... .re-.nt -. I tr uimv.l ou
.tl iiid.ty, the 2lb ittiy ul I ntt
J. I i;irK,i'lnr il. S.
To: (''limit one 'ift'i of' l'i a miw
iif 1 1 the S'trriJ'o.' xuhl County
a-. A U'ln- Mtn
i lin-k lr li.-r lint' fi
"ll. 1 o. f ,-T ?t . i..n
lull, of Al'l.l A ll
. , - ii r, 'lio on in
ls;i). pr . l-r lo r p...ili. i lo 11 oi. 11. ,. ,.,1
iio.ii inn. or t:i.. t .-iTi .lo t of.. or t'..nri oi
I'ollllno.l I'lrit, f r I h.. I). Il.ilr of Snt.trr pr.t.
I :-j I ir tin- i' i-.. Ih-ri'lii ' il forth IhV nhe ln ,!'i
he liv ir.-.i fr-o-ii tin. Ii.oiJ. of tn tin m.riy .ii
ur. l I'.lo mill lluin II. M,ni.
t e -lo l.i..r.-t r oenei.l t.ot Mirrlll.
M o,,,, ti-f ire "I ... nil ill lei lllll
i.eil,p ni.lo nil oilier l n,.i..i.H unit 1 1 u,..n
h il. t.-v.-r. too ,.. W, rttoKm In your proper p.-r-aoii,. .,ii r .1.1.1 ' -nr M r I li-.iiiie.-, .it Omit
"fi'oi ii I'l.-in. Ihi-r.-lo I. li.-l I Tor too i ,t,
ol ii I'T on l!i. 1l li .l.iv of r -Oi i-ii'trv nr. x'. lo
nu. ii rlh p .ili. oi or lio.-l or I m a it. I A I.,iih
1 k in.. I e .-.-V in.., if ii i r.i i oh,
Hi., a .1 I .l iluio .M hi I. , t . ir ir,-, .-iniil I ti..t
I) ilhori-i .l fioni I. i.i II oi.lN nf ,l erimony,
r-o-alOv I . Iho m .1 of il.o I A'-o noly uirili'h
I'-" nu. t ai. I I ; o I I - I, nil I h-o oof Inl ii. il.
Wen. - III. II oi. I. I'. M i, li..r. r... Prr-.l-.t
-til .1 il I of ii ir il I t'ooil, nt Mi. I lu lout, tti
il.t,.l..i i.l H..CI iii'jit A. I. I-T"
J. I'ltl If I'r .th)-,
Tlieren the linn.. I. Clincher l'
I TV ilenl Jn.lje of the .In lii-irtl liilri-
eiMiipo.el of the roitnliea of Snvlee. fnion
nui ' Milllin and I't-ncl (l.-intierlimr an 1
...1 Mini:.. I i.
.", k,,,. a i(-iro Jinhrea
" - - , ' -
-. -
i snd for Mitydt-r eo t hue, i..c 1 ,heir
,,rn.-..f.t l.nni- i... . i. ,1... II. I. .1... .
." - '""
11.... A 11 I.-Ti
In me
.lirecled for
tin, linl.linrr ornti Orphans' court, n court
j of 4 'oi.tiit.iii I'ieits. court of liver nnd Ter
! ininer nn I liuncntl court nf (Junrter Kea
; aiti.iiH of I lie i-enco nt Middh'burfr, for llie
.county nf Snjiler. gn Iho Mi M hi l .y. (I...
niiB tne .'in. itny ol I i-f.ruurv is;j.)
continue one tltoi.
j .N.iiioa is Ihotefore lieroliy Riven lo the
j Coruuer, Jitnl ii-t-u of Iho I'oico ittel Cousin
; tiles iu nu I for the eoiuity of Snyder, lo np-
pear in llit-ir prt.per .eruti ail li I heir rolls
! records, iuiiHitious. eisiniintii.iiis an I
other remniiiliruiiera to do tlio-io. thinpa
'. which nf their ollices nnd in their belntlf
,1'erlfiiii lo he 'lone mi l tviineses nnd per
jsoiia irosiciiiing iu bclmlf of Iho Cuiuiiion
i wen'.ih n iin-t nnv person or t ersoiia nre
. reipiirud to he then nnd there itlieti.linc 1
, nmi inn iuteiri ni tt iiimiii nave it I uieir - -!
peril. Justices in e reiiiiemt-l to he tuini'i-i I TIIO.M I'.SON
: tint in Ihcir itile'. l'iiice nt tho ai noiuleJ
limt. iigreeitlily to notice.
tiivt-ii under my hun I nn I aeul nt tho
Siierill n utile ii. MiMU-tMirj:, ihc Jih J ty
of. Inn. A. 1., one lliousitiid eight hundred
and .tventy-'even.
1ST OF JUR013 FEB. T.--1877.
fiiMn .Ii-bors.
i llcsver iJeni'ifw Hi!jrer.
Iteiver ll'e-t 'Vilim'ii Krehf
I'oiiire - I'ltiu-s 1. Itiiii-ttmtil.
I'lmpm in !l -nry M llurr.ill'
Jit.'it" ui li -orijo I!. Ilenler Amos Jirrelt,
MiddU-bU' ii II .'ii.. 1,'hii Suydor. .,
M inr ! it. 11. II ttirio's.
Mid lle.Ti oU II . oi rv Sny l.-r-
j,1'."; .
Perry We V. (I . i) inn in, .lo-jn Stuck.
li App. I. I). Puwliui!, rtiluiiiel
P. How. .lulm li -e l, ar. Julio P. Uii-hler.
Seliii-.or.ivo I'. S, Albert, ti. W. UI ihi,
II, I!. Miller, Jeremiah rituoU, Levi
I I ri.- Ii.
Union FrcJerick Hlntmhucher.
Wn-hiiigioo Miclial llniuea. Jacob Sny.
ptit Jinonit. ''
A Pima I'nnlel Atirun l, Peter -Hiegel,
Klins It. -riwant.
Denver JMiviin) Freed, Inaaa OclZ, I.. 'It.
lUines, Henry Keru
llenver west Amor Auipiicltur.. .j .,
Chapman D tniel Ilolnier. Lowie Ggod
ling, Joseph Mi-lser, .
Ceiiire Kn.iclt Unix iman, Henry F. Lnn?
John Shetikel, N tiUnuiel Waiter, Jlia
YniinK . .
Fntnkliii ll'-nry II. PIniiT.T, IJenjtniin
Wilieiiinyei', Jneoli C. Waller, at " J"
Monroe Siiinin App, 0. W. Ilocli, JhU.
Sebmrh, ..
Mi, llecrcck iiuiuol Ihlger, II. A. Hum
mel, . '
Mul ll. hi.r-.f.. M. Moal "r'.i
Perry-Henry J. Ileiser. Jnoob F. Iliil ,
I 1. ........... L- tl' . J "
t'llintuil, .tlicoilL-i r. iiu'i'iirr, 7
I'erry west P. T. Derr WP.lis n. tljrdea
Penii Jacob Krclder, Janu-s Millor, IU-if-
j.iiiiin Cplinffer. A lam J, Fialier.
.Seliii'ifrnve M 11 Ciolt, J. A Ltimk'itd
A. M irUerger, John Pitrka, li, F Yun-
l.uskiik, Henry II Pino. t,
v m. . .I..1 1 1 . l! -1. ..
I mon ... t tiuii'iore, itiin iienorieH-i.
WitHhingion lieci. Hermnn, U W HuliZ
apple, ftininii Kam., Joseph Moyor,
IteVij iiuin Siroub jr, Holert M Tenia. "
RIAL LIST FEB. TE8of-"1877.
Ilenjamln II. Long va. Panlal Uetfiek,
aaine va, amne.
Kmanuril liu.k va. Itlll l.h k llrolher.
f re l k Fries. Kmlorsae o va. r' J. H. r.eller.
oeorun W, llllunr va. John .Iro.a, aei."
.loa.i h Wenrlcli ta. John Hurlman lisfcj'
Franklin J. Nehook va. Allen I0rlliar. - ' S!
ira-ayeraand Jo.iah toraallb vi. Jaooh JkV.fc'
ii"aar. - ,
I. K-Hummel vi. John 11 FoeltUM-. -Wio.O.
neruld ta. Ann B. k K. O WRIAnil.
Ii't.e Slr-iwa.r va. Tdeard atroup.
M.llnr. Iluln.a M.ller va. UohbAOk wllb oo-
lloe Iu ijarnlrlii)..
Kate Artly by ber u.xt friend 0. VI. Jaso.a r,
laaae N. llelr va. Thomei Sehaffar ' '
anna va. etuia aod wife- .
. n. a K.H II. K, Co. va. William Koeltlng. J
i, v . o-rvi-oi i -I. -ll .1.. a,u-iri-.a ,.,,. a -r.
Anthony tj. uliupion va. J. MoUtar., Uhkaell
Sainuel Feb re r va. Tbe 8. 0. M fc D. Aaeoola.
tto. ' .
neoriie i:ty va. The . , K. a H. AaaoeMUoa.
al. I a. Weu-naell.r a trviln pariuet aa va.
J W.tUukleret al . -
Iaaae Flaher va. W. U. Hnltnea et al.
isiou"l K. Wowlllntf va. It. .1. Htef, t
reaper Fora:r va.ilauider k ti.iok.
U. I.. Mlllark U. P. OllAd-a'rk. Va. Ohil.
w , u.ui.r.
The.bov.ea.i.r at lMaaandfsi;ttSia
Vebiu,re Term. A. 1). la;,'.
J.UROUSE, Protav,
rroUu'l Omn, Jllidiebvoi, Jan. W.'If. -
mna poriiT.
PuMUhed every TlittrsdAV Evening bf
JSHEMIAn CBOUag, Prop'r.
Terras of Subscription,
able within six moaths, or $2.,V)ifnot
paid within th year. 'o paper !
continuetl until all arroaraiB are
pnid unlose at the option of the pub
lisher. Buliserlptions nntfide of the county
BtIVrsons lifting and using rmpers
AiMresseil others become snbscrilMirs
tiid tire liable for the price of the paper
tantier. ALiawAR.
bobav Alia.
l a ir.
HHiiM;rovc 111.'
1I profeaionitl biniinoae and collecting
minified to their ear will be promptly
tlienc llo. Cin tie eniiKiilie l In EnglUh
jr Mermnn. OlTice, Murke. 8 iiare.
Mltllll.Cllt'KO, MWKIIK Ul)., PA
Orfera tila P nteMl inul Nerrlrea to the pnb'l
Uonfultllnoa I (.nulla1, and 'Jerman.
MLl'lleburg, Suydor County l'eun'h
'1iee few d ) ir Wet nf 111
lloii'O on M'U aire.-l.
En'.irli an I tlrrwait Inn
(.'.iiMiiltittioo In
ii,;i. fep.'ilT.
VAN IS I'.' !.!.
le-.mjIi org l'n.,
llTere Vie professions!' to le pub
ic. Collt-oiinns an I nil " I' r l'lo c sion
al business entrusted to lui fare " 111 re
ceive i rnmpt allenliiin.
1 1'rciioxMii.i.i:!:.
'e AiTUllNEl" AT I. VW,
Middlebunr, Pa.,
Oilers h! rrnlemlotinl servii-es to the pub
lic. Cilli"!l Ions, and all oilier pro(esiona I
busineea cntrnsle l to liia cure will reecive
protn) t aiientioii. Jnu 3, 'ti'tf
II. II. Urimm. Win. II. Dill.
Attorneys & CduuccIois
.1 7-A.i ir.
Offii'O Near tho l'ost (Iffico.
t'rct'lttirir:. I'enn'a.
Ctinsiiluiinit iu boib LngHh tn I Herman
Luiit'ii ies. Dec, I'.', '"Jlf.
I M.
I. (S,
LINN, A. II. iniTL
( tn J. F. h .T. M. I.lnn.l
ATI)ltNi;VS AT LAW. l.ewisl.iir. l'a.
(lifer their prnf-saionnl service lo th
pulilie. Colleclioi.s nnd nil oilier pro-fc.-ion
il luiaiiie-s eiitrnsle.l lo their care
will receive proni. tat tout ion. Jan. 8, 'OTlf
J. i. ZI.LLKIt,
t,Vitr'vilt', S'tyUr Coiinfi, Vnirt.
All 1,1-lre sp entrusted to hte .-are will he
well an I f il.i.fully attonl-l lo. Will pri. tlra
at tue -eterii! c iu-1, nl sny ler n I a.ltoiiiiof
i- ioiit.e.. I' tn li. e inault. l Iu the r.nutlah or
il.Tiiiuii liinu uto. ocl. Si. 'Mil
Seliiisgrove Vi.
l.Torj Ids prnfoealonnl service! lo tlie pub
nudilin. Colleelion-i nnd nil other profession
husiness riitriisied to Ins enre will re
:eive prinit attoniii.n. fillice Iwodonra
north nf the Keystone Hotel, I .Inn U. 'bl
J 0 1 1 N II 7. V, N O L D,
Atlorni'.v ul I ill t,
s- n rs Tincr . i tto me i ;
I'rofessionnl bnslnesa enlrusted tn hie ear
w:!.' lie promptly niton led lo. Fnb U.'Jl
i ' a
VttorillV-Ilt -1-allAV,
l.e wialuirp; , I'niou tu., pa.
t,jj-0nn he cnnsiilie l iu the t!ii(iliali and
Ocremn liiiiutijre-..-J
fil-'Klt'i: M ultet Street, opposite Wnlle
JiuitU .4 Co'e .Storo i'Jf
Soliusgrovo Pa ,
OTcrsiiia prnl'es-ioii-tl eerviera to the
p itilio. Atl ln ll busiiieaa nil, oii,i lo hie
care will receive t rom j-l n : ' i. n. flltie
ono .loor above the, .V -iv In::,,::, ''liurch.
July. 4th '72.
!UblN.SJ!lUYt7r.NrUi:il (MUSTY. P
. -sepl.l.., 'OTlf
Northtiiubcrhind, Ta.
ITer hie profpsaiun-il atuvice lo the pub
ic. AH husinesa entruste I to hie car
till be pruuiplly attended In.
Jan. 17. '67lf
Jtistic3 of th9 Peace
MJJ!a'.)itpg, SiyJjr cj'Jity. Pan'a
I'oov-'T.itii'li.i- dons, an I c.illo'llora made,
fv.-rt Oiliiii Imriiili.d to ble care, will reo-ive
pi'ompi atieiiiion, Jun- ll, .;i,
yiTTl'Ll- KANAWKb" "
riltrtll-, Knyiler r., ra.
Jlfer bta prufeeaiuDal eerviceealo th
T5,Ai.fc SMITH.
myqciax avd suitanoy.
OiTere liia professional eervloei to tbe eill
lens of A lauisburg aud viciuuy. Sept, 74
r. .'1iuiiiviii , a.
lllori bit. pr.ifeaaiAal aervioe lo lb it-
it i ii..i,,ir p.
itena of Middiejurg aud vicinity.
, March Zl.'BT
I. MfJNijKCK',
lustlccof the Peace
Adanwburg, UnytUr Co., l'n.
Wdl be in bie otlice at tbe abuve inentioa-
ed place, on MOM DAY and fcATl'UDAY
ul eaob week, when all kinds of husineea
reluting to bi othue, will be altcuued la
J.Hatid '73if j
Jr(TAN BUsiKlKK, ' '
'.,m. ;
i Sttlinsgrov Ponn
A. WliTZliL,
Justice of th9 Peace,
lleaoartoien. Suuder Co.. i'tv
WsAll kind of colleoiic aiad ou libera
rm. rrompiy aueudi t
aim-: t sis eese,
all buslia t
(Jim -T