The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, November 16, 1876, Image 3

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    teim foot.
EHddieburg, Kov. 16, 1875.
LKjitiNowii4 co
Jtt commtlnififUlot.., lUsineM lot
tort A a, for tliU rfr)ca, to secure
prompt tnllw should b ti(icirped
m follow t TiiR 1'osT, Mlilolotnirg,
Snyder Quinty, Pa. AdtniiwmenUi
romtniiitiralluii Ao. mtist le listmed
in by Monday noon, to sscure inser
tion In next lame
iim(kt'rr roosve.-The Conrle of
fensder Cowatv are held on the fourth Monday
of Petnserv, May, uj Mopteiaber, aad Meeoed
Monday of MHalai, .
W tear) that Mr. Matbla Schne. of
tVeebarg (ever! barl by a fall oo
tap last wek
A MS f Hqtr Mltoh!' st pssinnvtll.
fell from lb loft Id a bars ".n dty last
k tad brolio bit arm.
Wo would b Rrattly oblll lo all h
weuM ton J us any news ftjin different
paHtof Ibooonaty.
W v .Informed In ' In ltrecl w y,
that Mr. toitn from Mid dlereeak
township, f11 from a lod of enrnfodder,
tart Friday, an ! was kiltej. Wo ii not
fcoow lb faoto oenetd with II.
Mr. Irrla Oraybllt and Jaoeh Strauotr
lin.ked on Iho farm of (taraittt Obrrbolts
rr, aear Rlohfl.ld. Juniata-Bounty, two
hoadrad'aad forty hushele of eora in ono
day, or ono bunlr I andtwnty butlitU
pleoe. Who oan beat It t
Bnyder County Majorities.
If avcs' majority flWi
Jfaliotl for Connrwe, 427
Wfonollr for Honstor o20
Willor for Aseombly V.'2
Kanzitndt for Keg. A. Rco. WW
Arnold for Diet. Aity.
Crouse no npponitiou 3172
Painful AccldVnt.
A Lowlstottn pnpr of the full tint.,
May : Wo regret to learn that on
Wednesday of Inst nock, Mr. Jolt; II.
Lawyer, of Decatur township, m-rom-pnniod
by his ion ( SRcd six) end dog,
went hunting. He shot ft ahttirrol,
which lodged In a trco. llr cllrhhed
the tree, and when about 30 fcrt up,
caiiKlit hold of a rotten limb, which
broke, precipitating him to the ground.
Both hi arms were broken between
the wrist and elbow, and, also hi
left lep in the thigh. The son went
for assistance, and when tiersons arriv
ed they found Mr. I.awver'e dog lying
Desiue mm, with. Die lore legs aroumi
uis Deck.
To Tin 8iTRVison. Supervisor
Vho really desire to become eooil oltt
vers may now insnoct tho liiuliwiiys of
ineir districts ana see where the work
i meat needed. A man of Judgment
can savo many dollar by puttini; work
in the right place, cleaning gutters and
drains by a few strokes of tho hoe, and
thus allowing the surluco water to run
off. Water standing on the wide of the
road kbops it soaked and soft and eas
ily to bo cut up by teams. I'ut a load
or fine stones in a very bad place
Which need raising, hut I'.Xit it in the
iniddlo and let it spread and entile,
that water may run oil'. Only smooth
the ton so the wheols may pass over
it safely. A few bad places made good
each fall, how soon the whole road may
be improved. Look after your bridg
es and sco that they are safe aud tho
approaches easy.
Death ii the Mountain.
n I'rreaclav morninr Mr. William Chut
B'ul of this place went bunting In Hh .(,
nfnaatvts, promising to return at 6 p. m.,
but not doing eo bit family became alarm
ed, and a number of men started In inarch
and .pent the night on the mountain, but
witboul auooeai. On Weduredsy many
'other went oat, and after noon an organ
1ad body of about loo men and buys
- etretohed along the turnpike from Jack
creek bridge lo lbe8outh base of the moun
tain, and tbtia covering the whole moiio
taia marched tin, Leae than an hour af
terward the mining man waa found by
John Doone, lying among Hie rtfeke, about
a mil east of the road, dead Aa exam
ination disoloaed a bullet wound in bie
abdomen, the ball having entered in fronH
aad passed out at bie left eid. la hi
pocket was found a flip of paper XipfiA
which heftXd written tbeTfollowing i
'I Ml, and me fun flaw bark and shot me. My
ear wife and children, matt uis luieavea."
Bvidenlly Mr. Ciieemut whilat walking
IiBwrd tripped and fell over a email
tree, and in falling somehow the load in
hi rill wat discharged. After biting ebol
be removed bie hunting trappings from
bie abouldera, and found aa comfortable
a Inclining ponton a waa possible among
' the rooka, plaoiOg alio hie 'bat over hil
fee but be probably did not long retain
enaolomneai, li be do doubt , would
have written more. Mr. 0, we a tnuob
reepeeted eltlien, about 02 yeare Of age,
aad bad for many years been a devout and
inr Chrlltiaa la tk Metbodiet eburob.
True Democrat, OfJ tn. .
An Jmportaxt DaciRtoK. Right of
nauroan iravr.irrtji utavy ertln.
The case of Baruet Levan against the
Tennsylvauia Railroad company,
Which waa on trial Inst week In I'liil
adelphia. Theplainlirr in 1368 purchased at
Harriaburg a ticket for passage to
l'biladolphia. The trniu consisted of
but two passenger cars, nn ordinary
car and a smoking-car. The plaintirT
asserts mat no wna constiiudonally
unable to ride in the smoking car, and
the other car wns full, The plaintiff
was altiicted with a disease which made
landing for any length of time injuri
ous to him. and as some other cars
wer added to tho train he itskeit por
tnlsslon of tho brakesman, to enter A
sleeping-car, where he found a scat.
When the conductor took up his ticket
he demanded $1 SU extra for the privi
lego of riding in the car, which plain
tiff refused to pay, alleging that his
ticket, entitled him to a seat, and that
there men no seats elsewhere on the
.train. The conductor shortly nfter
wards put plaintifl off the train about
8 -miles from Lancaster. lie walked
into Lancaster, and in the long walk
his disease, as be alleges, was aggrava
ted to such an extent that he ha nev
er entirety recovered from the elfucU
of it. - Levan 's suit for damages ho
been pending for eight years. On the
trial the company's version of the af
fair waa thattbe conductor allowed the
pUiolitf lo remain in the sleeping car
until there were seats vacant in other
parts of the train t that shortely after
the train left Middletown the conduc
tps requested hna to take one of these
Vat and he refused, whereupon the
train was stopped and ho wns ejected.
The judge, in charging the jury, said
that the plaintiff hod an undoubted
right to a seat and that if (here was no
aet for bint in tits ordinary ears he had
aMtrkt to nnd one in anr nart of the
train. It was the duty of thp plaintiff
to aeoepi lueseat onerea in me ordi
nary car, if tueh had been actually of
red him, and that the, conflicting ver
sion pf the affair must be reconciled
by the jtrfv vTh jury, aftes a delibee
aion .of tyto hours, returned ver
fi;th j.lsAtitilToffSTO, .
Corrected Tabt.
Adams 121. 41
Heater lHfi 6S
Keavcr Weal 168 67
Centre 126 49
Cbnpmnn lit 104
Franklin lf.5 CO
Jaeknon 91 75
MiddUiburg r3 4
Middlccreck 83 78
Monroe 133 142
Tenn 1)0 102
Perry 08 137
IVrryWest 74 71
SuliDsgrove 172 139
1'nion 117 104
Washington 119 193
1922 1539
Republican maj.l Ualoa lowaekid, on
the State ticket I IV
Congress. Penator
K 2 s: C
a w
Z .
a a
Diitrlcts. s
Adams 122 40 1PJ 41
Heaver l'.U M 173 M
Heaver West ICS Gti Jf)il firt
Centre 129 4.r 131 4:1
Chapman !iS lfi.1 82 MO
Franklin Mil 6ti l;ts ,v
Jackson U3 74 Ml fi
MtiMleburg M 4'J 37 i'n
Middlncreek 83 78 S'J 71
Moure 133 10 1M ll'J
l'enn l!K) KU uxi HI
Terry K4 131 .ir, 13
Terry West 74 71 75 70
Selin.grove 17.r l.' 232 78
L'nion 118 lt)4 1LM !S
Washington 117 I'JC, 104 200
1944 1517 1-J75 14.V)
Assembly Prothonotary
Districts. 5 J W
a a
Adams 120 40 lfi9
Beaver 197 50 2G4
Henver Weot 1G4 CI 235
Contre 132 43 171
Chapman 27 1(13 109
Franklin 1C8 55 202
Jackson . 100 67 118
Middleburg 63 47 70
Middlecreek 104 CO 137
Monroo 117 132 . JJB5
l'enn . 219 70 205
Perry 121 111 231
l'orry Weet 74 71 139
Selinsgrovo 205 103 277
t'niou 120 101 210
Washington 124 177 274
Total 2045 1353 317-'
Reg'r A Rec'r Pis. Att'V
3 5 3 .
S w 2. 5-
Districts. ST
Adams 122 40 1U M
Heaver lai fi9 1S8 fir,
HeavorWest 19 M lti9 f.r
tVinlro 133 41 132 42
Chapman 43 14.1 7 12.5
Franklin 1H2 S9 ls.5
Jockson Wl 74 8!) 78
Midillebnrg 81 19 7tj j;i
Middlecreok 80 72 9U 03
Monroe 134 139 123 143
l'enn 1m 93 iW) ll10
Terry la1 J 25 Hi l4
Terry West 78 69 7,1 71
Selinsgrove 199 111 171 131
Union 113 H)3 120 9fi
Washington 108 304 118 190
total SQ33 1401 20B7 1407
Jury Commissioner
" s
DistricU. I
Beaver West
Midddlobnrg '
ferry West
Total , 1940 1497
Stengor't majority over Mahon in
the district is only 44 bad Hunt
ingdon Comity done berunty Mabon
Wonld have been elected.
For Senator, Dill has about 100
ntajorlty over Wajfotlseller. Bnyder
gate Wagensellei1 about 150 above
the state ticket and Union fell below
about that much thrts electing Dill
Dy a small majority
A O R O TO TH B A M B R Iti A tt PfjnLtO.a
For aiam veari aehSae marie to mailliilnaa
ultid to tk alimenta of a aaat ala-a of anRar.
era. Thoasamlaof euro kae bean made b
tbam and. la last, the word failure oul. say.
er Iieoouile4 wits tuem. Hut within the laat
two year eoaaterreite 01 oar Bedllaoa baee
prunaup daoseroue la Ibalreloae liallatloa
or our Trad Mark. To aeeur tho people we
have plased uioa eaek goaain bos of Holloa
af-a i-ma auo uonoway-a utntment ine fad
elmlle of the aliaatara of oar A not, Iti.Jwi
llardM(. To eomoterfelt thla Ta teloay. We
ehall relentleidi vuraiilaD one who Imltnaa
tble with the ataoet vigor of tke law. We moat
eerseelly be that the sraatoi.M of ike Amer-
oaa peeino win bio aa ia our enuite to nroieoi
their bealtb, aad help aa In ur task ( brlns
Ids theae moat aanrlaalnled meS tn tb bar mf
juailee. Ualterjilr rolaea U smrehae Modi.
ataee uaryuruns to aaoure naiee Mr Jueeph
haydoek'e eiRuatare la attached to eaek lioi
ai ruie at rut at uiauaeai aaa is ead win
OS ho fee t a ad.
Tk tahil' oaeSUat ervat.
123 40
189 (30
169 63
130 44
29 161
16G CO
03 74
02 49
84 77
123 . 142
189 101
103 . 130
74 71
184 124
119 103
120 190
Thoa two foe of bodily romforl. tthen.
matiam end the 6'ont, ceaae their Iwinga if
in anrcien part la ually wn-bed with
Olenn.e 8nlphnr Hoap, which baaiihia
pain end renders lh joints and mu.olea
enppl And elaatlo. Depot Crlttenlon's Ne.
7 BiXth Avenue, N. T, Kill's Hair A
Wblaker Dye. blaek or brown, 60 Benle,
November 19 187(1. .
CAUTION Notice in herebT c-iven
by the undersigned that hn hat'left Hie
following articles at his farm in Frank
1m township : Irtick Wagon, 1it of
Hay and Potatoes. All persons are ran
tinned not to interfere or meddle with
tho same. Jo. IK Stxiveh.
((!t. m, 4sro.
aWci A Onrenheimer. 8elina
crovo, haw Juat opened their stock of
Vail and llltiter Clrtthing. Itroniptis
es an mo tau-ai styip ror Men . Hovs,
and will be sold at aatoMiahlngly low
figures. Ulvr them a enll.
W. Oov Overcoats as tow a 4 0
at uis A ttpenlietinors . Holmsgrove
Underclothing In ahtimhttico at
eis I'piieiilifiiners, rl(linai;rove.
WTO. X. SMtTit. from Newport,
Perry county, l'a. will fnrniali Snyder
county men-hauls, with the beat com
mon candy, French Ihmiing. e. lie
win tie on hand at and during the holi
days, with all kinds of Crtnilie. Toys,
clc. .Sept. 21
Just feeeived a freali ami full
lino of Mens' and Boys' hsla of (be la
test, style at Weis A Oppeuheiiners.
bvsuJoiiM I). RAnFnAfriii, Tuilor
rrsppeiftilly informs ibe peopleof Mid-
illet.iirg mid vlolhity that he is orennrcd
iA .1.. .M L:.. I. . .. . .. '. '
i uii mi kiiius ot wora tn ms lino neat
ly, cheaply, noeonllng to the lateal
style and warranted in fit. Culling
oono m snort noin-e. lliiaineaa place
corner opposite tho r. It. Cloireli
Main Street
tW noosllful nslur arTnrila no flner
Ppecina nar akin ihaeaaea than Sulphur, a
fact that la olrarlv rroren hv Hie amino
open thoomicle aflicle.l with ernpllna nr
uiceroue enrea, nr tnsl supreme iniriflnr.
Olson 8ulbtir Soap. Depot rritleninn'a
So. 7 8i.ih Are. N. V. Hill's Hair
aX n maker Die, black orbrown, 60 eie
Oel. I2tu.4w.
gkSrllolloway's Pills snd 0!n!menl
Peurty ami Uiaeieee of Ibe Skin rver.
reiileei sleep, foul alnmsch. lainte.l breath,
langaiir, .lepremion of spirits always at-
pendant on liie wnrt raei of eiilsnenui
eruptinni are epeelily ami railirally re.
nuiTen uy meae meuiniuea the oiniincut
fleanaea tlie akin, and the pills purify the
Moo. I. stimulate the liver, ami ' promote
Uiieailon. 2. eenta per boX or pot,
November Kiib 1S7
tVosossri'b Stmrsaa, It Is reporte.1
that Itoactis' Osnoaii Stri p baa, also
Its Inlroiluoiion In lbs L'nliel Stalra.
reach. I the Imnienae eale of "lii.ono .loien
per year. Overn.oso Drugniais bate or.
ileieJ thie inr.Jiciiie direct from the r'to
torj, st Woo'lhiiry, N. J an. I n.n one haa
report. J a aingle failure, but every leiler
apeaka of ila aatnnikhlng aunaeaa In eiirin
aoeere Coughe. Colda .rule. I on the Hreaal
Coneiiniption, nr any lieapa oflhe throat
end bungs. We a.lriae any perenn that
has any preliapoaition lo weak l.itnga, to
goto their DriiEgiiit John A. Moan, an I
get this Medicine, or Inquire about it.
Regular sis. 7S cents ; Sample hottle, lo
ocnis. 1 wo uoaei wilt ralitre
Don't neglect your cough.
snp ease.
Th. Great Discovery f
k. r, ri'MKi.i.'d niTTt.R tvixr. nr
l:OM. For 1 ha niraotpak etomach, uene
ral iltMlltr. ln.lUe-tlnn. illnnaaa r ilia nerviut
yaiein, sonaumiitlo'i, a. l.lhyof the aiomacli,
and all eaa. requlrlnft a tno.
The wlnalncluil the in..l avreeal l and af
ndent of lr.n wa ih.mav.r. citratm nf w
netlo tlthle. eomlilne.l with the in. .si eneraatlu
of Teraiahle tonb'e-vllw le.uvln Mara.
Tha efleet In many oaaef. n d-hlll y. I.m nf
apietlta. and aennral iro4irathni. 1.1 an eltl
elant Sail of Iron rnmhlned with t uth's
Kerre tonlo, l mo-t happy, It aiiuninnla Mm
apptile, lalr tho p.!.i. lako-..I null. uUr
Maililnevi, reinovna I lie pnlor ol d-bllt.y. and
Rlvea a 0 )1.1 to tlie oeniiteiin.i.
I in yon want oniathlna' tn atrnni(ihan ynn 1
Doyoii waul a sood aivt l I you want to
build ni. ynnr Conmit iilnn I I ., yon nr m
reel watt I m you want to net rid ol nnrdoa
penal Do 1011 wai.t enertiy I llo you ant tn
lean well I llu inn want nr ek und l firoiia If you do, try Kunkal'e Wloa of
1 hi truly ralnahle tnnlc Ila been tnnroouhly
tailed by all elaitni ol Ilia .iminilolly. ,t It
la now deemed ln.M.en.i.le ai a lonln nm II.
rlna. It eo.tehut IIUI-, purlllei the and
iclyea tone to tho i onaou, renotalea the ivi
ton and prolonm 111a.
I now only ak a trial of thla eenerahl
Tonic. Prlcaeiner bltle. R. K Kt'.NKKI,
Sola Pini.rletor, riillailelplila. Pa. Ak your
druaalat .r Kunkel't lilur 'lna..riron and
take nn other make, hold only In i h.ittlei,
ell othera are counterfeit, ao beware of lhain.
Hay all botiloi l.r4 0.1.
H'irm.i Itrmnvrtl Alir.
E. T. Kunkal'a worm eyrnp neyer faila tn
daitn.y pin, .Tat and siomai-h wornia. Ir
Kuukel la the only aucremlnl Phvilidan In
i.i. ........... .... .w.- -.i.v
moves Tapr worm with head end all rnmpleie. I
alive In ll hour., and nn fee umll removed. I
V..HX. r mrim i.ranTHi vi worms, tin re i
-.iu .or wirruiar, ur rail nn your urilualst.
andKeta bottle or Kunkeli
I'rlue St.uo. Itueyer falls.
worm Kyrup.
oonssoTSti wssKir v
"WnjjonHolloi Ac Hon.
Wheat (er buabel
110 to 1 I',
ss to 80
Ky do
I'ors do
Oat do
Cloverseed per buehal
Plaieted do
1 lift
Onion d
Polatoe p do
Timolbyreed do
lluokwheat do
Dm ler per pound
Ergs per doiea
Tollo net peusd
Seeded Cherrle
Dried Apple .
Dried Peacbee parti
do uniard
Daooo, Side :
6 to 7
i 24 lo i sJ0eb
8 26 to S lime
Pea Coal
Cb eel nut eoal
InePrtcnaof Ila Jlaves k Toweaaao, 40
Soolli Tb.rd street Philadelphia. Htmka IwnKht
tnd soi l either for seat, ot on margin. Nor.
oth, lira.
sirn ion rn
u.n.s-a. lFt...... nju
sao'eism loot?
'.' '.. -- J iu?2
" lav n:,,.
" " laia i isjtT
10-40'e in
Onreeuoy, a'e IM
" t'slHai.uaw, US
Oallad -Ts Illii
I annsylvanlalB. R r)
Pblledslt.hlaand Hoed log R. H.... l
Lsl.luh Valley R. Hi.i Wi
Lehlsk Coal a Nav. Oo jwj
Unlied Ooiaiianlea uf f,J I3T
nil Orsek k Allru y Vsl. H. B IC
rui.wiaipina Mrim n n IS
Northara Oenlral R. K. (Jo..
God t
.109)4. no
On th .3th ull., by lievi W A. Has,
tlobeson K. Waller, of Middlecreek lown
ship, to Mia. Uarbara 8: It.ioer, df Mli
Pieassnt Mills,
III Vtnh lotrnabip, on lb 2tib ult.,
Catharine E. 8. WoodllBg, , aicd 1 yean,
1 Booth snd 11 daa. '
On) lb 2nd Inal., sesr McKee' Tlalf
pan, varnara Beckrlal, reliot of lit lit
Unrr HseLrlst. sd (6 rr.
Orphans' Court Sale.
HltrJ nnderaiKnod Trnaleos p
X pointed br the t'tphin' Court of Hnydar lc
cai llthe real of John Hihrlale lale nf
I'nnVlln TawnaMp 5Drdr('oqnly Pa , rtceaed
will ntler at pnMIe aale, at the lata n-aldenc ol
end d-ean.ltvn Irill-a went of Mlddl'bnrS n
WKIINESllAY, IIKl.t.MnitR Oth IST, Tha
fonr fo! In ln a deerrlbed yahiaide traciaefUnd
le 1 All that eertala meeanasa and tract Of
MnfNTAPN t.tNIt, altnatetn Franklin tp
nydere inl, Pa. Hxinded North br land of
J. 'hi) O ft a helrat K-t hr l.tarenre, lr. t
Sooth br enmmlt of shade mnnntatn, Weal ht
tanda nl Hanry Vindarallce, eontalatn 441
ArRFftinor ne laaa.
. Alao Inat rerlaln n.eaSenlla and tract nf Im!
ailoale In lirerar tnwneblp. Hndr eotmtr. Pa.
Iionndcd Nnnh by Ahnee aUler and ,f, J, Mid.
dleewarlh, P.aat and Moiilh br lanrle o' A. J. Mid
dlrawanh and Wa-t l la-idaof Roihrn A Ik Iff,
contain Ins IIS AtJ It KH aoil I IV prrchee, airivt
mea-orn and known aa Ihn Hhlptoo pepriy, '
" Ai:Rr. nf which la elar fr.nln land.iibn
balance la well tlmbared wharenn la aivct.-d a
ennd ltdt'SK, IMRM and niher nnllinlbllnaa
and never falllne aprlmt of aa'er near the
hnnae, alao a rarieir nf choice troll tree. Thai
la alej a etu of loir f.iaail ore rnnnins lhm"h
Iba farm, If li a .d drift In the ore end mil
one miU and whan tn Roavertown alatlou 00 the
Snnbnry and l.wllnwn Roilmad..
Alan, all thai larlaln meeaiMSa au ltrwl nf nd
ilioaio In (Voire and Printllu tnwmhlpa, Wnr.
der coontr, p. I.iumd North by land uf Ja
i-olKlaad I) mlel Knone, I i-t liy latida of
Samuel Koaol an I A. I.m Walirr Jr., H oiih hj
lan la nf A lain Wtlierar., an t llaiiry lll krr.
biirseotnilnlns ef AtlltKS and saperehaa.etrlri
meaanre, aod k-iown aa tha M.lim .tor
ira.-n 41 AUH M "t wbl. h la niid..r cnttlval lw,
li balan.-e ta n.anees allti II in hmwIiis youoa
cheatnot llmln-r.
Alan, thai earlaln mraautiie and t.iwtaToss
Uoarry ailoale in l,ewla townalilp, I'nion Co.,
l'a. II oinda. mi tha N.irlli by land a of Uenric
" e r.m ny laamnet ruimtn, M'U'.h br liolia
f (n. Ilrtn.-lier and Wl l, John Hl.Ulemyer
rooialiiiim 14 i r.UOKCS
Male to c.iotori,. e at III Vt vk A . M. nf aald
day whau ler-wa oteiie will l..mvl n-in l
1 MAS. R.HWMih,K
.... M.sWfcMle.I..
Sep. t, I:. Tru.ieaa.
Beaver Springs, Pa.
II' Caj(0(tlt
i.l ll(M.MIHWirO
AVol at AVillw
Notionn, Fnrnisliin GooiIh, Hoots
& SuotH, litH iV Caps.
clionpor tlinn ovt r lirongltt to Sny
der County.
Dealer in
VI.ArfTKIl 4o.
All kin.le of (taints eichanerl for Csah
or spprorej ouumry proJuco,
Cull an l eXviiina my aloik sml lonrn
mv priors heforn purchasing elsewhere
net. 1, i .- 1 f . em.
'J'o A'oiiiiy; Mmi.
7tn( ruUinlnil, in ti
I'riiV iU cent).
X Lecture on the Sriinre Treatment
snrl lt:. Ileal cure nf Seminal lYenkm-, or
ypermatorrltna, liiduocd by Hclf. Abuse.
Inyoliinlsry I, missions, linpolciicy, Nor
eons Debility, and Impediuienie lo Mur-
riapn generally ; ( otiuoipiion, Kpilvpsy
sill Kile 1 Men til slid I'hy.ical Incop.ici
'j. n.u-
.to. Hy ItiiHSHT J Cl LvkKWH.L. M. IV
sulhor of Ibe "tjren Hook, ' 4c.
The ejnrld-ronowticd author, in Ibis nd
k.i.i.1. i..i,,.. .i.u.iu i.:
own experience llisl the awful oonseiiiicii
cea of Lelf-Abilae may be effectually re
moved without medicine, snd without dull
serous eiiririoal operation, bougies, instrii
nienla. viu(is or cordials: pointing out a
mode of cure al once certain and etTcoliial,
by which every sutl'urer, no matter wbm
hiacondUion tnov he, in ly oure himself
cheaply, privatoly and radioally.
tkrThis Lecture will prove s boon to
thousands and Ihoiltuuda.
Sent under seal, in a plain envelops, lo
any adreas, poet paid, nn receipt of siX
oents or two postage sinmpi.
4 Ann Hi., New York i 1'oit ortios Hot 4586
Jul; 13, 1;6. ly.
Philadelphia and Reading
Rail Road.
Arrangement of Passenger Trains-
HKl'T. lWth,
Traint leave Jlermton at fol
lowg (Stin'lay JixCfptfd.)
For Sbamokin, 10, IS 11.00 am and
8.40 pm'
For MU
i;rmei, Asbiand. Tsmanua,
Reading, sod 1'blladelpbia,
11.00 a m.
Trains for llrrmion, Itavt a folloxrt,
S'trtit'iyii Krfrptttl.)
Lear Shaisoklo, 8,00 s m 1.50 snd
8.43 pm. .
Leav I'liilsdelphi a m. Reading
11. :w m. 1
roitevllle. 11,10 p m. Tamsqu 1.25 r
ra Ashland J SB p m.
Ml. Caroiel J.IO p m.
IVfllll eVlt'aT 7fll
nt rVowi
For Ness York,
O.o& 8 10 s so.
and 2 00 7.65 p.m.
For Pbilttdelphia 0.2a. B.P3 8.10 9AS a, m.
2.00 snd 3.67 p m.
For New Tork b.'Jo a' nv
tor Hbiladeipbia 1.45 p m.
fmiM tat Itnrristmfq ledie as Miows i
basis IseW fork. H it a ib I III) and
5,8o ahtl 1M p M. .
Leav l'blisdeifhl, Si. 1,40 515
and 7.20 pm.
Sunday t v
LV Ww frtfll ft.Oti 0lt
I.eatS I'hllS'UlttblS 7.20 IS,
Vis Morrl Bsi H H.
.ttt lfls YtQOtSPM,
fk. i 'Tet yil 41 r
rnilR nmlerslyneil wilt sell his 1st, real'.
Ldonde ell Hale on Main Street, the Itir
nufh nf MiJ.llehorn, SnyJer Connly. l'a
Thja Is adeelrable properly as I was f ir.
merly known se ("he F.A0l. IIOTKti. The
Improvement comprise al.AI'.ilK POIJ-.
HI.B Ml A i R 11(11 SK, SUMMKll IIOISR.
I.AntlK SI1KD, 1CK IIOIMK, and other
niiibuilJines. An etcellent well of wsler
at the door, it la suitable for s private
Iwelllnn fir a Hotel, snd lucated near the
centre nf biiainee.
Terms easy and reasonable. For furth.
er partioutats call On or address
j. w onwio.
Wslsontown, North'd Co., l'a.
Ag. 3, l?7rt.
(;hrins;p Totir Atirroundltics.
til wantlnif t'lM'IT flllMS, eer
sdapted t the sMwth nt tha V I K, where it
la an r-t-itli-liol aiicnts nn. piva I. VHiir
PKIIKII' The land la al.-o a.l.ipie I 1" a,
arowih of re-f.e., Peire. j, : l- an t e nail
trolls 1 alio, ifrain, ilrsr. soil t fMl.oi
Many hun ol es -cll.-nt VI.VKY tiilis
IH I'lAKi .s sn.l K AKMS cn now l .e.n
I MK I.Oi. t'liiN li only 14 miles .ih nf
Phllo le phis, l.y ll.illroa.l, In a inlbi. t.-ltitiit Inl
clltuste. and at the i ry doors of the New York
aod Phil olelpliU Markets. Another Kallroad
runs dlrwi to is York.
TII K I't.Ai'K is already f arBa, Nncrernl
and PmsHroiis. I'lnnnhei, s.-hn..a ai. l ..n .
prlvllaaesaro nlrea ly at i.l.h.J .l.i man
ulactorles nl thom, t'lothina; flls-s. straw
il.aids end other t!iln, at whb'h ill-Went
raenitnra ol a tamlly csnprocnrn eoip'.iynient
It has beena III.U.l IIY U (:--( 1 U P 1, s in
years past tor people mTerln Iro.n polmonsry
anecltoiis, Astlinla, I'.ilsrrli, 4. via, and deloll.
ty i many tho-iut, N hsva entirely recovere I.
A new llrlt'k Hole) hss io-l. Ii-inn e-tinpleta'l
loo (e. front, with hick hull liiws, f ur .lorlai
hlKh, Ini'lii.tum I rcin-h ro d. and all m i tern loi
pr'iietneoK I r tl,e a l o'iiino.l iil oi ol yliiiors
PileeulKAHM I.AM)ai5lp.r Acre. pay.
al ia by Installments within tho period nr lour
years. In this clln i-c i.lsnle I not I . ,in.. .....
ecretiif land will count fully ai luurli aa luo
acree further north.
persona unaivpialnted with Trnlt it nwtrts.
can he-ouie lamiiur with It In a short time on
account of fiirn iin.llnits.
He Acrea Una Acre, and Town Lots In Ibe
towns uf l.andlirllle anl Vinoland, sin m
hlll vlsltlna- Ihe Centennial Kihlnltton,
Vineland ran I. a .l.ltsl at a.oall rtpou-e
A aier ronialnlnit lull Inlonn .Hon will be
sent upon appllcatl in to i'nut.ka K. I.aania,
Inelaiol, N. .1., tree ol ens'.
1 ha lollowlns Is sn rsiract from dcs-rlption
ol In. land, pnlilielied In tha New York t in
!'. by the well known Agriculturist, Solun
Kolilnioll :
All the farmers wnrenf tha 'well to i..'i mrt,
and soma of them, who have turns I thotr atlaii.
tb.n to trill's and market ar,.nlni.hava-riTn
rich. The soil is lostn. varylns Ir.on salt. ly to
clayey, and urince aently uii.lulatl'iB:, tutor,
aciad with suisll straams an l wot
meadows. In which ilepo-lts of post or inn. 'k are
stored, sitlh .lent tn ICr'lllin tha who's uplih.l
lurla. a aliurlt has bs-cn exhausted nl Its natur
al lertlllty.
It l ccriaitity one of Iho m.nt ei.enlre ler
tile ir i.'t-. In hi alicwt level p.i'iilon. un l
snltiit'te eon. niton lor i.lessntit liriuuir,
we know ol this si In of ton Wenern pralrlct,
Me found .inic ol 11, a ol lct f irms i.i.o ir-tn Is
.'ut as . rollt pro In. -live as whan nritolvar-
u oi toreai nny or a litln.ire.l veirsaito.
'I lie aeol.'if 1st woul I soon ,ll.o,var tha causa
of this conlliliiel fertility, I ho wh dn country
Is a -nAI In! .In'MllIt (nil all throne-i tliaa.tllara
f otn-l evl.l. ni'es ol caloreoii s:ioi in.'e., nonor
ally In tha f irtn of I nil i wa.ois :n irl ,
sliowlaicmnny tistln! of ao -..nt shotis,
oi the teriiury form itlon t an t this .aarly son.
tsiice t-Mtiera I tall Miroiuh the sml, In a fry
romiiiliiuted torm. and In the e. con liil oi
uiot essliy assimlbiin.l b y auuU plSnMastha
luruiar desires tu cu:tyaie Auti.a.'to.
.rl" 'trjX 'Villi
an!) Ksynnts KiisLUAiisM and Chit,
Tliii Stnndar.l Txlcrnsl ncme'!y for rmn.
tiont, S'lrca snd Injuries uf the Skin, nut only
IsilkJ srising fmin local impurities (if the
tilooil snd obstruction cf the pores, tut also
those rrixluced Ly the tun sml nind, audi u
Ian and freckles. It renders, Ihe CUTICLS
preferable to sny cosmetic.
rnttR IIatiis sre insured uy Tltr USE or
itfnn't Sulphur Simp, which in sddi
linn to its puriiyinn eflctts, rcmc dies and I'KI-
VENTS IU1EI M AIliM atld UutT.
It also M.SINFtrTS CLOTHINfl snd MMIS?
It dissolves Dandruff, prevents Laid
Bess, and retards grayneas of the hair.
I'hysitians ipeale of it in high terms,
brices-25 and 50 Cents Per Cake; pet
Box (3 Cakes), 60c. and $1. 20.
D. Tb o out eakra ar hipTt lh tii of hom tt
5 ceutsv
Black ar Bra era, 00 Ceala.
I. CWTTEJTOJ, Prop'r, 7 Mxlh It.,
Ofleri till professional servloea to the oltlieu. o
miumenurc anil vioinitv. Aug. tl'7
FOR K1UN & iHl.MKSTlt!
IVo ri.i:i MtiKket Ht.
lllllsidwlpltin, ln,
YO TICR is hfivby tfivoii Hint the
1.' under.tned p'lrehi.el the followliiE ar
ticles al con-t.ides' ale, aod lott the .sine In
ixisaasloti nf l.-aiul Walter durlns; his
lire All person, are e.iutlona. not to Inter,
fear nr meddle with Ibe ranin, vis; I I'li-lr,
teakettle, 2 Kuckats. I'loc. l'uH. S Plas. oil.
cloiti, Holler, and n't the aims day a.ive of my
property to his wile M.irlsh iValter, the loll ow.
lint artlnle. : (,'ooahiu Mors a nine. Bureau.
Che-t, Iron Kettl-. Wnt Oh-lt, l.ard ean.
Wash Machine, Ha Istead a lleddltig, lot ol
Applebutter, Meat Hiaud.
a, j. nuw tn.iux.
UentreTOp., Hept. , IS 4.
Lettors nl sdmlnlstratlnn nn the c.tnte nl
l evlNtuek lale of Prank. In lownshln. ueceasat
havlnit Hern ill anted to ibe undersiirn 'd. all nar.
snnaknoa lOK theinelvar luilcbtcd to said estate
ara renuesied to inakotutoirdlutaparmi.nt while navlns uiaina will praaeut them duly
autueuuiaiau lor-aiiiauivoi in
Sept. 14 'Tf. . AdmlLl.trattf.
Letter, of administration on ibe estate ol
l ater enl decease I, late of Ohapinan 'I wp ,
Kny.lor Onunty. pa., hsrlnn loan araeted
to Ilia unileralaoad, all porsoua knowlne tbeoi
aalye. Indobted to aald ealats are requested to
make luiuiedlate payment, while those havl tt
claim, will pras.ol tuetn doll aatlioMleated for
ellleiueoi in avaact i.aiiitnit,
Sept. 14, 1ST. Aduiiul.tratrls
pXbldUTOIt'S NOTICE.'-Lctters
X-t testamentary on the eatSte ol Philip
Oeiuherllnic dsoaased. late of Pana'e towoakip,
Knvdar Cuuntr Pern'a . havlaa been a-raul-
ed to Ibe ander.lsneil, all paisnn. knowing
llt.m.elvss lada'ljle.l 10 .aid aslste ar reuaesl-
ad to make lmuiellat paimest. while thi
aarmic eianu. win present lueui niy aaiaeaii.
eatedl. laltlaaaanl to
Wtt ST. HIBftlsINO,
r sr.
Saddler and Harness
Ccn'.fDville, Snyder County, Penna.
Ksapi en hand, snd malcaa to order alt kinds
or Harness, Saddles, Unities, Whips, Oolara
As , an. All Wars suarantaad for one year
Mf. tsnlrUy sska hot a trial lo prose that he
endorstsnda kia baslnesa.'Ti.'
1tatn adcpls.l the rentlo or the "Itmeik
Siri-rs. a," tl.a suhscrlher would cell the at
enllon of the pultlie t the laut that he has
adopted the
and heeearlee, wll e!l nn,1a entlrelyfnrCA fH
l- I'lUPIM (IK.Ia.ICK la. nils l,st It ll the tiua
yteirt o dolni tiuslne..
tie . ontinoes to keep on hand a very fall and
w.ll iels.ts.l ttock sir
Ditr nooii.
on. c Lot it ?,
t 'I I.M.
.vc. ac, ,tr,
which hn nTa-s i tsa roiMi at very eteatiy re
With thanks tn mr old enstmnars fir (belr
liner! pitrotiiim rr many years of tha pa-l, I
' wool. ...ll.-H duiir eiiat on lor He tr.tnre hnp.
. In, thny will be benentted ly the clianKe, .
I Your huinbla servant,
i W. '. I.i 'K I1ERT.
ftelln.rnse, Sept. sj.'tj.
Justice of tho Feaco,
Foft Til'evl.U,Sni,f,:r Count;, l'.t
All business partittr.lnit to the orflce nf fust loo
of Ihe Peace will riela prninpl uttnntb.n. -I
'ends. Articles wrltleo ho. I''init s.
ten. In I to. Jn v ! 'Ti.if
nt SALF.M. 1'. (, Sny.lor Co. Ph.
HAINES & SNYDER Proprietcrs
Tin fttiOTt listrlnir fn,., Intn io rmrt
nfruMp r ,r tho -rp i i. irryln nn in'ir.
tn'lvclv nn-l to Mtfor M'ts-itPlitKO ttio tt'iniiion
uf niitnulrctiir1ti(( w vonurnl afirtrntint n
Doors, Shutters, Sash
111 .irs is.
nooit ami wixnow ni.Mi:s
Ml Sort of
wlh to pay to 'Ai")'0ntert tin 1 aUuihori who
Or Repair & Rcmodle,
OLD 0N-3S,
that we bnvotl.e f:iellltles tind are prepared ot
furnish nt lair p Ice., li I A li V Al A DP, i.rnt
short nol lee, cheaper than cjii l.eioudeltv hsnd
the most Important p'irtsol hnlbllnus. Wealso
Hand Jluit, -Vt I'mts mill Jl ilns
ten, llra'-i'if,
Is'looriiijr, Sitllny.
Nlll'lll(l I ton ll4.
nnd tlo a gi'bcrul Lubiiiets ol tl
kiuJs of
I fl.Mn.bci' for
We sre practical And esperlenctj Arcbltoct
, antl Drauahtstiien, and our putrons will have
' the beuelllul our auusrle.Us uud skill.
Our work will J'rui-e sniifaHorti.
, July, 30'78.
Snook & Kackcnburg,
Jitavtr Sprinta, J'enmt.
t'euluis in
Stoves &c
A1.t rni'TlSCt ilttno nt slinrt. notice,
on rrsauimblc ttrtit ninl sulisfiicturj'
JViT Ifttvlnaj furn'ril nursclvrs Ir.trt n
t'oiidrini'rfliip, we iiro ircnieil to fur
nicti nil kinds ff Ilnriwui, Tiiivviue,
Stoves, Ac. nt the very lowest rules.
BrTUAIl in tirrtl of Tinwnre or Fnont-
lie fir itnvtliiiiH i lee in our line of Im-
siufas, mil not regret it Ly cXntiicniiiR
our ifnmis nnd terttif litilbieDurt'liiisiiig
Atic. 10. 70.
The llest, the Chaauest, and 'ha .Moat V
ropuiar. lou nunnot anoru lu oa
It I. mammoth ts pane Illustrated neper fUre
nr M a seas' wiki.II, nilto who ihe cooieaet
resfllna- for nld and vc una-, serial aud hhort
Mtnrle., Hketebe.. rnerns, T'satul Knowledire,
W It and llninor, "Answer, to Cnrrei.pond.nie,'
utiles, (lamas, "Popular Sonus." ate. etc., .nterteinlnir, amoslns aod Init ucily...
I'he larval, handeomast, best, and cheapest
iisner nl lis eless piibllshiMt. oslv l rsa t aXa
with choice ot thr. e jprenitntn. th beatilllul
saw ebromo, "Ve. nr ls l" .Ire IMie;
any one or the ee anraten nuyei. ny i nan.-i
I'lekan.. or an eleuant b t rl niatlonery Pa
par without premium, only 7 eta. per yaar. Or
we will ssa.l It Poor Month, on trial for only 14
Cants. sSa.Npeelmea eopy sani on reeelpl nl
stamp. Agents wantasl- Address p. M. Llip.
TON k (JO., I eelishsr., I Park Mow Nan
inra. iro. is, as.
Eitray Sheep.
riAME to tha nreroiAcs of tha nn
Vdereb7ited la Fraokllu township, na Mature
il-v,l. T. I-T'i, A Lar.a VVhti ttrk, wills
terrnAH pakti.v orp. ib uwM
ra-taaatad to eoma forward, Drove wroiwty. ear
ehargaa, aud takekjotawey or he will u dlspeat
of wt tew. , . BASlVCIe BXSTtES.
! ercerdtliM hs law,
t,vu, 5t. t
Kaiar? PnMIc, Sorjcysr, teumm
M Eslats Insurance Aeeit
rdi Dneds and Vlnrtvaaes nreoirwd and ai
kinds of eonvayannln etti-nded a ireojwtlif
with nastnes. and aceurraev
Mpaeial attention given to hoytnf afl selling
Real .tats iimee In I'raeoiont, Mnjilarl'n
l'a., P.O. Addreaa, Mt. rieasaat Wills, soyde
Oo., Peoa'a. Aa. t. .
Strf lis. (n r P. Rorrai.a h (.'o., mew Tori
lor Pamphlet of mi pawn., coolalnln list, ef
.sj nawiptp.r., aa J estimate, ihowin, en. tor
advertlslti. Star. .'f-ly.
Jhiurhy tt &' A(lt'rti.ietn$it$
AMi'V CAKIiH II styl-s with Mama tnois
smnu wioit.1. 4, iiverso,
N. V.
fASMS with frett and Imprnvenient. at yoae
f ASMS own fiaurna. I'ataloaon, with map
fASM and J.holngraphle Ulllstratlon., t-il
FARMS In all atmut Maryland and Uelawer
t ASM sent tree.
P AH Nl S .1. P. V NOIIA, Smyrt, Dal., ee
Ka.too, 51.1.
"eankhupt sale
II.' Mlllon Hold Jewelre.
Ws will imd yon nn r aiptof Vlflr o-nls, one
nalr elekint anKrava I latnava Ujttous, nns sat
Spiral, one t:.ii1ar Untt in. nns baaetliul
oral S srf f l, o,.a lli.l.' Wsl'.h tlliale, and
or I raw Ws I Una lilt.. Alaiva lot used 1
rrtsll f .r eft lm p.,r bits will ht set.t, noat paid
ll reerlLi nf .1 Vi. tawalty elraulse free. AX
Jress, w. w. II l:l.t. J C J . Pulls. Pa
ftrlt'rn by ll. lather. A complete aa'
Cdiint of this tnnst Myslerlnns Ab.lucllou
and Fxcitins; Mcirolt. With faa SimlU
l.e'leri sn I lililslrsiinna. Outsell all
other Dork. Cue ar, nt loikj inrdsrl
in one day. Terms liberal. Address.
.Ion, t'., l'otisit A Cu., Puhliaberi,
Ientennial history
It in ir.iii-ril'in itn. iitr (., k. On Aatnl
mM 4; r In i. oil til. Send for Istriui
t-At?(M.U. A ' !r.-h Nf(in! Publlttaitif
I'iuU.l, lj ,U, pN.
OA 1 1 1 X1.JT 0 1 i( rAN.S
llnvti Lci'ii rnitiiiiaoiiHly ns-niiftieil tha
Of Kiicli inntrnincntri, at tho
V. H. CKNTKXN'IAL, 137t1.
n ! nr tlf rv.t nrg rlntif irl thtt tank.
Itflr pui r! Tlly I.i tliu ilWrtjl, tint In on)
"f . r"ir n .tt lv, ("it In ttt Im- ortit.
iVmlir I- tin nrt.n .Mo l1 in I IMiil ium
liftv nl-. i nert mvitrdc'l Mt'it, l-nt in Inlt f
r-i l h 1 W w nMp.rt.f I nil r I -li-i .t-e-iiJ
Mtliv ni rr-r. mjlMi sin ti,F,t m.njf ninkvrt
t'K fitlsiTtliu 'Mfpt Iiiriistli" or "i.liLsit
ttii irilhi p-sirik l,ttti!inr,v, tin tra -i.
trrnilnt"! ly tm ,1 ii .' K.i' 'rli alon-, In
which i ho l soV v II A M Ll oltOANS r
i liHiiiiiiMii-lv B-aiutiO't " I hn Hrl tnk In tti
.' r,'i ifl '( fi.-li ttintr Jioeiil-, ii-l
" tht uTity ?nvi aittfst'tl th' rati ta St
1 .1 n1 1 ' lit-'i-irt, '1 til r iul ;i(i net iinPT(evri
ft), I r tliK4.' iitniiit hava I' uoly tistQi)
hti(h't iit ir li hi "itt'U cHni''.in, tl.crtt b
I lim liti tltiiM on At.tjttl irto huti.lrt)'!) nt i-.nn.
imrlsi' im, I (,-y wirp ? ir.r. -irsi ine ('), t.nt
lilubiMt hun rn ut I'url Vletinn iat rtrt.
tt iht') 17 l'liil.ittfl.ttU iH'd; hovlnii tlini lven
I RwuMtvl huhc-l h-Mitr ut Kvrry Worl'l! Kt
I t'tt'li Ifii nt i i.i ! lity hnv.s .-oiiiptB' I, anil li.
, l". t' o only Atiitsrie m 'trittin ntiiii etor ol
tuliif l :inv mttir.l In C unpt,
I fr. W - I Ms, wi ll Mi".rmnti irhHt
if! t 1 1 r 4 oi, ! hui t f'1' now riim in
st'nt vu (' ty. I'r.t rt-ry l'.w'-t r(tnaijt4nl
I l'h 1 't tn.itri tl uii J W'irH 'run ti . iti'Kwhi
"ll i r ijIi nr I ii ri pi it ni' tr,r ruuttxl un: It
r- m iii. I . v r triirrint.''i tn . mn.
lliw utixtn',ti -n l- hvo jr iirrttinr
tt,- moitoy rum r no i- 11 Utirntn I t 'tt,i.Mutt
-ft If.-..
M S'V M (1t,V 0-U4 Tf(.
rinnt stiiht. It mtcn ; I'hlon S Ihtm, JJtf
York. ; $ ut. I 91 .Um N rrvuT, Clil'-auu.
P'sUl.lfs s tt,nrit CtiauinUp npfvri rt Puwri -f
sff tt ltias ,i; t ati't fisrajr atv S ak I .' i , Lflif r . s.
fclan- fa. Li: I'.fj fnn' t'-te .-r ,, ,. i,si,h . tss sn yrtfns
LAHllH. ' -afMALL. Visit.. rs It.-ilprtaml tls JrnAp.
It. ,,, i.rse rj':ji t', n,1 wl.wi, In t- t im tl l.lf Rht''IOs,
t al, t J oe .. a ,,t f.K . .lp . tw (, frts ti 4 i!)
CO. BLMCHLtY, Htnr, ice Corr.n-.ti. St.,Fhllv
The ol. le-t and tier! ao oinlod mitllutlon tar
obt'ilnlttd a litis. ness lJuciitlon.
1 or circulars a. I. Ires..
P. tlT'FF A son.
I'ltttburKh, Pa.
Welh' Carbolic Tablets
pr r er (inly in Hi.rE HuxKS.
T It I I'. It A N 1) S i; It V. 'I K M ti 0 T
For sale by Urn. lets lisnerully, and
JiMINsioaj llul.t.ii V A Y a CO.. Pulle.
M X AIKM:K-S .New . Jut t ubli-UJ,
Wiil o .in. il miy htk tu Hi" h.M. Ttiu, I.iiuU.
tHt litniirui) h'l t'.M, i rortiHily -tl'tiitrtt-xtt
villi intiwt latixhnbltt pi.'turoai by ANTHi'H M.
I kOftr, v til bin ly riiist or tin Umuty anl
llllllt'M, VlOl lie 1" h. k IHtt'ltwlH"! IHttaSte-SHtflst
stiii'li ciirHl ntni' ftr tint w-ktiU of tlir orrii
t i mr i. AK-nU wlio wis.h to iutk Hi' VAfe.4
Maiit' in ffmry l-tfiii. T-uiibltast iurmsu4 clr.
rnliir tit,oti rru it iu t
.1. M- h sOuuaBi C.i, 7. il i!li-timt St., FblU.
(1 H F. T II V N M II r PT S A I, K O V .1 K w r. lA t:
tlo r.-t-olpt i t w cents w.. will seoe hv tusll.
I'natpsld, all of tlo folloatna plticee of jewnlrf,
vi. : I pair fid I Plitod I nuruvml Klecva Huu
ions, mis a. i ll ld Krotil S itrt sin la, I Collar
Stud, I Wed.ltuif It H!,l Kill Plata WsI.H
I 'lis lu and I ( Iftr 's It ao (J irsi S -srf Pin. v. a
if. r tins uitKAT birifam tni raly ij diaw alien.
ll. n to our bo, I tie-, as st bavo a 1 klmla of
nut. 'lira and Jewelry al low pricea. Scu.l fo,-
t.OLki s a CO..T.I& llroadwar, IV Tork f'ltj,
suprrerdre all other. In prise aud durability".
Si'iit loaoy a J Irwaa for f A biuiuasa aa.tsiaul
watitei lu thla and adjacout eouuliua. (Jtrcu
.ara Iraa.
O. l. II A WMUM A CO., Ml Aroh St., Phils;
"sJ W will aiart you in a bu.
1 1 J eibeae you can malte f.'io
MONEY w,,""u 'p''t
mVimXtiM. (Sa nj resprrtabl for
f..r oil Iter X. A '.I EST 8 bt'l'I'LY CO.,
ifil llowery, New York.
AflPNTQ tnsestlKsIa Iba aierlla of the t
XXVJAsAs iU, lilustraoU tVeeklv,
I' IUiioium umu tour work for this lall aud wla
tor. Tiiaroiuliliialloa for Tula saa-Min autpaasaa
aiovliliia' bvreTofora aTTeuiT-.d. Te-tua aaaw
f-. eon Sppucailon. Addrsa, CHAS. (JLU
CAS Oa. tl Warreu UT. N, Y.
' RcsJy for Agent. Tha
Centennial Exposition1
A grjiliio pon-iiittuio of its Lisforf
(rrami InuiJinp, wondviful eshtliiu
ciiriositic,i;iHit d;iy, cto. froftuJy
ilUiKtriiteii.e-ilioroiiluily iif-fiiilur siut
very clittti,' 1 sell in.tuens! v.
5,t0 AtteiiU WsnUnl. Seiitt for full par.'
tkulurs. This will U liie rlutncs ot 100'
your lo coin moiiy fdst. tloi tha only "
rrlinhlo history, IIi BiiauoUsIOsV, rVJi!
t.i nHiisom m.( I'hilHiI. ...
CAUTIOX.-Be not (tresivt'd.r.T trit.
mstura liooks. sssutnini! to kaHuffleiaU".
land iellinj; whl erlll knrrcti in Am,,