The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, November 30, 1876, Image 2

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    The Post.
Middleburg, Vcv. 30, 1876.
J. CROUSE, Editor" ProprietorT"
Tbi total rota for l' resident: in
reonsylvsniiv, according to the offi
cial fiRiires wig 7!N.iU3. Of this
Tote llnyes reooivetl 3S4.18. Tiltlr-n
3G0.204, Cooper 7,211.1, Smith 1,319.
tinknown 83. Haves, m tjority over
Til Jen, 17,9 it. At tho majority for
tlie Itepullican Cfinlilute in I'hilii
ilolpbia was 1 4.05 those Itatnocrats
who bragged th it tbe Stato, exclu
sive of the city, was strongly favora
ble for Tililun wore mistaken to the
txtoot of boiuo tlionsnuil of votes
But perlin their bonst in;? connieitoil
solely of tbitt fuToiito lJetu'icrritio
ingrediont in political argument
Tfiail 1 wind ! wind 1
South Carolina for Hayes.
Now that South Carolina has le
gally tlocidod in favor of tho It pntc
lic.iu candidate for 1'i'osidont and ul
m elects a re, ib'.icn loislnturn,
n 1 thereby elostinrr a ropuhlii'an
United States seuator, Uuvurnol.iind
all tho Moto officers, and congress
man, na 1 now, nlso, an tho name re
sult is probnble iu rojrtinl to Lou
isiana and Florida, honest men will
rink, What if the sune process In 1
been applied t every other outU
crd State f Whnt, if culm, clour
minds liko John Mierinin hi!
thrown thoir whit) liht npm tho
black fraud I of Alabama, Ooorgin,
Mississippi, and Virginia 1 We men
tion these four St ites as exfitnnlps.
T. ai.,i.,. i. .i. .,,. .,r iu70
them wero 01 791 tcl.ito ...t. - ,.n 1
i s and 1
vet lit
its ha I
118 877 colored votos, aud
f.llA mlA i4l,tinn thn fl..niif,t nt
; AI..1. iisi,io t. .
III 'klftULUUl tlil.VW lllllltlIY , IU
Georgia thoro wore 1111.168 '-it9l
totes and 13(1,28 Colored vol. i-. I
yet a Dom ocrat ic in iinity of 7' '
In Mississippi tiioiu wero O ' l
white Totes and 111,05 J colored
Totes, and yet nt tho lato el. c tion
45,00 J Doiuocratia majority 1 In
Virginia there wuro l'i'J.lTti white
votes and 12S.210 colored votes.
and yot at tho late election a I'eiuo
cratic mojority of 75,0 JfJ ! Wo make
no comments upou thes tlgurts save
to add that in tbeso days a blark
man who fonht or worked for his
country ought to bo cousideiod at
least equal to a whito man "who
fought against it. 1'ress.
I !
It has frequently occurred ia tho
history of tho I'uitod States that tlio
candidats recoiving a majority of all
tho electoral votes was a minority
1'rofiidutit as far as tho popular voto
V'as concerned. It is only neces
ssry to Ro as far back as IS jo, when
Mr. Buchanan was elected I'rcsi.liint,
to prove tho truth of this assertion.
In tho election held iu that year
Buchanan received 1,833,1(1') votes,
Fremont 1.311,204, and Fillmore
874,534 votes. This distribution of
tho voto placed Buchanan in the mi
nority by 377,(123 that is, ho ro
coivod that many less than half the
votes cast. But when tho Electoral
Collofro mot Buchanan received 174
vots, Fremont 114 and I'ilinoro 8
votes Buchanan beinj,' eleelo l Pres
ident by a majority of 52 votes. Tho
Democrats made no complaint at the
result if that election, but now that
tho enmbersomo system of electing
a Chief Mnistrato which system
was devised by tho champions of tho ;
doctriue of States Rights in tho car-
ly days of the Republic- thrnsagainsl
tho parly which now champions that
destructive doctrine, its members
talk of war. Abraham Line An was
a minority President, and bis oppo
nents then inaugurated a war, tho
effects of w hich tho country has not
yet recovered from. If tho Demo
crats act so foolishly a second time,
there will bo uo party by that namo
when peace is agaiu doelarod. Hav
ing learnod tho folly of too much
mercy to rebels, tho loyal people of
tho country will "make trmson odi
ous" in cuso of a roputiou of tho ro
bellion. TiieBi'lu Dozer. The word "Hull
dozer" bat appeared in late despatch
es from tho South. What are 'Bull
dozers ?" is nskoJ. Tho answer
from a letter from tho South ia :
The Hull-dozers are successors to
tho Kit klux, the White League, tho
AYbite Liners, and other similar or
pauizitions. It is to tboso ruCi inn
that Louisiana owes her bu.1 couJi -
tion to-day. Two or three of those
bauds of from thirty to sixty nmn in
each parish have driven tho Kttpub
licans into the swamp in fivo differ
ent pari bos, aod manipulated the
ballot boxes to suit .thomselves in
the interest of TilJen uud reform."
bo wo find parishes that hsvo for
. years given an ororwhehuing lie
.publican majority, aud which aro
annually Hepublioau, to-day report
ed without a dozuu Kepublicaa
Terhups, jest here, it will not bo
. Btuim to explain the origin of ILu
new term of "Hull-dozer." It ori;i
listed in Mississippi. Tbo "black-
fiimko" whip that teamsters use upon
their oxen or mules is called thoiej
by a compound word, tbe first of
whiob is Uull's." It is abbreviated
to "Hull,'' and tho whip called a
"Dull." Whipping an obstinate an
imal or "nigger" with it was called
giving tbe animal or "nigger" a dose
of the ball, or bull's dose. The Ku
klux aud Whito League used that
instrument to beat Republicanism
out of the negroes and oblige them
to vote the Democratio ticket or
keep away from tba polls. Hence
tbe name for these bands of roving
scoundrels, "Dull-dozers," or "Hull
doners." They prououuee it liull
doozers" here. This is tbe real and
only origin of tha term, and the
nam is vary significant and appro.
prists, as many ft negro witb a
scsrrsd.back oa te'
Hayes on the Situation.
th teoull Halhrr b (hwitril Out than lit
ly I'rnud.
From lb Cini?lurttl Commercl!. 1
Artir:ss, O., Nor. 11 Governor
Hayes cnuie hore on tho noon train
yesterday, from Columbus, with ee. members of tho Hoard of State
Charities, on an ofllcial business vis
it. Int evening several gentlemen
of Athons called upon the Governor,
and a pleasant iutorclmnjro of viows
of an hour or more took placo.
Mention was ma1e by soroo one
of the foars so fruoly canvassed in
tho newspapers, that soma ono of
the electors may turn out to be eleg
ible, or not eloetod, by some clerical
error or luitttiki), and fiually it was
siiRKcstod that in theso times when
so much money staked on bets do
putidud upon tho result, thoro was a
possibility that an elector might bo
found to suddenly voto for some ono
other than tho head of tho ticket on
which such elector had been chosen,
and Dr. Gmday siitfiruste.l tho pre
cedent of ono ejector, who. although
chosen on tlu Monroo tickot, with
out any notico of hit intonlion, rotod
for Adams ; and Mr. 8p-jltr (lros
venor said : "No man in this coun
try has P'Uirairo euoiij'h to ncecpt
tho office of I'roni Ijnt if electod by
such a voto, and bv conino I moan
hardihood, bravado, wickedness and
all tho qualities requisite to such an
tiovcrnor Il.tycs very promptly
but quietly said : "I know ono in m
certainly who has not." Knlariu
upon this idea, ho said : "Any man
tit to bo President, or evon a candi-
Ulato ol a ureal inriy ior me uiuoe,
. m a . it.. m..
wouM prefer to bo counted out by
WUM preier 10 oo couuie i
'raud rather than t j bo conn
DV fr""'"' wl'o"a tJo'r ' a r
to I in
'ablo suspicion
. . ,
Tho self-posscss.on, coolness, mod-
.' iwon" " oxcmmucu, or
notation by Governor Hayes aro
something most rom irk iblo. He
talks of tlio situation as though ho
hod noiuterost in tho result beyond
that of any other citizen. During
tho day ho devoted himself steadily
j to tho business that brought him
hero and left fjr Cohi'ubu this
240,003 Pcopto DestroyoJ Large
Islands Submsrged.
Loisnos Nov. 20 A dispatch to
tho Times from Calcutta says three
largo islands, namely, Shahobazpore,
ami numerous small island iu tho
Iuk;rgun;e, Nookhally and Chit
tiprong districts, India, wore ontirely
submerged by tho storm wave of
October 31, as was also tho main
land for tivo or sit miles inland.
These islands aro nil situated in or
near tho estuary of tho river Meeua
Tho largest, Pakin Sliahobazpore.
was 8,000 sqnaro miles in ottent. It
bad a population of about 2 to. 000.
llattieh iiinl Sundecp togethor bad
about 100,000 population.
Vp to 11 o'clock on tho night of
tho 31st there was no signs of 1 an
ger, but boforo midnight a wave
swept over tho country to a depth
iu many p'.aeos of twouty foot, sur
prising people in their bod
l'ctiso grovcB of cococanut and
palm trees around tho villages en
ablod many to savo thomsolvos by
climbing among the branches, and
soma took refngo on their housus,
but tho wlitcr burst tho luusos usnu-
i iter anil nwein mem out io sua.
omo ivero
carnoil thus across tlio
!, ,mimei ton miles to tho Chittagon?
district, but a vast majority were
never heard of again.
Tiio country is pnfoitly flit, and
almost every one perished who fail
ed to roach tho trees. Thoro is
scarcely a bonshol 1 on tho island
and on tho abjacont coast but lost
many members. The cattle are a II
drowned. Tho boats aro swept
away, and means of communication
with other districts is destroyed,
Thoro is much distress among thu
survivors, which tho govemtuout is
Cocri: i tii r Ei.EcTonr. Votb
Major McDonald, Chief Clerk of the
Senate, wuj has seen forty years'
survico in connoetion with that body,
and who has witnessed the counting
of every oloct oral voto since 1S37,
ought to ba well (pialitiol t) speak
with reference to tho us ao of Con
gress in this matter. Ho says from
i I7t3 down to lH'il tho usual m j.lo
I was for the two llousos to appoint a
1 i,iut commission, which cenurally
oonsiste.1 of three inumb'jrs of
Seiiato and five inombors of the
tfouso. to report tho niisnor in
which tho voto should b.i cjtmtj l.
Tbo cotiiiuission always recomiaen l
od that tollers bo appointed on tho
part of tho Sonato un I tho House.
In 1837 James M. Misju, of Virgin
ia, Trcsidout pro tempore of tho
Senate, presidium at tho cotiutintf of
tho electoral vote. After it bad been
counted, and James liuchanan bad
boon declared electod l'residont, and
John C ISreckoiiridtfo, , Vico Tresi
dunt, a Koprescntative, Huiuphrcy
Marshall, aroso and raised a question
of ord.;r, to wit : Had the President
iro tern, of tho Sonato tho right to
declare or to decide whether, or not
tho vote of the State of Wisconsin
should bo counted ? Tho Trenidout
of the Sonata pro tern . Mr. Mason,
refused to outertaia tuo question of
ordor, and thereupon left tbe chair
and proceeded back to tho Sonato
cbambor, ioilowea vr lue members
of tbe Senate, without Waiting for
any question to be put to tho joint
meeting. In S3 doing be virtually
said to both J lousos t "lha power
of counting or rejecting the vote of
any State, undor tho Constitution, Is
vested in mo and in mo alone i con
setmently all objections to counting
the vote of anv State are entirely out
of order.1' Washington Star.
Tbi Ilepublioans have 61 majority
on joint ballot ia the State Legisla
tors. Ia tbs Senate tbe Democrats
have 10 Republicans 81 majority
12 i noose Democrat 81 j llepub-
Fourly Hours h a Tree Top.
Tbo Uoading Timri and Dhpafch
any a t A strange story comes from
Hereford township of a boy who was
confined for for forty bours in a troo
top, mid narrowly escnpod dying
from starvation an I exposure. It
seems that on Saturday the 13th
inst., Amos Helfiicli, aged thirtoen,
son of Zaeharias 1 1 elf rich, residing
on the road leading from Yost's store
to tho Swamp school, went into the
woods about three-fourths of a milo
from home, on a bunt for chickon
uranos. He took with him a basket
and the bouso dog, a d irk red ani
mal of mixed brood. Ho left homa
in tbe afternoon at two o'clock, and
said to bis brother that ho was go
ing down in tho meadow to bring
homo somo walnuts that wore thoro.
When suppor time camo Amos was
not about At bed timo ho wss still
Sunday morning tho father told
tho neighbors bis boy was missing.
Tn tlio meantime tho dog returned,
but appearod to bo nnnasy and rest
less. Thov triod to track him through
tho meadow but could not. A num
ber of thn neighbors then searched
for tho boy, but on Sunday night
they rotnrned homo unsuccessful,
and tho noighbors becamo alarinod.
They kept np tho search with lan
terns until after midnight, when
they again rotnrned homo All day
un lay they continued in tho search,
but it was not nntil Monday morn
ing at 7 o'clock that tho porilons
condition and tho whereabouts of
tho boy were nseortainod
Two charcoal burners named Rn-
dolnh were uoini through a swamp,
and when nnder n largo tree, they saw
a basket lying" Tbev picked it np
and lookod up into tho treo. Tho
' first thing they saw was a hat hang
ing upon ono of tho lower brandies
and as they cast their eyes np high
er to their great astonishmont they
saw wedged iu between the limbs
tho body of a boy. Both men im
mediately mounted tho troo and to
their great aniaoinent they found
young Hclfrich unconscious, nearly
doil from hunger, thirst an 1 expos
ure, and so thoroughly wodgolin
between tho forks of two branches
that it was with tho greatest difficul
ty, considering tho condition of tho
boy, that they wero ablo to lift him
out and get him to tho ground. Ho
was carried honio as gontly as pos
sible, whero ho was tenderly cared
for ami medical aid provided.
On Wednesday ho revivod, nnd
was strong enough to tell his fearful
ndventuro. Ho said ho had climb
ed up a troo about thirty feet nfter
somo chickon grapei, on S iturd ly
afteruoou nbiut throo o'clock, Tho
limb was slippery nu 1 ho lost his
foothold and fell toward tho ground
Iu his decent bo wn ciught iu tho
fork of tho branches, wlioro hi was
so tightly wodgo l that ho could not i
possibly froo himself. Ilo was
bruised an I very woak. no stream
ed at tho top of bis voico, but was
not beard. That night In thnnght
ho would dio. All day Sunday and
Sunday night bn was delirious an I
toward Monday morning ho becamo
unconscious, an. 1 romainol bj until
Tun sum of money "bet" on nayes
and I'ilden in New York is cstitn at-
e l nt ono hnndrel and fifty millions
of dollars, and a propirtionato
amount in nil largo towns and citios.
That nmoimt of money at stake
among gamblers is sufficient to get
up a great excitement wherever tlioy
frequent. Tho gamblers and other
bad people aro tho only classes that
talk of a civil war following tho an
nouncement of tho election of Hayes
or Tildon. Tho great mass of tbo
pooplo of both parties will have no
war over a question that can bo set
tied without it, and thoy are deter
mined that tho gamblers, buminors,
loafers and othor useless men shall
not bring about a war. 1 lie very
men who so flippantly talk about
war are tho pooplo who in the end
would como out tho losors. It is tho
duty of all (rood citizous to set them
selves against such people i they
'aro bail people.
Aseigiioo Notice,
ALL persons interested are here
by tioillle.l that Pranelt W. (tnclt. of Mid
tlleurefllc township. Hay ter sou n'y. has marie an
asu'iininent f all hla elteota. real ami persnnal
tnth unlerhcne 1 for tiietiurifjsa ol bis ere.ll-
trs. All .orajiis bavin, olnlma are reiuestel
lo rresent thetn ti the underslne., ann per
inns lailsbted Will please miku Imins'llate pay.
ment. bi.M u&i rzi:i..
Nov. 17, 'It. Assignee.
Laie Immense dlsrsverlea hy STASLKV
ant ol'uri are jatt al ll to lha only eooipiote
ani Labors of Ll7inzstone.
This veteran eiplorer ranks am nng tha most
herol nvuras of tlie enntury. an d this ti'iuk is
one of ti.e inxt attraotlve, fasolnatlns, rlehly
lllu.trat. u end In.truuire v .lu mesever laaueil
lielng tlia unly entire a ml authentic III, the
millions ara ataor lor II, and wideawake
agents are w.ntej nolo klr. For pr of and
teruiial lro.s HUHIt VUU BROS.. Puhlleheis,
-:j bao.uin St., I'hila., '
"VTOTIOH in horobv eiven that the
1.V fnllnwln ertlolfs hare been nurehasad by
the uniterilkoeS. nt Sherifl's Hale, oa the iisth
lay ol ((.'luLsr, IH'a. ana hss the sme lo
the posseisloa ol I liorna- Shellenlieraar, lurlni
tneihlle or laierlere With tl.e same, vis I I
nis I'H aiure. aii iertins are esiiiiiins'i not vo
Horse, I Mere, I Cos, lot Oears, Husa-y
l-rlo WiK'in, Kleil. Her, t'ornlmliler. D im,
Mrs, A...e l oltlrstnr, t flows. Harrow
Wsuun. I'arl. Slain h. Kmnt UarrelS. lot o
Tobacco, t'fiok Htoveand flsiures, 1 Wnoil and
I dual hit) re and nine. TsLle. Huiiboard. IMsk
I He Is and Deddlug, Uuraau. anres wheat la
gr"una. ,unsi dauuu
nor. so, l(o.
Notice of Dissolution of Partnership,
Nolloa la bereby giveu Ibat lb partner.
ship heretofore tileiing dotwaen th
Heirs of Ibe Kslsie of Daniel Hnhrbac
deo'd and Jonathan Kudy, under lha Hrui
nme of Kohrbucb A Hudy la dissolve
this day, by mutual eoueenl, Tenon
koowin Ibrmeelvea indebted to Ibe tai
firtn. will make immediate settlement wil
the undersigned, oriboie having elaioii
will prasaul Ibe earns tor payment.
Belinefrove, Va., J E. KsHSSaCil
Nhv. 16. 1674- JoaaTHsa lluor.
The upderrlmrd bavins purohneed lb
entire Interest of Ibe beire in Ibe foundry
will continue lo eouduot tbe bolnsa in bl
own same, and sslivlis a ooniluuailou of
publie palreuate.
Perry Tweslp,rJy,rOeeely, Pa,
CollaeUens, Ooareyaaelaeaad all other eesl
aaseawwslaias U the Uilll ka prasBptly
rjVilAL LIST DEC. TERM 1 876. 1
Abritia Itiiliuin ll.njtmlo KsnffniB Ti.
Mtrir a. Ijtn?.
Jimr M. !.', . I,nll !,.
J, 3. llidiuau II. KlrhUr mil J, W . 0a-i
J t. Ilidioas . H. E Rlrhttf nd J..W. (fin.
ri (onri Tilt l.xlnnr .. T. S. K. 7.llr.
Inil ll'iuiflf A . S. U'lmmit'ir', l.
John B. K-tm n-f. Knlnrn he. J ilia It. Wolf.
(nra W, Hlm J h l)n !.
Jiwph Wn-rl,.i t.i. .f ,.hn H.irl'ilnii,
Kmnkiln J, dh o'i . Allrn tllrlch.
lr Nr.T rl al,forn k . Jieob P. Bogtr.
I.. K. HnmMiMl if. F.'
Wm.(. ll.rr.l.l n K, Willi. in.
taorttritf K l'l iironp.
JU.I r, llalnra fc Mallor Tl. K. P. Kohbark llb
ll'ttlra a.
Kit Krltrf ! bar nut frland Iu. vi iamaa P.
Tlia alarainM araal t-aoa int for trial tt
D'r'miwr r-ntn A l. 17.
Prulbi'a Olll ir, Ml IdlalMtr. I J. Caot'SK,
Ho. , !;. I I'rolhy.
Assignee Accounts.
N'OltfEla berth (Ivan lht Hit follow
in( Anntgnt AeonunH bsvs brcn fll
1 in lha offictof the I'roihonnlsrjr of Ilia
Court of O I. of Kiiydrr oounlf n lwlll
be preeD(ei to Ilia neXt eourl for oontlr
mallnn, snt inlfn iaTl client oil'" ha
hows to Ilia suolrnry Ilia asm will ba
ba ooriHrme.l.
Account of A. O. Ilornherjer, Awinnf a,
of K. C. Schambsoher, of ferrv Towosbip.
Acoontil of I. I. Manbeok, Aljaca of
lleury Mecbllr of Uer tonbip.
J. CROUSE, I'roih'y,
Prolhy'a omoa, Nov. 21, '"!.
WILL ba sot.l nt Puhlio 9tla. l Trout
mun'i Mill. In 1'arrr lonrmhip. Knv.
cltrcouMr. on 8ATUKDAY. Ii Kt.' b M HER
I rith. ST0. t 'i o'clock I'. M, F1VK
lllt.NUItr.') FT. VKLL'Vn.NE l'LNK,
to da told lo pit aXpensef for rttnoTing
nuiioinoei frotn I'uhlin liigliwap, at tba
proucrir of Hararab Miller.
Towoabip Clark.
Tarry Tp, Nov. 23, '76.
IVOT1CK of Willows Appraisements
under tho $300 Law. Notics Is
berehjp (tlren that tba following wldowa
arpraiaenienla hate been filed witb the
t'li'rk of Iba Orphaoa' Court of Hnyder Co.,
for eonflrmatioa oa Monday, tba 1 1 lb da
of Drs. Int.
Anpralmint of oimi'l Oatnberlln. widow
of Fhilln U'ltiliarllng ta..'d
A ).""" I iuit nf tlargirel Manlea. widow of
Aliti-r Mainita d-i-'d
AMir,i,,nl of Mary 11 Jlfoagl widow of Joo.
T. Ililffnai.'lo lire d.
Ai'iiraiauioiii of Sarab Stuck widow of ItI
Sin' .UcM.
AnpraKinont of Sunn Libsard widow of Pttar
L.4i'arl .I.Cd
Nor. U, 'TJ. J.CROfSK.tllrrk O. O.
J. l.ettere nfadinlnlatratlon or
on tha ettate nt
Krnleriok llannto, tleoi. late of lean Iwo.
Knydrr (!inty, !'., haTln lieeo granted
to Hie undnriiKned, all pr.tne knowing thein
elvea Inilebted to paid estate are req,ieted to
make Immediate payment, while thuae havl (
rlaltna will preaenl tbetn duly authrn'lrateil for
attletnentto blMUN II A KM AN.
No. . l'". Admlolilrator.
Wherea the lion. J. C. llitclier l'rl
dent Judge of tho Jiidiolnt Uietrlt1
compose I of lbs enmities of 8nydir, Union
and Milllin aod . D'iniel Oenilirrlinx and
II. L. lUudenhitK'i r'.n. Aaaocinle Judifee
in and fur tfnjr liT euniiljr bare lenuod their
prncept hoarinir. date Ibe 27 ill day of
S.-pi. A. l. IH'i), to ma directed fur
lha holding of fin Orpbnna' court, a c.uirt
of Cuntinun I'len", oourl of Oyer and Ter
minor sad (lonornl court of tjurirti-r tf.-a-eiane
of tho rence nt Middlelmrg, for the
count r or anydor, on IU -iu M-in iy, (tie
in the Utb iliy of l)eo. lH?il.) and
eoniiiiito ono week.
Notire is lliorefore hereby given In tbe
Coroner, Justice of the I'eoco nod Conal
blee in and fur the oounty of Hnydor, lo ap
pear In their proper prreon aillt Ibeirrolle
rer'jrd. iiniiiilioii. einminntioti" and
oilier roninuilirsiioea to dd lboo lliinir
which nf ilieir otliee and in Ihmr beliall
pei'liiin lo lied. mo mid witnee and per
nuns iriuvi'iil iti( iu hehtilf of Ibe rummun
wenlih OKtniKt nny person or per'tons ore
required to be then not Ibero atteiidittf
nnd nut deprtrting without leara at tbi-ir
peril. JiHtict'S nr rr.uci.ted in he puuol
tiftl in Iheir nllundnnca nt ibe appoiuled
lime BKreeahly to nuiioe.
lliren nndir my bund and sent at Ibe
HIioritT'a ollicniu Mi l lieiiurif, r tie tib J iy
of Njr. A. L., ono tbouiuud otghl buudroJ
ud eerritly six.
U.1MI.L tl;
UNHAUT. SbcrilT.
Kstray Uull.'
J t VIP m li.a li.ul.ii... nt lha l,n,l .HI 0 H
ed in Jackson lo.osbip on Tburs luy.
neemher 2, 1X70. A UUUWN YK All.
1.1 MJ UULL. Tbe owner ia requested lo
iima forwaid. prove properly, pay chorg.
s and Inke him away or he will be dispos
ed of aoeording lo law.
liAtlMIAULI L Lit It It.
Nov. 10. -70
l2r5tray Bhoop.
OAMH to tho premises of tho nn
Wdaraluneit In Krnnklln twn.. on Wetlnei.lay,
Nor. let. II7S 'I II K KK Mil KKP. The owner Is
requeue.! tn eotite fur ant, prove property, V I
luirgoe, ano take tuen away or luoy win
liijoeen nt areormug to law.
riov. . '70.M. eiLbisa iniaitaH,
For Srrofula, and all
scrofuloiisdifscuitps, Ery
sipelas, ltoso or (rt. An
thony's. Tire, Eruptions
nnd Eruptive disenscs
of the fldn, Ulcerations
of the Liver, Stomach,
Kidneys, Lungs, Pim
ples, PuHtules, lioils,
lllotehcs, Tumors, Tet
ter, Suit I! Ileum, Scald
ltinmvorm. Ulcers, hures.
Rheumatism, Kcurnlgla, Pain in tho
Rones, Side and Ileul,l cmiUe enK
ness, Sterility, Lcueorrha-a, aiiiug
from internal ulcemtion, und uterine
disease. Syphilitic and Mercurial dis
eases. Lroiisv. Dyfoepsia, Emachw
tlou, Gencrnl Debility, aud for l'uri
fviii!? tho Rlood.
Tliis Sarsaiiai illa Is a combination of
vegetable allcratives-Stillmaia.Man-
dntl.e.Yellow Dock with tho Iodides
of Potnssium and Iron, ami Is the
most etlleacious mcdicino yet known
for tho diseases it is luteuued to cure.
Its ingredients ore so skilfully
combined that the full alterativa
effect of each is assured, and while
it Is so mild as to he harmless eveu
to children, It is still o effectual as
to purge out from the system those
impurities ami corruptions which
develop into loathsome disease.
Tho reputation it enjoys is derived
from its cures, and tbo continence
which prominent physieiuns all over
tho country repose in It proves their
experience of its usefuluuss.
Certificates attesting its virtues
have accumulated, aud are con
stantly being received, and as many
of these cases are publicly kuown.
they furnish convincing evidence of
the superiority of this Sursunurilla
over every other alterative medicine.
So generally is its superiority to auy
Diher medicine known that we need
do no more than to assure theHibllo
that the best qualities it has ever
possessed are strictly maintained. ,
Pr. I. C. AVER 4 CO.. Lowell, Ms.,
I JaTVOTlaM 999 ewlMMfFVSsTevVeTf W veTfrvwej
9The Cheapest In The World.-Wt
Great Jljduclion to Clult3.
rostego Pro-I'sid to Mail Subscribers.
firrnao' Mai Ai w linn the bl Orlnl-
Bl Ntrlei of nv of tho U'ly' bk, tha Imt
Oilnrr l r a'hl.m I'laloi tha bait llaoalpta. lha
bant steel I-nvritvlni;. fcV Jte. Krarr fitrollf
fiunht to take It It nlte mi-a for the mnnet
tiiii any in thewnrin it win eooiaio, oen
fiar, In Iu twaire aaiatxrt
One Tbonsaud i'ages 1
Fourteen Splendid Steel riatc !
Twelve Colord Merlin Pattorns 1
Twelve Mammoth Colored Fashions
Nino Hundred Wood Cuts 1
Twenty-Four Pngos of Musio I
It will aluoRlra Fl OrlRlml nnpvrlfht
Nnvaletta, bf tr. Aon A. steihmn. Frank
1- Kanr.llct. Mr, t'ltuela II liUn i Ii4r0-tt,
Marietta llnltey ana I.ttrf II. Ilonner, A'o,
nearly a honitre.l iliorter aiorlnf, AH flrticlnal
by the be.i autluri of Anterloa. Ha aanarb
Mammotli Colnrel Fasbioa nates
raaheadnf all othern, The a rlitae are as
Rrard oo itael. tloe th nal ilia
TEEMS ( alwsyi in Advance! $2 00 a Tear
t t'oplaa for.,
.4 l
With a expy of the premium olotttre Cl7 I SO)
"ll.irnwallK' Surrender," flved.tlUr enrr
Id, to the peraon ceti las l the tllab.
4 Coplet f..r
t " f."0
With an aitra ropy nf the Miwaltia f ir l:T,
aia premium, to. tha perron soiling up Iba
t Toplei for
T " " li.0
t ' IS.M
Wlthbothan eitr eopr .if tha M44itie for
I0T7, and iba premium plo'u a. a Are d illar
eograrlne t the aelllos ap Ike Club
Ad.lreaa, po at paid
30fl Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
.Specimen! ei it arella II written for.
Assifneo Notice.
ALL perenna Interraled ara bereby no
tified that O. W, MoEllwae, of Beaear
towneblp. Mtiyder oounty, tnsde an aeelgo
ment of nil bis effect, real sod perennal
lo lha undereigned for Iba benefit of bia
creditor. All pereona brlnj olaltoa ara
requeued to present lham lo tba under
aiRtieil, sad peraont indehlei will J.lae
maka Immediate pnytocDt.
Nov. in, 170. Aainea.
ttrdnf itlmlnii'ritlno on lha tf ff
John T llutfDiiirl. of Omr twp .. rBf .lot:
county. F., tlf'L lieo nrttnl lo th
utnterlnii. All rrorti hno-vtnn thniMlfM
lnt)ijti tn ll nit will plai fii k Iromt
dtfttit rftTtntnt b)l tho bwvlns oinlm
nrint tatid tata will rtnt thm for Atllt
Hiftll CO JAtUU U. II A U I H Art,
Nor. ?0. AdminUtrstor.
V II. U'AONEU, Rsn.,
Jackson Township, SnyderCo. Ta.,
Will attend le all buslnese entrusted lo
bia eare and on lbs most rcasonnhte
erma. Mnroh t'J.'tiHtf
J. "
Iron, Nails,
Steel, Leather,
Paints, Oih,
Coach & Saddlery Ware
Stove tV Tinware,
Nerenilmr 2. IKTI-tf
Se iuEgrove Penna,
-(North of First National Dank)
A WELL selected etocb of Ready msde
Mens' and liove' Clothing of Ever
Quality and style.
THEY are alen Ase.n' forlbeLateal Iif..
proved, cbeapeat en ' heat He wing M.
chines of ever kind 00 use.
Ae. 10, ima.
Administrator's N at iC Letters
ofa.lmlnl.tratlon on thai'tste or OiiHN
HTKiMJH Hen . 1st of West p")'Si.ier
Co., Pa , deed, bare been srrantertW' tl6 un.ler
tlMtieU. All ierons kiiuwlus theinVeiv'ea Imlebt.
,ed to eald estnte will pleas mats Immediate
I payment nbll those having elaiies aiialn.t said
a 1 a 1 win iirsu loetn mr seiiiem'-ui 10
t..iikt kiiuin:ii
Oet. H. IITI. Administrator.
Avenla Wanted fur Ibe Ureal.
linuisnis salss. II'P.IY'4, bsnd lr UlrenUr .
f,W'2lEULEHk ou., Ptlladaiohia, rs.
rPIIE undersigned Administratrix of lha
X estate of Miebael lllatl. lule of Dearer
lownshln, deceassd. wil I by virtue of as
order of lb Orphans 1 Court of fcnjrder
oouuly, eXpose to I'ubtlo Sale, at lbs lata
residence or raid decedent, on H LUMSa
DAY, l)KC. 18tb. lH7t, lbs following da.
aorlbed Ileal Estate, lo wil 1 A eerlnlo
T It ACT UK LANUeiiuate psnlj la Uesrer
township and partly lo Adams lowoeblp,
Hnyler eouuiy, l's., couialning UNK
UUNUREl) ACHK8. more or less. Bound
cd North by Joseph Mueser ssd John
Kline, EaeSbv land of Jobs Kline. South
by land uf Samuel Kline, Weal by Und
elaiued by Peter Tbostas and Jsoob file
principally eir lanu, wnereoat ars sreei-
ed IIUUdB AUD VABM, sad Mber eul
Sale 10 eemmenee si 10 e'etock A. M. of
eald day wbes due attendance wilt be glv.
os ssii 1 erase or sets mnno snows y
iresiii: DsnrQaDiniOiX
iron cjahii oil iiioriJci2 Xdr
Adamsbur Snyder County, Pcnn'a.
Til F, Subscriber having purchased tbo Store in Adamebnrg. owned by
n. I.. Itaiidenhoah., Inlenda lo carry an a general ntaeantlla bnilneaa el tbe old Stand, and
! thla inlhnd nf itifrmln hla roanv friend and eltltene la AdamebartaaS tba ewrroaaoV
ln onnntry, that he ka)nl raturnad with 0 witl aiwati keep on hand a wall aaaortad and
laroe et.i.'k of all fcittdanf flnnd naitally kept In a Srat taaee eonntry (Mitre, and tiering wieda
ereer redni-Tloa of frmer prle, 1 will cell goode for eaek ot produce only. My ateek eeneleta
partly of
Such bs Cloths, Cassimers, Kentucky Jeans, Cottonadei of ovory ityl
and also
Ladies' Dress Goods, Silks
ALL WOOfi DKLAINS, Merinos Poplins, Ac. at all prices and vory ohsap.
HITS AND CAPS, Carpets. Floor, Tall!, mi Stair Oil Cloto,
Hardware. Qnccnsware, Tin and Glassware Wcodand Willowwai-o, Coflooi,
Sugars, Syrups, Molasses, Teas of all kinds, and at Low Trices,
Cigars & Tobacco, Fish & Halt Wholesale and Retail.
PAAT flftAT rriT RHAMOKIN k WII.KK8BAKRE, Seyerier Blteml
VaaAJ WXJLeUy VVilJe) uue Cwal far Blaekamllb'e ue.
77t High' Market CathPric Paid for all kiutU of COUNTRY PRODUCB,Drii
' I'Vutf, i'ntiittit, Ac. A-e.
AIHO Dealers ia ALL KINDS of rn ttt and Heeds,
or which tho highest Trice in Ctalt will Lo Taid. Mar. 7, '7tt.
aT Till:
New York Fancy Store,
(In Holmes' new builiding, opposite the Kcytsone Hotel.)
VOU nro respectfnll.v Invited to nti exnmU
nntion'oi in v mtcxrlf , -wliicli I cun Huy i ono
of tlio llnoHt itl tlio CJomity.
Large variety of SHAWLS FURS, . Ladies' and
FELT SKIRTS, etc. All colors of GERMAN
have added to my large stock of Fancy goods
a full line of SLACK
which for quality and
Tbe new Cloihin 8 tor above the
V. Knncy Htore. Any fremleinnn enti equip Pnliie eilenllun nUt je g iviti.
sfc CJoii vs(viiiic;vr9
CtM llKVILK. Hnyder County. Vs.
'olleellnns ami all bunlnsss pirlalnln In tbe
nfn.'eof .lutle of the fesoe will o rtt-n tel tc
at sburl notice r st'ie
MoC'ure City, Snyder Co., Pa.
flnlleitlnns anil all bn.ineas r'tslnln to tbe
office of .lumlnaol tlie Peace will lienttetui! to
at sburt notice. Julr Si '.dtf.
Hyvis ivi wood
Piiesessne a much sre.ier power fn ri-stor lug to
a halllr s'ats. It nerer pr.Mlunrs al. ku, le
csiteiu sun io.l In its sotmu. iiisissieu.
I?errdliii everjr ulher rtns.l. Hist rapiuloa
ire in sis or elslit dais. No oilier MsJIciue
u.n il.i this.
tllii to lis Brest eneresi, many aitnsutmee
hare been ailvsrtlsod. sueU a PAntaa, MlXlnrss,
Pills, lialsams, etc.. all or vuieti e imeu ai au-
lunilaa BIcS kl.'i a Suit l'4isul-s eonraioins
OllirManilslHt,aoia mall nn aiorea nas
fnr C'lriMilsr, or send to3s a V Woustnr Htraut,
New York, fur one. Aug. U.'IO
Hlddlebnrs T.
GEORGE O. SMITH, Proprietor.
Accommodations good and obarges mod
arala. Pneoial seeommodatioua for drov
era. A share of lbs fublie atronase Is
solloltsd. OCO. O. BM11U,
April 12, 1870..
tlfl tn 4)0(1 rr Sav at bom. Samples worth tl
tDlU IU iSoUfre. SUn.oa us. 17
nun mma. rsYCHOMAKCT. tascikatoi.
Nmil Charinlns, Ms, and MarrlaK
Uulde, showlnw how either ses may fa.oln.l
sis to lor ana sllnctlnn 01 sor irsun
liiMa In.tantl. Prlr bv mill, eloeuu.
Hoin.inb.r, Ibis Is not a were elreular, but a
book of suo iiacs. Address, HUNT fc CO., US
Booth lib l., Phlladelvhla, fa.
on H1MV Pres.
ff I.S1LUMAN, Tieai.
f 1. HAD!. S3!
Huli!3l Firs Insurance Cfl'7.
Hahaaoy City Pa.
, ' 1,1
This , . . , ..
,. Company.
CD Ctt
ror annlloaMoM foe lanraae call "os or so
Sra U aail el Ueeeasissnv
Justlcs of the Psscs Conveysncer,
price cannot be surpass
Keysioue Hotel is connected, wlih the 1.
himself there frrtn bead lofool for very
Felinsrove, Cel. II. 7S.
niddleburff, Penn'a,
The anderelxned would Inform theeltlions tfl
Ml.l.iUl.uri aud surr.uin Una- district that sil
bas opened a Hardware Htore at taeekofiB
DienilMOOO iiaee an 1 to kt ii win av anaj
llu ol all kinds ot uardero. tnctuaing
llenvy St Shell Hardware,
Shoe Flodiugi, Leather.
wV. Special Inducements In
A Lsrse Assorlmeot of Cant Steel Bbo'l
els Spades, More, Garden Tools, eohytsi
Qraiu Kakes. Hajf Hopes, ruilrjs,
OF ALL KIK1S constantly oa bas
AU at Orenlly rtednoed Prices. AU
3 re Is need of any kind of Hardware
0 well by calling at thla place.
Middlaburf, Snyder Co.. F.
Hay 25, IS70.
White Horse Hotel
N. "W. Corner Tlnrd k Wood SUI
Good Stasliss. Froprlell
Wines, Liquors and Segare of tbe Cboici
Urands. oiarso-iu.
The onder.tarned bavins pnrehaeeS the I
. . ,1
InsKrove Marble Works, he I now fttllf
pared to maoufaoture.
this semmer at prloes moek lower than bei
fore, ana lower una
iba ever bees Sea Is I
Hain Inst received s tare let of Desif,
nriiihlKiMiiilai nf alonaoaeaia kH
innu. I aiu able to wis sstlsfastioa In n
.. -!.. n B iV. Ia SaAnrat. I
graves of a depsrled Irlsod with a l
MaUMIUIUt. Tain StewlMlWIS.
I base also mad srealageaant, eo as
able lo lurniss on snori none, nam,
si. ins. or anv othsr bind of door and W
eau I
Ouarila for sale.
rive SISeronS sijress.
MrMr. J. n, loaf, of Adsmsbsrf
Sgeni ior tse uaarigBu sans
jtn bIII aanalvA AettBsnt llantloB.
- . r-r.
Maia.T-tt. T.isiasi'i
Res SI9 AW SIB Market V
has bees enlarsed end refltUd for I'
commodaiion or 300 uuosu is e
loealed Is tbo Dsslneee parlies of tk
anif Plaea off asauaaaMBL. ao. Bin
sea the bouts lo sa4 fro lbs C"
Iluildlpg, SStt 1 fOSMSliOK bss w.
Hills, at prioes so sun it iiriMai. 1
Parsons la sd or any of th above arui
III save money by ealllne l the SellaMS
blarbl Works twior purobaslng olsewksi
I also keen Hank's Patent Ualvaalaed U
lor ibe sceeisasoJaUos of tbs f
sekUe. -A I-.i '
ArUltfc.U7 ,. . .
.' isv
the 1
. eXtfr
' zaenc
' egst
tbs y
and 4
1 vtU,,'1
s si.
' with i
ths ev
oft in
. axiodii
esieS se.
Oa. ar riwstsaMvUU
Tttt. SI. Ts. - AJi'-'atrs-tXi