j' -- "" i 1 T "1 IV .. 4 v y. v v t ) m tfhe Post. Eiddlebarg, Oct 6, 1876. J. CROUSE, Editor A Prtprielor. National Republican Ticket, wmmmwrnemamae. FOR PRESIDENT HUTU Kit FORD B. I1AYKS, or oiuo. . '' FOR TICK PRESIDENT " WILLIAM A. WIIEKLER, OP NEW YORK. jiti-ict. " ! For Cotigrrte TlliD. M. MA II AH, of Cbambersbnrg. ' Oounty Ticket. Fur Senator DR. n. P. WAOKNSKLLER.of Belinegror, (Mulijeot Id district conference.) For Assembly CUARLK8 MILLER, of Tesa. For rroihotiotnry J I REM I A II CROU8K, of Mlddleburg. For Register ft ReCorJrr. JAMES M. VANZANDT, of Nlddteburg. I'm? District Attorney JOHN II. ARNOLD, of Mlddleburg, For JnryCommlsetoner SAMUEL P. 8HKAKV, ofCenirr ji . . . . . . Tub Republicans of Indiana expect to pain at least four membera of Congrem; There Is a danger of the loss of one to the groonbackera. So fur there have been eight mem bers ol the next liouse of Ilepresen tativos elected i and bo far they have boen all Republicans. This promises well. ' True nation will hate its opinion of a man who requires so much time una nro ooiunis 01 epaco to dony a cbargo of falsifying bis income tax returns. Tin J'reet. F. A. Boamish, Sergeant at arms of the Domocratio Assembly of Penn sylvania,,' who is nndor indictment for appropriating $10,000 school mon'oy to his own use, has been nominated for Senator by the Dam ocrate of Ltuerne. Hurrah for Til den, Beamish and Reform ! Tiie Troy (N Y ) Timet sayes the charges against Tildon in the matter of his alloged income tax frauds are clufinile and direct, Sinnott s an swor iu Tilden's behalf is vague and eraairo i he seeks to cover the mat ter under the maze of verbiage, cun ningly construed for the purpose of confusing and iniriloadiog the reader. It boa boon ascertained that not a man ; of the Molly Maguires in t i i . . . nciiuYiKiu county, rcnnsyivania, is a Jicpublican, but noaily every man killud by thorn., was a Republican. J. J. Slattorly and sevoral other uomocratio . politicians are now nn dergoing trial for conspiring to mur der William and Jesse Major. Tnr. camp fires of patriotism are lighting np everywhere. The loyal people are awake to the necessities of the hour, and are rallying to the dofense of the old flog as never be fore. Keep it np I Put forth every effort to make the victory the most complete in our history. Domocracy is already on the retreat. If our friends work energetically we shall woke the retreat an utter route. Th 8 Pittsburg Commercial says that Tbaddens M. Mahon, of Frank lin county, has been nominated for Congress by the Republicans of the Eighteenth district. He was form erly a member of the Legislature, and as snob earned a high reputation for ability. His opponent is one HUnger, and if Mahon can't beat liitn he can't beat anybody. Tbe district is Republican. Oca Domocratio papers will be pleased to learn that their anxiety for Mr. Scburz is groundless. He will not be shelved, bat will eoutinue in tbe field i be has bad no disagree ment with any member of tbe Na tional Republican Committee, and be cherishes a cheerful confidouce in a Republican victory in Indiana and Ohio all of which tho New York Timet states by authority. immmwawaw SPi If the people of the Republic are unreasonable euough to put Mr. Tit don into the Presidential ohair, and give him a Congress that will be molded as clay in the bands of a pot ter, as he will be moulded by tbe Kouthorn statesmen, then on their beads wilL fall the infliction of tbe payment of tbe Confederate war tlobt payment for tbe emancipated alaves, aud ultimate repudiation of all National enrreney, and the re atoratioQ of alavery. If tUs Democ racy carry the National elections, nothing will aave the country from auob an infliction but another war i and if tbe people are so foolish as to put in rulers who will restore tbe old order of affairs, or a still worse state of affairs, tbey are not worth fight ing fop, nd all the gallant saorifloes nadaaajnt the Confederacy, and nil ths Millions of money spent will Laval,!! spent in vain, and the world roost start on another back ward movement These are not words to alarm. History gives many case of backward movement of na tions a reuwUU m sucu ft ou would be i,', Ifl Fiat. Rrtrbit. Demofiracv is in full retreat if the friends of law and order follow ttp tbe advantage tbe retreat will be a rut by Novem ber. Ixtt no opportunity to bring out a full vote be lost Every Re publican should labor from this time to the election a if on bis vote de pended the contest .We canoot have to many vote. If tbe cause should be lost by one vote it would bo as fatal as if lost by a million. Alt IxTrRKSTtia Linxs Stobt. The following story of Governor ayes was told at a Republican meeting recently held in Cloveland t AI ooutu toonotain tbe boys of the Twenty-third bavins appropria ted two stacks of straw for their use in dire distress, tbe General in com mand rode np to the regiment and ordered tbe straw returned. R. B. Hayes, then Lieutenant-Colonel, re plied i "My boys have neither tents, blankots, nor overooata. Tbe mud is ankle deep, and the loss of the straw will coat more quinine to the government, to say nothing of tbe offering of the regiment than ten times the value, and if the trovern- merit will not pay for it I will." And K II. Hayes paid for that straw out of bis own pocket, and this man It B. yayos worshiped by bis re giment is tbe man whom the Con- perhrad Democracy would pollute by relating the infamous story that he appropriated the money of a bounty jumper to bis own use. 1 lie boys or tbe Twenty-third fling it back in their teeth as a "dirty, infamous lie." Tne mass of tbe Democracy are not into the secrets of the plana of riiiion ana other cbiei leaders of bis party. If they were, tbey would no more follow them than they followed when Rebellion threw off its mask and showed its foul purposes. When the leadors of Rebellion assailed the Government by force of arms, tbe mass of the Democracy sprang away from thoir leaders in dingust They then saw plainly that tbe purpose of tneir loaders was to overthrow tbe Government If Tildon is elected and a support ing Congress is given him, and tbey throw off tbe mask that now bides their purposes, or the purposes of tuoir leadors, the peoplo mi gbt for sake them, but tbe machinery of the Government would all be in the hands of their enemies, and they would be completely helpless. Do you say that is "too great a change to take place." Consult history the Bible relates numerous changes as great as that and profane history is studded over with changes even more sudden tban that. If the ex perience of the past is a standard to ? a i - i ii , june oj, siicu a cuange win not oe a difficult piece of business. iSenti tial and Republican. Ws notice in our exchanges many calculations of the probable result of tbe presidential eleotion, some of which from Republican sources, claim from 2-0 to 255 votes for Hayes, while the Democrats, by claiming states which tbey Lave not a shadow of chance of securing, elect Tildon. The outlook at present, we iuiiik cannot oo more luiny Biatea, for both parties, than ia this way i HAYES. Maine Now Himpthlrt Varui.mt MMwrhnMtl JOio-U laltuii P"DUijrlvui Ohio Illluola Iowa Jtaoaaa NubrMk (!lorada Miauaauia Wiacnnala Micliliiau Navari N J. raajr South Carulloa t a t 13 4 Vi Sll II I a 6 10 II r 71 Lonlalant North Carolina norma Alabama Araauaaa Dflawara 10 10 ii i it t ii (lanrxla hauiuuky Marvland Mlaalaalii Mlaeuurl Teoiiuaaaa Vlrulnla Waal Virginia Tax POUUTrVL. Naw York ludlaua ttrairow Dalilarala Cuuuactuul . Whole number of electors 309. Necessary to a choice 185. There can bo no reasonable doubt of tbe success of the Republicans in every one of the states we have given to Hayes and Wheoler, which bring them within 12 votes of an election. It will be seen that if the Republi cans carry California and Connecti cut they will elect without New York and Indiana. We have given the whole aouth to Tilden, witn the sin gle exception of South Carolina, wmcn cannot well be taken rroni us, bow that the party is reunited, and there are some "federal bayonets" in the State. Dome Republicans insist that ws will carry tbe states of Lou isiana, Florida, and North Carolina, and there ia little doubt but we could, if a fair vote can be had, but that ia not to' be expected If we should farry any two of them, we can srLfs all the States in the doubtful column, Tbe chauces are undoubtedly in favor of Hayes and wbeeler in both new York and Indi ana, and we should not be surprised to find, when the smoke of the bat tle clears up on tbe 8th of Novem ber, that tboy have carried every northern state, and that 'i ilden baa secured a united aouth, excoept the state of South Carolina. If so tha result will be Hayes 238, Tilden 131. In any event tbs enaneesars certain ly largely in favor of Hayes. When Tweed wss taken on board the Franklin bis companion, ant, was liberated and immediately sought an American mead at tbs Uotel Kurona in Vigo, ngiatersd aa R. Stands, but who is supposed tobs Tweed's son. Ma. Hr.Dftfti4, or, as he ia pic-1 tnreetiiely called by tbe Lonisvill Conner Journal, HiquarMoed Tom,' blames the hard times on the Re publican party i and here is what the Chicago Timet (dem.) says to him on that point t "Mr. Hendrick s twaddle about hard times may go down in Indiana, but it will excite only ridicule elsewhere. Most peo ple know that the present industrial depression extends to Canada, Kng land, Germany, and many other countries, and they are too sensible to bold any political party in this oountry responsible for it all. Mr. IT J ' t I 1 1 I 1 1 11.. 1 niDiincu nuuuiu oear id rainu mat be is a candidate for Vice President and when he talks he addrssses the people of the whole country, and not merely some sleepy rustics in Indi ana. Tbe Chicago Time ia quite as "square-toed" as "Tom." Trs Birmingham (Ala.) Iron Age contains the following advertise- iWINrr, )RATK MOftnAV WANTED- IrTKKHONS bal roiiMente o a or ooria irol the proper ttane and dAnomluatloo, aa And a aarehaaar at fair prioa bf a nlrln at Ibla oOVr, And ws may swear that it is in serted by a Democrat who sees the drift of things if Tilden is elected and tho Democrats rogain power in the Fedoral Government Two hundred and fifty-one thou sand four hundred and sixty-three cash adraissious to the Contenuial Exhibition, at Philadelphia, on the 28th nit.. Pennsvlvania dnv. without counting dead-heads. It was the greatest crowd that was over seen on this continent snd none who saw it will ever see its Jike again. Hill and Fullmao, two of the El wood (N. J.) swamp fiends, were yesterday oonvioted of murder in th first dogree, and Dayton, who turn ed State's evidence, was convicted of murder in the second dogreo. Dyspepsia I Dyspepsia I Dyspepsia! T)T'rPl It thamoit perplaita of all aaraaa allmauU. Ita tTinptomi araalatoil Innnliala tbalr variatr and th fnrlora an1 da.pnnttant Tlotlma of th dlarax oftaa faney tbamaalvaa lb pry. In torn, nfar.rT bnowa aaladr. Thla la da In part loth oloa aympalhr hkh ai Uta bta th toik and th brain, aad la part alio to lhalaet that an? dlttrhaaer th dlallo fuaciloa Dorrlljr dlordn th r, am wiwiaa ana to Brvoaa ayawai. aaa tfctU omxtnt. thaqoallt nf th Mood. K, r, Kaakal t Blltar WlMoMna la a tar cur. Thla la ant a aa praparatlnn. to b triad and rouad wantlair, It ka kra pri1bd dally for nam ar la th nractlaa of aialnaot ahr. aiciana with antrallld tuenaM, It I Boi Pmm or ininit to eur all th dliaa.aa to hlek kamaa family It aubjt. bat It varraat l to car liT.poprl la lla aioal atxtlnata rorm. Kunkal'a Hittar Wlna of lroa ar fall la ar. Byniptonit or Uyaiwntl an Iomoi app tlW. wind and rlaln of (h food, drrn-i f tha oath, haartburo, dlaUotlon of tha Moniaah aad bowl, oonttlpatlon, kaadaoh. dlitlnaaa, tllatatl aud low aulrlta. Tr tha .ml raiawly aad b conrlnoa l of III marltt, (lt th (Janoin T.kaonly Kunkal't, arklak It ant up Fhlltdrlpbla, I'a. It nar falla. For tola by all DraxKltta aad daalaia arrywkr. A.k lor K. V. Kunkcl't lllttar Win or lroa and tak oo othr, ill bottlaa for KM or tl par bottl Worms 1 Worms I Worms I T. T. Kankal'i Worm Syrap nrt falti tn da attoy pin Naat aad Htoaianh wonua. nr. Knn kl, th only tuoecaalal Hhyllrlan who romnaat Tap worn la 1 hoara. alia alth haail anrf n lo until riaod. Oonmon aaa taht If Tail worm Im rmoyd all othar wnrrat eaa ba roa.llly daatrnyad. Han't for olroalar 10 K. f. aioin laiooru nintn tra, rniladalpkla. rm., or cai, vn ytNir oratfKiaa lor a ooltl ir Kunkal'a Worm Syrup, prlct tl. It arur fallt, A CAM!) TO THE AMEKIUA FURLta For many yaara w har mad two BMlllnt tultd to thaallmnlorTaat elaaaof tulltr rt. Thu.itno.lt ol eura kar boon mail by lhara, and, la fart, th word fallara eoald Brbouildllk lhara. Bat within tha laal two yanrt onatrfall of oar madlnlnai hara tiiruua: up, daaaarout In tbalr el o-a Imlt lion Of oar I rwl Mark. To aaour th ioil w baa nlacd upon h tanulna boi or Hoi- luway't Pllla and Hulloway Olntmaat th fa Irulllool th- tlanatur of our Aaani, Mr. .tm. Haydork. To euuatarlali thla la falnna U'a aball ralmtlaaaly puriu aay on who ImltaUt inia wna ant uiaioat vigor ol tha law. Wi mt arnsally baa that th arT maitofTh A mar loan pplo will aid ut la our tlforti to proiot lhlr bcalta. and halo at In anr tmik nf brtnw. Inn thaK moat unurlnoinli-d nan tn tha br at ijuaucw. t aitoraiir raiuaa u purenaa nia-ll- rinaa puriKiriin- to o oura uolaM Mr. Jot. Haydotk't alntur la atlachad to aoh Hot of I'llla or Put of Ulntatanl aud u and will looa b rraehsd. Th jiabllo't tbadloDt aarranU, HoLLOWATfcUO. A CARD. To all who art tulfering from lb errors an J ladiioreliontof youth, nervoai wnknett, early decay, lore of rntnhooJ, ao., I will itnd a rolp tbat will our you, ritKis ur (JIIAHUE. Thla ftitat rotnedy wta diioovered by a mittioBarT ia Bomb America. Send a ulf-addraaaad envelop lo lb ltiv. JottraT. Umas. etaiioa v. Uibi itotiie, New York City Ap'r 2otb em. QEL1580R0VI PRODUCE MARKET KJ - OOltllOTIO WIKtV ST vvasrenisolloi He Hon. Wheat per buaael 100 10 1 16 ny a 60 Core do Oat do Clovrd pr butbel Flaieeed do Onion . do Polaloet nw do Timolbyrd do Duekwbel do Duller per pound Kgttt per doaea Tallow per pouod Lard Cberrle Seeded Cberrle Blaekberrle lUiberrio Dried Apple Diied Pehei pared do uoparod Baeoa, Side Soap Ham Bboulder Side Pea Coal Cbeilout coal ' lo 45 ?5 lo 28 to 1 26 20 IS 07 12 04 10 8 2o 6toT 12 10 lo 2 Soto 2 40 e'b 8 26io S 5 lime GOVERNMENT STOCKS. AC Clot Im I'rloaaof ln Htm fcTowaeiND, 40 South Tb.rdarml Philadelphia. Ubwka.uouehl and aid I llhf for cath or aa twiralu, apl. wta, lere.t a win. irnirn U.S. '. imt..,., ....Ilaw UaV " IWI1MI IIS lhoa-J.a.J 111.4 ll,, lln'.J m im nit; 10.40'a 1 1 if 2 lloV a 4 11 la " (Jurranvy, '.,, al u e'elai.ae CalUd - .laoi.J .11441 .11JU iminyiisnia v. a W PhlladaloblaaBd Kaadinf S.lB..n 'i Lahlith Valley jH.V it MblKb dial k Nav. 0 , frW llnlt-d Doapaula of F, 1 la Oil Unak A AlleK'y Val. K. B...... loW Fhlladalphla a air la It. K' It Nortbara C'Milral H. H. Oo. t'U Oold 11 a. . 1 1 - as n ... m u4 CAUTION. NOTICE ia hereby given that the following artlnlaa have hoea awmkiaad by 111 naderalgaad, el Uoaelable'e Sal-, and left la Ik pitfeaaelM or Joeapb Ivwa rlua- hla plaaa- Ail pwvmwa mww wo.loaw dl or Interfere with tb aaaie, vis 1 Chain. Hlak, I Med and Haddra. leloek. I TeMea, g C'a. carpal, fwtatws la th greaad, I traak, a ol lla ware, -j Hi ad oklukeae, I meat tiaad I tub fc Hubbar, I iMmtk Trey. A- UKLrUlOtt. Hearer Iprlugs, Bpl. M,;in. Orphans : &m. THR nndersigned Trantaos ap pnlatad try th Orphan' f Inart f HnyAar Oo, to anil tha roal atato nf Joha UwnfU lata of Vraaklla Townahla HoTdar tlnnaia Fa .damaaad will afar at paMi aala, at th lata rvaldan of tald dM-Mad two mlMawMtnf MMdbdmraaa W ISDN EW II AY, WOyKUBW-WaiN, ltT. Th fnwr f.iHowlnx daaarlkaj aalaahla traoMof laad III All tH-t rmtala mmf and tract of MOUNTAIN LANtl, artnaf la Franklin twp. Saykar oonnty. Ft. B-ffllM RnHh by laad of Joha (llfCa halra.Ra-t by Wad IViwraar trart, wwi wy ptimmu m nnauo aaowaiain, waat ny landa nf llnrr Vaadaratloa, ountalalng 441 Ai!HE4 wMroerlawa, Ala Ihatoartaln aianr and trart nf land tltaaM In Haarar towaahlp, Hnydar omiaty, f. HoaadVd North by Abnar All-r and . J. MM. dlaaaarlM, Baal and Sowth br laada of A. J Mid dtaawarth ad W--t ha landa of Pnhvn Alalftr, oaalalal4t ACRKH aad II pwreh-a, atrlrl ro-aanr and known aa th nniroo property," ACHES of Whkk la lar farmla laad, th halaaoe la wall tlmHrad wharona I rart-d nod HOUSE. MAR and othar ontbnlldlnjfl and aarar falllaf anrln nf w.twr aoar th hoaaa, alo a varlaty of thule f rait tr . Thar laalana valnof tftfrrcall or rnanlna thraath lb farm, with aa-vd drift to tha ora and onty on ml la and a half to Ifcuvartnwa atatlua oa Ik Snnhary and l.-wl.town Rtlimad. Alan, alt that nartaf a tnaaanaaa and Irani of land Haifa In Uantr and franklin tnwaahlpa, Sxr-d-rrnanrr. Pa. H-iaaaVI tfurlh bylaml of Jaenb Klla and Itanlal Konn-, Ea.l by landa of aaamal Enavl and Adaai Waltarjr South by landa of A 'lara Waltir ar. . and Wa.t by laada of A lata Waltar ar.. aud H-nry Hackanbur; onnlalalaa 47 AOS KS and na parrhm, atrt.it airaaura, and known aa th "Adaaa Waltartraot," 41 ACSB1 of which la andar enltlratlnn, tha aalanro I oovarad with naa arowlnff yonaaehoatnat timber. Alan, that mrtala maaanaa aad IjiUKtToaa Qcanar altnala In Laalaatiwaklp, I' a Ian O. Pa. Hnandad nw th rtnrta by laada nf Oani Rhale, rat by Samnnl Fillman, Sowth by hair of Oao. Branakar and Wnrt by Joha bpla alnoyar, oa telnltia It PKHl'HKS. Hala la eninta-nr at 10 n'elAek A.M. of tald day wkea terme of aale will b- made known by OH Art. P. riWr.WflMC, J.. M.SWtNnl.K, Sapl.2, !:. Traalaaa, H KALEH A ITS PLKASURKS, OR Disease With Its Agencies Choott Jtetteeen Them. IIOLLOWAY" S PILLS. yrrennt DimnUrt. ' Wsat I nor fearful thao a break In f down or id uervoue yiint r to b . eltable or aervou la a email de(re le raott dlitreiiing, lor where oan a remedy o rouoci 1 mere 1 on 1 anna out 111 tl wine, beer, or tplril, or far belter Done ; lake do eoseo, week tea beint preferable get all Ike fretb air you on; take Ibree nr four Pill rery aigbti eal plenty f aolidt, aroiding th tie of dope, aad If tbee fold rule ar followed. yon will be happy in mind and eirong la body, and forget you bar any nerree. Mothert and Duunhlrrt. If there i one thing more than anolber for wbiob tbet Flue nr 10 ramout, it I llheir purifying - properti, etntolally tbeir power of oleaneing tbe blood from sll impurllle. snd removing dangeroue snd utpended eeoreliont. Uoivereelly adopt d at th en grand remedy for female eomplklole, tbey never fail, aover weaken tbe yilm, aad always bring about wbat I required. Sick lleadaehn mf H'tial of Appetite. Tbtte feelloge wbiob oddn ut, moil frequently ante from annoyane or troub le from ohtiruoled pert pirniion, or from at in and drinking what I unfit for ut. tliuRriiiordering tbe liver snd tlomaob. Tbet organ tuutt be regulnled If you with lo be well. Tbe i'llla. if lakea ao cording lo ibe printed Inetrnrlloni, will quiokly retlore a brallby notion lo both liver and alomaeh, whence follows, et a oatural eoniequenee, a good appeiile and a clear bead. In Ibe Knit and Weat lo diet toareely any ol bar niedioln 1 over ueed for I bet disorder. llnw to br Stnmij. Never let th bowela be elthor eooflnO'l nr unduly aoiad apon. It my appaar alna-ular that Uolloway't Hlltt thould b rao.muian.la.1 for a ran anon tha bowel., many riat tup noalna; that tbey would Inereaa relalatl m. Thla la a irreal mlatak. h rer 1 f r the.e Fill will immediately enrret th llrar aad ttnparary kind of bowel oouiplalnt. In warm ellmatae tbouiaadaof Mr, hair baeo ard by I theu.eof thl meilleln. whlah lo all ea.ee I;lvl ton aad lnr tn tht whole orgaala aye etn. however dranne-1, health aad atranifth fullowInK at a mattor of eoura. Th apiKllu. too It wondarlully lajraated by th at of thvt I'liir, combined in in ua ut loud in uralereeoe to Quid diet. Animal fond It better than brolhi and ttawt. Bf rewoalui aarld. froiaatd, ar other Itopur bumnrt I mm th llrer, elotna.-h, orbliwd, th ua of dyaentary, dlarrhoei, and other bowel cnmplalntt It eiplld. Th reaalt la, tbat th disturbance It arratd. and th aeUon of the bowela heooaiw reaular. Nnth iDawllltton tha relaxation of tho bowtlt SO ulckly at thlt dneeorreotto medicine. Ihmnter 0 the Kutnrtin. In all dlaeaaei aflaotlna tbt ora'anr. wheth er they enrt too much or ton Utile water 1 or wnetnor iny u aratotoii wua atone r n ravel, or with eohea and paint tattled la th kdnt ovr th rKloat or th h Id nay., that nllla thould b taken ncoardlna; to tha printed dlreatloat, and th olntmaat thould lie wall rubbed Into 111 email of th bank at bvdllm. Thlt treatment will aire almott Immediate rellel when all otli or meant kar failed. tor Stomach nut nf Ortirr. No medicine will to effecta'ally Improve th ton ol th alomaeh at thee plllt 1 they remove all acidity, ooaatlonad ltbr by In ttnprnc or Improper diet. They raaah th llvr aad re duce It to a healthy action 1 they ar woader. fully emcaelont la aaaat of tp-ttau la fact lhay evr fall la carln all disorders of tbe llrer and stomaob. Hitlotmy't nth are the beet remetly known ut ine mormjor inejouoicmg tiueam : aH ,ak. Rllllnua OomDlauilt. lltobihreon Bowel Oom- Uolice, taHtla. tdelnts. Uunetlpallon of the Coaanmp- lloa, Kraaluelat, Kiu. Wblllty, How lea. lira, alary Proper. lamele Irrewalarltlet raver of au kinds, H-adarke, ladlseetloo, . . tauammaiion, jauaaioe, Pilee. A.IVr iamu Lcumnaco, plaint. Hheuniallera. Reteolloa of Urne, ttaenndary Symptoms anrofula, or, dor Throate, Kits' EviiiBion Ur 1 i.iraiiionreni. Tumors. I'loaca, val. Worms or all kinnde. Vaaereal Vf-lWaakoaaa (rum aay leoiioaa, tUI'TKIK l-Noaa ere laatiltt unleaa th alsaalar ol J. Haydock, aa eaal rot the United aHaloe. arrouade aaek awa of I'llla and lilniuiani. A handaom reward wlU b flvaa to eay oo ranaeriug biicb iniornuuion aa may ieaa ao the delaotlon of any panr or partlaa counterfeiting the medlela or vadln( Ibe same knowing Uwm tolieepurloaa. Sold at tha kfanafaeton of Profhasor Baua. WATkUo., New York, end by all raapeetabla uniniia eaa iwawn ib ateaieiae larnaguoni theclviliaad world. In hose. of M settle, ) cents, aadlack. r-TliarUeontlderble ttvln bytaklnf the laraer site. si. U. IJlraotloat forth guldaaoa or tat lea la In every disorder an eaUed lo each hoc tuaa, siaTtty For COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS A0 ALL THROAT DISEASES, - Use Wells' Carbolic Tablets. PUT Pt OWI.Y JN HLUBIIOIM. A TRI K D AMU 8URKRKMIOT ror sale be PrasglaU aansrallr, and jUHNaTow uotiLOWAYm uq.rblla. QR0SS & BBOTHKRS, Uaaufawturar afaad dalr ia all kin of BILL TIMBER. LUMBER. PALINO. SHINGLES. LATH. FLOORING, t., Bbamokia Dam, laydr County, Pa. AU erder promptly Iliad. Veltwf, Cktrry, rfUr,4 lim Luml eatfeafy a kand, 730, ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTI0B. latere si admlaletratloa aa the estate of LevlHlack late of fraaklla Taaaalila. au.i karlag ba granted I th nndcrsigaad, all per. sobs kaowlnw themaelras ladotitod te said astale are raauestedto make Immediate per meat wklle lbse karlaa alalws will preeeail ! daly alheauetd loreatllemeal t - esMUJlls WlTTI!"aiYErl, Sept. U 'la. diuutr. YH.WAflNRtt, Kari., e JUdriCKOF TUB PEACE, JaeksoaTownahlp,$ayflrCo. Ta WIU at lead lo all bolneee atrat4 lo bis ear aad oa tb most reasonable rm. March li, 'SbMf j a BELiiEiMER - j DEALCB IU . HARDWARE, Iron, Hails, Steel, Leather, ; Paints, Oils, Coach ft Saddlery Ware AND MASCFACTURtR OP , Stoves & Tinware, MARKET STREET, Lewiniown, l'cnn'n. Mereraber 2, 1871-tf FAUST & WENTZEL, Selinsgjove Fenna. (North of First National Hank) IIEUCHAAT TAILORS. READY MADE CLOTHING. A WELL selected tock of Ready-made Mens' and Boy' Clothing of rry Quality and tyl. SEWING MACHINES, rnilEY ar 1o Arnl for lb Laleel Im X proved, obeapeet and best Sewing eninee 01 every kind Dow la use. As. , wra SEL1HSGB0VE I.IARBLEJ70RKS. The andertlaneil barlav purchaied th 9. iB.vrnv Mar I.I Workt, he It now fully pit pared lo manufacture. Monuments A s fl Headstones. till summer at prloee much lower thaa hereto, for, and lower than kat ever baeo done In the county. Having; lut received a lot of Ieelfoi, of all the lateet atylee of Monamenla a head, etnnea. I am able lo alva latlafactloa In elf let and prltea, to all that with lo decorate the rave, of a departed Irlend with a neetl, ekvaf) jinuHinrm, reaiaar ee earner n nr. I har alto mad arralnaanienti. so as to lie able to furn lab on short aotle, Narble, aand tton, or any other kind of duor and Window Bin., ai prioee iu sun ic nureuar. Herrona In need of any of tb above articles will aave money by ealllnif at the Hellnaxrore marine woma oaioro nuronaainif eiaewner. I alen keen Kank't I'atentMalvaalaod Orara Ouardt for tale, t'lre dIUerent styles. Uoeae aaa . aaTMr. J. II, Lone, ofAdoroaburi.lt agent for Ibe undersigned where all or dart, will reoeiro prompt attention. aiaya, jo-ii. . ia. t n r.u. ALLEGHENY HOUSE. 2Voa 81J tt 8i market Street rillLADELIMIIA. has been enlarged aad rattled for tb no oommndalion of 3oo Uucsls ; 1 eenlrally loomed id the uuiinet poriloa or the uity and Plaee of amusement, Ao. Street Cars pas lb bouts lo aad from lb Centennial Uulldinfi, and ia eonoeclion bti filled up a large D1MLNQ HALL AND RESTAURANT, For tb aooommodation of tb irarelinc publio. A. BECK. Prop'r April otb. 1870 White Horse Hotel. N. W. Corner Third & Wood Sta. PHILADELPHIA. J. E. TRAUCK, Ooon Stailiio. Proprietor. Wines, Liquor aad Sag or of tb Choicest uraau. mro-7o. HATS DAL WOOD Poeeeeaaa a much greater power la raalorlnglo a healthy state. It never prodace elckneea, Ic onain ana epeeay in lie action. II I laal su perceding every other raraedv. Bitty raiuulee cur In els or eight day. No other Medicine can do thle. Owing ao It great sueo, many tnhelltutes nave oeaa anveniaaa, encu a rtea, Blisiuree, riiia, Daiaame, etc., an 01 wnicn nav ua aoau donad. Iluadat Dick a Vo.H Hon Uaprntla noalalalog Otl of aandalwood, cold al all Drag Dtore. Ask for Clroalar, or soad le U a II Wuueler Rtreel, Mow York, for one. Aug. 11,'H. JNION HOUSE, Mlddlebarc Pa. GEORGE O. SMITH, Proprietor Aoeommodalions food aad ebarge mod- rat. Speolal aoeommodatloa for drov er. A (bar of lb publio patraoag I toiioitca. . . ufiu. u. DNllll, April), 1878. tlfitn fna per day at heme. Samples worth )IU IU v)Ufre. aJnaen a Oe. fertl aad.Ue. EXECUTORS' NOTICE. Lettera testamwturyoa the estate of William. P. Wagnsllr late of tUllnigrov Hor'h, Bnyder vvnr.iiunw.Hi, wn i.iai w waiiwr tlgnd.AII pereont knowing tfcmlva Indebt ed tesaldaatau will please make Immediate payment while tho havlag slaluu agalaet said eeiai) wiu preai ibwbj lor siiimai 10 M. la WAOENBKLIeaV J. O-UBHIMJaX, , , . W.8HB16T. Aag.ti.T.. .. KuMtar Q. HORNBERGKR, : , JUSTICE OF IBE PEACE Perry Towaahlp, Bnyder Oeanty, Pa. Uolleetlunt, Ooaveyaaelng, aad all ether has! a pertaining to tae omee win bo arompur eaded to. Ume aoar TruatmatrllU rjHE NATIONAL HOTEL. J. B. FOCKLEU, Pro'r. , Bellnwgrove, Pa. Thle Hotel Is pleasant' y located la tha "eaoare," aad Is a very desirable place fur traveler to atop tua kasTof aeeommodatlvu si LOW rats. Par soas Mopplug ones will a sure to U again, Th haaaofllaaua Iu the bar. - . 4VB-A rel clee lUaread U seaaaalln with keHutolt Aug-lt,'!. ' n hied of popuuiu i;attiiT. y?..tt?"wfrul" Atk ,Tr ibatanro of anveaaatlon 1 about Oal Hall, In ?"f klr"D"l'rri rihetanro Millu Cl.nni. oaela , - anta.' A ran-toe ens anas I. 1 " w m wwj naiasius onr ,4 tillable!. -oo-fcaat eomer ef tSiUt earl Warkot Pkwaa aot th bilTB. far aomw stranrers socking (M kaU, bars bssa aUslea by dwshrnliig perenns." A. "turn enuar m on Msrkvd, and IJ0 od.1 oa flljth, six storm high, hat one three acres 4 looHasf. and rorera rpar onr r'T ""'"."v wwiiojvt eievaiora, anu in Y. ; JSl ort-r do ywtVs with gMrlsf , - They am tm opened and amnirrw tn) the bescTiicnt, onlong (jaw rounlera, and taken thenrw en Ui frVIJrlevatoe to the) Iramss tur-t mora ou lb iCioor." V. " It liisnectlnrthe first OMrarlori T A."KOj sir. maaaurtng. Tbe goods ar f)f mrajnred In the ptere, then Inepwstad. Tb eloih pwaaea over mllrs te th face of a strong &'F Je" elV.eoo before and tm behlnil the rdV watt hlng with lb eye of a kawk forth least pln-bol baprrfex-Uon, and tnarklna ...i Saw an L - - end avpta It w baa' be oonvnt to out tbe gar-, meats ' Y. " Tots wrmt employ u ' nf mttertf tMntlkaltil. all .ka m. m onr nnn a r m.. . av Into Rarmcnta, bealdrs Inw wa (ha at.!. ai.phh.a. Ikal Ja uowrii aoen a wora war a stroke.' . "HO JOB awwwlawi u year own A. Wo do, and most earefany. Oar mltwrs lnap-ot errry rtlh-h aad Beam, and fortify lo t.tt garment as extra-well tnale) ,wro?jr!.t"l,.l hciMi It, sad beoooiw reapeoeiofo f,r It. ocai rVuu 'T,l,m vs you a great A. "In every direction. sir. It h tbff -rearm and eoonouy we practice all 0m we through, that enabtea us to put our prVa ifowa to Tho people as we do." gr " ofV't rAnr "pct,tt work "batbeocmee A. "Be for It gneo Into gtork M it HrwieWt. gwy slnsl varmont has its number and othar points noted on tt.eo that Its entire bla tcan be traosd without fail, apoa n OV. " Too most bar a) or e talssmen r A. "why sir, on busy days you avsyase 100 in lb various mom and suites off rooms, wiling to the throngs of cnetowwr." V "l ... rf.-. .1, .... -JL . L . ra aad oanrma r Z7' " A. " Very greet. AD over UMeueaitry. Our 17EW 600S3 ! Low Prices ! HOWAHD beas plares.HVaX' 1 i . V.'tojmiwairtwf 1 W , A-" Attant young engine rUrnMie jwrwwr Adamsbnrja Snyder .County , Fenn'a THIS Snbacriber barlnfr pnrchased tho Store in Adamtrborf, owned by B. L. Kandenhaeh.. lateade to carry en e general raecaa tile business at rbe OTd Rued, aad) lakes this method of informing hie meny frlende and cltlsene la Adameburgand the enrrouad lag eoantry, that be haajaet ntarsnl with asn will aiwava k-ep on hand a welt assorted sad tore stock of all kladsef Oeodeuoaailr kept la a kret t;ase eoantry Ssre. Kls ateek eeasiale SrKlJNG AND SUMMEK GOODS, Such as Clotha, Caaaiinera, Kentucky Jean a, Cottonadoa ol a-rry atjl una qnai.ty, also Ladies' Dress Goods. Silks ALL WOOL DELAINS, Merinos Poplins, &aatallpriceaitdery eltaapt hats AND ;w, tarpcis. floor, mi, on mt . . BOOTS AND SHOES, Ilardware. Qneensware, Tin and Glassware WooilanrT W31wwarCoffea bugars, fciyrupa, Molasses, Teas of all Vinds, and at Juow Pncear Ciirara & Tobacco, Fish & Salt WbolesaW and Retail. PftAT PrtnT PfkAT SlIAMOKIIf a WILKKSKTARRB, Bupssler tUHimV vUiXlif vVAlif VViilfj ous Coal for Blacksmith's use. The HiyheM Market Price Paid for all kinde'of COVXTRY PRODUCE, Vrutt. Piitiitorii. tt't). .(?. 1 AlaNO t Dealers in ALL KINDS of Clrnin ami Heedav or wiiicli tbe bigbest Trice in JaU will be Paid. Mar. 7, 76. pirBinis at New York (In Holmes' new bnilidiog, 3MA.IMC1ST HT.t MELTIVtSCttOVlS. be a oa of tb Fined aad most legaat Slock er a la tbl eoaalry f FANCY 00008, Sammr Shawls, Coejaterpknee, Etmbnrf Edglag, aa4 Kuarre lug. V INE itiortmtnt of Ltdlt nd Children A; ,&. QAEPET3, ALPACAS, WHITE GOODS, I DEO lea to announe lo tb public tbat I bar take great pala la selecting Mis good for Ibis Soring trad bolb a tooualillae aad arleae. and feel aoaSAaai tbaA ererybody who favor me with a call will b lo lb eouaiy t buy my Un of goods. TT rules lor doing Busiaem are I One Price praaentallea i Na oomauleloa t Bey t The """LV, . A rtsltaadaoemparleoa of price caracal ly solislleu. AWrr, H.-Aleo Agent . Batterleksrattaras. . , . a. WKIB. Tb dsw Clolbiog Store aboe lb Esysloa Hold i oaaeeled wlia Ike IT. T. Fancy Store. Aay gentleman ana equip himself tber from bead lo foot for very ; lUle money. Polli atteolloa alway giren. . Sollasgrov. Oat. IC. 7. , NEW D-0ABD7AR1 STORE. niddleborg, Penn'a. Tb uadertlgaed wwld lalbrm the elllcoas of a. aaa surrouaaiag oisiriet that k a Hardware MLsra aA tkaabaea has meatloaed plaee aad tnat be will beep a full Ua of ail hind f Hardware, lacladlag r ncavjr M Shell airimn, TRIMMINQ3, SADDLERY, Bbo Finding, Lalbrr. .. Befa Speolal Iadoomal la "St ' BuioraiuiiDUiAiiE LOCES, BIMOE0, S0BBWS, HAILS, o. ' A Large AoHmat f Cast Steel Sbor 1 A Spadot, Ho, Oardea TeeU, ehylbe Orala aUae. Hay &, r alley, ., : mow1 - Or ALL KIND taatly a band, All at Greatly Red used rMcee. All who ar la ae f aay kind of Hardware win do wU by walling at tbl place. HAlANTUON M0ATZ, MiddUbarg , Sayder C., Pa, Mayas, 1870. )R. J, W. J5CCXtFLLC, ; , 4 : PHTSIOIAM sVirn SCBOEON O) am pvwfsasloeal eaewUW U tb Maas o miwaicwura aa av.y. ... x.aVaJi tal et eyea-vi attd retm f salf-aweeiiniiiT.t' Catakwa. Sto Mce.ee people I A a Ilea ew.y ) aarKSrellVVi kr Uy war. an, 1" pel ion. '' 1 stnvnnse yqw bsvvjbI Iteat half a doeeo 4irnrenl eVpaitmsutsr' A "afy oear air I we baeo men tttan fa ear, each charred with fte own knelneta, and eacbT Jbwovighfjr orranlsad,asmati beel with-, an the great wheeL" V- "Will you aaaeaMner9ef OMmri A. "Jlth pleasure. Th t uatom bepart.' senv, tot Uraae wb prefer eiasmni-marUv ready-emul-v TVA parnlahrng teprvaavnt. with IM AaaThwa aanrk rr .V ..T.rIT. The ahlrt Vartorr, wlia It bnsy maehlneel making onr own tim-eram shirts. Taw Tilra- rnbigfirvailmrnt, tawlfaki as sassy a sewev brr SSrwv. Tha Uaonenl ioek Room. The) Rrwtvlng ytoora. Tho- Order iiwptrtmrnt, named before. Tb Ppcrlal I nlfbrms Prparf merit. Tho BrllTery toaattmeul, Wltb Ka aeoroof meMngre. Tbe" X. " Hold, bold r efr, ennngb r . " I'm not hairthmwghT Th Adr-rSslrMr IVTutmwnt,wllh Ita bllLsndttgn dl.trlbutora, edIUagaad pnbIM Inawl bwaf nets and popular lonnvsl, clrrula-os Jnr, f I eromple monthly llrll all ynnr u-U JrViarnel anll. TheMrn'i Pvpaiiment.wltrnt many rnoms. Th Doya lrairtmenl. The VoutbV liepastmeat. iVw Dhlldrens i Peparlaieal, lt It epaHal ntranc tn hdbsj. Tha Telrrvtptt bare rt- R'?u J1?" Cn'f Perk kwpsruneot, wltre ib-kerpersandTawlrtant. Ganrral gin. anr' pppartmenti Plnaprlrr's OBce, ami other offlcre of tb BrayaU away aa Wee) thinking, planning, exejrntlng, buying, mak lug. rrgUterlng.rw-e'Mf.scndlng out, selHtur, and In a IhouaaivnNMr MnlngararwS) to carry nn a businrmVlih the people smnunt ln ,bteea i,ooo,ow aaU tiMJM a auslly." A. "Indeed It a I frajgnt lt,-,?L) Caahler-s Drpariment, whrchban-TtKUT I of retail raleeon soanaelnarla -a V. "gl0UII Immcnael ThMa'wkaV . the Donee lo bur rheao and arlrrhaor' A. "Etacllyl Yob bv Lafrt hit It. Tti) 1-sor.lerpng berc, kr Wlnfthal wedepewd, a fo-w price and lmmrtwbala.' V. "What arm lb roTaaiL' I bear so much atwutr A. "Our system of brjsfnest deatlag -t. Or rlco, no devUllon ; 2. Caah ftr everything a. gvarantee protrctlng the pnrrhasrr : 4 Tho money murrawlU kuo buyer aaa I therwla) be suited." V. " Nothlnw eonld he fairer A. " Holhlng. And the people see ft." V. " Wll,l Uuutk you. air, kc tear porfea A. " Not at an. TTa a pleaanre In call again; mni be sure of tbe plalV Wsna. maker A Brown's Oak nangVI iijfn I Ml cor- arar emin ana marcel. ' mr V. "Thank you I lahaH b bppy koeo flood awcnlng.' tt HM 600DS!! Low Prices 1 1 1. ROMIG pepGcDg I Tina Fancy Store opposite tbe Keytsone Ilotel.) ( HolMry, Qlor, laltsi 0lylg TIg tsn ... . i TABLE LINEN, T0WLES, Aa, t eoariaeed tbat law ia Ib baaa pUoa , i Coartmms aad Roaorakle doaTnag He Mlsr poorest treated with tha aama Baaeaat aa ik . J 1L UARTUAN, 'justice op tiie peace. . ' tfc Conveyancer CENTBETILLE, Snyder Couaiy, Pa. nelleetlona aad all business partalalag te tea ' efflce el Jasttee af th re ufui b rtunded a at thort notice, ,..t . . . ; j ( .... Aprtl'l . . ' . " i ' -.: h fir) a aay at bom. Agents wanted. OulAI aej! , ' fUveraulr,TBUwUO., Aagusia,bl. ly , JJypER 6. MIDDLES WARTH,' JUaTICEOFTDB PEACE., s A n:i,: ! ' --"' COHTETAffCtet,;. , KoOlnr City. Snyder Co, Pa).' ' " ... ...it. I.-. , . I i';'!' m ... . ... 'A.l.. .V eUael JaalleaefUe Pea altMdad te at tkort Boltee,.,, , i. walin.'leU. . . Mil... . ... J Oellaclloai aad all baalaea Alaa-Utaa i T K. TrtA.TJCII,' 1' I ' ve. . -, ,. -t - - ii .! ' WHOLESALE ASO EITAIL-e , , . Furiii-Tiw TTrwainfictcry AI1 ' ' "W A T3 XT" TJ r-V UlTCI Jio. $41 North Second Street , ! J Brio (Mloit MUSI. rUUtAJJ&WJfJA. , CQABLE8 0. MILLKB, . ilCKITIOT COmi. A BVIL1Z3 Walaiif, Street, U.iyrere, Pa. ' ," I al all lime prepared t furaltb Drafrtv " '' PUns aad Speoilealloa for all kind r ' 1 Bull Jlng. t tb lowest poftlbl gates aad. o abort aoile. ,..:, H U alt prprd t atrat fN pattiag ap bulldla ltb by furaaala all tb malarial ar tbarwls. ' ,;, Hay Iss'sllT '" ". ' ' O . : ' i--1- - '' ' ' 1 1 . ,.i . rv: