The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, November 09, 1876, Image 1

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    Atlvert.Hinqr Hilton
One column one year, IdO.rVl
One-half, column, ono ytvtr, 3.(K)
One-fourth column, one) ycnr, lo.!!
One squaro (to line)l insertion 73
Evpry additional insertion, CO
rrofesmoinfl and Business cm I of
not more limn 5 line, per your,
Auditor, Executor, AdmiuiittriUor
and Aiffligrioo Notice",
Editorial notice per lino.
All aiverticmcnis ror a snorter pe
riod than ono your srn pavnhlo at the
timo they ore ordered, am) if not pnid
tho person ordering tliom will bo held
reponMlilo for tlio monev.
1 t ! y
Falling Leaves.
They are filling. a'owly filling,
Thick upon the forest aide.
Revered from Ihe noble brand ,
H'here Ihey wated in b millio n pride.
Ther are filling In Ilia Tellers,
Where the early violet spring.
An.l the birds, In eunuy sprin d.nj,
Firet their dulcet mmia
They r filling, aa.lly f ill'n t
Close hesHe onr eotl-ia; J rr t
Fale and faded, lika t lie Iut'.I tni,
That have gone forever mora.
They ra falling mi l I ha aiinhdimi
Shiue in beamy eoft aroun I j
Vet faded leases lira f illing,
Falling on lh gr.usy in j 1 1 1,
They are fulling on tbo etreiinlel,
Where Ihe ailvary tsulere ll .,
And upon ite pUoiJ bosom
I'nmrJ with the water gr
They are f illing in the churchy ar I,
Whore our kin. lord aveetly sleep j
Where Ihe idle winds, of summer
Softly o'er loo loved ones eep.
They are frtlHnjr, ever fallin ,
When the Auiuinn breves si ( 'i,
When the Kara in beauty listo i
llright upon the tnlilniiftit sky.
They aro f illing when the tempest
Montis lika ocein's hollow r eie,
U'uen Ihe tuneless winls tn I billon
Sadly sigh for tver.aore.
Tiier are fulling, they nro filling.
It'uile our aaddenei Ib-mghia stilt g
To the sunny dayt of cliil IIioj I,
In tba dreamy long ago.
And their f.vled bites romin I in
Of tba blighted h ipjs an I ,lo i n i,
FaJed liko tbe filling tctl!o:s
Cast tipou tba Icy a; reins
IU i
Causes of tho dull Tim 3 3.
Tbo N. Y. "Times" has theso re
marks to mak on tho dull times now
fifl'octing tho country :
Tho laboring men nro out of work
boeauso tho employers cannot hoo
tho way cloar tj tnako money by
keeping tbeiu employed. Tho rea
son why money e.inuot bo tna do is
thatt'uero has boen t jo much prod lo
tion and uot enough consumption.
This stuto of nlV.iirs i-t giadu.tlly
righting itself i but at present there
is still more cotton clotn, tuoro iron.
more coal, inoro
wolleii cloth, and
ruoro clothing thau poopl.) wi.-,h to
buy. If there is too much on hand
it must bo because to j tnuoli bus
boon produce 1 during tho last fow
jears. Why has thid bejn donu f
Simply becausa there has been too
iiiucli paper money. When aipim
tity of paper money was put out
sluriug tho war, prion rosj. Tho
dollars increased fa.-t-U' than things
xvero mado to sell, and prices a i
vanced accordingly. Men in every
branch of tra lo uuJ mauufacttues
puslied production as fast nil. 1 had,
us they could to catch t'u bigh
juices. Iu this wny moro was mad..-1
tlian was used. Products of all kinds
bogaii to be heaped up. Seeing this
tho uieichantu an I Manufacturers .
forcod sales ni fast iu possible).
AVhen they could not get money. !
they trusted and took notes or book
nccouut, Every ono thus ran in
debt. Things went on swiiuininglv j
eo long ns uo ono was asked to pay
tip. lint ono morning, in 187;!, J.
Cook, who bad been borrowing
tuouey to build a comparatively use
less railway, found that his creditors
wanted their interest, lloeould uot
pay it, and suspondo 1. Then sud
denly every ono nsked every one
else to pay i Very many could not
do it. ilusiuoss was greatly cri
J)led, and it is crippled yet. Wo
did in ton years moruthan wo nhould
have done iu fifteen. We could not
linvo done more than wo ought it wo
liad to pay in gold, or paper conver
tible into gold ns wo went along.
Now, haviug pretty well URod up
our surplus stock, wo aro ready to
Login over again. Prices aro low.
and business is begming to 'pick up '
But men hesitate bocUuso they do
not know what tho currency is to bo
If they know it was to bo solid, real,
valuable, and stable, they would go
ahead. Libor would bo again in de
mand, and good times would return.
But if tho curroucy is to bo of paper;
if prices aro to change, as they miut
with each other in uncertain success
eion, then business men will hold oft'
still longer and labor will bo still
longer unemployed. Theso wo oon
ceive to bo the exact alternatives.
aTDid you never feel tho effect
of a hearty good morning ? It
sends a thrill of good cheer all
through ono. It is like a ray of sun
light piercing tho darkness, if we
nro feeling low spirited, to Lave a
a cheery good morning given yon.
How much brighter it makes tbo day
Boom. How pleasant to hear this
beautiful groetiug iu families 1 'Qood
morning father, good morning moth
er" from older childreu. "Good
morning papa, good morning mam
mo," from the lisping littlo ones, is
like a well spring of gladness. Who
can fool sombre after a shower of
wishes Dear mothers let us toaoh
Npur littlo ones to say good morning
t i as and to eauh other. It brings
with it so much kindness of feeling ;
it starts us all right for tho day i we
can pick up oar burdens and toil on
with a smile on our lips and a swoot
song in onr months.
Thomas D. Steen, a coal nior
chant of Pittsburgh, in attempting
to pull a child from under a traiu of
cars, recoutly, iu that city, foil upou
tba track and bad both of lis legs
VOL. 14.
How a Hypo'a Puticnt was Cured.
An almost miraculous care is ro
poroit from Sheldon street, tlio pa
tient being tho wife of a wel-todo
citizen. Sho linn for rears hoen
ailing, or thinking nho wuh ailing,
anil recently took to her ilathboil,
and kept her huband unhappy by
lamenting that sho wai going t ) tlio
Yeolerilay her husbiind nent out and
got a buxom j'oung wid jw, who in
tier particular Rbhorrcnco. ti come
and look over tho houso. Tho dying
worn in heard him open door, nud
cvplaining Ihingit, and lay ricked
with indignation and em'i.iiity.
rrcHently tho buxom young widow
di-p.uted, and tlio huslcmd returned
to tlio sick room. No Booner had he
entered than sho neeonted biin t
"Peter Whitehead llollingwottli,
what hao you been doing ("
"Nothing, my love, nothing.
Don't ctciU youraeU. P calm.
Only as you wuro complaining that
you couldn't gntup and neo aftir
I things, nn l that the h urni was going
to rack an I nun, I liiougnt I d aik
Mic, l)aher in to let mo know wluit
eonld bo doiin to Ravo jou troiiblu
and relivo vonr ntitid of anxiidv.''
" , you iinl, Mid murmureii witii
a deep inspiration.
.. 1 I 1 1... .11
les, Hiiowcn iter nu over
I Willi !
I "And tho
d, i..,. "
nous not inano ana
everything liko a pig hty !
'Never mind, my love. I told
'her that sho must excuse it, ns you
were sick, boeauso you were a very
! good honso keeper, and slu said you
must bo."
"Oil, sho did.
"Yes, and sho said that if sho had
her way she'd have a now set of par
lor, furniture, in and lens vulgar wall
paper, but that sonio pooplo have no . HIM,ted, saving ho would submit to
tasto anyway, and by tho way , ttn vtltin if his child wero but res
Maria, yoit and Mrs. Dasher nro j tored.
pretty much of a size, ain't you f" 'r tho -riif and astonishment of
Then ho fell into a Ir.ineo that I the clan. Maeloiu boro this insult.
lasted Homo minutes,
teiing, "Well, p.-rliaps
I if not they can bo mado
then unit-
thoy'll lit. i
over, ' ilo
i parted.
When that husband wont homo
list night ho was surprised to nee
his dvin.r wife llll mill dressed, nlld
i hjSMing things with a metallic ling in
her voico and a glitter in b
cr evii
sikm ns ho ha lot s "on for years,
and when ha innocently remarked.
' Why, .Maria, I had hardly expected
tone) you up again, ho said. "1
know it. yon ball headed old repro
bate, but 1 11 livot) bury you yut,
and if t'.iat paiuto I Je.obel conies
j itit tlii-t homo iigiiu l il t virliei-
into cotton waste and juto strings.
't&iln;foii (uKi'tti:
First Steam ir to Cross tho Atlantic.
An intoi'fKtin g fact to km v at tho
prcBotit epoch in our history is that
tho first s'.cit'iicr to erem tl.o Allan,
tiu was an American ship. From n
letter wriitna to t'u Lei Ion 77,iis
in 1S.11 hy Mr. John S. 0:iiiiiiii.'h:iii),
now Pay Ihrcc'or of the United
Slates Navy, wo ix'nu't tho foll.i.v
ing items of interest in connection
with tho fact. Me. Cunningham'
letter was c t la 1 forih by a claim
m i lo by I ho Tviii'.i in a previous is--no
that tho Siriiis, a IJrilish steam
ship, was the llrst to cross. Ifj nny,i ;
On referritu' to t ho 7V's of Jane
21, 111'.), you will Iinl the folliwimj
paragraph, credited to M ii'.VM)K s
CoM.MKiiciar, Kki'obt fr that week :
"Amatig lln onivnls vsterday .it
this po't we wero pnrlieulurly grali
lli.'d an I ilstonili -d by tho uuvtd
sight id a tine steamship, which came
around tit 1 p. it. without tho a-isi.
tancool'u sin-li th'ot, ia a stylo
which displayed tho power and ad
vantage of iho application of hteam
ta vessels ol tho largest size, being
three hundred and fifty Ions burden
Sim is called tho ".Savannah, Ciptain
Rogers, tuid sailed from Savannah
(tteurgia. United States) tho 2!)th of
May, and arrivol ia tho channel ilvo
days hluoe. During hor pasiigoaho
worked th engines el'liteen day.
Her mod d is boautifil, and tbe oc-'
comnindailon for passengers elegant
aud complete. She is tha first "hip
on mis construction lias ureler
taken a voyage across the Atlantic."
The Times, of Juoe 30, lfiPJ.says:
"Tho Savannah steam vessel roecntly
artivod tit Livorpool from America
the lir.-t vessel of tho kind that ever
crusHed tho Atlantic was thmo. a
whole day off the const of Ireland by
tho Kite revenue ciuisor, on the Cork
Statiou, which mistook her for a ship
ou fire "
Ll yd' List reports the arrival of
the Savannah at Liverpool, on the
'JOtb of June, 1319, bound to St. Pe
tersburg, ant in Giro's Anna's cl
Liverpool you will find tho Ameri
can steamer's arrival recorded uuioug
'remarkablo evonts.'
Tho steamship Savaunah was an
Ainorican ship, built, owned and
navigated by Americans. Francis
Picket, of New York, built hor for
Pnuiel lodd, and tho onginos were
built by Stephen Vail, of Morris
towu, Now Jersy, Sho was coin
maudod by Captain Moses Hogors
and navigated by Stephen ltogers,
of New London, Connecticut.
. . A clergyman of East Holton, Que
bec, recently soiled a brido as secur
ity for the non-payment of the fio
by the impecunious bridegroom, and
the busbund had to give security for
tho $ 1.2.5 ere Lo ooul J obtuiu bin
A Dread Revenge.
Many long years ago. tho ehicf of
tho district, Maclean of Lochbury.
in tho Island of Mull, had a great
hunting excursion. To graco the
festivity his lady attended, with his
only child, nil infant, then in nurse's
arms. Tho deer, driven by tho
hounds, and Iwinmed in by sur
rounding roeka, How I t a narrow
pass, tlu only ontlut they could
llnd. Hero the ohinf had plaeod one
of his men to guard tho doer from
passing i but tlio animals rushed
with such impctnonily that Ihs poor
fort ster could not ' wilbstand them.
En tho rago of tho iiioni Mit, Maclean
threatuued tho mati with insiaul
death t but his punishment was
commuted t : whipping or scour
ging in the face of tlm td in. wliieli in
thosu times was consid.iro I a dogra
ding puuishuient, lit only for the
lowest of miim.iU nud tlu worst of
I crimes.
Tho clansman burned willt nugoribi I nnnagjinenl theVxperiaient had
and liereo leveugo. Ho rushiid for- l.e:i tried too lalo In t'lti day, n
ward, pluek'vl t!tn tender infant, tho 1 iho mm wis gin down, they were
heir of Loehbny, from tlio hands of 1 rciieivcl to tlm kitciu'n, to the
tho mi i ko and bounding to tlio in lignai ion of tlio code, ii w'ioiii
rocks, in a moment htuo I upn an 'they revenged their HnlTer'ns n
.' :to . .o:i !....,!... ........ II... .....I. j ,1... ............. j f il. . 1...
I III) H' reil'll ll Hl'i ll.i'Hiil
led mother and chief at
.'. . ...
tlio aw ful
.., runiy in wldoh their
e narilv in wliMll tooir t'iul.l w as
I id, iced, iniiv eiisily bo coneeivod.
Muele m iinploreil tlm man to give
, , ,. , . . , .. 111. null, llll -1 I'.'JO.'i I ,i l.i li:i-r
contrition f or tlio degradation be
had in a moment of excitement in -
tlieted oil his clansman. Tho other
replied that tho only condition on
which hu would consent to tho res
titution was, that Mieleau hims .'lf
should bare his back to tho cord,
and bo publiely scourged as ho bad
been In ilosirur, tlio duel con
ifui.l when it was com)l.;to l, begged
' that the clausm an miht rid urn from
his perilous situation with the young
chief. Tba man regarded linn with
a sniilo of demoniac rcveiij.
lifting high the child in air plung-
el with hi it) tlio nliyss heiieat.i
Tho sea closed over Ihotii. and ii' i -
!.r, it is said, ever emerged from
! tll'i tempestu out ' 1
hasaitic caverns tnat ya.vnci nrouu i
them, mi I still threaten t!i mexpe
diced navigator
on tho shores f
Tha Old Fai"U3r's Greil Lea l.
In cases of sullen emergen it
is sometimes within tho province of
man t eonjuro up al,u jst sup.nhii-
man degree of Mtrvngtii.
An old Illinois farmer was brag-
Ijiii'ff to bis young ineii-hel'i, the
jollier d iy, no nit ins won lertnl pro
j served jumping powers. Said ho :
I "I'ovs, In) oil I'll udtuil, but 1
can jump yet."
The boys didn't seein incline I to
li, 'live, that he could do much iu that
line, considering bis age, which
doubting rather worked up his feel
ings an I caused him to sty :
"Coiii now, you young bloods
which of you has got a dollar to bet
I can't jump over that 'nro three
foot hay rako yonder jump clean
over ?''
'! have,' said ono of tho c impany.
'Put or up, sai I tho old m tu
'Hero sho goes' answered
youth 'she's up,'
Then tho old gentleman mpiaro 1
himself b ihiu. I tho hay rak) toeiru
that dollar. Ilo straightened out
tlm liluUs ill His legs no sioope i a
littlo ho swung bis nrins he gave
a grato grunt and u start, and set- j
. aa t I i
tied lucic witliout tno nnai cuorr. ;
Put ho soon gathered up his courage
oneo moro. iiostoopo i again uo
swung his arms likollails ho grunt
ed a mighty grunt, and giving a
mighty spring tipped bis too on
tho upper bar and got over all but
bis feet.
Pivo beartloss youths stood grin
, t ... .
ning to soo their aged employer get
cntuuglcd in tho frame woik, and
'paw around on bis bauds and knees
over tho rako teeth i but bo soon
got to bis foet aud lookod at them
witli a strange expression as ho said i
"Wal. boys mebbo I can't do it
now i but I cleared it 'tothor day.'
'Where oh, where t' demanded
all of them iu concert.
'(bit iu tho Cold, boys,' oartiostly
replied tho old man 'out iu tho
field when I raked into a bumble
bee's nest 1'
Then tbe boys wero amusod. They
lay down on tho ground. They roll
ed over. They pawod up tho turf.
Thoy crowded grass into their
mouths. Tuey gasped for breath,
and wept.
Hut tho venorablo victim sto id by
nnmovod. lie only looked into tho
distance, and solemnly placed bis
hand in tho vicinity of bis bip
pockot, liko ono musing a sad rocol
lectiou. Advick Foa tub Youno. Avoid
all boasting and exaggerations, back
biting, abuse and evil speaking,
slang phrases and oatlms in conver
sation t depreciate no man's quali
ties, aud accept hospitalities of tbe
humblest kind in a hearty and ap
preciative manner I avoid giving of
fence, and if you do offend, huvo the
manliness to apologize i Infuso as
much elcganco as possiblo iuto your
thoughts as well as your actions,
and as you avoM vulgarities, you
will increase the enjoyment of life
nud grow ia the i'osot of oltiara.
Sagacity of Bees.
Th following llludtratlon of tlio
power possFfliod by inecis to com
inunieito their experience to one
nil il ln-r is (iven by a lndy coirc)n
dont. ot'iho London Swt'Hor t ' I
wuk s'ajlng nl the bou-u of a grille
man who was fond of Hying experi
mo nl, Uii who was a heti keeper.
Having read in anuw honk on beer
that Ilia btot and most luiiuiiuo way
f taking tuiney w'nhont destroying
tlio tees was t ) hii'iiorso the hive for
i lew minute in a lull of cold water,
when Ihi bees, beinj bull' diownoJ,
eotill not rting. while tho limey wa
uninjiirod, Rinco Ih'! water could not
pono'.rato llu closely waxed t'eIN, he
rH'ilved on trying tho plan. I saw
1 lie cxcrini )iii lii-' I, tho bee. nc
ri'i'.biig to t'no ri'eipe, wero lllinl on'
of tho witter alter tin) liivo had been
immersed a lew minutes, and uiih
lhoi! rennitrng in the hive l.ii I o-i n
ievo in Hie sun lo iirv. Itjt ns iv
... .
..... i... I. il.. m. ....... i ...... i
l'iu nuiuii i ill y nrm in.iuu, icvivviji
j them. As slio ini'toir on their I
mg iiiKCn nwnv. uiey wero p it naes
! in ilieir old hive, which h i I been
I 'JncH, lug.Ulier with
portion ol'll.eir,
,'i. .. I i ... i ,. f . i. .,,
nu.nj, nini ,.l .4 wi, i.iv, fti'iiv, "I
' the npiary, in which were live or six
jotlier strong hives foil of beos, and
hit for the night. K irly next nnril.
I ing my It iend wool to look nt the
liivo on wliieli ho hn I experimented
the iii'lit holore, but to Lis naiizc.
11 eut, not i) iih" lint bees from I hut
hive wero uono, but tlio other hives i
ero also deserted nut n beo reinnin
e l in nv of them. Tlio hull df iwn.,
ed bees must, tlirrefure, in muni) way !
or other, have male the ether bees
undeotiinl tho lalo which awaited
msris SL W.I
That tt.xt: Dooii. Tho I'havnlier
Soriir,l ,J0 Kampis was a vt-rv rich
t.mii Vi rv l-roiid man. Soon after
tlio conipletio'i t.f his magnili.etit
all his great, neighbors were
:i,ivi, ton grand feast. At the
'...mcliisi m id tho sumpluous reinst
i, jjnrsls m i le h!o cell lift r siv . eh,
;,, xv l.j.-U tli I it w n laud.. 1 to the
i,. ,l t , mt. ho was th 1,1 ...t
fortunate man alive. As t!i. eln va
lier loved llattery. wo can iniagino
how pr.c.i I and delighted he was.
One among tho guesls, bow.-ver
said nothing for utimo In n each
man had mado his hpeeeli, ho utter
ed tho following singular observa
, (ion
tho happiness of th
I host !
,'; r knight," ho said, "iu order
i that voiir fcliei'.v should be complete
you li'.piire, but one tiling
is a vei v imp n t, itit item.
I ' And" what thing is it f
but that
ed tho knight, opening wido his
I ' "(lno of your doors must bo wall
ed up." replied the glleht.
i At this Htrango rejoinder several
infth.) guests hcu'un to laugh, nud'
. (b rard himself looked as much as to '
nay, "Tho man has gono mad ''
Wishing, however, to hitvo tho clue
to tho enigma, ho continued, "15ut
w hich door d'i you mean T" bo de
mand.). 1.
"I mean that through which von
tbojuill ono day bo cnried
trrave, repiioii tno oiner.
Thwo words htrnck both guests
an.l host, nud mado tho latter idled
most, seriously. Tho proud m m vc
I . ... . . m .
mcmlierct tlio vanity of all things
t,ly, and from "thenceforward
ho hj" longor thought only of the
porHlmbln Iroastues lio nu lonco
irjoriod in. Ilo was completely
altered, and only undo
riches for goo I works.
use of his
Ho-4' to Ct'iia a J vi MBrir.
Your memory is bad, perhaps ;
but I can tell you two secrets that
can euro tho worst memory. Duo
is to read a subject iu which yon aro
strongly interested. Tlio other is,
to not only real but think. When
you have read a paragraph or a page
and not only recall limiu vaguely in
your mind, but put thcin int i words
and speak them out. Faithfully fol
low theso two rules nn l you have
tho golden keys of kno.vlodgo. Ho
sides inattentive reading, thero aro
othor things injurious t i tho mem
ory. Ono is the habit of skimming
ovor newspapers, items of news,
smart remarks, bits of information,
political reflections, fashion notes,
all iu confused jumble, uover to bo
thought of again, thus diligontly
cultivating a habit of careless rea
ding, bard to break. Another is tho
reading of trashy novels. Nothing
is so fatal to reading with profit as
tho habit of running through story
after story, and forgetting than, as
soon as read. 1 know a gray haired
woman, a life-long lover of books,
who sadly declares that her mind
has deen ruined by such roading.
A help to moiuory is repetition.
Nothing is so certain to keep your
Fronch fresh and roady for use, as
to have on hand an interesting story
in that language, to take up ton
minutes every day. In that caso.
you will not forget "your French"
with tho majority of your school
mates. Olirei Thotnf
A trilo picture of dispair A pig
reaching through a holo iu the feuco
to get a cabbage bond that lies a few
inches beyond his roach.
KisiNii tiir Wor,t,i. Kxperience
continually contradicts tho notions
that a poor man cannot rise. If wo
look over tho lit of rich mnn wo find
that nearly nil of them began life
worth littlo or nothing. To any
person fauiiliar with tho millionaires
of tho I'nited StateM, a score of e:c
amplus will oeonr. On tlio other
hand, tho sons of rich m-in, w!i )
began life with tho capital which no
very m iiiy poor, young men eagerly
covet, frequently dio beggars. It
would probably not be going loo far
to say, that a largo majority of such
moneyed individuals cither fail out
right or gradually cat up tho capital
witli which they comiiu'tice.l their
And tho reason is plain. P.rongM
up in cvponsivo habits, they spend
entirely too much. K l i,1 ate t with
high notions of personal inp ortanee
they will not. as they phrase it,
stoop to hard work. Is it iistouis!i
ing. tlier. fire, that they nro passed
i:i tho race of life by other with less
eipitiil oi igiu.illy, but moru eiitu gy,
t'ltil'ts and in bistiy ? l'or tliese
virtues, after nil nro worth more
than money. 'I hey inal.e money, in
fact. N av, after it, is made, thev cn-
I ill, ii tin, l,i wurw.l,'C 1 .1
k- i ii it, which
liiio-it rich men t bo more
..... .... ..
. . ,
.. l.luuVult than tlio
liia'.itng. I ho
yoiiiig man who begins bl'o with a
".' ,,u"" l" m-v " P 1 m
I .. . : 1 .!... I l t
ins iiieoino in mil e, even n inini i x
tiaor.liuary ability, gradually to ac
ipiiro n sulli ietiey, especitdly in
habits of economy, which tho reso
lution renders necessary, will make
that a compctciico for him which
would bo ipiite iiisiitlieieiit for an ox
travagent person. It is really what
we save, muro tlu,) what wo make,
which leads us to f U'tune. o who
i nlai'ijcH his cNpensrs as fast as bis
earnings iiierea-e, must nhv.iys bo
poor, no niller what his abilities.
And content may bo had on compa
ratively littlo. It is not in luxurious
living that men litnl real happiness.
To Learn a Harso s Age.
7Vii' J'liini ti of tin' f'li'nt tells
li w to know tho n;rn "fa horse as
follows : Tho colt, is bom with
t.velvo .grinders ; when four front
t '"til II av. i ma I i tho iipperanee the
colt is t.vcK'o days nil, and wlu-u
tho next four como forth, il. is four
we..;s el l. When tho corner teeth
tmwM' til0 roll is eight months old i
, Wi..t tho latt.-r havo attained to the
height ,f the front teeth it is a vcar
i ,,,! Tho two vear-old colt has" the
' , ..i iti nl Hiilist iei'o in the ini.l I...
of the tooth's crown) ground out iu
all the front teeth. Iu tlio third
year Iho mi. Idle front teeth aro being
shifted, and when three years old
', theso are substituted by tho horse
leei n. llieil.'Ab loill leioii ill e Mill b
el ill 111.) I'.flll. At hit VcalS tho
fli'-nril h w trri nut in tho l-r.vor
,llo front toelh aul bribe teeth
, lino in...ii o.:. i i'j L.i.i. I'l.i fti".Hii.
At Koven years a hook bis been
ft. rmed iu tho corner teeth of the
upper jaw, Iho kernal of tho teeth
, next at. tho mi 1 11.) is worn out, and
tho bri.llo t-et!l be;
i ,.j.,i,f years, tho
i;i to wear oil.
kern il is worn
out of the lower teetli
un. I begins to !
decrease in tho iniddlo upper front.
In tho ninth year year, tho kernal
. i ii . i . 1 1 ,i
lias w iioiiv uisa ppeineii iront me up-1
.,.. i.ii.l.ll., fc, .nt. l!i, ... II. , Hi., I.,.,,!.
., V , . .
on vuo corner lias luerennea in siz
to,i t!io ln-i.Uo tooth Ioosj their
points. In tho tenth voir, tlio kcr-
mil is worn out of tho teeth next to'
tho mi. Idle front of tho upper jaw, i
and i i tho eleventh year tho kernal
has entirely vanished from tho cor- i
ner teeth of tho Huino jaw. At
twelve years old, tho crown of all :
tho front tooth in tho lower jaw have i
become triaiig.ilar, and tho bridle I
teeth are much worn down. As tho 1
horso ii.lvaiiees in age, tlio gums
shi ink away from tho teeth, which
consequently, receive a long narrow
appearance, and their kern.als huvo
become inetumoi phosod in tho dark
ish point, gray hairs iticreas ) in tlio
foruhead aud over th') eyes, and tho
chin assumes tho form of an angle.
OnB CllUTKITli TllAMP. A few
days ago, says tho Cambria ,'rai,
our venerable friend, Mr. PauielJ,
Jones, who resides about a milo north
of this place, received by mail two
passes to tho Centennial, nnd a note
stating that the writer would bo hap
py to have biiu and wife coma down
to Philadelphia, that ho desired to
soo them and would bo at tho station
thero with his own carriage to re
ceive them. Of course, this was
quiet a stirpriso to Mr. J., who was
an entire stranger to tho writer of
tlu note, but on roading further ho
found that tho generous stranger
was uo other then a person who,
somo twonty yoars ago waa travel
ing through this part of tho country,
and ouo evening camo to bis farm
house, asking hospitality for the
night, stating that be bad uo monoy.
Mr. and Mrs, J , who woro noted for
their generosity, took tho stranger
in and cared for him kindly, never
draamiug that in years after ho
would kindly invito them to share
his hospitality in tbo city of Phila
delphia, where he now resides and
enjoys wealth and aftluonco.
A minister having walked through
a village churchyard, aud observed
tho indiscriminate praises bestowod
upon tbodoad, wrote on tha post the
following line t "Hero be tho dead,
and hoio (ha living lie ''
'.), 18'IG. NO. 27.
Tho Testimony of tlio Whclo World.
Holloway's Ointment.
II lit Lit;; lift lW.itfn, S.rc ftfi'f IT-rr.
All drsi;riiiinn f sores nrc rcini.liiililc
hy ihe proper an I ililigcnl ii.-e- of ihij In
miiiinliln prepunilinn. To allpinpl In eiire
loll legs l.y plnler!ng Ihn e.lges ef I lie
ivoiin l logei her i n folly i for slmtiUihe
skin miiii', n boggy ilis ac,l eoieliiion re
fti ti in iindcriiaili to break on I Willi ten
Toll fury in a few ilnvs. Tho only rnilonnl
sn I ncees-fnl iroaimcnl, lis Iii.lie.ile l by
inn urn, is lo reliio the IniLini'iiion in
iiikI nbcnl tlm woon I nil I lo soothe Ihe
neighboring prt by rubhing In ,leniy
ofilip (liiilineiit as suit isforrvl Into mewl.
I bis will einse the tiniligimiil liuiiiors to he
li iine l oil troni tho li r I, swollen, ntnl ilis.
colore I ( ni ts roun I iibont the weun I, sore,
or uleer, nn I when the-e liumrrs fire reTtios
e, I. lie woilll Nlheoi-elves will Soon heil;
nni m lire 1 1 nn I w iter p t'tiri'S applio l
nverilie iiil'.-ctel oitU, utter the lliiiuncni
his been well ruble I in, will s i !i null
s-.tteii I lie - line tin I grciit.y nHit die
cine. There is i .Iomm ii tioii iT nloer. sore
and swelling, uhielin I Imf he ni'iie'l
1 here, in leu Iinl upon the fillioi if yuieli
I nn for hieli this I'liitnienl is urgently
recoiiii'n n le i it sovereign reinclv. In
curing such oi,oi mi ires it never f.i:W
1 1. 1 rotore the vleiu to n heslihe slme if
. , - -. v.i .... 5 w 1..riu-
i . . . ... ' . ,
Anv nf the hltove il
1-enscs tnsy be eiircl
by well nil, I ing i b Oiiiimcnt Hoc,, times
n .l iv in'" the ehet, ihrcnl, mi I neck of
ihe pnti.nt ; it will soon rncirme, nnl
give iitinie li ne relief. Me,;cine tnken be
the tuoiiih uinvl I'pernlo upon the whole
j sieiu ere its ititliieuce cm he fell in nnv
local pu t, where is iho ' liuttnent Will .'o
!its Mnik nt leic... Whoever tries tho nn.
gei in in the nb .ve m iuii. r for the ilicties
n lined or any simil ar ili-or li ra nllcciing:
the vhe-t nn I Ihrosi, will tin, I them-.. Wcs I
relieve I ns by a ch irui. .Ml Mitlerersi
from Ihese iocs slioul I envelope the
I hr o il tit bcliluie in a I nge bre il nn l
water poultice, after Ihe ointment has
been well nil, be, I in It will greatly slt
Ihe cure of tl.e nn I eliel. To nl
, lay the lever nn l le.eti ihe iiil'. iininalion,
J eight or ten 1'ills sh.oi! Il.p Inken nighl
: mi l iiini'iiiiig. The llmiment will pro luce
I crpirniioii, tl.o grim I escnliiil In nil
ci-es of lev.r, e .ro Ihronl', ur where
I I here might be nn i.) pri 'i.ti if ihe chest,
eilliir fr.ou nllinia or oilier causes.
l'ii' i l'ii'ilt.i S'r',-liifi i.
' 'I he ni,. ., ,! ... ,, , ,iu 1 1 nit, will 1. rTio.
el lv itiirVlv t,.'ii..n'tiu I'm ,irM wltliwinn,
w ,-r. s. I t'o'ti i,v in . e'le -to il!v r.eo.liu In
li.e i lint' oi ill. T'T'oi" j.rl.Mhi tt,,i,i the.s'
.lir.'lul e .in i I itnia -.1 mi 1 1 n,i ,.,.. n, .unm in ;
aire llmi H eir ,r .r."... Il vi,i, ,,i iiii Iit. 1
i'i, "t l!i . i It l ma e n HI " l.'i, t noTcly to soi'-re
, tl.e uliiti.i.'tit .01 t'oi e.t.,, t. ! , ir'.. ',nt It iiiii-i ;
In. -fell nil. Ilo l"r n .'ui. I lenii.lo time, two
r tl-.reo ti n s n ,.iv. I'oii it may i.e taken Into
the --toiti, lieu,'., it otil ri'"M,vi. iinv lit, I, lea ,
S-ire or w,.t!li-t -li ultij.'tn.illv A l!.,.lt',:ll,,ll.lo ,
fo I here iiu .in I, re.. I mot r .,i,.(ll- I
ees, Ihe r.l'.llnii In ,.t ll.u I llntnienl. Willi
!o jlCHl .frvl,'.. i'lil.. Is tlio only xuro t' ,'
ntei.i tor I.", nil.., e t.... ..I .'.incr in tlio , on- j
, a.'li, or ntiero iliure ip.iy t'O a Loarlngj
' .1 "W it. I
i .'.(-, ..i,.s ..' J'.ef'i on, I'l l r.t. I
I llloleltes. h ,. I. , ssreiniiK, n.m, will, corl tl.ily
l,n rnilleiiiiy enre.l It t lie, i lint. ii nt l. ...... I iruo '
ly the t ill, I iL.ol liluht mi l ui'.rnlnit. as I
ree niuiei.'le l In the ,rlnl I Iti-trtl .,.ns. I
l V lo. i Invite, I In .ny oilier way ttiey oulv Urv
uo in , ..'.. t . ..tit tu un. titer ; wtinrr
r.":''. I!;;11""'.1', "'j! 'l'"h"'"-;r iron
; " ' ' 'i 'V x. it im rniuiM tti,ow,tn
All h .il.'.li Clc iili".
lli.'ir or. in tint ti 1 1 j I . v,
li"iit.... nl. .M my ,,! lh
,i.'i will ,111 in n
' .tllt.'r w l.'lv In
t Ho v ..II r, ,j i:, I .,1
woiM . , ,.r 'i' ti
n,iriliv.,y i.h. ,rt
s t ',1 llu,,. .1 It. -i thu
rol')..' I ililo ti... i
.,ii,.i'i... ii'.. I. ii,, r,.l:.-1.
.Ii.-ilie fill. ii..,iM 1,"
l Mm
nl Is
:. el .1.
In nil
r io,
t..K' ii s. r llt
I .li
to the
II . IIS II .''.llll
liu i S' li h,
lit' Ointtthnl nii.l 7.'i d.mitl In
iiml ia l!i. I'lilm, to. i'ii.. 1 ;
I'l 1. '!.".,
.1 lir.-aals,
.I ,iii.
loriur Msr.ailn,
l.'Olll'.l .
, H ii",
ill ( U .S.'Ilet
I I'll.--.
I Uh'-oni.itlsi",
S -sl,,
S r,' eli'i'l.-,
S r. '-'0"-te,
Skin Pi... anus
ca at: 1
Sitli.t 111,'
r ...t.l,,
I'l, I, k' .i,..,l,
I 'ho, '.I ll.ui. Is
fori s IS,.!,,) s.,re II .,,
M'.tn e,
s.,r,' II
I ,.t..-, r-,
r-i.tia.-tea eu.l Still
CI. i h. .missis.
1 'III. T ',
I'l. "r'.
W,'UU Is,
I Yis...
ril Tlux N" .nn ur i g. nul'io ic.Ieis tin.
siei.a'iiio "1 .1. 1 1 -it .lock, a- .sj.'i.i ,.r in- I'iiIo I
!l...., ,'4'' Il I. of I'l I Is .111,1 1 1. Ill ill, Oil.
A I. It. .1... no. rmvuiU Mill l, o,(.J i,, ,,y ,,,.
l.-liilero. .u,-li liil ,r.u ilo oi us i.i iy !.. I to t ,.,
.1, l- .-li.. i. . f ..ny .ii'y or ,s,ti,,s .'..iiiiii'rft'lil.w
the in. ,11, on, 'S or vili'lluil I lis! Jluo knowing tliom
to l ii 1 1,, us.
Sol. I nt Mo. Uriiinf i.'t ore of rr-.f.'ssof
w N.'.v, ml l.v u 1 1 r-n l.i.le
Hi oc:i-t, i,.. i.nirsi'i .11 ..,ii.. s i In-..i."io .1
iIim. imIi,' I Mori. I, In ,ot..r 3 c., 0. cent,.,
ttll'l tl t-itcli.
1'hi.r.. Is c -n-i I. ral le i.aviug bjr tilling the
lll..'l' Mlf-'S.
S. II Unctions fr thn,i tuiicn of pattelits
III every .lis ..nler sro sllho I lo i, li ii. I.
June, mh J'J ly
wr f -."l
W. vt,
S?s.S '.! JHAtL. ?
For much less limn has heen heretofore pal I
l-r them In Oils ,l.i,'e, Mr, lluiiiiiittoii Is
.r,ictl'sl workman, sn.l Is ire..ire,t f.iruisli
rul- l INS, I) ASK Ill's, ,'., hi slinost o O'linlt
ths price they lia va hi-rotolora cost here, lie
ulso mauiilaotaros
of all Uosarli.tlont, an, I at uroatly ruliiesul
uric t.
All ..r.ler.i promptly att. n'lal to, (at his ro-l
ileuce In l rsukllill un I atlfuelluu In all Oases
April i i,
Mi!iD 8EBm7" RYi;ili)XoSW, YASoliiATIS,
Soul t'lisriiilnif. Me on.rlsni. an.l .Marnseo
dill le. .howlnn how oliher set may laminate
ami nam tue ana aueciion oi any person
ttiey choose Instantly. I'rlee by in ill, i com.
Ileiiieinlnr, Oils Is not a mere elrnnlar, tul a
iKHik oMoo pages. A.l.lress, HUM' kl'U.,l9t
South TIU at , I'lillailelplila, l a.
TOTICK is hereby given that tbo
Jws followlnn articles hsvo been loir.'ltas ,,1 l,y
iliu uinirrsiaueU, si Iho.sisi.lo's s,., unit i. it In
Ilia p,s.sessloil ol joMpu ,ou tloi'lntf Ills pluss
urv. All persons are i'eillloue. not to inu.l.
,le or liiierf.os Willi thrt ssioe, vis I 6 Chslrs, I
isiuk, ll.lsii.l liuu. lcluk. a Tal.les, 31
f-,s. carpel, I'oUt'.. e In ths tfi.iuua, 1 trunk, a
, t of tinware, Jo li.ial ohl.', I uioat alauJ
1 tub a. lluliher, I Douyn Tray.
J)Mf Springs, Sept. li,.UiJ,
PnblWiml vcry Tliura lity Rven(nd b
Terms of Subscription,
two doll aim rF.rt axxum. ry
sldo'vlthln ail months, or $J.50ifiio
paid within th.i yoar. No paper di
ciitititnied until nil itrrrnrngM aro
paid unless nt tho option of tbo pub
HuhacrlpttorMmilsido of tho county
f-3HVrns liftinn and usbttf paper
ddresed '.n othTs liecomnsnbacriW
and nro liable for the nrleo of the paper
HoaAra At.LaitA,
at Tons k ra at la ir.
HolltlHJorfglVO I!!.'
Ml professional business An, I eollaollng
enlrnsta I lo tlmlr rare will Via promptly
itteiipilio. Can be rnnsiiltml In F.ogliia
or Oerman. Oltiee, Mnrke'. Square.
ry jTbxiitiT.
JL ATTiirtKr.v AT r.AW.
oirt still P nfssslonal Sarvlces tn lha pab'l
ijonsulttlons la r.nslls'. an.l '.larmao.
llMi'lt vVt I ttrtiny,
Mid llobttrg, Snyder Cotiaty Ponn'A
Mice n f" doors West of the Court
lloii-r on M it street, Consultnllnn in
I'.iiglisli an I Herman litngiiitges. 8ep.'l7,
W.M. VAN tiKl'U,
Lewiahurg Pa.,
llTers hi pr,.feslon it service to le pub
lie. Cillvciions and nil eiher I'l ol'csion
nl btisins entriKie 1 to his care wlllrt
ceive prompt attention.
I "v. CUiVx M I i.liTu.
Middlebiirg, Pa.,
i) Ters Vis professional services lo the puh
lie. 'oll-'-lioiis and all other professionnl
loi-in.'x enlrit"ie I lo his enro will receive
prompt ailention, fjnn 3, 'UTif
Attorney & Councellor
A T-lA ir,
0:Vic. N. TI. Cor Market k Wafer Hfa
I'rcclHii'ir. I'rmi'it,
( .insiili itiou in both F.uglish and Herman
Languages. Peo. IU, '7-lf.
i m. n7 a7h. l)Tbij.
l t sii.,'(...,,ri to .f. F. .t. M. l.lnn,)
.M IiiUNKt.s AT LAW, l.ewisl.uig, Vn.
Hirer their professional service to th
public. Collection nnl all oilier pro
fessional business entrusted lo their enra
will receiveproinpliiltenlion.jf Jim. 8, '07lf
J. K. ZKLLl'.lt.
' .i 7Tf)7.v;
f. -nfiYi'lti; St; cr CoKty, I'onwt.
All .-i-ln,.s etitru-tel to Ins esra will b
well sn I I ,e l.tiill v iilten l. l lo. Will i.ra.-lles
at the ever il c out- o Sny ter sn I a,1oiiiId
in tie-, ('.in Ii c insiillo l In Hi" tt'iKllsh "f
'li'iuiiiu bingoiiKrt. not. So, 'T.ltf
riiiAUi.K.-s nowr.K.
V ArroUNEY AT b.w,
Selinsgrove Pa.,
IllTers his professionnl services lo the pub
1 id. Colleclioits nu t nil oilier profession
business eiilrusicl Iu Ilis cure will rc
o -ivc prompt iiltenii in. Office twodoora
n .rlh of Ihe Keysl uio Hotel, f Jim 5, 'Cf
AtttH'iii'.V ill I-atlW,
MiPDi.Kitfna, p.t.
Professionnl business enlrnsted to his onr
wi'.? lo) promptly attended lo, Feb H,'?l
Vti oi'noy-iit -I jiiv,
1, 'wisliurg, I'nion Co., Pit.
v;7-0iin be consultcl iu the loig'.ihh and
'Iprmnn laiiguagch.-frsS
OKl'll'K Market Street, opposlle WnlH
Sniitli A On" .Store
Holinsnrovo Pa ,
Hit.. rs his tirofessiotial services In Ilia
pulilio. All 1,'irnl business entruslO'1 lo hi
earc will reeeivo rrouipl attention. Oflics
ono loor abovo Iho Now Lutheran Church.
July, AlU 'TJ.
S!-;i,IS,S'lROVi:, SNVDIIlt corSTY, r
l.'l.l.l'i, 'C7lf
A cT.Sl.MPS()N
Nurthutr.berland, Pa.
(Tort Ida rirofessloniil siriee lo Iho pub
io. All business entrusted to bit ijnre
will be promptly nttomk'd In.
fJnn. IT, 'llTlf
J- rKTiius,
Jii3tic3 of tho Peaca,
Ni iltllcburg, SnyJor county. Pc.m'a
e.nvevsti.-l..f .lone, aii't (tollei'lt'irs ms.le,
FverilhinK to hla care, will rfiva
prompt sli.oitlon. .Tunit II, ',4.
( cnlroa illr, Mil) tier Co., I'd.
lifers hia professional aorvioea In lha
rtrsiciAX axd svnaEox,
Olfera Ills rrofclonnl aersleei lo Ihe eliU
tens of Aduiiibtiurg nnd vioiuity. flrpl, 73
Miildleburg Pa.
riRor Ms professional services to the olt
iiena of Middlujur aud vicinity.
March 2107
j 7. MONmsdJici
al'iistictMrf llic IVacc
Atlamnlurit Unithr Co., I'a.
. be In Ins ollioe at lha above mention
ed i.lnce, on MONDAY and 8ATUU0AY
ol each week, when all klnda of bueiuuse
relai inn lo his ollioe, will be sllendeil lg
June 'Hi 'Tilt
3u!insgrove renn,'
Justice of tho Peace,
Jleavtrtown, Suydrr Co., I'a.
All kluda of oollectiona made en libera
eruia. rroiuply alleu la Id all buaiaats
unatad to Lit care, Juna '.u, 'Jt