The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, September 07, 1876, Image 1

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On column ohtfyeaiV
One-half, column, one year, r 30.00
One-fonrth rtriurrm.oiio yeftf,' 1 15.IO
One snuaro (10 line) 1 inaertion 70
Every additional Insertion, fc 60
Professional and Business card of "
not mora than 5 lines, per year, 8.00
Auditor, Executor, Administrator
and Aralgnpo Notice, - 2.50
auditorial notices per line, lo
All advertisements' for shorter pe
riod than ono vear are parable at the
time thev are ordered and if not paid
the person ordering them
rcxpoiHiitio rot we-ruoner.
If wskaawthseM.alorsiSBi ;''
, "wtwdiei raoa anx aeigboer way,
It ,ewiheUiUeioaee,, .'. Si
? v' tow dar brvtay-. ? . U
V toCea ohld bint
4rt gala t
Jlra.i, ... r,1??"";
Lea'iag on jNttUree
. - v., , ; 4,r
If ws tbs eleads abovs as ' '
1111 bat gealW Classing there
Would tura eay alL Ireaabllnjt
la our blind aad despair t ',
Would wt shriak from Utile tkedewS
Fltttlag itrUi deary rui,....";
If we koser that bird of dee ' - t
rf ere lo mror lira pasi. . ' '
, - .. ,? ' -If
e the riUal elory j
QuWariag threat lbs heart of ala, :
WoaM s drive it with r soilness . ",
Bsok to haunt of guilt again 1 y.
Life ht maajr a tangled eroesisg, -
Joy bai b many a bf ih of wee t
But tho cheeks, teer-waabed, are wblleil,
AbU kpt la life are Sowers by saoa.
Let us reseh Into our bosoms
For lbs koy toother lives,
Aodwithlov loirard erring nature,
Cherish good lhat still surrlvsti
tgii ibat, whee onr diorobed spirits '
tjorels rsalms of light shore,
We may" say, "Der Father, I its us
K'oa as wo btrs shown our love.'.'. . ,
31 i m c o 1 1 n it o (i it m .'
Earnest Words to Preachers
"We find the following exoolleut
advice to the clergy iu tho Christ:
ian. -- -
Jtalce, no apologies. If yon have
the xrd'a message declare it r if
not .hold joqr potioo. llavo short
"prefaces and iDtroductions' Say
vour bost tbiugs first, and atop bo
fore yon get prosy. l)i not'epoi)
the appetite for dinner by too much
thin aonp. Leave self out 4f the
pulpit, and tiiko Jeaus in. Dufend
the Ooapel, and let the Lard defend
jou and charaotor. If you are lied
about, thank tho devil for putting
you on your guard, aud take care
that tha story never will corao true.
Do dot get excited too soon. Do
not ran sway with your bearers. En
gine drive-wheels whirl fust on an
inv track, but when they draw any
thing they go slowor. It tike a
cold hammer to bend a hot iron.
Heat op the people, but keep your
iiautner wet and cool. Do not bawl
and acreum. Tuo much water Htops
tnill 'wheels, and too much noise
lroBS ' houho. ' Empty vchhoU ring
the lendeat 1'ewJer ia not shot.
Thnnder is harinlesa. . Lightning
kills. Do not scold tho people. Do
nat abuse tho faithful eoiiU who
coiue to meetings ruiny days, bu.
cause others are too lazy to attend.
I' reach the best to the smallest assemblies.-
-Jesus preached t one
woman at tho well and got all Sa
raariaeut to hear hitu the next tiiuo
Io not repeat sntoucos saying, As
I said boforo." If you said it before
aj oothing'elso afttir.. Stop preach
ing aud talk' to folks. Coiuo dwn
froki yoa-tiitod ways nd sMred
tones and" bocomo "as a little child."
Tell stories Jesus did, aud common
poople heard hiui gludly. Relate
your experience J Puul did, aud you
can kajdlv do better than ho. OuV
fact ttlat you have seen . or futt is
worth a bushel of mouldy ideas dug
out of nionldier books. Ohunge the
subject if it goes hard. Do uot tire
yourself and every one elso out Do
not preach till tho middle of your
ertnon bnries the beginning, and is
buried by the end. Beware, of long
prayers, except iu your closet
Where weariness-' begins devotion
ends. Inflate yonrluugs. It is easier
to run a saw mill with a full pond than
nn empty one. lie moderate at first
Hoist the gate a littl way. When
you are half through, raise it more.
When you are nearly done, put ou
the full head of water. Aim qt the
mark hit. Stop and look where the
shot strnck i then fire another broad
side. Mark your words like bullets.
A board hnrts a man worso whou it
strikes hira edgewise. A pound of
feathers is as heavy as a pound of
load, but it will not kill as quickly.
An ounce bullet will kill quicker
than sj sock of wool. Know what
you, are talking about i than you will
nuke others understand you. Stand
tor God, if you stand alone. ' Keep
outetha -clutches of- party haoks
nd religious politicians. , preach
a straight gospel, and live up to it
Keep yonr distance from sin. 'D J
Bot play with edged tools, . nor fool
with temptations. 8peak 'to "the
people like your Master, as they are
aula in Iiaap. I In nnt iaa1 linn ah tji
hU 4 1
lOtusvuig wnat you ouoe believed
7oorself. i ; UeSpeot ' honest ooovio
roa. Judge no man. . Be patient
m - - - -
Biddle, aioolored man
cnarobed with tbe Pottsville
- - j ... .
wta the first blood of the'rebellion
f drawn by tha Baltioioraoob, died
rotuvUle, reoaotl. .He a punext
tha association of tbe First. Da-
fcdsra. On tbe same day be was
triad, a rebel Congressman was
I UaUnj tha Uamborg (S. C ) aasas-
us so-far aa ha knows there never
s witsta tha bounds of that oonn;
either tkttuaa Catholle or Protos'
t V- '-- f r:ot religious
VOL. 14..
- WMvr1uHl4ry 4f a Cat
A friend iella ju'ot . tilp story of a
cat, evety word of whkh ' can be un
questionably established by an abun
dance of tha most reliable testimony.
A part of the story our friend him
self ean vouch far. In 187J a family
of Deople named Datants moved to
tSplambfa frotav Fort MH1 situated
on the ueiamria ana uuariotte itnu
road, 109 miles from Colombia. Pre
vious to and at the time of the re
moval tho faatily owned an no usual
ly large Maltese cot, , which was the
pet of each member of the household.
Vben the removal td Columbia was
made, yof eourse Tom went along,
and seemed to enjoy tbe ride on tho
railway , trains beyoutt - bis limitod
powers of expression. 'He waa first
itf the lap of maUr fhmil'ta, then on
the knees of the head of the family,
then he would cross over to the seat
occupied by his young master or his
young mistress, all the while purring
and curling hi long tail, as much as
to say, "Isn't this fine fun, this fast
traveling, and we all so snugly seat
ed iu a warm car on this cold Decem
ber day t"; '' Arrived at Columbia,
Tom went along with tbe rost of the
family to the now domicile, follow
iftgettlilywfcttVeallod to leave the
car and take his place in the carriage,
and when the carriage stopped in
front of the new home Tout' entered
it alongsido of the first one who
crossed tho threshold, still purring
and curling bis tail in tha eftxtacy of
his delight at the change riicl) was
being made, aud at tlio now em-nun
whicli it was thon his 'privilogu for
the first time to bohold. Aud (lion
Tom geeraod bontented and h ippylri'
his uew home for the spuuo of ten
days. (But when ten days had pissod
by Tom was missing, lie could no-
whore be faun, I. luore was a vacant
place' in the family circle that caused
heartfelt sorrow until a telegram was
received from Fort Mills, bringing
the intelligence that Tom had re
turned to his old haunts, 100 miles
away. Ho bad taken passago on a
freight train and was surely back at
fort Mill j. mourning the absence of
the rest of the family. Only ono
freight car is switched off at Port
Mills, nnd iu this iduutiail ear Tom
secreted himself before its departure
from Columbia and before it was
loi-ked up by the ngent, so that,
when tlui car s unlocked on its ar
rival at Fort Mills, out walked Tom.
shoeing no evidence . of bis ioing
ashamed at having stoluii a ride on
tho train, uut when Tom went to
tho dtpot at Columbia to take pis
sag", ' liow lil no Know precisely.
which wa t the car that was to be
switcliol off at I'ort MilTxf Of course,
ho mnst hove noticed tho directions
on the packages of freight ayl, .wetit
witU the freight that was marked
Voit Mills. No other way could he
tiave known Wilmington ' (iV.'CT)
Journal: '
V . . . -v
Thr Smallest Oibx. is tub 'Would.
-4 At Tony Pastor's - Tli'iitroin Htm
York, is a Mcxicau darf, Hficia
trato. Her height ia twenty-ono
inches, her fuut three inches long.
lier legs unlaw the knoo lour inning j
in circnmieroiico, and lier luncl.4 an
inch nnd T ciuarter broad". Her
motliur, who is robust aud of a modi
nui b.o. says Lucia is twelvo years
old. Her face is older than that.
Her features aro Spanish, and hor
complexion dark. Iler activity is
incessant she stepped into a bigu
silk hat. crouchod down, and was
out of sight excepting her head. ,
.the suueozod one of her pliable little
hands through a rather large finger
ring. She was not weighed, but
her weight is said to bo five pounds ;
and, poised in the hand, she does
not seem lieavior. Iter doming is
comically small, as though intended
for a ' doll, the shoee and stockings
especially being toylike.
Tom 1 numu bas grown apprecia
bly since he was exhibited by Bar
mint t but when he first astonished
the publio be was ' twice as large as
r ' 1 I. .1 I i I
uncia sou uo was wieu auuuii uur
present age. She has not grown any
her 'mother says since she was a
year old. , , i . .
"' nmvamvBBsnaBnaBnsBsnmas'-''
Fpuriieos on Monsv. Here is a
man who has been busy all his life,
and ehat has he dooe f'Pdn1 He
. t . i . ' )
nos niaae a . gooa ueat oi . money.
That is Something, is it not t lie
has collected e great store-iyor ftfm-
self'. Not having 'served the Lord
Tfut having lived to make uionoy, be
has evidently thpught more of gold
than God j! and so ,fb if SU.ifloUt
and has thought less dl his MaCeV
than of his own pooket. He bas
despised the Lord aud preferred bis
gain. That is clear, and what is this
but to rebel against tbe Most High f
What a poor thing. , money boar
diugisl When you are dead what
can yonr wealth li for yod I1-
To have it said, "he died worth an
immense sum," is the consummation
in a grett-number of cases," but what
istbatf Wbatis the lead iifln the
better for for having beeol fbilirop".
air t To use money rightly is a pie'
sure, but to die and Joava all unused
ia utter uiary, lTu heap lit up for
others to aqnaudsr if vQoor work i I
had a ,oou toetk ajones on the road,
I'lt behe .'dovif'a rake j, that "mother
may b hjipitehfork; is a poor ambU
tlon.' Yet this ia the story f many
men i tby are busy 1 here and there
(or eellUh ' edV aad t3 lk?n fy
aarvirj Ood is gone.
Giants in Oldsn Timet. ,
The giant exhibited at Konen in
18:10 measured nearly eighteen feet
Oompius saw girl that was. ten
feet high. N - m
The giant Oalabra, , brongbt from
Arabia to Rome, nnder Claadius Co
sar, was ten feet high
Fannam, who lived in the time of
Eugene I I f measured eleven and a
half feet V .' . . -'X-., . " . '. , ; .
The Chevalier his voyage
to the Peak Teneriffo, found in one
of the caverns of that mountain the
head of , the Uanioh, who hod sixty
teeth, aud was not loss than fifteen
feet high.
The giant Faregus, slain by Orlan
do nephew of Charlomagoo, was
twentvoight feet high.
In iSlt, near t Gornad, was
found the tomb of the giant Isoloot,
who was uot less than thirty feet
In 1690, nonr Uiuon, was f Min i a
skeleton whose skn'.l held a bnshol of
cjrn aud ..who woe nineteen feet
The giant Baeart was twentytwo
feet high his thigh bones were
fouud in 1703 near the river Modri.
In i 1623 near the , o a a 1 1 e in
Daupbine, a tomb waa foand thirty
feet long, ' sixteen wide and 'eight
high, on which was out in gray stoue
those words, "Keutolochiis Hex '.'
The skeleton was found on tiro, twun-ty-fivo
foot and a fourth long, tou
feet across tho shoulders and five
feet from the breast bono to the
back. ' !
Near Palermo, in Sicily, in 1519
was found the skeleton of a giant
thirty feet high, and iu 1559 another
forty -four feet high.
Near Magriuo, iu Sicily in 1910,
was found the skeleton of a ginut
thirty feet high i tbe head was the
size . of a bogshoad and each of his
teeth weighed five ounces.
Wo havo no doubt that there wcro
"giauts iu tliouo days,' and tho past
perhaps, was more prolific in produ
cing them than tho prosont. But
the history of giants during the olden
times was uut more remarkable than
thut of dwarfs, some of whom wore
even smaller Chan the Thumbs and
Sutts of our own time.
The Art or iioiiAi.nt. Wel
oniii') i lie ooin ug nuott j wolc ime dim
with a few plca-iaot. ejy word ;
with mt I'srentaiiouf ooritulity ; with
out pirutyziiu liU urm b an Inter
eiiiiable sliakiiiir ol Imo U ; vrilliout
hurry or flarih or undue, aiuioiy to
havo hiit trunk cut iod up to his room,
or csn J-wiioliin between every son
Uoce an iiuxiuUA uppeil to make
himioit' euliroly at limine which m
uuily oporaiei to inult one ff el as
in null awy Irmn homo as pmtHiOlo.
Constamly taking it for grieted un
the port of ino hint and his family
Uiut one is nut coinlnrtable, and ihtt
i hey muni hurry about, and tuke all
rcHponibiliiy I'roiu the auest, than
depriving him of tho credit t f com
mon svomo, i something worthy of in
diitnatiuu ; till the more so beciue ; '
all tLo more ho beiMue politeness for
bids the least figii of iinpitieuus. And
yet liuw unuy et our well-meaning.
an I iu most things well-bred poople,
full into the error thai uules they e
tnblUha kind of expiuQugo ever- tlieir
Itueur, and watch bis every uieveaieul
l-t he shonl l brush his: rout or lake
a seat lor hiidxelf, they will be wan
ting ia coartesy. Tho uot of hos
tility eouiu ia putting the gnet at
hi easo. It oonsists ia making bim
lorget that be is a guest, and not in
constantly husti'mx the fact before
ni oyes. And it also consists in lea
ving to him the exeroie of bis sen
scs or respuuHibility, at least, s Car
ibal ttomng wbat he ned at bis
hand, bo may help himself.
The Presidential Campaign.
As we 'approach tho Prosidontisl
caui)afgn it behooves us to keep
posted In election figures. With tbe
new State of Colorado the Election
College will comprise throe hundred
and sixty nine members as follows t
1 New York........ .;..35
'i I'ennsylvania. 29
8 Ohio ......22
-4 Illinois .,....,.'21
5 Indiana ......15
6 Missouria 15
7 Massachusetts 13
: 8 Kentucky.. ........12
9 Tennessee, ................ .12
tO Virginia ..II
11 Georiga .....11
12 Michigan ....11
13 Iowa..,.. 11
U North' Carolioa .... 10
15 Alabama.. ...10
10 Wieo nsn 10
17 New Jarey. V .iV. ';;. 9
8 Maryland .............. ... . . .8
19 Louisiana.... 8
20 Mhaisspp ..,..,..,...,.,,...8
21 Texas... .8
22 South .Carolina .....7
23 Maine .....7
ii Con lectio it. . . . ... .6
25 Arkansas . .,....'...,...,, .6
20 i aliforuia. .v.'. . .-, . , ,0
27 Vermont..... ..... ...... ....5
W Nf Hampshire. .Vf. ',S
n Kaasasi.r. '.. '... .5
30 Virginia. , r v t -y S
81 Minnesota. .5
32 Rhode Island. V, .' . ... . . .l..,'A
23 Honda., . , . . . . , i . i . . , . ", l ,
31 Delaware..... 3
35 Nebraska.,, ....3
86 Orejoo... ....v. 3
it Nevada. . V.Y, ; . . . . .... . . . .8
as Colorado. .', vi ;.;,. ,.V,.:;8
1 Tour..;;.iVi.y;...ltvfW9.
reoesarjr to a oboios. ,......, lo3
Correspondence :.'
Oor Wathlntfloit LsHtrVU
Internal RevanutRectiM-ltolynatioilaF,
Vterkf-hitmrtt Work tho IStait An
fx-hlioM It Hot TUiltii's Tmo-Fttoeii
, Puliofi DinhoMtt ami Criminal -Con-JtiUrat
Honey Wanted -BtMpedQib
vi Crow. .. . i . - , i i
Internal Revenue reeolpts are in
creasing every day." They have gain
ed half a million of dollars this month
over tbe proceeding one. ,
Some of very best clerks in the
different departments of the Oovero
mont are resigning, thns taklug ad
vantage of the generoim offers of the
Secretaries that additional pa? will
he allowed iu such oaaos. The no
tion of the Democratic House of Re
presentative )n cutting1 down appro
priatione loses to tbe Government its
very best men. - t
The ' several State associations,
composed of Republicans temporari
ly residing in Washington, have gone
to work in good earnest in distribut
ing documents within their respec
tive States. ., A praisoworthr spirit
of emulation has boon nxoitod, which
ergnes sneeem in the accomplish
ment of much good in enlightening
the poople on the political questions
of the day. ,
. We liko that feature in tho action
of these Associations Which eviden
ces a grntitudo to the party that
gives thorn employment. Tha b una
ly motto, "to praise the bridge that
carrios you ovor,' expressos a duty,
tho performance of which is com
mendable. It is p irtioularl v appli
cable to these political organizations,
for they are made np of those in the
aorvioe of the Ooverninent. Tho
least that thoy can do to show nn
appreciation of the favors they have
received is to give a small portion of
their time to the dissemination of
publio documents, to instruct the
people at home, and afford them a
part at least of the advantages which
wo enjoy at the political centra
Although numerous are the actual
frauds being plaood before tha poo
plo for the purpose of willfully mis
leading them, tho course of Ooveruor
Tildcn, on the Itesumption Bill, falls
little short of downright dishonesty.
(Je hesitates not to say that, in bis
opinion, a "roturu to specie payments
will not and cannot bo reached in
harmony with tho interests of the
people." Mow. then, does ho recon
cile his action in approving the bill
passed at Albany, declaring it obli
gatory on nil citizens of New York
to make payments on contracts or
obligations drnwu after January 1,
1879, in gold only. Uo never hesi
tutod to declaru in favor of hard cur
renr-y until nfter mooting Mr. Hen
dricks at Saratoga. Ho sternly re
sisted all "soft" delegations from tho
Went and South until be mot his
"rnnning-mato." He has bound ev
ery New Yorker after a givon date to
pay in gold or national notes redeem
able in gold, and now declares a re
turn to specie payments, will not be
iu accord "with the interests of the
people,'! and to make it so endeavors
to destroy the only method by which
tho Oovornmont may make its notes
redeemable in gold, and the coin ob
tainable savo at broker's rates. All
taxes, and every contract within that
3tate must unqualifiedly be paid in
gold otvgold tiotes. Inhabitants of
other States may settle their iodebt
eduess in "wild oat."
Did Oovornor Tildon bid for Wall
street gold when he signed that bill T
Did be bid lor the "grangor vote
when, in obedience to Hendrick s
demand, he declared that the time
for resumption would be "when
trade permitted it?" To save Indi
ana be declares tor 'soft' raouey, just
so as to secure bis election, (and
suffer his own bank stocks,) he de
clared for 'hard' in New York," "all
things to all men, ' the end justifies
the melius.'' His course is not
merely domagogiaui, it is crime, just
as much so as to his swearing to 4X
000 'iron money' in Michigan, liable
to taxation, wheu the amount was
nearer C3OO-0OO. Ue is a shrowd
politioao, playiug for big stakes, and
ready to sacrifice principles when
they conflict with hie interests. Dear
Itiobmond was more than observant,
when he declared that "uo politioan
should have a record of more than
ninety days." - Tilden's betrayal of
the natiou would be 'consistent wita
bis course on bis question of resttmp
tion.. . .
Persona having confederate money
or bonds, if of the proper issue and
denomination, can flud a purchaser,
at fair prices, by iuquiriug at Ibis
Office. , :." .
Tbe Iron Ago, Birmingham,
(Ala,) haa had for months this ad
vert lament in its columns. , If that
'currency' was merely desired as A
relic, barrels co-old be bod for taking
it. But never since 1802 it bas com
manded a 'price' iu some localities,
has even been sold in . this city, but
haa eommanded iooreasod attention
laring the past twelve mouths, - A
our 'erriog breatbren have accepted
tbe sitntation, do not expeot tbe
rebel war debt the emanoinated
slaves, or the cotton, form, stock, and
buildings, etc; ' destroyed 'during
the lute 'rebellion, - to be paid for,
does not this . proposition to pay lor
the paper "oui ronoy" of a - defunct
oatiou strike one as an -investment,'
and if an 'investment,' . that . with
feeble, punt Tilden out of tha war.
tha .Knights of tha , Uolden Circle
Ishmaellteaof thia' Continent up to
a 'promised land.' 'O. no t we never
mootion ' it,' but our . hearts are sot
on it and if oitr example ia Alabama
and M.ssiseippi ia but followed, 'Con
federate monoy or bonds' 'will yet
challenge 'Vanko greenbacks' in
Wall street, aad Northera farms and
barns pay tribute to tbe superiority
of 'brain over matter.' r . '
1 Mt II Irhs 'Ibsre snne wa asiMng t k
, ' Nolblog, aoialag aoibtng ,mr.' ii
After all the hard swearing of
Bl u ford Wilson, 'et ti omim ffcunn,
that Provident' Orant stood between
the "crooked whiskey' dealers and
tbe penitentiary, is it not a little
strange to hear that he haa employ-
ed Richard ' Stores, of Chicago, as
special prosecuting attorney in all
unfinished or new casns i that tha
President has or dared : hint to .let
up" on no man t that all not provid
ed with a special protection from a
United Htates otlloer must stand
their trial, wbother they have ap
peared as ' wituosses or not Vei ily
Grant's 'let no guilty man escape,'
sootns snfficieotly vigorous to find
even the cases Bluford is supposed
to have hid away ere this Adminis
tration shall have been forg it ten.
Mr. Ottennnrfer, editor of the N.
Y. Stitntf Zvitxng, who spoke of Mr
Tilden but a few weeks since as a
demagogue, a popularity hunter, and
one supported of dishonorable rail
roal trauaaotions,' confounds all hu
man reasoning by bowildoringly eja
culating I 'Shout per shout I Dcre's
noding like de hard' raonisu -mit a
loodlo bapor for le shame I Oorah
for Tendrioks and Hilden I'
Dobrlts na on" crow, 'uagar tempem us Iu
wans I
Oh I glh in adults off do tmnir'l again I
A (lioo ob tie breit, aMongti piitrr m gall
An' li sirinfy old druiasiivks, mors
loUthr d ia all I
Crow, O'iro, swt, sr sot orow,
Ub I gib uj a big pieo of -ory orow.
Sold i-to Slavehv. "Carl Marsh
is sold into slavery," said a man to
mo the other day.
"Sold into slavery 1'' I cried "ia
thoro anything Hko that nowaday f "
"Iudeed tljoro is," was tho ans
wer "Who bought hira, pray t"
"Oh, it's a firm, and they own a
good many slaves, and mako shock
ing bad roasters. - Jt - .
"Can il be in theso , days t Who
are they t" I asked
"Well, they have agents and run
ners everywhere, who tell a pretty
good story, and so get hold of f jiks;
but tha name of - the firm ia Bum &
1 had heard of them. It is a firm
of bad ' reputation, and yet how ex
tensive are their dealings. What
town has not felt the iufluencuf
Once in their clutches, it is about
the hardest tiling in the world to
l,rok uiu f,.,n .V.,i,
- -
hoi a, aua tuai ia iuo eua u ii soia
to ruin, sooner or later. 1 huve seeu
people try to escape from them
oiue, it is trne, do make good their
escape) but the greater part are
caught and go back to their obaius.
He raerERittD Watkr. A tramp
while on his travels noticed a play
card in front of a bar room. It
h6ro the pltfosont legond, -Free
Lunch,' and he went in, walked un
osteutAtionfdy ;lip i to a -plate, o.nd
commeneed -oporatiou 'with a sand
wich i then tho barkeeper walked up
to tho cadaverous wretch and said.
"Men who -come here aro expected
to pay for a'drink."
"I know it," said the tramp.
"Well, then, why don't you con
form to tha rules r i '
"Cause go , iu for health, and
don't drink till I'm throngh eating."
Tha borkeapir turned, his bock. for
a moment, and the . tramp slipped
three sandwiches into his coat pocket
aud devoured tour, then ' he walked
un to the bar, and to the dispenser
of stimulants huskily whispered i
"Oimiue a glass 'o water, will
ye T"
"What! water aiier lour sana
whichos f" bellowed the baikoeper
"Yes rk' water, repuea rue tramp.
I've been a drinking o' it nigh
outer forty years, and ltsjUBttbo
healthiest stuff agoin' "
And be hobbled out . ' Ia..
A Capital Fabli The hopeless
ness of anv ' aroomolishing any
fling without pluck la illustrated by
an old K.t' n na faoiei V mouse
that dwelt near the abode of a great
maiioiai wtVi kout tn each icon stint
distress by te 'feoTof stoat, that the
magician, taking pity nn it, turned it
into a cat ttseir. imniMiateiy it be
can to suffer from its fear of a dog
ao the magician turned it into a dog.
Then it began to , suffer from rear of
a tigar, and the magician ' turned it
into a tigar Then it began to suf-.
far from fee? of quntsmeu,' and tbe
magician, tn disgust, sain : "iw a
mouse again... As you bava.tbe
beart of a mouse, it is impossible to
help you by giving you the body of
a noble an:oia And the poor orea-
ture again became a mouse.
. It is the same with mouse-hearted
man. lie may bo' clothed with the
powers, and placed in tbe position of
brave men bat b wilt always act
like a moose i and public opiuibn is
tsually the magician that finally
aaystosuob a person i 'Qo baok to
vour obaourjty again .: Vou have on
If tha heart r of a tmuse, and it is
otpieea to try to- maze a tion out oi
a at
no.; 18.
IVIilrtIebttrg', ltt. '
rr much ln tbss kns ksta korctornrs mm
for lhia In ihli plan, Mr. Hufflnitcn In
fMrtln-l workman -n.l to prmrl fnrnlth
COKr'l .Vm, i AHK ET4, itt mot o -liai
th rpitir bT ktrstulors sum bors. lit
alta maaalMt'irM
or all dsMrlptlooi, sbI at sroatlf rJud
pf ift-i.
All nrdn promptly Mt-.ri'te.Hn, (t hli rl
no is rrtakllo) sa4 (allMMUoa la all ,
April s
v S. silumik. Treat.
f M. UAUS. sec
Mntnal Fira tamce Co'y.
MahanoyCity Pa.
Polity. '
It a
.-''" Of
, Company.
FnrapplkwMoaarnr lnnrnM sali'oaoraS
drait uaa)ar tks oomoV .
Justicepr tbti fuut ik Convey ancer,
'' " nRALRR IN '.
, Clookt, Watchet and Jewelry,
Middleburg, Snydorcounty, Pa.
MOIlt'lVU l'KtvailBlt.
Anil baa In nnt ytar with an talill,hi
Ha nrta rlrrulann lara-ar than that of any
iiird ll In i-ann-ylvanla, with a ,lnlat
..iillfi. If h.a mam . ...... . r . i i
r an.l appllaiig. prlntlnn Ha Urn Union
n 'n r.ria. in .PraM. .,,ch
naptma m priniina- impiaia opia
capahia hi print ln iniplaia rjopla, nl
Tiim Tina la an h-iiir a that It nan nlvalha
Try i.o.i naw, ami inaaa lit aartlatt iliallvarv
to IK raailan. It euatalna
' All tho IjntoHt Nuws.
lnnlsillsg tha Annlaul Prtwa Talaa-raiat.
Siailil lalanrami -ami UiirraniNioilanra from
all piilaUol Intaraat, full an l Ai-i-nrata l.oaal
Itopiiru, ami Kaarlaaa Cillturl .l lilwaMlunal
all Currant Tipln, tnaklna- It tha inu.t com
plalaaa.l ehaaiaat tawipapar In Pannnrlraala.
rrni: timus"
In STarytklna-, ami will, In all pnlltlal uraij.
U-i ba lalihful tn iraih aa.l In own annrio
tlnna. It inakaa no k'lllow prataniia of nautral.
Ily nn tha laailln qua. Hon, of tha dar. or In
polllloal ronia.n aa thay put. bat will arar
ill.carrl tha bllmt partUanrblp that wouM aua.
onllnala tha ilcht la party iiioo., no mattar
fur what organliallon, or In wh wa latara.t
ttKh alalra la aiwla. ami will erlllol.a
ffallllsl arrora aa.l Ilia want of pulilla lntarl.
If wharavar f.iun.l. It orono.ny ami
n.lalllr In ararf nepartmanl or a.ith-rlly, llllf
Htata ami National, ami boM arralmtl Uio.a
of ovary party who atu pulilla tru.t. ll.lH
auataa puMlo iMuaa, pubila ovanta ami puhllo
man. with that raaanura of fraalo thai 1 (ilo.
tatail hy tr.nh. hat with that .llrjolty ami oour.
Way whloh ahouM aar oharaotarlaa laa praat
of tha ra.itt nlUhtoaail nation tha w rl l.
Pries two oonla par aopf mall lurMorlbari.
piiauna pra-pilil, tlx O illara a ytar, or Hit
aauta moath. A 'Idraai
713 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia
'justice of we peace
Parr Townabln.KnrdarOountr. Pa.
o'ollaollona, Uonrayanelna, ami all othar kual
saiaparwlnlns to tha otOoa will lia aromullr
an ion
inuanaar rrnanauarllla
Mlddlsborg Pa.
GEO ROE O. SMITH, Proprietor.
Aooommoitailoni good anJ charges mod
srats. Speoial accommodations for drov-
srs. A sbars of lbs publla paironags is
olioitsd. USW. U. OHllU,
April 12, J8T0.
Lallan of admlnlitratlan on tha oatata ol
Abraham fclaanhowar. ilaoaaaa.1. lala of MliMla-
burn, Knfiler Uounty, Ha., bavin- ixiaii rranlail
aalaaa Imlabtail to (aid oatato aro raiiuaaioil U
to ilia amiaraiannn. an wraona anowiiia inata
4dasaa Itnmaoiain payinani, wbtia thuaa havi
niaiuia win praavaa inain iiu'y ancnivniinaiaa lur
Sattlsiaoulttt , nitiiiniwBn,
Mar.M Ilia ' Adialalstralors.
nbiiui i,inC'iiii'wr.H.
It I.Ui-ra ol admlnlatralloa oa tha aetata al
Hoary Knap, lata of Waal Heater Two.. oVed
Hanoi hewn srantad ta lha aiulerelaaad. all pee.
aona kaowlna thviuaalTae lmautd to aatd aetata
ra raouaaiail to aaka Immediate painMSl while
taoea aaviaa oieirae win praaeuiiaeBi oaiy
autaeatkiatea lor eeuieuMni t.
Jlaetl'IS. - adaalalatrateee.
T?XECCT1)R3' NOTICE. Letters
M-l teetameatarv oa we aetata si John
La ah aeeeeeed. late of VT sat Umvov towaabIB
saydsr Ooaaly raaa'a., hevlea beea
ail to Ibe uiidaralaned. all peieoae knowlua
theaieelf ee Inilabtxf lo tald aetata are ra.jua.l-
edte aaake luiaaillat payaaeat, 'Whits tboaa
harlii. elalnia will preaeat theut duly MluaaU
eatMlsssitisaeaiw u ....
w iw. n. a.Ari, . A
aas. . ira Kaooatsrs.
VTOTICE is lierbby iriven thit the
i.V aaylerelsneit parch teed lha bllawlual ar.
Uelee at eonai.aiuaa' ia, aadiaitiae tame in
pnaaaati"! of rhinaas Veevar. daring kia plaaf
hi All pet-aunt are ai.nia. mil la Inter,
laar ar meddle alia tbe atiae, m Us ok
lays, sstwas, w oi r0- "
1 Baavsr Bprtast As. IS. ire, ' ' J
7, 1876. '
7 I': I
Publlshet every ThursdaV Evening bf
JBttHMIAll OHOySM, Prop'r.
Terms of Sabseription, ' '
able rithin six mmilhs'or tViOitrvA
paid within tns wear. No paper dis
coniinnmi ttnbu all arrearages are
faid unVrs ft tbe optiosi of the pub
ishei- i y
Bub Pliant mrVide t tha aonntw
l "N r.filng iniluni
v ul fe I i a rthe lr
o' tikv.YT'- -Ji d
411 piofra1on il kHalnaa-tltldv' So1fllr)f
1 annJtr.Bran t sonaaftst in jtoaJblUsT
,r uirmin. umes, Moras-. snar.
T j ."smith. ' '.
OiTor kit P ofsaaloaat Sarrli-a to ths pa VIS
Joaaalitloat la Kaall1. and Uaraiaa.
Dlntflct j.ttxtnioy,
Middloburg, Snyder County Ponn'a
0!Bos a fw doors Wl of th Cnurl
lloiia nn Miln atrsst. Conciliation la
Kna-liab and Ocrman language. Hop. '07. 1
Lewisburg Pa.,
Offers his pwfsaslonalssswfjajyia pub
lis. CoUejiJky an I all oibrr Tliia.
al business saitusint to bis ears wilt re
eeivs pronifA atteatlon.
T P. CIlONMIliTinrt,
Midillebiirjr, Pn
Offers his profestleaal serioe lo lbs pub
lic. Colleatloas and all oibrr prnfesalonal
bualaoas satruilsil t his ars will rewivs
prompt ailentlon. f Jan 8, '6Tif
II. II. Oil KM M,
Attorney & Gonncebr
AT-T.AW, -w
Office N.R Cor llurket St Wator St'a
rrevbiira, Prnn'ii.
Conanltalloa la botuJtaglWb and Orrmaa .
Langiiiitea. ... Deo. I'.', "7Jtf.
T M. LINN, A. H. DILfj.
fj a (saaneaaaora to t. T. h 3. M. Linn,) i
ATTOIlNtVS AT LAW, Lcwialniig. Pa.
Offer tbeit profi-aiioual arrtiora lo lbs
public. Oolleelions and all other pro
fcaalonal biiainoas salrwslad to ibeir ear
will rocelvepronipUttealioa.;Jaa. 3,'07lf
Centreville, Snyilcr County,
All bnalnaft aatraatad ta
hit rare wilt os
wall and faithfully attamlad win pra.-ttee
at tha aovsral o.iarta of HnySar anJ
rtrt,l,it.. ll&a h ao.aolta.1 lu tba I
raio.iaiaai nnyaar ami .'iini'iina
Oan ha aoaaulta.1 Iu lb Rnallah or
Oarmau lansaaca. Oat. i, 'Till
' SoliiiMji-ove Pa.(
Offsrt hlsprofeatlonsjaertlcet to lbs pub
1 10. Colleoliont s ml all other profeaalona
hitalneae entniaicd to his ears will re
celve prompt allsnilon. (Ifflos two doors
north of tbe Keystone Hotel. Jan B, ol
oiin ih-ansoLiyr
Vttornoy nt Irvw, ,
rrofststonal bualnes animated to bis ear
.!:.' bs promptl alien. Iod lo. f Feb 9,'7t
Liwlahiir(r, t'nloa Co., PsJ
tar-ft an he consulted la tbs English aad
Oarmau Un jtnaH'-a.-toa
OKr'ICK Market aireet, opposite nans
inilh A Co's Stors 8 Vtf
. . a 9- a -en
ATiuiiN nr .ii u. r.
SalinaRrova Pa-,
Offers his prnfeaifional serviues la Ihs
puhllo. Allliral bualnaaa miniate to bis
cars will rsoeirs prompt ailentlon. OlBss
one door aboeo lbs Ns Lutheran Cbureb.
July, 4th '74, . ... - '
apt.t5, '7f
Northumberland, Pa.
Iffers his profeatlonnl service to lbs pub.
Is. All butinnas entrnaled lo bis .oars
111 lis proaiptly altoaded In.
I Jan. i , out
Justice or the Feaca,
Middleburg. Snyder county, Pann'a
Cnnaayan.-liiS dona, and
Collarllona made.
r.rrlliin Inlnutsd to bla care
Ill rolva
prompt attention.
Jane It, '.
Cent ret Hie, Snyder Co., Pa,
)ffore his prufstslosal ssrvicts ta the
publio. 8-38if
)R. A. M. SMITH,
physician and svnasox,
Offers his professional srrrlces to ths elrt
leut of Aditiuxburg and vicinity. Sep I, 73 '
DR. J. V.SUINDEL, " - :
' ; - Middleburg Pa. J l
Offers hit profetslsaal servlocs lo tbs slt' '' 1
itent ef Mlddlsourf aad viotaily.-
.Murou Kl, st 1
i. , ,i
.1 notice of the Peace
Adamsburg, Snyder Co.SPa.1
Will be la his offios at ths above mention-
ad place, aa MONDAY and SATURDAY
I saok week, wbea all kinds ef beslaaae ''i
relaiing lo bis otttce, will bs altsaasd a .i
Vuosxo-7oir . , , .,;;. t ,A.
:l T.i ,T '"-ft
pMTitn "
' :o i -lea
Seli nsgrove Pefatl ! J
u .a, wfaisL, .m ci
Kit . .
Justice of tho , PeacQ,
Beiitrioun, Suyrtcr Co.?'Pmf ? "'I
. All kinds of colleoiions Cads euVbsVs? ;
arms. Proujpty alteatato all bueltaaa
auuated lo au sarai (Jaoa 24, '.'iif
VV i
4 .jy