,s '- - I f- t . 1 I J 1 llNTHltttLR HOTEL, J (Lai Mr. WesvoVs I fealervlle rayd Co., Pa. PSTBa HAITMAN, Proprietor. Thl leeg established enSwell known kote hevtag oa parches T nnderelgned, to IIMM a okero HUi puMIe get A April, S.IIT1. ' WM. MANN. Blank BoofcMikor Sta tioner, and Steam Power PRINTER, 'Wliolomnle A& Iletuil No 529 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA. Promylne: Ont Prict SfllinQ rri MarftiJ On All GooJ In V uri. Apr. lfl-72. PEABODY HOUSE, Cwmr LormTk Nun nri., 1'hiladelphla. Pa. oavetcal I til places f inmaintl and r UmIi meetly, "eoharge to Bad from It i'ntnnti greeinoa. ,)!. Vum, proprietor of tho Hewar Horn latlanatt lor Ui put twenty years, anil pros anl proprietor, he lasd the koaae for a lira f years, and ha newly fnrnlshsd end Sited II Taaocaaaon. Ila will kaap a trlsllr flret. class keuse, a ad hat aeeomraodeiloa Jar loo in, Terms only J par day. No bar ka over been kept lo tka HanaT Hoeea, Bet will eat be kept at tka Punooi. JBk fJJTION PiANINO mTlLI ; BLINaaaOTCBNTDEB CO..PA Kcely & Wngncr Lumber Dealers ait tfrTtia or loan. Soar Bom, Window. Shutters Window Bow, Blind, 8aah, blulr Fixings, land Hailing, Brack ets. Moa'dlnc, Flnerlng, OaiOL I. 8 A W I Nl k C A Bl N ET T U HN INO Shingles, Lath, dec, dio. Ordtn solicited and fill J with prompt tut a ad daepaliu. Plana call and turn a sur Hook bifors purchasing elsewhere. IAIttMOUNTiroUSE, ? NEAR THT. nr.POT, Alitltllnlmrfr, ln. HENRY A. BULHJ, Ponuk,ToR Tbi bouse le in close proximity to th depot kil l bai lately been rebuilt and ra llied. Room commodious tbe labia well applied with tb beat tbe market affords a.td term moderate. aprotf '7d. AT. H.A Srsl class livsry stthls on tbe pre- lees, where korsee, buggies fci., can be blreu. at all tlaiaa ami atreaejaabie reiee . EW BUILDINGS, AND NEW PRICES WAOENSELLER& SON, herebe reepeetfull Inform '.hir friend and Ihe Subtle generally that tbe bar opened TORI la their NEW BUILDINGS a Ike ipoi to long oeoapled by Dr. Jacob Wag enellere an lb lale of Que where they aow hare and will alway keep a large and well (elected aikortaont of SEASONABLE COODS. la lb Udiea1 Department will b found a fall liaa of SILKS, POPLINS, BRILLIANTS, VICTORIA LAWNS FKIURED ALPACAS. SWISS MUI.L, CAMBRICS, PRINTS, JACONETS, DELANES, Striped and Checked Nnntuclcn, io ai.ro A Great Variety of Lkdie' Dross TrimmiDe, Latest Htyte Hoop Skirts, French Comet, Kail trio Bui morals, Lodici' Umbrel las, ParnfioU and Sun Simile, Bonnet Ribbon, Lace, Ruf fling Embroider, Lima and Paper Collar, Slc, kc, ic. A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT of . t BOOTS &S I0ES For Ladle, Mieeiee and Children, In end lei variety, of all "iie. etylea and prioe, elested for tht Fall and Winter trade. A full tml enin)tet "lock of CLOTHS, PLAIN AND FANCY CASSIM EK ES.COTTONA DBS, . JEANS, kc, Ac COAL OF ALL KINDS ! Oroeeriee, Queeniware, Hardware, Willow ware, C'ednrware, (llnesware. Ac. All of which haling boen bouyhl very lote e u.ail win be aold at eery amall proril, Our motto i Quick talti an J imall projiti W alio pay tb Light. t mgrket price ror ail iii'i or grain. WHEAT, 1U E. CORN. OATS nod REED. W art prepared alio to otoro good, at a mall charge and todoageneralComuiiaaion and Forwarding buin. We hope that lb puhlio generally will giro ue a oall a w believe it ie to their fntereet to do o before purchasing else wkert. "Git ue a trial. W. F. WA0EN8CLLER. M. L. WAOENSELLEtt. MARBLE WORE. LEWISBURG, PA. ITALIAN AND AMERICAN MARBLE MONUMENTS, Tombstones, Statues, Urns, Vases LAMRVor Cliildrcn'a Graves, Pottl, Lintelt, Tub'etopt, Starlit and SUU4 MatUeU, Jet. All thoie wko Aetlre topnrckaie timbitonei or aaythlnf el.e ni.ii ul. ture.1 at the above tnen tloae I warble workt, ehould eoniult Ihe uader eliaed agent, before purohaalne; elaewbere. aAMl'EI. ktilV KM, Jaty is 'Te-tf.l MlddUburg, Border Ce.Pe DANIEL 0. BEROSTIlKSSrR de'alre to en auaurelo ell lalereatad. That alnoi- the die . aolutlon of Ihe Flriu of Bemaltreaer h Ulrich oo tbe 1,1 of April, be bee opeued In bi new llnlld la la 8ellue Urova.oa Water aireel, above fine, ppoeile t, B. tUBnlug'e (lore, a Leather Store and Fin. lAhing Shop, erkere wfll k foiiDd at ell time aa aaeortment ' all klnAatef riulshe aiuok, aoneieiiag of Har Bees. aole, Vpper, Hp ana Cell lialae, Morroo ao'e. Llaiaga, Toppluve of dillerenl euallllea aa4 prloaa, Tb tltenllon o Hhormakare, raria , aa aN aibet i Invited, be Cure aankaelug elsewhere. TIMr-ve pear e praetleelTeuner qnal Mea hua to ) ude tbe aallliee of atoak . diide lakea l,u. aiaoeTRttasBB, eteUMgcov, Sa4f Co., f aTaaa f.'f Q W. ORANELLO Justice of the Peace, & WATCHMAKER. Market Street, Middlelurg, Henna Convo.vnuclna lit fill Its Branohes, Attended to. msitlTH RILL COMFCTBn. REPAIRS CLOCKS, WATCHES and Jewelrv, at Short Notico. ALL WORK WARRANTED. Watches For Sale. May 8, '73. I. O OF O. F. OFFICERS.' , F.DWAKI) HA'Ml.KU, l'rcMpnt, J. V. OXVdl.VM. Vii-n IVcuidcnt, J. V. K MO I IT, S.-orptitry, 1. F. AUN't)Ll, Troitturcr. JAS- M. TAXZVXT. Azt MhldtcbarR. Ta DIRECTORS. . I rta iurc. H. w. H.taRHniiin, merenent muanipnia U. V. WooLLaa PkTflelaa, ehn.ftfa. Ooneral Plan. an rrticATiora, nirna aaienT 10 t.i w m f i ei ii lata mo a oo s.mo a ix) to s it t no " Jr. lo to o on I oo " 40 to 44 M 1 00 11 io 60 (1 iJlUi'l each ft. t M " l to CO " I U0 ' Wllhln nlnetr IY after rweliH of proof i death. rUiir.K'toi Mr ureik-nla t. tlie Mo.-1-t wll per at llieir "Ifie the ainoanl tne the belreur aeeiene of lite neeaieii tuemnar. Tn Pn.ra or nmrii KiQniaen aaat i Nunaifer ofthe rertlilcete. name of Ihe ierea intnren, ann tne pant io wnom maua pevanie si. A cernneate Mm ine puyetniut who eua the iiartT ilnrlne h or her li'il eiRkne Inline Kanlrnlarl Ihe nature of the ilmex.e, It duration, and the time of loth. Sr i A eer tlniate of ti dl.lntere.tel af-iiielntanea o the d, ie.el. eerlirvinv to the time an l fe.-t i hlior her ileeth en I thut he or th" we. the per- on ineirti nf mitt neiue in iiim nooteiy Addre all cnniitiunli-ati'in to JAS. V. KXKJHT, Sea noma Oflloo-FrooUtirit. Pa Or- R-L Walcott 181 Chatham Square New York WOLCOTTS PAIN PAINT. PUopi ptln Inetan'lrt tilhlum Inflme,tlnn, heel old eoree oinrera, and all uteretln. It wil aotUla luiarior bura t'ie akin. WALCOTTS Catarrh Annihi ator. For I'eterh. e M tn the hevl, week nerre,, I'e raljrela, tatliUotlKa xl'en vr tuun returned. Doth lienifdie &M by my Traveling Afirnl, M'lioien!f. Ami Hrtail, tine trial u:nelent. Tailed free of eharire at the .Snyder eouniy Aener. Towmltlp rlxlite will lie rented on liberal term.. In Inyder and Norihitmliorlnnl eountloe. by the un-lornticned. All order will be promptly III lad bjr addreu tng LEVI KAHwrEII..Oeu,l Ant Mt. I'leaeaut ktllli. Snyder Do. I'a. (Uay'sVMtf. DR. CORONER'S Great IM Discovsriss. SI AY FLOWER AND GENTIAN, Mure eure for Liver Complaint, Dyapep.la, fmpnrlttee of ike blool and iteeeral liability, Female Week net and all other diaoeaea anin from adleordeieil ejaiein. A poaltlv and elleo. lual eure f .r Fever and Ague. Thouaanda have veej It when all othor remedlel failed and to day are perleotly eured. THE INDIAN COMrOUNO la one of themnet luneeaalul meitlelnae ever of fered to lua pablle, vli t For ;re,mp eolln, insr rhea. liy.en'.ery.Cholera, and all auinnier (un ulalol". Kheuiuikllaui Toothecho and Neurelvla. Villa llomioun. la warranted and boa never bean knowu to tail In Oramp t'ollo to Uorte. HOUSE ANU CATTLE LINIMENT. Tht te'elirated Liniment hat no cnnal n the w.irhl lur the fi!l'iwtuir c.itnplelnt in men or beat!, via t Kpritlna, llurni, Swoenry. iullar Hllaiera, Fleih Wnun'Uui ell kln.ia on men or brnat, Klieuinutliini, llurna an 1 Soalila.wiirnint. el la cure snake llllea, A'dieln Ilia llroant.'iure Nipple.. Thla Liniment la highly moouimeuded by all who bavu tiret It. KEVSTONK COUOII RVIU'P. Thla wnnderlul ineUelne, whloh la purely a Veg etahla Preparation, la one ol the moat aele, speedy and aure e ire fur Cidila, Couicha, Hoar na, Hnim'hltla. Wooplnn t'euah, P.iln In the t hen, Splttltw of llloud, Hnrene.s and HleedlueT of the Lunera or Throat, whlnb has ever lieen ottered to the puhlio. Do nut watt until your eutiKli baa settled In eonauinpilon, lur coniU'iip tlini oni'e deeply aented cAiiunt he cured. Try tt ye ain.'led tiee rr I'hlhlile. C iuh, llronoliill,, nd nil other attentions nl the Tnmul end l.unira end with a UikI's hleaalnx and a rovular use of una tneiimine aaonllna; ti dlreotlun you may eontlduntly esiiecl a euro. GOKHNEK'S VEGETAllLR LIVER TILLS Hiirthe relief end aureol Hillous Cnninlnlnts of all kinds, lyaopU, .laiiudle. Iloadai-be, In dlfealliin, Impurity ol the lllood. tia. GOIlliNKIfS PILE REMEDY Is a sure I'tire fur Hleedlnic an l lUhlnic Piles. Knll dlreiHluua fur uan aooouipeny each and every p-toaaae of ihealiove uie.llolue. He surd that lir. J H (vurdner' nam Is nrlntfld upin er.ry i.etiel. Inf riualion on any diaaeae cheer lully aumuunlcated. Addre.a nr 4. K.oonn?fKR, LlKht street t'olunihla Co., Pa For ale at all IiiuggisM and Comiry Stores., MERCHANTS' HOUSE, -11M afc llrt NORTH TIIIRIi STREET, I'HIL'A V.K. Tonns Roationablo. HENRY SPAHN, Piop'r. C, W. SHA UN. Clerk Apr. 1, '7 J. JOHN K. HUGHES, Esq., JUSTICE OF TUEPEACB, Tenn Twp., Snjder Co. P LANSIS HOTEL, Opposito Cumberland Valley Depot, JIABJtTSDL'lia, PA. A. H. LANDIS, - l'norniETOD tt&m FlntClaM lUet itiirntit Atlncbed. Mur7 '70. tf. BALD EAGLE HOTEL, No. ltd North Third 8treel PHILADELPHIA. . . JOHN CLYMER, ProprUltr January fbTO-tf JAMES J.MITCHELL, Proprietor Minlinburg, Union County, Pa. iMr. Mitchell took unssessloa of thlsnona. lar hotel on the lit of Atirll. and drain a all from Hnyiler county, as. well as all oilier, whi n at Mllaitibnrg to (Ire blia a cell, ills labia, bar, and staida 'III alway be Sited with ine beat lb market affords. Myl,'7o. W M. 11. LAItUINO, JUSTICE OP TUB PEACE e& Conveyungei-, y . FttKEMuNT, aaydereoualy, V. Collecllnas and an buainase pertslnlng to the oSti-eac J u.l lee of ihspeaa wlU be attended to at eBon Bvttee." - " ' Apr.t7'T(, Eoieian Hi.tt, Mr"iini. Freebarc Pa. J. w. Ur.ii., Merlilnl.t. Netlntarrme. Pa ri. A RtiLt. Trevellntf AirDt. t'reel'a Pa W, II. Hi IX. Irin"li-l Krihnr4 Aoaileiuf, 11 II lllil. T.ewvef $12 aaar at home. AgeaU waatad. Oulfll aa uibm rte,iaug a uo., Aaguu, ti. i jEVIRELLBR, , . Maauraeturarar d dealer la . FU11NITU11E, ffmiM renn(fiillr Inform tbe eltiienf of Helln)tro and iololtjr, that be mDitfo turee to nr lar and keep conelantlr on band UHAIK!I tr AMi Rllin, n -J Furniture of arory Pesoriptlon at the eerr lowed prlee. He reipeolfull invite an eiamination of VEDsTEADS.BURKArS.TABLES.BOrAfl T.Ott-Or.5, Rf ANDA, CHAIRS, . tkvA aiienial ineilalion i eitended tn wit married folk to call and let bit etoek ore uro basing elaiwbere. i.rvi ntLiiLii HellneeroTe, AprlllO.RTO-tf ' EX0EL3IOR Planing Mill. MIDDLEB0R3, 8NVDCHC0., PA. & Co.-, GENERAL Dealer a Menufaeturtra of Lumber ft Rulldiog Malarial, (uch as DOORf, UOOK. IIOXEJ, WINDOWS, WINDOW BOXEfl, SHUTTERS, MOOLDINd. BftCltETd, SCROLL WORK, FLOOR ING, RIDINO, Ac, A. All order promptly BlleJ, do ant fell to oall and ee our Stock and Work befoje pnrobaiiog elaewbere. Thankful for past favor would respectfully oolicit a con tinuance of the same. Apr. iiO.'li. 8. 8. a CO. JAMES MIDDLESWARTII, Justice of the Peace & Conveyancer, Troxleville, Snyder Co., Pa. Will attend nromntlv to all manner at bnsl neeipartalhtnK to tbeolhva. Uollectlnna mde. Iieads. Aril, lei ke , written. (July ii, ILLIAM SPANOLER, MANCFACTCRER OF dob Beaver SDrins, Snyder Co. Pa I Warraal All Vert Manufacture. By Mc. JwrRnnnirin-r of all kind prompt ly attorv.ljl to uu slioi't notico ami reasonably term. April i, '7l.-lf. 0 AVID WILLIAMS, Minufurluretof A Wholesale Dealer la Cllt, Mahocanj-, tVuluutnnd Kosetvooil LOOKING GLASS Pictura Si Phototrraphlo Framcej Hot. 230 nnd ll'J Arrh Street, Philadelphia l'a. Frame Repaired in ihe beat manner Alan, Regllding la all ll branohe. 71 l' BEAD TUB ANNOl K E.TJaa or Tna Murray Hill PubllohlncCo. John T, Jewett, nanagar. CHRONIC mRArl rored. hew paitie aiexktd out to lleeltli tiv llu.1 1 lnih ! all books Plait Unas Talk ahu tlttut-Ai. Ooauim HtaacwhlchcoulidheiM-ailr Ma ia of ortgtnal matter, MeiiUHiauunc se alaariusllng story. Health and long life mailu eaa fur the learned and unlievnuxl. Iraiutned lull of trid sw Idesia, wblcharecheeiiiiK to lhaakk.aiid luleuauly vnteitsinlngto Uioae wlio art- tutiui Rta enough to eerape dtaoaee. it jruAtle the rsailcr atislnet Ihe pillion .f human suOirlrr, ai d pouile Um, way of dellversnre to tliuee viho are alresdy enu'ulu'd. Hy all e.i aua. ftrrt rut all slwullt II la fr you. It s author, lir. K. . FooTa,of 120 l.axiNu1fli Avtxta, r.'sw ork, I cnii.ulu1 by tnvajhle at huiiir end abroad. In irw and by letUT, anil hea lad Ihe eiperlenceof neerlvaaiBnrtrr 4ri ra-silurv uithalrrauiKnlof lim atundlnv anil d.llki.liclla eaaee of every therei-tiT; Lmre Me ehllity to wrile prartlralttuike fur Ihe Invalid leader. Ill oneulialioiA are ru to Ihe sick evrryahere bence hialuiniimae curreapondenca with thealck all over the Kluoe, Yuv, Minia, i s at l ie rirrr tocinipi t the able author of Main Home Talk and Mrdlcal Cunimnti H. nee. W rile lohlm and you will be struck with hie Cummuu f-inee. Whatvpr your rualxly, yoa will melts Hshl which will do ynu nuod, by hiviwtltiK only poelaire atanip, and writing to lir. F. we wish to intereat you In Inith the doctor fti'd tie tin nortsl book. The Hook lierlf. hlch plve eetlafactloa to all a ho read It, run be had of suunts, or of the publlahen direct. 1 lain mue- ' liu bludlnj;, tM.m, In Ihe Ent'lUh nr Ucrnian leninieffe. l.lhrerv bindine;, lu KtiKlish tinly, J 7.1. hrnt by ami, puelape prrpald, uu receipt of tbo price. A hvly writr Ilia author: "I have always frit thai you were Ms phv etclan of the world, from the fact of your wotiffurful sua ccee aud origitud Mmm.'1 tine render says "I have found it to be one of Ihe manifest worksof thence.' Anuthor says. 1 would not b without II furtwli e lie coal. Himller letters reaco the auuiot every day, free. Coatente table SCIENCE !t STORT: also by la. 'ooT. Cheep edi- tioa. o vols. In I. tiratlr douiiu. a.; iu u separate vnia. at and 17 mi, acrorillng to blmline. Rent by msll on nicelpl of prlee. Just Ika luiiigfor yuuug pcujil. C'ou tauta lahl free. , nilViP Publlcallona. XTecaa fur III ItIff u,'h " "'nn. Koots's popnlar III If lies Dime Publications on hcsltliand kindred lopic. "OU) EVUS MAUK NKW," telle bow to rvetore lllo allit uudulve upf;lueecs, without tho aid of Uoctur or Medicine. Half a million have been leaned already I "CoaronT AHut tiK rtia thb lli r-ri hsi)'' la a talunhle Bonotrreph for tboaewho arralTllrted with llnp. lure or lienila. "I'uvsioLoua'AL lurnov .vest or lit'MANiTV,"rvlaiva to Ihu subjen t of having people liorn rlcht. 'Thviiouiuk i. J!nuuukn givm Ihe leleat reacarchve renardliig the laws Sovemtng teuiperaiueiilel adaptatiou, Ac, etc. i Htk BACKWAitn, revlewiuff Inconsiderat k-jrMaiiun couccrning the rmvenllun of Cow'cnilnn. "SrsKHATonnntKA," or 8rm Uial Weakuee aviUi-etiilorc of it caralilllly, "C'ROL'r, Its etuiscs, preventlunatidcnni," Itivsl oable lo every mother hating the care of small children. "Coui yaKT,1 rauaes, prevention and cure. Any one of the fi;rcj..imig llioie fulillreilnns will be sent by mall, postage pre paid, en receipt ol Uu cents. "flPl Publication. Wevrlllene wMpla ply Ua. Koi its' Free pulillea I lllaile, lion. "QratMout Au'iloofA M . u6ro.ii as mtf a ol Awns ,' a circular of rulne to Ihe sick. " Ariifmcas 0 1. us' hucctu;" a alsly page pamphlet, res hi tuall. baud fur them. AGENTS foreipuhg puljllcalic 5,000 g-ond Agent can nud iiriiulableeudiloy' nicut iu the sale of the eifiune uuli Icallone; and also several other puuuanm by us. tu su an or ine snore, ana end for psrllculsrs. Address, fur terms, unities, eVc.Tne MurrsyUIII I'ubUebing Couipsuy, it eVuellfkli airaaf, Aete lor. Tbe Ladles' lland-Uooki of valuable information to every woman. OLD or YOUNO.i JIarrkd or Single. LADIICSi will thank us for thla X W Hand llook, and do. mother will ohlect i NER- to placing It in uoniliof bcrdaugh ous ten These Hand Books are not OF.RAKGE. private NTs of both treat sexes, partlcularlr laps, but are Psyiia.Apoplexy, !plkpy, and al tier. us derangements I intended m A I or ffea-ci lelr-, their Csum and Cure. bis Essay will bs found )ply intereatlnit to sll nervous suflurers. COTU ror K1T11EH of lbs forea-oins BAJeTDUOOKS smt pitaa M fany addrvMS. AddresaT with ,N.Y.r.Ca,J)xUrd. c ENTEM.IALl CENTENNIAL E. a tVrrv y-niiat aai.t 7iIH street, til till , i reonu r i'ew,, ii aael , ii . se i I .-m r -ie'. t !:ILAUkr. IJ. - I - Til II Solid Walnnt, t'entennlel. Italian Mar, hle.iool'bemoer 4nll. three utecea, vis : Ihml.le Uedaleed. aarMe-top llureau, and Uarble-top Wesnatanu, Hi. Till! rlolld Walnnt Parlor Suit, eovared In lleirtjlotb.oraay other wool Terry, i pieoea, THli Kollil WalratCentennlal Ureeelnej Cae 'hinler nult, three ple. ee, vis: linitli e Ited stesd. Marble-top lirasslng Uase, kterble-top Waabsland.only gU THIS Fine Walnut Parlor Mult, covered In Heir I'lolk or Wool Isrry, any color, I pieces, till. WE will ship the at-ove Suits to any addreit on rex-dp! ol price, named, no cnarae tor pec In. Kir estrt, 4 Walnut t'ane aeet fhalr. one Walnul Cane.aeal Kork-r. end one Welnut Towel Hick, will be sent with cither rhemi er Nutt. Hnlld Hlaok Welnnt War.l. r..be.,llitleothliell.tW.ell. Hnlld I lac V. ,. I ";J f ?" " . r.e ......I I nut Mncreterv llonkcaaai, T'4 feet hltrti, sn.in, , Hear hlr-tte have aood reason f.r res rd All .it her kin ), ol i h.utr ? Peih.r H rnlture ""! ' ' " " "'Ine U eoinl v relueed In nl nl Carpet, aold at Menurocturera' prices, lied. dluu In every vorlety. N.ime the prlee of any article nl Furniture you may need, and we win semi photo rspn. I t'eo. IiRKKMONT IIOTKL, 1? iUEEMUNT HNVHK8 OO., PA. PAV1U StlLfcll, l'rnpriclor. Till new botel Isnow prepared lor tbe Accomrno'lullon of gucite nnd will arTnrd ft rut rale entertainment topcrson visiting Krcciu jnt. Every effort will be made lo promote tbe comfort of travelers slopping at this house. Choice liquors at tb liar and the Talile supplied with tbe bl tu market ntrirds. An ample elublo in oon rclion with Ihe houbo. Aprill,'70lf NEW TO-OK At A. K. GIFT'S NEW CASH BOOK AMTATIQMY STORE, on tho NorTh ni.lo of Market street a fow dooi s went ft oiii tho Court Uotiso. fjIIE subucril'iir would inform bin 1- frr-n.la and the eltlsens In Mid Helium sad the aurro'iudiiiit ciuntry that he bee put return ed from Philadelphia end has ihiv np-tinl all en tire new. lerie sml W..I1 sele.'ted ati.'lt of MiMCMMlniiooiiM I itclri, . rScliol I JooUm, llhmlc lioolcH, Vr.llets, Pocket Books, Eiblcs & Beligous Books, ALBUMS AND PICTURES, 1 kinds of Paper, Ink and .Faiity All sold CHEAP furt'ASn. Call and see m tuck there le uu cbartf for sltuwln aoode. a. k (in r, Bopt. Ill, '71. Mlddlebiirg, Ps. HEW BARBEB SHOP TOBACCO STORE. Middluburg, Ta. Hslr thittltiK Hhsvlii;, Hhsnipooing, and Ifalr Dytug duue lu the beat uiauuer. TOBACCO & CIGARS. Th best brsndenf tnbacoo and Clears con stantly ou baud. A korps a tpHid qualtiy aud at roasouable prtces. Oo snd trv some. J Vim tf. OAIH, Pep, g, 1874. BO. SIIAFER, e . WITB JOEL J. BAILY & CO. JlU SI Kill', SMALL WAIIES, White' 'Joodtt, A'tnbruidirie ' itc IV. 3d iSt.. Ihf lixcl. JOEL J. DAILY ' ELTON 1W. LIPOIt! HtNlti-J. DAVIS, liAAl'L W. VaaCULlL J. S. FARNSWORTH. 1 ' WITO ' ' 1 ' & CO., 1 Importers bt ; Hoiscry, Notions, VHite Gooils, Emlirol- dcrics, Gents FiirnisiiiBi Goods k M os. 722 &72I Market Street, PHILADELPHIA L r. fhsirsnU , t.n.Uoer, a. P. Wlest. T. II. Jones 11. W.Shsltilsy. (Msr. I IT, D AVIS HOUSE At the Mlffllo, Centre, Knrbury a Lewlstown R. It. Depot, corner of Water and Dorcas Uu. JOVIWtOVe Jt'eO.., Qoorgo Flory St son, Proprietors. " 'a- .I.J' i tOpea Day snd Night for Iks aeoom motlnliiin of traveler, , A trt olaa Re- tauruiit is ailaobed to th hotel, whrre MeaU at all uuur can b bad. Term sasonabl. ., 0,43-4f GRAYBILL & Co., . Wholals Dialiss is VOOD AND WILLOW WARE Oil Ctotbi, Window fibadei, Uroinia, Mai Uroibee Optteo Lap, druia llg, F'y Net, tiucikeli, Twiue. YVioka, 4o. . No. 4iU Afarksl Hlrt, Philadelphia. Fob. 7, '67 vuV i ' A, ii .lt. ECK, , Jujlici of tlio Po anl Conmauccr, 4etuii urjve. asiyaor vq, rm. Oolleelloae sad all ofliie of JualHMOf laafaac U1 k attended i saeii twue. r,,i. Ifcirtaeth Met H fears the Veevllnabsa heeneleadlly wnrkln lllf Into pu'dle favor, and ihoae who were at Br I rnoet inereon'nne in reeard to II merli are twer 11 saoet ardent Irl 'lids end swwnortere There ere lhe-0 eeanlll estieee for those havlne anch e krmr of pe'en m.dirlnee, ehanc In Ihelr eptnpwt and terdlna th.lr tnflnene toward Ihe sdvancmenl of Veetlne, . lt Is an hone.Hy.pretterrd medicine fnn, hark., roola end herba. It II ionntlr areompliahee all hat la claimed fur II, without letvln euv bed eejrrle tn the evateoi. II it preeola hone.t Vourheve In leettmoelala frotn honi.l, welt-known elllaeae, whose elan il-iree area aoltl Irnt auer--anleaof ihelr oir-ie-Tonae In The nnTT-r. T.k Ine InTo conat'li-mTIo" The VaaT qoaiTITVof wi-dirlne brmishT n.in-plcii'u,-lv bf.ire The p.,h. hlleThroaah The llaYnln adverTlaeinenT, In Ihe eew-papereeolomua, with noprW of meiiToe eenulne vouchee of whT tThve d me, weahoold be pardoned ir manlf.wTInt eeiull dree of pride In preeenTinii t'' fM iwln T'elmonll from ltv. f rl. liltlKHRSUff. P. Tt., Thenop. n'ar end ever. eeejlal pair r of TIM SoUTh Bap. TlaT Church, B-nToa t TThe Tired Dodr last fur (Sleep. hrwTo. March 1. 1174. H. H. STeretvs, Kg. i PeHrSIr Itli a moeh froin asenaanf rtdtf a nl ant'tode that 1 write lo savthatynar Veaellne-evea II It I a patent medicine has heenof are it help to me wool no'hlne; alee seemed lo avail whlek t eonle) sifeW uae. Kltk. er eieeealve mentnl work or nnuuil ear Prlnaa upon me a nerv nia etli-ntnl in Ihil ilei peretetv nee.n aee,i. hot aa de.per ilelv donee It Nlvht after nhrht the nnor, tireil bod enee fur eteep amtl thed tv-lewn la walouiee l bsok, and we beam our work lire I out w th e t . and frullle-i rhe after reat. Nov I have fonnd Ihil a Utile Vecttne taken I'll' before I retire elvee ma sweet and liamxllale a! sen. and without any of the evil at .its of Ihe n n tl nir. eollca. I think t vo IMnicr would tend tn make bretn-workers aleen lit little le.s work. 3d a little more Veceiloe. This prescription ha. heiiMd me. Plow I have a particular horror a' "patent medicine," hut I have a rreeter horr.ir of be ins alreld to tell the straiten! out troth. Tuo V choline has help I mo, an I I awe It up. Yours ai., J. S. DICKER30N, " Valuable Bvldeaee. The foTKrwIor gnsoilette teetim onlal from Rev II. T, Walker, l. forojorlv p-iator of Hoedoin Kqusre thu-ch and at pre,eot eat tied In Providence, R. I , man beeateemod a reliable evidence. Ka one shoul I fell so nb'erve that thla teetl minlel Is Ihe reault of, two years' etpertenoe with the n-enl Veaetlnsln the Iter. Mr. (Talk er's family, wko now pronounces It luvajua- me i PnoTinttnrn, R. I., K4 Transit Street. II. H. Ntkvkvs. Kao. I teel bound I eiprees with mv.lsmtnre ihe man vania I piaea upon your eeeiioe. my U'ully have u.nd It I r the lo.t two ,e ita. in nervnit. ilehll tv It I. tnvelitelile. and I -eonm-mend ll to all who may nee I an Invlxoratlnii, roouvating tunic ., l. T. WALKKB. Formerly Pastor of Boird 'In dquare Obuich, IJjsiob The ns.t Crlitrnre. The fnllowlnr letter from Rev. T.. S. BFST. paat ir M. K. I hnreh. Natlnk. Mae. will be read with Interoat by many phvel?lBe. A en those sullerlna from Ihe airae dlieaaa aa allltei d ihe .". "o s-rewn c.w ....u. lenlmonv. and there la no duUbt abuV the , onratl.e powers oleeilnai . NATica.Mass , Jan. I, 18.4. 1. I,,. Il.l, mm-l enleen veers axe: lor the last two yeora he k.s anrlereit rrve ueeroalaofhls lea, eeu.ed by s rol nh'ii. aflscl.in. end wes so far re lu. e l Ihst all who tw him thnauht his recovery Im. po.slhle. A eonnell of able phy-lo ana could ulve ua but the lalnteat hn 't h a ever rally Inr. two of the number delorlnu that he was beyond the re ion id hutnsn remedies, that even amputation .-ainld not save hlin, as ha h-td nut vlaur enoneh to endure tho operation. Just then wa eirturoeurod giving htm Veixeitne, and from that time to tho preseut ka has been oou llnoou.lv Impruvlna;. Ho has I uely roeutned hlsslitdtes, thrown away crutohs and cuo, and walks about onrliiily and sironic. Thonah there Is still soins iliseharae from the einlnii where the limb was lanced, we have Ihe fullest ennitlenee I net la a liule time he will beperlretly cured. lie hits Uksn aieiut three dnsen bottles of Yreellne, but Islely use.s but Wll", es he de Claris that he Ii too well to lie taking ueJtolno. Ksspectlully yours, K. s. liiT, . . ;n. L, c. r. Dkst, nrllahl KvlJcnce. 1T. By He rei, Hmoklyn K . Y, Nv. 14, '74. II. K rsvKis, beg. ; DeirSir krom iwiaontl banellt ra-elvfd by Its ii e. as well aa from persou'il kn iwle.e of th.ie whuae euros theiehy have seetu d almost mlrjciilous, I en Hi nt herllly an I slrioerely recoino'CU I the Veuei'ne lor the complaints fur wkuu it la claimed to cure. j a wne I. f.prK.Air, Late t'ast jr Calvary tiAp.Ciiucch Maorauieoto, tel. Vi;fHne tit Sold by all Dnrj:ji.ih. JH.VLAUDENSLAUEU BUGGY MAKER 8EUMSOKOVE, SNYDEK 00., PA. Having piirohasc I the well known aland In Scllna 'rove, foiimirly owned b Philip lllcckcr, I am prrpared lo aronniinodiile all who may desire anything in my line, nnd warrant salUfncllon In all cases. I kee p constantly on hand, and am prepare J lo niunufactur at the shortest nonce, BUG (J IKS. SULK IKS. -ris SLKIGHS.c Being eipi-ricnccd In tho Imsinrer, I flnl Icr mysnlf i lint I am fully prrpared to nteel the wants of my ousiuiuers. Tho bniuli einplnje 1 are mining Ihe heat niochniiic in Hie eniinly, oii'l limir work will not lull eivetinivcrnnl siitisfurtloa. lioy-Hpeclnl Bltemiun paid to repairing In nil it branches. ttd 8 hop on .Mnrki-l aired, a few doors south of tbe Ueriuiiu Uelormcd t.uurcli. - JOHN LAUUE.N6L.VGER. Sellnsgrove, April 7, '70-lf VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. THE snbscribor ofTers nt Private Snle, the rartn will (Mi be now oncunles, alia le In Franklin tn., on in 'islets It iao betivaon Mlddleburej and llentrevllle, and 1 mile flout MMdleiur litallun of the S. a L. K. U. T'ie t erm contain . , 17.5 Af!RT!3 ' " 125 Acres Aro Clear, snd In a nod sute areultlratlon, tke keUoo well set wli h CHESTNUT TIMBER. ; en which are erected a Lame Oood , ' BANK B A UN 2 Oood DWELLING IIOU8ES, and all neoeeaary sulbillilleirs, A I area orchard wll k choice fruit. Hunnlu water on Ihe nrsn . '";'" '''-''' wauasu ' . . . eraav pvreis wnaflmire, so pwrooase aa a moderate prlee and easy terms, a desirable property, convenient to stares, sokoula, church, es, ks , should sot fail to call oa or address the undersigned, .l-Yf. DONMOYErL Middleburg, Snyder Co. Pa. Oct.T,T-tf ' J hV..S'rAtJf FEfti j J j " TOI3ACCONIHT V : Ol OA Jl. MA KJSIt: Woinehdor,' Jierkt Vvitnty, J'a. Always keep on band th bel brand of CIGARS in Market. Alio eicelletil Smokiug and Chewing tobaooo, fAugl6.72 EAGLE HOTEL, j t ' No. 227, North 8rd 8t., i . between Baos and Vino) 'Philadelphia. R. 0. C0MMINQ3 Pjrou'r. .. U. M. SWA Hit, Superiniendept , Q.R0S8 &. BROTHERS,; ' MasufaoUrsrs.of anil daalergloall kl,Deo( i,h!k 1. 1 ,i; ;. 'i i ., v . ,i i ; BILL TIMBER, LUMBERj ' PALINO.'SIIINGLES. LATH,'- FLOOR1N0, etc., Bbamokla Dan,' Bnyder iountyf rt). 4i orders promptly DlletL ' : Ckitry, Ptplrimi Linn Lumim ' ., Important Decislun ., . atmla irtnltlri Jatety rentlored an imporlaui opinion alTecting rond nn portinors, It appears Wm. Leedy aud Robert 0. Dranyan, anpenrisors of I'enn lowdsuip, Perry ooitnty. vtere allowed by the Auditors 6 per cent, on both ilnpliratos, "whlrili try fjethttr nregnU f 2,15.1.79, ftftor all exonerations wore . , deducted. Ol those 2,151.7'J, taxes , iu the ilnpli ohIos, kJl.OOl 9 wns p.tid in tbo nnd the balance, . &K1 90, W43 col lected by the snperviaots ia cash. NotwItliMtitnding this small amount col looted iu cash, tho siipprvisors eharod 5 per ennt on the full amount of both duplicates, and the Auditors allowed it Judge Jnnkin decide" thnt the supervisors can on ly charjra he 5 per rent on whitt they actually eollaoted in cash, and nolhitin; ou that part of , tho taxes P'ii( in labor. In tct, lie says, it is question ibte whethor thoy havo a ritfht to tliare any pir font, for the lu.Miey thoy collect, in they aro not eollectors, nnd are paid only by tht! iliy for their labor, and that they might charee by. the day for collect ing. Dut tlio law provides that thny shitll appoint a . suitabto person to collect tho t:txs, ami tlutt such par son Kliull bo allowed 3 per cotit.i aud only for whnt ho nr-tnnlly e lloct in cakh; Loody and Rranyitn wore ro quircd to pay the costs of this an nual. Tbe law alno ronmi'es that sii- pervisoi s irive puhlio notioe of a fixod time and plane to moot all tux payers. when ami where the amount to bo worked out by each tax-payer who wants to work shall be agreed npon Any citizen oau appvnl to court from the action 01 tuo auditors. Ibbatno Liu Times. Savin-i Seed Cokn. T'i j failure of sood corn to tfermioaU), lant eprin. was so centual that it is eviJout tha canno is not gonnmlly known, or if otuoi'tviBO, precautionary measures wero not observed. Every farmer who had a failure iu this rospuct last nirin;,', should understand the cuuno of it, aud so apply tho remedy in the future. Last fall it was very wet, cold and ft'onty, while sood corn was built; saved. These fals should Htiirrust that corn will fail to grow if ... , S . . (ll le.I. A fact bas ft'uZOIl before it is jiiHtcomo tir my knowledgo that sub stnutiates this co-iKrliifioti. A "friend, an intelligont, olsorvin and practical farmer, told rnethis circumilance t ho usually traces op his seed com and haus it iu his trm-ret a warm aud dry placo. He did so last fall with all but ono trace a very nice one. .' lifting in a hurry, he limi it np in the coru bouse, and there it remained- till it was wanted for planting. He said that it was not vxposud to sweat or Btoam from othor grain. . In tho npi iug while pluntiu'r that from the garret, hu came to a choice part of tho field. and the thought tnnvk lutu that he would plant tho Wat traw. He did so. ana . tiio reouit wan, wutio me ganct coin camo up well, of the trace from the corn uoune, to una lus own words, .'uot oue korual iu teu came up." IhiH would mdieato that seed corn nh.jnld bo hung in ft' trrtrm- nnd dry placo- 'until drv, to say the least t'eihaps it would bo well for farmer" to obsorvo this prcoaution is saviug seed hereafter. T. V. E Farmer. The First Grapevine. A QKECIAN IEOAND. Whoir lidot hus wis a toy he Innr- noyed tli roe uh llulus, lo go fo iex is ; aud a tha way win very long lie grew tired and sut down spun i .41 ono to rest. . As he fut tb -ie, with his oves upon Ihe ifouml, ho raw liltlo 1 1 mt rpriiiging ui hot wo en liin I e t, and wun in much pleased with it that he 'lt-ttriniu( (i to tiko it with him mid pUce it in Nuxiu. Hii took ii up and enrrieJ it uwsy with htm but us the sun wsi very hot, he f.'tt red it tnlaht wither before he reached liia dustiniiioti Ho lound bird' eki'loioii, into vvliioh ho llirun the plant mid went on. Hut in bis hand ths plant sprouted S fuht thai it stttrted out ol tho buues slnivesnd hi' low. This (hvo him fv.sr of its withering, and Lo cast shout fcr a remedy- He found it Ron's boos, which was thicker tbau the , bird's skeloinn, and ktuck tbe skeloioo, wi'.h tbe plant In it, into tha bone of Ihe lion, ' Erelong, however, tho plant priw out uf the lion's bone likewlso. I'hcq ho found the bone, of ao ties, laixer klill than thut of a lion ; so lie put the lion's bono, ooutuiuiug . the bird's skeleton snd the plant, iuto tht a's bono, nud thus he made bis war to NuxU, When about to sot the plant, be fountf i hit,' the 'roots hud entwined thoniselyos . around ! the bird's fkuli'ton, aud , the ,', I ion's bone and ije ass a b ine ; and as hs eotil i pot Ulve it cut wiihout dsiuauiog the rotAs, he planted its it was, aud hWia08.,,edijV' nn(i borf) ,p r . i . i i bis Ks;. eat Joy tbe tuest delicious grapes, trout abiuh lie liiuUd Ihu Qrtt wine, and gave it to meti to drink. But behold a miruclo I When mou .dr.atiU of il they first S'ing liito bird ; n X slier drinking a ittlo'inors, ';fcey be- ' - i .1 . - ,i . . i : uaiuu viitorun aiiu uaiiiisb use nuns j hut wlijBii they drank nmfs still, tbey uvau sv vrusrs uio aseua ... ! ffnnnnnfnnmnjnnumunmmmuj f Two belles of Reading ,4ately come home front Philadelphia shorn of their wealth of . raven ' tresses. After, thoy bad . taken in ' all points at the big show and bad made, many purchases, before they knew i they bad spent U their money, and what waa worse bad lost tbeis return ex cursion tickets. They hod, MO friends in Philadelphia, and no time lo write to Heading bey tnrciore respired to make a raise so they rtpnd away. into a barber ahop and struck a bargain for their buck hairJ; - The shaver offered 3 75 aob ftr w'hat tbey bud. Io a short time they Were nlceljf shorn," and tbtrtr tbey were able to gt back to ticif oativa k&d, Afereevll'prAeedMameeTts tie j SS. pirellon tel. tree. Ine Itehlneeetbooakpla-erarna . . ereiwarawintR In and about Ihe reattt'Su psrliea ler'v Al lKlet when nndreaeloT. or Ii M arte aeliln erarns f often tl.nee ehsea lleehf aroaaA i... the prrvetw parta, id froo.e-nile fswilee aro eorelv siflicte I, eren liHif I01.1 Ihe vetia. prove" Ire very dlitrMto'i. ITieieof lon elaaklag are) ' permaaanlly eered kv aim itveuplrlng ,, , . StVATRirs OINTMENT. f pirtrcoHrT tllrememeneHVlvnf (Ste; Ms, aees, gurmevea wheoeli othtr rntaedlee aaA, ' ' trealnenl fall. . Caere Teltee, t I . . H-aM Heed, , . , ( J.ll Rheom, , .. Ttlo W.ir.n. irtrher's It-k, Plomlee, e)jree, ' ' ' Prairie lie, ' - A -me link, .tore Hut., . Ill Hoke., Sinrvv, llomore, Hllee, F innic ". -llpelaS of All Ernptlone, flea fees, SWATcf B8 OINTSNI ' keemetaenraeverr ' letvlnvtheeklnameotk and sleer. wlthml a blenvsi behln I, ExrR.vcr3FR)i tsrrETts, ' Tr. Swsvne a H m i,nt'emn The hot of ' t liniment w, aeol 01 bv mill core Ini eatteeie 1 ol Itchln Pile, whlcl t aiiTrl wlfif .r See yera enoloeeil dad evoeota re anniee ait sar sMeuJof mine. A flirt KWT J. UK k'.)il, , rirm-vell station, kmlja Ue.,va. A Iter. tM h'd'and, VTeWer. T.vtor ., W. Va .t Wrltee !Vov. 'inth. IS7V 1 have neeo a cesal Snff.rr from Itchlne; nlf.a, Iprwored atnfof i your tHotoiait leal So-Hf, whloh eivaolilnn ettbtrelter, eil feel eoiiil liol II wtd erfula pir. ea.neut sure t euoioa-,i n tt in, evil, r.,r vols a pl-a.eaen t me another hot kv Willi. '. t ail TAiutmo trim ani ie preareg oaty or PR. SW4.YNB SON. tM IV JrtU Slitk Street, Pill Prlee M cents a bee. er aael bv saaU ks anl al dreae on receipt of prlee. SJid by all UfiuiliU, t- I - , : AOOOD FAMILY MBDICIfrlv ' SWAYNK'8 TAR A 8ARSAPARILLA PILL8. Itesdsehe. I.aneaorand Melojholveneval ly sprlna Irons aitlsoritaredstomanh eostirenes or a torpid liver. Keeh may he speedily rsrnir. ed by lir Hwayne' Tar Pills, which stimulate' the Liver and siorafh to a kealthy action la remnrlni all bll llnnsness, and producing rogw lar evacuations ol the eiiwois. LIVER tMlM PLAINT thstdresde l dlietae from whloh so many pas sons sutler, ia frequently the cause of UEAD.tUllE. I MHO Kit HON, 41 'DYSPEPSIA Is speedily relieved, and are often permanently '.rr;h' , by the n ; carry oil. inetr use. r avers arc onoii provoatosi e uf these Harsaparllla pills, as tkep i thri'Uuli the l. loud, the Imnurlilea Irene which tbey arl.e. I'or eostlreaes there 1 nuthina so eltectual a SWAV.SKUTAlt AND 8AR3APABILLA, PILLS. Tboy are pwrelr veetsMe, and ant speelallf on tbrrlr liver as I II ties Mass nr Calomel, w! Ik out any had result frout taklnar, liesorlbe symptoms on all convmnnlcatleas, and address letters to lir.Swayne a Sun, Phila delphia. No eharife for advice. Nam by melt on receipt ol prloe. Price le eeaUa koa Ave boios fur 01. Ask your druggist fur theta. TO THE SICIO A areat many ark now sulfsrln wltk aolde. enuh, and other nnmants, wblak. If BS Crooiptly attended to may result ta aa laeara le disease. for all diseases of the tkroel. breast and lungs, bronotcfafor asthmatic alt-' tlouS, V Dr. Sicayne't Compound Syrup of Wild (Jierry Is a pleasant and certain core. The eldest aaS best rontedy. It promotes eaneotoratloa. and removes all diseased matter which ohetruc's tho lues", the ulceration la heeled and tbe sotferer Is restored In perlecl health. 111. nmrlehlae?, trenntnenlnv, and for dlaturbel reel at algal. Its use will ulve sweet rat.tse. If tlta bowals are enellve, or liver dlsordaroit, lake at first fear tlocs of Swjyoes lar aod Sarsapitrllla Pills, which will evacuate the bowels, end le of vital luiKrlao.'e, relief the eonirested liver, aael remove ail billion. ness. Then lollow with Nwayne's Wild Cherry Hyrup, and healtk, trenvih and hapoiness la nt to b the rasalt Tiiese valuable saedlolnee. SAVED HIS LIFE. A HEUAHK AHLktoVSE. , Was that ol KdwardH. Hamson, engineer al (leorue Sweeny's Pit'ory, liu Rldu arena e, Philadelphia. He had a violent eoau, alkl sweats, sure thruat and area! waaknees, spll si dllleront times a pint ot blond, save ap all bupe of recovery. Throuah the asa of "DR. 8WYNE 8 WILD OIIERY SYRUP" hersusea snund and healthy man, aad roe mala so ta this dsv. allhouuk twentt vaartf have elapsed alnna he wee cured. . PHICKuNIi HOLLAR, HU bottlee SS. If your DroiKlats or aiore keepar dors not (all Ue w will forward kali dossn. freight paid, t ay address, nn. receipt of the pilee. rteperen only ay, D1L SWAVNK fc HON, eon U .... I. si.ik Mlue B.VII. SoU by lit JfiomlasBt Df tAg.lsls .1,1 t. ! Is : Your flair Falling', (fat uu Tuttninu obay f.. If So Do Ncvt Fajl To liae' ' LONDON HAIR COLOR BCSTORIB, TJie Great "'Reputation Which It bsa stisinad sad Ihe large Bnastjer eg teatimnolals which sre constantly being seeslva ere eooelaelve proof uf il great value. , 4. Proof PwitimA Ni wSuil of Hair, 'So- ' Himl (Mw onxd llwui$ Reortd.U Dr. Shvapnaa nee .Some ell year ago, I We ' gsn to Ion iu 7 kasHr, and eoailoued te d Chj uutll Ihe eralp becsuie a bare a thapatm ormy ' hand, troubled also with a dlsegraaeMa IssMag fever, great keaf and dandrug. small wasSBlea would form, quit sure to lbs touch, sad Ihe raw ' uieluimt portion of the balr.oo tb side and back of tbe besd, became quite gray. Alter aalag uninbar of rUain rati vuaeQsuue lied bilbnul sue. isua, aud luy bead nearly Oeelitute of kair, 1 ro Uwtaull comaieoued nalag rbe ' "London Hair CWor RtMerrr and Drmn- . ....W. ' ; ; Now. throagh II use, cador ad hialle ssespsl uis so sir lo all tha f I Sew pjanew a new ao beaullful gruwlk ofbalr, ecakpeeksly r4red la It origUisi dark aud gWf apposmee, aud t veutura tbe seaavlion, tb worn faralabe Be ' ' f repsralloa equal to tbi f aud 4 do seaselea . loaaly y. la all wko are gray or bale), ketrdry aad bank or Calllua, louts at enea. Ike (easel? , .Owant.lJL aN.,eMlsaMrst,kaa. ' nntMlsaa ef Phlladenhla,aaysfartt Tb.' Ively mon my palietiu aod frteud, as wi sa byagraaUf I tha rfure apeak froas sip !, " " , 75 Ctimptr BotlU - ! ': -' It Bottle S4 .e-aent by siprseeftosar aall'aBS ' MtesaMataf prtc. , , . J ii AddreaMsswj)tjr, Bar a1 A) Saw. US 'Jjt Utafetnsselaita.'eilpkia.Ta, aoi f .aeeerwe-ryeereesf .. . -r, ,-e,'. -tle-