The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, October 26, 1876, Image 2

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The Post.
Eiddleburg, OctT 26, 1876!
J. CROUSE. Editor & Proprietor.
National Republican Ticket.
or dii io.
For Cong reae
HI AD. M. MA II AN, of (.liemberaburg.
County rriolfet.
Fr Hen. it or
LR.B. T. WA'IKNHKI.I.EH, of Hflingrove,
For Aeeemhty
CHAItt.KH MILLER, of Trnn.
For J'roihnnnlrjr
JBRSMIAH C il U H K. of Ml I lloburg.
For Regiater k Recorder.
JAMES M. VANZASUr. of Middlelmrg
for Dialricl Attorney
JOHN II. Alt.NOLll, of MidJIeburg,
For JuryPiimmiealoncr
FAMl'EL F. SNEAKY, ofOnlre-
Evicitr voter Hlniild rond tlio fttir
ring a KlroHU of tlio Rfpublicnu Stuto
Cotumittoo in another column. Let
tbrt ordor to ndT.mco lm implicitly
ubc-yod bv cvory Iti'puMicm.
Our Cainliilutos.
lion. Th:i l. M. Milli on, our nlnti 1 bearor for Conrcs, iutolli'ctu
nlly in tho epi!il of liis opponent V.
S. Stcnger and his superior ia social
qualities, bouiiiWsh of integrity,
polity of purposes1, reliability nnd
fitness for tho position, devotion to
Lis country and its iuterosts and is
a nun of tho people A man of in
tlomitublo persovornnce i iron will ;
moral courao j and just tho man to
throltlo and utranglo Southern
Claims-Legislation by which it is
Bought to rob tho national Treasury.
This is ft Republican district and
Tlud. M. Mahon nhon!d by right
represent it iu tho next Cougrcs.
When wo say that Dr. 15. F. Wag.
cnscllur is eminently tjualifiud to re
present this district in tho Sonato of
Pennsylvania wo assert that which
is couco.lo.l ovurywnoro throughout
tho dint lii t. He is ciniuout in bis
profotiHiou and a scholar couai lorabJy
nbovo jiiodinciity. 1I 13 a fearless
and nnllinrhing ndvocato of Hound
i Joft and policies. IIj will receive
a full Republican vote anil ruuko largo
nccesRions from the opposite party.
Senator Dill has had his Bharo of
Senatorial honors.
Chailos Miller, our candidato for
Assembly, is a young, aclivo, ener
getic) man, possessing fair talents, a
good common school education, nnd
tibovo all largely oudowod with good
common sonso. lie is an honest
win proof ngainst bribery and cor
ruption abundantly qualified to In
tdliyen'.ly dlfharyc all the duties
of a Hi present a tire. Tho most bit
tor and unscrupulous partisan fails to
find aught t j say against him. Fuir
mindud men irrcspectivo of party
will support him.
Jorry Cronso submits his caso to
tin popular verdict, thaiikful for
p ist favors.
!ei,icr y- liccnrthr.
James M. Vanzaudt has discharge
0 1 tho duties of his oflko for ouo
term with cntiro satisfaction to tho
public, and proven hhnsolf a compe
tent officer. His piomptuoNs, abili
ty, and excellent social qualities are
admitted by men of both parties and
will insuro his rot-lection by an in
creased majority.
His disability incurred in tho
lito war entitles him to a faror
nblo and unprejudicod consideration
by every good citizen.
District Attorney.
John II. Arnold our candidate for
District Attorney is recognize d as a
fuir luwyor and ono among tho first
scholars of tho county. Ho is a
graduate of Jofferson Collogo i read
law with the Hons. II. & 0. J. T.
Mclutire, of .Terry county, and is
rortaiuly one of our rnost modest
men ia bis pretensions. His , cscol
lent social qualities and business
qualifications aro well known, and he
Las a Lost of warm personal friends
in both parties who will support Lim
. at the coming election with unusual
el. ' - ' 4
Jti rif Com mission cr.
Samuel I Shcary our candidato
j for Jury Commissioner is a very de
serving young man and possesses
ovcry qualification necessary to a
fair, impartial and efficient discharge
of tho duties of t tho offloe of Jnry
Commissioner to which he will be
elected on the 7th of Novcmbor next.
No is nn ortho:lix Republican.
' Pennsylvania Holds the' Vert I
Jld'rf. fo'ptdtficiiiSMe Cbtnmttlet.i
"" I'mtArrxrnn, Oct'l iH7d:J'-
Tolhr lrih of VtMiUtAUi !
F.levcn years after tho overthrow
of tlm rebtllion wo" find the mbii wh)
forced it npon tho country t ngain
preparing t Kfizo the liovmnicat:
It is tho old Confodernto army uni
toil upon tho old Confi1orato heresy;
They bavo never abandoned their
herixhed idea they dlill think with
Mr. Tildeii that ours is n cnnffUw
ry, and not n-tuition. They have
mado him their candidate boeause ho
never abandoned tho iloelarod con
viction that "tho Constitution of tho
United States is only organized rev
olution," nnd that "nay .State has
tho right to snap tho tie at its plea
This was tho heresy that . fired tho
nix 1 gun from Charleston against
Sumter in lS(il i mid this is the
heresy they are luiimrshullod iu 1370
to re-establish.
To this en I, they have crushed
out U'piihlii-an opiuion in every
Southern State. To this Mid, they
havo made tho white Republican an
outcast, nnd tho black Republican b
To this end, coercion of Ra-
t.itlil inn ti a ia flwit EifiHit .1 1 ui t ,aI i ni '
Hy forco. tlx'ir C'onfudurato heresy is
again tho comoiit to luako a fiAid
Tho Coiife lcrato army is far moro
uuito I li day in t'" r v effort to
Mi'i.o the (ioVfiiiuit'tit liiatl it was
tift.'en vears ng.) iu tho rnad effort to
destroy it. They nre still aided by
their sympathizers in tho North,
1 1 my liavo coiicoulrulel tlie strngglo
upon a sitiglo isKiio tho resolution
of the Governmtnt. They sink ev
ery other question out of sight, and
thus tiny teiwh u.t our duty,
Shall they recover by tho ballot,
conferred upon tlioin by Republican
magnanimity, what thoy lost on tho
battlefield iu tho conflict with the
people they butrayed T
We havo met nnd vanquished their
assaulting coliiinns live times since
the first Tuesday of September, 170
in Vermont, Mai no, Colorado,
Ohio, and Indiana gaining ton
members of Congress, electing five
Ligislutures, including that of Indi-
,.,in ii'lunli m.,n tlwi rulinl
....... ...V. -"W .... ...O ,,nw.y,( .,Bn,, ,, W,y., hn ,h,,H
from Kentucky WOrO not llblO tollinlll-i.ftliiKniitiiriifniir Ako' I, Mr. .Ion.
Democratio victorios in the South
are only
I, .. i
OVldOOCUB of DoiUOCratlO I
terrorism over Republicans. ' Sixty
five thousand Democratic majority iu
Georgia menus ti.,U00 rebel shotgnug
at the polls.
Throo weeks only aro left to ns to
moot the now crisis forced upon us
by thoso mou. H7tf vill I'cnnsyh
vatiiadof Our ouomios, confident
of Hiiccessful coorcion all over tho
South, havo resolved to make anoth
er attack upon ids great swin,
They leavo tho South in the safe
custody of tho recognizod Confeder
ate ivnuy, nnd they are now, as in
1K0;J, marching upou Pontisylvania
iu iletenniiied nrrav. nnd their rebel
yell nlrgady is
limits. '
heard .within onr
Let us be prepared for thom.
Our great Commonwealth has al
ways boon the stronghold of nation
ulity. During tho war she gavo her
treasures of men and money to the
cause of her country. Standing bo
twuou tho two sections, alio has al
ways been thn foe of sectionalism
She stood by Lincoln, Grant, Sher
man, and Mendo during all tho
struggles of the war. Tho people
believed that when Vicksburg and
Oottysburg foil on the 4th of July,
the great work of restoration was uc
complished nud tho rebellion was
load, but they aro now brought face
to face with a revolution ns danger
ous as tlio rebellion itseit.
When fifteen States can bo more
unified by tho shotgun and tho
bludgeon than they were by armed
secession itself, nnd when this com
bination is enforced bv tho snnnros-
sion of frco speech, a ballot, and free
schools, its success must end our re
publican experiment. These men
tried to llglit tneir way out or the
Union nt nn incalcnlable sacrifico of
human life, nud now thoy aro trying
within tho Union, by now forms of
violenco and fraud, to re-establish
tho dogmas supposed to be destroy
oil on tlie hattluxfiold. All they ask
is a sufficient contingent from tho
frco States to complete their pro
gram mo.
It is in this Centennial year, when
Pennsylvania ia inviting all tho na
tions to her hospitalities, nnd prof
fering encouragement and kindness
to her Southern sisters, that the
Confederates advance unon her hol
ders to make another effort for the
heresy which originated and pro
longed tho rebellion.
Pennsylvania demands "peace and
nnitv, but sue tlemau J tueiu as tho
result of cheorful obedionco to just
law, and not as the sullen snlimission
compelled by the officers of the Gov
ernment. Pcnnsplvanin demands industrial
and commercial prosperity i but she
knows that these are tbo fruits of
peaceful and orderly society, basod
upon Lonosty rnd right, and cannot
erow out ot the . anarcby ami chaos
threatened by a soldid South. Penn
sylvania will first Lave justice, then
prosperity, Has the country no road
to prosperity but that which' disgra
ces tho scars , of tbo living' sohliKrs
and dishonors the graves 1 of the
doadr, ,
Pennsylvania will iav purity in
public administration, but sua wants
none of the illusive promisos oj "r
form''inado by Tilden nnd illustrat
ed by Tweeof and the disciples of
Tamilian? Hall.
.Men of Pennsylvania, npon yon
resle tho reRponsibiliky yonrs is the
absorbing obligation. Will yon
old the I'oi t ' f. -v
I 15y order of the committoe.
Hknht M. Hovt, Chairman.
A. Wn.en XoHRis, Secretary.
j i "
Tmt lUnublicans ;iriu six mem'-
bers of ('onrrmin'Oliio, four in In-
linna Ai.1 Ada in f'i nra Art
iQ. all; fl ftir.nii' ths ,(kctionsibv4M
Jnst hegsift,' PnintyUiinfa will add
fiw ixituo auurandxewi
oik as tminv iuoro. . I.
York ns many iuoro
......... U. J
riopVof Oliil. "Kid tadiotia
pat , their seal of condemnation oa
the conieiornte liouso at u ashing
ton, by elocting n largo ruajority of
tlioir delegates Ropublioans. thus
lwering tho political complexion of
their dnlegstions. Pennsylvania will
follow their example ,
How old Hluo Jenns Williams
mado tho iflle in Indiana, over so
good A man as ' Harrison, while the
Republicans carried more than two
thirds Of the members of Congress,
and a majority in both branches of
tho Legislature, "is oho of tho mys
teries, certainly one of tho mistakes
of Iudiaua politics.'. ' I ' ;
Wf. nre promised many good
things in the event of tho election of
Gov. Tildoii, but thcro are hoiiio
things that will not come with the
election of tho great Ko former. His
election will not bring back to be
reaved homos tho honored dead who
full in their country's defense ; it
will'not restore arms to tho nrmlcss.
or logs to the maiinod veterans, or
give back sight to tho sightloss orbs.
Tho election of Mr. Tilden will not
rostoro the father to the soldier's
orphan,, or tho dearly loved and
promising son to tho broken family
circle. It will not give back to a
nation that Rtill monrns tho untimely
and cruel death of tho moi-t cherish
,,, ftnd idolized of Reiuiblicnn lead
ers Abraham Lincoln, nnd all who
revere tho memory of tho loved
Lincoln ought to bear in mind that
it was this samo Samuel J. Tilden
who, in 1S(M, deliberately declared
''that tho constitution has been dis
regarded iu every part, and public
liberty nnd private light nliko trod
den down nndor pretense of military
necessity to rostoro tho union by
tho experiment of war.
A CAKII Til Tltti AMKR10AN ITIll.Il).
For nuny -:irM wtt luivi iuiviii two iii-lli-lTie
piiitvil tn tlio nlltnonUnrftvnt of ntlrr-
it. I hoiiibitiN nl nrn hnvn Iiobii tnailn hv
1 1 hem, anil. In !''!, Hit wor l Ullor coulil
nov'-r he ciiuilcl with turn). Hut within Hi"
Uft two ypiirn P'MintArlfiltN of (Mir meilli-ltien
hv nriinv up. iliiner,io In Ihalr oli Imltn-
tlnn ol our Tr'l Murk. To nocuro llio ie i'l
W hre I.Uml llliiill oi-h Ultllllln- li"X ill llill
wo nare Mni-tiii iiiuii own Kenuinr.
nniiiui., I rwuuivnt I, miff ! ,ainv. ,1 V
hnil rcli-ntli'tHlv iiiiruio iiny no who Iml! il
(hi with ttieiit'iHint vUnr of tho Ixw. Wo moot
irne'iiy urn inn, inn KrotT wit l Tito ADicr-
l.n it Ho will nt In nur nl.irm t i nno.-l
their hrnlih, onil hrlp u In our tak of l,r .,ic
Inic Ihoo mot unnlni-iil..(1 inert to the lurnf
.jiiMino. I'niiArniif roiuto to purooiwio jio.ii
' oinrn pnrfiorUnff to to urn nuleiia iMr. .In
ttnyii',-k'ii iihii iture In nttnolir.i to c.ioli Hut
ori'llli or or CUnlinent anil tbo end will
oon rrsohor, i 1
Tlie oaolleioobeOluOt orrontn.
To 11 'wlio . Art eutToring from lln
rrori and iudiioreiiont of youth, turrnni
wenkneM, enrly tlfcnr. Ion of niniiliooii,
Sid., 1 will enl it nvi'tpe tbul will cure
you, t'KEti OK CIIAIIOG. Tbi gjtont
roiuody Yin dienori-reil by a miioniiry
in HnulU Amerlcn. Ken t it telf n I In-mcil
onvetopo lo Hie Hkv. Johki-ii T. Inman,
Htntion D. Mlilo Uouto, New Vork Ciiy.
Ap'r Solb Cm.
Wnjytiwllor efc Sou,
Wbest per IiuhIicI
Itys do
Corn do
lists do
('lovereeed per buebel
Flnxneod do
Onions do
I'niHtof new do
Timotbyreed do
llnokwliest do
Puller par pound
I'ygs per doien
Titl low per pound
Heeded Cberrlei
Pried Apples .
100 to 1 IS
?-5 to
1 1!5
Piiod I'esoUei pared
do unbared
lUcoo, BiJee
2 2o to 2 40 cvb
8'J')io 8 5o lime
I lain
Pes Coal
Chestnut coat
Hy virtu of writ nf Vti(l .Ex, Uauotl out of
tli 'ourt of ?mmm lMe, nt t iu Hn-cte-l
will Iw wti.6ti tufulilM ;, mi th' i ' urtltinii
in Wl.l.thhurfcf. tut HA1 IMtllAY, NOV. 1H, IhTfl
nt in u'oi.H-fc in, th fuliowlntf HmuI K'ttto t
Mlt: Acepuiu JKAliriK I. AND ilimta hi
Krunkllii I p., SnjltT con tit y, l't, H iin(1(I
North by Unu of ApU I(iwtri'x, aSoittti hj
I.. ml-of Murrfa KrJly iid Ml S -li.vh.
Wttt liv Wnt of Kjttuno MuKer and Knit by
)ik1 nf .T'lim r Ktel Anthony Hpucht, rtn
tilulitt; 117 A (1 W f-', fii'ir nr 1' whwrnm in
tfrfft". TW0 8TtllV HOVHK, H4Uk lUrn.
itiil other tdit buil liui.
8ci ;cl tWn In pcntlnn and to b tvld th
pruutrly nf Jacob Si-al.t.
1). tlSnNHART. KUoriff.
ll virtue nf a writ of Vend. r. Ieine1 nnt nf
tie Oonrt of UnmiTiiin ltrae. ml t- tnf. rllreoltd
will lierxiiOHMl tn Pnhlli- Nili, et the i;nnrthnue
In Mll.ilcjl.uri-. SATTKIIAY, NOV. Hi, l70, t
10 o'olnclt, A. M. of raiil la)T tho follovlna it-..-rihK.I
H-l Ktte wll: A cerUIn THA5T
OF I-AND ulliute In Centre, lown.lilp, Hin.lnr
i-ouoty, l'a, It'MiiiilrU North hy lautl nt Peter
Haruiau, Snnib or laniU of Henbeu Ili.WHnioi.
We.t hjr Ian. la nr Oeurge lUrnian and Jteuhen
l.weran c 4 Kit lT land of Daniel Halier,
comaliiti... o .PKEiS, mure nr lnaa, whi-renn
are ereoird a t I l,m fraua HOUSE, NT lit. t,
and oilier outbulMlniia.
rji-ltnt U It-ii In ooenllnn and lo bo told at
th I'runutty of JjIiu K. Ilw-kenhnrv.
I). tlStN'rlAHT. SaerlS. '
Out W, frt. '; -
Mr Tlrtue of a writ of Valid. F.I. laauad onl af
the !o.irt of Oom nou 1'lnae an.! to n illreotad
will be eapoMil la PulilleNale. at the Cmirtanuae
In Muldlebiirn.on NATUHOAY, NOV. IH. Iie
t 10 a. m. of Mid day, the fllolna It -el tlal,
to wll i A ceriaia THAUT Of t.AH aliuate
In Onlre two., 8nyrter oonntir, fa. Uuumlnd
Horth hylaudaof Haroawl Urtiuner and, Olirla
tlau BliiKaiuen, Month end Wl by lauda of Jno.
Yoiihh and Ubrlatlaa illosaaiaa aad - V.tmt hr
lamia of Saianel Hruuasr, eonlalnlof DO A; H KH
inure nr leea, wbereou are twuteil a taTOKY
HODHK, Mara and other ouv.balldloi.
Salted takea la aiaeiitioaaaa) tuawavid aa fae
prvf errjr of fetar Wert.
- e... l,IKKIUBT,8barllI. . . .
dminlstrator't N ti I c .Loiters
Tin,,I ?i'
lmlBlitrllAn n iho .t' nf J Ml X
lt.f WMt Prrrr Tn. Hntilar
ffM.1. 4iAvbnn rfmnt 1 to t. fen-l
lirnH. All prnri knowlnic thi?Jtlrwi In M
if loMlifntiU will .lr mull lmmMllt
.ymnt wlillftthnw hftvln Utm ittfil fnlj
tlM wilt protoot thtrn fir e'(lm. nt to
, JOHN ft. ST Hi II II.
Oct. . Wt. Adnlnlitrktor.
OK HUM, mi.
1 1. mm, !ic
iffa.hanoyJIity a.m
I f -
. O 4 CD
o o
ro v
o w
i'i r -t i'.;i, ,
11 ' ' riolder
- I ' II.,.- a i
l$a'v f;
V Rlahtful
Member ' ' 1
Thlf V"'.
For antilleatlnna for tnenranee call 'on or ad.
lraaa the agatit ef tbeooiniMinr
Juatice of the IViice A Conveyancer,
Clocks, Watches and Jewelry,
Middlchtirg, Snyder county, Pa.
Tho Testimony of the Whole World.
Holloway's Ointment.
Hint Lrrt, llitil lrratt), Snm nnd t'lrrr.
All iletoripiiont of aorra are remeliahle
by ibe proper au.l ililigenl uo of ibii in
ch'imkiIiIo prcpiirnlion. Toallempt to cure
bad li'K by pUatfrine; thfl nlpea ofihe
wniind together ia a fully : for rhniiH llio
akin unite, a boyicy iliaeae'l condilion rr-
iniiine unilvrut-aib lo break nut wuh ten-
fol l fury in a few ilitya. Tbennly rational
nml nipci-esful linliciiled by
nnlnin, ia to rcJuce the liitliinallon in
nnd almiit the wound and lo eoulhe the
reiffbhoriaiz parts by rubbing in plenty
oftbo Ointment an anil ia forood inlo men!.
Tli ia will cnuae tlio lunlinniiiit liumnra to be
ilrnlneil n.Tfroin Hie liunl. awollon, Dnd ilia
rnlurnl pnrla round rtboul the neiind. a. ire.
or tiller, ami when Iheae Ininirra nre remor
ed, llie woiinJaihemaelTea will aoon heal:
wnnn broi'l and wrttvr pouliicua npplied
nvi-r the atl'unlvd pitria, attar Ike Oinunoni
line linen well rubhivt in, will po iili nu.l
aofieu the aume nml (rrenily aaaiel the
cure. There ia a deaoriiition of ulot'r, aor
nud awellinir. which need not be iinuieil
here, nlti'ii.l inl upon tho folliea of youib
and for whic'h llill t lim mi nt ii urgently
recommended ns a aovrrrijfn rcnit-cly. In
curing Hiirh poiaiiimua a rea it never f til
to reelore the a.vate.n lo a healthy ainle if
iliel'iltibo lakvn scoordiug lo Ibe prin
ted iiiKlructiotia. '
IHphtlicria, , VUyrn'nl S-iri Throit, anl
.Sc.irA miii1 ulfu r ' rrj
Any of Ilia nhnve, dirrnaH may be cured
by well rubbiiiK the Ointment thiee tlm in
a day inlo il.e cheat, lliroal. nnd neck nf
tin patient j il will aoon penetrate, nnl
give immediate relief. Mcdiuino taken by
the meuib innul operate upon ibe whole
ayaletu ore iln liillui'tioe cun be full in any
local part, whereis the Ointment will do
im wnik nt onee, Vi hoover It-iea Ihn uti.
giieui iu I he above nianutr I'or tbe lieif oh
iimiiuil nr any eimilur dirorJoi-a a'J'ei'iiii(
llie fin it an 1 llii'uil, will tiud lllelliiehi
relieved ns by ft clmrui. All nill'ci era
from llieee eompUlnla ahoul I envelope Hie
llirnnt nt be Ii ime inn lurgo bread and
water poulliiie, niter the Olnliuent. hi
been Well rul bed in Il will grenlly asiaial
Hie euro nf the ihroit, aud clieal. To al
lny Ibu fever nnd e'ea the iutl tinm.itlnn,
eiflit or ten Pill eh. mid be taken nifhl
and morning. Tbt Ointment will proline
prnpirntion, the grund leeeniial in all
cuaea of fever, aore tbronta, or btre
ibere might be an oppreraloii of Ibe cliinl,
eitbor from asthma or (ilher cuinn. .
I'ilr Fiftihi Stricture. '
Thaatmv.i rlutl ofeompUInu will be re-nne-ed
by iiIkIiUv loinenilnit the uarta with warm
water, and then I'V m.iM aileKtuilly nil. h In In
tue Ointment. IS ranna aullarlns from tliene
llrelul eumiilalnta ahuubl nut Ion. a inuinrtil In
arreotlnic iholr nroitrona. It alionl.1 Im undsr
atonil tli..t It la nut autlllrnt merely to atuuro
the tilntnient no the ellei-ie.l oarta, hot It wnrt
bawoll rulibed In lua eunnldarable time, two
nr three lnu.a ailny. tlial It mny be taken Into
the aytem, whence It. will remove iiry hi. Men
aure or wound aa alleetually aa thiiovh uil.ui.le
to the. ye. I lie re avln bread ami wut.r iionltl
oea, afuir lha ru'iblnv In of the Olnliuent, will
don rem earvk-e. Tbia la the only sure treat
ment for le-nale. e.nies ol cancer In theatmn
aeh. or where there may be a atenorul bearing
li)iticri'tiank nf Youth Sore nml I'lerr.
Illntebea, aa al awellinir. em. with certainty
be radloally cured II tb lilutm.-nt be uaed iree.
ly and lha I'llla taken nlitnt and tnnrnlnir, aa
reoomuiamleil In the printed Inalruotlona,
W beu treated In any other way they only dry
iiln one place tn break nnt In another i where
aa th la ointment will remove the buiuor I ruin
the ayateni, nnd leave the patient a vUoroua
and healthy lie n:, it will require tloie with
the u vl Ilia f lllatoinaura a laetlnii cure.
Vrojwcul SuilliiiiM, i'urulytit, uml Slijli
AllhouKli the above coiolalnU differ widely la.
their oriuiuaud nature, yut Ihey alt require ,ol
trcatuu-nt. iliiny of the worat uaMcii, nf anch
dlaoaai-a, will l.-ld In a niiuiratlve'y ebort
apace of time when Due Oliitiimut la ill llH.uilly
mhbed ll. to the pnrta aflfcete,!, even after every
other uieaiia have failed, 1 a,o liia luaia,
dine the I'llla ahoul.l be biken ecciordliii tw Ibe
prlutiKl dlrectiona a.'eouipu lnii each but.
Both t!ie Oialmmt nnd nil should hi
fUKil in theulloiriny eat t :
Had Irfee,
I it'iur.
Had liruaall,
liiaudiirlar Bwclllag,
llite of Moarhetoce and
Sand tllua,
Ohli-KO-loot, -Chllblaliia,
tlban-.d llauila,
Come Oofl,), ,
t;onirat'tod and SUA
Kiephttitlaale, '
VlatuUr, '
I'll, a,
Kueti luatteei.
8, ire iilpple,
Kore 'i'linieia,
Skin llia,aaea
Sore lleada,
IHl'TIOHt Nona am ifcnnlna nnleee the
tKiialure or .1. Ilayilot k, aa aumit for the Unliod
ki dea, aurrouudavacb bx of lMleaudOiuliueut.
A haiidrome reward will be ulven to auy one
muderlng anch luloriuatiou aa may lead lo the
lU-Lieiion of any party or parllea omiulerfeitlnK
lha niedlelnee or vending Ibeaaina kuowiug them
to be annrloua.
Sold at the tfannfeotory of Wrofeaaor IIollo-
ai au, new lorn, and by all reapevtable
UruuiiMaaud U.ilera Iu Medlclu.a throuvhout
thecivilltod world, Iu pot a of It eouta, J oeuta,
aud tl aaek. . . V
-l'liure la coBalderable aavlng by taklns the
larger alaoa.
1.. it. Ilre.ttlnua for tlieanldanre of patient
u e.wr u,...riiur ace auuaa 10 eaca pot.
luai,eth Tl ly . , I. , .
Q.110S8 r4 rotiieiis, .;
Mauufaoturera of and dealonlnall klnea ot
' " - -' 1 . ' 1 i j j
FLUOUINQ, etc.. 8bainoklu Tm. Snvder
voutiiy, I t. au oraen promptly Dllod.
WiiU, Cherry, rUr,H4LlfnLuml,tT
eai.'un.'fy en hutd. 7i
V ii. H'a7;nrr, Kho.,
JUrttB or tub track,
Jsoksoa Township, SnydorCo. Pa.,
B'ill ailentl lo il boalns. enlrRtJ to
hit or na oa lie nio-l rot-onnhle
rra-, Msrch 12, mif
DRA LCD lrff '
Iron, NaiLi,f .. ., ,
i Steel,1 Leathery 1 '
1 ( ; ! laints, Ois,
Coacli & Sadder y Ware
Stoves &. Till ware,
licwislown, l?nin.
NeTmbrr 2. lsTI-f .'
Selinsgrove Tenna,
(North of First National Dank)
Vi ELI, !eeted alock of Ready-made
. Meua' and II ova' Clolbiuff of Kvorv
Quia I it y and stylet.
fTlUKY are nlao Aitcile for (be I.ateat Tm
L proved, ehrnneet and beat He wine; Ma-
cbinea uf every kind now in uae.
An. Vi, Kit.
The under.lene.l havlDK purchased the Se
initruve Mari.le Worka, ha II now fully pta
pared to ininufacture.
Moiinmsnts A n fl Mfclmi
tMt umuf'r t prtroi muoh 1wrr than hertn
(or, itt.i lower l a n bti vr ttti iloDt Iu tho
nf All tli Utt tvle of MonQinrnt h KbihI.
Mtoitfi, 1 a in ulilo to P itlifnotlori In n.ylf
nnn (in (', in kii hi t, wiiii k iotrirf.i in
irri.vj ul 4 tnrlC'l Irlen-I with ii a(, -Ia
Iiiitmrtif rom r 1 1
I Imvfi n't nintlo rrnlnifinont, to nt to be
nhp to lirn.-li ttn hrt noiteo, Njft.le, snntl-nt-in,
or fttty othor kln l t oor ami ,Vln'lur
tsUN, t prlt-nn to mi It tti imruhner.
rr)ttii In nel ol rtny of tho txvv nrllnlM
ft HI anvil inonuy liy ritltlrttc it lh Snllnn'rov
(MiirhlA WurltH before inrvb'iMim( l-whrtj.
I nt- ktoi uik' TaHt'it Util vutilio I irvo
nuiHii Ur vuU. Five thllorvut tl. Com
grit)' Mr. T. II. LonK of AtlfimHbur,x, in
nv.vA fur ihe nnOor-in.l where all or
ilir. receive prompt tiniion.
May4. Tfl-tf. V. L.. KAN r.SKU.
Tton Vi K M15 MttrKt-t Mrctl
l'llII.At.:t.Ijll t.
Itaa been enlurged nnd refilled for the ae
couiino.lnlion of 3'io tiiieela ; la centrally
located in Ibe Uuainoa portion of the City
and I'lucea of ainur ement, ko. Street Curt
paa the holme lo and from lha Centennial
lliiil.linga, nd io couucoiion bat filled up
a Inrgc
For ibe ncoouitiiodittion of the traveling
publio. A. 1JKCK. 1'rop'r
April 6tb. 1871
Wli it c lBorse 5SotcS,
N. V. Corner Tbinl & Wooil Sta.
Good Stabi.imo. 1'roprietor.
Wine. Lintisri nnd Seeari of the Choicest
uranila. miiriio-ib.
Middleburg, Penn'a,
The anderalaned would Inform theclllzena of
UldilltburH. and aurroun lln dlatrlot that lie
haa opened a Hardware Ktoro at the above
mentioned place an t tnat ho will keen a lull
nut oi an Binua oi jiaruaare. luoiuuiug
lleuty Si Klicii llnrtlwnre,
Oboe Finding!, Leather.
9Qu 5pcclol Jnduoeroentt in "Tut
A Large Aaaortmant of Caat Steel Sbov.
all & Spadei, Iloee, Garden Toole, achytbet
urain naaei, nay nope, t'ullcji, 40.,
OF ALL ' KINDS corjetaotly on band,
All at Oreally Reduoed Prlcea. All who
aro la need of any kind of Hardware will
do well by galling at thia plaoe.
1 ! , 1 MALANTHON &10ATZ. -,
Mlddlcburg, Suydor Co,, Pa. .
May 25. 1876. .
V (i. UORNlUCBOEa,..' ;
. Perr TownnhlD.Sevder Donntr. P.
Uolleetlona, Uonireyaaelng, ami all other bual
aw partamiiie; to tbe oinee will be urouotli
... 1 .i , .. , iirt.M .... a.....M....iii. f
Am.h.. II . t - I ... .L. .1 . .
I Itl Atltka aj lakBt I Tt i tvA'a. kal.el ..m 11. I
, f, W'SllSOblSB OO., falladelpbka, fl
yr eondenanArn tha IsMh Txt tba
-iianivi.f ei.iivprationaluttiek Hall, In
1 lilladiaJiieViVntiatnakor h Brown'e" lAnrnet
f'lotliiin'.Mio In Amenea," A via. tor and
atti r.laufMi? thoerienkera:
l ia-fc.r. " VI Nntonier imheTtnlldtrtonr
Al'yvlanl. "HouUt Eart cornrr of HiiUi arnt J'lc noto tho SIXTH, f,.r e..m
iianremaecklne; Ouk liail, have been miaied
by Uoeiffnlna lerr,a.',
V. " It la irfi-ctly eoloaaall Co yon know
Ita i!lmenaioiia7'' -
A. " u.ino eqi-are feet-rat nn Market and
I1) M. on Pixlh, H atoriea htsh. hea over
three acre .t tloort4. and rtm-n ipva oneei
weiiri'.rd I'T I VryLaa Iweoly Oiilemat buai
nora placet,
V. l)o yon uaea1eanlrlrwcT, " 1
. . A. " A ehnl yonna; engine fiimahe power
Jnrthe freight ani ra'acnifrelcvatiira.ariil Ibo
bolleri ileum f .r hciUieX and the other oirw .
tiona of tho hnn.." w
V. " vriiatonlcriloyontaVerrlih roodar'
A. They aro tint t .'ed and nrmti;,.(l In
the rwvrmrnl.on lonff Vv eniiTiUn. and biker,
tlioneo mi tho faAjei Vt'levatur to the tnapeo
lor't riw.m on th'fch floor."
V. " la ln titiytli Ural operaUon f
A. " Nib air, rnouurlnir. Tbo ila are fleet
mcn-ored In the piece, then ln(H,-ud. The)
elnth eo over h, Hem In the face of attain
llitht, and two men alt, ono before and ore
KhlnU the eooda, waiehlnit with the eye of a
tawk fur the li nat pln-ln.le, anj
mnrUnnrvcry flaw, art that the cutter may ao
and avoid it whau be cuuiea to cut the gar
menu." v. Ton rvitt employ an anr of enttertf '
. A. "Cou.e I i our Mill Uih and aro I Wo
JecpTO hamla all the t eV ruir up the c1"th
into Harm, ma U fcv matdilneaUiatdo
IIOB.-H men a woia u. I. . aalr,.i.c. '
V. "Ho you uiauuie
A. "We do, and i j U
nilnen tu i v, f
ail your own
"Oi11t. fr e-
4S anA aenttf
eirtlfy 1 1 ev- iy a-artn
before wo our Uakul on It. end bw,na
teeie.malblo lor It."
jVour eyatcm mntt tat a yoo (real
A. ' tn every illrortlmi, tlr. It la tjhrirtcni
n. economy we practieeall tipwjf thiv.oirh,
liiat enaiilca u, to put vur pi.V-jfowu to tho
poople a wo do." T(r
V- " After liiawetlng the work, what become
Cf itT
A. "Befi ro It ir"e Inlo Stork It la tlrkrtc.
Every tlnirlo garment baa lie tiuruUr ami
Iher polnl noted on It. e tht Iu entire Ma
lory rau bo uaced without fall, upon out
bia.ka.'' r
OV. " Ynn rnttat have tti or V mleemenr'
A. "Viby rlr, ou buay (layayou mnee 100
In the Vailotia rooma ami tiiltia niubuu.
tuning tu the throtireof emtomcra."
V, 'rHo you lu au order buttle by mall
ndcxpreMr" K' '
A. " Very gust All over tliccountry. Cnf
Ailnmur Snyder Coimly, Tcnn5a
rpIIE PuUfloribf r Imvinjy pnrclmsotl tlio Ktoro in Atliimnbrir, owned bf
UkM thin inrtho.l of Inform, Ills initf frlrmln
hitf Ctntntrr, that li hH pit rm irnr.i with Aln will aI.wa ta kef-p tin hatnl a vrrll aannrtaa na
lartf at.H-li of all Mini of Oo-mU uuallv kl In a flrnt ln conntry Klor, add havtntf itiarla-rit-hT
redut Tin uf friiK-r rii t,, I iil (M-l: tvjd for caah vr prtrduca ouljr. Mj atovk ennalatr
paril of
Huch as Clotbs, CaBHi'iucrs, Kontnolcy Jcnns, Collonadcs of every stjltv
nnd qiml.ty. hIho
Ladies' Dress Goods, Silks
ALL WOOfi PEf.AIXS. Merinos Poplins, Ac. nt nil jn ices nnd very cliesp.
mts ash cats, rawis. Floor, Taie, ana stair cu cnu,
Ilai Jwaro. (Jneenfiwnrc, Tin nnd (ilnpwnro Wcodnnd Wllowwaro, Coffati,
buguTft, Hyrups, JIoIusbt'B. Itrta
Ci''ni b Hi Tobrct-o, I'iHli &
flAflT ffk T rifP tT rillAMUKIM k Wll.K KSUAKRE, Superior Blraat
JJlkLl) jJijJt Vvil.i out Coal lor Illackauillh'a uee.
The Hi,!,.. it Market CnJi I'ri. e I'ull for
Vrvit. J'ct.itorii, At. An.
VI.MO Dcilorn in ALL KINDS ol ;iutitk txatl Koedw,-
or wliioh tlio liislicnt I'rico in CJl
ttaaewenttaiiaiat aimiaa eaee aa
New York
(In HoluW new builidinfr,
VOU nrt l'oiatpoot ftill.v iu vitol t nn oxami
a uiitioiiol my wt tM'l.. wliicli I ean Nuylaono
of tlio lliiwt id t ho Oonikty.
Largo variety of SHAWLS FURS, Ladies' and
FELT SKIRTS, etc. All colors of GERMAN
I have added to my large stock of Fancy goods
a full line of BLACK .ALPACAS & CASHMERES,
which for quality and
ed. M )o a S. WEIS.
Tbe new Clothing Store above Ike Keyalone Hotel la eonnerled with tbo V.
V. Fancy Store. Any gentleman ean titiip hiinaelf there from bead lofool for very
itlle money. Tolile alirnlion alwaye given. Pellorgrove, Cot. 10. "it.
ate CJiiv.3'n.iicois
LbisiiitviLLt;, Bnjdur County, i'a.
(lollectlona anil all burlneti nartalnlnr to the
offlca of J uatlut of the feaoa will be rttended to
anburl notice Ap rwji!
MoCluro City, Snyder Co., Pa.
nollectlont and all butlnatt nartalnlnt- to the
office of J uatloe of tbe foaoo w 111 be attended to
at abort notice, July m.'llitf.
Furniture Manufactory
JVo. 341 Mrth Second Street
IMow Otlhuhllim. J'JULADJiU'JIJA.
Marob 0, ' r
J. J. FOGKLER, Pro'r.
. BelinHgrove, IJa.
Thlt Hotel la uleaaanliv loetted In the eauare."
aud It a ver dewlrable plaee fur traveler tuaiopi
tbe aiwruf aooouiiiindtlluua at ui ralai. Per.
MineetoppliiRiiuee will be aura to eall eiata. . llie
beat uf liouoe la tbe liar.
ar A nraloUea Jiwtauraat (acoaaeciioa with
bt uolei. ... . AU4.l,'la.
fiermct rrebem ftf t m!i of tlf-mwifeineit'
riale Itj-ienlhlo te p.n-vee peotilo kin nvflca
awny )7t iurprfaet!y aa If uuey wan hare In
pcrmon. yr
V. "liiirraaybaroatleaathairKdoaaa
Olffereiit d.-rtmenbr'
A. ''Mydrareirl wehaTwfnrfothan rweney,
eArh elieree.l wliMUnwn bualnoea .end eewji
thiioTurhly ofTnnlrrd.a neoeaaary wheel wiak
Iu tho arreet wheel."
X" w ill you name a don or an of Pi em f t
."Villi plnnf'iro. The Oirtotn liemart
tneiit, Srthot vbo pra'er rntw-m raaibt to
roi'.y-nia.l(v Tint Funibklilne IMpertmack
aith I'a riilrjeTiieo etoek i f ail umlerweau.
The Shirt Kii tor, with Iu Iney r,clj'iea,
Biaklnaonrown flnt-olnaaehlrta. Ibe Trlm
pilu licpartmenl, iiei'lf abi,t ta many amau
lnr Hons The Oarment FU k Uoom. TT
Itcoelvlr.e; 1 he frilcr Wpejtment,
riemed broiio. The Special I'm forma lepcra
mnnt. Tho Pcllrcry lieparUuoutj WIU It
aeoro of mesnciKren, The"
V. "II. .1.1, hold I elr, enough r
A. "I m not half thmnghr The 4 d-erflttrjf,
Pcpartment.wlth 111 t l) Land alfn diatnunla-a,
eilitmeand publlahltit lurlnua and fx-puiaa-Jonrnnl,
clrc ulnnr Jtr, fo.oinc p, monthly
ttcll all yotirfTlJtbtoaetid Sirlti. TbeMec a
leiertinetit, wlllnw many rooma. Tbafirrr
Iirpanment. The Vonttur lierartmaut 11 '
thllilrena tVranmttit, with lie ereMal
entranco for lud'ea. The Teletrraph liatirt
ment. The Chief Clerk a lertnient, wltli
Iu bock kei'Ven and aralatantt. tie or ml
aecr'a l'epartinemi Flnanelrr't Office, nnal
mher ofticea of lha Ann all bnty aa bee
tlilnklne, plfiiinlnu, ei"5itln, bnylne, mak
li'ir, r Kltlrliiir. rei u 'yl, act illrir int. aellitg,
and In a thouwimRiya Jolrlnt lhatr f rea
to carry on a bualnreaVlih tlm I tonie tmi ui.t
liier t lieiwwiu l.uuu.uvu and ts,i.-jxui au
mti'lly." V. 'bn' e.
A. "Indeed It lal 1 forrnt to name Co
Caroler a leporlment,whlch andleel,av:,Ua
Cf retail anliaon et matlneleileytl''
V. "t.'Voimi I That a. what enables
tho hntio to buy heap and eri( heap t"
A. "t'atryl Yimi hfTC r.t hit It. Tbo
people Uirong here, knlri? we depend
cm low j.rlcee and iminiaVf antea."
V. "VThai ar the 'FuLaafLaa' 1 bear to
much about T"
A. 'Ourayatcm nfbnatneea cleallnf l. One
prleo. no deviation; a. (aali foreveryihlng; i.
A guarantee protwtlne; tho pur'baer: t.Tha
money relumed if llie buyer cau l olberwitw
be auiteil.''
V. " Nothlntrcontd bo fairer."
A. "Kothli r. And Iho people aee ft."
V. " Well, 1 thank uu, tlr, lor your polIM
A. " Net nt a'1. It't a plcmnrro toaefre yon.
Call acaln; and bo euro of Ike plaaV Wane
inakir A I iron n a (ink UeilQt.uOi Kuat cor
ner Blxih and Market,"
V. "Thank you I 1 iha'.l bo happy todoaov
Good moztiitic."
and .(. tn In Atlaniabnrit and the ttrroanfl--
of nil kindM, nnd nt L,ov 1'ricen,
Suit. Wliolowilo nnd Retail.
nil liwU ofLVUSTR Y l'R0DVCIt,Drie4
fcIl will bo l'uiJ. Mrtr. 7, 7i
BUB. laaujawja aa i Be aeeeeBBMaaeeaBeBaaemtaaaaeawt '
Fancy Store,
opposite tbe Kojlsone ITotol.)
price cannot be surpass
Poaeraaet a muoh areater power la reatnrlneto
a bealihy atat. It never nrodueee alckneaa, la
cerlaiu and eiieeily In Ita aeitoo. II le faal ao.
perci'diUK every other remeilv. KUly cepulee
cure In alt or elulit daya. No other Medicine
tlwlnn lo Ita great anecaaa, many eubelltnlea
have been advertlaud, encb aa Faetee, Mlxtnree,
I'llla, Ualaauia, etc., all of which have beau abaa
Diindaa Dick ft Do 'a Boft fTaptnleaeontalalaf
Oil of Sandalwood, aold at all llr m tturea Aak
fur Circular, or aund to nil VWmeUi Htrott,
New York, for out. - . Ajg. II,'7i
Walout, Street, Solioscrofe, I'a.
Ii at all tioiea prepared la furniah Draft!,
I'lant and Speoifloationa for all kinds of
UulMlDiii, at tho lowest poeatblo raleiand
on iliort notice.
Ho ia alio prepared te eoalraet for
putting up buildiui either by furaUkiog
all tbo material or Iberwlae.
May 11. '08 le . .
Mlddlabnrg Pa. .
0E0RQE O. SMITH, Proprietor.
Aocomroodatlona good and ebargoe mod
erate. Special aoeommodatloni for drov
era. A a bare of tbe publio patronage if
olieitod. GEO. 0. S Mil at,
April 12, 1878. , . , . ......
lft In "1 per da at ketie. Bamplee wortk t
J III i Jfi 00. auaxa fc Co. i-wiilaod.kao. it
-1 .