The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, October 26, 1876, Image 3

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    middleburg, Oct. 26, 1876,
All comrminipatiotia, hueinr lot
tsrs to., fur this nfllop, to Monro
prompt attention ahnuld l arMrf'fcl
m follow: Tiik I'ust. Ml'lilldlnirj.
Soydnr Ottinty, Pa, ArlvflrtismrioiH,
eotn'nrttilejuioti Ac. mint lm handcid
in ly Monday noon, to securs Inser
tion In noxt isti)
cYoit I'neajf r rotat. Tha Ourta nf
Harder Count ar nil on in mnrtn Monde
or f'ebruarr. May. end Sptrnlr, anil oond
Monday of Dcemler.
Tliii in tli month when ccln.rv hed
nra expected to yield their delicious
An Jnqnlnitive clinp Inquire what
the totvrmlnp road supervisor uo oo
ides drawing their salaries.
Tlie farmer art storing away In Ihoir
cellar vat quantities of apple Imtli
in liquid and solid forma for the lung
winter evening enjoyment.
Alnianno for 1S77 have put In' an
appearance, which serves to remind us
that the. Centennial lear i rapiilly
riiwuing nway.
The poUito crop in thin county !
said to ho nearly a failure. Kcport
from oome of the adjoining countie
tire of like purport.
The Fairaat flolinaernve) and Middle
burg an fur as the exhibition were con
cerned wereaticceaae. lint the attcmU
nnce was a failure which must he nt-
tributed to a variety of came, hut by
no menus from want of elTort upon
the part of the mnnngem. Hard time
and the centcnniul, had weather, and
no-iiinticyMn-hank Candidate einti
t u ted tho primary cauio of tliu sliin
attendancc, Itt stated that A singular dienp,
rcvail among the entile in Lebanon
county. Within a few week n nuni
ber havegonc blind, some of them in
one eye. but Inost of them in both
eye. One farmer ha twelve bend,
some entirely blind, and other par
tially ao. One. calf, at threo day old,
never out of tho studio, lout it' sight.
On sonio fiirni two, three mid four are
victims to the (lieao. The nervo of
tho eyes seem to dye from within, end
Hie cyo licconies wtiito.
ToTrftftM Cider .Sulphate of lime
is now generally used to prevent con
tinued (crmcntiUiou in cider. The di
rection are follow !
"When tho cidar has fermented to
nit the taste, add one-nunrter ounce
if Sulplmto of Li mo to each gallon, or
Ten ounce to each barrel tirl mixing
it witii cider or water to the consis
tency of cream. Shake the barrel well
und allow it to Bettlo four or fivo days,
xlrnwoirtho clear cider carefully into
another barrel, and bung it tiuhtlv.
"Tho quality of tho cider I further
Improved by a second drnwing oil, at
the end of ten (lavs or two week.
"The strength or bodv of the cider
Jnay bo increased by adding ten or
fifteen pound of nnuar, dissolved in a
portion of tho cider, to each barrel, an
u i run ii'uiu mo prey.
Why ;r!SK t Pn.t.. There i n
Veneral complaint nil over the eoniitrv
Regarding dull trade. Many wonder
"why tin ih so. It' they will give the
matter a thought they will mm; that
lunch of the lullne 'of trade i due
tho Centennial Kxhihition. There is
lint n village in the country that ban
liot furnished it quoto of "visitor to
IheciLy. Knelt ol those visitor must
lake from ten to one hundred dolUis
to pay for too expenses of tho trip, no
cording to tho distance they have to
travel. The amount thus ex eielud i
Taken away from the neh'hburiiood in
ivhicli they live, and a large portion of
ii is aavcu dv economizing m me Home
rxponses. Wo know of instances
"where every economy hn been prae
tii'Gil tho whole vear ami will emu intio
to bo practiced for month to couio in
consequence ot too expense ol a trip
to the Centennial. 'J his, of course le-
Hen tho volume of trade just that a
itioiint. and when wo consider the
thousands who are thus reducing their
tlaily purchases, is it any wonder that
country merchants complain that
their sale tire so huht 1 Tho in lrond
und the hotel keepers In the city have
nccn gainer iy mo cxiiuiuion tail to
tho country at large it has been a very
Jioavy loss and one which wiill bo felt
for a long time to come. AV,
Mnsf.iti CumTV to CntumrJf. A
patron, wrinng to the Lancaster l,t
)rr under recent date, makes a series
or stricture that may lie read with
profit by our school authorities and
tenchors, He says t Your pntron do'
Biron to point out a proposition for
your consideration, which i simply
this H'hy not let the children at
school have the use of a book in solv
ing mental arithmetic nucstion ?
This may be looked upon us a trilling
tnnttcr, but it is, in reality, one of the
great questions of tho day. Jeutal
Arithmetic, a now taught,' is n lent till
h train upon tho mind, without any suf
ficient compensatory result. Tho mero
proposition of taking children, a they
ure, with greater niul less power ol
memory, and requiring them to study
ono or two page of mental arithmetic
to the extent of memorising tho whole
of it, ana repenting word for word any
question the teacher may rend oil
awaken a degree of sympathy for tho
noor children comnnred with which oil
ideas of cruelty to animals sink into
iimignilleance. It is simply demand
ing and commanding what is in the
very nature ot things utterly imposm
bio for averngo children to do. And
ituppose some may be able to do it,
does the result or gain compensate for
the time and lnhor expended therein?
Using the book in the class would
reliovo the child from moro than one
half of the mental strain, and procure
the tame result. The question is,
Why not lot them have the book f
Your correspondent did not intend to
discus or argue anything, and was
only led a little in that direction by
the temptation presenting them
selves. The same remarks and inquiries
would apply to geography, perhaps
with not quiet so innch force, lint
the practice of requiring children to
memorize a uoacripiive geography les
son is also a species of.bnrbiirisni. If hy
not uounu a suite or country, or (luiine
a river or mountain, on the map f
'There is nothing in such a stock of
memory that remains ton year aftor
school Is left, and when tho recollection
U cone all is gone ; it leaves no princi
pals behind. One half of the school
days of our children aro devoted to
those two things, for which labor there
Is nothing to compensate thorn in any
ay. contend that both mental
arithmetic and geography can bo taught
mm equal success by using the book and
thereby relieving botit teacher and
child of one-hall' of their troubles and
disappointments. Let the friends of
Jjuniuiuiy und education amo,
On Monday lat about SO Centennial
excursionists left this ancient village in
the morning train which was run at
the instance and request nf the excur
sionists who no doubt had a refreshing
journey to tho Junction. Our defini
tion of excursion i, Jiftunion with
all that IKnt Implies.
It t Actcm. You can realire the
fact by looking out on the surrounding
hills, .whore tho foliage of the giant
tree and the modest, but beautiful
ferns that grow so luxurinutly'on the
ground beneath them, is all turning to
yellow, brown, rtiMct and golden ; you
know it is so boennso tho outlook Is so
bnrv in the morning, and so suggestive
of the ennui which tired limbs or over
tasked brain at other seasons court ;
you are sure that such is the case, for
the reason that tho twittering song of
mo tiitio bird is no longer heard, and
tho freshening atmosphere does not re
juvenate, but rather depresses you. This
is the sentiment of autumn, and the
proso is somewhat dili'orcnt. Wo are
all painrully nwaro thai jut now we
arc standing on tho threshold of along
hard, and very bitter winter ; that the
transition slate between sunshine anil
shallow i with us. and that nature i in
her final throes. It is autumn. Typi
cal, tho moralist say, of the de'eny
which titustcoino to throne, dynasties,
dominations and people : an evidence.
tho practical i-scrt, that every roso has
it thorn ' litis world, and that a we
njoyed tho pleasure of the beautiful
flower, tho melodious simring nf the
feathered songster, the deep green nf
umbrageous lohnge that was so pleasant
to the eye, and the bright sunshine Hint
was so glorious to all tho senses, we
must now sutler with the pain that is
ever tho attendant of earthly enjoy
It seem but yesterday that a summer
sea ot glory was above us, and happi
ness reigned supremo, while to-day wo
look out upon black clouds, and fuel
the depression that the time of vear en
gender. We look forward to the mor
row, when a mantiil of tho purest
whito will cover the earth from our
view, and the current of the streams
will How beneath a congealed surface
when tho pitying eye of tho generous
win be turned to the pitiiiil eves ot the
poor, and when the death of nature
will be so very apparent, and so very
real. Over llio recently joyous form
ol summer we draw the pall which
come in (lie wnko of autumn, and tho
glory and gladness we lav awnv tonn
eternal rest. Tbero is no turning back
ward to court the beauty and loveli
ness of the pint, for tho rose has with
ered, and the leaf come dropping si
lently to the erouinl. Ho cannot ro
juvenate tho season that died and is
buried, no more than wo can avert the
days which seem to nionru over Us
departure. This is autumn, and this i
also decay. Kvery thing that wo giwc
upon, every sound that wo listen to.
proclaim nothing but death, death.
Kverytbiiig seem to sav yo were and
aro not yon have lived in conscious
strength, and you aro now dying in
helpless weakness. So let it be .
iM -
tjiisineBs Lootils.
BbTlbilloway'i rills. The Blood ! ibe
ry trsense of bllh and lifo, Il furil
iahc the cnniponeni of Hch. hone, itiu
cle, nerrn and iuiegiinient. The sloni'it'li
is the nptirnlii Iho nrlcric th dislrilii
tors nn.i Hie Intcst iocs I he channel by
which ihe waale mailer I caniej oif.
I'pno the sioinach ami bowels, tbes ino t
icitie work aimullnncuusly. '.'! cents per
boX orpol. Out. "0, 7,dw
CAUTION. Notice ia Lercbv civtn
hy the uiutcrsined that ho has Icli the
fwllowiiiK article alius farm 111 prank
lin tnwiisliip : Truck W'ukoii, Lot of
Hay and l'otiitoes. All person are cau
tioiieil not to interfere or meiltlle with
the Dinue. J No. W. KiiVnt.
Oct. I'J, i87.
r?i.Weis & Oppenhcinier, Relins.
v'rove, have ji.iit opcuetl their stock of
Vail anil II 'inter Clothing. It ciiiiin is
e all tho latest style for Men it liny,
ami will bo sold at itstonibhingly low
ligurcs. Give them a call.
BV'N- Cioo l Overcoat a low a f I ot)
at ll'cis it Opieiiheiinur', Sclinsgrovo.
(ay Iloiintiful tislute sfTonl no finer
SpLtfli) for skin dincnsr than Sulphur, a
fact that is oli'in ly pro mi by the autioa
upon the cuticle aflliuted witb eruptions or
ulccrou vorr, of Hist supreme purifler,
Oletio's Sulphur Boap. DapntCriltoutou's
No. 7 HiXib Ave.. N. V. Hilt's Hair
& Whisker Dye, blaok orbrowu, 60 01s.
Out. Utb. 4w.
Just receivrJ a fresh and full
line of Mens' uinl Jioy1 huts of the la
test, style at Wels A Oppenhcinier,
-; Underclothing In abundances at
Weis & Oppenheiniors, Holinsgrove.
nsJX-J'Ui I. Haudrxiuuuh, Tailor,
respectfully inforni the nooploof Mid
illcliurf; and vicinity that ho is prepared
to do all kinds of work in hi line neat
ly, cheaply, accordiii)? to tho latest
stylo and Warranted to fit. Cutting
done at short notice. Ilusiness place,
corner opposite tho U. U. Church,
Main Street. Kept. 28,7).tf.
tVJrC. N. SMrnt, from Newport,
Terry county. I'n. will furnish Bnyiler
county merchants, with the best com
Hton candy, French Hunting, Ac, Ho
will be on band at ami tlmiiiL' the holi
days, with all kind of Candies, Toys,
etc, .Sept. 21 7,tf.
WosoSnrct, Rimes. It la reported
thai Boaoitss's Qssmam Brain' hs, sinde
its Introduction la Ibe United Stales,
rrsobod ibe immense tale of 4o,ooo doscn
per year. Urugitisls hate or.
dered Ibis medicine direct from lbs Fac
tory, at Woodbury, N, J., sad not one baa
reported nlogle failure, but svery letter
peak of lis ailonishing suecea in auriDtt
ever. Cough, Cold aellled on lb llreast
C'onauinptiou, or any ditosse of the throat
and Lung. We adriaa any person that
hn any predisposition to weak Lungs, lo
go lo their Druggiat John A. Moats, and
get tbii Medioios, or inquire about II.
Hegular aise, 75 oenla ; Sample bottle, lo
oeius. Two dote wilt rollers sop esse.
Dou't neglect your oougb.
Price of ia Hays kToviimiD, 40
South Tb.rd Street fhiltdulphl. Bioelia.uuiiitht
and aol l either for caab, or oa luarain. (Jot.
loth, left.
U.B.fe. irsi 11
t.ikl'aleK 114
Wl-J- J WVi
" 117 II
" 1A ur
" 10 40' IIJJJ
Hurranoy, '., IM
" e'lssi,uw lib
tlalled -' I13U
l eusaylvanla B. H 4i.J
fbUadelphlaend Hendlug 11. It.... iAA
I.ehlithlValley II. K
1.lilKll Coal U NaT. Uo, !nl ,
'lllled lloaipanlea of N.J 137
Oil n.ek h Allea'y Vat. R. It HeV
l' k Kris H. K' ., 16
Hortharn Weolral It. 11. Uo S
Quid 110
On the 5th lust., in Atluiii townsliip.
ll'iu. II. bonoy, of soiisu m ptiou, aguti
24 ysars, 4 months and 10 days.
On tho lnt., in Adam townaliip,
Josiah Kliim, agil years, 10 inoutli
ol ! 4f -...; , ,
i ' 1 i ,v i i. '. . "''
. General Election Proclamation
tn Borananrr nf Hi Brovlstnns of tin
Conatliailnn and eleotlon laws of lhaCoin
nionweattb of rnnrlanla Psiilel Kt "en
hart Hifh rXlierllf of .the esunfy of nyi!r
do barthy glra notion lo the (lector of
said toanly, on
Tuttd ty, tht 7M day of November
1 t7d. (being lh ThpsiIiit fitrt follnwlntf
ths Aral Monday la Noaiut)r,) si whicli
llm Ihs following ofliotr will ba slaottd
lo wit t
Tnty nln psrsnns for slsolnrt
On person lo (III Ilia offle nf Reprsaen
lstl in Congress for tha 19th district.
cotnpoeaj of lbs eouniift of Rnriler. Hun
tingilon, Joniais, I'erry, Franklin and
r niton I
Una person to till lha oflic of flists Ron
ator lo reprtaent tbe ibairicl oorr.pnaeil of
Ihtsountift of Liiioo SnyJiT and Nor
tbuinberlnnd (
On person to All Ih ofllo of llcprcn
alive In lbs Oehern.1 Assptnhly of Hie Com
monwealih of t'cntis; Irani, for lb conniy
of Knydcr
Ono percn l rill the oflios of Melriol
Atlnrnry for ilia county nf Hnydsr,
On parson lo fill lb oflic o'r HrglaKr &
Ueannlcr tor tha rouniy of Sny ler.
Two persons lo fill tht nHicsof Jury
Cotnmiaiionur for Hi conniy of Piivilcr
i,ecU roior, liciwomr, cau only vole for
one cutnli'lut. I
One person lo fill tha ofllice of Pro'lionn-
lary lrK of Ilia Court of (loncral iiuar
tcr feiaion, Orphaus' Court. &o., for lb
oounijr of Bnjrdrr
t alfonrty make known an ! wlr ft-ate
that the placa ol bol.llna tha afureeal I eleotlon
in lb aavarai towntiiit ami bomntftia wllblu
lb oountj ot Mnyilar art a Ml. mi, to wit t
At llio t'nlon l-bis't Itunae, In Ilia DonU(h of
At the lloiteoof Palitel IoU In and for I'erry
At the hoiiae of Cl'.rlatoplirr Weutiol, In and for
uiia)tiiBu iowneiiii
At .in none of nm.noyar. in ami for Wab-
ItiKtotl t'.wtiablp.
Atllie hoimnf lleonta O. NnlOi, In tha 11 ir
onah of Ml Idlelinnri for Kratiitltn mnalltla
At Ilia M.-liHd bona In liuaveriowa In ami for
llnayer townalilp
At the b nisei of Jacob Miller In and fur Waal
lleaver townahlp.
At Hie hoiiaa of Jamca D. I.oug In and for
Centre towtiahlp.
At the Ionian of Henry M. rlTrailh In and for
Itlilclleereeh towtialilfi.
At tli House of Marall A. Miller In and for
Peon towtihln -
At the,-horl hoaaala Kretierrllle, In and for t
Jarhaon tuwiuhlp.
At the school bona at Shamokln Dam In and
fir Moons- township
At the li.uiaa of John Fluber lu and t"1 Waal
l'errr townahlp,
At tho Court llouao In and for tho IiorouMh of ;
At tho hoiiee of .tarnb Hloaacr In and for Union
At thi h oiae ortna i,fira or t;iiaritia Vtttlrru In
Troalevllle, In and for Adama towuaiiip.
'Thai yry person, eXcopii ,f JuiU-os
nf I ho Pence, who shall bold any olltco or
appohilment of profit ar trust undor the
l ulled Biates, or nf this ritalp. or any chy
or Incorporated dnirlai, whether n coinuils
ainnetl ntticer or olhorwise, a subordinate
olliccr. or agent who is or shall be employ,
ed under the logisUtiye, eXeculivo 11 r
judiciary doptirltnent ot this Male or of
Hie l ulled Hlnlea or of any incorporated
district; and Hint ryery inouibcr of Con
gress & of the Kioto Legislature k oftbe se
lect or common council of any city, or com-mieaiotii-r
of any incorporated district is by
laiv incitpahlo of holding or cXeroising al
the mine lime, lbs uttico nr nppoinintont of
judge limped rr or clerk or nuy vU.iion
of I his Oominonwralih, and thnt no inspt-o
tor. Judge, or any oificorof such clcciiou
shall be eligible lo be then voted for.
. lly the not of Assembly of July 3, rjfl.
it Is also mad 'Mhe duly of every May
or, flirriif, Aldurtnnti, Justice of llio Pi nor
Conmablc, of rrery city, county, towusliip
or district within this C'uiiitiiniiu call It.
whether cnllcd upon by any oll'iocr of n-i
Irclion, or by three iiialilU'd olivlors
1 hereof, to clear any window or avoime to
ihe window nf tho placo of General liltc
lion, whicli snail be ol niriifto.l in such 11
way as lo prevent tnlrrs tiotti approncli
ing Ibe a 11 1110 : mid il shall lu- the duty ol
every respective I'iiiisIh 1 1 1 0 of aueli ward.
district or township within litis Common
wealth, lo tic presmil or by Oopuly, nt the
p'ace of holding electioiu, hi suoh word.
lislrict. or lowmhip, for the pnt priso vf
prrsciying the pcuc as nfnras'tiil."
Also that id the -till section of llio ai l of
Assembly rnlilli'd "An act reining to
elocliulis and other purposes." H proved
April o, lHtn, il is cnnoieil Hint Ihenforo
stti 1 1 -tl It section "shall not bo const rued
ss to r.ivent liny mihti't ofllcor or boron j'i
nllieer IVom serying ns Jiidsr, inspeeier ov
Clerk t any general or special election in
Hn t otiiiiioiimviilih.
It an act of Assembly approved Ihe
I7ih day of April, 1 Hti'.t, h Is enacted Ihul
"all alitciiuus bereultor bold under lho
laws of thii Conimonwciilih, ahull he on
etie.l between I he hours of II and 7 o'clock
A M, and close at 7 o'clock P M.
Hoc 1 Ha It enacted, hn., That the qnalMe,!
voloriuf tba lavaral countlo of tbla I'minnon
weulih, al all Keneral, township, borouvh and
apeelul eleetlone, are hereby herealtor author
Ired and required to vote by ticket printed, or
writloo, or partly printed and partly wrlttun.
evurally olaraihed aa lollow : tine tleket shall
anibiaea tha naioof ol all Judtt of courts voted
for. ant tube lahallsd, outside. "jJ'liolsry :',
one ili'ket shall ainhraoo tba nauiea of all atttte
oltU sri Toted for, and be labelled "state ;" one
tleket ihall embrace the nam ol ell county
ofltoeia voted lor, Inoludlng oitloa n arnator
and meiiilsiri of amainbiy, If voted for. and
meinour of t.'onKren, If voted for, and he hil.e'
lod oounty l" ono ticket aliall einbrana the
name of all township ollteer vote ) ror, and ha
Isbeilad "tuvna-lilM I one ticket ihaU auibrsro
the name ot all uoroiiah otflorr voted lor and
be Ullled 'borouith 1" and eaob claaa shall be
dapnaltad la aapsSMa baliot-boiaa.
Win ri-aa. Toe Fi'teutll Ameudinent ol the
Uooalituti.ui of Ihe l.'uili'il Mute la as folio.,:
"gurtluD I. 1 b rijiit or alliem of the United
Btaiea ahall. not ho denied or abri l.',l by n
I' nlted rlintee.or a'iy IHiale, 011 aeeoiint of raoa.
Color, or prevloua condition ol lerrltude.'i
"Maellou . Tha tloiiifroa shall have power lo
enforoe this article by ai proi riate I 'ttKlatl in."
And whsriuia. rbe t'onnreaa of tliu I, ulti'd
8laUioii llm Slatdayof March. U.'O. oaaaed au
ai l,eiitlild "Au Act to ar force the rlht of eitl-
leua or tho uiiiieu niateato vote in the aeveral
Kiatea of thli Unlnti, and for other purisiaea,"
tba Aral sud Muoad eedUou of whleh aro a fol
low 1
Suction I. He It enacted by th Renata and
Ilouae of Kepreaenlativreof lha l.'nlii d Hlatua nf
Alliorl s III I'aimreaa aaeuihled. That all i ltl-
leu of lh United Htatu, who ara, or ettalt b
othorwlaa iuallttodby law to vote at any eleetlun
by the people, lu any state, l errltury, tllatrlet.
county, city, pariah, towiieliip,eho ,l district,
munlelpalliy or other terrltunsl anh llvialou.
aball bo vntiiled and allowed to vote at all iieb
elections, without maiiii!ttou or racv, eolor, or
praTloBa emulill oa ot arrli le auy UouatituiloD,
law, eu-loiu, iisaua, or reiilatiiu of any ailateor
Teirllorr or by or under Hi authority, lo tba con
trary uotwltbeiaudtuif.
ejection a. And n It further enacted, That if
by or under lha authority of tha I louatitml ui ur
lawaef any Mtaie.or of the law of any Territory,
auy act 1 or (ball b required lo ba don aa a
preraqulalia or qiiallneailou for votlnir, and by
auukConatltulloti or lawa, peraoua nr oltteera am
or alull be charfe'ed Willi tb pnrfurmaue ordit.
He lu fnrnlabliiK lo citizen an opportunity lo
fiurf arm en.'h l.rereriil-lte. or lo heeoni fuallBrd
o vote, It aliall belli duty of every audi jieraou
ml odWarlo iv to lit lb nf tbe vulted
htatea tb same aad eqiul oppotlunity to par
form alli'h prereqiiiall, and In ueOolue qtialtrled
to rota without dlatlnatlon of race, eolor, or pre.
vioua condition of anritude aud If any auoh pur
on or oineer ahall rofuaa or linowliiKly uinli to
give full offuet lo ttiis .ictlon. ba kliaii rir evnry
ucb oilem-a forfult and pay the eum nf nve bun.
drd Aollarato iba puraou aitariavad, to
ba recovered by an action en Iba o, lth fujl
coala and audi alluwance ftir counsel fee aa tb
court hall deann uat and aliall alao, for vry
aucb offeun, bedeemed uullljr of a luladi-iaeanor
aud ahall uu eonvleilnbiliereuf, ba flued not leaa
Ibau Ave buudred dollar or li Imprisoned Bid
leaa than one mmilli and not more Ibau una Jaar,
or both, al tli dlavrutlon of tb ilourt.
Aud Wbaieaa, It la declared by lha lecond arc.
Hun of the VI article or the Uunailtiitlou of tbe
Mulled Mi an a that "tin Constitution, aud tb
lawa ol the United 8tiea ableliaball boiuada lu
purauauc lbereof aball ba tho uprm iw of
tb laud auytbluii in tb Uuualliiitlou
or lawaef any Kiat to Urn euuairarjf uuialtU
taudlii And Wheiaaa, Tba I.eaUlatur of Ihla Omi.
niouweallbi on lb tb day of April, A. I. Ih.'O
paased au act eullilvd "A rurlber auppliuiil lo
UK aol ralalluM lo elmitloua is tbla Uoiiiuioo
wlib," Ik tvirtti l)ou it UIjU yrovid aa
folluwa I
Baetloa It). That ao mneb of every aol of Aa
eeiably aa rrovl.loa that only wlilU fruauiu ahall
ba eutitled lo vol or be reiitelnred avotvra,or
aaclaluiliif tovuta al any geuarSior apilalle-
lion of Ihta Couiniouwualtb ba and lite aaina I
berby repealed t and that hereafter all fraeineu,
wlttioutdlailiicllou of eolor, aball bceuMlled and
realalarr acaordlon to Uie provlaloua of tba Arat
-.-' . ... 7..T . ' 1 . . , , Tr, . "riiiaaay ai ama. niviu oaini al i
iv,uiie4'.'8 A.w. ;turiu.j uruBti)iojt.UM,iitvvo.,4uiu,it it
. eilouotiuo aei apurovea vaniain pri
llt ant rslntlnir In th itrifons of Hits Common
wealth.'" ftnri when MUv! nii'lT
Mtii miIi .! in ot at sll fnrst
atiri fliwrtftl MwMmil In tb't Vmmonwih.
Tli h re 'I i l nmmilnionts n.l ni-tMnmt
to 4roull on 'I niiwye.1 ml ..( iri rr-vl-
Nri nl oirt olenOos tmri ami ntker that
lh riants rbI iirlfllnsnn u nnnnl ll.arehy
mar -urJ to nil m rl'lnena ol thlt Cum.
monwraltb nlltU I lo tli aauia.
ftrt)il3tti tec 1 1 OB artha ai-tnf An-Mnf
Jstnisty jn. it lenst i I hit ...on .
Ili pnh li'l i'lo. tin nftl rcti of 111 olpfllnn
hall itni-n!l in c. unl all I lm vivat a-t
nru eafi'llilat Tota.1 for, anil rnska a full
tarn ol in asms In trlprlcais. wltb a return
enrvt in aniiiuitn. in an ni arnirn iaa rau. rt
oelra I bt e-h oan.lMata ahal! bo iilran altar
lila nr her name. Ural In wnrita an attain In
ItKiiraa, ami ahsll l Hane.l l. ail of filil oltlcara
anil earl inH lf oraraMra, If any or If S t io
eeriltle.l, tha orarnanra ami any o'S ar rttuainj
to ahrn or eortltr. or either of them, thall wrlla
npn ean 01 in re'tirn" ma or tbelr rr
nut alanlna nf MMirvlna them.- Tha ot, aa
mn a rniintsfl, (halt aln he potillotT ami fill
lr 'l-lare. frnm the wlnln7 to t'i rlllaent
ireanl. anl a lirlnf Kaletnent ah.iwInK the
otea teeelvej bj aaeh eanihuta ahall ha ma. la
ami alanf'1 by tha election i.fn era aa anon aa
tha rote l entinte'1 ami aatnn ahalt he
ately tmei upon the il.eir nt tha ale linn hm
for information or tho tin
tnrna ahall boenetnee.l In anvolni an'l ho real
l In preaenee nf tho oin.-era an I una onvaliia
with the uneiled return het, lven to the
jiH-e, wUI'-h ahtll eoniitin one llt of yotara,
tully t ipar, and 01 the of onVara, and another
of Id iiTe!n'e .hall l en the mlonrlty to
Mirtor, All io.Ism llrlns wlilil twelra willea
of the Protho Mary'a oni a, or within twan'y mliea, If t hair reatitrrrehe In town, village,
or oltr up'iii llie Una of a railroad loading tn
th" oonnly teat, hi!l hefora 3 oVlm-b pat me
ridian ol Ilia ;day alter tho a'eftton. and nil
olhor ludaoa. annll heiore l'.'o'eloe meridian ol
tha riM-oiid tiny attar lha elei'tlo'i. tlolivor eill
return. t"i ether It h rulurn aheel t'i in Pro
ihenot'ir.v ot tho t'otirt or (Vnnton fleior
the e .unly, wlil'di atl I rolurn phall tst nir I, Si
day tin I hour ol tho Sllnn tnitrke I tliereoii, an I
shall ha ireaerat by the Pr ithono! vf for poh
lle lniT"llon. At IHoeliick on tha . n I d iy
fo lowtnir any elecilnn, the Protnonntary ol the
IV art ol t'omnioa Pleaiitiall preiant tha f il l
return" t th atld t'ourt , Th re
turn prerentod by tha Prothonntnrf altall he
iilne f hr al I t'eiirt aad iuipul hf auoh ot
Ha oPfl'-a-a and eurh awnm aaal-tanta aa tha
tlourtahnll aplnt In tha preeore or the
Judiio or la.lirea of eald eourt, and tha return
ertirlad and aarllllenta of eloetlon tnet on
ilef the eaal ol tha ll oirt. aa la now ro'iulrad
to badone by reiorn indaea- and lha oio
pntaputed and corllrle.l ihall ba made a mal ar
of reeord In aald t'ourt. In eeoUint ol fal l
r.iurt ara a to tha puhlle,
And I He 01 her of laid IrlplleaU yelnrna aliall
1st placed In th box and aonled p with tli hat
Iota, a . Whenever a plaoe
ha a hren or fhall b prnrldrd hy tha authorl
Ilea tit any olty, rnnutv, lownfhlp. or b.roush.
for Ilia e.ifo keeplnx of t'to ballot b , lt
judiia and minority lni-tnr ahall, alter lha
lection M11II he ilnl-hrd anl t'te hi I lot
boa or .
ni, ' Toiem, anil
other paper-, have tsien re-tmly lmnd with
tape and -e ilel and l',e elnutur of tha Ittda-a 1
ami ln-tetora a.ntal iiiiut . t.iribwil'i .1 tli v
the -atna toa;- ther with ibe reinelnl g h-ixea, to
the lsyoror hecor terol auoh rlty,or In eou n-
lie., t'iwnahlia or borough to auoh oraon or
pvrrom aatha t'ourttaf eotnnion puis of th
proper oounty may nailiinato, at tha plaeode-
frond 1 as aiormtil l, who ahsll the i dnpotii
the ;ittt bono and keep the asm to atmvar tho
eull id nuy eonri or irihonal aiitborl. c I to try
in morn 01 Huuti nie 111011
Oiten under my my ntine In 1 Mlddl-1
tiiiru llil li dav ofih-toiier A. i. Ii;v and In
the iiii-l.un.ire till joar ul llio In l0Kjii lenc ol
tuo I ultcd Male-.
liA.VIKti KIf.MI nt, Khertll.
Beaver Springs, Pa.
ri 1)1'
I r.T In,
Wol AViIlv
Xotions, Fui nisliitipf finula, Foota
A. .Slioi'S, Aita it Cutis.
lll'.ADY M.VI'M
C L 0 T II I N G
ilioapor tlinn ever lrotight to Sny
tlur County.
Petilor in
('OA I.,
l.UM uku,
All klml of (lomls exchange! for Cusli
or npproretl eoumry proJuce,
Call and eXimlne my slock ami learn
my price before purcUasiUkj eUo whore.
Oct. U, IBTli. Cm.
Thoroughly Cuar.i Dihaiii or nit Sttir,
Ttiis Etondarrl Externa Remedy for F-run-Hon,
Sorci and Injuriei of Ih Skin, not only
Mmovii raou Tin CuMi LtxtoN all Hum.
Ishes arising (rum local impurities of the
blood and obitxuction of tb re, but also
L... 1 I. &l 1 . 1 i.
those nroduced b the aun and wind, auch aa
Un and freckle. It render! the CUTICLE
and being a wiiolisome diavtifiek it hi
preferable to aj cosmetic
fnur Hath ar Insurcil BY th tie or
Vlenn'a Hulntmr Soap, which in addi
tion to it purifying effects, rcn
remedies and puts
Vents KiitunATiaM and Gout.
It dissolves Dandruff, prevent bald
Bess, and retards graynsi of tb hair.
Physiciani speak of it in high Urate. '
Prices-25 and 50 Cents per Cake : pet
DUX Id IsUfieSJ, UUC, ana VI.XU.
t. & Th is cent cakes art trial th ai of Ibae at
) eauta.
Black as Draw, it Crau.
J. I. (UTTESTOI, Prop'r, 7 Sixth Lull
II a Say.
Odr larva llfedlke Tb KnoHar.
i an or the I'RMiinaajTiali t'aaiii.
nartx ("Il rapidly. Head for circu
lar. N. T. roitrarlBa Wall
mreat, MoX UJi, N. V.
" V-VL.1TA1
rpiIR undersigned will s
1. Uoncf aliual on Moin .
outh of Midtllehiirg, rtnydt-r . o.n.iy, .
Tbi I s drrirsblo prnprrty and wta f,tn
mrly known si llio KOLK HOTKL Th
Improtenienls comprise s t.AKOK lOU
bAROK SUED, ll'K H'H'SK. nn l oilier
Oitilniil lin(!s. An excellent well of wsler
nl I bo door. It I iiiiUltle for s privnla
dwelling or lintel, and located near III
centre of Viusina.
Term easy and reasonit'ilfl. For furlh.
ar pariiculaii call on or addrr-ra
Watiohtown, N.irtb'd Co,, i'n.
An?. ."I, 187tl.
Will le sold by virtue of an alias or Icr
of rslo l-itio l oitl I ho of Or hnns' Court ,( enttnty, I'j ott HATUItllAT. NOV.
KMIIII'I II. s;n nt 1 ho piemis,., f n
loo I'.liiii Kok. dreM In Midd lcrok ip.,
tid Cotmij, llio followiug duiciibo 1 Heal
Ksute, In wit .
Traill Nil. .-Tlie nndlvilot one.litU
part of alVrtilri Tit ACI'nl" I.AN'U, ail 11
l l.i Mi MUcri'fk lwp Snj hr t.'o., l'a,
lluiindt'd Norlli by lands of Jurtib A
Smith, fuiilh l.y 1 tu ts of .Ino. (ilctncr,
olliors, Y.'t hy lands nf .Isfoh A. Ilinilh.
west by Un Is of llonry M. S'lnnlt and
litvil Mdsrr, eetiialning 1 1; 4 At'ltKS.
mure or loss, llioruoit arocrte'e l a Two
Sinry t.on Wralliprbunrdi'J II itiso. New
HANK ISA UN. and otln-r outhuildinits. r
Hood well and a spring of rX" n
irr, Iwo orchard ot choice fruit iroes.
I'ho land is in a run I t iln of ruliiy ution.
I II AIT No. i-l h un.ilt-l d. lulf .-I a rrr
lain I'rHot or Ple.-e ol l.nti I alt tl e a-aforea .1 I
sou ttoumiod Pforth LT Und of llonry Vtclrnt.
Sonih hy im li if 1 10 di N111III1, Kiat l.y Imd.
ol liolre ul fsliln r ihor deed , W1-1 liy Imla
ol llonry Vtoti.'t, coiiisinliiK s .citl.s, mora
or l.r.
I II M ' I' N 1 3- All that eerlaln I il ,,r -n., I
eltutti In,1. fern II. .1
e.l Oy Mitilaol .lohtl I Mlllirrul to Trun in' r-
tte . ,lor, eontaiinn line loiinii ..Ian
Aora. tuoro or !, tuoreiti a r luo lilinoalouii
1 -X" Try,
I sial-to ceminent-o ttt loo'elo-.! A. M. of ani l
nay, witoii ono at ie.iin'S win bo ulito ;:!
teruii utiale niado known by
i;l.l HI I l.::lt
AdnilnlsrriT ir ol i;ts lisea, dee'd,
TIIK tin leriilirne I telnir The owner of The
OTher uii'li v I led hill p,i T 111 Th lirr iiImu d
a f Puill-SO .. 111 .110 , Time on 1
' iiiiov olellTlolll.'-J.
I'.'l. 1.1 I'M.
rlUI'.I.K-l Ullt'K.
f;iuinsr Tour Mirrouiitltnt;.
sit wanttnir rilflT I'tltMs, npeallr
ndnpted 1 1 the arov. Hi of lho I Nt;. n biro it
I- an e-tahll-lied nl.-ee.. nnd paa I. Alt' IK
rlOII-'ll'. Tbn tan I la ahiii mliptnl to the
itrowtb ol e u lie., rears, applxa un Final!
Irolte 1 alao. 1 Ir tin. 1 Irani., and VeotH'.l....
Many hlllidreda ot ex -ell. nl V1MKY II Its,
till 'II Vlil I KAIIVIS eannow he nee n.
I II K. 1.111' A I li'N la unlv III tulles south or
riilla.lo.phla, l.y li illr.'-i.t, In a mil l, ili llsln ml
Ciloi'ile. und tit the n-ry doors of the Now York !
and I'bii iiioipiua vrirkeia. An iilier luillr. 1.1,1
r Ilri- t to New York.
I'll K I'l.M 'K la already f arire, ynecoa.fut !
and I'ro-per t'huiei.e.. N..iools Htidolhor
prlvllexeaar already tt aidlsb I. Ala 1. m m.
uiietoii... ot Shoe-, i'loiiiii4 Ola-s, Straw
tl t. nti'l oilier thlnus, st whloh dtilerent 1
uienti.vrs id a laitiil
iitiilv eao p-o.iur eiitiroyuieiit.
11 haa Minna II r. vi. 1 iiy iiksiik l' (. r a nun
years past or people euo.-rliikc trom pultuonary, A-tbin.i, I'.iliirrti. Anne, und 1 1-
ty : many tiuei-anila have entirely rooovnrod.
Anew llrlokliitel haa nsi boon eontplnte I,
l'si in,-1 rroiit. itu tmi'k hull. linns, i.uir atorlea
tilith. loelo.lin.r t-rotu'ti rool, ntul allmitdern hn
provetueiits ,,r the Ion til visitors.
I i !' ol r A It l 1. Ki H irl por aere. pay.'
a l hy It.-t-.tlio ml- wtihlntu porlod ot lour I
years. In this ellnitito platilnd out to vines, -o '
i laini win ol nt lull)- aa iiiu.-Ii ai l'u
l ii'rcs luri'irr ii'.rt
j I'lTfin.-" iiMiir tiiilntri wlih Knilt Umwlnir,
, run l- ('mi Ith It In a th jtl time (;n
J .. rs t " -iirrt tifi-liMkf .
J I'lvrtAiTP-i i 'irn . ro. nnd Ttwii Fa'itx In thr
I'uvs-nn u J.:.Ii-lls iUo Hill VIlK'lllll'l, (lBi lur
1 iillnt vi-ittnir (ho (Vntnnnl-il Ktl.H.KItio.
Hll'lillhl i' nu lm vlltoi nt kmiuM t k i II .
A 'r i tMii.tlnlittc lull Inl-iriiidtlori wilt lm
-eitl upon applli'itii mi ti Aiii-LM K, liAMm,
ml bi ll, N .1., Irua ot co
'1 n I 'IIi.wIuk Inun fvm.rt frrn ft lie ftptl n
(i I in In ml, '"iiUwh'i In tti lnv ork I'di
iii mi, hy tliu woll kiMwu AMriouUuil-t, Suui
Itol'liifioii :
All ii.Mfi.rmoM ttortri.l tho "wall t - tl P"rt.
fiftl mi in it nt thnn, v,iii .iivn tunc I thir nttou
tlcti t triil'r nii'l imirkut nri,ftilti)a',liii vi uvrn
r If ti . Tttt i'.il l I i. un. v iryln,' trutit $ in ly t
i'liyy. nnl utrlu-'H lyontly nnlnlitt li te. Ititnf-
FOCK'.I tt Mill ill llrcilHIal Alll Ul'L'H-l'IIHll wt-t
in w 1 1 w. mi wlid-li itci-'i-itu til i,tt (ir iini-'k urn
rtiriil, ii'ifit Kri( t'i Icrwiuo tho nliulu uhKii
utrl.i. M nil. ril tin bovnexhiiu.-totlul Un nalur
nl Irrtllliy.
1 1 I-fairtnnuy one n ttit nmut (Rtnnlv ir-
ttln triCtM, In H ftllllMrtt It Vol ' lliil, HD't
mitliifiln oondltloii lof jtlfttfii.iit t.irinliiic, th.u
b It un w ul till t In nf the Won torn ralriiw,
vv I", um 'I Pitinu tit the (llf it fur nt iii irmt 'y
jnt n (ifoiitiilily jirtxIuctlvA n when llrnt clear
U'l in iiri nuy nr n uun ire i yeirnHK"'.
1 lio gpn..iit w-ml t in m mi (llfiovor th (iifl
nf thin i'ii(linitl lertlllty, lho wliolo country
Ik a nnrhio.('(H)nit. unl till tUrmini the aill we
l.inml evlient' t Pl'iriMiu nuitnt.inoui, iitMier
Hlly In the lurni f lnliirntei oitleuro nil muM,
n winn ninny llctlnft Inrim nt iii-IiiiI ihellf,
ol the turtlnry fttrrit nl'tn t nnl thlt t..rly iuli
Ititnce ln.c itinre l ll ttirmiKh the Roll, In ft very
iiiiiuliiutei lorui. ntl In the ex.n'l eirillit'n
iiHint e;iflly i.--lm)lHte.l l,y uoU iln ai lho
former tie-Ires to cultivate. AUi.e,'iu.
Estray Sheep.
CAME to tlio prcmmi'H of tho nn
y.leralunod tn franklin tiwn!ilp, no fnur
d. li t. 7, 1-7. A f.arije While lin k, Willi
. L' L II L A If l.lf. I.L'L- .1-1. Id
r.itetrd In eninn forward, prove property, pay
el.are, and ttk-lilui awsy or he will liar. ..
I uf ..',. tiIiiir lo la sr. HAUuliu kTr, I l.fcK
t). t. lv, i;e. it.
taehpleco (IvIoks picture of
nay and Wheeler' tlaltop to the Wlltc
I ' . . a i ami. . a i i. a . .
Hour. Hy II. Miller. I'rleeUct.
Ilatei nd Wheel. 'a lavurlU 1'olka,
Miller I'rle. U rla.
lly II-
Haves' t'ainpslan Uulckalep, t!y It.
i'rlo ai eta.
Uajee' Uumpal.n March. 13 y H, Wilier SJ ott.
Any plec mailed, poat paid, on receipt of the p
iirlra. AililroiaS.
L I'fc TtllS, Mil liroadway, New York
I,at the II till and Vale Kesound. Frlc.
tientonnlal tladlay Uulckalon "
1 oo
lid '70 Medley, lly Oscar Uoon
I ou
1 on
1 U.I
1 uu
i r. I'l.iriuu t'nuin
salt Itlvar Oallup
Cabin lu lb Lino,
Ft Ul
Katlonal M1t. p Oaear Coon. Price
alassilUy o( llayaa' toa: hf Osoar t'ou,o:
ruo a; e'J
Medley uf Kieasrt' tonf. lily Oaear Uoon
i-rlee, 1 : .
, , ' ' - - ,
l L rtTiitS, S43 Broadway,-N. Y
. lerall kinds
.las, Whlift, tlolars
. v-ora auranled for one year
..f Wolltey hnl a trial lo pro. tlmt ha
amleraunili kla bii.lneaa. Sor Iv.'n.'
Ilarln iil inted tha motlo nf tha "tMnir
Sitessi'K," die atih'irlber won 1 1 call lha at
cut Inn of tho publlo to lha taut that ba baa
ad iplad tho
anrl bereafler, etllt aid! jnoda enllrrlynrt'All
or I' Hi 1 in I K. tuilua .illeUel that II lathe tine
ay-letil of dollirf h'l-ltli'-a.
He "tttlti'i'i-1 1 korp on band a ory full and
nail aoloutO'l lo 'k of
IUIV uoopS,
HOOTS h t-ltoES,
Oil. C1ITI13,
W.lI.I, I'Al'Elt,
runs I INMN03,
V I N T.',
wM 'h l: n'fi ra to the puhlla at vary sro.itly re
ducad c AMI I'llli'M. '
Willi I'muii. to my old eti-loitiert for fhnlr
IH or tl puron iue for many yoart ol the past. I
n-iul'l r. dli lt tnelr ril'toin lor th t'lluro. hop.
Inn. thy will Ii bonrllttcd I J lho el,ana-o, a
wall aa
Yourhuinhte .ervant,
w. r. t.i Kimnr.
Ncllnrove, sjept. ;a. :4.
Justico of llio Peace,
Port Tn rrrton, Sn J, r Count', J',i
e I'eaei mil t-lin prompt Mterttlon. i
Artl'.l.a written 0. totivevnU'l-i. at- '
ol till.
1 1,....
ten In I t
" . tiik t.i.i i
nt SALV.M. I'.O.Stiy.IorC). Pa. I
. .
Tha above liavlnir entered Into a cn part
ner - nlp t..r the olenrryioit on mora ex
tensin-lv and to better a Kaplan- the loi-lnoa
of iinftiiuliietiirltiu a assortment of
smm as
Doors, Shutters, Sasii
it! al N IS.
ih)oi;ani window imiamks
Hn'Oll Ol'lC,
. I 1 1 U 1 1 II LTW .
wtfti to aiy tn I 'arponturi
and ull ulbcr) who
inruuii btiu.iiuit
Or Kepair & Reiuodle,
that we have il.e faellliles and ar prepared nt
liirrlsl. nl lulf pi lu-, U I: A HY l A UK oral
atiort noll'-e, el.ivi per thnn ean he utiulo hv bund
the most Import art parts ol bullillntia. It'ti also 1
limit Ji'tllt, -' if'il (Hid J,tlu.
lira, llrai k't,
Ilooi'ln;;, Siiliiii;.
ruri:ifi noitniai,
an. I dd a gviierul biiniuen of nl
kiuu of
lititS)ir for
Vf are praelleal and experienced Architect
and lirauahtstiiiiii, and mir pittMtia will have
the beuoiilof our knoaludKe and aklll.
Our work will Prove tntiJaHorit.
Juljr, !10'7').
READ !l(EAJ) ! !
I C (t ,r T-f f) O'TPTl n11T0
kJilUUii. bit Xi-tLaiCIl J Ul K
JScni't)' Springs, J'einnt,
1'cakrs iu
.Stove3 &c.
Alno SrorTIN(i tlonc at short notice,
mi rtiiiHoiiulilu tuna ami a'iinf.u:tni y
tuf HiiviiiK fiiriiiO'l cini'fflvc into a
((iiiii'lnfiHliii, ivo me iri'.rroi . lur
ii irali nil k'uiil of lliirilwiiip, 'I'invv.iro,
.Stoves, Af. at tho vrry lowost rate.
C-AII in nct'il of TitiWiii'o or Spout
iiiK or iiiiyiliiiif t'Nn in our lint ol' lm
ini'K, will tint rcttrr-t it by t'.iiiiicniii
our kimmI anil tei'tiM litl'uie purchasing
clue where.
Ant'-10. 70.
YoUi(J's iiot:s.,
JAMES J. MITCHKLTi, l'ropiiotor
MilQinburg, Union County. Ta.
llMr. Mitchell look poaaenton of tbla rmiu
lar hotlon Ih lat of Airll,and iieatrt alt trom
rinydar eounty. aa wall as all tdhera, whto al
M 1 1 II I ii burw to ulre him a eull. Ills table, bar,
aud aianlaalll always be tilled wltb the best th
uiarkat Hlorda. May lit, '7.
yil. H. HARDING,
Sc Jn,
rUHtiMuNT, Mi; der county, Ta.
t'ollaelloa and all buaiuea rerlslulug to the
nt!li'or Jiatlra ol sUlkeaua will lie attin.ted lo
al abort uotloa. ' Aur. Jr'7.
1 teatanienlarr on the estate ol p
(leiuherlliia deeuaaed, late of 1'ern'e lownt
ni Philip
Muydar L'uuniy. I'enn'a., baelnn baan uraiii
'o0ad lo loa uudersluned, all liaieoua knuwluu
to ti.
Ilietnselvea Indebted to aald estate ar request
ed t wake Immediate payinaul, while Ibuae
bavin elaluia will preiaul Ibaoi duly atLeul.
eated lettatilemant t
jSl.l,U7, trv,tslr,
.Qtary M'lic, SQircycr, Conreyauccr,
M Estate ajjraw kw,
fieeda Honda and irlortirawoa rrapsrwelanit at
bind of eoareyanolna attnndael ta proaaptlil
wlih nnitniwa and aeeurraoy
Ntieriat atlaatton alraa to hayln( and aalllng
Heal Katat. Otna In r'rawmoat, Snyder 4)0.
Pa., r. t. Addreaa, Ml. flaaaaal Mllla, anydaf
t.'o., Peaa'a. ai a tt.
SK Tl !H to f P. ll.iwnt.1. k fo., Hew Tat
lor Pamphlet of lo'j pas-, eootulnlna llata f
1 no nwpain, and aalluialai Ibnwla r"lf
adrertlalna-. klar. .'?.! y.
Jhtuchtf tt Cot Advertisements
tjyimiom ii-T. or until. till AttMIt.
t. How althar let may faaelnata and rata
Ihelore ai alleetloria of any person thay ahot
Inntantly. T h la aim plO mental aaqnlramantUll
esn tmaaeaa free, hy malt for Van, toR-etbar
wltha tnnrrlsve itul'lo FitypttanOrsela ItraaM
Minis to Ladles Weddlnk Mshl shirt lie. A
queer book. AddraaiT, WILLIAM kCv.I'ub
x eni Ui'i .
lit list II ty!nw!lh nam o-
O') wauled
1. 11. Iltaiau, k r
N. V.
I flT'WT'Q I 'yon wanl lha bit aoilwii.
XXVTi'jrt X tJ.tnl'Oe In tha world and a -Id
a-ihl I'tiiont e r s -tti'li. free of aol. wrlia
at iinoc to J, II l 1 1 1 k. k U., o Hroadway, tt.
FARM with fruit and tmproramanli af yoar
F ARM own ftaiire. t'ataloaiia, with aiap
r ARMS and photoaraphln llluatratloni, t.ll'
r AHMS Itiar all ale.ul Maryland and Ualawar.
ran MS tent irn.
FARMS I. K. MAMOIIA, Mmyrt, Dal., at
Kaatun, Aid.
or M111.111 (lul l Jewelry.
Wo will ani.l y.01 00 ro-rlpt of Fifty cents, on
t-iilr el.'. oil eoifrari'd Mleeva ll itlona, on Sat
Stural sto H, ,n,e 1-itlar Unit in. on lieaullliil
oral -art I'm. i-ot. Wat'di lUialn, and
.01" h.-avr Wi l linu limit. shore lot used tit
1. t ill t o e'i V V mr I t. will li aei.t, poal pal J
hi rectpln' t ; l,.....rr eln-ular fra. Ad-
.ln. V. V. Ill.l.l.k t. 1., fhlla. -.
or Viii ll nvN
NOW H Til r) Tl M K Td MKCl'RR IT
Th" liestand rhent ait I in la In market, ar la
r:sn:i!N nkiiiiask . ono, una of ib
I I '.I I- ii I t .1- l( A I I.UIM II. j
'llioni'i-t Inv.iralile tonus aivn. and veraTJ'
"'low. a ;
I'ho lieJl.W. ..
r. in -.0 ir i-'til all .tt l--rS T
11. 11k. t-. MIM-: I'AsrM TH I.ASII
I. II .trti. .Ir... rii.Mia iiiituohlnla. new rditlott
of I II l; I ' I . L l.H,'' a. oil tree avertr where.
A l l". K.'HV Hit. ,
i.u.d il.inm'.-. V. It. Omsba, Neb. r
crn n rrrrv
t-uialo. If 0)
V aa yiuuui
oillilttl. WoiflvaHln.
IV work Unit Will hrllis vo'l -i1a in'ihtli .ft"
h"t lay or t-mnliu. I ivelilors I nloo, 171
1 1 reonivleli St., ft aw in a.
Irl :: V 'Vten and Women
I'a I l;l. I; . K A III V . Slluatlotii
nnnte,d. sltllo t.raetlsl
to learn 1
ina anal-
y sltllo Iiraetlslna-. Ad.
tl re-
. wl;ti stiiiit., siihmas 1 aLa-
ii t o., i l o r 1 1 ii . it.
tin a 1
Aiissts WasTsnt Metnlsa lilp Intna. Award-
" HW' Centennial Bible
!!) Illustration". Ad Ire.. I r new circular.
. .1. Hi it. VI A N A til .nit) Ar.-h Htroot.lblla.
a to ii1 A M uilh for As. nla.
I In- t.r.olt Itit.T. t In nil liitiooM and 10 our owa
ll.t it. nut hi-' tv (( I vei:--, niak-a Una hook
11 l'i-l. r 11-,ii any ..tiior S'looksiu one, Isiail.
Ilf'il'v ll:itrtit..'l. Ii iw prle.i, ipiirk aal. a, ev.
Ira t. to, i. . S.-i,. f,r rlreular. J. U. 1UCIK-
UY a CO., l' I'a.
Ti At'. nl or Anv Who Nce.l Work,
I.K ultimo, linn lio y itlle'e new It. mk,
wild imro liiciion l.y Mark Tirnin. lajnat
reti ly. Tho rioheal in teXt and illuslra
iloiia foen for n lung tiuitt. Aro ou out
of worli or tlrrttixiniC nli'i'K on oma dull
Imok ? tin for ilii one. It w III till your
iitkcia mire J llon't delay ami loan terri
tory yoil want, reml for circular nl onoe.
It ei. mi a untiling lo nee lliem. AM. l'l'll.
I'D., Ilnrtr.-r l. Conn, or F. C. HI, 13 4
t'i)., Newark, '. J.
i 1 .irtlriifa nit nr ai 4. tn. H t tul.i tini .
Wat, I fn! 'tl rw,i. If irMawil . stiw-k H'I aajMnwSSH
L A li'H, i il fHM Al.l. 111' r i.nlUi1 ( TrTW-
lalt' . It H..ll-.' Ihi l) If. Ifitrnloll .( M Kir.llrtUaatV
In rs I, til pi us . r am I r.r ri.l- 'ii (iPMra absl Itfrta.
.Q. BLATCHLtY, Manufr, 906 Cemmtrce 8L,Phka
1 He rudest an l lint aoi oliiinl mutltutloa for
oM'iluliit; ft llus'itess Kdueallon.
t or elrcuUra uddresa,
I'. tlt'FK A RON.
I Ittsburnh, i'a.
Pallcnta rtiro l 3 y!l i-:' r -mnln iunJ.
Iht. .1. A. Ni'HiiM A'rt iii-i,i.riil irviitf.iont of
i Uiihir I.hIii '! ini,tnni-,i!c 1 f'p mn I
vrrii-" tint i'li-iiio lrHB-H t a r-rtulM riir,
K SftVVl J tiHMU i' lillt 'l I MH't1 rf't'l t"ll'MiI,
I hxiiMiiiiii' or ifi iiui Hr ti day ullurluil
It vlt tlio h' t tie TriMM i1.iihi.m.
1 1 im Witr.i t iwiit nr-'iih-l thu h nly it wmih'ii iwiy
fn' tn tiff leu, lui.rntif i hi ciffnl itimi nml prn
ili itft tn -tt t-u lyn.rt hnii,t'N, iht (it nip hi'twnin
lin-1 i: lr.ik tho nr. uinli 'f w...i ttmi ttii
lir'i-tiifiiti, i t-rumllJ ror I I'-lvti. tt .im In a
iMnmu r t.i i.r.'.iiio't ini t.-in-y witli nil Hi !iirr-r
Iu'lrMtl tin hvion "f litN'tj tMclr ut4
l'ri i"iir mi tin hhIiih, ilnlninnii iti'l tltli-t
t l tlj fiit ti Kuptui'M, iiiMti-r r Utt.-r t'.tt
iiltiy auil bUil lor bffi'ctiniiK: tifntrtiv mnnlf
Din k in f tliO ynitiM nli), ik tlif hi l lixi'lsirtM. n tit tl
Hfi mt,rt luto frltiifnl Hiiiiiliy. Tut hQ vt
hlinlll.t thllik HTinll-IV if tlllt Blllt)t'fi MUti kCl Id
ftCCiirdUUCJ WltU tllt lll 'tAtttNilf r-HMOl),
jut. 7:;.ui.v.s
T' f'ttiH' fit ii Ir.i-'tu'uft i itit)H'tt
nn1 !nn ntnti4! ; It 4 p)'jot t inmfil(ate r
ll ( niul uviMitiiiil curt. It !v hiil upnn litri-
I I (lo riti',liti4 nnl fi-lly fte.n'iiitrter1 to
tha ci)ti)ireHaN-l'itii ctfoiurj Intcllltct'tt criin
I huuirti lm l-i0 not n a trm li tiita
(tirt luintltrly rmiHtrhtr whlc.i kootx very llitnjc
n iritjer iMiiiin while tha .'urittlva t'oin
ixiuml Hi'i'lifil ilitily Iiy tlin fMlPrit, ax(Ut
tmulthy ntHn, mtliufilun ami rtira. Hil
ttiti trmitiueiit tlnuii iit Inturlnra with liior
or dxprrlt-e tin liieitii k nr nthrw!pH. and al
furtin n(urlty ouiitaat lutlautbU aQd itraDtf utk
te ruptura.
1 ha ailtltMeit ara enmlnn rnm all farti of tha
cnintry. Torino tmt trai, ilft'idnilliiir ii(oo tha
tiif. rarin Irum tha rmircry ran rioelT
irentiRcui hiiiI lenva fr hrnie tin thain ilir,
Sfintl li rent i lur I it. M.en.iiHi'i lliiuti IlkanaM
o I'Hil ritftts iHsitira and altr euro. lQffirn"a
Klrt-n tn iiontlemon who Lave Cm en email. ltll
ca No. 1 Ann Ktrnot .tw York. I'awarnol tli
lellow calklna tilum ll Ur. W. '. (Jraiiiplon and
umtc it. Mittiinin'a nninn tu n nuverTiva
mi nt t ' ilo'-ny ilia ttl i c i U . ttava ThU ai-
Wo w ill aiarl you In a Vin.
ineaa voti eaa make $f
a week without capital
enar aii'l i opecl nhle for
for either eX,
Atir.NTo bUl'l'LY t,U.,
2iil llowerjr, New Vorlt.
IflPKT'J luveatlnate the Inrrll- nf lha
iVUajl Is, llliistisl.'.l Weehlr, hrt..ras
ti ruitiiiutf iijioii lour aork for tht tall aud witt
ier. Tlleeoiubliiallon for Tina ftaa-on aur(ia-aa
aiiTliluK lierernror arrutiipTed. Tarma aai T
friooii ai!ieTon. Addreaa, t'HA4. ULL
CAS It VU., M Warreu bt. N, Y.
In rri'HS Outfits Itoaily Tho
Centennial Exposition
;;;;.sc'A7i.7M ii.LLsriiA ted.
A prphic jifii-pii'turo of its liiatory,
Kl'lltul 1'Uilllillo.H, M'OlllU'l fill pshibit,
t'tii iosilica, pri-at day, etc, Trofiuely
illtiHtriituil, ihorotiholy npuUir anil
vpry t'licnp, Must tt! inunonyoly.
5.0tl A tout WhiiIimI. Kind for lull imr-
1 liftilar. This will he the chance of M)
years to com money f.ut. dot the taily
r,iliuhlliiloi v. 1 1 ntlltaitU llHtie).. Piiiis.
733 HmiHoni St., riiilatl. ),
CAUTIOX. Ho not tlomivt-d hv rr
niaturn hook, skaiiniing U lia'ufhelar'
antl idling what w,ltLu,fW iu Auj.
autlvClt, -
T - -- . .... ' .. t' "' k I
t - f
. n
I Oil
, 8
t V
a Ul
ta ar
bto j
nl 1
'I frot
!, "
. nr)
I' roar
! u
. l s I 'I
' Jt ....