The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, September 28, 1876, Image 3

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    " - i. ,
All communication, business lot
Ion Ao., for tills otllce, to socnro
jiromrtt ntlcntlon should bo mlilrranctl
n follows: Tiik Post, Miilillciiurg,
Hnjrilor fAiunty, l'a. Advertisements,
coniniitllieali iot.tiQr nitlstr ,lr rlifiniletl
in ly MothlrW hsmy.i' eeclirt) litser-tim-trirxt
sttrrntetlnt-str Cottare. Tbe CoorU of
raweroaiM an bold on the fuurtb Moadaye
pf-retieaaer. May. uj tteptamoer, aod HM1
Mowday af Ueoeieber,
The tod weather Mfill Improvo tho mnrkei. '
Some of tlio p,voi)imt) of our Bor
oitKh need reconstructing luully.
Tho tramp crop bids fair to be unusu
ally numorons this winter. .
Corn-torrtiinft Mint corn-cliopoinn ofT
nttho ground is. tho order now among
tho farmer. , . ... .
.Homo pCtbo iluvdo trees aro shod
ding their loaves, others are .usuiiiing
tlio nutumnni dross. - - , -; y ,
Wowljf but etu-ely the woalliw jrrow
cooler, and gradually, loo, the antiiia
teo bacUolor draw his legs nearer Iiih
thin when he goes to boil. .
' 'i.'Xf. Peleraj iio of A. J. Peters or this
p1itaa,kt4 fortaaatolba National Ham
xtR. Ltjrontar, Ind , J tl. Stoll'e ptpsr.
lias been spending a few weekl among his
relative an ojr-boJ frieni. II it
looking welt anil setme to be proof against
tlie swamp taalaria, bf InJUnny.
Kortd tlto fremiti cirouUra of tho
Hnyrier County Central Agricultural
Hocirtv,' to -lie held - MiddlulmrK.
Tlntra.liv Fri.l.iv and Snturdiw. Out.
fitli, Ath and 7th lsr3. RoiiloiiilK!rthiU
nil preniiiuiM will bo paid on tho Fair
ground lifforo tho lliiul iidjmirnmuiit
of tlio Fair.
wild PioEos. These favorite of
the game triho aro already bcinnine
to ntaka their nppearaueu in tlio ml-
ioiiuutf wooili, ami tamo few havo
reen allot by our gimncin. inn few
weeks they will coino in counties
Hocks to feed upon tho hums ripened
by tho front, when exciting sport will
bo allbrdcd the gunners.
Lookout roa Tf i km. Tho latest bum
Imgs that aro goitig round tho country
lire sewing mauhiiio ''Uxors," Keen a
ehafp, lookout for them if you don't
uaut your machUic "llxod" at a hih
frico, eo that tliev will bo of no ma to
you thereafter. Wo caution our rcad-
mio twwaro oi strangont ; uou t pay
mem any money lor nxing ' nntii you
Juio.w. that your midlines uro all right,
f you must get traveler to 11.x them.
Soldier Arrf&Tiy. The Soldiers
ofsnydor County are rtwpectfully re
ueiitod to moot in Selinsgrovo, on Bat
nnlay, Oetolier li, 1870, ut 10 o'clock,
'Ai 5L, for. tho purpose of forming a
tSoldiers Assoc inlion for Snvder conn.
ty. : MAX QV.H. JasEl'lf JiOOKKlt.
lias bcon invited to bo priMcnt, and if
'lie accepts due notice will be given.
Let us have a full Uirn-ouU
; ' CoMNftTTKE.
.Ko one can fail to notice, tho blight
k-bi(.'li m witliering1 apjilo trooa in utl
parts of tho country. A gentleman
xplai ns, through tho colunis of an cx
chango that it is causml by a worm,
mid by splitting tho twig at tho point
where Inst year's growth commenced
( it will b found that a worm h:is Imvii
lit work in the heart at tho point. The
fiiMumptiou is that an egg win laid
there at tho beginiug of lost year's
Dr. A. f. Smith, who was our candi
date for Congress, Cheerfully aciiiieses
ill tho result tlio Conference ami is ma
king untiring efforts and iisinq his licit
isieiiioiiHj'or the olociioii ol'lIJU.'rU;td.
I. Mahon. !
' Such action on bis part socuro for
liiin tho ruspoct uud oitnem on tho
' party throughout tho whole district
. yixud allies his homo friondsmoro close
ly to bUsido in any. future contest for
." political honors. There are bright
iitpots in tlio future for tho Doctor.
t- TpAciie. tWe ncvor saw lho peach
..(mp so abnudant, at least for the lost
thirty , jcors as It hns been in this
.fneigliborboou this season.' -Tho apple
.''("VP largealsot Much attention has
..tccu'paid in this county for years p:ul
"to the planting of fruit trcos, ana we
.nrcgrttttHod to state thit the present
crop is in somo measuro a reword lor
tlitMVfJsjIxjr. Uafc the bvrcr ia still at
work'ort tlio fruit trees,- ami it requires
tiuusualcoro and attontion to keen the
destruotive insect from killing liiem.
, And it looks as if thoso troublcsomo iu
', octs Iiavo come to stay. ;' ;: '
.CiTtKRKi are still going to the Ccn
, (tennial Exhibition. - The great masses
of the people, however will not visit It.
'It in a costly sight to many ; and whilst
'."It ploases tho cyq or tho visitor, yhat
' else of benefit lias It done, or is it doing
;V for the' toiling millions ? Oennrnlly,
those who havo visitod tho c'- .tii,
when asked to describe u, contont
tiioijisolvei by slntply stating that 'it is
a grand ultturWiL is a big show," and
that is about all tlioy say about it.
What useful purpose it answers lias
yet to be announced. Who important
ideas it suggests has not yet been m:ldn
known. 13ut "it is a grand adUir."
though vory costly ovory ono must ad
mit. -Et.
Ihpbovsmsrts. Notwithstanding t b a
bird lines WUJIeburg bas been iuipror
log during the eumnier. I
Tbs Untied Brethren Church bas beao
made a two story building, and oiberwiie
enlarged. It la nearly completed, and
Mr. 8. 8. Bebook kae treeted a new
brieki dwalllng.' .A grtot desl of last Is
, sbnwo In tbt style of ooniiructlon, ami
-'' will ba when Aniebtd a beautifot reeldenoe
and auUe an qroament to the west eud of
'town.'V V i i ' ,. i
- i bin BawMst Bo wan has atto areeted a
1 " ferlob residence In Franklin, wbloh will
' nake a very bsadsoiae appearanoa whoa
"7nishtdl' f : '
' There era ctbers, but, whloh we bate
"aellher Umf aor spaoa to ntenllun at
.;r:,t)raibt., ; ,.v ,.
'TreipiMtw dttmn." !;'.'" '"".!'"':
n -in The recklessness with which aomo
" jnen and boys steal fruit. Ac-,' front
... gardenaand farma. would lead one to
i 'auppoaethey don't know that tliero is
Slaw against it. For tholr information
lereforff, wo publish the following act
of Assembly, vix !
- -Ay piitw otiiimi whehall wlUfotlr en.
I awor brMkoWa, ISrvHuh or oot an orabarU,
' ! f arSan or jrarS (auoa, bot-lMM ar aanles4iaia or
1 ,l,i olwahall wraoafally elae Mooa,Mt, baaak, hft
an oeoUwrwtaeaiiUllaie or daataia suy aat, fruit
twarneaaala) tr all nib, SmiU, piaster vine
' i taallla. artaw. batwd a areaa buoaa or aril llnl
(ualf eratieaa aaon. aralk enrar, feaar Oawa. tn isple
..' 'Sablul ee arowta orupa. ahalf, oa auovl atlon
.'i Sail luS. baioaai aa alSMaMW or laatloa of lha
ttt aaaaa. at MiruonK tf law. la said emuIKi ,ha
.ii.-h Jiinu aaa sejataal bias la a snut not laaa Uua
aa li l " aoi Wra laaa one busarail daltari'
...n 'i'liaeuit trtlir ilofines that in ease
of default xy .Uvsi pnymeiit of tikis . Aae
,i. iJ;"w)t. with, cost of suit,' lite
Mrty KMraitxl ehU ker committod to
1 1 ' V of the eountv for a iteriod of
, v pr morg than
J... -.1. .J- ..l..-.,..L.. . .-1... - -
' Tke vnita Fare aea Agricultural Asso
Station Pair will bt bi1! on their grounila,
at. Sun our,'. n Tuesday,' Wednesday,
Ttihrada ami - Friilav. - OaloUa ' ILL 4ll.
ATTBMnrn Roprwtrr: We team
from a roliablo smirco that a man by
the natne of i Kralser from Jackson
township, was promised asant of mon
ey duo him a few weeks ago, and accord
ing to an understanding between bhn
And bis debtor, ho went on the thv
specified to receive the money. Mr.
kratzer did not receive bis money from
the matt, whose namo wo did not learn
be being disappointed by lha person
who bad promised it to him, and, per
haps, it is woll that it wot so. Krat.or
was obliged to return homo after night,
and on bis return was attacked by seve
ral men who cut him in tho arm, and
ripped bis ' cont on the tido ' where it
was aupiKised he carried his pocket
book. o doubt these inon knew that
Krat.or went after money, and that
their object was to rob hint after he
had received it. ''
, Gooh Anvirc fn view of tho pre
ent condition of lalmr nud hnsim In'
this country, thryadvico of tho
to "tako care of tho pemdes ". will iiot
be iitappropriato. . Jxk well to your
xponding. Mo niattcr , what comes in,
it moro goes oiit you will bo always
poor. The art is not In making mon
ey but In keeping It. Little expenses,
liko nilco In a bam, whim they are
many, make 'great ivasto. Hair by
hair heads get bald, straw by straw lho
thatch goaev-oir tlio ootUo,- and drop
by drop the rain came into the ebam
ler. A barrel is soon empty if the tap
leaks but a drop a minute. When you
mean to savo bogin wilii your, tiinuih
inanv thieves pa.s down tho red lane.
In all things keep within compass.
Never stretch your legs fuHlior than blankets will roach or y3it will
so n bo cold. In clothes chooso snita
bio and lasting stuff, and nut tawdry
lineriue. To ba warm is tho main
thing, novcr mind tho looks. A fool
may nuko money, but it needs a wise
man to pend it. Kcmcmlmr, it is ea
sier to build two chimneys than to
keep one going. If you give all to
back and board thero is nothing left
for tho savings bank. Faro hard and
work bard when you aro young and
you will bavt cliauco to rest when you
aro old.lEx. ,
H'itnkssim Ls CoURr.Of all tho un
fortunate pool ilc in this world, liouo aro
more etuulod to sympathy and com
miseration than tlioso whom circnin
stances oblige to appear upon tho wit
ness stand in court. You aro called to
tho stand and nlaco your hand upon
a cony of the bcri.Uiro, in altonpskin
binding, with it oroes on one side and
none on tlio othor, to acfiommol.ito
citlier variety of tho christian faith.
You are then arraig.ied boforo two le
gal gentlemen, one of whomo' smiles nt
you blandly bocauso you aro on bis
side, the othor oyingyou savagely for
Ilia. opposite reason. : Tho goutleiuaii
procouds to pump you of all you know
and having siiiieejted all ho wants of
you, relentlessly hands you over to the
other, who proceeds to show you that
you aro mistaken in all your suppo
silious; that you never saw anything
you havo sworn to ; that you ncvor saw
lho defendant in your life ; in short,
you havo committed direct perjury.
Iio wants to know if you have bcon in
the Stale prison, and lakes your denial
with the air of a man who thinks that
you ought to havo been tliore. Asks
you all tho iiesiions over again in dif
ferent ways, and tolls you with an awe
inspiring severity t' "bo careful what
you say. Ho wauls to know if ho tin
deritood you to say ho un.l mo, and
wants to know whether you menl
something clso, Having bullied and
scared you out of your wits, und con
victed you in tho eyes of tlio jury of
nrevui iealioii, Iio luls you go. 'liy ami
by. everybody that you have fallen out
with is put on lho stand to swear that
you aro lho biggest s mindrcl they
ever know, and not to bo bolioved un
der oath. Then tho opposing council,
in summing up, point your moral pho
tograph to the jury ns n character lit
to bo handed down to all time as tho
typo of infamy j us a man who conspir
ed against innocence and virtue, and
stood convicted to tho nltomnt. The
judge, -in his charge, tells the jury if
thev holiovo yolir testimony, fcc Ac.
indicating that there is cveii a judh-uj
doubt of your voracity, and you go
I io to your wife ami familypioigh-
bors and acquaintances, it suspoetod
man, all bocauso of your accidental
presence 'on nn unfortunate occasion.
Who Would ifot bo a witness ? Ex.
Attend tho Fairs.
Coleman's JUrul II 'odd offers soma
excel lent nigumouu! in favor of at
tending Fairs. Wo oommund these to
tho thoughtful consideration of onrre.i.
dersiu general, with tho hopo and ex-
pccmuoii inui every larmnr in ;siijMer
county will follow tho advice given be
low, Iry snomline at lesst one dav ' nt
tho Fuirs to bo hold in this county this
fall. "This," tho llural World pcrti-
nontly remarks, is tho season tor tho
Fairs. Attend them, that you may bo
bonofiltod by thoiu. . Combino in
struction with ' reeroalion. Kxamiuo
carefully all the iinproved-implomenti
and niacliiiies that are exhibited. Don't
ho afraid to ask rpiosiions of tho ex
hibitors. Inquire about the advanta
ges of ono particular mucliino or im
piomoiitover another. . Uuthor all lho
information you can, nud mako the
best uso of it in tho future. Exuiuino
thodiiruront breeds of cattle, kheep,
hogs and horses, and nsk ' the 'exhibi
tors to give you tho merits of tho
breods tlioy aro showing why tlioy aro
butter thanny othor breed, what treat
ment thoy rocoive, etc.
. "It is Astonhjhiiia: how much one
can learn if ho only will try. Pump
every intelligent exhibitor of anything
Hint you moot. . ito is at tlio fair to
talk about tho mortis of what ha ex
hibits ; that is his businorw. Listen to
all J io says. Got his circulars and tako
ttiom Homo Willi you, und road thoin
carofuUy.. at your leisure. Doliovo
just as much as your judgment ap
proves, nnu no more, rarinors its a
general rule, are very credulous, ' uud
boliove what is told thorn.) They are
in the habit of lolling the truth, and
think that allien do tho same. . Many
of them, by being honest and unsus
pecXhiK. get ,lii Uy tiikott in. They
must learn to take the statements of
strangers with 'many grains of allow
ance. ' Farmera should tell their eons,
when they attend the fairs, to koep
their yas and ears open, to learn all
thoy ran at those animal exhibitions,
to soo whether anytlilng that is exhi
bited could bo usoil to- advantage on
the farm, whether It would be wise to
buy any of the brooding stock exhibi
ted or any of the improved implomeuu
and ma chinas- . i '
"Lf farmers1 will attend fairs aa a
school to-obtaiu valuablo information.
luey utay uenve grott treuotit. u tlioy
havo anythitrj worthy of boing cihib
Ited, they noiild not full to have it on
the grounds in good order. They
jl.N.l I . r- .f'rtrf
A large number of people are la tewa
tblt wteh sileailiag eourt. .. ; . ,
It baa bef a eloudy an J raining In Ibis
ptasa sad tlolnlty almost inoeeeaaily for
ibe last three weeks.
' Wheat looke well In this vicinity,
notwithstanding the more than abun
dant rain fall.
Some farmers loa lha oreek luatsloej
Cfinslilnrsble loss dnrlng lbs late floo.1.
Wbule flelJsof corn have beta washed
Xoader, if you have an Horn of news.
send it to us. If there are any acci
dents, fires, or happenings of any kind
mat wouiii iio nt luioiest, in your local
Uy, sond them in.
Our Ilanntrvillo eorsrspontlont will
pleads learn that all comrauolovlons srnt
to Ible otlice for pnhlinaliiin, must at all
liriies bs aeenmbanlail with tha wrltaaa
roal name, or else they will bt dropped
into too weave oeeaet,
Makoyour nrrangomonta to ft ttend
the Hnydor County Cbntral Agricul
tural SiK'iety on lho 5th it It and 7th of
next month. 'The prospects for a good
fair are vory bright. It is tho duty of
every farmer and mechanic to give it
his support aud encotinuoiiiont.
ItSSWoIs k Oppenlieimar Ihs pnpnlsr
clmliinn morchnnts of Hclin)troe are In
the Ktnarn Cilirs this werk to purcbssr
tkeir fall slock. wlii.''i will be the Inrgcai
r l r(Mislit In this eounly. The ifoo Ik
will ho res'l; for iuapccliuu the Ullerpart
of Ibie week.
Tbt Celebrated Klmirs pnote for Men
Boys Vonlb's for sels cheap at Wagoiisel
Icr & son's
jTHollnwsy's rill and Otntmsnt.
We stsnd SfthsKl at tho tbousan l hourly
hiirUJ to a premature irtve, vl itluu of
bsTinir negleeteil tha Aral eymploiui of
disease?. Whether the cmnpltilnt orlnlnsles
in Ibe body, or be iulni.luced ncjiJcntnlly
Ibrotigh Iba skin falsi remits may lc
warded off by a timely reeourse of one or
both of the mediciucs, 2i oonla per boX
or pot. Sept. ai,'70,4w
Tho celebrated KLMIKA HOOT
is sold TIIW YIu.VU as low as a much
more inferior ltoot and tho only pluro
forget them, in Selins llrovc, is at
W'ageuseller Si Son's
5U.Tou I). ItvfDKStiM'till, Tailor,
resiioctfullv informs the reonleof Mid-
dlclinrg and vicinity that he is prepared 1
hi uo nn kiiiiih oi wui n iii nn uiie no. il
ly, cheaply, according to tho latest
stylo and warranted to lit. Cutting
done at short notice. Risjiicss il.u'c,
corner opposite tho I'. It. Church,
Main Street. riept. L'
Wo would cull ht specinl attention of
I he Indira Io our large attn-k or Drean goo l
Cnhss, Frit skirls, Waterproof Clolli, 'i'riiu-
mlnga, llitinlinrg Kigiiiee Kc, all of
which wt will full low. Wngeuai'llcr k
Son, ... , ,
J3y C. X. Smith, from Newport,
1'crry county, l'u. will furnish Snyder
county merchants, with I do brvt com
mon tamly, French Iluuliiig, Ac. He
will bo on hand at and during the holi
days, with all kinds of Candies, Tovs.
etc. Nepl. "1 7"i,tf.
, . ,
Vo will as heretofore make it an oh.
jecl Tor partus buying Tor CAt-11 und
will continue our plan if treating per
sous so that thev will call ngiiin and
m.ika their piirchnscs.
V' it Sox. .
Cash Systkm nelicvitif' it to Ixi
a bciiclit to ctmlomurs nn well ns
oivatlf. 1 hsro ounuluded Io a. II eoo1s on
ami nfier Ouloh. r I'iih, 17H, fur cub ur
produce only, (.'sods will ho sold U P"r
cent, ciie iper iinin nuw. til mil. la or uniin
ami pro.bive wilt be taken for wliieh the
Cash will bo I. II. I. KO.MIti.
Heaver firing, 8uyJcr County, Pu.
Bepl. -2H. 1S?U.
ltV-Call and exnniine our largo lut
of l.ini'ii Tnlile Clothn, NnpkiiiH, l)oy
lies and Towels, o ml llaiHlkt-rciiicis.
iiIko, t lute dtioils, ( onntei piincs and
ll,.i..,.....,..,l. ,...11, l,;..l. :n .
low ut Wiigousellcrs.
A CAIrtll.
To all wbo ore mirering from Ihs
errors and imlieereiione of youth, nervous
weiikne-e. curly ilrony,. lore of miinllfti.d,
id., I will rea l rvoolpo thai will euro
you, PR BE OK CIIAHtlK. This
runiody was diHOovcreil liy a minaiotiary
lu Houth Anverica. Send a st-'f-aildreaHeii
envelope Io lha itr.v.- Jnetii'ST. lsuts,
riuilon 1), llihle Houee, uw York City.
Ap'r :.utb Ciu. -
"WttfreiiMolloi r. Won.
Wbest jior bushel 100 lu . l j
llyt do (i)
Cora do Io 45
Out do 25 Io liK
CloTorseed per busbtl to
Flaxseed do 1
Onions J da " ,.' '
t'otaioei new do '
Tiniolbyeeod do
Duokwbtat do
Duller per pound
Egps per tluson
Tallow per pound
Seeded Cherries
Dried Apples 1 ,' '.
Diied PeaoUes pared '
do unpsrsd
Racon, Hides
A'oap ,
Shoulder .
Sidus ,
Tea Coal
Cbeslaut coal
. 12
... 10
S2o io-2 40 oatb
8 S6te 8 5o Hint
VJ Ins fvla-xaof l If arss k Towssssii, i'l
Soutk Thinl street ItnUdulphla. KkH'ka.bouKht
and aold altker fur caaU ur ou uarsiu. bipl.
1M, IbW. , ,
U.S. l'a,
I.'AI'a lailS IH'i
I " IM.O.J. J lll,2
' " Itv.i...... inn..
" " ISliS in "
" 10 40' ; ii4
- a tlurreney, ...VmU
" 4' lh, UW, II 41 J
nailed k'e lliU
l ann.ylvania V. H 4eu
I'klladeliihlaaud Keedttig B..K.... 14
IrflilKh Valley 11.11 H
iuiuu coai at nev. t. aa
United tlomraiili-a of V. .1 I'
Oil (Jr. ak k Allrs'y Val. K. U
-uuaaciiiuia aa Kria n, i-..a..a...
Nortl eiB Central It. U. Uo ti
Uu.d 110
lo Kreeburf, Sept. I'i, liarbara, relie
of Jacob f. Koyer, aged O'Jy. 1m. Id. She
was beld in high esteem by Ibost who tea
joyed bar serjuniulsnee. .
In Seliu.grovs, Bept. 18 Mist Ljdla
Plalrkrb, aged 8by. fiat, !i3d. Tbt deteaa.
ed bed spina tileeajs and bad been unable
lo walk) for tbt last sereuteea years al
ready. 1 ' ' ..,'-...
Oa Ibe iflih Intl., la CbapmsB low's
tblp, Uarbare Kllta, wife of George freed
a, j saonthj dajm,
Fnr ntltf Taara a tiava I n matlli.lna
nltad to the ailment of a at elaaa af aullar
arn. Thft nl caraa kara baan bt
thma, aoil, la fltet, the word fallnra eon Id
erer fee coupleA with tsara. lint within lha
laat two yaara eountarXta of our mariinlnea
hare rprona nn.danxereue In thalr el oa Iroll1
tins of oar Trade Mark. Tn Maura the nemle
we iiare nlaoail noon each aanalne bns of Hoi-
lowai'n Plllt and Hollotraf a Ulntmeat the fae
llmllla of lh hisatnra of oor Asanl, Mr. Jin.
Hayilonk. TS eaantarnlt this la felon?. w
hail ralntleol piirraa aer one who Imltatae
t h la wllk theatmmtrlKor of the law. We moat
earnaatli has that Ike arear ra of The Amer
ican people win ail aa in nnr anuria to prnient
thalr health, and hetp aa In ear tuk of lirlna-
lue theoe mtwl nnurlnaiplnl ma to Ike bar of
)oatln. t'nlformlr ralure to pureha Mall.
rinan purporting to e ours nniaaa Air. jn.
ll.I.H-k' tlsoatnre Is ettaekal to eeoh Ht
oi Piiu or Pot of Olnlaiant aud lha end will
auoa be raihiHl,
The puulie'e ohedleat aarrenta,
Hollow at a en.
TOTICR is hereby given that Hie
XV asdaralined pnrpha.l the following ar
tlrlai at eonataidaa' fil, and In It the aame In
poaoMlni of laaite W altar during hit idaat
nre. All parens are cautioned not to Inter
(ear ar mr.Mla with the rama, l l I Chair,
teakettle ,1 Hie-kata, t.'I.Mk, Tuli, t Plea, Oil.
clnta, Hollar, and on lha itmi ila sara of my
property to hie wire Marias Walter, th r.'llnw.
In artlHae I Cooklnw More a pipe, llurean,
Cheat, Iron Haiti-, Wood ( h't, Lard ran,
Waili Maohlna, llalrtoad a Ueddlnv, tut of
Apslebuttar. Meat Stand.
Ventre Tap., Merit. , ls:S.
Lattrra of adralnltrtlnn on the ertile nt
I'eter leeaiad, late of Chapman 'I wp .
Hnyiler tloiihly, l'a. having iM-en aranted
to tha andar.lsnad. alt prnt,a knowing them-
aalyaa Indohtad to aatl eatate are ren,uaeial to
make Immediate payment, while thoaa havl' g
rUlina will present lUem iiu'i tath..n'lrtsil lor
aallletnnni 10 . fitaa.l l.Aiftritia
Hapi. 14, ls?S. Adiulnlitratitx
t ppttrnai Our lrn lira Ilia STart. I'ibtr-
UUflit 10 I tKtlMor lha PHKMiKaTIAI. I ASIH-
kaks 1 nTi: n il rapidly. Mend lor rlr-n-M8
a day. Isr. N. V. r nxravlna CoM Wall
btrtat, l;oi 3..H, N. V.
rlilili undei-aigneil will sell his Inls reaii
Liience eiiuslton Main Street, the Jl ir.
onjh of Mid llchurg, rnyib:r County, Pu.
Title Is a tle'lrsble property ami was fir.
merly known as the K.UiLK IIOTKL The
ituprovemenis comprise a LAItiiK U)U
I.AKtiK SIIKI), ICE IKIPSE, nil I other
otitbuiMlngs. An eicallent well of water
nt the door. It is sulistilo for n private
dwelling or a Hotel, and located near Ibe
centro of biminss.
Terms esay it ml reneanshto. For furth
er partioulni call on or aJ'lreia
J. W. D'lWKl,
WntsontoeD, North'dCo., l'a.
Aug. 3, 1H70.
I For murh Ip than tins lieen heretofore p il l
lor timm in im pure, .Mr. liuiniiKton i.
tiraett.-'il workimlll ami la inauart..!
I'tirKIMM, l.'ASKl l .. ho., at alumal uji lull
tha prleethey h ire kerolulore eoat hero, lie
alio uiaiiulacturus
of all dO"orl'llonF, and at sraitly rediii-ml
prie. a.
All order, promptly att -nde. I to, (at. hl re. I
drin'c in rrankllu) uud mliaitiollun lu all caei
""i"'".'!'.?'"';. ..
I TT .
n o it i a x i; - n v i i i, u .
And liaa clone I it. nnt Willi an oatitl.llihed
iiiia run: eireulaon inriter Ihaii thut nl any
j other dslly I
leeptlon. It
In l'ai,.ylr.inlii, oldie alimtnx.
ha. now the mmt narfHct niaoliliia.
ry and appllaneo. lor printing it. luruo o litloii
i.avitiK t.i now itoe rorti-!tiK I'.oaa.a, aaott n printing .iii.ia o enupleta uophw nt
TH im tn an Inui ii thai It n tn iilialho
very latent new. an t tonka the eaille.t dvllvury
U it. reader.. It contalu.
All tlio LatoH N";vs,
Ineluillim the Aanoelatod Praia Tulaitrania
ni-l il l'oliiirain and ( ' irro... in."ii"i ir on
all iHilntaot lutorvit, ('oil and A.'.-unun l,o,.
liinrta. and I'eirle.a Ivlltorltl lilaiiua.4i.iiim
all Current Toplna, imkln It lho tuoat eoei-
piuiu ami uucapuit ue.,aiiir lu f auuaylvsuiia.
. in: TIAIUK
'n evnrylUliiK, and will. In all political uriin
lilai. oo rallliltil tn trutli and I', own onnvli'
tlou.. 1 1 mako. no It'dlow pretauae of nautrnl
Hy on the lea.llns inotlon. ut the day, prln
pnlitir-tl enntiMta aa thvy paaa. hut will evur
diacard the Idlnd parllaanahip thai would aui
ordlnala the rlttht to party auecaaa, no iHntter
Inr whit ornunU;ill.iii, ur in whoau li.lnn.-t
rui-h elatin I., und will li'trloKly erltlnlne
K, arrnra aud tha want nl pnhlio Inteiirl
ty whernvor found. It .Ionian. I ei-onujiy and
li lollty In every ilepariniont oi authority, Oliy
M.U and National, and bold' arralxn. thn.e
of ovory party w he aimae pubila truu. It din.
euti.44 puhtle Imnie., pithiia event, and puhllo
men. with that maaaure nl Iran loin Out la dln
tuld.l hy tr io,, but with that dlunity and eour
ty which .hould evor eliaraotorlzo the pre,
nl the moat enlliihtonad o.iUon nl the w .rl.l,
I'rl.-a two cent, par eopyi mail eiitMorllr..
poatave pre p.tld, iix dollar, a year, .or tllty
eeuta a uioutti. A ddreaa
713 ChcstnJt Street, Phladolplia
The beat Piano luitruotor Is
I'etara' Ki'lei'tle Plana .School Trice, t 'J I
Tba llaat Mnalo frlmer I.
l eter.i llnrmwa.t prlmar, 1'floe, 0. i
Tbe Ueat iteed urxan Inalruotor Is
Klnkal's Ne Method ' Prloe S 60
The Itoat Inn motor lor the Voire Is
l.udden'e Helmol for lha Voice Price S 60
The Heat Ttiorunuli H.w Hook l
I'etara' Hurro.! 'Ihorouifu Bal
aad (Touipanhm I'rlattTt
The Heat IMrllniiarv of Mnaloal Tertiie la
Luddan'. Frounnnelue Uloiloaary
ol Mo.lcal Tarm. I'rlo I SO
Tbe Koat nitiKtna Olam llooks ara
fairy ;hot, eople. In un Prloe 0 00
Niibk Koho, lou.lHW eoplei In u.a I'rloe 0 7e
Mualoal Chime. ( lemale Voiee.1 Prloe I no
Jaok.on. Slnslnti Dtaa. Manuel IT lee 0 76
The Heel Cotlactloaa of ilhurcb Mualo
are Ura.alor'a beleelWos lur thurob
and Home frit 160
Dank.' I-a. red Seleetlnne frleelov
Tte Heal Haered and Heeuler Colleotlon
I. tbe riaater, for Mlia.l Vole. rrfce 1 60
Tbe Ileal Uhorne llook It Peter.1
Opera Ukoruie., Vol.. I. at II. each Ot
The Heat (J tee Hook I. Tbe Mt Plus
Ultra, for Mtied Voloe., rrlot 100
The tteat tilee llook lur Wale Voice. I
The Sanserfeat rrlct 1
The Heat Uuttar InatrU'tor le
Holland, ('oiaprehan.ivo Method rrlot S W
The heat Culleoilon of Voeal and
Initruinnital (later Mualo le -Ike
Amateur Oultarl.t, - rrlcelM
Tha liaal A near. Uud Inatruetnr Is
boduwlok'a feilact Olellwd fee tkt
Aocordlaa vrtea 0 TS
The Ileal liiirnet Inetructor Is
Aediiwiek'l rrieot MeibvU fur tut
Comet ItaOtOfi
The Heat Zither Bed ool I. "
llamlltoa's Perleat atetkod lor ttte
Zither rhje0t6
The llaat tf uatoal Maiailnae art
Peters HoiiMludd Merodra., Sort rJonars SAoU
l atara' Haored Hetaetlon., I or 4 Anluea S4et.
I'eierr Octavo tlhofuaa., I or t Uhnruse. VHl
peter.1 Parlor Uuaio, ur kuy I'laou
Ptaca 14c t(
La t Heme le 1 Cieaine. t or 4 CBcaU
Plaeae t&Ctl
Peter.1 Orf aa Sekatksu, to ecaolue
Plaeas tlkU
Any work mailed pott-pslit on rootlpt of Ike
marked 1'rlua. Ad-Jreaa,
J. L PETERS, 843 Brgadway, N, Y
CONOiriON of the Finances of the
Btewwwftk wf MlitulvliMra, Ma? lit, lSI.
One B"roirh on rlnplleaie of ml aa per
e-ttlrmant April 17, 187k
' Bawael Iknran Ool. . , ,
"7" '
SI 13
line llnrmtah On ipllrat of I'T,
April II, I P. llsw.Oul.
By ealmneratlou . 1 71
" paroentaa I ar
' aiuonul of orders tt
II 11
Due Boronali endnp fcet of tare. .
April II. K7I, lo;;, o. W. lira
' auo U..I.
Fly amount f orders 41 M
peroautasa f vi
Halanee dne noronsk
Amount of duplicate ef 1'TJ, W. P.
Marel'ol. '
Ily amount of oritur lil TJ
parantaye I 41
' exom ratluue m
tlb II
no i;
316 06
Dalance due 11 jrounb , ,
Ual, dne llorwiich
i;i IT
, Oiwusrcr.
Jaeob Htalnlnrer Cut. il.iiill.ett
of la.'t, April 17, I .-a
lljria.l. paid Ailinstil Hwlnelord
fir aervla
Uaah pat.1 H. V. Keratettrr
Uy aaoni.catljne
14 (V,
n-il. lne IVsmien
Srhixd Armani.
true Homiiuh nn 1iilca of IrTS,
.I nn- loin 1- 4. Aaron
Ki-unln.T Cil
nyoaali u.l. W.H. If. arwr Traia. irom
' " iim,.i
al rsoiteratlotie s si
" prcuulsu
Ililance due II irnii -h
tlitanee dur H'ronrli nn ilnplleato
tit IH4. Jim-, imii, J aonb
llycwU aid W.ll. lla.ncr Trcaa, iim
llalanco duo llorxirh
eiJi" oj
1)4 m
fo.i a;
j a;
1 !1
Uua tiuroiiKli on l ipll. nt- of
A hi. unit of doi.litto N. I.
Ily null I ..r.l, r paid V. II.
It. au r i'n ii ,
Ily purt-fulau a ier evut
" for Col.
" etjairatloue
'.'Tn :s
II l
3 Vj
lJal duo HorouLh
TrniHunr't Atnint.
W.ll. nearer Trcaaurcr Io NnUl.lmrg aiool
"aru ia i.
To i-a-h a.'., of N. I'. Kara
U U 7S
4. 0 I
II I 01
" ' ,l la. ..h HI. -Inttttfer
11 ' Aaron Junliit;..r
' " of (. W. Ur ini ll i on II h',1 Hun
.1. I'. Smith lalo Trvaa,
M Ktato aiiroiiriatiou
IJI oi
11 or.lera 4i. 0.1
" i h H. Km'l Hchoch Troaa. u 17
pcrcrutni;o U I.S
ri:i ;
IJalaiira due ll'irotinh B 1-
ralani'edtlo ltoroiitt f a.n 01
WK tho nn.!i.raii.n"l AuHIom of lho IIomh -'i
of ,Ui....k.irx uirl tlio l.ltli day of Slav, A. 1
la.O. i.m.1 n. n..l.....l .1... ............... - '...a. ... i
olibii tliriu true aud i-orro-t aa ah Ho "ttted.
T. II. MI11HIIM nr.,
Vl. IS Sl tl I.Kit,
Clinne Tnr MirruiindliiK.
Atl wantlnu I'llt'll' KAIIMS, epec.ily
adapted 1 1 tho itrowlh ol tho Vl.VK. wham it
la nn e.-l.thll-hed aucceaa and p-iva I.AIMK
PliiiKtr. The land la alo ad ipiol to lho
liroivth ol Peache-, Pa:ira, Apolca and mnall
fruit. ; a'a.i, t Irnln, Ornai, ami Voiot inic..
Mnny linn ol aterlL nt VIM l;V A K lis,
OU 'II AliHS mid V A II MS can now he aarn.
1 III; I ut'A I UiN I. ..nly 114 mlloa ronlh ol
Philadelphia, ly Kailroad, In a mil. I. itcllithilnl
t'll'iiHto. hii.I at tho very lite .Now York
und ri.ll i.'lpM. .it iriiota. Another iUilroud
rnna .iircci to w York.
I Mi: II.M'i; m I arun, an.'
and l'roHiroiia. I 'hurchna. Si' and othor
prlvlloao. ara nlratdy o-taidtahu I. Al.o, mm.
ntiriorlia ol ahmi', t lotliln, (llii.a. straw
iloodf atid other thlna. at which dliteroiit
nirmliera d a famllv e.m prorurn einpliiytlienl.
II In. h-cn a II K VI. I ll V KKSI1K 1 lor a .loo
jo ira lor p..oplo i-ii iarinn iroiu pulinon try
iiduL'tloiia, Aathina, I'l tarrh. Auiio, nml iloinll.
ty ; toanv thou. inula hive entirely roooveml.
A new llrtck Hotel haa pl.t hoon ooinplote I,
lov IO"t Iroiit. with l,.n'k hiill,ln..:a, ..iir atorlna
hiah. In. Indlni; 1 rench rinil, und all tnodorti liu
proveinaiita lor tl.a accommodation ol vialtoif.
Prli-a ol PA KM I.AM II 'i'.ni H.r Aero. py.
aide hy ibattltiiinta. within tlio porlod i.r four
year., lu thla climate pl.nto. out to vino..
acre, nfland will count lully a. luuoh a. H
acre, further north.
I'oraoi.a unacipialnted with Fruit H'nwlnir,
eait onio lauilllur with It la a ehorl tlmu on
account oi atirroiinini(tf.
rive Acr-a I ina Acre, and Town Lot. In the
to,ua ol lasrulavllle ant Vlneluud, a I a.) lor
v Lillet vlaltlns the f'sntannUt KMI,llon,
Vlneland can he vl.-Hed at ainall etenae.
A .per ciintnlnlnk; lull Inforiuatlon will ho
rant upon ftiipllcjtl .n tn rn aulk K. I. t Nina,
Vinclatid, N. J., Iroe bt oi -i.
The InllowlDu h an extrnet from a dea.-rlpilon
nl In. Un.l, t.ulillaho.l In tho Now York I'm
ai'KK. hy the well luuvru Axrlculturlit, Solon
Uulduaon :
All lha rarraer. wore of tkt 'welt to ilnM aort,
aud aouie of them, who lutvo turno I their Atten
tion lu frulia and market sari'culiiK,kavdai'own
rich, i'hv oll la loaui, varytuit Irout sitndy to
rlayry, an t eiirluca uenlly uudulatlnK. Inter
.eotial with .mall atroaui. aud uoouydoiiitt wot
ui.ado w., Ill whlcu dopoaii. ut aiat ur niuok are
.torml, .ulll 'Uiiit to larlllun tlio wbule upland
aurlace a lur It ha lou oiUuuaUd ul ila uulur
al fertility.
It I. certainly one nf lho moat ottonalve lor
tlletraou, In aa aluio.t lovol pofltlou, and
qultuhto cotiilltton Inr tdo:tMuiii f.truiiriit, that
we know of thla aide of the Weatern pralrlca,
We louud aonie nl the nlde.1 farm, apparently
:ut a. proliinidy productive aawuennr.toleur
ed ol toreat im y nr a biuidt-od yoar.aKo.
1 he Hooloatlat woul I aouu dlaoover tho ensae
nlthla eouUuue.1 larllltty, lho whole country
la a marine dtipoati. and all throng 'i the .oil we
tvniud evld nee. of calureoua auhiL.ineea, Kuuer
ally In thu Inrm of Indurated enloareoue ui irl,
ahowmx many latln"l loruM nf anctrnt .hell.,
ol the tertiary lurui.ttiou t and till, marly aub.
alanee l.aeattere.lall IkrouHh the roll, In a very
.oinuiliiuted lorui. and In the exact eoudillon
moit ea.lly aaalmllated hy .uok plauUa. the
lurtuer de.ire. to euitlvata Aug. V'S-
NOTICE is heroby pivoD tliat tho
fdlowlnir; artli-lea have haen purcbaacd hy
the uudcraliiui'd, al I'onatalilc'H Kalu, and left In
lha m. 'aoaalnii of V III lam lllttliio, tliirlu hla
liloaailro. All pcrmine are cauuoiiod not ti mod
dlanr lutcrforo With thcaani-, via 1 II tlh.lre, 3
llockliur i.halra, Hoitao wllhoovar fcc.. Uoutro
Tallc, W.aid Nlovo aud pipe, il llhuka. I III)
Lamp. Plti-hcr, liititcrn, 4 laookina: tlhia.....
hd ol Uarpol, lilimor II. II, t)mik Ntovu and II
turM.'i lied, aud Hoddliis. I Stand., tf .at. W.
II. and pitcher, ll.ircau, Parlor Hlove and pipe,
lot lllahca, t Iron Kotthm, tlrlnd Stone, lot of
Ah and I'iua polee, 1 Tallica. 1 Tuha aad Waali
lloanl, SMoat Vcaacla. Ilarral, half llarrol, Hti,
Wheel Harrow, lubuad cklckcna, ,
(Juanuea Tap., Aug . IS, HIS,
OnThurlay theWh day of Gotnhor, im,
will he aold at publie .ale, on the No.
1, the followlnif valuahlo Keal tatala altuaivil
In Wa.lilnuton town.hlp, rinyderouuuiy, l'eana.
now oeoopled by Mr. Houaewsrtb.
No. 1-A farm or 00 AOHES of S rat Tate irra
val land .Ituated l!4 uiiloe aoatbwa.t ol Kreo
huru. well laneud aud in a uoihI .tale nf cultl
vatlnn; twi bu.hcla ol Itrae bavins k:tu put ou
It la.t .priuir. '1 lie linprovouiuut. are a I'tVu
STDlilKli VVFA'f H tUliliAkliKII Hot SK, a
8 tone Wnt aad prlii Uou.e a iare Nwlaaer
or Hank llaro, oeirly uew, and other ueoeaaar
out baildlnu., a line apple orelisroX pear, ch
Ban oiuer iruu areaa. a atrenr; enu never iau.
ilia- eorlns ofexoollent water near tk bouae.
The land la all under cultivation, ex c opt 4 or 6
Acrtai wUlob are uovered wllb pood tliuLar. It
adjolulng land, of Jeoob Ureorat, Samuel lluyor,
Jooob ttoyder and other..
Vo. S-A tract of 107 AORFH and SI aerckea
of gravel land altaatt auoat U inlle euthau.c
oi no. i, au;iaiuinir iianuv ui aonae ti..rnirr.
Kuheu Phllllia, Samuel lloyor and other.. Till
traot I. alio well fenced Inlu Beld.. aad all un
der eultlvalloa txoept about to acme of yery
tat 'timber.
Tlreae are ery tleriraldo tironarllee and will
be eeld eeuaraiely or oJthr u suit purchas
ers. If not aold oo lha eSove day tbey wirl bt thea
aad there reateil to tbe big-beet bidder.
Male to etna) auee at 1 o'oluek P. M. of .aid
day when eovdltlan wlH e nsiia known by
tie. uuUel.luuatl aa.lneee nf I. M, Omit aud
alts. . tiwutii r rni ra iinr:rt,
' Botk rSaldiBK at Jiouiit Jur. Liuoaalur eoua.
tHr s.el',
Saddler and Ehrness
, ., . Iialicr
Contrevrlle, Snyder Comt, . Pcnna.
Keep on fcaml, and maliea arser at) binds
orHaraeea, HaSSlea, Hmllea, White, ,v,ra
ae,ao. All work nunm-a) for use year
nr. wtmey aaaa Ml a trial to
aaka bat a trial ao aa,.a -haa i,a
aniterataa.iahie liualaaae. INoi.A'.J
Itsrlnt tdopteil the motto of the "ffiwnt.K
Surv.a.iK," the aubaerlliar wonl.l roll the at.
tentloa nl the psulie to Ike lael that ko aa
adopteit the
an.! hereafter, win aelt entirety tor I! tall
or I'Uiiln i ;. Iwinv amianad that It In the tiur
ay-taut of dolns hitalne.a.
Ha l ontlniiea to keep en bene: a eery full ami
wall ielcctrl aliwk v
DKV 0001)3,
Hours & fiiiuKM.
KISII. (ill.M,
TAINTS, &(., &(, SC.
w'lleh ho irtli-ra to the uil,llo at yery ureally rc
duccH.,t.Mi l'lili;i.M.
With thtnka to mv t. euatomers for thalr
Mi.erl ixiromme lor many era of tha, I
woiii.i aoiiiiit'eu.toni l-.r the lutitro. lio.
Ina. they will be Unaiuicl Ly the chaDiie, aa
YourUutnhle -orvant,
w. r. KiicuKnT.
Solln.rovo, Neit.:u,'l,
Justice of tho Peace,
Port Trt'-verton,Xii!ikr County, Ji
All lot.lnn.a n . I..I. .. ... .1. fit r ...... . -
" - '' - " ! .. . mh i" "o "oon 1, .ii'ir-d
of tho IVaro will r Im prompt attention -
I ireda, Article, wfllten he. Uoni-ryanehiu at
tended to. July -ti
nt SAL KM, V. O.Stiydor Co. l'a.
HAINES & SNYDER Proprietors
Thenhnra hfivlntr tntir).l tnfa n purt
nrii 1 1 lor tt MrMio til oai rytnur in uirn n.
SL't'ttAS I
Doors, Shutters, Sash
in eirs i r, I
Sl!lll 'll,
All Sort a of
TUirM, tn a.iy lo Carpeutore and aliotbnriwbo
liitoud I'liU.I I n k
Or Repair & Remodlc,
that we have tt.o facilltlea and ara prepare.) ot i
Intnl. I, nt lulr ptlcoa, ItKADY MAI'K nr at1
ahort nolle., chciiir than enu he made lV hand
the um.t HiiiorUnt ptirt. ol uuIIiIIiik. Wealau
I'tlltl li itl, Xi irtif I'dhI unit Uulai
ter, llrui Litr,
lIooi'Iiiir;, SUIIityr,
HllI'ltK'tcl 1 toill'dral,
nn J tlu a geucrul buniucse of al
kiuds of
Isiii.abt'i for
We are practical and experienced Architect
and liraua;litaiuen, aud uur patron, will have
mo ueueiiiui our Knowiuiige ana suiii.
Our wort will Prove itija'tvrit.
July, W,f.
READ SltKAI) ! !
Snook & Hackenbur,
Jlcavcr Njirintj, I'cnun.
, Dc tlerd ia
Stoves &c.
Also SlfTLTlXO (Imio t short notk o,
on rt'iiHoiiulilu turut uud satisl'.ii.'tvry
t-&' J Tii viiifj forint'il oursi'lvi'S into :t
t'iutrtiirrsliii, wo uro iri'irrfl to fur
nirtli till kiiitts of llitiilwiii't', Tiiiwitic,
.Stoves, &c. nt llm very lowcil rules.
I).A1I in nctul of Tiiiwiirt) or Piiuiit
inK nr unylliiiij elsu in our lino nf liu
aiiit'ss, will not ri'ri t it ly vxiwnoiiinr;
our itml ttrui-! Iicforcimrcliiiijiiii;
Aiii,'. 10. 7.
J A MKS J. MITCHKLU I'roiiriotor
Miflliubura, Union County, l'a
vlr, MltetMltlnek ei'aea.!on nf
tar hotel ou tho lt of April, wuddcli-iui all fium
Snyder eounty, a. wall aa all othor., whoa et
MllSiubura Is Klvo htm a eall. 111. tal.lo, bar,
and .lal.lealll alway. bollllud Wllb the ha't tba
market HloriU. ftldy IS.'li).
St (Joiivaa.vialkesjlt'
UKtMUM'i', buyJer euuutjr, Ts.
Cnllertloas and alt rnuluaaa pertaltrtns tn the
anVuuf Jumlca el tut Paawe will tie alWudcd tu
at abort notice. Apr. aVJir,
ExkcUTOlTS lS'OTICL'. Lttttrs
laaiauieotury oa Ibe .'tale ut Pulllp
(IviDtairiliiw deotaaod, late ol I'aun'e towu.kip,
tSeydor (Juuuty. Pobd'b., I.avlee uoun itreui.
ed to tue auderalKbe.1, all peieoiie knowlun
tbeuieelves Imlabtad to laid e.taia ate riuit-
ed lo wake liuuiedlaw pamcul, while lb.
kavlna eiainiB will prcaun t tUoui duly aulbaau.
salad lor Mtiiauiotii to .
rMl IVhtn ai Mnrmnrg kml V
",ai lU IU U 11 it .1V..MUHWV .
Ta.f Witiiti
Irlnila r'
wlih ,"! .!
'.'vln! all
I!' avfiifa aJSMoTtaiaaiaa ra-emrail ami a f
' la.a-raMlaa el-e .arf U atvaaiillif
ana ar.ttroaf.
, Wli! all.
attenf a ajlran w 17 h an eetllnat
SIVi in rraamont. JnnteMio
r an
a. . -
Idroaa. lit. l-aauaaal II Ilia. S
fnla. , Aa. . "t.
Manhood : How Lott, How Rostored f
rSd iifl piiWIahe I, anew ediiioa nf
Im ill 1,n' ' 1 'fcvwi t'e CsLktintt s. Ka
ilawsAVori lho rodienl erne (wlihont
nu-lifine) af P-eTtnsi"Trhcm iw Seminal
Wrnkneae, InTolunlnry rVmlnnl Lo-aea,
Impoieney, Mentsl and I'hyaienl lno
paeily, Impeilimcnla io MurrinK. eto.
nlao, Cimaninplion, Epilt-pay ami lite, in
ilured by eel f in lulgence or KJtual tX
trarnKenee Aa.
triT Price, lit a toatcl tnTcIor, only
ai crnta,
Tli celebrated etilhir, tn this almlrsSt
l!ay, etesily ilemtiiiatnitra, from a thirty
yetrs' ticticsefiil pntetlce, that tbt alar
ming ronsciticnees of self-shins may
ra'!irilljf cured without Ibe ilsniiernue uso
if iiitaruul ine licine or tbt nppltcalina of
the knife ,' pninlihn mil a mo. In of euro
at once eliaplo, tertnin, and etTeetunl, by
means of which faery sittlorer, mo m.Hler
irhil bia eon Hi ion msy hp, msy enra him
self clieiiplr, prir ately, sn I rsdicslly. '
.y-ibia Lceluro elioul.l he in Ibe
hnn'ls nf every youth and every aisa irt
the liiu.l.
Kent un.l.'r aenl. in a flafn tntclope, !
any strc, port pniil, en reooipt f siX
cents or two pot ntmp-.
A I'Jitjj the
I'. lllil'tiMAM k .""ON.
II Ai.n f t Ntw York ; IVt oliso l'u A"4i
July I I, I-Tik ly.
CJ:tiM t n P. ll i.v-i.i.M'.i.Niia .ir
Oior l'.ii.iii"t . I .. i in..." .. . it iiohia . t oi
o i.w )i...r... snlcitlinttihi an minit eoat oi
ndrrrtlalnK. H ir. a.'I'vry.
JT Mow titimr et may laapinate and sain
Ihcloye H nffrf-tiona of any pran they eho.Miv
In-taiitly. 1 lil" alint'loiiianial actolrareantall
e:in .,...ia true, hy tioilt l,r y.f, .itatt,re
with a inirrliue itnl.le t:uyrlanorata lireaniS I i I. . Ilea. Wed. tins-rtliiht Khlrt Iff. A
iifrr book. Allratl V, VV 11,1.1 A klo.l'abs
rCI' ANi: Y tA lids II aiyl. . with name luels
Vo taenia wauluJ. i, li. liLaikti,,
I rT?TnnC " Tim atil the reUlnii
illVXilH X O irtleic In the world and a a.,.
i I a-'l-l pa'.am I r i iitdi. f rce nl c.t, wrlto
at unco ti. I. liKllii: Ji en , :o; Ur.Mdivsy, .N.
REa07AL:20iPIAN03 "rlTOROSs
nt M.iiiiil.n-tnrrs prirt's. Tito foilisnri
I'l'n will roll ilnnr i-nliro sic-k nf
I'lilllivt A ( l-'.;;wis. new .'lllil Ht'COIllI llslllil
liift iiui-ii-, nnieii1 InmiLs, nml inrr
t luiti'li'i1. ut vory lii'itr ru-t Jirifi's for
t'A-ll 7'itlitio; Si'i'doniln'r pri'vinns to in.
tnovdl tu tlu ir now storn M Knst I Itli
St.. l.'nioii h.ii:in., Hot. 1st. IlliiNtritt
nl ("iit;liii;ni.'a Mitilfil, Arnts wantcl.
Spi'i i;il iiiiiiifcmoiil'i to tlit tni.Ic. IIor
U'O WiitiM-sA- Son, Mmtil'urtiirors nil. I
IVlllOIS. 1st 1,'rVllV N. Y.
$15 FOR $1.
't'Mrlv hrllllant "til ehrouios
Willi ctcin ut lollo. l. Una.
tilco, miow St inn. 1 1 dll .!i, 1'r.ill, and othee
popular chromoa. ca.-h -jt., ivet Ionic, only !
rcnl- Oiolt. N.VI'RI.N.VIa I'llllll.UiJ tl'.a
Phlladelphlt, l'a.
Aironle H'ante l for the lrst
p I'lXTKNX I A I j I w n K.
liunnin-e a ilc. 1 I I'A t . .-c-i.l I .r I'lrouUr ,
1', W. IKl.l.KIt a I'll.. PhlladclphU. Pa.
fARMS with fruit and Iniprovatnnnla al your
f ARMS own liKiirva. I '.uuI'hui.. with map.
fAHMt and PhoPuc.-aphlo lllu.lrailoua, t. il
fARMS Iiik nil alwut .Mary laud aud Hulawart
FARMS .cut Iroe.
FARMS J. P. MANCIIA, F.saton, Mil.
Aio:n ia V Kn n ri !
to.litlajt lllploint. Award.
... .or.iiMt.M centennial Bible
101 III i-ir.iiloiia. Ad lruaat .r now eirculara,
A, .1. iiiii.m tN s tin., out Arjlthtroiit.iiilla.
TTAVTTQ wiii:i-i.Kit victohy.
Xl. IX X illij N .w n.; for A renin. Ilir
I .fell. l-:l .' I. II A illOr It-all I'rt. 'r,.a, o ItiK a4.
to i.ul lat-ta aud lupiroa, Willi 1,1ft, llra l
Vl..t l r. I In Mr it.-.l. M, in. will ". nrc outlit
and territory. l ai a in uith made. LI. U. Tui;i'
Pub, ij Ur.u lwaj , S, V.
vi lo fj.i A Rlotith for Awnln. '
1 h.. ur.-at luti-r.-.t lit all nationa anl lit our own
Ihrillliiif hl-fory id i 0 yaara, niaMoa thla linnks
a. II r than any ollo r. Sb.ioka In iH.r. la-au.
Iitiillv iiii;iint..,. I,.,v price, .il k ani..a,ev.
en ti ru.. . inl for t'ln iiUr. J. U. Meet ti
ll V 1 III., I'hlU li lphlu.
T.i Ai'i'uta nr Anv Hho Tfcc. TfVurlr,
Lit Vuluuie. 1.iu l)e Knillu's uew tvok,
with ititrinliictliMi ti.y Murk Twain, ia Jnat
rcn ly. J lis rieluVt lit 1. 1 1 ami illueira.
liuiin for a Uu j Iinin. Art Jou out
of work ur ilnin'iui; sloii(f oil eoino Unit
Lock I Uu lor i iii 4 ono. It will i jour
lockets Hiiro ! Don' I .li l.iy ami lose icrri
tuty you wnnl, kviiJ lor eiroulurs ut mice.
Il coals hull. In,' t.) aro Ilium. AM. 1'U II.
"., iniiuor i, iinin, or r. v. wis
,im ai
UO., NuwarU, N. J.
... WOOD
POMPS fell
H!". LVy'a H'.(ti1.r1 ru-jtiinrf u flrfellnf, Tn Pumr.
C i ft- i t luettk (! ! I all taliiktiU-l:'rtvesirt.ta.
Nb'if-i. ii,riiirf la iiiH,. Mrmi. ih.t-rti.. , mi anil' riii.ii4 -BM,L. V.. if ft i,..rar.n1 . t-.a-
!-' Hf.'e.H ti'tl.v t..H.-t.wit.i It inti-arn tn Wof iy K..MUo(
I am I fir rlkv ii
t.G. HUTCH UV, Mimifr, JUG Commerce Et.Ph.Us.
aim im-as snn iwr"t.
The I Ideal and Rv.t nipntnte. m.tttatloD fu
ohtrtlnllltf a Uua oeaa Kducstiull.
lor olruular. addree.,
P. UliKFfkKfiNN.
I'lltahurKh, Pe,
(1orrrpou.lvuoe Invited, liooh laid by tuatract
Why. mke fanr Hm(n UU 4 Ilfillino,
14 vo Ihu i'XMin t.' nf pew rMif uviry V tit ft
yr. It can bo Ui tit) ; If uti uo Hla lliff.
It will not uiily tobi llm cittxU wf itir mu4
wiuti, but;tiiuuytMi m. u y
f'lM.-rt1 ynr lhil.Unw- 1 y u-Iu MAt ntliiU
wltirli iii'ltliiTt-'ra. k In n .tr nr run lu uuie
nis r. I tiiii;:lo rt.rsi imc feiil I kittr mutl
baiter, ixl laHinirf IruRur 1 n uw iiiiit:l
vftlwHit tin) I'tuil, br wi'u lM,rii. iLui'twiot ufru
liiiiuliiitf, tMi uuv(l un.l-' - ii IMU ui Uiw
uU nnJ njrrit una n 1 v 1. uU.tfttitift I
rur, thai leil t-rjiftiat. Durli.l r anaM
uluiiijlre) tt lirini: Isr tbt-iri'Wci-tt t.) lintui
titer, 'ihi attiiil rt'iilrva ii itowiutt, "tftiiplv
d witli m bru'lt iiul vtry uriiniuiiiul. Ii r ciiiiae
cultiia i l(ir, htn Ami aiilU i In4:hui- - ua
inform alu ui r, auU 1 U fell luUMu.ti j-m-iwtH
ihmrnl color U ihu bt .1 )uliil Hi lb WirMfir
tluriabilHy. it lu I.-.), I uaMriLyMi't1' '
iaiitU by bttail cuiiIikcU If mAi, Arm aAvt
utl lu-vwr cmcLs iiuvtcutu. Um tt tfll
w( luiy irluur.
Mill". fAunilrUir. far0rl-r uf tlwofllftvi
IpooitUiy. MittraiUoHii'Utofsr no ttoo,.
ul Mtlt Uuuf i iij4yf Ittta-tUlK i bftlimll LUem,
p. Uej 1( rJ lwyly. rot t'ritte. vtet. bsrn Jt
II. I UuUl.UVl Mlf '.ir"fU.Xlta;, ft kw-hif UI-ej-
rl'-r tui.) uilior Toutitm lii its Mori. lur tfuav.
nlonet hi Initiate, iHinb.iia tkv urnmuu
trVy.pniHj, 1urUIHv ftl)-l 0lw-ru-l tiill. '
tkVi lit till. t 4M4llwUa Out UU4li. tiiM IsUiOt
tJatAVKl, UhKlk.
"liuev tu mi. rblntf klDir-i 'pWt-eu tjlKictu-
Hy bMil ot0nHy in ruttUol ill btu-t" v l bautty
Wok ir Wfbv lu-diky, ml mk M .
SmW ufh Uimim KnwJIuff f'tt. 1 Jiulitti,.
, -VMi JJUVVllf WV, aHAM